Actually Pamphlet and myself are not CIAniggers or Union Baker faggots confirmed.
You should go to /thestorm/
If you build it, Q will crumb.
Actually Pamphlet and myself are not CIAniggers or Union Baker faggots confirmed.
You should go to /thestorm/
If you build it, Q will crumb.
I remember that typing style.
How goes it kike?
>Oy vey, the goyim knows.. b-but fellow pol users b-b-/b/
o7 Godspeed senpai Q o7
w-we posted at the same time s-senpai..
>fails at redtext
Gannett.. and its (((news)))…
So you're saying if people didn't tripfag that it would have stopped the CIAniggers from tripfagging as Q?
Really? You're saying this?
>jew logic