Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 10:51 p.m. No.155259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5295


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"The remedy for these egregious errors is a new trial," the appeals court said.

"Egregious" is rather strong language for an appellate court to use about the trial judge. (Full disclosure: I've been through the New York appeals rigmarole myself and came out of it pretty spectacularly.)

As for Mr Burke, he is no longer on the bench. And good riddance. He embodies the degeneration of American law, into a land of legalisms.

Not long after the OJ trial, I was at a small event in Hollywood, on the Paramount lot, at which the after-dinner speaker was Bill Maher. He commented that the LAPD is so incompetent they can't even frame a guilty man. Bill got a big laugh: Back then, there were a lot of jokes like that - because there's a lot of that about. Likewise, even in New York, getting a perv should not require (as we say in less corrupt jurisdictions) perverting the course of justice. In the English sense, the real pervert here was the "egregious" Judge Burke.

~But there are plenty of Burkes left on the New York bench. Here is corrupt judge Juan Merchan putting his fat butt on the scales of justice - and interfering ever more brazenly in the US "election":

The judge looked at President Trump's campaign schedule and then scheduled a hearing.

This court is all politics.

It's a terrible precedent that the Democrats are creating.


see screenshot

— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) April 26, 2024


The judge looked at President Trump’s campaign schedule and then scheduled a hearing.

This court is all politics.

It’s a terrible precedent that the Democrats are creating.



Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 @alexbruesewitz 26 Apr



Show more

1:24 am · 26 Apr 2024 247.5K Views

Under New York judicial procedures, a defendant is supposed to attend every day of his trial - a court rule that I doubt is "constitutional", as the conservative vaudevillians would say. I did not attend each day of my own trial in DC, due to the deleterious impact of the broken courtroom air-conditioning on my health. [RELATED: As Donald Trump entered the NYC courthouse this very morning, he commented to the press on the freezing courtroom, saying he believes the thermostat was intentionally set that way and adding: it isn't that hard; why can't they regulate the temperature?]

At any rate, Judge Merchan scheduled the trial for every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - with Wednesday as the "off" day. So Trump, with excessive deference, agreed to confine his presidential campaigning to Wednesdays.

Merchan waits for Trump to schedule his first big midweek rallies - and then announces a sudden Wednesday trial day.

Like Burke, he should not be on the bench.

Trump is going down in this court. So he should do the rallies, and force the issue sooner rather than later - via an interlocutory hearing at the NY Appeals Court or the US Supreme Court. The vandalisation of law and justice is destroying America.


Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 10:51 p.m. No.155260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5295

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783148 (270041ZAPR24) Notable: ukraine v russia bun

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25 Apr, 2024 23:33

US begins spending $61bn Ukraine war chest – Politico (10% for the big guy)

Much of the equipment won’t be ready for years, however


The Pentagon is preparing to announce a new batch of weapons and ammunition for Kiev worth up to $6 billion, anonymous officials have told Politico.


Among the items featured in the package are Patriot and NASAMS air defense systems, artillery shells, HIMARS rockets, air-to-air missiles, drones, and counter-drone weapons, the sources said.


Washington has already rushed $1 billion worth of ammunition to Kiev, drawn down from US military stocks, since President Joe Biden signed a bill providing for $61 billion in aid to the Ukrainian government.


The pending $6 billion batch will not come out of the Pentagon’s stockpile, however, as it is funded through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI), through which the Pentagon issues contracts to the US military industry to build new equipment for Kiev. This means the goods “likely won’t arrive in Ukraine for several years,” Politico noted.


The $61 billion aid package, of which the latest consignment is part, was approved earlier this week after months of languishing in Congress. The Republicans, who held it up in the House of Representatives, signed off on it without securing any significant changes from the Democrats.


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky had blamed the suspension of American aid for a series of battlefield setbacks that his army has experienced since last year. Most Western media outlets have predicted a turnaround in Ukrainian fortunes now that the new US funding has been approved.


An analysis published by the Economist on Thursday went so far as to suggest that the bill may have prevented a Russian offensive this summer, which Moscow “might have hoped” to use to “force a Ukrainian surrender on humiliating terms.”


Meanwhile, the Kremlin has shrugged off the new US aid bill as unable to change the battlefield dynamics, which are firmly in Russia’s favor. According to President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov, the only thing the new US funding will do is get more Ukrainians killed.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 10:52 p.m. No.155261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5262 >>5295

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783166 (270047ZAPR24) Notable: RFK Jr.'s turn - 3 djt posts ripping rfk jr (vibes of alex jones)

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RFK Jr.'s turn

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 10:52 p.m. No.155262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5295

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783169 (270049ZAPR24) Notable: RFK Jr.'s turn - 3 djt posts ripping rfk jr (vibes of alex jones)

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Page 2


and Page 3

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 10:53 p.m. No.155263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5264 >>5295

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783172 (270050ZAPR24) Notable: George Soros Paying Student Agitators To Whip Up Anti-Israel ProtestsGeorge Soros Paying Student Agitators To Whip Up Anti-Israel Protests - zerohedge

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‘Unheard Of’: Plagiarism Victims Sound Off As UCLA Remains Silent On Academic Scandal

Luke RosiakApr 25, 20241/2

Academics whose work was stolen by a top diversity, equity, and inclusion official at the UCLA School of Medicine say the scale of plagiarism is both “unheard of” and “unbelievable,” raising questions about how the California university’s failure to take action.


An investigation by The Daily Wire and City Journal found that Natalie J. Perry, who leads a DEI program at the medical school and is tasked with shaping the school’s “culture,” had stolen thousands of words without attribution for a doctoral thesis on the benefits of DEI.


On April 12, The Daily Wire and City Journal provided the UCLA School of Medicine with a 14-page document containingoverwhelming evidence of academic malfeasance. The school has not responded and there is no indication that it has taken any action, with Perry still listed on its website.


Perry stole extensively from at least 10 different papers, at least four of whose authors she never even mentioned. The Daily Wire and City Journal shared passages she stole from each author with those victims, and asked what should be done.


Angelo Kinicki, an Arizona State University business school professor from whom Perry stole 1,000 continuous words, said that the findings, and the subsequent reaction, raise concerns about the institutions.


“That’s unheard of. It’s unbelievable,” he said after viewing evidence that pages 32 to 35 of Perry’s dissertation are virtually identical to a paper by Kinicki and two other authors, Chad Hartnell and Amy Ou. “Who would copy that many things, does this person have any original thoughts?”


“If she’s supposed to be the carrier of the culture and she steals people’s work, what does that tell you? What kind of culture are we creating here? And then for the institution to not want to respond? That’s the wrong kind of culture,” Kinicki said, adding that universities lose all value if their degrees and hiring processes do not amount to an assurance that the person is qualified.


The University of Virginia, which granted Perry a doctorate in education based on the plagiarized dissertation and famously has a strict “honor code” shaped by the ideas of founder Thomas Jefferson, said it would investigate the claims after it was sent the same information shared with UCLA.


“We are initiating an investigation according to our process,” said university spokesman Brian Coy, who added that “the University does have the ability to revoke degrees in cases where plagiarism or other qualifying forms of misconduct are identified and proven.”


Though the university’s Honor Committee said it is only able to accept reports on alleged violations within two years of when they occurred — Perry’s paper was published in 2014 — Research Integrity Officer David J. Hudson said he would examine the claims.


“When they hire this person, they’re trusting the pedigree of UVA. UVA cheated them by not enforcing standards. And then students trust that the person is qualified because they’re at UCLA, but they’re cheating the students,” Kinicki said.


“If I was sitting on a tribunal I’d say revoke her PhD,” he said. “It degrades other degrees. If UCLA doesn’t, that’s an abdication of their responsibility.”


Perry also stole from Neal Schmitt, a professor of organizational psychology at Michigan State University who is an expert on “personnel and selection and academic admissions.”


“It appears to be plagiarism to me,” he told The Daily Wire after reviewing a side-by-side of his paper and hers, though not the other examples. “If it is plagiarism, I do not believe the person should continue to hold an administrative role at UCLA.”

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 10:53 p.m. No.155264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5295

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783179 (270052ZAPR24) Notable: George Soros Paying Student Agitators To Whip Up Anti-Israel ProtestsGeorge Soros Paying Student Agitators To Whip Up Anti-Israel Protests - zerohedge

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Many of the academics she stole from were left-wing ideologues writing about race, and have declined to publicly call out Perry, raising questions about whether it is acceptable in their field. Kinicki, the organizational culture expert, said that speaks volumes.


“If those people who are victims won’t speak up or say something, they’re contributing to it, they’re condoning it,” Kinicki said.


Perry stole four paragraphs from racial scholar Rubén Martinez, for example, but Martinez declined to comment on the findings.


“Best approach is to bring it to the attention of her supervisor (is it a Dean?), and that person can then contact us,” Martinez said.


His co-author on the paper, Adalberto Aguirre Jr., is the editor of the journal Radical Pedagogy and a professor at the University of California Riverside. Aguirre Jr. said he would respond in the next few days, but failed to follow through.


Among the other victims who have stayed silent is Sylvia Hurtado, a professor at Perry’s own institution of UCLA. Just like Perry, her credentials are nominally in the field of education, but in reality, she writes about race.


Barron Sawyer, who manages an unofficial Bruin Alumni Group, said he wrote to Perry asking for an explanation, but received no response. He told The Daily Wire that the failure of other academics to speak up is “disheartening.”


“As the founder of a UCLA alumni network and a proud alumnus, I find the lack of action disheartening, especially as it involves a faculty member, Professor Sylvia Hurtado, who is herself a victim,” Sawyer said. “I urge the university to take immediate, transparent steps to investigate and address these claims to restore and uphold the high ethical standards expected at UCLA.”


Aside from Perry’s plagiarism, high-profile academics have raised concerns about the competence of the people behind UCLA’s DEI programs, which have dangerously veered the school away from scientific rigor.


After the school required all first-year medical students to read an essay that stated concern about obesity is “violence on… Black, disabled, trans, poor fat people,” Jeffrey Flier, the former dean of Harvard Medical School, said that the course was promoting “dangerous misinformation” and that the medical school had substituted “Marxist ideology” for medicine.


Flier said that anyone involved in approving the course was unqualified for medicine, and that the school’s dean, Steven Dubinett, should “change its leadership” to remove anyone who supported it.


Sawyer, the alum, added that the administration should remember its commitment to the principles espoused by legendary basketball coach John Wooden: “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation.”




(Why is it seemingly only one race doing plagarism?)

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 10:54 p.m. No.155265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5295

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783190 (270055ZAPR24) Notable: republic-first-bank-seized-by-regulators-first-bank-collapse-of-2024 - forbes

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ANOTHER BANK FAILURE: Regulators Seize Philadelphia-Based Republic First Bancorp


Regulators seized Philadelphia-based Republic First Bancorp on Friday.


“Republic First operated branches in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York under the name Republic Bank. It had around $6 billion in total assets at the end of 2023.” – The Wall Street Journal reported.


This is the fourth bank failure since last March on Joe Biden’s watch.


The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was appointed as receiver by Pennsylvania state regulators and immediately entered into an agreement with Fulton Bank to assume assets and deposits of Republic First Bancorp.


“Philadelphia-based Republic Bank was closed late today by Pennsylvania bank regulators, which appointed the FDIC as receiver. To protect depositors, we entered into an agreement with Fulton Bank to assume substantially all deposits and assets of Republic,” the FDIC said in a statement on Friday.


“Republic Bank’s 32 branches in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York will reopen as branches of Fulton Bank on Saturday (for branches with normal Saturday hours) or on Monday during normal business hours. This evening and over the weekend, depositors of Republic Bank can access their money by writing checks or using ATM or debit cards. Checks drawn on Republic Bank will continue to be processed and loan customers should continue to make their payments as usual,” the FDIC said.


“Depositors of Republic Bank will become depositors of Fulton Bank so customers do not need to change their banking relationship in order to retain their deposit insurance coverage. Customers of Republic Bank should continue to use their existing branches until they receive notice from Fulton Bank that it has completed systems changes that will allow its branch offices to process their accounts as well,” the FDIC said.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 10:55 p.m. No.155267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5295

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783270 (270114ZAPR24) Notable: I GOT RED PILLED': Former Obama intern now supports Trump - youtube

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I GOT RED PILLED': Former Obama intern now supports Trump


408K views · 5 days ago#varney #foxbusiness…more


Fox Business


Woman says Trump will get 60 -70%of the black vote



Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 10:55 p.m. No.155268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5295

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783283 (270117ZAPR24) Notable: media attacks on trump and maga

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Dr. Kevin Roberts: "The Administrative State And All It's Abuses Is A Creation Of Congress". Cold open with CNN is seriously stupid of course, they really are freakin about Trump enacting his “2025 Project”. The news says the DS, Trump is saying he will get rid of all Federal Workers—which is not true


Imagine being un-fireable in any job? Thats our federal government. Of course it’s Democracy in the federal workforce



Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 10:56 p.m. No.155269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783310 (270122ZAPR24) Notable: San Diego Airport gave illegals their own line through security checkpoints because they didn't have any documentation verifying who they were.

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Libs of TikTok


San Diego Airport gave illegals their own line through security checkpoints because they didn't have any documentation verifying who they were.


Illegals are given special treatment and are being flown all over the country at the expense of the American taxpayer.


We have no idea who’s in our country.

9:39 AM · Apr 26, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 10:57 p.m. No.155270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783313 (270122ZAPR24) Notable: Harvey Weinstein's overturned sex crimes conviction inspires his accuser Rose McGowan to speak out: 'They cannot take away who we are'

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Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 10:58 p.m. No.155271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783319 (270125ZAPR24) Notable: On April 22, 2024, New York Attorney General Letitia James began a carbon-copy notice of litigation against Christian pro-life pregnancy centers

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On April 22, 2024, New York Attorney General Letitia James began a carbon-copy notice of litigation against Christian pro-life pregnancy centers. Ten pro-life pregnancy centers have been served so far for alleged “misleading statements or omissions in the advertising of the Abortion Pill Reversal (“APR”) protocol.”

Similar allegations were filed against pro-life groups by abortion advocate and Attorney General Rob Bonta of California in the Fall of 2023. The powerhouse public interest law firm, Thomas More Society based in Chicago, is representing pro-life defendants in both cases, pro bono. The pregnancy centers were given five days to respond before the massive legal hammer of the New York Attorney General’s office drops.

This is only the most recent move by pro-abortion political extremists in a two-year, multi-layered, blue-state, pattern of attack against pro-life pregnancy centers—similar to Marxist-style allegations of misinformation leveled by Jane’s Revenge terrorist group against pro-lifers.

The attacks on pregnancy centers began on June 7, 2022, with the firebombing of CompassCare’s medical office in Buffalo, injuring two firefighters. Firebombing of pro-life groups is now deemed domestic terror by the DOJ.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 10:58 p.m. No.155272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783322 (270125ZAPR24) Notable: Dr. McCullough Issues Chilling COVID Vax Injury Analysis

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The Vigilant Fox 🦊


Dr. McCullough Issues Chilling COVID Vax Injury Analysis


“What we’re seeing, I’m convinced, is the tip of the iceberg.”


“In my practice, before the pandemic, I had only seen two cases of myocarditis … [After the C19 shots] in my practice, I have well more than several hundred cases with myocarditis. That is how common it is.”


“In the Hulscher paper that I’ve quoted, the cause of sudden adult death syndrome is very likely to be vaccine-induced myocarditis.”


“I have seen cases evolve and present now three years after the vaccine, with documented cardiac arrests, three years after vaccination … So, I think we should be very sober about this — that we’re looking at a very long period of time of concern for patients as the public wakes up to this.”

Rate proposed Community Notes

Only visible to contributors

Peter McCullough lost his American Board of Internal Medicine board certifications for false and misleading claims about vaccines…


The Hulscher paper cited was previously retracted for fraud, and is not evidence of causation regarding vaccine deaths………

Is this proposed note helpful?

12:52 PM · Apr 26, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 10:59 p.m. No.155273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5274 >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783324 (270126ZAPR24) Notable: Does the Death of Jacob Rothschild explain this rare sighting of Kings Guard in London over the weekend?

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Concerned Citizen


Does the Death of Jacob Rothschild explain this rare sighting of Kings Guard in London over the weekend?


The Rothschild Banking Family own the British Royal Family, whether you like to hear it or not.


Pictured below - Evelyn de Rothschild poking Kings Charles

7:51 AM · Feb 26, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 10:59 p.m. No.155275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5277 >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783340 (270130ZAPR24) Notable: Newly leaked audio of New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham reveals that the government is allowing drugs to be trafficked through the southern border.

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Patrick Webb


BREAKING: Newly leaked audio of New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham reveals that the government is allowing drugs to be trafficked through the southern border.

Last edited

1:37 PM · Apr 26, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11 p.m. No.155276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783344 (270131ZAPR24) Notable: Republic First Bank has been seized and closed by regulators

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Insider Paper


BREAKING: Republic First Bank has been seized and closed by regulators


12:15 PM · Apr 26, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11 p.m. No.155277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783348 (270132ZAPR24) Notable: Republic First Bank has been seized and closed by regulators

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>Newly leaked audio of New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham reveals that the government is allowing drugs to be trafficked through the southern border.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:01 p.m. No.155278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783349 (270132ZAPR24) Notable: Former Arizona Democrat State Senator Tony Navarrete was convicted in February by a jury of sexual conduct with a minor.

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An Open Secret




Former Arizona Democrat State Senator Tony Navarrete was convicted in February by a jury of sexual conduct with a minor.


He was just sentenced today for this CLASS 6 FELONY.


Navarrete only received ONE YEAR in prison.


He had many friends in high places.



An Open Secret



Aug 6, 2021

Arizona Democrat State Senator Arrested for Sexual Conduct With a Minor


Otoniel "Tony" Navarrete faces multiple counts of sexual conduct with a minor, among other charges

8:28 AM · Apr 26, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:01 p.m. No.155279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783354 (270133ZAPR24) Notable: Burkina Faso: UN is tracking and controlling refugees’ cash and relief aid using digital IDs

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Burkina Faso: UN is tracking and controlling refugees’ cash and relief aid using digital IDs


Millions of people in Burkina Faso have been displaced due to ongoing and escalating violence. In a move to address the humanitarian crisis, ECOWAS is ramping up efforts to collect data.


It’s unclear what data ECOWAS is collecting but what is clear is that the humanitarian crisis has provided an opportunity for the UN to roll out its biometrics and digital ID agenda to refugees and displaced persons, and the communities that host them.


Is it all coincidence or has it all been planned?


Burkina Faso is a member of the United Nations (“UN”), La Francophonie and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. It is currently suspended from the Economic Community of West African States (“ECOWAS”) and the African Union.


On Thursday it was reported that in February, Burkinabé soldiers massacred over 200 civilians in a day. Soldiers systematically forced villagers from their homes, gathered them in groups, and mercilessly opened fire, leaving no one spared, even those attempting to seek refuge. The military has justified these heinous acts as retaliation against villagers accused of aiding Islamist fighters.


Previously, Human Rights Watch has reported unlawful killings and disappearances by the army, drone strikes on civilians and the use of conscription into the army to crack down on dissent. But civilians are at even greater risk from Islamist terrorists.


Since 2015, successive Burkinabé governments have been battling an Islamist insurgency spreading from neighbouring Mali that has killed thousands of people and forcibly displaced millions. Fighting has intensified in recent years


Since late 2022 there was an upsurge of Islamist armed groups killing scores of civilians, looting and burning property, and forcing thousands to flee in attacks across the country. Jihadist groups now control over a third of the country.


But that’s not all. Recently, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime said that drug trafficking in the Sahel region – i.e., Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, and the Niger – continues to hinder security, economic development and the rule of law while jeopardising public health.


Last week, in a move to address humanitarian crises and combat terrorism, ECOWAS announced a multi-million-dollar initiative to aid internally displaced people, refugees, asylum seekers and communities affected by conflicts across the region.


Out of the $25 million fund for the fight against terrorism in Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger, $9 million has been allocated for internally displaced people (“IDPs”), refugees and asylum seekers, as well as for the communities that host them. $4 million of the $25 million has been reserved for humanitarian action to curb the devastating consequences of terrorism and mitigate the fallout of natural disasters. There are not enough details provided to establish the intention of the separate $9 million and $4 million allocations.


Nor are there details on what form or items the aid or assistance will take. However, according to Punch, ECOWAS emphasised the importance of prevention in its approach to crisis management, highlighting the implementation of a disaster reduction strategy and the utilisation of tools such as the Observation, Monitoring, and Alert Centre.”

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:02 p.m. No.155280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783356 (270133ZAPR24) Notable: An official Chicago Public Schools training form reveals that parents are not allowed to opt their children out of any LGBTQ lessons or topics discussed in class.

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Libs of TikTok


NEW: An official Chicago Public Schools training form reveals that parents are not allowed to opt their children out of any LGBTQ lessons or topics discussed in class.


When they say they are coming for your kids, believe them.


9:50 AM · Apr 26, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:02 p.m. No.155281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783360 (270134ZAPR24) Notable: Dr. Kevin Roberts: "The Administrative State And All It's Abuses Is A Creation Of Congress"

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Dr. Kevin Roberts: "The Administrative State And All It's Abuses Is A Creation Of Congress". Cold open with CNN is seriously stupid of course, they really are freakin about Trump enacting his “2025 Project”. The news says the DS, Trump is saying he will get rid of all Federal Workers—which is not true

Imagine being un-fireable in any job? Thats our federal government. Of course it’s Democracy in the federal workforce


This really good to listen to and how Trump and Heritage came up with a plan to fix the biased work force of the Federal Gov. there are currently 10 million employees and contractors that work for the Gov, with 330 million citizens



Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:03 p.m. No.155282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783367 (270135ZAPR24) Notable: Death Toll from Israel - Palestine Conflict

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There has been approximately 33,000 civilian deaths, of which 13,000 are children, in Gaza since October 7, 2023.



Hamas has a membership of between 20,000 and 25,000, according to the U.S. government.



About 9,000 members of Hamad has been killed



Hang in there Gaza, Israel only has about 60,000 more civilian deaths until they eliminate Hamas.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:03 p.m. No.155283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783408 (270146ZAPR24) Notable: Taiwan hit by several earthquakes, strongest reaching 6.1-magnitude

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Insider Paper


ALERT - Taiwan hit by several earthquakes, strongest reaching 6.1-magnitude


8:50 AM · Apr 26, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:04 p.m. No.155284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5290 >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783414 (270148ZAPR24) Notable: Jeremy Carl Discusses His New Book 'The Unprotected Class' And Anti White Racism is tearing America Apart

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jeremy Carl Discusses His New Book 'The Unprotected Class' And Anti White Racism is tearing America ApartInterviewed by Tucker with 47 million views in last two days



Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:04 p.m. No.155285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783419 (270151ZAPR24) Notable: Bipartisan bill would create "antisemitism monitors" at colleges

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17 hours ago -

Politics & Policy

Bipartisan bill would create "antisemitism monitors" at colleges



Andrew Solender

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:04 p.m. No.155286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783425 (270154ZAPR24) Notable: Texas Secures Settlement with Operator of Major Pornography Website, Ensuring Compliance with Texas Law

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Attorney General Ken Paxton


We secured a settlement with Multi Media, LLC, the operator of “Chaturbate,” one of the most visited pornographic websites on the internet, to ensure the company complies with state age verification laws. It’s a very positive development that this company has decided to follow the law and begin reasonable age verification measures designed to protect Texas children from harmful material. Other pornography companies should follow this example and willingly choose to do the right thing and abide by the law.


Square profile picture

Texas Attorney General




Texas Secures Settlement with Operator of Major Pornography Website, Ensuring Compliance with Texas Law:

7:24 AM · Apr 26, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:05 p.m. No.155287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783434 (270157ZAPR24) Notable: US Navy Converting Oil Rigs Into Active Missile Launch Stations with Five Times the Capacity of a Destroyer

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US Navy Converting Oil Rigs Into Active Missile Launch Stations with Five Times the Capacity of a Destroyer


By Samuel Short April 25, 2024 at 4:51pm

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:05 p.m. No.155288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783442 (270159ZAPR24) Notable: Donald Trump's allies are quietly drafting proposals that would attempt to erode the Federal Reserve's independence if the former president wins a second term

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Donald Trump's allies are quietly drafting proposals that would attempt to erode the Federal Reserve's independence if the former president wins a second term, with some advisers arguing that the president should be consulted on interest-rate decisions, per WSJ.

7:26 AM · Apr 26, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:06 p.m. No.155289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783457 (270203ZAPR24) Notable: ANOTHER Country Boots Out U.S. Forces, As Biden NatSec Plan Crumbles In Real Time.

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Saturday, April 27, 2024

8 hours ago

Jack Montgomery



ANOTHER Country Boots Out U.S. Forces, As Biden NatSec Plan Crumbles In Real Time.


U.S. forces are being pushed out of yet another African nation in the Sahel region, with some of its already small force of around 100 troops in Chad to be reduced. Like many other African states, Chad has turned away from the U.S. and towards Russia for security assistance.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:07 p.m. No.155290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783488 (270212ZAPR24) Notable: Tuckers Interview with Jeremy Carl - Ep. 98 There is systemic racism in the United States, against whites.

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Tuckers Interview with Jeremy Carl



Anti-white Racism

Ep. 98 There is systemic racism in the United States, against whites. Everyone knows it. Nobody says it. How come?

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:07 p.m. No.155291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783491 (270212ZAPR24) Notable: @GoFundMe allows funds to be transferred to actual jihadist campaigns such as those being held at @NorthwesternU

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allows funds to be transferred to actual jihadist campaigns such as those being held at @NorthwesternU

  • after their @Venmo

was shut down.





6:41 AM · Apr 26, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:08 p.m. No.155292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783515 (270218ZAPR24) Notable: Australian Defense Minister in process of “visiting Zelensky in Kiev”

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Australian Defense Minister in process of “visiting Zelensky in Kiev”

Flew to Rzsesow from Warsaw earlier today


Here’s the Warsaw proof

Poland, Australia strengthen defense ties, vow continued support for Ukraine,poland-australia-strengthen-defense-ties-vow-continued-support-for-ukraine


Posted when happened >>155121 pb

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:09 p.m. No.155293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783518 (270219ZAPR24) Notable: BLM activist who went to Capitol on Jan. 6 to 'incite violence' sentenced to 6 years in prison

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American News Apr 26, 2024


BREAKING: BLM activist who went to Capitol on Jan. 6 to 'incite violence' sentenced to 6 years in prison


Sullivan was charged with felony obstruction of an official proceeding and civil disorder and prosecutors said he sought to "incite violence."

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:09 p.m. No.155294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783522 (270220ZAPR24) Notable: Unsealed docs reveal just how intimately the Biden White House worked with NARA to trigger the Special Counsel classified docs investigation of President Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🚨EXPLOSIVE — Unsealed docs reveal just how intimately the Biden White House worked with NARA to trigger the Special Counsel classified docs investigation of President Trump.


This confirms our own research that this prosecution is politically tainted and should be dismissed:


Topline: The Biden White House blatantly violated the law to advance a political agenda. Not in some benign way, but overtly illegal and deliberate.


Just a few examples that will be part of a much more comprehensive analysis from AFL in the near future:


🧵- America First Legal THREAD (

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:10 p.m. No.155295   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5296 >>5297

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783523 (270220ZAPR24) Notable: #25490

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Q Research General #25490: FIGHTERS FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT Edition

>>155200 old dough

>>155208, >>155230, >>155231, >>155233, >>155236, >>155247, >>155253, >>155260, ukraine v russia bun

>>155209, >>155212, >>155217, >>155224, >>155226, >>155227, >>155228, >>155229, >>155234, IDF Shelling Hammers Rafah As Egypt Sends Top Intel Official To Avert Ground Offensive - israel v everyone bun

>>155210, >>155251, >>155268, media attacks on trump and maga

>>155211, >>155219, >>155232, >>155254, >>155255, >>155266, biden bun

>>155213, >>155223, >>155225, covid and big pharma bun

>>>/qresearch/2078256 ANOTHER Country Boots Out U.S. Forces, As Biden NatSec Plan Crumbles In Real Time. -

>>155214 AI Surveillance, The Next Step In Excessive Policing? - tech bun

>>155215, >>155242, >>155263, >>155264, George Soros Paying Student Agitators To Whip Up Anti-Israel ProtestsGeorge Soros Paying Student Agitators To Whip Up Anti-Israel Protests - zerohedge

>>155216 China reduces US Treasury holdings amid rising gold accumulation - china bun with sources.

>>155218 Humza Yousaf close to being OUSTED as Scottish First Minister after a revolt in Scotland’s parliament. - twat

>>155220 Explosive allegations that the CIA is operating Ukrainian online anti-Trump ‘troll farms’ to influence American voters and the 2024 election - revolver

>>155221, >>155244, Gender Ideology & the Dignity of the Human Person - pedo bun

>>155222, >>155235, >>155238, >>155246, Happy Birthday Melania! - djt t.s posts

>>155237 President Trump Remarks After Day 8 of Hush Money Trial in New York - cspan and mp4 vid

>>155239 I’ve been waiting for Crooked Joe at the Courthouse, the Fake News Media was there also — HE DIDN’T SHOW! ANY WHERE, ANY TIME, ANY PLACE! - djt t.s post

>>155248 LETTER TO JOE: Dear Joe, - djt t.s post

>>155261, >>155262, RFK Jr.'s turn - 3 djt posts ripping rfk jr (vibes of alex jones)

>>155267 I GOT RED PILLED': Former Obama intern now supports Trump - youtube

>>155249, >>155250, Multiple tornadoes ravage eastern Nebraska - and mp4 vid

>>155252 6.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Taiwan, No Immediate Damage Reported -

>>155240, >>155241, last london mayoral election where khan used a smartmatic partner to steal the election. - flashback sadiq khan and london election archive.

>>155243 DAY 8 OF THE STORMY DANIELS ELECTION INTERFERENCE WITCHHUNT 26th APRIL 2024 - r. gouveia plus bun of previous days including project syndicate overview.


>>155245, >>155265, republic-first-bank-seized-by-regulators-first-bank-collapse-of-2024 - forbes

full notables, will post updated dough next after this post

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:11 p.m. No.155296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5297 >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783548 (270226ZAPR24) Notable: #25491

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




removed national pulse green text post.

should not have been deleted unless it was posted by a shill or spammer.

will repost article. trusted source by raheem kassam

updated dough below

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:11 p.m. No.155297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783555 (270230ZAPR24) Notable: ANOTHER Country Boots Out U.S. Forces, As Biden NatSec Plan Crumbles In Real Time.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



my fault, was not deleted, missing digit.

repost for this bread, please include in notables of this bread.


ANOTHER Country Boots Out U.S. Forces, As Biden NatSec Plan Crumbles In Real Time.

U.S. forces are being pushed out of yet another African nation in the Sahel region, with some of its already small force of around 100 troops in Chad to be reduced. Like many other African states, Chad has turned away from the U.S. and towards Russia for security assistance.

The Biden regime is attempting to downplay the withdrawal. “USAFRICOM (United States Africa Command) is currently planning to reposition some U.S. military forces from Chad, a portion of which were already scheduled to depart,” said Pentagon press secretary Major General Pat Ryder.

Maj. Gen. Ryder has suggested this is a “temporary step.” However, Chad is strongly signaling its hostility to the U.S. presence. Earlier this month, Air Force Chief of Staff Idriss Amine Ahmed told the U.S. attache U.S. forces should cease their activities on Adji Kossei Air Base. He argues they have failed to justify their presence.


These developments in Chad follow confirmation the U.S. will be forced out of Niger. A much larger force of over a thousand troops and recently finished two new drone bases are currently hosted there.

Like neighboring Mali and Burkina Faso, Niger has been taken over by a military junta. They are essential to U.S. interests in the Sahel, which spans the southern Sahara from the Atlantic to the Red Sea. However, all have now realigned with Russia.

The steady stream of geopolitical losses in Africa is a major embarrassment to Joe Biden and his national security team. The U.S. has long sought hegemony in the Sahel. It was expected that diplomatic and economic sanctions against Russia following the 2022 invasion of Ukraine would weaken Moscow’s regional influence. Instead, it has grown, while that of the U.S. and its regional allies, particularly France, has waned.

Niger’s realignment also poses significant challenges to Europe, facilitating an increase in illegal immigration from sub-Saharan Africa.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:11 p.m. No.155298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5300 >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783561 (270231ZAPR24) Notable: Warning for Kim Kardashian's beloved 'vampire facials' after four women contract HIV

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Warning for Kim Kardashian's beloved 'vampire facials' after four women contract HIV

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:12 p.m. No.155299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783566 (270234ZAPR24) Notable: It turns out these nationwide pro-Hamas protests are being funded by the Soros machine.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Kari Lake


It turns out these nationwide pro-Hamas protests are being funded by the Soros machine.


Do you know what else is funded by Soros?


Radical ⁦@RubenGallego



3:31 PM · Apr 26, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:12 p.m. No.155300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783604 (270244ZAPR24) Notable: Warning for Kim Kardashian's beloved 'vampire facials' after four women contract HIV

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Article link

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:13 p.m. No.155301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783613 (270247ZAPR24) Notable: E.J. Antoni: "The Economy Isn't Nearly As Strong As We've Been Led To Believe".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


E.J. Antoni: "The Economy Isn't Nearly As Strong As We've Been Led To Believe". And all the chaos effects our economy, jobs and birth rates



Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:17 p.m. No.155303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783616 (270247ZAPR24) Notable: What does human trafficking look like? Washington woman shares her story

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A woman who escaped a trafficking situation herself two decades ago said that traffickers can use promises of opportunity, money, and even love to lure in victims.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:18 p.m. No.155304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783625 (270249ZAPR24) Notable: Strange Neck

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Nasty ass fake neck

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:19 p.m. No.155305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783664 (270258ZAPR24) Notable: US has no Patriots to spare for Ukraine - White House

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(Zelensky getting the boot soon)

26 Apr, 2024 23:50

US has no Patriots to spare for Ukraine – White House

American air defense capabilities are stretched around the globe, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has claimed


Washington is not willing to risk undermining its own security, but the US government is working around the clock to pressure the EU, NATO and other partners to share their air defense capabilities with Kiev instead, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has said.


Addressing the virtual meeting of the so-called Ukraine Defense Contact Group on Friday, President VladimirZelensky demanded “at least seven” Patriot batteriesfrom his sponsors, but Kiev’s main backer allegedly has none to spare.


“The US Patriot systems right now are being deployed around the world, including in the Middle East, to protect US troops,” Sullivan told MSNBC later in the day.


“If we can unlock further American Patriot batteries we would send them. But we are doing a lot of the supplying of the actual missiles that go into those batteries that get fired,” the US official insisted.


The Pentagon has indeed pledged additional Patriot munitions as part of a “historic” $6bn assistance package announced on Friday. However, the interceptors could take months or even years to arrive, as the batch will not come from the existing Pentagon stockpiles and the announcement “represents the beginning of a contracting process” with the US defense industry.


A single MIM-104 Patriot battery, which is manufactured by US arms giant Raytheon, costs over $1 billion, and consists of multiple truck-mounted units, including power, radar, antenna, engagement control and other support vehicles – as well as up to eight launchers with interceptor missiles.


The US produced over 1,100 Patriot launchers over the years and is estimated to have hundreds of them in active service and in storage – but only sent a single battery to Ukraine. Two more full batteries were donated by Germany, while the Netherlands shared two individual launchers.


“In the meantime what we’re gonna do is work with European partners and partners in other parts of the world to get them to provide additional air defense capability to Ukraine,”Sullivan added.


Besides Germany and the Netherlands – Poland, Spain, Greece and Romania are also among European nations that operate the Patriot systems. While Berlin recently promised to supply yet another Patriot battery to Ukraine, Warsaw said earlier this week that it has no air defense systems to spare.


Spain said it will only provide air defense missiles to Kiev, but not the actual systems. Greece also rejected the pressure, with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis saying that no action would be taken “that could even remotely endanger our nation’s deterrent capabilities or air defense.”


(Not only did the US Gov admit we are unprotected and too spread out over the world, he told the Blackmail Mafia of Ukraine, they need to do more to make the US to meet their demands)

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:19 p.m. No.155306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783721 (270312ZAPR24) Notable: B.I.S - THE FINANCIAL CAPTURE OF PLANET EARTH !!!

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repost for anons who missed this post by an anon


Note: The Banksters not only creat all wars but are those that control everything.

Anons here are getting and giving red pills or confirmation of their own opines.

sometimes it takes a autist to type this shit out.

how to beat them, stop funding them and their captured commerce.

big picture below with sources at the bottom of the video link at rumble. which is this anons channel and some digs on the B.I.S and the banking system, old and new.




The wizard of oz anaylsis from an anon from 8kun.

The Straw Man represents that fictional ALL CAPS legal fiction —The PERSON. He wanted a brain but got a Certificate — The Birth Certificate.

The Tin Man — The TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number). He was a robotic avatar, who worked tirelessly until his body literally froze up & stopped functioning. The heartless & emotionless robot creature who worked himself to death because he had no heart or soul.

The Cowardly Lion was a bully, but was actually a true coward when someone stood up to him, like most bullies. He lacked true courage and in the end, the Wizard gave him an Official Recognition Award — Authority & Status.

The Wizard of Oz used magic, smoke, flames & holograms, but all of it were tricks & illusions to push fear & compliance to make people do what he commanded. The truth is the Wizard has NO real power & only used illusions to create false power & authority.

The Wicked Witch pushed fear through intimidation. She was after Toto and controlled the flying monkey police, the policy enforcers, the mischievous demons, which also represents the BAR Association who attack & control all the little people for the Great Crown Wizard, the crooked Bankers of Oz, obsessed with gold.

In the field of poppies, they were not REAL humans, so drugs had no effect on them, but Dorothy was drugged.

The Wizard of Oz was written at the time when Rockefeller & the Big Pharma began to take over medicine & education.

The Crown was actually the largest drug dealer & after their take-over of drug distribution in China, they began to expand all around the world.

Toto was what the Wicked Witch was really after. Toto in Latin means “in total”. Toto exposed the Wizard of Oz and had no fear, despite being very small compared to the Great Wizard, so no one noticed him. Toto pulled the curtain on the Wizard & his magical scams. ‘Curtain’ also means the End of an Act or scene! He pulled the curtain & started barking until others paid attention, hypothetically giving everyone the “Red Pill”.

The curtain hid the corporate legal fiction & its false courts. So, no matter how small your bark is, it can be heard!

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:20 p.m. No.155307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5308 >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783723 (270312ZAPR24) Notable: Inside the failed White House coup to oust Biden press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

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Inside the failed White House coup to oust Biden press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

Steven Nelson1/3kek

WASHINGTON — Top aides to President Biden secretly hatched a plan this past fall to replace White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre by recruiting outside allies to nudge her out the door, The Post has learned.


Jean-Pierre, who made history in May 2022 by becoming the first black and first openly gay person to hold the position, had developed the exasperating habit of reading canned answers directly from a binder to reporters at her regular briefings — offering what her superiors viewed as a less-than-compelling pitch for the 81-year-old Biden as he readied his re-election campaign.


De facto White House communications chief Anita Dunn, 66, the wife of Biden personal attorney Bob Bauer, told colleagues she had decided to call in prominent Democrats to explain to Jean-Pierre, 49, that the time was ripe to move on, sources told The Post.


“There were a number of people she asked to engage Karine,” said one source who heard of the strategy directly from Dunn, whose role as senior adviser has been filled during the past three presidencies by Jared Kushner (Donald Trump), Valerie Jarrett (Barack Obama) and Karl Rove (George W. Bush).


The source also told The Post that Dunn had claimed White House chief of staff Jeff Zients knew about and supported the cloak-and-dagger scheme to push Jean-Pierre out of the West Wing.


“There was an effort to have some outside folks who Karine knows and trusts talk to her about why leaving last fall would have made a lot of sense for her and her career,” the source said, calling it an “effort to encourage her to move along.”


Jean-Pierre, the person added, “had been in the job for a year and a half at that point, which is a pretty standard tenure for a press secretary in what is admittedly a very demanding job [and] Jeff and Anita [tried] to have folks that she would listen to and trust talk to her about why it might be wise to do that.”


Jean-Pierre’s predecessor, Jen Psaki, was press secretary for one week shy of 16 months before leaving to take a job as a host and analyst at MSNBC.


A second source told The Post that “Jeff and Anita were trying to find Karine a graceful exit” because of the ugly optics of removing her against her will.


“There’s a huge diversity issue and they’re afraid of what folks are going to say,” added this source, who said they learned of the effort from multiple people briefed by Dunn and confirmed at least one person from outside the administration did speak with Jean-Pierre.


The revelation of Dunn’s plan is likely to make for awkward workplace dynamics, the first source said, but is unlikely to result in Jean-Pierre’s departure.


“She has been pretty consistent in telling people from the minute she got the job that she was going to stay through the election,” they said.


“I think Karine has decided to stay come hell or high water and that’s that.”


While Jean-Pierre isn’t going anywhere, the issues that brought about Dunn’s failed machinations remain — with both sources saying the press secretary is too reliant on notes to provide the pushback and quick-thinking repartee needed to effectively champion Biden’s cause.


“Karine doesn’t have an understanding of the issues and she reads the book [binder] word-for-word,” said the second source, adding that the situation is made worse by the fact that “she thinks she’s doing an amazing job.”


“She doesn’t have a grasp of the issues and doesn’t spend the time to learn,” this person said.


“These issues are not second nature to people. Israel and Gaza is a perfect example. It’s very nuanced. Jen would have calls with people to feel well-versed enough to go to the briefing.”


“There’s an enormous amount of work that goes into getting ready,” the first source said, “and consistently she does not put in that level of work.”

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:20 p.m. No.155308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5309 >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783726 (270313ZAPR24) Notable: Inside the failed White House coup to oust Biden press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

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In response, White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates told The Post: “Not only are these claims wildly false, but the reality is the polar opposite. Karine was never approached by anyone with such a message. She spends four hours preparing every day. And neither Jeff nor Anita did any such thing; both have been unflinchingly supportive of her.”


Bates added Friday morning: “Every press secretary uses the binder. Why is she being singled out?”


In December, not long after word of Dunn’s plan circulated in the White House, Jean-Pierre received and rejected an unsolicited offer to become president of EMILYs List, a major Democratic group that raises money for female candidates who support expanded abortion rights.


When NBC News reported on the offer in February, the outlet said Jean-Pierre had emphatically told the group that she was “committed to the president” and “I’m not going anywhere.”


Both the initial offer to Jean-Pierre from EMILYs List and its disclosure to NBC are topics of intrigue within the White House — with unsubstantiated theories suggesting the hand of Dunn behind the approach and Jean-Pierre behind its leak.


EMILYs List did not respond to a request for comment.


By December, Dunn appeared to have accepted that Jean-Pierre was secure in her post.


A West Wing official supportive of the press secretary provided The Post with text from an email written by Dunn ahead of Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi’s Dec. 11 article that noted National Security Council spokesman John Kirby’s increased profile as co-briefer alongside Jean-Pierre.


“I am happy to talk to [Farhi]. And tell him KJP isn’t going anywhere so this is a ridiculous piece,” Dunn wrote in the message.


The pro-Jean-Pierre official also told The Post that Dunn was among those who had backed the press secretary’s promotion from being Psaki’s deputy — with the comms chief even calling in a former White House official to request their help communicating to reporters that “Karine is very strong and doing a very good job in the briefing room.”


“She is an incredibly quick study on a variety of policy issues that she has to be appraised of every single day,” that ex-official said.


Those with less glowing reviews acknowledge Jean-Pierre is not short of confidence.


“I think everyone’s resigned to the fact that she’s not going anywhere on her own,” said the second source who described Dunn’s autumn conservations.


”She thinks she’s doing a really good job and thinks the president wants her to stay.”


What Biden really wants was unclear to The Post’s sources, with a third source familiar with administration dynamics and skeptical of Jean-Pierre’s performance saying the president “trusts his senior advisers to manage the team as needed.


‘Serious tension’


Kirby, who has two stints as Pentagon press secretary under his belt and also fronted State Department briefings in the final 20 months of the Obama administration, has shared the stage with Jean-Pierre at most White House briefings since Hamas terrorists massacred about 1,200 people in Israel on Oct. 7 — contributing to what one source called “serious tension” within the West Wing.


“Sometimes he talks to her and she acts as if he is not talking,” said a fourth source familiar with the situation and critical of Jean-Pierre.


“She has been pretty aggressive about marking her territory,” agreed the first source.


Kirby, who is widely respected by journalists as a valuable source of both information and soundbites, has requested to pick out who asks him questions at briefings, but Jean-Pierre has not agreed to allow him to do so.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:21 p.m. No.155309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783732 (270314ZAPR24) Notable: Inside the failed White House coup to oust Biden press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

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Dunn has supported Kirby’s ask, said the fourth source, but still Jean-Pierre has not relented, even after Kirby’s desire was publicly reported in January by Axios.


Kirby, 60, and Jean-Pierre have sought to tamp down the perception of a power struggle.


In February, they “issued a statement praising the other,” the New York Times wrote in an article focused on the relationship.


Kirby told the Times, “It’s a privilege to be in her company, to watch her work and to learn from her.”


The Gray Lady did not publish Jean-Pierre’s statement on Kirby, but it was provided to The Post and read: “Admiral Kirby is an excellent colleague and I’m proud to work with him. I’ve enjoyed getting to know him and have great respect for his service to our country. His military experience and the work he has done as part of the national security team have been immensely helpful to the White House, particularly with two ongoing conflicts around the world.”


While Kirby is the odds-on favorite to replace Jean-Pierre as press secretary should she depart the position, there are other contenders for the opening — including Brian Fallon, formerly Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign press secretary and currently Vice President Kamala Harris’ re-election campaign communications director, who one source said has undergone an “ego detoxing” in his current post.


A number of Democrats both inside and close to the White House said they were unaware of Dunn’s plot to replace Jean-Pierre, or claimed to only know about it through the rumor mill, but several said that the accounts by The Post’s sources rang true.


One source close to Dunn and Zients insisted, to the contrary, that “my experience over the last year is Dunn and Zients being supportive of Karine” and added that “I’ve never heard of any such plan.”


The Post spoke with almost a dozen prominent Democratic staffers for this article, including current and former White House officials, all of whom requested anonymity to discuss internal personnel matters.


The sources agreed that Dunn does not appear to harbor any ill will toward Jean-Pierre, with many suggesting that the encouragement that the press secretary shift to an outside role was meant to be a long-term boost to Jean-Pierre that plays more to her strengths.


“I witnessed Jeff and Anita coming pretty hard to Karine’s defense after [the January Axios report on Kirby wanting to call on reporters himself] and asking others to do the same,” said one Democrat who supports the press secretary.


“They were like, ‘This is palace intrigue bulls— that was dramatically sensationalized,’” that source said.


Thursday evening, Zients told The Post in a statement: “The President and everyone in the White House deeply values Karine — she is an incredibly talented communicator and trusted advisor who keeps a cool head in any crisis and always has your back. We are lucky to have her on the core team advancing the President’s historic agenda every day.”


Jean-Pierre does have important allies within the White House, including first lady Jill Biden’s top adviser Anthony Bernal, who is widely considered to rival even Zients in power due to his closeness to the first family.


Multiple former colleagues of Bernal accused him to The Post last month of verbal sexual harassment, building on earlier reports of workplace bullying.


In a sign of Bernal’s influence, Zients quickly affixed his name to a statement calling those allegations “unfounded” just hours after receiving a request for comment, without investigating them.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:21 p.m. No.155310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5311 >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783807 (270333ZAPR24) Notable: Trump VP contender Kristi Noem writes of killing dog – and goat – in new book 1/2

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Trump VP contender Kristi Noem writes of killing dog – and goat – in new book==1/2

South Dakota governor includes bloody tale in campaign volume – and admits ‘a better politician … wouldn’t tell the story here’


Martin Pengelly

In 1952, as a Republican candidate for vice-president, Richard Nixon stirred criticism by admitting receiving a dog, Checkers, as a political gift.


In 2012, as the Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney was pilloried for tying a dog, Seamus, to the roof of the family car for a cross-country trip.


But in 2024 Kristi Noem, a strong contender to be named running mate to Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, has managed to go one further – by admitting killing a dog of her own.


“Cricket was a wirehair pointer, about 14 months old,” the South Dakota governor writes in a new book, adding that the dog, a female, had an “aggressive personality” and needed to be trained to be used for hunting pheasant.


What unfolds over the next few pages shows how that effort went very wrong indeed – and, remarkably, how Cricket was not the only domestic animal Noem chose to kill one day in hunting season.


Noem’s book – No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward – will be published in the US next month. The Guardian obtained a copy.


Like other aspirants to be Trump’s second vice-president who have ventured into print, Noem offers readers a mixture of autobiography, policy prescriptions and political invective aimed at Democrats and other enemies, all of it raw material for speeches on the campaign stump.


She includes her story about the ill-fated Cricket, she says, to illustrate her willingness, in politics as well as in South Dakota life, to do anything “difficult, messy and ugly” if it simply needs to be done.


By taking Cricket on a pheasant hunt with older dogs, Noem says, she hoped to calm the young dog down and begin to teach her how to behave. Unfortunately, Cricket ruined the hunt, going “out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life”.


Noem describes calling Cricket, then using an electronic collar to attempt to bring her under control. Nothing worked. Then, on the way home after the hunt, as Noem stopped to talk to a local family, Cricket escaped Noem’s truck and attacked the family’s chickens, “grabb[ing] one chicken at a time, crunching it to death with one bite, then dropping it to attack another”.


Cricket the untrainable dog, Noem writes, behaved like “a trained assassin”.


When Noem finally grabbed Cricket, she says, the dog “whipped around to bite me”. Then, as the chickens’ owner wept, Noem repeatedly apologised, wrote the shocked family a check “for the price they asked, and helped them dispose of the carcasses littering the scene of the crime”.


Through it all, Noem says, Cricket was “the picture of pure joy”.


“I hated that dog,” Noem writes, adding that Cricket had proved herself “untrainable”, “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with” and “less than worthless … as a hunting dog”.


“At that moment,” Noem says, “I realised I had to put her down.”


Noem, who also represented her state in Congress for eight years, got her gun, then led Cricket to a gravel pit.


“It was not a pleasant job,” she writes, “but it had to be done. And after it was over, I realised another unpleasant job needed to be done.”


Incredibly, Noem’s tale of slaughter is not finished..

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:22 p.m. No.155311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20783815 (270336ZAPR24) Notable: Trump VP contender Kristi Noem writes of killing dog – and goat – in new book 1/2

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Her family, she writes, also owned a male goat that was “nasty and mean”, because it had not been castrated. Furthermore, the goat smelled “disgusting, musky, rancid” and “loved to chase” Noem’s children, knocking them down and ruining their clothes.


Noem decided to kill the unnamed goat the same way she had just killed Cricket the dog. But though she “dragged him to a gravel pit”, the goat jumped as she shot and therefore survived the wound. Noem says she went back to her truck, retrieved another shell, then “hurried back to the gravel pit and put him down”.


At that point, Noem writes, she realised a construction crew had watched her kill both animals. The startled workers swiftly got back to work, she writes, only for a school bus to arrive and drop off Noem’s children.


“Kennedy looked around confused,” Noem writes of her daughter, who asked: “Hey, where’s Cricket?”


On Friday, reaction to news of Noem’s description of killing her dog and her goat included satire, the Barack Obama adviser turned podcaster Tommy Vietor calling the governor “Jeffrey Dahmer with veneers”, a reference to a famous serial killer and a recent scandal over Noem’s cosmetic dentistry treatment.


But most responses, particularly from dog lovers and people who hunt with dogs, simply expressed disgust.


Rick Wilson, of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project, called Noem “deliberately cruel” and “trash”. Ryan Busse, the Democratic candidate for governor of Montana, said: “Anyone who has ever owned a birddog knows how disgusting, lazy and evil this is. Damn.”


Noem herself posted a screengrab of the Guardian report – and an admission that she recently “put down three horses”.


“We love animals,” she said, “but tough decisions like this happen all the time on a farm. Sadly, we just had to put down three horses a few weeks ago that had been in our family for 25 years.”


The governor also said her book contained “more real, honest and politically incorrect stories that’ll have the media gasping”.


In the book, however, she sums up her story about Cricket the dog and the unnamed, un-castrated goat with what may prove a contender for the greatest understatement of election year:“I guess if I were a better politician I wouldn’t tell the story here.”


(I always felt like there was something wrong with her. Not sure this is the reason, but strange admissions)

Anonymous ID: add3af April 26, 2024, 11:23 p.m. No.155312   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784026 (270457ZAPR24) Notable: #25491

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>>>/qresearch/20783300 - Old Dough


Notables - FINAL


#25491 >>155296

>>155269 San Diego Airport gave illegals their own line through security checkpoints because they didn't have any documentation verifying who they were.

>>155270 Harvey Weinstein's overturned sex crimes conviction inspires his accuser Rose McGowan to speak out: 'They cannot take away who we are'

>>155271 On April 22, 2024, New York Attorney General Letitia James began a carbon-copy notice of litigation against Christian pro-life pregnancy centers

>>155272 Dr. McCullough Issues Chilling COVID Vax Injury Analysis

>>155273, >>155274 Does the Death of Jacob Rothschild explain this rare sighting of Kings Guard in London over the weekend?

