i wonder how Q feels about the Rothschilds?
>I don't care about the kike family behind all our wars, Globalism, and deathโฆ or that Trump is their family friend despite LARPing as the savior of the huwhite race
Q anon is a disinfo agent. Prbly Baked Alaska with his bots.
Baked Alaska was also Micro. He uses paid Twitter bots to create tons of fake accounts which he uses to add tons of followers. Then he spreads his disinformation. Qanon is doing the same thing, using fake accounts with tons of followers (mostly fake), and now he's spreading disinformation. He does not touch Israel, Trump, or anything else. He has an agenda. It's Baked Alaska, and you heard it here first.
See? This kills the shill thread.
Qanon/Baked Alaska rekt by Moarpheus.
How god damn sad.
Have a bump tho.
Look niggers. This account has 11k+ followers. Most of them are fake accounts. There are maybe 500 real accounts - his target audience. He uses the thousands of fake Twitter followers to give himself an aura of credibility. This is an unethical social media marketing method to build a personal or corporate brand. Whether you believe Q is Baked Alaska or not (he is!), Q is a certainly a disinformation agent using marketing tricks. This is how the (((Deep State))) works.
Hope you get rape, Baked.
And look: Within 10 minutes of exposing Q as Baked that fagget says not to trust what you read from or about Q tonight LOL
Game over.
You're cancer, Baked.
>haha it doesn't matter that Baked Alaska is Q and just spreading disinfo!
>You cant stop the machine, goyim!
lol I'm not here for the Boomers, the Christian Zionists, or the low IQ masses. Not yet, anyway. Right now I need the elect. Before the redpill can be given to the masses those keeping them asleep must be handled, otherwise as you said, they are and will remain zealots.I I Only a handful of good people are needed to thoroughly stop the agents of deception and chaos. I'm here for the elect, anon, and there aren't many!
Baked is a Spencer/Dugin fellow. He uses Twitter software to mass create accounts, then he pays for tons of fake followers, and then he begins collecting real followers (typically within the 500-1000 follower range per account). He repeats this process until he has 50k-100k real followers between innumerable accounts. And finally he uses his various fake accounts to spread disinformation, each tweet backed up by his other accounts, in an attempt to manufacture viralness. It's a typical marketing trick.
Nah. Baked is irrelevant and can only deceive old women and newfags who deserve it anyway. It's just fun to show him how transparent he is even when trying to be anonymoose.
If anons want to redpill the world, realize you can't as long as there is a propaganda machine keeping the people asleep. You have to get rid of the few disinformation agents before you can wake up the many.
good thread. have a good night /pol/