Sumerian Mythology: A Study of Spiritual and Literary Achievement in the Third Millennium B.C
Samuel Noah Kramer
SS police manual on freemasonry
Posting for election fraud investigation and other weebs.
These FEC filings are publicly available information, from right here:
Paper about weight and IQ.
Here's my summary of the fascist manifesto. Feedback requested.
Prevalence of Physical Violence in Intimate Relationships, Part 2; Rates of Male and Female Perpetration - Dr Martin Fiebert
No idea where else to put it, at least this is a quiet thread.
"Why the Overwhelming Evidence on Partner Physical Violence by Women Has Not Been Perceived and Is Often Denied"
PDF of Article in;โJournal of Aggression Maltreatment & Trauma 18(6):552-571 ยท August 2009โ(70 Reads)
DOI: 10.1080/10926770903103081
Published by Prof. Murray Straus
University of New Hampshire , Durham
Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Sociobiology
"Addressing Violence by Female Partners Is Vital to Prevent or Stop Violence Against Women"
PDF of Article in;โViolence Against Women 20(7):889-99 ยท July 2014โ(195 Reads)
DOI: 10.1177/1077801214545932 ยท Source: PubMed
Published by Prof. Murray Straus
University of New Hampshire , Durham
Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Sociobiology
This article presents a reanalysis of data from Gondolf's (2012) article in this journal on reoffending by men in the 15-month period subsequent to participation in batterer intervention programs. Gondolf concludes that violence by the female partners "was relatively low and does not appear to influence the program outcome in terms of men's reassault" (p. 10). The reanalyzed data lead to the opposite conclusion. The policy and practice implications are that the high rate of assault by women, including initiation of violence by female partners, needs to be addressed to enhance the effectiveness of programs to prevent and stop violence against women.
"Differences in Frequency of Violence and Reported Injury Between Relationships With Reciprocal and Nonreciprocal Intimate Partner Violence"
Daniel J. Whitaker, PhD, Tadesse Haileyesus, MS, Monica Swahn, PhD, and Linda S. Saltzman, PhD
Objectives.We sought to examine the prevalence of reciprocal (i.e., perpetrated by both partners) and nonreciprocal intimate partner violence and to determine whether reciprocity is related to violence frequency and injury.
Methods.We analyzed data on young US adults aged 18 to 28 years from the 2001 National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, which contained information about partner violence and injury reported by 11 370 respondents on 18761 heterosexual relationships.
Results.Almost 24% of all relationships had some violence, and half (49.7%) of those were reciprocally violent. In nonreciprocally violent relationships, women were the perpetrators in more than 70% of the cases.
Reciprocity was associated with more frequent violence among women (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]=2.3; 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.9, 2.8), but not men (AOR=1.26; 95% CI=0.9, 1.7). Regarding injury, men were more likely to inflict injury than were women (AOR=1.3; 95% CI=1.1, 1.5), and reciprocal intimate partner violence was associated with greater injury than was nonreciprocal intimate partner violence regardless of the gender of the perpetrator (AOR=4.4; 95% CI=3.6, 5.5).
Conclusions.The context of the violence (reciprocal vs nonreciprocal) is a strong predictor of reported injury. Prevention approaches that address the escalation of partner violence may be needed to address reciprocal violence.
Child Maltreatment Report 2013
>More than one-half (53.9%) of perpetrators were women and 45.0 percent of perpetrators were men; 1.1 percent were of unknown sex.
>Of the perpetrators who medically neglected their victims, 76.0 percent were women.
USDHHS-ACF Child Maltreatment Report 2009
Prepared by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (USDHHS), Administration for Children & Families (ACF)
Most critical points:
Mothers abuse their kids 2x more often than men with 37.5% of kids being abused by their mothers versus 18.6% by their fathers.
Mothers kill their kids 2x more often than men with 27.3% of kids being killed by their mothers versus 14.8% by their fathers.
US DoJ - Sexual Victimization in Juvenile Facilities Reported by Youth, 2008-09
>94% of kids sexually abused in correctional facilities are abused by female staff.
>Only 40% of the staff in correctional facilities is female.
From: http:/
U.S. Department of Education report:
"Educator Sexual Misconduct: A Synthesis of Existing Literature"
>43% of teachers reported for sexual misconduct are female, but make up just 4% of punished teachers.
>57% of teachers reported are male, but make up 96% of punishments.
From: http:/
71% of Children Killed by One Parent are Killed by Their Mothers; 60% of Victims are Boys
Domestic/family homicide in Australia- Research in practice no. 38
Tracy Cussen & Willow Bryant
ISSN 1836-9111
Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, May 2015
"Mutuality, severity, and chronicity of violence by Father-Only, Mother-Only, and mutually violent parents as reported by university students in 15 nations"
This article aims to provide a more complete description of the violence between parents experienced by children than is usual in research and to suggest the practicality and importance of doing so. It presents results on the percent of parents in each of three Dyadic Types: Father-Only (the father assaulted the mother and the mother did not assault), Mother-Only (mother assaulted and the father did not assault), and Both-Assault; and on differences between these three types in the chronicity and severity of assaults. Questionnaires were completed by convenience samples of university students in 15 nations (N=11,408). Violence between parents was measured by the short form of the Conflict Tactics Scales. Fourteen percent of the students reported one or more instances of physical violence between their parents, including 6% who reported a severe assault. Cross classification of assaults by the father and the mother to identify Dyadic Types found 25% Father-Only, 22% Mother-Only, and 52% Both-Assaulted. The percentage in each Dyadic Type based on reports by male or female students were similar. They were also consistent with percentages found by previous studies identifying the Dyadic Types of violent couples. In respect to chronicity, when violence between parents occurred, in 82% of the cases, it occurred more than once. Research on children experiencing violence between parents, and prevention and treatment of inter-parental violence, are likely to be enhanced if it takes into account that Both-Violent is the most frequent pattern to which children are exposed and that Mother-Only is about as frequent as Father-Only. Consideration of the severity, and chronicity, of the inter-parental violence needs to replace simply classifying parents as violent. Achieving this is possible using instruments which take only three to five minutes and which can be completed by only one of the parents or by the child.
Home Office Study 191 (HORS191)
"Domestic Violence: Findings from a new British Crime Survey self-completion questionnaire"
The Home Office Study 191 (pubโd in Jan 1999) demonstrates that the overwhelming majority of incidents of domestic violence occur between a). young couples (under 25 years of age), and
b). in non-marital (cohabitating) relationships.
The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 2010 Findings on Victimization by Sexual Orientation
Forgot pdf
Reposting this here, deleting other thread. Something someone posted for a /pol/ thread last year.