>>155275 Newly leaked audio of New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham reveals that the government is allowing drugs to be trafficked through the southern border.

>>155276, >>155277 Republic First Bank has been seized and closed by regulators

>>155278 Former Arizona Democrat State Senator Tony Navarrete was convicted in February by a jury of sexual conduct with a minor.

>>155279 Burkina Faso: UN is tracking and controlling refugees’ cash and relief aid using digital IDs

>>155280 An official Chicago Public Schools training form reveals that parents are not allowed to opt their children out of any LGBTQ lessons or topics discussed in class.

>>155281 Dr. Kevin Roberts: "The Administrative State And All It's Abuses Is A Creation Of Congress"

>>155282 Death Toll from Israel - Palestine Conflict

>>155283 Taiwan hit by several earthquakes, strongest reaching 6.1-magnitude

>>155284 Jeremy Carl Discusses His New Book 'The Unprotected Class' And Anti White Racism is tearing America Apart

>>155285 Bipartisan bill would create "antisemitism monitors" at colleges

>>155286 Texas Secures Settlement with Operator of Major Pornography Website, Ensuring Compliance with Texas Law

>>155287 US Navy Converting Oil Rigs Into Active Missile Launch Stations with Five Times the Capacity of a Destroyer

>>155288 Donald Trump's allies are quietly drafting proposals that would attempt to erode the Federal Reserve's independence if the former president wins a second term

>>155289, >>155297 ANOTHER Country Boots Out U.S. Forces, As Biden NatSec Plan Crumbles In Real Time.

>>155290 Tuckers Interview with Jeremy Carl - Ep. 98 There is systemic racism in the United States, against whites.

>>155291 @GoFundMe allows funds to be transferred to actual jihadist campaigns such as those being held at @NorthwesternU

>>155292 Australian Defense Minister in process of “visiting Zelensky in Kiev”

>>155293 BLM activist who went to Capitol on Jan. 6 to 'incite violence' sentenced to 6 years in prison

>>155294 Unsealed docs reveal just how intimately the Biden White House worked with NARA to trigger the Special Counsel classified docs investigation of President Trump

>>155298, >>155300 Warning for Kim Kardashian's beloved 'vampire facials' after four women contract HIV

>>155299 It turns out these nationwide pro-Hamas protests are being funded by the Soros machine.

>>155301 E.J. Antoni: "The Economy Isn't Nearly As Strong As We've Been Led To Believe".

>>155303 What does human trafficking look like? Washington woman shares her story

>>155304 Strange Neck

>>155305 US has no Patriots to spare for Ukraine - White House


>>155307, >>155308, >>155309 Inside the failed White House coup to oust Biden press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

>>155310, >>155311 Trump VP contender Kristi Noem writes of killing dog – and goat – in new book 1/2



Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:12 a.m. No.155407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5409 >>5428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784033 (270500ZAPR24) Notable: #25492

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Godspeed Patriots

Digital Soldiers


Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:12 a.m. No.155408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784076 (270511ZAPR24) Notable: Sex trafficking federal lawsuit filed against Motel 6, three King County

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Sex trafficking federal lawsuit filed against Motel 6, three King County [washington state USA near seattle] locations

The lawsuit accused Motel 6 of allegedly knowing sex trafficking was happening on the premises and profiting from it.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:19 a.m. No.155413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5414 >>5428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784170 (270541ZAPR24) Notable: A pro-Palestine extremist by the Columbia University encampment threatens to kill someone off-camera

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A pro-Palestine extremist by the Columbia University encampment threatens to kill someone off-camera and makes repeated anti-gay and anti-white slurs.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:20 a.m. No.155415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784186 (270545ZAPR24) Notable: TRAIN DERAILMENT What are the odds at mile 333 at the exact same time 1:29 JFK was assassinated and the Baltimore bridge was taken down?

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They always tell you who's responsible.

What are the odds of the closure =at mile 333 at the exact same 1:29 time == JFK was assassinated and the Baltimore bridge was taken down?


Interstate 40 segments near the Arizona-New Mexico border were shut down following a train derailment and subsequent fire south of the highway on Friday morning.


A BNSF train derailed near northeastern Arizona on the New Mexico side of the Arizona-New Mexico border about 11:45 a.m., according to the Arizona Department of Transportation.


Interstate 40 segments near the Arizona-New Mexico border were shut down following a train derailment and subsequent fire south of the highway on Friday morning.


At 1:30 p.m., the Sheriff’s Office announced that due to the derailment, I-40 was shut down at the Arizona-New Mexico border as well as the north and south frontage roads.


Furthermore, the eastbound lanes of the highway were closed at milepost 357 near Lupton and milepost 333 near Chambers, the Arizona Department of Transportation said.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:21 a.m. No.155416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784193 (270548ZAPR24) Notable: A pro-Palestine extremist by the Columbia University encampment threatens to kill someone off-camera

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anyone find the genetic connection between "protesters" and lack of beauty?

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:21 a.m. No.155417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5428 >>5542

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784203 (270551ZAPR24) Notable: PF Reports SAM276 Blinken followed by SAM628 and likelyJake Sullivanbut definitely WH NSA (based on tail #) Office inbound from Beijing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/20783118, >>>/qresearch/20783126 pb PF CONUS Activity:


SAM276Blinkenfollowed by SAM628 and likelyJake Sullivanbut definitely WH NSA (based on tail #) Office inbound from Beijing depart earlier and Elmendorf fuel stop


The above links missed due to the normal “eye” problems cuz both these 2 go to China all the time so it must have been yet another “oversight” it wasn’t included in the bun brought forward /s

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:22 a.m. No.155418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784206 (270553ZAPR24) Notable: A pro-Palestine extremist by the Columbia University encampment threatens to kill someone off-camera

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looks more Arabic …any ideas

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:22 a.m. No.155419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784213 (270556ZAPR24) Notable: James O'Keefe: I have evidence that exposes the CIA, and it’s on camera

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James O'Keefe


I have evidence that exposes the CIA, and it’s on camera. I am working on releasing a story that I believe is the most important of my entire career.


Do you think it’s a coincidence that right at this moment I am subject to an endless series of attacks?


This is obviously a sophisticated information operation designed to stop me from releasing this story. I’m sure you recognize they are masters of using half-truths and innuendos to raise doubt against people who don’t deserve it. It’s meant to consume my time and energy and make me back down.


But I’m not going to let it work. Rest assured, nothing will stop me from releasing this story.


I urge my followers and supporters to take note of every person participating because this is a time when people reveal themselves for who they are.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:23 a.m. No.155420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784355 (270714ZAPR24) Notable: A pro-Palestine extremist by the Columbia University encampment threatens to kill someone off-camera

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Get out we don't like White People. " There is So much Anti White Sentiment coming out and should be aimed at Israel, they will be the first ones to say I'm not white I'm Jewish, Shapeshifters

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:24 a.m. No.155422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784530 (270920ZAPR24) Notable: PF Reports SAM276 Blinken followed by SAM628 and likelyJake Sullivanbut definitely WH NSA (based on tail #) Office inbound from Beijing

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And after 3hr & 29min,

they are still there . . . 








( Folks, it's been like watching grass grow . . .  )

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:24 a.m. No.155423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784595 (271024ZAPR24) Notable: Sotomayor’s ‘slam dunk’ backfires: Trump’s team torches her ‘fraudulent electors’ talking point…

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Supreme Stupidity: DEI Hire Sodomizer


Sotomayor’s ‘slam dunk’ backfires: Trump’s team torches her ‘fraudulent electors’ talking point…


Justice Sotomayor is not the brightest bulb in the box, so when she thought she had Team Trump by the you-know-what with her “fraudulent elector” theory, she must’ve felt pretty proud of herself. However, her victory was short-lived because Team Trump flipped the script on her and turned her talking points into ash during the back-and-forth over President Trump’s claim that he has “presidential immunity.”


Sotomayor found herself left holding her crumpled bag of useless talking points once Trump’s lawyers were done with her.



Trump Lawyer NUKES Sotomayor’s “Fraudulent Electors” Talking Point at SCOTUS


“Apply it to the allegations here. What is plausible about the president assisting in creating a fraudulent slate of electoral candidates, assuming you accept the facts of the complaint on their face, is that plausible that that would be within his right to do?” Sotomayor asked.


“Absolutely, your honor,” Trump attorney John Sauer responded. “We have the historical precedent we cite in the lower courts of President Grant sending federal troops to Louisiana and Mississippi in 1876 to make sure that the Republican electors got certified in those two cases, which delivered the election to Rutherford Hayes.”


“The notion that is completely implausible, I think, just can’t be supported based on the faces of this indictment or even…” he continued.


“Knowing that the slate is fake, knowing that the slate is fake, that they weren’t actually elected, that they weren’t certified by the state. He knows all those things…” Sotomayor objected.


“The indictment itself alleges, I dispute that characterization. The indictment affixes the word label to the so-called fraudulent lectures. It fixes the word fraudulent, but that’s a complete mischaracterization,” he replied.


“On the face of the indictment, it appears that there was NO DECEIT about who had emerged from the relevant state conventions, and this was being done as an alternative basis,” he concluded.


Thus buries a dishonest partisan Democrat talking point about the “fake electors” plot. It is a Constitutionally authorized process contingent upon the results of Electoral College votes.


This is what the Democrat-controlled media does: Twist the language to promote their political agenda in defiance of the law and the U.S. Constitution.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:25 a.m. No.155424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784598 (271026ZAPR24) Notable: (Jan 2022) Vaccinators Are Responsible for Checking Batch Numbers For “Hot Lots” Before Administering Covid Shots

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Vaccinators Are Responsible for Checking Batch Numbers For “Hot Lots” Before Administering Covid Shots

By Rhoda Wilson on January 13, 2022 • ( 1 Comment )


Dr. Mike Yeadon answered questions regarding the distribution and how many people may be involved in what ingredients are mixed into the “hot lots” of Covid injections.


And Dr Wolfgang Wodarg advised that pharmacists, doctors and other vaccinators are responsible for checking “vaccine” batch numbers, before injections are distributed or administered, to ensure they are not part of a bad batch or “hot lot.” Patients should insist vaccinators check whether the batch is “bad” before agreeing to the injection.


During Session 86 of the Corona Investigative Committee, Dr. Yeadon spoke of his concerns regarding the Covid injections, presented evidence proving premeditation of particular Covid injection batches containing “lethal doses” and more.


This article is the fourth in a series breaking down Dr. Yeadon’s 2-hour 20 min presentation into more manageable chunks for those who may be short of time and unable to watch the full presentation in one sitting. What follows relates to questions the panel asked regarding the “Hot Lots” and analysis done by Team Enigma. You can watch the Team Enigma presentation in our previous article HERE.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:25 a.m. No.155425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784612 (271033ZAPR24) Notable: President Donald Trump RALLYS at Waukesha, Freeland, Wildwood (could be cancelled due to faggot judge mechan calling trump in on wednesday)

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President Donald Trump RALLYS at Waukesha, Freeland, Wildwood


President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Waukesha, Wisconsin


Waukesha, wi

Wed, May 01, 2024

02:00 pm (US/Central)

Get Tickets


President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Freeland, Michigan


Freeland, mi

Wed, May 01, 2024

06:00 pm (US/Eastern)

Get Tickets



President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally inu202fWildwood, New Jersey


Wildwood, nj

Sat, May 11, 2024

05:00 pm (US/Eastern)

Get Tickets

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:26 a.m. No.155426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784703 (271124ZAPR24) Notable: This Video Is Going Crazy Viral Saying It’s American’s Constitution Obligation To “Overthrow The Government” If It Becomes Tyrannical (CAP 0:48)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Wall Street Apes


This Video Is Going Crazy Viral Saying It’s American’s Constitution Obligation To “Overthrow The Government” If It Becomes Tyrannical


Is The US Government Pushing Americans Too Far?


“So inside the Declaration of Independence, it states that if your government is basically not doing its job, it's not protecting you, It's putting your lives at risk. K, and they're no longer working for you. Everything that's happening right now, it states that We The People have a legal obligation to overthrow the government.


K, and there's a very small amount of you who support what these f* politicians are doing right now. K, But the truth is you are no longer driving the vehicle. The government is driving the vehicle for you. You're not even in the passenger seat. You're tied up in the f* trunk”

0:02 / 0:48

7:05 PM · Apr 21, 2024



Wall Street Apes


This Video Is Going Crazy Viral Saying It’s American’s Constitution Obligation To “Overthrow The Government” If It Becomes Tyrannical


Is The US Government Pushing Americans Too Far?


“So inside the Declaration of Independence, it states that if your government is basically not doing its job, it's not protecting you, It's putting your lives at risk. K, and they're no longer working for you. Everything that's happening right now, it states that We The People have a legal obligation to overthrow the government.


K, and there's a very small amount of you who support what these f* politicians are doing right now. K, But the truth is you are no longer driving the vehicle. The government is driving the vehicle for you. You're not even in the passenger seat. You're tied up in the f* trunk”

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:27 a.m. No.155427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784706 (271127ZAPR24) Notable: PF Reports SAM276 Blinken followed by SAM628 and likelyJake Sullivanbut definitely WH NSA (based on tail #) Office inbound from Beijing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Morning anons…


Border patrol hot air ballon…operating along the TX/MX border around Maris TX.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:28 a.m. No.155428   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784717 (271133ZAPR24) Notable: #25492

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#25492 >>155407

>>155425 President Donald Trump RALLYS at Waukesha, Freeland, Wildwood (could be cancelled due to faggot judge mechan calling trump in on wednesday)

>>155426 This Video Is Going Crazy Viral Saying It’s American’s Constitution Obligation To “Overthrow The Government” If It Becomes Tyrannical (CAP 0:48)

>>155409, >>155421 Excellent pepe .gif with a brick

>>155408 Sex trafficking federal lawsuit filed against Motel 6, three King County

>>155413, >>155414, >>155416, >>155418, >>155420 A pro-Palestine extremist by the Columbia University encampment threatens to kill someone off-camera

>>155415 TRAIN DERAILMENT What are the odds at mile 333 at the exact same time 1:29 JFK was assassinated and the Baltimore bridge was taken down?

>>155417, >>155422, >>155427 PF Reports SAM276 Blinken followed by SAM628 and likelyJake Sullivanbut definitely WH NSA (based on tail #) Office inbound from Beijing

>>155419 James O'Keefe: I have evidence that exposes the CIA, and it’s on camera

>>155423 Sotomayor’s ‘slam dunk’ backfires: Trump’s team torches her ‘fraudulent electors’ talking point…

>>155424 (Jan 2022) Vaccinators Are Responsible for Checking Batch Numbers For “Hot Lots” Before Administering Covid Shots


Baker cant keep eyes open

BV please shut it down



Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 9:13 a.m. No.155429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784729 (271137ZAPR24) Notable: #25493 TBC

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Q Research General #25493: Green with Envy: Grinch Juan Merchan says NO RALLY… click boom? Edition

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:18 p.m. No.155432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785658 (271508ZAPR24) Notable: #25494

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old dough

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:19 p.m. No.155433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785679 (271512ZAPR24) Notable: Much of Ukraine aid stolen - French party leader (RT)

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27 Apr, 2024 13:31

Much of Ukraine aid stolen – French party leader

Western assistance to Kiev prolongs the conflict with Russia and enriches corrupt officials, Florian Philippot has said


A large part of Western aid to Kiev is being embezzled by Ukrainian officials, despite President Vladimir Zelensky’s assurances that it is being used in the fight against Russia, a top French politician has said.


In a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Friday, Florian Philippot, leader of the Patriots (Les Patriotes) party and a long-time vocal critic of Western assistance to Ukraine,alleged that Zelensky was lying when he claimed that all US aid to his country “goes to the battlefield.”


“In reality a large part is diverted and goes into corruption!” Philippot wrote.He noted Kiev’s admission last month that it had not received €16 billion($17.1 billion) in aid collected by Poland and the European Commission.Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmigal claimed he had “no idea” what happened to the funds.


Philippot also pointed to a recent corruption scandal involving Ukrainian Agriculture Minister Nikolay Solsky, who is accused of illegally appropriating state land worth nearly €6.9 million ($7.4 million). “Yet another case of corruption in this country, which is one of the most corrupt on the planet!” the French politician remarked.


“Every euro sent to Ukraine prolongs the war and therefore causes unnecessary deaths, impoverishes us here, and has a strong chance of enriching the corrupt!” he added, calling for the conflict to be resolved as soon as possible.


Ukraine has been plagued by widespread graft for years, and a 2015 Guardian article described it as “the most corrupt nation in Europe.” More recently, it ranked 104 out of 180 countries in Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index.


The issue has taken center stage during the conflict with Russia, including in the Ukrainian military, which has been rocked by several graft scandals in recent months. This winter, Ukraine’s SBU, the successor to the Soviet-era KGB, announced that it had uncovered a major embezzlement scheme in which Ukrainian officials and private contractors stole around $40 million earmarked for shell procurement.


Elsewhere, the Pentagon’s inspector general admitted that Washington had failed to properly track more than $1 billion in weapons sent to Ukraine, although this did not stop US officials from claiming that they believed the assistance to have reached its intended destination.


Russia, meanwhile, has for months been warning about the spillover of foreign weapons sent to Ukraine, cautioning that they are ending up in the hands of organized crime outside of the country.


(Finally someone from EU and Europe admit what everyone knows. That’s why Brussels and EU have cut off most of their aid, although they knew a year+ ago Ukraine will never win. Many have reported that 1/2 to 3/4s of the aid given by the west, is stolen by oligarchs working in the government.Don’t forget 10% for the Big Guy, maybe more because the money is so vast. Even the equipment is stolen by arms, weapons launderers.)

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:19 p.m. No.155434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785680 (271513ZAPR24) Notable: BODYCAM of TRIGGERED New Yorker. He keys Trump supporter's car in Florida and then this happened

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BODYCAM of TRIGGERED New Yorker. He keys Trump supporter's car in Florida and then this happened..

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:20 p.m. No.155435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785682 (271513ZAPR24) Notable: Much of Ukraine aid stolen - French party leader (RT)

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Much of Ukraine aid stolen – French party leader


Western assistance to Kiev prolongs the conflict with Russia and enriches corrupt officials, Florian Philippot has said


A large part of Western aid to Kiev is being embezzled by Ukrainian officials, despite President Vladimir Zelensky’s assurances that it is being used in the fight against Russia, a top French politician has said.


In a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Friday, Florian Philippot, leader of the Patriots (Les Patriotes) party and a long-time vocal critic of Western assistance to Ukraine, alleged that Zelensky was lying when he claimed that all US aid to his country “goes to the battlefield.”


“In reality a large part is diverted and goes into corruption!” Philippot wrote. He noted Kiev’s admission last month that it had not received €16 billion ($17.1 billion) in aid collected by Poland and the European Commission. Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmigal claimed he had “no idea” what happened to the funds.


Philippot also pointed to a recent corruption scandal involving Ukrainian Agriculture Minister Nikolay Solsky, who is accused of illegally appropriating state land worth nearly €6.9 million ($7.4 million). “Yet another case of corruption in this country, which is one of the most corrupt on the planet!” the French politician remarked.

“Every euro sent to Ukraine prolongs the war and therefore causes unnecessary deaths, impoverishes us here, and has a strong chance of enriching the corrupt!” he added, calling for the conflict to be resolved as soon as possible.


Ukraine has been plagued by widespread graft for years, and a 2015 Guardian article described it as “the most corrupt nation in Europe.” More recently, it ranked 104 out of 180 countries in Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index.


The issue has taken center stage during the conflict with Russia, including in the Ukrainian military, which has been rocked by several graft scandals in recent months. This winter, Ukraine’s SBU, the successor to the Soviet-era KGB, announced that it had uncovered a major embezzlement scheme in which Ukrainian officials and private contractors stole around $40 million earmarked for shell procurement.


Elsewhere, the Pentagon’s inspector general admitted that Washington had failed to properly track more than $1 billion in weapons sent to Ukraine, although this did not stop US officials from claiming that they believed the assistance to have reached its intended destination.


Russia, meanwhile, has for months been warning about the spillover of foreign weapons sent to Ukraine, cautioning that they are ending up in the hands of organized crime outside of the country.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:20 p.m. No.155436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785698 (271517ZAPR24) Notable: This GA state trooper ran out of patience and took matters into his own hands.

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This GA state trooper ran out of patience and took matters into his own hands.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:21 p.m. No.155437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785707 (271518ZAPR24) Notable: King Charles far sicker…bladder cancer?

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King Charles far sicker…bladder cancer?


several foreign outlets are reporting on the severity of King Charles health concerns (Greek and Swedish specifically). Page Six also went as far to say “it’s not good”.


British journalist to NYT hinted bladder cancer.

He also hasn’t been seen out for the 3 weeks since Easter.


Kate and the kids gonna show for the funeral or coronation?

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:21 p.m. No.155438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785717 (271521ZAPR24) Notable: California legislators nearly unanimously voted to limit “influential” anonymous online free speech by requiring social media companies to “seek to verify” personal information

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By Kenneth Schrupp | The Center Square

Published: April 26, 2024 11:08pm

The Center Square) - California legislators nearly unanimously voted to limit “influential” anonymous online free speech by requiring social media companies to “seek to verify” personal information — including government-issued identification — for “influential” accounts.

While supporters say users need help distinguishing between good and bad information, opposition warned the bill, without defining “seek to verify,” threatens anonymous online speech.

With the bill applying to companies with at least one million annual California users, it would affect major social media companies worldwide.

Under SB 1228, by State Sen. Steve Padilla, D-Chula Vista, social media companies would be required to “seek to verify” the personal information of “influential” users, including seeking government-issued identification from “highly influential users.” Influential users who do not comply would have a “notation” on their content for two seconds showing the user is unverified showing the rest of a post, after which the notation would still be visible.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:22 p.m. No.155439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785726 (271524ZAPR24) Notable: The House of Representatives Israel aid bill is under scrutiny for including more than $9 billion in humanitarian assistance

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By Madeleine Hubbard

Published: April 26, 2024 11:08pm

The House of Representatives Israel aid bill is under scrutiny for including more than $9 billion in humanitarian assistance, which is significantly more than the annual gross domestic product of the Gaza Strip, as critics say the U.S. is essentially funding Hamas through the bill.

The Israel bill, which passed in a 366-58 vote Saturday, allocates $26.4 billion in aid to the region, including more than $9.1 billion marked as "Migration and Refugee Assistance" and "International Disaster Assistance," to address the humanitarian needs that arose in the Gaza Strip following the Oct. 7, 2023, attack on Israel.

The aid is more than four times the amount of the annual GDP in the Gaza Strip, which was about $2 billion last year, according to the United Nations. However, the damage done to the infrastructure in Gaza since Oct. 7 is about $18.5 billion, according to a joint World Bank and the United Nations report earlier this month.

While the Israel funding bill calls for the Secretary of State to establish oversight measures to ensure that the aid is not diverted by Hamas, a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist group, the fact that Hamas is the elected government of the Gaza Strip poses a significant challenge to oversight.

"Biden and this administration knows that almost all of it is stolen by Hamas," Zionist Organization of America President Morton Klein told Just the News about funding given to Gaza.

"We are funding Hamas. Do you realize the nightmare of this? We are funding Hamas with this 9 billion. What is wrong with this administration?" Klein also said. Even some Palestinian activists have voiced similar concerns.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:23 p.m. No.155440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785733 (271527ZAPR24) Notable: Deputy DA in Los Angeles has filed a claim alleging that Gascón retaliated against him

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A Deputy District Attorney in Los Angeles County DA George Gascón's office has filed a claim alleging that Gascón retaliated against him after he objected to Gascón dropping criminal charges against the CEO of a China-linked election software company for political reasons. In his claim, DDA Eric Neff states that criminal charges against Konnech CEO Eugene Yu were illegally dropped once Gascón realized that the prosecution could help Donald Trump politically and that it would validate the election security concerns of many on the right. Neff's claim contains disturbing new information about the investigation and its findings that show the charges never should have been dropped.

As RedState readers likely recall, Yu was arrested on October 4, 2022, and Gascón himself held a press conference to gleefully announce Yu's arrest "in connection with the theft of personal data of Los Angeles County election workers." The Complaint alleged that Konnech illegally stored the personal identifying information of LA County poll workers on servers in China and used contractors in China on the project.

Although Konnech's software doesn't have anything to do with tabulating votes, the arrest made waves because it validated the election security concerns of many on the right, as opposed to vociferous claims by Democrats that the United States' computer-based election infrastructure is totally and unquestionably secure.

As we reported at the time, Gascón's office quietly dismissed all charges against Yu on November 10, 2022, claiming there was "potential bias" in the investigation and insinuating that the lead prosecutor, Deputy DA Eric Neff, was an election denier who ignored normal protocols in his investigation. A week later Gascón placed Neff on administrative leave; anonymous sources within Gascón's office leaked that confidential personnel information to the LA Times and said the suspension was due to "his role in the questionable prosecution of a Michigan software executive that may have been sparked by conspiracy theorists who deny the validity of the 2020 presidential election."

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:23 p.m. No.155441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785737 (271528ZAPR24) Notable: Another African state considers closing French military base

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27 Apr, 2024 10:40

Another African state considers closing French military base – media

The proposal in Gabon will be discussed at an ongoing national dialogue forum on Saturday


A Gabonese political commission has called for the closure of the French military base in the Central African nation and the review of defense agreements with Paris, Radio France Internationale (RFI) reported on Friday.


According to the outlet, the proposal was presented in a report at an ongoing national dialogue in the capital, Libreville, which wasconvened by the Gabonese military government with the goal of returning the country to civilian rule.


The resolution will reportedly be adopted on Saturday during the plenary session of participants of the Inclusive National Dialogue (DNI), which was launched on April 2 and is expected to conclude on Tuesday.


France has about 400 soldiers stationed at its base, located north of Libreville, who are tasked with training Gabonese troops. In September, Paris temporarily suspended military cooperation with the country in response to a coup that deposed longtime president Ali Bongo. However, just over a week after halting operations, the French Armed Forces Ministry announced that it was “slowly” resuming them.


French Armed Forces Minister Sebastien Lecornu justified the move, claiming that the political situation in Libreville was incomparable to that of Niger, whereParis has repeatedly declared that it will not cooperatewith what it considers an“illegitimate” military government.(France was paying the leaders and Presidents huge sums of money to keep France in their countries. It was about getting their natural resources, not protecting them.)


Gabon’s call for an end to France’s military operations is the latest in a series of similar moves by other former French colonies in recent years. Military leaders inBurkina Faso, Mali, and Nigerhave all severed defense ties with Paris for allegedly failing to combat jihadist insurgents in the Sahel region in a decade-long counterterrorism mission.


Gabonese military ruler General Brice Oligui Nguema, who led the August coup to prevent Bongo from serving a third term after 14 years in power, stated last month that he will respect DNI decisions. He has promised to hand back power in August 2025.


At the month-long national dialogue, which was reportedly attended by thousands of people, including opposition parties and religious leaders, the subcommittee on political institutionsproposed that the mineral-rich African nation adopt a new constitution.


“They wanted a constitution that was rigid and therefore difficult to revise. The Gabonese people wanted the executive, particularly the President of the Republic, to have more time to carry out its various economic and social programs,” RFI cited the chairman of the committee, Telesphore Ondo, as saying.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:24 p.m. No.155442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785756 (271533ZAPR24) Notable: "Silver Spoons" actor Ricky Schroder talking about the world's Great Awakening. God bless him!

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"Silver Spoons" actor Ricky Schroder talking about the world's Great Awakening. God bless him! MAGA.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:24 p.m. No.155443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785776 (271538ZAPR24) Notable: Musk doubts White House Ukraine claims

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27 Apr, 2024 10:22

Musk doubts White House Ukraine claims

It’s not clear what a victory over Russia is supposed to look like, the entrepreneur has claimed


Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has challenged the administration of US President Joe Biden to define what “victory” would look like in the Ukraine conflict, after a seniorWhite House official claimed that Kiev can defeat Russia.


National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan backed Ukraine’s capabilities on MSNBC on Friday, as he hailed Biden’s drawdown of an additional $1 billion worth of weapons for Kiev’s war effort against Moscow.


A delay in arms supplies caused by partisan clashes in the US Congress has put Ukrainian forces into a “hole” from which they are yet to dig themselves out, Sullivan said. He claimed, however, that Kiev’s “strategic position is strong” and that US officials “believe ultimately Ukraine can win this war.” (Such a fucking lie for the braindead lefties)


“Ukraine has the will to win this war, and we have the will to support them in that effort,”Sullivan vowed.


Reacting in a post on X (formerly Twitter), Musk asked: “What does victory look like?”


The billionaire has long been skeptical about the Biden administration’s Ukraine strategy, including its declared willingness to let Kiev dictate the goals of the conflict and the ways of achieving them.


Ukrainian President VladimirZelensky has insisted that a “just peace”requires nothing short of full control of all the territory claimed by Kiev.


The Ukrainian demands, as outlined in the so-called ‘Zelensky formula’, also include war reparations, tribunals for senior Russian officials, and long-term international support of Ukraine’s security and reconstruction. Switzerland is set to host a summit in mid-June, where Kiev and its Western backers will try to convince neutral nations to sign up for the Ukrainian plan.


Moscow, which has not been invited to the event, has rejected the Ukrainian formula as being detached from reality. It perceives the hostilities as a Washington-driven proxy war against Russia,in which Ukrainians serve as ‘cannon fodder’. This week, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu estimatedUkrainian military casualties as approaching 500,000in the conflict.


Explaining their opposition to continued arms supplies to Ukraine, US Republican lawmakers have cited the lack of a clear game plan by Zelensky and Biden. Instead, they argue that the funds would be better spent on America’s own needs, particularly the security of the southern US border.


(Sullivan is an incompetent spokes person, and mastered propaganda under HRC, so he’s not good at convincing anyone to buy that BS)

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:25 p.m. No.155444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785802 (271545ZAPR24) Notable: Strange 'Ring' of Water in Michigan Seen From Space

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Strange 'Ring' of Water in Michigan Seen From Space

Apr 26, 2024 at 1:04 PM EDT


Satellite imagery picked up a strange ring of warm water identified in southern Lake Michigan on Thursday afternoon.

The phenomenon attracted the attention of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who shared thermal imagery of the ring on social media and then studied the warm water, revealing the cause in a blog on its website.


"A curious ring of warm water was revealed in southern Lake Michigan Thursday afternoon via #NOAA20 VIIRS derived Lake Surface Temperatures. Can you guess what caused it?" NOAA's Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison posted on X, formerly Twitter, on Friday morning.

The image shows warmer water along the coastlines, where water temperature is around 50 degrees. The lake gets progressively cooler closer to its center, nearing 40 degrees, but suddenly, a strange ring of warm water appears away from the shore that measured around 50 degrees.


Newsweek reached out to the CIMSS by online contact form for comment.

Clear skies on Thursday permitted the CIMSS researchers to evaluate lake surface temperatures at the five Great Lakes, which revealed a ring of warm water in southern Lake Michigan.

"Relatively cool waters persist in eastern Lake Erie, Lake Superior is uniformly cold (37 to 38oF), and a curious warm ring has developed over southern Lake Michigan, 10oF warmer at its center than the surrounding lake waters!" the blog said.


At times, warm water patches can be observed because of solar radiation reflection, but that wasn't the case for this occurrence.

"In this case you don't see glint in the True Color, and the I04 imagery doesn't show spectacular warmth," the blog said. "The GOES-16 Land Surface Temperature does show a warm eddy moving westward across the Lake however, at fairly high speed! That earns this post the, "What the heck is this?" tag!"


Eventually, researchers revealed that the phenomenon has occurred in Lake Michigan before.

"Such isolated warm water features are associated with areas of very light winds—usually beneath the center of high pressure at the surface—that allowed the water surface to warm more rapidly," the blog said.

Winds were identified as the source for the ring of warm water.

Some social media users had responded to the post with their own theories—which ranged from the presence of cicadas or a large school of fish swimming through the area to jokes that the Loch Ness Monster was residing in Lake Michigan.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:25 p.m. No.155445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5447 >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785825 (271552ZAPR24) Notable: Julian Assange’s mission was to change the world - but at what cost?

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Julian Assange’s mission was to change the world - but at what cost?


Lauren Said-Moorhouse Claudia Rebaza


Analysis by Lauren Said-Moorhouse and Claudia Rebaza, CNN


9 minute read


Published 1:01 AM EDT,Sat April 27, 2024







Julian Assange started his WikiLeaks whistleblowing website on a quest for “radical transparency and truth,” a mission that turned an already polarizing personality into a notorious character and earned him crusaders and critics in equal measure.


The long-running battle for his extradition to the United States continued this month, with US lawyers providing the UK High Court with a series of assurances around the 52-year-old WikiLeaks founder’s First Amendment rights and that he would not receive the death penalty if he were handed over. Those are set to be reviewed at a fresh hearing on May 20.

(repost from the other bread >>>/qresearch/20785747)

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:26 p.m. No.155446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785835 (271554ZAPR24) Notable: Former New York Giants lineman Korey Cunningham found dead

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Former New York Giants lineman Korey Cunningham was found dead inside his New Jersey home on Thursday.


Cunningham was only 28 years old.


ESPN reported that Clifton, New Jersey, police had to force their way inside Cunninghome’s home on Thursday after a family member was concerned about Cunningham’s well-being.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:26 p.m. No.155447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785838 (271554ZAPR24) Notable: Irish Nobel Peace Prize winner calls on Joe Biden to release Julian Assange in letter handed to U.S. Consulate

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Irish Nobel Peace Prize winner calls on Joe Biden to release Julian Assange in letter handed to U.S. Consulate


By Paul Ainsworth


Belfast,April 27(RHC)– Nobel Peace laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire has urged U.S. President Joe Biden to release Julian Assange from custody as the WikiLeaks founder faces being extradited to America.


Mrs Maguire, who co-founded the Peace People movement, wrote a letter to Mr Biden that was delivered to the US Consulate in Belfast by fellow Peace People member and activist Ann Patterson.


The appeal to the president was written as Mr Assange continues to fight against extradition to the US from the UK to stand trial on criminal charges relating to the leaking of military records.


The leaks on the Afghanistan and Iraq wars were published unredacted on the Wikileaks website, and Mr Assange has denied the charges against him, claiming he was acting as a journalist.


The 52-year-old Australian national was last month granted permission by the High Court in London to appeal the extradition.


Mrs Maguire’s appeal to Mr Biden comes as the president said this month he was considering a request by the Australian government to drop the charges against Mr Assange.


The Belfast peace activist nominated Mr Assange for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2021, alongside American whistleblowers Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden.


Q1628JA in the news a lot lately (out of nowhere).==on the clock today


(repost from other non-labeled bread >>>/qresearch/20785793)

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:27 p.m. No.155448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5452 >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785853 (271557ZAPR24) Notable: BODYCAM of TRIGGERED New Yorker. He keys Trump supporter's car in Florida and then this happened

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Video of man who keyed the car of a Trump Supporter.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:27 p.m. No.155449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5451 >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785870 (271602ZAPR24) Notable: Hillary Clinton’s New Musical Made Me Want To Gouge My Eyes Out

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Suffragette? More Like Suffering And Regret. Hillary Clinton’s New Musical Made Me Want To Gouge My Eyes Out. ==1/2

Gage KlipperApril 26, 2024 6:29 PM ET

Last night, I went behind enemy lines, travelling deep into the heart of New York City’s Theater District. I skirted through junkies, bums and gaggles of blue-haired feminists — all for you, dear reader, so I could share with you the highs and,well… really just the lows, of Hillary Clinton’s new Broadway sensation, “Suffs.” Through song and dance, the show tells the story of the real life suffragettes who fought the dastardly patriarchy and won the right to vote in America. But aftersitting through the in-“Suff”-erable two-and-a-half hour run time, all I can say is: it’s time to repeal the 19th Amendment.


Now, Hillary herself had very little to do with the show. They gave her a producer credit, slapped her name on promos and she showed up for some pictures — and that’s about it, it seems. Yether signature mix of arrogance and resentment shined throughin nearly every scene.


The charade started before I even entered the theater. As I waited in line to go through New York City’s ritual bag-check, a team of peppy middle-aged women buzzed around drumming up support for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Feminists have failed to push this dystopian nightmare through for the last hundred years, but apparently these ladies thought Joe Biden was just the man for the job. One asked me, “Are you going to get wild tonight?” I’m still not quite sure what she meant, but honestly, I’d rather not find out.


Entering the theater, I saw young, single women converge into small groups before heading to their seats — hugging, smiling, giggling and clearly lying when they said, “Oh my God! I missed you! It’s so great to see you!”The few other men there with me had the dejected stares of old dogs that had grown accustomed to regular beatings.


I took my seat and flipped through the playbill waiting for the show to start. A full-page Hermès ad invited the audience to an “Hermazing” (get it?) exhibit at the brand’s uptown flagship store. But scanning the crowd around me, all I could think was, “We’re gonna need a bigger scarf.”


The lights dimmed, and the show began.


The opening scene shows suffrage leader Carrie Chapman Catt pleading with Congress to Let Mother Vote! “Hello gentlemen,” she says to the audience, bristling with sardonic verve; it prompts the first of many exaggerated outbursts of laughter from the crowd. Her number makes some perfectly reasonable appeals — we raised you, trust our judgment, we’ll consider our vote as a family — and youstart to think, “Hey, this isn’t so crazy.” But then the trailblazing radicals — the true heroes of the story — come along to tear her down.


This band of young upstarts comes together to plan a March on Washington at the express disapproval of Catt. Catt sees the strategic benefits of gradual reform; the youngsters want change, and they want it now.


They’re all shoved into modern feminine archetypes, so characteristic of lazy writing. We have the feminist icon Alice Paul as the lead, the quirky over-achiever. There’s the fat goody two-shoes who won’t even say a dirty word, the love-struck nerd a la 2008 Taylor Swift, the sassy foreigner and, of course, the hot slutty one. Catt hangs around as the cautious, motherly figure. Then there’s Ida B. Wells and Co. who come backevery other scene to lecture all these white ladies on how racist they are.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:28 p.m. No.155450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785883 (271604ZAPR24) Notable: Nicaragua signs up to China’s ILRS moon program

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Nicaragua signs up to China’s ILRS moon program

April 25, 2024


Central American state Nicaragua has joined the ILRS moon base program as China continues its push to attract partners for the project.

The China National Space Administration (CNSA) also reached agreements April 24 with the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization, headquartered in Beijing, and the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences. The agreements were reported by Chinese state media.

The parties will engage in various aspects such as engineering implementation, operation, and application of the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS). Details of how ILRS members will engage in the project are likely to be determined with the formal establishment of a coordinating organization.


The backdrop for the development was the first “China-Latin America and Caribbean Countries Space Cooperation Forum,” in Wuhan, Hubei province. Wuhan is also hosting a China Space Conference, April 24-26, as part of the country’s national space day event.

APSCO, an intergovernmental organization with members including agencies from Bangladesh, China, Iran, Mongolia, Pakistan, Peru, Thailand and Turkey, is understood to have previously committed to joining the ILRS.

The China-led ILRS envisions constructing a permanent lunar base in the 2030s, with precursor missions in the 2020s. These include Chang’e-7 around 2026 and the later Chang’e-8 in-situ resource utilization technology test mission. Both multi-spacecraft missions will target the lunar south pole.


Nicaragua becomes the 10th country to join the ILRS. Nicaragua’s space-related activities are limited, due to its economic and technological constraints. It does however utilize space technologies and data, engages in regional and other space activities and fora, and is a signatory to the Outer Space Treaty.

China and Russia formally announced the joint ILRS project in St. Petersburg, Russia, in June 2021. Venezuela, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, South Africa and Egypt signed up during 2023. Thailand signed up early this month. China has also attracted a number of organizations, universities and companies to join ILRS.

The trend of countries signing to the ILRS up reflects a wider Chinese diplomatic focus on the Global South. Subnational partners could also provide a route to wider influence and cooperation. The University of Sharjah of the UAE is a member, while the UAE itself is an Artemis signatory and involved in the Gateway.


New south pole mission partners

CNSA also announced new participants in the Chang’e-7 mission to the lunar south pole set for 2026. There will be at least five international payloads from countries and international agencies. These are Egypt, Bahrain, Italy, Russia, Thailand, and the International Lunar Observatory Association (ILOA).

Russia will contribute a lunar dust and electric field detector developed by the Russian Academy of Space Sciences. Italy’s involvement will be a passive laser retro-reflector, also aboard the lander. A similar instrument will be on the Chang’e-6 mission due to launch May 3.


ILOA, already part of the ILRS, recently had a demonstration astronomical payload aboard Intuitive Machines’ Nova-C lander which landed on the moon in February. That landing mission backed by NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program. ILOA will similarly have a telescope on the Chang’e-7 lander.

A hyperspectral imager is being jointly developed by the Egyptian Space Agency and the Bahrain National Space Science. A space weather global monitoring will be developed by National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT). Both will be aboard the Chang’e-7 orbiter.

Chang’e-7 will feature an orbiter, a lander, a rover, support from Queqiao-2, and a mini-flying probe. The mission will target Shackleton crater near the lunar south pole.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:28 p.m. No.155451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785887 (271605ZAPR24) Notable: Hillary Clinton’s New Musical Made Me Want To Gouge My Eyes Out

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The show is a never-ending march of radicalism: protests turn to civil disobedience, hunger strikes, arrests and strange, cultish fire-dances. But still the power struggle remains, as these three factions haggle, scheme and back stab each over the course of a decade.President Woodrow Wilson (who later gets burned in effigy) makes an appearance, mainly as a foil, the out-of-touch chauvinist pig the audience loves to hate. Even once the Suffs finally stop fighting long enough to vanquish their common foe and pass the 19th Amendment, the cycle begins all over again. An epilogue shows a young black girl in bell bottoms lecturing an aged Paul on her insufficient radicalism. Who’s the “old fogie” now, bitch?


It’s all to say this progression to new frontiers of radicalism— this ceaseless march through the institutions —is a good thing, particularly for women. Every punchline is filled with quirky self-deprecation, poking fun at the absurdity of just how oppressed women really are. It’s meant to make you think they’re all a bunch of happy warriors. “Marriage is a legal death sentence for women” quips the nerd to her suitor, as the audience laughs at his overdue realization. But thispseudo-humor is not enough to conceal the seething, debilitating resentment just below the surface— and it’s hard to see how any of this has made life better for women.


There’s a lot of talk about incels these days, involuntarily celibate men seething with rage at women. But “Suffs”showcases the femcelswho are responsible for making womanhood an ideological trap, breeding misery for generations of women — the far bigger problem in society today.


For awoman today, conforming to any traditional aspect of femininity is enough to brand you a traitor to your gender. Instead, you have to sing songs about being a “Great American Bitch,” transgressing every taboo for its own sake, making yourself not just unappealing to men but unlikable as a person. You have to wax poetic about the trade-offs between starting a family and furthering the movement, but you’re supposed to “Show Them Who You Are” by choosing the latter.And the movement always comes first, even if it kills you, as the Suffs demonstrate in a hilariously melodramatic hunger strike scene filled with angels and interpretive dance.And finally, after all of this, you’re supposed to turn around and blame men, societyand every woman who hasn’t “done enough” for your own unhappiness.


A bit of reality slips through when Paul sings her solo, asking, “Is it worth it?” But apparently she decides yes, and dies alone, childless, getting upbraided by a teenager.And this is who we’re supposed to idolize?I felt the urge to call CPS on the parents behind me who brought two pre-teens to be inspired.


Yet the audience was all for it, brainwashed into the idea that this gospel was their only path to fulfillment — althoughfew, just like the characters they cheered, looked like truly happy people. For me, the best part was when the token wheelchair girl did a really gnarly wheelie. But for everyone else, they were delighted only when a woman landed a sick burn on the patriarchy. They cheered when the ensemble cast broke the fourth wall and declared it was finally time to pass the ERA; they whooped when someone finally dropped that single, edgy F-bomb; I even saw some tears.This was their Super Bowl. Itching that fiery burn of resentment was all that brought them glee.


I’m no radical, but I’ve seen enough. This crowd needs help. It’s for their own good.They’re just too hysterical.They need a calm, steady, masculine hand to set them straight. It’s time to repeal that darned 19th Amendment. Wilson was right, women and politics just don’t mix!


(Witchcraft is destroying women and society)

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:29 p.m. No.155452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785891 (271606ZAPR24) Notable: BODYCAM of TRIGGERED New Yorker. He keys Trump supporter's car in Florida and then this happened

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At the 1:10 mark of this video, the man who KEYED the LIME GREEN truck said he went to the store to buy KEY LIME pie… Coincidence?




>Video of man who keyed the car of a Trump Supporter.



Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:29 p.m. No.155453   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785902 (271608ZAPR24) Notable: Trudeau Regime To Give Over $100 Million to Pro-Pedophilia Movement

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Trudeau Regime To Give Over $100 Million to Pro-Pedophilia Movement

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

April 26, 2024 Sean Adl-Tabatabai

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:30 p.m. No.155454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785905 (271608ZAPR24) Notable: 100 protesters detained as Northeastern Police break up Israel-Hamas war protest

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" 100 protesters detained as Northeastern Police break up Israel-Hamas war protest "


"Boston Mayor Michelle Wu says she directed police response at Emerson College encampment "


reposted from last bread and from abandoned bread.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:30 p.m. No.155455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785927 (271612ZAPR24) Notable: Union Manager Details Why Members Are ‘Fed Up’ With Biden Policies

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Union Manager Details Why Members Are ‘Fed Up’ With Biden Policies, Says Trump Has Chance

Hailey GomezApril 26, 2024

Steamfitters Local 638 Manager Bobby Bartels detailed Friday on Fox News why New York labor members are “fed up” with President Joe Biden’s policies, stating he believes former President Donald Trump has a chance in the state.


Bartels appeared on “The Ingraham Angle” to discuss Trump’s visit with the labor unionThursday morning. Fox host Laura Ingraham questioned Bartels on the union’s “change” as opposed to their traditional support of Democrats, pointing out the group had thrown their backing behind Biden during the 2020 election.


“Yes, my members are basically fed up with the illegal immigration, the crime, the outrageous prices of food and gas- oil, electric. It’s hurting everybody.When we get into a union we’re basically all Democrats. The Democrats are just pushing us away. We are a patriotic union, we have three congressional medal of honor winners in our union, we have many military veterans, we have people whose families are [in the] police and fire department.And they are tired of it. We are being treated as second-class citizens,” Bartels stated.


Ingraham pressed Bartels on the recent GDP numbers that were released regarding inflation as Biden officials claimed that things “are going to calm down,” to which Bartels said they needed to rethink their stance as many union members are “concerned.”


“Part of what I also think is happening is that outsourcing of jobs is now speeding up in the United States under Biden’s policies. We’re seeing a bigger trade deficit for the United States which means more stuff is coming then going out. That obviously hits your union workers across the country,” Ingraham pointed out.


“Not only the union workers, Laura, it hits everybody in this country. Everyone is feeling the pain. It is not getting better. Our tax dollars are going to illegal immigration. Feeding them, housing them, clothing them, God knows what else. We cannot sustain what is going on. This country cannot sustain it,” Bartels stated.


Bartels later revealed that the union, according to a recent poll of his, appears to be throwing a majority of their support behind Trump, leading him to believe that the former president has a chance within the state.


“I discovered — now, I have 9000 members. We’ve only got a fraction of that that have reported back on my pole. But as of right now, it is 3-1 in favor of Trump against Biden. Trump is leading 3-1 in our poll,” Bartels stated.


“Do you think he [Trump] has a fighting chance in New York given what has happened?” Ingraham asked.


“I believe he does. My union members have been calling me since 7:30 this morning, thanking me.I have been getting phone calls for my sister locals, from business managers around the country – from other locals, electricians, plumbers. I’m getting calls from retired members of other union localsthat are glad that we are at least taking a stand and we are standing for what the members want,” Bartels stated.


Within recent polling, Trump has dominated Biden on top issues for voters, as many have sided with the former president’s handling of both inflation and the cost of living. A CNBC poll of 1,000 registered voters found that 52% of voters stated Trump would handle inflation and the cost of living better, with only 30% siding with Biden.


(The Great American Awakening)

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:31 p.m. No.155456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785983 (271634ZAPR24) Notable: Space Force opens bidding for classified communications satellites

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Space Force opens bidding for classified communications satellites

April 26, 2024


The U.S. Space Force is kicking off a major procurement of next-generation communications satellites critical to the nation’s nuclear command, control and communications network.

This estimated $8 billion procurement, known as Evolved Strategic Satcom (ESS), will supplement and eventually replace the existing Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) satellite constellation. The new system will provide critical jam-resistant communication channels for the National Command Authorities and deployed forces worldwide, even in the North Polar region – a capability lacking in the current system.


The Space Systems Command on April 5 issued a pre-solicitation alerting that a final request for proposals will soon be released for the ESS satellites. The ground systems and user terminals are being acquired under separate procurements.

The Space Force is aiming to start production in 2025 and field a new constellation by 2030. The ESS constellation would have at least four interconnected satellites in geosynchronous and highly elliptical orbits.


Boeing-Northrop face off

Boeing and Northrop Grumman are the top contenders for this contract as both companies have been developing prototypes for ESS since 2020 under government contracts. But the Space Systems Command said the production phase will be an open competition, a fair game for any qualified competitor.


Northrop Grumman said the company “successfully completed a capstone technology demonstration in December” for its ESS prototype. “Northrop Grumman is in the final stages of incorporating lessons learned from the rapid prototype into our ESS production proposal, which we will deliver this year,” a spokesperson said April 25 in a statement.

Boeing also has been working on an ESS prototype using satellite bus and payload technologies developed for other military and commercial programs. A Boeing spokesperson said the company also completed a capstone demonstration in December.


The chosen contractor will receive a cost-plus, or cost-reimbursement contract. This approach, as opposed to a fixed-price contract, acknowledges design uncertainties remain in the program and commits the government to pay contractors for permitted expenses plus an agreed profit margin.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:31 p.m. No.155457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785986 (271634ZAPR24) Notable: Nearly Half Of Those Arrested At UT-Austin Pro-Palestinian Protest Had No Links To School

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Nearly Half Of Those Arrested At UT-Austin Pro-Palestinian Protest Had No Links To School


4:40 AM · Apr 27, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:32 p.m. No.155458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785993 (271639ZAPR24) Notable: Associated Press (AP) admitted Friday that this week’s indictment of 18 Arizona Republicans is “part of a campaign” to “deter” GOP From Questioning Elections

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Associated Press Admits New Indictments

Are ‘Campaign’ To ‘Deter’ GOP

From Questioning Elections


Epoch Times, by Brianna Lyman


Posted By: earlybird, 4/27/2024 11:40:02 AM


The Associated Press (AP) admitted Friday that this week’s indictment of 18 Arizona Republicans is “part of a campaign” to “deter” Republicans from raising challenges and concerns about the integrity of the 2024 election. Democratic Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes indicted 18 individuals, 11 of whom she claims acted illegally when they convened as alternate electors to certify the Arizona election in favor of Donald Trump while challenges to the tight election’s initial results were ongoing. Under the headline “Charges against Trump’s 2020 ‘fake electors’ are expected to deter a repeat this year,” AP’s Nicholas Riccardi wrote the indictment of 18 people “could help shape the landscape of challenges

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:32 p.m. No.155459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786061 (271702ZAPR24) Notable: Michael E. Mann spoke at the EcoHeath Alliance: Green Planet One Health Benefit 2024

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The Teams Are Set For World War III




I’ve seen some crazy things over the last few years but this is off-the-charts insane.


Last week, Michael E. Mann spoke at the EcoHeath Alliance: Green Planet One Health Benefit 2024. Just to recap who each of these players are:


Michael E. Mann is the creator of the “hockey stick graph” that has driven the global warming debate for the last 25 years.


EcoHealth Alliance is the CIA cutout led by Peter Daszak that launders money from the NIH to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to create gain-of-function viruses (including SARS-CoV-2 which killed over 7 million people).


“One Health” is the pretext the World Health Organization (WHO) is using to drive the Pandemic Treaty that will vastly expand the powers of the WHO and create economic incentives for every nation on earth to develop new gain-of-function viruses.


So a leader in the global warming movement spoke at an event to raise money for the organization that just murdered 7 million people and the campaign that intends to launch new pandemics in perpetuity to enrich the biowarfare industrial complex.


And then just for good measure, Peter Hotez reposted all of this information on Twitter, I imagine in solidarity with all of the exciting genociding going on.


Mann’s appearance at this event is emblematic of a disturbing shift that has been years in the making. Serious and thoughtful people in the environmental movement tried to address industrial and military pollution for decades. Now their cause has been co-opted by Big Tech and other corporate actors with malevolent intentions — and the rest of the environmental movement has gone along with this, apparently without objection. So we are witnessing a convergence between the global warming movement, the biowarfare industrial complex, and the WHO pandemic treaty grifters.


I wish it wasn’t true but here we are.


Before I go any further I need to make one thing clear: the notion that pandemics are driven by global warming is complete and total bullsh*t. The evidence is overwhelming that pandemics are created by the biowarfare industrial complex including the 13,000 psychopaths who work at over 400 US bioweapons labs (as described in great detail in The Wuhan Cover-Up).


