Okay newfags listen up, I'm only going to reveal the master plan ONCE. By posting redpills on this board and spreading memes we will provoke an uprising that will result in normies genociding all the kikes, niggers and mudslimes. Every truth we post on this board will spread in diluted form to the brainlet masses. This involves the truth being filtered through Reddit, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and finally the mainstream media before reaching the bluepilled masses, but they are getting the diluted truth slowly and surely. Once the full truth is unveiled to a normie they'll have no choice but to act. Any month now you'll see whites all over North America, Australia, and Europe dragging jews and muslims out of their homes and gunning them down in the street with the full support of the government. And the best part is that we just need to keep doing what we're doing. No one on this board will ever have to fire a single shot. The normies will complete the cleansing for us.