Anonymous ID: 416ed0 /qresearch/ Notables #1 (was cyclical) July 3, 2023, 1:30 a.m. No.35283   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This thread is for the collection of notable posts from the Q Research General thread.


All Anons will be allowed to submit notable buns and only full buns will be accepted.


One off link backs and chatter will be regularly deleted.


This thread is for reviewing research not conducting it.

This thread is for reviewing research not conducting it.


This is the 1st thread.


Thread is organized oldest to newest notables, scroll to the bottom or click the "go to bottom" link at the top of the page to find the newest buns


Make sure your buns have minimal errors we will not be editing or deleting full buns

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:40 a.m. No.35284   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11150571 Q Research General #14260: Red October Edition

Created 191248ZOCT20



>>>/qresearch/11150697 - VOTE ALL DEMS OUT, 'ALL'

>>>/qresearch/11150701 - #VOTEREPUBLICAN

>>>/qresearch/11150703 - 30 DAY SOCIAL MEDIA OPERATION #TakeTheHouse Vote All Dem Leaders Out, ALL!

>>>/qresearch/11150715 - Joe Biden's Donors Got Special Treatment


>>>/qresearch/11150729 - ‘Ukraine, crack and sex’ emails are NOT Russian disinformation

>>>/qresearch/11150760 - Secretary Pompeo Virtually Convenes the President's Interagency TIP Track Force


>>>/qresearch/11150797 - RonPaulLibertyReport

VIDEO - 'Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security [Channel: RonPaulLibertyReport]

>>>/qresearch/11150799 - China - Vatican Secret Two Year Deal Is the News Now

>>>/qresearch/11150822, >>>/qresearch/11151023, >>>/qresearch/11151234 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11150886 - Euronext trading glitch halts trading for two hours in Paris and elsewhere

>>>/qresearch/11150887 - Anna Makanju Is Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy and Former Joe Biden Advisor on Ukraine Also Recipient of a Soros Fellowship

>>>/qresearch/11150909, >>>/qresearch/11151033 - 17 miles, GEOTUS Newport twatter video

>>>/qresearch/11150929 - BOSTON: anti-Trump protesters burn a flag and then eat a bloodied heart symbolizing the president

>>>/qresearch/11150930 - South African links to Elon Musk Mother and EVERGREEN

>>>/qresearch/11150981 (other bread), (other bread) BOSTON: anti-Trump protesters burn a flag and then eat a bloodied heart symbolizing they president (Snagged this notable from the anime bread)

>>>/qresearch/11151143 - DNI John Ratcliffe says info on Hunter Biden laptop isn’t Russian disinformation

>>>/qresearch/11151148 - It’s Not Just Joe Biden. Remember the Media Squashing THESE Scandals?

>>>/qresearch/11151151 - Could Assad Regime Make Deal With Trump Admin?

>>>/qresearch/11151181 - Executive Order Blocking Property Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse

>>>/qresearch/11151545 - Over the [Alexandra Chalupa] Target

>>>/qresearch/11151580 #14260

(24 notables, 27 posts, 33 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:41 a.m. No.35285   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11151529 Q Research General #14260: Why Hello There Fellow Anons Edition

Created 191414ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11151717 - Early Voting numbers

>>>/qresearch/11151819 - China Entrepreneurs Club members for whom Hunter Biden/Devon Archer secured high-level meetings at Obama-Biden WH

>>>/qresearch/11151824 - Who runs Hollywood? C’mon

>>>/qresearch/11151827 - Newport Beach helicopter crash: 3 dead, 2 injured in Southern California

>>>/qresearch/11151846, >>>/qresearch/11151909, >>>/qresearch/11152043, >>>/qresearch/11152167, >>>/qresearch/11152242 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11151849 - 60 miles!! Not campaign organized, just passionate voters.

>>>/qresearch/11151932 - Newt Gingrich Tweets, How can the Presidential Debate Commission…

>>>/qresearch/11151949 - Black free speech activist Philip Anderson was attacked by Antifa and Black Lives Matter supporters

>>>/qresearch/11151984 - It's truly sad to see how many people support the censorship of free speech

>>>/qresearch/11152017 - MEET GEORGE SOROS

>>>/qresearch/11152068 - Ron Reagan Blasts 'Grifter' Trumps, Says His Dad Would Be 'Horrified' By The GOP

>>>/qresearch/11152076 - S.F. public schools are considering renaming buildings named for individuals with questionable histories

>>>/qresearch/11152115 - New York Post Published Hunter Biden Report Amid Newsroom Doubts

>>>/qresearch/11152183 - Operation Ketchup

>>>/qresearch/11152264 -

>>>/qresearch/11152282 - the Trudeau plan

>>>/qresearch/11152322 - Sudanese is ready to start normalization talks with Israel

>>>/qresearch/11152324 - Dr. Birx reportedly asked Pence to remove COVID-19 adviser pushing 'junk science'

>>>/qresearch/11152358 - DNI Ratcliffe: Hunter Biden's emails are 'not part' of Russian disinformation campaign

>>>/qresearch/11152407 - Wikipedia destroying itself, Allegations of corruption against ex-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter have apparently been “debunked”

>>>/qresearch/11152912 #14261,

(21 notables, 25 posts, 27 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:41 a.m. No.35286   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11150678 Q Research General #14260: Anon Bake with Fixed Notables Edition

Created 191302ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11150756, >>>/qresearch/11151487 Hunter Biden's Laptop "Is Not Some Russian Disinformation Campaign"; DNI Ratcliffe Slams Schiff

>>>/qresearch/11150770 Antifa Shoves Elderly Man to Ground at Free Speech Rally

>>>/qresearch/11150980 Man climbs Trump Tower Chicago, threatening to jump if he cannot speak to president

>>>/qresearch/11151167 Theory: Possible vid drop this week? Strategize how to disseminate before it happens.

>>>/qresearch/11151860 Pastor Paul Goulet of the International Church of Las Vegas

>>>/qresearch/11151886, >>>/qresearch/11152033, >>>/qresearch/11152162 Rallies in California


>>>/qresearch/11152091 Dems trying to cheat the system with Stimulus programs: 800 Compton residents to get guaranteed income in two-year pilot program

>>>/qresearch/11152098 Presidential Debate Commission Ditches Foreign Policy Focus Following Hunter Biden Laptop Leaks

>>>/qresearch/11152107 DOJ To Hold Virtual Press Conference on a National Security Cyber Matter

>>>/qresearch/11152135 Trump Campaign Increases Campaign Ad Spending

>>>/qresearch/11152312, >>>/qresearch/11152536 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/11152339, >>>/qresearch/11152976 US Mil Tweets and Reports

>>>/qresearch/11152374 Excellent research on the Joe/Hunter jobs connection

>>>/qresearch/11152505 Joe was already in the mobs pockets when he first won Senate election.

>>>/qresearch/11152538 Bahrain signing a peace deal with Israel

>>>/qresearch/11152579 LIVE: Mnuchin, UAE Financial Affairs Minister delivers remarks

>>>/qresearch/11152581 More pro-China articles from US Media. Infiltration.

>>>/qresearch/11152604 OOPS. Whitmer lets it slip why THEY are keeping us in lockdowns.

>>>/qresearch/11152630 Hunter's "smoking gun" email put thru photoshop?

>>>/qresearch/11152636 Venezuela's Citgo-backed bonds boosted by U.S. court ruling

>>>/qresearch/11152660 #TrumpDanceChallenge


>>>/qresearch/11152687 Trump supporters in KC threatened with attack in civil war

>>>/qresearch/11152792 President Trump says he plans to do five rallies a day leading up to election. "We are going to win….."

>>>/qresearch/11153077 Wikipedia clears the Bidens from any wrongdoing

>>>/qresearch/11153090 is BLOCKED.

>>>/qresearch/11153135 Obama tweets


>>>/qresearch/11153152 /Comms/ Bread Minibun

(27 notables, 32 posts, 26 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:41 a.m. No.35287   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11153182 Q Research General #14261: God's Holy Angel QArmy We RISE Today Edition

Created 191622ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11153364, >>>/qresearch/11153376, >>>/qresearch/11153397, >>>/qresearch/11153409, >>>/qresearch/11153523, >>>/qresearch/11153538 Breitbart came up with the slow drip idea. He did it with Anthony Weiner




>>>/qresearch/11153633, >>>/qresearch/11154585 Chinese Virus Reports

>>>/qresearch/11153925, >>>/qresearch/11154165, >>>/qresearch/11154338, >>>/qresearch/11154531, >>>/qresearch/11154554, >>>/qresearch/11154749, >>>/qresearch/11154925, >>>/qresearch/11155033 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes



>>>/qresearch/11154007, >>>/qresearch/11154185, >>>/qresearch/11154232, >>>/qresearch/11154267, >>>/qresearch/11154271, >>>/qresearch/11154282 Patriot's Biden/CHYNA reveals explaination

>>>/qresearch/11154024 Juanita Broaddrick Very bad videos are said to drop soon of Hunter and victims and nothing from FBI.

>>>/qresearch/11154099, >>>/qresearch/11154261 Federal report on human trafficking

>>>/qresearch/11154112 Why announce this now? Russian hacking fits the DNC narrative about Biden emails.

>>>/qresearch/11154200 Hunter Biden's contact in Kazakhstan is Rakishev.

>>>/qresearch/11154463, >>>/qresearch/11154587 Six Russian GRU Officers Charged in Connection with Worldwide Deployment of Destructive Malware and Other Disruptive Actions in Cyberspace

>>>/qresearch/11154507, >>>/qresearch/11154586, >>>/qresearch/11154690 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/11154636 DAN WITH A NEW TWEET President Trump ARIZONA!

>>>/qresearch/11154716 Ted Budd @RepTedBudd If it's true that Hunter Biden was selling access to his father while he was VP, then the Justice Department should investigate.

>>>/qresearch/11154758, >>>/qresearch/11155025 Video Surfaces Of Final Debate Moderator ‘Tipping Off’ Hillary Clinton Campaign On Interview Questions In 2016


>>>/qresearch/11154776 Puppet Masters You don't get more politically connected': Securities fraud scammers boasted about links to Hunter Biden

>>>/qresearch/11154809 Federal court rules Texas doesn’t have to notify voters whose ballots are tossed

>>>/qresearch/11154979 US MIL Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11154984 Emails reveal Hunter Biden solicited Obama diplomat-turned-national security adviser Tony Blinken in 2015 and 2016 for high-level meetings on behalf of Burisma

>>>/qresearch/11155060 #14261

(18 notables, 41 posts, 68 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:42 a.m. No.35288   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11152879 Q Research General #14262: WWG1WGA Edition

Created 191559ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11153084 DOCUMENT, PHOTOS: Mother Accuses Biden Group Of Misconduct In Teen Boy Bathroom Encounter

>>>/qresearch/11153092 Alexandra Chalupa mentioned in trial of POTUS paperwork

>>>/qresearch/11153109 DNI Chief John Ratcliffe Debunks Russian Disinformation Theories On Biden

>>>/qresearch/11153113 Pam Bondi from January.

>>>/qresearch/11153136 U.S. Attorney General Accuses The Walt Disney Company of “Kowtowing” to Chinese Government; 300 of Shanghai Disneyland’s Cast Members Active Members of Communist Party

>>>/qresearch/11153141 The BEST Is Yet To Come

>>>/qresearch/11153148 Disney Gets China Approval for Fox Acquisition

>>>/qresearch/11153204 China’s fascination with the Rothschilds

>>>/qresearch/11153209 Did you see this massive Trump parade in deep blue Beverly Hills?


>>>/qresearch/11153232 Posobiec - Why did Moscow Mayors wife pay hunters firm?

>>>/qresearch/11153235 Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped Business Partner Provided 26,000 Emails

>>>/qresearch/11153250 Jason Miller say POTUS will press Biden on Hunter Emails

>>>/qresearch/11153417 20 Mins until FBI Press Conf on National Security Matter

>>>/qresearch/11153429 Democrats are known CCP agents

>>>/qresearch/11153486 DNI Ratcliffe on Maria Bartiromo this morning

>>>/qresearch/11153500 Cardi B deactivates her Twitter account after Instagram Live


>>>/qresearch/11153524 Papadropolous - We Can not let social media become state media

>>>/qresearch/11153559 Moar evidence that Europe is fake and gay

>>>/qresearch/11153634 EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner about hard drive to 'get it back': Former Trump chief

>>>/qresearch/11153644 Ratcliffe: No evidence tying Hunter Biden's laptop to Russia

>>>/qresearch/11153725 LIVE: Justice Department Officials Hold News Conference in Washington, D.C

>>>/qresearch/11153849 President Trump on call with staff: "I think Joe Biden has a scandal coming up that's going to make him almost an impotent candidate."

>>>/qresearch/11153864 Garrison - The Storm Is Here

>>>/qresearch/11153881 Ballots Stolen From Mailboxes in State of Washington

>>>/qresearch/11153931 Justice Department Officials Hold News Conference

>>>/qresearch/11153935 EXCLUSIVE: Giuliani Shows New Hunter Biden Evidence ON AIR!

>>>/qresearch/11153939 NEW POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11153984 Adm. Mike Rogers on CBS Deface the Nation Oct 18, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11154082 EVIL AMONG US: Leftist Antifa Performs Satanic Ritual in Street and Eat a Heart Symbolic of President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11154203 #14262

(30 notables, 30 posts, 27 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:42 a.m. No.35289   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11154240 Q Research General #14263: Joe Biden, Impotent Candidate Edition

Created 191724ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11154306, >>>/qresearch/11154350, >>>/qresearch/11154611, >>>/qresearch/11154767, >>>/qresearch/11154901, >>>/qresearch/11154999 NEW POTUS


>>>/qresearch/11154353 White Coat Summit II Held Over the Weekend in Washington D.C. – Will This Be Censored by Big Tech As Well?

>>>/qresearch/11154398 Trafficking in Persons REPORTs in chart forms: Global Law Enforcement Data

>>>/qresearch/11154410 What do you think? Is it a match?

>>>/qresearch/11154447 Susan Collins Reaches Out To Qanon

>>>/qresearch/11154482 EXCLUSIVE: Giuliani Shows New Hunter Biden Evidence ON AIR! | Louder with Crowder

>>>/qresearch/11154488 Court Records Show Google Gives Keyword Searches of Innocent People to Cops

>>>/qresearch/11154495 Congressman Krishnamoorthi on Stimulus Talks and QAnon

>>>/qresearch/11154496 Every time DOJ or FBI suits talk about Right Wing extremists and Russian hackers they're trying to cover up for the DNC, Marxist Extremists and/or the Chinese Communist Party.

>>>/qresearch/11154502 Wisconsin Judge Reinstates COVID-19 Restrictions On Restaurants, Bars

>>>/qresearch/11154506 JUST IN: Joe Biden tax plan to create tax rate of approximately 62% for Californians and New Yorkers

>>>/qresearch/11154523, >>>/qresearch/11154562, >>>/qresearch/11154592, >>>/qresearch/11154632, >>>/qresearch/11154899, >>>/qresearch/11154954, >>>/qresearch/11154966, >>>/qresearch/11155108, >>>/qresearch/11155161 INTL NEWS

>>>/qresearch/11154553 No Real Change Can Come If Speech Is Restricted By Monopolistic Oligarchs

>>>/qresearch/11154565 PANIC

>>>/qresearch/11154620 NEW Dan Scavino

>>>/qresearch/11154639 82-8000 USAF 747 departing McCarran Int'l Las Vegas-this AC arrived last night from JBA-cap#2 at 413pm local time

>>>/qresearch/11154643 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Prescott, AZ 10-19-20

>>>/qresearch/11154733 5 rallies a day?

>>>/qresearch/11154741 09-0017 USAF C-32A out of March AFB after an overnight se

>>>/qresearch/11154754, >>>/qresearch/11154921 BREAKING: Emails reveal Hunter Biden solicited Obama diplomat-turned-national security adviser Tony Blinken in 2015 and 2016 for high-level meetings on behalf of Burisma. Blinken is currently a top foreign policy adviser to the Biden campaign.

>>>/qresearch/11154769 Should Hunter Biden Be in Jail? Another Look at the Oglala Sioux Indian Tribe Securities Fraud Case

>>>/qresearch/11154818 Is this another reason the FBI hid the Hunter Biden Laptop?

>>>/qresearch/11154822 The coup have failed! We the people!

>>>/qresearch/11154832 If it's true that Hunter Biden was selling access to his father while he was VP, then the Justice Department should investigate.

>>>/qresearch/11154836 NBC News reporter Kristen Welker, the debate moderator for the final presidential debate, has strong ties to Democrat activism

>>>/qresearch/11154856 Federal court rules Texas doesn’t have to notify voters whose ballots are tossed

>>>/qresearch/11154859 At least 15 Portland police officers earned more than $200,000 last year due to overtime amid mass protests, figures reveal

>>>/qresearch/11154889 School monitor for sex abuse claims quits, cites retaliation

>>>/qresearch/11154904 Rockefeller, Davos, IMF, and World Bank, CFR, Rothchild, are responsible for the C virus. The biggest con of my life

>>>/qresearch/11154923 US sources to @AlGhadTV: In a few days, Sudan will sign a peace agreement with Israel. Sudan will be removed from the list of countries supporting terrorism, and will be exempted from its 3 billion $ in debt

>>>/qresearch/11154941 Marine Vet Former Rep. Duncan Hunter to Serve Sentence at West Texas Prison Camp

>>>/qresearch/11154964 Yes…the FBI had a Grand Jury Subpoena and took em. John Paul offered multiple times just to give them to the FBI.

>>>/qresearch/11154969 Hunter Biden's jailed former business partner flipped & leaked 26,000 emails

>>>/qresearch/11154994 FCC Head and Internet’s Most Hated Man Ajit Pai Just Vowed to Kill First Amendment Rights Online

>>>/qresearch/11155016 NEW Paul Sperry - Emails reveal Hunter Biden solicited Obama diplomat-turned-national security adviser Tony Blinken in 2015 and 2016 for high-level meetings on behalf of Burisma

>>>/qresearch/11155018 Coronavirus stimulus: White House ups offer to 'almost $1.9 trillion' ahead of Pelosi's Tuesday deadline

>>>/qresearch/11155032 Human Rights Watchdog Says Governments Using Pandemic To Crack Down On Online Dissent

>>>/qresearch/11155070 Birx confronted Pence about Atlas

>>>/qresearch/11155098 Big Tech will do whatever it takes to protect Biden

>>>/qresearch/11155111 Never ending /comms/ bullshit

>>>/qresearch/11155120 Lords prayer spamming patchfag larper aka BO of ABCU8

>>>/qresearch/11155201 Judicial Watch’s New Study, ObamaGate Movie & Clinton Updates!

>>>/qresearch/11155229 DOJ Announces Charges Against 6 Russian GRU Hackers Who Will Never See the Inside of a US Courtroom

>>>/qresearch/11155260 /comms/karens slipped abcu|8 links back into the dough

>>>/qresearch/11155271 NEW Richard Grenell

>>>/qresearch/11155274 Kristen Welker is caught on camera giving debate questions to Jennifer Palemeri, Communications Director for the 2016 Clinton Campaign.


>>>/qresearch/11155308 Adam Schiff Persists in Projecting His Ass Off

>>>/qresearch/11155369 NEW Rand Paul

>>>/qresearch/11155389 MIT: Twitter Ban ‘Nearly Doubled’ The Visibility Of Hunter Biden Laptop Story

>>>/qresearch/11155399 #14263

(50 notables, 64 posts, 76 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:42 a.m. No.35290   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11155402 Q Research General #14264: No Outside /COMMS/ Ever. Edition

Created 191836ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11155566 Trump Says COVID-19 Vaccine Won’t Be Mandatory, Biden Says It Should Be

>>>/qresearch/11155575 L.A. County sheriff’s deputy charged with arranging to meet an underage girl for sex

>>>/qresearch/11155577 Doctors speak out against masks

>>>/qresearch/11155588 Trump is trending for his trademark dance moves on his favourite exit song. Netizens are not only taking the #TrumpDanceChallenge but are also giving tutorials. - WION reports.


>>>/qresearch/11155598 Mark Meadows - Twitter interfering with Election

>>>/qresearch/11155614 ‘The Emails Are Russian’ Will Be the Narrative, Regardless of Facts or Evidence

>>>/qresearch/11155627 Supreme Court accepts Trump administration's request to hear two immigration cases

>>>/qresearch/11155630 Director of National Intelligence Director John Ratliffe says Hunter Biden laptop is NOT linked at all to Russian Intelligence. Russian Disinformation, or Russian Oligarchs

>>>/qresearch/11155638 POTUS LIVESTREAM

>>>/qresearch/11155640 Early voting data. It's just VOLUME. Might be obvious for anons but not the normies…they startle easier.

>>>/qresearch/11155649 The Great Coronavirus Divide: Wall Street Profits Surge as Poverty Rises


>>>/qresearch/11155692 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Prescott, AZ 10-19-20

>>>/qresearch/11155699, >>>/qresearch/11155704, >>>/qresearch/11155885, >>>/qresearch/11155975, >>>/qresearch/11156016, >>>/qresearch/11156114, >>>/qresearch/11156137, >>>/qresearch/11156173, >>>/qresearch/11156202 Other Non-Q News

>>>/qresearch/11155738 LEO BRANDON FARNSWORTH VS BIDEN

>>>/qresearch/11155748 Treason in America: An Overview of the FBI, CIA and Matters of ‘National Security’

>>>/qresearch/11155784 Sen Ron Johnson (Wis) with Maria B - "I think we caught Biden in a lie."

>>>/qresearch/11155810, >>>/qresearch/11155826, >>>/qresearch/11155996, >>>/qresearch/11156004, >>>/qresearch/11156167 INTL

>>>/qresearch/11155904 Ron Paul - "Adam Schiff is blaming the Hunter Biden laptop on 'Russian Disinformation'." Video 33:09

>>>/qresearch/11155962 TikTok Bans Content From Far-Right Conspiracy Movement QAnon - PANIC

>>>/qresearch/11155994 Presidential Debate Commission Ditches Foreign Policy Focus Following Hunter Biden Laptop Leaks

>>>/qresearch/11156038 WaPo Op-Ed by Ex-Twitter, Google Exec Calls for Banning President Trump from Social Media Until After Election Winner Declared

>>>/qresearch/11156047 POTUS: "Joe Biden is a criminal, and YOU [MSM], are criminals for not reporting it


>>>/qresearch/11156057 The Morning Briefing: Big Tech Needs to Get Its Filthy, Biased Thumbs Off the Scale of This Election

>>>/qresearch/11156089 NC Gov. Roy Cooper Caught on Hot Mic Talking to Biden About Dem Sen Candidate

>>>/qresearch/11156207, >>>/qresearch/11156235 Ghislaine appeal denied

>>>/qresearch/11156278 POTUS RALLY - Right Side Broadcasting

>>>/qresearch/11156318 BREAKING: 2nd Circuit Court of appeals agrees with lower court to unseal Ghislaine Maxwell deposition documents.

>>>/qresearch/11156384 #14264,

(29 notables, 42 posts, 48 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:43 a.m. No.35291   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11158153 Q Research General #14267: Biden Staying in the Basement Edition

Created 192112ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11158376 Wargame of 2020 election results

>>>/qresearch/11158384 Special Treatment for Minority Students Could Backfire

>>>/qresearch/11158387 House Judiciary GOP Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11158404 Toobin was beating it on Zoom

>>>/qresearch/11158436 Exposed: Antonia Hernandez, the Democrats' Soros-Connected Debate Commissioner

>>>/qresearch/11158504 #QuidProQuo is trending….

>>>/qresearch/11158511 6 BUOYS ARE NOW HOPPING

>>>/qresearch/11158513 Timing is everything

>>>/qresearch/11158525 Q literally called ABCU8 and warroom out (same people) directly.

>>>/qresearch/11158543 DEVELOPING: Tsunami warning issued for southern Alaska after 7.5 magnitude earthquake strikes south of Aleutian Islands

>>>/qresearch/11158587 Notice how Zero Democrats are denying that the #HunterBiden computer is not his; or that the the information it contains is false. #MSNBC you are full of shit.

>>>/qresearch/11158589 Raniere Requests New Trial

>>>/qresearch/11158616 Report: Biden Economic Policy Will Kill Two Million Jobs

>>>/qresearch/11158636 Erdogan Claims Russia, US, France Are Arming Armenia, Russia Raises Issue of Pro-Turkish Terrorists in Artsakh

>>>/qresearch/11158683 Hunter Biden's laptop: A Russian trick, a hack-job — or just what it looks like?

>>>/qresearch/11158740, >>>/qresearch/11158943, >>>/qresearch/11158958 Guess I really am a "Cyberbully" - Kekbees & /comms/ fail again

>>>/qresearch/11158885 US Charges 10 Defendants With Smuggling $50 Million in Apple Products Into Russia

>>>/qresearch/11158905 One of them would later meet President Trump as one of Judge Amy Coney Barrett's seven children.

>>>/qresearch/11159010 100 percent of CNN employees named Jeffrey Toobin have been caught on camera exposing themselves to co-workers. - Keking my B's off

>>>/qresearch/11159028 An Earthquake, an Orphanage, and New Beginnings for Haitian Children in America

>>>/qresearch/11159098 #14267

(21 notables, 23 posts, 27 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:44 a.m. No.35292   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11156391 Q Research General #14265: Winners Win, Traitors Die Edition

Created 191928ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11156462 How badass is POTUS buzzing the Arizona crowd in Marine 1???


>>>/qresearch/11156496 FLASHBACK: 2008 Obama campaign denied Biden vote influenced by payments to Hunter Biden

>>>/qresearch/11156502 CNN Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin Suspended by The New Yorker For Exposing His Penis During Zoom Call

>>>/qresearch/11156531 US Blacklists Chinese, Australian Citizens and Organizations Over Iran

>>>/qresearch/11156586 NYSE Prepares To Move Operations Out Of New Jersey If Trading Tax Passes

>>>/qresearch/11156628, >>>/qresearch/11156726 NEW POTUS



>>>/qresearch/11156685 Toobin tweet didn't age well

>>>/qresearch/11156724 "No one's buying it, CNN…you DUMB BASTARDS!!!" - POTUS


>>>/qresearch/11156750 Gov. Cuomo unveils NY COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan

>>>/qresearch/11156809 Wall Street Billionaire CAUGHT Paying Epstein Millions After Visiting Private Island

>>>/qresearch/11156826 Spread this picture far and wide!!!!

>>>/qresearch/11156839 The Biden Scandal Explodes

>>>/qresearch/11156915 86 = China.

>>>/qresearch/11156934 A CNN analyst who tried to bully a colleague's daughter whom he impregnated into getting an abortion, and who then refused to pay child support, "accidentally" showcased his schvantz during a Zoom call with other reporters.

>>>/qresearch/11156941 NSW man faces 70 charges over alleged sexual and physical abuse of woman and six children

>>>/qresearch/11156947 Archive Update "15 Days" Edition

>>>/qresearch/11156959 For the Keks - CommsKaren

>>>/qresearch/11156987 ALL /comms/ links were just removed from dough

>>>/qresearch/11156994 ‘I believed I was not visible’: CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin suspended by New Yorker for allegedly showing penis on Zoom call

>>>/qresearch/11156997 Fox News Reportedly Passed On Publishing Hunter Biden Laptop Story, Citing Credibility Issues

>>>/qresearch/11157002 Bill Gates: 'Shutting down' economy 'nowhere near sufficient' to stop climate change

>>>/qresearch/11157078 Suspect barricades himself in at Paramount Studios, shots fired amid massive police response

>>>/qresearch/11157079 Fire Intentionally Set Inside Ballot Box In LA County, Officials Say

>>>/qresearch/11157093 Department of Justice's COPS Office Invests More Than $536.7 Million in Grants to Improve Public Safety, Reduce Crime and Advance Community Policing

>>>/qresearch/11157112 Joe Biden’s Transition Co-Chair Hosted Hunter Biden-Linked Chinese Elites at Obama White House

>>>/qresearch/11157146 TWATTER POLL

>>>/qresearch/11157195 Cop Fired After Hackers Exposed Him as a ‘Neo-Nazi’ in a Group Tied to Over 100 Terror Attacks

>>>/qresearch/11157204 It's simply not true." + "…the FBI has had possession of this. What I can say, without commenting on any investigation that they may have into corruption or fraud, is to say that their investigation does not center around Russian disinformation + the intelligence community is playing no role with respect to that."

>>>/qresearch/11157292 #14265

(29 notables, 30 posts, 32 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:44 a.m. No.35293   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11157315 Q Research General #14266: AZ Rally - POTUS Killing Them Ediiton

Created 192023ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11157369, >>>/qresearch/11157392 BREAKING: Court denies appeal to keep depositions secret, orders unsealing of documents related to Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex life.

>>>/qresearch/11157403 Highly interdasting Twatter bread. ~WIZARDS & WARLOCKS~

>>>/qresearch/11157421 China orders Pro-Communist Bible revision, admits bible is Anti-Communist

>>>/qresearch/11157428 Tucker Carlson: The American Media Will Never Be The Same After The Hunter Biden Hard Drive Story

>>>/qresearch/11157456 Man is taken into custody after more than 13 hours dangling from 16th floor of Trump Tower in Chicago

>>>/qresearch/11157457 Moar Biden Emails Coming

>>>/qresearch/11157471 Wikipedia bans editors from expressing support for traditional marriage

>>>/qresearch/11157475 POTUS TRUMP: "I think today [Biden] is staying in the basement to talk to his lawyers, they caught him cold."


>>>/qresearch/11157477 About 18 mins remaining!!

>>>/qresearch/11157478 FLASHBACK: 2008 Obama campaign denied Biden vote influenced by payments to Hunter Biden

>>>/qresearch/11157499 WaPo Op-Ed Calls for Censorship of POTUS:

>>>/qresearch/11157504 COMMSCAREN CALLS ON /COMMS/ TO COME SHILL THE BOARD - Suddenly ABCU8 shills appear

>>>/qresearch/11157542 Trump Campaign Sends Letter to Commission on Presidential Debates

>>>/qresearch/11157551 This is someone I know from my days in Delaware. She is running against Chris Coons. Thought I would share

>>>/qresearch/11157568 Two Israeli groups set up training courses in Wikipedia editing with aims to 'show the other side' over borders and culture

>>>/qresearch/11157577 Bill Gates fear-mongering that 'shutting down' economy is 'nowhere near sufficient' to stop climate change

>>>/qresearch/11157634 Maxwell case: Unsealing of deposition materials allowed.

>>>/qresearch/11157693 New SOLOMON - Questions continue over Biden transition team's ties to Facebook

>>>/qresearch/11157771 BREAKING: Hunter Biden associate’s emails reveal details of deal with fmr Moscow mayors wife to launder funds into the US in avoidance of sanctions, Devon Archer claimed firm received $200M

>>>/qresearch/11157818 Biden now has serious questions to answer about Hunter's dodgy deals and he can't duck them forever

>>>/qresearch/11157864 Mike Pompeo Calls Twitter's 'Non-Viewpoint-Neutral' Worldview 'Dangerous'

>>>/qresearch/11157881 Can't quite recall a media propaganda campaign this blatant and shameful

>>>/qresearch/11157904 Morgan Stanley: 10% Correction Coming After Failure To Breach 30 Year Resistance

>>>/qresearch/11157949 Trump Campaign Manager Fires Off Letter to Debate Commission After they Change Third Debate Topics to Rescue Joe Biden and Ignore President Trump’s Historic Foreign Policy Successes

>>>/qresearch/11157973 50 Cent endorses Trump for President after seeing Biden's alleged tax plans

>>>/qresearch/11158018 WATCH: Joe Rogan asks why the media ignores child sex trafficking

>>>/qresearch/11158146 #14266

(27 notables, 28 posts, 36 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:44 a.m. No.35294   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11160720 Q Research General #14270: Now They Big Mad Edition

Created 200006ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11160824 The Trump administration has told federal agencies to make the fullest use of their discretion allowed by law to order disciplinary actions against their employees for reasons such as poor performance or misconduct.

>>>/qresearch/11160827 New Photo Shows Hunter Biden’s Indicted Business Partner Devon Archer Meeting with Joe Biden in His VP Office – Hunter’s Lawyers Later told Burisma to Take Photo Down

>>>/qresearch/11160837 Ghislaine Maxwell sex life to be made public after socialite loses legal battle.

>>>/qresearch/11160839 Wisconsin Ballot Fuckery

>>>/qresearch/11160842 BREAKING: Moderator for Thursday’s presidential debate will have ability to mute Trump and Biden, giving both candidates 2 minutes of uninterrupted time per segment

>>>/qresearch/11160870 Rapper 50 Cent Melts Down Over Biden-Harris Tax Plan, Endorses Trump

>>>/qresearch/11160887 New York Democrat Congressional candidate Jackie Gordon's military records show 2 investigations were opened during her time in the U.S. Army, which resulted in 2 separate recommendations that she be relieved of command

>>>/qresearch/11160902 Here’s Why the Mayor of Moscow’s Wife Paid Hunter Biden $3.5 Million… And Likely More!

>>>/qresearch/11160914 Trump keeps winning

>>>/qresearch/11160927 ISIS Calls On Followers To Attack Westerners & Oil Pipelines Inside Saudi Arabia

>>>/qresearch/11160942, >>>/qresearch/11160946 Martha on FOX 40 minutes ago showed Adm Rogers on Face The Nation Saturday. Here is the transcript

>>>/qresearch/11160961 Obama Officials Who Helped Slash Pensions for Delphi Workers Shower Joe Biden with Campaign Cash

>>>/qresearch/11160967 FNC’s Baier: Hunter Biden’s Emails Unlikely to Be a Question at Next Presidential Debate


>>>/qresearch/11161008 Grassley accuses Facebook and Twitter of 'election interference and anti-conservative bias'.

>>>/qresearch/11161049 GOP blocks Schumer effort to adjourn Senate until after election

>>>/qresearch/11161059 State Dept. sanctions Chinese, HK officials and entities for supporting Iran

>>>/qresearch/11161064 "Big Tech" censorship smear analogue to wrap up smear.


>>>/qresearch/11161076 Republican Senators push constitutional amendment to stop court-packing

>>>/qresearch/11161156 House Republicans urge Barr to appoint special counsel to probe alleged Biden revelations

>>>/qresearch/11161200 Dozens of Illegal Aliens Found Trapped in Train Cars In Texas

>>>/qresearch/11161232 'I know people that would have had Joe locked up five weeks ago'


>>>/qresearch/11161254 Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: “This is a recipe for disaster!

>>>/qresearch/11161338 Hunter Biden Is Not The Problem, The Problem Is His Dad

>>>/qresearch/11161393 Baker war is over, anons won, just it's just a bunch of faggots from /comms/ crying

>>>/qresearch/11161426, >>>/qresearch/11161501 With all of this dirty Chinese money being laundered to the Bidens, CIA spies killed by China coinciding with that pay-off, and the Alan Parrot CIA whistleblower info re Benghazi and Seal Team 6/Extortion17

>>>/qresearch/11161450 Chuck Todd indirectly refers to former colleague Olbermann as 'somebody from the very far left' of the media world

>>>/qresearch/11161454 Bad Ass POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11161525 #14270,

(30 notables, 32 posts, 34 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:45 a.m. No.35295   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11159101 Q Research General #14268: Timing is Everything Edition

Created 192220ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11159200 POTUS in Live Tuscon AZ

>>>/qresearch/11159206 Social Media camo trick for posting banned stories

>>>/qresearch/11159208 AF1 on Final Approach

>>>/qresearch/11159220, >>>/qresearch/11159358 Don Trump Jr says that President Trump will break up the DC Cartel in his second term and move agencies out to the different areas of the United States.


>>>/qresearch/11159343 Senate Judiciary Committee to Call Twitter, Facebook Over Censorship of New York Post Articles

>>>/qresearch/11159425 Today just keeps getting better!

>>>/qresearch/11159493 A Broward poll worker tried to remove maskless voters. Elections chief let them vote

>>>/qresearch/11159512 There has never been a time in either of my two Campaigns when I felt we had a stronger chance of winning than we do right now.

>>>/qresearch/11159518 Streisand Effect: Twitter Ban On Biden Laptop Scandal Nearly Doubled Visibility According To MIT

>>>/qresearch/11159519 Everyone knows what to do.

>>>/qresearch/11159541 Jeffrey Toobin Called Andrew Breitbart’s Claims About Anthony Weiner ‘Outrageous’

>>>/qresearch/11159562 Today’s FBI Announcement on Russia Hacking Proves the FBI Is Trying to Influence the 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/11159605 Can we get Delaware eyes on?

>>>/qresearch/11159798 There was mention of Fauci's ARM in POTUS tweet earlier (which was pleasantly savage!)

>>>/qresearch/11159856 New O'Keefe


>>>/qresearch/11159868 Biden Offers Anyone Who Votes For Him A Seat On The Supreme Court - Bab B

>>>/qresearch/11159885 Eric Trump Retweeted - For whom are you voting

>>>/qresearch/11159931 PANIC

>>>/qresearch/11159969 #14268

(19 notables, 20 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:46 a.m. No.35296   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11159965 Q Research General #14269: PANIC Edition

Created 192319ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11160072, >>>/qresearch/11160079 New veritas: Google Program Manager: Google "Trying to Play God"

>>>/qresearch/11160099 @USArmy

>>>/qresearch/11160116 I am forcing a vote tonight to adjourn the Senate until after the November election. Cryin Chuck

>>>/qresearch/11160148 Cancer-stricken Rush Limbaugh says he can no longer deny he's 'under a death sentence' - God Bless Rush

>>>/qresearch/11160220, >>>/qresearch/11160231 Consider also the impact of the fake Russian collusion narrative

>>>/qresearch/11160222 Coordinated Effort to Disrupt Board and Estalish Baker Union

>>>/qresearch/11160223 Supreme Court allows 3-day extension to count Pennsylvania ballots

>>>/qresearch/11160224 Joe Biden: "I Am A Zionist. You Don't Have To A Jew To Be A Zionist"

VIDEO - Joe Biden: "I Am A Zionist. You Don't Have To A Je [Channel: ZP ZAP]

>>>/qresearch/11160272 WHO IS OSS - Dox has began - Gerbil is very big mad.

>>>/qresearch/11160306 #NEW #SCOTUS preserves extended mail ballot due date in #Pennsylvania Chief Justice John Roberts sides with liberal justices on the Court.

>>>/qresearch/11160366 The moment CBS NEWS realizes Donald Trump will WIN THE ELECTION !! - keks

VIDEO - The moment CBS NEWS realizes Donald Trump will WIN THE ELECTION !! [Channel: MAGATRUTHCHANNEL]

>>>/qresearch/11160401 James Woods twat, KEk worthy

>>>/qresearch/11160464 PDC Adopts Rules to Mute Micrphones - PANIC

>>>/qresearch/11160543 Troy Aikman is a faggot


>>>/qresearch/11160722 #14269

(16 notables, 18 posts, 13 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:46 a.m. No.35297   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11163089 Q Research General #14273: Oh How They Cry Edition

Created 200235ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11163161 - Take Back The House

>>>/qresearch/11163197, >>>/qresearch/11163830, >>>/qresearch/11163859 - More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed ..

>>>/qresearch/11163217, >>>/qresearch/11163592, >>>/qresearch/11163683, >>>/qresearch/11163705 - site of Hunter in bathtub

>>>/qresearch/11163226 - DC Lobbyists See Dollar Signs Under Potential Biden Win

>>>/qresearch/11163228 - US woman dies from #COVID19 on domestic flight before takeoff

>>>/qresearch/11163259 - In the 19th century, these labyrinths were the only man-made things that existed below ground.

>>>/qresearch/11163267 - Biden Supporter Arrested For Firing Shotgun at 2 Trump Supporters

>>>/qresearch/11163299 - Your FBI Will Entrap You?

>>>/qresearch/11163312 - JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

>>>/qresearch/11163360 - Jeffery (((TOOBIN))), CNN and New Yorker jew, masturbated on ZOOM to the HORROR of everyone watching.

>>>/qresearch/11163380 - MAGAnomics

>>>/qresearch/11163525 - This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper.

>>>/qresearch/11163549 - Republican Voters Take a Radical Conspiracy Theory Mainstream

>>>/qresearch/11163570 - NSA Traffic cam pics date after St.Patrick's 2014

>>>/qresearch/11163687 - Debate Commission Will Silence Microphones in Final Debate

>>>/qresearch/11163737 - Black Trump Supporters chanting “We Love Trump!”


>>>/qresearch/11163746 - One of the bittersweet things about growing old is realizing how mistaken you were when you were young

>>>/qresearch/11163769 - VOTER FRAUD LINK DUMP

>>>/qresearch/11163791 #14273

>>>/qresearch/11163804 - Second Circuit AFFIRMS a lower court's order to unseal documents related to Ghislaine Maxwell's civil case

(20 notables, 25 posts, 48 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:46 a.m. No.35298   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11161503 Q Research General #14271

Created 200058ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11161622 FBI Raids Philly Electricians Union HQ

>>>/qresearch/11161633 White House Chief Of Staff Warns Of Potential Lawsuit Against Tech Giants

>>>/qresearch/11161643 Biden Krime Family with Kazakhstan’s Kenes Rakishev

>>>/qresearch/11161668 Gulf Cartel Removes Bodies After Mexican Border City Shootout

>>>/qresearch/11161671 Pennsylvania postal worker charged with dumping mail is QAnon follower

>>>/qresearch/11161678 U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force Arrests York Shooting Suspect

>>>/qresearch/11161701 Dr. Reginald Archibald, an accused pedophile, allegedly used Boys & Girls Club pools to hunt for victims

>>>/qresearch/11161708 POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY October 20, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11161721 Bruce Springsteen & other celebs are being whiny teenagers, threatening to run away if Trump wins. If only they would

>>>/qresearch/11161745 The Two Undersides to Geo-Politics

>>>/qresearch/11161937 The New York Post pics contain EXIF DATA, including GPS!

>>>/qresearch/11161990 New Ric Grenell

>>>/qresearch/11162011 James Redford, a filmmaker, activist and son of actor Robert Redford, has died at age 58.

>>>/qresearch/11162020 Jeff Bridges has been diagnosed with lymphoma

>>>/qresearch/11162059 They just think they have something to bitch about to get them back into control of the kitchen.

>>>/qresearch/11162144 O’Keefe Strikes Again! Google Program Manager Confirms Election Interference in Favor of Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11162329 #14271

(17 notables, 17 posts, 28 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:47 a.m. No.35299   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11162324 Q Research General #14272: Do you see a pattern? Edition

Created 200148ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11162398 Marine Corps Marks End of Harrier Operations for Historic 'Tomcats' Squadron

>>>/qresearch/11162411 Democrat-Run Chicago Broke As Mayor Mulls Tax Hikes & Layoffs To Plug $1.2BN Budget Gap

>>>/qresearch/11162462 IDEN of Hunter pic: house; Kunal Nayyar's mansion

>>>/qresearch/11162499 CEO of Multibillion-dollar Software Company Indicted for Decades-long Tax Evasion and Wire Fraud Schemes

>>>/qresearch/11162522 Maria Abramovic with Robert Redford and his daughter-in-law, Kyle, at Abramovic's silent party during the Sundance Film Festival

>>>/qresearch/11162546 'This Is What They Call A Mic Drop': Trump Flattens Reporter Who Asked Why He Called Biden A Criminal

>>>/qresearch/11162565 Department of Justice Seeks to Recover Approximately $3 Million in Illegal Proceeds from Foreign Bribe Payments

>>>/qresearch/11162600, >>>/qresearch/11162680, >>>/qresearch/11162772, >>>/qresearch/11162806 ALWAYS LYING, ALWAYS DECEIVING

>>>/qresearch/11162633, >>>/qresearch/11162762 For the first time in American history, the Republicans have beaten the Democrats in new-voter registration.

>>>/qresearch/11162883 WONDERLAND

>>>/qresearch/11162896 HERE WE GO!!!

>>>/qresearch/11162897 Naval Academy Officially Opens New Cyber Building Named After Rear Adm. Grace Hopper

>>>/qresearch/11162922 NEW Dan Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11162931 UPDATE: Proof That Michigan Governor Whitmer Deliberately Displayed ‘Kill Trump’ Symbolism in Background During Sunday Interview

>>>/qresearch/11162953 Jim Jordan on Chief Roberts - "trying to steal the election"

>>>/qresearch/11162969 7556 JALMIA WAY

>>>/qresearch/11162974 McConnell: Judge Barrett Is “One Of The Most Impressive Nominees For Any Public Office”

>>>/qresearch/11163004 Anon needs assistance. #DigitalSoldierDown

>>>/qresearch/11163081 #14272

(19 notables, 23 posts, 32 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:47 a.m. No.35300   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11163851 Q Research General 14274: Edition Edition

Created 200325ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11163992 - Joe Biden’s Transition Co-Chair Hosted Hunter Biden-Linked Chinese Elites at Obama White House

>>>/qresearch/11164037 - Repair Shop Receipt for Hunter Biden Laptop Revealed, Media Narrative Burns to the Ground

>>>/qresearch/11164089 - Zuckerberg money used to massively grow vote in Democrat stronghold of Philadelphia, memos show

>>>/qresearch/11164098 - unter Biden conspiracy theories is "Pizzagate all over again"

>>>/qresearch/11164100 - NEW PICS EXIF DATA INCLUDED - HUNTER

>>>/qresearch/11164132 - Russian Embassy Says Hacking Accusations Coming From US Have ‘Nothing to Do With Reality’

>>>/qresearch/11164192, >>>/qresearch/11164224 - Cancer-stricken Rush Limbaugh says he can no longer deny he's 'under a death sentence'

>>>/qresearch/11164210 - Survivor group demands Vatican investigation of New Orleans archdiocese

>>>/qresearch/11164248 - Pope needs transparency, zero tolerance to end Vatican's financial corruption

>>>/qresearch/11164321 - Lawsuit filed against diocese, alleging molestation by Fr. Stanley Begnaud

>>>/qresearch/11164322 - SCOTUS Sells Out the Constitution Again-Extends Election Day 72 Hours In Pennsylvania; Roberts Votes With Liberals

>>>/qresearch/11164327 - And Fauci The Grinch Took The Last Can Of "Who Hash"

>>>/qresearch/11164358 - New Yorker Suspends Jeffrey Toobin for Masturbating on Zoom Call

>>>/qresearch/11164371 - Heres the parcel map of hunters jalmia location.



>>>/qresearch/11164440 - 'OFFICIAL EDITED VERSION: FBI Lovebirds Starring Dean Cain & Kristy Swanson'

VIDEO - OFFICIAL EDITED VERSION: FBI Lovebirds Starring Dean Cain & Kristy Swanson [Channel: The Ann and Phelim Scoop]

>>>/qresearch/11164461 - CNN mum amid claims Jeffrey Toobin masturbated on Zoom call with colleagues

>>>/qresearch/11164506 - Colorado's Catholic dioceses pay $6.6 million in abuse settlements

>>>/qresearch/11164530 - Victims of convicted pedophile priest continue to search for accountability

>>>/qresearch/11164561, >>>/qresearch/11164575 - Dire' financial consequences warned for Catholic Diocese across PA,

>>>/qresearch/11164595 - Growing pressure to name Catholic priests accused of sexual assault

>>>/qresearch/11164630 - Twin hit of abuse claims and pandemic could push NJ Catholic dioceses toward bankruptcy

(21 notables, 23 posts, 36 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:47 a.m. No.35301   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11166326 Q Research General #14277: Anons United Edition

Created 200735ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11166419 - TikTok Makes It Clear: QAnon Is Prohibited On The Platform

>>>/qresearch/11166438 - DMT Dough for DMT Bread: Baked in (You)

>>>/qresearch/11166439, >>>/qresearch/11166441 - History Info graphic (Jews)

>>>/qresearch/11166442 - Sacha Baron Cohen’s Borat Goes Full QAnon on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’

>>>/qresearch/11166449 - Australia to join India, US, Japan in large naval exercises

>>>/qresearch/11166455 - Indonesia rejected US request to host spy planes: Officials

>>>/qresearch/11166483 - New Yahoo News/YouGov poll: Half of Trump supporters believe QAnon's 'conspiracy theories

>>>/qresearch/11166487 - Friendly reminder that FOX is as terrified as everyone else.

>>>/qresearch/11166502 - Spy chief personally warns MPs over Chinese manipulation

>>>/qresearch/11166508 - We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11166563 - Seapower × 4’: US Navy’s Tweet On Malabar Naval Exercise With India, Japan And Australia Amid Tensions In Ladakh

>>>/qresearch/11166585 - Genesis 12:1-3 , GENESIS 15:18 ,Genesis 16:1-2 , Genesis 16; 10-12 , Genesis 16; 10-12

>>>/qresearch/11166603 - More on Darin Feinstein and the Viper Room

>>>/qresearch/11166616 - Henry Ford, Sr.

>>>/qresearch/11166627 - Documents acquired by Fox News appear to show

>>>/qresearch/11166637 - Trump tells Arizona rally Biden’s lucky Barr hasn’t locked him up

>>>/qresearch/11166651 - They really think they're clever, forgetting Biden's property on Water Island

>>>/qresearch/11166707 - Trump and Biden Will Be Muted for Parts of Their Next Debate

>>>/qresearch/11166728 - The White House, US STYLES MANUAL PDF, The Hobbs Act, Admiralty and Maritime Law, etc.. DECLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS

>>>/qresearch/11166729 - How An India-US-Australia-Japan Naval 'Alliance' Would Fight Together

>>>/qresearch/11166745 - UROKO - Waking Up to the Truth


>>>/qresearch/11166815 - Where’s an Ear For Men?


>>>/qresearch/11166861 - Lou Dobbs, Sidney Powell, Tom Fitton and John Solomon discuss the latest developments in the Hunter/Joe Biden situation

>>>/qresearch/11166936 - Churches knew of allegations against notorious paedophile priests

>>>/qresearch/11167122 14277

(27 notables, 28 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:48 a.m. No.35302   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11167242 Q Research General #14278 AFLB out of the kitchen Edition

Created 201030ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11167326 JUST IN: GOP blocks Schumer effort to adjourn Senate until after election

>>>/qresearch/11167398 Keith Oberman Panic Mode


>>>/qresearch/11167413 "JOE BIDEN IS A CRIMINAL": Pres. Trump Gets HEATED with Reporters in Arizona

>>>/qresearch/11167437 Clapper, Brennan: Hunter Biden Emails ‘Russian Disinformation’ Whether ‘Genuine or Not’

>>>/qresearch/11167445 At Least 67,000 Felons Registered To Vote In Florida, Group Says

>>>/qresearch/11167462 Lou Dobbs /John Solomon interview

>>>/qresearch/11167538 “I Won’t Be Intimidated. I Can’t Wait to Fill the Seat” – Lindsey Graham Confronted by Hostile, Unhinged Women as He Lands at DC Airport (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11167558, >>>/qresearch/11167613 Joshua Alcorn is the Chief Operating Officer at the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children.

>>>/qresearch/11167600 If you have earned it, here's a three year badge, Anons.

>>>/qresearch/11167614 Increase in attacks report

>>>/qresearch/11167667 President Trump responds to debate Question

>>>/qresearch/11167696 GRU hack of Burisma

>>>/qresearch/11167719 UK ex popstar calls out satanists on his new track

>>>/qresearch/11167737 John Roberts sides with Libs on keeping voting extended mail in ballots

>>>/qresearch/11167778 Troy Aikman, Joe Buck mock NFL military flyover in hot-mic moment

>>>/qresearch/11167874, >>>/qresearch/11167902, >>>/qresearch/11168022 It looks like Biden's Carol Point, Water Island, St. Thomas properties are for sale as a block for $3.6 millions of dollars on Zillow.

>>>/qresearch/11167897 Thousands of girls recieve genital mutilation then paraded down street in Kenya

>>>/qresearch/11167948 EXCLUSIVE: Trump Campaign Releases Devastating New Ads Ahead Of Final Presidential Debate

>>>/qresearch/11167966 BREAKING NEWS: Here’s Why the Mayor of Moscow’s Wife Paid Hunter Biden $3.5 Million… And Likely More!

>>>/qresearch/11168014 This is the start of a really bad week for Democrats

>>>/qresearch/11168048 #14278

(21 notables, 24 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:48 a.m. No.35303   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11168056 Q Research General #14279: No Animation In The Kitchen Edition

Created 201138ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11168097 "Goldman Sachs is reportedly on the cusp of settling one of the biggest criminal cases involving a Wall Street bank since the financial crisis

>>>/qresearch/11168118 For the keks. POTUS as Breitbart. WAR!


>>>/qresearch/11168119 Kirstie Alley: Our country elected farmers, tailors, oil men, & generals as Presidents..

>>>/qresearch/11168131 Whoopi Goldberg Says She’s In a Depression Over Trump And The Election (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11168160 @gregkellyusa The New York Times has written more about Jeffrey Toobin’s Sex Drive than Hunter Biden’s Hard Drive

>>>/qresearch/11168166 Commission will mute mics during final debate between Trump and Biden

>>>/qresearch/11168167 Anon observation of what's happening, and why we continue to fight.

>>>/qresearch/11168183 The movie “The Plot Against the President”is out $5.99 on Vimeo, Amazon Prime put it under extended content review

>>>/qresearch/11168234 Bruce Spielbauer is obsessed with the Russian GRU farms. Downvote him on Quora and bring some truth bombs.

>>>/qresearch/11168239 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>>/qresearch/11168259 NY Dem Congressional Candidate Jackie Gordon Running As A Sterling Former Army Officer Was Actually Relieved Of Duty

>>>/qresearch/11168278 OAN Elevates its Defamation Case Against Rachel Maddow, Comcast and NBCU to the US Court of Appeals

>>>/qresearch/11168280, >>>/qresearch/11168537 @GenFlynn My total endorsement for Congressman Doug Collins for United States Senator from the great State of Georgia (God Bless America):

>>>/qresearch/11168293 Trump Team Accuses Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Encouraging Assassination of President Weeks Before Election

>>>/qresearch/11168313 Biden's water island for sale moar digs

>>>/qresearch/11168322 Had to stop and get a pic of this yesterday as I was on my way to the hardware store.

>>>/qresearch/11168377 Vacancies in the Federal Judiciary

>>>/qresearch/11168387, >>>/qresearch/11168424, >>>/qresearch/11168433, >>>/qresearch/11168465, >>>/qresearch/11168592, >>>/qresearch/11168660, >>>/qresearch/11168723, >>>/qresearch/11168753, >>>/qresearch/11168765 End of the movie frens…will go fast!!!


>>>/qresearch/11168434 Michael Steele is a Benedict Arnold

>>>/qresearch/11168457 We Gamed Out The 2020 Election And Found Our Constitution Can Handle The Madness

>>>/qresearch/11168539 Big Tech Burned by Biden Blunder

>>>/qresearch/11168566 Sacha Baron Cohen’s Borat Goes Full QAnon on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’

>>>/qresearch/11168576 Heshmat Alavi thread on Iran Information Warfare on Iran's People

>>>/qresearch/11168587 Joy Behar tries to dox Trump fan on national television

>>>/qresearch/11168601 Echoing Q days before, Paul reports that the Senate is looking into the idea that Hunter may have dropped the laptop off in order to spite his father.

>>>/qresearch/11168621 Dem Candidate Posts Home Address of GOP Rival

>>>/qresearch/11168627 The Trump campaign is set to release this digital ad featuring first lady Melania Trump

>>>/qresearch/11168631 Businessman named in federal corruption probe accused of fraud in bankruptcy court

>>>/qresearch/11168637 AP Explains: What’s Behind Trump’s Town Hall Answer on QAnon

>>>/qresearch/11168651 President Trump tells ‘Fox & Friends' that the attorney general has ‘got to act fast' on ‘major corruption,’ which he says has to be known about before the election.

>>>/qresearch/11168658 Sean Davis just exposed Toobin on Twitter, the CNN, interesting

>>>/qresearch/11168673 Exclusive: The ‘Commission on Presidential Debates’ Has Secret Donors Providing Millions in Dark Money and a New 3rd Board Member Who Pushes Socialism Around the World

>>>/qresearch/11168678 DOJ filing antitrust lawsuit against Google on Tuesday

>>>/qresearch/11168716 Black Americans march with chants of "we want Trump" and "drain the swamp", media ignored it and Facebook removed it.


>>>/qresearch/11168736 Secretary Pompeo Participates In A Virtual US-UAE Strategic Dialogue - 10:00 AM

>>>/qresearch/11168759 VIDEO: The Hateful Media's Four-Year War Against Trump

>>>/qresearch/11168804 #14279,

(37 notables, 46 posts, 45 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:48 a.m. No.35304   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11169581 Q Research General #14281: No Cartoons No BS Edition

Created 201425ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11169677 Biobased products can produce luminescent textiles

>>>/qresearch/11169680, >>>/qresearch/11169684 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>>/qresearch/11169682 HRC in Africa

>>>/qresearch/11169712, >>>/qresearch/11169784, >>>/qresearch/11170224 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA et al v. GOOGLE LLC has been filed.

>>>/qresearch/11169757 Cuban immigrant WARNS against socialism at Trump

VIDEO - Cuban immigrant WARNS against socialism at Trump r [Channel: The Hill]

>>>/qresearch/11169759, >>>/qresearch/11169940, >>>/qresearch/11169957, >>>/qresearch/11170037, >>>/qresearch/11170169 Planefags aloft

>>>/qresearch/11169767, >>>/qresearch/11169789 Goldman Sachs flips on the Swamp

>>>/qresearch/11169773 Trump, Turn and Fast

>>>/qresearch/11169774 Rig for RED - 50 states for POTUS?? TOP KEK!

>>>/qresearch/11169777 Fauci and Data Activism Group

>>>/qresearch/11169824 U.S. Naval Institute on Marilyn Monroe

>>>/qresearch/11169836 Why Biden is Toast (anon discussion)

>>>/qresearch/11169837 CNN's Axelrod: Trump campaign 'insane' - 'landslide' loss likely (fake news, fake news)

>>>/qresearch/11169862, >>>/qresearch/11169892 DOJ files antitrust lawsuit against Google

>>>/qresearch/11169887, >>>/qresearch/11169896 Pelosi says there's "progress" on new coronavirus relief package

>>>/qresearch/11169925 Ballot box set on fire


>>>/qresearch/11169964 Clapper/ Brennan/50 Others Sign Letter Saying Hunter Biden Emails Story is Russian Disinfo (what a whopper!)

>>>/qresearch/11169974 Meadows: ‘You’ll See a Romanian Connection’ with Money Flowing to Bidens

>>>/qresearch/11170000 "We are the News": Eight tips for better notable posts

>>>/qresearch/11170019, >>>/qresearch/11170043 Texas Mail-In Ballot Court Battle → Trail Leads Back to SOROS & Subversive [DS] Leftists

>>>/qresearch/11170047 A UK-Independent hit piece on Q supporters supposed beliefs

>>>/qresearch/11170054 DIGG CALL for Gary Barksdale, Chief Postal Inspector

>>>/qresearch/11170068 Video surfaces of chinese bomber that may be capable of carrying a huge hypersonic missile (is it real?)

>>>/qresearch/11170162 Dr Li-Meng Yan’s mother was arrested by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

>>>/qresearch/11170167 Moar pics and discussion of Hunter Biden

>>>/qresearch/11170364 #14281

(26 notables, 37 posts, 37 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:49 a.m. No.35305   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11168811 Q Research General #14280: How Simple The Solution Edition

Created 201303ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11168844 A three-judge panel from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit hears oral argument in Trump v. Mazars, a case concerning a congressional subpoena for the president’s financial records.

>>>/qresearch/11168861, >>>/qresearch/11168886 Texas procedure for ballots with mismatched signatures reinstated by federal court

>>>/qresearch/11168871, >>>/qresearch/11168930, >>>/qresearch/11169149, >>>/qresearch/11169174 UNITED STATES VS GOOGLE has been filed

>>>/qresearch/11168873 Steve Pieczenik on #Election #Fraud in Broward County Florida! This is home turf to former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, go figure.

>>>/qresearch/11168874, >>>/qresearch/11168878 Why did conspiracy theorists believe that JFK Jr was going to become Trump's new running mate? (media hit piece)

>>>/qresearch/11168884 The principal in this company claims that they have a working treatment forAUTISM

>>>/qresearch/11168887 From 4Chan to Facebook to Ferryville, QAnon is spreading offline to rural Wisconsin

>>>/qresearch/11168892 ARIZONA TRUMP RALLY PHOTOS

>>>/qresearch/11168893 Huckabee: Broward County's problems are not accidental

>>>/qresearch/11168900 Thanksgiving with an empowering Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade float. (symbolism DNA STEM language space suit all weird tied together here by OLAY)

>>>/qresearch/11168908 The Right’s Disinformation Machine Is Getting Ready for Trump to Lose QAnon has become a linchpin of far-right media

>>>/qresearch/11168915, >>>/qresearch/11169371, >>>/qresearch/11169394, >>>/qresearch/11169406, >>>/qresearch/11169420 Chinese Virus reports

>>>/qresearch/11168924 @DawsonSField Goldman Sachs flips on the Swamp & gives up the #receipts, their executives & customers to get a cooperation agreement with DOJ.

>>>/qresearch/11168947 Tropical Storm Epsilon forecast to become hurricane, pass near Bermuda

>>>/qresearch/11168948 Trial against Darknet Data Center Hoster Evidence: CD mountain is 8,000 meters high

>>>/qresearch/11168949, >>>/qresearch/11168965, >>>/qresearch/11169426 Anti Q media hit pieces increase as panic mode intensifies

>>>/qresearch/11168960, >>>/qresearch/11169273 Loobin Toobin Reports

>>>/qresearch/11168973 Submarine murderer Peter Madsen surrounded by armed officers after escaping Danish prison

>>>/qresearch/11169000 Monolithic conspiracy JFK video (BIGGEST Q)

>>>/qresearch/11169015, >>>/qresearch/11169370, >>>/qresearch/11169440 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/11169035 FB deleted a Pro Trump Group of over 67k women. This group was 100% women.

>>>/qresearch/11169038 POTUS on FoxandFriends 10/20/2020


>>>/qresearch/11169076 Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, along with other GOP senators, has introduced a constitutional amendment that, if it were to pass, would prevent court packing on the Supreme Court.

>>>/qresearch/11169095, >>>/qresearch/11169186, >>>/qresearch/11169377, >>>/qresearch/11169399, >>>/qresearch/11169515, >>>/qresearch/11169525 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>>/qresearch/11169215 Ballot Box set on fire in Baldwin park Los Angeles CA


>>>/qresearch/11169222 Donald Trump Jr. Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11169250 Computer repairman who exposed Biden emails claims that the FBI told him to stay quiet about it

>>>/qresearch/11169282 regarding the debates Steve Bannon War Room tweets

>>>/qresearch/11169286 “Israel, the United Arab Emirates and the U.S. will set up a joint $3 billion investment fund headquartered in Jerusalem

>>>/qresearch/11169290 Boeing relocates out of Democrat state

>>>/qresearch/11169350 A True Chinese Patriot - Epidemiologist Dr. Li-Meng Yang

>>>/qresearch/11169392, >>>/qresearch/11169413, >>>/qresearch/11169436, >>>/qresearch/11169466 (lb), (lb), (lb), (lb) New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100%

>>>/qresearch/11169398 Exclusive: The ‘Commission on Presidential Debates’ Has Secret Donors Providing Millions in Dark Money More info

>>>/qresearch/11169411 Don't forget about BidAn Island.

>>>/qresearch/11169457 black Woman asking real questions

>>>/qresearch/11169478 China is assisting Joe Biden, influencing the election. BIG TECH is doing the exact same thing

>>>/qresearch/11169520 Definition of Hunter

>>>/qresearch/11169566 #14280

(38 notables, 60 posts, 46 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:49 a.m. No.35306   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11170331 Q Research General #14282: JUNITED STATES OF AMERICA et al v. GOOGLE LLC Edition

Created 201524ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11170423 Breitbart:Joe Buck and Troy Aikman Caught Slamming Flyovers During Pandemic on Hot Mic

>>>/qresearch/11170424 Justice Dept twat re Google suit

>>>/qresearch/11170474, >>>/qresearch/11170719, >>>/qresearch/11170885, >>>/qresearch/11170980 Planefags

>>>/qresearch/11170482 Justice Dept. Says Trump's Denial of Rape Accusation Was an Official Act

>>>/qresearch/11170491 Grenell twat: "Call the Vote"

>>>/qresearch/11170633, >>>/qresearch/11170950, >>>/qresearch/11170956, >>>/qresearch/11170964 DIG! "JRB3" possible Joseph Robinette Biden secret account in WikiLeaks

>>>/qresearch/11170682 Wisconsin Dem Govenor screwing with Foxconn

>>>/qresearch/11170694 US Marshal: 'Getting closer' to Lester Eubanks, a killer on the run for decades

>>>/qresearch/11170710, >>>/qresearch/11170745 AG Barr Statement on USA vs. Google antitrust suit

>>>/qresearch/11170713, >>>/qresearch/11170778, >>>/qresearch/11170915, >>>/qresearch/11171001 Hunter Biden EXIF data IDs bathtub in Schiff's District; photos, map

>>>/qresearch/11170736 US welcomes Russian offer to freeze warheads totals for nuke pact

>>>/qresearch/11170835 DIG on Clinton Foundation & child trafficking

>>>/qresearch/11170873 @USMC: Hurry Up and Wait

>>>/qresearch/11170897 TATA Comms CFO Resigns

>>>/qresearch/11170901 Muammar Gaddafi’s Cousin To Sue Hillary Clinton For “Destroying Libya”

>>>/qresearch/11170929 Bags of Stolen Mail including Numerous Ballots Found Discarded in WA Town

>>>/qresearch/11170937 State Dept. "Addressing China’s Environmental Destruction"

>>>/qresearch/11170947 Man who attacked black Trump supporter arrested, charged with hate crime

>>>/qresearch/11170993, >>>/qresearch/11171124 Repost for keks: POTUS dance moves getting popular!


VIDEO - Donald Trump MAGA dance [Channel: Uncle Rico]

>>>/qresearch/11171060 Biden Plan Top Tax Rate by State

>>>/qresearch/11171062, >>>/qresearch/11171194 Joe Biden's VP transition team connects to Hunter and Obama

>>>/qresearch/11171074 @JudiciaryGOP: No one pushes more "disinformation" in DC than @RepAdamSchiff

>>>/qresearch/11171075 Hunter selfie - Palms Casino, Las Vegas

>>>/qresearch/11171090 EU bond market makes history, record $275B demand for 'SURE' issue

>>>/qresearch/11171096 EYES ON! Biden/Poroshenko call unedited audio

>>>/qresearch/11171143 Chinese bomber - maybe able to carry huge hypersonic missile? (Vid. Is it real?)

>>>/qresearch/11171152 Anon link between Vatican & potentially unsettling activity - 3 year Q Drop > Vatican RCC Research File

>>>/qresearch/11171223 US Army tweet

>>>/qresearch/11171270 US single-family homebuilding & permits surge to >13-year high

>>>/qresearch/11171272 Steve Bannon: Hunter's Hard Drive from Hell

>>>/qresearch/11171289 DHS News Conference on Combating Human Trafficking, launch new center to combat human trafficking

>>>/qresearch/11171304 DoJ, DHS New Rule Bars Asylum for Convicted Felons, Drunk Drivers, Gang Members, Other Criminal Aliens

>>>/qresearch/11171315 Re: Hunter Laptop: Rudy plans to drop info on "personal conduct" that he has "no doubt" is criminal

>>>/qresearch/11171369 #14282

(34 notables, 46 posts, 48 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:49 a.m. No.35307   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11172716 Q Research General #14285: POTUS Unopposed?

Created 201807ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11172876 Six Defendants Charged in Scheme to Defraud Student Loan Programs of More Than $12 Million.

>>>/qresearch/11173100 Declas Booms Coming!

>>>/qresearch/11173197 Damaged IC's ability to keep its NOCs OC'd.(re: (PB)

>>>/qresearch/11173220, >>>/qresearch/11173336 Text of a Letter from the President to Certain Congressional Committees

>>>/qresearch/11173221, >>>/qresearch/11173330 Planefag Report

>>>/qresearch/11173247 DHS Announces Center For Countering Human Trafficking

>>>/qresearch/11173301 University Of Chicago Faculty Demands Reparations

>>>/qresearch/11173302 Symbolism will be their downfall: THREE RED BANNERS = CHINA SOCIALIST MOVEMENT

>>>/qresearch/11173319 Goldman To Pay $2.8BN In Long-Awaited 1MDB Settlement Deal; Asian Unit To Plead Guilty

>>>/qresearch/11173363 Former FDA head says the US is entering the 'biggest wave' of coronavirus pandemic, calls Trump 'problematic' for holding large rallies

>>>/qresearch/11173369 ClintonHarris2020 Ticket? Last minute switch, Biden Lid prior to debate

>>>/qresearch/11173413 Facebook suspends account of Andrii Derkach (Giuliani associate)

>>>/qresearch/11173449 US officials said they were ready to meet Russian diplomats asap, shortly after Moscow stated it could compromise on an American demand

>>>/qresearch/11173528 anon bun

>>>/qresearch/11173575 #14285

(15 notables, 17 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:49 a.m. No.35308   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11173621 Q Research General #14286 (For Anime Baker)

Created 201908ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11174230 Sebelius showing her deep state.

>>>/qresearch/11174456, >>>/qresearch/11174848 Anon graphic "Red Banners",

>>>/qresearch/11174464 Booty Judge twat

>>>/qresearch/11174473 Clinton Email dig

>>>/qresearch/11174485 DJT Tweet (Leslie Stahl unmasked)

>>>/qresearch/11174505 75% US Jews voting for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11174511 Ukraine BOOMS

>>>/qresearch/11174516, >>>/qresearch/11174571 Hunter doing deals through US-Chinese embassy,

>>>/qresearch/11174540 The Open Society Foundations in Ukraine

>>>/qresearch/11174541 Patriot bun #14285

>>>/qresearch/11174570 Esper hints that the 2nd Cavalry Regiment could be heading closer to Russia

>>>/qresearch/11174579 Ukrainian recipient organizations of U.S. democracy aid

>>>/qresearch/11174582 7 Charged In Florida Smuggling Ring That Funneled Thousands Of Flying Squirrels Into South Korea

>>>/qresearch/11174602 Patreon is profiting from QAnon

>>>/qresearch/11174609 Bipartisan group of lawmakers launches House Space Force Caucus

>>>/qresearch/11174616 World leaders are planning new lock downs to introduce “The World Debt Reset Program”

>>>/qresearch/11174621 DEA Announces Launch Of ‘Project Safeguard’ To Combat Drug, Violent Crimes Across The Country

>>>/qresearch/11174628 ICE Arrests 54 In NYC Area, Targets Illegal Immigrants In Sanctuary Cities

>>>/qresearch/11174632 PF

>>>/qresearch/11174634 Spotify Rips Down Multiple QAnon Podcasts

>>>/qresearch/11174650 Apparently there was some drama while President Trump was taping his 60 Minutes interview today. He abruptly ended his solo interview after around 45 minutes

>>>/qresearch/11174659, >>>/qresearch/11174691 ————————————–——– "Set condition 1 SQ for strategic missile launch." Crimson Tide -1995 (Cap: )

>>>/qresearch/11174696, >>>/qresearch/11174718 ————————————–——– "Set condition 1 SQ for strategic missile launch."(Cap: . )


>>>/qresearch/11174714 The Great Heist: COVID to Global Reset

>>>/qresearch/11174806 Epstein & Prince Andrew saga: Duke of York ‘laughed’ while attending topless photoshoot involving a teen, new book claims

>>>/qresearch/11174876 19 'Ndrangheta (Calabria mafia)members arrested by Italian police in Trento

>>>/qresearch/11174891 Steve Bannon: It's all coming out within 24-48 hours

>>>/qresearch/11174925, >>>/qresearch/11174960 QAnon followers attack (((Weiners))), - kek

>>>/qresearch/11174963 Armenia Declares Large-Scale Counter-Attack In Southern Karabakh As Ilham Aliyev Makes Victorious Address To Nation

>>>/qresearch/11174996, >>>/qresearch/11175018 Q video youtube embed,

VIDEO - The Release of Nuclear Weapons Has been authorized [Channel: Tigan]

(30 notables, 36 posts, 49 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11174659

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:50 a.m. No.35309   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11171394 Q Research General #14283: Hunter Biden's Hard Drive from Hell

Created 201639ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11171549 Results of Anon 3 year Q Drop Vatican RCC CIA Research File

>>>/qresearch/11171626, >>>/qresearch/11172296 Planefags

>>>/qresearch/11171679 Rudy on Fox: "Just WATCH Romania"; Meadows: ‘You’ll See a Romanian Connection’ with Money Flowing to Bidens

VIDEO - Giuliani: Salem witch trials are fairer than Dems' impeachment probe [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/11171713 Trump photo in front of Pres. Monroe, last to run unopposed - Comms?

>>>/qresearch/11171777 Dems Can Put Anyone They Want on Their Ticket

>>>/qresearch/11171878 Market report: Array Technologies sold by Brookfield Cap. & Oaktree Cap. Mgmt: $1.04B

>>>/qresearch/11171907 USA Today endorses the vile criminal Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11171918 DNI Ratcliffe: Hunter Biden's emails 'not part' of a Russian disinformation campaign

>>>/qresearch/11171934 Fauci quotes godfather in reply to questions about his tiff with President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11171952 SecDef Esper on Role of Alliances, Partnerships in US Security

>>>/qresearch/11171957 LIVE: DHS Sec. Wolf on plan to combat human trafficking and sex exploitation

>>>/qresearch/11171963, >>>/qresearch/11171977 Voter Fraud bun - huge dump, links, articles, data

>>>/qresearch/11172025 #VOTEREPUBLICAN We will be taking back the House, securing the Senate and keeping the PRESIDENCY!

>>>/qresearch/11172027 Shifty Schiff claims Hunter Biden email stories come 'from the Kremlin' (debunked by DNI Ratcliffe)

>>>/qresearch/11172043 Hollywood works for Dems

>>>/qresearch/11172077 @IvankaTrump joined @SecPompeo @ President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor & Combat Trafficking in Persons, 3rd annual meeting; ⁦@realDonaldTrump will not stop until we have routed out #ModernSlavery from every state, local, tribal, & territorial community

>>>/qresearch/11172134, >>>/qresearch/11172144 Social Media Ops Take Back the House, Vote Republican

>>>/qresearch/11172170 Re_read crumbs: Q #14

>>>/qresearch/11172172 Beau Biden defends handling of du Pont heir sex case (2014)

>>>/qresearch/11172180 How anime normalizes pedophilia and questionable acts

>>>/qresearch/11172207 Joe Biden’s VP Transition Co-Chair Hosted Hunter Biden-Linked Chinese Elites at Obama WH

>>>/qresearch/11172237 Newsmax Grant Stinchfield tells the truth about MSM's "Qanon" lies


>>>/qresearch/11172277 Comped court? Judge Abrams sentenced Bevan Cooney to 30 mo. yet overturned Devon Archer conviction for same crime

>>>/qresearch/11172286 TRUMP: Hunter’s ‘Laptop from Hell’ Shows the ‘Biden Family is a Criminal Enterprise’

>>>/qresearch/11172293 GNews constructs a Biden/China RICO map

>>>/qresearch/11172317 ex-Hunter Biden associate Bevan Cooney wants to share 26,000 emails

>>>/qresearch/11172318 Correlating Biden Family Membesr to Godfather III Characters

>>>/qresearch/11172354 Godfather III movie playlist (18 parts)

>>>/qresearch/11172434 Who are the middlemen? Politicians' offspring?

>>>/qresearch/11172509 Joe Biden Meets Hunter Biden’s Business Associate from Kazakhstan

>>>/qresearch/11172564 Gen. Flynn endorses Rep. Doug Collins

>>>/qresearch/11172568 FLOTUS cancels joint campaign appearance with Trump due to cough

>>>/qresearch/11172714 #14283

(33 notables, 36 posts, 33 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:50 a.m. No.35310   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11174629 Q Research General #14287 E-Bake Edition

Created 202026ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11175124, >>>/qresearch/11175287 search in, DIGG ANONS

>>>/qresearch/11175174 MAXWELL BTFO AGAIN

>>>/qresearch/11175183 Nommed notable description needed plz

>>>/qresearch/11175220 Notes from #14286

>>>/qresearch/11175280 A Party of Street Thugs: Creepy Democrat Adam Christensen Posts GOP Opponent’s Home Address with Map on Social Media

>>>/qresearch/11175306 Trump abruptly ended an interview with "60 Minutes" today (CNN)

>>>/qresearch/11175327 We All Have a Stake in the Stock Market, Right? Guess Again

>>>/qresearch/11175332 Photo shows Joe Biden meeting Hunter’s alleged business partner from Kazakhstan

>>>/qresearch/11175349 ANONS can we look at this movie's plot closer?

>>>/qresearch/11175353, >>>/qresearch/11175390 Teach your children the truth about Marxism

>>>/qresearch/11175363 Biden Defector’s Emails Reveal Hunter’s Associates Viewed Direct ‘Pipeline’ to Administration as ‘Currency’

>>>/qresearch/11175372, >>>/qresearch/11175398 Crimson Tide "Its story parallels a real incident during the Cuban Missile Crisis, albeit aboard a Soviet rather than a U.S submarine."

>>>/qresearch/11175381 A new photograph has emerged of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden posing with Hunter Biden and Kenes Rakishev, a Kazakh oligarch

>>>/qresearch/11175383 James Woods

>>>/qresearch/11175392 WH seems to have posted this at same time as last Q drop

>>>/qresearch/11175399 Melania Trump cancels campaign trip due to ‘lingering cough’

>>>/qresearch/11175402 The classic "do what we say and you'll have a position in my Administration".

>>>/qresearch/11175409, >>>/qresearch/11175457, >>>/qresearch/11175533 Trump abruptly ends ’60 Minutes’ interview before taping joint appearance with Pence

>>>/qresearch/11175423 This is moments after she criticized me for not wearing a mask while working at my desk Rules for thee but not for me, Lesley?

>>>/qresearch/11175425 Be ready to launch nukes as soon as order comes in. Highest state of readiness, stay there until Q tells you to stand down.

>>>/qresearch/11175435 6 U.S.C. § 311 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 6. Domestic Security § 311. Definitions

>>>/qresearch/11175470 Giuffre-v-Maxwell


>>>/qresearch/11175527 Hunter Biden’s legal involvement in Romania was first reported in late 2019 by NBC News

>>>/qresearch/11175540 WEB CACHE VERSION for those who can't get to the YARN site

>>>/qresearch/11175586 U.S. Military Movement and National Security Operations

>>>/qresearch/11175590 Here’s What Day The Senate Will Vote To Confirm Amy Coney Barrett

>>>/qresearch/11175603 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Erie, PA 10/20/20

>>>/qresearch/11175636 LOSBR

>>>/qresearch/11175651 Devin Nunes signs set on fire in Dinuba

>>>/qresearch/11175701 President @realDonaldTrump is doing great in Florida

>>>/qresearch/11175767 Repost from other Bread

>>>/qresearch/11175832 Unless they vote Trump, don’t care. They are getting what they voted for. Literally


>>>/qresearch/11176052 #14287

(34 notables, 39 posts, 32 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:51 a.m. No.35311   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11173583 Q Research General #14286: Midnight Riders On Patrol 24/7, Anons Always Watching Edition

Created 201905ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11173649, >>>/qresearch/11173717, >>>/qresearch/11173833 Election integrity links to various states and DJT tweets

>>>/qresearch/11173651, >>>/qresearch/11173676, >>>/qresearch/11173682 Election Law: Death of a Presidential Candidate digg

>>>/qresearch/11173656 Five Alleged MS-13 members charged in 10-count superseding Indictment

>>>/qresearch/11173667, >>>/qresearch/11173677, >>>/qresearch/11173694, >>>/qresearch/11173778 Three Red Banners Dig Biden Harris

>>>/qresearch/11173670 Mollie Hemminway: stopped by the computer shop

>>>/qresearch/11173706, >>>/qresearch/11173861, >>>/qresearch/11173871, >>>/qresearch/11173966, >>>/qresearch/11174205 Patriot bun #14285 / PF

>>>/qresearch/11173761 Patriot bun #14285 / Patriot bun #14285 see what you missed

>>>/qresearch/11173809 Patriot bun #14285 / New Zealand Suffers from Fake News & Propaganda

VIDEO - Tova O'Brien interviews Jami-Lee Ross after Advanc [Channel: Newshub]

>>>/qresearch/11173830 Patriot bun #14285 / New Bill Gives Immunity to Military Over Australians During Emergencies & Canada Internment Camps

>>>/qresearch/11173842 Patriot bun #14285 / Kamala Harris Held Secret Meeting with Planned Parenthood to Target Reporter Who Uncovered Their Harvesting of Late Term Abortion Body Parts

>>>/qresearch/11173850 Patriot bun #14285 / F-18 fighter jet crashes in Kern County, California; Pilot ejects safely

>>>/qresearch/11173870 Patriot bun #14285 / Biden Defector’s Emails Reveal Hunter’s Associates Viewed Direct ‘Pipeline’ to Administration as ‘Currency’

>>>/qresearch/11173909 Patriot bun #14285 / JOHN BRENNAN: How did a card-carrying communist get to be Director of the C.I.A.?