Unfortunately “global warming” has become a cover for the proliferation of the biowarfare industrial economy.


Mann’s appearance at an event to raise money for people who are clearly guilty of genocide (and planning more carnage) made me realize that this really is World War III. They are straight-up telling us who they are and what they intend to do.


The different sides in this war are not nation-states.



Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:33 p.m. No.155460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786066 (271703ZAPR24) Notable: JUDICIAL CORRUPTION WITH NO OVERSIGHT ON STEROIDS

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Once the book money is accepted that Justice becomes an obligated Deep State asset.


Only three months into Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s first Supreme Court time period, she introduced a e book deal negotiated by the identical powerhouse lawyer who represented the Obamas and James Patterson.


The deal was value about $3 million, in keeping with individuals acquainted with the settlement, and made Justice Jackson the newest Supreme Court justice to parlay her fame into an enormous e book contract.


Justice Neil M. Gorsuch had made $650,000 for a e book of essays and private reflections on the function of judges, whereas Justice Amy Coney Barrett obtained a $2 million advance for her forthcoming e book about conserving private emotions out of judicial rulings. Those newer justices joined two of their extra senior colleagues, Justices Clarence Thomas and Sonia Sotomayor, in securing funds that eclipse their authorities salaries.


In latest months stories by ProPublica, The New York Times and others have highlighted a scarcity of transparency on the Supreme Court, in addition to the absence of a binding ethics code for the justices. The stories have centered on Justice Thomas’s travels and relationships with rich benefactors, along with a luxury fishing trip by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. with a Republican megadonor and the lucrative legal recruiting work of the spouse of Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.


As of 2018, theCORRUPTEDSupreme Court had overruled more than 300 of its own cases.


This is a list of decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States that have been explicitly overruled, in part or in whole, by a subsequent decision of the Court. It does not include decisions that have been abrogatedby subsequent constitutional amendment or by subsequent amending statutes.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:33 p.m. No.155461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786067 (271703ZAPR24) Notable: Assange movie released yesterday, April 26, 2024

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Assange movie released yesterday, April 26, 2024

Join us for this powerful new Aussie film about the most famous political prisoner of our times.

Despite being detained, silenced and hidden from public view in maximum security Belmarsh Prison, multi-award-winning Australian journalist and publisher Julian Assange has become one of the loudest voices for free speech of our times. He has also risked everything to bring truth to light.

The disclosures of WikiLeaks and Assange from 2010 onwards ignited a firestorm of controversy and a relentless ongoing pursuit by the most powerful Empire on the planet.

‘THE TRUST FALL: JULIAN ASSANGE’ examines the meaning and significance of the insights that WikiLeaks shared with the world, the resulting behaviour of the governments involved, the extraordinary personal risk taken by Assange, and the wider fundamental issues around press freedom that affect all of us and our right to know.

Filmed over two years on three continents and in ten cities, the film features an array of luminaries including Daniel Ellsberg, John Pilger, Tariq Ali and Chris Hedges, with the insights of experts including Jennifer Robinson, Jill Stein, Stefania Maurizi and Nils Melzer, in addition to reflections of Assange’s family including Stella Assange, John Shipton and Gabriel Shipton.

Examining the motives of this peace activist and innovator, this astounding, shocking and inspiring film invites viewers to embark on a journey of understanding, where the circumstances are unprecedented, and the destination unexpected.

“If wars can be started by lies, peace can be started by truth”

  • Julian Assange

Director: Kym Staton

Producers: Kym Staton & Natalia Minana

Editors: Endre Kvia & Richard Frankl

Year: 2023

Film duration: 128 mins

Rating: M (Mature themes and coarse language)

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:34 p.m. No.155462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786070 (271703ZAPR24) Notable: A bill is pending in the Ohio legislature to help control illegal immigration

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Rasmussen Reports


A bill pending in the Ohio legislature to help control illegal immigration by requiring employers to use the E-Verify system has overwhelming support from the state’s voters.


More At Rasmussen Reports:


6:00 AM · Apr 27, 2024

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:35 p.m. No.155464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786077 (271705ZAPR24) Notable: Extraterrestrial Life In Universe? James Webb Telescope's Discovery Prompts Alien Investigation

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Extraterrestrial Life In Universe? James Webb Telescope's Discovery Prompts Alien Investigation

Updated: APRIL 28, 2024, 05:00 IST


The biggest telescope ever sent into space, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), was launched by NASA in 2021. Since then, we’ve seen a whole new perspective on stars, planets and galaxies deeper into the cosmos than humans had ever. But, there are much more pressing concerns that have plagued people for ages: Are we alone? Is life as we know it a cosmic accident, a one-time event on our distant planet? Is there an abundance of life and maybe even intellect and self-awareness in the universe? Now, science is in a position to answer them with a tremendous leap forward.


As per The Times report on April 26, the James Webb Space Telescope was all set to direct its gaze to a far-off planet in a different solar system in order to examine one of the most intriguing clues to extraterrestrial life that has ever been found. This follows the discovery of a planet by astronomers that was rich in gas that could “only be produced by life.”

Red dwarf star K2-18, which is roughly half the size of our sun, is located beneath the constellation Leo and is too dim to be seen with the naked eye. A planet known as K2-18b is thought to be an ocean-covered globe with a radius around 2.6 times that of Earth that is in orbit around it.


Scientists have detected clues of something hidden in the atmosphere that may eventually prove that life exists somewhere other than Earth. It is known as dimethyl sulphide (DMS), a gas. The gas has a single source on Earth. According to NASA, it is “only produced by life,” mostly by “phytoplankton in marine environments.”

The study’s lead astrophysicist from Cambridge, Dr Nikku Madhusudhan, told the British newspaper that while the researchers could say with more than 50% confidence that DMS was present based on preliminary data returned by the JWST last year, this is far from “conclusive evidence.”


He was to hold off until the telescope’s eight hours of scheduled observations on Friday when it was going to look especially for DMS. Before he can confidently announce that it has been located, he will next spend months going through the data, according to The Times.

Despite their best efforts, scientists have been unable to come up with a natural geological or chemical mechanism that may produce DMS in the absence of live beings.

K2-18b is located 124 light-years from Earth. By galactic standards, this makes it a quite close neighbour, however, it would take a probe 2.2 million years to reach there at the Voyager spacecraft’s speed of 38,000 mph. To put it simply, it would take around 2175.44 years in human years for a probe travelling at the speed of the Voyager spacecraft to get to the planet K2-18b, which is located 124 light years away.


Thus far, research has revealed that certain colours of starlight are absorbed by clouds’ molecules as they travel through a planet’s atmosphere on its way to Earth. They leave an imprint in the spectrum that the JWST can analyse to determine the chemical composition of the atmosphere.

Dr Madhusudhan told The Times that the results clearly showed methane, carbon dioxide and a lack of ammonia.

“It solved a more than decade-long mystery, literally called the ‘missing methane problem’.” Though “theoretical work” on whether the gas may have a non-living source is ongoing, conclusions won’t be known for four to six months.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:35 p.m. No.155465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786084 (271707ZAPR24) Notable: Mystery illness infecting dairy cattle in the Texas pan handle the past couple weeks

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"Im a farmer. I belong to many farming groups and one of them is a farmers milking under 250 head of cattle.


One of the main topics being discussed is a mystery illness that had been infecting dairy cattle in the Texas pan handle the past couple weeks. And its spreading. It started right after the fires.


Read about it here



Its the bird flu that is crossing over to cows from migratory birds coming back from their winter migration.


WHAT WE FARMERS KNOW IS THIS IS COMPLETE B/S and there's more to this disease than they're telling us.






ZOETIS Establishes Research Facility with Texas A&M University to Develop Vaccines for Transboundary and Emerging Diseases in Animals facility that isn't far from the Texas Pan handle.


It just opened in 2020




I know you guys are amazing sleuths and Im hoping you might point out where this research facility is?


We might have another lab leak here

McCullough Foundation



BREAKING - The current widespread H5N1 Bird Flu strain (clade that is infecting cattle belongs to the [b]same H5N1 clade ( that the @USDA has been performing serial passage (gain-of-function) experiments on since before the outbreak began[/b]. Urgent investigation is required to ensure that no laboratory leaks occurred"


McCullough Foundation



BREAKING - The current widespread H5N1 Bird Flu strain (clade that is infecting cattle belongs to the same H5N1 clade ( that the @USDA has been performing serial passage (gain-of-function) experiments on since before the outbreak began. Urgent investigation is required to ensure that no laboratory leaks occurred

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:36 p.m. No.155466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786104 (271712ZAPR24) Notable: Could Democrats find a back door to putting Obama on their presidential ticket?

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How do you sneak one in


Could Democrats find a back door to putting Obama on their presidential ticket?


Could Democrats find a back door to putting Obama on their presidential ticket?should Biden win and then resign or succumb to the 25th Amendment.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:36 p.m. No.155467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786107 (271712ZAPR24) Notable: "FCC reinstates Net Neutrality in the US to ensure a level playing field for all internet users"

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FCC reinstates Net Neutrality in the US to ensure a level playing field for all internet users


In a nutshell: The FCC has voted to reinstate net neutrality in the US seven years after being repealed under former FCC Chair Ajit Pai. The 3-2 vote on Thursday was along party lines, with the three Democratic commissioners, including Chair Jessica Rosenworcel, voting in favor of the bill.


The Obama-era rules classify broadband service providers in the US as common carriers under Title II of the Telecommunications Act, subjecting them to the same regulatory oversight as telephone networks and cable TV. According to the FCC, the open internet standard will "protect consumers, defend national security, and advance public safety."


Internet service providers (ISPs) were classified as common carriers in 2015 under the Obama administration's Open Internet Order, a move that aimed to bring them under regulatory oversight. The order also introduced a set of net neutrality rules, ensuring an open and equally accessible internet for all users. However, these rules were overturned a few years later, a decision criticized by net neutrality advocates nationwide.


Today we voted to restore Net Neutrality. This reestablishes a national open internet standard to protect consumers, defend national security, and advance public safety.


– The FCC (@FCC) April 25, 2024

The principle of net neutrality states that all internet traffic, irrespective of their source or destination, must be treated the same. As part of that principle, the rules bar the creation of "internet fast lanes" that could offer a massive advantage to corporate monoliths to the detriment of their competitors. Without net neutrality, behemoths like Google, Meta, and Microsoft could pay large sums of money to ISPs to get fast upstream connectivity to end users, while reducing the speeds of their smaller competitors to a crawl.


However, net neutrality aims to prevent such scenarios to ensure a level playing field for all internet users regardless of who they are. The rules also prevent anti-consumer behavior, like the so-called "zero-rating" schemes that involve ISPs arbitrarily exempting particular websites and services from data caps to boost their traffic artificially.


This week's vote to restore net neutrality has received widespread support from activists and former FCC commissioners, who believe that it will lay the bedrock for a consumer-friendly internet. However, it also has some notable dissenters, including Ajit Pai, who criticized the FCC's actions as a "complete waste of time" and blamed "a gaggle of Beltway partisans" for imposing an unwanted regulation on American citizens.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:37 p.m. No.155468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786115 (271713ZAPR24) Notable: Russia asks United Nations to consider sanctioning Israel

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Russia asks United Nations to consider sanctioning Israel

The Ramadan ceasefire in Gaza was not implemented, Moscow’s envoy to the UN has said


Russia’s permanent representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzia has called on the United Nations to consider imposing sanctions on Israel over its non-compliance with obligatory resolutions passed by the Security Council.


He noted that UNSC Resolution 2728 demanded a ceasefire in Gaza during Ramadan, and this had not been implemented by Israel.


“We remind you once again that non-compliance with mandatory Security Council resolutions must lead to sanctions against violators. We believe that the Council should consider this issue without delay,” Nebenzia said on Thursday during a UN Security Council meeting.


French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne also called for sanctions on Israel earlier this month. In February, Paris sanctioned 28 Israeli nationals, though the French government has not published their names.


The Hamas ceasefire resolution was adopted by the Security Council on March 25 in a vote of 14 in favor to none against, with the US abstaining. The document demanded a ceasefire in Gaza during Ramadan, the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, and for humanitarian access to Gaza to be ensured.


The delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza is nearly impossible at the moment, Nebenzia said, pointing to data from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, which demonstrates that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are currently blocking half of the humanitarian convoys heading to the region.


Earlier this month, Israel admitted that the IDF had mistakenly conducted a strike that the World Central Kitchen group said killed seven of the organization’s personnel – three British nationals, an Australian, a Palestinian, a Pole, and a US-Canadian.


Shortly after the US abstained on the UN Gaza ceasefire resolution, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled a planned visit to Washington by a high-level delegation in protest over the move. He accused the White House of “retreating” from what he said had been a “principled position” by allowing the vote to pass without attaching conditions providing for the release of hostages held by Hamas.


Hamas raided nearby Israeli military bases and villages on October 7, killing more than 1,100 Israelis and taking over 200 hostage. Israel responded by declaring war on the group and invading Gaza. The military operation has reduced much of the enclave to rubble, claiming the lives of more than 33,000 Palestinians over the past six months, according to local authorities.


A weeklong truce deal reached in late November saw 105 hostages freed in exchange for 240 Palestinian prisoners.


On Wednesday, Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani said negotiations stalled between Israel and Hamas to secure a truce in Gaza and a release of more hostages.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:37 p.m. No.155469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5470 >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786123 (271715ZAPR24) Notable: Area 51 has ultra-secure 'base within a base'says expert whose home was raided over website revealing 'truth' of Nevada UFO base

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Area 51 has ultra-secure 'base within a base' where dazzling secret aircraft are tested, says expert whose home was raided over website revealing 'truth' of Nevada UFO base


The owner of a website compiling information about Area 51 believes the military is testing new technology at a covert 'base within a base' in the Nevada desert.


Joerg Arnu has been running since the early days of the Internet. The site was launched in 1999, complete with a forum for equally enthusiastic fans to trade theories about happenings at the Air Force facility.


Some of those who post on the site are former Area 51 staffers - and Arnu's home was recently raided by the Feds, convincing him that at least one user had shared the truth about what happens there.


Area 51 has long been seen as a site where recovered alien technology is tested, with at least one former worker, Bob Lazar, saying they'd seen extraterrestrial aircraft on display.


Skeptics say those incredible claims provide a useful distraction from the very real but extremely-secretive military aircraft that are definitely developed and tested there.


Arnu, a self-branded 'Area 51 research veteran,' is one of roughly 50 people living in Rachel, Nevada, right on the outskirts of the military base.


And with 25 years of research under his belt, Arnu believes the real secrets are now being hidden in a new part of Area 51, which sits north of the existing runways and base buildings.


'They have years and years and decades of experience hiding things,' Arnu told 8 News Now.


Joerg Arnu, the owner of, believes the U.S. military is testing cutting-edge technology out in the Nevada desert

Joerg has been documenting the happenings around Area 51 since 1999 from his home in Rachel, located just on the outskirts of the base

The Air Force facility, located 120 miles outside Las Vegas, has been shrouded in a veil of mystery since its founding nearly seven decades ago

This bizarre-looking early stealth plane, named Tacit Blue, was developed in total secrecy in Area 51 in the early 1980s and only revealed in 1996, years after it had been decommissioned. It serves as a useful example of just how tightly Area 51 bosses keep their secrets to their chests

Copy link to paste in your message

This bizarre-looking early stealth plane, named Tacit Blue, was developed in total secrecy in Area 51 in the early 1980s and only revealed in 1996, years after it had been decommissioned. It serves as a useful example of just how tightly Area 51 bosses keep their secrets to their chests


The United States' new B-21 Stealth Raider was also likely developed at Area 51, and remained completely secret until its unveiling in 2021

'Look at some of the exotic planes, like the Tacit Blue that was developed in total secrecy, was flown in secrecy, then all of a sudden, they put it in a museum and said, "yeah, we had this for a while".'


Arnu was referring to a bizarre duck-bill shaped Northrup jet that was an early stealth prototype, first tested at Area 51 in 1982, decommissioned in 1985 and finally unveiled 11 years later, in 1996.


He said the fact that such a bizarre-looking plane could remain secret for so long gives a hint as to what else is kept far away from the public's eyes at Area 51's ultra-secret enclave.


Area 51, located 120 miles outside Las Vegas, has been shrouded in a veil of secrecy since its founding in 1955, when it was established as part of the Nevada Test and Training Range complex.


Reports of 'unidentified flying objects' soon began to crop up. Those appeared to stem from testing of the U-2 aircraft, which could fly up to 50,000 feet higher than normal airliners at the time.


Since then, Area 51 has continued to serve as the testing ground for other stealth aircrafts like the F-117A, A-12 and Tacit Blue. The military's stunning new B-21 Stealth Raider was also likely developed and tested at Area 51.


The military only acknowledged the base's existence in 2013, when a formerly classified document about the U-2 was obtained by the National Security Archive at George Washington University.



Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:37 p.m. No.155470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786125 (271716ZAPR24) Notable: Area 51 has ultra-secure 'base within a base'says expert whose home was raided over website revealing 'truth' of Nevada UFO base

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There were efforts to share more information about the facility before then. In the early 2000s, an Area 51 watchdog named Chuck Clark revealed that the military had placed sensors miles outside the base's boundaries, leading to a raid on his home.


And he wasn't the only one, as Arnu’s properties were swarmed by gun-toting counter-terrorism agents in November 2022.


He was in bed at his home in Rachel when around two dozen agents burst through the door, handcuffed him and led him outside for questioning.


But all the prying came at a price, as Arnu and his girlfriend, Linda Hellow, were targeted in an FBI raid in November 2022

According to a search warrant, Arnu was suspected to be in violation of Title 18 of the United States Code, accused of 'conspiracy' and 'photographing defense installations'

The webmaster believes cutting-edge military technology like drones and unmanned warplanes are being tested at Area 51

'The FBI wants to shut us down with unjustified raids and false accusations. Help us fight for our First Amendment Right!' reads a banner on the website

Over 100 miles away in Las Vegas, girlfriend Linda Hellow was similarly awoken by FBI agents who ordered her to come downstairs at gunpoint.


The agents seized four of Arnu’s computers, several hard drives, phones, cameras and a drone. They also swiped photos of his late parents and records containing personal information.


Arnu was handed a search warrant reviewed by, which starts on page 40. The document indicates that Arnu violated Title 18 of the United States Code, accusing him of 'conspiracy' and 'photographing defense installations'.


He later learned that the raid was carried out by a joint team from the FBI and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, a counter intelligence wing that investigates terrorist groups targeting the Air Force.


Nearly two years later, Arnu is unsure whether he will face jail time. However, the government's case against him - whatever it may be - hasn't stopped him from continuing his mission.


The webmaster said he suspects military technology like drones and unmanned warplanes are being tested at Area 51.


'They are flying drones, obviously,' Arnu said. 'The Russians and Chinese work on stuff to jam our drones, we work on stuff to jam their drones. The next step is how do we make drone communications more secure.'


However, the tests are being conducted under even greater secrecy, at a 'base within a base' that is only visible to those with their own satellite.


Arnu is unsure whether he will face jail time, but the raid did not deter him from continuing to dig into the mystery surrounding Area 51

The 'Area 51 research veteran' suspects drone-jamming technology is being tested out in the desert

He says the experiments are being conducted at a highly secure 'base within in a base' north of Groom Lake that is only visible to those with their own satellite

'They have a whole empty valley just north of Groom Lake, and they have the mountain range where they can pretty much play with anything they want,' Arnu explained.


All this information and more can be found at, which has been running ad-free since March 2019.


A flashy banner on the site encourages people to donate to a GoFundMe, reading, 'Freedom of Speech under attack: The FBI wants to shut us down with unjustified raids and false accusations. Help us fight for our First Amendment Right!'


Arnu doesn't intend to abandon his mission soon, and doesn't believe the shadowy agents testing military tech in the desert plan to stop either.


'It’s booming out there,' Arnu said. 'Area 51 is not going anywhere.'


Area 51 sits within a huge exclusion zone near Rachel. Sensors have been planted in the ground to warn security of any unauthorized visitors and anyone who crosses the perimeter - which sits many miles from the base itself - faces felony charges.


2 of 2

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:38 p.m. No.155471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5472 >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786129 (271716ZAPR24) Notable: $10,000,000,000 Bank Shut Down by US Regulators in First Bank Failure of 2024

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$10,000,000,000 Bank Shut Down by US Regulators in First Bank Failure of 2024


US regulators just announced the first bank failure of 2024.


The FDIC says it has stepped in to protect $6 billion in assets and $4 billion in customer deposits at Philadelphia-based Republic Bank.


The assets will be immediately handed over to Fulton Bank, a former rival that’s also located in Philadelphia.


“Republic Bank’s 32 branches in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York will reopen as branches of Fulton Bank on Saturday (for branches with normal Saturday hours) or on Monday during normal business hours.


This evening and over the weekend, depositors of Republic Bank can access their money by writing checks or using ATM or debit cards. Checks drawn on Republic Bank will continue to be processed and loan customers should continue to make their payments as usual.”


The failure follows last year’s high profile collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and First Republic, which are among the biggest bank failures in American history.


The FDIC expects the failure of Republic Bank to cost about $667 million, which will be deducted from the FDIC’s bank-sponsored Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF).


Concern about the health of the banking industry at large has persisted this year, triggered by fears over the industry’s exposure to the troubled commercial real estate market and unrealized losses on US Treasuries.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:38 p.m. No.155472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786150 (271721ZAPR24) Notable: Regulators close Philadelphia-basedRepublic First Bank, first US bank failure this year

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Wanna try dat one agin?


Regulators close Philadelphia-basedRepublic First Bank, first US bank failure this year

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:38 p.m. No.155473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786175 (271728ZAPR24) Notable: Area 51 has ultra-secure 'base within a base'says expert whose home was raided over website revealing 'truth' of Nevada UFO base

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Las Vegas teen whose family was ridiculed for calling 911 to report alien in backyard speaks out

April 26, 2024


A teenager who was ridiculed after his family called 911 to report seeing a 10-foot-tall alien in their backyard has spoken out a year on – and is sticking by the story.

Angel Kenmore, 17, claimed that he was with his family in the yard of their Las Vegas home on the night of 30 April 2023, when a bright light came crashing into the ground and he saw a “giant creature”.

Other witnesses reported seeing the bright light, which was captured on a police officer’s body camera footage.


The family called 911, with the caller telling the dispatcher: “I swear to God this is not a joke, this is actually… we’re terrified”.

Multiple family members corroborated the story to police officers with one heard on bodycam recordings saying he saw a “shooting star and now these people say there are aliens in their backyard”.

The Kenmore family went public with their story last year and Angel revealed that he could make out a tall, very thin creature between 8ft and 10ft tall.


The Kenmores even created drawings of what they claimed to have seen, showing off the bizarre sketches to the media.

The family was relentlessly mocked for their claims by some but their story also brought UFO hunters to their home, forcing them to put “no trespassing” signs around the property.

Now, almost one year on, Angel has spoken again to insist that he was telling the truth. He said this week that he was left “paralysed by fear” by the apparent extraterrestrial encounter.


“It was moving and breathing. It was p***ed off, like it wanted to do something looking at me. I remember he was growling,” he told NewsNation this week.

While Angel originally said the creature was an alien, he said he now believes it was a “demon”.

“I couldn’t move,” he told the outlet, explaining how he looked at the creature for around 30 seconds.


Angel also hit out at the family’s critics, saying: “They can think whatever they want.”

“If I was doing it for fame, I would be on YouTube. I made no money off this. I don’t need money. It was a really bad and traumatising experience,” he said.

The Independent has contacted the American Meteor Society for comment but is yet to receive a response.


The organisation told NewsNation that it is certain the bright light seen that night was a meteor, because of the brief nature of the event.

While the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department initially investigated the family’s claim, it closed the case a few days later.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:39 p.m. No.155474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786229 (271747ZAPR24) Notable: U.S. to default on its debt in 2025, Trump or Biden it is coming anyway - MarketWatch

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the U.S. to default on its debt in 2025, Trump or Biden it is coming anyway…


If Trump is elected president in November, he will face the U.S. government’s growing debt burden. He might try to resolve the issue by defaulting.


Mark Peterson/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

Donald Trump knows a thing or two about defaulting on debt. His businesses have filed for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code at least four times to overcome excessive indebtedness: first with Trump Taj Mahal in 1991, then Trump Plaza Hotel in 1992, Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts 12 years later, and Trump Entertainment Resorts in 2009.


Moreover, Trump openly boasts about this strategy. “I have used the laws of this country just like the greatest people that you read about every day in business have…

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:40 p.m. No.155475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786235 (271749ZAPR24) Notable: Florida real estate sellers slashing home prices as inventory surges to uncomfortable levels

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Florida real estate sellers slashing home prices as inventory surges to uncomfortable levels


Real estate inventory in parts of Florida is surging to uncomfortable levels — and sellers are beginning to slash prices, according to a report.


On the west coast of Florida, the number of houses up for sale and the rate at which their current owners are cutting asking prices is soaring, according to a report from real estate company Redfin released Thursday.


Redfin found that in the western parts of the state, whose coastline is on the Gulf of Mexico, inventory in Cape Coral and North Port has jumped the most, about 50% year-over-year as of March — more than any other US metro.


Trendy North Port-Sarasota saw homes for sale rise 48%, while the figure in upscale West Palm Beach, known to be home to wealthy snowbirds during the Northeast’s cold winters, rose a more modest 20%.


Aerial view of Florida's Gulf Coast beach with buildings, highlighting the surging real estate market

On Florida’s western coast, the number of houses up for sale and the rate at which their current owners are cutting asking prices is soaring, according to a report from real estate company Redfin. Christopher Sadowski

Of the 10 cities where sellers are most likely to slash their list prices, five alone are in Florida, including North Port-Sarasota — which had the highest share of listings reducing their prices in the country, at 48% — as well as Tampa, Cape Coral, Orlando and Jacksonville, Redfin found.


In recent years, “the North Port metro was one of the most competitive housing markets in the country because it was affordable for remote workers and there was a shortage of homes for sale, but none of those things are true today,” Eric Auciello, Redgin’s sales manager said in the report that was earlier reported on by Fortune.


“Sarasota, in particular, has been overvalued for decades, and the chickens have finally come to roost.”


As a result, many aspiring homeowners have been priced out of Florida altogether, instead opting for North Carolina or Tennessee to get more bang for their buck.


“Out-of-town homebuyers no longer see Florida as a place to get amazing value,” Auciello added.


Part of the reason: an insurance crisis, according to Redfin, which has been throwing a wrench into home purchases and delaying deals.


At the 11th hour, many buyers are realizing that they won’t be grandfathered into affordable home insurance rates that the owners before them enjoyed.


Auciello — whose own home insurance is now $14,000 a year, up from around $8,000 two years ago — noted that “a hefty insurance bill…can be a really big issue for someone buying a waterfront home on a smaller budget.”


A luxury home priced at 10 million dollars for sale in Miami, Florida on April 18, 2024

Homeowners in Florida can expect to dish out as much as $2,700 per month on homeowners insurance alone, which has priced many aspiring buyers out of the market. Getty Images

Home insurance premiums in storm-battered Florida even has seniors growing concerned that they won’t be able to hang onto their homes.


Homeowners insurance in Florida ranges from $1,700 to $2,700 per year based on $300,000 in dwelling coverage and $100,000 of liability coverage, according to US News.


The insurance is required for those seeking a mortgage, forcing many buyers to reconsider how much they are willing to spend.


In addition, existing HOA fees for condo owners have doubled in the past year amid the growing threat from hurricanes.


However, the state had a fairly light hurricane season last year, with only Hurricane Idalia rumbling through the less-densely populated western region on Sept. 1.


It caused damages between $3 billion and $5 billion.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:40 p.m. No.155476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786261 (271755ZAPR24) Notable: Pro-Hamas Protest Leader Who Called for Jews to Be Exterminated Finally Punished

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Pro-Hamas Protest Leader Who Called for

Jews to Be Exterminated Finally Punished


Red State, by Bonchie



Posted By: Hazymac, 4/27/2024 1:47:07 PM


Khymani James finally faced the consequences of his actions on Friday after multiple reports indicating he may have been expelled from Columbia University. As RedState reported, videos of the self-proclaimed revolutionary who leads the pro-Hamas "encampment" on campus showed him calling for Jews to be exterminated. In his disturbing rantings, James claimed that "Zionists don't deserve to live" and said they should be exterminated like "nazis." Around 95 percent of Jews support the existence of a Jewish state, making them "Zionists." (X) After clips of his livestream went viral, James responded with a non-apology in which he essentially doubled down on his rhetoric while claiming that he was being victimized.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:41 p.m. No.155477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786269 (271756ZAPR24) Notable: DEI manager is fired by university for posing in front of Israeli flag emblazoned with swastikas now suing

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Model-turned DEI manager is fired by university

for posing in front of Israeli flag emblazoned

with swastikas - and is now suing over

claims her free speech rights were violated


Daily Mail (UK), by Martha Williams


Posted By: Beardo, 4/27/2024 1:13:42 PM


A model-turned DEI manager who was fired because she posed in front of an Israeli flag emblazoned with swastikas is now suing because her First Amendment rights were 'violated'. Mashal Sherzad, 29, was fired from her position as the diversity, equity and inclusion manager at the University of Minnesota because of now seemingly deleted pictures that she accidentally uploaded onto her public social media of her posing in front of the controversial flag. Sherzad, who identified as Muslim, and who is in a relationship with a woman, began her role in October, 2023, and travelled to Barcelona to attend a pro-Palestinian rally just two months later.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:41 p.m. No.155478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786285 (271800ZAPR24) Notable: West Yorkshire Police operation sees 24 'sexual predators' jailed

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West Yorkshire Police operation sees 24 'sexual predators' jailed


Anyone notice a pattern here?

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:42 p.m. No.155479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5483 >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786288 (271801ZAPR24) Notable: Bannon: The Controlled-Opposition GOP Are In A "Fetal Position" On The National Stage

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Steve Bannon: The Controlled-Opposition GOP Are In A "Fetal Position" On The National StagePretty Interesting



Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:42 p.m. No.155480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786296 (271805ZAPR24) Notable: PDJT: Wow! A. B. Bill Barr…has just endorsed me for President

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il Donaldo Trumpo






Apr 27, 2024, 1:05 PM


I love Bill Barr!

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:43 p.m. No.155481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786297 (271805ZAPR24) Notable: Video footage released from inside "Intifada Hall" at Cal Poly State University at Humboldt

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See new posts


Square profile picture

The Post Millennial




BREAKING: Video footage released from inside "Intifada Hall" at Cal Poly State University at Humboldt


The building has been desecrated by Gaza camp activists.



Square profile picture

The Post Millennial


READ MORE: BREAKING: Protesters storm and occupy entire building at Cal State Poly, naming it 'Intifada Hall'


7:02 AM · Apr 27, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:43 p.m. No.155482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786307 (271810ZAPR24) Notable: QAnon Was Born Out of the Sex Ad Moral Panic That Took Down

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QAnon Was Born Out of the Sex Ad Moral Panic That Took Down


For years, the political establishment opportunistically railed against sex trafficking. Then came Pizzagate.

Trevor Aaronson

April 27 2024, 6:00 a.m.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:44 p.m. No.155483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786341 (271818ZAPR24) Notable: Bannon: The Controlled-Opposition GOP Are In A "Fetal Position" On The National Stage

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Must absolutely listen. Johnson suppressed Jim Jordans 305 page report for 10 days, he didn’t tell Trump about it when he met with him. The report could have helped Trump to know this was a Criminal Conspiracy.


It could have been released the night before the Bragg trial. It would have made all the difference in the world.


The posse was harassing, Jordan’s office and the staff came back and saidstop picking on us, Mike Johnson will not allow us to release it.That’s the only way we found out.


No matter how much you hate them, it is not enough, or never enough. They hate us, you can tell by their betrayal of everything America

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:44 p.m. No.155484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786346 (271820ZAPR24) Notable: Video footage released from inside "Intifada Hall" at Cal Poly State University at Humboldt

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



#BREAKING Video posted shows the inside of "Intifada Hall" at California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt, after protesters stormed it and defaced it, creating inside encampment for Palestine

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:45 p.m. No.155486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786368 (271825ZAPR24) Notable: About 50 IUPD and Indiana State Police officers detained several protesters and took down their encampment

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Indiana Daily Student


BREAKING: About 50 IUPD and Indiana State Police officers forcefully detained several peaceful protesters and took down the encampment at Dunn Meadow.

5:58 AM · Apr 27, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:46 p.m. No.155487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786388 (271830ZAPR24) Notable: Patriot Front leader gives a brief message as Activists march towards the State Capital in Charleston, West Virginia😂😂

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


👀👀@PatriotFrontUpdates » LIVE UPDATE: Patriot Front leader gives a brief message as Activists march towards the State Capital in Charleston, West Virginia😂😂

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:46 p.m. No.155488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786397 (271832ZAPR24) Notable: Romania Joins The Populist Revolution, Ben Bergquam Reports Live From Romania. Similar to CPAC Hungary

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Romania Joins The Populist Revolution, Ben Bergquam Reports Live From Romania. Similar to CPAC Hungary


Ben is a serious patriot



Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:47 p.m. No.155489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786408 (271835ZAPR24) Notable: PDJT: “GDP Growth Misses Estimate by 64 Percent, Recession Fears Real”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump





“GDP Growth Misses Estimate by 64 Percent, Recession Fears Real”

GDP Growth Misses Estimate by 64 Percent, Recession Fears Real


The latest GDP numbers released Thursday sent shock waves among economist and traders with the data indicating the economy is seriously slowing.


Apr 27, 2024, 2:28 PM

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:47 p.m. No.155490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786436 (271842ZAPR24) Notable: PF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PlaneFaggin’: CONUS/S. America/Caribbean Activity


BOXER20 arrived at JBA from Tupelo,MS depart (usually politicians in these) although Nancy has used this one MANY times #02-0201


SAM571 G5 W/NW from JBA


SAM503 G5 east from Peterson SFB


Hungarian AF BRK08 C17 Globey (that arrived around same time as Blinken/Sullivan SAM flights) on ground at Tucson from its Dover AFB overnight


Canada AF CFC3127 A310 NE from San Diego Intl


MAFFS05/09 C130 Fire Fighting ACs EN from Pt Mugu, Oxnard (CA)-see these a lot in summer over Nor/Central/So California, Oregon and Washington


Modular Airborne FireFighting System (MAFFS)


MAFFS mission is to be the leading provider of modular aerial firefighting systems and technologies in the world. MAFFS began in 1971 as a joint effort between the U.S. Forest Service and the Department of Defense to produce the equipment, training and operational procedures to integrate military air tankers into a national firefighting response. We have evolved over 50 years to service additional industries and become the leading provider of modular aerial firefighting systems for militaries and communities around the globe.


South America/Caribbean


10-3077 USAFSOC C146a Wolfhound from Cartagena, Colombia to Georgetown, Guyana


RAF RRR4019 A400m left Cayman Islands and rounded wester Cuba-just W of Tampa in Gulf

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:48 p.m. No.155491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5496 >>5498 >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786441 (271844ZAPR24) Notable: Bannon: Louis Murray On The Border

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Louis Murray On The Border: “They Can Turn It Up And Turn It On The Way You Dial Up Your Television”. Boston under attack the Center of the Revolution. The left focuses on the Revolutionary war cities and take them over to erase history and enslave us once again.



Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:48 p.m. No.155492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786446 (271844ZAPR24) Notable: Morning Glory: Trump's numbers are surging in the swing states

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump



Morning Glory: Trump's numbers are surging in the swing states


Turns out that show trial circuses in Manhattan hurt Biden and help Trump outside of the blue bubble cities.








Apr 27, 2024, 1:05 PM




Morning Glory: Trump's numbers are surging in the swing states

Turns out that show trial circuses in Manhattan hurt Biden and help Trump outside of the blue bubble cities.

The latest polling from Bloomberg on the rematch race between former President Trump and President Joe Biden is stunning.


Trump is being prosecuted in a show trial-circus in Manhattan that serious observers know is both complete nonsense and an utter disgrace. On top of that, Trump is subject to a gag order. He is also obliged to be in court four out of five days a week and thus not campaigning in swing states.


Despite all of this, Trump is surging in the swing states according to the new Bloomberg numbers, with Trump’s lead increasing to 7 and 8 points in Arizona and Nevada, respectively and to an astonishing 10 point lead in North Carolina!


Trump is up in Georgia by six points and in Wisconsin by four. Biden "leads" in Michigan by two points but that’s margin-of-error land. When Trump names any solid running mate —former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Senators Tom Cotton or Joni Ernst, former National Security Advisor Ambassador Robert O’Brien or either of Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin or North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum— Trump’s momentum will increase.


Vice presidents rarely matter when a voter chooses a president, but the obvious physical infirmity of President Biden changes that in 2024. People will be thinking a lot about "President Kamala Harris," and shuddering when they do. When Trump chooses a mainstream running mate who is good on the stump, the gap is going to widen in Trump’s favor.


The issues cake is baked too. My device for recalling them all is "A-B-C-D-E-I-E-I-I": appeasement, the border, crime, "DEI," education, inflation and Israel. Swing state voters know Biden is on the wrong side of every single one of these issues. And not just on the wrong side by a little. Biden-Harris has gone so far left on all of these issues that detailed arguments don’t even need to be made. Trump and his running mate just have to repeat the mantra. Voters already know the score.




It’s a remarkable comeback for Trump, and he’s got the crazy prosecutors in Manhattan to thank in part. What Bragg is doing in Manhattan is appalling, and it will get worse before it gets better in terms of interference with the campaign in a trial that should never have been begun much less continued into the stretch run of the campaign. Voters are smart. Voters know when the permanent government is putting its thumb on the scale, or in this case, its entire fist.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:49 p.m. No.155493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786453 (271846ZAPR24) Notable: The largest economies in Africa and the Middle East are moving their gold reserves out of the United States

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

S p r i n t e r F a c t o r y




The largest economies in Africa and the Middle East are moving their gold reserves out of the United States


Apr 27, 2024 · 3:06 PM UTC

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:49 p.m. No.155494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786454 (271846ZAPR24) Notable: University students in Montreal join the anti-Israel campus protests by setting a tent city on the grounds.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Efrain Flores Monsanto 🇨🇦🚛


BREAKING: University students in Montreal join the anti-Israel campus protests by setting a tent city on the grounds.


"Youth are the revolution"

7:09 AM · Apr 27, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:50 p.m. No.155495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786463 (271849ZAPR24) Notable: South Carolina’s $15.8 billion budget was approved in the State Senate with a new provision re tranny bathroom policy

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THOUGHTS? South Carolina’s $15.8 billion budget was approved in the State Senate with a new provision.

It would require students to use the bathroom of their assigned sex at birth and sleep in rooms based on their birth sex during overnight field trips.


5:30 AM · Apr 27, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:51 p.m. No.155496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786478 (271854ZAPR24) Notable: Bannon: Louis Murray On The Border

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Murray wrote articles in Boston news how bad it is at the border:

Murray went to the border with Bensman, and everyone even Democrats know Bidan, Schumer etc doesn’t care what is happening on the border. Democrat mayors and leaders saying Bidan, Schumer etc are crushing them.. A lot of them said if you knew who were coming in you’d be shocked. Trump is right. A mexican taxi driver told him, only Trump can work with Mexico, only Trump can do it. It’s horrifying

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:51 p.m. No.155497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786490 (271857ZAPR24) Notable: LIVE - Tornado Outbreak Coverage With Storm Chasers On The Ground

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

🔴LIVE - Tornado Outbreak Coverage With Storm Chasers On The Ground - Live Weather Channel…

Ryan Hall, Y'all

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:51 p.m. No.155498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5499

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786506 (271901ZAPR24) Notable: Bannon: Louis Murray On The Border

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>155491 article after border visit

Murray: Titanic gloom on Biden’s broken border

Lou MurrayApril 27, 2024 at 12:28

DEL RIO, Texas — I’ve been to Texas many times. Those Lone Star trips were confined to the habitat of American salesman.

Cookie cutter hotels, training rooms, frigidly chilled convention centers, and that blast of Texas heat whenever you venture outside.

A recent trip changed all that. I traveled from San Antonio through Uvalde to the Del Rio border sector and into Mexico. After years of writing on sanctuary city and immigration policy in Massachusetts, I went to the recent source of the Healey Hotel chaos and took it in with my own eyes.

No reporting, no book, no film, no think tank analysis prepared me for what I saw. It’s true everything is bigger in Texas, including emotions.

The biggest, most common chord struck again and again was sadness and frustration. Sadness and frustration with our leaders amid the vastness of rural Texas. It settles over you like titanic gloom.

A local judge, and former prosecutor who grew up playing in the Rio Grande River took some time to talk. In one day in her courtroom, she may need as many as nine interpreters. Among the huddled masses yearning to be free is a criminal element.

“There has been a change in the type of person coming into the U.S. There are some good people, but there are many, many bad people,” she told me. “I have seen with my own eyes defendants from the Ivory Coast, Albania, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Kosovo.”

Most are from Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, China, and Somalia. She called them “entries without inspection.”

Some, she added, were on the No-Fly list. “So, help me we’ll see another 9/11 before this is over,” she added.

Inside a Texas barbecue barn, 72-year-old rancher Wayne King spoke plainly.

“I’m going to put most of the blame on the Democrat side, but it’s still on the Republican side too. It’s both parties. They forgot what they’re up there for. We the people hire them to do the work, but they think we (the people) work for them,” he told me.

These days he encounters more holes in his fence than ever on his 8,365-acre JP Ranch.

He must check 22 miles of fence every morning. He repaired so many holes that he was able to recognize different coyotes — cartel guides for human smuggling — by their signature style of their breach.

He estimates a loss of between $300,000 and $400,000 of his specialty exotic hunting ranch breeds that have escaped through the cartel gaps.

“I have been woken up by cartels in all black and camouflage at three in the morning. I don’t mess with ‘em,” he said. It is this lurking danger which weighs most heavily on residents.

Asked what he might say to the politicians, like Gov. Maura Healey and Mayor Michelle Wu who champion sanctuary policies, Wayne cocked his head back and fired, “You’re gonna get a taste of it. You can sanctuary all you want, but New York, Chicago, and Denver are finding out it doesn’t work out too good.”

Joe Frank Martinez, Democratic Sheriff of Val Verde, County, since 2009 with a 47-year career in law enforcement and a member of the Texas Border Sheriff’s Association flipped through a binder of drowned migrants who were pulled under the treacherous Rio Grande River. He bemoaned their deaths, the crime which has plagued his community, and policies that lure the horde of travelers to cross the river.

Asked about the Senate Border Bill he was frank, “After digging deep down into it, it had a lot of hidden stuff in there that probably wouldn’t work. It sounded good on the face of it. It had a lot of compromises that we couldn’t afford to live with.”

Kinney County Attorney Brent Smith, a Republican, holds office between the towns of Eagle Pass and Del Rio, as he describes his district as the 17 border miles between “the two towns you always see on TV with the illegal alien problem.”

He took office in 2021 as President Joe Biden opened the border floodgates.

“The (migrant) traffic we immediately saw was astounding. We declared a countywide state of emergency. In 2020 there were 200 criminal prosecutions for the entire year. In 2023 there were 6,900 prosecutions in my county office, because we began to prosecute criminal trespass of illegals on the ranchers’ property with Texas State Troopers. We’ve only got 3,200 residents in this county,” he added.

Kinney said illegal immigration is the “main issue in the upcoming election.”

“I grew up here. I know the ranchers. Whenever I see people, I know and love getting their livelihoods destroyed, I have to work for the people,” he said, adding it’s his job to “ensure justice is done.”

One last question, would you consider moving to Massachusetts and running for governor? Mayor of Boston, maybe?

Lou Murray is a citizen of Boston and a frequent contributor to the Boston Herald oped pages. He tweets on the X platform @LouisLMurrayJr1.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:51 p.m. No.155499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786517 (271904ZAPR24) Notable: Bannon: Louis Murray On The Border

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This is bad, worse than anyone thinks.Bidan Admin sending the terrorists that come in are sent to one court so they know and are directing the terrorists.


A lawyer said we are be going through another 911, and it will be worse

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:52 p.m. No.155500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786545 (271909ZAPR24) Notable: Harnwell: UniParty-aligned GOP knifed MAGA re the $61bn in order to give Biden a foreign policy win & Johnson blocked the Jordan report because it helps Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Harnwell: UniParty-aligned GOP knifed MAGA re the $61bn in order to give Biden a foreign policy win. Johnson blocked the Jordan report from coming out because it would have helped Trump




We were all told Joe “President Magoo” Biden was a foreign policy expert. That was supposed to be his wheelhouse. But think — can you name a single foreign policy achievement of his administration?!


In terms of the relentless MSM propaganda that would have ensued had Russia been defeated and retreated from the Donbas — yes, that would have been classed as a massive foreign policy “win” for Biden. As would the fall of Kiev been equally held a catastrophe for him.


So Mike “No-Johnson” Johnson — and the rest of the UniParty slime in the GOP with him — passed the $61bn for Ukraine for one simple reason. To bail out Biden and stab Trump in the back.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:52 p.m. No.155501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786555 (271911ZAPR24) Notable: PDJT on RFKjr promoting environment moves that was "outright NASTY"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Chief Nerd


🤯 Trump says he would rather have




as President and claims RFK Jr’s “views on vaccines are FAKE”


Reminder: RFK Jr spent nearly 20 years fighting for the vaccine injured

12:40 AM · Apr 27, 2024


an honest comment:

"It’s been four years and he still hasn’t admitted the truth, ignores the injuries and deaths when questioned, and still demands full credit for the vax. Anybody who still supports him is totally ok with vaccine genocide.":

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 1:53 p.m. No.155502   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786572 (271915ZAPR24) Notable: #25494

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#25494 >>155432

>>155433, >>155435 Much of Ukraine aid stolen - French party leader (RT)

>>155434, >>155448, >>155452 BODYCAM of TRIGGERED New Yorker. He keys Trump supporter's car in Florida and then this happened

>>155436 This GA state trooper ran out of patience and took matters into his own hands.

>>155437 King Charles far sicker…bladder cancer?

>>155438 California legislators nearly unanimously voted to limit “influential” anonymous online free speech by requiring social media companies to “seek to verify” personal information

>>155439 The House of Representatives Israel aid bill is under scrutiny for including more than $9 billion in humanitarian assistance

>>155440 Deputy DA in Los Angeles has filed a claim alleging that Gascón retaliated against him

>>155441 Another African state considers closing French military base

>>155442 "Silver Spoons" actor Ricky Schroder talking about the world's Great Awakening. God bless him!

>>155443 Musk doubts White House Ukraine claims

>>155444 Strange 'Ring' of Water in Michigan Seen From Space

>>155445 Julian Assange’s mission was to change the world - but at what cost?

>>155446 Former New York Giants lineman Korey Cunningham found dead

>>155447 Irish Nobel Peace Prize winner calls on Joe Biden to release Julian Assange in letter handed to U.S. Consulate

>>155449, >>155451 Hillary Clinton’s New Musical Made Me Want To Gouge My Eyes Out

>>155450 Nicaragua signs up to China’s ILRS moon program

>>155453 Trudeau Regime To Give Over $100 Million to Pro-Pedophilia Movement

>>155454 100 protesters detained as Northeastern Police break up Israel-Hamas war protest

>>155457 Nearly Half Of Those Arrested At UT-Austin Pro-Palestinian Protest Had No Links To School

>>155455 Union Manager Details Why Members Are ‘Fed Up’ With Biden Policies

>>155456 Space Force opens bidding for classified communications satellites

>>155458 Associated Press (AP) admitted Friday that this week’s indictment of 18 Arizona Republicans is “part of a campaign” to “deter” GOP From Questioning Elections

>>155459 Michael E. Mann spoke at the EcoHeath Alliance: Green Planet One Health Benefit 2024


>>155461 Assange movie released yesterday, April 26, 2024

>>155462 A bill is pending in the Ohio legislature to help control illegal immigration

>>155464 Extraterrestrial Life In Universe? James Webb Telescope's Discovery Prompts Alien Investigation

>>155465 Mystery illness infecting dairy cattle in the Texas pan handle the past couple weeks

>>155466 Could Democrats find a back door to putting Obama on their presidential ticket?

>>155467 "FCC reinstates Net Neutrality in the US to ensure a level playing field for all internet users"

>>155468 Russia asks United Nations to consider sanctioning Israel

>>155469, >>155470, >>155473 Area 51 has ultra-secure 'base within a base'says expert whose home was raided over website revealing 'truth' of Nevada UFO base

>>155471 $10,000,000,000 Bank Shut Down by US Regulators in First Bank Failure of 2024

>>155472 Regulators close Philadelphia-basedRepublic First Bank, first US bank failure this year

>>155474 U.S. to default on its debt in 2025, Trump or Biden it is coming anyway - MarketWatch

>>155475 Florida real estate sellers slashing home prices as inventory surges to uncomfortable levels

>>155463 Meme for KEKS

>>155476 Pro-Hamas Protest Leader Who Called for Jews to Be Exterminated Finally Punished

>>155477 DEI manager is fired by university for posing in front of Israeli flag emblazoned with swastikas now suing

>>155478 West Yorkshire Police operation sees 24 'sexual predators' jailed

>>155479, >>155483 Bannon: The Controlled-Opposition GOP Are In A "Fetal Position" On The National Stage

>>155480 PDJT: Wow! A. B. Bill Barr…has just endorsed me for President

>>155481, >>155484 Video footage released from inside "Intifada Hall" at Cal Poly State University at Humboldt

>>155482 QAnon Was Born Out of the Sex Ad Moral Panic That Took Down

>>155485, >>155490 PF

>>155486 About 50 IUPD and Indiana State Police officers detained several protesters and took down their encampment

>>155487 Patriot Front leader gives a brief message as Activists march towards the State Capital in Charleston, West Virginia😂😂

>>155488 Romania Joins The Populist Revolution, Ben Bergquam Reports Live From Romania. Similar to CPAC Hungary

>>155489 PDJT: “GDP Growth Misses Estimate by 64 Percent, Recession Fears Real”

>>155494 University students in Montreal join the anti-Israel campus protests by setting a tent city on the grounds.

>>155493 The largest economies in Africa and the Middle East are moving their gold reserves out of the United States

>>155491, >>155496,>>155498, >>155499 Bannon: Louis Murray On The Border

>>155492 Morning Glory: Trump's numbers are surging in the swing states

>>155493 The largest economies in Africa and the Middle East are moving their gold reserves out of the United States

>>155494 University students in Montreal join the anti-Israel campus protests by setting a tent city on the grounds.

>>155495 South Carolina’s $15.8 billion budget was approved in the State Senate with a new provision re tranny bathroom policy

>>155497 LIVE - Tornado Outbreak Coverage With Storm Chasers On The Ground

>>155500 Harnwell: UniParty-aligned GOP knifed MAGA re the $61bn in order to give Biden a foreign policy win & Johnson blocked the Jordan report because it helps Trump

>>155501 PDJT on RFKjr promoting environment moves that was "outright NASTY"




Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:26 p.m. No.155503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5504 >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784778 (271153ZAPR24) Notable: UK forces may be deployed on the ground in Gaza to help deliver aid - israel v everyone bun

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UK forces may be deployed on the ground in Gaza to help deliver aid


British troops could be deployed on the ground in Gaza to help deliver aid via a new sea route, the BBC has learned.


The US has said no American forces would go ashore and an unnamed "third party" would drive trucks along a floating causeway onto the beach.


The UK is understood to be considering tasking British troops with this when the aid corridor opens next month.


Whitehall sources said no decision had been made and the issue had not yet crossed the prime minister's desk.


The Ministry of Defence (MoD) and Israeli army declined to comment.


Britain has been closely involved in planning the sea-borne aid operation and Defence Secretary Grant Shapps said the UK continued to take "a leading role in the delivery of support in coordination with the US and other international allies".


The possible role for British forces - known as "wet boots" by military planners - would see them drive trucks off landing craft onto the temporary causeway and deliver aid to a secure distribution area ashore.


Although a huge effort would be made to protect allied forces both off and onshore, British troops would potentially face a higher risk of attack from Hamas and other armed groups.


On Wednesday, a United Nations team had to take cover when mortars landed near the planned distribution zone.


US defence officials confirmed an American army ship had begun work in the eastern Mediterranean to build a large floating pier.


Aid would be delivered there from Cyprus on large ships before being transferred into trucks and smaller landing craft. They said the floating causeway would be "several hundred metres long" and anchored firmly into the sand.


They said they hoped the new maritime corridor - which they call the Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore (JLOTS) operation - would ultimately deliver up to 150 trucks per day.


IDF vows to provide security for sea aid

The aim is to add to - but not replace - aid deliveries by land that are still insufficient to meet the need. On average about 220 aid trucks per day are currently getting into Gaza by road.


The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has said it will provide "security and logistics support for the JLOTS initiative… to enhance the entry of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip".


Israel's military will be responsible for anchoring the floating causeway to the beach and has been practising how to do this with American forces further north on the Israeli coast.


In a briefing with journalists, a senior US military official said because there would be no American boots on the ground, hundreds of US soldiers and sailors would live and sleep at sea on a UK naval vessel, RFA Cardigan Bay.


He also made clear US forces would not take the aid ashore and instead that role would be carried out by a "significant partner". He confirmed this would be another nation, not a private military company.


