Happy Miku's Day everybody!
🇳 🇮 🇳
Of course she isn't mad at you. I think the 3rd of March is big in Japan they usually have a concert. Idk if they had this year, I remember one year people were streaming it somewhere. I expected the hardcore OG's here to have a stream ready.
Thank you for all the Pics and Thread. I had a great time. Happy Miku Day!
>the 3rd of March
lol. I mean the 9th. That's my Euro style subconscious messing with me again. I assume they use mm/dd/yyyy in Japan so that's why they have it then.
>I don't know how I should celebrate this day. I've just been listening to her and stealing all the images itt.
That's basically how I've been celebrating all these years so you can't go wrong. Plus playing the games and sometimes putting on a concert/watching a stream.
Thank you, everybody and Than you, Miku!
My knowledge is limited to what I've seen on phone and console devices. They usually let me choose either dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy that's the first I've heard of that formatting I had to google it. Good on them. Thant's like our proper logical smooth sailing Euro style but in reverse.
Now is probably as good a time as ever to post the source on that pic.
So like, it doesn't bother you at all that a corporation, aiming to make money off you, is attempting to ingratiate themselves to you using language they don't understand to say things that it doesn't mean?
I guess I'm just cynical or something, but I have a hard time appreciating anything that some corporate marketing department greenlighted because they thought they'd make money.
Honestly just can't agree. They're using the word to mean "literally any female drawn in anime style" in the very post I'm talking about. That just isn't it, regardless of how nice you think their art or whatever is.
And be careful about hate. Even if you think it's justified.
see ya 🕜 ❤️
I suppose. It just rubs me the wrong way. Feels really inauthentic.