Q !!liRgFUjRNs ID: 9157a7 May 1, 2022, 12:53 p.m. No.1122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1166

Leave it to some pareidolia addled fuckstick at a shithole website like this to believe he’s seeing some kind of pattern that does not exist.

Q !!liRgFUjRNs ID: 9157a7 May 1, 2022, 1:05 p.m. No.1124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1125 >>1127 >>1177 >>1178 >>1226

Okay. Let’s talk about how nothing Q was always wrong and Alex Jones is always wrong and Jordan Maxwell was always wrong and William Cooper was always wrong and why the vaccinated aren’t all dead and why people continue to believe all this crap anyway.


Does it make you feel special to believe you’re pirvy to some secret information, even though you can’t prove any of it and have to resort to thought terminating cliches like “do your own research” and “disinformation is necessary” because you can’t explain yourself?


I honestly see no point in what you people do. It’s a total waste of time and energy and you’re only making the world a shittier place.


Why? Why do this?

Q !!liRgFUjRNs ID: 9157a7 May 1, 2022, 1:21 p.m. No.1126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1128 >>1177

Anything is not possible. No mole children will ever be pulled from underground tunnels. Reptilians aren’t real. There will never be an arrest for adrenochrome because adrenochrome has no recreational or practical therapeutic value and is not a scheduled substance. There are no nazi bases at the center of the Earth. The whole of the Democratic Party and Hollywood are not child murdering pedophiles. JFK Jr is dead, etc… None of this will ever be proven true because it is made up nonsense and someone’s delusional fantasies becoming a reality is not within the realm of possibilities.

Q !!liRgFUjRNs ID: 9157a7 May 1, 2022, 1:42 p.m. No.1130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1135 >>1136 >>1249

People agreeing upon a shared reality is essential for a functional society. When half of the voting population believes they must rise up to protect the country from enemies they have created based upon decades old, repeatedly debunked conspiracy theories and failed prophecies from charismatic con men, we have no chance at a shared reality. Some people in government even cater to your beliefs because you’re a large voting block and it works, BUT YOU DON’T TRUST GOVERNMENT, right?


You’re being taken for a ride and used as a political weapon by religious extremists, billionaires, old John Birch society type weirdos, and just plain old shitty people who are willing to spread propaganda. All in service of maintaining the status quo… but you think you’re rebellious.


It’s so silly. Just be happy with the lives you have and stop being contrarian fucks for the sake of being contrarian fucks. The truth is the truth, whether you have faith that “anything is possible” or not. We’re not living in a goddamn spy thriller. Cut the shit.