"We have a third party who will be driving the trucks down the pier," the US military official said. "Just a point of emphasis, there will be no US military boots on the ground. So, a third party is driving those trucks."


No let-up for Gazans while world focused on Iran attacks

'We need a miracle' - Israeli and Palestinian economies battered by war

Despite questioning from journalists, he refused to name the third party.


One UK source said nothing had been decided but there was a debate going on about "do we put wet boots on the beach, do we drive trucks onto the pier?".


The MoD declined to comment about the suggestion UK forces might drive trucks ashore, but Mr Shapps said the crew of RFA Cardigan Bay were central to the UK's contribution, adding: "It is critical we establish more routes for vital humanitarian aid to reach the people of Gaza."


He said specialist British military planning teams had been embedded within the US operational HQ in Tampa, Florida - as well as in Cyprus - for several weeks to help develop the safest and most effective maritime route.


The UK Hydrographic Office has also shared analysis of the Gazan shore with US planners to develop the pier.



Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:26 p.m. No.155504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784779 (271153ZAPR24) Notable: UK forces may be deployed on the ground in Gaza to help deliver aid - israel v everyone bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sat images from 18 Apr of the on-shore pier (which has been under construction since around March)

A satellite image of the on-shore pier which has been under construction since March

More than six months into Israel's military operations in the Gaza Strip, over half of its population of 2.2 million is crammed into the southern city of Rafah.


The UN has warned of a humanitarian catastrophe and Israel has faced international criticism for limiting the amount of aid reaching civilians by land.


Ziad Issa, the head of humanitarian policy at ActionAid, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "Any way to deliver aid to Gaza is welcome and will help a bit, but the problem with this way of delivering aid is it's going to take time and there are lots of logistical uncertainties about it."


He said it would be more efficient to allow delivery trucks into Gaza via land crossings. Trucks "loaded with tonnes of medical supplies, with food" are currently waiting to enter Gaza but are not being allowed in by Israeli forces, Mr Issa said - and aid workers are calling for Israel to permanently open a land crossing at Erez.


The Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza says more than 34,000 people have been killed in Gaza since the war began on 7 October.


The IDF launched the offensive after about 1,200 Israelis and foreigners - mostly civilians - were killed and 253 others were taken back to Gaza as hostages, according to Israeli tallies.


2 of 2

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:27 p.m. No.155505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5506 >>5509 >>5517 >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784810 (271206ZAPR24) Notable: norm elsen (right) Mary McCord and Andrew Weissmann - sundance eagle eye behind trump legal case attacks lead by norm elsen plus anon digs bun

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Look Who Is Attending the Lawfare Trial in New York City


April 26, 2024 | Sundance |

I’m catching up on perspectives from the talking head class about the ridiculous “hush money” legal case in New York City. As I watched the review by Jonathan Turley, I noticed the video caught someone on the livestream.


Serendipitous timing – SEE HERE


For those who do not know,the guy circled coming out of the courtroom is Norm Eisen, one of the primary architects of the Lawfare attack scheme. Eisen, Mary McCord and Andrew Weissmann construct the motions, briefings and legal strategies for the various state and federal prosecutions in DC, New York and Georgia.


Remember these specific names: Mary McCord, Norman Eisen and Andrew Weissmann. You will see them repeated in a pattern throughout the Trump attacks. Weissmann, Eisen and McCord have been enmeshed since 2016 and the original DOJ/FBI targeting effort against Donald Trump on behalf of Hillary Clinton.


As we have noted for the past several years, it’s this same group of Lawfare ideologues, mostly former DOJ administrators and lawyers, who are behind every anti-Trump effort.


Politico outlines how Lawfare operative Norm Eisen organizes the weekly Lawfare meeting and lists the participants who also join in. Remember, Mary McCord, Norm Eisen and Andrew Weissmann are the primary Lawfare agents.


Via POLITICO – […] Every Friday, they meet on Zoom to hash out the latest twists and turns in the Trump legal saga — and intellectually stress-test the arguments facing Trump on his journey through the American legal system.


The meetings are off the record — a chance for the group’s members, many of whom are formally or loosely affiliated with different media outlets, to grapple with a seemingly endless array of novel legal issues before they hit the airwaves or take to print or digital outlets to weigh in with their thoughts.


The group’s host is Norman Eisen, a senior Obama administration official, longtime Trump critic and CNN legal analyst, who has been convening the group since 2022 as Trump’s legal woes ramped up. Eisen was also a key member of the team of lawyers assembled by House Democrats to handle Trump’s first impeachment.


[…] The regular attendees on Eisen’s call include Bill Kristol, the longtime conservative commentator, and Laurence Tribe, the famed liberal constitutional law professor. John Dean, who was White House counsel under Richard Nixon before pleading guilty to obstruction of justice in connection with Watergate, joins the calls, as does George Conway, a conservative lawyer and co-founder of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project. Andrew Weissmann, a longtime federal prosecutor who served as one of the senior prosecutors on Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation and is now a legal analyst for MSNBC, is another regular on the calls. Jeffrey Toobin, a pioneer in the field of cable news legal analysis, is also a member of the crew. The rest of the group includes recognizable names from the worlds of politics, law and media.


[…] You probably know some of the other regular participants on the call, which draws in some of the most recognizable names in the Anti-Trump Cinematic Universe.


They currently include Obama-era U.S. Attorneys Harry Litman, Barbara McQuade and Joyce White Vance. Litman is a columnist for the Los Angeles Times, a cable news regular and a podcast host. McQuade and Vance co-host a podcast and are under contract with MSNBC, as are two other regular attendees — Jennifer Rubin, an opinion writer for the Washington Post who often covers Trump’s legal affairs, and Mary McCord, a former federal prosecutor and high-ranking official in the Justice Department who co-hosts a podcast for MSNBC with Weissmann. Karen Agnifilo, a former senior prosecutor in the Manhattan District Attorney’s office and CNN commentator, is an occasional attendee, as is Elliot Williams, also a former federal prosecutor who provides commentary on CNN. (read more)


There are many people in media pretending to be surprised to see this article outlining all the participants in the anti-Trump effort, as it gives the appearance of an organized and collaborative effort between media and the Lawfare group. However, all of the surprise is just that – pretense.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:27 p.m. No.155506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5507 >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784817 (271207ZAPR24) Notable: norm elsen (right) Mary McCord and Andrew Weissmann - sundance eagle eye behind trump legal case attacks lead by norm elsen plus anon digs bun

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Look Who Is Attending the Lawfare Trial in New York City


April 26, 2024 | Sundance |

I’m catching up on perspectives from the talking head class about the ridiculous “hush money” legal case in New York City. As I watched the review by Jonathan Turley, I noticed the video caught someone on the livestream.


Serendipitous timing – SEE HERE


For those who do not know,the guy circled coming out of the courtroom is Norm Eisen, one of the primary architects of the Lawfare attack scheme. Eisen, Mary McCord and Andrew Weissmann construct the motions, briefings and legal strategies for the various state and federal prosecutions in DC, New York and Georgia.


Remember these specific names: Mary McCord, Norman Eisen and Andrew Weissmann. You will see them repeated in a pattern throughout the Trump attacks. Weissmann, Eisen and McCord have been enmeshed since 2016 and the original DOJ/FBI targeting effort against Donald Trump on behalf of Hillary Clinton.


As we have noted for the past several years, it’s this same group of Lawfare ideologues, mostly former DOJ administrators and lawyers, who are behind every anti-Trump effort.


Politico outlines how Lawfare operative Norm Eisen organizes the weekly Lawfare meeting and lists the participants who also join in. Remember, Mary McCord, Norm Eisen and Andrew Weissmann are the primary Lawfare agents.


Via POLITICO – […] Every Friday, they meet on Zoom to hash out the latest twists and turns in the Trump legal saga — and intellectually stress-test the arguments facing Trump on his journey through the American legal system.


The meetings are off the record — a chance for the group’s members, many of whom are formally or loosely affiliated with different media outlets, to grapple with a seemingly endless array of novel legal issues before they hit the airwaves or take to print or digital outlets to weigh in with their thoughts.


The group’s host is Norman Eisen, a senior Obama administration official, longtime Trump critic and CNN legal analyst, who has been convening the group since 2022 as Trump’s legal woes ramped up. Eisen was also a key member of the team of lawyers assembled by House Democrats to handle Trump’s first impeachment.


[…] The regular attendees on Eisen’s call include Bill Kristol, the longtime conservative commentator, and Laurence Tribe, the famed liberal constitutional law professor. John Dean, who was White House counsel under Richard Nixon before pleading guilty to obstruction of justice in connection with Watergate, joins the calls, as does George Conway, a conservative lawyer and co-founder of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project. Andrew Weissmann, a longtime federal prosecutor who served as one of the senior prosecutors on Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation and is now a legal analyst for MSNBC, is another regular on the calls. Jeffrey Toobin, a pioneer in the field of cable news legal analysis, is also a member of the crew. The rest of the group includes recognizable names from the worlds of politics, law and media.


[…] You probably know some of the other regular participants on the call, which draws in some of the most recognizable names in the Anti-Trump Cinematic Universe.


They currently include Obama-era U.S. Attorneys Harry Litman, Barbara McQuade and Joyce White Vance. Litman is a columnist for the Los Angeles Times, a cable news regular and a podcast host. McQuade and Vance co-host a podcast and are under contract with MSNBC, as are two other regular attendees — Jennifer Rubin, an opinion writer for the Washington Post who often covers Trump’s legal affairs, and Mary McCord, a former federal prosecutor and high-ranking official in the Justice Department who co-hosts a podcast for MSNBC with Weissmann. Karen Agnifilo, a former senior prosecutor in the Manhattan District Attorney’s office and CNN commentator, is an occasional attendee, as is Elliot Williams, also a former federal prosecutor who provides commentary on CNN. (read more)


There are many people in media pretending to be surprised to see this article outlining all the participants in the anti-Trump effort, as it gives the appearance of an organized and collaborative effort between media and the Lawfare group. However, all of the surprise is just that – pretense.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:27 p.m. No.155507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784823 (271209ZAPR24) Notable: norm elsen (right) Mary McCord and Andrew Weissmann - sundance eagle eye behind trump legal case attacks lead by norm elsen plus anon digs bun

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As I watched the review by Jonathan Turley, I noticed the video caught someone on the livestream.


Turley video. There’s actually two attorneys on the jury..

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:28 p.m. No.155508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784834 (271212ZAPR24) Notable: scotus may give j6 prisoner certiorari - gwp

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In Rare Move, SCOTUS Justices Signal They

May Grant Certiorari in Case of Peaceful

J6 Protestor Russell Alford Who Received

Maximum Sentence! Justices Ask DOJ to

Defend Their Conviction of Alford by May 23


Gateway Pundit, by Jordan Conradson


Posted By: Judy W., 4/27/2024 7:23:09 AM


The United States Supreme Court reportedly signaled that they are considering granting Russell Alford, one of the few J6 defendants to refuse a plea deal, his petition for writ of certiorari, a move that only happens for roughly 1% of cases brought to SCOTUS. (Snip) Alford is appealing the ruling from the trial court and Appeals Court that "passive, quiet and nonviolent conduct can be disorderly.” Though the Supreme Court may not be able to help Alford in his other charges of for “remaining” and “demonstrating” in the Capitol, this could undermine the convictions of thousands of peaceful protesters who were charged with disorderly conduct.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:29 p.m. No.155509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5517 >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784835 (271213ZAPR24) Notable: norm elsen (right) Mary McCord and Andrew Weissmann - sundance eagle eye behind trump legal case attacks lead by norm elsen plus anon digs bun

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who to look out for - norm elsen (right) Mary McCord and Andrew Weissmann

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:30 p.m. No.155510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784855 (271219ZAPR24) Notable: Russian forces strike train carrying Western weapons - MOD - russia v ukraine bun

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Russian forces strike train carrying Western weapons - MOD

The attack took place in Russia’s Donetsk People’s Republic, according to the Defense Ministry


Russian forces have struck a freight train carrying military equipment supplied to Ukrainian forces by Kiev's Western backers, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has said.


The combined attack involved aircraft, missiles and artillery, the ministry said in a statement on Friday.


“A train with Western weapons and military equipment was hit in the area of the settlement of Udachnoye in [Russia’s] Donetsk People’s Republic,” it added..


Udachnoye, translated as ‘lucky’ in English, is located in the western part of the republic.


Personnel and equipment from the 67th Ukrainian mechanized brigade were also struck at a railway loading station in the area of Balakleya in Ukraine’s Kharkov Region, the ministry said.


Over the past 24 hours, Russian forces have also destroyed five US-made M777 howitzers, two American M102 105mm lightweight towed howitzers, a US-designed AN/TPQ-50 counter-fire radar, a British FH-70 howitzer, and other hardware, according to the statement.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:30 p.m. No.155511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784857 (271220ZAPR24) Notable: Tennessee, Georgia, Adopt 2A Privacy Acts to Bar Data Collection on Firearm Sales - breitbart

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Tennessee, Georgia, Adopt 2A Privacy Acts to Bar Data Collection on Firearm Sales


AWR Hawkins26 Apr 2024

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:31 p.m. No.155512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784866 (271223ZAPR24) Notable: FDA Says U.S Milk Supply Is Safe After Tests Reveal 20% of Samples Contain Avian Influenza Pathogen (Bird Flu) - sundance

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FDA Says U.S Milk Supply Is Safe After Tests Reveal 20% of Samples Contain Avian Influenza Pathogen (Bird Flu)


April 26, 2024 | Sundance |

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is a disease that is highly contagious and often deadly in poultry, caused by highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5) and A (H7) viruses; it is also known as bird or avian flu. The FDA has found that one in five samples of consumer milk contain inactive viral fragments of Bird Flu pathogens. Transmission origin unknown.


Most of the USA milk supply is pasteurized, a process which kills any pathogenic virus that might be present. So, the milk supply is safe. It is odd however, that Bird Flu is somehow being carried in dairy cows. Given the nature of how the FDA has previously handled Bovine Somatotrophin (BST), or growth hormone use in dairy cows, and given the nature of how the FDA botched the initial handling of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE, Mad Cow), some people are concerned.


From my perspective, this recent FDA report seems to be targeting the growing trend of raw milk sales and usage.=


It has long been accepted that the=FDA doesn’t like people who avoid adulterating their body with genetically modified food productsfrom the friendship of Big Ag and Big Rx; it’s a financial issue. The FDA fully supports the genetic modification of food, the vaccine injections from Big Ag/Rx and the allowed use of animal growth hormones.


The food supply has long been considered an optimal pathway for vaccine delivery into the human body. Much like the fluoride addition to municipal water supplies, the opportunity to enhance food with vaccines or DNA modification targeting has long been a goal.


FDA REPORT, April 25, 2024 – Today, the FDA received some initial results from its nationally representative commercial milk sampling study. The agency continues to analyze this information; however, the initial results show about 1 in 5 of the retail samples tested are quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)-positive for HPAI viral fragments, with a greater proportion of positive results coming from milk in areas with infected herds.


As previously noted and outlined in our summary below, qPCR-positive results do not necessarily represent actual virus that may be a risk to consumers. Additional testing is required to determine whether intact pathogen is still present and if it remains infectious, which would help inform a determination of whether there is any risk of illness associated with consuming the product.


The FDA is further assessing any positive findings through egg inoculation tests, a gold-standard for determining if infectious virus is present. Early work by NIH-funded investigators indicates an absence of infectious virus in their studies of retail milk. To date, the retail milk studies have shown no results that would change our assessment that the commercial milk supply is safe.


Epidemiological signals from our CDC partners continue to show no uptick of human cases of flu and no cases of H5N1, specifically, beyond the one known case related to direct contact with infected cattle. These important efforts are ongoing, and we are committed to sharing results from both the qPCR and egg inoculation tests as soon as possible. (read more)


There are all kinds of pathogenic viruses in animals and milk. That’s why we have been using heat and fire to cook and sanitize them since the days of hunter gatherers.


Don’t let the alarmism of others impact your peace of mind, but take as many prudent precautions as pragmatically possible to ensure your family food supply is as safe and wholesome as possible.


From my own experience, at the end of everyFDA announcement is an entity positioning to gain financially from the solution to the expressed opportunity. We still don’t plan to eat the bugs.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:31 p.m. No.155513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5517 >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784868 (271223ZAPR24) Notable: norm elsen (right) Mary McCord and Andrew Weissmann - sundance eagle eye behind trump legal case attacks lead by norm elsen plus anon digs bun

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lets make him infamous.

meme warfare is the way.

will do some research and find images.

normmie, you are the star of anons attention until after the trial is over.

Anons will be watching you very very closely and will dig into your life with a fine toothcomb.

welcome to the party.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:32 p.m. No.155514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784876 (271225ZAPR24) Notable: UK forces may be deployed on the ground in Gaza to help deliver aid - israel v everyone bun

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Israel rejects US call to probe Gaza mass graves – Politico

Accusations of torture and executions against Israeli troops are “fake news,” an IDF spokesman told the outlet


Officials in Gaza have said a total of 392 bodies, including those of women and children, and others bearing signs of torture and executions, have so far been found at makeshift burial sites at two hospitals that had been raided by the Israeli military.


IDF spokesperson Nadav Shoshani told Politico on Friday that reports of Israeli troops having anything to do with the mass burials were “fake news.”


When asked whether that meant that Israel would not investigate the matter, he replied: “Investigate what?”

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:33 p.m. No.155515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784896 (271229ZAPR24) Notable: Tesla Autopilot linked to hundreds of crashes and 14 deaths -

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Tesla Autopilot linked to hundreds of crashes and 14 deaths

The system was found to give drivers a false sense of security, according to the US Transportation Department


During its three-year investigation, which started in 2021, the agency has examined nearly 1,000 reported crashes that occurred between 2018 and August 2023. It found that the misuse of the Autopilot system had caused at least 14 accidents which led to fatalities and “many more involving serious injuries.”


NHTSA’s Office of Defective Investigations (ODI) found evidence that Tesla’s “weak driver engagement system was not appropriate for Autopilot’s permissive operating capabilities,” which resulted in a “critical safety gap.”


Of the 956 crashes examined, officials revealed Autopilot-related trends in about half of them.


Of the remaining 467, ODI identified 211 crashes in which “the frontal plane of the Tesla struck a vehicle or obstacle in its path.” These accidents, which were often the most severe, had resulted in 14 deaths and 49 injuries. Over a hundred of the incidents also involved in roadway departures where Autosteer, a component of Autopilot, was “inadvertently disengaged by the driver’s inputs,” the report said.


The investigation also found that the electric carmaker’s claims did not match up with reality.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:33 p.m. No.155516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784899 (271229ZAPR24) Notable: maga - dan t.s post

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅




MAGA!!! 🇺🇸🦅










Apr 26, 2024, 9:01 PM


12:01 AM EST

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:34 p.m. No.155517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5521 >>5526 >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784926 (271237ZAPR24) Notable: norm elsen (right) Mary McCord and Andrew Weissmann - sundance eagle eye behind trump legal case attacks lead by norm elsen plus anon digs bun

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Quite the operation you got there normmie boy.

seems like you are pretty flush. wonder what you invest in and who donates to your cause.

like we do not know, kek

NORM EISEN Founder & Chair

Ambassador Norman L. Eisen (ret.) is the Co-Founder and Executive Chair of the States United Democracy Center. An attorney and author who has served in a broad array of government roles, he was special counsel and special assistant to President Barack Obama for ethics and government reform from 2009-11. In that role, the press dubbed him “Mr. No” and the “Ethics Czar” for his tough anti-corruption approach. Following his service in the White House, he was our ambassador to the Czech Republic from 2011-14, where he was noted for his rule of law and other initiatives. His books about the Czech Republic are The Last Palace (Crown 2018) and Democracy’s Defenders (Brookings 2020). He served as special counsel to the House Judiciary Committee for the impeachment and trial of President Donald J Trump from 2019-20. His memoir of the impeachment is A Case for the American People (Crown 2020). Eisen is currently a senior fellow at a D.C. think tank and a legal analyst for a cable television network in addition to his duties at States United. His writing has frequently appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Politico, USA Today, and CNN. He has been named to the Washingtonian’s Most Influential People, Politico 50, and the Forward 50. Eisen was the inspiration for the crusading attorney Deputy Kovacs in Wes Anderson’s movie, “The Grand Budapest Hotel.”


Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:34 p.m. No.155518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784928 (271238ZAPR24) Notable: UK forces may be deployed on the ground in Gaza to help deliver aid - israel v everyone bun

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the US only should investigate? The only entity who voted against Palestine being recognized in the UN? The one who funds the terrorist state of israhell? That US?


US stops UN from recognizing a Palestinian state through membership


UNITED NATIONS, April 18 (Reuters) - The United States on Thursday effectively stopped the United Nations from recognizing a Palestinian state by casting a veto in the Security Council to deny Palestinians full membership of the world body. The only 'NO' vote.

It vetoed a draft resolution that recommended to the 193-member U.N. General Assembly that "the State of Palestine be admitted to membership" of the U.N. Britain and Switzerland abstained, while the remaining 12 council members voted yes.


Israel's Foreign Minister Israel Katz commended the United States for casting a veto.

Addressing the 12 council members who voted in favor of the draft resolution, Israel's U.N. Ambassador Gilad Erdan said: "It's very sad because your vote will only embolden Palestinian rejectionism even more and make peace almost impossible."

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:35 p.m. No.155519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784931 (271239ZAPR24) Notable: norm elsen (right) Mary McCord and Andrew Weissmann - sundance eagle eye behind trump legal case attacks lead by norm elsen plus anon digs bun

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I recently acted as special counsel to the Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee from 2019 to 2020, including for the impeachment and trial of President Donald J. Trump. I previously served as ethics czar for President Obama and then as his ambassador to the Czech Republic. A Case for the American People: The United States vs. Donald J. Trump is my third book.

In A Case for the American People, I lay out President Trump’s shocking pattern of betrayals, lies, and high crimes, arguing the articles of impeachment to the ultimate judges: the American people.

I will take you behind the scenes of the impeachment trial. You will read the ten proposed articles of impeachment, not just the two that were publicly tried. Since taking the oath of office, Donald Trump has been on a spree of high crimes and misdemeanors, using the awesome power of the presidency for his own personal gain, at the expense of the American people. He has inflamed our divisions for his electoral benefit, with flagrant disregard for the Constitution that makes us America. Each step of the way, he has lied incessantly, including to cover up his crimes. And yet he remains in the country’s highest office.

I look forward to answering your questions about the book, my work on the House Judiciary Committee, and the future of our country. You can read more about my work on my website, or by following me on Twitter.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:35 p.m. No.155520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784967 (271247ZAPR24) Notable: Russian forces strike train carrying Western weapons - MOD - russia v ukraine bun

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Fugitive drug trafficker caught after strolling with ‘dead dolphin’ (VIDEO)


A Russian man who was on a wanted list has ended up in custody after starring in a bizarre viral video


Russian police have apprehended a 40-year-old drug trafficking suspect, after he was spotted on CCTV casually carrying what was described as a “dead dolphin” around the Black Sea resort of Sochi.


A bizarre video circulating online shows the man, who was on a wanted list, carrying his ‘catch’ into his apartment.

Local police said on Thursday that after examining the footage, they identified the man as a fugitive from Moscow Region who was being sought on drug-trafficking charges.


Police described the animal as a “dead dolphin,” although footage suggests it was actually a harbor porpoise, a small whale species related more to belugas and narwhals than to dolphins.

The animal was already dead when the suspect found it on the beach, police noted, without elaborating on why he had decided to take it with him.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:36 p.m. No.155521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5526 >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784973 (271248ZAPR24) Notable: norm elsen (right) Mary McCord and Andrew Weissmann - sundance eagle eye behind trump legal case attacks lead by norm elsen plus anon digs bun

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Hello ladies and chinks

Our Team

We’ve built a powerhouse team to support the state and local officials who run elections and safeguard our democracy. Based across the country, our staff and bipartisan Advisory Board have deep collective experience in litigation, research, public safety, coalition-building, and communications.

States United Action is a nonpartisan section 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization with a mission to protect our elections and our democracy.

We advocate for policies that protect election integrity, hold democracy violators accountable, prevent the political violence that threatens to undermine the will of the American people, and advance truth about our elections. Our mission is to protect nonpartisan elections administered in accordance with the law and amplify the voices of state and local officials and law enforcement leaders who share those values.


advisory board

image caps.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:36 p.m. No.155522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784978 (271249ZAPR24) Notable: Supreme Court Hears Immunity Arguments, Administrative State Smiling - SCOTUS Likely to Send Case Back to Lower Court - sundance (scotus bun)

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Supreme Court Hears Immunity Arguments, Administrative State Smiling – SCOTUS Likely to Send Case Back to Lower Court


April 26, 2024 | Sundance |

The issue of presidential immunity is being tested in the DC political Lawfare case against President Donald Trump.


As the Jack Smith prosecution claims President Trump tried to “overturn the results of the 2020 election,” the issue of presidential actions intended to secure & protect the legitimacy of election outcomes becomes a focus.


The legal counsel for President Trump has stated any action by the president to ensure election security falls within official acts, and is therefore subject to immunity from prosecution. Thespecial counsel claims the act of reviewing an election outcome is a private benefit to the president and not part of presidential immunity.


The Supreme Court is now involved in determining whether the President of the United States has immunity from prosecution, orwhether any/all future presidents can be prosecuted for their action while in office. Inside the debate is the larger question of whether the “bureaucratic state” controls the president, or whether the office of the president controls the executive branch bureaucratic state.


The leftists and communists agree with former AG Bill Barr, that institutions run the government, and the office of thePresident is simply a figurehead within it.In essence, theDC institutions are omnipotent and powerful, and the president is simply occupying space the deep state allows. That’s the core ramification within the immunity argument.


In this video, Justice Brett Kavanaugh asks several questions about limiting the immunity of the president and some of the ramifications that will surface for future presidents. WATCH:


Interestingly, at 2:30 of the video, Justice Kavanaugh notes the current Lawfare approach – crowdsourcing for prosecution angles with the DOJ, which was the same Lawfare approach used by the beach friends to attack Kavanaugh’s nomination. Judge Kavanaugh uses that hidden reference point – very subtlety – but its inclusion shows that he knows exactly what is taking place here.


I also like the part where theDOJ argues President Obama is not guilty of murder, via drone strike, because the type of murder created by Obama in that situation was “lawful murder.” Collateral killing via drone strike is considered by the DOJ to be: the lawful murder of another person with malice of forethought and specific intent to kill.


Gee,what could possibly go wrong with the DC administrative Deep State having the power to determine what is “lawful conduct” vs “unlawful conduct” by their political opposition? Oh wait, it’s done by DOJ statutory interpretation, lolol… now I feel better. Good grief, can people not see where this ends.


That said, here’s what the SCOTUS is going to do… I’m 95% certain of this.


[Oh, and Steve Bannon’s insufferable legal analysis, by Mike Davis, is GASLIGHTING. Davis is an idiot and totally dishonest legal mind (wants to be AG – God, help us), who only tells MAGA what they want to hear; so, I would suggest ignoring his claim that SCOTUS will rule support for Trump with absolute immunity. Mike Davis is totally wrong.]


The Supreme Court is not going to get into the debate of what action is “immune” vs what action is “not immune”; the court simply hates that stuff.


This unwillingness to get into the granular debate of statutory interpretation is the same reason why the court will not look at what the executive branch defines as “classified documents” vs “non-classified” documents. Once they open that pandora’s box, there would be a bazillion appeals for a SCOTUS writ on the baseline of illegitimately denied FOIA requests. They ain’t going to touch it. Same applies here.


The Supreme Court is going to send this back to the lower DC court, and tell them to hash out the issue of “private interest” acts vs “official” acts. This is the core of the originating issue.


Was President Trump ensuring the integrity of an election outcome he considered sketchy (official act), or was President Trump trying to overturn the election by ensuring election integrity (private interest act).


That’s the question that SCOTUS is going to tell the lower court to battle out, and then the SCOTUS will weigh in if needed. TheSupreme Court is going to send this case back down to the lower court for definitions of “official act” -vs- “private interest act” before they will touch the immunity issue.


Here’s the full oral argument hearing at the Supreme Court:

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:37 p.m. No.155523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20784998 (271252ZAPR24) Notable: San Diego Airport gave illegals their own line through security checkpoints - twat and mp4 vid (illegal invasion bun)

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Libs of TikTok


San Diego Airport gave illegals their own line through security checkpoints because they didn't have any documentation verifying who they were.


Illegals are given special treatment and are being flown all over the country at the expense of the American taxpayer.


We have no idea who’s in our country.

0:04 / 0:18

3:39 PM · Apr 26, 2024

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:37 p.m. No.155524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785008 (271254ZAPR24) Notable: San Diego Airport gave illegals their own line through security checkpoints - twat and mp4 vid (illegal invasion bun)

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👑💥 Serenity 💥👑


ILLEGAL MS-13 Satanists in Houston caught kidnapping and sacrificing young girls.

0:06 / 1:30

7:49 AM · Apr 26, 2024

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:38 p.m. No.155525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785022 (271256ZAPR24) Notable: “Long term Euro bonds for financing the MIGRATION CRISIS” - mp4 vid and twat (project syndicate george soros)

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Concerned Citizen


🚨🌎 “So we are fighting an organised gang called Empire of George Soros”


This is The Prime Minister of Hungary - Viktor Orbin (not a conspiracy).


“EU has to accept at least a million asylum seekers annually”


“Long term Euro bonds for financing the MIGRATION CRISIS”


Do you understand yet? George Soros is a Globalist who has, in part funded the whole invasion of both Europe & America.


It’s been happening for years backed by Trillions of cash.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:39 p.m. No.155526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785024 (271257ZAPR24) Notable: norm elsen (right) Mary McCord and Andrew Weissmann - sundance eagle eye behind trump legal case attacks lead by norm elsen plus anon digs bun

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Chek it, bio and articles he has penned.

he pays them to love him and give him glowing comments across the board. or else.


Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:39 p.m. No.155527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785176 (271326ZAPR24) Notable: forces twats bun

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Watch out, world! 💥


The M10 Booker combat vehicle rolls out in a thrilling live-fire demo at Aberdeen Proving Ground. 🚀



's cutting-edge addition, ready to dominate the battlefield!



>comm chq idgaf

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:40 p.m. No.155528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785226 (271337ZAPR24) Notable: the correct meaning of “equity.” - threadreader summary

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Now that we all know what DEI is, I want to talk to the Right of Center about reclaiming the correct meaning of “equity.”


Equity is a legal word. It is contrasted with “law” in legal understanding.


The English common law developed the concept of “equity” as a means of avoiding the harsh and unjust outcomes that a strict application of “the law” sometimes produces.


This would be stuff like a lease where a couple made all payments except the last one was one day late because the husband died & the widow could not access to their account for a few days and the landlord would foreclose on the entire property. Technically allowed; still BS.


Or a person with a clearly meritorious claim would lose because their lawyer would file it under the wrong kind of technical form, or no available form (which were very strictly construed) would apply.


So the courts said that the law itself should not be an impediment to justice basically & they developed the concept of equity to deal with cases that rational & reasonable people could see were unjust because of overly formal legalisms.


Equity didn’t necessarily mean the other party would win though either.


Sometimes it just gave the judge power to use a remedy that was less harsh than a strict application of law. Like the landlord can foreclose on the widow, but does get interest for the late last payment.


To “get equity” though, you also had “to do equity.”For example, you couldn’t hold someone to a strict deadline on a contract & then ask the court to overlook your own tardiness in filing suit.


You couldn’t be a big asshole about something & then expect a judge to apply the more merciful principles to you. You had to have “clean hands.”


You also couldn’t demand strict application of the law from the judge if you persuaded or coerced someone into delaying taking action against you or deceived them in some way.


The concept of equity saved the law from being so draconian and rigid, and a tool for the assholes in the world to use against their neighbors, friends, & family. This was necessary because a system of justice that produces too many, in fact, unjust results will be overthrown.


So, properly understood and used, “equity” is not a dirty word, is not communism, & indeed is a necessary tool of just governance that all should approve.


We must, therefore, reclaim it from the Leftists who have distorted its meaning.


can NOT foreclose on the widow

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:40 p.m. No.155529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5531 >>5532 >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785246 (271341ZAPR24) Notable: how to help a cat with diabetes.- dig call (for medic anon (corp)

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Are there any anons here who know how to help a cat with diabetes.

he was eating a lot and drinking a lot.

now he has stopped eating since last night and is lethargic.

could really do with some advice and prayers for a beloved pet cat.

the vets are saying he has to have a blood text and urine test which could cost nearly a £1000 plus ongoing treatment which anon cannot afford.

he is around 10 years old and a proper gentle tom.

btw shill attacks and trolling will be filtered.

not in the mood for it right now.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:41 p.m. No.155530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785277 (271346ZAPR24) Notable: San Diego Airport gave illegals their own line through security checkpoints - twat and mp4 vid (illegal invasion bun)

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BREAKING 🚨 Illegal migrants, MS-13 gang members caught sacrificing teenagers and kidnapping for a Satanic ritual. Both gang members appeared in court this week on murder charges.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:41 p.m. No.155531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5532 >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785296 (271350ZAPR24) Notable: how to help a cat with diabetes.- dig call (for medic anon (corp)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Are there any anons here who know how to help a cat with diabetes.

Today is your cat's lucky day.

Vanadium and diabetes



We demonstrated in 1985 that vanadium administered in the drinking water to streptozotocin (STZ) diabetic rats restored elevated blood glucose to normal.Subsequent studies have shown that vanadyl sulfate can lower elevated blood glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides in a variety of diabetic models including the STZ diabetic rat, the Zucker fatty rat and the Zucker diabetic fatty rat. Long-term studies of up to one year did not show toxicity in control or STZ rats administered vanadyl sulfate in doses that lowered elevated blood glucose. In the BB diabetic rat, a model of insulin-dependent diabetes, vanadyl sulfate lowered the insulin requirement by up to 75%. Vanadyl sulfate is effective orally when administered by either single dose or chronic doses. It is also effective by the intraperitoneal route. We have also been able to demonstrate marked long-term effects of vanadyl sulfate in diabetic animals following treatment and withdrawal of vanadyl sulfate. Because vanadyl sulfate is not well absorbed we have synthesized and tested a number of organic vanadium compounds. One of these, bismaltolato-oxovanadium IV (BMOV), has shown promise as a therapeutic agent. BMOV is 2-3x more potent than vanadyl sulfate and has shown less toxicity. Recent studies from our laboratory have shown that the effects of vanadium are not due to a decrease in food intake and that while vanadium is deposited in bone it does not appear to affect bone strength or architecture. The mechanism of action of vanadium is currently under investigation. Several studies indicate that vanadium is a phosphatase inhibitor and that vanadium can activate serine/threonine kinases distal to the insulin receptor presumably by preventing dephosphorylation due to inhibition of phosphatases Short-term clinical trials using inorganic vanadium compounds in diabetic patients have been promising.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:42 p.m. No.155532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785306 (271352ZAPR24) Notable: how to help a cat with diabetes.- dig call (for medic anon (corp)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



for hu-mons you can get this:


Vanadium - 200 mcg

Chromium - 100 mcg


No idea about the proper dosage for cats.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:42 p.m. No.155533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5534 >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785319 (271355ZAPR24) Notable: Supreme Court Hears Immunity Arguments, Administrative State Smiling - SCOTUS Likely to Send Case Back to Lower Court - sundance (scotus bun)

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SCOTUS Agrees Presidents Do Have Immunity From Criminal Prosecutions, But To What Degree?==1/2



The Supreme Court heard arguments Thursday morning in the case of Trump v. United States on the question of whether and to what extent a former president of the United States enjoys immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts while in office.


Most of the justices seemed dubious about both parties’ positionsin this complex and largely uncharted area of law. No statute, prior Supreme Court precedent, or provision of the Constitution speaks directly to this issue. In 1982, theSupreme Court, in Nixon v. Fitzgerald, ruled that presidents enjoy immunityfrom civil litigation based on their official acts. The court, in a 5-4 ruling, grounded the immunity in the constitutional separation of powers. It reasoned that it would be inappropriate for the judicial branch to inquire into the reasons for presidential decisions for purposes of holding the president personally liable for damages. The court emphasized the unique nature and responsibilities of the president in arriving at this conclusion.


In Trump’s case, the parties and the justices all agreed on certain points. First, that purely private conduct by the president, which is allegedly criminal, could be prosecuted. Trump’s lawyer also conceded that campaign conduct, acting like an “office seeker” rather than an “office holder,” was private, rather than official, conduct.


Second, that the president has some constitutional powers that are exclusive to the presidency, such as the power to grant pardons, and therefore acts carrying out those powers simply cannot be criminalized by Congress or prosecuted by prosecutors. These were referred to as “core” areas of presidential power throughout the argument. Beyond these two points,the parties and the justices wildly diverged in their views, from the applicable nomenclature to the scope of any immunity, to the procedural mechanisms for implementing it in the courts.


Technically, the question before the court is:Whether and, if so, to what extent does a former president enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office?


Trump’s lawyer, John Sauer, urged the justices to find that former presidents enjoy immunity from criminal prosecution in the same way that the earlier Fitzgerald case applied in civil cases. That ruling would preclude criminal prosecution for any act that came within the “outer perimeter” of the scope of a president’s official acts, regardless of the reason, motive, intent, purpose, etc. for taking those acts. Sauer argued that an objective analysis should be used by the courts to determine if the conduct was or was not within the scope of the official responsibilities of the president. In other words, theanalysis depends on whether the president’s actions could conceivably have been within the scope of his authority and not on what the president actually had in mind.


By contrast, Special Counsel Jack Smith’s lawyer,Michael Dreeben, argued that the Constitution does not provide any criminal immunity for the president, unlike the immunity for “speech and debate” provided for Congress. He argued that, instead, a former president can raise a case-by-case “challenge” to any indictment against him on the grounds that the specific acts alleged cannot be the basis for criminal charges under the Constitution. Dreeben told the high court he was speaking for the Department of Justice, not just the special counsel’s office, in taking this position.


In an unusual move, Trump’s counsel did not offer any rebuttal argument, apparently deciding that, after two and a half hours of argument, further discussion would not affect the views of any justice.


The leftist block of the court expressed concerns that Sauer’s position rendered a president “above the law” and would remove any restraints a serving president might feel to abide by the law while in office to avoid criminal prosecution later. By contrast, most of theconservative justicesappeared to be more worriedabout setting a precedent that former presidents can be put on trial for prior official actions, thereby incentivizing political prosecutions.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:42 p.m. No.155534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785362 (271401ZAPR24) Notable: Supreme Court Hears Immunity Arguments, Administrative State Smiling - SCOTUS Likely to Send Case Back to Lower Court - sundance (scotus bun)

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Justice Kavanaugh, in particular, analogized the situation to the politicization that occurred under the now-expired independent counsel statute and roiled the administrations of Presidents Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Clinton. Justice Barrett expressed concern aboutsuch cases being brought in state courts, where many of the structural safeguards that Dreeben claimed would tend to prevent such cases would not exist.


The justices probed both lawyers abouthow their respective positions would apply in a practical sense. For example, what procedures would be used, when in the criminal process could their respective proposals be used, and whether there would be appellate review immediately or only after conviction, etc. Justices Barrett and Sotomayor particularly were interested in these technical issues. Along with Justice Jackson, they alsofocused on the statutory “clear statement” principle, which is often invoked by the DOJand its Office of Legal Counsel to limit the effect of generally applicable criminal statutes to the presidency out of a concern for not impeding the legitimate functions of the office. While not directly addressing the question of whether immunity exists, these technical and application concerns sought to flesh out each party’s proposed conclusion on the immunity issue.


There were some notable fireworks in the questioning. For example, Chief Justice Robertsgot the questioning of the special counsel off with a bang by stating thathe did not agree with the D.C. Circuit’s reasoningthat any criminal charge brought by a prosecutor against a former president is necessarily legal. Evidently aghast at the lower court’s conclusion, he demanded to know why the court should not issue an opinion that simply reversed that “tautological” conclusion.


Justice Gorsuch, as he has in past arguments, formulated a hypothetical about “mostly peaceful protests.” He demanded to know if a president leading such a protest that delayed the vote on a piece of legislation could be charged under the federal obstruction statute after leaving office since such activities would lie outside the “core actions” Dreeben conceded were non-prosecutable.Gorsuch also scoffed at Dreeben’s suggestion that former presidents did not enjoy “immunity,”but could instead raise an “as applied Article II challenge” to say their conduct was sufficiently official and not subject to prosecution. He expressed the view that by whatever name, the concept at issue is “immunity” of some form.


In general,it appears the court as a wholeis prepared toagree with former President Trump that there is at least some form of immunity for former presidents from criminal prosecution, regardless of the label the justices put on it. At the same time, it is clear the justices have very different ideas about the scope of this “immunity,” how it should actually apply at the trial level, and whether a trial court decision adverse to the former president can be appealed before trial.


Thus, themost likely result in this caseappears to be a decision rendered with a long opinion and many concurrences and dissents, in whole or in part.


As to when that decision will be forthcoming, it is unclear when the justices will rule. Ordinarily, absent extenuating circumstances, they would do so by the end of their current term, which closes June 30.


(I think the left is regretting challenging Trump’s immunity, if not they should be, because it has opened the door to the current residentand future presidents, being challenged on Immunity. It’s never going to be a completely clear cut definition, so it’s possible that Bidan will be charged with multiple crimes that betrayed his actual duties as Resident. He should not be immune from allowing an invasion of illegals, and all the crimes associated with them and Bidan’s agency heads.)

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:43 p.m. No.155535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785370 (271402ZAPR24) Notable: how to help a cat with diabetes.- dig call (for medic anon (corp)

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>poor diet

when you can't get food with these minerals, you can call the diet poor, but it's not like you had a choice or you gave the cat hamburgers all day.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:44 p.m. No.155536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785377 (271404ZAPR24) Notable: Biden WH and FBI committed one of the gravest attacks on the 1st Am in decades by coercing Big Tech to censor dissent online. - musk>greenwald repost

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Elon Musk


Many Americans still have no idea this happened


Glenn Greenwald



Mar 17

The most under-reported and under-discussed story of 2023: a federal district court judge, upheld by a unanimous appellate panel, found the Biden WH and FBI committed one of the gravest attacks on the 1st Am in decades by coercing Big Tech to censor dissent online.


Rate proposed Community Notes

7:32 AM · Mar 17, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:44 p.m. No.155537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785395 (271407ZAPR24) Notable: A massive explosion rocks the Florida coast near New Smyrna Beach. Any info on this? - twat

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Square profile picture

Helpful Community Notes


Readers added a Community Note to this Post:


Christopher Greene 😎🏝🚀⛵️



Apr 25

A massive explosion rocks the Florida coast near New Smyrna Beach. Any info on this?

Readers added context

Such a cloud or smoke is not necessarily the result of an explosion. There was and is no evidence of an explosion.



"New Smyrna Beach officials said the strange mushroom-shaped cloud was from a controlled burn miles away."…

Do you find this helpful?

3:02 AM · Apr 27, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:45 p.m. No.155538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785425 (271413ZAPR24) Notable: Columbia University said it has barred encampment leader Khymani James from returning to campus - andy nyo (soros)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈


Update: Columbia University said it has barred encampment leader Khymani James from returning to campus after it re-emerged that he had recently said that “Zionists, white supremacists” should all be killed. The university is ambiguous over whether he was temporarily suspended or expelled. James says he is being targeted for being black and queer.


Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈



Apr 25

One of the far-left lead student organizers at the @Columbia University encampment for Gaza recorded a livestream saying that "zionists, along with all white supremacists," need to be killed. Khymani James (pronouns "he/she/they") says the public should be thankful he has not…

Show more




2:06 PM · Apr 26, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:45 p.m. No.155539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5540 >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785442 (271417ZAPR24) Notable: Supreme Court Hears Immunity Arguments, Administrative State Smiling - SCOTUS Likely to Send Case Back to Lower Court - sundance (scotus bun)

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COURTApril 26, 2024

The Constitutional Abyss: Justices Signal a Desire to Avoid Both Cliffs on Presidential Immunity. ==1/2


Below is my column in the New York Post on yesterday’s oral arguments on presidential immunity. As expected, with the exception of the three liberal justices,the Court appears to be struggling to find a more nuanced approach that would avoid the extreme positions of both parties. Rather than take a header off either cliff, the justices seem interested in a controlled descent into the depths of Article II.


Here is the column:

Writer Ray Bradbury once said, “Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down.”


In Thursday’s case before the Supreme Court on the immunity of former President Donald Trump, nine justices appear to be feverishly working with feathers and glue on a plunge into a constitutional abyss.


It has been almost 50 years since the high court ruled presidents have absolute immunity from civil lawsuits in Nixon v. Fitzgerald.


The court held ex-President Richard Nixon had such immunity for acts taken “within the ‘outer perimeter’ of his official responsibility.” Yet in 1974’s United States v. Nixon, the court ruled a president is not immune from a criminal subpoena. Nixon was forced to comply with a subpoena for his White House tapes in the Watergate scandal from special counsel Leon Jaworski.


Since then, the court has avoided any significant ruling on the extension of immunity to a criminal case — until now.


There are cliffs on both sides of this case. If the court were to embrace special counsel Jack Smith’s arguments, a president would have no immunity from criminal charges, even for official acts taken in his presidency.


It would leave a president without protection from endless charges from politically motivated prosecutors.


If the court were to embrace Trump counsel’s arguments, a president would have complete immunity. It would leave a president largely unaccountable under the criminal code for any criminal acts.


The first cliff is made obvious by the lower-court opinion. While the media have largely focused on extreme examples of president-ordered assassinations and coups,the justices are clearly as concerned with the sweeping implications of the DC Circuit opinion.


Chief Justice John Roberts noted the DC Circuit failed to make any “focused” analysis of the underlying acts, instead offering little more than a judicial shrug.


Roberts read its statement that “a former president can be prosecuted for his official acts because the fact of the prosecution means that the former president has acted in defiance of the laws” and noted itsounds like “a former president can be prosecuted because he is being prosecuted.”


The other cliff is more than obvious from the other proceedings occuring as these arguments were made. Trump’s best attorney proved to be Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.


If the justices want insight into the implications of denying any immunity, they just need to look north to New York City.


The ongoing prosecution of Trump is legally absurd but has resulted in the leading presidential candidate not only being gagged but prevented from campaigning.Alvin Bragg is the very personification of the danger immunity is meant to avoid.


With cliffs to the left and the right, the justices are looking at a free-fall dive into the scope of constitutional and criminal law as they apply to presidential conduct.


They may be looking not for a foothold as much as a shorter drop.


Some of the justices are likely to be seeking a third option where a president has some immunity under a more limited and less tautological standard than the one the DC Circuit offered.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:46 p.m. No.155540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785448 (271417ZAPR24) Notable: Supreme Court Hears Immunity Arguments, Administrative State Smiling - SCOTUS Likely to Send Case Back to Lower Court - sundance (scotus bun)

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The problem for the courtis presidential privilege and immunity decisions are meant to give presidents breathing room by laying out bright lines within which they can operate.


Ambiguity defeats the purpose of such immunity. So does a test that turns on the motivation of an official act.


The special counsel insists, for example, Trump was acting for his personal interest in challenging certification and raising electoral fraud since he was the other candidate.


But what if he wasn’t on the ballot — would it have been an official function to raise such concerns for other candidates?


When pressed on theline between official and nonofficial conduct, the special counsel just dismissed such concerns andsaid Trump was clearly acting as an office-seeker not an officeholder.


Likewise, the special counsel argued the protection forpresidents must rest with the good motivations and judgment of prosecutors.


It was effectively a “Trust us, we’re the government” assurance. Justice Samuel Alito and others questioned whether such reliance is well placed after decades of prosecutors’ proven abuses.


Finally,if there is no immunity, could President Barack Obama be prosecuted for ordering the killing of a citizen by drone attack and then killing his son in a second drone attack?


The government insisted there is an exception for such acts from the murder statute.


In the end, neither party offers a particularly inviting path.No immunity or complete immunity each holds obvious dangers.


I have long opposed sweeping arguments of immunity from criminal charges for presidents. The devil is in the details, and many justices are struggling with how to define official versus nonofficial conduct.


The line-drawing proved maddening for the justices in the oral argument. The most they could say is similar to the story of the man who jumped off a building. As he passes an office window halfway down, another man calls out to ask how he’s doing. The jumper responds, “So far so good.”


As the justices work on a new set of legal wings, anything is possible as the nation waits for the court to hit ground zero in the middle of the 2024 presidential election.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:50 p.m. No.155541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785459 (271420ZAPR24) Notable: Columbia University said it has barred encampment leader Khymani James from returning to campus - andy nyo (soros)

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WATCH: Activists Assault Breitbart News Journalist at UCLA ‘Palestine Solidarity Encampment’


Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart News

Joel B. Pollak26 Apr 2024

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:51 p.m. No.155542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20785486 (271424ZAPR24) Notable: planefag bun

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PlaneFaggin’:Indo-PAC/Gulf/Europe activity-WEF Mtg in Riyadh


Angola AF D2ANG Global Explorer arrived at Seoul, SOKO and this is about securing LNG from Angola’s Connoco/Phillips LNG plant-it arrived from a Copenhagen depart last night



Pakiland AF J-756 G4PM Muhammad Shehbaz Sharifwest over SA from Lahore depart


Algeria AF 7T-VPS G4 heading ES from Algiers depart and also over SA


Both Algeria and Pakiland ACs going to Riyadh for a “special” WEF Mtg


Paki PM leaves for Riyadh to attend special meeting of World Economic Forum


The Prime Minister has been invited to attend the moot by Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Muhammad bin Salman Al Saud and the founder and chief executive of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab.  


Blinken will be going to this too after arriving from Beijing last night. >>155417 pb


Blinken due in Saudi Arabia for WEF summit on global economy and Gaza: Organisers


French AF CTM2084 C130 Super Herc departed Kuwait City SE


US Navy CNV547 C40A departed Karachi heading west


Malay AF 9MNAA A319 crossed India’s west coast west after a Kuala Lumpur departure




French AF CTM1074 A400m heading to Rzsesow Airport from Orleans 135 AB-they also depart from Chateroux as well


French AF CTM006 Falcon 7x SE from Villacoublay (French Air Cmd) and on eastern boot of Italy nao


Hungarian AF HUAF188 A319 SE from Oslo to Kecskemet AB (Hungarian Air Cmd)-as anti-globalist as Orban is the AF sure does a lot of deliveries for them.


Coupla Romania Aibus Helos up in central Romania

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:52 p.m. No.155543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564 >>5568 >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786581 (271918ZAPR24) Notable: dough

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This bread is GHOSTED



TY Anons for your contributions,


Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:53 p.m. No.155544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5592 >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786592 (271921ZAPR24) Notable: ISRAELI MINISTER HAIM BITON IN A CAR ACCIDENT MAKING IT THE SECOND IN 2 DAYS AFTER BEN GVIR’S ACCIDENT - israel v everyone bun

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George Galloway MP reposted

Sulaiman Ahmed



8:11 AM · Apr 27, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:54 p.m. No.155545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5547 >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786593 (271922ZAPR24) Notable: Tornado Outbreak Coverage With Storm Chasers On The Ground - youtube

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🔴LIVE - Tornado Outbreak Coverage With Storm Chasers On The Ground - Live Weather Channel…

Ryan Hall, Y'all

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:54 p.m. No.155546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786597 (271923ZAPR24) Notable: Cemetery Filled With Bluetooth Signals As Dead Vaxxed Emit MAC Addresses From The Grave - (covid vax and big pharma related bun)

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Cemetery Filled With Bluetooth Signals As Dead Vaxxed Emit MAC Addresses From The Grave

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:55 p.m. No.155547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786618 (271928ZAPR24) Notable: Tornado Outbreak Coverage With Storm Chasers On The Ground - youtube

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Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:55 p.m. No.155548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786626 (271930ZAPR24) Notable: Tennessee legislature passes bill to establish CRIMINAL CHARGES for parents who assist children - pedo and groomer bun

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Gays Against Groomers


We love to see it👏 Any monster who knowingly gives castration drugs to their child, which are linked to cancer and osteoporosis, need to be charged with child abuse.


We hope the governor swiftly signs this into Tennessee law so we can be one step closer to ending this madness. Outlaw transhausen-by-proxy moms for good. Let kids be kids. Enough is enough.


Kyle Becker



Apr 25

JUST IN: Tennessee legislature passes bill to establish CRIMINAL CHARGES for parents who assist children with often irreversible 'gender-reaffirming' surgery.


Governor Bill Lee is expected to sign the bill into law.


8:24 AM · Apr 27, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:56 p.m. No.155549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786631 (271931ZAPR24) Notable: Cemetery Filled With Bluetooth Signals As Dead Vaxxed Emit MAC Addresses From The Grave - (covid vax and big pharma related bun)

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Dead and buried soldiers emitting blue tooth signals

January 11, 2024


At a veteranu2019s cemetery, a cellphoneu2019s Bluetooth app displays several nodes in the immediate vicinity, where there is nothing but the graves of recently-buried soldiers. It appears that the graphene nano circuitry from the Death Shot is still transmitting Bluetooth signals from the corpses six feet below.


