Anonymous ID: abd967 March 14, 2020, 10:01 a.m. No.71840   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Third world countries, If you have read on about teacher anon (who went to teach slum/orphans around the world) you'll know, the anon who were teaching and rapid learning languages from new places said something about one orphanage where some guy wearing clothing just went and picked a girl and then the nuns pretended like it didn't happen (like it's fucking normal). The anon used some anime guy as avatar. You can ask for this in /b/, screencap this and some will pick it up.





It looks like the Xi is actually a nigger if you look at the picture of poster from the indigogo site,

Also those people look like Filipinos. The ceiling fans and chairs were a giveaway. I could be wrong though, there is strong resemblance between Philippines and Indonesia (looks/classrooms).


Is it possible that there is a:

>filipino/indo human trafficking

>led by some nigerian or similar guy (on the pic)

>probably one of those 'religious recruitment shit' or some pyramiding recruiter

>or it's probably related to the "white van" incident lately in Philippines

Anonymous ID: abd967 March 14, 2020, 10:08 a.m. No.71854   🗄️.is 🔗kun


To be honest don't judge quickly, some people have the capacity on trying to 'impersonate' someone if they're organizing a crime, the poor guy (whose pics unknowingly used) could be a scapegoat too but I'm pretty sure FB have this facial recognition thing.



It might be something deeper, like XI could be the new code after wikileaks leaked the fbi docs about their symbolism, It's weird how it's XI it probably denotes 11 (like cults obsessed with IX/XI 9/11)

Anonymous ID: abd967 March 14, 2020, 10:23 a.m. No.71861   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>hidden in the website

wtf is this exactly like one of those pizzagate tier hidden pay

Also, the last pic on indiegogo had this written in the ID strap

It's a school in Philippines, Valenzuela, Metro Manila.

This is the closest I can get, articles are dead link



>send help to countries with high rate of human trafficking

>post was 2014

I wouldn't want to know what happened by then…

probably finders beware



Better archive this, the mods are notorious for outright banning people they don't like (like fungus/virus anon) or just deleting threads they don't like.