Anonymous ID: 7504dd Feb. 5, 2025, 2:24 p.m. No.397433   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The government is not the economy, you communist moron. The economy is supposed to be productive, not a bunch of parasitic corrupt government leeches looting taxpayer money and re-distributing amongst themselves!


Yet again, the very reason Americans voted to END THAT NIGHTMARE of a FAKE economy!

Anonymous ID: 7504dd Feb. 5, 2025, 2:26 p.m. No.397434   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All that taxpayer money that was looted should be RICO'd from those who profited from the brazen theft, maybe put all that stolen money towards farmer subsidies or use it to pay off some of the national debt.

Anonymous ID: 7504dd Feb. 5, 2025, 4:57 p.m. No.397437   🗄️.is 🔗kun

USAID is not the economy.


This was massive fraud, a money laundering scheme stealing tons of our taxpayer dollars and laundering the money to service their own special interests: NGOs. Media propaganda campaigns and news organizations. Political charities. Regime change politics in 30+ other countries. Bioweapons research. Even going to fund drug cartels and terrorist organizations in the Middle East.


Nothing about this should be legal. In fact it's corruption in pure form. People should be going to prison for this. In any sane, civilized country, people would be going to prison for such blatant corruption.

Anonymous ID: 7504dd Feb. 6, 2025, 6:34 a.m. No.397459   🗄️.is 🔗kun



1) The economic damage done to America over the last decade has been extreme. Due to massive national debt insolvency, horrible economic policies, horrible foreign policies, wasteful governmental spending, a corrupt incompetent and bloated bureaucracy the American economy will take many years to recover. Hopefully under a new Trump administration they can boost energy production, bring down energy prices, reduce bureaucracy, lower interest rates for credit card debt and loans, lower taxes and give incentive to produce more here. In the meantime inflation is here to stay, be prepared.


2) Corrupt suicidal European governments want a major war with Russia badly. Europe is NOT a place you will wish to have your money in or to invest heavily into. European governments absolutely refuse to give up on project Ukraine. The coming war between Europe and Russia will happen, and when it does it will be lights out for most of Europe, with an economic collapse, martial law and harsh austerity measures that include the seizure of assets, bank accounts, pension funds and savings, combined with social unrest from new conscription laws and nullification of any freedom or individual activities. GET OUT OF EUROPE: physically and financially.


3) America, China and India will become the biggest safe havens during the Europe-Russian war. China and India will not become directly involved with this coming war. Americans, for the most part, are dead against being dragged into conflict to save Europe's corrupt asses. Trump is not likely to come to the rescue of assholes who are currently running Europe, it would be both extremely unpopular and face large popular resistance and be political suicide for Trump's administration. Trump will likely tell Europe if they wish to commit suicide they do it on their own terms, not at the expense of America. America will be a safe haven, simply be prepared to hunker down comfy at home, refuse to be involved with the war and pop some popcorn for the future destruction of Russia, Ukraine AND Europe.


4) The goal hegemony of the WEF/Davos "elites" is crumbling. These are dangerous times. You, as an American, will be able to survive if you understand your government has become largely corrupted and subverted and these people HATE US. These people see us as "useless eaters" and will do everything they can to further destabilize the country. Be prepared, have a stockup of basic essentials at home, have a generator with extra fuel, some deep cycle 12V batteries and a couple 1,000W power inverters, have a wood burning stove or fireplace for winter, extra socks/shoes/boots/clothing, have some extra long-term food storage, have a source for clean water or a rain water collection & water filtering system (if you have well water have an extra well pump), firearms/ammunition to defend yourselves and family, do research other preparedness tips on Youtube and Rumble. Stay away from riots and protests when things get nasty and be prepared to hunker down at any time necessary.


5) Listen to what Martin Armstrong; an economist with a straight record of being correct; has to say about the times ahead. Here is his latest interview on USA Watchdog with Greg Hunter:


Devalued Dollar Will Crash the DOW – Martin Armstrong

Anonymous ID: 7504dd Feb. 6, 2025, 6:39 a.m. No.397463   🗄️.is 🔗kun

White House Confirms USAID Conspiracy: Major News Outlets Were State-run, Govt-funded



The CIA Used USAID To Politically Corrupt Governments Around The World, Including Our Own



CRIME SCENE! USAID Funded Regime Changes, Blackmail, Govt Propaganda, Bioweapon Labs, Drug Cartels



Corrupt! USAID Paid Media To Publish Propaganda, Bioweapons Research, Regime Change



Turns Out, US Government Is Spending MILLIONS $$$ On Global Propaganda!


Anonymous ID: 7504dd Feb. 6, 2025, 6:45 a.m. No.397465   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You idiots voted to put literal thieves in the government that stole HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of our taxpayer dollars to enrich themselves and their cronies and all that information is coming out and you still ignore the massive corruption. Shame on idiots like you.


Yes, we voted for exposure and we want Trump's administration to clean up the corruption, fraud and waste within government! Long, long overdue! We can use that STOLEN taxpayer money to pay off some of the national debt they put this country into.