As discussed by Todd Callender, an attorney who has been defending military victims of vaccine tyranny, his team discovered that coronavirus is actually a patented device that was designed to be the backbone of the infrastructure of the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN).


They also found a patent for harvesting energy from the WBAN and, indeed that all of the manmade viruses, like HIV and SARS-CoV-2 have their own IP addresses and all of the u2018vaccineu2019 ingredients have IP addresses, as do most over-the-counter medications, such as allergy pills u2013 and that all of these drugsu2019 IP addresses are connecting to supercomputers owned by IBM and Microsoft.


You can download a WBAN energy-harvesting phone app right now, at Inpersona that bills itself as u201cThe First Web3 dApp that uses your heartbeat to mine cryptou2026You are a Crypto Mining Machine.u201d


It is Bill Gatesu2019 Patent 060606 brought to life.


Todd says that, whether theyu2019re harvesting the electromagnetic energy that we emit or theyu2019re bombarding us with electromagnetic energy to alter our state, the common denominator is the telecommunications industry and it appears to him that the Swedish telecom, Ericsson is the primary culprit, along with Huawei that have a global monopoly on 5G.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:56 p.m. No.155550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786634 (271932ZAPR24) Notable: Cemetery Filled With Bluetooth Signals As Dead Vaxxed Emit MAC Addresses From The Grave - (covid vax and big pharma related bun)

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Jim Ferguson


Alert: An Admission of Epic Proportions’: Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccines


Health Canada has confirmed the presence of DNA contamination in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines and also confirmed that Pfizer did not disclose the contamination to the public health authority.


The DNA contamination includes the Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoter and enhancer Pfizer did not previously disclose and that some experts say is a cancer risk due to potential integration with the human genome.


Health Canada, the country’s public health authority, told The Epoch Times that while Pfizer provided the full DNA sequences of the plasmid in its vaccine at the time of the initial submission, the vaccine maker “did not specifically identify the SV40 sequence.”


“Health Canada expects sponsors to identify any biologically functional DNA sequences within a plasmid (such as an SV40 enhancer) at the time of submission,” it said.


Health Canada’s admission came after two scientists, Kevin McKernan and Phillip J. Buckhaults, Ph.D., discovered the presence of bacterial plasmid DNA in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines at levels potentially 18-70 times higher than the limits set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency.


They tested four expired Pfizer and Moderna vaccine vials “thought to only contain mRNA” and found to contain “double-stranded DNA plasmids.”


Health Canada said, “We have concluded that the risk/benefit profile continues to support the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine,” and that it does rely on manufacturer claims but “conducts an in-depth independent review” to make sure the vaccines meet “our high standards for safety, efficacy and quality.”


Janci Lindsay, Ph.D., director of toxicology and molecular biology for Toxicology Support Services, told The Defender this statement is “silly, not believable and not defendable,” adding that “We should not have to do the research that they should have done.”


“Why are the FDA, CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and the mainstream media still silent about this?” asked Steve Kirsch, founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, adding that “the mainstream medical community is silent as well.”


Viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle of the University of Guelph in Canada, commenting on Health Canada’s admission wrote on his Substack, “This is an admission of epic proportions.”

#Canada #Pfizer


11:04 PM · Apr 26, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:58 p.m. No.155552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786645 (271936ZAPR24) Notable: PROOF that there is a network of American students on major US college campuses who work for Israeli intelligence, acting as SPIES for Israel! - twat (soros and muslim brotherhood)

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See new posts


₭₳₲ ĐⱤØ₲Ø🇺🇸 reposted

Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis


🚨🚨🚨 Video PROOF that there is a network of American students on major US college campuses who work for Israeli intelligence, acting as SPIES for Israel!


James Li

11:23 PM · Apr 25, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:58 p.m. No.155553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786662 (271941ZAPR24) Notable: If Patriot Front were a real organic group, the reaction would be completely - musk (clowns on parade)

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See new posts


Square profile picture

Wall Street Silver




How can you be sure they are Feds?


Because the legacy news media is not spending any effort to unmask or destroy their lives. The corporate media was told to ignore this by their handlers at the FBI.


If Patriot Front were a real organic group, the reaction would be completely…

Show more


Clown World ™ 🤡




Oh look, the fed boys are out again… this time they’re in Charleston, WV.

0:09 / 0:28

Elon Musk


Does seem strange that there is no effort to unmask or otherwise identify everyone in the group

8:39 AM · Apr 27, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:59 p.m. No.155554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786669 (271943ZAPR24) Notable: ISRAELI MINISTER HAIM BITON IN A CAR ACCIDENT MAKING IT THE SECOND IN 2 DAYS AFTER BEN GVIR’S ACCIDENT - israel v everyone bun

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Israel struck zones in Gaza it had declared ‘safe’ – NBC


Investigation claims to have found that Palestinians have been killed in airstrikes on areas of Rafah IDF told public to go to


The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have been bombing areas in southern Gaza that it had previously designated as safe zones, according to an NBC News investigation published on Friday.


The outlet examined seven deadly airstrikes between January and April filmed by its camera crews in the city of Rafah and the Al-Mawasi humanitarian zone and which resulted in the deaths of Palestinian civilians.


“The crews compiled the GPS coordinates of each strike, all of which hit an area identified by the Israeli military as an evacuation zone in an online interactive map it published on Dec. 1,” NBC wrote, noting that this map has not been updated and remains accurate, according to the IDF.


The map in question had previously been criticized by international humanitarian organizations and by Palestinians, as being confusing and hard to read, with many pointing out that at most times it isn’t even accessible to civilians on the ground, due to regular cellphone and internet blackouts.


Human Rights Watch program director Sari Bashi has told NBC that the attacks highlighted in the outlet’s investigation are not isolated. “People are fleeing to roads that the government told them to use to places where the Israeli government told them to go. And when they go there, they get killed” Bashi Said.


In one example provided by NBC, the IDF dropped leaflets in Gaza on December 18, telling residents to go to Rafah’s Tal Al Sultan, Al Zuhur and Al Shaboura neighborhoods, designating them as safe. The outlet’s investigation found that all three locations were later hit by airstrikes, resulting in the deaths of dozens of civilians.


When asked by NBC to comment on the seven highlighted airstrikes, the IDF reportedly claimed in an email to the outlet that it was “not aware of any strike at the provided coordinates and times.”


Meanwhile, the Israeli military has repeatedly accused Hamas militants of using civilians as human shields and has vowed to “act against Hamas wherever it operates,” while also claiming that it would commit to international law and distinguish between terrorists and civilians.


The IDF launched its offensive in Gaza following the October 7 Hamas attack on Israeli territory, which resulted in the deaths of over 1,200 people and saw some 250 taken hostage.


Israel’s response has so far claimed the lives of over 34,000 Palestinians, according to Gaza health authorities.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 4:59 p.m. No.155555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786679 (271947ZAPR24) Notable: Much of Ukraine aid stolen - French party leader - ukraine v russia bun

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Much of Ukraine aid stolen – French party leader


Western assistance to Kiev prolongs the conflict with Russia and enriches corrupt officials, Florian Philippot has said


A large part of Western aid to Kiev is being embezzled by Ukrainian officials, despite President Vladimir Zelensky’s assurances that it is being used in the fight against Russia, a top French politician has said.


In a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Friday, Florian Philippot, leader of the Patriots (Les Patriotes) party and a long-time vocal critic of Western assistance to Ukraine, alleged that Zelensky was lying when he claimed that all US aid to his country “goes to the battlefield.”


“In reality a large part is diverted and goes into corruption!” Philippot wrote. He noted Kiev’s admission last month that it had not received €16 billion ($17.1 billion) in aid collected by Poland and the European Commission. Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmigal claimed he had “no idea” what happened to the funds.


Philippot also pointed to a recent corruption scandal involving Ukrainian Agriculture Minister Nikolay Solsky, who is accused of illegally appropriating state land worth nearly €6.9 million ($7.4 million). “Yet another case of corruption in this country, which is one of the most corrupt on the planet!” the French politician remarked.


“Every euro sent to Ukraine prolongs the war and therefore causes unnecessary deaths, impoverishes us here, and has a strong chance of enriching the corrupt!” he added, calling for the conflict to be resolved as soon as possible.


Ukraine has been plagued by widespread graft for years, and a 2015 Guardian article described it as “the most corrupt nation in Europe.” More recently, it ranked 104 out of 180 countries in Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index.


The issue has taken center stage during the conflict with Russia, including in the Ukrainian military, which has been rocked by several graft scandals in recent months. This winter, Ukraine’s SBU, the successor to the Soviet-era KGB, announced that it had uncovered a major embezzlement scheme in which Ukrainian officials and private contractors stole around $40 million earmarked for shell procurement.


Elsewhere, the Pentagon’s inspector general admitted that Washington had failed to properly track more than $1 billion in weapons sent to Ukraine, although this did not stop US officials from claiming that they believed the assistance to have reached its intended destination.


Russia, meanwhile, has for months been warning about the spillover of foreign weapons sent to Ukraine, cautioning that they are ending up in the hands of organized crime outside of the country.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5 p.m. No.155556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786691 (271951ZAPR24) Notable: Texas Grid Operator ERCOT Warns of Possible Emergency Next Week - gwp

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Texas Grid Operator ERCOT Warns of Possible Emergency Next Week Due to Deficient Reserves


Texas grid operator ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) on Friday warned of a possible emergency next week due to deficient reserves.


ERCOT manages electric power to more than 26 million Texas customers and represents 90% of the state’s electric load, according to the company.


“The Texas electrical grid operator warned of a possible emergency early next week because of a potential shortfall of power reserves.” – Bloomberg reported.


“The Electric Reliability Council of Texas said Friday the grid may have deficient reserves from April 29 at 7 p.m. Central time through May 1 at 9 p.m. Ercot may delay or cancel planned power-plant outages and may need to shore up available supplies by about 2,800 megawatts.” Bloomberg reported.


3 years ago Texas got hit with a rare cold snap that spanned to the southern part of the state and the power grids gave out.


Power outages were initiated by ERCOT in February 2021 after the wind turbines froze.


Millions of Texans went without electricity for days.


Temperatures fell into the teens near Dallas and 20s around Houston with wind chills near zero.


According to state authorities, nearly half of the wind turbines in Texas froze, hurting the power supplies.


Millions of Texans suffered blackouts partly due to the frozen wind turbines.


Three years later and Texas still hasn’t moved away from ‘green’ energy sources to avoid power outages due to deficient reserves or because of frozen wind turbines.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5 p.m. No.155557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5562 >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786698 (271954ZAPR24) Notable: Rep. Abruptly Announces Retirement! Florida Rep. Bill Posey Won’t Seek Reelection - gwp

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Another Republican Rep. Abruptly Announces Retirement! Florida Rep. Bill Posey Won’t Seek Reelection


Florida GOP Rep. Bill Posey on Friday abruptly announced he will be retiring from Congress at the end of the year.


The 76-year-old was first elected to represent Florida’s 8th Congressional District in 2008.


“It has been the greatest honor of Katie’s and my life to represent you in Congress,” Bill Posey said in a statement. “And, polls suggest that because of YOUR support, I could remain in the job forever, and we were looking forward to another spirited campaign for a final term in office. However, earlier this week circumstances beyond my control now require me to suspect my re-election campaign.”


“I will continue to devote all possible resources to continue representing you through the end of my current term, helping President Donald Trump return to the oval office, and supporting former Florida Senate President Mike Haridopolos, in whom I have the greatest trust and confidence, to take up my battles against the swamp and replace me as your Congressman,” he said.


Bill Posey endorsed Mike Haridopolos to replace his seat.


“For many years, Mike has served as my Congressional Finance Committee Chairman, while I have mentored him to replace me,” Posey said. “Mike was, and remains, my first choice to represent you, me, and our district in Congress.”


Last week GOP Rep. Jake LaTurner (KS) announced he won’t seek reelection in November. He was first elected to the House of Representatives in 2020.


According to Axios, more Republican lawmakers are expected to announce retirements in the next few weeks.


More than 23 House Republicans have announced they will not seek reelection in 2024.


Last month RINO Representative Mike Gallagher (WI) announced he would exit the House in mid-April.


Following the resignation of Mike Gallagher, Kevin McCarthy, Bill Johnson, Ken Buck and the ousting of George Santos, the Republicans are left with a one-seat majority!

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:01 p.m. No.155558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786704 (271955ZAPR24) Notable: PROOF that there is a network of American students on major US college campuses who work for Israeli intelligence, acting as SPIES for Israel! - twat (soros and muslim brotherhood)

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How do you create a narrative


Nearly Half Of Those Arrested At UT-Austin Pro-Palestinian Protest Had No Links To School


Nearly half of the pro-Palestinian protesters arrested earlier this week at The University of Texas at Austin were not affiliated with the university.


Duration 3:16


Current Time 0:08

Brand logo


Law enforcement officials arrested 57 protesters during Wednesday’s event organized by the Palestine Solidarity Committee after participants refused to disperse despite demands from authorities and the university. Of those arrested, 26 were neither students nor faculty of the university, according to officials at UT-Austin.


Hundreds of students walked out of class Wednesday in support of Palestinians in Gaza in the midst of the Israel-Hamas war. The war broke out after Palestinian terror group Hamas launched a brutal attack on Israel on Oct. 7, which left 1,200 Israelis dead. Hamas is believed to still be holding 129 hostages from Israel.


The organizers wrote on Instagram that they aimed to follow “in the footsteps of our comrades at Columbia SJP, Rutgers-New Brunswick, Yale, and countless others,” with SJP referring to Students for Justice in Palestine.


The anti-Israel student group demanded that the university “divest from death.”


“Consistent with this broader movement that is impacting so many, problematic aspects of the planned protest were modeled after a national organization’s protest playbook,” UT–Austin President Jay Hartzell said in a campuswide message Thursday evening.


“And notably, 26 of the 55 individuals arrested yesterday had no UT affiliation.”


Local news outlet KTBC-TV reported that one of its photojournalists was among those arrested during the clash between police and protesters. He was booked into the Travis County jail on a criminal trespassing charge.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:01 p.m. No.155559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786711 (271957ZAPR24) Notable: PROOF that there is a network of American students on major US college campuses who work for Israeli intelligence, acting as SPIES for Israel! - twat (soros and muslim brotherhood)

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"Explain To Me Why We Don't Have The Right To Exist?" – Eva Vlaardingerbroek Warns Whites Against Massive Demographic Changes In Their Native Countries


In an exclusive interview with Remix News, Dutch political commentator and lawyer Eva Vlaardingerbroek warns Europeans that they must take a stand against rapid demographic change or become a minority in their native countries.


You’ve spoken a lot about White rights and the White replacement. But of course this kind of opens you up to these accusations of racism. So, how do conservatives deal with this Catch-22 of not wanting to be replaced in their native countries, but also not wanting to be attacked with this term?


You can’t. That’s the thing, you can’t. So you have to pick a side. Of course, you’re going to be attacked if you say, “Hey, this continent, Europe, has been predominantly White for the entirety of its history, and now suddenly within one generation, a few bureaucrats have decided against the will of the people that we should suddenly be a minority. Why do we agree with that, or why do we allow that to happen?” If you say that, you are going to be attacked.


But the only other option then you have is saying nothing and have it happen, so the choice is yours, and I’ve made my choice. I think there are many ways in which you can defend yourself, of course, against this ridiculous attack, so I’m sure that they’re going say about me that I’m a terrible racist again. No, that’s not true. I don’t think that any race is superior to another. I just think that mine is also not inferior to that of others.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:02 p.m. No.155560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786720 (271959ZAPR24) Notable: DOJ Continues To Refuse Handing Over Audio Recording Of Special Counsel's Interview With Biden - zerohedge

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DOJ Continues To Refuse Handing Over Audio Recording Of Special Counsel's Interview With Biden


The Department of Justice (DOJ) stands its ground on its refusal to surrender the audio recording of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interview with President Joe Biden to the House Oversight Committee.


Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and James Comer (R-Ky.), chairmen of the House Judiciary and Oversight Accountability committees, warned Attorney General Merrick Garland that he would hold him in contempt of Congress unless he handed over the recording of Mr. Hur’s interview stemming from a probe into President Biden’s alleged mishandling of classified information.


In the letter, signed on April 25, Assistant Attorney General Carlos Felipe Uriarte told Mr. Jordan and Mr. Comer that despite the committees’ threats of contempt proceedings, the DOJ has adequately responded and sees no reason to give the audio to the committees.


“We have repeatedly invited the Committees to identify how these audio recordings from law enforcement files would serve the purposes for which you say you want them,” the letter stated.


“We have also repeatedly urged the Committees to avoid unnecessary conflict and to respect the public interest in the Department’s ability to conduct effective investigations by protecting sensitive law enforcement files.”


Mr. Uriarte said the DOJ has already complied with the committees’ request by providing Mr. Hur’s report and testimony in addition to transcripts of the interview.


“This is consistent with our strong record of cooperation this Congress,” Mr. Uriarte said.


The committees have failed to articulate “a legitimate congressional need” for the audio recordings, which Mr. Uriarte said the DOJ is withholding to protect “the confidentiality of law enforcement files.”


“The Department will continue to cooperate reasonably and appropriately, but we will not risk the long-term integrity of our law enforcement work,” Mr. Uriarte said.


Mr. Uriarte elaborated on Mr. Jordan’s and Mr. Comer’s request for the audio recording by questioning the necessity.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:02 p.m. No.155561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786721 (271959ZAPR24) Notable: Biden: ‘I will not rest until all the hostages are released – they have my word’ - biden bun

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Leading Report




BREAKING: Joe Biden’s administration has formally begun planning for a potential presidential transition.


Apr 27, 2024 · 7:39 PM UTC

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:03 p.m. No.155562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786724 (272001ZAPR24) Notable: Rep. Abruptly Announces Retirement! Florida Rep. Bill Posey Won’t Seek Reelection - gwp

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McCarthy had ONE VERY GOOD reason to leave government service!!


His last visit to Mar A Lago was for good intentions per PDJT

I’d love to see him Run for Governor of California and finally fix this mess.




BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KGET) — Former Speaker of the House and Bakersfield Congressman Kevin McCarthy said his mother died this past weekend.


According to a post on McCarthy’s Instagram, Roberta McCarthy died surrounded by family.


KGET previously reported Kevin McCarthy’s father, Owen McCarthy died of cancer in 2000.


During an event at the Fox Theater in January 2023, after McCarthy was elected as Speaker of the House, Roberta McCarthy told 17 News about McCarthy’s rise to the speakership: “It’s still unreal to me, but I’m so blessed, so terribly blessed by god to be his mom.”


Roberta offered this advice to her son at the time: “Keep remembering, it’s the job, it’s not you. Don’t ever lose your humility and your humbleness and keep being a Bakersfield boy.”


Roberta McCarthy was 83.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:03 p.m. No.155563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786727 (272002ZAPR24) Notable: PROOF that there is a network of American students on major US college campuses who work for Israeli intelligence, acting as SPIES for Israel! - twat (soros and muslim brotherhood)

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MIGRANT CRIME ROUND-UP: Pedos & Predators Repeatedly Released by Authorities.


Donald Trump has described migrant crime as a dangerous “new category of crime.” Last week, Chairman of the House National Security, Border, and Foreign Affairs Subcommittee Rep. Glenn Grothman confirmed that authorities are monitoring at least 617,000 illegal aliens with criminal convictions or pending charges. The National Pulse found this criminal element continued to absorb public resources over the past week, including the examples below.



On Thursday, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed the apprehension of a Guatemalan illegal alien, aged 53, arrested for first-degree sexual assault in Hartford, Connecticut.


The illegal turns out to have a long history of victimizing U.S. residents dating back to 2008, having previously been convicted of offenses including second-degree strangulation, domestic assault, and driving while intoxicated.


ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) team in Boston described him as a “serious risk to the community.” He was first issued a deportation order in January 2016 but remained at large for years regardless.



Also on Thursday, ICE confirmed it had finally detained a dangerous Salvadoran illegal who was repeatedly left at large by local authorities in Baltimore in defiance of ICE detainer requests.


He was first arrested for theft in 2015. His criminality dramatically escalated the following year, and he was hit with a vast array of charges: “attempted first-degree murder, con-attempted first-degree murder, attempted second-degree murder, assault first degree, assault second-degree, firearm use/felony violent crime, handgun on person, possession of firearm minor, conspiracy first-degree murder, con-assault first degree, murder first degree, and accessory after the fact murder 1st.”


ICE issued a detainer request against him, but, as with an alarming number of the subjects featured in The National Pulse’s migrant crime round-ups, local authorities refused to honor it and let him loose among the public again.


He was convicted of “accessory after the fact murder 1st” in 2017 and “dangerous weapon-conceal” in 2019. After an arrest for theft in 2023, ICE once again lodged a detainer request with local authorities, and they once again refused to honor it. ICE did not manage to apprehend him until this month.


“This is exactly the type of dangerous noncitizen offender that we need to keep off of our streets,” said an ICE spokesman. “Unfortunately two of our local jurisdictions refused to honor our requests and released him from custody,” he lamented.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:04 p.m. No.155564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5568 >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786736 (272007ZAPR24) Notable: #25493

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Q Research General #25493: Green with Envy: Grinch Juan Merchan says NO RALLY… click boom? Edition

>>155429 dough

>>155503, >>155504, >>155514, >>155518, UK forces may be deployed on the ground in Gaza to help deliver aid - israel v everyone bun

>>155510, >>155520, Russian forces strike train carrying Western weapons - MOD - russia v ukraine bun

>>155505, >>155506, >>155507, >>155509, >>155517, >>155521, >>155526, >>155513, >>155519, norm elsen (right) Mary McCord and Andrew Weissmann - sundance eagle eye behind trump legal case attacks lead by norm elsen plus anon digs bun

>>155522, >>155533, >>155534, >>155539, >>155540, Supreme Court Hears Immunity Arguments, Administrative State Smiling - SCOTUS Likely to Send Case Back to Lower Court - sundance (scotus bun)

>>155508 scotus may give j6 prisoner certiorari - gwp

>>155511 Tennessee, Georgia, Adopt 2A Privacy Acts to Bar Data Collection on Firearm Sales - breitbart

>>155512 FDA Says U.S Milk Supply Is Safe After Tests Reveal 20% of Samples Contain Avian Influenza Pathogen (Bird Flu) - sundance

>>155515 Tesla Autopilot linked to hundreds of crashes and 14 deaths -

>>155516 maga - dan t.s post

>>155523, >>155524, >>155530, San Diego Airport gave illegals their own line through security checkpoints - twat and mp4 vid (illegal invasion bun)

>>155525 “Long term Euro bonds for financing the MIGRATION CRISIS” - mp4 vid and twat (project syndicate george soros)

>>155527 forces twats bun

>>155528 the correct meaning of “equity.” - threadreader summary

>>155529, >>155531, >>155532, >>155535, how to help a cat with diabetes.- dig call (for medic anon (corp)

>>155536 Biden WH and FBI committed one of the gravest attacks on the 1st Am in decades by coercing Big Tech to censor dissent online. - musk>greenwald repost

>>155537 A massive explosion rocks the Florida coast near New Smyrna Beach. Any info on this? - twat

>>155538, >>155541, Columbia University said it has barred encampment leader Khymani James from returning to campus - andy nyo (soros)

>>155542 planefag bun

full notables at 752

p.s anon has included a extra topic for help with pets as the vets are as bad as the doctors. got to help our furry frens.

pps. will drop updated dough next post.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:05 p.m. No.155565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786739 (272007ZAPR24) Notable: ISRAELI MINISTER HAIM BITON IN A CAR ACCIDENT MAKING IT THE SECOND IN 2 DAYS AFTER BEN GVIR’S ACCIDENT - israel v everyone bun

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It's antifa in their usual terrorist playbook using civilians as human shields. Congress determined using Human Shields by terrorist groups is a WAR CRIME.


Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), the Gaza-based terrorist organization, repeatedly used civilians to shield its fighters and rockets from Israeli airstrikes during clashes earlier this month. The use of human shields is a war crime. It also triggers a law that Congress passed unanimously in 2018, authorizing the president to name — and impose sanctions on – terrorists who use human shields. Yet neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump has taken this important step to hold terrorists accountable.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:06 p.m. No.155566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786742 (272009ZAPR24) Notable: ISRAELI MINISTER HAIM BITON IN A CAR ACCIDENT MAKING IT THE SECOND IN 2 DAYS AFTER BEN GVIR’S ACCIDENT - israel v everyone bun

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BREAKING: Israeli Minister Haim Biton has been involved in a car accident and his father has been seriously injured.


This is the second car crash involving an Israeli minister in two days.

What is going on?

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:06 p.m. No.155567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786743 (272009ZAPR24) Notable: Tennessee legislature passes bill to establish CRIMINAL CHARGES for parents who assist children - pedo and groomer bun

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In the new season of HBO's 'We're Here,' Sasha Velour takes on Bible Belt drag bans

In season four of the drag makeover series, Velour and her co-hosts head to Tennessee and Oklahoma, where they deliver head-turning looks and heartwarming performances.


April 26, 2024, 6:03 AM GMT-11

By Elaina Patton

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:07 p.m. No.155569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5570 >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786775 (272015ZAPR24) Notable: Tennessee legislature passes bill to establish CRIMINAL CHARGES for parents who assist children - pedo and groomer bun

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>Breitbart is posting old news to incite hatred.

Current news - information was withheld until the last trial and sentencing was completed.


Predators who traded girls in 'shocking' abuse pictured and jailed for combined 346 years

A gang of sexual predators who traded young girls for years in "shocking" abuse have been jailed for a combined total of almost 350 years. The men have been given jail sentences of up to 30 years for sexually exploiting young girls in West Yorkshire, involving abuse described as "abhorrent in the extreme". Four of the men convicted in the series of trials received sentences of more than 20 years.

They were jailed for a total of 346 years amid prosecutions arising out of Operation Tourway, West Yorkshire Police's investigation into the rape, sexual abuse and trafficking of eight girls in the North Kirklees area, including in Batley and Dewsbury, between 1999 and 2012.

Reporting restrictions which covered a series of five trials over two years were lifted on Friday (April 26) after the sentencing of the latest seven men at Leeds Crown Court, the force confirmed on Saturday (April 27).

Det Ch Insp Oliver Coates from of Kirklees Police praised the women who came forward to report what happened to them when they were younger.

DCI Coates added: "Now that reporting restrictions have been lifted we can, for the first time, disclose full details of all those sentenced so far in what has been a long trial process.

"Throughout the last two years juries have heard details of absolutely shocking offending committed against victims in these cases.

"Some of these men received in excess of 30 years each for the multiple offences they committed and the unbelievably callous and degrading way in which they treated these then young girls.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:08 p.m. No.155571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786790 (272020ZAPR24) Notable: ISRAELI MINISTER HAIM BITON IN A CAR ACCIDENT MAKING IT THE SECOND IN 2 DAYS AFTER BEN GVIR’S ACCIDENT - israel v everyone bun

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The pier is for deportation to the UK US Canada Australia this is where the Zionists have decided to dump them.


UK Looking to Deploy British Soldiers to Deliver Aid to Gaza via Biden’s Floating Pier, BBC Reports


The United Kingdom is considering deploying British troops to deliver aid to the Gaza Strip following the construction of an offshore floating pier by the United States military, the BBC has claimed.


A report from Britain’s public broadcaster, citing unnamed government sources, the UK is making plans to send soldiers to drive aid trucks from the soon-to-be-completed pier to a floating causeway to the shores of Gaza.


While the BBC noted that no final decision had been made, with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak yet to give his approval, the report came after a senior military official from the United States said that there would be no American “boots on the ground” and that a so far unnamed third-party country will supply the manpower to drive the trucks and deliver the aid.


“We have a third party who will be driving the trucks down the pier,” the U.S. military official said. “Just a point of emphasis, there will be no US military boots on the ground. So, a third party is driving those trucks.”


The UK has already been deeply involved in the project, with the Royal Navy providing a ship that will help house American military personnel working on the construction of the pier and the UK Hydrographic Office giving analysis of the Gaza shoreline to help plan its construction.


Additionally, British military officials have also been tasked with assisting in the screening of aid packages in Florida and Cyprus before them being sent to Gaza.


Although the floating pier is yet to be completed, the Biden administration is hoping that the Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore (JLOTS) operation will begin delivering aid to the region as soon as early May, with up to 150 trucks per day coming via the sea route. This is on top of the 220 trucks full of aid being delivered daily by land into Gaza.


The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has vowed to provide “security and logistics support for the JLOTS initiative… to enhance the entry of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip”.


However, with British troops potentially manning the frontline of the effort, they may be more susceptible to attacks from the Islamist Hamas terrorists that control the area.


Indeed, on Wednesday, Palestinian terrorists reportedly fired mortar shells at the construction site of the pier, despite the project potentially being able to help desperate civilians in the area.


However, there are also questions about how much the project will actually help in getting aid to needy Palestinian civilians, with Jerusalem previously pointing out that there is currently no limit to the amount of aid allowed into Gaza by land and that the actual problem is that Hamas steals the aid to enrich itself.


Without confirming the plans to send British troops to deliver the aid, UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps said: “It is critical we establish more routes for vital humanitarian aid to reach the people of Gaza, and the UK continues to take a leading role in the delivery of support in coordination with the U.S. and our international allies and partners.”

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:09 p.m. No.155572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786807 (272027ZAPR24) Notable: Cemetery Filled With Bluetooth Signals As Dead Vaxxed Emit MAC Addresses From The Grave - (covid vax and big pharma related bun)

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‘An Admission of Epic Proportions’: Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccines


Health Canada on Thursday confirmed the presence of DNA contamination in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines and also confirmed that Pfizer did not disclose the contamination to the public health authority.


In what one scientist described as an “admission of epic proportions,” Health Canada on Thursday confirmed the presence of DNA contamination in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, and also confirmed that Pfizer did not disclose the contamination to the public health authority.


The DNA contamination includes the Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoter and enhancer Pfizer did not previously disclose and that some experts say is a cancer risk due to potential integration with the human genome.


Health Canada, the country’s public health authority, told The Epoch Times that while Pfizer provided the full DNA sequences of the plasmid in its vaccine at the time of the initial submission, the vaccine maker “did not specifically identify the SV40 sequence.”


“Health Canada expects sponsors to identify any biologically functional DNA sequences within a plasmid (such as an SV40 enhancer) at the time of submission,” it said.


Health Canada’s admission came after two scientists, Kevin McKernan and Phillip J. Buckhaults, Ph.D., discovered the presence of bacterial plasmid DNA in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines at levels potentially 18-70 times higher than the limits set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency.


They tested four expired Pfizer and Moderna vaccine vials “thought to only contain mRNA” and found to contain “double-stranded DNA plasmids.”


Health Canada said, “We have concluded that the risk/benefit profile continues to support the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine,” and that it does rely on manufacturer claims but “conducts an in-depth independent review” to make sure the vaccines meet “our high standards for safety, efficacy and quality.”


Janci Lindsay, Ph.D., director of toxicology and molecular biology for Toxicology Support Services, told The Defender this statement is “silly, not believable and not defendable,” adding that “We should not have to do the research that they should have done.”


“Why are the FDA, CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and the mainstream media still silent about this?” asked Steve Kirsch, founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, adding that “the mainstream medical community is silent as well.”


Viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle of the University of Guelph in Canada, commenting on Health Canada’s admission wrote on his Substack, “This is an admission of epic proportions.”


Bridle also wrote:


“One must wonder why Pfizer would not disclose the presence of a biologically functional DNA sequence to a health regulator. Pfizer was required to disclose to health regulatory agencies all of the bioactive sequences in the bacterial plasmid DNA that they used to manufacture their shots.”


The contamination “would have been discovered sooner by independent researchers, but people were threatened with arrest if they supplied vials for analysis,” Kirsch said, claiming he faced threats if he “participated in trying to analyze the vials.”


Bridle noted that it’s been “818 total days” since the University of Guelph banned him from accessing his office and laboratory for attempting to conduct similar research, while other researchers “have been the focus of attacks from many so-called ‘misinformation experts,’” even though none “have been able to refute their findings.”

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:09 p.m. No.155573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786820 (272033ZAPR24) Notable: PROOF that there is a network of American students on major US college campuses who work for Israeli intelligence, acting as SPIES for Israel! - twat (soros and muslim brotherhood)

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Even more controversial thought experiment: what if companies stopped pandering to the political narrative du jour, and just hired based on merit


Andrew Ross Sorkin




Controversial thought experiment: What would happen if companies told universities that they wouldn’t hire ANY of their students unless the schools take decisive action to end blatant antisemitism on campus. After all, no company would use an executive search firm with even one…

Show more

9:32 AM · Apr 27, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:10 p.m. No.155574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786824 (272035ZAPR24) Notable: PROOF that there is a network of American students on major US college campuses who work for Israeli intelligence, acting as SPIES for Israel! - twat (soros and muslim brotherhood)

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ADL Urged Congress to Pass FISA Law Spying on Americans to 'Protect Israel'


The Anti-Defamation League and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations wrote a letter to House Speaker Mike Johnson and Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries earlier this month urging them to pass the controversial FISA law to spy on Americans to "protect Israel."


The FISA bill was described as "the biggest expansion of domestic surveillance since the Patriot Act" and included language to which could compel "an enormous range" of businesses to start acting as NSA spies.


Americans rose up and flooded Congress with calls to demand the bill be stopped or amended but it sailed through the House and Senate with zero changes as the will of the American public has no influence over the regime in Washington.


The ADL/Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations told Congress the spying law was needed first and foremost for "(1) the safety and security of Israel; and (2) the need to protect Jews in the U.S. indeed, all Americans from terrorist threats."


"In the U.S., indications of foreign involvement in domestic antisemitic events in the wake of October 7 highlight the need for the Executive Branch to retain this vital tool," the Jewish advocacy group said, likely alluding to anti-Israel protests.


They went on to say they're "deeply concerned" about proposals to reign in the spying law by requiring a warrant to examine "information previously obtained through use of Section 702," which they said would "hobble vital intelligence and law enforcement authorities.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:10 p.m. No.155575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786831 (272037ZAPR24) Notable: Biden: ‘I will not rest until all the hostages are released – they have my word’ - biden bun

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Biden: ‘I will not rest until all the hostages are released – they have my word’


The meeting came on the same day a joint statement was released from the leaders of 19 countries calling for the release of hostages still held in Gaza


US President Joe Biden posted a photograph of himself with some of the children who had been held hostage in Gaza, but who were released in November including Abigail Eden, 4, who holds dual Israeli-American citizenship.

"I will not rest until every hostage, like Abigail, ripped from their families and held by Hamas is back in the arms of their loved ones," Biden declared in a statement published on X, formerly Twitter on Saturday.


They have my word," he said, adding “Their families have my word.”

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:11 p.m. No.155576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786843 (272039ZAPR24) Notable: ISRAELI MINISTER HAIM BITON IN A CAR ACCIDENT MAKING IT THE SECOND IN 2 DAYS AFTER BEN GVIR’S ACCIDENT - israel v everyone bun

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Preparations for floating pier for humanitarian aid delivery in Gaza continue


The floating pier, through which the humanitarian aid will be transferred, is being built by the US and will be connected to the shore.


In recent weeks, work has begun to accommodate a floating pier in Gaza for humanitarian aid, especially efforts on the layout of the area for receiving the aid in Gaza, the IDF announced Saturday evening. These efforts began with a collaborative workshop involving American partners, who contributed to the initial planning design.


Subsequently, execution was carried out jointly by the Engineering and Construction Division within the Defense Ministry, led by the IDF Southern Command, the engineering array, COGAT, accompanied by logistical coverage of the Technological and Logistics Directorate, and in cooperation with the US Military.


The area of ​​the project covers about 270 square kilometers which are allocated for the operation and the passage of large amounts of goods to the field.

A remote-controlled hydraulic gate system is being built


In addition, a remote-controlled hydraulic gate system is being built, allowing for operational and logistical flexibility. Extensive electrical work is being done to support the facility and to accommodate the arrival of aid, both by land and by sea.


The floating pier, through which the humanitarian aid will be transferred, is being built by the US and will be connected to the shore.


While in maritime space, the Naval Branch will secure the forces in the humanitarian aid mission, from the stage of the arrival of the naval SDF until the end of the operation.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:11 p.m. No.155577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786844 (272039ZAPR24) Notable: Tennessee legislature passes bill to establish CRIMINAL CHARGES for parents who assist children - pedo and groomer bun

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American News Apr 27, 2024


18-year-old trans-identified male scares girls into not using bathroom: South Carolina school board official


"These girls, these 13, 14, 15-year-old girls, do not feel safe and secure in that bathroom."

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:12 p.m. No.155578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786851 (272042ZAPR24) Notable: Sierra Nevada Awarded DoD Contract To Build Next-Gen 'Doomsday Plane' (delivery 2036) - zerohedge

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Sierra Nevada Awarded DoD Contract To Build Next-Gen 'Doomsday Plane' (delivery 2036)


Aerospace and defense company Sierra Nevada Corporation won the $13 billion Pentagon contract to develop a successor to the "Doomsday Plane" that serves as a mobile command post in the event of nuclear war. 

The current 1970s-era Boeing E-4B "Nightwatch" serves as the National Airborne Operations Center and is a key component of the National Military Command System for the President, the Secretary of Defense, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  However, the fleet of E-4B Nightwatch, which can withstand nuclear blasts and electromagnetic effects, is aging and needs to be replaced.  (they just finished with latest upgrading last year I think). That's where Sierra Nevada comes in with the new Survivable Airborne Operations Center project, which will replace the E-4B Nightwatch by 2036. 

"In case of national emergency or destruction of ground command and control centers, the aircraft provides a highly survivable command, control, and communications center to direct US forces, execute emergency war orders, and coordinate actions by civil authorities," explained an E-4B Nightwatch fact sheet produced by the US Air Force.  In December, Reuters sources said Boeing - the incumbent manufacturer of the E-4B Nightwatch, could not agree with the Air Force on data rights and contract terms for the replacement plane. 

Currently, the Air Force operates four E-4B Nightwatch planes, with at least one on full alert at all times. 

Given Boeing's string of problems at its commercial jet unit, it's probably best that Sierra Nevada was awarded the project for one of the nation's most important aircraft.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:13 p.m. No.155579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786870 (272049ZAPR24) Notable: Gov. Katie Hobbs has vetoed homeowners to remove squatters - (governors and judges bun)

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Democrat Arizona governor vetoes bill that would have made it easier for homeowners to remove squatters


Another official, State Sen. Justine Wadsack (R-Tucson), described her personal experience finding a squatter occupying a home when she showed it to a client while she was working as a realtor.


"It was a terrifying threat to my safety, the safety of my clients, as well as to the homeowners," she said. "When I called the police, I was told there was not much they could do. It's a shame Gov. Katie Hobbs has vetoed yet another piece of commonsense bipartisan legislation."


The veto-happy governor has vetoed 52 bills so far during this legislative session following a record-breaking 143 vetoes last year.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:13 p.m. No.155580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786880 (272051ZAPR24) Notable: ISRAELI MINISTER HAIM BITON IN A CAR ACCIDENT MAKING IT THE SECOND IN 2 DAYS AFTER BEN GVIR’S ACCIDENT - israel v everyone bun

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'Hostages Are Also Captives of Netanyahu's Government' | Thousands Protest Ruling Coalition Across Israel, Demand Hostage Deal; Seven Arrested


'Hamas and the [Israeli] government are hardening their hearts, and the government is waging a campaign against me' said the mother of a hostage being held in Gaza, as demonstrations take place in all major cities across Israel


Protests demanding the release of hostages and calling for early elections are taking place Saturday evening in Tel Aviv and several other Israeli cities, including Jerusalem, Caesarea, Haifa, and Be'er Sheva.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:13 p.m. No.155581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786895 (272055ZAPR24) Notable: Gov. Katie Hobbs has vetoed homeowners to remove squatters - (governors and judges bun)

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Asian Female Judge Disqualifies White Male Judge For Not Being Ignorant Of Crime Statistics


The Orange County judge disqualified a San Diego judge from hearing cases under California’s Racial Justice Act, citing his statement that “There is absolutely no evidence that … the proportion of persons in an ethnicity committing a crime must be the same as the proportion of the population.” In her ruling, Judge Cheri Pham decided that “From his comments, a person aware of the facts could reasonably believe that Judge Shore believes certain racial or ethnic groups commit more crimes than others.” Never mind the fact that certain racial and ethnic groups do in fact commit more crimes than others.


… as described in the San Diego Union-Tribune:


In a ruling thought to be the first of its kind, an Orange County judge disqualified a San Diego judge from hearing multiple cases under California’s Racial Justice Act, finding that there are reasonable questions about whether recently censured San Diego Superior Court Judge Howard Shore can remain impartial given his prior “insensitive language and comments” in the courtroom.


“From his comments, a person aware of the facts could reasonably believe that Judge Shore believes certain racial or ethnic groups commit more crimes than others,” Orange County Assistant Presiding Judge Cheri Pham wrote in part of one of her orders of disqualification, citing remarks Shore had made in previous hearings…


The Orange County judge noted that Shore had previously questioned whether systemic racism exists in the legal system. In another hearing, Pham wrote, he questioned statistics that show minorities are imprisoned at a disproportionate rate.


“There is absolutely no evidence that … the proportion of persons in an ethnicity committing a crime must be the same as the proportion of the population,” Shore said in one hearing, according to a transcript.


Citing the standard for disqualification, Pham said such comments could make a person reasonably believe “that Judge Shore believes certain racial or ethnic groups commit more crimes than others and that he will not give weight to statistical evidence that indicates there is an implicit bias against certain racial or ethnic groups.”


As I’ve often said, what goes unsaid tends to become inconceivable

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:19 p.m. No.155584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786903 (272059ZAPR24) Notable: WEF Demands End of ‘Democratic Elections’: ‘We Will Decide’ -

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WEF Demands End of ‘Democratic Elections’: ‘We Will Decide’


The World Economic Forum (WEF) has demanded that global governments ban members of the public from taking part in “democratic elections,” declaring that future leaders must, instead, be “chosen” by the unelected globalist elite.


According to WEF founder and chairman, Professor Klaus Schwab, the general public cannot be trusted to choose leadership.


Schwab argues that elections are now unnecessary because bureaucrats can now use artificial intelligence (AI) to “predict” who leaders “should be.”


This is all moving towards globalization and a One World Government, for which a drastically reduced world population is of the order.


This remains the WEF’s number ONE objective, as per The Great Reset and UN Agenda 2030.


Klaus Schwab’s dream of The Fourth Industrial Revolution, AI, and digitization of everything are just instruments to get there faster.


Another tool was covid and the bio-weapons “vaccines”, and perhaps the WEF Davos24 propagated new virus “X” – not yet existing, but roaming somewhere out there (Gates, Tedros WHO) and, ludicrously, “vaxxes” are already being developed – and a foremost instrument for this globalist genocide is the tremendous climate hoax.


The climate lie has been in the making, at least since the Club of Rome’s devastating Report of “Limits to Growth” which is still the blueprint for much of what is going on today, including population reduction. Under climate change every eugenist dream may be realized. If we, the People, let them.


The Club of Rome, a Rockefeller invention, is also headquartered in Switzerland (Winterthur), as are the WEF, WHO, GAVI (the vaccination-pharma alliance) and – the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), also called the Central Bank of all Central Banks. All with full diplomatic immunity and tax-free. A coincidence?


Klaus Schwab’s interview with Swiss TV was on 10 January 2016, just before the WEF Davos16, the 46th WEF, carried out under the theme “Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution”.


Eight years later, the 54th WEF Davos24 which just ended 6 days ago, bore the title “Rebuilding Trust.”

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:19 p.m. No.155585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786907 (272100ZAPR24) Notable: Biden: ‘I will not rest until all the hostages are released – they have my word’ - biden bun

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Biden to Blow American Tax Dollars on Training 200 ‘Transgender Rights Activists’ in India


Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration has announced plans to pour American tax dollars into a scheme to train 200 “transgender rights activists” in India.


The Biden admin claims the program is ostensibly designed to advance America’s “national interests.”


According to a federal grant posting, Biden’s State Department argues that the plan will ultimately benefit the United States.


State Department plans to “train at least 200 LGBTQI+ community leaders … with preference given to trans and intersex community leaders.”


The program will “deliver specialized legal education and support” to empower transgenders “to advocate for their rights and access the services they need,” according to a grant announcement published by the State Department.


The department is offering the grant under its Public Diplomacy Programs.


The scheme was developed to “support the achievement of U.S. foreign policy goals and objectives, advance national interests, and enhance national security.”


The grant opportunity argues that “improved health, education, economic strength, justice, and equality” for transgenders in India will ultimately benefit the American people.


The proposed program, titled “Empowering LGBTQI+ Community Leadership Across India,” focuses on transgender and intersex Indians.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:20 p.m. No.155586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786909 (272101ZAPR24) Notable: The right to privacy exists in the penumbra of the American Constitution and u.n - jim watkins.

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James Watkins


Luckily for us, we are part of the anti-social media.


By the way, the right to privacy includes keeping your privates away from California lawmakers.


The right to privacy exists in the penumbra of the American Constitution.


It is also referenced in the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but nobody pays any attention at all to that document.


9:57 AM · Apr 27, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:20 p.m. No.155587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786915 (272103ZAPR24) Notable: Cemetery Filled With Bluetooth Signals As Dead Vaxxed Emit MAC Addresses From The Grave - (covid vax and big pharma related bun)

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USDA operates 3 insect factories


Harvest for a Healthier Future” is a project titled Harvesting Agriculture’s “Natural” Insect Farms led by Alexandra Chaskopoulou, medical entomologist for the European Biological Control Laboratory (EBCL) in Thessaloniki, Greece.


This project brought together a very diverse team of researchers from across the world:


Lee Cohnstaedt, ARS research epidemiologist from the Arthropod-borne Animal Diseases Research Unit in Manhattan, Kansas

Brenda Oppert, ARS research molecular biologist from the Stored Product Insect and Engineering Research Unit in Manhattan, Kansas

Anne Donoghue, ARS research leader and poultry production expert from the Poultry Production and Product Safety Research Unit in Fayetteville, Arkansas

Komala Arsi, Director of the Experiment Station and food safety expert from University of Arkansas from Fayetteville, Arkansas

Kiki Zinoviadou, food scientist from American Farm School in Thessaloniki, Greece

The proposed project addresses two major agricultural problems by transforming one problem into a solution:


Large-scale livestock production is a significant contributor to climate change globally with animal feed production being one of the major sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. There is a critical need for alternative feed sources with low environmental impact.


Vector-borne diseases — those transmitted to people and animals by insect vectors — result in hundreds of thousands of cases annually and economic losses exceeding $100 billion a year. Environmental and ecological changes induced by agriculture often result in the production of massive vector populations. Sustainable, insecticide free management solutions that do minimal damage to the environment are required.


Insect Production Worker (Open Continuous)


3 vacancies in the following locations:


Sarasota, FL

1 vacancy

Edinburg, TX

1 vacancy

Harlingen, TX

1 vacancy

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:21 p.m. No.155588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786926 (272108ZAPR24) Notable: ISRAELI MINISTER HAIM BITON IN A CAR ACCIDENT MAKING IT THE SECOND IN 2 DAYS AFTER BEN GVIR’S ACCIDENT - israel v everyone bun

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How both Israel and the GOP completely lost my support in just 6 1/2 months


Mike Adams – Natural News Apr 26, 2024


Before October 7th, I was pro-Israel and pro-GOP. Right after Oct. 7th, I was even MORE pro-Israel, feeling great sadness for the Israeli deaths that took place during the Hamas attack. Before long, however, Israel began bombing Gaza in retaliation. Soon it became apparent that the IDF wasn’t bombing Hamas at all. They were bombing hospitals, universities, refugee centers and civilian residential buildings.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:21 p.m. No.155589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786949 (272115ZAPR24) Notable: Much of Ukraine aid stolen - French party leader - ukraine v russia bun

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Australia to provide $100 million in funding and supplies to Ukraine


Defence Minister Richard Marles has unveiled another $100 million in Australian funding and supplies for Ukraine, as Kyiv pleads for greater international support in its resistance against Russian forces.


In the package, $50 million will fund short-range air defence systems, while $30 million is being spent on drones for the Ukrainian military and another $15 million on equipment including helmets, inflatable boats, boots, fire masks and electricity generators.


Mr Marles made the announcement during a quick visit to Ukraine, where he met with the country's Prime Minister Denys Shmyal and Deputy Defence Minister Ivan Havryliuk.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:22 p.m. No.155590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786950 (272116ZAPR24) Notable: Biden: ‘I will not rest until all the hostages are released – they have my word’ - biden bun

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I will not rest until every hostage, like Abigail, ripped from their families and held by Hamas is back in the arms of their loved ones.


They have my word.


Their families have my word.





Why are those kids dressed like that?

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:22 p.m. No.155591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786961 (272120ZAPR24) Notable: Much of Ukraine aid stolen - French party leader - ukraine v russia bun

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NATO Troops Start Pouring Into Ukraine


According to Stephen Bryen, whose extensive experience has been as a U.S. armaments-manufacturing high executive as well as in both the Executive and Legislative ends of the U.S. Government, headlined on April 25th, “NATO is starting to deploy Troops in Ukraine and Russia is Racing to Win”, and he reported:


NATO is starting to deploy combat troops to Ukraine. They are in uniform and mostly are concentrated in the western part of the country, although in some cases they are close to the actual fighting in the east. Soldiers from Poland, France, the UK, Finland and other NATO members are arriving in larger numbers. These troops are not mercenaries. They wear the flag of their country on their shirts. …


The Biden administration, at least for public consumption, says it opposes sending NATO soldiers to Ukraine. But the truth is, Biden may be waiting for his reelection before he gives the order for US soldiers to fight in Ukraine. After Biden is reelected, he will have a free hand. The recent passage of the $60 billion air bill for Ukraine signals that Congress will go along with whatever the Biden administration wants to do “fighting the Russians.” …


Meanwhile NATO is far behind Russia, both in weapons, manpower and industrial might. Furthermore, stockpiles of weapons are very low and equipment supposedly for national defense has been sent to Ukraine, leaving defenses wanting.


The consensus opinion in the US National Security establishment is that Ukraine is losing its war with the Russians and could potentially face the collapse of its army. …


NATO’s plan seems to be to try and ward off disaster by filling in gaps in Ukraine’s forces by importing “advisers,” waiting for the US to commit its army to the battle after the election in November. The Russians know this and are in a race to try and collapse Ukraine’s army before Biden returns to office, if in fact he does. If the Russians are successful, a bigger war in Europe will be avoided. If not, with the introduction of US forces, Europe will be plunged into World War III.


And so too would the U.S.


In short: Ukraine’s war against Russia will soon be a war between Russia and all of these NATO member-nations, not merely against Ukraine.


This will force the issue, because any negotiated end to this war has thereby become impossible: the end of this conflict will be either a U.S.-and-‘allied’ victory and a Russian defeat (so unlikely as to be virtually impossible), or else a Russian victory and a crushing defeat of the entire U.S. empire (leading ultimately to a collapse in the value of the dollar and the bankruptcy of the U.S. Government).

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:23 p.m. No.155592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20786968 (272122ZAPR24) Notable: ISRAELI MINISTER HAIM BITON IN A CAR ACCIDENT MAKING IT THE SECOND IN 2 DAYS AFTER BEN GVIR’S ACCIDENT - israel v everyone bun

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Israel's Controversial National Security Minister Ben Gvir In Serious Car Accident

Tyler Durden's Photo


FRIDAY, APR 26, 2024 - 01:05 PM

There have been emerging reports Friday that Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir has been hospitalized after a serious car accident.


Regional media outlet The Cradle writes that "Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir has been hospitalized after his car overturned in Ramla while leaving the scene of a stabbing attack."

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:23 p.m. No.155593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787017 (272133ZAPR24) Notable: ISRAELI MINISTER HAIM BITON IN A CAR ACCIDENT MAKING IT THE SECOND IN 2 DAYS AFTER BEN GVIR’S ACCIDENT - israel v everyone bun

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Khan Younis Mass Grave: Bodies Beheaded and with Signs of Organ Removed…


For the Israeli awful Black Market revealed by our investigation on Western traffic in NATO protected countries!


Israel will not investigate the mass graves found at Gaza hospitals, as it has already dealt with the matter and found no wrongdoing by its troops, a spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has told Politico, spreading a flood of lies endorsed by the Democrat- and Zionist-supporting New York newspaper


IDF spokesperson Nadav Shoshani told Politico on Friday that reports of Israeli troops having anything to do with the mass burials were “fake news.” When asked whether that meant that Israel would not investigate the matter, he replied: “Investigate what?”


US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said On Wednesday that Washington wanted to see the circumstances surrounding the hundreds of deaths “thoroughly and transparently investigated.”

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:28 p.m. No.155594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5598 >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787038 (272138ZAPR24) Notable: PROOF that there is a network of American students on major US college campuses who work for Israeli intelligence, acting as SPIES for Israel! - twat (soros and muslim brotherhood)

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LIVE: Protest outside White House Correspondents' Dinner

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:28 p.m. No.155595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5599 >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787040 (272138ZAPR24) Notable: planefag bun

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There it is! The classic spiral flight path for optimal vertical positioning of the VLF trailing wire antenna broadcasting to U.S. missile submarines. Call sign TOUCH58. USN E-6B Mercury 162738. Approximately 450 miles east of Washington D.C..