>>>/qresearch/11173945 Patriot bun #14285 / San Diego School District Announces It Will Eliminate Grading Standards To "Combat Racism"

>>>/qresearch/11173953 Patriot bun #14285 / Germany has issued international arrest warrants for the two founders of the firm at the centre of the tax haven scandal exposed by the Panama Papers data leak

>>>/qresearch/11173989 Patriot bun #14285 / Biden Defector Bevan Cooney’s Emails Reveal Hunter Biden’s Associates Viewed Direct Pipeline to Obama Administration as “Currency”

>>>/qresearch/11173993 Patriot bun #14285 / Google CEO Sundar Pichai calls for all Google employees to ‘keep doing what you're doing’ amidst potentially powerful anti-trust lawsuit.

>>>/qresearch/11174030 Patriot bun #14285 / 'Terminal Lance,' Kyle Carpenter and Mattis Just Made the Commandant's Reading List (Book deals)

>>>/qresearch/11174040 Patriot bun #14285 / US Welcomes Russia’s Offer to Extend New START for One Year

>>>/qresearch/11174045 Damaged IC's ability to keep its NOCs OC'd.(re: (PB)

>>>/qresearch/11174076 Patriot bun #14285 / Mainstream Media panic as evidence points to laptop belonging to Robert H. Biden

>>>/qresearch/11174109 USA SITREP: FBI indicted Russian trombone player as a GRU hacker

>>>/qresearch/11174127 Majid Shoukat Khan: multiple charges before a military commission - cooperating witness

>>>/qresearch/11174192 Patriot bun #14285 / FEC Sends Biden Complaint Documenting Donors Who Exceeded Campaign Contribution Limits

>>>/qresearch/11174229 Patriot bun #14285 / Defense Experts Blast Biden’s Taiwan Policy Biden, advisers have sought to cut back support for key U.S. ally

>>>/qresearch/11174236, >>>/qresearch/11174314 Patriot bun #14285 / Microsoft disables most of cybercriminals' control over massive computer network

>>>/qresearch/11174238 Patriot bun #14285 / Biden campaign faces backlash for TV ad depicting Michigan tech CEO as struggling bar owner

(27 notables, 39 posts, 48 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:51 a.m. No.35312   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11176040 Q Research General #14288: October's Crimson Tide makes Red Waves Edition

Created 202133ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11176165, >>>/qresearch/11176652 Congress Just Released The Hunter Biden Report – It Accuses The Biden Family Of Trying To Enrich Themselves

>>>/qresearch/11176167 In Crimson Tide, Hunter (Denzel Washington) is 2nd in command and mutiny is taking place so he MUST take control as the chief of the nuke submarine.

>>>/qresearch/11176204 GOOG Search Algorithm Rigged to Pump QAnon Disinfo - PROOF

>>>/qresearch/11176230, >>>/qresearch/11176471 City of #Shenzhen, China, orders residents to prepare emergency supplies—following CCP leader Xi Jinping order for troops to focus on preparing for war

>>>/qresearch/11176257, >>>/qresearch/11176394 Neilla Hunter Year book Bidens first wife

>>>/qresearch/11176320 Democrats Freak Out Over "Deja Vu" As Biden Lead LESS THAN Hillary, Republicans WINNING Voter Edge

>>>/qresearch/11176421 CNN is teasing BREAKING NEWS that Trump walked out of interview with CBS(?)

>>>/qresearch/11176440, >>>/qresearch/11176504, >>>/qresearch/11176911 MAXWELL UPDATE The deposition and other docs must be publicly posted "no later than" Thursday, Oct. 22 at 9 a.m.

>>>/qresearch/11176523 Twitter Is Nuking Retweets Until After The Election

>>>/qresearch/11176545 Trump Calls Out CBS' Lesley Stahl for 'Not Wearing A Mask at White House'

>>>/qresearch/11176556, >>>/qresearch/11176567 US Navy fighter jet crashes near the Robbers Roost rock formation in East Kern.

>>>/qresearch/11176574, >>>/qresearch/11176628, >>>/qresearch/11176635, >>>/qresearch/11176640, >>>/qresearch/11177141 Patriot Anons Red October

>>>/qresearch/11176588 Patriot Anons Crimson Tide movie clip - Condition 1SQ means Ready to launch

>>>/qresearch/11176604 Stahl is mask-free

>>>/qresearch/11176607 Eric Trump UNREAL!

>>>/qresearch/11176711 Attorney General William Barr Delivers Video Remarks for the Virtual National Law Enforcement Training on Child Exploitation

>>>/qresearch/11176737 Richard Grenell Someone is lurking here…

>>>/qresearch/11176789 Dems in Absolute Panic As Early Data Shatters Narrative in Key States

>>>/qresearch/11176816 Erie, PA KEYSTONE STATE and ONLY PA COUNTY on Lake Erie—Watch The Water

>>>/qresearch/11176861 #VOTEREPUBLICAN We will be taking back the house, securing the senate and keeping the PRESIDENCY! #Trump2020.

>>>/qresearch/11176910 FUD NEWS Food Shortages Hit China: There Is "Not…Enough Fresh Food To Go Around"

>>>/qresearch/11176960 Soros DA

>>>/qresearch/11177077 FBI and DOJ confirm that Biden's laptop not part of 'Russian Disinformation' campaign

>>>/qresearch/11177085 Crimson Tide: Technically Speaking A translation guide for the movie

>>>/qresearch/11177086 Wait…..Eric C was Biden's top Ukraine analyst??

>>>/qresearch/11177199 CRINGE Harris

>>>/qresearch/11177212 George Papadopoulos

>>>/qresearch/11177235 DJT

>>>/qresearch/11177253, >>>/qresearch/11177279 What's going on with E.Musk ??

>>>/qresearch/11177262 [p/b] Set Condition SQ1 Buckle up, buttercups. Somebody is going to be hit by a figurative nuke.

>>>/qresearch/11177296 McConnell has set the stage for Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation vote to happen on October 26th. That is Hillary Clinton's birthday.

>>>/qresearch/11177443 #14286

>>>/qresearch/11177448, >>>/qresearch/11177560 Kamala Harris, CJ McCollum, Donovan Mitchell, and Tobias Harris: The Power of Voting


>>>/qresearch/11177499, >>>/qresearch/11177579 PF

>>>/qresearch/11177639 #14288

(35 notables, 48 posts, 38 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:51 a.m. No.35313   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11176019 Q Research General #14288: Set Condition 1SQ/Done With Your Games Edition

Created 202132ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11176214 @USNavy


>>>/qresearch/11176225 City of #Shenzhen, China, orders residents to prepare emergency supplies—following CCP leader Xi Jinping order for troops to focus on preparing for war.

>>>/qresearch/11176353 Democrats Freak Out Over "Deja Vu" As Biden Lead LESS THAN Hillary, Republicans WINNING Voter Edge

>>>/qresearch/11176368 Three Red Banners

>>>/qresearch/11176404 Orionid Meteor Shower peaks tonight.

>>>/qresearch/11176447 US Navy Twitter Post: @USSConstitution turns 223 years old tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/11176478, >>>/qresearch/11176489 MAXWELL DOCS UPDATE

>>>/qresearch/11176516 Man asked to wear face mask properly inside grocery store hurls homophobic slur at shopper

>>>/qresearch/11176529 How many truck loads of DEM votes do you think they will "find" in library drop boxes

>>>/qresearch/11176546 always liked Mr Cleese’s comedy. Always thought of him as one of the best. I wish these people would quit tweeting their ignorance.

>>>/qresearch/11176575 BREAKING - US Navy fighter jet crashes near the Robbers Roost rock formation in East Kern.

>>>/qresearch/11176605 BREAKING: Twitter Is Nuking Retweets Until After The Election

>>>/qresearch/11176686 This is where the Hunter Biden photos were taken.

>>>/qresearch/11176692 JUST IN: Senate Will Vote Monday on Confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court

>>>/qresearch/11176736 Condition 1SQ is the highest state of readiness on a nuclear submarine

>>>/qresearch/11176757, >>>/qresearch/11176787, >>>/qresearch/11176834, >>>/qresearch/11176907, >>>/qresearch/11177937 This is the end. Self Destruct.

>>>/qresearch/11176771 Handing Lesley Stahl just a small part of what President @realDonaldTrump has done for healthcare in the United States.

>>>/qresearch/11176794 Dems in Absolute Panic As Early Data Shatters Narrative in Key States

>>>/qresearch/11176875 /comms/duplicate #14288

>>>/qresearch/11176899 Food Shortages Hit China: There Is "Not…Enough Fresh Food To Go Around"

>>>/qresearch/11176957, >>>/qresearch/11176998 NEW POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11177155 You can't just go through the motions if you want to be the best.

>>>/qresearch/11177284 #14286

>>>/qresearch/11177304 Crimson Tide: Technically Speaking - A translation guide for the movie

>>>/qresearch/11177359 Trump Admin Announces First Govt Center for Countering Human Trafficking – Reporters Ask ZERO Questions

>>>/qresearch/11177568 LET THE GREAT UNSEALENING BEGIN

>>>/qresearch/11177690 Cooney into protective custody?

>>>/qresearch/11177694 Another Comms Narrative destroyed

>>>/qresearch/11177863 LANDSLIDE!! RECORD BREAKING Numbers!! First Time More Voters Identify With GOP Since 2004

>>>/qresearch/11177948 #14288

(30 notables, 36 posts, 32 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:52 a.m. No.35314   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11177671 Q Research General #14289: Man Your Stations, Be Ready Edition

Created 202237ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11177782 FBI, DOJ Concur with DNI Ratcliffe That Hunter Biden's Laptop and Emails Are NOT Part of a Russian Disinformation Campaign

>>>/qresearch/11177820 Three Red Banners???

>>>/qresearch/11177837, >>>/qresearch/11177855 Q333 Cyber Security Thu 04 Oct 2018 17:14:39 No.333

>>>/qresearch/11177884, >>>/qresearch/11177982 Bevan Cooney qho shared Biden related emails Removed from Oregon detainment facility

>>>/qresearch/11177989, >>>/qresearch/11178296 Patriot Anons CoC - Chain of Command


>>>/qresearch/11178005 John Brennan Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11178116, >>>/qresearch/11178238, >>>/qresearch/11178594 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/11178184, >>>/qresearch/11178226 Sebelius showing her deep state

>>>/qresearch/11178198 Newsome puts the block down on opening DisneyLand

>>>/qresearch/11178305 BREAKING:@Google Ad Exec on possible 2020 Election Interference

>>>/qresearch/11178315, >>>/qresearch/11178425 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes


>>>/qresearch/11178404 ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Google Ads Exec Boasts Company Can Censor ‘Right-Wing’ & Republicans

>>>/qresearch/11178493, >>>/qresearch/11178834, >>>/qresearch/11179039 Rudy talking about the sex stuff with text messag3s

>>>/qresearch/11178546, >>>/qresearch/11178572 FBI in possession of Biden laptops

>>>/qresearch/11178724 WMUR: New Hampshire police investigating letters to Trump supporters threatening to burn down homes

>>>/qresearch/11178811 FBI and DOJ do not believe Hunter Biden laptop part of Russian disinformation campaign

>>>/qresearch/11178917 Trump tower climber escapes from amberlamps

>>>/qresearch/11178930 #14289

>>>/qresearch/11178986 Joe Biden owns a mansion 4min from the computer repair shop. ITS HAPPENING!!!!!!!

(19 notables, 29 posts, 24 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:52 a.m. No.35315   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11164770 Q Research General #14275 edition

Created 200451ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11164806 - GEOTUS, "Where's Hunter?" Connection

>>>/qresearch/11164843 - Pope Francis again called for more female leaders.

>>>/qresearch/11164870 - Funny Video (wholesome)


>>>/qresearch/11164888 - Re Hunter Biden house in L

>>>/qresearch/11164895 - Religious composition of the U.S. Supreme Court

>>>/qresearch/11164900, >>>/qresearch/11164957, >>>/qresearch/11165043 - Soros funded: OCCRP

>>>/qresearch/11164909 - Documents obtained by Fox News appear to show Hunter Biden's signature on paperwork from the Delaware computer repair shop

>>>/qresearch/11164962 - Democratic faggot Governor of Wisconsin is gettin' recalled, frens.

>>>/qresearch/11165093, >>>/qresearch/11165111 - Why Israel has doomed itself to suffer the consequences of their deeds against America and the American People


>>>/qresearch/11165122, >>>/qresearch/11165134 - The Original ‘Antifa’ Was A Jewish Anti-Nazi Militia And BLM is also a Jewish terror group.

>>>/qresearch/11165126 - How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump / Operation Dark Storm - Redpilling Black Twitter on the JQ


>>>/qresearch/11165182 - DE BORCHGRAVE: Geneva gnome’s global dread / Lord Rothschild: My Family Created Israel / Balfour Declaration / Haavara Agreement

>>>/qresearch/11165200 - President Trump: "Today is the best single day that I've felt on either campaign." (AP)

>>>/qresearch/11165241, >>>/qresearch/11165272 - Alan Sabrosky, Ph.D, retired Marine officer and former Director of Studies at the United States Army War College's Strategic Studies Institute says Mossad did 9/11



>>>/qresearch/11165246, >>>/qresearch/11165251 - Remember the words of war hero and legendary patriot General George S. Patton

>>>/qresearch/11165267, >>>/qresearch/11165295, >>>/qresearch/11165301 - NWO is not a nazi world order, according to Q. Think Subgroup

>>>/qresearch/11165326 - Video: “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law”


>>>/qresearch/11165354 - It's called Metzitzah b'peh


>>>/qresearch/11165355, >>>/qresearch/11165444 - #KremlinNarratives: Viktor Medvedchuk on biolabs and colonies

>>>/qresearch/11165356 - TheLeoTerrell - I am on the road for ⁦@realDonaldTrump


>>>/qresearch/11165370, >>>/qresearch/11165407 - Esperanto

>>>/qresearch/11165373 - Roman Arkadyevich Abramovich

>>>/qresearch/11165384 - Resignations in the news 10/19/2020

>>>/qresearch/11165406 - Every Poll is a Goal

>>>/qresearch/11165447 - WHAT IS A COURT JEW?

>>>/qresearch/11165455 - MEET GEORGE SOROS

>>>/qresearch/11165511 - RELEASE THE CURES. END THE MEDICAL CABAL. Heal the people.



>>>/qresearch/11165548 14275

(28 notables, 38 posts, 108 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:52 a.m. No.35316   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11165508 Q Research General #14276: Moonlight Grind Edition

Created 200606ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11165664 – GREAT NEWS, FELLOW VICANONS - THIRD HEAD TO ROLL? Hotel quarantine inquiry seeks explanation from Brett Sutton after emails contradict

>>>/qresearch/11165665 - Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda

>>>/qresearch/11165684 - Proof that Jewish collective power is the main force behind the Islamification of the West

>>>/qresearch/11165704 - Government Audit Reveals 320 NGOs In Greece Aiding And Abetting Third World Invasion Of Europe

>>>/qresearch/11165763 - Jewish and Israeli collective power is not shilling.

>>>/qresearch/11165825 - WHEN VICTIMS RULE: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical


>>>/qresearch/11165833, >>>/qresearch/11165834, >>>/qresearch/11165940 - CHINA and Israel/Jewish collective power are really tight:

>>>/qresearch/11165853, >>>/qresearch/11165859 - Remember the words of war hero and legendary patriot General George S. Patton

>>>/qresearch/11165872 - Sayanimare Jews living outside Israel as foreign citizens that volunteer to provide assistance to the Mossad.

>>>/qresearch/11165928 - EXIF ON HUNTER 3-1 PIC

>>>/qresearch/11166159 - Video Attached: DMT Spirit Projector + Sauce Boss Frequency (Might be fun?)

>>>/qresearch/11166188 - LATEST ON THE GHISLAINE MAXWELL CASE,

>>>/qresearch/11166189 - Jewish collective power is looting the US.

>>>/qresearch/11166213 - There is nothing nazi or anti-Semitic about posting verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion.

>>>/qresearch/11166229 - Low-Flying Helicopters Above D.C. Are Assessing Radiation Prior To Inauguration

>>>/qresearch/11166356 14276

(16 notables, 19 posts, 56 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:53 a.m. No.35317   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11179079 Q Research General #14290: Need Patriot Bakers To Join Us Edition

Created 202329ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11179502 /pb Air Force Ones tail number 90017

>>>/qresearch/11179519 (((The Fonz))) gets together with his pedo pals to back Biden

>>>/qresearch/11179552 75% of US Jews are turncoat traitors and are voting for Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11179639 lb Video of Giuliani explaining pedophilia

>>>/qresearch/11179736 Hunter Biden Was on Payroll of Credit Card Company that Benefited from 2005 Bill Pushed by Dad

>>>/qresearch/11179737 Karl Marx was related to Rothschilds, worked for them (((Marxism)))

>>>/qresearch/11179751 "Unnamed 14-year-old"


>>>/qresearch/11179765 Normie Black American Red-pilling his 300K subscribers to “Q”

>>>/qresearch/11179797 Major Gabbard is reporting for duty in Northern California.

>>>/qresearch/11179798 Top Morgan Stanley commodities executives leave after rules breach

>>>/qresearch/11179846 Free Thinking Intensifies.

>>>/qresearch/11179924 ]MONDAY[

>>>/qresearch/11179927 Worth repeating: Trump campaign is serious about combatting human trafficking

>>>/qresearch/11179975 Should Joe Biden's campaign slogan be "Make China Great Again""? MCGA?

>>>/qresearch/11180243 RudyGiuliani announces he has turned over Hunter Biden hard drive to Delaware State Police due to pictures of underage girls and inappropriate text messages

>>>/qresearch/11180287 CDAN "Who started the "club""?

>>>/qresearch/11180322 #14290

(17 notables, 17 posts, 22 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:53 a.m. No.35318   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11180327 Q Research General #14291: Three RED Banners??? Edition

Created 210032ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11180397 RudyGiuliani tells Newsmax that Hunter Biden had numerous pictures of "underage girls" on the laptop

>>>/qresearch/11180482 Developing: Hunter Biden’s Associate Bevan Cooney Who Shared the Biden Emails Has Been REMOVED from his Prison in Oregon

>>>/qresearch/11180501 What makes a perfect Notable?

>>>/qresearch/11180511 AOC + Ilhan Omar on twitch, pandering to gamers for votes

>>>/qresearch/11180519 President Trump was nominated FOUR times for the Nobel Peace Prize

>>>/qresearch/11180531 Republicans registered double the Democrats in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11180556 Q yarn post NOT in the way back machine

>>>/qresearch/11180575 Greenwald The most active agents of disinformation and propaganda in US politics are current and former members of the intel community.

>>>/qresearch/11180596, >>>/qresearch/11180638 PlaneFag

>>>/qresearch/11180607 How about children pornography charges?? Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11180613 DTJR (33 sec vid)



>>>/qresearch/11180643, >>>/qresearch/11181008, >>>/qresearch/11181095 Clockfag: Remember Las Vegas.

>>>/qresearch/11180660, >>>/qresearch/11180717 Biden Defector’s Emails Reveal Hunter’s Associates Viewed Direct ‘Pipeline’ to Administration as ‘Currency

>>>/qresearch/11180665 Pennsylvanian predicts that President Donald Trump will win in a landslide in November

>>>/qresearch/11180684 Lin Wood twats about Just. John Roberts

>>>/qresearch/11180689 US Senate voting Monday to confirm #Barrett on Supreme Court, Majority Leader McConnell

>>>/qresearch/11180695 Gretchen wearing her snake neckless while destroying Michigan one day at a time

>>>/qresearch/11180696 Onto the next hit piece Trump taxes China

>>>/qresearch/11180769 Wake from your sleep

>>>/qresearch/11180778 FastJack Contact him there about WTF is going on here with the Breads and Bakers for keks

>>>/qresearch/11180806 Beer-man’s Epic Rant aged well

>>>/qresearch/11180867 Germany reportedly issues arrest warrants for founders of Panama Papers firm

>>>/qresearch/11180869 Q Graphics / The MAP

>>>/qresearch/11180877 /pb Air Force Ones tail number 90017

>>>/qresearch/11180898 PLANEFAG POTUS is wheels up from Erie, PA

>>>/qresearch/11180967 FakeNews NYT pivoting from MUH RUSSIA to CHINA.

>>>/qresearch/11180984 Apollo Board Panel to Review Leon Black’s Ties With Jeffrey Epstein

>>>/qresearch/11181052 China + NK > Have Been Counterfeiters of US $s for a Long Time

>>>/qresearch/11181130 I did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016. I am voting for Donald Trump in 2020

>>>/qresearch/11181163 Deep State Wray knows what the Deep State can do to him if he goes after the Biden Crime Family.

>>>/qresearch/11181165 Thank the Good Lord!

>>>/qresearch/11181181, >>>/qresearch/11181186, >>>/qresearch/11181274 lb, lb, lb, Set condition 1 SQ for strategic missile launch. MP4

>>>/qresearch/11181241 Excellent notes from Patriot Anon, Thank you!

>>>/qresearch/11181318 #14291

(35 notables, 41 posts, 46 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:53 a.m. No.35319   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11181321 Q Research General #14293: Q Tells the World Red Red Red Edition

Created 210124ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11181441 Anons notable list for #14291 FINAL

>>>/qresearch/11181444, >>>/qresearch/11181455 two weeks™


>>>/qresearch/11181448 Harris singing in the rain?


>>>/qresearch/11181467, >>>/qresearch/11181657, >>>/qresearch/11181734 Rudy Giuliani reveals new text messages between Hunter Biden and his father, Giuliani says it’s evidence of pedophilia and he has turned over the information to the Delaware State Police.


>>>/qresearch/11181516 Voris Interviews Bannon Today

>>>/qresearch/11181518 PlaneFag SAM910 inbound from San Juan PR

>>>/qresearch/11181541, >>>/qresearch/11181698 Q (lb), , Crimson Tide sounds like a Red Wave to me

>>>/qresearch/11181577 SPREADSHEET & OFF-SITE GALLERIES ARE UPDATED to Q post

>>>/qresearch/11181607, >>>/qresearch/11181620 lb, lb, lb, Set condition 1 SQ for strategic missile launch. MP4


>>>/qresearch/11181616 Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe says we haven't shared any intelligence with Rep. Adam Schiff or any member of Congress

>>>/qresearch/11181644 09-0017 USAF VIP C-32A POTUS on final approach at JBA from Erie, PA

>>>/qresearch/11181683 Biden Campaign Pulls Ad After Truth About Wealthy MI Bar Owner Is Exposed By Conservative Media

>>>/qresearch/11181706 Air force one tail number

>>>/qresearch/11181719 DON'T TREAD ON ME


>>>/qresearch/11181730 The Viper Room

>>>/qresearch/11181737 DJT

>>>/qresearch/11181750, >>>/qresearch/11181771 You didn't think millions of Combat veterans were just going to sit back and watch…. did you?



>>>/qresearch/11181754, >>>/qresearch/11181822 Big Tech goes all in: Silicon Valley launches $100 million anti-Trump ad blitz

>>>/qresearch/11181762 Great thread on all the pushers of "Muh Russia" on Hunter laptop and Giuliani with links and pictures.

>>>/qresearch/11181772 Flint City, MI Council Vice President Maurice Davis just endorsed President Trump for re-election!

>>>/qresearch/11181787 LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #37 >>>/comms/37505

>>>/qresearch/11181795 Trump Confirms More Federal Judges in First Term than Any President in 40 Years

>>>/qresearch/11181819 Biden Campaign Pulls Ad After Truth About Wealthy MI Bar Owner Is Exposed

>>>/qresearch/11181832 GHISLANE documents to be released by 9AM EDT on Thursday.

>>>/qresearch/11181859 Multiple FBI sources…The FBI investigation into the laptop has been ongoing since December of 2019

>>>/qresearch/11181863 FBI agrees with DNI Ratcliffe that Hunter Biden laptop, emails not part of Russian disinformation campaign

>>>/qresearch/11181877, >>>/qresearch/11182065 ClockFag Just cause we are talking RED should point out today is RED (PINK) marker. :28

>>>/qresearch/11181915 James Woods

>>>/qresearch/11181957 Bevan Cooney Moved from Prison Cell after Providing Email Account Exposing Hunter Biden

>>>/qresearch/11181995 Catherine Herridge

>>>/qresearch/11181998 For Night Shift

>>>/qresearch/11182091 pb Watching Crimson Tide. Movie starts off as Day 1 on 10/21Tomorrow is 10/21Zero bubble 1SQ 5:5

>>>/qresearch/11182159 #14292, #14293 went AWOL , #14294

(33 notables, 41 posts, 36 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:54 a.m. No.35320   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11182255 Q Research General #14293: Q Seas Fire WAVES Edition

Created 210213ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11182395, >>>/qresearch/11182411, >>>/qresearch/11182430, >>>/qresearch/11182447 Clinton Harris 2020 website ALIVE EYES ON ANONS

>>>/qresearch/11182416 Vertigo - The Desire to Fall

VIDEO - Halocraft - Vertigo The Desire To Fall ( EP Version ) [Channel: Halocraft]

>>>/qresearch/11182429 Police officer gives badge to Trump

>>>/qresearch/11182484, >>>/qresearch/11182527, >>>/qresearch/11182608, >>>/qresearch/11182661 CONSIDER WHAT YOU NOW KNOW TO BE TRUE

>>>/qresearch/11182492 Zipped files of all Q's posts (est/edt), by month

>>>/qresearch/11182507 Jim Caviezel Evil Is Powerless if the good are unafraid


>>>/qresearch/11182511 PlaneFag

>>>/qresearch/11182566 pb Watching Crimson Tide. Movie starts off as Day 1 on 10/21Tomorrow is 10/21Zero bubble 1SQ 5:5

>>>/qresearch/11182573 DOTARDS BTFO! AGAIN!

>>>/qresearch/11182585 House bills sent to President

>>>/qresearch/11182636 Ex-CIA chief says Russian bots fueled Jade Helm conspiracy theories (2017)

>>>/qresearch/11182641 EA-18G Growler Jammin

>>>/qresearch/11182649 "I guess 50 cent don’t want to end up 20 cent."

>>>/qresearch/11182650 Interesting that Biden announced Harris on 8-11 as well

>>>/qresearch/11182666 CLOCK FAG Flickering Red Light at White House. One Year Delta Mirrored Marker Crimson (RED) Tide

>>>/qresearch/11182669 Peter Madsen, Danish inventor who murdered journalist Kim Wall, recaptured after prison break

>>>/qresearch/11182702 Criminal pedophiles panic as unsealed docs to be revealed 10/22/20

>>>/qresearch/11182715 Yuan hits 27-month high on PBOC guidance, upbeat data

>>>/qresearch/11182716, >>>/qresearch/11182783 Information on Hunter Biden hard drive from POLICE SOURCE here in Delaware.

VIDEO - Buy A Shotgun Song - ft. VP Biden & Darren Criss [Channel: The Gregory Brothers]

>>>/qresearch/11182731 Court Docs Linky

>>>/qresearch/11182930 Cali crime syndicate

>>>/qresearch/11182951 What else would we ever expect from President Donald J. Trump This is going to be the Mother of All October Surprises

>>>/qresearch/11182987 Senate Will Hold Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Vote on Hillary Clinton's Birthday

>>>/qresearch/11183017 "Juanita Broaddrick" drumming up support for US Mil takeover of investigations

>>>/qresearch/11183220 #14292, #14293 went AWOL , #14294

>>>/qresearch/11183271 lb, Gretchen Whitmer admits it: No release from lockdown without a vote for Joe Biden

(26 notables, 33 posts, 33 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:54 a.m. No.35321   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11183228 Q Research General #14295: Consider What You Now Know To Be True Edition

Created 210312ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11183314, >>>/qresearch/11183339, >>>/qresearch/11183348 Radical Islam’s scheme for america via media and us government cooperation



>>>/qresearch/11183320 Joe Biden's base of support in their own words, call for the end of America through a bloody revolution

>>>/qresearch/11183358, >>>/qresearch/11183369 Barack Obama


>>>/qresearch/11183381, >>>/qresearch/11183513, >>>/qresearch/11183618 Clockfags

>>>/qresearch/11183382 Dan Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11183389 Joe Biden's Niece, Caroline Biden, has been in trouble with the law several times….and is an art dealer

>>>/qresearch/11183393 THE GREAT RESET EXPOSED

>>>/qresearch/11183397 Xi Calls on Troops to Prepare for War, Chinese City Orders Residents to Prepare Emergency Supplies

>>>/qresearch/11183399 (2017) REFRESHER time line of Alwaleed's HUMA funding, as well as many other universities: Edinburgh, Cambridge, Georgetown, Beirut, and Cairo.

>>>/qresearch/11183402 Jerome Pesenti / Jérôme Pesenti, VP of AI at FB and founder of IBM Watson led the UK government's AI review (aka AI Sector Deal)

>>>/qresearch/11183411 Prepare for pain NAVY vid


>>>/qresearch/11183425 lb, Gretchen Whitmer admits it: No release from lockdown without a vote for Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11183437 Trump urges his attorney general to launch probe into 'major corruption' of Biden family

>>>/qresearch/11183442 Addicted’ Biden niece blames veep pressure

>>>/qresearch/11183451 HUMA is Harvard University Muslim Association as well as the name of HRC aide.

>>>/qresearch/11183452 The startup owned by Lyric Jain who doxxed


>>>/qresearch/11183528, >>>/qresearch/11183614 CLINTON-HARRIS Website Domain was registered on Aug 11 at 21:11.

>>>/qresearch/11183560 PF

>>>/qresearch/11183570, >>>/qresearch/11183617 General Flynn

>>>/qresearch/11183601 Qanon hit piece in Daily Mail

>>>/qresearch/11183655 Times of Israel

>>>/qresearch/11183711 Maryland health officials are preparing for a two-phase COVID-19 vaccination process

>>>/qresearch/11183715 What does "Set for condition 1SQ" from the movie Crimson Tide mean

>>>/qresearch/11183720 Trump campaign out fundraising the rest. The left seethes openly

>>>/qresearch/11183724 UKRAINE CORRUPTION: Biden, Pelosi, Obama, Soros, Schiff, Bolton, Kerry, Romney, Clinton

>>>/qresearch/11183805 Court Orders Immediate Release Or Transfer 1,700 San Quentin Prison Inmates Over COVID Outbreak

>>>/qresearch/11183843 Sidney Powell

>>>/qresearch/11183873 VOTER FRAUD caught on camera in Germantown, MD


>>>/qresearch/11183901 1 Week Until 3 Year Delta with First Q. "A Week To Remember"

>>>/qresearch/11183902 California's crazy new COVID Christmas rules

>>>/qresearch/11183918 Set condition 1 SQ for strategic missile launch.

>>>/qresearch/11183919, >>>/qresearch/11184024 Secret Service Travel Logs Match Details in Alleged Hunter Biden Emails

>>>/qresearch/11183979 QQQQQ, EYES ON

>>>/qresearch/11184058 THANK YOU POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11184137 #14295,

(36 notables, 44 posts, 59 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:54 a.m. No.35322   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11185069 Q Research General #14297:Watch the Water. H2O Hunter leads 2 Obama EDITION

Created 210559ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11185141, >>>/qresearch/11185154, >>>/qresearch/11185180, >>>/qresearch/11185768 NXIVM member & actress Nicki Clyne reveals 10-year relationship with NXIVM sex-cult leader

>>>/qresearch/11185162 Trump loses bid to block deadline extension for North Carolina ballot

>>>/qresearch/11185189, >>>/qresearch/11185225, >>>/qresearch/11185250, >>>/qresearch/11185271 Schumann resonance has a Q break?

>>>/qresearch/11185194 Secret Service: Hunter Biden Took 411 Flights, Visited 29 Countries, Including 5 Visits to China

>>>/qresearch/11185200 Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>>/qresearch/11185210 Clinton Victory Party Turns to Sorry and Worry (never gets old)

>>>/qresearch/11185214 Adam Schiff Connected to Both Companies Named in $7.4 Billion Burisma-US-Ukraine Corruption Case

>>>/qresearch/11185217 PANIC? The 31 day campaign against Qanon

>>>/qresearch/11185230 Final Presidential Debate with Trump, Biden Starts in 42 hours - October 22, 8:30 PM

>>>/qresearch/11185290, >>>/qresearch/11185294 Why Israel has doomed itself to suffer the consequences of their deeds against America and the American People



>>>/qresearch/11185316 Download all Q posts from October2017 through September 2020 with these three links

>>>/qresearch/11185326 (pb), Three Red Banners.

>>>/qresearch/11185346 Gang Stalking of Targeted Individuals are one single Satanic cult

>>>/qresearch/11185494, >>>/qresearch/11185510 Words cannot express how bad this is for Joe Biden, but these faces can

>>>/qresearch/11185500 Pollster who predicted 2016 result says Trump on track to win again with help of 'hidden' support

>>>/qresearch/11185522 Murphy signs bill to release thousands of N.J. prisoners early beginning the day after Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11185534 Polly on BitChute

>>>/qresearch/11185554 The huge oil discovery in The Golan Heights

>>>/qresearch/11185606 Researcher proposes new theory of consciousness

>>>/qresearch/11185650 The Mystery of the Immaculate Concussion CIA

>>>/qresearch/11185655 Australian writer detained in Beijing told supporter he was a former Chinese spy

>>>/qresearch/11185730 Rudy Giuliani files police report on purported Hunter Biden laptop, alleging child endangerment

>>>/qresearch/11185749 Brazil health minister ill with suspected case of COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/11185764 Attorney General William Barr Delivers Video Remarks for the Virtual National Law Enforcement Training on Child Exploitation

>>>/qresearch/11185792, >>>/qresearch/11185797 Actress Nicki Clyne reveals 10-year relationship with NXIVM sex-cult leader

>>>/qresearch/11185811 GWP: Explicit Photos of Minor in Hunter Biden’s Laptop Were of a Relative — and He Was in Some of the Photos with her

>>>/qresearch/11185825 MP4 - Chinese man seen with Rudi recently? Reporting Hunter videos of underage sex abuse of Chinese girl


>>>/qresearch/11185860, >>>/qresearch/11186023 Link to file of 29 Hunter Biden emails (checked)

>>>/qresearch/11185895, >>>/qresearch/11185904 DS & bad actors in the COVID pandemic were speakers of the 2015 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting

>>>/qresearch/11186133 #14297

(30 notables, 41 posts, 46 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:55 a.m. No.35323   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11184142 Q Research General #14296: October Surprise: Death is Gunning for Traitors Edition

Created 210424ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11184232 "Crimson Tide" first screenshot: United States and Russian Presidents and the captain of a US nuclear submarine takes places on OCTOBER 20TH

>>>/qresearch/11184235 A gunman walked into the "DD" nightclub in Midtown Houston, 5 people were shot, 3 fatally

>>>/qresearch/11184248, >>>/qresearch/11184373 Mark Meadows Informs Court President Authorized Declassification of Documents Did Not Order It…

>>>/qresearch/11184257, >>>/qresearch/11184764 (2014) Guardian mentions Eric C and the Maidan massacre

>>>/qresearch/11184273, >>>/qresearch/11184317, >>>/qresearch/11184398 Leader of Gulf Cartel faction 'Los Xs' arrested in Chihuahua

>>>/qresearch/11184322 Natalie Biden

>>>/qresearch/11184325 American Thinker: Big media has had multiple obsessions during President Trump’s first term from Stormy and Avenatti..

>>>/qresearch/11184331, >>>/qresearch/11184347 Three Red Banners Biden

>>>/qresearch/11184335 China Arming Venezuelan Navy With Anti-Ship Missiles

>>>/qresearch/11184336 I looked through the Biden hard drive | Bernard Kerik

>>>/qresearch/11184342, >>>/qresearch/11184365, >>>/qresearch/11184447, >>>/qresearch/11184519 MSM Delaware police have


>>>/qresearch/11184360, >>>/qresearch/11184441 Does B2 mean Both Bidens?

>>>/qresearch/11184369 Election fraud recaps

>>>/qresearch/11184393 POTUS Schedule for WEDNESDAY October 21, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11184413 Keks

>>>/qresearch/11184415 Taiwan and Its Radar Capabilities Key to the South China Sea as US-China Conflict Heightens

>>>/qresearch/11184440, >>>/qresearch/11184444 The Five-Domains update 5D: Australia has been invited to join the Malabar naval exercise with America, India and Japan

>>>/qresearch/11184463 Thursday's Debate moderator…is a lying whore!

>>>/qresearch/11184480, >>>/qresearch/11184487, >>>/qresearch/11184551 POPs is Biden proof

>>>/qresearch/11184498 Giuliani Drops More Info On The Now Notorious Laptop And Makes The Bannon Revelations Look Tame!

>>>/qresearch/11184524 Dr. Fauci co-owns an Italian restaurant in San Francisco frequented by Nancy and Paul Pelosi

>>>/qresearch/11184528 DEA informant who infiltrated the cartel of the Zetas

>>>/qresearch/11184532, >>>/qresearch/11184573, >>>/qresearch/11184785 MINOR Biden, one of the children of Dead Beau Biden


>>>/qresearch/11184550 WW3 fears explode as US, India, Japan and Australia unite against China in military drills

>>>/qresearch/11184561 LIST of Almond tingling laptop LEAKS?

>>>/qresearch/11184590 A clip from White Squall.

>>>/qresearch/11184626, >>>/qresearch/11184952, >>>/qresearch/11184990 ANONS CRACK it OPEN Watch the Water. H2O Hunter leads 2 Obama

>>>/qresearch/11184637 Trump says Biden would be in jail for corruption if AG Barr weren't so 'nice'

>>>/qresearch/11184661 Blackburn discuss DOJ antitrust case against Google

>>>/qresearch/11184721, >>>/qresearch/11184939 CLINTON-HARRIS2020 site was registered on August 11th

>>>/qresearch/11184723 Epsilon has strengthened into a hurricane as it approaches Bermuda

>>>/qresearch/11184740, >>>/qresearch/11184792 How Traffickers Doubled the US Child Supply, Mass Media Silent as Usual

>>>/qresearch/11184777 James Gunn / Chris Pratt: stones being thrown

>>>/qresearch/11184790 Moar about Rudy dropping the laptop to Delaware PD

>>>/qresearch/11184813 Chuck Schumer News Conference in a few days

>>>/qresearch/11184844, >>>/qresearch/11184872 Considering the "conspiracy theories" that have proved correct, it may be time to rethink the use of the phrase as something intended to automatically discredit

>>>/qresearch/11185051 #14296

(38 notables, 57 posts, 54 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:55 a.m. No.35324   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11186097 Q Research General #14298: Tactical Nukes Are Better - Red October Rain Edition

Created 210835ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11186157 Conspiracy theory QAnon is everywhere, including in podcasts

>>>/qresearch/11186232 Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala: Father is a King, she is Chair of GAVI and Board Member of Twitter, Rockefeller Found. & more

>>>/qresearch/11186408, >>>/qresearch/11186452 Hollywood sign-style Trump letters appear on side of California freeway for second time

>>>/qresearch/11186434 Hillary Clinton: Wikipedia Revision history entries

>>>/qresearch/11186504 Planefags

>>>/qresearch/11186534 Propagation of the Effects of Certain Types of Military Psy Ops In Networked Polulations

>>>/qresearch/11186555 Alleged Vatican payments linked to George Pell case referred to Victorian corruption watchdog

>>>/qresearch/11186612 Access to cash is declining: Reserve Bank moves to preserve benefits of using cash for those who need it

>>>/qresearch/11186677 Mp4 refresher - POTUS on Qanon


>>>/qresearch/11186705 QAnon conspiracy theory explodes ahead of the election

>>>/qresearch/11186753, >>>/qresearch/11186789 Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala diggz

>>>/qresearch/11186858 Blue checkmark: MSM refusing to cover Hunter news isn't helping dismiss the argument for Q

>>>/qresearch/11186889 #14298

(13 notables, 15 posts, 23 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:55 a.m. No.35325   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11180072 Q Research General #14289: I am !a22Tubbaks and This is the REA Edition

Created 210020ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11180300 - #VOTEREPUBLICAN

>>>/qresearch/11180740 - HOLY SHIT. The dam is broken. This is demonic stuff here.


>>>/qresearch/11180853 - Trump's voter registration advantage over Biden may play out on Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11181364 - Adam Housley 1/2 Breaking: Multiple FBI sources…

>>>/qresearch/11181545 - “Live for something rather than die for nothing.” – General George S. Patton

>>>/qresearch/11181564 - Jay Parker Exposes The Satanic Pedophile Cult MK ULTRA

>>>/qresearch/11181931 - Breaking Federal Law Enforcement Confirms Hunter Biden Emails are Authentic

>>>/qresearch/11182149 - Trump supporters receive letters threatening to burn down their homes

>>>/qresearch/11182391, >>>/qresearch/11182426, >>>/qresearch/11182457, >>>/qresearch/11182487, >>>/qresearch/11182515, >>>/qresearch/11182536 - Gary R. Barksdale and the US Post Office

>>>/qresearch/11182829 - Inside Source Alleges Underage Photos Found On Hunter’s Laptop Were of a Member of The Biden Family

>>>/qresearch/11183409, >>>/qresearch/11183483 - Here is a “Who is Joe Biden’s Family”

>>>/qresearch/11183463 - Moar Twitter and Social Media Censorship

>>>/qresearch/11183537 - Ron Johnson asks Secret Service to verify Hunter Biden’s travel history after email bombshell | Just The News

>>>/qresearch/11183565 - Plot to Falsely Link Hunter Biden to Pedophilia and Sex Trafficking

>>>/qresearch/11183723 - Keystone

>>>/qresearch/11183850 - Y = Roths

>>>/qresearch/11184040, >>>/qresearch/11184044 - Resignations in the news 10/20/2020

>>>/qresearch/11184290 - Watching The Waters..

>>>/qresearch/11185111 - Daniel Scavino Jr. Up above—capturing the sea of Patriots for you all to see, at a MAGA rally in Arizona yesterday.

(19 notables, 26 posts, 46 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:55 a.m. No.35326   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11186885 Q Research General #14299: Red October - The Hunting Hunter Edition

Created 211032ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11187023 Is Esper's new plan for the navy enough for the Indo-Pacific?

>>>/qresearch/11187031 Greenwald on Tucker criticizing the media for lack of response to Hunter

>>>/qresearch/11187046 Watch - US Navy’s First ‘Stealth Warship’ Test-Fires SM-2 Missile

>>>/qresearch/11187052, >>>/qresearch/11187056 POTUS' WH is promoting his strong efforts to defeat human trafficking

>>>/qresearch/11187118 Federalist: If Biden Doesn’t Win Resistance Plans ‘Mass Mobilization’ To Shut Down The Country

>>>/qresearch/11187119 GOP Judiciary leaders make plans to hold a markup Tuesday on whether to subpoena Jack Dorsey to testify

>>>/qresearch/11187131 We Didn’t Need the Hunter Biden Revelations to Know It’s Wrong

>>>/qresearch/11187145 General Thomas G. McInerney blames Joe Biden for death of SEAL Team Six

>>>/qresearch/11187175, >>>/qresearch/11187477 Hunter Biden Saga: A WH Meeting - Biden entertained CCP at White House (and dig)

>>>/qresearch/11187202 Trump Administration Sends Rare Warning To Two Major Labor Unions

>>>/qresearch/11187212, >>>/qresearch/11187214, >>>/qresearch/11187301, >>>/qresearch/11187314 Kamala mp4s - Cringe level maximum






>>>/qresearch/11187217 Education Dept Finds Top Uni's Have ‘Massively Under-reported’ Funding From ‘Foreign Adversaries’

>>>/qresearch/11187283 Sperry - Doc reveals Biden family friend admits "finding employment" for Hunter on Wall Street

>>>/qresearch/11187313 Frank Figliuzzi On QAnon: ‘This Doesn’t Go Away Merely If Trump Goes Away’

>>>/qresearch/11187321 Schumer Mp4 - Discredited conspiracy theories against Obama and Biden


>>>/qresearch/11187349 Fightin' words from Olberman - mp4


>>>/qresearch/11187654 Glenn Reynolds wrote a column for USA today on the Hunter Biden matter. The paper wouldn't print it. So he posted it at Instapundit

>>>/qresearch/11187669 Here are @GavinNewsom’s covid rules for Christmas now


>>>/qresearch/11187696, >>>/qresearch/11187832 Biden laptop reporting

>>>/qresearch/11187723 Hillarys a comin

>>>/qresearch/11187836 Every Marxist has to answer the question

>>>/qresearch/11187852 Wittmer admits no release from lockdown without a vote for Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11187953 House GOPers question ballot security in 2 major cities, 1 county after errors

>>>/qresearch/11187972 #14299

(24 notables, 30 posts, 20 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:56 a.m. No.35327   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11188828 Q Research General #14301: You Only Get One Chance To Be Here Edition

Created 211348ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11188864, >>>/qresearch/11188933, >>>/qresearch/11189075, >>>/qresearch/11189439 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>>/qresearch/11188871 #VOTEREPUBLICAN We will be taking back the house, securing the senate and keeping the PRESIDENCY! #Trump2020.

>>>/qresearch/11188883, >>>/qresearch/11189041 Moar on Keith Olbermann calls for Trump to get the death penalty, one for every COVID death


>>>/qresearch/11188908, >>>/qresearch/11188964, >>>/qresearch/11189140 Officials tell AP that OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma will plead guilty to federal charges, agree to $8 billion-plus deal

>>>/qresearch/11188922 Here's a Sampling of the Hunter Biden Texts Giuliani Turned Over to the Police

>>>/qresearch/11188968, >>>/qresearch/11189064, >>>/qresearch/11189417 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/11188980, >>>/qresearch/11189254 The same statute that granted Rod Rosenstein the power to appoint Mueller, is the same one that has allowed for Huber, Durham, How sweet is that revenge

>>>/qresearch/11188981 Echoes of 1930s Germany' found in corporate social agendas

>>>/qresearch/11189030 DEA cracks down on violent crime, takes aim at Mexican Drug Cartels

>>>/qresearch/11189047 US MILITARY Tweets and News

>>>/qresearch/11189051, >>>/qresearch/11189079 Justin Trudeau is threating a Re-election over a Day-Motion that investigates where the PANDEMIC funds went to…

>>>/qresearch/11189073 @JackFlynn tweet

>>>/qresearch/11189103, >>>/qresearch/11189470 Hillary Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11189138 GA They are going to start shuttling people in for the rally at 10 this morning. Closing roads the commissioner is a good friend says they are expecting 40 thousand plus

>>>/qresearch/11189170, >>>/qresearch/11189191 First Lady Melania Tweets plan for Native Americans, Pres T and Bill Barr engaged with it too pdf.


>>>/qresearch/11189193 ClintonHarris twitter live is it real?

>>>/qresearch/11189211 Rudy and Bannon live interview

>>>/qresearch/11189247, >>>/qresearch/11189267, >>>/qresearch/11189392 Anti-human trafficking groups push politicians, media companies to fight QAnon conspiracy theories

>>>/qresearch/11189260 "Pope" Francis endorses same sex civil unions for the first time

>>>/qresearch/11189271 Early voting starts today in Wisconsin!

>>>/qresearch/11189281 CNN talking head is now admitting "Biden DOES have a problem!"


>>>/qresearch/11189294 Ivanka Trump tweets

>>>/qresearch/11189339 Troy Aikman Tweets about empty stadiums

>>>/qresearch/11189360 Crimson Tied notes /Q drops


>>>/qresearch/11189435 Another Amber Alert Florissant, MO

>>>/qresearch/11189448 Secratary Pompeo goes Live at 11

>>>/qresearch/11189479 Zetas founder ready for extradition to US Jaime Gonzalez Duran

>>>/qresearch/11189480 @JusticeDept Attorney General Barr is in #Memphis today to discuss #OperationLegend and public safety with our law enforcement partners.

>>>/qresearch/11189481 No raping of Chinese Children on Hunter laptop, according to John Cardillo

>>>/qresearch/11189502 Arrest warrants issued for founders of Panama Papers firm: report

>>>/qresearch/11189543 Putin Says He’d Work With Biden – Praises Democrat Party’s “Shared Values” With Communism

>>>/qresearch/11189557 Senate Committee/Homeland Security and Government Affairs releasing their report “Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns”


>>>/qresearch/11189593 DeBlasio's legacy

>>>/qresearch/11189614 Forbes article. MSM/DNC machine. Synopsis: RNC pays for services at Trump properties.

>>>/qresearch/11189623 #14301,

(35 notables, 49 posts, 66 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:56 a.m. No.35328   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11187992 Q Research General #14300: Patriot Bakers Hold The Line Edition

Created 211238ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11188040 Criminals stealing Trump signs


>>>/qresearch/11188111 David Daleiden outs Kamala Harris connection to PP


>>>/qresearch/11188133 Richard B Russell discussion

>>>/qresearch/11188147 Intel Air & Sea

>>>/qresearch/11188173 @adamhousley I do things my own way…I don't base my reporting on what Rudy says….that way I can report with certainty.More is coming. More is coming

>>>/qresearch/11188248, >>>/qresearch/11188356, >>>/qresearch/11188471 Brainstorm movie Discussion

>>>/qresearch/11188273 operational head of DHS anti human trafficking fusion center of excellence is SES exec Angie Salazar

>>>/qresearch/11188281, >>>/qresearch/11188391 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>>/qresearch/11188288 This is "the head" of the group in Trier (Germany) in the ex cold war bunker… What a mess! Herman Johan Xennt

>>>/qresearch/11188303, >>>/qresearch/11188369 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/11188320 snippet from the official Trip Report from Biden's official visit with Xi in 2013

>>>/qresearch/11188335 Jack Flynn twat responding to Grenell. Nothing will happen. Nothing. Will. Happen.

>>>/qresearch/11188465 clinton-harris2020 site legit?

>>>/qresearch/11188496 GOP's invented Hunter Biden scandal isn't going away: Are they shooting for 2022 already?

>>>/qresearch/11188497 PayPal to allow cryptocurrency buying, selling and shopping on its network

>>>/qresearch/11188517 Global Resolution of Civil and Criminal Liability Matter DOJ press conference at 11est.

>>>/qresearch/11188518 Instagram refuses to remove ‘black art’ depicting severed heads of white people citing ‘differences of expression’

>>>/qresearch/11188522 Crimson Tide Movie Notes

>>>/qresearch/11188544 Report: Explicit Photos of Minor in Hunter Biden’s Laptop Were of a Relative — and He Was in Some of the Photos WITH HER

>>>/qresearch/11188550 ObamaGate Movie | With Dean Cain & Kristy Swanson

VIDEO - ObamaGate Movie | With Dean Cain & Kristy Swanson | Co-Produced By The Unreported Story Society [Channel: The Ann and Phelim Scoop]

>>>/qresearch/11188638, >>>/qresearch/11188664 latest Q drop discussion

>>>/qresearch/11188641 Missing Child ALERT Georgetown TX

>>>/qresearch/11188643 Michael Voris of Church Militant and Steve Bannon. Exclusive Interview

>>>/qresearch/11188644 Financefag reports

>>>/qresearch/11188715 Obamagate notes

>>>/qresearch/11188717 Secretary Mike Pompeo holds a press briefing. Starts 11:00 AM EST.

>>>/qresearch/11188732 They are starting their Lawfare campaign in line with their election wargaming.

>>>/qresearch/11188752, >>>/qresearch/11188809 USMC on guard.

>>>/qresearch/11188807 NY Post Publishes Photo of Joe Biden With Hunter's Kazakh Business Partner.

>>>/qresearch/11188823 #14300

(30 notables, 36 posts, 41 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:56 a.m. No.35329   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11189638 Q Research General #14302: Rudy's Roughnecks Edition

Created 211457ZOCT20



>>>/qresearch/11189691 Secret Service Travel Records Confirm Hunter Biden Trips Detailed In Emails-thefederalist

>>>/qresearch/11189711 Hillbags Twat "They didn't slip. They were pushed."

>>>/qresearch/11189715 KANSAS Live

>>>/qresearch/11189717 Bannon on 17


>>>/qresearch/11189733 The History of

>>>/qresearch/11189793 Chanel Rion OAN "reporters have now viewed the emails, photos, and videos on the #HunterBiden hard drive."

>>>/qresearch/11189798 Sterling jumps 1.7% as Brexit talks resume-reuters

>>>/qresearch/11189827 US Senate will Vote to Confirm Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court on Hillary Clinton’s Birthday-gatewaypundit

>>>/qresearch/11189830, >>>/qresearch/11189842, >>>/qresearch/11190049 Herridge@CBS "Senate oversight asking for records on Hunter Biden travel"


>>>/qresearch/11189880 Pope endorses same-sex civil unions in new documentary film

>>>/qresearch/11189887 Brennan Twat "Moscow was once the world’s best & most persistent purveyor of disinformation…."

>>>/qresearch/11189895 U.S.Secret Service Twat "Do you live near Nashville, TN?"

>>>/qresearch/11189912 redacted name on Hunter's text is NATALIE BIDEN

>>>/qresearch/11189917 DHS Wolf makes speech on combating sex exploitation / trafficking

>>>/qresearch/11189992 Report Shows More than 40% of Florida's Covid-19 Deaths May Not Merit that Classification-api

>>>/qresearch/11190040, >>>/qresearch/11190104 Disturbing deepfake tool on popular messaging app Telegram is forging NUDE images of underage girls from clothed photos on their social media-dailymail

>>>/qresearch/11190060 Justice Dept Twat “Just as the Department prosecutes illicit drug traffickers, the Department is committed to doing the same with respect to abuse and diversion of prescription opioids.– DAG Rosen"

>>>/qresearch/11190099, >>>/qresearch/11190114 Op Ed "This Is How the Left's Power Structure Collapses"

>>>/qresearch/11190102 Hillbags Twat "Vote for an end to this jaw-dropping corruption."

>>>/qresearch/11190118 U.S. Navy Twat "Special delivery Package"

>>>/qresearch/11190137 Joe Biden Broke the Law by NOT Notifying Officials of Hunter’s Naked Crack Smoking and Sexual Abuse of Minors (VIDEO)-gatewaypundit

>>>/qresearch/11190153, >>>/qresearch/11190176, >>>/qresearch/11190198 Haitian Migrants Surging Into U.S., Say Feds in Texas-breitbart

>>>/qresearch/11190212 K. McEnany reacts to being 'censored' on twatter

>>>/qresearch/11190251, >>>/qresearch/11190260 President Trump Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11190293 Charles Payne: Market Researchers Show President Donald Trump Has 87% Chance of Winning Election

>>>/qresearch/11190316 Mark Meadows: Biden Family Involved in Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in Money Laundering Schemes

>>>/qresearch/11190349 Left-Wing Saul Alinsky Tactics with Dinesh D'Souza

>>>/qresearch/11190391 @Google Head of Global Competitive Analysis “The truth is that these platforms are influencing you in a way that you didn’t sign up for.”

>>>/qresearch/11190430 #14302

(30 notables, 37 posts, 40 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:57 a.m. No.35330   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11190436 Q Research General #14303: Pops took 30 cents Edition

Created 211610ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11190488, >>>/qresearch/11190572 Google tech chief - Platforms are influencing you in a way you didn't sign up for

>>>/qresearch/11190499, >>>/qresearch/11190520, >>>/qresearch/11190835, >>>/qresearch/11190916 Biden Campaign symbolism

>>>/qresearch/11190515 Joe Biden broke the law by not reporting Hunter Biden's child endangerment admission

>>>/qresearch/11190543 More Q / anon tweets

>>>/qresearch/11190544 Blacks for Trump

>>>/qresearch/11190551 Evergreen symbolism

>>>/qresearch/11190576 House of Reps bill to condemn Q / anons

>>>/qresearch/11190580 Voter Fraud?


>>>/qresearch/11190602 More than half of Trump Support grounded in Q Research

>>>/qresearch/11190619 Chinese Gov fakes over 450 million social media comments a year

>>>/qresearch/11190629 Joe Biden "They're trying to smear me and my family" but won't deny emails are real

>>>/qresearch/11190666 Instagram refuses to remove 'art' depicting severed human heads

>>>/qresearch/11190680, >>>/qresearch/11190766 Biden Family Crimes punted on by Delaware AG Kathy Jennings (Call to digg)

>>>/qresearch/11190684 CIA's infiltration of churches and news organizations

>>>/qresearch/11190710, >>>/qresearch/11190717 Vatican dealing with China, refuses to disclose details

>>>/qresearch/11190723 Giuliani claims Hunter Biden laptop contained 'numerous' explicit pictures of underage girls Anon report

>>>/qresearch/11190727 Fauci quotes 'The Godfather' in trying to defend himself against Trump

>>>/qresearch/11190737 Is 'BHO' the 'big guy'? Anon opine

>>>/qresearch/11190744, >>>/qresearch/11190776 Bannon - "It's all coming out (Biden) in 'living color'" (Youtube video)


>>>/qresearch/11190759, >>>/qresearch/11190793 GMAX docs to be unsealed tomorrow 10/22/2020

>>>/qresearch/11190764 DOJ seizes more domain names

>>>/qresearch/11190797 NYC vaccine strategy

>>>/qresearch/11190826, >>>/qresearch/11190906 FakeNews trying to save Jeffery Toobin career after he masturbates on a conference call with other colleagues

>>>/qresearch/11190843 United States is arguably the largest private army in the world

>>>/qresearch/11190857, >>>/qresearch/11191106 OSS details Comms manipulation of anons and QResearch

>>>/qresearch/11190872 Steve Bannon tweets about Q / anons

>>>/qresearch/11190893 Anon opines about current situation with Q Tweets and Rush Limbaugh commentary

>>>/qresearch/11190922 UK qualified immunity being questioned for undercover agents

>>>/qresearch/11190923 Kamala Harris waving to no one


>>>/qresearch/11190929, >>>/qresearch/11190982 Hunter Biden signature on Laptop repair order verified

>>>/qresearch/11190940, >>>/qresearch/11191002 Incoming smears on Rudy G from fakenews

>>>/qresearch/11190978, >>>/qresearch/11191125 Clinton / Harris 2020?

>>>/qresearch/11190987 Jim Jordan tweet - 5 facts confirm Biden emails

>>>/qresearch/11191000 Pictures of naked underage girl on Hunter Biden laptop were of Biden family member (incest?)

>>>/qresearch/11191021 Digg on AZ Gov Doug Ducey

>>>/qresearch/11191026 Virginia man used China Virus loan to buy luxury car

>>>/qresearch/11191053, >>>/qresearch/11191055 There is Q and there are anons. There is no QAnon

>>>/qresearch/11191083 Exposing Satanism

>>>/qresearch/11191087 Dinesh D'Souza - Joe Biden's pawing and sniffing little children takes on ominous new signigicance

>>>/qresearch/11191090 Digg on Perdue Pharma Sackler family

>>>/qresearch/11191114 Notable Tweets from DemiGod Ric Grenell and Senator Ron Johnson

>>>/qresearch/11191183 14303

(42 notables, 56 posts, 69 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:57 a.m. No.35331   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11191193 Q Research General #14304: Anons Worldwide Edition

Created 211714ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11191293, >>>/qresearch/11191397, >>>/qresearch/11191418 GMAX sex testimony to be released tomorrow 10/22/20 at 9am EST

>>>/qresearch/11191306 James Woods Tweet - "Hello," he lied

>>>/qresearch/11191322 40% of China Virus deaths might be misclassified

>>>/qresearch/11191323 Richard Grenell retweet - It's getting super uncomfortable for Maggie Haberman

>>>/qresearch/11191338 Justice Dept announces global resolution with Purdue Pharma over opioids

>>>/qresearch/11191345 Trump Card documentary: excerpt of Obama's gay lover


>>>/qresearch/11191350 Cop arrested for using his own kids in porn production

>>>/qresearch/11191374 IMF manipulating US Stock Market and global financial markets

>>>/qresearch/11191394 Planefags implicated in Comms con on anons

>>>/qresearch/11191422 Stay the course anons

>>>/qresearch/11191430 Q has chosen anon breads over comms multiple times

>>>/qresearch/11191431, >>>/qresearch/11191497 Dinesh D'souza - Ilhan Omar is ISIS with lipstick (video)


>>>/qresearch/11191444, >>>/qresearch/11191545 Canadian Citizen sent Washington State ballot


>>>/qresearch/11191478 Rothschilds financial crimes

>>>/qresearch/11191487 Dem Jim Clyburn - ACB confirmation will throw Supreme Court back to days of segregation/slavery

>>>/qresearch/11191529 Prepare from 1sq (cap from Q post)


>>>/qresearch/11191536 Voter Fraud? (Video)

>>>/qresearch/11191555 O'Keefe / Project Veritas - Google admits "Platforms are influencing you in a way you didn't sign up for

>>>/qresearch/11191570 Bolton, England - 21 arrested in Child Sex Explotation ring investigation

>>>/qresearch/11191571 OANN investigates 'The Fall of Joe Biden'


>>>/qresearch/11191579 Biden supporter arrested after shooting at Trump Supporter truck that honked it's horn at him

>>>/qresearch/11191585 UK paid 320 Million pounds to CCP linked first during China Virus

>>>/qresearch/11191596 Giuliani claims he turned over 'disgusting' photos from Hunter Biden laptop to Deleware State Police

>>>/qresearch/11191603 Twitter allows unsubstantiated hit piece on Trump to trend but blocks users from sharing Hunter Biden information

>>>/qresearch/11191631 China Virus Lockdown in Australia kills 4 newborns because of travel restrictions

>>>/qresearch/11191653 'Joe Biden cannot be President. Dems must put Country before Party'

>>>/qresearch/11191654 #14304

>>>/qresearch/11191664 Paypal jumping into cryptocurrency

>>>/qresearch/11191693 11,000 Allegheny County (NY) voters told their registration is cancelled due to incorrect info

>>>/qresearch/11191707 Despite Twitter/Facebook censorship, Hunter Biden topped Social Media (Streisand effect)

>>>/qresearch/11191720 FakeNews? anons decide

>>>/qresearch/11191725 Pope Francis endorses same sex civil union laws

>>>/qresearch/11191727 Anon opines with Q Posts

>>>/qresearch/11191764 POTUS thanks Keyboard Warriors (from May 14, 2020)

>>>/qresearch/11191805, >>>/qresearch/11191905 Call to digg on Delaware AG Kathy Jennings (punted on Hunter Biden investigation)

>>>/qresearch/11191812 Soros lackey fesses up

>>>/qresearch/11191823 VP Pence in Portsmouth, NH live

>>>/qresearch/11191848 President Trump signs into law the Veterans Care Quality Transparency Act

>>>/qresearch/11191850 Hunter Biden laptop repair tech under FBI investigation?

>>>/qresearch/11191856 Rothschilds filed China Virus test system patent in 2015, well ahead of China Virus

>>>/qresearch/11191891 Twitter censoring Sean Hannity

>>>/qresearch/11191904 Tom Fitton live talking Biden Crime Family

>>>/qresearch/11191911 Former Tech Boss says - Mute Trump social media till after election

>>>/qresearch/11191921 Jim Jordan says his Staff has independently authenticated Hunter Biden EmailsSCORCH

>>>/qresearch/11191957, >>>/qresearch/11191977 GOP outpaces Dems in first two days of early voting in Florida

>>>/qresearch/11191999 Yahoo scrapes the gutter with Huffpost hit piece

>>>/qresearch/11192003 USAA Bank fined 85 Million $ for 'Violations of Law'

>>>/qresearch/11192033 US Def Sec visits notorious Atlantic Council? WTF?

>>>/qresearch/11192042 POTUS Tweet trolls Lesley Stahl HARD

>>>/qresearch/11192045 Diggs on Kamala Harris (Steve Philips / Susan Sandler)

>>>/qresearch/11192048 Kamala Harris Husband "I am married to the nextPresidentof the United States


>>>/qresearch/11192061 More on the Rudy G drive by

>>>/qresearch/11192062 Pray for each other

>>>/qresearch/11192086 John Roberts on Orgy Island?

>>>/qresearch/11192101 ————————————–——– All [3] movies playing simultaneously?

>>>/qresearch/11192129 #14304,

(56 notables, 62 posts, 84 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11192101

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:57 a.m. No.35332   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11192107 Q Research General #14305: We are Unity Edition

Created 211824ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11192227 ————————————–——– Twitter has been given the green light to blanket censor all content deemed to threaten their SURVIVAL [election].

>>>/qresearch/11192260 GEOTUS TWEETS

>>>/qresearch/11192303 Far Left Debate Commission Proposes BANNING ALL CONTENT

>>>/qresearch/11192321 White House pushing for stimulus deal within next 48 hours

>>>/qresearch/11192326, >>>/qresearch/11192329 - "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."


VIDEO - Harold Wallace Rosenthal jewish Tyranny [Channel: Tony Farrell]

>>>/qresearch/11192330 ————————————–——– re-drop Corruption in DC > How to Get Rich

>>>/qresearch/11192370 - The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

>>>/qresearch/11192402 ————————————–——– re-drop You didn't think we highlighted 'Epstein' for no reason did you?

>>>/qresearch/11192505 ————————————–——– Sometimes you cant TELL the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM

>>>/qresearch/11192571 - Netanyahu plunged to new depths in submarine scandal vote – analysis

>>>/qresearch/11192597, >>>/qresearch/11192736 ————————————–——– Freedom of information [truth] = END ( ANON: )

>>>/qresearch/11192602 ————————————–——– The 4 pillars of the Democrat party (the media)

>>>/qresearch/11192741 ————————————–——– ABC News told us it was just a gym -Epstein Island Temple

>>>/qresearch/11192787 14305

>>>/qresearch/11192872 ————————————–——– Bill Mahr Production Company -Kid Love Production

>>>/qresearch/11192896 ————————————–——– Patton Oswalt -Checking in at Comet Ping Ping (pizzagate)

>>>/qresearch/11192898 Sun 10.18.2020

>>>/qresearch/11192967 ————————————–——– Young Anderson Cooper and Mom (Human Sacrifice Symbolism)

(18 notables, 20 posts, 22 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11192227, >>>/qresearch/11192330, >>>/qresearch/11192402, >>>/qresearch/11192505, >>>/qresearch/11192602, >>>/qresearch/11192736, >>>/qresearch/11192741, >>>/qresearch/11192872, >>>/qresearch/11192896, >>>/qresearch/11192967

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:57 a.m. No.35333   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11192944 Q Research General #14306: Standing Together Edition

Created 211853ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11193040 ————————————–——– A dark world is being exposed / The truth won't be for everyone / Have faith in Humanity

>>>/qresearch/11193095 NSA tweet about Pizzagate?

>>>/qresearch/11193128 Anon with Q post - Truth and Transparency are the only way

>>>/qresearch/11193169 Anon puts together all Church Q drops

>>>/qresearch/11193181 ————————————–——– Inappropriate to you? Normal to them? Dark secrets ( CAP : )

>>>/qresearch/11193252 Beau Biden let Dupont heir (rape) walk in Deleware as AG

>>>/qresearch/11193332 Secret Service logs match details in Hunter Biden emails

>>>/qresearch/11193377, >>>/qresearch/11193431 ————————————–——– Underage Biden Family Member - FBI can no longer protect? ( CAP : )

>>>/qresearch/11193379 Senate Dems block 'skinny' China Virus Bill

>>>/qresearch/11193419 Q Post screen cap Chanel Rion

>>>/qresearch/11193619 Look here, not there (Biden Video)


>>>/qresearch/11193635 Harris Husband calling Kamala 'next President'

>>>/qresearch/11193676 Tips on decoding comms

>>>/qresearch/11193746 14306

(14 notables, 15 posts, 10 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11193040, >>>/qresearch/11193181, >>>/qresearch/11193377

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:58 a.m. No.35334   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11193545 Q Research General #14307: Did you Buckle up? Edition

Created 211911ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11193799 17 posts in a row in non comms bread

>>>/qresearch/11193810 Summary of Crimson Tide Movie

>>>/qresearch/11193833 Biden Campaign photos

>>>/qresearch/11193854 Kamala Harris Husband - "I am married to the next President of the United States"

>>>/qresearch/11193868 Caleb Hull tweeting about Q being accurate

>>>/qresearch/11193875, >>>/qresearch/11193893 Gen Flynn 10 minute delta drop

>>>/qresearch/11193892 GOP Senators request Hunter Biden Secret Service Travel Docs

>>>/qresearch/11193913 Revenge Porn unlawful yet Twitter lets it go on Rudy G issue

>>>/qresearch/11193963 ————————————–——– Inappropriate to you? Normal to them? Dark secrets ( CAP : )

>>>/qresearch/11194018 Center for countering Human Trafficking

>>>/qresearch/11194036 Biden Granddaughters in creepy interview

VIDEO - WATCH: Biden’s granddaughters speak about their grandfather’s run for president [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>>/qresearch/11194038 Patton Oswalt laughing about Rudy G

>>>/qresearch/11194050 Bernard Kerik on Biden (live broadcast)

>>>/qresearch/11194056 NASA to make major Lunar announcment

>>>/qresearch/11194063 Trump supporters at Gastonia Airport rally - Security Guards not letting Q / Anon gear through


>>>/qresearch/11194064 Facebook Newsroom post on QANON

>>>/qresearch/11194145 Comms analysis after they are shut out of Q posting in their moldy bread

>>>/qresearch/11194149 Ghana President exposes permanent world lockdown plot

>>>/qresearch/11194175 Anon has question about Leslie Stahl interview pic

>>>/qresearch/11194194 More evergreen comms

>>>/qresearch/11194228 Anon opines - Hunter's moon - Oct 31

>>>/qresearch/11194261 Yemen's never ending war

>>>/qresearch/11194262, >>>/qresearch/11194273, >>>/qresearch/11194288, >>>/qresearch/11194311, >>>/qresearch/11194320 Biden memes

>>>/qresearch/11194292 Patton Oswald is a sick demon

>>>/qresearch/11194327 AG Barr announces updates to 'Operation Legend'

>>>/qresearch/11194335 Arizona Gov Doug Ducey digg

>>>/qresearch/11194341 Gen Flynn 'Stand with Me'

>>>/qresearch/11194389, >>>/qresearch/11194412, >>>/qresearch/11194471 Comms update

>>>/qresearch/11194455 Scott Adams questions Dems manipulation of American Public to regain power

>>>/qresearch/11194523 #14307,

(30 notables, 37 posts, 44 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:58 a.m. No.35335   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11194518 Q Research General #14308: The Legend of Anon Edition

Created 211953ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11194616, >>>/qresearch/11194628 /comms/ faggotry

>>>/qresearch/11194619 DOJ: Google Paid Mobile Carriers $1 Billion Last Year to Dominate Smartphone Searches

>>>/qresearch/11194640 Ballot Thefts Reported In Two Portland-Metro Suburbs

>>>/qresearch/11194648 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Gastonia, NC 10-21-20

>>>/qresearch/11194677 Fallout Begins: One Of Apollo's Biggest Investors Halts New Commitments Over Leon Black's Epstein Ties

>>>/qresearch/11194682 Ghislaine Maxwell testimony (400 pages) released by tomorrow 9am.

>>>/qresearch/11194705 More ballot fraud.

>>>/qresearch/11194743 Viral 'nodding lady' from Trump town hall says her employees are getting hate mail because she supports the president

>>>/qresearch/11194767 Sen. Lindsey Graham Wants an Investigation Into ActBlue's Sources of Cash

>>>/qresearch/11194811 Israel's Internet Censorship War (JIDF)

VIDEO - Wikipedia - Israel's Internet Censorship War (JID [Channel: FILTHY GOYIM 2.0]

>>>/qresearch/11194822 Rudy Giuliani files police report on purported Hunter Biden laptop, alleging child endangerment

>>>/qresearch/11194873 Smoking Gun Email from Hunter’s Laptop Proves Bidens Were Paid to Shut Down Burisma Investigation and Make It Go Away

>>>/qresearch/11194963 BO responds to current BakerWars

>>>/qresearch/11195031 Obama Live

>>>/qresearch/11195138 OUT OF SHADOWS DOCUMENTARY

>>>/qresearch/11195253 Take a bow, Anons! kek


(17 notables, 18 posts, 19 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:58 a.m. No.35336   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11195308 Q Research General #14309: Your Legend Continues Edition

Created 212038ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11195447 Obummer Speaks

>>>/qresearch/11195462 /POL/ CALLED AN AIR-STRIKE (Worth a watch, perspective) Q came here for a reason


>>>/qresearch/11195477 The Latest Biden Ad Is the BIG Lie

>>>/qresearch/11195479 EDNY and Pennsylvania US Attorney

>>>/qresearch/11195501, >>>/qresearch/11195527 Rudy G story was FAKE NEWS!

>>>/qresearch/11195519 GEOTUS TWEETS

>>>/qresearch/11195582 How Bloomberg’s Digital Army Is Still Fighting for Democrats

>>>/qresearch/11195593 The White House, Office of the Press Secretary

>>>/qresearch/11195683 P1 CIA agents sold by Biden, over 60 people were massacred by the CCP


>>>/qresearch/11195761 "Hunter Biden Hit With $450K Tax Lien, Is Resolved Despite …"

>>>/qresearch/11195797 We are not afraid’: France rallies despite tragedy

>>>/qresearch/11196165 14309

VIDEO - [60fps Full風] Meltdown 炉心融解 - Kagamine Rin 鏡音リン Project DIVA English Romaji Dreamy theater ドリーミーシアター [Channel: googoo888]

(13 notables, 14 posts, 18 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:58 a.m. No.35337   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11196061 Q Research General #14310: And The World Will Know Your Name Anon Senpai Edition

Created 212125ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11196214 GEOTUS TWEET

>>>/qresearch/11196244, >>>/qresearch/11196337 EYES ON Luntz….


>>>/qresearch/11196321 This proud American has a message to fellow Latino voters


>>>/qresearch/11196333 President Donald J. Trump signed Executive Grants of Clemency to commute the sentences

>>>/qresearch/11196368 Meet The 24-Yr-Old Actress Hired By Borat to Seduce Rudy Giuliani For Hi

>>>/qresearch/11196430 Democrats to boycott Senate Judiciary vote on ACB

>>>/qresearch/11196455 President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure

>>>/qresearch/11196513, >>>/qresearch/11196560 Rudy Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11196519 ELECTION INTERFERENCE

>>>/qresearch/11196577 Hunter Biden Was on Payroll of Credit Card Company That Benefited from 2005 Bill Pushed by Dad

>>>/qresearch/11196622 600 Jewish Groups Support BLM In New York Times Ad - On Page 17

>>>/qresearch/11196666 Documentary: Mob Rule in Seattle

>>>/qresearch/11196809 #14310,

(14 notables, 16 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:59 a.m. No.35338   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11196855 Q Research General #14311:Together Invincible Edition

Created 212218ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11197066 Frank Luntz just ended his career which should have ended four long years ago…..

>>>/qresearch/11197150 GEOTUS TWEETS

>>>/qresearch/11197154, >>>/qresearch/11197248 FBI "accidently" posts Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion

>>>/qresearch/11197167, >>>/qresearch/11197204 OBUMMER LOOKING A BIT NERVOUS WOULDN'T YA THINK?

>>>/qresearch/11197181 President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Gastonia, NC 10-21-20

>>>/qresearch/11197253 ————————————–——– The Swamp Runs Deep


>>>/qresearch/11197286 RABBI ARYEH SPERO PRAYS FOR UNITY


>>>/qresearch/11197395 Former Governor and Navy SEAL Eric Greitens Launches New Nightly Program “Actionable Intelligence” on America’s Voice

>>>/qresearch/11197400 How The JEWISH COMMUNISM SCAM Is Used To Destroy Nations

>>>/qresearch/11197450 How Marxism was DEMOLISHED….BY JEWISH SCHOLARS

>>>/qresearch/11197549 US State Department Approves Costly Missile Arms Sales to Taiwan

>>>/qresearch/11197742 14311

VIDEO - 【東方Vocal】 「Secret Garden + Scarlet Serenade」 Eternal Melody [Channel: Arturia Pendragon]

(13 notables, 15 posts, 13 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11197253

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:59 a.m. No.35339   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11198524 Q Research General #14313: WE ARE Q Edition

Created 212342ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11198618, >>>/qresearch/11198628 BREAKING: FBI confirms Iran is sending fake emails posing as 'Proud Boys' to help Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11198688 Obama, Muslim Brotherhood, Iran, Mossad and Israel

>>>/qresearch/11198720 The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations (speculation)

>>>/qresearch/11198734 Police bust alleged childcare scam

>>>/qresearch/11198753 Former Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israeli Collaboration with ISIS in Syria


>>>/qresearch/11198781 JFK QUOTE (REAL)

>>>/qresearch/11198791 Signing Statement from President Donald J. Trump on S. 881

>>>/qresearch/11198817 THE ROTHSCHILD BLOODLINE


>>>/qresearch/11198850 THE ROCKEFELLER BLOODLINE


>>>/qresearch/11198890 GEOTUS LIVE RSBN

>>>/qresearch/11198923 THE LI BLOODLINE


>>>/qresearch/11198924 Speaking of the Holocaust, you can verify that the official version of the Holocaust is a fraud here



>>>/qresearch/11199028 Dr. Sabrosky is an American Patriot of Jewish heritage


>>>/qresearch/11199326 14313

(14 notables, 15 posts, 37 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:59 a.m. No.35340   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11199338 Q Research General #14314: Helping Hands Edition

Created 220020ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11199380, >>>/qresearch/11199438, >>>/qresearch/11199459 POTUS: "Keep your eyes open…" "There's a reason for things not happening…"

>>>/qresearch/11199397 FBI Statement

>>>/qresearch/11199409 Breitbart quoting Radcliffe

>>>/qresearch/11199412 Possible 'steel/steele' comms among DS players

>>>/qresearch/11199415, >>>/qresearch/11199432 Timeline Ties the Bidens, Soros and Even Barack Obama to Ukrainian Affairs Starting in 2014

>>>/qresearch/11199423 Judge Amy Coney Barrett meets with GOP senators

>>>/qresearch/11199444 Pope calls for civil unions for same-sex couples, in major departure from Vatican doctrine

>>>/qresearch/11199448, >>>/qresearch/11199565 Pelosi Predicts Democrats Take White House, Both Chambers of Congress — ‘We Will Increase Our Numbers in the House’

>>>/qresearch/11199461 Department of Justice Releases Report on its Efforts to Disrupt, Dismantle, and Destroy MS-13

>>>/qresearch/11199475 Baking Seminar #37 for all anons Thurs 7pm ET: >>>/comms/37505

>>>/qresearch/11199486 Rudy Giuliani Calls ‘Borat’ Gotcha Moment ‘a Complete Fabrication’ and Attempt to Thwart Biden Investigation

>>>/qresearch/11199509 US Intelligence Claims Russia, Iran Acting to Influence 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/11199536 China Disinformation Ops Target Top GOP Lawmaker

>>>/qresearch/11199550, >>>/qresearch/11199572 ————————————–——– Client? Political pundit [pollster] for sale? Do you see how it works? ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE (Cap: )

>>>/qresearch/11199552 Anonymous Source Who Confirms Joe Biden Is INVOLVED IN HUNTER BIDEN PAY FOR PLAY DEALS Is Ready to Go Public…

>>>/qresearch/11199575 FBI holds ‘major’ election security news conference

>>>/qresearch/11199618 POTUS sign off rally, Q signs on anon observation

>>>/qresearch/11199624 New York Post's Twitter account remains locked one week after publishing Hunter Biden laptop story

>>>/qresearch/11199731 Planefag

>>>/qresearch/11199778 Democratic Senate Candidate in Iowa Accused of Breaking Campaign Finance Rules — Charged with Breaking FEC Rules

>>>/qresearch/11199850 Democrats panicky as early voting data indicate mail-in balloting not matching narrative of massive blue wave

>>>/qresearch/11199868 They were setting up the narrative


>>>/qresearch/11200027 #14314

(24 notables, 29 posts, 23 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11199550

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 1:59 a.m. No.35341   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11200023 Q Research General #14315: Q Exposes the Client Edition

Created 220053ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11200113 ————————————–——– #MeToo lost all credibility when they refused to support Tara Reade coming forward re: claims of sexual assault by Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11200116 ————————————–——– Epstein, Maxwell, A deep dark world is being exposed. The truth won't be for everyone. Have faith in Humanity.

>>>/qresearch/11200154 OAN One America News Investigates: The Fall of Joe Biden, 10/24 and 25, 10:30EST, with R. Giuliani

>>>/qresearch/11200167 Clockfag confirming Q: I 'member PROOF

>>>/qresearch/11200216 James Woods


>>>/qresearch/11200234 Tara Reade is writing a memoir about the turbulent journey she has taken since coming forward with her allegation that her former boss Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993.

