>Being enslaved by a Alex Jones tier shadow government is cool as long as it's my side that's doing it! ;) <3
I am so lubed up for the Dems being smashed over the rocks in the mid terms, only because it will break Tara's tiny fucking head. It'll be another "Everything I know is a fucking lie" moment these faggots had when Trump became president with a 99% chance against him according to the media.
Though I doubt Tara's one brain cell is capable to puzzle together that she's being played. Real nice of her to go against the grain and show not all Jews are smart though, some actually pretty fucking stupid.
>Mass murders and targeting kids with drone strikes was cool and hip when Obongo did it, impeach!
Human rights was a fucking mistake.
>Why would anybody do this for free?
It's in a kike's blood to shill for shit that ruins nations, they can't help it.