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:30 p.m. No.155596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787044 (272140ZAPR24) Notable: Hillary Killed Muammar Gaddafi After Delivering This Speech! - youtube

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hillary Killed Muammar Gaddafi After Delivering This Speech!

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:30 p.m. No.155597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787047 (272143ZAPR24) Notable: Tornado Outbreak Coverage With Storm Chasers On The Ground - youtube

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FOX Weather


Confirmed tornado in Gentry County, Missouri.


Watch FOX Weather for the latest:



Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:30 p.m. No.155598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787054 (272146ZAPR24) Notable: PROOF that there is a network of American students on major US college campuses who work for Israeli intelligence, acting as SPIES for Israel! - twat (soros and muslim brotherhood)

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The same old monotone rhymes ANTIFA/BLM always pump out. Zero imagination, zero creativity, just braindead zombie following retards.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:31 p.m. No.155600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787133 (272206ZAPR24) Notable: Cemetery Filled With Bluetooth Signals As Dead Vaxxed Emit MAC Addresses From The Grave - (covid vax and big pharma related bun)

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GRAPHENE OXIDE : The reason they're banning NAC supplements ?

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:32 p.m. No.155601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787231 (272233ZAPR24) Notable: Much of Ukraine aid stolen - French party leader - ukraine v russia bun

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27 Apr, 2024 19:46

Situation on the front lines ‘difficult’ – Ukraine’s top military commander

Things are getting worse for Kiev, General Aleksandr Syrsky told the nation’s Western backers amid the continued Russian offensive


Ukraine is having a hard time fighting Russia, the commander-in-chief of the nation’s armed forces, General Aleksandr Syrsky, has admitted this week.The situation on the front lines is “difficult,” he told Kiev’s Western backersduring a virtual Ramstein group meeting on Friday.


His words came amid the continued Russian offensive in Donbass, which saw theUkrainian military lose more than 8,000 soldiers in just one week, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.


“I … informed the coalition members about the difficult operational and strategic situation,which has a tendency to get worse,” Syrsky said in a Telegram post on Saturday, where he spoke about the talks with the Western nations providing military aid to Ukraine. Kiev “urgently needs” missiles, ammunition, weapons and military equipment, the general said.


His words came as the US approved another military aid package to Ukraine worth some $61 billion. The emergency spending legislation had been stuck in Congress for months as it was blocked by Republican lawmakers seeking concessions from the White House on US border control policies.


The bill’s approval was welcomed by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, who told NBC that his nation had a “chance at victory,” with more Western weapons coming its way. Ukraine’s foreign minister,Dmitry Kuleba, was more skeptical on the issue, saying that “no single package can stop the Russians.”


Moscow also brushed off the news by saying that no Western weapons could change the dynamics on the front lines.The Russian troops have been on the offensive since early 2024, and captured the strategic Donbass town of Avdeevka in February. Since then, Moscow’s forces have continued to advance further to the west and have seized several smaller settlements in the area as well. Over the past week, they took over two villages from the Ukrainian forces, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.


Earlier in April, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said that Ukraine had lost almost 500,000 soldiers since the start of the conflict in February 2022. The Ukrainian officials and the military have also repeatedly pointed out the need to replenish the losses. Zelensky has recently signed into law a radical reform of the mobilization system, meant to boost conscription numbers by introducing harsh punishments for draft avoidance.


(Why is the West allowing the killing of more Ukrainians? EU is giving no more arms or money.The US and Kiev need to admit they lost and must make peace. Biden demands they fight through to Nov., through the election season, he will not let them make peace. That will be 27-28 weeks of fighting, Ukraine could lose 250,000 more soldiers before Nov. bringing the losses to 750,000 Ukrainians. This is sick and insane to try to get Bidan back in the WH.)

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 5:32 p.m. No.155602   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787278 (272246ZAPR24) Notable: #25495

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Q Research General #25495: Cali Attempts to Limit Anonymous Free Speech Edition

notables are not endorsements

>>155543, >>155568 dough

>>155544, >>155554, >>155565, >>155566, >>155571, >>155576, >>155593, >>155580, >>155588, >>155592, ISRAELI MINISTER HAIM BITON IN A CAR ACCIDENT MAKING IT THE SECOND IN 2 DAYS AFTER BEN GVIR’S ACCIDENT - israel v everyone bun

>>155555, >>155589, >>155591, >>155601, Much of Ukraine aid stolen - French party leader - ukraine v russia bun

>>155546, >>155549, >>155550, >>155572, >>155587, >>155600, Cemetery Filled With Bluetooth Signals As Dead Vaxxed Emit MAC Addresses From The Grave - (covid vax and big pharma related bun)

>>155545, >>155547, >>155551, >>155597, Tornado Outbreak Coverage With Storm Chasers On The Ground - youtube

>>155548, >>155567, >>155569, >>155570, >>155577, Tennessee legislature passes bill to establish CRIMINAL CHARGES for parents who assist children - pedo and groomer bun

>>155552, >>155558, >>155559, >>155563, >>155573, >>155574, >>155594, >>155598, PROOF that there is a network of American students on major US college campuses who work for Israeli intelligence, acting as SPIES for Israel! - twat (soros and muslim brotherhood)

>>155553 If Patriot Front were a real organic group, the reaction would be completely - musk (clowns on parade)

>>155556 Texas Grid Operator ERCOT Warns of Possible Emergency Next Week - gwp

>>155557, >>155562, Rep. Abruptly Announces Retirement! Florida Rep. Bill Posey Won’t Seek Reelection - gwp

>>155560 DOJ Continues To Refuse Handing Over Audio Recording Of Special Counsel's Interview With Biden - zerohedge

>>155564 #25493 missing notables updated to dough

>>155575, >>155561, >>155585, >>155590, Biden: ‘I will not rest until all the hostages are released – they have my word’ - biden bun

>>155578 Sierra Nevada Awarded DoD Contract To Build Next-Gen 'Doomsday Plane' (delivery 2036) - zerohedge

>>155579, >>155581, Gov. Katie Hobbs has vetoed homeowners to remove squatters - (governors and judges bun)

>>155584 WEF Demands End of ‘Democratic Elections’: ‘We Will Decide’ -

>>155586 The right to privacy exists in the penumbra of the American Constitution and u.n - jim watkins.

>>155595, >>155599, planefag bun

>>155596 Hillary Killed Muammar Gaddafi After Delivering This Speech! - youtube

finals at 650, will hand off up top

>>>/qresearch/20787271 see above.

bread already set up and ready to go after this post.


Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:18 p.m. No.155603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5604 >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787338 (272258ZAPR24) Notable: #25496

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Q Research General #25496: Saturday night Sunday Morning Edition

Baker does not have proto or big bun status, so had to post #25494 bloatables in two posts.

thanks for the advice and prayers anons.

it means so much

God Speed Ahead - God Wins

Corp out


dough below

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:19 p.m. No.155605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787403 (272314ZAPR24) Notable: The pro-Palestine protests are outside the WH correspondents dinner

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The pro-Palestine protests outside the WH correspondents dinner.




Are these fuckers gonna ruin the dinner? You'd hate to see it kek

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:20 p.m. No.155606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787437 (272324ZAPR24) Notable: Mike Johnson, RINOs and Democrats obviously are warmongers, hoping that the War in Ukraine escalates and expands

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MIKE JOHNSON NEEDS TO COME CLEAN! Latest Report Reveals Democrats, Speaker Johnson, RINOs and Joe Biden Secretly Sent LONG-RANGE MISSILES to Ukraine to Fire into Russia to Expand Doomed War – WAR ROOM REACTS!


The Pentagon confirmed on Wednesday that the US secretly sent long-range Army Tactical Missile System to Ukraine as part of the $61 billion dollar package passed by Democrats, RINOs, Speaker Johnson and signed by Joe Biden.


Mike Johnson, RINOs and Democrats obviously are hoping that the War in Ukraine escalates and expands.


These warmongers have no desire for peace.

ABC News reported:

The missiles, also known as ATACMS, have a maximum range of 186 miles. Ukraine first used them over the past week, two U.S. officials said.

In October, America provided Ukraine with mid-range versions of the ATACMS, which have a minimum range of 43 miles. But Ukraine continued to press the Biden administration to provide longer-range versions.


The White House’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, told reporters on Wednesday afternoon that in February, President Joe Biden directed his team to provide Ukraine with a “significant” number of ATACMS missiles for use inside Ukrainian territory — against Russian invaders.


On Saturday, Steve Bannon and Ben Harnwell discussed this explosive revelation.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:20 p.m. No.155607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5608 >>5618 >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787524 (272348ZAPR24) Notable: pastor Loran Livingston torches Trump's 'disgusting' and 'blasphemous' $60 MAGA Bible in wild rant

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Daily Mail Online




Moment evangelical pastor Loran Livingston torches Trump's 'disgusting' and 'blasphemous' $60 MAGA bible in wild rant


Apr 27, 2024 · 7:33 PM UTC

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:21 p.m. No.155608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787546 (272356ZAPR24) Notable: pastor Loran Livingston torches Trump's 'disgusting' and 'blasphemous' $60 MAGA Bible in wild rant

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Moment evangelical pastor Loran Livingston torches Trump's 'disgusting' and 'blasphemous' $60 MAGA bible in wild rant

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:22 p.m. No.155609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787551 (272358ZAPR24) Notable: Alberta official reveals ‘almost all’ wildfires in province this year have been started by humans NOT Climate Change

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Alberta official reveals ‘almost all’ wildfires in province this year have been started by humans

LifeSiteThu Apr 25, 2024 - 4:41 pm

CALGARY, Alberta (LifeSiteNews) — Alberta officials have announced that almost all fires in 2024 are believed to have been caused by humans despite ongoing claims that “climate change” is to blame.

On April 24, Alberta Minister of Forestry and Parks Todd Loewen revealed that his department estimates that most of the province’s wildfires this year are man-made and not caused by “climate change” as claimed by mainstream media and politicians.

“We expect that almost all of the wildfires we’ve experienced so far this year are human caused, given the point we’re at in the season and the types of weather we’re seeing,” Loewen stated.

Already, Alberta has put out 172 wildfires this year, and 63 are actively burning. However, Loewen did not seem overly alarmed, instead warning Albertans to watch their local fire bans and restrictions to reduce the high number of man-made wildfires.

“I urge you to assess your property for wildfire danger and take any preventive action you can to address these risks,” he said.

“This includes breaking up fuel sources that could ignite a structure, removing trees in close proximity to your home, and properly maintaining your gutters and roofs to rid the materials that could easily ignite such as leaves and dry needles,” Loewen added.

Loewen’s announcement comes just weeks after Alberta Premier Danielle Smith promised that arsonists who ignite wildfires in Alberta will be held accountable for their crimes.

“As we approach the wildfire season, it is important to understand that 67% of wildfires in Alberta are started by people,” she explained.

“If you start a wildfire, you can be charged, fined, and held liable for all costs associated with fighting the wildfire,” Smith added.

Smith made the comments after last year revealing that most of the wildfires in her province (500 of the 650) were caused by humans and not “climate change,” as has been pushed by the legacy media and opposition politicians.

“All I know is in my province we have 650 fires and 500 of them were human caused,” she said, “so we have to make sure that when people know that when it’s dry out there and we get into forest fire season that they’re being a lot more careful because anytime you end up with an ignition that happens it can have devastating consequences.”

The Alberta government has also created an ad campaign highlighting the fact that most fires are caused by humans and not “climate change,” as many left-leaning politicians claim.

As reported by LifeSiteNews last year, Smith ordered arson investigators to look into why some of the wildfires that raged across the vast expanse of the province had “no known cause” shortly after they spread.

Indeed, despite claims that wildfires have drastically increased due to “climate change,” 2023 research revealed that wildfires have decreased globally while media coverage has spiked 400 percent.

Furthermore, many of the fires last spring and summer were discovered to be caused by arsonists and not “climate change.”

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) have arrested arsonists who have been charged with lighting fires across the country, including in the Yukon, British Columbia, and Alberta.

In Quebec, satellite footage also showed the mysterious simultaneous eruption of several blazes across the province, sparking concerns that the fires were a coordinated effort by arsonists.

Despite the overwhelming evidence, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and mainstream media continue to claim that the fires are unprecedentedly dangerous and caused by “climate change” in an attempt to pass further regulations on natural resources.


The reduction and eventual elimination of the use of so-called “fossil fuels” and a transition to unreliable “green” energy has also been pushed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) – the globalist group behind the socialist “Great Reset” agenda – an organization with which Trudeau and some in his cabinet are involved.


While Trudeau’s plan has been pushed under the guise of “sustainability,” his intention to decrease nitrous oxide emissions by limiting the use of fertilizer has been criticized by farmers. They say this will reduce profits and could even lead to food shortages.


Tell your MP and Senators to drop the carbon tax Send a message TODAY

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:22 p.m. No.155610   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787641 (280026ZAPR24) Notable: Planning for potential presidential transition underway as Biden administration kicks it off, aiming to ensure continuity of government

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Planning for potential presidential transition underway as Biden administration kicks it off


President Joe Biden’s administration has formally begun planning for a potential presidential transition, aiming to ensure continuity of government no matter the outcome of November’s general election

ByZEKE MILLER AP white house correspondent

April 26, 2024, 9:03 AM


Biden in February launched a separate task force aimed at addressing the “systemic” problem of mishandling classified information during presidential transitions, days after a Justice Department special counsel’s sharply critical report said he and his aides had done just that when he left the vice presidency in 2016.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:23 p.m. No.155611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787662 (280029ZAPR24) Notable: Potato Roasts Itself: Biden will give election-year roast at annual correspondents' dinner amid protests

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Biden will give election-year roast at

annual correspondents' dinner amid protests


Associated Press, by Farnoush Amiri



Posted By: NorthernDog, 4/27/2024 7:26:17 PM


WASHINGTON - President Joe Biden is set to deliver an election-year roast Saturday night before a large crowd of journalists, celebrities and politicians against the backdrop of growing protests over his handling of the Israel-Hamas war. In previous years, Biden, like most of his predecessors, has used the annual White House Correspondents' Association dinner to needle media coverage of his administration and jab at political rivals, notably Republican rival Donald Trump. But with protesters pledging to gather outside the dinner site, any effort by Biden to make light of Washington’s foibles and the pitfalls of the presidential campaign will have

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:23 p.m. No.155612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787665 (280030ZAPR24) Notable: Potato Roasts Itself: Biden will give election-year roast at annual correspondents' dinner amid protests

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Potato eating a potato

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:24 p.m. No.155613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787667 (280030ZAPR24) Notable: WW PlaneF'n

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>>155121 pb

PF: Aussie AF ASY311Def. Minister Richard Marlesdeparted Rzsesow Airport after arriving yesterday from Warsaw


He went to Lviv and not Kiev as that would have been impossible in the time frame this AC was at Rzsesow. His twat is cap 4-I’m sure all Aussie citizens will appreciate seeing $100m flushed down the shitter


Australia gives $100m to Ukraine during minister's trip


Australia has pledged an extra $100 million in support for Ukraine off the back of the defence minister's visit to the war-torn nation. The package includes $50 million for short-range air defence systems, $30 million for unmanned drones and $15 million for "high priority" equipment such as combat helmets, inflatable boats, boots, fire masks and generators.

Ukraine will also receive air-to-ground precision munitions. It brings Australia's total contributions to more than $1 billion since Russia's invasion, including about $880 million of military assistance.


Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Richard Marles met Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal and Deputy Defence Minister Ivan Havryliuk during a one day trip to Ukraine. 

Mr Marles met with Ukrainian government officials and toured defence sites during a visit to Lviv in the country's far west, near the Polish border. He also laid a wreath at a commemoration ceremony for former graduates who had been killed during his visit to the National Army Academy, where he also met the next generation of Ukrainian army leaders.

It was important to visit the country in person as a show of support, Mr Marles said.


So at least they aren’t doing the train narrative cuz they can’t-eyes on them FROM THE START with Blinken and Austin’s “secret” trip to Rzsesow they took C/17 Globemasters from JBA (Caught one of the C-17s they were aboard as it had a 4 diggies call sign) Pelosi’s 3h trip “to Kiev” yet her AC only spent 3h at Rzsesow Airport but press reports and pictures had her “in Kiev”


Please visit Planfaggin’ 101 thread below for tons of provable Fake and Ghey “visits to Kiev”-Pelosi,Trudope,Albanese,Duda,Blinken,Austin,Croatian PM, Slovak PM, Boris Johnson


Extensive “visits to Kiev” fuckery begins at post >>>/qresearch/133273 plus you’ll see several high level ANON call signsand even one example of a prediction of seeing ANON on a C32A and it actually habbened.

Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan and moar


PlaneFaggin’ 101


Polish AF PLF253 C130 arrived at Lotnisko AB from Tel Aviv-Ben Gurion Intl depart

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:24 p.m. No.155614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787681 (280033ZAPR24) Notable: Mike Johnson, RINOs and Democrats obviously are warmongers, hoping that the War in Ukraine escalates and expands

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MIKE JOHNSON NEEDS TO COME CLEAN! Latest Report Reveals Democrats, Speaker Johnson, RINOs and Joe Biden Secretly Sent LONG-RANGE MISSILES to Ukraine to Fire into Russia to Expand Doomed War – WAR ROOM REACTS!


The Pentagon confirmed on Wednesday that the US secretly sent long-range Army Tactical Missile System to Ukraine as part of the $61 billion dollar package passed by Democrats, RINOs, Speaker Johnson and signed by Joe Biden.


Mike Johnson, RINOs and Democrats obviously are hoping that the War in Ukraine escalates and expands.


These warmongers have no desire for peace.

ABC News reported:


The missiles, also known as ATACMS, have a maximum range of 186 miles. Ukraine first used them over the past week, two U.S. officials said.


In October, America provided Ukraine with mid-range versions of the ATACMS, which have a minimum range of 43 miles. But Ukraine continued to press the Biden administration to provide longer-range versions.


The White House’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, told reporters on Wednesday afternoon that in February, President Joe Biden directed his team to provide Ukraine with a “significant” number of ATACMS missiles for use inside Ukrainian territory — against Russian invaders.


On Saturday, Steve Bannon and Ben Harnwell discussed this explosive revelation.


Obviously, Americans did not know about these long-range missiles being part of the $61 billion deal. Did Mike Johnson know about this? Did the RINOs? Why did they hide this from American taxpayers? Why would they send these offensive weapons to war-torn Ukraine?

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:25 p.m. No.155615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787700 (280039ZAPR24) Notable: Professional Loser Megan Rapinoe Demands Trans Athletes Be Allowed to Compete Against Women

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Megan Rapinoe Demands Trans Athletes Be Allowed to Compete Against Women - Remember When Her Team Faced Teenage Boys?




→ @LetsGoBrandon

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:25 p.m. No.155616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787718 (280044ZAPR24) Notable: House Judiciary Committee releases a report on Soros-funded DA Alvin Bragg’s “unprecedented” multi-year investigation into Donald J. Trump

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Interim Staff Report of the

Committee on the Judiciary

U.S. House of Representatives

April 25, 2024


The House Judiciary Committee released a report on Thursday on Soros-funded Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s “unprecedented” multi-year investigation into former President Donald J. Trump after Bragg campaigned as the best candidate to go after the president.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:26 p.m. No.155617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787723 (280046ZAPR24) Notable: The pro-Palestine protests are outside the WH correspondents dinner

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🚨“Free Palestine” protesters have surrounded the White House Correspondents Dinner in Washington, DC where Biden is expected to speak later tonight

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:26 p.m. No.155618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787736 (280049ZAPR24) Notable: pastor Loran Livingston torches Trump's 'disgusting' and 'blasphemous' $60 MAGA Bible in wild rant

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how about shutting the fuck up unless you want to start disclosing the wealth you made off the church and to start paying taxes

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:27 p.m. No.155619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787737 (280049ZAPR24) Notable: ‘Uranium One’ FBI Whistleblower Nate Cain Discusses Los Angeles County DA’s Cover-up of Konnech CEO’s Arrest and Release

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Remember when Q said watch California I think this is it.


‘Uranium One’ FBI Whistleblower Nate Cain Discusses Los Angeles County DA’s Cover-up of Konnech CEO’s Arrest and Release


Last week, The Gateway Pundit reported that the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, led by Soros-backed district attorney George Gascon, is being accused of dropping the charges against Eugene Yu, the CEO of Konnech and a China-born naturalized citizen to the United States, due to political motivations.


Yu was accused of, among other things, sending Personal Identifying Information (PII) of voters and poll workers to Chinese-owned companies. In China, all stored data is accessible by the government.


Nate Cain, the founder of the company Cain and Associates, tasked with assisting in this investigation of Konnech, joined Why We Vote last night to discuss his findings. Cain revealed that he was required to sign a non-disclosure agreement that would give the LA DA’s Office authority to order Cain to destroy or hand over evidence. Fortunately, Cain amended the contract authorizing him to inform other law enforcement authorities, including federal agencies. He also added a stipulation that if he was not paid, the NDA would be voided.


The case in Los Angeles County was not brought directly by George Gascon, but rather his Deputy District Attorney, Eric Neff. Neff was a “Grade II Deputy District Attorney” in the “Public Integrity Division”, which handles public corruption in Los Angeles County. Neff has since filed a Tort claim, a precursor to a civil lawsuit, as published by Margot Cleveland and The Federalist.


The Tort Claim from Neff asserts:


“In or about October 2020, Mr. Eugene Yu, who owned and operated Konnech Inc., a Michigan-based company, submitted a sole-source contract for the software services of “PollChief” with the County of Los Angeles. According to the contract…”PollChief” was asserted to be a “high-performance election management software that organizes the administration of elections.” The contract was for a maximum of $2,909,500 over five years, which was a significant increase over the previous $200,000 contract also with Konnech.


As part of that contract, Konnech gained access to the PII of election workers and was entrusted with protecting that information with “strict contractual requirements”. Neff claims that Konnech “misled Los Angeles County into believing that Konnech had implemented security procedures to safeguard PII”. DA Gascon “alleged evidence that showed Konnech used third-party contractors based in China” thus “fail[ing] to abide by security procedures to protect such data”.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:28 p.m. No.155620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787760 (280057ZAPR24) Notable: Pennsylvania Republican Senate Nominee Dave McCormick: ‘We Are Becoming a Red State’

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Exclusive — Pennsylvania Republican

Senate Nominee Dave McCormick: ‘We Are

Becoming a Red State’


Breitbart 2024 Election, by Nick Gilbertson



Posted By: Imright, 4/27/2024 8:31:17 PM


Pennsylvania Trump-supported Republican Senate nominee Dave McCormick predicted to Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday that Pennsylvania will be a red state by 2028. McCormick, a veteran and former CEO of Bridgewater Associates who formally clinched the Republican nomination on Tuesday, joined the program with host and Washington Bureau Chief Matthew Boyle.Boyle highlighted a report from Penn-Star Capital correspondent Nick Field, which revealed that Republicans are making voter registration gains in every single one of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties: (X)

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:28 p.m. No.155621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787830 (280112ZAPR24) Notable: BREAKING: MAGA Firebrand Phil Lyman has won the Utah GOP nomination for Governor

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BREAKING: MAGA Firebrand Phil Lyman has won the Utah GOP nomination for Governor. He won by a landslide against current Governor Spencer Cox



Phil Lyman 67.54% (2,495)

Spencer Cox 32.46% (1,199)


Congrats to @phil_lyman


11:51 AM · Apr 27, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:29 p.m. No.155622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787844 (280115ZAPR24) Notable: Newly unredacted FBI Mar-a-Lago interview from Jan 2023 shows agents trying to get information about the personal life of Walt Nauta

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Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


Holy sh*t: Newly unredacted FBI interview btw FBI and unidentified Mar-a-Lago employee from Jan 2023 shows agents trying to get information about the personal life of Walt Nauta, Trump's close personal aide DOJ wanted to flip.


WTAF is this? "Is he seeing someone?"



11:47 AM · Apr 27, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:29 p.m. No.155623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5624 >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787847 (280116ZAPR24) Notable: Award Winning Film 'Epidemic of Fraud' explores the bizarre media, medical, and partisan political attacks on our health

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Epidemic of Fraud Documentary - Full film

(Official, English with 28 Language Captions.)

Premiered Mar 15, 2024


Award Winning Film Epidemic of Fraud explores the bizarre media, medical, and partisan political attacks levied against a class of ancient medications, told from the perspective of a former CNN journalist and Hollywood industry veteran. Why were the people who allowed the opiate disaster to go unchecked so eager to discredit a drug that is safer than tonic water? Director John Davidson takes you into an audio/visual time machine back to 2020 to reveal the forbidden knowledge that our medical, academic, and political officials are desperate to hide from you.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:30 p.m. No.155624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787887 (280125ZAPR24) Notable: Award Winning Film 'Epidemic of Fraud' explores the bizarre media, medical, and partisan political attacks on our health

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>Epidemic of Fraud Documentary - Full film


Should be required viewing for all Americans. Thanks for getting this out there. Unfortunately the people that really need to open their eyes and minds to what happened won't be seeing this film


Wow! THAT'S real journalism! HONOR YOU. THANK YOU


This will have been THE BEST THING you have all done in your entire lives. I am tearing up as I type this. I knew everything in this video, but seeing it all laid out like this, the moronic smug faces - knowing how many have died, had their lives ruined, lost those they love most in the world…

This is POWERFUL and so well done. You have done right by all of the people who have gone unseen, unheard, untreated, who have cried and screamed and felt helpless and alone. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart and with every fiber of my being, thank you.


What an EPIC DOCUMENTARY!! The best in a while. I knew NONE of what I learned.


*France here, one of the very first Resistant so I knew pretty much everything… still I admire the work and thank you for this thoroughly well made documentary, God bless you.

All this is a Crime against Humanity, actually the worst ever. All these revolting culprits have to pay, jail being way too soft, but better than nothing.

Peace to all of good will.*


Essential watch for every American. We have been fooled.


I remember watching an episode of "Dead Zone" Season 2 Episode 14….where a respiratory virus broke out in a town, and the guy finally figured it out and screamed "chloroquine! Give them chloroquine!" Interesting!!!!


Extremely educational. Esp the background of HCQ. We had it on hand (along with Azithromycin and zinc) and within 24 hours, we were well on our way to feeling better.


Wow! THAT'S real journalism! All my honors to you and your amazing work of investigation!


Thank you ️


Added to my favs.


Great work. Cheers from Norway.


Almost as ifthe conspiracy theorists were right


Excellent complication of the hydroxy timeline!


The problem as I see it with medical field's hierarchy - they don't just think they know better than all those who are not ranked as high as them, nor is it they think they know better than God…

… they think they ARE God.


What shocks me the most is seeing this on this site. They were the most deeply involved in censorship two years ago . So what happened as skunks never change their stripes



Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:30 p.m. No.155625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20787914 (280128ZAPR24) Notable: The covid vaccine will go down in history as destruction of humanity of biblical proportions!

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Theresa M Long, MD, MPH, FS


A good friend and nurse I work with- her father died from COVID- the corner told her—“we could tell your dad wasn’t vaccinated” puzzled she asked how he knew that…he said, “we didn’t have any problem getting the embalming fluid in…we didn’t have to pull those weird clots out of him”. She tells me you have to talk to the corner…I did…he sent me to Richard Hirschman the embalmer…he said “doc what the hell are these things?” I said…”I have no idea…but what I do know…they are incompatible with life!” He said, “ what should I do, I have done this for a long time and I have never seen these until after the vaccine?” I said, “tell the world what you are seeing…no matter the cost” he did!!

The covid vaccine will go down in history as destruction of humanity of biblical proportions!




2:22 PM · Apr 27, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:31 p.m. No.155626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788003 (280144ZAPR24) Notable: INTERACTIVE POLLS - Trump UP winning ! Turning America RED

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 Trump 49% (+2)

 Biden 47%



 Trump 49.3% (+5)

 Biden 44.3%



 Trump 47.4% (+3)

 Biden 44.4%



 Trump 48.8% (+4.8)

 Biden 44%



 Trump 49.7% (+4)

 Biden 45.7%



 Trump 48.8% (+4.8)

 Biden 44%



 Biden 46.7% (+0.4)

 Trump 46.3%


Swing states odds by @polymarket

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:32 p.m. No.155627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5628 >>5629 >>5632 >>5656

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788024 (280149ZAPR24) Notable: Revolver Inside Source Reveals Critical 13-Year-Old Mistake in Stormy’s ‘Trump Extortion’ Plot and Real Reason for NDA

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Revolver Inside Source Reveals Critical 13-Year-Old Mistake in Stormy’s ‘Trump Extortion’ Plot and Real Reason for NDA


There’s a ton of buzz about the so-called “hush money” trial unfolding in New York City. Can President Trump really expect a fair trial in the liberal stronghold of Manhattan? Not a chance—and that seems to be exactly the point. It’s just another play from the left’s election interference playbook, deploying activist judges and juries to secure the verdict they crave: guilty. At the heart of this trial is none other than erstwhile porn actress Stormy Daniels, a name that has lingered in the media spotlight. While many of us are familiar with her notorious “Trump affair” story, there are significant, overlooked details about a piece that hasn’t seen the light of day for about 11 years, and now, thanks to an insider source who spoke to Revolver, it’s time for that piece of the puzzle to see the light of day.


As for the hush money trial that has thrust Stormy and her claims of a sordid affair into the public spotlight, the most reputable legal experts are labeling the case as a humiliating black mark on the US injustice system.




Fox News legal analyst Jonathan Turley said Monday on Fox News Channel’s “America Reports” that former President Donald Trump’s New York trial for allegedly falsifying business records is an “embarrassment.”


Turley said, “What is clear is in this case, Trump is right this is an embarrassment. The fact that we are actually talking about this case being presented in a New York court room leaves me in utter disbelief.”


He continued, “The arguments today did in fact capture all the problems here. You had this misdemeanor under state law that had run out. This is going back related to the 2016 election. They zapped it back into life by alleging that there was a campaign finance violations under the federal laws that doesn’t exist.


As it stands now, President Trump is caught in the crosshairs of a partisan, politically weaponized plot, and he’s been effectively muzzled. The activist judge overseeing this sham trial has imposed what’s widely criticized as an unconstitutional gag order, which seems to shield his daughter and her left-wing business buddies more than anything else. Needless to say, President Trump is testing the boundaries of this unjust order at every turn.


When you consider what’s unfolding with this trial, many are asking, aside from the obvious political motives, how did such a weak case even reach trial? Well, if you read the New York Times today, the version of the story they published seems cleverly crafted and riddled with gaping holes.


The New York Times:


Stormy Daniels tried to benefit from Donald J. Trump’s political momentum in early 2016, setting off the saga that ultimately resulted in his criminal trial.


Her agent reached out to Dylan Howard, editor of The National Enquirer, and editorial chiefs at other publications, seeking about $200,000 to tell her story of having sex with Mr. Trump a decade before when he was at a golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, Nev.


Ms. Daniels had no takers.


Mr. Howard thought her story had little value because it had already been written about on a gossip site in 2011. At the time, she had publicly denied the encounter.


A month before the presidential election, her story’s value suddenly increased. On Oct. 7, 2016, The Washington Post published a recording of Mr. Trump on the set of “Access Hollywood” talking about groping women.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:32 p.m. No.155628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788025 (280150ZAPR24) Notable: Revolver Inside Source Reveals Critical 13-Year-Old Mistake in Stormy’s ‘Trump Extortion’ Plot and Real Reason for NDA

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Buried in this excerpt is a significant little detail: despite the fact that Stormy Daniels at the time denied an affair with Trump, she gave an interview telling the story of her affair to a tabloid in 2011. This story was then published in 2011 and had been in the public domain for quite some time. Our source, who has direct knowledge of such matters, offered corroborating information that further highlights the farce that is the case against Trump.


According to our inside source, the real backstory of this saga is far more complex and scheming than you might have imagined. Speaking under the condition of anonymity, our source provided insight into how Team Stormy’s secretive and meticulously coordinated extortion plot came to be. Our source also highlighted a critical error made in this “extortion plot” about thirteen years ago that, frankly, should derail this sham trial completely, along with the actual reason behind that infamous NDA.


As suggested, the Stormy saga dates back much further than many realize, all the way to 2011. Our source revealed that Stormy’s manager, Gina Rodriguez, who is a well-connected media operative, had been attempting to peddle Stormy’s “Trump story” for six months before disgraced former lawyer and convicted felon Michael Cohen took over managing the deal in the messy aftermath of the Access Hollywood tape release. However, prior to that, our source reveals that back in 2011, Team Stormy had already shared her “Trump affair” tale with a tabloid called In Touch Magazine, which at the time was owned by the German conglomerate Bauer. However, no deal was struck to publish the story in that particular magazine, and so it remained under wraps until years later. This does not mean that the story had to wait years to see the light of day. Bauer, the parent company of In Touch, cleverly sidestepped its confidentiality provision with Stormy Daniels by publishing her story in a sister publication called Life & Style Magazine—this is a crucial detail that has been largely lost amid the current anti-Trump hysteria. This now brings us back to Gina Rodriguez, who, in April 2016, right as Trump’s campaign was gaining momentum, saw dollar signs and attempted once again to shop Stormy’s story, but she had no luck. Why? Because at that point, as the New York Times excerpt suggests, the story had already been in the public domain since 2011, having been published by Life & Style, and everybody in the media industry knew it.


This under-explored aspect of the Stormy saga raises a game-changing question: If Stormy’s tale had already hit the newsstands back in 2011 and splashed across Life & Style Magazine, both in print and online, how on earth could she have been “muzzled” later by supposed campaign finance and shady election meddling conspiracies being peddled by Alvin Bragg? The story was out there for all to see, right? So, clearly, something just doesn’t quite add up. What this boils down to is a thirteen-year-old slip in Stormy Daniels’ alleged extortion plot, likely driven by unchecked greed and really bad timing. Now, assuming it’s real, the 2011 Life & Style article would stand as a glaring gap in the prosecution’s case, essentially torpedoing it, if we were living in a serious country where justice actually mattered.


Another puzzling aspect of this case is whether or not Team Trump is even aware of the Life & Style story. In their defense, actually locating the story is no small task; our search on Google turned up nothing. It’s also absent from the archived articles on Life & Style’s website. Draw your own conclusions, but by all accounts, it seems the Life & Style article has mysteriously disappeared, making this obscure part of the “hush money” saga feel like one of the best-kept non-secret secrets in the world.


One thing Team Trump is fully aware of is the “extortion plot” that targeted the former president.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:32 p.m. No.155629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788027 (280150ZAPR24) Notable: Revolver Inside Source Reveals Critical 13-Year-Old Mistake in Stormy’s ‘Trump Extortion’ Plot and Real Reason for NDA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BREAKING: Trump lawyers blast Stormy Daniels, say this was a scheme to extort a multi-billionaire who was running for President and that she blackmailed him into negotiating the settlement so she wouldn't spread false claims about him

u2014 Jack Poso U0001f1faU0001f1f8 (@JackPosobiec) April 22, 2024


When it comes to that infamous NDA, our source has an intriguing take: it wasnu2019t some grand scheme to shield Trump, his campaign, or any other pretextual reason. Nope, according to them, the NDAu2019s sole purpose was to safeguard Melania.


In terms of the 2011 phantom article, our source is aware of the disappearance of the Life & Style piece. However, they claim a former blogger by the name of Nik Richie, who ran a gossip site called, reported on Trumpu2019s alleged infidelity with Daniels in October 2011, just five months after the In Touch interview and the Life & Style article. Even if you try using the trusty Wayback Machine, you wonu2019t find anything from past 2004. Itu2019s like trying to find a needle in a haystack, only to realize the haystack vanished into thin air.


Itu2019s starting to feel like a game of internet hide-and-seek, isnu2019t it? Just like the Life & Style piece, it seems any trace of Niku2019s blog has conveniently vanished into thin air. While Revolver is unable to confirm the existence of the 2011 Life & Style article, thanks to a string of internet coincidences, we stand by our source. This is just another head-scratching piece in a puzzle riddled with politics and greed. The Deep State is trying to take down a man whose only real u201ccrimeu201d was daring to make America great again and clinching victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016. And for that, the shadowy figures of the uniparty regime seem hell-bent on seeing him behind bars or worse. Theyu2019ll stop at nothing, even if it means cozying up to disgraced, washed-up porn stars to get their way.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:33 p.m. No.155630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788030 (280150ZAPR24) Notable: Islamists rally for German ‘Caliphate’ in Hamburg

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Islamists rally for German ‘Caliphate’ in Hamburg


Over 1,000 demonstrators joined an event organized by a member of an “established extremist group,” the police have said


A large-scale rally “against Islamophobia” was held in the German northern city of Hamburg on Saturday. According to the German authorities, the event was organized by a person linked to an “established extremist group.”


Around 1,100 demonstrators took part in the rally, according to the police data cited by the dpa news agency and published by the city authorities on their official portal. Photos and videos that surfaced on social media show a large crowd occupying a significant area along Steindamm Street in the city center.


The participants were seen to be holding placards and posters reading, “Germany = dictatorship of values” and “Caliphate is the solution.” Some pro-Palestinian slogans, like “Palestine has won the information war,” could be seen on the placards and banners as well. The demonstrators were also repeatedly chanting “Allahu Akbar” when asked by the speakers on multiple occasions throughout the event.


According to the organizers cited by the German media, the rally was organized to protest against what they called Islamophobic policy and the alleged media disinformation campaign against Muslims in Germany. Speakers accused the politicians and journalists of “cheap lies” and “cowardly reporting” amid the continued conflict between Israel and the Gaza-based Hamas militant group.


People on social media also claimed that the speakers called for an Islamic Caliphate to be established in Germany. Some of the videos published on social networks showed one of the speakers praising a caliphate as a “system that … provides security” while stating that it is “hated” and “demonized” in Germany. The crowd can be seen responding to those statements with “Allahu Akbar” chants.


The rally organizer was identified by the Hamburger Morgenpost newspaper as Joe Adade Boateng, 25, a German citizen and a self-styled “imam” spreading what the paper described as “Islamist propaganda” on social media, including TikTok.


According to the media reports, the man was also a member of the “Muslim Interaktiv” group – an organization officially designated by the German domestic security service (BfV) as an “established extremist group.”


The German police said they had deployed large forces to the event, which ended “peacefully” without any incidents. No major police presence can be seen in the videos that were posted on social media, though.


The group also held an unannounced rally in October last year, which ended in clashes with police. The demonstrators were pelting the officers with bottles and stones at that time, injuring three of them. Criminal proceedings were then initiated against 20 rioters.


In February 2023, “Muslim Interaktiv” also held a protest against Koran burning in Sweden, which was attended by 3,500 people, according to the media.


The development sparked concerns among some politicians. Kazim Abaci, a migration policy spokesman for the Social Democratic faction in the Hamburg parliament, called it “unbearable” that Islamists were allowed to freely march through the city streets. According to the Hamburger Morgenpost, Herbert Reul, the Interior Minister of the German neighboring state of North Rhine-Westphalia, had also been calling for a “Muslim Interaktiv” ban “for a long time.”


Was wondering when the Muslim faction of the Cabal were going to make their move

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:33 p.m. No.155631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788051 (280159ZAPR24) Notable: pastor Loran Livingston torches Trump's 'disgusting' and 'blasphemous' $60 MAGA Bible in wild rant

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He claims politics should not be mixed with "political stuff". How ridiculous a notion. So why even be a Christian at all if your faith does not extend to your family, community, government and nation?


Ephesians 6:12

King James Version


12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 27, 2024, 8:33 p.m. No.155632   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788098 (280214ZAPR24) Notable: #25496

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hold the good stuff til next bread anons




#25496 >>155603

>>155604 for keks - Alex Stein signs up 'Illegals for Trump'

>>155605, >>155617 The pro-Palestine protests are outside the WH correspondents dinner

>>155606, >>155614 Mike Johnson, RINOs and Democrats obviously are warmongers, hoping that the War in Ukraine escalates and expands

>>155607, >>155608, >>155618, >>155631 pastor Loran Livingston torches Trump's 'disgusting' and 'blasphemous' $60 MAGA Bible in wild rant

>>155609 Alberta official reveals ‘almost all’ wildfires in province this year have been started by humans NOT Climate Change

>>155610 Planning for potential presidential transition underway as Biden administration kicks it off, aiming to ensure continuity of government

>>155611, >>155612 Potato Roasts Itself: Biden will give election-year roast at annual correspondents' dinner amid protests

>>155613 WW PlaneF'n

>>155615 Professional Loser Megan Rapinoe Demands Trans Athletes Be Allowed to Compete Against Women

>>155616 House Judiciary Committee releases a report on Soros-funded DA Alvin Bragg’s “unprecedented” multi-year investigation into Donald J. Trump

>>155619 ‘Uranium One’ FBI Whistleblower Nate Cain Discusses Los Angeles County DA’s Cover-up of Konnech CEO’s Arrest and Release

>>155620 Pennsylvania Republican Senate Nominee Dave McCormick: ‘We Are Becoming aRedState’

>>155621 BREAKING: MAGA Firebrand Phil Lyman has won the Utah GOP nomination for Governor

>>155622 Newly unredacted FBI Mar-a-Lago interview from Jan 2023 shows agents trying to get information about the personal life of Walt Nauta

>>155623, >>155624 Award Winning Film 'Epidemic of Fraud' explores the bizarre media, medical, and partisan political attacks on our health

>>155625 The covid vaccine will go down in history as destruction of humanity of biblical proportions!

>>155626 INTERACTIVE POLLS - Trump UP winning ! Turning AmericaRED

>>155627, >>155628, >>155629 Revolver Inside Source Reveals Critical 13-Year-Old Mistake in Stormy’s ‘Trump Extortion’ Plot and Real Reason for NDA

>>155630 Islamists rally for German ‘Caliphate’ in Hamburg

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 12:20 a.m. No.155642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788121 (280219ZAPR24) Notable: #25497

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Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 12:21 a.m. No.155643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788178 (280235ZAPR24) Notable: CALL TO MEMES Did you forget? 1. Border 2. Abortion 3. Inflation 4. Rinos 5. Democrats LOAD MEME CANNONS

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Did you forget?


  1. Border

  2. Abortion

  3. Inflation

  4. Rinos

  5. Democrats



Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 12:23 a.m. No.155646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788234 (280250ZAPR24) Notable: PRAY - We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil Dig Meme Pray

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil.” Q post #29


“above all, please pray.” Q post #35


“Please be safe and pray for those in harms way as they continually protect and serve our great country.” Q post #36


“Pray.” Q post #107


“Pray.” Q post #111


“Pray.” Q post #122


“Pray.” Q post #145


“Pray.” Q post #146


“Pray.” Q post #258


“Pray.” Q post #374


“Pray.” Q post #713


“Pray.” Q post #1030


“Pray.” Q post #1068


“Pray.” Q post #3728


“PRAY. PREY. Notice the similarity?” Q post #587


“Why was the Lord’s prayer posted? …What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?” Q post #306


“Now is the time to pray.” Q post #104


"Please pray." Q post #105


“Please pray tonight. Good people in harms way. Q post #324


“NEVER STOP PRAYING." Q post #1831


“Prayer said every single day in the OO.” Q post #703


“Prayer said every single day in the OO.” Q post #1699


“Thank you for your prayers.” Q post #1029


“Pray for the victims.” Q post #3050


“If you are religious, PRAY.” Q post #586


“Thoughts and prayers. May you be comforted by the outpouring of love surrounding you.” Q post #2821


"Find peace through prayer." Q post #4550


“Find peace [solace] through prayer.” Q post #4648


“keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Q post #4429


“always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Q post #2904


“always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Q post #3887


“always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Q post #4207


“always keep on praying for all the saints." Q post #1432


“always keep on praying for all the saints." Q post #1886


“always keep on praying for all the saints." Q post #2403


“POTUS will be up all night. Pray.” Q post #1027


“We appreciate all of the prayers. We really do. Thank you.” Q post #917


“Praying for a swift recovery to your back [keep fighting! never give up!].” Q post #4523


“’Our thoughts and prayers are with the four U.S. Marines from the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing who lost their lives in yesterday’s Southern California helicopter crash. We pray for their families, and our great @USMC’

Their sacrifice will never be forgotten.” Q post #1012


“WE are privileged to serve you. Please PRAY for those who would lay down their lives to protect our FREEDOM.” Q post #458


“19 OPs [now]. Operators active. Operators in harms way. POTUS awake. No sleep during OP. Pray.” Q post #374


“Be Strong in the Lord. Pray for Strength. Pray for Guidance. Pray for America.” Q post #4397


“Patriots from around the world are praying for AMERICA.” Q post #3907


"You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen." Q post #4739

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 12:23 a.m. No.155647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788268 (280258ZAPR24) Notable: BREAKING: 3 babies overdose on fentanyl near Seattle, 1 dies - This is Joe Biden’s America… CLOSE. THE. BORDER. NOW.

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🚨BREAKING: 3 babies overdose on fentanyl near Seattle, 1 dies


This is Joe Biden’s America…



Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 12:23 a.m. No.155648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5649 >>5658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788424 (280337ZAPR24) Notable: Violent meltdown on Kamala’s Secret Service detail prompts even more DEI questions about the competence of female agents

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Violent meltdown on Kamala’s Secret Service detail prompts even more DEI questions about the competence of female agents…



Kamala Harris’s Secret Service detail is in disarray, all thanks to a hysterical female agent who went on a violent rampage, attacking her superior in what’s being described as an unbridled banshee brawl. It seems evident that this woman had no business being a Secret Service agent, let alone working a detail for the so-called Vice President of the United States. However, in this case, hiring an unqualified woman who is clearly in over her head is strangely fitting and ironic for Kamala Harris. Let’s face it, the left’s DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) push has gripped our corporations and institutions, leading to a crisis of mindless charity and glaring incompetence. From the Supreme Court (Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson) to the aviation industry, which is literally falling out of the sky, to the United States Secret Service, it’s clear that we’re witnessing a complete and total breakdown of our once highly respected and esteemed institutions.


This is a topic that Revolver has covered extensively, shining a bright light on how the “dumbing down” of America is the cornerstone of her destruction and a key part of the left’s “Great Reset” plan. After all, you can’t rebuild a country that is thriving and great again, can you?



The aggressive substitution of merit in favor of diversity has led to a so-called competency crisis, jeopardizing not only our ability to generate innovative technology but, in a more dire sense, our ability to simply maintain the proper functioning of various complex systems vital to our existence as a first-world civilization. Despite the superficiality of “diversity” as a matter of rhetoric, the reality of diversity as an ideological, cultural, and legal imperative is not merely cosmetic—far from it.


While a full treatment of this topic would run far outside the scope of this article, we have discussed elsewhere the manner and extent to which the affirmative action regime is embedded deeply into the law, economy, and every major institution in the country.


One special outgrowth of the diversity regime is the legal doctrine of “disparate impact,” according to which any employment vetting metric (like a standardized test) is presumptively discriminatory and illegal, irrespective of intent, if some races perform worse than others, leading to a “disparate impact” in terms of which races are hired for which jobs.


This abrupt change in hiring practices for the sake of affirmative action left nearly 3,000 aspiring ATCs suddenly ineligible for employment because they did not fit the FAA’s new preferred racial profile. Andrew Brigida was one such student who spent forty thousand dollars and four years on his degree, achieved the highest possible score on the FAA’s aptitude test, and was still filtered out for being white. He is now leading a class-action lawsuit against the FAA.


As it turns out, the new hiring criteria indeed worked like a charm—quality be damned—but it produced fewer whites and more diversity, and that’s what really matters. A subsequent analysis of these policies observed that racial diversity indeed increased as a direct consequence of removing the aptitude tests administered by AT-CTI school and explicitly selecting for race. How surprising! More than ten years later, the nation faces an extremely elevated risk of an aviation disaster. What a deal!


According to some reports, the Secret Service agent in question allegedly threw menstrual pads during the brawl. This sounds more like a hillbilly brawl at a backwoods pool hall than an incident involving the United States Secret Service. In case you didn’t notice, this is far from “normal,” and it’s indicative of a serious decline in our country.


Colling Rugg:


REPORT: Secret Service agent assigned to Kamala Harris allegedly threw menstrual pads at another agent before getting into a brawl with colleagues at Joint Base Andrews.


Maybe DEI in the Secret Service wasn’t a good idea.


Agent Michelle Herczeg started acting erratically & hid behind a curtain while mumbling to herself according to a new report.


She then threw menstrual pads at an agent and said he was going to need them before telling other agents they were all “going to burn in hell and needed to listen to God.”


After getting relieved of her assignment, Herczeg allegedly “shoved, tackled and punched” a special agent according to Real Clear Politics.


“Ironically,” Herczeg previously filed a $1 million gender discrimination lawsuit against the city of Dallas in 2016 when she worked as a police officer.


She accused her colleagues of s*xually harassing her. Her case was later dismissed

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 12:24 a.m. No.155649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788468 (280346ZAPR24) Notable: Violent meltdown on Kamala’s Secret Service detail prompts even more DEI questions about the competence of female agents

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This incident raises concerns about the new DEI hiring practices happening in nearly every corporation and institution in the United States. We’re trading expertise and skills for charity and choosing workers who check diversity boxes. Lord knows the Secret Service is all-in on this “charity-based” hiring process.

Unfortunately, in light of those dumbed-down hiring practices, it’s hardly surprising that an unqualified, emotionally unstable woman slipped through the cracks.

Real Clear Politics:

The Secret Service agent assigned to Vice President Kamala Harris was removed from her duties Wednesday after physically attacking the commanding agent in charge and other agents trying to subdue her, according to an agency spokesman and knowledgeable Secret Service sources.

Several sources in the Secret Service community identified the agent who physically attacked her superior as Michelle Herczeg. The altercation occurred at approximately 9 a.m. at Joint Base Andrews, the home base for Air Force One and Air Force Two, the call signs of the Boeing aircraft used by the president and vice president. Harris was at the U.S. Naval Observatory at the time of the incident, and it did not delay her travel, said agency spokesman Anthony Guglielmi.

Herczeg showed up at the terminal and began acting erratically, grabbing another senior agent’s personal phone and deleting applications on it, according to two sources familiar with the matter. The other agent, a shift leader, was able to recover his phone and then acted as if nothing had happened.

Things didn’t improve; they actually worsened, and the agent began exhibiting some concerning “mental illness” vibes. The Real Clear Politics piece continues:

But Herczeg’s bizarre behavior didn’t stop. She then began mumbling to herself, hid behind curtains, and started throwing items, including menstrual pads, at an agent, telling him that he would need them later to save another agent and telling her peers that they were “going to burn in hell and needed to listen to God,” a source told RealClearPolitics.

Herczeg also screamed at the special agent in charge (SAIC), rattling off the names of female officers on the vice president’s detail and claiming they would show up and help her and allow her to continue working. At that point, other agents on the scene believed Herczeg was suffering from a mental lapse, and the superior officer, SAIC, approached her to tell her she was relieved from the assignment.

“That’s when she snapped entirely,” one source recounted.

Herczeg then chest-bumped and shoved her superior, then tackled him and punched him. The agents involved in restraining Herczeg were especially concerned because she still had her gun in the holster. They wrestled her to the ground, took the gun from her, cuffed her, and then removed her from the terminal.

The agent was promptly removed from her post, but the incident left agents questioning the hiring process, shedding light on the possibility that DEI has seeped into yet another US industry, eroding it from within. The RCP piece continues:

Following the incident, Secret Service agents and officers are privately questioning the hiring process and whether the agency had adequately screened Herczeg’s background. Some also wonder whether her hire was part of a diversity, equity, and inclusion push in response to years of staff shortages that may have required the agency to lower its once-strict employment standards and physical performance to reach quotas for female agents and officers.

In 2016, Herczeg, then an officer with the Dallas police force, filed a gender discrimination lawsuit against the city, claiming she was assaulted by a male superior and asking for more than $1 million in damages.

The suit alleged that Herczeg was “targeted for being a female officer and treated less favorably” and was retaliated against after she reported sexual harassment and illegal actions of other officers. She also claimed she was not allowed to return to a crime-reduction team after she alleged a senior officer assaulted her. A Texas trial court dismissed the suit, Herczeg appealed, and a Texas court of appeals affirmed the lower court’s decision in 2021 and denied a rehearing in 2022.

While serving on the Dallas police force, Herczeg and another officer shot an armed man while he sat in a parked car. According to a department spokesman, the officers were firing in self defense because the man, who had previously been convicted of sexually assaulting a child, was brandishing a weapon and eventually shot himself in the head. A headline in the Dallas Observer raised some doubt about the official police account: “Two Dallas Cops Shot a Man Last Night, but They Say He Killed Himself.”

Experts argue that her past should have been sufficient grounds to exclude her from service, yet it didn’t happen. Why? DEI sounds like the logical answer…

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 12:24 a.m. No.155650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788477 (280348ZAPR24) Notable: Hamas is just another word for Muslim Brotherhood

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Call it by it's original name



Hamas is Israel’s creation

What we're witnessing is a classic case of blowback


Many people don’t know this but Hamas is largely a creation of the Jewish state.

For years, Israel encouraged Gaza’s Islamists as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and its dominant faction, Yasser Arafat’s Fatah, helping to turn a bunch of fringe Palestinian Islamists in the late 1970s into one of the world’s most notorious militant groups, which has killed far more Israeli civilians than any secular Palestinian militant group.


Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s, later told the New York Times Jerusalem bureau chief that he was giving money to the Muslim Brotherhood, the precursor of Hamas, on the instruction of the Israeli authorities. The funding was intended to tilt power away from both Communist and Palestinian nationalist movements in Gaza, and especially from Arafat (who himself referred to Hamas as “a creature of Israel”), which Israel considered more threatening than the fundamentalists. “The Israeli government gave me a budget”, the retired brigadier general confessed, “and the military government gives to the mosques”.


“Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation”Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades, told the Wall Street Journal in 2009. Back in the mid-1980s, Cohen even wrote an official report to his superiors warning them not to play divide-and-rule in the Occupied Territories, by backing Palestinian Islamists against Palestinian secularists. “I… suggest focusing our efforts on finding ways to break up this monster before this reality jumps in our face”, he wrote. They didn’t listen to him. What we’re witnessing is a classic case of blowback.


For further context and background on the dramatic events unfolding in Gaza/Israel, I strongly recommend the book by the Israeli historian Ilan Pappé, The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of the Occupied Territories, a harrowing description of life in the world’s largest “open prison”.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 12:25 a.m. No.155651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788479 (280349ZAPR24) Notable: Violent meltdown on Kamala’s Secret Service detail prompts even more DEI questions about the competence of female agents

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Female Kamala Secret Service bodyguard who brawled with her colleagues previously filed $1M gender discrimination lawsuit against the Dallas Police Department


Kamala Harris's Secret Service bodyguard brawled with colleagues on Monday

Michelle Herczeg, 43, displayed distressing and erratic behavior on the job

She filed a $1M gender discrimination against Dallas Police Department in 2016

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 12:25 a.m. No.155652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788501 (280354ZAPR24) Notable: The cost of chocolate has tripled under Biden

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The cost of chocolate has tripled under Biden.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 12:26 a.m. No.155653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788509 (280358ZAPR24) Notable: Correspondents' Dinner: Doug Emhoff had to step in before things went too far between @KamalaHarris and her admirer

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Correspondents' Dinner🧵: Doug Emhoff decided he needed to step in before things went too far between

@KamalaHarris and her admirer.




Doug Emhoff got cucked by a black man in women's clothing




Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 12:27 a.m. No.155654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788624 (280439ZAPR24) Notable: Correspondents' Dinner: Doug Emhoff had to step in before things went too far between @KamalaHarris and her admirer

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Kek. I'd like to offer my sincerest gratitude. I couldn't have made this without you, Anon. Godspeed. o7

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 12:27 a.m. No.155655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788714 (280526ZAPR24) Notable: Correspondents' Dinner: Doug Emhoff had to step in before things went too far between @KamalaHarris and her admirer

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>This is what I think they are thinking internally.

KMAO! I was already prepping the next one.


RIP, Sam. Wish you were still here.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 12:28 a.m. No.155656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788751 (280552ZAPR24) Notable: moar NDA and Donald Trump and the magazine who printed false Stormy Daniels story

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>>155627 (pb) - Revolver Inside Source Reveals Critical 13-Year-Old Mistake in Stormy’s ‘Trump Extortion’ Plot and Real Reason for NDA




So True? So False? Did Donald Trump Cheat on Melania With a Porn Star?!

The Apprentice honcho is rumored to have hooked up with Stormy Daniels while his current wife was pregnant


By NATALIE FINN OCT 12, 2011 2:51


Both Trump and Daniels are vehemently denying the story about the two of them hooking up after Trump had played in a golfing event and then meeting up multiple times afterward. Daniels herself told E! News that she's not commenting, but the story is "bulls-t."


Correctly, upon seeing that the article was false, all other publications likewise withdrew and did not write their article. Life & Style magazine, however, informed our attorneys that 'it is too late…we have already gone to print and distribution,' even though, in fact, they were properly informed prior to going to print. The Trump Organization and Donald J. Trump will be bringing a lawsuit against the magazine.


Did DJT file a lawsuit in 2011 regarding this?

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 12:28 a.m. No.155657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788753 (280552ZAPR24) Notable: WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM SPECIAL MEETING (28-29 April) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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attention, attention:




#SpecialMeeting24: What to know about the programme and who's coming

Published Apr 27, 2024 · Updated Apr 27, 2024


• Leaders are conveningfrom 28-29 Aprilfor the World Economic Forum's Special Meeting on Global Collaboration, Growth and Energy for Development inRiyadh, Saudi Arabia.


• The meeting is organized around three themes: revitalizing global collaboration; a compact for inclusive growth; and catalyzing action on energy for development.

• From themes and attendees to the key sessions to watch, here's what you need to know about the #SpecialMeeting24.



right now: Opening Doors with Fintech

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 12:29 a.m. No.155658   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788864 (280640ZAPR24) Notable: #25497

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#25497 >>155642

>>155643 CALL TO MEMES Did you forget? 1. Border 2. Abortion 3. Inflation 4. Rinos 5. Democrats LOAD MEME CANNONS

>>155646 PRAY - We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil Dig Meme Pray

>>155647 BREAKING: 3 babies overdose on fentanyl near Seattle, 1 dies - This is Joe Biden’s America… CLOSE. THE. BORDER. NOW.

>>155644, >>155645 PlaneFaggin' Brrrrrrrts

>>155648, >>155649, >>155651 Violent meltdown on Kamala’s Secret Service detail prompts even more DEI questions about the competence of female agents

>>155650 Hamas is just another word for Muslim Brotherhood

>>155652 The cost of chocolate has tripled under Biden

>>155653, >>155654, >>155655 Correspondents' Dinner: Doug Emhoff had to step in before things went too far between @KamalaHarris and her admirer

>>155656 moar NDA and Donald Trump and the magazine who printed false Stormy Daniels story

>>155657 WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM SPECIAL MEETING (28-29 April) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia




Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 7:12 a.m. No.155735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788884 (280644ZAPR24) Notable: #25498

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Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 7:13 a.m. No.155737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788919 (280651ZAPR24) Notable: 25 Sexual Predators Jailed over ‘Shocking’ Rape, Sexual Abuse, and Trafficking of Eight Young Girls

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Can any UK anon tell me why have there been 'reporting restrictions' on the North Yorkshire Grooming Gang case that was finally reported on today? These 25 'South Asian' scumbags were sentenced 5 years ago.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 7:19 a.m. No.155740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788949 (280704ZAPR24) Notable: Crews plan to extinguish a fire on Saturday night from a freight train derailment near the Arizona-New Mexico state line that forced the closure of a stretch of Interstate 40.

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LUPTON, Ariz. (AP) — Crews plan to extinguish a fire on Saturday night from a freight train derailment near the Arizona-New Mexico state line that forced the closure of a stretch of Interstate 40.


Some wreckage has been removed from the tracks, but about 35 rail cars remain, including a half-dozen rail cars that were carrying non-odorous propane and had caught fire, said Lawrence Montoya Jr., chief of fire and rescue in McKinley County, New Mexico.


No injuries were reported in the derailment Friday of the BNSF Railway train near Lupton, Arizona, though, as it turned out, the derailment happened on the New Mexico side of the tracks.


About 40 people living within a two-mile radius of the derailment site remain evacuated as a precaution as winds carried away thick smoke and local firefighting crews responded.


Read moar:

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 7:19 a.m. No.155741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20788962 (280711ZAPR24) Notable: New Footage shows the catastrophic aftermath in downtown Sulphur, Oklahoma, which has been severely destroyed by multiple large and violent tornadoes that took place during tonight's tornado outbreak in Oklahoma

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🚨#BREAKING: New Footage shows the catastrophic aftermath in downtown Sulphur, Oklahoma, which has been severely destroyed by multiple large and violent tornadoes that took place during tonight's tornado outbreak in Oklahoma

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 7:20 a.m. No.155742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20789010 (280733ZAPR24) Notable: @TomFitton - INEXCUSABLE that House Republicans haven't impeached Biden over his Biden invasion…

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Tom Fitton



INEXCUSABLE that House Republicans haven't impeached Biden over his Biden invasion…

Apr 27, 2024, 11:34 PM

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 7:20 a.m. No.155743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20789093 (280821ZAPR24) Notable: Freight Train Derails at New Mexico-Arizona State Line Resulting in Massive Fire

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Freight Train Derails at New Mexico-Arizona State Line Resulting in Massive Fire

A freight train at the New Mexico-Arizona state line caught fire on Friday after derailing. The I-40 highway next to the fire was closed in both directions, affecting trucks that use that route for the transportation of goods. Vehicles were being directed to alternate routes

The train contained 35 cars in total with 6 of them that were transporting propane, which is highly flammable. Early footage of the wreckage and fire were from drivers who were passing by.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 7:21 a.m. No.155744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20789120 (280852ZAPR24) Notable: Pro-Hamas demonstrators ambush celebs as they enter the White House Correspondents Dinner

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Pro-Hamas demonstrators ambush celebs as they enter the White House Correspondents Dinner.


The WHCD event is attended by celebrities and journalists who pretend to hold the rich and powerful accountable with cheap jokes.


You love to see it.









Hillary clone troll spotted

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 7:22 a.m. No.155745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20789146 (280913ZAPR24) Notable: Tesla CEO Elon Musk arrives in China: state media

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Tesla CEO Elon Musk arrived in China on Sunday, state media said, the tech billionaire’s second trip in less than a year to the world’s biggest market for electric vehicles.


“At the invitation of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Tesla (US) CEO Elon Musk arrived in Beijing this afternoon,” state broadcaster CCTV said.


State media said Musk met with Ren Hongbin, the head of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, “to discuss next steps in cooperation and other topics”.


Musk has extensive business interests in China and his most recent visit was in June last year.


Tesla did not respond to AFP’s earlier requests for confirmation that Musk was visiting China or share his itinerary for the trip.


Read moar:

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 7:22 a.m. No.155746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20789189 (281001ZAPR24) Notable: POTUS Truth - The White House Correspondents’ Dinner was really bad. Colin Jost BOMBED, and Crooked Joe was an absolute disaster! Doesn’t get much worse than this!

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I'm going to have to watch it now.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 7:23 a.m. No.155747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20789248 (281054ZAPR24) Notable: resident Biden complete remarks at 2024 White House Correspondents' Dinner (C-SPAN)

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President Biden complete remarks at 2024 White House Correspondents' Dinner (C-SPAN)


Millions of Americans suffering on a daily basis, these swamp creatures are drinking the best wine, eating the best food, and making Jokes about Trump, but relax because this is all part of the 'SHOW' where they treat you like cattle and you all bend over and take it, Enjoy another 4 years of this!

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 7:23 a.m. No.155748   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20789383 (281229ZAPR24) Notable: Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel returns two weeks after surviving a stabbing attack with a fiery first sermon for freedom of speech and religion

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🚨WOW: Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel returns two weeks after surviving a stabbing attack with a fiery first sermon for freedom of speech and religion


The priest has backed


against the Australian government’s demand to censor his (live) video of the alleged terrorist attack



Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 7:24 a.m. No.155749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5751 >>5752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20789427 (281255ZAPR24) Notable: Utah County Prosecutor David Leavitt Recently Bought A Castle In Scotland After Losing Reelection

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Wall Street Apes


Utah County Prosecutor David Leavitt Recently Bought A Castle In Scotland After Losing Reelection


“He was the subject of a ritualistic child s*x abuse investigation”


“Detectives are investigating ritualistic child s*x abuse across three different counties over a 20-year time frame.”


Leavitt’s case is a deep dive into ritualistic child s*xual assault by the well commented powerful elite in America


“So there is about 1,000 pages of information there.”


8:13 AM · Apr 27, 2024




Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 7:24 a.m. No.155750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20789462 (281310ZAPR24) Notable: Italy PM Meloni announces candidacy at EU election

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Spot the Operation Mockingbird insertion of "The Big Lie"!!


Italy PM Meloni announces candidacy at EU election

Apr 28th, 08:05:30


By Giulia Segreti


ROME (Reuters) - Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announced on Sunday she will be a candidate at June's European elections in a bid to boost support for her Brothers of Italy party, though she will not take up a seat if elected.


The June 6-9 European Parliament vote is a key test of strength for her 18-month-old rightist coalition.


"We want to do in Europe what we did in Italy… create a majority that brings together the centre-right forces and send the left into opposition," Meloni told cheering party faithful at a party conference in the coastal city of Pescara to set out EU policies and launch the campaign.


Meloni, whose party traces its roots to Benito Mussolini's Fascist group, called for Italy to leave the euro zone when in opposition and her 2022 election raised concerns in some European capitals."

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 7:24 a.m. No.155751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20789480 (281314ZAPR24) Notable: Utah County Prosecutor David Leavitt Recently Bought A Castle In Scotland After Losing Reelection

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Here he is and here's his castle Knockderry castle in Scotland. The man has children and grandchildren.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 7:25 a.m. No.155752   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20789675 (281357ZAPR24) Notable: #25498

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…Bakering the complain queue




#25498 >>155735

>>155736, >>155739 Baker change

>>155740 Crews plan to extinguish a fire on Saturday night from a freight train derailment near the Arizona-New Mexico state line that forced the closure of a stretch of Interstate 40.

>>155737 25 Sexual Predators Jailed over ‘Shocking’ Rape, Sexual Abuse, and Trafficking of Eight Young Girls

>>155741 New Footage shows the catastrophic aftermath in downtown Sulphur, Oklahoma, which has been severely destroyed by multiple large and violent tornadoes that took place during tonight's tornado outbreak in Oklahoma

>>155742 @TomFitton - INEXCUSABLE that House Republicans haven't impeached Biden over his Biden invasion…

>>155743 Freight Train Derails at New Mexico-Arizona State Line Resulting in Massive Fire

>>155744 Pro-Hamas demonstrators ambush celebs as they enter the White House Correspondents Dinner

>>155745 Tesla CEO Elon Musk arrives in China: state media

>>155746 POTUS Truth - The White House Correspondents’ Dinner was really bad. Colin Jost BOMBED, and Crooked Joe was an absolute disaster! Doesn’t get much worse than this!

>>155747 resident Biden complete remarks at 2024 White House Correspondents' Dinner (C-SPAN)

>>155748 Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel returns two weeks after surviving a stabbing attack with a fiery first sermon for freedom of speech and religion

>>155749, >>155751 Utah County Prosecutor David Leavitt Recently Bought A Castle In Scotland After Losing Reelection

>>155750 Italy PM Meloni announces candidacy at EU election



Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 11:08 a.m. No.155753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20789690 (281359ZAPR24) Notable: #25499

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Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 11:09 a.m. No.155754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5758 >>5766 >>5958

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20789804 (281427ZAPR24) Notable: PF Report: CONUS Activity-Blinken to Riyadh WEF “Special” Mtg

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PlaneFaggin’:CONUS Activity-Blinken to Riyadh WEF “Special” Mtg


SAM688 C32ABlinkendeparted JBA heading to Riyadh, SA for WEF Mtg


WEF’s special meeting kicks off in Riyadh


A two-day special meeting of the World Economic Forum kicked off in the Saudi capital Riyadh today.

The two-day meeting will host a number of economic and political figures including US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Three different sessions were held in the morning to kick start the special meeting with each focusing on a unique topic.


BOXER20 C-40C inbound from Hickam AFB depart and was at Okinawa arriving on 0423 and departed 0425 to Hickam and left this morning. Dunno who this is but politicians usually on these as the “C” models layout is passenger not office oriented like the “B” model


Hungarian AF BRK8 C17 Globey Tucson to Salt Lake City (this arrived at Dover AFB as Blinken and Sullivan returned from Beijing on Friday night and went to Tucson yesterday from Dover


MAFFS02/05 C130 Fire Fighting ACs went to Peterson from yesterday’s Pt. Mugu depart


SAM571 G5 went to Denver Intl from JBA depart

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 11:09 a.m. No.155755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20789863 (281445ZAPR24) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: April 28, 2024 - Rings Around the Ring Nebula

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

April 28, 2024


Rings Around the Ring Nebula


The Ring Nebula (M57) is more complicated than it appears through a small telescope. The easily visible central ring is about one light-year across, but this remarkably deep exposure - a collaborative effort combining data from three different large telescopes - explores the looping filaments of glowing gas extending much farther from the nebula's central star. This composite image includes red light emitted by hydrogen as well as visible and infrared light. The Ring Nebula is an elongated planetary nebula, a type of nebula created when a Sun-like star evolves to throw off its outer atmosphere and become a white dwarf star. The Ring Nebula is about 2,500 light-years away toward the musical constellation Lyra.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 11:10 a.m. No.155756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20789911 (281501ZAPR24) Notable: SpaceX Galileo L12 Mission

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SpaceX Galileo L12 Mission


On Saturday, April 27 at 8:34 p.m. ET, Falcon 9 launched the European Commission’s Galileo L12 mission to medium Earth orbit from Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A) at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.


This was the 20th flight of the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched GPS III-3, Turksat 5A, Transporter-2, Intelsat G-33/G-34, Transporter-6, Intuitive Machines IM-1, and 13 Starlink missions.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 11:11 a.m. No.155757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20789936 (281513ZAPR24) Notable: SpaceX Starlink Mission: SpaceX is targeting Sunday, April 28 for a Falcon 9 launch of 23 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. Liftoff is targeted for 5:50 p.m. ET

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SpaceX Starlink Mission


SpaceX is targeting Sunday, April 28 for a Falcon 9 launch of 23 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. Liftoff is targeted for 5:50 p.m. ET, with backup opportunities available until 9:50 p.m. ET. If needed, additional opportunities are also available on Monday, April 29 starting at 5:25 p.m. ET.


A live webcast of this mission will begin on X @SpaceX about five minutes prior to liftoff. Watch live.


This is the 13th flight for the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched CRS-26, OneWeb Launch 16, Intelsat IS-40e, O3b mPOWER, Ovzon 3, EUTELSAT 36D, and six Starlink missions. Following stage separation, the first stage will land on the Just Read the Instructions droneship, which will be stationed in the Atlantic Ocean.>>

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 11:11 a.m. No.155758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5760 >>5761 >>5766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20789943 (281515ZAPR24) Notable: PF Reports: Europe/Africa Activity

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PlaneFaggin’:Europe/Africa Activity


RCH685 C17 Globey on ground at Rzsesow Airport, Poland from Bangor, Maine fuel stop and Ft. Bliss depart

Moar “goodies” loaded out


Croat AF 9ACRO Challenger 600 back to Zagreb from Riyadh-arrived yesterday around same time Pakiland PM did from Lahore


Egyptian AF SUBTF G4 arrived at Ankara,Turkey from Cairo depart-this AC comes to CONUS for service at Wichita as Bombardier (Mfg) has big facility there


Canada AF CFC2905 C130 Super Herc departed southern Bulgaria NW


French AF CTM219 Falcon 900 SE from Paris-Villacoublay AB (French Air Cmd) mebby going to Riyadh


French AF CTM1077 A330 left Vilnius heading SW

Been busy for NATO ACs here and prepping for this


Lithuania to hold largest military exercises in its history this summer


Hungarian AF BRK07 C17 Globey from Oslo-had one yesterday too and seen this several times heading to Kecskemet AB (Hungarian Air Cmd)



Algerian AF 7T-VPC G4 SE from Algiers depart @45k Ft and signal frozen (not many transponders dhere)

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 11:12 a.m. No.155759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790032 (281544ZAPR24) Notable: 'We could feel the heat': Neighbors temporarily evacuated after large brush fire near Space Force Annex

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'We could feel the heat': Neighbors temporarily evacuated after large brush fire near Space Force Annex

Updated: 10:20 PM EDT Apr 27, 2024


PALM BAY, Fla. — Firefighters in Palm Bay battled a fierce and fast-moving fire near the Space Force Annex on Saturday.

According to Palm Bay Fire Rescue, the brush fire was called in just before 2 p.m. Saturday at the Space Force Annex on Minton Road. Firefighters worked to get the fire under control and protect homes and structures in the area.

As of 8 p.m., Saturday, officials said the bulk of the fire was out.


"A majority of the fire efforts now are focused on putting out hotspots and small flare ups," PBRF officials said.

A number of homes along Isar Avenue NW, to the west of the Space Force Annex, were evacuated for several hours. Firefighters have said the fire’s threat to structures in the area has passed.

" I looked out the window, and there was nothing but flames, a lot of smoke, debris in the air, and ashes. We could feel the heat and everything," Carisa Ramirez, one of the neighbors who was told to evacuate, said.


The debris and burnt spots reached property lines and backyards. Some neighbors said their sheds were damaged.

Jason Cochran's fence and boat were damaged by the fire. He said it will take thousands of dollars to fix everything, but he is thankful no one was hurt.

"The boat is garbage. There are some airboat props that are sitting there that got burned up, the fence, and some other little stuff, nothing major," Cochran said. "It could have been worse. The only thing was making sure dogs and kids were safe."


Firefighter crews reported it as a fast-moving, heavy fire that was helped by winds.

"Right off the bat, we were initiating mutual aid protocol, getting other units in from different cities, activating all of our units from all of our stations within the city to try to get things under control the best way possible," PBFR's public information officer John Ringleb said.

Officials said this is a problem they will deal with for several weeks because of high wind conditions and not a lot of rain in the forecast.


"We have our added brush truck response any time there is a wildland or brush fire that is being called in to our comm center, just so that we can be a little bit preemptive in case it is something large," Ringleb said.

No homes were damaged, and no injuries were reported, officials said.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 11:12 a.m. No.155760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790058 (281554ZAPR24) Notable: PF Reports: Europe/Africa Activity

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Algeria AF in @ Nairobi, Kenya

Airport is at 5150 ft

Nairobi sits at an average altitude of about 5600ft

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 11:13 a.m. No.155761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790086 (281606ZAPR24) Notable: PF Reports: Europe/Africa Activity

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RCH685 C17 Globey departed Rzsesow Airport after its load out

RAF RRR4952 A400m heading to same with another load from RAF Brize Norton

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 11:18 a.m. No.155763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790377 (281719ZAPR24) Notable: @SpaceX - Separation confirmed! Dragon is performing three departure burns to move away from the @space_station. Splashdown in ~36 hours on Tuesday, April 30 off the coast of Florida

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Separation confirmed! Dragon is performing three departure burns to move away from the @space_station. Splashdown in ~36 hours on Tuesday, April 30 off the coast of Florida


Apr 28, 2024 · 5:11 PM UTC



Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 11:19 a.m. No.155764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790450 (281732ZAPR24) Notable: PF Report: Aussie AF VH8MR Global Explorer departed Van Nuys Airport (alternative for Burbank/Hollywood Airport) after arriving on 0425 from Honolulu Intl and left Brisbane on 0424 for a stop of about 13h and began its day departing Singapore.

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Aussie AF VH8MR Global Explorer departed Van Nuys Airport (alternative for Burbank/Hollywood Airport) after arriving on 0425 from Honolulu Intl and left Brisbane on 0424 for a stop of about 13h and began its day departing Singapore.

Departed Hong Kong on 0422 arriving on 0421 from Brisbane

Bizzy AC

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 11:19 a.m. No.155765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790500 (281742ZAPR24) Notable: resident Biden - Last night, we toasted to a free press, To an informed citizenry, And to an America where freedom and democracy endure.

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Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 11:21 a.m. No.155766   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790535 (281753ZAPR24) Notable: #25499

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…Now baking




#25499 >>155753

>>155754 PF Report: CONUS Activity-Blinken to Riyadh WEF “Special” Mtg

>>155755 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: April 28, 2024 - Rings Around the Ring Nebula

>>155756 SpaceX Galileo L12 Mission

>>155757 SpaceX Starlink Mission: SpaceX is targeting Sunday, April 28 for a Falcon 9 launch of 23 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. Liftoff is targeted for 5:50 p.m. ET

>>155758, >>155760, >>155761 PF Reports: Europe/Africa Activity

>>155759 'We could feel the heat': Neighbors temporarily evacuated after large brush fire near Space Force Annex

>>155763 @SpaceX - Separation confirmed! Dragon is performing three departure burns to move away from the @space_station. Splashdown in ~36 hours on Tuesday, April 30 off the coast of Florida

>>155764 PF Report: Aussie AF VH8MR Global Explorer departed Van Nuys Airport (alternative for Burbank/Hollywood Airport) after arriving on 0425 from Honolulu Intl and left Brisbane on 0424 for a stop of about 13h and began its day departing Singapore.

>>155765 resident Biden - Last night, we toasted to a free press, To an informed citizenry, And to an America where freedom and democracy endure.



Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:10 p.m. No.155767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790543 (281755ZAPR24) Notable: #25500

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Dough; Looking for handoff or ghosting shortly

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:11 p.m. No.155768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5769 >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790599 (281812ZAPR24) Notable: Chairman Jordan Expands Financial Surveillance Investigation to Other Major Companies

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Chairman Jordan Expands Financial Surveillance Investigation to Other Major Companies


Press Release


WASHINGTON, D.C. - House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent letters to the Chief Executive Officers of Standard Chartered Bank USA, Truist, U.S. Bank, Wells Fargo, Western Union, Charles Schwab, Bank of America, Citibank, HSBC Bank, JPMorgan Chase, MUFG Bank, PayPal, and Santander Bank requesting documents and communications related to the Committee's investigation of financial surveillance of American citizens, including the disclosure of private financial records to federal authorities without legal process.


Documents obtained by the Committee and Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government show that the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) circulated specific materials to these banks, and the Committee believes that these banking institutions possess information necessary for the investigation. The Committee previously sent letters to Bank of America, Chase, U.S. Bank, Wells Fargo, Citibank, and Truist for its probe into how the FBI worked together with banks to spy on Americans following the events of January 6, 2021, without a warrant.


The Committee also sent a letter to U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen demanding all Bank Secrecy Act filings, including Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs), that included the tag created to group all SARs related to the events following January 6, 2021.


Excerpts of the letter to Charles Schwab:


"After receiving documents and information from several entities, the Committee and Select Subcommittee learned that thefinancial surveillance occurring in the United States is much broader than the FBI simply requesting, without any legal process, a list of customers' transactions from Bank of America. On March 6, 2024, the Committee and Select Subcommittee released an interim staff report detailing its findings to date on how federal law enforcement is using private banks to pry into the private transactions of American customers. That report highlighted how, following January 6, 2021, federal law enforcement commandeered financial institutions' databases, sought to treat sweeping classes of otherwise lawful transactions as potentially 'suspicious,' and profiled Americans using Merchant Category Codes (MCCs), 'typologies,' and 'indicators' that treated protected political and religious expression as indicative of domestic violent extremism.



“The Committee and Select Subcommittee remain concerned about how and to what extent federal law enforcement and financial institutions continue to spy on Americans by weaponizing backdoor information sharing and casting sprawling classes of transactions, purchase behavior, and protected political or religious expression as potentially 'suspicious' or indicative of 'extremism.'"



Read the full letter to Treasury Secretary Yellen here.


Read the full letter to Standard Chartered Bank USA here.


Read the full letter to Truist here.


Read the full letter to U.S. Bank here.


Read the full letter to Wells Fargo here.


Read the full letter to Western Union here.


Read the full letter to Charles Schwab here.


Read the full letter to Bank of America here.


Read the full letter to Citibank here.


Read the full letter to HSBC Bank here.


Read the full letter to JPMorgan Chase here.


Read the full letter to MUFG Bank here.


Read the full letter to PayPal here.


Read the full letter to Santander Bank here.


Download the letters here

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:11 p.m. No.155769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790604 (281814ZAPR24) Notable: Chairman Jordan Expands Financial Surveillance Investigation to Other Major Companies

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Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:11 p.m. No.155770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790609 (281816ZAPR24) Notable: Pompeo "Trump Admin was right to sanction the ICC.. Biden should immediately reinstate these"

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Mike Pompeo




The broken & corrupt ICC is looking to bring charges against Israel for defending itself against terrorism. Trump Admin was right to sanction the ICC, and Biden was wrong to lift them. Biden should immediately reinstate these sanctions against the ICC.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:12 p.m. No.155772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5783 >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790622 (281820ZAPR24) Notable: Judiciary Republican release report on Manhattan DA's Office's Political Vendetta Against POTUS

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Anons this is the 300 page report at this link below (too large) that Jordan’s staff said they were not dragging the feet, speaker Johnson refused to allow them to release it so Trump could challenge the Bragg case before it even started. And Johnson seemingly never mentioned this to Trump when he met with him at MAL, before the trial started

Never forget what Johnson Did


Judiciary Republicans Release Report on the Manhattan District Attorney's Office's Political Vendetta Against President Donald J. Trump

April 25, 2024

Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House Judiciary Committee released an interim staff report titled, "An Anatomy of a Political Prosecution: The Manhattan District Attorney's Office's Vendetta Against President Donald J. Trump." The report reveals how the New York County District Attorney's Office's (DANY) investigation and prosecution of President Trump is the product of prosecutorial focus on one individual in search of a crime.


As revealed in former Special Assistant District Attorney Mark Pomerantz's self-serving book, People vs. Trump: An Insider's Account, since at least 2018, the DANY has weaponized the criminal justice system, scouring every aspect of President Trump's personal life and business affairs in the hopes of finding some legal basis—however far-fetched, novel, or convoluted—to bring charges against him. When one legal theory would not pan out, instead of discontinuing its politically motivated investigation, the DANY simply pivoted to a new theory, constantly searching for a crime prosecute President Trump. Pomerantz's book was part of a public pressure campaign to force District Attorney Alvin Bragg into action.


In April 2023, District Attorney Bragg succumbed to Pomerantz's pressure campaign, charging President Trump with 34 felony counts using a novel and untested legal theory that bootstrapped misdemeanor allegations as a felony. The timing and basis for the DANY's prosecution of President Trump provide a clear inference that Bragg is motivated by political calculations. The facts at the center of Bragg's political prosecution had not changed since 2018 and no new witnesses had emerged. Federal prosecutors already declined to pursue the case, and Bragg's predecessor Cyrus Vance also waved off the case. Bragg, too, was initially reluctant to bring the case. The only intervening factor, it appears, was President Trump's announcement that he would be a candidate for President in 2024.


In addition to the novel and untested legal theory, Bragg's case relies heavily on the testimony of his star witness, Michael Cohen—a convicted perjurer with a demonstrable prejudice against President Trump. Cohen has been convicted of lying to Congress and DANY prosecutors were rightly concerned about his serious credibility problems.


Against the backdrop of District Attorney Bragg's decision to find any reason to prosecute President Trump are Bragg's actions to institute pro-crime, anti-victim policies that allowed violent crime to surge by 23 percent during his first year as DA and created a dangerous community for New York City residents.


The fundamental mission of any prosecutor's office is to uphold the rule of law. And one of the hallmarks of this mission is to ensure that justice is blind—applied fairly and equally. Bragg's politically motivated prosecution of President Trump threatens to destroy this notion of blind justice by using the criminal justice system to attack an individual he disagrees with politically, and, in turn, erodes the confidence of the American people.


Read the full interim staff report here.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:13 p.m. No.155773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790632 (281824ZAPR24) Notable: Nakizumo Crying Baby Festival: 400-yr-old event where staff in demon masks try to make babies cry

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Daily Mail Online




Inside the Nakizumo Crying Baby Festival: Bizarre 400-year-old event where staff in demon masks try to make competing babies cry


Apr 28, 2024 · 2:24 PM UTC


Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:13 p.m. No.155774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813 >>5850

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790637 (281827ZAPR24) Notable: PF Update - Trudope landed at Toronto Intl about 30m from Ottawa depart; No public events scheduled

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Canada AF CFC1 Challenger 600Trudopelanded at Toronto Intl about 30m or thereabouts from Ottawa depart


Schedule sez nuffin/no public events


Prime Minister’s itinerary for Sunday, April 28, 2024

Ottawa, Ontario

“National Capital Region, Canada”

No public events scheduled

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:18 p.m. No.155777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790649 (281833ZAPR24) Notable: NHS plans to give hospitals clear language on biological sex, terms like 'chestfeeding', 'people with ovaries'

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Daily Mail Online




NHS is 'considering reversing its guidance on terms like 'chestfeeding' and 'people with ovaries' under plans to give hospitals clear language based on biological sex'


Apr 28, 2024 · 12:52 PM UTC

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:19 p.m. No.155778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790652 (281835ZAPR24) Notable: Live streams of protests UCLA, Yale, and George Washington University

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LIVE: Streams from UCLA, Yale, and George Washington University; communists, useful idiots, and terrorist operatives protesting

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:19 p.m. No.155779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790683 (281847ZAPR24) Notable: Alleged Honeypot Operation Disclosed In Atlanta Targeting GA Legislators, Lobbyists

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BREAKING: Alleged Honeypot Operation Disclosed In Atlanta Targeting GA Legislators, Lobbyists

By William Quinn

April 28, 2024


Jones allegedly also mentioned that David Cross and Brian Pritchard would be gone by the state convention.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:20 p.m. No.155780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790698 (281853ZAPR24) Notable: German Democratic Republic flag looks like Freemason symbol

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Compare the flag of the German Democratic Republic to the Freemason symbol!

Was the similarity a coincidence?

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:21 p.m. No.155781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790701 (281855ZAPR24) Notable: Woman in US pleads guilty to stealing parts of corpses

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Satanism and evil is real

28 Apr, 2024 16:15

Woman in US pleads guilty to stealing parts of corpses

Ex-mortuary worker Candace Chapman Scott was part of a nationwide scheme trading in human remains


A former mortuary worker in the US state of Arkansas has pleaded guilty to charges that she stole body parts from medical school cadavers, the local attorney’s office has announced in a press release.


According to prosecutors, 37-year-old Candace Chapman Scott committed the crimes while working at Arkansas Central Mortuary Service from October 2021 to 15 July 2022. The company handled human and fetal remains donated to the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Scott’s job was to transport, embalm, and cremate the remains in question.


According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), during her tenure, Scott “stole human body parts and fetal remains”and later sold them to a Pennsylvania resident she met on Facebook, Jeremy Pauley. According to a report by AP which cited court documents, she sold a total of 24 boxes of stolen body parts to Pauley for nearly $11,000.


On Thursday, Scott pleaded guilty to “transporting stolen body parts across state lines and conspiracy to commit mail fraud,” the attorney’s office for Eastern District of Arkansas said in the press release. Judge Brian S. Miller said he would sentence Scott at a later date. She faces a maximum of 20 years’ imprisonment and a fine of up to $250,000.


Scott’s indictment is part of a nationwide investigation into trafficking of stolen human remains linked with Harvard Medical School, which made headlines across the US last year. A longtime manager of the school’s morgue for the Anatomical Gifts Program, Cedric Lodge, was indicted on conspiracy and interstate transport of stolen goods charges for selling body parts out of the famed school in April last year. The scheme came to light in mid-2022, when the estranged wife of Jeremy Pauley, who was buying body parts from both Lodge and Scott, asked police to check her husband’s basement, saying that she suspected him of trading in cadavers on Facebook.


A total of seven people have been indicted so far. Pauley pleaded guilty to conspiracy and interstate transportation of stolen property back in September, and was sentenced last month to two years of supervised probation. Trials are still pending for the other defendants, including Lodge.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:21 p.m. No.155782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5784 >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790733 (281910ZAPR24) Notable: Jill Stein & 2 of her campaign workers arrested at Washington University in St. Louis protest

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Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein Arrested


BREAKING: Jill Stein and her Campaign Manager and Deputy Campaign Manager, Jason Call and Kelly Merrill-Cayer, have been arrested at Washington University in St. Louis while supporting a protest against WashU’s ties to the war on Gaza.

Video from @KallieECox

— Dr. Jill Stein🌻 (@DrJillStein) April 28, 2024


Stein’s campaign manager, Jason Call, confirmed to Fox News Digital the candidate and her deputy campaign manager, Kelly Merrill-Cayer, were among those arrested while protesting the university’s purported ties to the war in Gaza, the outlet reported.


“The demand from the encampment was specifically for the university to divest from Boeing, which manufactures munitions used in the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza at their nearby St Charles facility,” Call told Fox News Digital. “The Stein campaign supports the demands of the students and their peaceful protest and assembly on campus. Student protest for peace and civil liberties has always represented the best part of our collective moral conscience. Solidarity.”

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:22 p.m. No.155783   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790746 (281917ZAPR24) Notable: Judiciary Republican release report on Manhattan DA's Office's Political Vendetta Against POTUS

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Was perusing House Judiciary twitter yesterday it's lit

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:22 p.m. No.155784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790754 (281919ZAPR24) Notable: Jill Stein & 2 of her campaign workers arrested at Washington University in St. Louis protest

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Watch: Jill Stein Shoved by Cops in Chaotic Raid on Campus Protest


Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein was arrested alongside nearly 100 other protesters partaking in the pro-Palestinian demonstrations at Washington University in St. Louis on Saturday. She was the latest high-profile figure to join the student movement sweeping the nation’s college campuses.


In a dramatic video shared to social media, 73-year-old Stein can be seen among the group of protesters shoved backwards by police officers, who used a bike to force them back. Stein, her campaign manager, and deputy campaign manager were all arrested by officers, her team said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:23 p.m. No.155785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790758 (281920ZAPR24) Notable: Gretchen Whitmer NFL Draft stage was met with a mixed reaction of cheers and boos.

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OOF: Big Gretch smiles through the pain at NFL Draft as crowd soundly rebukes her…

Apr 27, 2024


In life, there are those moments we’d give anything to take back or do over. Gretchen Whitmer must be feeling that way after what unfolded at the 2024 NFL Draft in Detroit. “Big Gretch” made her appearance and found herself in a tough spot,smiling through the pain as the crowd overwhelmingly booed her. This wasn’t a case of mixed reactions; it was a clear, uninterrupted stream of disapproval. There she stood, arms raised, feigning celebration—the perfect picture of a clueless, elite politician who can’t fathom just how disliked she really is.


Athlon Sports:


The Detroit Lions have been one of the most active teams on Day 3 of the 2024 NFL Draft this Saturday, already trading up twice to land two talents in the fourth round in BYU OT Giovanni Manu and Utah RB/S Sione Vaki.


To announce the Manu selection at No. 126 overall, the Lions chose Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.


Her entrance onto the NFL Draft stage was met with a mixed crowd reaction, including audible cheers and boos.


Whitmer not only announced the Lions first fourth-round pick – she also broke the news that the 2024 NFL Draft in Detroit had set a new all-time attendance record.


“It has been a historic week in the great city of Detroit,” Whitmer began. “We have shown the world what the Motor City is all about. It is my honor to announce that the 2024 NFL Draft has now broken the all-time record! “700,000 and counting. So, thank you NFL fans and thank you Detroit.”


Nobody deserves a chorus of boos quite like “Big Gretch,” who’s still holding the reins in Michigan because the RNC, under Ronna McDaniel’s rule, nominated weak RINOs to challenge her or refused to support anybody who could take her down. It’s almost as if Ronna was handing her the governorship on a silver platter.


It’s no surprise that Michigan turned on her with a vengeance. After all, Whitmer was the “Lockdown Lady” during the COVID fiasco, ordering everyone else to stay put while she jetted around the country on private planes.




Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is facing renewed scrutiny after reports that she used a private plane shared by high-powered, politically connected Detroit-area business families to visit her elderly father in Florida in March.


Whitmer has repeatedly refused to give details about the trip, including when and where she went, how she got there and how she paid for it, citing security reasons. She has only said that taxpayer money was not used to pay for it, that it lasted “two full days or less” and that she went more than a month before April 19, when news of the trip leaked.


Her father, a retired CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, has a home in West Palm Beach.


And let’s not forget “Goblin Gretchen’s” nursing home scandal, for which she was never held accountable. It’s a troubling chapter that somehow seems to have been swept under the rug for this unpopular Democrat, a pattern that is disturbingly common these days.


Daily Mail:


America’s coronavirus nursing home crisis deepened today amid claims that Michigan’s death toll could be double the official figure and that Andrew Cuomo used the Speaker to help hide New York’s cover-up.


Cuomo and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer have been under intense scrutiny since August whenTrump said they ‘issued COVID-19 orders that may have resulted in deaths of elderly nursing home residents.’


Now it appears that Michigan may have similarly under-counted its care home death toll.


The health department has recorded more than 19,000 Covid-19 deaths, of which at least 5,600 were in care homes.


But the department relies on an ‘honor system’ where care homes self-report their coronavirus fatalities.


Another 6,945 Covid-19 deaths are classified vaguely as ‘vital records reviews’ – these are totted up by health officials going through death certificates.


‘This is where the problem begins,’ according to Charlie LeDuff for Deadline Detroit.


In a sample selection of 1,468 vital records from March to June 2020, 648 Covid deaths were traced back to nursing homes – that’s 44 percent.


‘Apply 44 percent to the nearly 7,000 vital records and there may be another 3,000 deaths of the institutionalized elderly unaccounted for,’ LeDuff writes.


While MSNBC might tell us that Biden is up by 30 points in Michigan, crediting Michiganders’ prosperity and their love for Whitmer’s leadership and Biden’s robust economy, the people of Michigan are telling a very different story.So, who are you going to believe—the fake propaganda news or your own eyes and ears?


Anons can we find the video

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:23 p.m. No.155786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790795 (281931ZAPR24) Notable: Macron Suggests Arming EU with Nuclear Weapons for ‘Credible’ Defense

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Macron Suggests Arming EU with Nuclear Weapons for ‘Credible’ Defence


President Emmanuel Macron has been accused of undermining French sovereignty and military deterrence after the head of state “opened the debate” about creating a common European defence armed with nuclear weapons.


In an interview published on Saturday evening with the Ebra group of regional French newspapers, Mr Macron said per Le Figaro: “I am in favour of opening this debate which must include anti-missile defence, the firing of long-range weapons, nuclear weapons for those who have them or who have American nuclear weapons on their soil.”


“Let’s put everything on the table and look at what truly protects us in a credible way,” he continued, but maintained that France would keep “its specificity but is ready to contribute more to the defence of European soil”.


“Being credible also means having long-range missiles that would deter the Russians. And there is nuclear weapons: French doctrine is that we can use them when our vital interests are threatened. I have already said that there is a European dimension to these vital interests,” the president said.


Macron’s comments drew condemnation from both sides of the political aisle in France, with François-Xavier Bellamy, the leader of the centre-right Les Républicains (LR) in the upcoming European Parliament elections, declaring: “A French head of state should not say that.”


“This is exceptionally serious because this touches on the very nerve of French sovereignty,” Bellamy added.


Conservative populist National Rally MEP Thierry Mariani responded: “Macron is becoming a national danger… After nuclear weapons, there will follow France’s permanent seat on the UN Security Council, which will also be sold off to the European Union.”


The suggestion was also criticised by the left, with the La France Insoumise (LFI) parliamentary group proclaiming that Macron “has just dealt a new blow to the credibility of French nuclear deterrence”.


“Under the cover of defending European soil, Macron wants to liquidate French strategic autonomy,” LFI deputy Bastien Lachaud added.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:24 p.m. No.155787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790800 (281932ZAPR24) Notable: Italian PM Giorgia Meloni announces she will stand as a candidate for the European Parliament

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Italian PM Meloni Throws Her Hat in the Ring as a Candidate for the European Parliament Elections


Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announced on Sunday that she will stand as a candidate for the European Parliament elections as she looks to increase support for her Brothers of Italy party as citizens head to the polls in June.


In a surprise move, Meloni said that she is adding her name to the top of the Brothers of Italy’s list of candidates for the European elections between June 6th and 9th, however, she will not take the seat in the Strasbourg-based parliament if selected.


Speaking in front of a campaign conference in the central Italian city of Pescara on Sunday, Meloni said that the elections give a chance for Italy to shape the European agenda, vowing to “defend our borders and our identity in the EU,” Corriere della Sera reports.


Meloni struck a populist tone in her address, saying: “I ask the Italians to write my name, but my first name at the European elections. I am proud that the majority of citizens who address me call me Giorgia. I have been mocked for years for my popular roots, they called me fisherman, villager… But I am proud to be a person of the people.


“If you want to tell me that you still believe in me, write Giorgia on the card, because I am and will always be one of you. Power will not change me, the palace will not isolate me. I need to know once again that it’s worth it. I am only interested in the judgment of citizens, which I respect and will always respect.”


The Italian prime minister also lashed out at the green agenda favoured by elites in Brussels and other Western European capitals, branding the policy of seeking to transition to only electric cars as “suicidal idiocy” given the need to rely on countries like Communist China which “do not even remotely respect the environmental constraints of our companies”.


Meloni also highlighted the migrant crisis facing Europe, saying that “we need to attack the traffickers at the heart.”

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:24 p.m. No.155788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790803 (281934ZAPR24) Notable: World Central Kitchen to resume operations in Gaza

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it kills relief workers

it kills journalists

it kills women and children

it kills doctors and medics


it should be tried for Crimes Against Humanity


World Central Kitchen to resume operations in Gaza


The World Central Kitchen, the humanitarian food aid organization, will return to operations in the Gaza Strip on Monday.


The NGO pulled out of Gaza earlier this month after the IDF mistakenly targeted a convoy of seven of its aid workers, killing all of them.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:24 p.m. No.155789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790821 (281939ZAPR24) Notable: California’s Riverside County deputy, 14 others arrested in drug trafficking bust

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California’s Riverside County deputy, 14 others arrested in drug trafficking bust


Culminating a yearlong investigation dubbed “Hotline Bling,” authorities in Riverside County have seized millions of dollars worth of illegal drugs and arrested 15 people suspected of helping a Sinaloa, Mexico, cartel’s drug trafficking network, including a Riverside County Sheriff’s deputy.


In collaboration with the Riverside Police Department and the United States Postal Service, federal Drug Enforcement Administration agents seized 376 pounds of methamphetamine, 37.4 pounds of fentanyl, 600,000 fentanyl tablets, 1.4 kilograms of cocaine and seven firearms, according to a police report.


The drugs, which could have supplied the ingredients for 10 million lethal doses, have an estimated value of $16 million, according to the report.


“As fentanyl and methamphetamine continue to ravage our communities, we will continue to target drug trafficking organizations that put profit over people’s lives,” said U.S. Atty. Martin Estrada of the Central District of California. “The indictment filed by my office alleges that three men shipped kilogram-quantity parcels of narcotics through the United States Postal Service. Those who traffic in dangerous narcotics must be held accountable.”


The investigation resulted in six defendants being charged in three federal indictments, as well as 16 state arrest warrants to be issued against 16 people. Not all of the 16 people facing arrest had been detained as of Thursday afternoon.


During the investigation, DEA agents learned of a “corrupt” Riverside County Correctional Deputy, but did not provide the deputy’s name or further details on the alleged wrongdoing because the investigation is ongoing, said DEA spokesperson Rosa Valle-Lopez.


The agents and Riverside police provided their investigative leads to the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department and ultimately assisted in the arrest of the deputy while he was allegedly in possession of 104 pounds of fentanyl pills.


George Alexander Aranda, Edwin Michael Alva and Christopher Arreola Alvarado were indicted on charges of conspiracy to distribute at least 400 grams of a mixture and substance containing a detectable amount of fentanyl and methamphetamine.


In court documents, prosecutors alleged that Alva or Alvarado procured fentanyl to be distributed to customers. Alvarado operated and maintained a drug stash in Perris, the court documents alleged, and the two men would package fentanyl at the stash house for shipping through the mail. Aranda and Alva would take the packaged fentanyl and mail it to customers from post offices in and around Riverside County, prosecutors alleged.


Aranda remained at large Thursday, but Alva and Alvarado were in custody.


Riverside Police Chief Larry Gonzalez said in a statement that his department would continue to leverage every available resource to disrupt drug distribution “trying to make its way into our Riverside neighborhoods.”


“Our collaboration with the DEA is not just about enforcement, but it’s about safeguarding the future of our community and ensuring that Riverside remains a safe and thriving place for people to live, work, and raise families,” Gonzalez said.


Officials released the names of 12 people who were arrested, they are Jose Javier Raya Cortez, 21, of Perris; Cesar Noe RayaCortez, 23; Alexis Raeleen Trevino, 26; Edwin Michael Alva, 31; Julio Cesar Maganafranco Jr., 23; Christopher Antonio Arreola-Alvarado, 25, of Perris; Andrew Aguilar, 27; Mario Daniel MirandaDuarte, 33; Rolando Claros, 31; Herman Leon, 34; Carlos Ninoarias, 25; David Crosthwaite, 24. The individuals were charged with one or more of the following: possession for sales and transportation of a controlled substance and possession for sales of methamphetamine.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:25 p.m. No.155790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790838 (281943ZAPR24) Notable: Iraq’s parliament passed a bill on Saturday criminalizing same-sex relations

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Iraq criminalizes same-sex relations, sets 10-15 year prison sentence


New law also makes it illegal to undergo or perform gender-affirming treatment for transgender people


Iraq’s parliament passed a bill on Saturday criminalizing same-sex relations, imposing a sentence of up to 15 years in prison, in a move rights groups condemned as an “attack on human rights.”


Transgender people will be sentenced to three years in jail under the amendments to a 1988 anti-prostitution law, which were adopted during a session attended by 170 out of 329 lawmakers.


A previous draft had proposed capital punishment for same-sex relations, in what campaigners had called a “dangerous” escalation.


The new amendments enable courts to sentence people engaging in same-sex relations to between 10 to 15 years in prison, according to the document seen by AFP, in the country where gay and transgender people already face frequent attacks and discrimination.


They also set a minimum seven-year prison term for “promoting” same-sex relations and a sentence ranging from one to three years for men who “intentionally” act like women.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:25 p.m. No.155791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790848 (281947ZAPR24) Notable: Secret Service Detail finds Wiretapping Device in Trump’s Office

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Secret Service Detail finds Wiretapping Device in Trump’s Office


Trump’s Secret Service guards uncovered a recording device in the former president’s office, presumably planted after the FBI conducted searches at his residence in August 2022. Previously, Trump had accused President Obama of wiretapping his 2016 election campaign office.


The alleged weaponization of the judicial system by the current administration against political opponents is a central theme of the 2024 election cycle. While the nation’s attention is drawn to the hush money trial, it’s worth noting that in other lawsuits against Trump, his opponents’ actions can hardly be considered fair play. The most high-profile case, apart from the January 6 investigation, involved Trump’s alleged improper storage of classified documents. In August 2022, the FBI searched Trump’s Palm Beach, Florida residence while he was in New York. As the elections approach, new details emerge in these cases.


Recent information suggests the FBI raid on Trump’s estate wasn’t solely for searches but also for planting wiretaps. The Phil’s Podcast author cites a leaked September 2023 phone call where Greg Robertson, a Secret Service officer, informed his boss about discovering a recording device. Robertson was one of 24 Secret Service agents “subpoenaed to testify before the Grand Jury in the summer of 2023 when Trump was investigated for mishandling classified documents.”


The recording device was found in Trump’s office in the same wing of the Mar-a-Lago estate from where the FBI seized boxes of documents. The blogger says there are three possible ways the bug ended up in Trump’s office: “planted by someone from the Secret Service, implicating the DHS; by someone from the Mar-a-Lago staff; or by FBI agents who could have wiretapped the room during the August 2022 searches.”


The blogger believes “we can safely discard the first two options. Indeed, there are many people from different departments that do not obey each other at Trump’s residence: Secret Service protection, Mar-a-Lago personnel and guests, Trump’s personal assistants and their substitutes. However, very few of them have access to the aforementioned Trump’s living quarters. Everybody passes serious background checks before they’re hired, plus, the club’s security regularly conducts inspections of the personnel. It’s doubtful that the Secret Service could order the wiretapping. It’s not their job, and presidential protection has never been spotted doing something like this.”


It turns out that despite the large number of visitors and employees at the resort, the FBI could have both a motive and opportunity to install wiretapping, given their role in searching for documents. Additionally, the FBI has experience with such surveillance tactics. The main question now is who within the FBI authorized planting the recording device?


Discussing Biden’s involvement, the blogger draws parallels to similar cases from the past. “Let’s go back a few years. In March 2017, Trump accused former President Obama of wiretapping his office in Trump Tower. According to Trump, Obama ordered the wiretapping of Trump’s New York residence prior to the 2016 presidential election. Interestingly, the head of the FBI at the time, James Comey, was the main defender who dismissed Trump’s accusations as false.


The blogger notes that this situation mirrors the Watergate scandal, which is well-known. They argue that while such political espionage scandals were once national shockwaves, they are now “shamefully hushed up by the media and special services.” The blogger suggests that while Obama was not the first to wiretap political opponents, his actions created an environment where Biden could believe he could act with impunity and order surveillance on Trump.


Considering how the presidential administration has behaved in similar cases before, in can be confidently assumed that the White House will deny accusations of installing wiretapping and actively weaponizing the judicial system against Trump.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:26 p.m. No.155792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790860 (281952ZAPR24) Notable: Soros paying student radicals fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

George Soros, Maoist Fund Columbia's Anti-Israel Tent City

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:26 p.m. No.155793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790865 (281953ZAPR24) Notable: Law&Crime mentions "Qanon" re: Moorish sovereign citizen shooting death in Lakeland, FL yesterday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LAKELAND, FLORIDA: "A man who identified as a sovereign citizen shot two Florida deputies after they confronted him for being in a county park after hours, authorities said. Polk County sheriff’s deputies returned fire, killing the man, Sheriff Grady Judd said at a press conference.

