It was stupid to unseat Sessions in the first place, he's a shitty cucked AG. Why does Trump pick cucks and Jews for everything as if he can do it all himself? He have should put 130 IQ NatSoc Anglo-Saxon Protestants in every single position like it's the fucking Death Star.
Anyway, I'm not even sure Trump can win in 2020. GOP will gain in 2018, because it's mostly dems defending, so maybe Trump can do more in the latter two years of his first term. But can he beat a stronger democratic ticket that doesn't have Hillary on it, when they have the raw data and know how much rigging they need to flip key states? And tons of Puerto Ricans flooded Florida after the hurricane so that state might be lost. He needs to win Pennsylvania again, which was amazing that he won in the first place. As for 2022, I don't think there's a chance, call my blackpill all you want but every 2 years more non-whites turn voting age and it's becoming closer to impossible to win swing states. It is inevitable that we will not be able to win democratically eventually. It is important that normie conservatives realize that this is happening and that democracy is a dead end, they need to get fed up with the whole system.