Validation is necessary. Attempted tripcode cracking has been going on all day. Take whatever action you find appropriate.
Validation is necessary. Attempted tripcode cracking has been going on all day. Take whatever action you find appropriate.
This. With available source code the algorithm could conceivably have been inverted to produce the original password or suitable hash key. The secure tripcode does not to my knowledge have this issue.
In all seriousness leafbro, they're probably just gonna be shot. Too many to court-martial and too many to imprison.
Or that could have been Q looking for a board that still worked, with the trip code being disabled as the way of disrupting him.
using two #'s uses a server based seed (at least it did on 4) to make it harder to break. see FAQ.
Clowns have split us into two factions, the name/tripfags and the anti-name/tripfags.
You faggots forget that name/tripfags are used by bakers to prevent hijacking.
Qpol is -not- recommended, they are anti-name/tripfag and will be easily overrun by shills.