>>>/qresearch/11200253 Examining Tara Reade’s Sexual Assault Allegation Against Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11200256 Q just went zero Delta

>>>/qresearch/11200276 Europol: Police in Europe, Latin America Crack Down on Trafficking

>>>/qresearch/11200356 "Matthew McConaughey Reveals He Was Sexually Abused as a Teen in New Memoir "

>>>/qresearch/11200405 Meet NBC News’ Brandy Zadrozny — The Woman In Charge of Doxxing and Destroying Trump Supporters

>>>/qresearch/11200419, >>>/qresearch/11200434 Barry Soetoro has 3 visitors to his rally

>>>/qresearch/11200458 CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo Caught Violating His Own Brother's Mask Order, Humiliated by Tucker

>>>/qresearch/11200485 Obama calms himself Beijing Barry. Asks is to imagine him having a secret bank account in China

>>>/qresearch/11200504 RED OCTOBER.


>>>/qresearch/11200553, >>>/qresearch/11200576, >>>/qresearch/11200586, >>>/qresearch/11200628, >>>/qresearch/11200656, >>>/qresearch/11200693 ANONs analyzing Q photo "anybody see the door?"

>>>/qresearch/11200609 They’re losing control of the narrative and it’s glorious.

>>>/qresearch/11200616 Look at the traitor trying to spin the FBI presser


>>>/qresearch/11200742 Jack Flynn tweets something VERY interesting - "NWO plans exposed"

>>>/qresearch/11200746 PF

>>>/qresearch/11200840 ————————————–——– Hunter Biden laptop linked to money laundering probe. (CAP: )

(23 notables, 29 posts, 28 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11200113, >>>/qresearch/11200116, >>>/qresearch/11200840

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2 a.m. No.35342   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11197657 Q Research Generall #14312: Trust In Yourselves, the Swamp runs Deep Edition

Created 212302ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11197808, >>>/qresearch/11197823 Chris Wray’s FBI about to punch the time clock

>>>/qresearch/11197832, >>>/qresearch/11198039 JIDF/Mossad

>>>/qresearch/11197861, >>>/qresearch/11197867 GEOTUS LIVE!!!!

>>>/qresearch/11197878, >>>/qresearch/11197886 The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations



>>>/qresearch/11197922 China and Israel Collective Power

>>>/qresearch/11198037 Lord Rothschild: My Family Created Israel , Israel envoy urges Hungary to halt anti-Soros campaign

>>>/qresearch/11198085 U.S. imposes new Iran sanctions that may spook European banks

>>>/qresearch/11198122 /QRESEARCH/ WELCOME PAGE

>>>/qresearch/11198156 Link between Saul Alinsky and the Roman Catholic Jesuits.

>>>/qresearch/11198187 PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes


>>>/qresearch/11198199 Antifa is a terrorist group in the blood-soaked Bolshevik tradition

>>>/qresearch/11198296 #OperationLegend update—

>>>/qresearch/11198367 CM tweeted about Project ODIN & what it is to be used for

>>>/qresearch/11198496 14312

(14 notables, 18 posts, 43 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2 a.m. No.35343   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11187771 Q Research General #14291 Fixed Edition

Created 211214ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11200908 ————————————–——– Hunter Biden laptop linked to money laundering probe. (CAP: )

>>>/qresearch/11201288, >>>/qresearch/11201396, >>>/qresearch/11201749 ————————————–——– Dearest Virginia - We stand with you. ( CAP: )

>>>/qresearch/11201576 Tomorrow at 9am 400 pages of Ghislaine Maxwell testimony released

>>>/qresearch/11201629 Jeremy Herb Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11201761 Laptop connected to Hunter Biden linked to FBI money laundering probe

>>>/qresearch/11201801 New York lawmaker, a Democrat, arrested for alleged pills-for-sex scheme

>>>/qresearch/11202027 ————————————–——– BOOMS EN_ROUTE TOMORROW. This is not a drill.

>>>/qresearch/11202198 14291 ##, 14316, 14316

(8 notables, 10 posts, 9 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11201288, >>>/qresearch/11202027

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2 a.m. No.35344   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11202282 Q Research General #14316: The All Father Awaits Edition

Created 220227ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11202412, >>>/qresearch/11202625 ————————————–——– Christopher Wray ( CAP : )

>>>/qresearch/11202481 Lincoln Project Appears To Have Helped Iranian Disinformation Effort Go Viral

>>>/qresearch/11202551 ————————————–——– Non_CIA_background next?

>>>/qresearch/11202598, >>>/qresearch/11202674 President Trump is reportedly considering firing FBI Director Chris Wray

>>>/qresearch/11202692, >>>/qresearch/11202929 ————————————–——– FBI Deputy Director, David Bowdich ( CAP : )

>>>/qresearch/11202727 Trump: Fake News CNN, MSDNC Want to ‘Scare the Hell Out of Everyone’ with ‘COVID’

>>>/qresearch/11202743, >>>/qresearch/11202754, >>>/qresearch/11202831, >>>/qresearch/11202867 David_Bowdich diggs

>>>/qresearch/11202817 ————————————–——– CIA Deputy Director Vaughn Bishop swearing in ceremony

>>>/qresearch/11202827 GOP Senator Ron Johnson Asks DOJ IG Horowitz to Open Investigation Into FBI’s Handling of Hunter Biden’s Laptop

>>>/qresearch/11202858, >>>/qresearch/11202990, >>>/qresearch/11203096 Vaughn_Bishop

>>>/qresearch/11202873 Donald Trump: We Beat the ‘Really Stupid’ Never Trumpers and RINOS

>>>/qresearch/11202919, >>>/qresearch/11203007 ————————————–——– Jill Tyson, FBI, Assistant Director, Office of Congressional Affairs ( CAP : )

>>>/qresearch/11202958 Why Are Other Social Media Stocks Rising On Snap Inc’s Earnings Report

>>>/qresearch/11203012 FBI expresses 'grave concerns' over accuracy of Republican surveillance memo

>>>/qresearch/11203025, >>>/qresearch/11203049 ————————————–——– Alan E. Kohler, Jr., FBI, Assistant Director, Counterintelligence Division (Cap: )

>>>/qresearch/11203042 (You) Russian consulate says notified by US authorities about detention of Russian national

>>>/qresearch/11203229 Judicial Watch: FBI General Counsel Talked to Hillary Clinton’s Lawyer about Comey’s Letter on Weiner Laptop Clinton Emails

(17 notables, 27 posts, 22 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11202412, >>>/qresearch/11202551, >>>/qresearch/11202692, >>>/qresearch/11202817, >>>/qresearch/11202919, >>>/qresearch/11203025

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:01 a.m. No.35345   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11203142 Q Research General #14317: Where We Go One We Go All Edition

Created 220251ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11203435 The Lincoln Project is full or morons

>>>/qresearch/11203447 Bowdich Press Conference on Chinese Hackers

>>>/qresearch/11203465 Kohler - He served as an assistant legal attaché in London beginning in 2012, acting as the FBI’s liaison with British intelligence and law enforcement agencies.

>>>/qresearch/11203473 Ghislaine Maxwell interview transcripts to be released Thursday

>>>/qresearch/11203496, >>>/qresearch/11203580, >>>/qresearch/11203834, >>>/qresearch/11204078 Vaughn Bishop Diggs

>>>/qresearch/11203497 Jill C Tyson appointed By Director Wray

>>>/qresearch/11203508 Was this the target in Q's drop 968?

>>>/qresearch/11203588 Baker requested repost from previous bread

>>>/qresearch/11203603 In 2018 alone, more than 23,000 human trafficking victimswere identified in the United States.

>>>/qresearch/11203614 BUN 14286 - 14312

>>>/qresearch/11203632 [C]los[I]ng [A]ct?

>>>/qresearch/11203641 Trump signs statement about space weather. Storm incoming?

>>>/qresearch/11203657, >>>/qresearch/11203722 14291 ##, 14316, 14316

>>>/qresearch/11203688 Trump Bans Convicted Felons, Gang Members from Securing Asylum in U.S

>>>/qresearch/11203706 Aged care royal commission hears there are around 50 sexual assaults a week of residents nationally

>>>/qresearch/11203750 That is Joshua Ryan Vogelsong dressed as his creep alter ego, Donna Slash

>>>/qresearch/11203754 Daryl Maguire’s corrupt hands extend to the federal government who have been secretly dragging their feet on a federal anti-corruption commission

>>>/qresearch/11203765 Executive Order on Creating Schedule F In The Excepted Service

>>>/qresearch/11203770 BREAKING: President Trump's Support At New High In Tightening Race, Latest IBD/TIPP Poll Finds

>>>/qresearch/11203783 Quibi is reportedly shutting down

>>>/qresearch/11203789 We believe Joe Biden has Parkinson's Disease We found new evidence and now can explain those "viral gaffes"


>>>/qresearch/11203794 Uncooperative World Leaders Targeted For Removal As Early As November

>>>/qresearch/11203799 NBC reporter @BrandyZadrozny appears to use paid, dark-data search engines to dox the personal information of anonymous Trump supporters online - obtaining PROPERTY RECORDS, PHONE information, and even their AMAZON WISH LISTS"

>>>/qresearch/11203816 PROOF : Australia Govt Now Forced To Admit #HydroxyChloroquine as to the many benefits in curing patients with #COVID19

>>>/qresearch/11203866, >>>/qresearch/11203928, >>>/qresearch/11203942, >>>/qresearch/11203964, >>>/qresearch/11204017 Bishop to D5, Q ?

>>>/qresearch/11203898 Mysterious “Donald Trump Watch” Website — With Offices in China — Reveals Addresses of Local Trump Donors for Antifa and BLM Terrorist Targeting

>>>/qresearch/11203905 BROWARD co. FL is a target of this voting fraud as is NY, CA, OR, WA

>>>/qresearch/11203906 Gen 3:22 "And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:"

>>>/qresearch/11203919 Cry moar Rachel

>>>/qresearch/11203930 OAN Obtains Hunter Biden’s Emails with Jack Posobiec - Video

>>>/qresearch/11203937 Holy Earthquake in Sichuan, near Three Gorges Dam - WATCH THE WATER

>>>/qresearch/11203955 Project Lincoln is FAKE and Gay

>>>/qresearch/11203958 I finally got the FBI to start investigating a laptop they have had for over 8 months.

>>>/qresearch/11203976 APT41, the China-based hacking operation spanning the world

>>>/qresearch/11203977 Two key #polls show @JoeBiden tumbling and @realDonaldTrump rising, 49%-46%

>>>/qresearch/11203983 So Mr. Kohler really gets around.

>>>/qresearch/11203999 Patriot Missile Battery Suddenly Appears At Small Regional Airport In Texas

>>>/qresearch/11204034 Call For Graphics: Romania/Biden

>>>/qresearch/11204062 And now @ProjectLincoln is getting backing from Qatar.


>>>/qresearch/11204065 on May 9, 2014, Alan Kohler returned to the Cambridge Intelligence Seminar, again to talk about the Illegals Program.

>>>/qresearch/11204070 NEW RUDY EPISODE DESCRIBING PHOTOS - Video

>>>/qresearch/11204087 Victims Refuse Silence

>>>/qresearch/11204095 Jack Flynn tweets something VERY interesting - "NWO plans exposed"

>>>/qresearch/11204096 that a 4 10 20 as well? - clock

>>>/qresearch/11204103 This is how the SES goes away- they only report to the Office of Personnel Management.

>>>/qresearch/11204118 14317 , 14318 , 14319

(46 notables, 54 posts, 65 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:01 a.m. No.35346   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11203991 Q Research General #14318: TOGETHER YOU ARE UNSTOPPABLE Edition

Created 220331ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11204211, >>>/qresearch/11204256, >>>/qresearch/11204336, >>>/qresearch/11204349 #ProjectSafeChildhood October 21

>>>/qresearch/11204240 Gina Cheri Haspel (Walker) Profile is pretty much locked down.

>>>/qresearch/11204281 D5 Avalanche incoming!

>>>/qresearch/11204309, >>>/qresearch/11204326, >>>/qresearch/11204393, >>>/qresearch/11204643, >>>/qresearch/11204667, >>>/qresearch/11204700, >>>/qresearch/11204724, >>>/qresearch/11204731 (bun) Hunter Real Estate purchases in the area?

>>>/qresearch/11204323 Mr. Lude said there could be as many as 100 hard drives by the time we're done


>>>/qresearch/11204347 These are children of God.. - The Podesta POPE

>>>/qresearch/11204371 Tucker ripping Fredo a new asshole! top kek

>>>/qresearch/11204382 Voters express concerns after receiving more than 1 ballot for general election

>>>/qresearch/11204395 For a look at the Justice Department filing that shows @ProjectLincoln co-founder John Weaver was a registered agent last year for the Russian government's ROSATOM, which builds the nuclear warheads Putin has aimed at us

>>>/qresearch/11204439, >>>/qresearch/11204623, >>>/qresearch/11204645 Bombshell Statement: Biden Insider Claims He Was ‘Recipient of the Email’, Says He Witnessed Joe, Hunter Discussing Deals

>>>/qresearch/11204498 DOJ DISSOLVES PURDUE PHARMA

>>>/qresearch/11204576 What are Joe Biden’s dealings in Romania, invoked by Donald Trump’s lawyer?

>>>/qresearch/11204577 14317 , 14318 , 14319

>>>/qresearch/11204592 Hollywood’s Latest Get Out the Vote Effort: Dressing Up as Chickens

>>>/qresearch/11204621 Maxwell document has been posted, here's the link


>>>/qresearch/11204637 Pipelines to 9/11 (breddy yuge)

>>>/qresearch/11204683 Alan E. Kohler, Jr. Assistant Director, Counterintelligence Division


>>>/qresearch/11204759 General Michael Flynn to Lift Sanctions and Promote a Joint Project with Russia to Build Nuclear ☢️ Reactor in The Middle East

>>>/qresearch/11204773 Some notable members on Twitter's Board of Directors

>>>/qresearch/11204822 Final Trump vs Biden Debate

(23 notables, 35 posts, 53 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:01 a.m. No.35347   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11200818 Q Research General #14316: Tara's Brave Truth, Now Q'd Edition

Created 220131ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11200922, >>>/qresearch/11200928, >>>/qresearch/11200957, >>>/qresearch/11201003, >>>/qresearch/11201018, >>>/qresearch/11201960 (You), , think the image that Q combined with the Weinstein/Epstein/Maxwell party image is a Q drop from today

>>>/qresearch/11200924 Video from late Q

>>>/qresearch/11200987, >>>/qresearch/11200993, >>>/qresearch/11201069 Hunter Biden laptop linked to FBI Money Laundering probe

>>>/qresearch/11201013, >>>/qresearch/11201117, >>>/qresearch/11201134, >>>/qresearch/11201138, >>>/qresearch/11201142, >>>/qresearch/11202449 (You), , There is an overlay of a concrete wall in Q's Picture.

>>>/qresearch/11201057 Ron Johnson calling on IG Michael Horowitz to look into FBI’s handling of the Hunter Biden laptop

>>>/qresearch/11201064, >>>/qresearch/11201072, >>>/qresearch/11201078, >>>/qresearch/11201100 Anyone confirm this RT time w/Drop

>>>/qresearch/11201089 Over 1 million absentees in Wisconsin- over 50% of total 2016 turnout in dem counties

>>>/qresearch/11201099 Kamala Harris repeating the same dumbass line

>>>/qresearch/11201116, >>>/qresearch/11202470 Ghislaine Maxwell interview transcripts to be released Thursday

>>>/qresearch/11201132 AOC signaling again?

>>>/qresearch/11201196 PLANE FAG 09-0017 USAF C-32A departed Ft. Bragg ne

>>>/qresearch/11201285 China lifts yuan midpoint for sixth day to highest since July 2018

>>>/qresearch/11201330 POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11201335 POTUS Schedule for THURSDAY October 22, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11201340 Epstein Maxwell pedophile cabal panic moar

>>>/qresearch/11201483 Biden crimes, crimes against children and delaware ag Kathy Jennings

>>>/qresearch/11201526 (2016) al Smith dinner At 3:40 mark Trump says, “This is some corney stuff.

VIDEO - Trump roasts Clinton at Al Smith charity dinner [Channel: CBS News]

>>>/qresearch/11201648 PF

>>>/qresearch/11201790, >>>/qresearch/11201847 Virginia Giuffre Q post tweets

>>>/qresearch/11201823 Paul Pelosi jr has a ukraine problem just like Hunter Biden and Devon Archer

>>>/qresearch/11201902 UKRAINE CORRUPTION: Biden, Pelosi, Obama, Soros, Schiff, Bolton, Kerry, Romney, Clinton

>>>/qresearch/11202055 Deep State is already laying down the ground work.

>>>/qresearch/11202119 PAUL PELOSI JR, JOHN KERRY 'VISIT' CHYNA

>>>/qresearch/11202540 OxyContin maker to plead guilty to federal criminal charges $8 billion damages

>>>/qresearch/11202714 Man charged with threatening to kidnap, kill Biden and Kamala Harris

>>>/qresearch/11202790 How teen runaway Virginia Roberts became one of Jeffrey Epstein's victims

(26 notables, 43 posts, 54 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:01 a.m. No.35348   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11205738 Q Research General #14320: WHOOPS Edition

Created 220545ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11205767 ————————————–——– Financial disclosures ( CAP: )

>>>/qresearch/11205781 Bannon Deltas with Q Drop?

>>>/qresearch/11205785 POTUS BOOMs at Rally 10/21

>>>/qresearch/11205786 Ukrainian members of parliament have demanded the presidents of Ukraine and the United States

>>>/qresearch/11205796 Virtual Open Hearing on Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories Online

>>>/qresearch/11205807 Everything is safely offline with preserved timestamps (Thank you ArchiveAnon!)

>>>/qresearch/11205811 Danish minister who apologised for 'drunk and stupid' sex with 15-year-old girl reported for rape

>>>/qresearch/11205842 James Woods Tweeting about Director Wray

>>>/qresearch/11205849 NYP Biden China Deal -Story

>>>/qresearch/11205851 Awesome Pro-Trump vid

>>>/qresearch/11205864 Someone many breads back today mentioned this platform of possible cabal comms

>>>/qresearch/11205877 Tweet: BREAKING: Chuck Schumer has announced that Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee will boycott tomorrow's vote on Amy Coney Barrett

>>>/qresearch/11205901 Charlie Hebdo cartoons, including the one of prophet Mohammed, projected onto Montpellier government building in France.

>>>/qresearch/11205905 Diggs on Board of Directors of Facebook

>>>/qresearch/11205933 Waiting for the Three Gorges to burst

>>>/qresearch/11205943 Bobulinski’s statement in full (already in notables but wth)

>>>/qresearch/11205954, >>>/qresearch/11206291 Ukraine did not trust FBI liaison or DOJ liaison in Kiev because they knew NABU was colluding with them

>>>/qresearch/11206002 REPORT: Adam Schiff is a Fucking Liar

>>>/qresearch/11206042 Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s main fight for the next few months will be to get President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee

>>>/qresearch/11206107 FWIW the CEO of the Beau Biden Foundation is Joshua Alcorn (CORN)

>>>/qresearch/11206116 The Atlantic further confirms how retarded they are, probably cant even Tri-Force

>>>/qresearch/11206164 Re-Notable Adam Housley Tweet BOOMs tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/11206196 Looks like Biden was PAID to play hardball with Ukraine….

>>>/qresearch/11206203 Natalie Biden -Another possible red Kabbalah bracelet?

>>>/qresearch/11206223 AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine trial Brazil volunteerdies, trial to continue

>>>/qresearch/11206250 Who the fuck is Uncle Johnny?

>>>/qresearch/11206292, >>>/qresearch/11206370 ————————————–——– Did Hussein contact Matt Murray in attempt to persuade not to publish? ( CAP: )

>>>/qresearch/11206323 Killary is vile even in regular conversations…

>>>/qresearch/11206339 Indian Government writes a stern letter to @Twitter CEO @jack over misrepresentation of the map of Jammu & Kashmir/Ladakh being shown as part of China

>>>/qresearch/11206420 Wonderland

>>>/qresearch/11206443 14320, 14321, 14322

(31 notables, 33 posts, 41 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11206292

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:02 a.m. No.35349   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11204861 Q Research General #14319: BOOMS INCOMING? WHAT IS PROJECT ODIN? Edition

Created 220431ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11205003 Australia Post CEO asked to stand aside pending investigation into $12,000 Cartier watch spend

>>>/qresearch/11205109 Pompeo said planning to declare international human rights groups ‘anti-Semitic’

>>>/qresearch/11205162 Former Hunter Biden Associate in Fear for His Life


>>>/qresearch/11205176 Joe Biden scored $16 million in income after leaving White House

>>>/qresearch/11205190 China Disinformation Ops Target Top GOP Lawmaker

>>>/qresearch/11205251 Hunter biz partner confirms e-mail, details Joe Biden’s push to make millions from China: Goodwin

>>>/qresearch/11205275 EU Doesn’t Want to Give Britain Brexit Deal that Doesn’t Suit Them, Politician Says

>>>/qresearch/11205289 TikTok bans ‘white nationalism’ and ‘misinformation’ about Jews

>>>/qresearch/11205352 4 and 1/2 minutes of Ron Paul's breakdown on Bringing the troops home and those who are supposed to implement his policy..

>>>/qresearch/11205420 Beijing Readying "Retaliation List" After US Names 6 More Chinese Outlets As Foreign Missions

>>>/qresearch/11205590 Zionist Congress headed for showdown over top jobs (VOTE THEM OUT)

>>>/qresearch/11205650, >>>/qresearch/11205704 ————————————–——– Biden insider claims he was witness (Cap: )

>>>/qresearch/11205730 14317 , 14318 , 14319

>>>/qresearch/11205743 ————————————–——– Financial disclosures ( CAP: )

(15 notables, 16 posts, 30 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11205650, >>>/qresearch/11205743

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:02 a.m. No.35350   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11207957 Q Research General #14323:

Created 220957ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11208234 Trump Bans Convicted Felons, Gang Members from Securing Asylum in U.S.

>>>/qresearch/11208279 Project Time: Biden private investigation intelligence report (pdf)

>>>/qresearch/11208331 Ghislaine Maxwell deposition to be unsealed by 9am Eastern.

>>>/qresearch/11208360 Lincoln Project Appears To Have Helped Iranian Disinformation Effort Go Viral

>>>/qresearch/11208419 COVID vaccine trial volunteer dies in Brazil

>>>/qresearch/11208456 Yair Netanyahu Tweets : Ehud barak together with the insane deep state in this country….

>>>/qresearch/11208555, >>>/qresearch/11208724 Painting a Picture? Enemies Closer? Gina Haspel

>>>/qresearch/11208560 Notice the Fascist Flag–Burn that flag and see what happens. PENNY WOG. Look her up!

>>>/qresearch/11208592 Is this the real reason they’ve been hidin’ Biden before the debate?

>>>/qresearch/11208599 President Trump holds an edge over Joe Biden (D) in battleground Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11208605, >>>/qresearch/11208613, >>>/qresearch/11208702 NEW GEOTUS TWEETS - "Virginia!"

>>>/qresearch/11208617 Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre tweeted QAnon slogans just before new Ghislaine Maxwell evidence is due to be unsealed

>>>/qresearch/11208778 14323, 14324, 14236

(13 notables, 16 posts, 14 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:02 a.m. No.35351   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11208749 Q Research General #14323: Feel No Fear, You Are Safe Here Edition

Created 221128ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11208926, >>>/qresearch/11208979 MS GINA GREW UP IN THE UK

>>>/qresearch/11208951 BIDEN LETTER PLOT THICKENS

>>>/qresearch/11208963 JOHN O BRENNAN TWEETS

>>>/qresearch/11208973, >>>/qresearch/11209037 BILLS PRESENTED TO PRESIDENT:

>>>/qresearch/11208990 LA Fines Catholic Church Behind Coronavirus Restriction Lawsuit (Watch CA QD 3418)

>>>/qresearch/11208993 Hunter Biden Business Partner, A Pro-Democrat Navy Veteran: Hunter Asked Dad To ‘Sign-Off’ On Deals

>>>/qresearch/11209020 Hot mail: Letters threaten to burn down homes of Trump supporters

>>>/qresearch/11209025 Kamala Harris Claims 220 Million Americans have Died in the LAST SEVERAL MONTHS

>>>/qresearch/11209028 'Pastel QAnon,' where pro-Trump conspiracy theories meet New Age spirituality

>>>/qresearch/11209031 Topless teen-girl photos on 'Biden' laptop? Delaware police reportedly investigating

>>>/qresearch/11209066 ‘FAMILY BUSINESS’ Hunter Biden gave dad a 10% cut of business deals and called Joe Biden ‘my chairman’, ex-pal claims

>>>/qresearch/11209068 "Meet the Bidens

>>>/qresearch/11209085, >>>/qresearch/11209372 -NEW GEOTUS TWEET

>>>/qresearch/11209226 Freed/Flipped > 70% Corrupt using Lindsey Graham as an example.

>>>/qresearch/11209229 Man pleads guilty to arson for Sweet Creek Fire near Mapleton, sentenced to 10 years

>>>/qresearch/11209245 LA Fines Catholic Church Behind Coronavirus Restriction Lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/11209248 BlackRock Reports Third Quarter 2020

>>>/qresearch/11209258 FBI Docs: Laptop Was Already Tagged for 2019 'Money Laundering' Probe

>>>/qresearch/11209305 John Roberts: Statement from fame Lt. Tony Bobulinski - a business associate of Hunter Biden - obtained by ⁦@FoxNews

>>>/qresearch/11209307 Joe Biden Meeting with Hunter’s Business Partner Devon Archer in VP Office 5 Days Before Going to Ukraine to Sign Burisma Deal

>>>/qresearch/11209309, >>>/qresearch/11209328 PDF live NOW! They are literally uploading these docs as we speak.

>>>/qresearch/11209327 Democratic Senate Candidate in Iowa Accused of Breaking Campaign Finance Rules — Charged

>>>/qresearch/11209334 False Flag: James Dale Reed

>>>/qresearch/11209356 Media outlets offer bizarre defenses for CNN star Jeffrey Toobin amid masturbation scandal



>>>/qresearch/11209514 We have Ghislaine Maxwell's unsealed deposition.

>>>/qresearch/11209535, >>>/qresearch/11209538 Ghilaine Maxwell:


>>>/qresearch/11209557 14323, 14324, 14236

(28 notables, 33 posts, 43 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:02 a.m. No.35352   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11206471 Q Research General #14321: Anti-Fragile Edition

Created 220650ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11206613 New organ discovered in the human throat that lubricates an area behind the nose is found accidentally

>>>/qresearch/11206667, >>>/qresearch/11206981, >>>/qresearch/11207007, >>>/qresearch/11207023, >>>/qresearch/11207036, >>>/qresearch/11207080, >>>/qresearch/11207096, >>>/qresearch/11207119, >>>/qresearch/11207120, >>>/qresearch/11207127, >>>/qresearch/11207136, >>>/qresearch/11207144, >>>/qresearch/11207156 Crimson tide screencap with timestamp showing October 21

>>>/qresearch/11206723 Matt Murray is an American journalist. He has been the Editor in Chief of The Wall Street Journal since June 11, 2018

>>>/qresearch/11206769 So, Wray has been neutered and we should be watching Jill?

>>>/qresearch/11206770 Matt Murray joined the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Trade Policy and Negotiations in September 2020

>>>/qresearch/11206772 Netflix Stock Tumbles After Missing 3rd Quarter Subscriber and Profit Targets

>>>/qresearch/11206839 If this isn't the same Matt Murray, it might give us some clues on Burisma.

>>>/qresearch/11206848 Matt Murray Tweets are "protected" -kek

>>>/qresearch/11206859 Steve Bannon Calls Qanon "the elephant in the room"


>>>/qresearch/11206873 This will be our finest hour.

>>>/qresearch/11207003 John Basham Tweet: The FBI just confirmed Iran ran a false flag campaign to help Joe Biden by posing as the Proud BoysMany, many members of the media fell for this

>>>/qresearch/11207020 Brandy Zadrozny playbook for doxxing anons (kek)

>>>/qresearch/11207207 14320, 14321, 14322

(13 notables, 25 posts, 18 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:03 a.m. No.35353   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11209420 Q Research General #14325: Be Prepared Edition

Created 221243ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11209640, >>>/qresearch/11209856 Maxwell Docs Dropped



>>>/qresearch/11209671 ALL MAXWELL PDFS

>>>/qresearch/11209696, >>>/qresearch/11209728, >>>/qresearch/11209908 Maxwell Court Documents











>>>/qresearch/11209731, >>>/qresearch/11210135, >>>/qresearch/11210216 465 PAGE DEPOSITION UNSEALED




>>>/qresearch/11209769, >>>/qresearch/11210290 Generic Oxycodone

>>>/qresearch/11209789 Techno fog is threading Maxwell depo

>>>/qresearch/11210074, >>>/qresearch/11210097 Richard Grenell Retweeted by Charles V Payne

>>>/qresearch/11210153 Rothschild Articles about their role in Presidential Assassinations

>>>/qresearch/11210196 Judiciary committee sends ACB nomination to Senate for confirmation, Dems boyco

>>>/qresearch/11210198 Motion to compel answers to sex pervert questions via PACER


>>>/qresearch/11210205 Senate Judiciary Committee votes to subpoena Twitter's Dorsey, Facebook's Zuckerberg

>>>/qresearch/11210341 EPSTEIN /POL/ THREAD

>>>/qresearch/11210365 14325

(14 notables, 21 posts, 34 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:03 a.m. No.35354   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11210023 Q Research Genera #14326: We Stand With You Virginia

Created 221328ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11210529 George Floyd case: Third-degree murder charge dismissed against ex-Minneapolis officer Derek Chauvin

>>>/qresearch/11210549 Harris, prominent Democrats listed as 'key contacts' for Biden family business venture projects

>>>/qresearch/11210552 NEW HUNTER TEXTS VIA FOX!

>>>/qresearch/11210557 - Trumpworld Wraps Up Campaign by Going Full Q

>>>/qresearch/11210582 Comedian who traveled country speaking to voters says polls don’t reflect ‘unprecedented support' for Trump

>>>/qresearch/11210633 Why was the Secretary of the Air Force in Switzerland 2 days ago?

>>>/qresearch/11210648, >>>/qresearch/11210753 G Maxwell

>>>/qresearch/11210659 There is still a 2nd degree charge, but this will be enough for a distraction.

>>>/qresearch/11210789 Nancy to speak soon using FaceBerg

>>>/qresearch/11210815, >>>/qresearch/11210821, >>>/qresearch/11210827 Ghislaine docs archive














>>>/qresearch/11210829 A LIST OF "KEY DOMESTIC CONTACTS"

>>>/qresearch/11210915 Bingo Anons. Found Clinton

>>>/qresearch/11210990 Monday 10.19.2020

>>>/qresearch/11210999 Tue 10.20.2020

>>>/qresearch/11211092 14323, 14324, 14236

(15 notables, 18 posts, 29 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:03 a.m. No.35355   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11207237 Q Research General #14322: Crimson Tide Rising Edition

Created 220808ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11207408 CrimsonTide Dates Screencaps, Anon's curiously

>>>/qresearch/11207422 The UK Is Now The Second Biggest Hub For QAnon Internet Activity In The World

>>>/qresearch/11207506 Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told (Study Nazism QD 1688)

>>>/qresearch/11207522 Main reason for banning Q attire is to prevent a bad actor(like o7 mutant) from doing something stupid at rally while wearing a Q shirt

>>>/qresearch/11207524, >>>/qresearch/11207685 Booms en_route


>>>/qresearch/11207587 Organ Donations Rebound In New York To Pre-COVID Levels

>>>/qresearch/11207623 Suga warns China over South China Sea

>>>/qresearch/11207654 South China Sea PANIC: US spy plane missions near China DOUBLES in alarming spike

>>>/qresearch/11207662 How Biden’s Foreign-Policy Team Got Rich…

>>>/qresearch/11207675 Fake CIA Spy Almost Scammed His Way Into Immunity

>>>/qresearch/11207732 Results of Anon 3 year Q Drop Vatican RCC CIA Research File

>>>/qresearch/11208060 14320, 14321, 14322

(12 notables, 13 posts, 15 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:04 a.m. No.35356   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11211112 Q Research General #14327: Even the Trees Know Edition

Created 221453ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11211148 Kamala Harris "key Contact" for Bidens in China.

>>>/qresearch/11211159 Ghislaine Maxwell accuser shares QAnon messages before deposition unsealed

>>>/qresearch/11211163, >>>/qresearch/11211248, >>>/qresearch/11211370 Heavily redacted transcript pages 71-74

>>>/qresearch/11211209 Trucker who drove onto I-35W during George Floyd protest charged


>>>/qresearch/11211246 No consensus exists among scientists whose work is the creation of 'artificial' intelligence

>>>/qresearch/11211280, >>>/qresearch/11211299, >>>/qresearch/11211316, >>>/qresearch/11211331, >>>/qresearch/11211488, >>>/qresearch/11211522, >>>/qresearch/11211676, >>>/qresearch/11211722, >>>/qresearch/11211751 Maxwell deposition files




















>>>/qresearch/11211389 Listen very VERY closely to what DNI Ratcliffe said


>>>/qresearch/11211408 How conspiracy theories like Q spilled into the mainstream

>>>/qresearch/11211428 Trump voters are more likely to believe in Q theories

>>>/qresearch/11211540 Just outright rejected a question on Joe Biden corruption.

>>>/qresearch/11211649 WATCH: Charlie Hebdo cartoons depicting Mohammed & other religions projected across France in tribute to slain teacher

>>>/qresearch/11211872, >>>/qresearch/11212087, >>>/qresearch/11212215 ————————————–——– ( CAP: )

>>>/qresearch/11211991 WATCH Today at 12:00 pm ET: Department of Justice and Other Officials to Announce a Global Resolution in Foreign Bribery Matter

>>>/qresearch/11212031 This is why they should stop funding the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

>>>/qresearch/11212046, >>>/qresearch/11212104 ————————————–——– “Key domestic contacts for phase one target projects.” ( CAP : )

>>>/qresearch/11212073 Page 371 Ghislaine says she’s a citizen of ‘Terramar’

>>>/qresearch/11212173 14237, 14328, 14329

(18 notables, 31 posts, 54 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11211872, >>>/qresearch/11212046

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:04 a.m. No.35357   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11211767 Q Research General #14328: The Goyim knows Edition

Created 221532ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11212318 New MZHemingway

>>>/qresearch/11212335 Wisconsin report confirms Foxconn’s so-called LCD factory isn’t real

>>>/qresearch/11212479 Wed 10.21.2020

(3 notables, 3 posts, 3 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:04 a.m. No.35358   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11212113 Q Research General #14328: We Are With You Edition

Created 221546ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11212357 Howard Zemsky Commissioner of the New York Department of Economic Development

>>>/qresearch/11212367 Vatican, China extend bishop agreement over US opposition

>>>/qresearch/11212395 if you want to know what is redacted, go to bottom of document and look at the contents key. It's alphabetical

>>>/qresearch/11212433, >>>/qresearch/11213045 2018 Q proof

>>>/qresearch/11212460 China - Vatican Secret Two Year Deal

>>>/qresearch/11212469 MORE SHOTS FIRED!!

>>>/qresearch/11212489 The poll, released Wednesday, shows Biden with a commanding lead over Trump among Jewish voters in Florida, 73% to 22% — a difference of 51 percentage points.

>>>/qresearch/11212531, >>>/qresearch/11212542 ————————————–——– ( CAP: )



>>>/qresearch/11212684 NEW POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11212709 I had really not wanted to do this but roughly 2 months ago I was handed a report about Biden activities in China the press has simply refused to cover


>>>/qresearch/11212822 KEY RELATIONSHIPS

>>>/qresearch/11212845, >>>/qresearch/11213059, >>>/qresearch/11213095, >>>/qresearch/11213124 CAPS from Q drop

>>>/qresearch/11212881 "First, I did not write the report and I am not responsible for the report. I have gone over the report with a fine tooth comb and can find nothing factually wrong with the report."

>>>/qresearch/11212906 EXPECT MORE

>>>/qresearch/11212934, >>>/qresearch/11212952 POTUS Leslie Stahl

>>>/qresearch/11212939 Detailed Timeline

>>>/qresearch/11212971 Leslie Stahl is a corrupt political hack

>>>/qresearch/11212981 "Bias, Hatred, & Rudeness" - Trump Posts Full Raw '60 Minutes' Interview

>>>/qresearch/11213001 Frauds

>>>/qresearch/11213038 An e-mail to Hunter Biden's partner from a top Chinese official on July 26, 2017 shows the Chinese energy company CEFC proposed a $5 million "interest-free" loan to the Biden family


>>>/qresearch/11213091 Q Group

VIDEO - Manhunt underway for NSA leaker [Channel: CNN]

>>>/qresearch/11213119 What a disgrace the MSM propagandists are.

>>>/qresearch/11213128 CNN uses Dr. Irwin Redlener, as a source whos wife runs childrens health fund with paul simon follow the wives

>>>/qresearch/11213131 CALETTA RENEWABLE ENERGY, LLC

>>>/qresearch/11213157 14237, 14328, 14329

(28 notables, 34 posts, 52 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11212531

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:04 a.m. No.35359   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11213135 Q Research General #14239: Patriots NEVER Sleep Edition

Created 221640ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11213219, >>>/qresearch/11213285 OBAMA IN THE WEB

>>>/qresearch/11213230 BOOM!

>>>/qresearch/11213265 e Biden scored $16 million in income after leaving White House … but where did it go?

>>>/qresearch/11213293, >>>/qresearch/11213326 HILLARY CLIN-TON, HO'S MAD

>>>/qresearch/11213344 WH, President @realDonaldTrump

>>>/qresearch/11213374 Hoary Shit the Biden’s and Chyna are neck deep in cahoots.

>>>/qresearch/11213409, >>>/qresearch/11213466 Raniere 56 Letters-of-Support Unsealed — List of Names of Supporters Revealed Here

>>>/qresearch/11213412 CEFC->Rosneft->Glencore (Marc Rich)->Hillary->Dossier

>>>/qresearch/11213424 Source 1-75 from Biden Crime Family Intel Report

>>>/qresearch/11213468 "My father gave me an opportunity to work my way up in his company. Joe gave his son China."

>>>/qresearch/11213480 Patreon is banning QAnon conspiracy theorists, joining a growing group of tech companies taking action against the movement

>>>/qresearch/11213556 Where's Hunter "Tony Bobulinski's" statement about the Bidens from Outnumbered Overtime!

>>>/qresearch/11213582 ARREST JOE & HUNTER!!! NOW!!!!!

>>>/qresearch/11213687 Barr update on OPERATION LEGEND

>>>/qresearch/11213688 Biden's trip to China with son Hunter in 2013 comes under new scrutiny

>>>/qresearch/11213702 Reminder: Bill Clinton sold us out to China in 2000

>>>/qresearch/11213714 BILL CLINTON REFERENCED 48 TIMES

>>>/qresearch/11213782 Ghislaine Maxwell’s ENTIRE testimony revealed

>>>/qresearch/11213882 'Waste Of Time': NPR Refuses To Cover Biden Scandal

(19 notables, 22 posts, 33 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:06 a.m. No.35360   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11214104 Q Research General #14340: Hold the line! Edition

Created 221743ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11214174 Goldman Sachs charged with Bribery

>>>/qresearch/11214280 Q / anon spoken about in TED

>>>/qresearch/11214289 ————————————–——– Tonight, at the debate, when they push 'death count' vs. POTUS, remember this simple fact.

>>>/qresearch/11214309 ————————————–——– PLEASE FIX THE BREAD AND TIDY UP THE SHIP.

>>>/qresearch/11214572 14237, 14328, 14329

>>>/qresearch/11214689 Five Charged in Connection with COVID-Relief Fraud Scheme

>>>/qresearch/11214725 Chinese Energy Firm Gives Biden Crime Family $5 Million “Interest-Free” Loan Through Investment Vehicle Described as ‘Consulting Fees’ to Hunter Biden

>>>/qresearch/11214738 Biden Associate Warned in a Text Message: ‘Don’t Mention Joe Biden Being Involved… Only When You Are Face to Face… They are Paranoid’

>>>/qresearch/11214751 Senate Judiciary Committee Subpoenas Twitter, Facebook for Censorship Practices

>>>/qresearch/11214758 Anon nails it on current Bakery situation

>>>/qresearch/11214769 GMAX docs unsealed

>>>/qresearch/11214771 Snowden granted permanent residency in Russia

>>>/qresearch/11214773 AOC, Ilhan Omar take part in online event organized by vlogger who last year said 'America deserved 9/11'

>>>/qresearch/11214827 Report: Foxconn accepted $4 billion in government incentives to build a Wisconsin factory and employ 13,000 people. Turns out the facility is a fake.

>>>/qresearch/11214861 FNC’s Wallace: If Hunter Story Was True — ‘We Would Have Seen the Fruits of That Investigation by Now’

>>>/qresearch/11214908 Senate Judiciary Committee approves Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court nomination despite Democrats' boycott

>>>/qresearch/11214986 LA corruption in Mayor’s office tied to Chinese

>>>/qresearch/11214987 Hunter biz partner confirms email, details Joe Biden’s push to make millions from China

(18 notables, 18 posts, 23 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11214289, >>>/qresearch/11214309

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:08 a.m. No.35361   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11215071 Q Research General #14331: Go Edition

Created 221826ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11215109 Latest Q all Caps, Ran it through Gematria Decode

>>>/qresearch/11215129 Kathy Griffin weighs in on Q / anons

>>>/qresearch/11215165 Hunter biz partner confirms email, Joe Biden made millions in China

>>>/qresearch/11215181 Unity not division

>>>/qresearch/11215204 Minnesota activates National Guard over Floyd case

>>>/qresearch/11215231, >>>/qresearch/11215264, >>>/qresearch/11215715 Digg on Christopher Balding (Typhoon Investigation)

>>>/qresearch/11215247 Link to POTUS released 60 minutes interview

>>>/qresearch/11215250 Digg on Tony Bobulinski

>>>/qresearch/11215268 PlanFag updates

>>>/qresearch/11215275 Anon opines on Trump video

>>>/qresearch/11215393 Kamala Harris claims 220 Million Americans have died in 2 months (mp4 video)


>>>/qresearch/11215449 Matt Gaetz tweet - FBI covered up Joe/Hunter Biden corruption

>>>/qresearch/11215532, >>>/qresearch/11216596 14330, #14331

>>>/qresearch/11215562 Senator Inhof documents Clinton corruption in China

>>>/qresearch/11215642 Biden Grandaughters

>>>/qresearch/11215660 POTUS - Suburban Women want Safety and Security

>>>/qresearch/11215674 Sean Davis retweets Ric Grenell re: Biden Corruption

>>>/qresearch/11215675 Former Social Media executive says 'Mute Trump till after election'


>>>/qresearch/11216111 Kek – God Of Primordial Darkness & Chaos In Kemet (Ancient Egypt)

>>>/qresearch/11216180, >>>/qresearch/11216201, >>>/qresearch/11216266, >>>/qresearch/11216304, >>>/qresearch/11216398 Biden Jr Benefited From Money Laundering, Ukraine MP Says, Oriental Review on 21/11/2019

>>>/qresearch/11216394 Goldman Sachs Charged in Foreign Bribery Case and Agrees to Pay Over $2.9 Billion

(21 notables, 28 posts, 30 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:09 a.m. No.35362   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11215078 Q Research General #14341 E-Bake

Created 221827ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11215125 #14330

>>>/qresearch/11215316 QAnon Is Becoming a Republican Dog Whistle

>>>/qresearch/11215346 Swedish Professor: Integration of 2015 Migrants into Labour Force Has Been a Failure

>>>/qresearch/11215367 A new lawsuit targets Pennsylvania’s mail-in ballot deadline

>>>/qresearch/11215389 Boris Govt Brags UK ‘Resettles More Refugees Than Any Other Country in Europe’ as It Fails to Stop Boats

>>>/qresearch/11215402 Brexit Talks Back on Less than Week After Boris Told UK to Prepare for Clean Break

>>>/qresearch/11215485 Cybersecurity company finds hacker selling info on 186 million U.S. voters

>>>/qresearch/11215515 Fort Bend County suspect possessed more than 2K child pornography files, DA's Office alleges

>>>/qresearch/11215634 “You Can Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later” – Joe Biden Lectures Ukrainian President and Lawmakers in 2015 Speech on Economics

>>>/qresearch/11215699 Moscow Salvages START Nuke Control Extension by Accepting Additional Terms

>>>/qresearch/11215770 House Democrats pass $2.2 trillion stimulus bill over GOP opposition; bipartisan talks continue

>>>/qresearch/11215808 Manufactured Pandemic: Testing People for Any Strain of a Coronavirus, Not Specifically for COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/11215880, >>>/qresearch/11216033, >>>/qresearch/11216036, >>>/qresearch/11216417, >>>/qresearch/11216618 Other News

>>>/qresearch/11215893 Pressure builds for NBC's Kristen Welker to address Hunter Biden at debate: ‘This is a moment of truth'

>>>/qresearch/11215906 NEW DJT JR

>>>/qresearch/11215928 THIS IS WEIRD: Facebook Posts Several Strange Questions About In-Person Voting — Are They Plotting with the Far Left Against Voters on Election Day?

>>>/qresearch/11215995 Democratic Governors killing elderly parents to fluff China Virus numbers to scare the public into submission

>>>/qresearch/11216029 Matt Murray Bing top search results

>>>/qresearch/11216043 AF2 leaving Detroit

>>>/qresearch/11216054 Kamala Harris claims 220 Million Americans have died in 2 months (mp4 video)

>>>/qresearch/11216084 Ohio sheriff goes viral after volunteering to help anti-Trump celebrities leave the country

>>>/qresearch/11216198, >>>/qresearch/11216212 California court joins in barring Trump census order on maps.

>>>/qresearch/11216213 @USArmy


>>>/qresearch/11216291 Kmala inflating COVID deaths "We're looking at over 220 million americans who just in the last several months…DIED!!!!!"

>>>/qresearch/11216453 Trump posts full '60 Minutes' interview showing him walking out


>>>/qresearch/11216637 Off Bread Notes

>>>/qresearch/11216662 They’re Panicking! Biden Spox on Debate

>>>/qresearch/11216685 LA Fines Catholic Church Behind Coronavirus Restriction Lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/11216705 Judicial Watch Sues for McCabe/Strzok/Page FBI Text Messages

>>>/qresearch/11216729 California Just Declared War On Thanksgiving With Kafka-Level Regulations

>>>/qresearch/11216763 Paul Pelosi Jr - Good research thread on Commie Reddit

>>>/qresearch/11216870 Fort Bragg Now Admits its Twitter Account Wasn't Hacked

>>>/qresearch/11216907 Kamala Harris Failed To Prosecute Illegal MS-13 Gang Member Just Months Before He Murdered Family

>>>/qresearch/11216999 I value my freedom of speech and freedom of thought

>>>/qresearch/11217046 BREAKING: Tony Bobulinski to be @realDonaldTrump special guest at tonight’s debate

>>>/qresearch/11217097 Deputy Arrested for producing CP

>>>/qresearch/11217160 Volatile and Angry MSNBC Host Cuts Off Interview With Trump Campaign Spokesman, Refuses to Let Him Discuss Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11217207 Hunter Biden business associate's text messages indicate meeting with Joe Biden | Fox News

>>>/qresearch/11217376 Catherine Herridge @CBS_Herridge

>>>/qresearch/11217474 You violated the implied agreement by going in under the false pretense that you were actually journalists and not simply activist for the Democrats.

>>>/qresearch/11217511 Strive for excellence and remember that it's about the team.

>>>/qresearch/11217675 Remdesivir Approved

>>>/qresearch/11217798 #14331

(44 notables, 49 posts, 57 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:11 a.m. No.35363   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11218152 Q Research General #14333: Digital Soldiers Edition

Created 222034ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11218251 noting edits made from v2 vs v3 of TYPHOON INVESTIGATIONS PROJECT TIME Investigating threats & evaluating risk: political, security and reputational

>>>/qresearch/11218277 Reuters: Trump, U.S. intelligence chief push to declassify document on Russia's 2016 election role: sources

>>>/qresearch/11218285, >>>/qresearch/11218496 Hunter´s pic taking drugs in Beijing?

>>>/qresearch/11218350 Fort Bragg Deletes Twitter Account After Posting Sexually Explicit Messages

>>>/qresearch/11218361 Threatening letters are reportedly being sent to Trump supporters in New Hampshire

>>>/qresearch/11218629 #14333

>>>/qresearch/11218885 Anon Opines Tonight’s MUTE button was a big setup by POTUS

(7 notables, 8 posts, 9 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:12 a.m. No.35364   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11216678 Q Research General #14332: TIDYING UP THE SHIP EDITION

Created 221942ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11216774 PF

>>>/qresearch/11216783, >>>/qresearch/11216897 BREAKING: Tony Bobulinski to be @realDonaldTrump special guest at tonight’s debate

>>>/qresearch/11216955 For the Keks


>>>/qresearch/11217043 BBC project manager, 58, is caught watching child abuse videos on group Zoom call in police sting

>>>/qresearch/11217111, >>>/qresearch/11217170, >>>/qresearch/11217246 @CBS_Herridge: NEW: Republican senators @ChuckGrassley + @SenRonJohnson letter to Tony Bobulinski “According to recent reports that published emails allegedly from Hunter Biden’s laptop, the Committees have identified you as an individual involved in one or more of these business arrangements

>>>/qresearch/11217112 EsperDoD met with Israeli Minister of Defense Benjamin Gantz at the Pentagon

>>>/qresearch/11217385 More than 90 anti-trafficking organizations are denouncing QAnon in an open letter

>>>/qresearch/11217606 WSJ: Now Corruption Story Is about Joe, Not Hunter

>>>/qresearch/11217863 FDA Approves Remdesivir for COVID-19 Treatment

>>>/qresearch/11218080 #14332

(10 notables, 13 posts, 13 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:13 a.m. No.35365   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11219021 Q Research General #14334: No NAnimation No Moar Edition

Created 222118ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11219110 $114 Million whistleblower award

>>>/qresearch/11219193 VPOTUS Live in the Hoosier State.

>>>/qresearch/11219230 President plans to bring Hunter Biden associate to debate

>>>/qresearch/11219241 Vote watch

>>>/qresearch/11219260, >>>/qresearch/11220088 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/11219264 Moar on the TED talk on Q

>>>/qresearch/11219272 Treasury sanctions Iranian Ambassador to Iraq

>>>/qresearch/11219840 Trump replacing Barret?

>>>/qresearch/11219896 Trump eo: The order would shift those employees from what is called the “competitive service” into the “excepted service,”

>>>/qresearch/11219930 For years, Washington believed what it wanted to believe about the Chinese Communist Party

>>>/qresearch/11220048 District Court overturns Breyer ruling?

>>>/qresearch/11220126 Asian American ladies 4 Trump


>>>/qresearch/11220330 #14334

(13 notables, 14 posts, 17 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:13 a.m. No.35366   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11221854 Q Research General #14336: It's BOOM time! Stay united anons

Created 222300ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11221942 Anniversary of JFK Cuban Missile Crisis speech

>>>/qresearch/11221951 Trump Seeking To Declassify Document Contesting Findings That Russia Sought To Help Him In 2016

>>>/qresearch/11221993 LIVE NOW: Hunter Biden ex-associate Tony Bobulinski holds presser

>>>/qresearch/11222117, >>>/qresearch/11222697 (lb), (lb) BRIGHT SUNNY digs

>>>/qresearch/11222122 Bannon: Feds Moved Former Hunter Associate Bevan Cooney to Isolation to Prevent Further Leaks on Biden Crime Family

>>>/qresearch/11222148 ————————————–——– This is not going away ( CAP: )

>>>/qresearch/11222188 Joe Biden’s Ties to China Present National Security Risk if He Becomes President, Experts Say

>>>/qresearch/11222429 (lb) Rep. Chris Pappas (D-NH) accused of having personal relationship w/Amazon lobbyist & voting for Amazon legislation

>>>/qresearch/11222613 Bobulinski mentioned MAY 17, 2017 in presser - SAME DAY MUELLER was appointed SC

>>>/qresearch/11222805 Judge Loretta Preska: Presides over Maxwell case and Patrick Ho, a CFEC Executive

(10 notables, 11 posts, 21 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:13 a.m. No.35367   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11222938 Q Research General #14337: Tony Bobulinski brings down the house

Created 222343ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11223042 Bobulinsky: We have "Stealth-Bomber."

>>>/qresearch/11223261 My name is Tony Bobulinski

>>>/qresearch/11223312 ————————————–——– Only the beginning, Padawan.

>>>/qresearch/11223395 911 Down in Wa.

>>>/qresearch/11223588 Flynn Timeline

>>>/qresearch/11223745 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/11223859 #14337

(7 notables, 7 posts, 9 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11223312

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:14 a.m. No.35368   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11223841 Q Research General #14338: Only the beginning Padawans! Edition

Created 230012ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11224021 TYPHOON INVESTIGATIONS dig

>>>/qresearch/11224086 National Review, Repub Smear

>>>/qresearch/11224150 How to crack the redactions in the Ghislaine Maxwell deposition

>>>/qresearch/11224218 CM Weighs in on State of Baking


>>>/qresearch/11224379 Biden Laptop Digg

>>>/qresearch/11224581 RSBN Debate Livestream

>>>/qresearch/11224598 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/11224662 GWP: New Emails from Biden’s Brother Show Barack Obama Was In On It

>>>/qresearch/11224663 Clockfags

>>>/qresearch/11224719 FBI basically admits they deleted Flynn 302 drafts

>>>/qresearch/11224746 DOJ Flynn Review Posting

>>>/qresearch/11224786 #14339

(13 notables, 13 posts, 15 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:14 a.m. No.35369   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11220346 Q Research General #14335: No Cartoon World Here Edition

Created 222210ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11220447, >>>/qresearch/11220795 Q post decodes

>>>/qresearch/11220465 Flynn's baseball bat image with Q drop's "change of batter coming?'

>>>/qresearch/11220488 GOP Senators Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley to Interview Hunter Associate and Whistleblower Tony Bobulinski Friday

>>>/qresearch/11220496 Hillary tweets

>>>/qresearch/11220557 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/11220622 Stella Immanuel MD @stella_immanuel DOES JOE BIDEN HAVE DEMENTIA???


>>>/qresearch/11220648 Former U.S. Army Reservist Sentenced to 40 years in Prison for Sex Trafficking and a Related Offense

>>>/qresearch/11220650 Israel had secret embassy in #Bahrain for over a decade before 2020 peace accord

>>>/qresearch/11220678 #VOTEREPUBLICAN We will be taking back the house, securing the senate and keeping the PRESIDENCY! #Trump2020.

>>>/qresearch/11220692 The Government in the Sunshine Act

>>>/qresearch/11220725 Epstein - John Templeton - Obama - Ukraine

>>>/qresearch/11220903 Joe Biden was using his office as a cash register


>>>/qresearch/11221111 FDA approves Remdesivir.

>>>/qresearch/11221119, >>>/qresearch/11221214 Hunter Biden in Possession of Large 2.8 Carat CCP Diamond

>>>/qresearch/11221644 MORE texts and emails emerge between Hunter Biden and his business partners

>>>/qresearch/11221755 Pompeo 'regularly' used personal email account as CIA director, watchdog claims

(16 notables, 18 posts, 26 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:14 a.m. No.35370   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11224738 Q Research General #14339: Tightening Up the Ship w/CM Editio

Created 230044ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11224856 Every single article cited in Biden China Report in PDF form and English

>>>/qresearch/11224889 China Blasts US As "Empire Of Hacking" After Damning NSA Report Spotlights Beijing

>>>/qresearch/11224927 Over a million viewers tuned into various streams across just youtube - live link

>>>/qresearch/11224945 Seattle Software Developer Pleads Guilty to Wire Fraud for COVID-Relief Fraud Scheme

>>>/qresearch/11224962 How they got the Biden case and the research / investigation materials. Very educational.

>>>/qresearch/11224981 Tony B Video Link

>>>/qresearch/11224982, >>>/qresearch/11225001, >>>/qresearch/11225045 INTL News

>>>/qresearch/11224996 Q Clock Update

>>>/qresearch/11225009 WATCH LIVE: Final 2020 Presidential Debate LIVE Coverage- Trump vs. Biden RSBN

>>>/qresearch/11225016 Kamala Harris, Schumer, Cuomo And Feinstein Listed As 'Key Contacts' For Biden-China Joint Venture

>>>/qresearch/11225060 Thank you Q. For everything. God be with POTUS tonight.

>>>/qresearch/11225069 Kimberly Strassel twat: Here we go The Biden ‘Family Legacy’

>>>/qresearch/11225100 Facebook deletes account of biologist & Big Tech critic Bret Weinstein without explanation

>>>/qresearch/11225139 New Group of Turncoat Gun Owners is Being Launched to Push for Civilian Disarmament

>>>/qresearch/11225155 OBAMA WAS IN ON IT

>>>/qresearch/11225215 Winning: Trump Walks Onstage Holding Hunter Biden’s Laptop - Bab B

>>>/qresearch/11225295 New emails from Steve Bannon’s War Room show that President Barack Obama was brought into the Biden schemes per an email from Biden’s brother.

>>>/qresearch/11225339 PF

>>>/qresearch/11225340 Child abuse investigation Operation Molto charges 44 Australian men with 350 crimes

>>>/qresearch/11225510 #14339

(20 notables, 22 posts, 18 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:15 a.m. No.35371   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11226290 Q Research General #14341: He's (Biden) made a lot of money somewhere. Edition

Created 230129ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11226413 Second 2020 Presidential Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11226460, >>>/qresearch/11226547 Speed 2,236 knots? Kek!

>>>/qresearch/11226509 POTUS - you need to explain to the American people

>>>/qresearch/11226732 DOJ Last response for General Flynn…

>>>/qresearch/11226787 President Trump: $10 million a year for introductions.

>>>/qresearch/11226908 Confused Joe

>>>/qresearch/11226916 New Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11226932 like a vacuum cleaner, POTUS on Biden's corrupt kids!

>>>/qresearch/11226939 Biden: "Because I'd make it clear that I made it clear that China that I made it clear…"

>>>/qresearch/11227013 She asked you about China, and you are talking about the family around the kitchen table, typical political answer. Joe, you can do better than that."

>>>/qresearch/11227053 #14341

(11 notables, 12 posts, 11 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:15 a.m. No.35372   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11228563 Q Research General #14344: WHO BUILT THE CAGES, JOE? Edition

Created 230221ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11228651 You gotta talk them into it Joe!!!kek

>>>/qresearch/11228662 ALL TALK NO ACTION

>>>/qresearch/11228708 Second 2020 Presidential Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11228732 Hacked Trump Twitter account?

>>>/qresearch/11228777, >>>/qresearch/11229114, >>>/qresearch/11229209 Board Owner Adds 4 BV's

>>>/qresearch/11228829 Famous debate moment: Bush, Sr. checks his watch in 1992

>>>/qresearch/11228891 POTUS' face while pedo Joe is talking about "Muh Climate Change" is priceless! kmao fucking idiots!

>>>/qresearch/11228894 Joe Biden’s Campaign Releases Carefully Crafted, Deceptive Statement in Response to Tony Bobulinski Presser

>>>/qresearch/11228917 Debate moderator shows whose side she's on…


>>>/qresearch/11228931 FLASHBACK: Beau Biden Agreed to Lenient Plea Deal for DuPont Heir Who Raped 3-Year-Old

>>>/qresearch/11228986 Senate Demands Hunter Biden Turn Over Bank Records Wire Transfers Account Balances And Travel Records

>>>/qresearch/11229009 Called POTUS a liar again, after spewing 200 lies himself in 90 minutes.

>>>/qresearch/11229029 No Fracking

>>>/qresearch/11229048, >>>/qresearch/11229157, >>>/qresearch/11229245 02-5001 USAFSOC C-32B sw after a quick ground stop at Bragg heading to Eglin AFB

>>>/qresearch/11229049 Huawei "Outhustles Trump" By Successfully Stockpiling Enough Chips For 5G Rollout

>>>/qresearch/11229098 A Dutch security researcher says he accessed President Trump’s @realDonaldTrump Twitter account last week by guessing his password: “maga2020!”.

>>>/qresearch/11229148 NEW DJT


>>>/qresearch/11229152 PEDO JOE "I NEVER SAID I WOULD BAN FRACKING!"

>>>/qresearch/11229284 #14344

(19 notables, 23 posts, 18 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:16 a.m. No.35373   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11229303 Q Research General #14345: You gotta talk them into it Joe Edition

Created 230239ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11229413, >>>/qresearch/11229523, >>>/qresearch/11229535, >>>/qresearch/11229585 POLLS OPEN FOR VOTING

>>>/qresearch/11229432 FAUX News saying their preliminary count of interruptions by the moderator

>>>/qresearch/11229438 Board Owner Mini-bun

>>>/qresearch/11229442 Notable call dig house intelligence docs be prepared.

>>>/qresearch/11229465 "Trump won this debate, handily. Biden wasn’t a force at all. Trump was substantive, on-point, well-tempered. Definitely helped himself, when it mattered most."

>>>/qresearch/11229468 big boom - Hunter’s Ex-Partner Tony Bobulinski: Joe Biden’s A Liar And Here’s The Proof…

>>>/qresearch/11229482 Moar Dark Winter

>>>/qresearch/11229506 John Daly and KID ROCK!! In the debate audience

>>>/qresearch/11229562 Biden, Yes, Let's stop Fracking


>>>/qresearch/11229579 Radiation 'Sniffer' Helicopter Takes Flight Above Washington, DC

>>>/qresearch/11229596 92-9000 USAF VIP 747 departed

>>>/qresearch/11229609 POTUS LANDSLIDE


>>>/qresearch/11229615 Snowden Granted Permanent Residency In Russia

>>>/qresearch/11229637 Lock Her Up Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11229651 Joe Biden's debate night summed up: Racist president Abraham Lincoln told the Poor Boys to stand by because Russian pawn Rudy Giuliani is trying to sabotage my campaign

>>>/qresearch/11229691 New Catherine Herridge @CBS_Herridge

>>>/qresearch/11229707 What’s going on with Mitch?

>>>/qresearch/11229732 New TikTok Guidelines Push LGBTQ+ Acceptance, Counter Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia

>>>/qresearch/11229770 My favorite part of debate was when Trump schooled Biden on catch and release

>>>/qresearch/11229774 IDF strikes Hamas targets in Gaza in response to rocket fire

>>>/qresearch/11229775 FBI: Lincoln Project Never Trumpers Peddled Iranian Disinformation Meant To Help Biden

>>>/qresearch/11229778 BREAKING: White House sources say President Trump walked off the debate stage looked at staff said "let's finish this" & walked off to the motorcade.

>>>/qresearch/11229789 Board Owner Adds 4 BV's

>>>/qresearch/11229833 Operation Dark Winter - Weaponized Smallpox

>>>/qresearch/11229857 Trump turns to staff and states lets finish this…..

>>>/qresearch/11229884 Kristen_Welker

>>>/qresearch/11229928 Debate Summary in pics…pedo Joe is fucked!

>>>/qresearch/11230066 #14345

(28 notables, 31 posts, 24 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:16 a.m. No.35374   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11225620 Q Research General #14340: DEBATE LIVE EDITION

Created 230113ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11225672 POTUS: "He's (Biden) made a lot of money somewhere."

>>>/qresearch/11225728 Patriot air defense battery sprawled out on a runway at a small regional airport

>>>/qresearch/11225746, >>>/qresearch/11225811, >>>/qresearch/11225981, >>>/qresearch/11226105 Joe mentions Dark winter

>>>/qresearch/11225860 Biden would shut down the country

>>>/qresearch/11226000 HERE IT COMES

>>>/qresearch/11226025 The Head of Operation Warp Speed & The Gates Foundation Are Pushing BioElectronics & Vaccine Patches

>>>/qresearch/11226073 hailand PM lifts state of emergency after resignation call

>>>/qresearch/11226088, >>>/qresearch/11226191 PF

>>>/qresearch/11226106 Attorney busted for recording co-worker with hidden phone in bathroom

>>>/qresearch/11226144 POTUS: You're (Biden) the one that takes the money

>>>/qresearch/11226145 Once Greeted As Returning Hero, Doting Father, Army Reservist Ran Sex Trafficking Operation

>>>/qresearch/11226164 Border Patrol Arrests Rapist, Child Sex-Offender For Illegally Being In The Country

>>>/qresearch/11226209 America's Mightiest Battleship - USS Missouri (BB-63)

>>>/qresearch/11226305 #14340

(14 notables, 18 posts, 12 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:17 a.m. No.35375   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11227066 Q Research General #14342: You Need to Explain to the American peopleEDITION

Created 230147ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11227156 New DJT JR

>>>/qresearch/11227212 WE ARE GOING TO WIN THE HOUSE

>>>/qresearch/11227221 New Richard Grenell

>>>/qresearch/11227276 The Man, The Myth, The Legend with The Bombshell

>>>/qresearch/11227347 POTUS does great impressions.

>>>/qresearch/11227424 Meme Ammo

>>>/qresearch/11227447 New Herridge

>>>/qresearch/11227467 WATCH LIVE: Final 2020 Presidential Debate LIVE Coverage- Trump vs. Biden -10-22-20

>>>/qresearch/11227570 Obamacare made premiums go so high and deductibles so ridiculously expensive that people had insurance in name only it almost destroyed families people paid more for insurance that they did for their mortgage.

>>>/qresearch/11227629 The Oath Of Enlistment

>>>/qresearch/11227698 Tom agrees with anon.

>>>/qresearch/11227731 Japan's FSA begins onsite inspection at Tokyo bourse

>>>/qresearch/11227755 FYI: QR has 4 New BVs Now

>>>/qresearch/11227777 #14342

(14 notables, 14 posts, 21 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:17 a.m. No.35376   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11227803 Q Research General #14343: WE ARE GOING TO WIN THE HOUSE Edition

Created 230204ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11227920 WHO BUILT THE CAGES, JOE?

>>>/qresearch/11227933 Biden: I had a relationship with Hitler


>>>/qresearch/11227964, >>>/qresearch/11228479 Board Owner Adds 4 BV's

>>>/qresearch/11227979 China Is Running Big Tech

>>>/qresearch/11228052 Moar Dark Winter

>>>/qresearch/11228194 Total Early Votes: 48,583,126

>>>/qresearch/11228275 POTUS - I RAN BECAUSE OF YOU

>>>/qresearch/11228376 TRUMP: The Laptop is now RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA?!

>>>/qresearch/11228420 The Laptop is real, Joe

>>>/qresearch/11228450 Army Cyber Command

>>>/qresearch/11228538 #14343

(11 notables, 12 posts, 12 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:17 a.m. No.35377   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11231592 Q Research General #14348: It's Only JUST Begun Edition

Created 230434ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11231726, >>>/qresearch/11232062 Joe Said "Dark Winter". What Is He Speaking Of? David Fucken Gergen

>>>/qresearch/11231735 POTUS Calls Out Biden Lie


>>>/qresearch/11231752 Joe Biden's Grandchildren Encouraged Him to Run For President

>>>/qresearch/11231824 Major Breaking Info on Maxwell

>>>/qresearch/11231833 Every Poll Is A Goal

>>>/qresearch/11231935, >>>/qresearch/11232048 Virginia Guiffre Doesn't Think Paris Hilton Is Lying + Article On Hilton/Castro Meeting


>>>/qresearch/11231951, >>>/qresearch/11232006, >>>/qresearch/11232073, >>>/qresearch/11232096, >>>/qresearch/11232178, >>>/qresearch/11232275 We Out Here Planefaggin

>>>/qresearch/11232019 Jose Biden Assassination Plot Thwarted After Man Arrested for Child Porn, Court Documents Show

>>>/qresearch/11232051 Huawei Revenue Growth Wits Under 'Intense Pressure'

>>>/qresearch/11232105 Protesters Hit Police Horse as Anti-Lockdown Rally Sparks Mayhem in Melbourne

>>>/qresearch/11232106 Travis, Former SVP, Finance Of L Brands Also Sits On Fb's Board

>>>/qresearch/11232126 NSW Premier Gladys Berejilian's Documents Approving Of Council Grants Were Shredded By Her Office

>>>/qresearch/11232171, >>>/qresearch/11232184, >>>/qresearch/11232201 /Comms/ Baker Creates New Board and spam board in an attempt to move anons

>>>/qresearch/11232206 Key Players: David Fuckin Gergen

>>>/qresearch/11232289 14348

(15 notables, 24 posts, 39 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:18 a.m. No.35378   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11232332 Q Research General #14349: It's Just The Beginning Edition

Created 230535ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11232428 JIDF/MOSSAD

>>>/qresearch/11232464 Guardian: Trump's Twitter hacked after Butch researcher claims he guessed password - report

>>>/qresearch/11232475, >>>/qresearch/11232486, >>>/qresearch/11232539, >>>/qresearch/11232556, >>>/qresearch/11232627, >>>/qresearch/11232650, >>>/qresearch/11232786, >>>/qresearch/11232936, >>>/qresearch/11233090, >>>/qresearch/11233097 We out here Planefaggin' JUSTICE 17 is a P-3 Orion, subhunter

>>>/qresearch/11232492 Every Poll is a Goal

>>>/qresearch/11232498, >>>/qresearch/11232632, >>>/qresearch/11232661, >>>/qresearch/11232755 Dynadot is owned by China.

>>>/qresearch/11232607 The Stage is Set?

>>>/qresearch/11232620 Obama sent Government pension money TSP to invest in Chinese Military

>>>/qresearch/11232720 Director Golden and staff tidy up Shipyard Park in the Navy Yard

>>>/qresearch/11232738, >>>/qresearch/11232772 Diggs on The Elders, founded by Nelson Mandela - high ranking officials and notable people on the team and Board

>>>/qresearch/11232805 Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11232925 Amazing dig on the origins of Burisma

>>>/qresearch/11232928, >>>/qresearch/11232991, >>>/qresearch/11232993 WHO BUILT THE CAGES, JOE?


>>>/qresearch/11233095 US, India finalizing military data sharing pact ahead of Pompeo visit - State Dept

>>>/qresearch/11233156 Last 5 minutes of Trump's 60 minutes interview

>>>/qresearch/11233174 14349

(16 notables, 31 posts, 46 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:18 a.m. No.35379   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11233136 Q Research General #14350: IT BEGINS Edition

Created 230710ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11233240 Four things obvious about #PresidentialDebate2020

>>>/qresearch/11233250 Captain Ramsey's speech in Crimson Tide

>>>/qresearch/11233261 Notabun 14323 - 143440

>>>/qresearch/11233292 Radar sniffing helicopter announced, which will be poking around DC.

>>>/qresearch/11233299 International Arrest Warrants Issued In Probe Of Hunter Biden Funneling $200 Million To Joe Biden And Hillary Clinton

>>>/qresearch/11233305 Ghislaine Maxwell testimony: 465 pages of fury, denials, glimpses into Jeffrey Epstein’s life

>>>/qresearch/11233319 Anon's theory on Wray

>>>/qresearch/11233410 Who are God's Chosen People? (documentary)

>>>/qresearch/11233431 L.A. Times ‘Undecided’ Focus Group Chooses Trump After Last Debate

>>>/qresearch/11233459 The Jews are really the Canaanites (documentary)

VIDEO - Edomite Canaanites Full [Channel: Freedom OfSpeech]

>>>/qresearch/11233463 JQ Info Drop

VIDEO - BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR MCDONALD'S (DVD) feat Zionist [Channel: Dig Rabbit]

>>>/qresearch/11233469 BIDEN - WERE I A JEW I'D BE A ZIONIST


>>>/qresearch/11233474 Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews (documentary)

VIDEO - Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews [Channel: Lucky Larry Platinumstein]

>>>/qresearch/11233479, >>>/qresearch/11233485, >>>/qresearch/11233506 Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (Chair of GAVI) and Yoo Myung-hee (Minister of Trade of South Korea) are the current front-runners for the Director General position of the World Trade Organization

>>>/qresearch/11233550, >>>/qresearch/11233603 SLATE: We Cracked the Redactions in the Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition CLINTON, LES WEXNER, PRINCE ANDREW NAMED

>>>/qresearch/11233566, >>>/qresearch/11233998 #14350, #14351

>>>/qresearch/11233580 Foster Care Industrial Complex

>>>/qresearch/11233642 MEET GEORGE SOROS wikipedia (LOOK AT SYMBOL OF FOUNDATION)

>>>/qresearch/11233661 Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

VIDEO - Cain, Abel, and the Enochs Exposing the Jews' Fami [Channel: Freedom OfSpeech]

>>>/qresearch/11233740 BlockBuster Report Reveal How Biden Family Was Compromised by China

>>>/qresearch/11233792, >>>/qresearch/11233804, >>>/qresearch/11233817 THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION FULL DOCUMENTARY (video)

VIDEO - CORROSION OF CONFORMITY - The Luddite (OFFICIAL MU [Channel: Nuclear Blast Records]

>>>/qresearch/11233954 Results of Anon 3 year Q Drop Vatican RCC CIA Research File

(22 notables, 28 posts, 35 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:18 a.m. No.35380   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11234752 Q Research General #14352: Can You Feel The Pulse? Edition

Created 231132ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11234877 BOIES SCHILLER, Ties alot of threads…


>>>/qresearch/11234933 Jeffrey Epstein Accuser Shares QAnon Posts Prior To Ghislaine Maxwell's Deposition Unsealing

>>>/qresearch/11234936, >>>/qresearch/11234942 Every Poll Is A Goal


>>>/qresearch/11235046 Prince Andrew Watched and ‘Laughed’ as Child Forced To Strip on Pedo Island, Victim Claims

>>>/qresearch/11235057 Voter Fraud in action? (bideo)


>>>/qresearch/11235113, >>>/qresearch/11235130, >>>/qresearch/11235141, >>>/qresearch/11235153 Study Nazism (Q Drop 1688)

>>>/qresearch/11235222 Every believer of Karl Marx's 'exploitation theory' must answer this question


>>>/qresearch/11235343 #14351


>>>/qresearch/11235503 #14352

>>>/qresearch/11235522 [China Infiltration] = Trump Donors → DOXXING

(13 notables, 17 posts, 40 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:18 a.m. No.35381   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11233928 Q Research General #14351: Opening the Flood Gates Edition

Created 230930ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11234054 Moar diggs on Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (Chair of GAVI and Board member of Twitter and Standard Chartered Bank) and her father

>>>/qresearch/11234117 QAnon Believers Tell Borat That Hillary and Bill Clinton Drink Blood in Movie Sequel

>>>/qresearch/11234127 Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition Redactions Cracked

>>>/qresearch/11234156 China Reports Spike in Nearby US Military Aircraft Movement. What Happened?

>>>/qresearch/11234183 With confirmation on Hunter’s influence-peddling, Joe Biden has explaining to do

>>>/qresearch/11234187 World War 3: China ‘no doubt’ targeting Taiwan as military activity SOARS, official warns

>>>/qresearch/11234189 South Korean government to investigate spate of deaths linked to seasonal flu shots after toll rises to 30

>>>/qresearch/11234191 Et tu Tedx?

>>>/qresearch/11234193 Federal Prosecutors to Serve as District Election Officers for Seven California Counties During November 3 General Election Period

>>>/qresearch/11234208 Prince Andrew asked Ghislaine Maxwell about accuser, documents suggest

>>>/qresearch/11234284 Notabun 14323 - 143440

>>>/qresearch/11234326 A calm, masterful Donald Trump made mincemeat of Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11234344 Goldman Sachs Resolves Foreign Bribery Case And Agrees To Pay Over $2.9 Billion

>>>/qresearch/11234352, >>>/qresearch/11234371 The Biden 'Family Legacy'

>>>/qresearch/11234359, >>>/qresearch/11234517 The War Scroll

>>>/qresearch/11234379 Difference between El Paso's old border wall and new border wall system

>>>/qresearch/11234415 Former elementary teacher admits to explicit sexual conversations originating via Craigslist


>>>/qresearch/11234432 DOG COMMS

>>>/qresearch/11234498 Adversarial ML Threat Matrix Framework

>>>/qresearch/11234539, >>>/qresearch/11234543 "SONS OF LIGHT V SONS OF DARKNESS" Qumrān literature (Dead Sea Scrolls)

>>>/qresearch/11234545 Radiation Sniffer Helicopter deployed above Washington DC

>>>/qresearch/11234694 Disinformation Fellowship

>>>/qresearch/11234740 14351

(24 notables, 27 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:19 a.m. No.35382   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11230075 Q Research General #14346:

Created 230307ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11230174 My favorite part of the entire debate.


>>>/qresearch/11230187 RED OCTOBER

>>>/qresearch/11230227 Fact: Cages were built to detain unaccompanied children when @JoeBiden was VP

>>>/qresearch/11230233, >>>/qresearch/11230329 Boston Blackout

>>>/qresearch/11230291, >>>/qresearch/11230444 New Scavino Getting ready to depart Tennessee!

>>>/qresearch/11230338 DOD on Twitter


>>>/qresearch/11230404 Trump War Room Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11230407 LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC.

>>>/qresearch/11230437, >>>/qresearch/11230501 23:23:23 THE HOUR OF PAIN!

>>>/qresearch/11230456 Suicide hotline "coincidences"

>>>/qresearch/11230492 New Dinesh D'Souza

>>>/qresearch/11230570 Joe Biden Checks His Watch Towards End of Debate

>>>/qresearch/11230573 Steve Bannon - China is Bigger than Burisma

>>>/qresearch/11230576 POTUS In the air

>>>/qresearch/11230617 Jake Tapper warns that the Pizzagate/QAnon nonsense that Team Trump is pushing on Hunter Biden is "going to be so heinous over the next 11 days" and will "get a lot worse."


>>>/qresearch/11230620 Anti-child trafficking orgs like the Methodist Church ($$ for trafficking kids and illegal aliens) are getting terrified.

>>>/qresearch/11230677 RED OCTOBER - QClock

>>>/qresearch/11230684 Isn't one board attacking another some kind of imageboard treason?

>>>/qresearch/11230694 Twitter be lyin

>>>/qresearch/11230703 Your laff of the night

>>>/qresearch/11230708 Old and unrelated, move along.. Submarine Group TEN

>>>/qresearch/11230710 This tweet will not age well

>>>/qresearch/11230723 Where are all Joe’s siblings at? Looks like this is a family business of crimes.

>>>/qresearch/11230728 NOTES ON THE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE !!

>>>/qresearch/11230739 United States Attorney’s Office Continues Its Efforts To Dismantle Drug-Dealing Gangs

>>>/qresearch/11230783 NEW DJT RT HOUSE GOP

>>>/qresearch/11230834 #14346

(28 notables, 31 posts, 34 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:19 a.m. No.35383   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11230833 Q Research General #14347: LET'S FINISH THIS EDITION

Created 230346ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11230841, >>>/qresearch/11231261 LIGHTS OUT IN BOSTON

>>>/qresearch/11230962, >>>/qresearch/11231223 EVERY POLL IS GOAL

>>>/qresearch/11230971, >>>/qresearch/11230972 THE ONLY THING NECESSARY FOR EVIL TO TRIUMPH IS FOR GOOD MEN TO DO NOTHING


VIDEO - Harold Wallace Rosenthal jewish Tyranny [Channel: Tony Farrell]


>>>/qresearch/11231042 POTUS SCHEDULE FOR FRIDAY OCTOBER 23, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11231128, >>>/qresearch/11231153 WE OUT HERE PLANEFAGGIN

>>>/qresearch/11231159 DENVER POWER OUTAGE

>>>/qresearch/11231252, >>>/qresearch/11231312 CALIFORNIA POWER OUTAGE


>>>/qresearch/11231283 HOW TO FIND TWAT POLLS

>>>/qresearch/11231317 FLYNN 302 TWEETED

>>>/qresearch/11231360 §2381. TREASON

>>>/qresearch/11231390 U.S. MILITARY AND VACCINE HISTORY

>>>/qresearch/11231394 SEATTLE POWER OUTAGE


>>>/qresearch/11231437 NH & CENTRAL MASS POWER OUTAGES

>>>/qresearch/11231445, >>>/qresearch/11231568 GHISLAINE MAXWELL DEPOSITION



>>>/qresearch/11231639 14347

(19 notables, 25 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:20 a.m. No.35384   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11235455 Q Research General #14353: 'H'a'R'dT'oT'y'P'e'' Edition

Created 231252ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11235623, >>>/qresearch/11235627, >>>/qresearch/11235629, >>>/qresearch/11235646, >>>/qresearch/11235647, >>>/qresearch/11235652, >>>/qresearch/11235653, >>>/qresearch/11235655, >>>/qresearch/11235659, >>>/qresearch/11235710 Every Poll Is A Goal

>>>/qresearch/11235698 +1:03 DELTA — POTUS TWEET / Q DROP

>>>/qresearch/11235699, >>>/qresearch/11235906, >>>/qresearch/11236132, >>>/qresearch/11236211 We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11235730 President Trump’s Approval with Black Voters Soars to 46% After Debate Win Over Joe “Predator” Biden

>>>/qresearch/11235775 Ghislaine Maxwell Got So Upset During Deposition She Knocked Court Reporter’s Computer Off a Table

>>>/qresearch/11235803 Anon Theorizes Interesting Idea

>>>/qresearch/11235841 Bernie Sanders Wants To Be Joe Biden’s Labor Secretary

>>>/qresearch/11235860 Debate fact-check: What Trump and Biden got wrong

>>>/qresearch/11235872 State-funded NPR refuses to cover Hunter Biden story, calling it a 'waste of time'

>>>/qresearch/11235873 Drugs found to cause 'startling recoveries' for Covid-19 patients

>>>/qresearch/11235930 A powerful & game-changing Russia/China military alliance is ‘quite possible’ in future but not on the cards yet, says

>>>/qresearch/11236147 Covid-19 study on mask-wearing efficacy rejected by journals as no one is ‘brave’ enough to publish results

>>>/qresearch/11236153 A sophisticated “browser locker” campaign is spreading via #Facebook and pushing a #tech-support scam.

