yeah, just looked at your link to the other thread. definitely the same retard. still think its /leftypol/ tbh. it has their trademark retardation. in fact, i bet that's one of the mods. i had a mod "fuck with" me one night at about this same time. it was shocking. all he did was play two different characters, one that spent a lot of time agreeing and one that spent a lot of time acting like an asshole. after several hours of doing at least two posts to every one of mine (and keep in mind this isn't the only thread i was in) it turned out his only troll was that i didn't realize (bc i was preoccupied, mostly) that he was both of them. like, that was it. that was the troll. i didn't try to explain to him that if he spent twice the energy as me during the troll interaction that it technically wasn't a troll since he was more inconvenienced than me, but whatever. it was confusing to me that someone could be that pathetic
its still too stupid to realize it is filtered.
awwww, what a cute little puppy. it keeps replying!