pol has become too impatient. it's grown tired of waiting for /ourguy/. instead they'll literally back anyone that SJW/liberals dislike. they want instant gratification in the form of a "win" more than they want the right person to win.
I'm not going to pretend I have the perfect solution. but being herded and controlled by kike sympathizers and degenerates because you're pissed off by SJW just means that another generation is lost to the kike created rep vs dem system.
i'm personally not seeing that much serious change. Only real difference I see is a younger generation is becoming more conservative, which is fine if liberals are you biggest headache. but jews are also conservative, zionism is conservative by nature. irsael is a conservative country, conservative governments are it's biggest supporters.
>And beyond that
> the shitskins you have no problem with marry and fuck girls at age 6 or above. Maybe even younger
>Don't suddenly become a moralfag when it seems convenient for a narrative - a false one at that.
When has anyone on /pol/ defended that shitskin practice? its actual the other faggots on here that shit on mudslims for that yet will do anything to exonerate a degenerate they love when they do it. have some standards faggot.
agreed, but point is Moore is an example of the type of person some (the majority?) on this board are willing to support and have supported.