>>>/qresearch/11236192 Dershowitz plays the transparency card.

>>>/qresearch/11236318 Swing Voters Give Debate Win To Trump: LA Times Panel

>>>/qresearch/11236327 Dark Winter is a term used for a bioterrorism scenario

>>>/qresearch/11236364 BREAKING: @GenFlynn case

>>>/qresearch/11236385 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in The Villages, FL 10-23-20

>>>/qresearch/11236395 @Tom Fitton Obamagate Movie Link

>>>/qresearch/11236405 14353

(20 notables, 32 posts, 30 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:20 a.m. No.35385   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11236389 Q Research General #14354: Attack of the Living Phone Farms Edition

Created 231431ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11236473 We Destroyed Netflix Over Cuties Trash | Subscribers Flee & Stock Implodes

>>>/qresearch/11236477 Hunter biz partner confirms email, details Joe Biden’s push to make millions from China: Goodwin

>>>/qresearch/11236503 LIVE: Press conference alleging voter fraud in Harris County, Texas. [started 30 minutes ago; stream can be rewound]

>>>/qresearch/11236544, >>>/qresearch/11236563 United Steelworkers and Their Members have Canadian and Global Interests

>>>/qresearch/11236804 New UN - Epstein connection

>>>/qresearch/11237029 Kudlow hits Biden over pledge to raise minimum pay: 'You can't mandate wages'

>>>/qresearch/11237037 Social media erupts over Biden claim U.S. had 'good relationship' with Hitler

>>>/qresearch/11237038 Coronavirus Stimulus: Senator pushes for new tax credits to boost travel, hospitality industry

>>>/qresearch/11237039 Every Poll Is A Goal

>>>/qresearch/11237067 Google Trends worth noting after the debate

>>>/qresearch/11237083 Israeli Leadership

>>>/qresearch/11237096 POTUS TWEETS

>>>/qresearch/11237216 14354

(13 notables, 14 posts, 18 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:20 a.m. No.35386   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11237224 Q Research Genera; #14355: Insurmountable Lies Destroyed By Chaos Edition

Created 231540ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11237299, >>>/qresearch/11237407 Hillary drops Joe Biden propaganda poster / UNIT D

>>>/qresearch/11237300 Joe Biden Told 32 Lies In 96 Minutes Last Night. Here They Are

>>>/qresearch/11237324 Youtube is coming after your linked posts. More reliable 3rd party video hosting is necessary

>>>/qresearch/11237342 Biden calls Black Men 'Predators' and creates a vicious bill to incarcerate them that is signed into law by Hillary's husband.

>>>/qresearch/11237388 Black Democrats know who Joe Biden is.

>>>/qresearch/11237395 Snippet from Bannons show, the guy (what's his name?) Says: Hunter tracks all your phones, he looks at all your text messages."


>>>/qresearch/11237405 Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition Redactions Cracked

>>>/qresearch/11237450 Sudan and Israel have agreed to the normalization of relations

>>>/qresearch/11237455 1st Victory Rally is @ The Villages

>>>/qresearch/11237480 The Hidden Tyranny


>>>/qresearch/11237588 Joe Biden is responsible for RUINING the lives of MANY black men and black families

>>>/qresearch/11237593 United Nations Orders Trump To Stand Down In Portland

>>>/qresearch/11237614 MTF connected To CEFC via Middle East Marshall Plan. Page 11 House Intelligence Committee Docs

>>>/qresearch/11237693 Mitch McConnell looking bruised up

>>>/qresearch/11237696 Hogg attacks owner

>>>/qresearch/11237788 Executive Order allows at will firing of federal employees

>>>/qresearch/11237810 Inside the campaign to 'pizzagate' Hunter Biden

>>>/qresearch/11237923 "Bias, Hatred, & Rudeness" - Trump Posts Full Raw '60 Minutes' Interview, Then Posts Pence's

>>>/qresearch/11237946 Boogaloo Bois fired on Minneapolis police precinct, shouted 'Justice for Floyd’

>>>/qresearch/11237961 THESE are the people that want to tell us how we should live our lives! kmao


(21 notables, 22 posts, 32 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:21 a.m. No.35387   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11238043 Q Research General #14356: We Are Q Edition

Created 231644ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11238111 The Trump Administration is the PEACE administration !!!


>>>/qresearch/11238120, >>>/qresearch/11238318, >>>/qresearch/11238377 Joe Biden uses the pseudonym in his emails: Peter Henderson

>>>/qresearch/11238169 Peter Henderson

>>>/qresearch/11238207 POTUS TWEETS 'HUGE win today for the United States and for peace in the world'

>>>/qresearch/11238241 Rudy Giuliani UNLOADS on FBI after Ignoring Lewd and Criminal Photos on Hunter Biden Laptop!

>>>/qresearch/11238252, >>>/qresearch/11238272 United Steelworkers is "disproportionately subject to embezzlement"

>>>/qresearch/11238266 President Trump announced that at least five additional countries want to join in Middle East peace deal

>>>/qresearch/11238273, >>>/qresearch/11238371 We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11238297 Debunking Election & Social Media Myths

>>>/qresearch/11238299 Blockbuster Report Reveals How Biden Family Was Compromised By China

>>>/qresearch/11238305 Trump delivers remarks after announcing Sudan will normalize relations with Israel

>>>/qresearch/11238347 Verifiable Agreement with Russia

>>>/qresearch/11238349 Wang is currently China’s Vice-President and a close aide of Xi

>>>/qresearch/11238421 The joint statement by U.S., Sudan & Israel

>>>/qresearch/11238448 Violence erupts on Poland’s streets as people protest near total abortion ban

>>>/qresearch/11238455 Flynn Case Update

>>>/qresearch/11238519 Fresno law enforcement rages at Calif. Gov. Newsom

>>>/qresearch/11238533 US Embassy In Turkey Suspends All Services, Citing Credible 'Terror Threat'

>>>/qresearch/11238596 Election Meddling: Twitter Locks Account of Trump Campaign National Press Secretary Hogan Gidley

>>>/qresearch/11238625 FBI Meeting With Former Biden Family Business Partner Tony Bobulinski

>>>/qresearch/11238643 TikTok Removes Undisclosed Paid Ads by Anti-Trump Influencers

(21 notables, 25 posts, 48 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:21 a.m. No.35388   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11238803 Q Research General #14357 Never Forget Who You Are Again Edition

Created 231731ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11238857 Emails show that Biden group knew they were working with Chinese intelligence

>>>/qresearch/11238870 900 Pounds of Cocaine Seized at Texas Border Crossing

>>>/qresearch/11238883 Barnier Claims UK and EU Have ‘Huge Common Responsibility’ to Stop Full Brexit

>>>/qresearch/11238912 Phishing groups are collecting user data, email and banking passwords via fake voter registration forms

>>>/qresearch/11238917 Swedish Police to Use Drones to Watch No-Go Areas Around the Clock

>>>/qresearch/11238925 Trump Resistance Plans ‘Mass Mobilization’ After Election To Shut Down The Country If Biden Doesn’t Win

>>>/qresearch/11238931 Hunter Scandal Gets Deeper: Kamala, Schumer & Others Listed On Chinese Corporate Docs

>>>/qresearch/11238933 Executive Order on Creating Schedule F In The Excepted Service

>>>/qresearch/11238951 Relentless Trump: Names Judge To Replace Barrett’s Vacant Seat On Seventh Circuit

>>>/qresearch/11238952 Joint Statement of the United States, the Republic of Sudan, and the State of Israel

>>>/qresearch/11239006, >>>/qresearch/11239010 THE HIDDEN TYRANNY


VIDEO - Harold Wallace Rosenthal jewish Tyranny [Channel: Tony Farrell]

>>>/qresearch/11239036 Facebook banning the news satire website Babylon Bee


>>>/qresearch/11239063 Twitter Flags Detroit News's Endorsement of John James's Senate Campaign Without Explanation

>>>/qresearch/11239075 Epstein And Bill Clinton Flew Together

>>>/qresearch/11239139 Reminder of when Trump "put everything on the table" - October 13, 2016

>>>/qresearch/11239146 Yes, There Is a World Zionist Congress – and It’s Meeting Now

>>>/qresearch/11239172, >>>/qresearch/11239195, >>>/qresearch/11239282, >>>/qresearch/11239531 We out here planefagging

>>>/qresearch/11239219, >>>/qresearch/11239364 Every Poll Is A Goal

>>>/qresearch/11239303 Dark Money Group Behind Kendra Horn’s Rise

>>>/qresearch/11239332 FARRELL: Censorship Of The Biden Story

>>>/qresearch/11239344 McConnell says 'no concerns' about health, after reporters ask about bruised, bandaged hands

>>>/qresearch/11239361 Israel will not oppose US sale of f-35's to UAE

>>>/qresearch/11239370 Two whistleblowers fired in Texas attorney general's office

>>>/qresearch/11239399 Rokefeller Lockstep 2010, Vaccine ID

>>>/qresearch/11239421 Corrupt DC Judge Emmet Sullivan Delays General Flynn Case Again – Demands DOJ Sign Off on Evidence

>>>/qresearch/11239444 Per Chinese Reporters Hunter Biden Went to Beijing, Secretly Met with CCP Spy and Asked for Mansion and Women


>>>/qresearch/11239520 Man accused of shooting down UN chief: ‘Sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to…’

>>>/qresearch/11239522 Is “Peter Henderson” Joe Biden’s E-mail Pseudonym?

>>>/qresearch/11239606 14357

(31 notables, 36 posts, 54 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:21 a.m. No.35389   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11239524 Q Research General #14358: How Do You Trap A Very Dangerous Animal Edition

Created 231816ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11239687 Australia Peoples treaty

>>>/qresearch/11239694 Permanent Ceasefire In Libya Agreed But Erdogan Doesn’t Want To Believe

>>>/qresearch/11239707 San Francisco Board Passes ‘CAREN Act’ to Punish ‘Entitled White Women’ Who Call 911 On Non-Whites

>>>/qresearch/11239713 What the fuck is going on with cocaine Mitch?

>>>/qresearch/11239717 UK Signs Major Post-Brexit Trade Deal With Japan

>>>/qresearch/11239738 Russiagate, The Sequel: Democrats Resurrect ‘Russia Bogeyman’ Ruse to Cover Joe and Hunter Biden’s Foreign Misconduct

>>>/qresearch/11239742 This smells like a deep state false flag set up

>>>/qresearch/11239747 Did Iran Want to Get Caught Sending Threatening Emails to American Voters?

>>>/qresearch/11239785 QPOST 854 JOE R BIDEN +++ + +++++

>>>/qresearch/11239791 Paradise for Human Victims of Corporate Persons

>>>/qresearch/11239806 President Trump’s Top Ten Accomplishments – A European Perspective

>>>/qresearch/11239818 FedEx Readies A Plan To Help Distribute COVID-19 Vaccines

>>>/qresearch/11239833 Russian Navy Warships Are Escorting Iranian Tanker En Route To Syria – Report

>>>/qresearch/11239866 Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules Counties Can't Reject Mail-In Ballots When Signatures Don't Match

>>>/qresearch/11239882 Director of Investigations & Research For Judicial Watch - Biden laptop

>>>/qresearch/11239917 Supreme court corruption in Pennsylvania confirmed

>>>/qresearch/11239924 President Trump’s Approval with Black Voters Soars to 46% After Debate Win Over Joe “Predator” Biden

>>>/qresearch/11239932 We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11239944 Donald Trump may be the most pro-Jewish president ever.

>>>/qresearch/11240041 FinCEN Files sparks fresh UK inquiry into laundering of dirty billions

>>>/qresearch/11240053 Why does Trump talk about military and vaccines?

>>>/qresearch/11240065 Lithuania: Ex-Deputy Speaker of Parliament Charged after OCCRP Partner Investigations

>>>/qresearch/11240179 New DJT

>>>/qresearch/11240208 Australia no longer sending Navy to the Middle East, shifts focus to Asia-Pacific, China

>>>/qresearch/11240212 New Baker Confirmed

>>>/qresearch/11240297 Melbourne anti-lockdown protests

>>>/qresearch/11240318 Xi Says War Must Be Fought To Deter Invaders, "Violence Met With Violence" Necessary

>>>/qresearch/11240421 #14357

(28 notables, 28 posts, 40 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:21 a.m. No.35390   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11240417 Q Research General #14359: Try to Retain Chain of Custody Edition

Created 231909ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11240470 Flynn I strongly endorse Bishop Leon Benjamin for Virginia Congressional District 4

>>>/qresearch/11240512 Long Island man Brendan Sullivan busted in alleged rape of two 13-year-old girls

>>>/qresearch/11240553 No Frank, you are finished because you were being emailed to by Hunter.

>>>/qresearch/11240555 Doge aand ricky's out

>>>/qresearch/11240624 AmThk: Is China Now In Control of Our Flow of Information?

>>>/qresearch/11240638 Joe Biden pseudonym on Hunter laptop is KGB mole from Hunt4 Red October

>>>/qresearch/11240760, >>>/qresearch/11240901, >>>/qresearch/11240936, >>>/qresearch/11240983, >>>/qresearch/11241045, >>>/qresearch/11241137 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/11240762 Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: Senate Final PDF

>>>/qresearch/11240788 DJT: VOTE


>>>/qresearch/11240803 Republican Congressman And His Family ‘Threatened’ At Their Home (?)

>>>/qresearch/11240804 SC: U.S. Embassy in Ankara alerted to potential threats of terrorism and kidnappings

>>>/qresearch/11240827 Shetland Islands space base cleared for launch Lockheed Martin

>>>/qresearch/11240878, >>>/qresearch/11240931 WH: Historic Peace Agreement Between Israel and Sudan

>>>/qresearch/11240886 USN: 'Red Patch' is Back As Reactivated Landing Support Battalions Rejoin Fleet

>>>/qresearch/11240937 Leading Gun-Control Group Abandons $60 Million Spending Pledge

>>>/qresearch/11240966 BREAKING VIDEO: Biden /alleged/ To Have iPad At Debate On His Podium

>>>/qresearch/11240971 BofA: Fed Will Use Digital Dollars To Unleash Inflation

>>>/qresearch/11240980 CH: FBI Spox “We have no comment, in keeping with our standard practice"

>>>/qresearch/11241103 DOJ: Justice Department Requires Divestiture In Liberty Acquiring AT&T's PR

(19 notables, 25 posts, 31 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:22 a.m. No.35391   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11241210 Q Research General #14360: Historic Peace Agreements Edition

Created 232002ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11241286 Code name project hanson documents reveal hunter helped chinese military

>>>/qresearch/11241289 RALLY FEEDS

>>>/qresearch/11241301 JW: Is dementia contagious?

>>>/qresearch/11241309, >>>/qresearch/11241315, >>>/qresearch/11241324, >>>/qresearch/11241358 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/11241348 USN: (EOD Crazy Fucks!!!)

>>>/qresearch/11241370 Duke Tanner makes video about his clemency after 16yrs - Thank you!


>>>/qresearch/11241426 LinW: Carter Page about to sue Comey and FBI???

>>>/qresearch/11241435 The Global Takeover Is Underway (New Old Info)

>>>/qresearch/11241513 Alternate Hosting Sites for Fallen Patriot YT Shows

>>>/qresearch/11241555, >>>/qresearch/11241566 POTUS Arrives

>>>/qresearch/11241663 Joe Biden, Trunk at the Villages (old vid)

>>>/qresearch/11241693, >>>/qresearch/11241863, >>>/qresearch/11241944 PF Cont.

>>>/qresearch/11241743 GWP: Kamala Harris Responds to Biden’s Vow to Shut Down US Oil Industry

>>>/qresearch/11241753 Cilizza of CNN knows that POTUS won

>>>/qresearch/11241774 Marine Commandant to Leaders: Quit The 'Soft Relief' of Fired Officers

>>>/qresearch/11241777, >>>/qresearch/11241806 TrumpWarRoom Trippz mask shaming

>>>/qresearch/11241987 #14360

(17 notables, 24 posts, 29 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:22 a.m. No.35392   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11242010 Q Research General #14361: Peace Rally Edition

Created 232107ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11242122 Federal officials said the shooter can be seen in the footage high-fiving

>>>/qresearch/11242129 Gina Haspel’s education, it seems, had both exclusive and democratic elements.

>>>/qresearch/11242164 Kevin McCarthy and DJT retweet: POTUS HAS THE BALL

>>>/qresearch/11242167 MSNBC Host: Black Lives Matter 'Never Advocated Violence Against Police'

>>>/qresearch/11242190, >>>/qresearch/11242329, >>>/qresearch/11242447, >>>/qresearch/11242544 Planefag reports


>>>/qresearch/11242248 A Senate report released today claims that the FBI are criminals

>>>/qresearch/11242261 Smithsonian: Vampires

>>>/qresearch/11242287 Trump: Biden Will 'Destroy the Oil Industry'

>>>/qresearch/11242296 Senate GOP The invisible enemy


>>>/qresearch/11242307 "Here's the email where one of Hunter Biden's partners…"

>>>/qresearch/11242347 Bongino: Joe Biden is an active NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT

>>>/qresearch/11242392 NEW trailer (#3)…The Plot Against The President

>>>/qresearch/11242423 DOJ: 28 Oct. Panel Discussion: Combating the Online Exploitation of Children

>>>/qresearch/11242484 Pennsylvania's top court blow to GOP tossing signature-matching (new article)

>>>/qresearch/11242520 The man who supplied rifles to terrorists who used them to kill 14 people in San Bernardino

>>>/qresearch/11242658 Blockbuster Report Reveals How Biden Family Was Compromised By China

>>>/qresearch/11242695 Judge orders Justice Department to verify its filings in Flynn case

>>>/qresearch/11242762 #14361

(19 notables, 22 posts, 23 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:22 a.m. No.35393   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11242758 Q Research General #14362: Fighting from the Golf Carts Edition

Created 232156ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11242839 Trump laughs about Biden at Rally "Only at “the villages”


>>>/qresearch/11242867 Sidney: condemn the D.C. swamp and Judge Emmet Sullivan

>>>/qresearch/11242875 Senator Ron Johnson: Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption

>>>/qresearch/11242897, >>>/qresearch/11243250 (Bun) The American Federation of Government Workers Embezzlement Problem

>>>/qresearch/11242922, >>>/qresearch/11242936, >>>/qresearch/11242977, >>>/qresearch/11243009 (Bun) The American Federation of Government Workers Embezzlement Problem / The American Federation of Government Workers has an Embezzlement Problem

>>>/qresearch/11242935 Rudy: I can’t talk about this on mainstream television.

>>>/qresearch/11242993, >>>/qresearch/11243212, >>>/qresearch/11243271, >>>/qresearch/11243358 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/11242996 Hunter rewind dig

>>>/qresearch/11243064, >>>/qresearch/11243370 Full Borat-Giuliani sequence: It's Fake!


>>>/qresearch/11243066 The Media Officially Becomes the Communications Department for Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11243194 San Francisco Tech CEO Emails 10 Million Customers Urging Vote For Biden

>>>/qresearch/11243206 @realannapaulina #5 Vote Republican

>>>/qresearch/11243241 Romania, PapaD, Energy, Levant, Cyprus digg

>>>/qresearch/11243298 Kirstie: Omg cruel and weird ..sad for them .. are we next?

>>>/qresearch/11243361 Belarusian “Covid Relief Aid.”

>>>/qresearch/11243376 NJ Mayor Derek Armstead was caught removing letters from President Trump

(17 notables, 25 posts, 43 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:23 a.m. No.35394   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11243531 Q Research General #14363: That Feeling When You're All In Step Edition

Created 232249ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11243599 How to Quickly Spot a Clown

>>>/qresearch/11243618, >>>/qresearch/11243625 A dark winter: Biden

>>>/qresearch/11243622 Belarusian President Claims IMF & World Bank Offered him a Bribe to Impose COVID Restrictions

>>>/qresearch/11243659, >>>/qresearch/11244203 PF

>>>/qresearch/11243674 New York law enforcement now entering PRIVATE HOMES.


>>>/qresearch/11243737 UNCOVERED: How Joe Biden Got Millions In Foreign Bribes

>>>/qresearch/11243820 Senate GOP live

>>>/qresearch/11243906 DARPA McChrystal relied heavily on Flynn (2011)


>>>/qresearch/11244028 Covid-19 This is not a drill. Mar 5 2020 Connected?

>>>/qresearch/11244084 Dan Scavino

>>>/qresearch/11244110 Mark Kelly dressed as Hitler for Halloween

>>>/qresearch/11244130 Patriot Anons POTUS 11 Days COMMS to Anons

>>>/qresearch/11244216 Big Tech Making Life Hell For YouTubers Who Mention QAnon

(14 notables, 16 posts, 21 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:23 a.m. No.35395   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11244301 Q Research General #14364: Friday Session Edition

Created 232343ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11244415 #14363

>>>/qresearch/11244425 Dan Scavino

>>>/qresearch/11244438 Trump Campaign Releases Devastating Digital Ad on Biden Family International Dealings and Mass Corruption

>>>/qresearch/11244459 YouTube Is Selling So Many Political Ads It Has Run Out Of Videos To Place Them On

>>>/qresearch/11244481 Joe Biden Promises to Push Elected Officials into Issuing Mask Mandates Nationwide

>>>/qresearch/11244483 Biden Inc….Over his decades in office, ‘Middle-Class Joe’s’ family fortunes have closely tracked his political career (2019)

>>>/qresearch/11244494 It's all fun and games until…(2008) AC-130 Gunship Lights up the Night

>>>/qresearch/11244581 Mark Ruffalo tweets, 'Unless you are Native American you are an immigrant in this country. FULL STOP.' And the backlash is severe.

>>>/qresearch/11244610 Canadian Government to Allot $163Mln for Domestic Vaccine Development

>>>/qresearch/11244613 Major Power Outage in NOVA… seems fine….eyes on???

>>>/qresearch/11244629, >>>/qresearch/11244906 PF

>>>/qresearch/11244657 Australia Federal MP Peter Dutton covers up $39 million fraud and theft at the Australian Border Force

>>>/qresearch/11244658 The Biden Family: A political and financial timeline

>>>/qresearch/11244699 Northern Virginia…Alexandria specifically…POWER outage

>>>/qresearch/11244702 Senate HSGAC, Finance Majority Staff Report: GSA and FBI Undermined Presidential Transition Process by Secretly Sharing Private Trump Transition Records with Special Counsel

>>>/qresearch/11244781 Soros Steers Last-Minute Cash to Boost Black, Latino Turnout in Battleground States

>>>/qresearch/11244807 China's purchases of U.S. farm goods at 71% of target under trade deal

>>>/qresearch/11244837 Trump Admin Leads 32 Nations in U.N. Rebuke: No International ‘Right’ to Abortion

>>>/qresearch/11244913 NBC 15 sources have confirmed the plane that crashed in Baldwin County was a Navy training aircraft

>>>/qresearch/11244924 Twatter removes Tony Bobulinski????

>>>/qresearch/11244928 This Is The "Sh*t Hitting The Fan" Part Of The Fourth Turning

>>>/qresearch/11244949 Black Prison Rate Under President Trump Is Lowest In 31 Years…Down 24% For Hispanics

>>>/qresearch/11244950 Teen accused of plot to kill Biden is son of late ‘Oscar Schindler for Tibetans’

>>>/qresearch/11245038 #14364

(24 notables, 25 posts, 31 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:23 a.m. No.35396   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11245043 Q Research General #14365: Pensacola's Winning Evenings Edition

Created 240029ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11245200 Anon thoughts on freedom and fight

>>>/qresearch/11245628 A U.S. Navy T-6B Texan II aircraft crashed in Foley, Alabama, at approximately 5 p.m. CST today. The aircrew did not survive the crash.

>>>/qresearch/11245708 Released emails show Fauci signed off on WHO-sponsored statement approving China's response to COVID…IN JANUARY

(3 notables, 3 posts, 4 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:24 a.m. No.35397   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11245873 Q Research General #14366: EBaked Edition

Created 240119ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11245923 Soros Steers Last-Minute Cash to Boost Black, Latino Turnout in Battleground States

>>>/qresearch/11245943 Disney Warns Viewers Of Racism In Some Classic Movies With Strengthened Label

>>>/qresearch/11245988 US Navy Aircraft Crashes into Alabama House, Two Pilots Killed

>>>/qresearch/11245994 Trump campaign, Nevada GOP file suit to halt mail ballot count in Las Vegas area

>>>/qresearch/11246060 World Economic Forum seeks to enslave Americans by replacing free-market capitalism with “Great Reset” to roll out global socialism

>>>/qresearch/11246166 Scottish leader goes full dictator

>>>/qresearch/11246174 (((Mel Brooks))) Endorses Biden for President in First-Ever Political Video


>>>/qresearch/11246276 (You) Why @FBI bury the Hunter Biden laptop in 2019? Because in December 2019 President Trump was being impeached for questioning the Biden Ukraine influence & bribery scheme that was factually evidenced in the Biden laptop

>>>/qresearch/11246396 This gas pipeline through asia has been central to the DS’s goals since the 1910

>>>/qresearch/11246424 How Expert Worship Is Ruining Science

>>>/qresearch/11246441 LQQKS like POTUS triggered Liddle watermelonhead!

>>>/qresearch/11246489 Adam Housley It’s downright Communist

>>>/qresearch/11246540 THE BANKING RECORDS: Hillary’s bodyguard’s (Craig Sawyer/Vets 4 Child Rescue) SCAM

>>>/qresearch/11246568 Released emails show Fauci signed off on WHO-sponsored statement approving China’s response to COVID

>>>/qresearch/11246611 DJT Joe Biden is a corrupt politician and he’s COMPROMISED

(15 notables, 15 posts, 27 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:24 a.m. No.35398   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11246613 Q Research General #14367: EBaked Pt 2: Ghost Protocol Edition

Created 240207ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11246679 DJT: If I do not sound like a typical Washington politician, it’s because I’m NOT a politician.

>>>/qresearch/11246695 #14366

>>>/qresearch/11246711, >>>/qresearch/11246720 General services administration mentions the expansion of a hydrosonic aerospace laboratory being part of NASA.


>>>/qresearch/11246727 POTUS Schedule for SATURDAY October 24, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11246768, >>>/qresearch/11246784, >>>/qresearch/11246811, >>>/qresearch/11246848, >>>/qresearch/11246871, >>>/qresearch/11246895, >>>/qresearch/11246921 American Federation of Government Employees - embezzlement issues continued.

>>>/qresearch/11246832 It Looks Like Jeff Zucker Is Plotting His Exit from CNN and AT&T

>>>/qresearch/11246846 US Signs Commitment With Israel To Uphold Military Edge Over Gulf States

>>>/qresearch/11246851, >>>/qresearch/11246961, >>>/qresearch/11246979, >>>/qresearch/11246995, >>>/qresearch/11247019 Planefags

>>>/qresearch/11246881, >>>/qresearch/11246894, >>>/qresearch/11246915 Dan Scavino: It's happening

>>>/qresearch/11246943 ‘Over My Dead Body’: Bill Cassidy Torches Joe Biden’s Plan to Shut Down Oil, Natural Gas

>>>/qresearch/11246952, >>>/qresearch/11247304 Released emails show Fauci signed off on WHO-sponsored statement approving China’s response to COVID

>>>/qresearch/11246987 Beetlejuice slams lockdowns on businesses

>>>/qresearch/11247404 #14367

(13 notables, 27 posts, 51 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:28 a.m. No.35399   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11247421 Q Research General #14368 To infinite and beyond Edition

Created 240308ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11247434 Paul Sperry: Hunter Biden viewed his father's name and political influence as "my family's only asset" – a commodity to be bought, sold and traded on the international market

>>>/qresearch/11247445 Flynn case judge issues unusual order telling government to certify evidence is ‘true and correct’

>>>/qresearch/11247469 Hunter´s laptop: Confirmed. It is his niece, Natalie, in the lude pictures and it sounds bad! "Horizontal" These people are so sick

>>>/qresearch/11247473 First Federal Criminal Jury Trial Since Pandemic

>>>/qresearch/11247483 For Night Shift Use discernment. Think for yourself.

>>>/qresearch/11247510 Two Decades After 9/11, Pentagon Is Providing Covert Air Support To The Taliban

>>>/qresearch/11247536 Polls that just closed: Winning

>>>/qresearch/11247559 There is zero evidence to suggest this mandate is necessary.

>>>/qresearch/11247562 Facebook, Twitter CEOs agree to testify before Senate next month

>>>/qresearch/11247585, >>>/qresearch/11247641 Dig: Chinese construction company Far East Construction Corporation is tied to Hussein's Cage Builders MCC Construction

>>>/qresearch/11247586 DT Jr: I urge everyone to support @nallyforde #flipthe4th

>>>/qresearch/11247610, >>>/qresearch/11247681 The Hunt for Red in October was just shown as the topic on Fox a while ago.

>>>/qresearch/11247628 To Save The Stock Market, The Fed Threatens Destruction Of Trillions In Middle-Class Retirement

>>>/qresearch/11247636 "The American Home" by @damonimani


>>>/qresearch/11247646 U.S. Navy Service Members Sentenced in Sweeping Corruption and Insurance Fraud Scheme

>>>/qresearch/11247739 Statement from National Security Advisor Robert C. O’Brien

>>>/qresearch/11247800, >>>/qresearch/11247975, >>>/qresearch/11247982 Trump issued an edict that eliminates job protections for tens of thousands (maybe millions) of federal employees Natalie Biden google trend last 4 hours

>>>/qresearch/11247823, >>>/qresearch/11247969 PF (KAF)

(18 notables, 23 posts, 45 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:29 a.m. No.35400   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11248865 Q Research General #14370: Biden Dark Winter Dreams Edition

Created 240535ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11248972 Morocco: the hellish world of sex tourism

>>>/qresearch/11248974, >>>/qresearch/11248978, >>>/qresearch/11249049 TACAMO

>>>/qresearch/11248993 How the GSA and FBI Undermined the Presidential Transition Process

>>>/qresearch/11249000, >>>/qresearch/11249078 Natalie Biden talks abut Hunter Biden, body language mark 1:23 and 1.59


>>>/qresearch/11249009 Q drop 1 The start. 3-year delta, this Halloween eve.

>>>/qresearch/11249011 The Left and the Right Speak Different Languages—Literally

>>>/qresearch/11249019 The Lords Prayer

>>>/qresearch/11249061, >>>/qresearch/11249085, >>>/qresearch/11249155, >>>/qresearch/11249562 GNews - Lots of Possible Biden Drops - Questionable Source

>>>/qresearch/11249109 If You Don’t Know That ‘Coyotes’ Are Human Smugglers, Shut Up About The Border

>>>/qresearch/11249120 Politics is Often Stranger than Fiction

>>>/qresearch/11249121 Our President, Donald Trump, will be doing 3-4 rallies A DAY from now until the election.

>>>/qresearch/11249123 Remarks by Deputy National Security Advisor Matt Pottinger to London-based Policy Exchange

>>>/qresearch/11249152 Every Penny That Europeans Spend on Oil and Gas is Taxed to the Biden Family!

>>>/qresearch/11249217 Guided Tour Inside the E-4B NAOC Doomsday Plane

VIDEO - Guided Tour Inside the E-4B NAOC Doomsday Plane [Channel: Horizontal Rain]

>>>/qresearch/11249231 Hunter Biden Dated his brother Beau's widow Hallie for 2 Years, while her daughter Natalie Biden was 12-14 years old

>>>/qresearch/11249336 Speaking in Pensacola, FL, Trump hits Biden on remarks about fossil fuels, says, "Somehow, they didn't like that in Texas and Pennsylvania and a lot of other places."

>>>/qresearch/11249337 How to Track Your Absentee Ballot by State

>>>/qresearch/11249393 Hunter Biden venture eyed Gov. Cuomo, Chuck Schumer for deals: documents

>>>/qresearch/11249424 UK Foreign Office is funding opposition-linked 'transparency' project in Venezuela, journo reveals

>>>/qresearch/11249511 Prince Charles supported move by Queen's representative to sack Australian

>>>/qresearch/11249560, >>>/qresearch/11249574, >>>/qresearch/11249578, >>>/qresearch/11249587, >>>/qresearch/11249593 The Loan Agreement signed by Hunter Biden to get finance for the 10% equity interest in Bohai Harvest RST

>>>/qresearch/11249571 Video: Even FOX NEWS is Censoring Criticism of George Soros - Here's Why

>>>/qresearch/11249612 #14370

(23 notables, 33 posts, 37 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:30 a.m. No.35401   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11248164 Q Research General #14369 Comfy Friday Edition

Created 240410ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11248195, >>>/qresearch/11248425, >>>/qresearch/11248428 Biden again Dark Winter Reference today 10/23/20

>>>/qresearch/11248201, >>>/qresearch/11248249, >>>/qresearch/11248272 Israel and Sudan agree to normalize relations in a U.S.-brokered deal

>>>/qresearch/11248209, >>>/qresearch/11248241, >>>/qresearch/11248438, >>>/qresearch/11248589 PF

>>>/qresearch/11248240 Did Biden family's overseas dealings affect Obama-era foreign policy? (4mins)

>>>/qresearch/11248242 This Week At State - The Department of State Week in Review

>>>/qresearch/11248342, >>>/qresearch/11248400 Dan Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11248358 The Hill running a story on Frank Luntz

>>>/qresearch/11248370, >>>/qresearch/11248406 Voter Fraud and the Upcoming General Election

>>>/qresearch/11248381 Colorado covid surveillance app will be automatically installed on Apple phones

>>>/qresearch/11248392 Copper and other metals and compounds can be used to synthesize adrenochrome…

>>>/qresearch/11248433 James Woods (Cap)


>>>/qresearch/11248442, >>>/qresearch/11248451, >>>/qresearch/11248458, >>>/qresearch/11248463, >>>/qresearch/11248466 When Biden told us to prepare for a "dark winter"

>>>/qresearch/11248476 SpaceX aims to build a Starlink mega constellation around MARS

>>>/qresearch/11248498 POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11248529 On June 22, 2001 the United States launched Operation Dark Winter

>>>/qresearch/11248545, >>>/qresearch/11248601 Dark Winter

>>>/qresearch/11248557 U.S. President Barack Obama Visits China (2009)

>>>/qresearch/11248561 Dark Winter - Segment 6

>>>/qresearch/11248584 GNews - Lots of Possible Biden Drops - Questionable Source

>>>/qresearch/11248596 The Sordid Family History of John Kerry whose family has been in the opium trade the longest?

>>>/qresearch/11248610, >>>/qresearch/11248723 Biden made a major genocide announcement: Dark Winter

>>>/qresearch/11248635 Peace is the prize” ~ President Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/11248672, >>>/qresearch/11248678, >>>/qresearch/11248695 Walmart new Black Friday start 2020 Black Friday COMMS?? Day after the election?

>>>/qresearch/11248759 Judicial Watch NEW

>>>/qresearch/11248786 "We're Learning To Die With Coronavirus… Dark Winter Ahead": Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11248813 The 4 Grand Daughters of Joe Biden

VIDEO - WATCH: Biden’s granddaughters speak about their grandfather’s run for president [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>>/qresearch/11248839 Jim Banks Demands State Dept Immediately Disclose Biden/Xi Private Meetings After Govt Initially Gave 3-Year Response Time

>>>/qresearch/11248862 #14369

(28 notables, 45 posts, 46 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:31 a.m. No.35402   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11249621 Q Research General #14371: Bohai Harvest RST Edition

Created 240704ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11249725 Trump’s approval jumped nine points from Thursday to Friday, going from 37 percent on Thursday to 46 percent on the morning following the presidential debate

>>>/qresearch/11249746 Support for President Trump among Latinos has jumped 8 points in one month in California

>>>/qresearch/11249748, >>>/qresearch/11249814 Biden "child porn" shock - Hunter becomes the Hunted

>>>/qresearch/11249753, >>>/qresearch/11250259 Off Their Rocker: Conspiracy Theorists Claim Museum Is Center of Satanism

>>>/qresearch/11249767 Key points in Biden activities in China report raise very valid concerns about linkages

>>>/qresearch/11249824 C-SPAN: Full Vice Presidential Debate with Gov. Palin and Sen. Biden

>>>/qresearch/11249838, >>>/qresearch/11249853, >>>/qresearch/11249858, >>>/qresearch/11249868, >>>/qresearch/11249882, >>>/qresearch/11249888, >>>/qresearch/11249893, >>>/qresearch/11249903, >>>/qresearch/11249911, >>>/qresearch/11249920, >>>/qresearch/11249949, >>>/qresearch/11249958, >>>/qresearch/11249968, >>>/qresearch/11249982 (bun) Balding's World KVBJHB pdf

>>>/qresearch/11249933 The Loan Agreement signed by Hunter Biden (REPOSTED)

>>>/qresearch/11249989, >>>/qresearch/11249991 Q’s Path From Fringe To Mainstream

VIDEO - Black Label Society "Crazy Horse" [Channel: KOCHRECORDS]

>>>/qresearch/11250340 Biden Leak: An email from Jim Biden to Robert Hunter Biden on February 2nd, 2018

>>>/qresearch/11250391 Hunter becomes the Hunted ~ Breaking News : Australia from @PatriotNobel ~

(11 notables, 27 posts, 78 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:31 a.m. No.35403   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11251242 Q Research General #14373: (((WWG1WGA))) Edition

Created 241152ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11251315 Enough is enough, Also relates to Q posts.

>>>/qresearch/11251319 Alexander Hillel Treisman

>>>/qresearch/11251331 Anon theorizes

>>>/qresearch/11251345 Speed (the movie

>>>/qresearch/11251372 University Of Michigan Students Volunteer As Poll Workers Amid Ongoing Pandemic

>>>/qresearch/11251396 Talking about Q posts

>>>/qresearch/11251415 Today, President Trump will be voting early in Florida

>>>/qresearch/11251438 Why Did Hunter Biden Extend Loan in China – What is this Deal About?

>>>/qresearch/11251450 Tom Fitton and Attorney Sidney Powell “They Were Willing to Blow Up the Constitution” – “All of Their Rage Has Been Out of Their Own Guilt.”

>>>/qresearch/11251469 Chelsea Handler explains shaming of Trump-backer 50 Cent: 'I had to remind him that he was a Black person'

>>>/qresearch/11251480 Oprah Soup?


>>>/qresearch/11251513 Israel's Ethnic Weapon?

>>>/qresearch/11251534 Code Name ‘Project Hanson’: Insider Documents Reveal How Hunter Biden Associates Helped Chinese Military Contractor Acquire Michigan Dual-Use Manufacturer

>>>/qresearch/11251541 Anon's take on Jack Posobiec

>>>/qresearch/11251569 Start at 36:36 Rudy Giuliani bombshells

>>>/qresearch/11251579 Bio Lab in Nes Ziyyona, Israel:

>>>/qresearch/11251598 Saving Israel For Last

>>>/qresearch/11251615, >>>/qresearch/11251618 Rational thinking challenge



>>>/qresearch/11251649 Multiple journals reject major mask study amid hints that it shows masks don't stop COVID

>>>/qresearch/11251659, >>>/qresearch/11251672 Israel has created ISIS for their own benefit


>>>/qresearch/11251662 SWAMP IS ABOUT TO BE DRAINED

>>>/qresearch/11251664 Shepard Smith Implores Americans in States Facing Covid Spikes

>>>/qresearch/11251676 It's okay to talk about Israel and Zionism

>>>/qresearch/11251696 Islam has no place in the West. Pics related why.

>>>/qresearch/11251704 The Uncanny Resemblance of Barbara Bush to Aleister Crowley

>>>/qresearch/11251722 More on Jewish Subversion of the West.

>>>/qresearch/11251725 Anthony Weiner still can’t totally quit politics.

>>>/qresearch/11251730 SHOCK VIDEO: Detroit Election Workers Trained To Kick Out Poll Watchers, Count Challenged Ballots, Throw Out Provisional Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11251747 OUTRAGEOUS: A Large Danish Study on Mask Wearing Is Being Delayed by Publishers of Major Medical Journals – Therefore Preventing the Results from Being Made Public

>>>/qresearch/11251751 California Statewide Fire Summary October 23, 2020 / PG&E to shut off power for nearly 1 million residents in central, Northern California

>>>/qresearch/11251755 “Give us twenty years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country”

>>>/qresearch/11251761 Alan Sabrosky, Ph.D, retired Marine officer and former Director of Studies at the United States Army War College's Strategic Studies Institute says Mossad did 9/11


>>>/qresearch/11251763, >>>/qresearch/11251770 Where is Bin Laden?

>>>/qresearch/11251768 911 is symbolism for Greater Israel.


>>>/qresearch/11251769 This is from 2018. Looks like Chinese industrial espionage. Forgotten about this. Biden Reeeport brought it to memory.

>>>/qresearch/11251780 Halloween is Christmas for Satanists, Illuminati (Video)

>>>/qresearch/11251781 Those who fell for the "God is dead" meme (TIME mag cover)

>>>/qresearch/11251794 Drag Queen Story Hour and other "things"

>>>/qresearch/11251817 Ex-Witch Reveals the Ritual Satanic Abuse That Happens on Halloween

>>>/qresearch/11251818 MALCOM X (IMPORTANT)


>>>/qresearch/11251844 A Satanic Halloween Spectacle

>>>/qresearch/11251860, >>>/qresearch/11251935, >>>/qresearch/11251946, >>>/qresearch/11251966, >>>/qresearch/11252006 We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11251863 This doctor, Jeremy Shapiro, prescribes 'puberty blockers" for male children who have not reached puberty

>>>/qresearch/11251864 About The Satanic Temple TV

>>>/qresearch/11251878 Lurkers and Newfags Stop letting yourself be offended, instead look for truth

>>>/qresearch/11251929 (You) 14373

>>>/qresearch/11251969 14373

(47 notables, 54 posts, 121 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:32 a.m. No.35404   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11250442 Q Research General #14372: Remind Me The Story, That I Don't Get Insane Edition

Created 240918ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11250515, >>>/qresearch/11250520, >>>/qresearch/11250526, >>>/qresearch/11250535, >>>/qresearch/11250544, >>>/qresearch/11250553, >>>/qresearch/11250570, >>>/qresearch/11250614, >>>/qresearch/11250661, >>>/qresearch/11250664, >>>/qresearch/11250701, >>>/qresearch/11250710, >>>/qresearch/11250713, >>>/qresearch/11250731 Q drops #1 - #14

>>>/qresearch/11250547 No Signature Match? No Postmark? No Problemo! It's This Week in Ballot Shenanigans!

>>>/qresearch/11250583 Newsweek ‘Trauma Psychologist’ Advises on Overcoming ‘Psychological Toll’ of Trump Presidency

>>>/qresearch/11250597 Anon shows listing of HIT PIECES against Q. All for a Carp?

>>>/qresearch/11250629 "…and then they (Google + Powers that be) came for the books"


>>>/qresearch/11250688 Alexander Hillel Treisman

>>>/qresearch/11250711 Trump Admin Leads 32 Nations in U.N. Rebuke: No International ‘Right’ to Abortion

>>>/qresearch/11250716 Honest Government Ad | Q (briddy gud)

VIDEO - Honest Government Ad | Q [Channel: thejuicemedia]

>>>/qresearch/11250750, >>>/qresearch/11250753 Diggs on Aga Khan, his connections, and his personal lavish life

>>>/qresearch/11250758, >>>/qresearch/11250771 We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11250811 Nashville Police Arrest Woman in Trump 2020 Shirt for Not Wearing a Mask Outside (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11250880 Election Day job postings popping up…outsourcing??

>>>/qresearch/11250889 OAN Newsroom

>>>/qresearch/11250906 Confusion abounds after Horry County drops mask ordinance, but McMaster won’t step in

>>>/qresearch/11250929 Nearly half a million PG&E customers to lose power amid planned fire-safety shut-offs Sunday

>>>/qresearch/11250937 Days After The Final Debate, A Flood Of New 2020 Polls Show The Tide May Be Turning For President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11251002 Largest ever study of mask efficacy against corona virus already rejected for publication by 3 major medical journals.

>>>/qresearch/11251007 Anons staying ahead of the curve (for laffs)

>>>/qresearch/11251036 National Republican Party Formally Backs Q Supporter

>>>/qresearch/11251048 Adam Schiff: Kevin McCarthy and Steve Scalise 'amplify' antisemitism

>>>/qresearch/11251066 Poland's President Andrzej Duda tests positive for coronavirus

>>>/qresearch/11251070 Flexner Report


>>>/qresearch/11251074 Idaho county drops mask mandate despite warning of overwhelmed hospital

>>>/qresearch/11251078 Germany’s Jüdische Rundschau: President Trump’s Top Ten Accomplishments – A European Perspective


>>>/qresearch/11251110 The AGA KHAN runs the UN! Godfather?!

>>>/qresearch/11251128 Good-bye germ theory (pdf)


>>>/qresearch/11251129 Anon speaking some Big True.

>>>/qresearch/11251213 Some quick excerpts from Trump when asked about Q


>>>/qresearch/11251222 (wikipedia) Nazi concentration camp badges

>>>/qresearch/11251237 14372

(31 notables, 46 posts, 59 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:32 a.m. No.35405   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11252775 Q Research General #14375: Warriors of The Light Stand Unitedd

Created 241438ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11252875 PCR TESTS

>>>/qresearch/11252882 Alexander Treisman, accused of plotting to kill Joe Biden, is son of prominent Jewish attorney once called ‘Schindler for Tibetans’

>>>/qresearch/11252886 10:28 and #1028 _5:5

>>>/qresearch/11252887 Hunter Biden’s former business partner meets with FBI

>>>/qresearch/11252895 500 years ago, another epidemic swept Mexico: smallpox

>>>/qresearch/11252898 The Bones are back: B-1s return to Guam

>>>/qresearch/11252900 2nd Pic explains how people can get triggered by Cute things

>>>/qresearch/11252919 “Dark Winter”: Bio Warfare Simulation Predicts Vaccine Deaths, Martial Law, And Threats to Civil Liberty in Viral Outbreak Scenario

>>>/qresearch/11252920 Biden "child porn" shock is lead story in Australia. Nothing in the New York Times.

>>>/qresearch/11252921, >>>/qresearch/11252986, >>>/qresearch/11253094, >>>/qresearch/11253482 WE OUT HERE PLANEFAGGIN'

>>>/qresearch/11252925 PORT OF LE HAVRE - NORTHERN FRANCE

>>>/qresearch/11252943 Hunter Biden venture eyed Gov. Cuomo, Chuck Schumer for deals: documents

>>>/qresearch/11252945 Jewish voters edge further away from Trump

>>>/qresearch/11252954, >>>/qresearch/11252961, >>>/qresearch/11252962, >>>/qresearch/11252968, >>>/qresearch/11252970, >>>/qresearch/11252977, >>>/qresearch/11252980, >>>/qresearch/11252984, >>>/qresearch/11252989, >>>/qresearch/11252993, >>>/qresearch/11252998, >>>/qresearch/11253000, >>>/qresearch/11253003, >>>/qresearch/11253007, >>>/qresearch/11253012, >>>/qresearch/11253017, >>>/qresearch/11253022, >>>/qresearch/11253024, >>>/qresearch/11253034 11254127 , , Q drops #15 - #43 to see more

>>>/qresearch/11252960 Winter Dark (The Winter Series #1) by Alex Callister, Ell Potter (Narrator)

>>>/qresearch/11252971 THE RISE OF BIDEN’S CONNECTION TO CCP

>>>/qresearch/11252978 The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.

>>>/qresearch/11253036 @BreitbartNews "Donald Trump's approval among likely black voters jumped to 46 percent, according to Rasmussen Reports data posted Friday."

>>>/qresearch/11253076 China Is Reconsidering Yuan Internationalization Strategy

>>>/qresearch/11253091 Emma Benameur, Head of the Global Leadership Institute; Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum

>>>/qresearch/11253140 -YOU HAVE TO READ THIS

>>>/qresearch/11253154 You Know You Love and Watch Mark Dice!


>>>/qresearch/11253251 Pompeo warns Governors-Speech

>>>/qresearch/11253253 CNN missed its profit targets by $100-$120 million and Jeff Zucker may be on his way out now.

>>>/qresearch/11253261 Watch some George Carlin "It's a Big Club''

>>>/qresearch/11253264 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Lumberton, NC 10-24-20

>>>/qresearch/11253270 Ron Perelman Selloff Continues With $106 Million Superyacht

>>>/qresearch/11253278 Overstuffed Nasa spacecraft Osiris-Rex losing particles after bingeing on Bennu

>>>/qresearch/11253364 Hunter, Joe, a Chinese Partner, and a Michigan Auto Parts Company

>>>/qresearch/11253383 14376

>>>/qresearch/11253486 Here is another article from 2017 showing that Trump doesn't benefit.

(31 notables, 52 posts, 58 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:32 a.m. No.35406   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11253450 Q Research General #14376: Don't Sleep Through Paradise, Enjoy the Show Edition

Created 241550ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11253836 Gen Flynn-recommended "The Plot Against The President" FREE (baker change here)

>>>/qresearch/11254022 Joe Biden insults Pennsylvanians who dont vote for him


>>>/qresearch/11254029 POTUS tweet off to NC, OH and WI

>>>/qresearch/11254121, >>>/qresearch/11254312 S1368, Lumbee Recognition act

>>>/qresearch/11254131, >>>/qresearch/11254147, >>>/qresearch/11254158, >>>/qresearch/11254164, >>>/qresearch/11254174, >>>/qresearch/11254182, >>>/qresearch/11254187, >>>/qresearch/11254193, >>>/qresearch/11254198 11254127 , , Q drops #15 - #43 to see more

>>>/qresearch/11254228 Soros Steers Last-Minute Cash to Boost Black, Latino Turnout in Battleground States

>>>/qresearch/11254245 These people are sick

>>>/qresearch/11254246 POTUS tweet polls

>>>/qresearch/11254293 Biden Family Deals ‘Only Happened’ When Biden ‘Became a Central Player’ in Foreign Policy

(9 notables, 18 posts, 18 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:32 a.m. No.35407   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11254353 Q Research General #14377: POTUS marches with anons

Created 241701ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11254443 Who are the Jews?

>>>/qresearch/11254457 Comey Press Conference Monda

>>>/qresearch/11254474 The Term Goy means Cattle.

>>>/qresearch/11254521 Board log reveals the (((truth))) behind the board subversiom

>>>/qresearch/11254549 600 Jewish Groups support Black Lives Matter

>>>/qresearch/11254603 Operation to spring pedophile MOSSAD agent (((Maxwell))) from jail

>>>/qresearch/11254680 Who is being protected in Epstein/Maxwell docs?

>>>/qresearch/11254693 Reminder, Saving Israel For Last

>>>/qresearch/11254699, >>>/qresearch/11254848 Hearing for Lumbee Tribe to be recognized, (good info), (website)

>>>/qresearch/11254740, >>>/qresearch/11254801 Jews are behind the push for Communism, (sauced)

>>>/qresearch/11254772 DiGenova on Hunter Biden Emails: “What Did the FBI Not Do and When Did They Not Do It?”

>>>/qresearch/11254793 Ballot Shenanigans

>>>/qresearch/11254829 Detroit cheats, massive voter fraud surfacing.

>>>/qresearch/11254831 Chelsea Handler tells Fitty Cent "you will vote the way I want you to vote"

>>>/qresearch/11254844 DJT Live

>>>/qresearch/11254853 Major fire in La Havre Port, FRANCE

>>>/qresearch/11254910 Gosar: Time to defund NPR

>>>/qresearch/11254933 White House: We are funding the fight against human trafficking, and making sure the victims are not forgotten

>>>/qresearch/11254934 The World Jewish Congress shouldn't even exist. Who are they anyways, and how do they have so much power? Rothschilds head of "cult"

(19 notables, 21 posts, 43 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:33 a.m. No.35408   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11251977 Q Research General #14374: Here We Go Again Edition

Created 241330ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11252097, >>>/qresearch/11252100, >>>/qresearch/11252105, >>>/qresearch/11252185, >>>/qresearch/11252206, >>>/qresearch/11252221, >>>/qresearch/11252735 We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11252136 For truth on anything COVID related

>>>/qresearch/11252138 Saving Israel for last. Nothing can stop what is coming. NOTHING.

>>>/qresearch/11252147 Project Time PDF


>>>/qresearch/11252176 LIVE: President Donald Trump Votes in West Palm Beach, FL

>>>/qresearch/11252178 Aga Khan -revisiting old digs

>>>/qresearch/11252184 Maxwell Deposition or the Plan to Combat Human Trafficking



>>>/qresearch/11252231 Venezuela’s Dictator Hugo Chavez Packed the Courts

>>>/qresearch/11252250 Vacancies in the Federal Judiciary

>>>/qresearch/11252267 Brad Parscale retweeted yesterday…first time since Sept. 25

>>>/qresearch/11252268 WHAT IS PLURALISM?

>>>/qresearch/11252304 #6 Vote Republican @VoteJimMarchant

>>>/qresearch/11252323 Missouri has a Republican governor


>>>/qresearch/11252389 First 'murder hornet' nest found in U.S., a key step in preventing spread

>>>/qresearch/11252400 Trump EXPOSES Joe Biden in Real-Time at his EXPLOSIVE Rally in Pensacola Florida

>>>/qresearch/11252422 Did Joe Biden Use the Pseudonym “Peter Henderson” When Trading Emails with Son Hunter?

>>>/qresearch/11252427, >>>/qresearch/11252494 Major Fire Erupts in northern French port Le Havre


>>>/qresearch/11252447 Biden's aggressive climate policy runs into backlash in debate aftermath

>>>/qresearch/11252493 26 years ago!!!!! How much has changed???

VIDEO - Steven Seagal On Deadly Ground. 1994 Ending Speech! [Channel: edstar83]

>>>/qresearch/11252503 Grassley was looking into Hunter and CIFUS back in 2019. Look at this letter. A lot was happening behind the scenes. Ties into the Breitbart article.

>>>/qresearch/11252507 FIGURES: The Biden-Harris Campaign Is Selling Face Masks — And They’re as Fake as the Candidates and Won’t Protect You

>>>/qresearch/11252511 EIA ("Energy Information Agency") has data that looks bogus, ie renewables overtaking all other sources by 2020, meh.


>>>/qresearch/11252541 Harris claims 220 million Americans dead in last few months

>>>/qresearch/11252620 Chicago Will Start Ticketing Motorists For Going 6 MPH Over Speed Limit

>>>/qresearch/11252635 Dan Scavino Tweets, President Trump just voted in the Great State of Florida


>>>/qresearch/11252650 POTUS Tweets, JUST VOTED. A great honor!

>>>/qresearch/11252654 October 24, 2020 The media are successfully making the Hunter Biden story disappear

>>>/qresearch/11252655 Minor mag. 1.8 earthquake - FRANCE

>>>/qresearch/11252656 Operation underway to spring Ghislaine Maxwell from jail

>>>/qresearch/11252666 President Trump just voted in the Great State of Florida


>>>/qresearch/11252685 Solar Farm


>>>/qresearch/11252687 Georgia State Lawmaker Unaware States Can Set Own Minimum Wage

>>>/qresearch/11252688 Michael's wore the same costume he always wears.

>>>/qresearch/11252733 WATCH: Florida Election Supervisor Pushes Trump Fans Back From Early Voting Site, Warns Them ‘Stay Away From the Cars!’

>>>/qresearch/11252738 Gen Flynn Tweets, Bidens sought to pitch Dem access, influence to investors tied to Chinese military, emails show | Just The News

>>>/qresearch/11252778 FOUND SEARCHING ON LE HAVRE PORT

(38 notables, 45 posts, 58 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:33 a.m. No.35409   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11255106 Q Research General #14378: Countdown to Election"

Created 241802ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11255169, >>>/qresearch/11255203, >>>/qresearch/11255214 Lude Media on Hunter Biden in China

>>>/qresearch/11255202 US Army tweet on EOD Specialists

>>>/qresearch/11255207 Extinction Rebellion activists block entrance to oil refinery in Scotland accused of ‘ecocide’

>>>/qresearch/11255212 GOP Rep. Byrne: Big Tech ‘Crossed the Line Now, So They’ve Lost Me’ — ‘We’re Ready to Go Them’

>>>/qresearch/11255222 Schweizer: Biden Family Deals ‘Only Happened’ When Biden ‘Became a Central Player’ in Foreign Policy

>>>/qresearch/11255231 Major Italian Cities Risk Lockdown ‘Red Zone’ Status as Coronavirus Cases Surge

>>>/qresearch/11255242 Escape from Wales: UK Police Set Up Checkpoints with Lockdown Region

>>>/qresearch/11255254 Big Government Bans Supermarkets from Selling ‘Non Essentials’ in Lockdown Wales

>>>/qresearch/11255286 Covid-19: Poland President Duda tests positive for virus

>>>/qresearch/11255319 Chelsea Handler Scolds Rapper 50 Cent For Supporting Trump: ‘I Had To Remind Him That He Was A Black Person’

>>>/qresearch/11255326 Possible POTUS COMMS


>>>/qresearch/11255333 Deutsche Bank Creating A Destructive Domino Effect That Will Result In Apocalyptic Economic Collapse

>>>/qresearch/11255353 MODERNA Chief Medical Officer and CEO Liquidate Their Shares

>>>/qresearch/11255366 NPR, CNN, NYT, Wa-Po, MSNBC, Twitter, Facebook, Google Presstitutes Covering Up Biden Scandals by Refusing to Report on Them

>>>/qresearch/11255384 Peace is breaking out all over the world and the Fake News is censoring it because they fear it will help President Trump.

>>>/qresearch/11255388 Are The Chinese One Step Away From Putting Their Man In The White House While The FBI Worries About Iranian Spam Mail?

>>>/qresearch/11255399 Trump hasn't asked Barr to open investigation into Bidens, McEnany says

>>>/qresearch/11255417 Fears mount as South Korea probes cause behind 36 people's deaths after flu vaccination

>>>/qresearch/11255470 Maxwell: Epstein Gave 'Rewards' For Witness Silence, Bill Clinton Did This With Him

>>>/qresearch/11255473 Embattled Belarusian president reportedly receives a phone call from Pompeo (Sputnik)

>>>/qresearch/11255508 Joe Biden's brother Jim 'emailed Hunter with a list of key "targets" including Andrew Cuomo, Chuck Schumer and Rick Scott for their investment venture with a Chinese businessman'

>>>/qresearch/11255530 'The blood of children being shot is on your hands': Fresno DA slams Governor Newsom for his bail policies that have let violent criminals out of prison

>>>/qresearch/11255548 Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner threaten to sue Lincoln Project over ‘malicious’ ads on #coronavirus (Sputnik)

>>>/qresearch/11255572 Algeria minister calls on critics of new constitution to leave country

>>>/qresearch/11255579 Goldman Sachs Charged in Foreign Bribery Case and Agrees to Pay Over $2.9 Billion (youtube)

>>>/qresearch/11255600 BREAKING Venezuela opposition figure Lopez en route to Spain after leaving Caracas embassy, his family says (AFP)

>>>/qresearch/11255619 US Sending Coast Guard Cutters to the Western Pacific to Counter China

>>>/qresearch/11255629 Ghislaine Maxwell’s family launch operation to get her out of New York prison

>>>/qresearch/11255650 How To Steal An Election (zerohedge)

>>>/qresearch/11255738 FOR KEKS: ‘I voted for a guy named Trump,’the president said after casting his ballot in Florida


(31 notables, 33 posts, 38 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:33 a.m. No.35410   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11257455 Q Research General #14381: Saturday in The Park Edition

Created 242102ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11257582 France recalls ambassador from Turkey after 'unacceptable' Erdogan comments

>>>/qresearch/11257595, >>>/qresearch/11257727, >>>/qresearch/11257855 Video is Hunter getting a footjob from some unknown female


>>>/qresearch/11257605, >>>/qresearch/11257821, >>>/qresearch/11257842, >>>/qresearch/11257884 Sen. Chris Coons’ full opening statement in Barrett Supreme Court confirmation hearing

>>>/qresearch/11257607, >>>/qresearch/11257608 The Hidden Tyranny


VIDEO - Harold Wallace Rosenthal jewish Tyranny [Channel: Tony Farrell]

>>>/qresearch/11257610, >>>/qresearch/11257653, >>>/qresearch/11257706, >>>/qresearch/11257813, >>>/qresearch/11257997, >>>/qresearch/11258091, >>>/qresearch/11258107 PlaneFags

>>>/qresearch/11257629, >>>/qresearch/11257699 Pollster Frank Luntz Says 'My Profession Is Done' if Trump Defies Polls and Wins Again

>>>/qresearch/11257632 Hunter Biden Was on Payroll of Credit Card Company That Benefited from 2005 Bill Pushed by Dad

>>>/qresearch/11257661 Chris Coons' swearing in as U.S. Senator By Biden Mrs Coons keeps pushing her daughter, Maggie, back to Biden!

>>>/qresearch/11257696, >>>/qresearch/11257737, >>>/qresearch/11257756, >>>/qresearch/11257780 lb, , BIGGIE5 Unidentified chopper out of La Crosse heading S towards Peoria. RUDY Unidentified plane out of Coronado Naval Base.

>>>/qresearch/11257708 Brett Favre tells President Trump: 'Fans clearly do not want political messaging mixed with their sports'

>>>/qresearch/11257718 This Week In Campus Insanity Vol. 16

>>>/qresearch/11257743 POTUS Live

>>>/qresearch/11257745 Chuck Schumer Demands FBI Stop Investigating Biden Scandal

>>>/qresearch/11257746, >>>/qresearch/11257930 High Resolution Camera footage of Joe doing something during Hannukah?

>>>/qresearch/11257818 "I'm almost starting to think this whole pandemic really is a conspiracy.

>>>/qresearch/11257845, >>>/qresearch/11257869 WHO'S RUNNING THE ELECTION SOFTWARE IN NM?

>>>/qresearch/11257858, >>>/qresearch/11257890 Church Militant explains CCP’s “BGY” plan in secret agreement with Vatican, that exposed by Miles Guo in his Whistleblower Movement57914 , , RUDY on the ground at Brown Filed


>>>/qresearch/11257902 lb Trump order does not touch SES

>>>/qresearch/11257983 Murkowski says she will vote to confirm Barrett to Supreme Court on Monday

>>>/qresearch/11258117 Biden In 2007: “Human Nature,” People That Help Me On Money Get Priority…

>>>/qresearch/11258122 FOR KEKS Obama: "We're not going to have a president that goes out of his way to insult anybody who he doesn't think is nice enough to him… Florida Man wouldn't even do this stuff."

>>>/qresearch/11258206 #14381

(22 notables, 41 posts, 40 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:34 a.m. No.35411   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11256736 Q Research General #14380: POTUS onward and upward

Created 242005ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11256828 Cringy but…Orange County Launches Student Contest To "Normalize Mask Wearing

>>>/qresearch/11256830 Results of Anon 3 year Q Drop Vatican RCC CIA Research File

>>>/qresearch/11256837 'Cuties' killing Netflix

>>>/qresearch/11256857 POTUS tweet lands in Ohio

>>>/qresearch/11256879 Trump Campaign Files Lawsuit in Nevada, Asks Court to Stop Officials From Counting Early Votes

>>>/qresearch/11256881, >>>/qresearch/11256882, >>>/qresearch/11256994 PF one second deltas

>>>/qresearch/11256885 POTUS tweet on Obama

>>>/qresearch/11256902, >>>/qresearch/11256925 Tweet from senate candidate say Senate ethics committee chairman Coon's daughter appears in H Biden laptop theater.

>>>/qresearch/11256923 Judge Denies Motion For New Trial for Raniere

>>>/qresearch/11256943 Trump order does not touch SES

>>>/qresearch/11257029 Former NYPD Commissioner: I’ve Seen Hunter’s Hard Drive, The Bidens ‘Belong in Handcuffs’

>>>/qresearch/11257040 How is this legal?

>>>/qresearch/11257074 Are troops really leaving Germany? It’s not totally clear.

>>>/qresearch/11257101 Facebook is falsely flagging conservative users as ‘dangerous’ and ‘associated with QAnon’.

>>>/qresearch/11257126 Reporter asked Ben Carson, which do you think Hillary Clinton‘s actions are the most satanic


>>>/qresearch/11257140 Hunter Biden’s Sex Tapes, The CCP’s “BGY” Infiltration in the U.S., Evil Alliance to Dominate the World

>>>/qresearch/11257150 Reporter notices POTUS'S tie change, KEK.

>>>/qresearch/11257170 From Mexican cartel drug-runner to US Senate hopeful: Delaware's Lauren Witzke looks to upset

>>>/qresearch/11257218 Email Reveals Hunter Biden Was Worried His Chinese Communist-Linked Business Partner Would “Rat” to the “Feds”

>>>/qresearch/11257413 Plane Fag RUDY Unidentified plane callsign RUDY out of Naval Base Coronado San Diego.

(20 notables, 23 posts, 30 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:34 a.m. No.35412   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11258207 Q Research General #14382: Rubs, Clubs and handcuffs Immanent Edition

Created 242153ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11258311 NBA fell $1.5 billion short of revenue projection

>>>/qresearch/11258330 Babylon Bee Amy Coney Barrett Just Adopted A Local Troubled Youngster Named Hunter

>>>/qresearch/11258349 Top 10% Of Twitter Users Create 92% Of Tweets In US - And 69% Of Them Lean Left

>>>/qresearch/11258376 RUDY unidentified is back up out of Brown Field, Otay Mesa, CA

>>>/qresearch/11258402 Re-fresher Everything from elite "ivy league" education, the Clinton Foundation, child abuse in care settings, sexual scandals and China.

>>>/qresearch/11258417, >>>/qresearch/11258451 White House comms?

>>>/qresearch/11258491 LIMBAUGH: A Sordid Conspiracy To Deceive The American Electorate

>>>/qresearch/11258498 Dan Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11258526 Data Shows Number One Online Story in America About Debate Is Biden Corruption

>>>/qresearch/11258538, >>>/qresearch/11258550 Carper, Coons, Democratic colleagues denounce Trump administration’s historically low refugee resettlement goal and push for increased admissions

>>>/qresearch/11258556 Fox New's Poll's Are Clearly A Poorly Executed Deep State Psyop

>>>/qresearch/11258584 American thinker Coming soon, food desert: BLM shakes down Seattle Trader Joe's for a 15% cut

>>>/qresearch/11258585 Joe Biden brags about having the “most extensive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history


>>>/qresearch/11258586 Coons, Absent Minded Or Out And Out Lying? (2010)

>>>/qresearch/11258602 China’s GTV Releases Videos of Hunter Biden Sex Tapes while Smoking Crack

>>>/qresearch/11258624 Email Reveals Hunter Biden Was Worried His Chinese Communist-Linked Business Partner Would “Rat” to the “Feds”

>>>/qresearch/11258642 Dan Scavino landing?

>>>/qresearch/11258655 Murkowski announces she will vote yes to confirm Amy Coney Barrett

>>>/qresearch/11258656 Coons addresses infamous photo of Biden, daughter during swearing-in ceremony

>>>/qresearch/11258670, >>>/qresearch/11258891 Biden getting busted, LISTEN TO THIS


>>>/qresearch/11258736 GSA Gave FBI, Mueller 'Secret Access' To Trump Records

>>>/qresearch/11258758 ANOTHER TRUMP RECORD: Lowest Black Imprisonment Rate Since ’95 When Joe Biden’s Crime Bill Kicked In

>>>/qresearch/11258782 Hundreds of Trump Supporters (Chumps) Line Up Outside of Biden’s Drive-In Car Rally in Pennsylvania (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11258797 Richard Grenell The far Left is demanding everyone think alike. They are total intolerants.

>>>/qresearch/11258809 Afghan Security Forces Announce Killing of 'Al-Qaeda Key Member' Abu Muhsin al-Masri

>>>/qresearch/11258833 Donald J Trump Jr

>>>/qresearch/11258835, >>>/qresearch/11258855, >>>/qresearch/11258859 DUPONT CONTROLS DELAWARE

>>>/qresearch/11258961 Joe Biden and President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko - the new audio recording.

>>>/qresearch/11258998 #14382

(29 notables, 34 posts, 40 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:34 a.m. No.35413   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11259012 Q Research General #14383: Joe's Big Mouth is WINNING Edition

Created 242245ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11259145 Joe Biden incorrectly says he has 5 grandchildren, then confuses their ages


>>>/qresearch/11259163 Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted

>>>/qresearch/11259179, >>>/qresearch/11259307 Two 'cannibals,' who lured man to cabin and performed an illegal castration, 'offered their services online'

>>>/qresearch/11259198 Operation underway to spring Ghislaine Maxwell from jail

>>>/qresearch/11259202 Chanel @ OAN naming Natalie Biden on Hunters laptop materials



>>>/qresearch/11259211 Timeline Chris Coons Studied abroad in Kenya.

>>>/qresearch/11259231 “Authentic” Emails Link Hunter To Human Trafficking Ring With “Thousands Of Dollars”

>>>/qresearch/11259257 The Needle goes away as probability experts assess 2020 race

>>>/qresearch/11259258 Epstein visits Israeli military bases, meets with high level scientists, etc..

>>>/qresearch/11259279 Margaret Coons recoiled when Biden leaned in to kiss her at ceremony

>>>/qresearch/11259281 Biden and wife Jill Biden reported about $10 million in income in 2017

>>>/qresearch/11259346 Two men criminally charged with performing an illegal gender reassignment surgery on a volunteer at their cabin in the woods


>>>/qresearch/11259397 Democrat Senator’s Wealthy Wife Pleads for Help to Save NYC Bookstore

>>>/qresearch/11259404 DuPonts

>>>/qresearch/11259457 Trump critics lose it as ‘permanent manned presence on the Moon’ and trip to Mars listed as Republican priorities

>>>/qresearch/11259487 Biden Laptop Matters meme

>>>/qresearch/11259498 Tom Fitton: Released emails show Fauci signed off on WHO-sponsored statement approving China's response to COVID.

>>>/qresearch/11259506 “What’d He Have Yesterday? 32 People, 35 People Showed Up?” – Hah! – President Trump Knocks Obama’s “Crowds” and Warns Media “Red Wave Is Rising!” (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11259512 Pennsylvania Congressman Calls on Joe Biden to Apologize for Calling Trump Supporters ‘Chumps’

>>>/qresearch/11259540 Rudy Giuliani

>>>/qresearch/11259550 Could the Bidens unlock the forbidden secrets of Haiti?

>>>/qresearch/11259555 PORN HUB Public Service Announcement

>>>/qresearch/11259567 GTV Releases SECOND HUNTER BIDEN VIDEO — Hunter’s Stash of 4.7 Grams of Crack Cocaine on Scale

>>>/qresearch/11259569 UN's Post-2015 (now Post-2020) panel includes GAVI Chair Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, John Podesta, committee co-chair David Cameron of UK, and CEO of Unilever

>>>/qresearch/11259624 Israel expects Oman to normalize next, Mossad chief says Saudi deal soon

>>>/qresearch/11259657 Jaw-Dropping Report Details Chinese State-Owned Company's Partnership With Biden, Kerry Families.

(26 notables, 27 posts, 34 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:35 a.m. No.35414   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11259749 Q Research General #14384: The Sky is falling the Sky is falling kek Edition

Created 242329ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11259861, >>>/qresearch/11259901, >>>/qresearch/11260016 PIZZA SHOP WORKER BIDEN

>>>/qresearch/11259916 BIDEN Family Business

>>>/qresearch/11259938 PLANE FAG

>>>/qresearch/11259939, >>>/qresearch/11260076, >>>/qresearch/11260379 Chateau Marmont, Los Angeles : Hunter Biden

>>>/qresearch/11259982 USE THIS CODE TO BLUR THE GORE IMAGES

>>>/qresearch/11259985 Hunter get a foot job footage vid 15 mins

>>>/qresearch/11260037 Patriot ANON

>>>/qresearch/11260092 Twitter Blocks Link to TGP Post on Hunter Biden Smoking Crack with Link to Foot Sex Video

>>>/qresearch/11260146 Hunter using and weighing Drugs

>>>/qresearch/11260151 Joe Biden Brags About Having “Most Extensive Voter Fraud Organization” in History….

VIDEO - Joe Biden brags about having u201cthe most extensi [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>>/qresearch/11260162 Kamala Harris Caught on Hot Mic Asking Staff, “Are We in Cleveland?” Before She Spoke

>>>/qresearch/11260190 Joe's Freudian Sniff? Joe Biden Just Said He's Got a Great VOTER FRAUD Operation Going

>>>/qresearch/11260196, >>>/qresearch/11260384, >>>/qresearch/11260399, >>>/qresearch/11260428 Hunter Biden new drop

>>>/qresearch/11260265 Joe Biden: ‘We Have Put Together the Most Extensive Voter Fraud Organization in History’ (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11260294 Biden Daughter’s Diary Details ‘Not Appropriate’ Showers With Joe As Child

>>>/qresearch/11260344 Sorry Mr President…you said 47 ?

>>>/qresearch/11260363 Hunter Biden with two Ukrainian prostitutes, showcasing him engaging in sexual activity while also engaging in cocaine use

>>>/qresearch/11260400 NSA monitoring for any attempts to disrupt and/or term access. CENTRAL Command.

>>>/qresearch/11260465 #14384

(19 notables, 26 posts, 23 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:35 a.m. No.35415   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11260485 Q Research General #14385: Hunter's Footsie's Footage Twitter Blocked Edition

Created 250013ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11260636 Ethiopia denounces Trump will ‘BLOW UP’ disputed Blue Nile dam project

VIDEO - Trump says Egypt may 'blow up' Ethiopia dam [Channel: Al Jazeera English]

>>>/qresearch/11260642 OAN: Biden Bribe Tapes Leaked


>>>/qresearch/11260644 QAnon is having a real effect on how people vote in the US election (RT news)

>>>/qresearch/11260653 U of Penn Biden Center might have taken $70 million from China in 3 years

>>>/qresearch/11260679 China’s GTV Releases Two More Videos of Hunter Biden — Sex Selfies from Laptop — Videos 3 and 4

>>>/qresearch/11260711 Natalie's friend?

>>>/qresearch/11260712 How to filter out gore shills

>>>/qresearch/11260725 PLANEFAG 09-0017 USAF VIP POTUS and crew on final approach for Mitchell Airport Milwaukee, WI

>>>/qresearch/11260736 Swamp Draining Imminent

>>>/qresearch/11260783 Biden Daughter’s Diary Details ‘Not Appropriate’ Showers With Joe As Child.

>>>/qresearch/11260801, >>>/qresearch/11260955 Hunter Biden still shots…

>>>/qresearch/11260814 James Woods


>>>/qresearch/11260879 For the keks (JOE BIDEN).


>>>/qresearch/11260897 HUNTER BIDEN CHINA MEGA FOLDER

>>>/qresearch/11260907 GENIUS


>>>/qresearch/11260963 The Babylon Bee: Biden Calls A Lid Until Election Day.

>>>/qresearch/11261013 BOOMMMMMMMMMM

>>>/qresearch/11261021 Chateau Marmont is owned by Andre Balazs who is in Epstein's Black Book

>>>/qresearch/11261086 China gave U of Penn $70Millilon and Joe got almost $1M of it

>>>/qresearch/11261129 "Where's Hunter?"

(20 notables, 21 posts, 23 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:35 a.m. No.35416   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11261276 Q Research General #14386: "Where is Hunter, Joe?" POTUS Edition

Created 250050ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11261387 Hunter Biden Chateau Marmont

>>>/qresearch/11261396 Option/Themes to blur images until moused over

>>>/qresearch/11261408, >>>/qresearch/11261418 An international treaty banning nuclear weapons has been ratified by a 50th country Honduras allowing it to enter into force after [90] days

>>>/qresearch/11261422 Joe Biden: ‘We Have Put Together the Most Extensive Voter Fraud Organization in History’ (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11261428 POTUS UP SOON Livefeed with zero talking

>>>/qresearch/11261437 POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11261456 How to track your absentee ballot by State

>>>/qresearch/11261459 Is Old Joe Ok? Biden Screams, Slurs His Words in Angry Pennsylvania Speech (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11261461 FBI and the Securities and Exchange Commission and New York state attorney general’s office made moves to stop release of Hunter tapes

>>>/qresearch/11261467 PLANEFAG

>>>/qresearch/11261478 Connection between Chris Coons and the Dupont family

>>>/qresearch/11261487 SWAMP DRAINING COMMENCING

>>>/qresearch/11261522 Nuns wearing MAGA masks spotted behind Trump at rally

>>>/qresearch/11261535, >>>/qresearch/11261790 Samsung, Lee Kun-hee, has died at the age of 78.

>>>/qresearch/11261536 LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Waukesha, WI 10-24-20

>>>/qresearch/11261547 China’s GTV Releases Videos of Hunter Biden Sex Tapes while Smoking Crack

>>>/qresearch/11261550 Hunting Hunter sex tape

>>>/qresearch/11261564 "Can I change my vote"

>>>/qresearch/11261590 Twitter Blocks Link to TGP Post on Hunter Biden Smoking Crack with Link to Foot Sex Video

>>>/qresearch/11261621 GNews now offline

>>>/qresearch/11261645 Biden's Bank


>>>/qresearch/11261647 Delaware GOP Senate Candidate Says Sen. Chris Coons’ Daughter is ‘Featured on Hunter’s Laptop’

>>>/qresearch/11261653 The Dupont's have sex with their family too. Even the babies.

>>>/qresearch/11261765 Delaware Judge Jan R. Jurden let DUPONT off saying he wouldn't fair well in prison, is still a sitting judge.

>>>/qresearch/11261804 U.S. Senator Chris Coons defending Joe Biden, after Creepy Joe groped his daughter.


>>>/qresearch/11261831, >>>/qresearch/11261862 Hunter Biden Leaker Warns ‘There Will Be More Than 10,000 Pictures,’ ‘More and More Videos’.

>>>/qresearch/11261925 James Woods

(27 notables, 30 posts, 21 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:36 a.m. No.35417   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11262013 Q Research General #14387: Where is Hunter BIDEN HIDIN' Edition

Created 250129ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11262135 Twitter Nukes Hunter Biden Sex Tape After Letting Borat-Giuliani Sex Scene Trend

>>>/qresearch/11262137 Afghan security forces kill senior al Qaeda leader al-Masri

>>>/qresearch/11262172 Lou Dobbs calls for South Carolinians to vote Lindsey Graham out of office

>>>/qresearch/11262201 Trump Claims If He Weren’t President Monuments of Washington, Lincoln, & Jefferson Would Have Been Torn Down

>>>/qresearch/11262225 DuPont connections…Xander Schultz, Novogratz family, and TED

>>>/qresearch/11262232 OAN One America News Investigates: The Fall of Joe Biden, 10/24 and 25, 10:30EST, with R. Giuliani

>>>/qresearch/11262241 Hunter Biden Leaker Warns ‘There Will Be More Than 10,000 Pictures,’ ‘More and More Videos’

>>>/qresearch/11262247 Thirty minutes in and the Trump “Freedom Rally” in Beverly Hills has attracted its largest crowd to date, by my estimation.


>>>/qresearch/11262248, >>>/qresearch/11262411 Dark Winter

>>>/qresearch/11262282 Big “O” Has Lost His “MOJO” – Obama In Miami Holds Event and Almost No One Shows Up – Only 70 People Watch Online!

