I'll second that. Sessions is the penultimate milquetoast soyboy. We need an attack dog not a pomeranian.
Brooks would have been a stronger candidate I think. Also I'd wager he's a little better than McCain, though not by much.
The important part is he would vote for Trump's agenda which is all I care about when it comes down to it.
If Jones is seated then senate goes 51-48 which means we can't lose a single republican vote.
>I think you've bought too much into the Republican party
I get why you'd think that based on what I said. I agree with you they're both shit. Democracy is shit. Republics only work with a homogenous ethnic majority.
The point about backing Trump's agenda still stands imo because I haven't bought into the concern trolling about Trump.
I still think he's /ourguy/ just doing his best in a world that hates him.
>inb4 bluepilled faggot
You're free to disagree.
I saw Brooks as someone who would tow the party line and he seemed more electable than Moore. That's all really. Not a huge help to the Trump agenda but he'd be way better than Jones.
I think in Alabama the law is that the governor chooses a temporary replacement until a special election can be held. Hence why Strange was in the Senate until now.
>posting MuhFugga and the Dindus
For shame, Anon. I require you to listen to classical music by a white man as recompense.
G.F. Handel or Arcangelo Corelli would be good choices.