“Little did they realize at that moment in time that this was a sovereign citizen,” Judd said “He was Moorish, and Moorish sovereign citizens are known to believe that federal law, state law, local law does not apply to them. They are known to resist law enforcement and there is a history where they shoot police officers. So they started trying to take our suspect out of the vehicle when he produced the gun and started shooting.”

There are two types of sovereign citizens, “traditional” and “Moorish,” per the ADL. The Moorish, which Judd says the suspect identifies with, are primarily black and use terminology from Moorish Science Temple, a religious sect, or other fringe black groups, the ADL says.

“Sovereign citizens in recent years have been able to grow their movement by appealing to new audiences, including anti-vaxxers, QAnon adherents, and MAGA supporters,” the ADL says. “The movement has also spread extensively in jails and prisons around the country.”

“We killed him graveyard dead and we killed him dead in a gunfight, a firefight with our deputies who had no idea they were dealing with anyone other than someone being in the park after the park closed, being suspicious and resisting our efforts to identify why they were in the area,” Sheriff Judd said."

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:27 p.m. No.155794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790869 (281954ZAPR24) Notable: Minneapolis reaches $150K settlement with criminal "eyewitness" of George Floyd "murder"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Minneapolis reaches $150K settlement with eyewitness of George Floyd's murder who says experience gave him PTSD

Donald Williams, a former MMA fighter, has several criminal cases pending.

APRIL 25, 2024 — 6:28PM

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:27 p.m. No.155795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790876 (281956ZAPR24) Notable: Rep. Thomas Massie Warns Congress is Trying to Pass Hate Speech Laws to Outlaw Criticism of Israel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Who is not blackmailed by Israel in congress?


Rep. Thomas Massie Warns Congress is Trying to Pass Hate Speech Laws to Outlaw Criticism of Israel


Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) called out his colleagues in Congress on Saturday for trying to pass hate speech laws to outlaw criticism of Israel.


"Some of my colleagues are introducing legislation to create federally sanctioned 'antisemitism monitors' at colleges," Massie said. "I'll vote No."


"Policing speech, religion, and assembly is not the role of the federal government. In fact it's expressly prohibited by the U.S. Constitution," he added.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:28 p.m. No.155796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790968 (282030ZAPR24) Notable: Former AZ Senator sentenced to Prison for 1 Year for Molesting Young Nephews After 2019 Arrest

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Former Democrat Arizona State Senator Finally Sentenced to Prison for 1 Year for Molesting Young Nephews After 2019 Arrest


Former Democratic State Senator Tony Navarrete was sentenced on Friday to one year in prison after being charged with seven felony counts involving sexual misconduct with his two young nephews.


35-year-old Navarette, a “rising star” in the Arizona Democrat party, was arrested and charged with a felony described as “knowingly engaging in intercourse or oral sex with a minor.”

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:28 p.m. No.155797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5798 >>5804 >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790974 (282032ZAPR24) Notable: Unsealed docs FBI search warrant Mar-a-Lago, manipulated raid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Happy Unredaction Sunday!


Unsealed filings in classified docs include FBI affidavit to get search warrant to raid Mar-a-Lago. (Left is most recent publicly available affidavit that I'm aware of)


This is how DOJ shifted investigation from classified docs to Espionage Act case:

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:29 p.m. No.155799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790990 (282035ZAPR24) Notable: Q+ 4:17 Waltz: “Biden is not covered by the Presidential Records Act for what he exposed" as VP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


things like




He just posted at 4:17 (Q) re: "VP" (topic on board) now check out Q17


Rep. Mike Waltz: “I reviewed some of Biden’s classified emails from his garage. These documents are incredibly alarming.


Unlike President Trump, Biden is not covered by the Presidential Records Act for what he exposed as Vice President.”


Apr 28, 2024, 4:17 PM

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:30 p.m. No.155800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791053 (282051ZAPR24) Notable: Sopranos' star says many celebs are against Biden agenda, but are 'petrified'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sopranos' star says many celebs are against

Biden agenda, but are 'petrified'


Fox News, by Alexander Hall



Posted By: FlyRight, 4/28/2024 4:03:07 PM


Emmy-winning actress Drea de Matteo told Donald Trump Jr. in a podcast interview that many prominent celebrities like herself are against Biden’s agenda but are afraid to speak out. De Matteo, who rose to fame in HBO’s "The Sopranos," spoke with former President Trump’s son on a recent episode of his "Triggered" podcast. De Matteo has a history of slamming cancel culture, even starting a streetwear brand called "Ultrafree" that helps "promote free speech." De Matteo spoke about how she has changed her opinions on certain issues such as illegal immigration, and that while she previously voted for Biden based on sympathy for illegal immigrants,

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:30 p.m. No.155801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791063 (282053ZAPR24) Notable: Ford Loses $1.3 Billion on Electric Vehicles in Q1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ford Loses $1.3 Billion on Electric Vehicles

in First Quarter of 2024, Delays Plans

to Make More


Breitbart, by Olivia Rondeau



Posted By: OhioNick, 4/28/2024 4:48:54 PM


Ford Motor Company reported a whopping $132,000 loss on each electric vehicle (EV) sold during the first three months of 2024, amassing a $1.3 billion loss. The auto manufacturer’s electric vehicle unit revealed Thursday that they experienced a 20 percent decrease in sales volume and were forced to slash prices due to low consumer demand, CNN reported. The revenue for Ford’s EV car, the Model e, plunged by 84 percent to about $100 million, which the company blamed on EV price cuts across the auto industry. “That resulted in the $1.3 billion loss before interest and taxes (EBIT), and the massive per-vehicle loss in the Model e unit,” the publication noted.​

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:31 p.m. No.155802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791067 (282054ZAPR24) Notable: Q+ 4:17 Waltz: “Biden is not covered by the Presidential Records Act for what he exposed" as VP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Donald J. Trump




Rep. Mike Waltz: “I reviewed some of Biden’s classified emails from his garage. These documents are incredibly alarming.


Unlike President Trump, Biden is not covered by the Presidential Records Act for what he exposed as Vice President.”






















Apr 28, 2024, 1:17 PM


3:17 PM EST

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:32 p.m. No.155803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791077 (282056ZAPR24) Notable: Napa Valley wineries have launched a revolt against 'abusive' county officials

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Napa Valley's world famous wineries revolt

against 'abusive' bureaucrats who have

stopped them planting trees, making jam

and… making too much wine


Daily Mail, by Miles Dilworth



Posted By: OhioNick, 4/28/2024 3:47:16 PM


Napa Valley's prestigious wineries have launched a revolt against 'abusive' county officials, accusing bureaucrats of killing the region's famous vineyards with absurd and excessive red tape. Wealthy vintners say they are being 'crushed' by 'gross regulatory overreach', which has included penalizing wineries for planting trees, making jam and conducting wine tastings on their own land. One vineyard was even fined $1million for making too much wine. There are fears that officials are cowing to 'eco-mob extremists', who view unfettered growth as a threat to their rural idyll.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:32 p.m. No.155804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791086 (282058ZAPR24) Notable: Unsealed docs FBI search warrant Mar-a-Lago, manipulated raid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Happy Unredaction Sunday!


>Unsealed filings in classified docs include FBI affidavit to get search warrant to raid Mar-a-Lago. (Left is most recent publicly available affidavit that I'm aware of)


>This is how DOJ shifted investigation from classified docs to Espionage Act case:




THE GOLDEN DOOR? Shiney things… BAIT?



Apr 20, 2018 1:47:29 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5a1150 No. 1116309

Apr 20, 2018 1:44:41 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 10fbb7 No. 1116269

Apr 20, 2018 1:43:14 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5a1150 No. 1116248

Answer Q re: SR.

SR June JA.







Apr 20, 2018 1:45:09 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 9237d9 No. 1116276

Apr 20, 2018 1:43:14 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5a1150 No. 1116248

Answer Q re: SR.

SR June JA.






Amazing. They are literally opening the DOOR for you to drop all the information as evidence in a court of law.



They fall for it every single time.


How do you ‘legally’ …….


Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:33 p.m. No.155805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5806 >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791194 (282132ZAPR24) Notable: Q+ 5:09 "Tremendous WIN in the great State of Utah…"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New @realDonaldTrump


Tremendous WIN in the great State of Utah for Mayor Trent Staggs, who has just received the Endorsement of the Utah Republican Party, getting almost 70% of the Vote with 10 wonderful candidates vying for this important honor. The Primary is on June 25th, but Trent, who has my Complete and Total Endorsement, looks to be in great shape to become a very important and respected factor in the United States Senate. Congratulations Trent!


Apr 28, 2024, 5:09 PM

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:34 p.m. No.155807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5808 >>5813 >>5816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791204 (282136ZAPR24) Notable: Q+ 5:51 'Trump polls farther ahead..'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New @realDonaldTrump


Apr 28, 2024, 5:21 PM

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:35 p.m. No.155809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791218 (282139ZAPR24) Notable: Unsealed docs FBI search warrant Mar-a-Lago, manipulated raid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Screenshot glitching globohomo ghosts in muh machine. Was supposed to be this drop in first pic.



Nov 20, 2017 1:12:14 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: Qwfs7lfI No. 150214731

POTUS opened the DOOR of all DOORs.

Expand your thinking.

What is the keystone?


Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:36 p.m. No.155811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5812 >>5813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791289 (282200ZAPR24) Notable: Q+ 5:55 - poll graphic

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump







Apr 28, 2024, 2:55 PM


5:55 PM EST

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 4:37 p.m. No.155813   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791308 (282206ZAPR24) Notable: #25500

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#25499 >>155767


>>155768, >>155769 Chairman Jordan Expands Financial Surveillance Investigation to Other Major Companies

>>155770 Pompeo "Trump Admin was right to sanction the ICC.. Biden should immediately reinstate these"

>>155771 Q Delta Posts April 28, 2018

>>155772, >>155783 Judiciary Republican release report on Manhattan DA's Office's Political Vendetta Against POTUS

>>155773 Nakizumo Crying Baby Festival: 400-yr-old event where staff in demon masks try to make babies cry

>>155774 PF Update - Trudope landed at Toronto Intl about 30m from Ottawa depart; No public events scheduled

>>155777 NHS plans to give hospitals clear language on biological sex, terms like 'chestfeeding', 'people with ovaries'

>>155778 Live streams of protests UCLA, Yale, and George Washington University

>>155779 Alleged Honeypot Operation Disclosed In Atlanta Targeting GA Legislators, Lobbyists

>>155780 German Democratic Republic flag looks like Freemason symbol

>>155781 Woman in US pleads guilty to stealing parts of corpses

>>155782, >>155784 Jill Stein & 2 of her campaign workers arrested at Washington University in St. Louis protest

>>155785 Gretchen Whitmer NFL Draft stage was met with a mixed reaction of cheers and boos.

>>155786 Macron Suggests Arming EU with Nuclear Weapons for ‘Credible’ Defense

>>155787 Italian PM Giorgia Meloni announces she will stand as a candidate for the European Parliament

>>155788 World Central Kitchen to resume operations in Gaza

>>155789 California’s Riverside County deputy, 14 others arrested in drug trafficking bust

>>155790 Iraq’s parliament passed a bill on Saturday criminalizing same-sex relations

>>155791 Secret Service Detail finds Wiretapping Device in Trump’s Office

>>155792 Soros paying student radicals fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests

>>155793 Law&Crime mentions "Qanon" re: Moorish sovereign citizen shooting death in Lakeland, FL yesterday

>>155794 Minneapolis reaches $150K settlement with criminal "eyewitness" of George Floyd "murder"

>>155795 Rep. Thomas Massie Warns Congress is Trying to Pass Hate Speech Laws to Outlaw Criticism of Israel

>>155796 Former AZ Senator sentenced to Prison for 1 Year for Molesting Young Nephews After 2019 Arrest

>>155797, >>155798, >>155804, >>155804, >>155809 Unsealed docs FBI search warrant Mar-a-Lago, manipulated raid

>>155799, >>155802 Q+ 4:17 Waltz: “Biden is not covered by the Presidential Records Act for what he exposed" as VP

>>155800 Sopranos' star says many celebs are against Biden agenda, but are 'petrified'

>>155801 Ford Loses $1.3 Billion on Electric Vehicles in Q1

>>155803 Napa Valley wineries have launched a revolt against 'abusive' county officials

>>155805, >>155806 Q+ 5:09 "Tremendous WIN in the great State of Utah…"

>>155807, >>155808 Q+ 5:51 'Trump polls farther ahead..'

>>155810 DoD 4:02 "Night Ops in action!"

>>155811, >>155812 Q+ 5:55 - poll graphic

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:13 p.m. No.155816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791348 (282221ZAPR24) Notable: #25501

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Updated Dough

(from #25500 notables)

>>155807, >>155808 Q+ 5:51 'Trump polls farther ahead..' → Corrected to 5:21

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:18 p.m. No.155819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5824 >>5825 >>5830 >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791362 (282229ZAPR24) Notable: Q+ 8:41 a.m. "(WOW!)…poll numbers have crashed." re:RFK Jr.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

est -6

That was strange… I wanted to show you that not many ppl liked this truth compared to some other ones. It was a struggle, it went up and down and stuff and then the likes were suddenly 7.03k…

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:19 p.m. No.155820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791367 (282232ZAPR24) Notable: Q+ RT Q-fan act. sword dance vid ends w/WWG1WGA!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Video ends with …




Showing EVERY Country submitting!!!


This is yuge captain, yuge!!!

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:20 p.m. No.155822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791370 (282233ZAPR24) Notable: Q+ RT Q-fan act. sword dance vid ends w/WWG1WGA!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Some of us do.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:21 p.m. No.155823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791378 (282237ZAPR24) Notable: Q+ RT Q-fan act. sword dance vid ends w/WWG1WGA!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Not sure you do.

LB about Q digs not being allowed anymore in notables:

a) POTUS did a 4:17 and a 5:55

b) Between those 2 he RT'd an 0017 account


It's huge confirmation and a graphic would be off the charts.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:22 p.m. No.155826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5827

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791447 (282304ZAPR24) Notable: USMC 4:00 4/27 011, emergency recovery systems testing, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/20791290 lb


Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:23 p.m. No.155827   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791453 (282305ZAPR24) Notable: USMC 4:00 4/27 011, emergency recovery systems testing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:23 p.m. No.155828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829 >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791484 (282316ZAPR24) Notable: Q+ 5:54 - NYP link to article calling out George Soros as funding anti-Israel protests

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q+ retruths article calling out George Soros as FUNDING THE ANTI-ISRAEL PROTESTS

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:24 p.m. No.155829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791495 (282319ZAPR24) Notable: Q+ 5:54 - NYP link to article calling out George Soros as funding anti-Israel protests

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Has been the board topic as well.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:25 p.m. No.155831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791542 (282336ZAPR24) Notable: Q+ 8:41 a.m. "(WOW!)…poll numbers have crashed." re:RFK Jr.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>RFK_Jr_and_Maggie_Wendy_Nixon_s_parents (she was photographed weirdly with obama).png


what was the story behind wendy

I saw those weird photos but never any context

almost just looks like another photo that someone would take

that was when bummer was senator i think

and the story goes they said he would be president


Is it any more than that?


Or is this just a "weird link"


Some April 2018 Q drops…

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:27 p.m. No.155833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791691 (290009ZAPR24) Notable: Sen. Graham "criminal court cases brought against former President Trump are “selective prosecution."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Hill



Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said that all of the criminal court cases brought against former President Trump are “selective prosecution.”


Graham slams Trump’s court battles as ‘selective prosecution’

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Sunday that all of the criminal court cases brought against former President Trump are “selective prosecution.” Graham told CNN’s Dana Bash on CNN’s “State of the …

Apr 28, 2024 · 9:26 PM UTC

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:27 p.m. No.155834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791705 (290012ZAPR24) Notable: Former Kansas AG Schmidt (R) announced will run for Congress to replace (R) Jake LaTurner

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Hill



Former Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt (R) announced that he will run for Congress in a bid to replace outgoing Rep. Jake LaTurner (R-Kan.).


Apr 28, 2024 · 9:16 PM UTC


Not sure.

Maybe a strong letter.


Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:28 p.m. No.155835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5836 >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791787 (290034ZAPR24) Notable: Russian court orders seizure of JPMorgan Chase funds in VTB lawsuit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Leading Report




BREAKING: Russia to seize $440 million from Epstein-linked JPMorgan, the largest US bank, in response to the House passing legislation to allow the transfer of seized Russian assets to Ukraine.


Apr 28, 2024 · 9:09 PM UTC

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:28 p.m. No.155836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5849 >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791853 (290100ZAPR24) Notable: Russian court orders seizure of JPMorgan Chase funds in VTB lawsuit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Russian court orders seizure of JPMorgan Chase funds in VTB lawsuit

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:29 p.m. No.155837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5839 >>5840 >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791856 (290101ZAPR24) Notable: QClock April 28, 2024 - Zebra Zebra Bring The Thunder

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🚨#BREAKING: Watch as four zebras lead state troopers and police officers on a chase after escaping when their driver stopped to secure the trailer."


📌#NorthBend | #Washington


Watch as law enforcement and state troopers go on a zebra pursuit after four privately owned zebras escaped while being transported. The incident unfolded in North Bend, Washington near I-90, when the driver stopped to secure the trailer. Although it remains unclear how the animals managed to break free, the local community rallied together to contain the loose zebras. King County Animal Control officers and Washington State animal specialists are collaborating to formulate a plan to safely return the zebras to their transport vehicle. no injuries have been reported to either the zebras or the officers involved.

6:21 PM · Apr 28, 2024

from Washington, USA·


Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:30 p.m. No.155838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5841 >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791864 (290103ZAPR24) Notable: Economic Schedule and ‘Bidness Headlines for Week of April 28, 2024

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Economic Schedule and ‘Bidness Headlines for Week of April 28, 2024


( )= additional comments


The key report scheduled for this week is the April employment report. (BLS sez we’re creating all these jobs by hiring illegals-look for moar of same-Weds is bizzy)


Other key reports include February Case-Shiller house prices (no surprise there….UP), April vehicle sales and the March trade balance. The FOMC meets this week and no change to the Fed funds rate is expected (please see “higher for longer” article coming) For manufacturing, the April Dallas Fed manufacturing survey, and the ISM index will be released.


(We also get another “read” from the comedy act over at the Atlanta FED-GDPNOW-)“Latest estimate: 3.9 percent - April 26, 2024”


The initial GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the second quarter of 2024 is 3.9 percent on April 26. The initial estimate of first-quarter real GDP growth released by the US Bureau of Economic Analysis on April 25 was 1.6 percent, 1.1 percentage points below the final GDPNow model nowcast released on April 24.

The next GDPNow update is Wednesday, May 1.


(It remains woefully optimistic all the time and shows no signs of changing so what do you expect with the conventions coming up soon and then selection).


  • Monday, April 29th -

10:30 AM: Dallas Fed Survey of Manufacturing Activity for April.


  • Tuesday, April 30th -

9:00 AM: S&P/Case-Shiller House Price Index for February. The consensus is for a 6.7% year-over-year increase in the Comp 20 index for February. (Eventually this market will price out most and be DOA-however people still move for various reasons that are out of their control so it will never just stop….but the higher prices go along with rates-bond markets-most will have a hard time choosing to exchange a much lower rate for a higher one, cash buyers notwithstanding obviously)

9:00 AM: FHFA House Price Index for February. This was originally a GSE only repeat sales, however there is also an expanded index.

9:45 AM: Chicago Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) for April. The consensus is for a reading of 45.0, up from 41.4 in March.

10:00 AM: the Q1 2024 Housing Vacancies and Homeownership from the Census Bureau.


  • Wednesday, May 1st -

7:00 AM ET: The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) will release the results for the mortgage purchase applications index. (It is the start of peak sales activity but can’t help but think it will be a bit muted based on the bond market rising as the 10y heads towards last Octobers high)

8:15 AM: The ADP Employment Report for April. This report is for private payrolls only (no government). The consensus is for 180,000 payroll jobs added in April, down from 184,000 added in March.

10:00 AM ET: ISM Manufacturing Index for April. The consensus is for the ISM to be at 50.1, down from 50.3 in March.

10:00 AM: Construction Spending for March. The consensus is for a 0.3% increase in construction spending.

10:00 AM ET: Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey for March from the BLS. (Look up the term ‘ghost job listings’…that’s all I’m sayin’ on that…it’s a game). Jobs openings were little changed in February at 8.76 million from 8.75 million in January. The number of job openings were down 11% year-over-year in February.

2:00 PM: FOMC Meeting Announcement. No change to to the Fed funds rate is expected at this meeting.

2:30 PM: Fed Chair Jerome Powell holds a press briefing following the FOMC announcement. (Expect a flat mkt from this unless some geopolitical shit goes off at same time)


All day: Light vehicle sales for April. The expectation is for light vehicle sales to be 15.7 million SAAR in April, up from 15.5 million in March (Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate).


  • Thursday, May 2nd -

8:30 AM: The initial weekly unemployment claims report will be released.  The consensus is for 210 thousand initial claims, up from 207 thousand last week.

8:30 AM: Trade Balance report for March from the Census Bureau. The consensus is the trade deficit to be $68.8 billion.  The U.S. trade deficit was at $68.9 billion in February.


  • Friday, May 3rd -

(And the absolute biggest pile of statistical and manipulated pile of shit-and markets will celebrate it no matter what the internals show-that the BLS produces is……)

8:30 AM: Employment Report for April.   The consensus is for 210,000 jobs added, and for the unemployment rate to be unchanged at 3.8%. There were 303,000 jobs added in March, and the unemployment rate was at 3.8%. (see above….that’s what it said so don’t shoot the messenger)


10:00 AM: the ISM Services Index for April.   The consensus is for a reading of 52.0, up from 51.4.


1 of 2

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:32 p.m. No.155841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5845 >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791875 (290104ZAPR24) Notable: Economic Schedule and ‘Bidness Headlines for Week of April 28, 2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


2 of 2

‘Bidness Headlines/Performance on Sunday evening


(And hope you are having a nice evening and weekend as well)


Fed Rate Doubts Have Options Traders Covering Both Hikes and Cuts


(More on that on attached post w/ comments)


Treasury options traders are protecting against everything from multiple interest-rate cuts this year to a hike ahead of the US Federal Reserve meeting this week. Recent inflation data has remained stronger than had been expected, dimming expectations that the central bank will cut rates any time soon. While short positions in Treasury futures extended last week as yields pushed through fresh yearly highs, options flow has suggested growing uncertainty around the path of the Fed’s monetary policy for this year, with a number of deep out-the-money tail-risk hedges appearing across a number of tenors. The positioning covers most extreme dovish and hawkish scenarios being priced into this year, including hedges targeting a policy rate as low as 3% by the December FOMC versus around 5% currently priced into the swaps market.


Stock futures are little changed following S&P 500′s best week since November: Live updates


FTC's noncompete ban could reshape the US workplace


Weaker yen keeps Japanese tourists at home while visitors throng


Japan's Buffett-backed trading houses hit by weaker commodity prices


Japan's general trading houses Mitsubishi Corp., Itochu, Mitsui & Co., Sumitomo Corp., and Marubeni  have become big names on the equities market since Warren Buffett-led Berkshire Hathaway disclosed its investment in them in 2020. They are set to announce their annual earnings results in the first weeks of May.

All of their profits except Itochu's are expected to fall from the previous year, according to a QUICK consensus of analysts, dragged down largely by normalized commodity prices, while investor attention will likely be fixed on their investor return policies, such as dividends and share buybacks.



China firms go 'underground' on Russia payments as banks pull back


The Futures are up a little and after Mondays smack down in the PMs as predicted on Sunday night in here they took back a little of it throughout the week but flat now as usual at this time. Energy and Metals caps and links provided


A Chipotle Double Steak Bowl Is Now $39 In California


(With all the great taquerias all over CA in LA/SD it always makes me laugh this place exists here in SD especially-people are “afraid” though I’ve heard it a million times)

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:33 p.m. No.155843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791907 (290111ZAPR24) Notable: Dan S 8:57 links BabBee "To Avoid Falling, Biden To Traverse Lawn In Giant Hamster Ball"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dan Scavino



Apr 28, 2024, 8:57 PM

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:34 p.m. No.155844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791908 (290112ZAPR24) Notable: Scotland’s Far-Left, Anti-White First Minister Humza Yousaf to Resign After Just One Year in Office

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scotland’s Far-Left, Anti-White First Minister Humza Yousaf to Resign After Just One Year in Office


Humza Yousaf, the First Minister of Scotland, will resign his position imminently, according to a report from The Times of London.


Yousaf, who leads the far-left, pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP), had previously pledged to fight on after his government collapsed but has now acknowledged that there is no way forward.


The Times reports:


Humza Yousaf is preparing to quit as Scotland’s first minister after coming to the conclusion that his position is no longer tenable. Senior SNP figures have been told the nationalist leader decided over the weekend that there is no way for him to survive this week’s vote of no confidence and he may stand down on Monday.


It comes as Yousaf struggles to put ­together a coalition of MSPs that would keep him in office after he sacked the Scottish Greens from government. A close friend said: “Humza knows what’s best for the country and the party. He is first party activist and a party man, and that’s why he knows it’s time for someone else.”


A British Pakistani and practising Muslim, Yousaf notoriously gave a speech back in 2020 at the height of the Black Lives Matter riots where he complained about the number of white people in positions of power.


Just last month, he approved legislation implementing new “hate speech” laws intended to crack down on free speech and conservative opposition to progressive ideology. The move later backfired when thousands of people flooded the hate crime tip lines with reports of his own anti-white speech.


Having voted to remain part of the United Kingdom in 2014, Scotland remains subject to the British parliament. However, its government maintains autonomy on various policy issues ranging from healthcare to education as part of a devolution agreement signed by former Prime Minister David Cameron.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:34 p.m. No.155845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791910 (290112ZAPR24) Notable: Fed Repricing Gives Rise to New Equities Playbook in Asia

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Fed Repricing Gives Rise to New Equities Playbook in Asia


( ) additional comments

Cap 2 is FOMC June CME FEDwatch


(this is gonna burn a lot of people because the FOMC will be forced to do QE probably before they-and they already warned of an Operation Twist in reverse-see below for what that is-cut rates when our 10y goes above or stays near last Octobers high and plus the absolute SHIT TON of underwater Commercial Real Estate refinancing going on and that will continue to accelerate this and next year so they keep pushing “higher for longer” and we also just had another bank shotgun wedding on the requisite after hours announcement Friday so go ahead and believe that rates will remain higher going into an election that the current POTUS is failing miserably-you’ve seen the approval ratings polls.This ENTIRE economy is built on low interest CRE land there are even a few examples of entire high Sq footage CRE in prime locations selling for $1. That is NOT going to improve unless the bond market goes higher….lower rates. The only thing going for it is the creation of “cheap” dollars via yen carry trade but as it closed on Friday at 158.30 per $ it’s not looking so good. It’s still just over 158 just after it’s open but I’d be looking for that much anticipated intervention in a few days time, at least towards end of this week for some ‘distance’ as they just met last Friday. Back to headline above….it’s just saying Asian stonks are “cheap” relative to US stocks but is disingenuous as Asia doesn’t have a Plunge Protection Team, Exchange Stabilization Fund, and many of the tricks the FED/US Treasury has but don’t think it’s without help they have it but it’s not as well coordinated as ours and Europe)


Higher-for-longer interest rate environment is burnishing the credentials of cheap Chinese stocks (“cheap is awfully relative considering how they got so elevated in the first place) and driving value investment strategies in Asia.  Corporate reforms in Japan (Bwahahaha) and South Korea will support a value thesis, according to JPMorgan Asset Management and AllianzGI. Meanwhile, M&G Investment Management is attracted by near record-low valuations for Chinese stocks. Other haven plays are exporters and India’s domestic-driven equities. Federal Reserve’s easing will lift markets across Asia, multi-asset managers are now turning more selective under a drastically different environment. A hawkish pivot by the region’s central banks to protect their currencies has sapped the appeal of bonds, a traditional safe haven, putting the onus on stocks to deliver returns.  


The latest market pricing indicates the Fed will start easing in November, a far cry from earlier bets for as many as six cuts in 2024.Foreign funds have sold more than $7 billion worth of equities in emerging Asia excluding China so far in April, according to data compiled by Bloomberg, on track for the first outflow in six months.The outlook is even dimmer for currencies and bonds. A tighter-for-longer Fed means Treasuries will remain attractive over their foreign counterparts. A Bloomberg gauge of local currency government debt in emerging Asia has lost 1.7% in dollar terms this year. MSCI’s Asia Pacific equity benchmark has gained about that amount.


Operation Twist

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:34 p.m. No.155846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791919 (290114ZAPR24) Notable: OnlyFans Creator Farha Khalidi Says She Was Paid to Push Biden Regime’s Political Propaganda Online

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OnlyFans Creator Farha Khalidi Says She Was Paid to Push Biden Regime’s Political Propaganda Online


The Biden regime is all smoke and mirrors.


OnlyFans content creator Farha Khalidi has made waves after claiming on a podcast that she created “political propaganda” ads for the Biden regime on TikTok.


During the interview with political science researcher Richard Hanania on his podcast, Khalidi opened up about her entry into the world of online revenue through TikTok and OnlyFans.


“So you were in school — you were still in college when you started as a TikTok person, right? Or did you start OnlyFans when you were in school, too?” Hanania asked.


“No, I started TikTok, like, the spring semester of my senior year and I was like, ‘F—k, I finally have to start applying for law school,’ and then, like, you know, female privilege: ‘life so easy for a woman.’ Obviously, I lucked out. No, I’m just kidding.”


“[But] I lucked out and then TikTok was basically full-time for me. Like, I was taking ads by the time I graduated college from, like, the Biden administration, Planned Parenthood and, like, dating apps and stuff. So it was, like, fully financially sustaining me,” Khalidi said.


When Hanania pressed Khalidi about her claim of making money from the Biden regime, she openly admitted to creating “political propaganda” content.


“Yeah, I was doing full-on political propaganda,” Khalidi stated during the podcast.


Khalidi recounted being approached to promote then-Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, highlighting her identity as a “brown person” following her nomination to the high court by Biden.


“Yeah, honestly. The funny thing is they’re, like, ‘Do not disclose this as an ad’ because they [were], like, ‘Technically, it’s not a product, so you don’t have to disclose it’s an ad.’ Because I think they just wanted, like, some edgy girl of color to just tell people — like when they nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson, they’re, like, ‘Can you say ‘as a person of color,’ you know, that you feel ‘reflected?’”


“It’s, like, a White woman emailing this and she’s giving me this script. And I’m, like, ‘No,’ and she’s like, ‘Please,’ and I’m like, ‘No.’ I’ll talk about the news of it, but I’m not gonna be like — I’m not gonna have a White person tell me to be, like, ‘This is how I feel as a person of color.’ It’s just so — I think that black-pilled me slightly on political propaganda,” she added.


Despite these claims, Khalidi later clarified that a third-party media company was the conduit through which the Biden administration operated.


It’s ironic that a recipient of 81 million votes has to pay people for support.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:35 p.m. No.155847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791922 (290114ZAPR24) Notable: Dan S 9:01 link BabBee "After Repeated Gaffes, Biden’s Teleprompter Resigns In Disgust"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dan Scanvino



Apr 28, 2024, 9:01 PM

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:35 p.m. No.155848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5851 >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791940 (290119ZAPR24) Notable: Disney’s Evil Queen Maleficent played by transgender male at Disney World Resort in Florida.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disney’s Evil Queen Maleficent played by TRANSGENDER male at Disney World Resort in Florida.


A family paid $300 for a Snow White experience and meal at Story Book Dining at Artist Point at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge.


The father grew upset when he realized the female character was being portrayed by a male and told the waiter he believed they were a ‘drag queen.’


He then asked the manager if the character was being played by a “biological male” and the manager responded by saying she “could not answer that.”

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:36 p.m. No.155849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791946 (290123ZAPR24) Notable: Russian court orders seizure of JPMorgan Chase funds in VTB lawsuit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Helicopter Bernanke pulled some amount of liquidity our of the fedres window that kicked off jpm takeover of wamu courtesy hair bair…

That was everyone losing that

Whatever this 440m is, that's an ouch


Wishing the guy that deposited checks to the morgue by phone with cameos of his dong would come out of retirement

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:36 p.m. No.155850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791947 (290123ZAPR24) Notable: PF update CFC1Trudopeback at Ottawa Intl and landed about 90m ago

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>155774 pb

CFC1Trudopeback at Ottawa Intl and landed about 90m ago

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:37 p.m. No.155851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792041 (290153ZAPR24) Notable: Disney’s Evil Queen Maleficent played by transgender male at Disney World Resort in Florida.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Christian family paid for a meet and greet with Disney's Evil Queen but wound up with 'a man dressed in drag'

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:37 p.m. No.155852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5853 >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792042 (290153ZAPR24) Notable: California Gov. Gavin Newsom Proclaims April as Arab American Heritage Month

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Proclaims April as Arab American Heritage Month


Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) issued a proclamation on Saturday declaring April as Arab American Heritage Month.


Newsom’s statement comes as anti-Israel protests and encampments have sprouted up on university and college campuses across the United States, calling for a ceasefire in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, for the U.S. government to stop arming Israel, and for colleges to divest from Israeli companies. s

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:38 p.m. No.155853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792047 (290154ZAPR24) Notable: California Gov. Gavin Newsom Proclaims April as Arab American Heritage Month

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Governor Newsom Proclaims Arab American Heritage Month 2024


Published: Apr 27, 2024

Anonymous ID: add3af April 28, 2024, 8:39 p.m. No.155854   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792051 (290156ZAPR24) Notable: #25501

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Notables FINAL ~700


#25501 >>155814, >>155816

>>155815, >>155822, >>155823, >>155820, >>155821, >>155832 Q+ RT Q-fan act. sword dance vid ends w/WWG1WGA!

>>155819, >>155824, >>155825, >>155830, >>155831 Q+ 8:41 a.m. "(WOW!)…poll numbers have crashed." re:RFK Jr.

>>155828, >>155829 Q+ 5:54 - NYP link to article calling out George Soros as funding anti-Israel protests

>>155833 Sen. Graham "criminal court cases brought against former President Trump are “selective prosecution."

>>155834 Former Kansas AG Schmidt (R) announced will run for Congress to replace (R) Jake LaTurner

>>155835, >>155836, >>155849 Russian court orders seizure of JPMorgan Chase funds in VTB lawsuit

>>155838, >>155841 Economic Schedule and ‘Bidness Headlines for Week of April 28, 2024

>>155839, >>155837, >>155840, >>155842 QClock April 28, 2024 - Zebra Zebra Bring The Thunder

>>155843 Dan S 8:57 links BabBee "To Avoid Falling, Biden To Traverse Lawn In Giant Hamster Ball"

>>155844 Scotland’s Far-Left, Anti-White First Minister Humza Yousaf to Resign After Just One Year in Office

>>155845 Fed Repricing Gives Rise to New Equities Playbook in Asia

>>155846 OnlyFans Creator Farha Khalidi Says She Was Paid to Push Biden Regime’s Political Propaganda Online

>>155847 Dan S 9:01 link BabBee "After Repeated Gaffes, Biden’s Teleprompter Resigns In Disgust"

>>155848, >>155851 Disney’s Evil Queen Maleficent played by transgender male at Disney World Resort in Florida.

>>155850 PF update CFC1Trudopeback at Ottawa Intl and landed about 90m ago

>>155852, >>155853 California Gov. Gavin Newsom Proclaims April as Arab American Heritage Month

Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:10 a.m. No.155940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5943 >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792116 (290218ZAPR24) Notable: Tucker Carlson on How Intel Agencies Propagandize the Public Through Legacy Media

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

👀 Tucker Carlson on How Intel Agencies Propagandize the Public Through Legacy Media


"The intel agencies have a big effect on what is broadcast on television…There are a lot of anchors including people I know well and have worked with at different networks…I'm thinking of one in particular, a national security reporter, who is just a mouthpiece for the Pentagon and the CIA and is knowingly telling lies on their behalf. It's very, very common and I can think of a number of people at CNN who I know for a fact are doing that exact thing. They're reading government propaganda from the intel agencies knowingly…I know that is true, I'm not speculating at all."


@TuckerCarlson @AdamCarollaShow @elonmusk


Full Episode:

Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:10 a.m. No.155941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792119 (290220ZAPR24) Notable: Colonel Douglas Macgregor: Russell Brand 4/26/2024 “There’s NOTHING Left!” 600,000 Ukrainians DEAD!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You're not here forever.


Colonel Douglas Macgregor: Russell Brand 4/26/2024 “There’s NOTHING Left!” 600,000 Ukrainians DEAD!

Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:10 a.m. No.155942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5946 >>5959 >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792125 (290222ZAPR24) Notable: Sky Eyez - PF Reports

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>>>/qresearch/20792004 last bread

>Chinese drone flying toward the Philippines. Australian E737 Wedgetail just took off from the Philippines.,783132


Both back on network now and about 50 miles apart. Chinese drone now about 75 miles off the NW Philippines coast.,783132

Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:12 a.m. No.155944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792154 (290234ZAPR24) Notable: Refresher: TRUMP Visits My Neighborhood with MASSIVE Motorcade -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TRUMP Visits My Neighborhood with MASSIVE Motorcade -


300K views · 2 weeks ago#emotional…more


8mins of joy

Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:19 a.m. No.155949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792198 (290246ZAPR24) Notable: Banana Warfare/fatal allergy

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There was a protestor in the liberated zone at @UCLA with a potentially fatal banana allergy. Counterprotestors invaded the encampment and saw all the no bananas warnings. The next day they came back waving bananas like settlers waving machine guns & smeared bananas everywhere.



Banana Warfare

Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:20 a.m. No.155951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792206 (290249ZAPR24) Notable: The Antisocial Network Review - Netflix Documentary

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The Antisocial Network Review

A funny, disturbing documentary about the modern internet


From edgy in-jokes in bad taste to self-righteous mobilization against bad actors that gave rise to hacktivist groups like Anonymous, The Antisocial Network creates a detailed retrospective of how the web began spilling into real life, and the emotional forces behind it. The subjects display self-awareness, but the editing by Jones, Drew Blatman, Devin Concannon, and David Osit fills in the gaps between their cringing. It weaves each thread together with archival footage, old 4chan posts, and even news stories about the site's antics, in order to immediately, rhythmically, and amusingly connect these individual perspectives to their wider ripple effects. Sometimes a joke is just a joke, but sometimes it dovetails into a group Sieg Heil at an anime convention.

The Antisocial Network is a two-way mirror of discomfort: The viewer flinches at images that are barely 10 to 15 years old while the interviewees express embarrassment at their tacit or active participation in chan culture. However, the saga is made digestible through some eye-popping, often abstract animated sequences. These begin with individuals at their computers, but slowly morph in imaginative ways, as Sims-like cartoon people don V for Vendetta masks (à la Anonymous) but remain tethered, by dark tendrils, to a digital dimension just beyond reach. It’s as though they’re doing the bidding of collective "big tech" by stoking outrage and fear.

Both algorithms and people take center stage, often at the same time, as the movie skips rapidly forward through the years. But The Antisocial Network never divorces itself from the United States' political trajectory: From GamerGate to Trumpism to QAnon and beyond, each modern online movement with broader implications finds itself not just mentioned, but linked to one another – the same beast in different forms.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:20 a.m. No.155952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792210 (290250ZAPR24) Notable: The Deep State has Shifted Its Support to Trump for President?????

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The Deep State has Shifted Its Support to Trump for President


By Richard C. Cook


Mark my words. The Deep State has shifted its support to Trump for president. Biden is being thrown under the bus.


Four years of stumbling senility; collapse of U.S. foreign policy in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Gaza; borderline graft; and the display of “woke” perversions enough to make any real adult vomit; have brought enough humiliation to America to last a century.


William Barr is the deepest of the Deep State; the ultimate covert operator. Check out his resume on Wikipedia.


It was Barr, we recall, who delivered the message to Bill Clinton that he was in line for the presidency at a covert meeting in Mena, Arkansas, back in the heyday of CIA drug and arms trafficking.


Barr just endorsed Trump for president after being part of the cabal that set Trump up on January 6 and got him indicted in New York, Washington, and Georgia.


Trump is beating the rap on everything thrown at him. Now the Supreme Court has been greenlighted to overturn the indictments.


Meanwhile, George Soros (& son), longtime Deep State action officer in the Regime-Change Department, is doing what he has done in color revolutions around the world by doing same to Biden via the phony pro-Palestinian demonstrations. Exact same deal as BLM, except sides have switched.


Biden and the Dems are now permanently tarred as anti-Israel, allowing the Alt-Right (Breitbart, etc.) and Trump himself to pose as pro-Israel all the way. So the Jewish donors are also flipping to Trump.


Anyway, Biden won’t be running. The word is that he will be switched out for Gretchen Whitmer at the DNC in Chicago. Whitmer then will pretend to be running in Biden’s place and will gracefully accept defeat.


So Trump will be Prez.


And what will Trump pay for the privilege? He’s already begun to pay by leaning on Mike Johnson to flip-flop and greenlight the $95 billion war package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. This includes getting on-board with abandoning Republican opposition to any funding for border security. Meaning Trump has bought into the Deep State program of massive illegal immigration.


Trump is even threatening to bring the full weight of economic sanctions against any nation daring to trade in its own currency in preference to the dollar.


What else will Trump be paying for the privilege of continuing to live a free man and resuming his position as head of state?


To be brief, Trump will fully buy into the launch of World War III against Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. He’s already started doing that. And he’ll continue. But, the controllers hope, not quite as the ridiculous figure the present incumbent persists in presenting to the world. Unfortunately, the anti-Trump vendetta has so tarred Trump’s own reputation as to make his own ability to ever function normally again questionable.


Can RFK, Jr., make a difference in this mess? Doubtful, but we shall see.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:21 a.m. No.155953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792227 (290259ZAPR24) Notable: Joe Rogan Experience #2138 - Tucker Carlson

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>well played JREC, ty for the Rumble option


Joe Rogan Experience #2138 - Tucker Carlson

Joe Rogan Experience Clips



Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:23 a.m. No.155957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792256 (290312ZAPR24) Notable: 5:45 AM EDT Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a conversation with World Economic Forum President Børge Brende, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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April 29, 2024

5:45 AM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a conversation with World Economic Forum President Børge Brende

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:23 a.m. No.155958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792264 (290314ZAPR24) Notable: Sky Eyez - PF Reports

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SAM688 C32ABlinkenheading to Riyadh after Shannon refueling stop

Signal frozen here for about 2h 30m

>forgot to check after depart this morning

>>155754 pb

“Special” WEF Mtg

Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:24 a.m. No.155960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792267 (290315ZAPR24) Notable: Top EU Leader: Covid Shots Are ‘Biggest Crime Ever Committed on Mankind’

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Top EU Leader: Covid Shots Are ‘Biggest Crime Ever Committed on Mankind’


A top European Union (EU) leader has spoken out to blast the global mass Covid mRNA vaccination campaign as “the biggest crime to ever have been committed on mankind.”


The explosive statement was made by MEP Christine Anderson, who represents Germany in the EU Parliament.


Anderson dropped the hammer of the globalist Covid mRNA shot agenda during an interview with reporter Anita Krishna.


Anderson told Krishna that the global roll-out of mRNA Covid injections will go down “as the biggest medical scandal ever.”


“It will be known as the biggest crime to ever have been committed on mankind,” she warned.



Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:25 a.m. No.155962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792275 (290318ZAPR24) Notable: @DeptofDefense Night Ops in action! 🌙

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Night Ops in action! 🌙


@USMC MV-22B Ospreys nail night deck landing qualifications aboard USS Boxer in the Pacific. 🚁

4:02 PM · Apr 28, 2024'·33.5K Views

Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:27 a.m. No.155964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792287 (290324ZAPR24) Notable: @realDonaldTrump ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, ANY PLACE!/lotsa Truths

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Donald J. Trump



Apr 28, 2024, 11:09 PM

Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:28 a.m. No.155966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792321 (290344ZAPR24) Notable: Blagojevich joins Roger Stone and co-host Troy

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Rod Blagojevich Talks Justice System Corruption – StoneZONE!


Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich joins Roger Stone and co-host Troy Smith to discuss the weaponized Justice System, particularly in the context of Donald J. Trump's multiple charges.



Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:28 a.m. No.155967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792334 (290347ZAPR24) Notable: LIVE: Protest at Virginia Tech by communists, useful idiots, and terrorist operatives

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LIVE: Protest at Virginia Tech by communists, useful idiots, and terrorist operatives

Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:29 a.m. No.155968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5969 >>5970 >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792338 (290350ZAPR24) Notable: Blagojevich joins Roger Stone and co-host Troy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump



Framed, Imprisoned Fmr. Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich Talks Justice System Corruption – StoneZONE!




Apr 28, 2024, 8:38 PM


11:38 PM EST

Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:30 a.m. No.155971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792365 (290400ZAPR24) Notable: 7 years ago, the UAE’s Foreign Minister issued a warning to the West.

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He knows what he’s talking about



Visegrád 24



Apr 19


7 years ago, the UAE’s Foreign Minister issued a warning to the West.


His words now sound prophetic.


9:48 PM · Apr 27, 2024 53.6M Views

Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:31 a.m. No.155972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792409 (290418ZAPR24) Notable: Zelensky Reveals U.S. and Ukraine ‘Working’ on Scheme for 10 Years of Military Aid

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Show Me the Money!!!

💸 💸 Never Enough $$$ for 4-Eva War

Zelensky Reveals U.S. and Ukraine ‘Working’ on Scheme for 10 Years of Military Aid


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky revealed that the United States and Ukrainian governments are “working on a bilateral security agreement” that would result in sending additional monetary aid to Ukraine over the next ten years.


In a statement issued on Sunday, Zelensky noted he had spoken to House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) thanking “him and all the congressmen for their support” of Ukraine and for voting to send a $61 billion aid package out of a $95 billion foreign aid package.


Zelensky added that during his conversation with Jeffries, he had “emphasized the need for Patriot systems.”


This is not the first time Zelensky has begged for more American-made Patriot missile systems to be sent to Ukraine.


Currently, Ukraine has three Patriot systems, one from the U.S. and two reportedly from Germany, according to the Washington Post.


On Friday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin revealed that the U.S. would be sending Ukraine more Patriot systems as part of an additional $6 billion foreign aid package.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:32 a.m. No.155973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792483 (290447ZAPR24) Notable: NY Passes Welfare for Journalists as Americans Lose Trust in State-Controlled Media

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X (formerly Twitter)

Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) on X

NY Passes Welfare for Journalists as Americans Lose Trust in State-Controlled Media


New York is doling out 'welfare' for journalists as collapsing trust in state-controlled media is leading to an exodus of subscribers and plummeting ad rates.


NY Passes Welfare for Journalists as Americans Lose Trust in State-Controlled Media


New York is doling out 'welfare' for journalists as collapsing trust in state-controlled media is leading to an exodus of subscribers and plummeting ad rates.


The Empire State's budget includes $90 million for tax credits against half of the first $50,000 of a journalist’s salary for qualifying local news outlets.


Thus, the state is using tax money to capture local news outlets through establishing government dependency.


"Provisions in the bill extend the benefits for outlets that have more than 100 employees and had major layoffs in the last five years," the Washington Times reported. "The legislation, inserted into the $237 billion state budget, is so vague in its definition of 'local' that even some of the state’s marquee publications could qualify."


Therefore, NY's bill specifically rules out independent media outlets that are more likely to hold the political class accountable.


Axios tried to justify the law: “The first-of-its kind provision could create a blueprint for funding local journalism jobs across the country. Tax credits, unlike government-funded grants, are seen by some as less likely to create a dynamic where a local news outlet feels compromised by government-funded support.”


This is the exact inverse of the truth, which is one reason for the collapsing trust in media to begin with. Both government grants and tax credits create an unfavorable dynamic for reporting news, unlike a free market. A subscriber model is perhaps the best single method of ensuring viewpoint diversity and accurate news reporting.


The "fourth estate" is supposed to be safeguarding citizens from government abuse and holding powerful elites accountable. A news outlet receiving tax benefits from the state presents major journalistic ethics issues.


During the Covd pandemic, we witnessed Big Pharma tacitly bribing outlets into silence regarding public criticism of the vacines. There is now a similar danger in New York of the government putting implied pressure on local news outlets that cash in on tax benefits to refrain from angering the political class.


This is the quandary of government dependency that "progressives" virtually never acknowledge: When the government funds education, you get compromised "education" that benefits powerful elites. When the government funds news, you get compromised "news" that benefits powerful elites.


See the decline of trust in PBS and NPR, which are now partisan outlets that openly and unapologetically publish activist "news," lest there be any doubt about this power dynamic.


Long-time NPR editor Uri Berliner recently blew the whistle on the taxpayer-funded outlet's lack of viewpoint diversity before quitting his job. In NPR's Washington D.C. headquarters, he noted, there were 87 Democrats and ZERO Republicans among its editorial staff.


Instead of promoting viewpoint diversity in the media, the political class is fortifying the Democratic Party's cultural hegemony over the journalism industry.


This lack of viewpoint representation in the media has compounded the widening gulf between the priorities of activist reporters and the American people at large.


There is simply no viable market for radical activist opinion posing as news reporting, which is why states like New York are stepping in to artificially prop up the failing corporate media.


Instead of "saving" journalism, New York's bill only hastens the death of journalistic independence in America.

Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:33 a.m. No.155975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792568 (290521ZAPR24) Notable: Scotland's far-left, anti-white First Minister Humxa Yousaf will resign tomorrow after the collapse of his left-win coalition.

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Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:33 a.m. No.155976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792574 (290523ZAPR24) Notable: Jackson denied any wrongdoing, in a statement to the Ethics Committee from his attorneys. 12/2/11

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Jackson cited deal for Obama seat


Jackson denied any wrongdoing, in a statement to the Ethics Committee from his attorneys.




12/02/2011 10:57 AM EST


Updated: 12/02/2011 03:24 PM EST


Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., (D-Ill.) was willing to trade campaign donations for appointment to the Senate seat being vacated by Barack Obama, according to a just-released report from the Office of Congressional Ethics.



OCE also found “substantial reason to believe” that Jackson violated federal law and House rules by using his House office to “mount a campaign” to be appointed to the seat by then-Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, now awaiting sentencing on federal corruption charges.


I did notice "JR" in the post below the blgovch post….. jr mysteriously dissapeared and then reappeared and was indicted and arrested after he went to try and barter for obamas seat, which is illegal to sell a seante seat, but obama was doing it and he hated jess jr



i think PDJT is going to expose what obama did to both these guys lives, even they both aint no angels …

Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:34 a.m. No.155977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792602 (290531ZAPR24) Notable: Yesterday, 129 Democrats in MA defeated an amendment to prioritize homeless vets over illegals for state shelters.

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Yesterday, 129 Democrats in MA defeated an amendment to prioritize homeless vets over illegals for state shelters.


Amendment 698 is now dead.


In Maine, Governor Mills (D) and her "New Americans" office think that illegal aliens DESERVE PRIORITY because they can't understand or speak English.



Anonymous ID: add3af April 29, 2024, 12:34 a.m. No.155978   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20792796 (290615ZAPR24) Notable: #25503

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Notables - FINAL


#25502 >>155939

>>155940, >>155943 Tucker Carlson on How Intel Agencies Propagandize the Public Through Legacy Media

>>155941 Colonel Douglas Macgregor: Russell Brand 4/26/2024 “There’s NOTHING Left!” 600,000 Ukrainians DEAD!

>>155942, >>155946, >>155956, >>155958, >>155959, >>155961, >>155974 Sky Eyez - PF Reports

>>155944 Refresher: TRUMP Visits My Neighborhood with MASSIVE Motorcade -

>>155945, >>155950 Sworddance vid, Xi with hands in and out of pockets vid

>>155949 Banana Warfare/fatal allergy

>>155951 The Antisocial Network Review - Netflix Documentary

>>155952 The Deep State has Shifted Its Support to Trump for President?????

>>155954, >>155965 Scavino: Stayin Alive

>>155955 czech that Q delta for today

>>155953 Joe Rogan Experience #2138 - Tucker Carlson

>>155957 5:45 AM EDT Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a conversation with World Economic Forum President Børge Brende, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

>>155960 Top EU Leader: Covid Shots Are ‘Biggest Crime Ever Committed on Mankind’

>>155962 @DeptofDefense Night Ops in action! 🌙

>>155963 Q 6 yr deltas

>>155964, >>155968, >>155969 @realDonaldTrump ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, ANY PLACE!/lotsa Truths

>>155966, >>155968, >>155970 Blagojevich joins Roger Stone and co-host Troy

>>155967 LIVE: Protest at Virginia Tech by communists, useful idiots, and terrorist operatives

>>155971 7 years ago, the UAE’s Foreign Minister issued a warning to the West.

>>155972 Zelensky Reveals U.S. and Ukraine ‘Working’ on Scheme for 10 Years of Military Aid

>>155973 NY Passes Welfare for Journalists as Americans Lose Trust in State-Controlled Media

>>155975 Scotland's far-left, anti-white First Minister Humxa Yousaf will resign tomorrow after the collapse of his left-win coalition.

>>155976 Jackson denied any wrongdoing, in a statement to the Ethics Committee from his attorneys. 12/2/11

>>155977 Yesterday, 129 Democrats in MA defeated an amendment to prioritize homeless vets over illegals for state shelters.