>>>/qresearch/11262348 PLANE FAG North Island is where the RUDY unidentified AC finally landed after changing from RUDY to ANON-Cap #2- to 000000 and then back to RUDY

>>>/qresearch/11262367 Joe Biden's daughter's diary. Was I molested…I think so. I can't remember specifics but I do remember trauma

>>>/qresearch/11262393 Sen. Lindsey Graham on the NDAA, Indefinite Detention of American Citizens

>>>/qresearch/11262399 CNN seditious lies (Muh Rudy n' Russia) with solemn nods


>>>/qresearch/11262406 Hunter Biden alleged sex tape and images uploaded on Bannon-connected Chinese website

>>>/qresearch/11262418 LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Waukesha, WI 10-24-20

>>>/qresearch/11262432 BIDEN ADMITS TO VOTER FRAUD!

>>>/qresearch/11262462 Jill Biden fires up Pa. rally with dig at New England: ‘We all want to see the Patriots lose’

>>>/qresearch/11262472, >>>/qresearch/11262498, >>>/qresearch/11262524, >>>/qresearch/11262563 Hunter's Dick Measurement

>>>/qresearch/11262520 Hallie Biden's Rings?

>>>/qresearch/11262530 Media spin on the rallies. Wow, they are pathetic. USA Today



>>>/qresearch/11262561 POTUS: "nests" Pedophile networks control the world


>>>/qresearch/11262622 Much more than porn being leaked bros… Hunter business contracts

>>>/qresearch/11262635 Natalie Biden visit to Biden Island??

>>>/qresearch/11262652 Natalie Biden flipping thru strange photobook??

>>>/qresearch/11262770 #14387

(28 notables, 32 posts, 39 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:36 a.m. No.35418   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11262775 Q Research General #14388: Dick Around and You'll find out, HUNTER Edition

Created 250211ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11262867 James Woods

>>>/qresearch/11262896 Seriously though, where is Hunter?

>>>/qresearch/11262903 Hunter Biden Sought To Avoid Registering As Foreign Agent In Chinese Business Venture

>>>/qresearch/11262907 New Hunter Biden video up

>>>/qresearch/11262909 Bobulinski documents raise questions about whether Joe Biden was a passive investor in the CEFC partnership.

>>>/qresearch/11262910 Dark Winter script, what [they] wanted to happen


>>>/qresearch/11262920 Rudy Giuliani Tomorrow morning, Sunday, 10/25, Dr. Maria Ryan and I will be UNCOVERING the truth about Biden criminality

>>>/qresearch/11262923, >>>/qresearch/11262954, >>>/qresearch/11263020, >>>/qresearch/11263446 PF 5 Boeing E6 in the sky

>>>/qresearch/11262924, >>>/qresearch/11262934, >>>/qresearch/11262946, >>>/qresearch/11262988, >>>/qresearch/11263005, >>>/qresearch/11263041, >>>/qresearch/11263052 Anon's comment on Hunter Biden

>>>/qresearch/11263063 Speech at the beginning of the recent Biden video was held at National Press Club in DC

>>>/qresearch/11263065 OAN One America News Investigates: The Fall of Joe Biden, 10/24 and 25, 10:30EST, with R. Giuliani

>>>/qresearch/11263067 March of Dimes: Basil O'Connor was also the head of the Red Cross

>>>/qresearch/11263081 Link to the team at National Press Club

>>>/qresearch/11263102 Biden daughters diary details not appropriate showers with Joe as child

>>>/qresearch/11263110 DTJR WHEN YOU ALL KNEW IT WAS A LIE

>>>/qresearch/11263142, >>>/qresearch/11263177 Twitter Suspends TGP and Bans New Report with Photo of Hunter Biden Smoking Crack with Link to Foot Sex Video — Twitter and Facebook Suspend Anyone who Reposts TGP Reporting — Just Like in Communist China!

>>>/qresearch/11263147, >>>/qresearch/11263362 James Woods confirming that Twitter will lock your shit if you even post a cap of the Hunter video, even if it shows only his face.

>>>/qresearch/11263170 Melania : June 2012

>>>/qresearch/11263184, >>>/qresearch/11263194 PF THUNDR07 USAF E-3C Sentry AWACS out of Tinker se

>>>/qresearch/11263219 Imagine still not understanding that the drops have all been released in a planned fashion for desired effect

>>>/qresearch/11263245 Documentary exposing China’s game plan for 2020 US election

>>>/qresearch/11263269 DJT

>>>/qresearch/11263306 FAUX Fauci says US may want to mandate masks amid COVID-19 surges

>>>/qresearch/11263356 HUNTER BIDEN In the foot video, there seems to be 3 people involved…

>>>/qresearch/11263375 Dan Scavino BOOM TRUMP SUPER RECOVERY or a BIDEN DEPRESSION

>>>/qresearch/11263460 Hunter Biden Dated his brother Beau's widow Hallie for 2 Years, while her daughter Natalie Biden was 12-14 years old

(26 notables, 38 posts, 44 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:36 a.m. No.35419   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11263550 Q Research General #14389: BOOM TRUMP SUPER RECOVERY or a BIDEN DEPRESSION Edition

Created 250302ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11263629 JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

>>>/qresearch/11263641, >>>/qresearch/11263644, >>>/qresearch/11263647, >>>/qresearch/11263657, >>>/qresearch/11263677, >>>/qresearch/11263690, >>>/qresearch/11263702 Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

VIDEO - Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews [Channel: Lucky Larry Platinumstein]

>>>/qresearch/11263650, >>>/qresearch/11263664, >>>/qresearch/11263710, >>>/qresearch/11263748 I SD BIDEN -> ROMANIA

>>>/qresearch/11263655, >>>/qresearch/11263658 The Hidden Tyranny


VIDEO - Harold Wallace Rosenthal jewish Tyranny [Channel: Tony Farrell]

>>>/qresearch/11263659 (pb), BGY plan and its links to fentanyl and Emergent BioSolutions for fentanyl antidote "Narcan" drug (nalaxone)

>>>/qresearch/11263724, >>>/qresearch/11263757, >>>/qresearch/11263780, >>>/qresearch/11263846, >>>/qresearch/11263940 We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11263749 China Is Deliberately Using Fentanyl to Destroy the US, says exiled Chinese businessman and whistleblower Guo Wengui

>>>/qresearch/11263751 Wait Wut? Trust yourself

>>>/qresearch/11263788 Hunter Biden was at Chateau Marmont April 23, 2018 and April 27, 2018

>>>/qresearch/11263799 HUNTER BIDEN IMAGES

>>>/qresearch/11263874 For Night Shift I am late but we have been working hard for you.

>>>/qresearch/11263917 China's Elite-Capture Strategy & The Bidens

>>>/qresearch/11263948 “Go F*ck Yourself” – Jim Biden Lashes Out at Tony Bobulinski When Confronted About His and Hunter’s Shady $5 Million Side Deal With Chinese Energy Firm

>>>/qresearch/11264055, >>>/qresearch/11264209 Malia Obama Credit Card?

>>>/qresearch/11264117 Call to dig

>>>/qresearch/11264152 Watch the water? (remember POTUS drinking fiji all strange?)

>>>/qresearch/11264196 Pence’s chief of staff tests positive for Covid-19, VP isn’t infected - spokesman

>>>/qresearch/11264199 WHO BENEFITS THE MOST? Q 4688

>>>/qresearch/11264206 US puts up $10m reward for information on a Hezbollah financial network

(19 notables, 34 posts, 76 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:37 a.m. No.35420   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11264362 Q Research General #14390: Steady As She Goes Edition

Created 250357ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11264406, >>>/qresearch/11264425, >>>/qresearch/11264660, >>>/qresearch/11264926 Interesting Images

>>>/qresearch/11264427 JIDF/Mossad

>>>/qresearch/11264433 Greece’s Top Anti-Corruption Prosecutor Faces Removal

>>>/qresearch/11264438 /comped/ trying to D&C

>>>/qresearch/11264441, >>>/qresearch/11264466, >>>/qresearch/11264546, >>>/qresearch/11264802 We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11264447 Legally, it is very likely that Jack Dorsey and other social media executives (like Mark Zuckerberg) are actively committing a crime by censoring information

>>>/qresearch/11264448 Mayor Robinson has declared a civil emergency in the city and signed an emergency order prohibiting weapons

>>>/qresearch/11264451 That DEFINITELY sounds like Natalie Biden.


>>>/qresearch/11264463 Rudy: The biden crime family reminds me of the Castellano mob family.

>>>/qresearch/11264524 POTUS Schedule of SUNDAY October 25, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11264534 China's GTV Releases Videos of Hunter Biden Sex Tapes while Smoking Crack

>>>/qresearch/11264556 "Did Obama's daughter take drugs with Hunter?"

>>>/qresearch/11264587, >>>/qresearch/11264595, >>>/qresearch/11264610 MOSSAD/ISRAEL INTELLIGENCE & OTHER HIGH TECH INITIATIVES/ISRAELI TECH DOMINATION




>>>/qresearch/11264637 Eye in the sky’s of Santa Barbara, CA ! SB Anon here, was happy to see some other Patriots !

>>>/qresearch/11264663 Communist China


>>>/qresearch/11264677 The United States is a nation of slavery, prove me wrong.

>>>/qresearch/11264808, >>>/qresearch/11264974 OLYMPIA, Wash. - Choosing between two Democrats in a statewide race is probably not the most optimal position for a Republican voter.

>>>/qresearch/11264884 Rudy Giulliani

>>>/qresearch/11264910 Chinese Group Behind Release of Biden Tapes Claim Bidens Offered Up CIA Agents Who Went Missing in China in 2010 -2012

>>>/qresearch/11264968 Beverly Hills - Trump supporters cheering on in the streets!


>>>/qresearch/11264986 Donald J. Trump Retweeted

>>>/qresearch/11265085 14390

(22 notables, 31 posts, 56 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:37 a.m. No.35421   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11265086 Q Research General #14391: What is Zionism? Edition

Created 250445ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11265140, >>>/qresearch/11265141, >>>/qresearch/11265155, >>>/qresearch/11265165, >>>/qresearch/11265171, >>>/qresearch/11265193, >>>/qresearch/11265203, >>>/qresearch/11265211, >>>/qresearch/11265335, >>>/qresearch/11265531, >>>/qresearch/11265615 JQ

VIDEO - SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN Full documentary 1878 - 2006 by A C Hitchcock [Channel: Jerry V]

VIDEO - BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR MCDONALD'S (DVD) feat Zionist [Channel: Dig Rabbit]

VIDEO - Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews [Channel: Lucky Larry Platinumstein]

VIDEO - Invasion of Zionist million dollar troll army [Channel: Haitham Abdelhadi]

>>>/qresearch/11265181 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

>>>/qresearch/11265189 Withdraw of Consent - The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

VIDEO - Withdraw of Consent - The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion [Channel: Truth2LoveInsideYou]

>>>/qresearch/11265231 Death Toll From Kabul Suicide Attack Rises to 30, 70 Injured

>>>/qresearch/11265250 Four Israelis arrested in Ukraine for attempting to smuggle cocaine

>>>/qresearch/11265259 BLM Activists Assault Black Veteran, Steal American Flag in Los Angeles

>>>/qresearch/11265270 Trump accuses doctors of faking coronavirus death count for money

>>>/qresearch/11265290 eyes on the ball> soccer ball (remember when putin gave POTUS a soccer ball?)

VIDEO - Nancy Pelosi's son in Ukraine to talk about "soccer"? [Channel: Mike Jones]

>>>/qresearch/11265293 Rifle-carrying trans Muslim Antifa arrested at riot in Phoenix

>>>/qresearch/11265298 It all started with a prank anonymous post on 4chan, and now #QAnon is having a real effect on how people vote in the US election!

>>>/qresearch/11265300 Video of Images of Hunter Biden


>>>/qresearch/11265313 Mike Pence's chief of staff Marc Short and the VP's senior political advisor Marty Obst test positive for COVID

>>>/qresearch/11265319 National File: Paul Pelosi Jr. under scrutiny for corruption, ethical lapses

>>>/qresearch/11265320 EXC: Joe Biden’s Texts to Hunter Show Ex-VP Had “No Hesitancy” in Helping Son Get $1M From Chinese Communist-Linked Business Partner

>>>/qresearch/11265326 Archbishop Viganò’s powerful letter to President Trump: Eternal struggle between good and evil playing out right now

>>>/qresearch/11265344 Coons addresses infamous photo of Biden, daughter during swearing-in ceremony

>>>/qresearch/11265349 Dance Party Starting! Hundred points symbol


>>>/qresearch/11265350 New DJT


>>>/qresearch/11265359 "Former Republican" is triggered seeing nuns at MAGA Rally

>>>/qresearch/11265369 Biden Daughter's Diary Details 'Not Appropriate' Shows with Joe As Child

>>>/qresearch/11265380 The Patriot "SOON"

>>>/qresearch/11265399, >>>/qresearch/11265473 Watching DDOS attacks around the world tonight.


>>>/qresearch/11265400 Hunter Biden seemed to be concerned as far back as 2010 that @EricSchwerin would "rat" to the "Feds.

>>>/qresearch/11265414 Who Are The Zionists?

>>>/qresearch/11265444 Syrian ISIS terrorist 'who stabbed tourist to death in Germany' wanted to slaughter Christians and cut out their tongues - and was under observation on the day of the attack

>>>/qresearch/11265446, >>>/qresearch/11265462 Trump’s Super Recovery from covid. Biden’s Depression from … well… everything.

>>>/qresearch/11265449 Warning: Very Disturbing. The adult voice is HRC’s campaign chair.

>>>/qresearch/11265453, >>>/qresearch/11265460, >>>/qresearch/11265463 I tend to agree that WHEN Trump wins, if the Senate gets fucked in the process, especially the GOP it will be a great message to the Political class and their donors. That shit does not fly anymore. But I still think GOP takes the Senate and Trump wins in a landslide.

>>>/qresearch/11265465 Bipartisan Support for Gina Haspel's Nomination to e CIA Director From Distinguished National Security Leaders.

>>>/qresearch/11265475 Senator Coons' underage DAUGHTER on laptop from hell




>>>/qresearch/11265506, >>>/qresearch/11265523 Jonah was kidnapped in 2013.

>>>/qresearch/11265546 There are pics of Pelosi’son and Hunter partaking in an orgy that includes a child

>>>/qresearch/11265550 CIA Releases New Streaming Ad: “Discover the CIA: Your Nation is Counting on You”

>>>/qresearch/11265570 Hunter Biden is dead. Prove me wrong.

>>>/qresearch/11265578 Mossad head: Saudi normalization ties to be announced after US election

>>>/qresearch/11265580 "Sources close to and with deep knowledge of the investigation, have informed me that Chris coons' daughter in addition to seven other underage girls are also featured on [hunter biden's] laptop"

>>>/qresearch/11265589 John Podest MP4 (Think ya HOT SHIT DONCHA)


>>>/qresearch/11265601 Democrat Senate Candidate Mark Kelly's Yearbook Shows him Dressed As Hitler

>>>/qresearch/11265604 Trump supporters crash Biden rally, Joe calls them 'chumps;' Trump says Biden rallies have 'tiny crowds'

>>>/qresearch/11265616, >>>/qresearch/11265638, >>>/qresearch/11265718, >>>/qresearch/11265719, >>>/qresearch/11265792 Hunter has tattoo of Finger Lakes NY on his back. That’s where his mom was born (Neilia Hunter Biden - deceased)

VIDEO - The Last of the Mohicans - Promontory (Main Theme) [Channel: immortalsongs]

>>>/qresearch/11265626 CIA Director Gina Haspel Speaks at Auburn University


>>>/qresearch/11265710 According to NBC, If Trump loses the election, QAnon will also lose support — and eventually disintegrate

>>>/qresearch/11265713 Five-star and four-star book reviews for journalist Shane Dowling’s new book: Australia’s Paedophile Protection Racket

>>>/qresearch/11265736 ‘God is the ultimate’: How Trump talks about his faith

VIDEO - How Trump talks about his faith: ‘God is the ultimate’ [Channel: Washington Post]

>>>/qresearch/11265745 Eyes On Check line 119 $4$#$*(

>>>/qresearch/11265775 strap on dildo detected

>>>/qresearch/11265777 You mean The Young Turks still show their faces on YouTube after the 2016 election?! Wow.

>>>/qresearch/11265791 That's from Lauren Witzke who is a US Senate Candidate.

>>>/qresearch/11265845 Guantanamo detainee trials could be broadcast online thanks to House measure

>>>/qresearch/11265860 New girl in pic

>>>/qresearch/11265872 14391

(53 notables, 72 posts, 103 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:37 a.m. No.35422   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11265858 Q Research General #14392: Who Benefits From Zionism? Edition

Created 250557ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11265906, >>>/qresearch/11265909, >>>/qresearch/11265910, >>>/qresearch/11265915, >>>/qresearch/11265934, >>>/qresearch/11265939, >>>/qresearch/11265941, >>>/qresearch/11265981, >>>/qresearch/11266004, >>>/qresearch/11266187, >>>/qresearch/11266231 JQ

VIDEO - BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR MCDONALD'S (DVD) feat Zionist [Channel: Dig Rabbit]

VIDEO - Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews [Channel: Lucky Larry Platinumstein]

VIDEO - Wikipedia - Israel's Internet Censorship War (JID [Channel: FILTHY GOYIM 2.0]

VIDEO - REVEALING THE SATANIC SERPENT RACE August 18, 20 [Channel: Smyrna & Philadelphia Ministries]

VIDEO - Edomite Canaanites Full [Channel: Freedom OfSpeech]

>>>/qresearch/11265936 Posted in halfchan, There’s an autist doing god’s work over there right now. Building timeline with metadata.

>>>/qresearch/11265944 Herschel Walker Supports Trump For This Reason

>>>/qresearch/11265948 Just how much do the jews hate Jesus Christ?

>>>/qresearch/11265966 Trump Supporters Praying Before Rally

>>>/qresearch/11265971, >>>/qresearch/11265978 Tweets, "Biden 'child porn' shock

>>>/qresearch/11265973, >>>/qresearch/11266098, >>>/qresearch/11266180, >>>/qresearch/11266208, >>>/qresearch/11266229, >>>/qresearch/11266241, >>>/qresearch/11266243, >>>/qresearch/11266250, >>>/qresearch/11266256, >>>/qresearch/11266273 quality images


>>>/qresearch/11265988 look at this sorry sack of doxing nuns

>>>/qresearch/11265990, >>>/qresearch/11265997, >>>/qresearch/11266003, >>>/qresearch/11266009, >>>/qresearch/11266145, >>>/qresearch/11266394 Put on the Full Armor of God

>>>/qresearch/11266013 Wanted to make sure he's not lock out of here…based on this post. Not a coinky dink that CM commented on the condition of the board

>>>/qresearch/11266053, >>>/qresearch/11266158 TGP absolutely LIT with Biden drops. Booted off twat. Anybody posts any thing hunter immediately banned. Streisand effect.

>>>/qresearch/11266061 he's got the 13 rabbis who run the world

>>>/qresearch/11266078, >>>/qresearch/11266102 Far left wing radicals are now targeting nuns for antifa violence.

>>>/qresearch/11266080, >>>/qresearch/11266092 Creepy Joe is Creepy




>>>/qresearch/11266115 The location and date on pic related, Annapolis MD, May 26, 2018

>>>/qresearch/11266127 Don’t think you are if you simply do not understand that these people aren’t simply perverted pedophiles. They care not for the flesh. Soon you will know what that means. Just because you MAKE another hole…

>>>/qresearch/11266132 Chinese Pepe says "heavy information" incoming

>>>/qresearch/11266146, >>>/qresearch/11266176 Say what you will about Hunter, but the dude sure loves his dick

>>>/qresearch/11266152, >>>/qresearch/11266204 THEY GOT too close to POTUS using faith and bibles.

>>>/qresearch/11266166 The Big Money Behind the Narrative—Sharyl Attkisson on Media Bias & Spin

>>>/qresearch/11266183 I thought you Anons might get a kick out of this— Five-Thirty.eight polling. Look at who the Editor is!!!! ANNA ROTHSCHILD!!! Mother Fuckers!!!

>>>/qresearch/11266203 Exclusive: DNA Confirms Hunter Biden is Father of Arkansas 1-Year-Old 99.9%

>>>/qresearch/11266210 U.S. Moving Self-Propelled Artillery To Border with Quebec; Reports of Uniformed Chinese Troops in Canada

>>>/qresearch/11266223 Update @ #14384, the gore flood continues. These streams are connected, and we may find ourselves presented with another "submit or die" offer. It's manufactured, takes a lot of energy so it's decline doable.

>>>/qresearch/11266226, >>>/qresearch/11266340 HUNTER BIDEN BEFRIENDS ART-WORLD INSTAGRAM SENSATION

>>>/qresearch/11266236 THE INVISIBLE ENEMY: A five-part original series.

>>>/qresearch/11266239 Vogue head Anna Wintour’s racist past revealed

>>>/qresearch/11266255 10:25 on the watch Oct 25

>>>/qresearch/11266274 TRAILER: The Invisible Enemy: Inside the U.S. Senate Response to COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/11266278 James Alefantis Image with Baby, "That little baby loved the farm

>>>/qresearch/11266347 Natalie/Hunter Info Collage

>>>/qresearch/11266373 Hunter Biden Trending in France

>>>/qresearch/11266430 BREAKING BOMBSHELL: NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes with Children, Child Exploitation, Pay to Play, Perjury / HILLARY CLINTON CHILD TORTURE VIDEO DESCRIBED BY EYEWITNESS

>>>/qresearch/11266458 RBG Dead On Jewish New Year: the Start of Jewish "10 Days"

>>>/qresearch/11266490 request to mp4 video

>>>/qresearch/11266548 Analysis of date stamps of Hunter Biden's pics and extrapolating the dates

(36 notables, 67 posts, 83 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:37 a.m. No.35423   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11266582 Q Research General #14393: Who benefits from 9/11? Edition

Created 250703ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11266641, >>>/qresearch/11266654, >>>/qresearch/11266658, >>>/qresearch/11266667, >>>/qresearch/11267233, >>>/qresearch/11267268, >>>/qresearch/11267364 -JQ

VIDEO - The Curse of Canaan (Eustace Mullins) Audiobook - Chapter 1 [Channel: Counter Intuitive]

VIDEO - BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR MCDONALD'S (DVD) feat Zionist [Channel: Dig Rabbit]

VIDEO - Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews [Channel: Lucky Larry Platinumstein]


VIDEO - Edomite Canaanites Full [Channel: Freedom OfSpeech]



>>>/qresearch/11266761, >>>/qresearch/11266834, >>>/qresearch/11266857 Zoe Kestan (aka @weed_slut_420) cont.

>>>/qresearch/11266763 We are checking if your journey is essential! Stay at home!

>>>/qresearch/11266784 Coordinated attacks have been happening all day here in the Seattle area. The rioters have been targeting communities just outside of Seattle proper. It is hard to find anything more than this from the east side.

>>>/qresearch/11266795, >>>/qresearch/11267017, >>>/qresearch/11267056 Analysis of date stamps of Hunter Biden's pics and extrapolating the dates (updated)

>>>/qresearch/11266876 MIKE BLOOMBERG Became MAYOR Of NYC 1 MONTH After 9/11

>>>/qresearch/11266880 Nancy Pelosi is next to get burned by the drops

>>>/qresearch/11266884 If you think I am fucking with you, I am not fucking with you… but Godspeed to all of you now matter how it shakes out

>>>/qresearch/11266891 Spectrum comparison.


>>>/qresearch/11266896 The Israeli Army Unit That Recruits Teens With Autism

>>>/qresearch/11266925 9/11 and CHABAD JEWS

>>>/qresearch/11266929 Biden, c'mon man

>>>/qresearch/11266939 Posted on Thursday but didn't get much traction at the time. Anons think Mnuchin is a sleeper?

>>>/qresearch/11266942 The Reconstruction of Reality

>>>/qresearch/11266951 Biden weighs into the election campaign

>>>/qresearch/11266983 The Biden's Earned $16.7 Million After Leaving The White House.

>>>/qresearch/11267026 Doug Ducey Tweet shows Cindy McCain with a familiar leg brace

>>>/qresearch/11267039 Some fucked images from pizzagate + epstein temple

>>>/qresearch/11267084 KHAZARIAN Jews ARE JEWS

>>>/qresearch/11267102 WATCH: Brad Pitt narrates Biden ad airing during World Series

>>>/qresearch/11267171 Chinese Communism Info Graph

>>>/qresearch/11267173 Dual Loyalties


>>>/qresearch/11267181 Some creepy ass images

>>>/qresearch/11267185 David Bowdich in the news

>>>/qresearch/11267236 Kid has got some talent, I'll give you that.


>>>/qresearch/11267288 (2014) Ukrainian Energy Firm Hires Biden's Son as Lawyer

>>>/qresearch/11267292, >>>/qresearch/11267359 Review of Hunter Buden ABC Interview Oct 18, 2019

>>>/qresearch/11267334 Insisting that the Hunter Biden laptop is fake is a trap. So is insisting that it’s real.

>>>/qresearch/11267344, >>>/qresearch/11267356 what if Hunter was the VIP Anthony Bourdain saw at Chateau marmont?

>>>/qresearch/11267403 14393

(32 notables, 44 posts, 67 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:38 a.m. No.35424   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11267421 Q Research General #14394: Who Helped Create Israel? Edition

Created 250835ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11267440, >>>/qresearch/11267443, >>>/qresearch/11267446, >>>/qresearch/11267454, >>>/qresearch/11267464, >>>/qresearch/11267483, >>>/qresearch/11267517, >>>/qresearch/11267581, >>>/qresearch/11267618, >>>/qresearch/11267620, >>>/qresearch/11267628, >>>/qresearch/11267654, >>>/qresearch/11267675 -JQ

VIDEO - Edomite Canaanites Full [Channel: Freedom OfSpeech]

VIDEO - BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR MCDONALD'S (DVD) feat Zionist [Channel: Dig Rabbit]

VIDEO - Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews [Channel: Lucky Larry Platinumstein]

VIDEO - Wikipedia - Israel's Internet Censorship War (JID [Channel: FILTHY GOYIM 2.0]

>>>/qresearch/11267486 Q EXPLAINED FOR NEWCOMERS

>>>/qresearch/11267515, >>>/qresearch/11267516 The Hidden Tyranny


VIDEO - Harold Wallace Rosenthal jewish Tyranny [Channel: Tony Farrell]

>>>/qresearch/11267520 4D theory - I told you so

>>>/qresearch/11267544 Interesting graphic

>>>/qresearch/11267560 In the 3D material world, we attach a “me” to a body and to that “me” we attach multiple defined identities. How real are those defined identities?

>>>/qresearch/11267562 Chelsea Handler ‘reminds’ 50 Cent that he is “a black person, so he can’t vote for Donald Trump’

>>>/qresearch/11267597 The Zionism of Winston Churchill

>>>/qresearch/11267662 Felt cute, might smoke crack idk (Hunter Biden Images)

>>>/qresearch/11267666 Time Magazine International November cover

>>>/qresearch/11267763 Article detailing Prince Andrew's plan to return to government

>>>/qresearch/11267784 WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT??? Celebs getting naked?

>>>/qresearch/11267812 Biden’s first wife’s death likely wasn’t an accident. She was trying to kill herself and the kids to get away from Joe’s molestation. Diary drop leads to that possibility.

>>>/qresearch/11267820 Barry and Maggie…and WENDY?

>>>/qresearch/11267911, >>>/qresearch/11267967, >>>/qresearch/11268013 Hack the Program: Weaknesses & Limitations of Gang Stalking Oct 21, 2020

VIDEO - Hack the Program: Weaknesses & Limitations of Gang Stalking [Channel: Servants Research Ministry]

>>>/qresearch/11267932 Chinese Group Behind Release of Biden Tapes Claim Bidens Offered Up CIA Agents Who Went Missing in China in 2010 -2012

>>>/qresearch/11267943 New Text Messages Show Joe Biden Reaching Out to Hunter’s Associates for Financial Help for His Son — After He Said This Never Happened

>>>/qresearch/11267946 Kamala Harris caught on hot mic asking an aide which city she was in

>>>/qresearch/11267955 Above the Law: Leaked Texts Show Hunter Biden Wanted to Avoid Registering as a Chinese Foreign Agent

>>>/qresearch/11267971 The Miniaturization of Media Dinosaurs

>>>/qresearch/11267983 American Thinker article covering the Hunter Biden sex tape story in detail

>>>/qresearch/11267994 The media promised to do better after Trump’s 2016 win — instead, they got worse

>>>/qresearch/11267998 Half-chan thread digging into Hunter possibly staring in only fans content.

>>>/qresearch/11268003, >>>/qresearch/11268131 I wonder if Natalie is self harming/cutting herself due to trauma from incest with Joe and Hunter

>>>/qresearch/11268015 Democrats, trying everything, fail to derail Amy Coney Barrett confirmation

>>>/qresearch/11268021 ‘Buyer’s remorse’ in play after ‘can you change your vote’ surges in searched terms

>>>/qresearch/11268034 Why Trump Has a Serious Chance of Winning.

>>>/qresearch/11268040 Amy Coney Barrett’s Historic Moment

>>>/qresearch/11268046 Kamala Harris clangs a communist gong

>>>/qresearch/11268053 James Woods Tweet,"'Biden 'child porn' shock"

>>>/qresearch/11268062 MP4 downloads for the first 12 Hunter Biden videos are available

>>>/qresearch/11268081 Joe Biden " addresses " sexual assault allegation in old interview on the view.


>>>/qresearch/11268087 Massive lines span NYC blocks as early in-person voting starts

>>>/qresearch/11268110 excellent filtering advice

>>>/qresearch/11268122 Federal Agency Secretly Offered FBI Documents On Trump Officials, Senate Report Says

>>>/qresearch/11268127 Sidney Powell Drops Bombshell Showing How The FBI Trapped Michael Flynn

>>>/qresearch/11268138 Roadkill and Its Dangerous Temptations

>>>/qresearch/11268181 Husam Abd-al-Ra'uf

(38 notables, 54 posts, 64 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:38 a.m. No.35425   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11268946 Q research General #14396: Reversing Course Edition

Created 251141ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11269068 Voice Comparison: Natalie Biden / Unidentified female from Hunter "FOOTJOB" video


>>>/qresearch/11269087 Biden rips Trump supporters who crash his Pa. campaign stop

>>>/qresearch/11269100 Do not fall for divide and conquer tactics

>>>/qresearch/11269121 #Patriot found something very interesting today.

>>>/qresearch/11269129 Hunter Biden to Joe Biden: “If you don’t run ill never have a chance at redemption,”

>>>/qresearch/11269136 Now that nuclear weapons are illegal, the Pacific demands truth on decades of testing

>>>/qresearch/11269169 Madeliene Albright Ancestry

>>>/qresearch/11269181 Results of Anon 3 year Q Drop Vatican RCC CIA Research File

>>>/qresearch/11269194 14394

>>>/qresearch/11269212 Lisa Murkowski to back SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett during Senate session

>>>/qresearch/11269223 Our President moves to stop the vote count in Vegas-area

>>>/qresearch/11269224 MEET GEORGE SOROS

>>>/qresearch/11269242 NOTABLE. War of LIGHT and DARK appears to be upon us…

>>>/qresearch/11269248 Sauce for Hunter Biden laptop drops

>>>/qresearch/11269289 More Joe Biden created extensive Voter Fraud Organization

>>>/qresearch/11269298 Afghanistan killed top al-Qaida propagandist

>>>/qresearch/11269348, >>>/qresearch/11269365 Lude Media banned on Twitter - Announcement just released. English translation not yet available.

>>>/qresearch/11269369 Sexual assault survivors issue blistering statement against Amy Coney Barrett

>>>/qresearch/11269392, >>>/qresearch/11269451 FINGER LAKES HORSE RACING TRAINER SUSPENDED OVER ADRENOCHROME

>>>/qresearch/11269455 Dr. Limeng Yan’s Mother Arrested by The Chinese Communist Party

>>>/qresearch/11269459, >>>/qresearch/11269529 Re: Hunter's Finger Lakes tattoo: Joe's first wife Neilia killed in car accident was born there

>>>/qresearch/11269501, >>>/qresearch/11269556, >>>/qresearch/11269623, >>>/qresearch/11269676 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/11269560 UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s father wrote a novel in 1982 called “THE VIRUS” about government purposely releasing a virus as a cover for population control via FORCED VACCINATIONS!

>>>/qresearch/11269579, >>>/qresearch/11269608 NEXIVM's stomping grounds looks close to Hunter Biden tatoo

>>>/qresearch/11269664 Huge, Six O' Clock Decode Q Drop - Bidens

>>>/qresearch/11269801 14396

(26 notables, 33 posts, 45 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:38 a.m. No.35426   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11268135 Q research General #14395: Scrubbing Barnacles Off The Bilge Edition

Created 251002ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11268217 Hunter Biden child porn

>>>/qresearch/11268235 Moar (Joe) Biden


>>>/qresearch/11268289 Audio Voice comparison Natalie Biden/unidentified female from footjob vid


>>>/qresearch/11268299, >>>/qresearch/11268393, >>>/qresearch/11268884 Biden tat leads to underground tunnels?

>>>/qresearch/11268417 Is Kamala interfering at the polls


>>>/qresearch/11268462 According to the report, CIA agents' identities were provided to the CCP by the Bidens

(6 notables, 8 posts, 13 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:39 a.m. No.35427   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11269796 Q Research General #14397: Patriots Fight Edition

Created 251321ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11269835, >>>/qresearch/11269919, >>>/qresearch/11270153, >>>/qresearch/11270197, >>>/qresearch/11270227 Hunter Biden Leaks

>>>/qresearch/11269836 Lude is live (with live translation):

>>>/qresearch/11269838 Mercenaries in the Civil War / Adrenochrome Harvesting

>>>/qresearch/11269854 Covid $6 Trillion Dollar Vaxx Man


>>>/qresearch/11269875 We, the New Federal State of China, have made the video public

>>>/qresearch/11269882 Did Joe Biden Use the Pseudonym “Peter Henderson” When Trading Emails with Son Hunter?

>>>/qresearch/11269890 PEDOVORE PSA

>>>/qresearch/11269891 OPERATION: #SaveOurChildren

>>>/qresearch/11269893 Tropical Storm Zeta forms south of western Cuba as the 2020 hurricane season is thrown into the record books

>>>/qresearch/11269925 NEW HUNTER PICS

>>>/qresearch/11269926 DEAD SEA SCROLLS

>>>/qresearch/11269929 Biden’s most revealing gaffe yet

>>>/qresearch/11269938 Biden Family’s Corruption Is Nothing New And Largely Legal

>>>/qresearch/11269944 As Biden Eyes Expanded Electoral Map, Memories of 2016 Linger

>>>/qresearch/11269953 “Just Vote Again”: Ballot Shenanigans Rampant In Oregon

>>>/qresearch/11269998 Al Qaeda's second in command on FBI's most-wanted list killed in Afghanistan: reports

>>>/qresearch/11270001, >>>/qresearch/11270072, >>>/qresearch/11270147 Planefag Report

>>>/qresearch/11270058 There is only one principled vote on Amy Coney Barrett: No

>>>/qresearch/11270093 NewsVice President Mike Pence’s Chief of Staff, Marc Short, tested positive for the coronavirus on Saturday.

(19 notables, 25 posts, 34 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:39 a.m. No.35428   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11270506 Q Research General #14398: The fight goes on

Created 251441ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11270713, >>>/qresearch/11271169 PF Report

>>>/qresearch/11270720 Possible Q proof/sauce

>>>/qresearch/11270771 Catherine Herridge Tweet re: Pence

>>>/qresearch/11270781, >>>/qresearch/11270839 Dan Scavino Tweets



>>>/qresearch/11270842 Democrats working against America

>>>/qresearch/11270868 Contract tracing in CO

>>>/qresearch/11270918 Obama lies more and more and more

>>>/qresearch/11270987, >>>/qresearch/11271154 Why FBI dropped Biden Investigation

>>>/qresearch/11271064 Biden pic sources.

>>>/qresearch/11271202 Steve Cortes tweet re: Watters World segment

>>>/qresearch/11271267 #14398

(11 notables, 14 posts, 15 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:39 a.m. No.35429   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11271299 Q Research General #14399: Anons March Side By Side

Created 251550ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11271334 #7 Vote Republican @frankpallottanj

>>>/qresearch/11271413, >>>/qresearch/11271435, >>>/qresearch/11271604, >>>/qresearch/11271616 INTL NEWs


>>>/qresearch/11271414 Black Women for Trump Speak Up

>>>/qresearch/11271430 How to Quickly Spot a Clown

>>>/qresearch/11271431 While we were fighting the sham impeachment, the FBI had evidence of #QuidProJoe, yet they did nothing.


>>>/qresearch/11271463 Natalie reading Profiles in Corruption

>>>/qresearch/11271473, >>>/qresearch/11271477 Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and Chris Heinz Diggs

>>>/qresearch/11271474 Interdasted in WHY FBI Sat on HB Laptop?

>>>/qresearch/11271499, >>>/qresearch/11271528, >>>/qresearch/11271566, >>>/qresearch/11271568, >>>/qresearch/11271593, >>>/qresearch/11271608, >>>/qresearch/11271637, >>>/qresearch/11271671, >>>/qresearch/11271674, >>>/qresearch/11271797, >>>/qresearch/11271853, >>>/qresearch/11271890, >>>/qresearch/11272024, >>>/qresearch/11272030, >>>/qresearch/11272045 Finger Lakes digs

>>>/qresearch/11271512 3.5 million from russia

>>>/qresearch/11271548 We're back! @GatewayPundit

>>>/qresearch/11271567 POTUS plane 92-9000 just made a right turn in descent

>>>/qresearch/11271625 Operation Dark Winter war gamed a smallpox release in the U. S. It didn't go well.

>>>/qresearch/11271639 New @Whitehouse

>>>/qresearch/11271661 Jesus, bring new wine out of me

>>>/qresearch/11271698 Diving into the legacy of the beasts of the Finger Lakes

>>>/qresearch/11271699 A true story told by former #CCP diplomat

>>>/qresearch/11271710 Search continues for missing teen in Monroe County area

>>>/qresearch/11271722 Misspellings matter

>>>/qresearch/11271725 Man Doxxes Trump Supporting Nuns

>>>/qresearch/11271753, >>>/qresearch/11271846 The rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire put an end to the worship of Ra.

>>>/qresearch/11271790 Finger lakes, mini bun

>>>/qresearch/11271811 Jim Carey on the Office , talks about Finger lakes at 1:05

>>>/qresearch/11271818 President Trump landing in New Hampshire…

>>>/qresearch/11271821 HERE WE GO, ANONS

>>>/qresearch/11271839 BREAKING: Historic letter by leading Orthodox rabbis in the United States in support of President Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/11271885 GOP lawmaker: Republican appeals to QAnon supporters show "we've lost our way"

>>>/qresearch/11271900, >>>/qresearch/11271943 This isn’t true.

>>>/qresearch/11271912 Famed U.S. astronaut Buzz Aldrin appeared to endorse Sen. Martha McSally

>>>/qresearch/11271915 Governor Grandma killer now threatening Jews.

>>>/qresearch/11271930 Early Voting Is a Cancer on the Electoral Process, and This Graph Proves It

>>>/qresearch/11271966 GSA Gave FBI, Mueller 'Secret Access' To Trump Records

>>>/qresearch/11271991 NOW WE KNOW WHY HILLARY MOVED TO ROCHESTER - Finger Lakes

>>>/qresearch/11272001 The Election to End All Elections

>>>/qresearch/11272052 WOW: Massive Jewish Trump Supporters Car Parade on Brooklyn Bridge in New York City

>>>/qresearch/11272074 Jill Biden a pedo DS fixer

>>>/qresearch/11272079 #14399

(37 notables, 57 posts, 54 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:40 a.m. No.35430   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11272083 Q Research General #14400:

Created 251703ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11272147 FBI opened its most recent investigation of Paul Manafort in January 2016

>>>/qresearch/11272184 JUST IN: Al Qaeda's second in command & on FBI's most-wanted list—Abu Muhsin al-Masri—killed in Afghanistan.

>>>/qresearch/11272202 Expert's stunning conclusion: China's killing Americans 'deliberately'

>>>/qresearch/11272206 Chinese Group Behind Release of Biden Tapes Claim Bidens Offered Up CIA Agents Who Went Missing in China in 2010 -2012

>>>/qresearch/11272234 Jim Biden Lashes Out at Tony Bobulinski When Confronted About His and Hunter’s Shady $5 Million Side Deal With Chinese Energy Firm

>>>/qresearch/11272252 The former lead prosecutor on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, Andrew Weissmann, is leading a virtual fundraiser next week for Joe Biden's presidential campaign.

>>>/qresearch/11272259 Here is a better map of the finger lakes railway system including abandoned lines

>>>/qresearch/11272283 EXCLUSIVE SOURCE: Biden Daughter’s Diary Details ‘Not Appropriate’ Showers With Joe As Child

>>>/qresearch/11272304 China’s Communist Party is backing the left’s revolution, seeking our downfall and subjugation

>>>/qresearch/11272315 Biden grilled on 'transition' away from oil and gas comment in Pennsylvania TV interviews

>>>/qresearch/11272346 The USN has a deep submersible research station on Seneca lake's deepest part. It's 633 feet deep.

>>>/qresearch/11272358 There are 38 missing children in Upstate NY right now. Have you seen them? - from 2019

>>>/qresearch/11272374 Dark to Light?

>>>/qresearch/11272388 BREAKING: More rocks being thrown at Jews for Trump caravan rally in #Brooklyn, New York.

>>>/qresearch/11272404 (1985)(Xi Jinping) Vice Mayor - Xiamen, Fujian, China → (Baltimore, MD) = Long History

>>>/qresearch/11272460 HB laptop is the LEGAL KEYSTONE

>>>/qresearch/11272471 HUNTER SAYS "LQQK NATTIE

>>>/qresearch/11272472 Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) was the only absence on the procedural vote today.

>>>/qresearch/11272485 GOP clears key hurdle on Barrett's Supreme Court nomination, setting up Monday confirmation

>>>/qresearch/11272580 Joe Biden Is An Active NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT

>>>/qresearch/11272620 As i already mentioned: i'll publish EVERYTHING on

>>>/qresearch/11272673 Biden Corruption: Trickle Of Information Becomes Flow Becomes Flood Becomes Avalanche

>>>/qresearch/11272698 Canandaigua NY, known as "the chosen place"

>>>/qresearch/11272729 Hunter Biden's Company Partnered With Chinese Military to Acquire Stealth Tech, Assisted By The Big Guy and John Kerry

>>>/qresearch/11272766 The candidates reportedly include - Biden AG

>>>/qresearch/11272806 California middle school student threatened with jail for missing online Zoom classes

>>>/qresearch/11272851 New Hunter pic

(27 notables, 27 posts, 26 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:40 a.m. No.35431   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11272886 Q Research General #14401: Only the beginning, Padawan Edition

Created 251807ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11272940 POTUS is dripping out more footage of crooked joe biden at his New Hampshire rally.


>>>/qresearch/11272952 Anti-lockdown and pro-choice protesters descend on Warsaw, traffic blockade & women’s strike planned next

>>>/qresearch/11272963 Pope Francis includes first black American, a noted Trump critic, among 13 new cardinals

>>>/qresearch/11272971 Sen. Ron Johnson: ‘The Vice President Has Been Caught in Repeated Lies over Biden Inc. About His Family’s Businesses’

>>>/qresearch/11272985 Washington Post: Treat Hunter Biden Emails as Foreign Intel — Even if They Probably Aren’t

>>>/qresearch/11272998 Germany's top Covid-19 research body firebombed overnight in possible politically motivated arson attack – police

>>>/qresearch/11273000 Pelosi Commits to Running for Speaker if Democrats Keep House

>>>/qresearch/11273036, >>>/qresearch/11273063, >>>/qresearch/11273083 Rockefellers Combating ‘The Human Cancer’

>>>/qresearch/11273042 Forget the Hunter Biden sex tapes. The real news is much bigger than that.

>>>/qresearch/11273052 Google Searches for ‘Can I Change My Vote’ Spike Following Hunter Biden Sex Tape Release

>>>/qresearch/11273073 How The Finger Lakes Was Named: Part 1

>>>/qresearch/11273116 Early Vote Counts Contradict Some Swing State Polls

>>>/qresearch/11273145 People Will Die’ if They Spend Christmas Together, Says Disgraced Fmr UK Govt Scientist

>>>/qresearch/11273199 FIVE of Mike Pence's aides test positive for COVID: VP's chief of staff, his senior political advisor and three more of his staff members get infected

>>>/qresearch/11273271 Has ‘Chinagate Scandal’ Rattled Mainstream Media?

>>>/qresearch/11273278 Tom Fitton says there is more than enough evidence of corruption to warrant an indictment of Hunter and Joe Biden.


>>>/qresearch/11273346 Jon Voight - In God We Trust (video is POTUS's words)


>>>/qresearch/11273352 New DJT JRo

>>>/qresearch/11273360 Cocaine Mitch for the Win

>>>/qresearch/11273376 Readable: Biden Emails

>>>/qresearch/11273377 Expensify CEO David Barrett Sends Millions of Customers Email Claiming Support for Trump Is ‘Vote Against Democracy’

>>>/qresearch/11273413, >>>/qresearch/11273465 NYPD and Trump supporters brawl against crackhead Antifa in NYC.


>>>/qresearch/11273416 LIVE: NYPD announcing unlawful assembly; threatening arrests. Not sure what is going on; I see a lot of Trump signs, USA Flags, and 'Chinese Americans For Trump' t-shirts.

>>>/qresearch/11273476 He Was Convicted of War Crimes and Pardoned by Trump. Now He Wants to Reform Military Justice

>>>/qresearch/11273485 In echo of Cold War, the West's 'Five Eyes' spy alliance focuses on China

>>>/qresearch/11273512 Putin says US presence in Afghanistan good for security

>>>/qresearch/11273526 Mail-in ballots: the US elites’ ‘plausible deniability’ ploy to retain power

>>>/qresearch/11273530 BREAKING: Joe Biden Calls a Lid and Hides in His Basement with 9 Days Until Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11273545 Trump Plays Biden Hairy Legs Video at New Hampshire Rally

>>>/qresearch/11273596 The irony just drips off this one, The press using Russian President Vladimir Putin to defend Biden

>>>/qresearch/11273670 #14401

(32 notables, 35 posts, 50 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:41 a.m. No.35432   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11273683 Q Research General #14402: BOOMS EN_ROUTE TOMORROW. This is not a drill. Edition

Created 251909ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11273751 USN: #DYK that subs are referred to as "boats"

>>>/qresearch/11273765 Dan: Air Force One is wheels down in Bangor, Maine


>>>/qresearch/11273770 This thing is a train too.

>>>/qresearch/11273778, >>>/qresearch/11273881, >>>/qresearch/11274100 Biden Laptop / Hunter News

>>>/qresearch/11273780 There's so many Trump supporting Jews in New York City shut down the Brooklyn bridge

>>>/qresearch/11273784 POTUS Scheule

>>>/qresearch/11273828, >>>/qresearch/11273879, >>>/qresearch/11273955, >>>/qresearch/11274133 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/11273849 This thug is throwing rocks at Trump supporters in New York City.

>>>/qresearch/11273923 WATCH: Trump Plays Biden Hairy Legs Video at New Hampshire Rally

>>>/qresearch/11273948 Possible Pirate attack on British Ship off the coast of UK

>>>/qresearch/11273965, >>>/qresearch/11274089 Obama/Biden Pandemic Dig

>>>/qresearch/11274088 Pelosi Dismisses Dem Calls for Compromise on Coronavirus Stimulus

>>>/qresearch/11274260 Quantitative Easing Goes Global

>>>/qresearch/11274379 Alan Dershowitz Un-Redaction Request

>>>/qresearch/11274497 TRUMP Livestream

>>>/qresearch/11274578 #14402

(16 notables, 22 posts, 31 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:41 a.m. No.35433   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11274574 Q Research General #14403: Bangor or Bust Edition

Created 252001ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11274689 Fox: Rep. Jim Jordan on reviewing and authenticating purported Hunter Biden emails

>>>/qresearch/11274706 Biden / Hunter News

>>>/qresearch/11274775 Schiff Nina Jankowicz Digg


>>>/qresearch/11274813 Rogan: Matthew McConaughey bashes cancel culture

>>>/qresearch/11274814 Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is shutting off power for 361,000

>>>/qresearch/11274904, >>>/qresearch/11274957, >>>/qresearch/11275007, >>>/qresearch/11275112, >>>/qresearch/11275128, >>>/qresearch/11275234 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/11274934 Corey: In Maine with @realdonaldtrump at an “Off The Record” stop

>>>/qresearch/11274942 MAINE Ass. Atty. Gen. James Cameron, was sentenced to just over 15 years (rewind)

>>>/qresearch/11274943 GOPer threatens to quit party on live TV over QAnon Republicans

>>>/qresearch/11274960, >>>/qresearch/11275019 EricT: Phoenix, AZ! We have 8 days left!!! / The polls are wrong!!!


>>>/qresearch/11274985, >>>/qresearch/11275217 Meet @AzadM_52 who filmed himself throwing eggs at Jews For Trump



>>>/qresearch/11275022 The 17th hole

>>>/qresearch/11275086 Dan: @realDonaldTrump stops at Treworgy Family Orchards in Levant, Maine


>>>/qresearch/11275111 Asked Judge for Adjournment of Raniere’s Sentencing; Claim FBI Tampered

>>>/qresearch/11275155 Russian Bankers Seek Deposition Of Steele Dossier Source Igor Danchenko

>>>/qresearch/11275250 (2016) Article on Vote Changing

>>>/qresearch/11275292 JFlynn Why China LOVES Oregon: Unless you’re digging you will never find out

(17 notables, 24 posts, 43 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:41 a.m. No.35434   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11275339 Q Research General #14404: We have 8 days left!!! Edition

Created 252054ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11275496, >>>/qresearch/11275566 Printout of a tweet from Polling USA on seat of every reporter (Trollmaster)

>>>/qresearch/11275536 CNN: Biden's lead over Trump is holding

>>>/qresearch/11275561, >>>/qresearch/11275712, >>>/qresearch/11275798, >>>/qresearch/11275843, >>>/qresearch/11275867, >>>/qresearch/11275911, >>>/qresearch/11276050 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/11275636 TWR: With President Trump, America is poised to SOAR!


>>>/qresearch/11275789 DJTJr: My Big Guy Destroyed Hunter's Big Guy

>>>/qresearch/11275814 What would the world be like with no Evil??

>>>/qresearch/11275828 Bartiromo plays an audio of President Trump outlining the motive for DC

>>>/qresearch/11275873 Breaking. POTUS brokers PEACE between Armenia and Azerbaijan today

>>>/qresearch/11275919 Joe campaigns for Obama: OUCH

>>>/qresearch/11275958 MaTrixx: "Do not assume I’m not corrupt." Joe Biden.

>>>/qresearch/11275959 Treasury Sanctions Russian Government Research Institution/Triton Malware

>>>/qresearch/11275980, >>>/qresearch/11276043 FOO FIGHTERS And JON BON JOVI Concert In Support Of BIDEN

>>>/qresearch/11275999 Piracy Followup: Seven people detained after security incident Isle of Wight

>>>/qresearch/11276019 DJT: Video from Levant Orchard


>>>/qresearch/11276055 Planefag reports (cont)

>>>/qresearch/11276086 Who Did The 9.5-Inch-Penis Pierce Through?

>>>/qresearch/11276110 Guy who doxxed nuns worked for Hastert!

>>>/qresearch/11276147 #14404

(18 notables, 26 posts, 32 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:42 a.m. No.35435   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11276142 Q Research General #14405: Stopped In For Some Maine LOSBR Edition

Created 252154ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11276219, >>>/qresearch/11276242 NYPD Suspends Officer For Saying “Trump 2020”


>>>/qresearch/11276234 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/11276252 Old Guard Tweets - “it was an honor” about presence at RGB funeral

>>>/qresearch/11276341, >>>/qresearch/11276371, >>>/qresearch/11276559, >>>/qresearch/11276568, >>>/qresearch/11276861 Anons, just found a shit-ton of info on the Bidens and all their connections in these two sources. LittleSis & DiscoverTheNetworks

>>>/qresearch/11276373, >>>/qresearch/11276450, >>>/qresearch/11276732 lb, lb , lb,President Trump to immediately fire 'FBI Director Wray, CIA Director Haspel & Defense Sec. Esper' if he wins back the White House. (Daily Mail)

>>>/qresearch/11276409, >>>/qresearch/11276580 (.You.) FLOTUS & POTUS Host Halloween at the White HouseLive Now!

>>>/qresearch/11276410 Has Covid killed off the flu? Influenza cases nosedive by 98% across the globe

>>>/qresearch/11276441, >>>/qresearch/11276564 Planefag

>>>/qresearch/11276457, >>>/qresearch/11276855 "They say it is the most accurate polling firm", "watch the polls tighten this last week"

>>>/qresearch/11276478, >>>/qresearch/11276623 See Something Say Something

>>>/qresearch/11276572 R.I.P.: U.S. Navy Lt. Rhiannon Ross of Wixom, Michigan and U.S. Coast Guard Ensign Morgan Garrett of Weddington, North Carolina were identified as the service members who died in the crash.

>>>/qresearch/11276578, >>>/qresearch/11276729 "This too connects doXxer and Haster". Blog entry: Dining with a child molester

>>>/qresearch/11276640 Ex-headmaster guilty in US child porn case - Biden's Hometown

>>>/qresearch/11276655 Survivor of human trafficking explains why she’s voting for Donald Trump.

>>>/qresearch/11276750 BLM-antifa held a street march today in Lake Oswego, Ore., a wealthy suburb near Portland. They were angry @LOPolice protected a truck driver who had Trump flags.


>>>/qresearch/11276863 Finger Lakes Adrenchrome?

>>>/qresearch/11276928 #14405

(17 notables, 29 posts, 34 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:42 a.m. No.35436   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11277066 Q Research General #14406: 3 Year Delta In T-Minus 2 Edition

Created 252309ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11277255 Dr. Arthur Caplan: Organ Harvesting in China and Killing on Demand

>>>/qresearch/11277283, >>>/qresearch/11277310, >>>/qresearch/11277408, >>>/qresearch/11277417 This site is created and maintained by former Blxware employees that wanted illegal FBI/CIA/NSA domestic surveillance programs to be exposed to the public

>>>/qresearch/11277292 Putin says information received from US repeatedly helped #Russia prevent terror acts

>>>/qresearch/11277293 Thomas Paine

>>>/qresearch/11277301 Q post First and Second

>>>/qresearch/11277315 PF DC getting crowded

>>>/qresearch/11277333 Nation-wide pedophile ring uncovered as child exploitation spikes during COVID

>>>/qresearch/11277336 AG Beau Biden op-ed in Delaware paper announcing partnerships with child advocacy groups after he cosigned lenient plea deal for Dupont pedophile

>>>/qresearch/11277341 Fake polls

>>>/qresearch/11277345 POTUS hands out candy to visiting schoolchildren in advance of #Halloween

>>>/qresearch/11277356, >>>/qresearch/11277621, >>>/qresearch/11277637 Joe Biden’s Campaign Calls a Lid on In-Person Campaigning

>>>/qresearch/11277378 James Woods (Vid Cap)


>>>/qresearch/11277382 ADDICTION: Diary Entries Show Ashley Biden’s Alleged Battle With Cocaine, ‘Hard’ Drugs – Whistleblower.

>>>/qresearch/11277399 (pb), BGY plan and its links to fentanyl and Emergent BioSolutions for fentanyl antidote "Narcan" drug (nalaxone)

>>>/qresearch/11277418 Big Tech Panicking – Trump’s Grassroots MAGA Army Working Around Platform Controls…

>>>/qresearch/11277431, >>>/qresearch/11277640 Andrew Kauders

>>>/qresearch/11277442 DTJR

>>>/qresearch/11277445 BOARD OF DIRECTORS for Beau Biden Foundation for Protection of Children

>>>/qresearch/11277469 Nickname(s): Skantown Skan

>>>/qresearch/11277490 Reuters Fantasy Hit Piece

>>>/qresearch/11277512 Kek! Trump played creepy Biden video on mega screen at his rally today

>>>/qresearch/11277525, >>>/qresearch/11277623, >>>/qresearch/11277732 JAMES WOODS I’ve never seen spontaneous outbursts of support like this in my lifetime. The last president that had anything like this was John Kennedy


>>>/qresearch/11277557 Searches for “can I change my vote” surged on Sunday

>>>/qresearch/11277567 KING VS KUBRICK

>>>/qresearch/11277582 Reports: Wray Had Hunter’s ‘Laptop From Hell’ Since December — Kept It a Secret from President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11277597 Big Tech sounding the alarm.

>>>/qresearch/11277603 Richard Grenell

>>>/qresearch/11277610 Joe Biden Cuts Off Reporter During Question on Hunter Biden

>>>/qresearch/11277648 By this time tomorrow, this man will be irrelevant. "Judge' JOHN ROBERTS

>>>/qresearch/11277730, >>>/qresearch/11277878 Klaus Schwab and his great fascist reset

>>>/qresearch/11277735, >>>/qresearch/11277816 California Begins Cutting Power To 361,000 Customers As Fire Risk Surges

>>>/qresearch/11277780, >>>/qresearch/11277795 Child Advocacy Center of the FINGER LAKES

>>>/qresearch/11277802 PB, Flase Flags list

>>>/qresearch/11277813 Sunday Chaplinanon Pray

>>>/qresearch/11277831 (LB), , 9 E D 12 10 I.E.D. on 12/10/2020 Improvised Explosive Device on 12/10/2020?

>>>/qresearch/11277861, >>>/qresearch/11277882 HIT PIECE White House lawyer helped shop controversial Hunter Biden story to Wall Street Journal: NYT

>>>/qresearch/11277870 lb , Kauders - Podesta Group. (2007 photo)

>>>/qresearch/11277953 #14406,

>>>/qresearch/11277972 (LB) , Hunter Bidens phoneTaken with a Huawei P9 Lite

(39 notables, 51 posts, 65 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:42 a.m. No.35437   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11277950 Q Research General #14407: Increasing the Shills Blood Pressure, ONE Glorious post at a Time Edition

Created 260019ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11277970, >>>/qresearch/11278074 ATTN: NewFags New here? Q Proofs & Welcome

>>>/qresearch/11278027 Sean Parnell Huge Victory in Federal court regarding 29k incorrect ballots sent in Western PA. The election here in #PA17 will be free & fair thanks to our lawsuit.

>>>/qresearch/11278068 “Democracy” vs. COVID: A No-Go. The Great Reset is the Antidote of Democracy

>>>/qresearch/11278077 Election 2020: America’s class war disguised as race war may cause a civil war

>>>/qresearch/11278095, >>>/qresearch/11278113, >>>/qresearch/11278136, >>>/qresearch/11278225, >>>/qresearch/11278230 El Paso, Texas, issues stay-at-home order due to surge in COVID cases, says "all area hospitals have reached capacity"

>>>/qresearch/11278098 HRC

>>>/qresearch/11278100, >>>/qresearch/11278573 (LB) , Hunter Bidens phoneTaken with a Huawei P9 Lite

>>>/qresearch/11278102 World wide attack map

>>>/qresearch/11278108, >>>/qresearch/11278341 (LB), , 9 E D 12 10 I.E.D. on 12/10/2020 Improvised Explosive Device on 12/10/2020?

>>>/qresearch/11278115 LUDE MEDIA LIVE

>>>/qresearch/11278123 ‘Just like posts on Holocaust’: Pakistani PM Khan calls on Facebook to ban all ‘ISLAMOPHOBIC’ content

>>>/qresearch/11278125, >>>/qresearch/11278164, >>>/qresearch/11278197, >>>/qresearch/11278389 lb , Kauders - Podesta Group. (2007 photo)

>>>/qresearch/11278141 In 9 days one of these things is going to happen

>>>/qresearch/11278148 Incest! Fallen Biden family

>>>/qresearch/11278185 Dupont pedophile

>>>/qresearch/11278204, >>>/qresearch/11278660 Reports: Wray Had Hunter’s ‘Laptop From Hell’ Since December — Kept It a Secret from President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11278346 lb, lb , lb,President Trump to immediately fire 'FBI Director Wray, CIA Director Haspel & Defense Sec. Esper' if he wins back the White House. (Daily Mail)

>>>/qresearch/11278352 Biden and Big Tech Have Poland and Hungary in Their Crosshairs

>>>/qresearch/11278353 ‘Over My Dead Body’: Bill Cassidy Torches Joe Biden’s Plan to Shut Down Oil, Natural Gas

>>>/qresearch/11278358 Expensify users drop company after left-wing CEO sends unsolicited email telling users to vote for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11278385 Can location pins be placed on Google Maps by random people, or does Google have to verify pins to allow them on the map?

>>>/qresearch/11278394 Putin Defends Bidens, Becomes 'Visibly Irritated' When Asked About $3.5 Million Moscow Payment To Hunter

>>>/qresearch/11278415, >>>/qresearch/11278500, >>>/qresearch/11278550 Heads Up Hunter Biden Tattoo of a map leads to a place called Silent hill

>>>/qresearch/11278446 More than 1,000 People Rally for Trump in New Jersey

>>>/qresearch/11278467 Joe Biden puts a like on Campaign. No more events. He'll be at home till Nov 3rd doing Zoom events. Wow… Trump Supporters scared him back into the basement.

>>>/qresearch/11278489 Finger Lakes digs there is a group of cabal celebrities that own property on Keuka Lake

>>>/qresearch/11278687 (lb), , Hunter Biden SILENT HILL Tattoo Cryptic Posts Referencing what looks like a Cabal statanic location…like JE's island

(27 notables, 40 posts, 34 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:43 a.m. No.35438   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11278720 Q Research General #14408: Silent Hill Tramp Stamp Edition

Created 260107ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11278867 PB, Flase Flags list

>>>/qresearch/11278868, >>>/qresearch/11278898, >>>/qresearch/11279065 (lb), , Hunter Biden SILENT HILL Tattoo Cryptic Posts Referencing what looks like a Cabal statanic location…like JE's island

>>>/qresearch/11278874 #14407

>>>/qresearch/11278891 Australia Premature baby found abandoned in a terminal bathroom at Doha Airport is ALIVE - as Scott Morrison demands answers after 13 Australian women were 'invasively strip-searched on the tarmac without their consent'

>>>/qresearch/11278910, >>>/qresearch/11279361 Did Kamala Harris Violate Ohio Voting Law?

>>>/qresearch/11278913, >>>/qresearch/11278972, >>>/qresearch/11279172 Kamala Harris Awkwardly Cackles After 60 Minutes Host Questions if She Presents a “Socialist or Progressive Perspective” (Capped)


>>>/qresearch/11278932 Call for Digg Rosemont-Seneca

>>>/qresearch/11279000 The big Trump rallies you don't see

>>>/qresearch/11279027 Buzz Aldrin endorses Republican Martha McSally for Senate in Arizona. Rejects fellow astronaut and leftist Mark Kelly.

>>>/qresearch/11279096 Jaw dropping In-Depth Interview on HOW WE GOT HERE

>>>/qresearch/11279109 Hillary Clinton: Most Republicans are "cowards" on Trump

>>>/qresearch/11279148 Facebook Adds Label Defending Mail-In Voting to Breitbart News’ Post of Trump Rally Livestream

>>>/qresearch/11279183 Thank You! To the anon who gave us this code…CODE for js to blur images on 8Knun

>>>/qresearch/11279188, >>>/qresearch/11279239, >>>/qresearch/11279388 Biden's remarks relief efforts Haiti

>>>/qresearch/11279272 Holy Crap, Guise, FOLLOW LUDE MEDIA On Every Platform.

>>>/qresearch/11279310 The 'missing' manuscript of the creation of the 14th Amendment

>>>/qresearch/11279316 Why the FBI may have sat on the HB Laptop

>>>/qresearch/11279387 Systemic racism ‘runs very deep’ in Canada, Freeland says

>>>/qresearch/11279449 #14408

(19 notables, 26 posts, 20 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:43 a.m. No.35439   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11280218 Q Research General #14410: Something running through Silent Hill? Edition

Created 260242ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11280366 pb, University of Penn ….Trustee….Willaim P. Lauder…billionaire

>>>/qresearch/11280382 At a Major Bangkok intersection to renew calls for Premier Prayut Chan-O-Cha to resign

>>>/qresearch/11280416 lb, Sydney Powell JUST RETWEETED A SCREENSHOT FROM /pol/

>>>/qresearch/11280431 NIGHTSHIFT

>>>/qresearch/11280434 (2018) Hillary Silent As Police Discover Dead Body Hidden In Huma Abedin’s Dumpster

>>>/qresearch/11280435, >>>/qresearch/11280609 Hunter's Biggest Vice

>>>/qresearch/11280456 MP4 downloads for the first 12 Hunter Biden videos are available

>>>/qresearch/11280467 President salutes a tiny soldier

>>>/qresearch/11280489 Fox News president, top anchors advised to quarantine after coronavirus exposure

>>>/qresearch/11280552, >>>/qresearch/11280569, >>>/qresearch/11280585, >>>/qresearch/11280655 Finger Lakes and Buckeye Partners pipelines

>>>/qresearch/11280571 LIVE: US Senate debates Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court nomination

>>>/qresearch/11280595, >>>/qresearch/11280615 'Virtual Open Hearing on Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories Online'

>>>/qresearch/11280602 POTUS Schedule for MONDAY October 26, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11280634 Thousands Drive Around I-275 Loop in Cincinnati for Second Trump Parade

>>>/qresearch/11280660 Jill Biden is board chair at Save the Children Federation inc

>>>/qresearch/11280688 Andrew Kauders wife is Halie Soifer the Executive Director of Jewish Democratic Council of America

>>>/qresearch/11280719 Hit Piece Joe Biden: Hunter Biden Email Story ‘a Smear Campaign’ (RT News)

>>>/qresearch/11280741 Joe Biden’s Transition Chair Backs Proposal to Impose Term Limits on Supreme Court

>>>/qresearch/11280755 Another day, another reason to defund NPR.

>>>/qresearch/11280759 How Sen. Kamala Harris Became "Incredible Friends" With Joe Biden's Son Beau

>>>/qresearch/11280762 Biden corruption claims all but confirmed with Hunter emails Devin Nunes

>>>/qresearch/11280771 Indo-Pacific and China to be focus of high-level India-US talks Military pact on intelligence sharing likely during Pompeo (KANSAS on SAM727-Espers on TITAN25)- New Delhi visit

>>>/qresearch/11280772 NO THANKS Air Force Selects BAE Systems To Design Combat Drone For Skyborg Program

>>>/qresearch/11280791 Ayyyyyyeeeee Steve… gotta bet with a friend. Do you listen to more Biggie or Sinatra?

>>>/qresearch/11280793 4.5 earthquake in Switzerland, no history of seismic activity in the area

>>>/qresearch/11280798 Hunter Biden Ex-Biz Associate Was Livid Over $5MM Side-Deal With Chinese

>>>/qresearch/11280816 Confirmed influenza cases hit rock-bottom, puzzling infectious disease experts

>>>/qresearch/11280840 Senators resume debate on Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination

>>>/qresearch/11280875 Gov. Polis quarantines

>>>/qresearch/11280910 Q #4414 Q #4144 Countdown to -17 as we are now on -7

>>>/qresearch/11281007 #14410

(31 notables, 36 posts, 50 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:43 a.m. No.35440   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11279451 Q Research General #14409: Is Silent Hill the new Epstein Island Digg? Edition

Created 260154ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11279487 Trump to immediately fire Haspel / Wray after Election Axios is reporting.

>>>/qresearch/11279505, >>>/qresearch/11279677 LUDE PHOTO and OBAMA's Schedule APRIL 4, 2016

>>>/qresearch/11279530, >>>/qresearch/11279607, >>>/qresearch/11279757 HUNTER SMOKING CRACK IN .GOV VEHICLE? or a Marshall's cap

>>>/qresearch/11279602 Silent Hill

>>>/qresearch/11279611 Ballot boxes being set on fire in Boston

>>>/qresearch/11279617 Move over, Clinton Foundation: Here comes the Beau Biden Foundation for Protecting Children

>>>/qresearch/11279653 “Biden’s Staff Told Us He Misspoke” – Joe Biden Confuses His Agenda in 60 Minutes Interview so His Staff Steps in to Correct the Record

>>>/qresearch/11279660 Voting Numbers

>>>/qresearch/11279671 Amy Coney Barrett numbers

>>>/qresearch/11279678 Who Built the Cages Joe?

>>>/qresearch/11279689 Leo Farnesworth vs Biden Family

>>>/qresearch/11279698 Child Advocacy Center of the Finger Lakes?

>>>/qresearch/11279705 Silent Hill, maybe there's an underground tunnel system around the finger lakes?

>>>/qresearch/11279725, >>>/qresearch/11279812 Biden blames Trump for pandemic in OCTOBER ‘19

>>>/qresearch/11279726 The U.S. Senate voted Sunday afternoon to end debate on the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, setting the stage for a final confirmation vote Monday evening — just over a week

>>>/qresearch/11279734 Protesters hurl eggs at Rudy Giuliani, pro-Trump demonstrators in NYC

>>>/qresearch/11279746 Cancelled Silent Hill Game Footage Surfaces Online

>>>/qresearch/11279776 Seneca has Buckeye Partners LP pipelines running thru the Finger Lakes. CALL FOR DIGGZ Rosemont-Seneca

>>>/qresearch/11279801 ‘Fu*k Donald Trump’: 50 Cent ‘Comes to His Senses’, Withdraws Support For POTUS After Ex’s Critique

>>>/qresearch/11279850 10/25/2020 CIA Whistle blower: from 2015 FBI & DOJ have been hiding evidence Biden Deal with CCP

>>>/qresearch/11279856 Trump Had One Last Story to Sell. The Wall Street Journal Wouldn’t Buy It.

>>>/qresearch/11279885 Silent Hill Game Description

>>>/qresearch/11279886 BOOM JS on the Case- Exposing WW Scientific Manipulation

>>>/qresearch/11279901 Biden Daughter's Diary Details 'Not Appropriate' Showers With Joe As Child

>>>/qresearch/11279912 When was Hunter Biden last picture in public?

>>>/qresearch/11279929 47Months vs 47Years QPROOF

>>>/qresearch/11279968 Bobulinski

>>>/qresearch/11279997 ‘Biden Center’ at UPenn Under Fire over Financial Ties to China

>>>/qresearch/11279999 CODE TO BLUR SHILLGORE

>>>/qresearch/11280006 Seven arrested after armed forces storm tanker stopped in English Channel

>>>/qresearch/11280008 Wonder what Hunter & “Obama” we’re discussing?

>>>/qresearch/11280034 Joe Biden claims he 'became a professor' at UPenn…but never taught a class

>>>/qresearch/11280035, >>>/qresearch/11280084 Buckeye pipeline run through Finger Lakes

>>>/qresearch/11280045 PF

>>>/qresearch/11280100 Sydney Powell JUST RETWEETED A SCREENSHOT FROM /pol/

(35 notables, 40 posts, 49 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:44 a.m. No.35441   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11281014 Q Research General #14411: As the Deep State Burns Edition

Created 260345ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11281053, >>>/qresearch/11281057, >>>/qresearch/11281063, >>>/qresearch/11281078, >>>/qresearch/11281087, >>>/qresearch/11281096, >>>/qresearch/11281113, >>>/qresearch/11281123, >>>/qresearch/11281147, >>>/qresearch/11281382 JQ

VIDEO - Cain, Abel, and the Enochs Exposing the Jews' Fami [Channel: Freedom OfSpeech]

VIDEO - BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR MCDONALD'S (DVD) feat Zionist [Channel: Dig Rabbit]

VIDEO - Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews [Channel: Lucky Larry Platinumstein]

VIDEO - Wikipedia - Israel's Internet Censorship War (JID [Channel: FILTHY GOYIM 2.0]


>>>/qresearch/11281159, >>>/qresearch/11281561 Natalie Biden and more Images

>>>/qresearch/11281162, >>>/qresearch/11281187 Hunter and Obama Image

>>>/qresearch/11281197 Antifa / BLM

>>>/qresearch/11281200 Hunter Laptop Email List

>>>/qresearch/11281204 Wendy vs Wendy

>>>/qresearch/11281212 Page 237 Info

>>>/qresearch/11281218 THIS is why they're hiding Kamala.


>>>/qresearch/11281240 Only YOU can keep a zombie out of the White House!


>>>/qresearch/11281242 French prosecutors probing Jeffrey Epstein over rape and abuse of children in Paris widen probe to include Ghislaine Maxwell to see if British socialite was involved in his offendin

>>>/qresearch/11281249 Wealthy Manhattan woman cops said died after drunkenly falling into trash chute in luxury apartment 'may have been strangled to death', according to Jeffrey Epstein pathologist hired by her family

>>>/qresearch/11281307, >>>/qresearch/11281562, >>>/qresearch/11281570, >>>/qresearch/11281576 Steve Bannon Warroom Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11281310 Biden thinks's he's running against "George"


>>>/qresearch/11281311 DC Must Decriminalize Snorting and Smoking Kits to Protect Our Health

>>>/qresearch/11281314 GINGER HUSAM ABD-AL-RA'UF Alias: Abu Muhsin al-Masri

>>>/qresearch/11281316 The Smollett Connection

>>>/qresearch/11281329 Give it to the Elites first?

>>>/qresearch/11281345 George Bush CIA Stooge

>>>/qresearch/11281351 Members of the press forced to type WhoBuiltTheCagesJoe password at MAGA rally

>>>/qresearch/11281370 Moonchild rituals are the rituals to demonize a fetus

>>>/qresearch/11281391 CIA Stooge, Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti was an Iraqi politician

>>>/qresearch/11281397 Americans are being fed media pablum and dissension is being censored and suppressed by "Big Tech" to further the takeover of the United States, by elite tyrants especially Chinese communists.

>>>/qresearch/11281413 Trump is the Grey Champion

>>>/qresearch/11281427 The takeaway from this story (which is a good read) is that WSJ declined to run on the record statements

>>>/qresearch/11281433 Cher Hosts Early Voting Mobilization Events In Nevada

>>>/qresearch/11281434 Senator Cotton Speaks in Favor of Amy Coney Barrett's Confirmation

>>>/qresearch/11281441 Earthquakes striking next to high voltage power lines across WHOLE USA

>>>/qresearch/11281466 Spitballing. Checkmae?

>>>/qresearch/11281468 Chelsea willing to screw 50 cent again if he won't vote Trump


>>>/qresearch/11281533 HO'S MAD - CNN Tweets their tears over Trump using 'fake news'

>>>/qresearch/11281538, >>>/qresearch/11281540, >>>/qresearch/11281543, >>>/qresearch/11281545, >>>/qresearch/11281548 Resignations in the news 10/21/2020 through 10/25/2020

>>>/qresearch/11281541 'Renminbi Diplomacy': How China Bought The US Government?

>>>/qresearch/11281578 Fox News President, Anchors Advised To Quarantine After Possible COVID-19 Exposure

>>>/qresearch/11281603 Love her smile, BLM paved over.


>>>/qresearch/11281693 How to Quickly Spot a Clown

>>>/qresearch/11281694 Sirens of Trump Unite! How can the Left even compete?


>>>/qresearch/11281699 Maduro says Venezuela scientists developed medicine that ‘cancels 100% of Covid-19’ with no side-effects

>>>/qresearch/11281705 The Strengthening the Posse Comitatus Act would:

>>>/qresearch/11281708 Philadelphia has the highest number of registered voters in 35 years

>>>/qresearch/11281729 Earliest I know of stemmed from MSM trying to shut down Pizzagate.

>>>/qresearch/11281738 El Paso coronavirus update: City reports 666 new COVID-19 cases

>>>/qresearch/11281750 Twitter unironically posts chan sreenshots

>>>/qresearch/11281762 REVEALED: Google searches for “can I change my vote” spike after Hunter Biden sex tape & emails released.

>>>/qresearch/11281763 POTUS TWEET

>>>/qresearch/11281778 Aryan Monster explains how to view Instagram account incognito


>>>/qresearch/11281792 Child Abuse, Molestation, Incest – Biden Family’s Tradition?

>>>/qresearch/11281798 17D - Cyber Operator

>>>/qresearch/11281819 Something very big and shocking is breaking in AM.

>>>/qresearch/11281854 14411

(49 notables, 67 posts, 91 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:44 a.m. No.35442   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11281822 Q Research General #14412: 'H'a'r'dc'o'u'n'ta'n'dt'y'p'e Edition

Created 260455ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11281886, >>>/qresearch/11281898, >>>/qresearch/11281946 m Surprising decrease in "flu cases" this year! The pseudo-scientific BS is actually astonishing to me.

>>>/qresearch/11281890, >>>/qresearch/11281891, >>>/qresearch/11281896, >>>/qresearch/11281902, >>>/qresearch/11281905, >>>/qresearch/11281918 JQ

VIDEO - BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR MCDONALD'S (DVD) feat Zionist [Channel: Dig Rabbit]

VIDEO - Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews [Channel: Lucky Larry Platinumstein]

VIDEO - Wikipedia - Israel's Internet Censorship War (JID [Channel: FILTHY GOYIM 2.0]

>>>/qresearch/11281909 600+ jewish groups support BLM

>>>/qresearch/11281940 Continuing from LB, here is backup of the Pizzagate origin story written by the founder of the Pizzagate subreddit.

>>>/qresearch/11281989 SHORT VERSION: Facebook will suppress all conservative voices

>>>/qresearch/11282103 Jim Hoft - Something very big and shocking is breaking in AM.

>>>/qresearch/11282210 Confirmed influenza cases hit rock-bottom, puzzling infectious disease experts

>>>/qresearch/11282227, >>>/qresearch/11282513

>>>/qresearch/11282255 Hunter Biden’s China Deal Partners Include Mobster Whitey Bulger’s Nephew, John Kerry’s Stepson

>>>/qresearch/11282274 Results of print analysis on Laptop announced Monday? I.e. whether Hunter Biden's fingerprints were on it.

>>>/qresearch/11282332 Pakistan PM Imran Khan calls on Zuckerberg to 'place ban' on Islamophobia, 'hate against Islam' on Facebook

>>>/qresearch/11282381 CIA Covert Operative William Barr Nominated by Trump for Attorney General. His Role in the Iran Contra Affair

>>>/qresearch/11282436 NYT article from Feb 2020 acknowledges the finger lakes tattoo

>>>/qresearch/11282458, >>>/qresearch/11282548 We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11282471 Been watching a both NXIM documentary series….

>>>/qresearch/11282473 The Samson Option - How Psychopathic Megalomaniacs Blackmail The World With Nuclear War

VIDEO - The Samson Option - How Psychopathic Megalomaniacs Blackmail The World With Nuclear War [Channel: Tressco]

>>>/qresearch/11282571 Senate Session

(17 notables, 26 posts, 34 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:44 a.m. No.35443   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11284785 Q Research General #xxxxx: Real De-Conditioning from BS Edition



(1 notable, 1 post, 1 media/file)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:44 a.m. No.35444   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11282680 Q Research General #14413: ebake

Created 260621ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11282738, >>>/qresearch/11283383 Planefagging,

>>>/qresearch/11282847 What's going on behind the curtains: their plans to steal EVERYTHING from you in the next 10 years.

>>>/qresearch/11283006 Hunter Biden's wife runs Adoption Agency in South Africa.

>>>/qresearch/11283024 Trump receives Native Indian endorsement "All Tribes benefit under Trump"


>>>/qresearch/11283076 America gives up Internet Control To the UN

>>>/qresearch/11283140, >>>/qresearch/11283623 Illinois health director Dr Ezike breaks down in tears reporting new coronavirus death toll, While Michigan simultaneously proceeds to continue forced masking

>>>/qresearch/11283457 National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking (10.19.20)


(7 notables, 9 posts, 14 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:45 a.m. No.35445   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11283671 Q Research General #14414: Alpha Hunters Edition

Created 260730ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11283743, >>>/qresearch/11283964, >>>/qresearch/11284010, >>>/qresearch/11284313, >>>/qresearch/11284336, >>>/qresearch/11284401, >>>/qresearch/11284521 Planefagging,

>>>/qresearch/11283888, >>>/qresearch/11284529 New Nightshift Pepes,

>>>/qresearch/11283973 #11413

>>>/qresearch/11284043 Hunter Biden's crackpipe in the Marshall's vehicle en route to the CIA photograph further investigated

>>>/qresearch/11284082 "Stand ready, Anons!" Why Voting next week is CRUCIAL

>>>/qresearch/11284156 LUDE Media: Biden's C(C)P Affairs

>>>/qresearch/11284217 Don't forget to send your birthday wishes to HRC

>>>/qresearch/11284254 HB Photo Nº 2002 (Hunter/Obama) further investigated

>>>/qresearch/11284407 New Time Magazine cover: "The Great Reset"

>>>/qresearch/11284410 German Spy Chief warns that China is "close to World Domination.."

