Don't worry about it, let me break this down as I see it.
It's good that Moore lost. If he had won the democrats could have sprinted for 8-12 months and just kept making pedo jokes at his antics. This would have fatigued the right and they would have started wavering as they did just now to prove they aren't ignant bigots and make all the cool kids in cities like them. Instead we are looking at Jones having to make good with his image as a civil rights icon, which will not happen because he is a democrat. Moore and the rest of Alabama will slowly simmer if he isn't proven to be a pedophile. He will have lost and people will be gossiping about they unjustly labeled a local personality as a pedophile to win an election, but never proved the allegations. The only thing that would counter this is if they could prove them. Moore should do the smart thing and sue the people that slandered him instead of demanding a recount. If he won the case he could run again and probably win because it would make Jones look like shit. If he doesn't sue these women, it's possible the allegations are true, because that is the only way to explain it if he just lets this happen as it did.
As all this is happening, more people will drift away from the establishment GOP like McConnell and Ryan because of how they behaved this election. They will also move away from Shelby. This will happen because Jones is a Clinton democrat, and Clinton democrats HATE Alabama and the South. They are already making jokes about horses and inbreeding. If they keep doing this they will guarantee more anti establishment citizens in Alabama that are watching Jones through a magnifying glass.
The result
>Alabama residents are pissed Moore was never proven to be a pedophile.
>they are pissed at Democrats for still bashing them
>pissed at Jones for not actually helping the black community
Then comes the next election, very quickly.
This is much better than having to sit through a year of pedophile and horsefucker jokes from Franken.