>>>/qresearch/11284449 Global reach statistics concerning GTV (Hunter Biden Videos Host)

>>>/qresearch/11284486 New NYT Opinion Piece on Qanon (paywalled)

>>>/qresearch/11284523 Federal authorities investigating possible ballot box arson in Boston

>>>/qresearch/11284557 #14414

(14 notables, 21 posts, 19 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:45 a.m. No.35446   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11285371 Q Research General #14416 ★ The ★ Rising ★ Star ★ Edition

Created 261125ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11285406 Exclusive: Hunter Biden || 独家:亨特·拜登

>>>/qresearch/11285427 Planefagging

>>>/qresearch/11285430 		————————————–——– China #1

>>>/qresearch/11285431 The choice to know, is yours

>>>/qresearch/11285479 New DJT Tweet: George (+ New "George" Mag)

>>>/qresearch/11285527 New DJT Tweet: 3 Big Rallies

>>>/qresearch/11285617 Kirikou has some .. interesting symbolism to it. Keep calm and dig.

>>>/qresearch/11285704 Hunter Biden & Devon Archer allegedly had hand in Presidential Appointements

>>>/qresearch/11285758 New HUSSEIN Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11286068 ~~~ New Hunter Pic~~~ NOT NEW

>>>/qresearch/11286142 #14416

(11 notables, 11 posts, 14 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:46 a.m. No.35447   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11286921 Q Research General #14418: Skanadales Edition

Created 261355ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11287013 #8 Vote Republican @stevenegronnh

>>>/qresearch/11287040 Aide to longtime New York Assemblyman Peter J. Abbate, Jr. charged with sexually abusing teenager

>>>/qresearch/11287094, >>>/qresearch/11287321 PF Report

>>>/qresearch/11287141 Odd 'Monsterous' clue?

>>>/qresearch/11287195 California's dire coronavirus prediction was wrong, hospitalizations went down instead

>>>/qresearch/11287245 Rolls-Royce seeks $2.6 billion in make-or-break share issue

>>>/qresearch/11287532 President Donald Trump TAKES LEAD Rasmussen Poll

>>>/qresearch/11287556 Pandemic Fatigue Is Real—And It’s Spreading

>>>/qresearch/11287579 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR

>>>/qresearch/11287584 #14418

(10 notables, 11 posts, 15 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:46 a.m. No.35448   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11287523 Q Research General #14419: There is a reson you were called for this Edition

Created 261500ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11287736 Fresh Veritas


>>>/qresearch/11287769, >>>/qresearch/11288349 New DJT Tweet: The New York Post endorses President Donald J. Trump for re-election

>>>/qresearch/11288030 Fox: FBI Director Wray in danger of being fired: Report

>>>/qresearch/11288037 Live: Senate debates ahead of Amy Coney Barrett confirmation vote

>>>/qresearch/11288044, >>>/qresearch/11288070, >>>/qresearch/11288125 Texts Show VP Biden, Wife/Brother, Key Family Aware/Concerned/Colluded to Suppress Hunters Alleged Actions Around Minor

>>>/qresearch/11288046 Delaware Sen Candidate Lauren Witzke Calls on Sen Coons to Denounce Biden

>>>/qresearch/11288107, >>>/qresearch/11288195 What happened to cause bread split #14419

>>>/qresearch/11288143 New Emails Released to Judicial Watch re FBI Peter Strzok/Lisa Page

>>>/qresearch/11288155, >>>/qresearch/11288246, >>>/qresearch/11288290, >>>/qresearch/11288328, >>>/qresearch/11288331, >>>/qresearch/11288341, >>>/qresearch/11288358, >>>/qresearch/11288361, >>>/qresearch/11288380 Digg Request: Hunter Biden's Tattoo a Treasure Map?


>>>/qresearch/11288199 Citations: San Antonio gym cited for employees, manager not wearing masks

>>>/qresearch/11288220, >>>/qresearch/11288342 POTUS LIVE IN PA

>>>/qresearch/11288224 China demands China-based branches of ABC, The LA Times, MN Public Radio, Bureau of National Affairs, Newsweek and Feature Story News declare information about staff, finance, operation, real estate in China w/in 7 days

>>>/qresearch/11288329 Catherine Herridge: A senior administration official tells @CBSNews POTUS has soured on CIA Director Haspel

>>>/qresearch/11288419 TRUMP: I'm telling you it's happening

>>>/qresearch/11288444 Two Bay Area counties halt COVID-19 test program run by Google offshoot

>>>/qresearch/11288445, >>>/qresearch/11288458, >>>/qresearch/11288521, >>>/qresearch/11288540, >>>/qresearch/11288557, >>>/qresearch/11288588 Continued… Digg Request: Hunter Biden's Tattoo a Treasure Map?

>>>/qresearch/11288457 Kremlin Accuses Biden of Spreading Hatred of Russia

>>>/qresearch/11288465 Sec Pompeo tweet: in New Delhi for constructive meetings

(19 notables, 37 posts, 35 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:46 a.m. No.35449   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11288583 Q research General #14420: almost an Ebake, gotta keep this rally goin' Edition

Created 261621ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11288813, >>>/qresearch/11289269 #14418, (You) #14419, (You) #14420

>>>/qresearch/11288931, >>>/qresearch/11289012 Lude: Possible coup in China

>>>/qresearch/11288996 TRUMP: I'm telling you it's happening


>>>/qresearch/11289024 Massive Fentanyl Lab In Mexico City Capable Of Processing 11,000 Pounds Of Raw Material At A Time Seized

(4 notables, 6 posts, 4 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:47 a.m. No.35450   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11284561 Q Research General #14415: Master and Servant Edition

Created 260928ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11284651 Putin: Hunter Biden ‘made very good money’ in Ukraine, but Moscow isn’t aware of ‘anything criminal’ there

>>>/qresearch/11284653, >>>/qresearch/11284780, >>>/qresearch/11284844 Planefagging,

>>>/qresearch/11284669, >>>/qresearch/11284752 Armenia-Azberaijan ceasefire broken. Warring continues, US Politicians involved?

>>>/qresearch/11284713 False info, conspiracy theories target Florida’s Hispanic voters

>>>/qresearch/11284761 Kyiv (Ukraine) mayor Klitschko tested positive for coronavirus

>>>/qresearch/11284918 "Some very grim stuff"

>>>/qresearch/11284921, >>>/qresearch/11285030 Hunter Biden: exploring the in-laws,

>>>/qresearch/11284988 HUSSEIN draws only 400 people which MSM blows way out of proportion.

>>>/qresearch/11285067 Reminder: Wray had Hunter Biden's laptops since DECEMBER 2019

>>>/qresearch/11285123 Has Covid killed off the flu?

>>>/qresearch/11285214 Hunters "Laptop from Hell" is making its way around Journalists

>>>/qresearch/11285225 #14301 - #14364

>>>/qresearch/11285347 Long thread of posts tying to Ukraine Burisma to U.S. Bidens BO HRC JK et al Kolomoiski Soros as godfather of shadow party

(13 notables, 17 posts, 21 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:47 a.m. No.35451   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11286148 Q Research General #14417: George Trump Edition

Created 261250ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11286277, >>>/qresearch/11286406, >>>/qresearch/11286408 Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR (Caps: )

>>>/qresearch/11286288, >>>/qresearch/11286591, >>>/qresearch/11286710 Planefagging,

>>>/qresearch/11286381 New DJT tweet


>>>/qresearch/11286387 Lude Media YT livestream.

>>>/qresearch/11286395 Gateway Pundit drop summed up

>>>/qresearch/11286444 Meanwhile, in Indiana, Donald Rainwater (Libertarian) wins 1st Debate

>>>/qresearch/11286544 'Panic in DC' Livestream

>>>/qresearch/11286709 Thomas Oppermann, German politician and former soccer player, unexpectedly dead at 66

>>>/qresearch/11286746 Mike and Karen Pence both test negative for Corona virus

>>>/qresearch/11286910 #14417

(10 notables, 14 posts, 20 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:47 a.m. No.35452   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11289370 Q research General #14421: Trump Says It's HABBENING And The Goreshills Are Pissed Edition

Created 261716ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11289554 Facebook Falsely Flags Christian Worship Group As Associated With QAnon Conspiracy Theorists

>>>/qresearch/11289626 Pink, Dave Matthews, John Legend Sing for Biden Campaign GOTV Concert

>>>/qresearch/11289638 Democrats Take Senate Floor Overnight to Protest Amy Coney Barrett: ‘No Hyperbole – It’s Life or Death Stakes’

>>>/qresearch/11289653, >>>/qresearch/11290107 Archive update:Graphic compilations of Q's posts in GMT

>>>/qresearch/11289677 Chris Wallace Presses Gretchen Whitmer On Biden Business Dealings

>>>/qresearch/11289688 Election Interference: YouTube Runs ‘Fact Check’ on Searches, Not Just Videos, About Biden and Fracking

>>>/qresearch/11289694 The New York Post endorses President Donald J. Trump for re-election

>>>/qresearch/11289702 Facebook Tries to Shut Down NYU Study on Targeted Political Ads

>>>/qresearch/11289712 New RAS - Trump with 1% lead nationally.

>>>/qresearch/11289736 Big Tech In Court!

>>>/qresearch/11289747 London Erupts in Protest Against Lockdown

>>>/qresearch/11289761 UK Child Abuse Inquiry Refuses to Investigate Pakistani Grooming Gangs

>>>/qresearch/11289783 FDA Lets Pfizer Test Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine on U.S. Children

>>>/qresearch/11289820 Bigger than Joe Biden! John Kerry admits on tape Obama and Biden tried to rid the Ukrainian prosecutor

>>>/qresearch/11289861 Ron Johnson was first tipped off in Dec 2017

>>>/qresearch/11289920 Dementia patients 'are being given "archaic and dangerous" anti-psychotic drugs to keep them sedated during lockdown

>>>/qresearch/11289959 Facebook (FB), Apple (AAPL), Microsoft (MSFT) and 2 Other Companies Are in Charge of All the Growth of the S&P 500

>>>/qresearch/11289998 This Week At State: Fast-Paced Week in Review (October 23, 2020)

>>>/qresearch/11290023 45 missing children were recovered by the U.S. Marshals

>>>/qresearch/11290054 Dow tumbles 800+ points amid concerns over COVID-19 and stimulus talks

>>>/qresearch/11290060 Pence won't preside over Barrett confirmation vote

>>>/qresearch/11290137 100 million ballots and ballot applications set to flood the mailing system.

(22 notables, 23 posts, 29 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:48 a.m. No.35453   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11290185 Q Research General #14422:Anons Digging and Scratching

Created 261814ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11290255 Twitter Goes Full Orwell, Censors All Topics "Likely To Be Subject To Election Misinformation"

>>>/qresearch/11290303 Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR

>>>/qresearch/11290330 President will immediately fire 'FBI director Christopher Wray, CIA director Gina Haspel, Defense Secretary Mark Esper AND a long line of senior officials' if he wins reelection

>>>/qresearch/11290343 Affidavit submitted by Texas Peace Officer: Evidence shows Houston judge and election staff committing voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/11290365 China unveils revenge sanctions on US firms including Boeing and Lockheed Martin after Washington's $1.8billion arms sale to Taiwan

>>>/qresearch/11290408, >>>/qresearch/11290435, >>>/qresearch/11290536 45 missing children were recovered by the U.S. Marshals as part of Operation “Autumn Hope.”

>>>/qresearch/11290429 Virginia Military Institute Superintendent Resigns Amid 'Structural Racism' Probe

>>>/qresearch/11290451 Netanyahu: ‘We are changing the map of the Middle East’

>>>/qresearch/11290544 Former Southeast Texas elementary teacher admits to explicit sexual conversations with minors

>>>/qresearch/11290564, >>>/qresearch/11290570 2020 presidential election ballots cast so far

>>>/qresearch/11290605, >>>/qresearch/11290656 Don Jr article related to the Wolf tweets.

>>>/qresearch/11290606 ‘Economist’ Failed to Disclose Lucrative Beijing Ties

>>>/qresearch/11290628, >>>/qresearch/11290687, >>>/qresearch/11290707, >>>/qresearch/11290736, >>>/qresearch/11290744, >>>/qresearch/11290777, >>>/qresearch/11290792, >>>/qresearch/11290797, >>>/qresearch/11290832, >>>/qresearch/11290844, >>>/qresearch/11290902 PF

>>>/qresearch/11290646 Massive meth, fentanyl lab and other facilities raided by Mexican authorities

>>>/qresearch/11290682 Possible Smithsonian Magazine comms: Shelf life of Twinkie is 45 days

>>>/qresearch/11290692 Who is Lisa Montgomery and why will she be first woman executed since 1953? Womb raider

>>>/qresearch/11290726 Beyond Parody: CNN Warns Conservatives Are Seeking to 'Discredit' Facebook & Big Tech Ahead Of Election

>>>/qresearch/11290742 Suspected financier of Rwandan genocide, Felicien Kabuga, transferred from France to The Hague to stand trial: court

>>>/qresearch/11290752 Hillary Clinton: 'I Have No Doubt' I Would Have Handled COVID Better Than Trump

>>>/qresearch/11290762 Senate referral for IG investigation into FBI's handling of the Hunter Biden laptop

>>>/qresearch/11290788 COVID-19 Roadmap: 12 Step Plan To Create A Totalitarian “New World Order”

>>>/qresearch/11290798 60,000 people have been told to evacuate because of a fast-moving wildfire in Southern California’s Orange County

>>>/qresearch/11290814 Merck Partners With Drone Startup Volansi For Vaccine Delivery

>>>/qresearch/11290817 Chinese exposing CCP, Obama, Biden TREASON

>>>/qresearch/11290853 White House to host swearing-in event for Barrett on Monday night

>>>/qresearch/11290888 POTUS just answered one of Qs questions.

>>>/qresearch/11290954 Natalie Biden Pix archived here

(27 notables, 41 posts, 80 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:48 a.m. No.35454   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11291043 Q Research General #14423: "Manic Panic Monday" Edition

Created 261925ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11291061 FLASHBACK: Joe Biden's son is caught in Ashley Madison hack

>>>/qresearch/11291078 Joe Biden: The 60 Minutes 2020 Election Interview

>>>/qresearch/11291082 The Role of VP In Senate

>>>/qresearch/11291109 Trump Resistance Plans ‘Mass Mobilization’ After Election To Shut Down The Country If Biden Doesn’t Win (federalist)

>>>/qresearch/11291142 New Revelations Shed Light on British Hand Behind Five Eyes

>>>/qresearch/11291156 Kanye West: Planned Parenthood Founded 'to Kill the Black Race and to Create Population Control'

>>>/qresearch/11291217 Oxford coronavirus vaccine is to get approval ahead of Christmas so it can be used for medics and the elderly BEFORE final trials are finished

>>>/qresearch/11291227 US Surgeon General Jerome Adams threatens conservative states

>>>/qresearch/11291301 Big Tech Is Turning The United States Into A Giant Company Town (federalist)

>>>/qresearch/11291302 From Allentown rally today…POTUS says "Tippy Top" and makes air Q gesture

>>>/qresearch/11291322 The Finger Lakes School of Massage has officiallylost its accreditation and has been directed to close its Ithaca campus

>>>/qresearch/11291336, >>>/qresearch/11291405, >>>/qresearch/11291528, >>>/qresearch/11291644, >>>/qresearch/11291721 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/11291352 Soros targeting battleground States (zerohedge)

>>>/qresearch/11291358, >>>/qresearch/11291381, >>>/qresearch/11291496 Arrests and survivors in Ohio's largest trafficking operation

>>>/qresearch/11291368 3 rescued, 22 arrested during human trafficking operation in Tampa Bay area

>>>/qresearch/11291414 Justice Clarence Thomas to swear-in Amy Coney Barrett

>>>/qresearch/11291445 Military Grade Q/Anon Smears

>>>/qresearch/11291455 7 Open Leftist Threats That Political Terror Is Coming To America Whether Trump Wins Or Not (federalist)

>>>/qresearch/11291511, >>>/qresearch/11291587 Tucker interviewing the Biden whistleblower for the ENTIRE show

>>>/qresearch/11291519 WH travel pool report 10 – Lititz rally end, departure

>>>/qresearch/11291520 Boston Police Arrest Man for Allegedly Setting Ballot Box on Fire

>>>/qresearch/11291536 Joe Biden Explains His Call for ‘Revolutionary, Institutional Changes’

>>>/qresearch/11291586 Biden Campaign Announces Live Event After Trump Suggests Joe ‘Waved a White Flag’ in Final Week of Race

>>>/qresearch/11291588, >>>/qresearch/11291597 POTUS confirms 5 plane loads of cash delivered to Iran in 10/26/2020 rally

>>>/qresearch/11291711 NYPD union attacks city leadership's 'double standard' for suspending 'Trump 2020' cop but praising chief for kneeling with BLM protesters

>>>/qresearch/11291751 Army-Navy Game to be held at West Point for first time since World War II

>>>/qresearch/11291763 David Morgan: Is A Global Takeover Underway?

>>>/qresearch/11291776 Tulsi Gabbard tweet about ballot harvesting

>>>/qresearch/11291778 Anon on 28 USC, Disability or Vacancy, SCOTUS

>>>/qresearch/11291811 #14423

(30 notables, 38 posts, 40 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:48 a.m. No.35455   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11291846 Q Research General #14424: "Anons got the goods" Edition

Created 262024ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11291879 Are Recent Reports of COVID Surges an Attempt to Suppress In-Person Voting?

>>>/qresearch/11291900 Dems Boost Libertarian in Kentucky in Hail Mary to Defeat McConnell

>>>/qresearch/11291937 Kanye West: Abortion has killed more black lives in 2020 than total US COVID death count

>>>/qresearch/11291939 One person dies and nine are hospitalized after outbreak of Listeria on the East Coast - and CDC blames deli meats

>>>/qresearch/11291952 Did FBI alter original data on Biden computer?

>>>/qresearch/11291963 Microplastics in Groundwater (and our drinking water) Present Unknown Risk

>>>/qresearch/11291964 NEW REVELATIONS SHED LIGHT ON BRITISH HAND BEHIND FIVE EYES (canadianpatriot)

>>>/qresearch/11291979, >>>/qresearch/11292155, >>>/qresearch/11292245, >>>/qresearch/11292417, >>>/qresearch/11292548 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/11292112 Bill Gates: Big Tech companies “doing more now” to address “wild stories” about vaccines

>>>/qresearch/11292273, >>>/qresearch/11292295, >>>/qresearch/11292314, >>>/qresearch/11292331, >>>/qresearch/11292358, >>>/qresearch/11292373, >>>/qresearch/11292395 Save the Children

>>>/qresearch/11292275 Extreme weather cocktail in Southern California prompts rare 'particularly dangerous' red flag warnings

>>>/qresearch/11292283 Wisconsin Early Ballot Returns Show Polls Are Wrong–Republicans Storm The Polls, Now Ahead in WI

>>>/qresearch/11292309 NXIVM Update

>>>/qresearch/11292364 Deutsche Bank Creating A Destructive Domino Effect That Will Result In Apocalyptic Economic Collapse!

>>>/qresearch/11292392 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Martinsburg, PA 10-26-20

>>>/qresearch/11292407 'Vigilantes' arrest alleged child sex predator in Perth park

>>>/qresearch/11292540 Something is happening in Florida

(17 notables, 27 posts, 28 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:49 a.m. No.35456   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11292504 Q Research General #14425: Let Us Keep This Rally Goin' Edition

Created 262108ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11292639 happening: Texas Guard: Abbott to order 1,000 troops to Texas cities during election

>>>/qresearch/11292650 45 missing children found, 109 human trafficking survivors rescued in Ohio operation

>>>/qresearch/11292654, >>>/qresearch/11292822, >>>/qresearch/11292866, >>>/qresearch/11292899, >>>/qresearch/11292955, >>>/qresearch/11293042, >>>/qresearch/11293100, >>>/qresearch/11293114 pf

>>>/qresearch/11292655 President @realDonaldTrump arrives in Martinsburg, Pennsylvania for his third #MAGA rally of the day!


>>>/qresearch/11292658, >>>/qresearch/11293135 Former Hunter Biden Associate Tony Bobulinski Who Flipped on Bidens Will Sit with Tucker Carlson for Extended Interview on Tuesday Night

>>>/qresearch/11292709 Trump To 'Immediately Fire' FBI, CIA Directors If Reelected

>>>/qresearch/11292719 'Complaining' black Americans have to 'WANT to be successful' in order to benefit from Trump's policies, says Jared Kushner

>>>/qresearch/11292725 CSPAN -U.S. Senate: Confirmation Vote for U.S. Supreme Court Nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett

>>>/qresearch/11292799, >>>/qresearch/11292851, >>>/qresearch/11292879, >>>/qresearch/11292895, >>>/qresearch/11292921 Montezuma dig

>>>/qresearch/11292834 AL-Qaeda Cooperating Witness Habbenings

>>>/qresearch/11292847 President Trump’s Army Has Chased Biden Off Campaign Trail

>>>/qresearch/11292862, >>>/qresearch/11292922 Save the Children dig

>>>/qresearch/11292973 Prince Azim of Brunei Dead at 38 in Mysterious Circumstances

>>>/qresearch/11293056 SC chief Justice John Roberts will not be swearing in ACB tonight…the honor goes to Thomas

>>>/qresearch/11293058, >>>/qresearch/11293078 Washington announces $2.4 billion-sale of 100 Harpoon coastal defense systems to Taiwan - AFP

>>>/qresearch/11293119 Breakthrough: Water Found On Sunlit Surface Of Moon, NASA Confirms

>>>/qresearch/11293130 Blumenthal in Senate floor speech warns of 'consequences' if Barrett confirmed

>>>/qresearch/11293300 #14425

(18 notables, 32 posts, 37 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:49 a.m. No.35457   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11293271 Q Research General #14426: "WE KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM. WATCH WHAT HAPPENS." Edition

Created 262200ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11293430 Important news about small town voting in Minnesota as the election ends.

>>>/qresearch/11293469, >>>/qresearch/11293522, >>>/qresearch/11293628, >>>/qresearch/11293859, >>>/qresearch/11293918, >>>/qresearch/11293950, >>>/qresearch/11294031 PF

>>>/qresearch/11293474 Welcome to Q Research Kitchen Meta

>>>/qresearch/11293500 Let's take a tour: Guided Tour Inside the E-4B NAOC Doomsday Plane

VIDEO - Guided Tour Inside the E-4B NAOC Doomsday Plane [Channel: Horizontal Rain]

>>>/qresearch/11293507, >>>/qresearch/11293519 Getty images elite connections

>>>/qresearch/11293577, >>>/qresearch/11293604 ACB TIME 7:25pm EST

>>>/qresearch/11293579 Ohio police investigating alleged plot to hold Gov. DeWine under 'house arrest'

>>>/qresearch/11293605 India puts China on alert after threat to 'strike first' against Beijing

>>>/qresearch/11293658 Navy identifies flying instructor and student killed in military plane crash

>>>/qresearch/11293662, >>>/qresearch/11293752 Other News

>>>/qresearch/11293664 Pence says he will head back to DC "in case" his vote is needed for Barrett confirmation

>>>/qresearch/11293690 Hunter Biden's South African bride calls herself 'jungle girl,'

>>>/qresearch/11293702 Cardi B Freaks Out: ‘Trump Supporters Are Everywhere,’ Swarming L.A. with ‘Big A** Trucks’

>>>/qresearch/11293740 Everyone is laughing at Cryin Chuck

>>>/qresearch/11293742 Full Text: FBI letter announcing new Clinton review - 4 year anniversary - Oct. 26. 2020

>>>/qresearch/11293769 53-47 old QClock overlaid on updated one.

>>>/qresearch/11293810 President Trump’s New ‘Biden Zombie’ Ad Suggests Creepy Joe Biden “Craves Human Flesh”

>>>/qresearch/11293869 BREAKING: Bobulinski To Play Damning Recordings Of Biden Family Operatives On Tucker Carlson

>>>/qresearch/11293928 LIVE ACB Vote

>>>/qresearch/11293943 Lil Pump becomes the latest rapper to endorse Trump because he doesn't 'want to pay an extra 33 percent in taxes'

>>>/qresearch/11293964 Hunter Biden Is Just the Tip of the China Iceberg

>>>/qresearch/11293991 New York Post, Washington Examiner Endorse Trump For Reelection

>>>/qresearch/11294015 17 different Supreme Court Justices have been confirmed during a presidential election year.

>>>/qresearch/11294066 BREAKING - Road has been shut down due to a "suspicious package" just down the block from SCOTUS.

>>>/qresearch/11294104 #14426

(25 notables, 34 posts, 39 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:50 a.m. No.35458   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11294102 Q Research General #14427: The Senate Was The Target, Welcome ACB Edition

Created 262255ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11294146 Live Link ACB Vote

>>>/qresearch/11294176 67 Million Ounces: World's Biggest Gold Reserves Discovered Deep In Siberia

>>>/qresearch/11294177 BREAKING: Judicial Watch announced today that it received 163 pages of emails between former FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page

>>>/qresearch/11294181, >>>/qresearch/11294800 Did Hunter Get Natalie Pregnant?

>>>/qresearch/11294192 Marine Corps Law Enforcement Battalion Preps for Deactivation in Force Reshaping

>>>/qresearch/11294200 The Texas National Guard said Monday it would dispatch up to 1,000 troops to five major cities

>>>/qresearch/11294206, >>>/qresearch/11294287, >>>/qresearch/11294326, >>>/qresearch/11294530, >>>/qresearch/11294691 Monitoring airspace for H60 blackhawks.

>>>/qresearch/11294228 I looked through the Biden hard drive | Bernard Kerik

>>>/qresearch/11294234, >>>/qresearch/11294370, >>>/qresearch/11294728 /COMMS/ HAVE MADE BOMB THREATS, SPAMMED MOLDY BREAD MEMES, GORE, & LOLI ALL IN AN ATTEMPT TO GET YOU TO MOVE TO A BOARD THEY CONTROL.

>>>/qresearch/11294275 PA Voter On Biden’s Dishonest Energy Plan: “That Is Going To Hit Home Harder For The Middle Class”

>>>/qresearch/11294293 With 17 Million Viewers, “60 Minutes” Outperforms The NFL, The World Series And Everything Else On TV

>>>/qresearch/11294311 Chinese Whistleblower Scientist Predicts CCP Release of another COVID bioweapon

>>>/qresearch/11294365 Trump Campaign Trolls Fake News Media — Makes WiFi Password: WhoBuiltTheCagesJoe?

>>>/qresearch/11294383 Philly Shooting


>>>/qresearch/11294428 ANONS got them on the run!

>>>/qresearch/11294430 Dem donors are Libertarian candidate's biggest backers

>>>/qresearch/11294488 Aide To Longtime New York Lawmaker Arrested On Felony Sexual Abuse Charges

>>>/qresearch/11294596 Caught on Tape: Georgia Senate Candidate Jon Ossoff Hides His Leftist Beliefs From the 'Stupid' 'Rednecks'

>>>/qresearch/11294606 So Trump left the rally via motorcade. Then this 752 leaves JBA and circles rally area then Harrisburg without landing and is now back en route to JBA? Where is 45? Any planefags on this?

>>>/qresearch/11294642 Rose McGowan Goes in on HRC

>>>/qresearch/11294675 Supreme Court Rejects Dems on WI Ballot Deadline

(21 notables, 28 posts, 35 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:50 a.m. No.35459   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11294880 Q Research General #14428: ACB TIME BABYEdition

Created 262341ZOCT20




>>>/qresearch/11294958 A few more Blackhawks H60 just popped up.

>>>/qresearch/11294965 Dark to light reference.

>>>/qresearch/11294967 Biden energy policy by the numbers. Remember, we're not going anywhere!

>>>/qresearch/11294996 BREAKING: US Supreme Court Sides with GOP, Rejects Dem Calls to Extend Wisconsin Deadline For Absentee Ballots Received After Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11295011 Lisa Page meetings

>>>/qresearch/11295016 Live senate confirmation vote

>>>/qresearch/11295025 One would think a former Attorney General would know it's against the law to Campaign outside a polling station

>>>/qresearch/11295078, >>>/qresearch/11295148 BAKER CALLS OUT GB, GB STARTS SPAMMING GORE AGAIN.

>>>/qresearch/11295212, >>>/qresearch/11295361 WELCOME ABOARD SCOTUS JUSTICE ACB

>>>/qresearch/11295259 It’s habbening!!

>>>/qresearch/11295376 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR

>>>/qresearch/11295458 Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton dismissed her successor Mike Pompeo’s pledge to release more of her emails ahead of the election as “pathetic,”

>>>/qresearch/11295477 CONFIRMED 52-48

>>>/qresearch/11295518 SHOTS FIRED

>>>/qresearch/11295624 #14428

(16 notables, 18 posts, 13 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:51 a.m. No.35460   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11295638 Q Research General #14429: WELCOME ABOARD SCOTUS JUSTICE ACB Edition

Created 270012ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11295708 US Appeals Court Upholds Injunction Blocking WeChat Ban

>>>/qresearch/11295743 White House: UPDATE: The President participates in a swearing-in ceremony of The Honorable Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States at 9:00PM.

>>>/qresearch/11295752 Suspicious Package Arrives at US Capitol Before the Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Vote

>>>/qresearch/11295808 US Supreme Court Sides with GOP, Rejects Dem Calls to Extend Wisconsin Deadline For Absentee Ballots Received After Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11295818 Trump Campaign Calls On Supreme Court To Block North Carolina’s Absentee Ballot Plan

>>>/qresearch/11295840 One of the drops reminding us that the FBI has to be clean, before big arrests can happen.

>>>/qresearch/11295862 Potus is celebrating ;-)

>>>/qresearch/11295864 Trump threatens to destroy any Iranian missiles shipped to Venezuela after President Maduro announced plan to buy more weapons after UN arms embargo expired

>>>/qresearch/11295875 AOC triggered

>>>/qresearch/11295892 Great! Now let’s win four more years and win back majority in Congress.

>>>/qresearch/11295894 POTUS Donald J. Trump Retweeted

>>>/qresearch/11295940 SCOTUS Blog

>>>/qresearch/11295998 PF

>>>/qresearch/11296001 LIVE: Swearing-In Ceremony of Judge Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice of SCOTUS

>>>/qresearch/11296006 Democrats, mad. Constitution, protected. ACB, Confirmed

>>>/qresearch/11296012 Reza's gonna come unhindged

>>>/qresearch/11296303 President Trump Participates in the Swearing-In Ceremony of the Honorable Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

>>>/qresearch/11296327 Lock Her Up crying on her birthday

>>>/qresearch/11296376 NEW GEN FLYNN

>>>/qresearch/11296416 #14429

(20 notables, 20 posts, 21 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:51 a.m. No.35461   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11296421 Q Research General #14430: Democrats, mad. Constitution, protected. ACB, Confirmed Edition

Created 270048ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11296532 ACB SWEARING IN CEREMONY

>>>/qresearch/11296612 Sudan’s leader: We weren’t blackmailed; we’re biggest winners of Israel deal

>>>/qresearch/11296682 CP/Gore spam removed. Keep the reports coming patriots, we greatly appreciate it.

>>>/qresearch/11296777 A CH47 #Chinook from the “Big Windy," @12thCab spins up for an evening training flight.

>>>/qresearch/11296878 I married my brother on Twitter

>>>/qresearch/11296934 Anime baker does not BV, no bakers have BV duties. No BV has baking duties.

>>>/qresearch/11296955, >>>/qresearch/11296970, >>>/qresearch/11297017 WHITE HOUSE POSTER?

>>>/qresearch/11297001 Mossad reportedly brought Chinese coronavirus vaccine to Israel for ‘study

>>>/qresearch/11297078 Buckle Up?

>>>/qresearch/11297148 College dropout billionaire Bill Gates attacks Trump adviser Dr. Scott Atlas over Covid-19 stance

>>>/qresearch/11297165 Biggest voter fraud story of the year drops tomorrow, mark your calendar

>>>/qresearch/11297196 TRUMP putClarence Thomasin his proper rule, because he IS the most SENIOR—- 29 years.

>>>/qresearch/11297233 CNN’s Mattingly: Judge Barrett’s Confirmation “A Cornerstone Achievement For The Trump Admin”

(13 notables, 15 posts, 14 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:52 a.m. No.35462   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11297312 Q Research General #14431: ACB SWEARING IN CEREMONY Edition

Created 270125ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11297499 US threatens to destroy Iranian missiles if shipped to Venezuela as Washington slams Tehran with new oil sanctions

>>>/qresearch/11297505 Former UK Brexit secretary reveals ‘disaster’ test and trace companies don’t face penalties for failures

>>>/qresearch/11297536 ANONS & PATRIOTS ARE THE POWER & THE GLORY


>>>/qresearch/11297551 Washington approves sale of 400 ANTI-SHIP missiles worth $2.37bn to Taiwan after Beijing vows sanctions for US arms dealers

>>>/qresearch/11297574, >>>/qresearch/11297633, >>>/qresearch/11297875 P3 OUT OF DALLAS

>>>/qresearch/11297620 Justice Clarence Thomas administers the oath of office for Justice Amy Coney Barrett

>>>/qresearch/11297635 Amish Voters Come Out to Support President Trump at Lititz, Pennsylvania Today

>>>/qresearch/11297697 Tropical Storm #Zeta develops into hurricane

>>>/qresearch/11297702 Legs Up Harris is Stil Drunk

>>>/qresearch/11297721 O’Keefe Strikes Again!

>>>/qresearch/11297735 Anons watching the countdown?

>>>/qresearch/11297739 Today we honor those serving away from home and the Family members supporting them during #NationalDayoftheDeployed.


>>>/qresearch/11297752 I love the Constitution and the Democratic Republic that it establishes

>>>/qresearch/11297805 Nothing threatens progressivism more than a court that adheres to the Constitution.

>>>/qresearch/11297840 Pelosi Responds to Amy Coney Barrett SCOTUS Confirmation: ‘Should We Expand the Court, Let’s Take a Look and See…and Other Courts as Well’

>>>/qresearch/11297904 HUNTER SEX TAPE

>>>/qresearch/11297924 Confirmed 9:17

>>>/qresearch/11298031 If you only knew how bad things really are

>>>/qresearch/11298046 China will invade Taiwan and trigger a Third World War if Trump wins or if the elections are contested

>>>/qresearch/11298086 Delta Airlines Has Banned 460 ‘Anti-Maskers’

>>>/qresearch/11298154 #14431

(21 notables, 23 posts, 21 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:52 a.m. No.35463   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11298164 Q Research General #14432: Confirmed 9:17 Edition

Created 270202ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11298257 PF report: E6 over Sacramento still

>>>/qresearch/11298262 If only you knew how bad things really are: poor doggo witnesses Hunter Biden's underage sexcapades

>>>/qresearch/11298268, >>>/qresearch/11298430 Murtaugh brought the evidence of how seriously the Cuomos take the virus.


>>>/qresearch/11298281 US airstrike kills 7 leaders of al-Qaida in Syria

>>>/qresearch/11298294 Anon makes possible connection between Hunter's Huawei phone and Q1497

>>>/qresearch/11298364 US State Department Halts All Diversity Training After Trump's Exec Order

>>>/qresearch/11298428 Judicial Watch Statement on Senate Confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett

>>>/qresearch/11298455 JW: New Strzok-Page Emails, Fauci’s Emails, and Important Updates on Illegal Immigration

>>>/qresearch/11298489 PF report: Border Security = National Security

>>>/qresearch/11298512 Epoch Times is doing a profile on Devin Nunes on 10/28

>>>/qresearch/11298708 RECALL Colorado Gov Polis: More signatures needed by 11/14/2020 by Colorado Anons

>>>/qresearch/11298785 Smithsonian tweets assassination comms

>>>/qresearch/11298827 Ric Grenell on Fox: Intel agencies don't have a right to cover up internal mistakes

>>>/qresearch/11298856 Harvest time?: Prepared Floor Remarks by U.S. Sen. Grassley On his Annual Social Media Series #Cornwatch and #SoybeanWatch

>>>/qresearch/11298943 Clawing back votes: 7 states allow voters to resubmit ballots

>>>/qresearch/11298959 Trust Wicker? Reminder that Hearing to examine Section 230 is on Wednesday 10/28

>>>/qresearch/11299009 #14432

(17 notables, 18 posts, 19 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:52 a.m. No.35464   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11299014 Q Research General #14433: Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett Edition

Created 270246ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11299084 Presidential Memoranda on Sudan and Nominations sent to the Senate

>>>/qresearch/11299091 Anon needs more eyes on similar looking dogs in Hunter sex photo + photo of Natalie Biden

>>>/qresearch/11299127, >>>/qresearch/11299271 Dig: Marina Abramovic's house in Malden Bridge, NY

>>>/qresearch/11299131, >>>/qresearch/11299693 Links to G News articles/videos about Hunter's depravity

>>>/qresearch/11299143 "Safe Harbors of the Finger Lakes" organization: Human Trafficking/Sexual Exploitation

>>>/qresearch/11299198 Daily Caller: These Reports Are Essential Reading For Understanding The Hunter Biden Story

>>>/qresearch/11299224, >>>/qresearch/11299289 Project Safe Childhood arrests/DOJ actions


>>>/qresearch/11299232, >>>/qresearch/11299247, >>>/qresearch/11299300, >>>/qresearch/11299333, >>>/qresearch/11299442 Finger Lakes digs

>>>/qresearch/11299254 Psycho Morning Joe fantasizes about a "Judiciary Reform Act of 2021" and Supreme Court Justice Hillary Clinton - kek

>>>/qresearch/11299273 POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY, October 27, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11299294 Chanel Rion reports on Biden's Bribe Tapes - Part III


>>>/qresearch/11299316 Pentagon "Activated" MQ-9 Attack Drone To Fight "Wildfires" In California

>>>/qresearch/11299332 Anon on the perilous situation of the CCP and Federal State of New China

>>>/qresearch/11299365 96 mile long Trump Train in Arizona


>>>/qresearch/11299454 This is why Clarence Thomas did the swearing in tonight for ACB.

>>>/qresearch/11299486, >>>/qresearch/11299781 Anons discuss biological warfare

>>>/qresearch/11299514 Deja Vu: Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit says "Something devastating is breaking in the AM"..

>>>/qresearch/11299537, >>>/qresearch/11299952 Photo of POTUS signing something next to ACB tonight in the WH…

>>>/qresearch/11299538 Press Release: Armenta & Sol files EMERGENCY INJUNCTION AGAINST @YOUTUBE to stop the purge.


>>>/qresearch/11299557 Antifag Alert: Hillsboro Oregon Resident Charged with Assaulting a Deputized Portland Police Officer

>>>/qresearch/11299677 PF report

>>>/qresearch/11299748 We broke Alyssa Milano - crying on twitter, turns off all comments on her tweets

>>>/qresearch/11299794 Moar on Grassley corn comms from lb - "All but 30% corn harvested"..

>>>/qresearch/11299834, >>>/qresearch/11299841 Pedo lib tears are especially delicious

(24 notables, 34 posts, 44 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:53 a.m. No.35465   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11299968 Q Research General #14434: Making Baking Great Again Edition

Created 270338ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11300112 Q2462 reminder: B) How can arrests occur prior to safely securing a majority in the SUPREME COURT [CONSTITUTION - RULE OF LAW]

>>>/qresearch/11300118 State of emergency declared in Louisiana as hurricane Zeta approaches, Governor Edwards says

>>>/qresearch/11300119 Was the "temujin01" in the chat of that last camgirl video Hunters screen name?

>>>/qresearch/11300130 AWAN-DWS laptop next? "PadAWAN"..

>>>/qresearch/11300137 Hunter Biden timeline 2017-2020

>>>/qresearch/11300226 More Grassley corn comms: "Harvest continues"

>>>/qresearch/11300250 Hilarious Lincoln Project ad about POTUS serving gorillion more years


>>>/qresearch/11300352 China's Top Leaders Meets To Set Policy Direction For The Next 5 Years

>>>/qresearch/11300358 Data on registered sex offenders in Auburn NY near Finger Lakes

>>>/qresearch/11300361 New court filing in Flynn case

>>>/qresearch/11300365 Pompeo: Today marks one year since the U.S. launched an operation that took out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

>>>/qresearch/11300367 Scavino trolls Killary on twitter


>>>/qresearch/11300459 Badges of Honor - MSM hit pieces on "Qanon"

>>>/qresearch/11300484 Traitor Ilhan Omar says Biden promised progressives they can "guide his policy", will take a "liberal turn" if elected

>>>/qresearch/11300489 Underground hell: flashback to anon's posts from 4/10/20

>>>/qresearch/11300589 Daughter of Lebanese President open to peace with Israel

>>>/qresearch/11300636 Four Individuals Charged in $200K Coast Guard Credentialing Scheme

>>>/qresearch/11300756 #14434

(18 notables, 18 posts, 22 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:53 a.m. No.35466   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11300758 Q Research General #14435: Padawan/Awan Brothers Edition

Created 270443ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11300843, >>>/qresearch/11301368 Moar Hunter pics dropping

>>>/qresearch/11300887 BREAKING: Reports of multiple officers down in PA riots

>>>/qresearch/11300952, >>>/qresearch/11301444 Adam Housley claims at least 3 investigations were opened when FBI received Biden hard drive last year

>>>/qresearch/11300975 Photo shows Joe Biden with Kazak businessman who "hired his son Hunter to help broker US investments" when he was VP

>>>/qresearch/11301048 Kek, Aussie MSM claims today was "Darkest day in 231 years" over ACB confirmation

>>>/qresearch/11301069 ACB finished her oath at the 17 second mark in the 1-min 17-second White House video

>>>/qresearch/11301097 Video of cop hit by driver in Philly


>>>/qresearch/11301114 Open tabs on Hunter's cam chat browser (all lb)

>>>/qresearch/11301115 Moar keks: Biden sign falls off podium as Jill speaks


>>>/qresearch/11301123 Navy Orders Aviation Stand-Down After Plane Crash Kills 2 in Alabama

>>>/qresearch/11301129 Making Pops proud: Hunter sextape is now on pornhub

>>>/qresearch/11301151 Grim milestone: Philadelphia records 400th homicide this year

>>>/qresearch/11301207 Moar on Marina Abromavic's house: 4,800 sq ft shed was installed in 2015 that dwarfs her house..

>>>/qresearch/11301279, >>>/qresearch/11301373 Anons might have found Hunter's reddit

>>>/qresearch/11301461 The Plot Against the President links

>>>/qresearch/11301531 #14435

(16 notables, 19 posts, 16 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:53 a.m. No.35467   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11301532 Q Research General #14436: ComicAnon Edition

Created 270558ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11301675, >>>/qresearch/11301676 Prince Azim of Brunei, film producer who rubbed shoulders with rich and famous, dead at 38, cause unclear

>>>/qresearch/11301681 Blast at Pakistan religious school kills seven, including children

>>>/qresearch/11301746, >>>/qresearch/11301863, >>>/qresearch/11302220, >>>/qresearch/11302243 Was Hunter Biden posting about pizzagate on reddit? Reddit name linked to Chinese shell company..

>>>/qresearch/11301838 Gnews: Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin And His Grandson Alvin Jiang Provided Biden Leaks

>>>/qresearch/11301859 Twitter suppressing POTUS's tweet about mail in ballot issues

>>>/qresearch/11301873 Prince Azim digs

>>>/qresearch/11301874, >>>/qresearch/11301885 Philadelphia: Rioters Raid A Police Van

>>>/qresearch/11301921 Twitter finally cracking down on pedophiles, changes Terms of Service

>>>/qresearch/11302051 Nxivm sex-cult sicko Keith Raniere set to speak at his sentencing tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/11302084 Barak Obama in the Payroll List of China Communist Party (CCP)

>>>/qresearch/11302151 Biden Venmo's?

(11 notables, 16 posts, 8 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:54 a.m. No.35468   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11302301 Q Research General #14437: Full Moon Coming Edition

Created 270745ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11302357 New GNEWS article: Biden-Obama’s $1 Billion deal to sell out America

>>>/qresearch/11302402 More Biden family Venmo information

>>>/qresearch/11302448 Moscow ready not to deploy 9M729 missiles in European Russia, Putin says

>>>/qresearch/11302473 Official White House video featuring US Deputy National Security Advisor Matthew Pottinger talking about CCP creating digital dossiers on international citizens.

>>>/qresearch/11302552 Malia Obama recieved money via Venmo possibly for heroin and methamphetamine in 2018?

>>>/qresearch/11302576 30 officers injured in Philly Riots

>>>/qresearch/11302578 New GTV article: 10/27 Exclusive! Who is in the photo with Hunter Biden?

>>>/qresearch/11302605 PAC filing show billions of dollars being transferred from Republican PACS to DNC and Biden For President committees

>>>/qresearch/11302678 Call for digs on public Venmo accounts.

>>>/qresearch/11302715 One of Hunter's shell companies is named after Gengis Kahn.

>>>/qresearch/11302716 Leftist teacher lectures 13 year old students on why trump is racist ( CRINGE )

>>>/qresearch/11302765 DOJ confirms veracity of documents pertaining to dismissal of Gen. Flynn case.

(12 notables, 12 posts, 12 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:54 a.m. No.35469   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11303037 Q Research General #14438: Who is in the photos with Hunter Biden edition

Created 271025ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11303170 Democrats mail vote strategy in jeopardy as ACB sworn in

>>>/qresearch/11303174 Hunter Text Messages confirming the family knew

>>>/qresearch/11303184, >>>/qresearch/11303350, >>>/qresearch/11303418, >>>/qresearch/11303512 Dogs on the bed

>>>/qresearch/11303234, >>>/qresearch/11303670 Two China Airlines flights out of LAX this morning

>>>/qresearch/11303253, >>>/qresearch/11303264, >>>/qresearch/11303744 Refers to changing your vote to me kek

>>>/qresearch/11303275 POTUS openly using the term handlers now

>>>/qresearch/11303277, >>>/qresearch/11303325 Of the original 23, 5 remain

>>>/qresearch/11303330, >>>/qresearch/11303807 .

>>>/qresearch/11303476 Killary still salty 4 years on

>>>/qresearch/11303519 15 YouTube creators File Federal Lawsuit Against Youtube

>>>/qresearch/11303664 Padawan Dig

>>>/qresearch/11303827 #14438

(12 notables, 20 posts, 26 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:55 a.m. No.35470   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11303855 Q Research General #14439: Castle Rock Edition

Created 271234ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11303960, >>>/qresearch/11304067, >>>/qresearch/11304135 Castle Rock digs

>>>/qresearch/11303983 General Flynn tweet

>>>/qresearch/11304001 A pornstar is embarrassed at Hunters pics (She and Paris Hilton know what goes on)

>>>/qresearch/11304005 POTUS KEK

>>>/qresearch/11304017 Killary shares video of Woman Saying She Wants to “Shoot That A**hole Trump”


>>>/qresearch/11304030 NXIVM Update

>>>/qresearch/11304064 Blackboard used by DS?

>>>/qresearch/11304131 List of States and how to change your vote!

>>>/qresearch/11304193 Hunter Biden’s “Russian Blackmail Photos”

>>>/qresearch/11304239 December 5, 2017 Hunter Email

>>>/qresearch/11304344 POTUS Rounding the Turn

>>>/qresearch/11304404 "Wuhan Flu" IN 1996!

>>>/qresearch/11304421 Eric Trump - Wow!! “The Boston Herald endorses Trump”

>>>/qresearch/11304451 Biden Family's Venmo

>>>/qresearch/11304466 NG to send up to 1,000 troops to makor cities after election

(15 notables, 17 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:55 a.m. No.35471   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11304605 Q Research General #14440: National Guard Edition

Created 271346ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11304719 Joe Biden talking about Kamala's wife


>>>/qresearch/11304741 Ashley Biden's Diary

>>>/qresearch/11304774 NXIVM Mastermind to be sentenced today

>>>/qresearch/11304802 qrd?

>>>/qresearch/11304932 Epsteins Prison Warden Moving to Leadership Role

>>>/qresearch/11305007 Finger Lakes Heat Mapping

>>>/qresearch/11305070 Republican states have generally handled the Economic impact better than Democrat states

>>>/qresearch/11305111 Checked for Chinese Port Locations

>>>/qresearch/11305168 D.C. public defender service establishes hotline for protesters to speak with legal counsel

>>>/qresearch/11305369 #14440

(10 notables, 10 posts, 14 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:55 a.m. No.35472   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11305375 Q Research General #14441: National Guard 2.0 Edition

Created 271454ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11305472, >>>/qresearch/11305509 Eyes on dogtag

>>>/qresearch/11305542 Three Gorges Dam China over 175m Level (10-6)

>>>/qresearch/11305544, >>>/qresearch/11305713, >>>/qresearch/11305759 Possibly Kambo Medicine

>>>/qresearch/11305613 New DJT Obamas tiny crowd

>>>/qresearch/11305648, >>>/qresearch/11305782 Poeple in a food panic in Nigeria


>>>/qresearch/11305869 SAM970 USAF G5 Route

>>>/qresearch/11305871 Devon email "Other currency"

>>>/qresearch/11305983 Arc de Triomphe in Paris evacuated after a bomb threat

>>>/qresearch/11306034 Incomplete List of MSM Fails

>>>/qresearch/11306080 U.S. Air Force Tweet Pitstop

>>>/qresearch/11306137 Massive Rally In Jerusalem For @realDonaldTrump

>>>/qresearch/11306143 Huntington Beach city manager hit with misconduct allegations

>>>/qresearch/11306167 #14441

(13 notables, 17 posts, 21 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:56 a.m. No.35473   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11306175 Q Research General #14442: The Chortle Edition

Created 271559ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11306250 Hunter Biden Verbal Confession Spy Chief of China, Devon witnesses


>>>/qresearch/11306313 Illegal voting pressure from ballot chaser


>>>/qresearch/11306384, >>>/qresearch/11306472 Biden Digs

>>>/qresearch/11306483 Dan kek

>>>/qresearch/11306497 PF watch Black Hawks out of Burlington

>>>/qresearch/11306616 Trump 3 terms AD


>>>/qresearch/11306662, >>>/qresearch/11306737 No plan to provide NG to Texas yet

>>>/qresearch/11306668 Shorty Mike drops more money

>>>/qresearch/11306683 POTUS Obingo no crowd, fake speech (cameras dont pan the crowd)

>>>/qresearch/11306718 While in contrast - Michigan crowd waiting


>>>/qresearch/11306786, >>>/qresearch/11306840 PF VAGUE18

>>>/qresearch/11306812 VP making 3 stops PF

(12 notables, 15 posts, 17 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:56 a.m. No.35474   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11306947 Q Research General #14443: On The Way To Michigan Edition

Created 271702ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11307042 CDC reveals hospitals counted heart attacks as CV-19 deaths

>>>/qresearch/11307057, >>>/qresearch/11307652 Flu death rate amazingly low (CDC)

>>>/qresearch/11307058 Anon calls Hunter pic on black leather couch into question

>>>/qresearch/11307073 pb Proj Veritas Texas Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11307077, >>>/qresearch/11307430 Watch LIVE: President Trump Rally in Lansing, MI / Candidate John James

>>>/qresearch/11307080, >>>/qresearch/11307111 Bannon's War Room on Hunter Biden vid

>>>/qresearch/11307098 Anon theory on Hunter dick pics

>>>/qresearch/11307114 Nevada state officials have fined a county and an airport over the crowd size at a Trump rally in September.

>>>/qresearch/11307115, >>>/qresearch/11307423 Okeefe on Repub consultant pressuring voter to change from Rep to Dem - illegal!

>>>/qresearch/11307146, >>>/qresearch/11307294, >>>/qresearch/11307341 Scavino: President Trump is wheels up off of the South Lawn—heading to Michigan, Wisc.



>>>/qresearch/11307181 Bulldozers were ready to fight California fires. Why did Forest Service turn them away?

>>>/qresearch/11307185 Johnson County gets $300,000 grant to enhance safety, security infrastructure during election

>>>/qresearch/11307194 planefagging

>>>/qresearch/11307235 POTUS: Philadelpiha MUST HAVE POLLWATCHERS!

>>>/qresearch/11307300 New Poll Reveals How Damaging Revelations Are Impacting Biden's Favorability with Voters

>>>/qresearch/11307377 Twitter Censors US President Trump Again After He Questions Election Integrity!

>>>/qresearch/11307481 Tracking poll shows Joe Biden’s national lead over Donald Trump slipped nearly three points overnight

>>>/qresearch/11307498 Beijing slams Pompeo's 'Cold War mentality' as US Secretary of State outlines China security threat in New Delhi

>>>/qresearch/11307549 HRC strikes again - speaks out against human trafficking. Kek.


>>>/qresearch/11307558 Bomb goes off at religious school in Pakistan

>>>/qresearch/11307621 Contagious psychogenic illness or psychic epidemics

VIDEO - Special Delivery for Mister P. Vore that you? sign [Channel: ted mann]

>>>/qresearch/11307623 Hunter Biden Emails Show Deal They Were Working On Included Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

>>>/qresearch/11307640 Panic in DC over election results

>>>/qresearch/11307757 #14443

(24 notables, 30 posts, 29 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:56 a.m. No.35475   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11307751 Q Research General #14444: Just One Week More - GO POTUS! Edition

Created 271753ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11307858 Joe Biden live on CNN giving speech in Warm Springs, GA

>>>/qresearch/11307864 Hunter Biden Group Touted Joe Biden In Investment Pitch To Chinese Firm

>>>/qresearch/11307885, >>>/qresearch/11307989, >>>/qresearch/11308365, >>>/qresearch/11308391, >>>/qresearch/11308421 planefagging

>>>/qresearch/11307892 Amazon gets on ‘secretive’ UK government panel on post-Brexit supply rules while benefiting financially from own ‘advice’ – report

>>>/qresearch/11307917 Election Interference: Google Suppresses Breitbart News in Search – Even with Exact Headline

>>>/qresearch/11307937 Strongly Trending (Google) since immediately after the second debate is CAN I CHANGE MY VOTE?

>>>/qresearch/11307942 Keith Raniere’s first sex slave breaks her silence about Nxivm’s ‘monster’

>>>/qresearch/11307952 HRC - as Chancellor for @QUBelfast (kek)

>>>/qresearch/11307961 Black Lives Matter Group Applies to Become Political Party in the UK

>>>/qresearch/11307971 Arrests Made in Conspiracy to Illegally Manufacture Firearms

>>>/qresearch/11307977 Former Postal Worker Charged for Allegedly Tossing Absentee Ballots in Dumpster

>>>/qresearch/11308005 El Chapo Sues Media Outlets for Publishing His California Driver’s License

>>>/qresearch/11308022 Jeffrey Epstein reportedly offered beautiful women ‘a date with Prince Andrew’

>>>/qresearch/11308034 Biden "crowd" in GA

>>>/qresearch/11308050 Jared Kushner’s Sister Highlights Family Ties in Pitch to Chinese Investors

>>>/qresearch/11308064 Adelsons Got a Lot from Trump for $75 Million — But Media Won’t Tell You What

>>>/qresearch/11308067 US Marshals Recover 45 Missing Children During Human Trafficking Sting

>>>/qresearch/11308069 US Navy: Squad Goals!

>>>/qresearch/11308085 Biden unraveling right before our eyes


>>>/qresearch/11308089, >>>/qresearch/11308269 Did Joe Biden Give The Chinese The South China Sea?

>>>/qresearch/11308094 Link to C-SPAN's POTUS remarks upon departure

>>>/qresearch/11308103 U.S. Hid Osama bin Laden in Iran for Decade After 9/11 (True Pundit)

>>>/qresearch/11308134 New Chrome 0-day Under Active Attacks – Update Your Browser Now

>>>/qresearch/11308142 Call to dig on Jeff Cooper

>>>/qresearch/11308144 Email reveal 5-18-16 email from Amos Hochstein re Burisma

>>>/qresearch/11308156 China Preparing For Biden Administration, Sanctions US Companies Over Taiwan Support

>>>/qresearch/11308205 Dutch 'experts': Drug addicts and women with learning difficulties should have compulsory contraception to ‘prevent child abuse’

>>>/qresearch/11308229 PAC filings dig, con't.

>>>/qresearch/11308239 X-Factor semi-finalist Danny Tetley has his sentence for sexually exploiting seven teenage boys CUT

>>>/qresearch/11308270 US consulate staffer reportedly jailed in Turkey for aiding 'terror group'

>>>/qresearch/11308287 ‘Untouchable’ attorney arrested, charged with human trafficking

>>>/qresearch/11308303 30 Police Officers Injured By Anti-Police Rioters In Democrat-Controlled Philadelphia

>>>/qresearch/11308311 Wheels Up digg, con't. (planefag tracking tells the story)

>>>/qresearch/11308353 Leaked papers appear to show UK ran secret training & PR op for Syrian militants costing millions, despite knowing the risks

>>>/qresearch/11308373 Fifteen YouTube creators just filed a federal lawsuit against YouTube & Google

>>>/qresearch/11308381, >>>/qresearch/11308399 More negative pronouncements from Fauci

>>>/qresearch/11308394 Trump rally images - GO TRUMP TEAM!!

>>>/qresearch/11308450 CDC Flu reporting suspended.

>>>/qresearch/11308454 People in the highest positions of the Ohio judicial system were implicated in trafficking

>>>/qresearch/11308527 #14444

(40 notables, 46 posts, 85 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:57 a.m. No.35476   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11308514 Q Research #14445: Lucky 45 - Rally On! Edition

Created 271837ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11308628 US Space Force is Getting Its Own NCO Academy

>>>/qresearch/11308633 WH twat

>>>/qresearch/11308665 Russian Airstrike Hits HQ of Syrian Islamist Group Close to Turkey; 80 Killed

>>>/qresearch/11308684 Hacker steals $24 million from cryptocurrency service 'Harvest Finance'

>>>/qresearch/11308716 Large corporate landlords have filed eviction actions against 10,000 tenants in five states since September

>>>/qresearch/11308721 Biden rally


>>>/qresearch/11308740 Texas prepares to send 1,000 troops to five major cities, DC boards up its stores and Washington state puts the National Guard on alert

>>>/qresearch/11308753 Senator: College Board Gave Chinese Influence Op Advanced Placement in U.S. High Schools

>>>/qresearch/11308754 US Consulate Staffer Reportedly Jailed in Turkey For Aiding 'Terror Group'

>>>/qresearch/11308759 Ashley Biden diary. Showers with Biden. She can't figure out if she was molested by others.

>>>/qresearch/11308772 Adware found in 21 Android apps with more than 7 million downloads

>>>/qresearch/11308783 Republican John James, a political newcomer who flew Army helicopters in the Iraq War and now runs an automotive supply chain and logistics business in Detroit, said Thursday he is running for U.S. Senate.

>>>/qresearch/11308784 Hunter Biden’s “RUSSIAN BLACKMAIL PHOTOS” Uncovered – Hunter with Russians in Hollywood

>>>/qresearch/11308787 New Unseen Emails: Does This Heated Exchange Suggest Hunter’s Deals Were Too Dirty For His Business Associate?

>>>/qresearch/11308818 Hunter rented $2,300-a-night luxury LA mansion for a blowout party and 'broke his sober streak' just weeks ago after heated argument with new wife

>>>/qresearch/11308836 From a Wealthy Socialite to an Israeli Govt Censor, Facebook’s New “Free Speech Court” Is Anything but Independent

>>>/qresearch/11308843 Judge in Flynn case asks Justice Department to swear FBI records not altered

>>>/qresearch/11308856 A New World Monetary Order Is Coming

>>>/qresearch/11308883 Anti-Trump ‘Lincoln Project’ To Become Full-Blown Media Business Post-Election

>>>/qresearch/11308902 Judicial Watch: Briefing Memo Shows Democratic Lobbying Firm Met with U.S. Officials in Ukraine in February 2019, Discussed Burisma Holdings

>>>/qresearch/11308915 Judge blocks DOJ from defending Trump in lawsuit over rape allegation

>>>/qresearch/11308950 Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov to self-isolate after contact with COVID-19 carrier

>>>/qresearch/11308982, >>>/qresearch/11309090 PF

>>>/qresearch/11308995 When exactly did the AngloZionist Empire collapse?

>>>/qresearch/11309017 Mercola: How COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Rigged

>>>/qresearch/11309099 Dorsey, Zuckerberg Defend Their Section 230 'Freedoms' In Prepared Testimony Ahead Of Hearings

>>>/qresearch/11309134 WaPo Owner & World's Richest Man Jeff Bezos Reportedly In Talks To Buy CNN

>>>/qresearch/11309155 Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Cutting up to 21 Academic Programs

>>>/qresearch/11309185 Bloods Gang Members Sentenced to Life in Prison for Racketeering Conspiracy Involving Murder and Other Crimes

>>>/qresearch/11309289 Rep. Matt Gaetz We should not be willing to devalue America's impact on the world by engaging in these endless, unfocused, and unconstitutional wars.

(30 notables, 31 posts, 66 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:57 a.m. No.35477   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11309200 Q Research #14446: Melania Deserves A Decent Baker Edition

Created 271926ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11309298, >>>/qresearch/11309430, >>>/qresearch/11309579, >>>/qresearch/11309904 FLOTUS Live in Atglen, PA + News

>>>/qresearch/11309378, >>>/qresearch/11309720 Dan Scavino Flag Eagle Tweets POTUS in Lansing MI #Michigan



>>>/qresearch/11309381 Word of Mouth, "Not real sauce, but if true…" Radio With Guiliani?

>>>/qresearch/11309391, >>>/qresearch/11309428, >>>/qresearch/11309653, >>>/qresearch/11309752 Dog Comms+Rothfagcomms+Moar Anima/Comms/

>>>/qresearch/11309411 Postal worker charged after absentee ballots found in dumpster

>>>/qresearch/11309424, >>>/qresearch/11309625, >>>/qresearch/11309724, >>>/qresearch/11309748, >>>/qresearch/11309775, >>>/qresearch/11309776, >>>/qresearch/11309790, >>>/qresearch/11309804, >>>/qresearch/11309814, >>>/qresearch/11309959, >>>/qresearch/11310009 Things to Remember…

>>>/qresearch/11309429 @Jack and Friends trying to introduce moar COVID fear porn.

>>>/qresearch/11309459, >>>/qresearch/11309583 POTUS Live in Lansing, MI

>>>/qresearch/11309490, >>>/qresearch/11309502 /Comms/+/Midnightriders/ Transparency Reports

>>>/qresearch/11309503 Russia Tweets Remembering: Signature of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) by the USSR, USA and the United Kingdom. The Treaty was commended by the UN GA on June 12, 1968 & entered into force in 1970.

>>>/qresearch/11309527, >>>/qresearch/11309727, >>>/qresearch/11309825, >>>/qresearch/11309960, >>>/qresearch/11309995, >>>/qresearch/11310042, >>>/qresearch/11310055, >>>/qresearch/11310069, >>>/qresearch/11310075 Biden Business Partner + Hunter "Tattoo" Digs + Comms

>>>/qresearch/11309542 ABCU8 Combating the Attack on Traditional Values

>>>/qresearch/11309565, >>>/qresearch/11309826, >>>/qresearch/11309828 Collective Delusion


>>>/qresearch/11309613 Texas Senator. They are desperate. Biden Campaign Operative, Texas State Senator Accused of Mail-in Ballot Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11309630 The Environmental Protection Agency has asked the Justice Department to investigate allegations that U.S. environmental groups have received covert funding from China and Russia.

>>>/qresearch/11309635 Ivanka Trump Fans!


>>>/qresearch/11309645 New docs prove Ukraine embassy was spying on journalists

>>>/qresearch/11309715 They are going to go all-out in a desperate attempt to try to stop Trump from declaring victory

>>>/qresearch/11309766, >>>/qresearch/11309851 D.O.D. Tweets: 17th Security Forces Squadron CQC Training #KnowYourMil ++

>>>/qresearch/11309841 JR Digs

>>>/qresearch/11309848 "Attorney General Bill Barr Uses Nationwide Riots to Push for Police State Expansion"

>>>/qresearch/11309866, >>>/qresearch/11309884 They couldn’t keep the covid numbers up so….. MOSQUITOES IN SANTA BARBARA TEST POSITIVE FOR WEST NILE VIRUS ++Moar COVID

>>>/qresearch/11309942 Azerbaijan Claims It Assassinated Defense Minister Of Nagorno-Karabakh, While Armenia Captures Syrian Militants In Combat Zone (Videos, Map)

>>>/qresearch/11309954 #14446

>>>/qresearch/11309956 Patriot Dough Fix

>>>/qresearch/11309957, >>>/qresearch/11310095, >>>/qresearch/11310108, >>>/qresearch/11310117 (pb), (pb), (pb), (pb) Nxivm founder and leader Keith Raniere sentenced to 120 years in prison.

>>>/qresearch/11310088 3GDam Worries

>>>/qresearch/11310129 PF

(28 notables, 62 posts, 83 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:57 a.m. No.35478   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11309982 Q Research General #14447: Patriots Never Fight Alone Edition

Created 272022ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11310059 current dough for #14447

>>>/qresearch/11310202 I used this Dough with updated notes to start my edit

>>>/qresearch/11310217 Natalie Biden pics and Hunter dick pic line up with location data

>>>/qresearch/11310219 Solar Flare Event?

>>>/qresearch/11310224 Republicans push for PA vosing fraud case with new ACB justice in place

>>>/qresearch/11310243 I used this paste to correct the formatting in the relevent section of the bread

>>>/qresearch/11310250 Forty-Two People Indicted for Participating In Drug Trafficking Organization Responsible for OD Deaths

>>>/qresearch/11310257 5:5 paste below

>>>/qresearch/11310259 Dems are going through the 5 stages of grief

>>>/qresearch/11310274 (me) ready for cheking

>>>/qresearch/11310280, >>>/qresearch/11310350, >>>/qresearch/11310426, >>>/qresearch/11310485 PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/11310282 Brennan and Clapper Accused of Hacking John Roberts to Blackmail him

>>>/qresearch/11310317 BIDEN/CHINA VERY IMPORTANT MARKER. Who is making it all public?

>>>/qresearch/11310343 Soooo What the hell is this document doing on an FCC.GOV server?


>>>/qresearch/11310354 Acting DHS SEC Chad Wolf advises Americans to “stay patient” if outcomes aren’t known Election Day


>>>/qresearch/11310439 25 people indicted in drug trafficking operation that spanned several states

>>>/qresearch/11311008 #14447

(17 notables, 20 posts, 15 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 2:59 a.m. No.35479   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11311029 Q Research General #14448: Never Never Never Give Up! Edition

Created 272149ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11311041 Bruce Spielbauer on Quora now has to buy fake bot upvotes to try to be an "influencer"

>>>/qresearch/11311106 War room pandemic CALL TO DIG

>>>/qresearch/11311108 President Trump Nominated for his 5th Nobel Peace Prize

>>>/qresearch/11311128, >>>/qresearch/11311153, >>>/qresearch/11311377, >>>/qresearch/11311451 PF

>>>/qresearch/11311143 Joe Rogan Experience #1555 -Alex Jones & Tim Dillon 242,880 views•Oct 27, 2020

VIDEO - Joe Rogan Experience #1555 - Alex Jones & Tim Dillon [Channel: PowerfulJRE]

>>>/qresearch/11311221 Joe Biden has committed to wearing a mask in public to be a good example and to prevent the spread of COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/11311299 Biden Says World Community Should 'Significantly' Expand Sanctions on Lukashenko's Circle

>>>/qresearch/11311302 Biden/Harris "Divine Nine"

>>>/qresearch/11311336 One Week Left: 42 Percent of Pennsylvania Mail-in Ballot Requests Not Returned

>>>/qresearch/11311388 Illinois Gov Ends Indoor Dining Across 2/3rds Of State As Winter Cold Looms

>>>/qresearch/11311522, >>>/qresearch/11311626 Hunter Audio Released As Dems Double Down On 'Russia Origins & Election Meddling'


>>>/qresearch/11311523 Olbermann going full retard again


>>>/qresearch/11311679 #14448

(13 notables, 17 posts, 13 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:01 a.m. No.35480   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11311787 Q Research General #14449: Never come down! Edition

Created 272233ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11311821 NEW HUNTER PIC black girl

>>>/qresearch/11311833, >>>/qresearch/11311933 JUDICIAL WATCH: New Strzok-Page Emails Show ‘Missing’ Meeting Entries During Mueller Investigation

>>>/qresearch/11311877 Rosa Laura Junco/The Knife Media dig: connections to Nxivm

>>>/qresearch/11311884 Video: 'Ballot chaser' caught bribing and changing votes

>>>/qresearch/11311919 Adam Housely: "Someone needs to ask the FBI…and Rudy….separately….if they've cracked the encrypted part of the hard drive."

>>>/qresearch/11311921, >>>/qresearch/11311929, >>>/qresearch/11312092, >>>/qresearch/11312189, >>>/qresearch/11312266 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/11311930 Streamable embeddable links of the GNews Ultimate Battle videos. Spread these like wildfire.

>>>/qresearch/11311972 Call to dig on Jeff cooper. War room @ 26 minutes.

>>>/qresearch/11312078, >>>/qresearch/11312089 Joe Biden to Georgia Voters: “I Am Kamala’s Running Mate. Y’all Think I’m Kidding Don’t You?” (VIDEO)


>>>/qresearch/11312148 #14447

>>>/qresearch/11312158 Possible larp on pol claims "political apocalypse" is coming this friday

>>>/qresearch/11312159, >>>/qresearch/11312169, >>>/qresearch/11312173, >>>/qresearch/11312178, >>>/qresearch/11312195, >>>/qresearch/11312218 Hunter Biden is fooked, a bun


>>>/qresearch/11312168 USA Today goes out of its way to "fact check" rumors that Hunter is dead - "4chan hoax"

>>>/qresearch/11312188 Rudy Giuliani has just said that Trump, after re-election, will tear down Facebook, TWTTR & Google

>>>/qresearch/11312208, >>>/qresearch/11312215 POTUS says "tippy top" again during Wisconsin rally tonight

>>>/qresearch/11312243, >>>/qresearch/11312327, >>>/qresearch/11312430 POTUS hydrosonic decode

>>>/qresearch/11312245 Ivanka draws larger crowd than Obama in Florida


(17 notables, 31 posts, 26 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:01 a.m. No.35481   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11312548 Q Research General #14450: Hydrosonic Missiles Edition

Created 272325ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11312596, >>>/qresearch/11312613 BREAKING: President Trump's campaign website was hacked, now back up

>>>/qresearch/11312600 Eyes on: bill would allow children 11 years and older to be vaccinated without parental knowledge or consent advances

>>>/qresearch/11312679, >>>/qresearch/11312890, >>>/qresearch/11313033, >>>/qresearch/11313268 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/11312693 Is this what Devon Archer is referring to re: Zuck and '''the Veterans Vertical"?

>>>/qresearch/11312747, >>>/qresearch/11312915, >>>/qresearch/11313113 PF: Many C-17's airborne tonight. Troops on the move?

>>>/qresearch/11312751, >>>/qresearch/11312784 All of these happened today, anons. Does that mean IRAN and U1 are next?

>>>/qresearch/11312888, >>>/qresearch/11313127 Book called "Cabinet of Natural Curiosities" seen in background of HRC's latest twitter video about human trafficking

>>>/qresearch/11312938 Gov. Abbot Sending 1,000 National Guard Troops To 5 Texas Cities For Possible 'Post-Election Violence'

>>>/qresearch/11312954 Loose connection from Hunter Biden through Zoe Kestan to Rachel Chandler

>>>/qresearch/11312958 According to the enemy of the people, CA's massive Silverado Fire was sparked by a "half-burned cigarette butt"

>>>/qresearch/11313074, >>>/qresearch/11313096 Hit pieces on POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11313076 DEVELOPING: Justice Department to hold briefing on China-related national security matter at 11:00 A.M. tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/11313107 Gab CEO BTFO WaPo journalist asking about "QAnon"

>>>/qresearch/11313151, >>>/qresearch/11313156, >>>/qresearch/11313251 BOBULINSKI MET WITH HUNTER AT CHATEAU MARMONT: TUCKER INTERVIEW

>>>/qresearch/11313305 #14450

(15 notables, 26 posts, 29 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:02 a.m. No.35482   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11313335 Q Research General #14451: Q CLEARANCE BOBULINSKI Edition

Created 280018ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11313397, >>>/qresearch/11313430, >>>/qresearch/11313544 Bobulinski held a Q clearance, Top Secret clearance from DOE and NSA


>>>/qresearch/11313564, >>>/qresearch/11313574 Q Clearance Bobulinski video


>>>/qresearch/11313591 Feds Obtained FISA Warrant Against Hunter Biden’s Chinese Business Associate, Documents Show

>>>/qresearch/11313595 "Plausible Deniability" trending on twitter after Bobulinski's Biden claims on Tucker

>>>/qresearch/11313704, >>>/qresearch/11313751, >>>/qresearch/11313946 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/11313706 FIFA President Gianni Infantino diagnosed with positive COVID-19 case

>>>/qresearch/11313764 “That’s a Blatant Lie!… I Almost Stood Up and Screamed Liar!” – Bobulinksi Describes His Reaction to Joe Biden Lying about His Family’s Business Dealings

>>>/qresearch/11313835 Convicted Sex Offender Sentenced For Numerous Offenses Against Over a Dozen Children

>>>/qresearch/11313927 The Hunter Biden Scandal Has Exposed The Corporate Press’s Corruption And Condescension

>>>/qresearch/11313993 Bongino calls for Joe Biden to step out of the race. He is clearly an active national security threat to the United States.

(11 notables, 16 posts, 12 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:02 a.m. No.35483   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11314063 Q Research General #14452: Plausible Deniability Edition

Created 280053ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11314111 Trips confirm this will be Tucker Carlson's highest rated show ever

>>>/qresearch/11314136 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tells Scott Morrison it's time for 'bold action' on climate change

>>>/qresearch/11314227 Video of Bobulinski's 2nd "Q Clearance" reference on Tucker


>>>/qresearch/11314282 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/11314312, >>>/qresearch/11314360 Call to dig Rob Walker and John Walker spy scandal

>>>/qresearch/11314349 Trump just said "Bad News on Biden will come out tomorrow!" BOOM

>>>/qresearch/11314378 Biden Mega-Donor Goldman Sachs Guilty of Billion Dollar Bribery Scheme

>>>/qresearch/11314543 Inside Villa Cetinale: The luxurious Tuscan villa beloved by the social set - "Secret rooms and passages"

>>>/qresearch/11314549 US offers India access to military satellites as with Japan, Australia

>>>/qresearch/11314608 Awesome take by Larry Schweikart on the impact of the Bobulinski revelations.

>>>/qresearch/11314662 Prosecutors revealed the existence of at least one FISA warrant against Chi Ping Patrick Ho, known as Patrick Ho, in a Feb. 8, 2018 court filing obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

>>>/qresearch/11314702 Tony Bobulinski: “I think Joe Biden and the Biden family are compromised”.


>>>/qresearch/11314756 Bobulinski: Joe Biden Gave “An Emphatic No” To “Proper Governance In Place” For Business w/Hunter

>>>/qresearch/11314820 #14452

(14 notables, 15 posts, 17 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:03 a.m. No.35484   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11314824 Q Research General #14453: $5M Chinese Loan Edition

Created 280133ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11314906, >>>/qresearch/11314968 POTUS: "Obama draws flies"

>>>/qresearch/11315024 Link to tomorrow's hearings to examine Section 230 immunity

>>>/qresearch/11315061 Senate report on Hunter, Burisma, Corruption: Pages 65-67 from Tucker's interview

>>>/qresearch/11315127 Hunter Biden Audio Confesses Partnership With China ‘Spy Chief’… Joe Biden Named As Criminal Case Witness

>>>/qresearch/11315133, >>>/qresearch/11315155, >>>/qresearch/11315169, >>>/qresearch/11315227 PF

>>>/qresearch/11315180 NEW POMPEO

>>>/qresearch/11315184 Black Lives Matter Rioters Looting Foot Locker, Walmart, Other Stores in Philadelphia

>>>/qresearch/11315203 As Pompeo & Esper Push Anti-China Message In India, PLA Vows "Defeat Of Attempts To Separate Taiwan"

>>>/qresearch/11315271 Tucker exclusive: Tony Bobulinski, ex-Hunter Biden associate, speaks out on Joe Biden

VIDEO - Tucker exclusive: Tony Bobulinski, ex-Hunter Biden associate, speaks out on Joe Biden [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/11315437 FBI opened a counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign over pure nonsense and lies. Any reasonable person watching Bobulinski’s interview would have to agree that Joe Biden might be compromised by the Chinese Communists. Your move, DOJ.

>>>/qresearch/11315465 Even cocaine Mitch has woken up now.

>>>/qresearch/11315549 #14453

(12 notables, 16 posts, 22 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:03 a.m. No.35485   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11315547 Q Research General #14454: 3 Year Delta Edition

Created 280207ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11315633 Embracing the suck


>>>/qresearch/11315634, >>>/qresearch/11316114 Plausible Deniability

>>>/qresearch/11315690 Per pool reporter @EliStokols, at the Trump rally tonight, the WiFi network was called “Where is Hunter?” and the password was “10FORTHEBIGGUY."

>>>/qresearch/11315692 1, 2, 3, 4, knock-knock, let'em in

>>>/qresearch/11315693 Forcing the fbi and fake news’ hand. I like it.

>>>/qresearch/11315706 Veritas says bigger bombshells tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/11315714 The Biden Foundation and YMCA of the USA - POTUS MUSIC

>>>/qresearch/11315725 Reminder of how wiki defines"Q Clearance"

>>>/qresearch/11315731 Kayleigh trolls the press on AF1 Press Pool about Bobulinski

>>>/qresearch/11315745 DOJ and FBI to Hold News Conference on a China-Related National Security Matter at 11 AM EDT Tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/11315757 Collusion: Hunter Biden Allegedly Represented Chinese CEO in Deal to Help Russia’s State Oil Company

>>>/qresearch/11315783 Axelrod: Hunter Biden Story ‘Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory’ — Voters Don’t Care

>>>/qresearch/11315804 Chicago On Verge Of Credit Downgrade As Mayor Lightfoot Suggests Novel Idea Of Raising Taxes

>>>/qresearch/11315867, >>>/qresearch/11315884, >>>/qresearch/11315997, >>>/qresearch/11316049, >>>/qresearch/11316254 PF

>>>/qresearch/11315890 Dallas and Austin will be the hotspots

>>>/qresearch/11315918 Vehicle charges officers in Brooklyn


>>>/qresearch/11315929 This Amazing Question Made Hillary SO ANGRY She Refused To Answer! March 10, 2016

>>>/qresearch/11315943 What TUCKER INTERVIEW?

>>>/qresearch/11315965 If we vote for Joe Biden,criminals will rule the American people,and the CCP will take over the United States.

>>>/qresearch/11315969 LIVE Day 153 Protests Riots

>>>/qresearch/11316000 EPA Requests DOJ Investigate Foreign Funding of Environmental Groups

>>>/qresearch/11316003 Boeing, Partners Pledge $46Bln for Fighter Jet Program in Canada

>>>/qresearch/11316008 :43 Clock

>>>/qresearch/11316029 NEW: President Trump has begun having staff leave notes on reporters' seats on Air Force One

>>>/qresearch/11316164 Full Tucker Interview

>>>/qresearch/11316267 Bobulinski: "The Biden Family are compromised, Ive held a Q clearance."


(26 notables, 31 posts, 35 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:04 a.m. No.35486   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11316292 Q Research General #14455: Embrace The Suck Edition

Created 280243ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11316332 Hunter Biden Emails Show Deal They Were Working On Included Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

>>>/qresearch/11316354 UFO spotted over Hawaii?

>>>/qresearch/11316389, >>>/qresearch/11316396, >>>/qresearch/11316417 Google support admits Fox pulled DVR recording of Tucker off their site tonight

>>>/qresearch/11316400 Rome’s Caracalla Baths epitomized the wealth of the ancient Roman Empire (Underground Comms?)

>>>/qresearch/11316401 Bobulinski "Patriot Games" reference

>>>/qresearch/11316420, >>>/qresearch/11316659, >>>/qresearch/11316714 Bobulinski Q Clearance Patriot

>>>/qresearch/11316424, >>>/qresearch/11316538 Ivanka Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11316443 Clockfag reporting in

>>>/qresearch/11316447 11316466 The American's Creed

>>>/qresearch/11316472 Following the tragic Tree of Life Synagogue shooting, President Trump visited with Rabbi Myers


>>>/qresearch/11316476 Possiblly Gaga with Hunter? (check it out anons, will remove if fake and gay)

>>>/qresearch/11316482 Devine Nunes: CA Dem/Socialists Thanksgiving Rules to go along with Sleepy Joes Dark Winter…

>>>/qresearch/11316488 It's not the full episode but… (Tucker Interview with Bobulinski)

VIDEO - Tucker exclusive: Tony Bobulinski, ex-Hunter Biden associate, speaks out on Joe Biden [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/11316529 Planefag checking in: Little crowded above Colorado at present

>>>/qresearch/11316558 WHERE ARE YOU FBI?? (knowingly)

>>>/qresearch/11316569 Most of Europe’s Largest Banks Declare Profits in Tax Havens

>>>/qresearch/11316573 Adam Housley Tweet: Over/under on the number of non-conservative outlets that mention Tony Bobulinski tomorrow?

>>>/qresearch/11316584 Gateway Pundit: DOJ and FBI to Hold News Conference on a China-Related National Security Matter at 11 AM EDT Tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/11316588, >>>/qresearch/11316817 Truck of Firearms Confiscated In Philidelphia

>>>/qresearch/11316604 Planefag: Tracking Stephen Spielberg's Gulfstream VI.

>>>/qresearch/11316626 Here are the abuse drawings from Fiona Barnett

>>>/qresearch/11316632 James Woods Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11316645 Company ownership secrecy prevails in Southeast Asia, UN report says

>>>/qresearch/11316662 Breaking! Uncovered Hunter Biden’ email — WSJ Alert re Miles Guo’s meeting with CCP national security officials, & who is Bob Fenet?

>>>/qresearch/11316670 FinCEN official accused of leaking secret bank records requests time served

>>>/qresearch/11316689 POTUS Vid Twitter

>>>/qresearch/11316695 EUROPOL Continues Campaign Against Sex Offenders

>>>/qresearch/11316726 More NSW schools target by bomb hoax emails, HSC Biology exam interrupted

>>>/qresearch/11316730 Keith Raniere of NXIVM Cult sentenced to 120 years in Prison

>>>/qresearch/11316799 Nothing says JJSTICE like bringing an appliance dolly to a peaceful protest

>>>/qresearch/11316823 POTUS tweets pic of plane number 28000 at 8:18 PM 2020-10-27

>>>/qresearch/11316854 Big Shot(s) in PA?

>>>/qresearch/11316895 PF: RCH220 USAF C-5 Super Galaxy taking off from San Clemente Island-It arrived from Travis AFB yesterday

>>>/qresearch/11316899 DOJ and FBI to Hold News Conference on a China-Related National Security Matter at 11 AM EDT Tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/11316904 Small local non commercial traffic, not military and in the middle of the desert.

>>>/qresearch/11316938 PF: POTUS and Spielberg seem to be avoiding each other (kek)


>>>/qresearch/11316954 PF: WISER21 USAF E-4B Nightwatch ws from Barksdale AFB, LA

>>>/qresearch/11316973 White House may deploy federal troops to #Philadelphia after 30 police officers are injured in riots

>>>/qresearch/11316975 Bongino Tweet: Joe Biden MUST step out of the race after these revelations tonight.

>>>/qresearch/11316987 BREAKING: A federal court authorized a FISA warrant against one of Hunter Biden’s Chinese business partners, court documents show

>>>/qresearch/11317029 Gateway Pundit Dropping Bombs in the AM

>>>/qresearch/11317046 #14455

(43 notables, 49 posts, 78 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:04 a.m. No.35487   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11317069 Q Research General #14456: Sprint To The Finish Edition

Created 280335ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11317173 Link to download Tucker's 49:16 minute video interview with Bobulinski

>>>/qresearch/11317176 Biden and the Ho take on new meaning

>>>/qresearch/11317180 Moar digging on Melissa Cohen Biden. Could she be MOS?

>>>/qresearch/11317193 Josh Wingrove Tweet: The latest.

>>>/qresearch/11317198 Instagram Stars Fake Private Jet Rides For $34.99 Per Hour At This LA Studio

>>>/qresearch/11317210 Bobulinski: I Came Forward Because Schiff Accused Me of Being Part of Russian Disinformation (so many keks)

>>>/qresearch/11317216 The END is only the Beginning of Something New

>>>/qresearch/11317222 Bobulinski: ‘I Think Joe Biden and the Biden Family Are Compromised’

>>>/qresearch/11317248 POTUS the BEAST: 48 Hours - 10 States - 11 Rallies

>>>/qresearch/11317250 Something Wicked This Way Comes: Anarchy Is Being Loosed Upon the Nation

>>>/qresearch/11317267 GammaGrifter mikey rothschild giving up.

>>>/qresearch/11317270 President Trump delivers remarks at the Israeli American Council

>>>/qresearch/11317280 Media Firemen Scramble to Save Biden Candidacy

>>>/qresearch/11317284 PF: RUDY30 unidentified AC out of NAS North Island on a go around at MCAS Miramar

>>>/qresearch/11317301 Biden supporters are Losing their minds


>>>/qresearch/11317346 In both 1789 and 1792, President George Washington ran for president, "Unopposed."

>>>/qresearch/11317347 HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANONS! -CHEK'M-

>>>/qresearch/11317366 KT McFarland: US-India military intelligence agreement is a ‘huge development’

>>>/qresearch/11317387 Talmud aka Oral Torah/Jewish Law

>>>/qresearch/11317401 POTUS Tweet: We are spending more in Florida, and we are winning big in Florida. Actually, we are winning big in many states as the Great Red Wave begins to form!

>>>/qresearch/11317414 BREAKING: Philadelphia police have completely lost control of the affected rioting region which stretches multiple city blocks

>>>/qresearch/11317440 PF: 09-0017 USAF C-32A on final approach for Sky Harbor Int'l, Phoenix from Lincoln, NE

>>>/qresearch/11317448 Tweet: Democrat state media

>>>/qresearch/11317500 New Chanel Tweet: I now have possession (sans photos), of the #Biden Hard Drive.

>>>/qresearch/11317505, >>>/qresearch/11317759 Car Rams Through Line of NYPD Officers During Brooklyn Black Lives Matter Riot

>>>/qresearch/11317518 Naomi Biden and best friend Ash Kai

>>>/qresearch/11317523 This is such a weird situation with Biden and his new wife.

>>>/qresearch/11317566 Hunter has been selling a future Biden presidency to China

>>>/qresearch/11317593 OK, so I felt like doing a little dig on this EPA looking into foreign influence

>>>/qresearch/11317610 PF: 82-8000 USAF VIP 747 POTUS on final approach at McCarran Int'l from Eppley Field-Omaha

>>>/qresearch/11317623 The Biden Foundation and YMCA of the USA - POTUS MUSIC

>>>/qresearch/11317628 NEW DAN SCAVINO TWEET


>>>/qresearch/11317645 Trump Jr. + Woods Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11317662 Schwartz Bakery is the oldest kosher bakery in Los Angeles

>>>/qresearch/11317694 Massive Asteroid Named After God of Chaos (Kek?)

>>>/qresearch/11317723 food supply fuckery, under guise of fauxvid in china

>>>/qresearch/11317898 #14456

(37 notables, 38 posts, 55 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:04 a.m. No.35488   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11317906 Q Research General #14457: Happy 3 Year Anniversary of FIRST BREAD Edition

Created 280428ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11317921, >>>/qresearch/11317946 POTUS In DC case against POTUS, corrupt Judge Sullivan orders USPS to reverse mail collection limits, send him daily updates

>>>/qresearch/11317939 Dough Collins Tweet: Knowingly

>>>/qresearch/11317953 Sale of 'The Venetian'

>>>/qresearch/11317980 Biden accuser, in first TV interview, alleges nominee lied in debate about China dealings

>>>/qresearch/11318005 Seems like the anon who posted earlier who said he worked in TV news was correct. The DNC messaging is all about COVID

>>>/qresearch/11318028 POTUS Schedule for WEDNESDAY, October 28, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11318030 The LAPD received approval Tuesday to begin recording and storing aerial footage of protests and other large gatherings from helicopters.

>>>/qresearch/11318060 [MOSTLY PEACEFUL] Fans have taken to the streets throughout LA to celebrate the @Dodgers win over Tampa Bay.

>>>/qresearch/11318065 New Dan Scavino Tweet: Screw the polls!



>>>/qresearch/11318076 Amnesty International has grave concerns over the state of human rights in the United States

>>>/qresearch/11318090 China was trying to get an LNG terminal in Louisiana

>>>/qresearch/11318102 An update on three gorges dam…

>>>/qresearch/11318104 PF: RUDY30 finally went back to NAS north Island after some go arounds at Miramar and a trip east along the border

>>>/qresearch/11318118 Dan Scavino Tweet: Happening now—President @realDonaldTrumparrives in Las Vegas, Nevada after awesome #MAGA🇺🇸🦅 rallies in MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, and NEBRASKA!


>>>/qresearch/11318126 Q CLEARANCE PATRIOT marker October 27, 2020


>>>/qresearch/11318137 Joe Biden Told Milken Conference ‘I’m Not Running’ in 2020: I’d Be ‘in a Walker’

>>>/qresearch/11318140 Soft disclosure of reptilians, adrenochrome and perhaps thriving life under fire and ice (Antartica) in 1968 being put out to the masses.

>>>/qresearch/11318229 Joseph Flynn Tweet: “If there are no arrestsafter Bobulinksi’s interviews on Tucker tonight …we are finished as a Republic… this is mind blowing corruption.”

>>>/qresearch/11318346 Giuliani Demands Apology from FBN’s Kennedy for ‘Outrageous Defamation’

>>>/qresearch/11318396 New POTUS Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11318408 Statement from the Press Secretary - re: Philadelphia

>>>/qresearch/11318426 James Comey appointed Adam S. COHEN to the FBI field office in Buffalo, NY (Erie County)

>>>/qresearch/11318470 Does Section 230’s Sweeping Immunity Enable Big Tech Bad Behavior?

>>>/qresearch/11318500 China's Top Censor Orders Another Crackdown On Dissent

>>>/qresearch/11318517 Feature request for CodeMonkey….

>>>/qresearch/11318520 Michele Brown-COHEN is also connected to the Rothschild's directly.

>>>/qresearch/11318537 CBS probe finds computer of lead Benghazi reporter was hacked

(27 notables, 28 posts, 37 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:05 a.m. No.35489   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11318564 Q Research General #14458: Tippy Top Comfy Edition

Created 280516ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11318687 Hmm… America Keeps Getting Attacked By Nations It Hates In Ways Only The CIA Can See

>>>/qresearch/11318693 Sexy Cuban Trump Song About to Go Viral

>>>/qresearch/11318704 BLM protesters chant 'Every city, every town, burn the precincts to the ground!' as second night of Philadelphia riots erupt

>>>/qresearch/11318711 India will get access to U.S. satellite information that can make military rockets more exact

>>>/qresearch/11318729 How the Left Is Using Americans' Empathy and Decency to Destroy Us

>>>/qresearch/11318736 Washington, Oregon and Nevada will join California to independently review any coronavirus vaccine before distributing it to the public, Gov. Gavin Newsom said.

>>>/qresearch/11318778 Former AFP officer says any 'federal ICAC' must have the power to tap politicians' phones

>>>/qresearch/11318795 Prime Minister announces new High Court justices ahead of dual retirement

>>>/qresearch/11318797 "The Fresno Commission for Police Reform has submitted its final 73 recommendations to reform the city's police department.

>>>/qresearch/11318798 PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes


>>>/qresearch/11318801 Time to bring out the connections of Christine Pelosi.

>>>/qresearch/11318820 A Former Venezuelan Government Operative Works for Facebook

>>>/qresearch/11318854 James Rosen, reporter breaking the Biden Scandal, was spied upon by the Obama FBI

>>>/qresearch/11318880 Will Hunter Biden Jeopardize His Father’s Campaign? New Yorker 2019

>>>/qresearch/11318911, >>>/qresearch/11319200, >>>/qresearch/11319231 At 41 minutes in, Tony Bobulinski suggests that people go and read Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson's report, reading pages 65-87.


>>>/qresearch/11318913 Christine Pelosi on the electoral college with Ed Buck in 2016

>>>/qresearch/11318978 Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


>>>/qresearch/11319016, >>>/qresearch/11319040 Biden Corruption: Listen to Trump on Twitter. He is laying it out.


>>>/qresearch/11319152, >>>/qresearch/11319205 Feds Obtained FISA Warrant Against Hunter Biden’s Chinese Business Associate, Documents Show (re-notable)

>>>/qresearch/11319238 Obama speaking in florida today , noticed these wavy lines on the Biden/Harris art behind him… (comms?)

>>>/qresearch/11319255 New Dan Scavino Tweet: POTUS calls a LID @12:40amE (kek, good morning Q+)

>>>/qresearch/11319266 MIRROR for Bobulinski Interview with Tucker (archive offline anons!)

>>>/qresearch/11319283 Looting ongoing in L.A. rn

>>>/qresearch/11319341 #14458

(24 notables, 28 posts, 48 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:05 a.m. No.35490   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11319350 Q Research General #14459: Hunters Become The… FUCKING SPOILER That Shit Anon! Edition

Created 280643ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11319464 Fresh Poll to Flip

>>>/qresearch/11319483 Gabe Newell wants to talk to New Zealand Prime Minister about developers relocating there

>>>/qresearch/11319495 First I have seen of some of them. Wonder if we can place NB on a plane on 7/26/18?

>>>/qresearch/11319510 While Hunter was at the Chateau Marmont, China and Russia were meeting up

>>>/qresearch/11319517 Clawing back votes: 7 states allow voters to resubmit ballots

>>>/qresearch/11319524 Keith Raniere sentenced tp 120 years. What was he wearing?

>>>/qresearch/11319525, >>>/qresearch/11319544 Biden Event Social Distancing Circles: Maybe those circles represent something more?

>>>/qresearch/11319529, >>>/qresearch/11319630 Battaglia Engelbert at the Chateau Marmont

>>>/qresearch/11319581 TONY BOBULINSKI TUCKER INTERVIEW (multiple mirrors)


>>>/qresearch/11319628 Andy Ngô : Downtown Los Angeles


>>>/qresearch/11319672 Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta says he’s “nervous, but hopeful” about next week’s election.

>>>/qresearch/11319674 #Philadelphia police say they have confiscated a “truck full” of firearms meant for rioters. (re-notable)

>>>/qresearch/11319772, >>>/qresearch/11319779 Moar doxxing attempts and now stalking attempts of ResignationAnon: Hannes Munzinger and Lena Kampf

>>>/qresearch/11319778 Notable POTUS Vid: Biden Family corruption at the highest level - voters must decide


>>>/qresearch/11319949 What's Quercertin?

>>>/qresearch/11320043 4chan called it first, again (Hunter Laptop 4/19)

>>>/qresearch/11320045 'Cue' Clearance Meme's

>>>/qresearch/11320125 #14459

(18 notables, 21 posts, 27 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:05 a.m. No.35491   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11320138 Q Research General #14460: To Dream The Impossible Dream Edition

Created 280845ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11320220 Excellent Q-day YouTube vid

VIDEO - 10-28 [Channel: bulbhorst]

>>>/qresearch/11320266 3 year delta on " the storm is approaching "

>>>/qresearch/11320514, >>>/qresearch/11320521 Digs on Aga Khan

>>>/qresearch/11320789, >>>/qresearch/11320798 Digs on Robert Wickliffe Fenet

(4 notables, 6 posts, 10 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:06 a.m. No.35492   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11322505 Q Research General #14463: Joe Brib'em Edition

Created 281428ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11322590 Anon decodes Scavino's 'NUMB3RS' tweet?

>>>/qresearch/11322647 85 miles worth of traffic in both directions for Trump rally

>>>/qresearch/11322691, >>>/qresearch/11322707, >>>/qresearch/11322914 PF,

>>>/qresearch/11322693, >>>/qresearch/11322734 Trump rallies are a beacon of HOPE,


>>>/qresearch/11322835 Anon digs on LA Tractor trailer, UNFI, Steve Spinner & more

>>>/qresearch/11323022, >>>/qresearch/11323039, >>>/qresearch/11323081 Q_markers in DOJ/FBI hearing? FOX THREE, The Hunters became the Hunted

>>>/qresearch/11323055 Biden family scandal: Seven uncomfortable realities confronting the Democrat nominee

>>>/qresearch/11323077 REMINDER: Plenty of investigators working on corruption

>>>/qresearch/11323082 CALL FOR POLL FLIPPING

>>>/qresearch/11323179 #14463

>>>/qresearch/11323195 [NSFW] Judge for yourself if this girl is Natalie Biden [NSFW]


>>>/qresearch/11323207 DOJ presser so far summed up

(12 notables, 17 posts, 16 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:06 a.m. No.35493   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11320949 Q Research General #14461: 6 Days Until The Election Edition

Created 281129ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11321059, >>>/qresearch/11321185 FBI Obtained FISA Warrant Against Hunter Biden’s Chinese Business Associate, Documents Show Biden FISA running as early as 2018?

>>>/qresearch/11321092 Anon's take on Q-drops and recent development.

>>>/qresearch/11321124, >>>/qresearch/11321171, >>>/qresearch/11321559, >>>/qresearch/11321561 Those who scream the loudest..,

>>>/qresearch/11321163 New General Flynn Tweet: "Over the next Seven Days.."

>>>/qresearch/11321165, >>>/qresearch/11321195, >>>/qresearch/11321248 Head of Philly Police was head of Portland police Last year,

>>>/qresearch/11321231, >>>/qresearch/11321249 More info on discovered Adrenochrome site from yesterday,

>>>/qresearch/11321251, >>>/qresearch/11321257 Left attacks Trump over Chicago Real Estate dealings, DJT response

>>>/qresearch/11321299 Skippy "nervous but hopeful" about next weeks' elections

>>>/qresearch/11321309 Fauci praises Victorian attitude to mask wearing

>>>/qresearch/11321336 New morning POTUS Tweet!

>>>/qresearch/11321364 Jews shooed from Philadelphia riots


>>>/qresearch/11321368 See something? Say something!

>>>/qresearch/11321396 Today, Big Tech Execs will testify on SM Regulations

>>>/qresearch/11321408 Operation Autumn Hope: 45 missing children recovered in human trafficking sting.

>>>/qresearch/11321435 Anon weighs in on Q / Bobulinski matter

>>>/qresearch/11321437, >>>/qresearch/11321492, >>>/qresearch/11321530, >>>/qresearch/11321674 PF,

>>>/qresearch/11321441 New DJT Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11321445 As expected, CNN has a TOTAL BLACKOUT on the Bobulinski Interview

>>>/qresearch/11321487 New Dan Scavino tweet

>>>/qresearch/11321652 "OMG there's more!!!" DJT Jr. Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11321723 #14461

(21 notables, 32 posts, 36 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:06 a.m. No.35494   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11324825 Q Research General #14466: Hashes to Ashes Edition

Created 281720ZOCT20



>>>/qresearch/11324902 usda-farmers-families-food-box-program-reaches-20-million-boxes


>>>/qresearch/11324923 Notables #14465 #14464

>>>/qresearch/11324926 finger lakes Large Solar Array

>>>/qresearch/11324936, >>>/qresearch/11324939 warning that you can not sell any firearms via a private sale unless you have a FFL licens

>>>/qresearch/11324944 anon self notable?

>>>/qresearch/11324947 How did Pelosi get rich

>>>/qresearch/11324951 Delta Red October

>>>/qresearch/11324973 hillary-clinton-pelosi-ready-to-unleash-liberal-tsunami-after-biden-win

>>>/qresearch/11325010 Baker Change

>>>/qresearch/11325021 digfag we-playing-right-into-their-plan

>>>/qresearch/11325022 Happy Birthday to the Royal Marine Corps! OORA -o7

>>>/qresearch/11325068 Hunter Biden Email Reveals ‘Wiring Instructions’ For ‘Spy Chief of China’ Patrick Ho #LaptopFromHell

>>>/qresearch/11325071, >>>/qresearch/11325077 MSM FUCKERY FAILS


>>>/qresearch/11325108 Pope Francis sparks criticism as he goes maskless at public event day

>>>/qresearch/11325125 30 Pictures That Define Joe Biden's Career

>>>/qresearch/11325128 Philadelphia PD ordered officers not to arrest rioters and looters

>>>/qresearch/11325129 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/11325141 Marsha Blackburn Calls Out Google CEO Sundar Pichai over Suppression of Breitbart News


>>>/qresearch/11325186 Rudy Giuliani Threatens To Walk Out During Interview With Fox

>>>/qresearch/11325189 Twitter now promoting election delays

>>>/qresearch/11325193 ANON THEORY



>>>/qresearch/11325213 German COVID-19 test lab produces slew of false positives

>>>/qresearch/11325244, >>>/qresearch/11325291 IT's HABBENING ~ 5 unnamed arrests!!! (HOLY SHIT HAPPENING>)

>>>/qresearch/11325246 Female prisoner suing UK govt after claiming sexual assault by transgender inmate

>>>/qresearch/11325263 6-facts-about-hunter-bidens-business-dealings-in-china/

>>>/qresearch/11325267 Scotland’s justice minister wants to punish citizens over ‘insulting’ conversations AT HOME

>>>/qresearch/11325284 China looks to Mongolia for coking coal after banning Australian imports

>>>/qresearch/11325285 Three_Red_Banners




>>>/qresearch/11325341 The Current Head of the SDNY, Audrey Strauss, Behind the Abusive Bannon and Kolfage Indictments, Is a Lifelong Democrat Donor

>>>/qresearch/11325353 Ted Nugent SHREDS National Anthem at Trump Muskegon, MI rally 10/17/20

>>>/qresearch/11325354 qfag proof?

>>>/qresearch/11325386 POTUS LIVE

>>>/qresearch/11325394 THE INVISIBLE ENEMY: CHAPTER 1

>>>/qresearch/11325409 eight-individuals-charged-conspiring-act-illegal-agents-people-s-republic-china

>>>/qresearch/11325426 The 15 Silicon Valley millionaires spending the most to beat Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/11325427 clockfag proof

>>>/qresearch/11325434 Justice Department moves to protect election in Western Washington

>>>/qresearch/11325449 Coronavirus-Chinese-virologist-said-COVID-19-lab-reveals-mothers-arrest.html


>>>/qresearch/11325469 BLM is Rioting in Philly for Man Who Held a Gun to a Woman’s Head, Awaiting Trial For Threatening to Shoot Another



>>>/qresearch/11325498 Jack Dorsey came across as an absolute mental patient in his Senate testimony

>>>/qresearch/11325519 Interesting way to force the issue.

>>>/qresearch/11325522 Nevada Trucking Association, Retail Association of Nevada & Associated Builders and Contractors endorse President Trump for re-election.

(53 notables, 56 posts, 57 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:07 a.m. No.35495   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11321740 Q Research General #14462: Happy Anniversary, Q! Edition

Created 281315ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11321810, >>>/qresearch/11321837 Media (purposely?) misrepresenting COVID data?,

>>>/qresearch/11321820 Hunter Biden half naked next to a MINOR?!!?

>>>/qresearch/11321920, >>>/qresearch/11321937, >>>/qresearch/11321958, >>>/qresearch/11321966 Motivational Videos





>>>/qresearch/11321939, >>>/qresearch/11322016, >>>/qresearch/11322204, >>>/qresearch/11322342 PF,

>>>/qresearch/11321970 WATCH Today 11:00 am ET: The Department of Justice to Hold a Virtual Press Conference on a Number of China Related Arrests

>>>/qresearch/11321982 GNEWS: Next Drop, Hidden by Trump's side, Steven Terner Mnuchin Worked With the CCP to control Wall Street and distrupt Trump's anti CCP progress.

>>>/qresearch/11321999, >>>/qresearch/11322076 Scavino Tweet further investigated,

>>>/qresearch/11322078 Saudi Arabia reports budget deficit of nearly $11 billion

>>>/qresearch/11322117 Skippy's stressed out over the election.. please be considerate


>>>/qresearch/11322118 Links to Big Tech testimony

>>>/qresearch/11322126 Has it been 3 years already . . ?

>>>/qresearch/11322131 Digging deeper into the Deep State

>>>/qresearch/11322270 Does this have something to do with Hunter's Fingers Lake Tattoo?

>>>/qresearch/11322498 #14462

(14 notables, 22 posts, 28 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:07 a.m. No.35496   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11323243 Q Research General #14464: Reminder We are Here to Support POTUS Edition

Created 281525ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11323324 Deepstate is the virus?

>>>/qresearch/11323341 Any update on the DOJ/FBI presser?

>>>/qresearch/11323365 CNN going full retard on hospital capacity.


>>>/qresearch/11323370 bill-maher-under-fire

>>>/qresearch/11323385 natalie.webm


>>>/qresearch/11323389 FLYNN DOJ response to Judge Sullivan

>>>/qresearch/11323404 eight-individuals-charged-conspiring-act-

>>>/qresearch/11323409 Hunter Biden Pictures of Himself Disrobed and Exposed With Certain Minor

>>>/qresearch/11323439 Body Language: Tony Bobulinski, Biden China FBI


>>>/qresearch/11323459 google-joe-biden-corruption-burisma-autocomplate

>>>/qresearch/11323483 us-embassy-in-saudi-arabia-warns-of-potential-missile-attack

>>>/qresearch/11323495, >>>/qresearch/11323505 DOJ: "HUNTERS BECAME THE HUNTED"



>>>/qresearch/11323545 Eight Individuals Charged With Conspiring to Act as Illegal Agents of the People’s Republic of China

>>>/qresearch/11323556 ny-brooklyn-protests-philadelphia-shooting-

>>>/qresearch/11323568 Polling Averages

>>>/qresearch/11323587, >>>/qresearch/11324136 Catherine Herridge @CBS_Herridge

>>>/qresearch/11323594 Pres. Trump visits farmer's market in Bangor, Maine

>>>/qresearch/11323610 POLL POSITION

>>>/qresearch/11323623 Facebook, Twitter and Google CEOs testify before Senate

>>>/qresearch/11323648 Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security

VIDEO - 'Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security [Channel: RonPaulLibertyReport]

>>>/qresearch/11323675 experts-now-saying-dont-mail-your-ballot

>>>/qresearch/11323720 Melania Trump slams the Democrats:

>>>/qresearch/11323787 Happy 3 Years, Q and anons

>>>/qresearch/11323802 cnns-oliver-darcy-beclowns-self

>>>/qresearch/11323836, >>>/qresearch/11324068 Veritas Drop: Moar Texas Vote Fraud


>>>/qresearch/11323840 BREAKING: Ballot Chaser Reveals MASSIVE Voter Fraud To Elect @JoeBiden


>>>/qresearch/11323851 CALL FOR POLL FLIPPING

>>>/qresearch/11323896 schumann report


>>>/qresearch/11323996 Your patriotism is truly inspiring!


>>>/qresearch/11324003 Guild Holdings sold by McCarthy Partners, LLC: $68.72m-Oct 26

>>>/qresearch/11324004 Hi IQanon Post

>>>/qresearch/11324017 Alek Skarlatos and two friends thwarted an attack by a gunman

>>>/qresearch/11324047 We are the news now

>>>/qresearch/11324057 Bitter Hillary slips up

>>>/qresearch/11324085 PlaneFag Reports

>>>/qresearch/11324108 De-facedcomms

>>>/qresearch/11324127 I suspect that Jack Dorsey has lost control of Twitter.

>>>/qresearch/11324138, >>>/qresearch/11324162 3 hours, 8 minutes till 3-year Q delta:


>>>/qresearch/11324154 Beverly Hills March

>>>/qresearch/11324168 Hunter Biden and Lobbyist Named in IRS Complaint Against National Security Non-Profit Where They Both Served on Board

(44 notables, 48 posts, 59 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:08 a.m. No.35497   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11323290 Q Research General #14465: Foxhunt3rs Edition

Created 281528ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11323362 DJT highlights Twitter's dual standards

>>>/qresearch/11323400, >>>/qresearch/11323571 DOJ report on arrests,

>>>/qresearch/11323529 HOW TO TELL IF A BREAD IS FAKE

>>>/qresearch/11323537 More dual standards by Twitter's @jack

>>>/qresearch/11323576 Has anyone identified the PI?

>>>/qresearch/11323711 Catherine Herridge update on Flynn

>>>/qresearch/11323984, >>>/qresearch/11324595 Veritas latest video: there's cash in votes. Buy one for 5 to 8 dollars,


>>>/qresearch/11324092 DOJ Presser: "The Hunters became the hunted"

>>>/qresearch/11324216 BobulinsQi?


>>>/qresearch/11324356 DJT: Media and Big Tech are not covering Biden Corruption!

>>>/qresearch/11324407 Need Autist eyes on this one

>>>/qresearch/11324483, >>>/qresearch/11324572 PF Catch?,

>>>/qresearch/11324542, >>>/qresearch/11324632, >>>/qresearch/11324675 Ted Cruz grills @jack for power abuse,

>>>/qresearch/11324561 Dubious Transactions || Sichuan Chemical and Prospect Global || Devon Archer, Hunter Biden, Christoper Heinz, John Kerry ||

>>>/qresearch/11324584, >>>/qresearch/11324641 More proof of Biden Corruption: veto'ing stricter governance in favor of own business,

>>>/qresearch/11324645 Hunter Email Reveals ‘Wiring Instructions’ for ‘Spy Chief of China’

>>>/qresearch/11324648 Stimulus pack did what it meant to do: "Business was booming because of it!"

>>>/qresearch/11324660 1 WEEK UNTIL ELECTIONS

>>>/qresearch/11324693 Big Tech's Double Standards

>>>/qresearch/11324702 More attempts to steal the Texas Vote.

>>>/qresearch/11324753 #14464

>>>/qresearch/11324813 Libretarian Donald Rainwater also wins 2nd Indiana debate

>>>/qresearch/11324816 #14465

(23 notables, 29 posts, 39 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:08 a.m. No.35498   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11325557 Q Research General #14467: Justice is Coming Edition

Created 281811ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11325646 Trump vs Biden crowd size

>>>/qresearch/11325666 Leaving Las Vegas? Sheldon Adelson Explores $6BN Sale Of Vegas Casinos

>>>/qresearch/11325671 China’s communist government is preparing to file treason charges against a former official who sought political asylum at the U.S. consulate

>>>/qresearch/11325673 Baking Seminar #38 for all anons

>>>/qresearch/11325678 For the Keks

>>>/qresearch/11325686 Man Sentenced for Posing As Covert CIA Officer in Elaborate $4 Million Fraud



>>>/qresearch/11325696 Facebook, Google Pledged $700M to ‘Buy Off the Press’ Since 2018

>>>/qresearch/11325705 You can now tweet the MY Post Hunter story SPREAD IT EVERYWHERE

>>>/qresearch/11325711, >>>/qresearch/11325712 30 DAY SOCIAL MEDIA OPERATION #TakeTheHouse Vote All Dem Leaders Out, ALL!

>>>/qresearch/11325714 MUH COVID

>>>/qresearch/11325730 Obama-Era Officials Call for More Government Control of Your Facebook Feed

>>>/qresearch/11325758 US Commander: Troops Can Be Sent to Defend Senkaku Islands

>>>/qresearch/11325774 China’s Top Censor Orders Another Crackdown On Dissent

>>>/qresearch/11325775 PF

>>>/qresearch/11325827 Finger lakes, mini bun

>>>/qresearch/11326386 #14467

(17 notables, 18 posts, 19 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:09 a.m. No.35499   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11326208 Q Research General #14468: Still Can't Find A Decent Baker Edition

Created 281856ZOCT20



>>>/qresearch/11326588 EU Continues Its Shutdown

>>>/qresearch/11326607 Not my fault, Im Poor

>>>/qresearch/11326618 FBI agents voiced their support Wednesday for embattled Director Christopher Wray

>>>/qresearch/11326654 Spanish Doctors Stage First Walkout In 25 Years To Protest Government’s New COVID-19 Order

>>>/qresearch/11326676 SF DA Chesa Boudin surveys crime victims on how to make life easier for their attackers

>>>/qresearch/11326677 O'Keefe twitter

>>>/qresearch/11326696 QAnon learns to survive — and even thrive — after Silicon Valley’s crackdown

>>>/qresearch/11326717 Twitter Election Fuckery

>>>/qresearch/11326748 ‘The Biden Five’: The Definitive Breakdown of One of America’s Most Corrupt Families

>>>/qresearch/11326769 Keith Olbermann wants President Trump arrested

>>>/qresearch/11326809 After Peddling Trump-Russia Hit-Pieces Before 2016 Election - MSM Totally Ignores Bobulinski Bombshells On Bidens

>>>/qresearch/11326851 Democrat Georgia State Representative Vernon Jones is calling out liberal media

>>>/qresearch/11326867, >>>/qresearch/11326932, >>>/qresearch/11326994 Ex-Homeland Security Official Caught as Anon

>>>/qresearch/11326874 Declassified CIA documents confirm Hillary created the Russia interference narrative in 2016

>>>/qresearch/11326887 Two FEC Nominations

>>>/qresearch/11327006 PF Report

>>>/qresearch/11327025 Bannon Doc Dump Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11327049 #14468

(19 notables, 21 posts, 31 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:09 a.m. No.35500   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11327102 Q Research General #14469: Who was Anonymous?

Created 282008ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11327169 baker changed

>>>/qresearch/11327175 General Flynn tweets 3 "4's" yesterday

>>>/qresearch/11327183, >>>/qresearch/11327184 President Trump supports friendly nations against illegal Chinese fishing pt 1 & pt 11

>>>/qresearch/11327200 U.S. Marines with CLB-8 recently participated in an Advanced Motorized Operators course

>>>/qresearch/11327214, >>>/qresearch/11327220, >>>/qresearch/11327225, >>>/qresearch/11327359 Any planefags wanna chime in on what POTUS was pointing at?


>>>/qresearch/11327229 Miles Taylor? That’s who the New York Times granted an anonymous editorial article?


>>>/qresearch/11327238 CDC report says vast majority of Americans have actually been wearing face masks since spring

>>>/qresearch/11327240 clockfag report

>>>/qresearch/11327243 "Donald Trump will be history by 8:45pm Eastern time on Tuesday night."

>>>/qresearch/11327247 USPS worker charged with dumping ballots, as mail carriers perform extra trips before Election Day



>>>/qresearch/11327256 Save the Children Action Network President with Hunter Biden

>>>/qresearch/11327258 Handoff confirmed

>>>/qresearch/11327279 the-story-of-pope-benedicts-infamous-red-shoes-which-he-will-give-up

>>>/qresearch/11327285 This is not a photoshop. Oregon's public health authority announced COVID deaths in clown makeup.


>>>/qresearch/11327286 In the interview Tony Bobulinski said his relative pass away at 6:38

>>>/qresearch/11327300 Rudd denies knowledge of Epstein's $650k donation

>>>/qresearch/11327305, >>>/qresearch/11327340 U.S. Senate battlegrounds, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11327323 Khamenei 'raises doubts about the Holocaust'

>>>/qresearch/11327330 Philadelphia requests National Guard aid

>>>/qresearch/11327334 There is ‘rank dishonesty’ about Hydroxychloroquine: Alan Jones

>>>/qresearch/11327341 BREAKING: Candidate for Chief Justice, 4th Court of Appeals Judge

>>>/qresearch/11327370 note taker

>>>/qresearch/11327384 Teed up for SCOTUS ruling on PA

>>>/qresearch/11327393 White House Lists ‘Ending the COVID-19 Pandemic’ as Trump Accomplishment

>>>/qresearch/11327401 DO NOT ADD /abcu/ to Dough. removed

>>>/qresearch/11327428 /LB According to POTUS will be Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota on Friday (see pics) and no events with POTUS Saturday…

>>>/qresearch/11327450 notetaker

>>>/qresearch/11327496 You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy.


>>>/qresearch/11327522 Textbook example of a blue falcon.

>>>/qresearch/11327572 Journalist Who Exposed Planned Parenthood: Kamala Harris Weaponized Her Office to Punish Me on Behalf of Her Donors

>>>/qresearch/11327600 "I will fully comply with any investigation into this matter.

>>>/qresearch/11327644 House To Consider Authorizing 'Mother Of All Bombs' Sale To Israel

>>>/qresearch/11327697 Don’t let @nytimes off the hook

>>>/qresearch/11327706 Bermuda-Based, Democrat-Tied Dark Money Machine Aids Dems In 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/11327707 planefagging

>>>/qresearch/11327710 New Covid-19 video on whistleblower

>>>/qresearch/11327714 Pittsburgh-Watch the water

>>>/qresearch/11327740 Florida Governor’s voter file hacked, preventing him from voting. Suspect arrested.

>>>/qresearch/11327777 Q's job is not to reassure us. kek speaks

>>>/qresearch/11327794 HUNTER's LAPTOP ROSEMONT SENECA

>>>/qresearch/11327842 #14469

(43 notables, 48 posts, 64 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:09 a.m. No.35501   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11327854 Q Research General #14470: Philly - National Gurd Requested

Created 282103ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11327924 Ron Desantis’ voter file hacked, preventing him from voting.

>>>/qresearch/11327944, >>>/qresearch/11327967 Autists found Huma Abedin's secret Twitter and Youtube account.

>>>/qresearch/11327962, >>>/qresearch/11328085 The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has SUCCESSFULLY verified all materials reviewed so far from Hunter Biden's ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski.

>>>/qresearch/11327997 This is what all the indoctrination on television, in public schools, and on social media is doing to the youth.

>>>/qresearch/11328066 Texas Attorney General Investigating Voter Fraud Operation Following Project Veritas Exposé

>>>/qresearch/11328083, >>>/qresearch/11328271, >>>/qresearch/11328479 Hillary Clinton to vote as member of New York’s Electoral College

>>>/qresearch/11328101 Rangers, Green Berets Showing Interest in New Nonlethal M4 Carbine, Firm Says


>>>/qresearch/11328130 Former Navy chief convicted for Bahrain sex crimes faces new rape allegations

>>>/qresearch/11328166 Statement from Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband Commemorating the Twentieth Anniversary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act

>>>/qresearch/11328177 disneyland covid issues

>>>/qresearch/11328191 Socialist presidential candidate accuses Dems of enabling Trump, puts both major US parties on blast as serving ‘the ruling class’

>>>/qresearch/11328199 Jeff Bezos 'has held zero talks' about buying CNN despite Wall Street speculation

>>>/qresearch/11328291 Man Sentenced for Posing As Covert CIA Officer in Elaborate $4 Million Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11328403, >>>/qresearch/11328506 BREAKING: F-16 jets intercepted unknown aircraft flying over Trump’s rally in Arizona—flares deployed to signal to unknown aircraft an exit of restricted airspace is required. (NORAD)

>>>/qresearch/11328412 PETA Demands Federal Prison Accommodate Ghislaine Maxwell’s Vegan Diet

>>>/qresearch/11328489 anybody posted Snowman yet?

>>>/qresearch/11328507, >>>/qresearch/11328842 NY Gov. Cuomo Reaped $6.2 Million In Campaign Cash From 347 State Vendors Who Pocketed $7 Billion Since 2014

>>>/qresearch/11328590 Byron York's Daily Memo: Another sign of intensity for Trump in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11328730 “Unless the US stops printing money, the dollar will collapse.”

>>>/qresearch/11328783 SILVER DUMP

>>>/qresearch/11328850 Gen Flynn twat 10/27

>>>/qresearch/11328899 Planefag

>>>/qresearch/11328902 Roanoke VA shooting

>>>/qresearch/11328912 FinCEN wants to clamp down on small payments fueling crime

>>>/qresearch/11328917 "watch the jesse waters - Tony Bobulinski was an ex submarine commande

>>>/qresearch/11328930 Phone Reveals Moldova-Russian Connections

>>>/qresearch/11329083 Substandard Print Quality on Mail-in Ballots Causes Issues for Tarrant County (TX) Elections

>>>/qresearch/11329140 Disparities in Harris County (TX) Election Tallies Prompt Inquiry From State

>>>/qresearch/11329210 144669, #14470 (BS), #14470 (bs)

(30 notables, 36 posts, 43 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:10 a.m. No.35502   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11327849 Q Research General #11470: Back In the Saddle with a big 'Ole Paddle Edition

Created 282103ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11327917 Miles Taylor praised Trump in letter

>>>/qresearch/11327999 SNOW ON THE GROUND

>>>/qresearch/11328038 Eight Individuals Charged With Conspiring to Act as Illegal Agents of China

>>>/qresearch/11328074 Fight the Good Fight - Triumph

VIDEO - Triumph- Fight the Good Fight (Lyrics). [Channel: Anna Sky]

>>>/qresearch/11328129 Oregon health official announces COVID-19 death toll dressed as clown

>>>/qresearch/11328226 CA Church Fined, ‘Harassed’ by County After Suing Newsom for Covid Closures of ‘Nonessential’

>>>/qresearch/11328243, >>>/qresearch/11328279, >>>/qresearch/11328365 Senate Committee Successfully Verifies All Bobulinski Materials Reviewed To Date


>>>/qresearch/11328314 Supreme Court won't expedite Republican request to stop extended deadline for receiving mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11328349, >>>/qresearch/11328361, >>>/qresearch/11328413 Dow sinks more than 900 points for its worst drop since June amid rising virus cases globally

>>>/qresearch/11328379 PA Fracking

>>>/qresearch/11328438 FAKE NEWS Miles Taylor Admits He Was ‘Anonymous’ WH Official Behind NYT ‘Resistance’ Op-ed

>>>/qresearch/11328632 PF

>>>/qresearch/11328656 ‘Joe Biden Corruption’ Trends on Google – But Google Whitewashes Autocomplete Suggestions

>>>/qresearch/11328668 "There's Enough Evidence to Indict Joe Biden!" Started 18 minutes ago

>>>/qresearch/11328673 POTUS on Miles Taylor

>>>/qresearch/11328778 PF ANON

>>>/qresearch/11328814 LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Phoenix, AZ 10-28-20

>>>/qresearch/11328861 AF2 leaving Wassau, Wisconsin

>>>/qresearch/11328863 New Mexico to begin COVID-19 spot testing at restaurants

>>>/qresearch/11329120 Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense Joe Biden PARTNERED With Chinese COMMUNISTS For $30M

(20 notables, 24 posts, 24 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:10 a.m. No.35503   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11330216 Q Research General #14472: Learning to Count Edition

Created 282333ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11330277 Kamala Harris Calls for ‘Reckoning on Racial Injustice in America

>>>/qresearch/11330315 They all knew Hunter was fucking Natalie and let it slide

>>>/qresearch/11330320 Mystery 'recruiter' for Jeffrey Epstein - Rina Oh speaks out for first time

>>>/qresearch/11330355 Twitter is running a blackmail operation — cooperate or no traffic for you

>>>/qresearch/11330372 Bill de Blasio is trying to kill Mets sale to Steve Cohen

>>>/qresearch/11330376 Moments ago I asked AG Barr why he hasn’t looked at Hunter Biden’s laptop

>>>/qresearch/11330421 Major lawsuits coming for political tyrants who used coronavirus to steal freedom, destroy lives

>>>/qresearch/11330461 Are You One Of 1.52 Million Toyota, Lexus Owners Affected By This Latest Recall?

>>>/qresearch/11330486 Gen Flynn's 444 poast possibility

>>>/qresearch/11330506 Here you go. He’s in other photos with you in the Oval Office. I’m sure you’ve heard of him. 5:55 PM · Oct 28, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

>>>/qresearch/11330518, >>>/qresearch/11330723 Why Jews Were Kicked Out of 132 Countries, 1,030 Times

>>>/qresearch/11330520 Trump Draws Thousands to Campaign Rallies in Arizona, Kamala Harris Draws ‘Approximately 100’

>>>/qresearch/11330555 We out here gettin' trips, being Planefags

>>>/qresearch/11330565 The same Chinese dissident group who released the Hunter/Joe Biden leaks are now claiming to have dirt on former British Prime Minister David Cameron, his family AND current PM Boris Johnson!!! And those leaks may be coming in the near future!


>>>/qresearch/11330582 US to let citizens born in Jerusalem list Israel on their passports — report

>>>/qresearch/11330627 Philadelphia DA warns President Trump on election poll-watchers: 'Break the law here, and I've got something for you.'

>>>/qresearch/11330655 Supreme Court punts again on whether Pa. can count ballots after Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11330657 Whitmer kidnap plotter also wanted to hang Trump, other politicians, FBI says

>>>/qresearch/11330686 US Charges 8 in Alleged Beijing-Run Plot to Coerce Citizens into Returning to China

>>>/qresearch/11330744 Is Transmutation Nuclear “Molecular” Physics, 12 December 2006 High Energy Workshop Slides

>>>/qresearch/11330778 Congressional Correspondence with the Department of the Navy

>>>/qresearch/11330819 Daily Caller: Senate Homeland Security chair won’t have Bobulinski testify before election

>>>/qresearch/11330889 Tucker Reveals Biden Documents from Bobulinski were Stolen!

>>>/qresearch/11330908 Earlier today, we shared a post highlighting the five women who have been appointed to the Supreme Court.

>>>/qresearch/11330913 The Curse of Canaan

>>>/qresearch/11330915 144669, #14470 (BS), #14470 (bs)

>>>/qresearch/11330933 We found the Liar on Anderson Coopers show on CNN

(27 notables, 28 posts, 43 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:10 a.m. No.35504   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11329247 Q Research General #14471: Emergency Anibake Editiion

Created 282224ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11329324 Maine Dem Gideon Bails on Senate Debate

>>>/qresearch/11329330 Miles Taylor Denies Being ‘Anonymous’ in August CNN Appearance — ‘I Wear a Mask for Two Things … Halloween and Pandemics’

>>>/qresearch/11329345 Fuck Your Feelings song, because it is a fresh and good song.

>>>/qresearch/11329352 Bobo had a Q clearance…


>>>/qresearch/11329356 Crazy and Corrupt Judge Emmet Sullivan Who’s Busy ‘Prosecuting’ General Flynn with His Own ‘Special Counsel’ Now Believes He’s ‘US Postmaster General’

>>>/qresearch/11329359 Texas voters have to wear masks while voting despite Gov. Greg Abbott's exemption, federal judge rules

>>>/qresearch/11329362 The Plan for Post-Election Chaos, Trump vs Biden Optics

>>>/qresearch/11329364 A raid on an illegal cockfight ended with a Filipino officer being fatally wounded by one of the birds' metal spurs

>>>/qresearch/11329369 Florida woman in labor showed up to vote, refused go to hospital until she cast her ballot

>>>/qresearch/11329373 Right-wingers are usually pushovers and it's been easy to force our agenda onto them…but they've gone into beastmode

>>>/qresearch/11329376 The Hidden Tyranny


>>>/qresearch/11329388 Listen to Q. Trust the Plan. Your VOICE and VOTE matter.

>>>/qresearch/11329389 "This is not a drill," said the mayor of New Orleans

>>>/qresearch/11329396 Former President of Nuclear Transportation Company Sentenced to Prison for Foreign Bribery and Other Offenses

>>>/qresearch/11329400, >>>/qresearch/11329420 Ron Jeremy Sexual Assault


>>>/qresearch/11329426, >>>/qresearch/11329888 -POTUS LIVE!

>>>/qresearch/11329446 This is the guy who was transporting the uranium to Canada in the Uranium One case!

>>>/qresearch/11329451 We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11329462 REPORT: Senate Homeland Security Committee Has Verified ALL MATERIALS Reviewed so far from Former Biden Associate Tony Bobulinski


>>>/qresearch/11329555 October 28, 1944 #Ukraine was finally liberated by the #RedArmy from the #German invaders. The liberators were officers and men of various ethnic groups and from all republics in the #SovietUnion.

>>>/qresearch/11329692 FCC Commissioner: Dorsey trying to scare those who want to reform Section 230

>>>/qresearch/11329705 'A green light to crime': Major U.S. city considers excusing poor and mentally ill people from criminal charges

>>>/qresearch/11329715, >>>/qresearch/11329837 #BREAKING: F-16 Fighter Jet Intercepted Plane Over President Trump's Rally Today In Bullhead City, Arizona


>>>/qresearch/11329756 Expensify CEO Tells 10 Million Customers To Vote For Biden Or Face Possible ‘Civil War.’ Clients Pummel Him.

>>>/qresearch/11329770 With CNN Contract, Another ‘Resistance’ Leaker Cashed In On Anti-Trump Vendetta

>>>/qresearch/11329798 ‘The Biden Five’: The Definitive Breakdown of One of America’s Most Corrupt Families

>>>/qresearch/11329808 Air Combat Command Tweets, 'Hey, come closer…..Wanna know a secret?'

>>>/qresearch/11329811 Endowed by the Creator: Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Peter Berkowitz on Our Unalienable Rights

>>>/qresearch/11329854 Twitter, Facebook Confess There Is No Evidence Of Russian Disinformation Behind Hunter Biden Story

>>>/qresearch/11329861 U.S. Military Says Fighter Jet Intercepted Private Plane Over Trump’s Arizona Rally

>>>/qresearch/11329869 THOSE WHO KNOW CAN'T SLEEP.

>>>/qresearch/11329884 Please never forget France DID help us! Bagettes of Freedom and French Fries

>>>/qresearch/11329891 Texas Heroes Rail Against Biden Gun-Control Plans

>>>/qresearch/11329915 Sep 7 2018 , NYT "Anon" source , "Sleeper Cells"

>>>/qresearch/11329921 South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Leaves Trump Event Unharmed After Man Brandishes Weapon

>>>/qresearch/11329960, >>>/qresearch/11330087 132 Countries Kicked The Jews Out and Did It 1,030 Times Over 2 Millennia

>>>/qresearch/11330031 ‘Ripe for error’: Ballot signature verification is flawed — and a big factor in the election

>>>/qresearch/11330051 Hours after Lightfoot announces new COVID-19 restrictions, Birx warns during Chicago visit that closing public spaces won't be enough

>>>/qresearch/11330058 General Flynn tweets 3 "4's" yesterday…

>>>/qresearch/11330063 [Exclusive] Devin Nunes: The Man Behind the Explosive Memo

>>>/qresearch/11330064 More Than 100 Arrests, 100 Survivors in Ohio's Biggest Human Trafficking Sting

>>>/qresearch/11330104 Why the Addition of QAnon Believers to Congress Should Terrify Us All

>>>/qresearch/11330125 In Arizona President Trump Declares US Will Be First to Land a Man on Mars and Maybe a Woman – Attendee Blurts Out Who to Send…

>>>/qresearch/11330127 Kamala, we will all see you Friday.

>>>/qresearch/11330137 POTUS making Anime Real Again (laffs)

>>>/qresearch/11330139 Double-voting probed in Monte Sereno: What stops someone from casting ballots in two states?

>>>/qresearch/11330144 OREGON HEALTH OFFICIAL COVID Deaths Not Funny …

>>>/qresearch/11330210 14471

VIDEO - Nightcore - Waves [Channel: Nightcore Tobi]

(50 notables, 54 posts, 64 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:11 a.m. No.35505   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11332410 Q Research General #14475 Think For Yourself EdIItion

Created 290136ZOCT20



>>>/qresearch/11332578, >>>/qresearch/11332582, >>>/qresearch/11332583, >>>/qresearch/11332586, >>>/qresearch/11332592, >>>/qresearch/11332608, >>>/qresearch/11332672, >>>/qresearch/11332705, >>>/qresearch/11332729 JQ

VIDEO - Edomite Canaanites Full [Channel: Freedom OfSpeech]

VIDEO - BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR MCDONALD'S (DVD) feat Zionist [Channel: Dig Rabbit]

VIDEO - Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews [Channel: Lucky Larry Platinumstein]

>>>/qresearch/11332668, >>>/qresearch/11332718, >>>/qresearch/11332758, >>>/qresearch/11332782 Satanic panic division narrative meltdown on 8kun


>>>/qresearch/11332685 How a "diabolical" former DEA staffer conned the intelligence community

>>>/qresearch/11332721 PDF files ofQ poststo end of Sept. 2020

>>>/qresearch/11332726 Hunter Biden and wife Melissa Cohen go hiking with their baby boy

>>>/qresearch/11332746 Supreme Court Rejects GOP Appeal, Allows Democrats to Extend North Carolina Vote-by-Mail Deadline

>>>/qresearch/11332774 We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11333278 (You)

(9 notables, 20 posts, 41 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:11 a.m. No.35506   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11331037 Q Research General #14473: 1 Bard / 11 Sorcerer / 5 Rogue Edition

Created 290028ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11331054, >>>/qresearch/11331056, >>>/qresearch/11331064, >>>/qresearch/11331072, >>>/qresearch/11331105, >>>/qresearch/11331250, >>>/qresearch/11331267, >>>/qresearch/11331381, >>>/qresearch/11331397, >>>/qresearch/11331541 JQ

VIDEO - The Curse of Canaan (Eustace Mullins) Audiobook - [Channel: Counter Intuitive]

VIDEO - BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR MCDONALD'S (DVD) feat Zionist [Channel: Dig Rabbit]

VIDEO - Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews [Channel: Lucky Larry Platinumstein]

VIDEO - Invasion of Zionist million dollar troll army [Channel: Haitham Abdelhadi]

>>>/qresearch/11331069 Physicists Discover Strange New Magnetoelectric Effect

>>>/qresearch/11331079 Biden campaign is PAYING to promote a NYT article defending Biden

>>>/qresearch/11331114 Mexican president blasts European leaders for ‘authoritarian urge’ over harsh Covid-19 lockdowns

>>>/qresearch/11331198 CNBC's Shepard Smith: "Is it time for the [national mask] mandate, Dr. Fauci? We lean on you for advice. Do we need a national mandate, or not?"

>>>/qresearch/11331228, >>>/qresearch/11331451 Schumann has been going nuts for the last 7 and a half hours

>>>/qresearch/11331249 Philadelphia imposes citywide curfew after 2 nights of riots over police shooting of knife-wielding black man

>>>/qresearch/11331258 BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Tells Viewers a Package with Biden Documents Sent By Producer from NY to LA Was Tampered with and Contents Went Missing (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11331386 SATANIC PANIC SHILL MELTDOWN

>>>/qresearch/11331399 Redpill Vol. 1: The Spectrum of Corruption [11m06s]

>>>/qresearch/11331442 A Key Source for Steele Dossier Was an Alcoholic Female Lawyer Living In Cyprus Who He'd Known Since 8th Grade

>>>/qresearch/11331482 Mainland Chinese Dare to Openly Criticize the Chinese Communist Party

>>>/qresearch/11331595 Gulf Cartel Armored Vehicle Tech near Texas Border Improves

>>>/qresearch/11331626 Ongoing Investigation into Violent White Supremacist Gang Results in Rico Indictmnt and Additional Charges against Members and Associates

>>>/qresearch/11331660 The Ozone Hole Over Antarctica Has Grown Much Deeper And Wider in 2020

>>>/qresearch/11331674 That's the angry malicious Cyber-stalker C.W. CHANTER, alias Benjamin Zavodnick.

>>>/qresearch/11331677 Hunters became the hunted

(17 notables, 27 posts, 39 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:11 a.m. No.35507   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11331755 Q Research General #14474 What is Zionism and why are so many Jews against it? Edition

Created 290107ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11331799, >>>/qresearch/11331800, >>>/qresearch/11331806, >>>/qresearch/11331819, >>>/qresearch/11331825, >>>/qresearch/11331829, >>>/qresearch/11331913, >>>/qresearch/11331919, >>>/qresearch/11332152 JQ

VIDEO - Cain, Abel, and the Enochs Exposing the Jews' Fami [Channel: Freedom OfSpeech]

VIDEO - BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR MCDONALD'S (DVD) feat Zionist [Channel: Dig Rabbit]

VIDEO - Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews [Channel: Lucky Larry Platinumstein]

VIDEO - Wikipedia - Israel's Internet Censorship War (JID [Channel: FILTHY GOYIM 2.0]

VIDEO - Invasion of Zionist million dollar troll army [Channel: Haitham Abdelhadi]

VIDEO - The Curse of Canaan (Eustace Mullins) Audiobook - [Channel: Counter Intuitive]

>>>/qresearch/11331834 King County Elections to open six Vote Center locations to assist voters

>>>/qresearch/11331887 POTUS TWEETS

>>>/qresearch/11331894 Hunter Biden’s partner the spy chief of China Patrick Ho.Hunter Biden associate emails show the deal they were working on inclued Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.Feds Obtained FISA Warrant Against Hunter Biden’s Chinese Business AssociateHow Hunter Biden helped the CCP to kill American jobs.

>>>/qresearch/11331947, >>>/qresearch/11331977, >>>/qresearch/11332016 Save the Children Action Network, Eunice Kennedy, Clinton, Bush, Cher, Oprah

>>>/qresearch/11331966 "Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, of the center-left New Zealand Labour Party, announced in a video that if people sent to the camp refuse to be tested, they will be required to remain another two weeks after their initial two-week stay."

>>>/qresearch/11331976 You know what trended on Twitter all fucking day???

>>>/qresearch/11332119 The Curse of Canaan

>>>/qresearch/11332153 From the Justice Dept tweet earlier

>>>/qresearch/11332175 PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes


>>>/qresearch/11332176 We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11332185 Rabbi Jason Sobel admits the goal is UNITY

>>>/qresearch/11332463 14474

(13 notables, 23 posts, 34 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:11 a.m. No.35508   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11333296 Q Research General #14476 Godspeed-Patriots Editionn

Created 290207ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11333364, >>>/qresearch/11333375, >>>/qresearch/11333387, >>>/qresearch/11333394, >>>/qresearch/11333430, >>>/qresearch/11333467, >>>/qresearch/11333582 JQ

VIDEO - REVEALING THE SATANIC SERPENT RACE August 18, 20 [Channel: Smyrna & Philadelphia Ministries]

VIDEO - BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR MCDONALD'S (DVD) feat Zionist [Channel: Dig Rabbit]

VIDEO - Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews [Channel: Lucky Larry Platinumstein]

VIDEO - Wikipedia - Israel's Internet Censorship War (JID [Channel: FILTHY GOYIM 2.0]

VIDEO - Invasion of Zionist million dollar troll army [Channel: Haitham Abdelhadi]

>>>/qresearch/11333423 Remember this? , ++Blunt and Direct Time++, Learn your Q[l]ues

>>>/qresearch/11333455 We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11333476 Satanic panic division narrative meltdown on 8kun!

>>>/qresearch/11333506 President Trump: "Thanks Rabbis!"

>>>/qresearch/11333573 This board used to have useful information that showed proof of the plans of the powers that be…

>>>/qresearch/11333610 -MOSSAD Q DROP

>>>/qresearch/11333739 Civil Rights Leader Rev. William Owens Endorses Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/11333850 Denver anti-hunger groups remove Trump letter from federal aid boxes

>>>/qresearch/11333853 It’s happening..

>>>/qresearch/11333889 Notably large asian tits


>>>/qresearch/11333996 Girl Scout Org. Tweet Honors 5 Women on SCOTUS, Then Swiftly Bowed to SJW Scolds

>>>/qresearch/11334008 The Hidden Tyranny


(14 notables, 20 posts, 28 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:12 a.m. No.35509   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11333990 Q Research General #14477 Sanic the Shitposter Edition

Created 290231ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11334089, >>>/qresearch/11334091, >>>/qresearch/11334097, >>>/qresearch/11334102, >>>/qresearch/11334120, >>>/qresearch/11334147 JQ

VIDEO - Edomite Canaanites Full [Channel: Freedom OfSpeech]

VIDEO - BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR MCDONALD'S (DVD) feat Zionist [Channel: Dig Rabbit]

VIDEO - Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews [Channel: Lucky Larry Platinumstein]

>>>/qresearch/11334112 Anon speaks

>>>/qresearch/11334132 Earlier today, we shared a post highlighting the five women who have been appointed to the Supreme Court. It was quickly viewed as a political and partisan statement which was not our intent and we have removed the post.

>>>/qresearch/11334143, >>>/qresearch/11334295 We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11334189 Twitch has banned all protest/riot streams and coverage. The revolution will not be livestreamed

>>>/qresearch/11334199 @RichieMcGinniss, Chief Video Director @dailycaller "acquired" #HunterBiden HD info

>>>/qresearch/11334262 Jesus is coming

>>>/qresearch/11334298 Twitter is running a blackmail operation — cooperate or no traffic for you

>>>/qresearch/11334367 Habitat loss, climate change, pesticides, hunting and a deadly disease called white-nose syndrome all threaten the survival of populations around the world.

>>>/qresearch/11334415 POTUS ROCKING OUT

>>>/qresearch/11334576 California restaurants demand state return liquor fees, other charges collected in pandemic

>>>/qresearch/11334609 That POS outed himself! @jack is a satan worshiping POS!

>>>/qresearch/11334744 #14476, #14477, #14478 - #14478, split

VIDEO - Hatsune Miku English "Addicted (revised version)" Original Song [Channel: VocaCircus]

(13 notables, 19 posts, 26 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:12 a.m. No.35510   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11334458 Q research General #14478 Anons Break Away

Created 290252ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11335084 BREAKING: Multiple US hospitals have been hit with a “coordinated” cyberattack—days before election. FBI, HHS & Homeland Security's Cybersecurity Agency warn of more possible attacks.

>>>/qresearch/11335143 JUST IN: Flint City Council member Maurice Davis, who has always voted Democrat, is supporting President Donald Trump.

>>>/qresearch/11335177 BREAKING : Phila Police discover van loaded with explosives, suspicious equipment at Logan Circle in Center City. Live report coming up at 11.

>>>/qresearch/11335185 BREAKING: Twitch banning all streams of Riots and Protests

>>>/qresearch/11335220 "#Philadelphia INCENDIARIES RECOVERED:19th and Van Franklin Parkway Propane tanks, torches and other fire-making devices recovered from looters."

>>>/qresearch/11335227, >>>/qresearch/11335263, >>>/qresearch/11335326 Someone is reading Tuckers Texts

>>>/qresearch/11335288 FOX News Reporter Confronts Jim Biden Outside his Multi-Million Dollar Home on the Biden Family Scandals

>>>/qresearch/11335353 Chinese energy company, U.S. oil & gas affiliate and Chinese national indicted for theft of trade secrets

>>>/qresearch/11335443 Fresh KEKS - Biden is compromised


>>>/qresearch/11335449 Twitter Is Shadowbanning Me, But Only for a Specific Kind of Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11335452 F-16 Fighter Jet Fires Flares at Unauthorized Aircraft Near Trump Rally

>>>/qresearch/11335464 Former President of Maryland-Based Nuclear Transportation Company Sentenced to Four Years in Federal Prison on Charges, Including Paying Bribes to Russian Official

>>>/qresearch/11335520 An investigation is underway in Philadelphia after police found a van loaded w/dynamite sticks, propane tanks and torches. The city is under heightened alert following days of mass rioting & looting inspired by BLM

>>>/qresearch/11335526 FULL RELEASE: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe – Whistleblower

>>>/qresearch/11335553 NEW POTUS TWEET

(15 notables, 17 posts, 18 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:12 a.m. No.35511   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11334814 Q Research General #14478: Senpai Watches Over Me Edition

Created 290307ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11334885, >>>/qresearch/11334928, >>>/qresearch/11334935, >>>/qresearch/11334951 JQ

VIDEO - Edomite Canaanites Full [Channel: Freedom OfSpeech]

VIDEO - BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR MCDONALD'S (DVD) feat Zionist [Channel: Dig Rabbit]

VIDEO - Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews [Channel: Lucky Larry Platinumstein]

>>>/qresearch/11334962 justice kav on FBI vault drop today

>>>/qresearch/11335120 DOJ “has opened a civil-rights investigation into NJ veterans home

>>>/qresearch/11335251 Hallie Biden is BPD/DID, etc. Her family need to be dug.

>>>/qresearch/11335697 "A senior Oregon health official donned a clown costume prior to announcing the daily death toll from coronavirus.

>>>/qresearch/11335749 Maidan

>>>/qresearch/11335795 New Unseen Emails: Does This Heated Exchange Suggest Hunter’s Deals Were Too Dirty For His Business Associate?

>>>/qresearch/11335806 SCAVINO AZ MP4


>>>/qresearch/11335948 bun of both breads

VIDEO - 【IA OFFICIAL】 Conqueror 【ARIA Live Music Video】 [Channel: 1st PLACE]

(9 notables, 12 posts, 15 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:12 a.m. No.35512   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11335908 Q Research General #14479 Hoe's Mad Edition

Created 290355ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11336040, >>>/qresearch/11336041, >>>/qresearch/11336043, >>>/qresearch/11336050, >>>/qresearch/11336058, >>>/qresearch/11336063, >>>/qresearch/11336068, >>>/qresearch/11336077, >>>/qresearch/11336106 JQ

VIDEO - SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN Full documentary 1878 - 2006 by A C Hitchcock [Channel: Jerry V]

VIDEO - BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR MCDONALD'S (DVD) feat Zionist [Channel: Dig Rabbit]

VIDEO - Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews [Channel: Lucky Larry Platinumstein]

>>>/qresearch/11336044 BEST ENDORSEMENT FOR DONALD TRUMP 10-28-2020

>>>/qresearch/11336100 This DOJ statement is all Uranium One (TENEX/ROSATOM) related

>>>/qresearch/11336112 Freedom of Information Q DROP

>>>/qresearch/11336131 The BEST parody, The only Democrat campaign ad you need to see this year.

>>>/qresearch/11336171 Report: Philadelphia PD Ordered Officers Not to Arrest Rioters and Looters — Just Disperse Them — as City Was Ransacked

>>>/qresearch/11336186 Is David Cameron a Necrophiliac?

>>>/qresearch/11336207 We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11336232 Taiwan Company Pleads Guilty To Trade Secret Theft In Criminal Case Involving PRC State-Owned Company

>>>/qresearch/11336310 Fight Drug Addiction


>>>/qresearch/11336324 Graphic compilations of Q's posts in GMT in off-site permanent gallery (ARCHIVE OFFLINE)

>>>/qresearch/11336422 Andrew Scheer, Canada's former Leader of the Opposition, is part of a the masonic organization Knights of Columbus and is a dual citizen with the US

>>>/qresearch/11336428 POTUS TWEET

>>>/qresearch/11336453 POTUS Schedule for THURSDAY, October 29, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11336616 Former Soldier Pleads Guilty In Child Sexual Exploitation Case

>>>/qresearch/11336651 Richard Grenell Just watch. Wow! Damning Hunter Biden documents suddenly vanish


>>>/qresearch/11336706 protesters surround a police officer in a vehicle in Washington DC.


(17 notables, 25 posts, 54 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:13 a.m. No.35513   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11336179 Q Research General #14480 Anon appreciation bread, edition

Created 290408ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11336813, >>>/qresearch/11336832 Is former UK Prime Minister David Cameron a Necrophiliac?

>>>/qresearch/11336883 Ron Johnson: ‘Not a Big Fan’ of Special Counsels, But ‘Don’t See How You Avoid One’ if Biden Wins

>>>/qresearch/11336918 Trump Rewrites H-1B Program to Help American White-Collar Workers

>>>/qresearch/11336927 POTUS talks LAW AND ORDER regarding Philadelphia unrest

>>>/qresearch/11336934 Tucker Carlson: What Tony Bobulinski told me and why it matters

>>>/qresearch/11336959 U.S. Space Force’s No. 2 General Tests Positive For COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/11336971 Disinformation By Popular Demand: How The Authenticity Of Hunter's Laptop Became Immaterial

>>>/qresearch/11336983 "Greg Gutfeld on media coverage of latest Hunter Biden news"

>>>/qresearch/11337018 Unauthorized Plane intercepted over airspace of Trump Rally (audio)


>>>/qresearch/11337064 Biden Is Running a Protection Racket By Sidney Powell

>>>/qresearch/11337225 V/Line CEO James Pinder sacked amid corruption allegations, Transclean contract terminated

>>>/qresearch/11337354 Drudge Alternative Citizen Free Press Mysteriously Disappears From Bing, Yahoo, Duck Duck Go

>>>/qresearch/11337368 Whoever is running General Flynn's "Book" twitter tonight isn't holding back!

>>>/qresearch/11337407 Putin Defends Bidens, Becomes ‘Visibly Irritated’ When Asked About $3.5 Million Moscow Payment To Hunter

>>>/qresearch/11337517 BLM enters voting location in LA. Voter intimidation suspected

>>>/qresearch/11337533 Will They Really Get Away With It? (blocking the New York Post's report on Hunter Biden)

>>>/qresearch/11337674 Legendary Golfer [Jack Nicklaus] Cautions Critics Who Hate Trump's Tweets: 'His Love for America….Has Come Through Loud and Clear'

>>>/qresearch/11337815 Facebook missteps stoke fears of long political ad blackout online

>>>/qresearch/11338050 Anons discuss and analyze cameras and link to Ray Chandler

(19 notables, 20 posts, 30 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:13 a.m. No.35514   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11337955 Q Research General #14482 Because Patriots Need Comfort edition

Created 290543ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11338155, >>>/qresearch/11338415, >>>/qresearch/11338443, >>>/qresearch/11338469, >>>/qresearch/11338506 Anons discuss and analyze cameras and link to Ray Chandler

>>>/qresearch/11338209 New 'We the People' banner for Gen Flynn Twitter

>>>/qresearch/11338348 Detroit ABC affiliate 'accidentally' predicts Trump winning Michigan in election graphic

>>>/qresearch/11338423, >>>/qresearch/11338429 Hunter Biden Rosemont Seneca Leaked Bank Statements

>>>/qresearch/11338537 Andre Balazs, huge donor to DNC, Schumer, and Cuomo, owns Chateau Marmont and The Standard hotels

>>>/qresearch/11338717, >>>/qresearch/11338882 2 Burisma payments = 166,666.66

>>>/qresearch/11338824 Disturbing events that happened at Chateau Marmont that includes living and dead celebrities. 'Bad time at the Old Royale' is real.

>>>/qresearch/11339088 VOTE IN PERSON- RIGHT NOW-TODAY Don't Wait until Nov 3rd

>>>/qresearch/11339165 'clowns' are running the OR Health authority during the Covid 'pandemic'

(9 notables, 15 posts, 14 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:13 a.m. No.35515   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11336719 Q Research General #14479: Those who scream the loudest Edition

Created 290433ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11336823, >>>/qresearch/11336825, >>>/qresearch/11336828, >>>/qresearch/11336835, >>>/qresearch/11336841, >>>/qresearch/11336848, >>>/qresearch/11336851, >>>/qresearch/11336880 JQ

VIDEO - Edomite Canaanites Full [Channel: Freedom OfSpeech]

VIDEO - BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR MCDONALD'S (DVD) feat Zionist [Channel: Dig Rabbit]

VIDEO - Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews [Channel: Lucky Larry Platinumstein]

VIDEO - Wikipedia - Israel's Internet Censorship War (JID [Channel: FILTHY GOYIM 2.0]

>>>/qresearch/11336901 Hunter's Biden's baby was born March 29, 2019

>>>/qresearch/11336929 Andy Ngo Tweets (videoo)



>>>/qresearch/11337096 Every Poll is a Goal

>>>/qresearch/11337119 at 119 min mark Timcast IRL - Riots Erupt, Jack Murphy ATTACKED By Antifa In DC, Riots Continue EVERYWHERE

>>>/qresearch/11337171 We Are The Plan 4 part set of mp4's for twatters





>>>/qresearch/11337176 Full Armor of God

>>>/qresearch/11337732 Hunter's new mother in law, Zoe Cohen ,specializes in Adoption services in South Africa??

>>>/qresearch/11337733 He’s not hiding the calls for violence.

>>>/qresearch/11337800 14480

(11 notables, 18 posts, 38 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:13 a.m. No.35516   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11337829 Q Research General #14481 Anime BTFO Edition

Created 290535ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11338284 #14476, #14477, #14478 - #14478, split

>>>/qresearch/11338373 Who is Miles Taylor?

>>>/qresearch/11338437 Jack Dorsey of Twitter should be Brought to Justice & Imprisoned

>>>/qresearch/11338594 It is Very Strange That General Flynn Was unmaske almost 50 times

>>>/qresearch/11338595 Who are his parents?

>>>/qresearch/11338738 Mic hael T Flynn Case


>>>/qresearch/11338908 #144481

>>>/qresearch/11339003 Was digging on the F-16 intercept today

>>>/qresearch/11339093 _Hunter Biden documents suddenly vanish

>>>/qresearch/11339364 14480

(11 notables, 11 posts, 16 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:14 a.m. No.35517   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11341386 Q Research General #14485: Always Darkest Before The Don Edition

Created 291207ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11341510 John Brenan twat

>>>/qresearch/11341516 Sky event dig

>>>/qresearch/11341518 Anons debate Biden family text importance

>>>/qresearch/11341666 Red shoes art dig

>>>/qresearch/11341818 Potus on human trafficking. Powerful video.


>>>/qresearch/11342023, >>>/qresearch/11342113, >>>/qresearch/11342146 U1 digs

>>>/qresearch/11342147 Its a Constitutional Republic not a Democracy

(7 notables, 9 posts, 9 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:14 a.m. No.35518   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11339431 Q Research General #14483 Good bread is the best medicine, edition

Created 290751ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11339577 Hillary is a Democrat Elector for NY if Biden wins

>>>/qresearch/11339669 Bobulinski - "I met with Hunter Biden often at Chateau Marmon w/ Rob Walker

VIDEO - Tucker exclusive: Tony Bobulinski, ex-Hunter Biden associate, speaks out on Joe Biden [Channel: Fox News]

>>>/qresearch/11339682, >>>/qresearch/11339759 Orgy Island closed circuit TV system camera locations

>>>/qresearch/11339742 "We're going to make sure Trump leaves

>>>/qresearch/11339756 Bobulinski video censored

>>>/qresearch/11339776 Trump Caravan in Jerusalem

>>>/qresearch/11339780 Hunter pics

>>>/qresearch/11339845 Jim Biden - red shoes?

>>>/qresearch/11339853 Trump Campaign Website hacked

>>>/qresearch/11339904 Bright Sunny Days = Film set in Beijing?

>>>/qresearch/11339992, >>>/qresearch/11340026 Twitter running blackmail op

>>>/qresearch/11340024 FOX News confronts Jim Biden at his home

>>>/qresearch/11340046 Election fraud comes in many forms

>>>/qresearch/11340051 Eleven Trillion reasons not to vote for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11340087 SCOTUS with Kavanaugh

>>>/qresearch/11340103 Officers had what appeared to be blood thrown on them in Philly Riots

>>>/qresearch/11340115 Donald Trump, Genie

>>>/qresearch/11340126 CNN blasted for ignoring Biden bombshells

>>>/qresearch/11340135 Philadelphia Police discover van loaded with explosives

>>>/qresearch/11340146 Girl Scouts bow to SJW's

>>>/qresearch/11340154 SCOTUS rejects GOP appeal to stop extended voting deadline

>>>/qresearch/11340167 Former Military Investigator warns of post election violence from left

>>>/qresearch/11340168 South Dakota Gubenatorial Candidate storms North Dakota

>>>/qresearch/11340179 James Woods tweet - Give Tucker the Pulitzer

>>>/qresearch/11340182 Third wave of Hunter Biden hard drive data

>>>/qresearch/11340195 Trump's path to 270

>>>/qresearch/11340214 EX DEA Spokesman gets 7 years for 4.4M$ fraud

>>>/qresearch/11340228 Judge: Virginia can't count ballots without postmarks

>>>/qresearch/11340232 Terrorist Knife attack in Nice, France 2 dead

>>>/qresearch/11340269 Borat crashes Mike Pence speech?

>>>/qresearch/11340301 Chelsea Handler assaults conservatives in airport

>>>/qresearch/11340307 Pompeo in Indonesia, renews China attacks

>>>/qresearch/11340325 The American Dream vs Dark Winter

>>>/qresearch/11340354 Taiwan can wipe out half of Chinese Navy with new missiles

>>>/qresearch/11340364 Bidenomics threatens Small Industry

>>>/qresearch/11340380 Media calls on Election too early? Maria Bartiromo

>>>/qresearch/11340395 FBI announces Chinese indictments, no arrests

>>>/qresearch/11340429 Lauren Bobert addresses China Virus, Wildfires and Q

>>>/qresearch/11340444 Conspiracy theories and how people become susceptible to them

>>>/qresearch/11340481 Space Force #2 has China Virus

>>>/qresearch/11340496 Chinese Invasion?

>>>/qresearch/11340501 Citizen Free Press disappears from Google / search engines

>>>/qresearch/11340530 Kayleigh tweet

>>>/qresearch/11340557 #14483

(44 notables, 46 posts, 49 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:14 a.m. No.35519   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11340604 Q Research General #14484: Friends Helping Friends Edition

Created 290953ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11340696, >>>/qresearch/11340702 Twelve elected GOP openly support Q

VIDEO - Zakk Wylde, Black Label Society - Fire It Up [Channel: ZakkWyldeVEVO]

>>>/qresearch/11340715, >>>/qresearch/11341282, >>>/qresearch/11341313 Hallie Biden call for diggs



>>>/qresearch/11340717 Pompeo wants to find new ways to cooperate with Indonesia in South China Sea

>>>/qresearch/11340741 Judge: Signatures don't have to match Absentee Ballots in South Carolina

>>>/qresearch/11340753 CNN compares humans to vampire bats

>>>/qresearch/11340781 Former President of Nuclear Transport Company sent to Prison for Foreign Bribery

>>>/qresearch/11340785 DOJ News

>>>/qresearch/11340791 Red Shoes at Dundee Uni?

>>>/qresearch/11340798 Chateau Mamont diggs

>>>/qresearch/11340808, >>>/qresearch/11340813, >>>/qresearch/11340853, >>>/qresearch/11340986 More smears on Q and anons

>>>/qresearch/11340826 Rosatom became the owner of 100 percent of shares of Canadian uranium company Uranium One, which operates in Kazakhstan

>>>/qresearch/11340828 Digital Soldier Prayer

>>>/qresearch/11340830 Anon opines on HRC (High Risk Capture) Joe R Biden being arrested before election

>>>/qresearch/11340870 Jack Nicklaus endorses President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11340874 Former DEA official pretended to be CIA Spy, stole 4.4mil$, almost stole BILLIONS

>>>/qresearch/11340876 Biden Family connections

>>>/qresearch/11340881 100 Trump vehicles following Biden Campaign Bus kek

>>>/qresearch/11340888, >>>/qresearch/11340894 Hollywood Producer David Guillod arrested on Sex Assault charges… again

>>>/qresearch/11340893 CIA Impeachment whistleblower forced to live under surveillance due to threats

>>>/qresearch/11340904 USC data modelling that predicted Trump 2016 victory predicts 2020 victory

>>>/qresearch/11340905 Russia planted Hunter Biden Laptop? C'mon man

>>>/qresearch/11340918 Turkish backed Free Syrian Army terror org, Jaysh al-Islam, condemns President Macron, calls for Jihad in France

>>>/qresearch/11340921, >>>/qresearch/11340960 General Flynn tweet "Put your trust in the instrument of Divine Providence"

>>>/qresearch/11340925 A dozen cars show up for Kamala Harris rally in Tucson, AZ after 15,000 appear at Trump Rally in Bullhead, AZ

>>>/qresearch/11340951 Justice Dept requesting more data on CHINA VIRUS deaths in nursing homes in New York

>>>/qresearch/11340956 Pompeo urges Indonesia to resist China's request to turn blind eye to torment of Ulghur Muslims

>>>/qresearch/11340977 HUGE - Lifelong Dem City Council Official in Flint, MI endorses President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11340994 Xi pins hopes of Chinese Economy on Biden being elected

>>>/qresearch/11341000, >>>/qresearch/11341087, >>>/qresearch/11341108 Woman beheaded in Nice, France Church by crazed man shouting 'Allah Akbar'

>>>/qresearch/11341009 Reagan remarks against Drug trafficking and Organized Crime on 10/14/82 (learn from history)

>>>/qresearch/11341013 George Stephanopoulos says it was a mistake to dine with Eptstein after his first stint in jail

>>>/qresearch/11341071 Chrissy Tiegen/Clinton comms

>>>/qresearch/11341078 Hunter Biden incest

>>>/qresearch/11341085 FBI 'Operation Foxhunt' snares eight Chinese citizens conspiring to act as illegal agents of China

>>>/qresearch/11341109 POTUS clippings from New York Real Estate days

>>>/qresearch/11341124 CHINA VIRUS is destroying our society according to many medical and public health officials

>>>/qresearch/11341170 Miles Taylor (anonymous writer of NYTimes hit piece on POTUS) digs his grave deeper

>>>/qresearch/11341173 Comey in no win situation over Weiner Laptop (Comey protects elites, that's his job)

>>>/qresearch/11341182 Guard stabbed at French Consulate in Saudi Arabia on day of attacks in France re: Mohammed cartoons

>>>/qresearch/11341301 Link between Saul Alinsky and Roman Catholic Jesuits

>>>/qresearch/11341353 CIA and MSM all fall down (Q Post roundup)

>>>/qresearch/11341363 Flynn's new twitter banner

>>>/qresearch/11341366 Tomorrow is 1 week since last Q Post

>>>/qresearch/11341369 #14484

(44 notables, 54 posts, 66 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:15 a.m. No.35520   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11343841 Q Research General #14489: Anons Doin' the Dew

Created 291613ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11343899, >>>/qresearch/11344166, >>>/qresearch/11344208 LATEST NOTABLES COLLECTED BUN

>>>/qresearch/11344196 Owner And General Manager Of Pocono Area Hotels Convicted Of Sex And Drug Trafficking In Precedent Setting Case

>>>/qresearch/11344207 Hunter Biden-Led Firm Scrubs Website, ‘See You After The Election!’

>>>/qresearch/11344212 EXCLUSIVE: Twitter Suspends U.S. Border Chief For Celebrating Wall’s Protection From Illegal Aliens

>>>/qresearch/11344214 Philadelphia police discover van loaded with explosives amid unrest over fatal shooting of Black man

>>>/qresearch/11344239, >>>/qresearch/11344267 Chinese Energy Company, U.S. Oil & Gas Affiliate and Chinese National Indicted for Theft of Trade Secrets

>>>/qresearch/11344288 Hunter Biden’s $1,000,000 Contract With ‘Spy Chief Of China’ Patrick Ho

>>>/qresearch/11344403 Senate panel investigating Hunter Biden’s failure to register as foreign agent

>>>/qresearch/11344462, >>>/qresearch/11344473 Fresh DJT twats

>>>/qresearch/11344496 Adam Housley I was spied on

>>>/qresearch/11344608 #14489

(11 notables, 15 posts, 14 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:15 a.m. No.35521   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11342172 Q Research General #14486: Once More Into The Breach Edition

Created 291345ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11342405 Trump Rewrites H-1B Program to Help American White-Collar Workers

>>>/qresearch/11342516 Former military intelligence operative from Romania blows the whistle on a massive identity theft that can influence the 2020 elections in US (iffy)

>>>/qresearch/11342591 Biden and Trump to tangle in Tampa on Thursday

>>>/qresearch/11342642 No Stimulus

>>>/qresearch/11342714 (anon seconded) We see Trump Differently

>>>/qresearch/11342738 CNN's Cuomo asks Miles Taylor why network should 'keep you on the payroll' after lying about op-ed

>>>/qresearch/11342799 Kevin McCarthy Wants Media To Wait To Call Election Winner ‘Until Every Polling Center Has Closed’

>>>/qresearch/11342827 DOJ presses New York for information about COVID deaths in nursing homes

>>>/qresearch/11342868 Millions of mail ballots not yet returned in key states

>>>/qresearch/11342874 BREAKING: Wisconsin Republican Party chairman says hackers stole $2.3 million from account dedicated to Trump reelection.

>>>/qresearch/11342907 PF Report

>>>/qresearch/11342917 GDP UP 33.1%

>>>/qresearch/11342919 Former Secretary Of State John Kerry: Idea Of Joe Biden Embracing Socialism Is ‘Scare Tactic’ By President Trump

(13 notables, 13 posts, 9 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:15 a.m. No.35522   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11342971 Q Research General #14487: Anons dash to the finish!

Created 291453ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11343119, >>>/qresearch/11343152, >>>/qresearch/11343380 Biden Docs

>>>/qresearch/11343160, >>>/qresearch/11343368, >>>/qresearch/11343465, >>>/qresearch/11343558 PF Report

>>>/qresearch/11343203 DJT Jr Tweet On Media

>>>/qresearch/11343309 Economy Statistics

>>>/qresearch/11343330 Anne Wojcicki on Covid-19 and Genetics: Discovering Clues in Big Data

>>>/qresearch/11343347 Finger lakes, mini bun


>>>/qresearch/11343547 Operational Tests of Missiles

>>>/qresearch/11343595 REPORT: Explosives Found in Van May Be Linked to Philadelphia ATM Robberies

>>>/qresearch/11343656 The Biden Family Foreign Corruption Scandal is staggering

>>>/qresearch/11343731 Sergei Millian Tweet Re: Corruption

>>>/qresearch/11343745 Uranium One News

>>>/qresearch/11343799 Body cams for Fed Task Force

>>>/qresearch/11343833 #14487

(13 notables, 18 posts, 21 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:16 a.m. No.35523   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11344622 Q Research General #14490: Take The House Edition

Created 291721ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11344700 Chinese Energy Company, U.S. Oil & Gas Affiliate and Chinese National Indicted for Theft of Trade Secrets

>>>/qresearch/11344729 Suspected Terrorist Knife Attack in Nice, France, Leaves Three Dead

>>>/qresearch/11344730 Former Malaysian PM: "Muslims Have A Right To Be Angry And Kill Millions Of French People"

>>>/qresearch/11344744 DJT Thank you to Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) for seeing the light. Our Country is doing great!


>>>/qresearch/11344750 Knifeman beheaded TWO victims in church terrorist attack, Nice first deputy mayor tells RT

>>>/qresearch/11344761 The Great Reset Time Magazine Cover shows the exact location of CERN

>>>/qresearch/11344774 Owner And General Manager Of Pocono Area Hotels Convicted Of Sex And Drug Trafficking In Precedent Setting Case

>>>/qresearch/11344787 More Fauci Warnings: Expect “A Whole Lot Of Pain” This Winter

>>>/qresearch/11344837 Van Full Of Explosives Discovered In Philly On Third Night Of Rioting

>>>/qresearch/11344868 UK’s Labour suspends former leader Jeremy Corbyn after anti-Semitism report

>>>/qresearch/11344898 In Unprecedented Cost-Cutting, Exxon Is Firing 15% Of Its Workers To Keep Dividend

>>>/qresearch/11344901 Hunter paid Anna $2K for her services.

>>>/qresearch/11344916 "This Was A Terrible Mistake": Apollo's Black Regrets Giving Epstein A "Second Chance"

>>>/qresearch/11344972 Whistleblower Says El Paso Ambulances Are Bringing COVID-19 Patients from Juarez to US Hospitals

>>>/qresearch/11345010 Cop Who Allegedly Beat, Starved, Froze 8yo Boy to Death, Allowed to Resign to ‘Protect His Pension’

>>>/qresearch/11345031 Wisconsin GOP says hackers stole $2.3 million from its coffers just days before the election; FBI is investigating

>>>/qresearch/11345064 Gov. Cuomo: I’m Holding Trump ‘Responsible for Every’ Coronavirus Death in This Country

>>>/qresearch/11345073 Feds arrest leader of white supremacy group who ran 'hate camp' in Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11345088 Epstein ex admits bringing him women, buying victim schoolgirl outfit

>>>/qresearch/11345097 Twitter Warns Breitbart Reporter over Violating Pakistani Law with Mohammed Cartoons

>>>/qresearch/11345109 Anna Makanju of Facebook and Atlantic Council Is Tied to Ukraine, Biden, Burisma

>>>/qresearch/11345121 Chinese Communist Party Ties to Black Lives Matter

>>>/qresearch/11345163 Joe gets called out on Hunter while on stage


>>>/qresearch/11345212 Cracks are appearing in the DNC MSM dam.

>>>/qresearch/11345225 Richard Grenell Ridiculous. The Left is against IDs to vote. Why?

>>>/qresearch/11345243 Gen. Flynn Mr. President, in these final days America remains the bulwark defending against a war declared by the unleashed & dark forces of socialism.

>>>/qresearch/11345345 My Resignation From The Intercept Greenwald

(27 notables, 27 posts, 34 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:17 a.m. No.35524   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11345538 Q Research General #14491: Victory Rally Edition Edition

Created 291832ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11345555 FBI Director Wray profited from Hunter Biden illegal China/Russia kickback scheme

>>>/qresearch/11345559, >>>/qresearch/11345584, >>>/qresearch/11345645, >>>/qresearch/11345823 General Flynn tweet - Check out the list of names. These people corrupted our peaceful transition of power. Coup much?!

>>>/qresearch/11345564 Pelosi Tweet - Anon asks about her mask design

>>>/qresearch/11345588, >>>/qresearch/11345614 FBI Director Wray's daughter is assistant Editor at Crown Publishing (Obama new book)

>>>/qresearch/11345592 From Q post (padawan)

>>>/qresearch/11345593 Trump Rally video (MP4) Melania - “We are a country of hope, not a country of fear or weakness.”


>>>/qresearch/11345604, >>>/qresearch/11345806 Dan Scavino tweet - TAMPA, FLORIDA! It is imperative that EVERYONE gets out to VOTE for President Trump and Vice President Pence! LET’S DO THIS!!



>>>/qresearch/11345610 Twitter Suspends US Border Chief For Touting Anti-Crime Southern Wall



>>>/qresearch/11345631 Moar Biden Texts and why they are so important

>>>/qresearch/11345638 Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were planning to launder $500 MILLION from Kremlin asset.

>>>/qresearch/11345650 Apple is quietly building a search rival to Google ahead of the DOJ’s landmark antitrust case, according to a report

>>>/qresearch/11345660 Former Marines charged in conspiracy to illegally manufacture, sell firearms

>>>/qresearch/11345669 "We're Going To Make Sure Trump Leaves": Leftists Plan To Storm DC After Election

>>>/qresearch/11345702 Finger lakes, mini bun

>>>/qresearch/11345703 The Twitter Jack crowd. Haters gonna hate.

>>>/qresearch/11345704 James Woods tweet #ButThePolls - GO JAMES GO

>>>/qresearch/11345715 Western Countries 'Attacking' Islam Want to 'Relaunch the Crusades', Says Erdogan

>>>/qresearch/11345728 Disney Just Laid Off Thousands Of Additional Workers

>>>/qresearch/11345736 Hunter Biden sick art on his pinterest account

>>>/qresearch/11345741 Former CFTC Chairman Admits Futures Can Be Used To Control Prices

>>>/qresearch/11345763 Dem Rep. Sounds the Alarm: ‘It’s Tightening Here in Michigan…Autoworkers Who I Thought Were Voting For Biden Told Me They’re Voting For Trump’

>>>/qresearch/11345782 Twitter bans us but not this jackwagon

>>>/qresearch/11345784 Trump Interior ends 45 years of endangered species protections for gray wolves, paving the way for hunting

>>>/qresearch/11345786 US Congress Has Declared Itself a Collective Dictatorship Over Every Nation in the World

>>>/qresearch/11345813 Protests in Portland graphics

>>>/qresearch/11345814 Jihad Twitter Jack meme

>>>/qresearch/11345818 Durham councillor claims Covid is 'a fake virus' that does NOT exist and says living in lockdown is 'like living in North Korea'

>>>/qresearch/11345843 Richard Grenell tweet - Biden begins campaigning - the weekend before the election.

>>>/qresearch/11345873 Breast Cancer is an Environmental Health Issue. For Example: Cell Phones in Bras = Tumors in Ta-Tas

>>>/qresearch/11345879 Coincidence alert - Queen and her wrecking crew

>>>/qresearch/11345881 Senator Grassley tweet re: Biden Crime Empire

>>>/qresearch/11345882 Contrast of Biden/Trump rallies


>>>/qresearch/11345884 US Early voting according to Commie News Network

>>>/qresearch/11345925 RED FLAG-Alaska 21-1 is a two-week training exercise that simulates realistic air combat conditions.

>>>/qresearch/11345944 Netanyahu: COVID will stay ‘here’ until vaccine developed, maybe even after that

>>>/qresearch/11345968 Mark Levin powerful video retweeted by President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11345975 Pete 'the commie' Butteigieg interrupted by Trump Supporter. (great video) Pete got BTFO

>>>/qresearch/11345977 ICE announces arrests of more than 30 at-large aliens in south Texas

>>>/qresearch/11345980 Tom Fitton slams Amy Barrett for not participating in Election cases before SCOTUS

>>>/qresearch/11345983 Southeast Texas man who wanted to marry child victim sentenced to 50 years in prison for producing child pornography

>>>/qresearch/11345999 United Stated Files Complaint to Forfeit Iranian Missiles and Sells Previously-Transferred Iranian Petroleum

>>>/qresearch/11346000 Gov. Jared Polis announces $375 direct payments for more than 400,000 Coloradans

>>>/qresearch/11346005 ‘Anonymous’ Never Trumper Miles Taylor Now Works for Google

>>>/qresearch/11346028 King County (Washington State) employees ordered to work from home through July 5, 2021

>>>/qresearch/11346030 Judicial Watch Sues for Unmasking Records: Biden, Top Obama Officials ‘Unmasked’ General Flynn

>>>/qresearch/11346041 UPS Locates Contents of Tucker Carlson's Package After He Said Incriminating Biden Documents Went Missing

>>>/qresearch/11346058 The World Bank Throws Full Weight Behind The Great Financial Reset

>>>/qresearch/11346065 Nigel Farage tweet major kek - 'Hunter's Laptop Matters'

>>>/qresearch/11346139 Key Pentagon Official Turned China Policy Over to Arms Industry & Taiwan Supporters

>>>/qresearch/11346171 Texas voters won't be required to wear masks at polling locations, appeals court rules

>>>/qresearch/11346199 Jack Flynn Tweet - BREAKING NEWS: FOLLOW MIDNIGHT RIDER. YOU WONT REGRET IT.

>>>/qresearch/11346200 Glen Greenwald quits Intercept for censorship of his Joe Biden article

>>>/qresearch/11346205 The United States revealed on Thursday it had seized Iranian missiles shipped to Yemen and sold 1.1 million barrels of previously seized Iranian oil that was bound for Venezuela

>>>/qresearch/11346210 Pray for each other

(55 notables, 60 posts, 73 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:18 a.m. No.35525   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11346499 Q Research General #14492: E-Bake To Victory Edition

Created 291945ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11346559 #14491

>>>/qresearch/11346579 New Jared Kushner Audio Tape Shows President Trump At Odds With Doctors In April

>>>/qresearch/11346618 US Might Not See Life Get "Back To Normal" Until 2022, Dr. Fauci Warns

>>>/qresearch/11346627 Schumer PAC Teams with Montana Liberals Disguised as Grassroots Hunting Group

>>>/qresearch/11346649 Breaking - Trump cancels North Carolina rally scheduled tonight 10/29/2020

>>>/qresearch/11346659 NAACP, civil rights groups launch federal lawsuit over Trump order banning diversity training

>>>/qresearch/11346663 Philly Police Were 'Ordered Not to Arrest Looters' by Deputy Police Commissioner Who Took A Knee For BLM

>>>/qresearch/11346721 Military Situation In Syria On October 29, 2020 (Map Update)

>>>/qresearch/11346763 'If I did what Hunter did I’d be in Rikers Island doing my best not to drop the soap.' Don Jr. makes 'joke' about claims of Biden corruption at gun-shop rally in Florida

>>>/qresearch/11346789 Anon opines - I've never voted for a President until today when I voted for President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11346800, >>>/qresearch/11346880 Planefag update

>>>/qresearch/11346803 Zeta hurricane update

>>>/qresearch/11346819 Klaus Schwab's Reset: Communism Replaces Free Enterprise TIME Magazine Backs Anti-Capitalist Reset

>>>/qresearch/11346864 Elephants in the Room: US Military and CIA Interventions since World War II

>>>/qresearch/11346870 Democrats go hyper Trump Derangement Syndrome and ship more votes to us

>>>/qresearch/11346888 7 Things We Know About John Wei, Roy Cooper’s (Governore, NC) Right Hand ChiCom

>>>/qresearch/11346894 Details remain murky a year after FBI employee’s deathafter a refuel stop in Israel.

>>>/qresearch/11346895 Fans View NBA as an ‘Overt Political Thing…Not A Sport’

>>>/qresearch/11346905 Democrat Flint City Council member showing support for President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11346915 Philadelphia could soon join other cities in blocking police from using tear gas

>>>/qresearch/11346919 New York Times’ Miles Taylor Op-Ed Shows Everything Wrong With Anonymous Sources

>>>/qresearch/11346948 James J. Bulger (Jimmy), one of the founders of Thornton emailed to Jack Owen (one of Joe Biden’s closest friend from the law school)

>>>/qresearch/11346956 UPDATE: UPS Finds Tucker Carlson’s Lost Hunter Biden Package That Went Missing in the Mail

>>>/qresearch/11346962 Man behind Whitmer kidnap plot also wanted to kill Trump: FBI

>>>/qresearch/11346965 Finger lakes, mini bun

>>>/qresearch/11346982 Homes raided as cops crackdown on crime gangs in Sydney

>>>/qresearch/11346993 water can be structured or clustered to enhance health and well being

>>>/qresearch/11347011 Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley, and Tlaib Lead Call for UN Probe Into Alleged DHS Human Rights Abuses

>>>/qresearch/11347022 Ukraine’s Top Court Reduces Anti-Graft Protections

>>>/qresearch/11347051 Unsealed sworn testimony shows Planned Parenthood lied to Congress about baby parts sales

>>>/qresearch/11347052 Farage Praises Trump as ‘Bravest Person’ He’d Ever Met, Who Stands Up for Patriotism, Against Globalism

>>>/qresearch/11347077 PF: POTUS 92-9000 running north from Tampa.

>>>/qresearch/11347136 Democratic donor Bill Bartmann promised to support Hunter Biden Unconditionally

>>>/qresearch/11347137 Meet Marilyn Mosby, the Soros-Backed Prosecutor Wreaking Havoc in Baltimore

>>>/qresearch/11347138 Wilbur Ross Remained on Chinese Joint Venture Board While Running U.S.-China Trade War

>>>/qresearch/11347142 World Star Hip Hop Features Black Voter Canvassing for Trump: ‘He Ain’t a Racist, and a Damn Good President’

>>>/qresearch/11347159 PF: ALISP70 E-6 TACAMO running north over Cali.

>>>/qresearch/11347177 Senate Panel Investigating Hunter Biden’s Failure to Register as Foreign Agent

>>>/qresearch/11347186 The FBI instructed FACEBOOK to censor anything negative about Biden knowing what would be coming out!

>>>/qresearch/11347235 PF: ALISP70 currently over Oregon nr the Newberry National Volcanic Monument.

>>>/qresearch/11347262 Michigan bars and restaurants must now collect names and phone numbers of customers for COVID-19 contact tracing


>>>/qresearch/11347368, >>>/qresearch/11347375, >>>/qresearch/11347386 Hunter Biden Has a PornHub Account Where He Uploaded His Personal Porn – Including with Family Member

>>>/qresearch/11347382 Trump Wins Nickelodeon Kid's Vote so They Nuke 130,000 Of His Votes!

>>>/qresearch/11347419 Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle

>>>/qresearch/11347434 Donald Trump's new FBI director pick has Russian ties of his own

>>>/qresearch/11347484 Looking into finger lakes.

>>>/qresearch/11347601 PF: AF1 landing Fort Bragg Pope AFB. Fayetteville NC AF2 heading west from Des Moines Iowa.

>>>/qresearch/11347644, >>>/qresearch/11347654 Project Veritas: We have received a death threat

(49 notables, 53 posts, 61 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:18 a.m. No.35526   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11347761 Q Research General #14493: Normies Gonna Learn To Spoiler Hunter Edition

Created 292117ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11347828, >>>/qresearch/11347921, >>>/qresearch/11348054 Here is Hunter Biden’s pornhub video

>>>/qresearch/11347835 HIS SISTER Today we completely destroy any idea that the Biden family and Hunter Biden are All American heroes

>>>/qresearch/11347842 UPDATE: Masks are NOT required to vote in Texas

>>>/qresearch/11347857 Trump supporter tears up swamp rat photos behind POTUS at rally


>>>/qresearch/11347861 Baking Seminar #38 for all anons Tonight 7pm ET: >>>/comms/40369

>>>/qresearch/11347866 FBI Director Wray Profited From Hunter Biden's Illegal China-Russia Kickback Deal; Is This Why the FBI Covered Up Hunter's Laptop?

>>>/qresearch/11347878, >>>/qresearch/11347907, >>>/qresearch/11347941 SONGBIRD

>>>/qresearch/11347893 Arizona: Trump 48%, Biden 45%

>>>/qresearch/11347897 NANCY PELOSI: "Whatever the end count is on the election that occurs on Tuesday, he (Joe Biden) will be elected & on January 20th he will be inaugurated President."


>>>/qresearch/11347915 Tucker's package chatter all day

>>>/qresearch/11347923, >>>/qresearch/11347969 Glenn Greenwald quits The Intercept, which he co-founded, claims editors censored story critical of Biden

>>>/qresearch/11347936 Heather’s Giardia infection is the smoking gun in this case

>>>/qresearch/11347951 Oregon’s public health authority had their MD dress up like a clown and announce COVID deaths

>>>/qresearch/11347964 Taiwan grounds entire F-5E Tiger II fleet after fighter jet crashes, pilot dies

>>>/qresearch/11347968, >>>/qresearch/11347987, >>>/qresearch/11348082, >>>/qresearch/11348115, >>>/qresearch/11348147 The Justice Dept Confirms FBI opened up a criminal investigation into "Hunter Biden and his associates," focused on allegations of money-laundering, and that it remains open and active today

>>>/qresearch/11347984 You have to believe Bobulinski

>>>/qresearch/11347989, >>>/qresearch/11348036, >>>/qresearch/11348158, >>>/qresearch/11348379 Catherine Herridge : FLYNN Dig deeper DOJ Filing + directive to Judge Sullivan

>>>/qresearch/11348004 Norwegian municipality welcomes NATO's nuclear subs in major U-turn despite popular opposition

>>>/qresearch/11348032 Contrast of Florida Rallies 10/29/2020

>>>/qresearch/11348044 US President Donald Trump's administration removed endangered species protections for the gray wolf, paving the way for the iconic predator to be more widely hunted

>>>/qresearch/11348049 Important message from Archbishop Viganò from a few days ago about the Vatican and the Pope

>>>/qresearch/11348052 HUGE BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Has a PornHub Account Where He Uploaded His Personal Porn – Including with Family Member

>>>/qresearch/11348084 U. of Wisconsin-Madison Student Government Votes to Remove ‘Racist’ Abraham Lincoln Statue

>>>/qresearch/11348095 The RUSSIAN DOSSIER was real and the HUNTER BIDEN one is fake, dontcha know?

>>>/qresearch/11348100 "Tony, you're just gonna bury all of us, man."

>>>/qresearch/11348110 Maryland businessman convicted of plotting to pay a Russian official more than $1.5 million in bribes to get lucrative contracts for transporting uranium was sentenced

>>>/qresearch/11348116 Mexico inks record U.S. corn purchase after Mexican farmers warn of crop shortfall

>>>/qresearch/11348133 This is either the highest-ranking post I've ever made, or the fakest and gayest post I've ever made

>>>/qresearch/11348191 Justice Department Releases Information on Election Day Efforts to Protect the Right to Vote and Prosecute Ballot Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11348193 Former George Mason Prof. Says Americans Should ‘Topple’ Govt if Trump Wins

>>>/qresearch/11348242 VIGANÒ: HOW THE VATICAN II SERVES THE NEW WORLD ORDER Full transcription

>>>/qresearch/11348262 State trooper dates Cuomo’s daughter, gets transferred close to Canada

>>>/qresearch/11348276 Republicans Outpacing Democrats in Returned Ballots in Wisconsin

>>>/qresearch/11348285 The founder of a Frederick distillery received a four-year prison sentence Wednesday for his role in bribing a Russian atomic energy official in order to win government contracts

>>>/qresearch/11348339 EmptyWheel accidently reveals Guccifer2 as US operative

>>>/qresearch/11348342 Days before election, Majority leader says GOP has a '50-50' chance of losing control of Senate

>>>/qresearch/11348413 U.S. Army

>>>/qresearch/11348457 France church attacker was carrying Italian Red Cross ID -prosecutor

>>>/qresearch/11348476 DOJ "official' confirms FBI has open criminal investigation re: Hunter since 2019


>>>/qresearch/11348486 Former business partner of Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas pleads guilty to scamming investors and lying about illegal donations to Trump super PAC

>>>/qresearch/11348536 #14493

(42 notables, 54 posts, 75 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:18 a.m. No.35527   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11348547 Q Research General #14494: Big Nights With Q Sights Edition

Created 292216ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11348623 Anon reports local news did a segment on Hunter Biden and confirmed he is indeed under investigation by the FBI

>>>/qresearch/11348669 Rudy Giuliani on Hunter Biden's laptop (vid 5.20)


>>>/qresearch/11348670 Trump has ‘no plan’ to exit Afghanistan by Christmas, key lawmaker says

>>>/qresearch/11348680, >>>/qresearch/11348690 VATICAN RCC RESEARCH FILE 2.0

>>>/qresearch/11348683, >>>/qresearch/11348752, >>>/qresearch/11348804 Dems threatening to unleash hell

>>>/qresearch/11348692 Leading Gunmaker Boosts Production, Still Can’t Meet Surging Demand

>>>/qresearch/11348712 What makes a good movie? - Great script writers!

>>>/qresearch/11348722 Horowitz: Why are public health 'experts' ignoring proactive ways to neutralize COVID-19 while promoting failed drugs?

>>>/qresearch/11348746 Mainstream Nets Dedicate 0.32% Of Airtime To Hunter’s Hard Drive

>>>/qresearch/11348769 A Biden Administration Would Rewrite NDS, Toss 500-Ship Navy Overboard

>>>/qresearch/11348775 Is this Guardian photoshopped?

>>>/qresearch/11348782, >>>/qresearch/11348928, >>>/qresearch/11348948 Hunter Biden Plays Victim After He’s Accused of “Walking Around Naked Watching Porn Masturbating and Doing Drugs” in Front of a Minor

>>>/qresearch/11348788, >>>/qresearch/11348986 Bobulinski Says He Was Questioned by FBI Agents For 5 Hours as a “Material Witness” in Ongoing FBI Investigation Focused on Hunter Biden (VID Cap)


>>>/qresearch/11348810 Michigan director of Health and Human Services, Robert Gordon, continued the lockdown order today with even more restrictions

>>>/qresearch/11348828, >>>/qresearch/11348898 Lil Wayne is on the Trump Train

>>>/qresearch/11348838 Will Biden’s Tampa Rally get rained out?

>>>/qresearch/11348844, >>>/qresearch/11348894 An incredible explosion from the Sun's surface was recently observed by NASA satellites

>>>/qresearch/11348872 PF

>>>/qresearch/11348880 Orionid Meteor Sky Event with a Halloween Blue Moon

>>>/qresearch/11348891 Can you legally carry a concealed weapon (if licensed) to vote?

>>>/qresearch/11349031 OPINION | Indo-US defence pact potentially gives Washington control over Delhi's military ops

>>>/qresearch/11349035 Dark Web - The Australian Connection & New Arrests. CONTENT WARNING!!!

>>>/qresearch/11349037 PlaneFag AF2 USAF C-23A departed Des Moines, IA and on way to Reno for Campaign event

>>>/qresearch/11349057 (June 2020) Mysterious ‘Federal State of New China’ banners seen on planes over NYC

>>>/qresearch/11349062 Pope's Transcript

>>>/qresearch/11349089 BOSTON (CBS) – Massachusetts law enforcement is gearing up for election Night

>>>/qresearch/11349133 lb, Biden yard sale

>>>/qresearch/11349162 Baking Seminar #38 for all anons Tonite 7pm ET: >>>/comms/40369

>>>/qresearch/11349299 #14494

(29 notables, 37 posts, 49 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:19 a.m. No.35528   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11349280 Q Research General #14495: What makes a Good Movie? Edition

Created 292313ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11349397, >>>/qresearch/11349533 Massive power outage in Israel tonight

>>>/qresearch/11349399 lb, Biden yard sale

>>>/qresearch/11349415 Biden up 17 points in new Wisconsin poll

>>>/qresearch/11349428 Sleepy Creepy Joe

>>>/qresearch/11349436, >>>/qresearch/11349498, >>>/qresearch/11349554 PlaneFag tracking AF2

>>>/qresearch/11349450 Ukraine's Investigators Summon Constitutional Court Head Over Organized Crime Suspicions

>>>/qresearch/11349461 Florida Man Facing Over 80 Counts Of Child Molestation Found Dead In Jail


>>>/qresearch/11349484 Joe Biden, hes up there just spitting lie after lie after lie

>>>/qresearch/11349491 Firefighter Who Drove 6 Hours To a Chili’s To Have Sex With A Child And Her Mom Faces Life

>>>/qresearch/11349494 Seattle PANTIFA about to get DOXED!

>>>/qresearch/11349507 Massive power outage strikes over half the country of #Israel—Jerusalem & Tel Aviv hit—possibly a malicious cyberattack.

>>>/qresearch/11349529, >>>/qresearch/11349759 MN — An Eighth Circuit panel Thursday night ruled that election officials must "segregate" Minnesota ballots received after Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11349567 QPosts Archives Download and read offline PDF

>>>/qresearch/11349573 'Extraterrestrial organic compounds' found in 2018 Michigan 'fireball'

>>>/qresearch/11349591, >>>/qresearch/11349657, >>>/qresearch/11349704 New Trafalgar poll from Michigan just tweeted by them: Trump 49.1 Biden 46.6

>>>/qresearch/11349613 Justice dept reach around global settlement with Purdue pharmaceuticals

>>>/qresearch/11349616 "Five days left. Five days, but who's counting right?" @JoeBiden says at a drive-in rally in Tampa.

>>>/qresearch/11349621 Something he said? Joes foot in mouth disease


>>>/qresearch/11349623 THE END IS NEAR

>>>/qresearch/11349624, >>>/qresearch/11349638 Of course 5 hours ago he was talking in Broward County. They loooooove Broward County

>>>/qresearch/11349664, >>>/qresearch/11349679, >>>/qresearch/11349691, >>>/qresearch/11349709, >>>/qresearch/11349733, >>>/qresearch/11349740, >>>/qresearch/11349771 Map bun

>>>/qresearch/11349683 This site didn't lose signal Vice President Joe Biden Speaks in Tampa, Florida

>>>/qresearch/11349685 New marquette law school poll finds Biden lead over trump stable at five percentage points

>>>/qresearch/11349695 Out of control Crane on the 85th story New York (Vid cap)


>>>/qresearch/11349708 Bloomberg is NWO Globalist

>>>/qresearch/11349724 These 12 Graphs Show Mask Mandates Do Nothing To Stop COVID

>>>/qresearch/11349786 POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11349787 James Comey's wife reportedly tried to stop announcement of FBI probe into Clinton's emails in 2016

>>>/qresearch/11349795 Joe Biden speech, in full

>>>/qresearch/11349866 Chuck Grassley

>>>/qresearch/11349884 A-10 Accidentally Discharges Non-Explosive Munition Over South Korea

>>>/qresearch/11349919 Pelosi

>>>/qresearch/11349985 RUDY ON FUCKING FIRE!

>>>/qresearch/11350095, >>>/qresearch/11350108 lb, lb, Greenwald

(35 notables, 49 posts, 36 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:19 a.m. No.35529   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11350056 Q Research General #14496: Biden cops the Deluge, Wipeout! Edition

Created 300004ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11350179 lb, lb, Greenwald

>>>/qresearch/11350180 Hunter Biden and his associates are under an ACTIVE criminal investigation by the FBI

>>>/qresearch/11350187 Hard Drive Email Declassification: Hunter Biden wrote Archer was there for him “more than anyone” outside his brother

>>>/qresearch/11350199, >>>/qresearch/11350280, >>>/qresearch/11350282 AL GREEN telling this woman there is nothing that she can do to stop him from selling out to China


>>>/qresearch/11350202 KEK!!!!!!!!!

>>>/qresearch/11350208, >>>/qresearch/11350232 Rudy Guilani, Joe Biden used his son and family to make bribes and hides bribes to sell out AMERICA (Cap)


>>>/qresearch/11350212 James Comey's wife pleaded with him not to reveal Clinton probe

>>>/qresearch/11350259 The FBI has an active criminal investigation into the Biden family and their business associates that is focused on money laundering (Cap)


>>>/qresearch/11350304 101 year old woman to vote for Trump!

>>>/qresearch/11350326 Several Queens Village (NY) residents are receiving pre-filled out ballots for Joe Biden and being told to just send them back to the Board of Elections. This is blatantly ILLEGAL

>>>/qresearch/11350335 Anon's run down on Joe Biden family history

>>>/qresearch/11350351 NANCY PELOSI: "Whatever the end count is on the election that occurs on Tuesday, he (Joe Biden) will be elected & on January 20th he will be inaugurated President."


>>>/qresearch/11350354 The Intercept Responds To Greenwald Resignation, Says He's 'Throwing Tantrum' Over 'Dubious' Biden Claims

>>>/qresearch/11350399 Treason

>>>/qresearch/11350400 Tesla, Inc sold by Lead Ind. Director-Antonio Gracias: $65.78m-Oct 27

>>>/qresearch/11350414, >>>/qresearch/11350504 LUDE Biden Hard Drive Have NBA Johnson Inside; Ex-White House Consultant Work for Biden Family

>>>/qresearch/11350420 Joe Biden could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and the media would ignore it.

>>>/qresearch/11350440 Foot job shot fired, Jill Biden

>>>/qresearch/11350443 GOP reclaims Sessions' seat turnover seat in BAMA

>>>/qresearch/11350497 Finding Tucker on YouTube isn't rocket science, three healthy links

>>>/qresearch/11350505 Lude Media is on:: emails implicate LaBron James and Magic Johnson as go tos in the Biden CCP negotiations

>>>/qresearch/11350546 This afternoon, during the Ft. Bragg stop, @POTUS met with "the team that conducted the al-Baghdadi raid,"

>>>/qresearch/11350617 #Rudy'sRant Will Go WW Viral w/i 48 Hours

>>>/qresearch/11350619 EXCLUSIVE: FBI Dir. Wray Profited from Hunter Biden’s Illegal China-Russia Kickback Deal; Is This Why the FBI Covered Up Hunter’s Laptop?

>>>/qresearch/11350643 Interdasting If True, very significant.

>>>/qresearch/11350772 We are trusting you to handle this Evil Crime Lordess before her crazy ass plans of insurrection kick in

>>>/qresearch/11350801 #14496

(27 notables, 31 posts, 33 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:19 a.m. No.35530   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11350810 Q Research General #14497: Joe Biden's catching Family History Edition

Created 300101ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11350890 Philadelphia firefighters union votes to uphold endorsement of President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11350907 Soakin Joe


>>>/qresearch/11350914 Joe Biden will hold a rally at Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee tomorrow less than a week after the airport refused to allow President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11350920, >>>/qresearch/11350946 Lemme guess- Barr and Biden meet at 6:00 pm.

>>>/qresearch/11350927 Truman quote, telling

>>>/qresearch/11350942 What happened on September 14th to 18th list

>>>/qresearch/11350951 In the middle of Meme War III, We ARE

>>>/qresearch/11351009 Trump’s campaign postponed Thursday night’s planned rally in Fayetteville, N.C., because of high winds.

>>>/qresearch/11351012 Under fire Australia Post CEO’s big payday

>>>/qresearch/11351026 Florida Man Charged With 100 Counts Of Child Pornography

>>>/qresearch/11351033 Tuckers docs are back….

>>>/qresearch/11351038 Rudy is on WABC Radio

>>>/qresearch/11351041 Rudy Giuliani Urges Attorney General Bill Barr to Subpoena Joe Biden's Personal Records

>>>/qresearch/11351052 World Series ratings were devastatingly bad

>>>/qresearch/11351082, >>>/qresearch/11351266, >>>/qresearch/11351453 PlaneFag

>>>/qresearch/11351116 LeBron James in bed with the CCP?

>>>/qresearch/11351128 Whistleblower, Tony Bobulinski, to Meet with FBI Again over Biden Corruption Scandal

>>>/qresearch/11351139 Dem Superlawyer’s Assistant Engaged in Possible Voter Intimidation

>>>/qresearch/11351166 Detroit All dine-in food service establishments must maintain accurate records of the names and phone numbers of patrons who purchase food for consumption on the premises

>>>/qresearch/11351175 DOJ Official Confirms FBI Investigating Hunter Biden for Money Laundering

>>>/qresearch/11351214 (lb) A View From Space with Gary Bell Oddly was taken down about the same time Q showed up.

>>>/qresearch/11351223 Joe Biden: Golden Rule Means We Need Mask Mandates Nationwide

>>>/qresearch/11351278 Reminder Why a Shadowy Tech Firm With Ties to Israeli Intelligence Is Running Doomsday Election Simulations

>>>/qresearch/11351293 The U.S. will give a $12.1 million aid package to Greenland and open a consulate on the Arctic island

>>>/qresearch/11351297 REMINDER: Q Clearance Patriot

>>>/qresearch/11351302 Yellow circles are all NatSec no-fly zones. Looks like POTUS is going into high gear for rallies.

>>>/qresearch/11351328, >>>/qresearch/11351337, >>>/qresearch/11351379, >>>/qresearch/11351391 The Justice Dept official confirms that in 2019, the FBI opened up a criminal investigation into "Hunter Biden and his associates," focused on allegations of money-laundering, and that it remains open and active today

>>>/qresearch/11351404, >>>/qresearch/11351431 New Zealand set to legalize euthanasia for the terminally ill

>>>/qresearch/11351419 I have an answer… because it’s a hoax on the healthy and all they want to do is control us.

>>>/qresearch/11351464 @Jack, "We have a runner. Shut that nigga down!"

>>>/qresearch/11351472 For Keks Red Alert: Trump Just Punched The Konami Code Into His Phone To Grant Himself Infinite Terms

>>>/qresearch/11351486 Ivanka Trump

>>>/qresearch/11351501 Glen Greenwald Article on Joe and Hunter Biden Censored By The Intercept

>>>/qresearch/11351512 #14497''', . #14496

>>>/qresearch/11351526 lb Tens of thousands of heart attacks caused by preexisting conditions are being counted as COVID-19 deaths: CDC

>>>/qresearch/11351559 lb CDC Admits: No Conclusive Evidence Cloth Masks Work Against COVID

>>>/qresearch/11351571 #14497

(37 notables, 44 posts, 50 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:20 a.m. No.35531   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11351579 Q Research General #14498: Rudy Giuliani's Nails Key Points to the Wall Edition

Created 300200ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11351679 Marching Orders

>>>/qresearch/11351708 /pol/ is great isn't it? Red October continues with this startling account of Hunter Biden's grisly, sub-marine death…

>>>/qresearch/11351720 Newsmax's Stinchfield: UNIVERSITY of Penn's BIDEN CENTER received more than $70,000,000 from CHINA, $22,000,000 'Anonymous' donors!

>>>/qresearch/11351722 Ukraine's investigators summon Constitutional Court head over organized crime suspicions

>>>/qresearch/11351739 How to change text on 8Kun

>>>/qresearch/11351740 New Corona variant spreading across Europe.

>>>/qresearch/11351765 Apartment Prices Are Crashing In Major Cities Worldwide

>>>/qresearch/11351775 New Helmut Norpoth poll shows Trump win 91%

>>>/qresearch/11351798 Question is: How did China get all the data on Hunter's laptop from hell, Hunter's porn video are all coming from China.

>>>/qresearch/11351803 Walmart removes guns and ammunition from store floors amid civil unrest in ALL US Stores

>>>/qresearch/11351811 7-Eleven owners pay more than $176 million to employees five years after wages scandal revealed

>>>/qresearch/11351835 Sounds like…disi…nform…ation

>>>/qresearch/11351868, >>>/qresearch/11352023 Q said Look to twitter. Didn't say who would be posting it.

>>>/qresearch/11351871 JPMorgan, Goldman to halt software updates around U.S. election to minimize outages

>>>/qresearch/11351892 Anons, we are approaching a HUGE marker.


>>>/qresearch/11351928 HRC says she is elector for NY!

>>>/qresearch/11351958 ICE assists in seizure of $248 million worth of cocaine hidden in banana pulp

>>>/qresearch/11352026 Lawyer for Delaware shop owner: FBI initially turned down purported Hunter Biden laptop

>>>/qresearch/11352028 More Than 50 Azerbaijani Strikes Targeted Armenian Troops In Nagorno-Karabakh In The Last 24 Hours

>>>/qresearch/11352031 FULL EPISODE Rico Rudy it's hammer time

>>>/qresearch/11352035 California Democrat touts a Republican’s support in ad. The man is registered Democrat

>>>/qresearch/11352077 President Trump delivers remarks to the Israeli American Council, to resounding cheers and applause!

>>>/qresearch/11352081 NY Post’s ‘Smoking Gun’ Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes

>>>/qresearch/11352095 HUGE BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Has a PornHub Account Where He Uploaded His Personal Porn – Including with Family Member

>>>/qresearch/11352160 Justice Department Announces Global Resolution of Criminal and Civil Investigations with Opioid Manufacturer Purdue Pharma and Civil Settlement with Members of the Sackler Family

>>>/qresearch/11352176 Purdue Pharma who made Oxycontin….Craig Landau, MD is the CEO and was the CEO of Purdue Pharma (Canada Branch)

>>>/qresearch/11352240 Exclusive–Leaked Document: Leftists Fear Trump May Win Minnesota, Plot Post-Election ‘Mass Mobilization’

(28 notables, 29 posts, 32 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:20 a.m. No.35532   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11352356 Q Research General #14499: Hunter Biden's Porn hub Accounts Adding Up Edition

Created 300253ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11352459 Bad Lip Readingfor the keks

VIDEO - "DEBATE NIGHT 2020!" — A Bad Lip Reading of the First Presidential Debate of 2020 [Channel: Bad Lip Reading]

>>>/qresearch/11352461 how media/big tech work in tandem

>>>/qresearch/11352473 Xi's Gotta Have It: China's Communist Party Has a Long-Range Plan to Overtake the United States

>>>/qresearch/11352501 Pinterest Founders Double Their Fortune In Months: Here’s How Rich They Are

>>>/qresearch/11352516, >>>/qresearch/11352528 Facebook Quarterly Profit Jumps Despite Ad Boycott

>>>/qresearch/11352533, >>>/qresearch/11352886 Glenn Greenwald - one of the last honest liberal journalists - resigned from the liberal website he co-founded (The Intercept) because they refused to publish his article examining Joe and Hunter Biden's corruption.

>>>/qresearch/11352544 “Massive Traffic Jams” Across Paris As People Flee Ahead Of Second COVID Lockdown

>>>/qresearch/11352555 Plans to shut down D.C. co-ordinated


>>>/qresearch/11352556 Amazon Quarterly Profit Triples To $6.3 Bn On Retail, Cloud

>>>/qresearch/11352562 Mike Bloomberg Spends Millions On Pro-Biden Ads In Key Battleground States Texas, Ohio

>>>/qresearch/11352564 Gavin's retarded Christmas covid control freak "guidelines" for Commiefornia!

>>>/qresearch/11352565 The American's Creed

>>>/qresearch/11352589 The French pack bars before final curfew comes in ahead of new national lockdown that will force all hospitality to close until at least December 1st


>>>/qresearch/11352647 pb, He said Joe was going to meet with the Lieutenant Governor. Who was the Lieutenant Governor at the time? WAS Gavin Newsom

>>>/qresearch/11352653 New CHAZ Develops in Minneapolis

>>>/qresearch/11352656 Twitter suspended U.S. Customs and Border Chief for Celebrating Wall’s Protection from Illegal Aliens

>>>/qresearch/11352720 Project Veritas Tweet: A huge announcement in just 6 seconds? RIP vine

>>>/qresearch/11352776 MSDNC is claiming Hunter biden videos are Deep Fakes.

>>>/qresearch/11352802 Lord hear my Prayer for anons

>>>/qresearch/11352805 Kayleigh Tweet: Today, President @realDonaldTrump visited Army Special Operations Forces at Fort Bragg.

>>>/qresearch/11352807 Chinese Communist Party Ties to Black Lives Matter

>>>/qresearch/11352817 To date, Republicans have turned out 59 percent of their voters in Miami-Dade and Democrats have turned out 53 percent, a 6-point margin

>>>/qresearch/11352834 PF: TITAN25 USAF E-4B Nightwatch starting descent for JBA from Tel Aviv ground stop and Aqaba, Jordan prior.

>>>/qresearch/11352842 Atlanta Anon Checks In: Frens, Tropical Storm Zeta kicked our assets here.

>>>/qresearch/11352853 Hacker releases Georgia counties election-related files

>>>/qresearch/11352893 Kayleigh Tweet: POTUS visited the home of US Army Special Operations today. 5 days to the election

>>>/qresearch/11352912 PF: SAM870 USAF G5 departed Peterson AFB en after a quick ground stop and inbound from Elmendorf-Anchorage


>>>/qresearch/11352954 $30,000 just for making a Covid case diagnosis

>>>/qresearch/11352966 GTV have just confirmed that the female giving Hunter Biden a foot wank is Liu Wifei the Mulan Actress.

>>>/qresearch/11352968 Riding a wave of Cuban support in Florida, Trump rolls out an economic plan for Hispanics

>>>/qresearch/11352984 Building on the “Reset” – The Vice President’s Visit to Moscow

>>>/qresearch/11352992 Bill Clintons DNC loved them some Chineseum campaign contributions too.

>>>/qresearch/11353090 Putin's Remarks on Biden

>>>/qresearch/11353122 #14499

(36 notables, 38 posts, 48 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:20 a.m. No.35533   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11353117 Q Research General #14500 The Calm Before the Storm Edition

Created 300349ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11353185 get the fuck in here - hunter occult prayer

>>>/qresearch/11353236 POTUS Schedule for FRIDAY October 30, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11353267 Roman gold coin minted to commemorate Caesar’s assassination sold for about $3.5mln

>>>/qresearch/11353296 Idaho Republicans, including Lt. Gov. McGeachin, decry pandemic measures in new video

>>>/qresearch/11353309 The FBI has an active criminal investigation into the Biden family

>>>/qresearch/11353311 Operation Dark Winter

>>>/qresearch/11353317 CNN’s Lemon Compares Trump Supporters to Drug Addicts — Have to Hit Rock Bottom Before Facing ‘Truth’

>>>/qresearch/11353331 Wray also represented Chris Christie in the Bridgegate Scandal



>>>/qresearch/11353365 Joe Biden: In ‘Five Days … We Literally Are Going to Change the Course of this Country for Generations to Come’

>>>/qresearch/11353402 Boxes of mail found in Harris County dumpster

>>>/qresearch/11353423 The Seen and the Unseen of Covid-19

>>>/qresearch/11353428 An analysis of nearly 100 arrest records found nearly 50% of people arrested during Seattle protests were white.

>>>/qresearch/11353469 Wray represented Big Tech, Big Pharma, Healthcare, Telecom, Big Banks, Big Energy, Transportation & The World Bank!

>>>/qresearch/11353475 "Do not mail in your ballot!", says Eric Holder.

>>>/qresearch/11353496 Breaking: Walmart removed all guns and ammunition from displays in its U.S. stores, aiming to head off any potential theft of firearms if the stores are broken into amid social unrest

>>>/qresearch/11353501 This Day In History: Orson Welles "War of the Worlds" Radio Broadcast Big PsyOp!

>>>/qresearch/11353529 Bannon's War Room.

>>>/qresearch/11353564 2 Men Accused of Targeting Drive-Thru Mailboxes, Stealing Election Ballots In Major Swing State

>>>/qresearch/11353571, >>>/qresearch/11353581, >>>/qresearch/11353606, >>>/qresearch/11353619, >>>/qresearch/11353643 Bill Clintons DNC loved them some Chineseum campaign contributions too.

>>>/qresearch/11353587 Trump meets with troops from al-Baghdadi raid during Fort Bragg visit

>>>/qresearch/11353634 Ahead of 2020 election, TikTok partners with ‘fact-checkers’ to prevent misinformation.

>>>/qresearch/11353683, >>>/qresearch/11353702 Money comes in from burisma then out to Robert Biden

>>>/qresearch/11353744 DC shops already boarding up for election protests.

>>>/qresearch/11353804 EPIC Inforgraphic Maps are EPIC (These maps need to be read on a pc)

>>>/qresearch/11353823 #14500

(26 notables, 31 posts, 39 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:20 a.m. No.35534   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11353835 Q Research General #14501: Kayleigh McEnany Makes Us ALL Look Good Edition

Created 300443ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11353952 Dem Fucktard denies citizens constitutional rights and fucks with Trumps rally.

>>>/qresearch/11353962 BREAKING REPORT: Nancy Pelosi says BIDEN WILL BE SWORN-IN as President ‘Whatever the End Count is on Election Day’…

>>>/qresearch/11354026 Former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder warns voters, saying the safest way to vote at this point is in person


>>>/qresearch/11354065 Mysterious Hillary emailgate whistleblower & FBI's apparent decades-long cover-up ploy

>>>/qresearch/11354075 Hillary Clinton: "It Makes Me Literally Sick To My Stomach" To Think About Four More Years Of Trump

>>>/qresearch/11354090 Speaker Pelosi: "I feel very confident that Joe Biden will be elected President on Tuesday. Whatever the end count is on the election that occurs on Tuesday, he will be elected, on January 20th he will be inaugurated President."


>>>/qresearch/11354119 NBC News is intentionally spreading disinformation to create a smokescreen around the verified information on Hunter Biden they want to ignore

>>>/qresearch/11354128 1st MAW Marines Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11354136 Lil Wayne SUPPORTS TRUMP!!!

>>>/qresearch/11354166 Mysterious Hillary Emailgate Whistleblower & FBI's Apparent Decades-Long Cover-Up Ploy

>>>/qresearch/11354174 Joe Biden Uses Adolf Hitler in Campaign Ad

>>>/qresearch/11354200 Hillary Clinton Preps for Big Democrat Win: ‘Thankfully, Nancy Pelosi … Has Teed Up a Lot of Great Legislation’

>>>/qresearch/11354214 A white, Kirkland teen is charged is one of the most disturbing social media videos of the protests.

>>>/qresearch/11354220 Keith Ellison Wields Power to Restrict Freedom of Assembly of Political Opponents at Minnesota Trump Rally

>>>/qresearch/11354233 PA Voting-Wolf tweet thread

>>>/qresearch/11354278 MS_DNC setting up their game pieces.

>>>/qresearch/11354280 NEW DAN: Scavino is tweeting multilple videos of Trump supporters



>>>/qresearch/11354294 Police: Miami-Dade Officer Arrested By Federal Drug Agents

>>>/qresearch/11354304 I'm guessing Hunter is Kermit


>>>/qresearch/11354349 Undercover video of plans to take over DC, White House, even block Trump supporters at airports and metro stations from entering city.

>>>/qresearch/11354357 BREAKING: Because of LAST MINUTE ruling, Minnesota DO NOT put ballots in mail any more.

>>>/qresearch/11354360 BibleFag: What if the Hunter Biden Releases Are intentional?

>>>/qresearch/11354365 DEAD RARE Ultra-rare Julius Caesar ‘assassination coin’ made from gold 2,000 years ago may be worth MILLIONS


>>>/qresearch/11354513 lb, lb Soak it up, more incoming.

(25 notables, 25 posts, 45 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11354498

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:21 a.m. No.35535   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11355381 Q Research General #14503: In God We Trust Edition

Created 300710ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11355480, >>>/qresearch/11355561, >>>/qresearch/11355598 Q #4941

>>>/qresearch/11355516 Boy, 16, screaming 'Allahu Akbar' is shot dead by cops after knife attack on police officer in Muslim-majority Russian region

>>>/qresearch/11355517 Pictures tell the story.

>>>/qresearch/11355526, >>>/qresearch/11355536 Islam has no place in the West

>>>/qresearch/11355555 4 more years

>>>/qresearch/11355577 Viganò warns Trump about ‘Great Reset’ plot to ‘subdue humanity,’ destroy freedomThis letter was published at 1:01 am EST, you can get a PDF copy there.

>>>/qresearch/11355579, >>>/qresearch/11355587 NBC's fake news on Hunter Biden and the "fake" intelligence firm Typhoon Investigations


>>>/qresearch/11355584 TIs Beware of Cursed Objects & Money

VIDEO - ᵀᴵˢ ᴮᵉʷᵃʳᵉ ᵒᶠ ᶜᵘʳˢᵉᵈ ᴼᵇʲᵉᶜᵗˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ᴹᵒⁿᵉʸ [Channel: Servants Research Ministry]

>>>/qresearch/11355599 lb, , marker 9?

>>>/qresearch/11355612 Archbishop Viganò Addresses the Catholic Identity Conference 2020 (Francis & the New World Order) Video

>>>/qresearch/11355614 THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS Rerum Novarum from 1891 This is right around the time Marxism was implemented. It is also known as Rerum Novarum

>>>/qresearch/11355621 The Jesuit Controlled New World Order

>>>/qresearch/11355628 Political strategist & lobbyist each plead guilty in federal public corruption racketeering conspiracy involving more than $60 million Ohio House Representative Larry Householder

>>>/qresearch/11355631 Listen to the true message skin suits, sheeple This is how they release their karma onto us

>>>/qresearch/11355648 Plans to steal the election

>>>/qresearch/11355649 Twitter Suspends U.S. Border Chief For Celebrating Wall’s Protection From Illegal Aliens

>>>/qresearch/11355692, >>>/qresearch/11355848 THE CHAIR

>>>/qresearch/11355706 The one who occupies the Chair of Peter" is the current Pope.

>>>/qresearch/11355713 Pagan Saturnalia (Christmas) was celebrated with human sacrifice & pedophilia

>>>/qresearch/11355743 Exxon Mobil is slashing 1,900 jobs from its U.S. workforce as the oil industry

>>>/qresearch/11355759 Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption

>>>/qresearch/11355826 THE POPE

>>>/qresearch/11355863 lb, lb Soak it up, more incoming.

>>>/qresearch/11355865 Video: Even FOX NEWS is Censoring Criticism of George Soros - Here's Why

>>>/qresearch/11355868 POTUS #BidenCrimeFamiily

>>>/qresearch/11355896, >>>/qresearch/11355944, >>>/qresearch/11355947, >>>/qresearch/11356000, >>>/qresearch/11356045 i is a Marker

>>>/qresearch/11355902 U.S. commercial zone which is split into 12 federal districts

>>>/qresearch/11355910 Very Interdasting Twitter Thread

>>>/qresearch/11355931, >>>/qresearch/11355942, >>>/qresearch/11355951, >>>/qresearch/11355972 Light outputnis measured in Lumens. Why is the Illuminati not called the Luminati?

>>>/qresearch/11355962 Author of the Letter in Q #4941

>>>/qresearch/11355982 Hillary Clinton Preps for Big Democrat Win: ‘Thankfully, Nancy Pelosi … Has Teed Up a Lot of Great Legislation’

>>>/qresearch/11356001 Step-by-Step Baking Instructions

>>>/qresearch/11356041 True, Faithful, and Prayerful Anons are Collaborators Our Assigned Mission is to Dig, Meme and Pray

>>>/qresearch/11356057 Serpent Seed are natural transsexuals and can breed by themselves

>>>/qresearch/11356061 Traffickers Charged With Buying and Selling a 19-Year-Old 'Sex Slave'

>>>/qresearch/11356074 Sky clock swastika?

>>>/qresearch/11356131 lb Q past bread drop

>>>/qresearch/11356156 #14503

>>>/qresearch/11356199 lb, , Massive Trove of Biden Docs and Evidence

>>>/qresearch/11356205, >>>/qresearch/11356229 PB, PB, Bonus question at what age does the human sacrum (base of the spine)finishfusing into one bone?

(41 notables, 54 posts, 63 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:21 a.m. No.35536   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11354589 Q Research General #14502: Based And Akira Pilled Edition

Created 300603ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11354716 Archbishop Viganò Addresses the Catholic Identity Conference 2020

>>>/qresearch/11354717 POTUS is on the front line fighting against evil. Pray for him.

>>>/qresearch/11354746 Q+ is up late tonight.

>>>/qresearch/11354757 Philadelphia Firefighters Union Votes to Endorse Trump

>>>/qresearch/11354769, >>>/qresearch/11355230 Bio on Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum re GREAT RESE

>>>/qresearch/11354785 Watch Crimson Tide (do it)

>>>/qresearch/11354816 POTUS Tweet: Pollak: 11 Shining Successes of President Donald Trump‘s First Term

>>>/qresearch/11354820, >>>/qresearch/11354824 US State Department statement came nearly 18 years after lawsuit on behalf of Menachem Zivotofsky

>>>/qresearch/11354827 Created an enhanced, searchable pdf of the Open Letter that Q just posted, for you fags. Easier if you want to distribute. o7


>>>/qresearch/11354850 Steve Bannon Tweeting: Q woke up Steve… (kek)

>>>/qresearch/11354854 GREAT RESET - Trudeau has been instructed and is instructing

>>>/qresearch/11354880 Natalie Biden: Pizza by Elizabeth's

>>>/qresearch/11354884, >>>/qresearch/11354941 VIGANÒ: HOW THE VATICAN II SERVES THE NEW WORLD ORDER Full transcription

>>>/qresearch/11354894 Chair of Peter: Jorge Mario Bergoglio

>>>/qresearch/11354931 Francis & the New World Order

>>>/qresearch/11354939 Event 201

>>>/qresearch/11354947, >>>/qresearch/11354974, >>>/qresearch/11355011, >>>/qresearch/11355032, >>>/qresearch/11355172 DJT MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. VOTE!!!

>>>/qresearch/11354977 We were awakened for a reason.

>>>/qresearch/11354999 All I was watching was CNN so I had a lot of hate for @realDonaldTrump

>>>/qresearch/11355021, >>>/qresearch/11355052, >>>/qresearch/11355131 Marker.

>>>/qresearch/11355049 Here, summarized, are Trump’s top 11 achievements:

>>>/qresearch/11355050 What Jesus might say: "Combat tactics, Mr. B Ryan."

>>>/qresearch/11355070, >>>/qresearch/11355192 History of Mariology from pope to pope

>>>/qresearch/11355079 Justice Barrett declines to participate in two major emergency election integrity cases (NC and Pennsylvania)?

>>>/qresearch/11355108, >>>/qresearch/11355203 There is one way out of a great reset, one of our own. NESARA.

>>>/qresearch/11355114 Honest questions, nothing is more dangerous to them.

>>>/qresearch/11355122 POTUS from Carlo Vigano

>>>/qresearch/11355177 Joe Biden got owned today at his low energy Rally (cap)


>>>/qresearch/11355187 Did we just find "P"?

>>>/qresearch/11355229 Michael Moore doesn't believe the polls showing Biden ahead of Trump

>>>/qresearch/11355234 Can Common Sense Win in California?

>>>/qresearch/11355244, >>>/qresearch/11355313 Tony Gambino of the Gambino Crime Family Claims Vatican and U.S. Government Behind Pedophile And Drug Rings

>>>/qresearch/11355271 Who runs the camps?

>>>/qresearch/11355367 #14502

>>>/qresearch/11355407 lb, The Jesuit Controlled New World Order

>>>/qresearch/11355411 lb, Vatican II served the NWO


(36 notables, 48 posts, 63 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:21 a.m. No.35537   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11356161 Q Research General #14504: Pray in the peace of the Dawns Early Light Edition

Created 300830ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11356245, >>>/qresearch/11356305 lb, , Massive Trove of Biden Docs and Evidence

>>>/qresearch/11356255, >>>/qresearch/11356260, >>>/qresearch/11356291, >>>/qresearch/11356380, >>>/qresearch/11356471, >>>/qresearch/11356515 PB, PB, Bonus question at what age does the human sacrum (base of the spine)finishfusing into one bone?

>>>/qresearch/11356275 Anti Semitic? No. Anti Zionist? Yes. re-read drops.


>>>/qresearch/11356277, >>>/qresearch/11356280 911 is symbolism for Greater Israel.


>>>/qresearch/11356299, >>>/qresearch/11356334 lb, , marker 9?

>>>/qresearch/11356311, >>>/qresearch/11356318, >>>/qresearch/11356348 Hunter Biden Confession and curated Pornhub playlists


>>>/qresearch/11356335, >>>/qresearch/11356347 Woah….sum ting changed….Clear nets up w/ 0000 and images.


>>>/qresearch/11356356 pb, He said Joe was going to meet with the Lieutenant Governor. Who was the Lieutenant Governor at the time? WAS Gavin Newsom

>>>/qresearch/11356370 Lemon Laments He Had to 'Get Rid of' Trump 'Addicts' from His Life

>>>/qresearch/11356382, >>>/qresearch/11356386, >>>/qresearch/11356401, >>>/qresearch/11356438, >>>/qresearch/11356474 could be ii

>>>/qresearch/11356385 THEY KNOW IF THEY LOSE IT'S OVER… PREPARE.. (Q 2298)

>>>/qresearch/11356396 AUDIO: Hunter Biden Asks Himself, ‘What is the Soul of a Man With No Consequence in Sight?’

>>>/qresearch/11356397, >>>/qresearch/11356412, >>>/qresearch/11356499, >>>/qresearch/11356517 bonus question where does the kundalini serpent reside?

>>>/qresearch/11356405 CNN Refuses to Run Ad Criticizing Biden

>>>/qresearch/11356411 NY Post’s ‘Smoking Gun’ Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes

>>>/qresearch/11356427 Walmart pulls guns, ammo displays in US stores, citing civil unrest

>>>/qresearch/11356430 On the last page of his letter Archbishop Vigano uses the term instrument of Divine Providence

>>>/qresearch/11356446 Muslims 'have the right to kill millions of French people', Malaysia's former PM

>>>/qresearch/11356454, >>>/qresearch/11356665 YOU ARE THE KEYSTONE ANONS your body is the ship

>>>/qresearch/11356462 Joe Biden Uses Adolf Hitler in Campaign Ad

>>>/qresearch/11356477 Former Dem Dave Rubin Reveals He Voted for Trump: Trump Is the Only Way To Stop the Radical Left

>>>/qresearch/11356502 David Harsanyi: Leftists Don't Fear ACB as Much as They Fear Her Protecting the Constitution

>>>/qresearch/11356513 Watch: Liberals Complain Trump Made Their Tax Returns Smaller, Then Reality Shows Up

>>>/qresearch/11356530 DTJ

>>>/qresearch/11356545 The indictment of a prominent activist

>>>/qresearch/11356552 Highlighting "Instrument of Divine Providence" Flynn's Twitter Post Archbishop Vigano's Letter

>>>/qresearch/11356554 Democrat 'Dirty Campaign Tricks' Against Lindsey Graham Backfire, Even Critics Rally to Graham's Defense

>>>/qresearch/11356566, >>>/qresearch/11356607, >>>/qresearch/11356615 SpaceX will not recognize international law on Mars. "No Earth-based government has authority or sovereignty over Martian activities

>>>/qresearch/11356584 The Most Corrupt Election – People Told they Already Voted


>>>/qresearch/11356589 Bar Owners Vow to Defy Illinois COVID-19 Lockdown Order

>>>/qresearch/11356604 Federal Appeals Court Tells Minn. Supreme Court to Pound Sand – Orders Ballots Arriving After Statutory Cut-Off Date to Not Be Counted

>>>/qresearch/11356610 WHO IS Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano

>>>/qresearch/11356621 ARMENIA –l Armenian forces destroyed overnight a ammunition warehouse of Azerbaijani armed forces close to the battlefield in Nagorno-Karabakh

>>>/qresearch/11356628 Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has another warning for voters as the 2020 U.S. presidential election

>>>/qresearch/11356632 WHO Special Envoy On COVID Reiterates Caution Against Lockdowns As Primary Virus Plan

>>>/qresearch/11356640 Philly Police Ordered To Not Arrest Looters

>>>/qresearch/11356666 There is a reason that pornography is free

>>>/qresearch/11356680 Bill would allow children 11 years and older to be vaccinated without parental knowledge

>>>/qresearch/11356692 'I'm not an Uncle Tom': See black Democratic lawmaker endorse Trump

>>>/qresearch/11356730 Dem Superlawyer’s Assistant Engaged in Possible Voter Intimidation Marc Elias's assistant: 'im about to see how alllllll you fuckers vote'

>>>/qresearch/11356770 The Democratic Party is the Dark Winter

>>>/qresearch/11356776 Give Mitch McConnell kudos for confirming great judges

>>>/qresearch/11356777 …Moving Darkness to Light

>>>/qresearch/11356790, >>>/qresearch/11356852 "The Democratic Party today is interested more in power than they are interested in resolving the problems… (vid cap)


>>>/qresearch/11356792 Democrat Delusions About Early Voting

>>>/qresearch/11356806, >>>/qresearch/11356894 Hell, Yes Sounds like a golden age for American underdogs and strivers.

>>>/qresearch/11356818 There is a preference cascade for Trump among black voters

>>>/qresearch/11356832 CAMPAIGN CRAWLERS Forget the Polls — Trump Is Still Winning

>>>/qresearch/11356844 Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet

>>>/qresearch/11356911 I leave this for those interested- The Infinite Way

(51 notables, 74 posts, 84 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:22 a.m. No.35538   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11356930 Q Research General #14505: Instrument of Divine Providence Edition

Created 301013ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11356981 Report: FBI had opened a criminal case against Hunter Biden and are still investigating.

>>>/qresearch/11357015 Archbishop Viganò calls out the Deep Church, Pope Francis, and the New World Order

>>>/qresearch/11357027, >>>/qresearch/11357029, >>>/qresearch/11357035, >>>/qresearch/11357042, >>>/qresearch/11357067 MAKE THE CONNECTION

>>>/qresearch/11357043 Elites who practice sex magick believe in enlightenment

>>>/qresearch/11357055, >>>/qresearch/11357060 Hunter has been cutting deals with the Chinese Communist Party since 2011

>>>/qresearch/11357062 9 things you need to know about the "Chair of St. Peter" [P]



>>>/qresearch/11357126 God Chooses the Imperfect to Complete Perfect Plans


>>>/qresearch/11357155, >>>/qresearch/11357157 Biden and Trump hold dueling rallies in battleground Minnesota Friday

>>>/qresearch/11357173 MUST WATCH: Fighter jet flies over Trump rally in #Arizona (re-post because POTUS is a BOSS)

>>>/qresearch/11357174, >>>/qresearch/11357269, >>>/qresearch/11357270 DoD Tweet: Sunset Security

>>>/qresearch/11357178, >>>/qresearch/11357212 ICE Tweet: HELP Investigate Former University of Michigan Professor [crimes against humanity]

>>>/qresearch/11357194 Billions in coronavirus relief may have been sent to scammers, watchdog says

>>>/qresearch/11357208, >>>/qresearch/11357236 Canada's military has spent $1M+ with Emic, one of Cambridge Analytica's spin-off, for behavior modification training via data mining from social media profiles

>>>/qresearch/11357210 Pope calls the Corona virus a lady?

>>>/qresearch/11357217 More than half Colorado voters have voted with 5 days until the election

>>>/qresearch/11357224 Hillary Clinton to serve as Democratic elector for NY

>>>/qresearch/11357250, >>>/qresearch/11357292 She had to change her name from Kam A La because of all our CamelToe Jokes (kek)

>>>/qresearch/11357263 What a Difference a Single letter ' i ' Can Make! [marker 9]

>>>/qresearch/11357299 A Vietnamese-American choir released a jingle expressing support for @realDonaldTrump (NIPS for TRUMP! -very sorry, couldnt resist -if any anon wants me to remove this I will -kek)

>>>/qresearch/11357326 Article on Joe and Hunter Biden Censored By The Intercept

>>>/qresearch/11357330 Soros takes orders from [P]

>>>/qresearch/11357334 POTUS and FLOTUS know what's going on behind the scenes. Comms to anons…

>>>/qresearch/11357341 A Prayer for POTUS and the United States of America Composed by His Excellency Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

>>>/qresearch/11357350 The Internet Trump Built

>>>/qresearch/11357353 Twitter shares plunge as user growth slows

>>>/qresearch/11357360 Our best hope against the QAnon whackos might be K-pop fans. Here’s why.

>>>/qresearch/11357363 The left is flipping out over Brett Kavanaugh’s common-sense opinion on election rules

>>>/qresearch/11357372 Here's The 'Censored' Biden Story That Forced Glenn Greenwald To Quit The Firm He Founded

>>>/qresearch/11357392 FOLLOW THE MONEY Hunter Biden ‘under FBI money laundering probe’ as agents quiz ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski for five hours

>>>/qresearch/11357407 NOT VERY NICE Furious Kazakhs blast Borat film as they carry coffin through capital city

>>>/qresearch/11357423 PM, health officials warn Canadians against believing COVID-19 'internment camps' disinformation

>>>/qresearch/11357425 I really dig the beautiful woodwork in Rudy's office, 45 degrees up and over his left shoulder.

>>>/qresearch/11357429 Let us pray

>>>/qresearch/11357441 El Paso to impose second lockdown as local hospitals reach capacity

>>>/qresearch/11357448 WHO Vaccine Consent

>>>/qresearch/11357462 Prayer Warrior and Patriot Video Series -The POWER of Prayer

>>>/qresearch/11357471 This video keeps on getting removed on YT, enjoy your morning anons

VIDEO - Trump/ Democrats Thunder Struck [Channel: Leviathan]

>>>/qresearch/11357504, >>>/qresearch/11357524 New GenFlynn Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Arch Bishop Vigano’s open letter to President Trump warns of a ‘Great Reset’ plot to destroy humanity.

>>>/qresearch/11357535 Women detail culture of sexual abuse, harassment in wine industry

>>>/qresearch/11357549 Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the People's Republic of China for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments

>>>/qresearch/11357553 Lisa Fithian, BLM, Radical Leftists Are Working with Federal Workers For Post Election Mass Violence

>>>/qresearch/11357562, >>>/qresearch/11357587, >>>/qresearch/11357600, >>>/qresearch/11357623, >>>/qresearch/11357638 New @White House Insta: POTUS Rally Flag

>>>/qresearch/11357563 Picture Brightening for Republicans Keeping Control of Senate

>>>/qresearch/11357564 Michigan Reports Highest Increase In New Coronavirus Cases

>>>/qresearch/11357566, >>>/qresearch/11357567 Whistleblower says El Paso ambulances picking up COVID-19 patients from Juarez

>>>/qresearch/11357569 Note to Jeff Flake: Joe Biden Is Not the 'Decency and Civility' Candidate

>>>/qresearch/11357573 Bobulinski said he met with Hunter Biden at the Chateau Marmont, a Los Angeles hotel, multiple times in May 2017 to discuss the deal.

>>>/qresearch/11357576 Yes, Media Are Rigging The Election Against Half The Country.

>>>/qresearch/11357581 The pastor thought Trump was 'evil.' So he quit his conservative church

>>>/qresearch/11357591 PRE FILLED BALLOTS

>>>/qresearch/11357595 Twitter STILL BLOCKING New York Post on Platform

>>>/qresearch/11357598 New Brennan Tweet (but fuck him)

>>>/qresearch/11357626 Philadelphia sees wave of ATM, vehicle thefts amid riots, looting: reports

>>>/qresearch/11357630, >>>/qresearch/11357649 More New Flynn Twitter

>>>/qresearch/11357633 FRESH POTUS More Testing equals more Cases.

>>>/qresearch/11357665 #14504, #14505, ?			 #14506

(57 notables, 75 posts, 78 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:22 a.m. No.35539   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11357686 Q Research General #14506: Truly I Tell You, No Servant Is Greater Than His Master Edition

Created 301229ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11357757, >>>/qresearch/11357796 More warnings and fear pr0n about coming unrest / tantrums

>>>/qresearch/11357793, >>>/qresearch/11357949 we out planefaggin

>>>/qresearch/11357842 Chair of Peter?

>>>/qresearch/11357850, >>>/qresearch/11358005 for the keks real campaign ad with flamethrower

>>>/qresearch/11357869 new gen Flynn twat

>>>/qresearch/11357958 twat about unhinged left planning violence


>>>/qresearch/11357975, >>>/qresearch/11358015 Justice department election day links

>>>/qresearch/11358025 Gen Flynn twat spreading Q's open letter

>>>/qresearch/11358125, >>>/qresearch/11358154 6.9 quake in Turkey



>>>/qresearch/11358128 Tucker confirms missing docs recovered; won't ask questions

>>>/qresearch/11358209, >>>/qresearch/11358264, >>>/qresearch/11358276 fresh DJT on 33.1% GDP & tweetstorm

>>>/qresearch/11358365 SpreadSheet Archhive OFFLINE

>>>/qresearch/11358381 Oped: You don't censor lies…you censor the truth

(13 notables, 20 posts, 20 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:22 a.m. No.35540   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11358468 Q Research General #14507: Vote All Dem Leaders Out 'ALL' Edition

Created 301338ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11358563 Recent arrests in Portland

>>>/qresearch/11358632 All 236 Sources in PDF Cited in Project Time Biden Investigation

>>>/qresearch/11358642 An INTELLIGENCE PANDEMIC is now ravaging the planet, waking people up, and the NWO Globalists are pissed!


>>>/qresearch/11358677 Trump by a landslide in Texas?

>>>/qresearch/11358790 Department of Energy: new technologies and cheaper energy

>>>/qresearch/11358820 Don Lemon compares Trump voters to drug addicts


>>>/qresearch/11358906 pf

>>>/qresearch/11358910, >>>/qresearch/11359015 Pompeo-Trump picture

>>>/qresearch/11359029 BREAKING: Trump's former top National Security Advisor, General Flynn just posted a letter warning about "The Great Reset….a New World Order plot to destroy humanity."

(9 notables, 10 posts, 12 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:23 a.m. No.35541   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11359288 Q Research General #14508: First Bread Edition

Created 301455ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11359402 My Vote is for what makes this country great

>>>/qresearch/11359413, >>>/qresearch/11359421 BREAKING: Major earthquake hits holiday hotspots in Turkey and Greece

>>>/qresearch/11359456 Here is a PDF of the former Nuncio's letter, posted in Q's latest.


>>>/qresearch/11359458 Pittsburgh-area official warns that thousands of mail ballots may be lost

>>>/qresearch/11359505 The head of the Akonadi Foundation, Lateefah Simon, is a close friend of Kamala's

>>>/qresearch/11359524 Thoughts on the half-chan Prophecy

>>>/qresearch/11359532, >>>/qresearch/11359589, >>>/qresearch/11359847 pf

>>>/qresearch/11359534 US national security expanding under Obama (2009, "Q Group")

>>>/qresearch/11359684 potential Iran-Israel-Iraq-Lebanon peace deal

>>>/qresearch/11359708 Live Trump rally

>>>/qresearch/11359734 WATCH: Joe Biden Runs from Reporters on Friday

>>>/qresearch/11359740 Dr. Fauci’s COVID-19 Treachery With Chilling Ties to the Chinese Military

>>>/qresearch/11359762, >>>/qresearch/11359873, >>>/qresearch/11359972 TIME magazine: The Great Reset

>>>/qresearch/11359768 Desperate Minnesota Democrats Restrict Size Of Trump Rally

>>>/qresearch/11359798 ————————————–——– TIME magazine - The Great Reset - This is not about R v D

>>>/qresearch/11359868 Soros connection to Hunter

>>>/qresearch/11359889 Reporter in Philadelphia & National Guard

>>>/qresearch/11359925, >>>/qresearch/11360009 ————————————–——– Fact checkers created in effort to reinforce propaganda [digestion]? (Cap: )

>>>/qresearch/11360062 #14508

(19 notables, 25 posts, 18 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11359798, >>>/qresearch/11359925

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:24 a.m. No.35542   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11360087 Q Research General #14509: Fact-checkers Deployed Edition

Created 301552ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11360186, >>>/qresearch/11360721 Massive M7.0 earthquake strikes Europe / Turkey – Major damage across region (video)

>>>/qresearch/11360199, >>>/qresearch/11360396 (New) GenFlynn

>>>/qresearch/11360248, >>>/qresearch/11360386, >>>/qresearch/11360421, >>>/qresearch/11360435, >>>/qresearch/11360553, >>>/qresearch/11360608, >>>/qresearch/11360609 pf

>>>/qresearch/11360254, >>>/qresearch/11360282 Senate Probes Hunter Biden's failure to register as a foreign agent

>>>/qresearch/11360265 Happy Birthday Ivanka!!!

>>>/qresearch/11360276 Jack and Twitter Take $756 Million Hit to Net Worth Following Company’s Silencing of Conservative Voices — Charles V. Payne Weighs In

>>>/qresearch/11360297, >>>/qresearch/11360547 The Beacon‘s chairman is Michael Goldfarb. Its editor in chief is Eliana Johnson. Victorino Matus is the deputy editor. Brent Scher is executive editor.

>>>/qresearch/11360315 BREAKING: Current Electoral College Prediction Shows President Trump Beating Sleepy Joe Biden By More than Crooked Hillary

>>>/qresearch/11360340 IMPORTANT: Gaffney, Segal, Loudon and Beattie Discuss the Planned Chaos and Violence Coming to America’s Streets Next Week by the Organized Left

>>>/qresearch/11360402, >>>/qresearch/11360426 “EXCLUSIVE: Hunter E-Mails Request ‘Formal Meetings With Dad’ To Secure Billion-Dollar Deals”

>>>/qresearch/11360447 Instagram Breaks Itself Before Halloween to Prevent Election Disinformation, or Something

>>>/qresearch/11360457 Sen. Mazie Hirono: "There needs to be a path to citizenship for the 11 million-plus undocumented in our country."


>>>/qresearch/11360475 Black coalition accuses Planned Parenthood of racial discrimination

>>>/qresearch/11360484 pre-filled ballot in NYC


>>>/qresearch/11360491 Forensic analysis: Hunter Biden 'smoking gun' email 100% authentic

>>>/qresearch/11360499 Trump Rally

>>>/qresearch/11360514 Epstein/Maxwell's TerraMar is a REALLY BIG DEAL

>>>/qresearch/11360515 Biden: Folks, deadlines to vote early in-person are arriving across the country. Don’t wait until November 3rd to cast your ballot

>>>/qresearch/11360531, >>>/qresearch/11360812 The Great Reset

>>>/qresearch/11360545 RAIDED Shocking moment looters clear out black-owned Philadelphia boutique in one MINUTE during night of chaos

>>>/qresearch/11360584 Business Insider: Journalists Are Donating to Democrat Campaigns

>>>/qresearch/11360599 Rep Al Green & China update

>>>/qresearch/11360655 A ‘Key’ Source For A Debunked Claim In The Steele Dossier Has Been Identified

>>>/qresearch/11360682 new DJTs (videos included)




>>>/qresearch/11360707, >>>/qresearch/11360720 media QAnon panic

>>>/qresearch/11360802 Executive Order on Creating Schedule F In The Excepted Service (10/21)

>>>/qresearch/11360837 #14509

(27 notables, 40 posts, 54 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:24 a.m. No.35543   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11360869 Q Research General #14510: The Great Reset Edition

Created 301633ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11360953, >>>/qresearch/11361018, >>>/qresearch/11361123, >>>/qresearch/11361205, >>>/qresearch/11361274, >>>/qresearch/11361372, >>>/qresearch/11361391, >>>/qresearch/11361418, >>>/qresearch/11361518, >>>/qresearch/11361521, >>>/qresearch/11361555, >>>/qresearch/11361579 pf

>>>/qresearch/11360980 Email this morning from @RoKhanna to Tony Bobulinski

>>>/qresearch/11360999 U.S. Marshals Operation Results in Recovery of 27 Missing Children in Virginia

>>>/qresearch/11361020 This is what a Trump rally looked like in early 2016. We've come a long ways since then.

>>>/qresearch/11361098, >>>/qresearch/11361168, >>>/qresearch/11361260 DJT Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11361118 President @realDonaldTrump is on his way to MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, and MINNESOTA!

>>>/qresearch/11361193, >>>/qresearch/11361411 President Trump to hold 17 rallies between now and Monday evening

>>>/qresearch/11361200 Sleepy speech fail


>>>/qresearch/11361245, >>>/qresearch/11361401 NG deployments -> first Q posts?


>>>/qresearch/11361318 Sleepy: "I've spent more time in Private Meetings with Xi Jinping than any other World Leader"


>>>/qresearch/11361356 Happy Birthday to our First Daughter Ivanka!!

>>>/qresearch/11361365 Mailchimp Will Now Deactivate Accounts Sending 'False, Inaccurate, Or Misleading' Emails

>>>/qresearch/11361381 Senate Committee verifies Tony Bobulinski evidence on Bidens. So why is the MSM covering it up?

>>>/qresearch/11361426 At least 6 people dead in Turkey after 7.0 quake hits Aegean Sea

>>>/qresearch/11361472 Bitcoin Miners in Iran Have a New Buyer: the Central Bank

>>>/qresearch/11361485 U.S. Attorney McSwain Announces Charges Against Four Men for Arson of Philadelphia Police and Pennsylvania State Police Vehicles During Violent Civil Unrest

>>>/qresearch/11361511 General Flynn and Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Send Open Letter to President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11361532 Philadelphia council approves ban on tear gas & rubber bullets as battered police struggle to quell ‘peaceful protests’

>>>/qresearch/11361546, >>>/qresearch/11361585 Trump Rally

>>>/qresearch/11361553 UK man creates company to list family as employees for Christmas ‘working lunch’

>>>/qresearch/11361592 Lebron James & Magic Johnson on Hunter Biden hard drive

(21 notables, 37 posts, 53 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:25 a.m. No.35544   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11361615 Q Research General #14511: Not About R v D Edition

Created 301720ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11361699 DJT: On my way to MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, and MINNESOTA!


>>>/qresearch/11361706 25th Infantry Division tweet

>>>/qresearch/11361713 Cartel-Linked Mexican Governor Calls on Immigrants in U.S. to Vote for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11361716 U.S. Economic Strength Weathers All Storms (

>>>/qresearch/11361726 Did Sleepy just have a stroke?


>>>/qresearch/11361732 Facebook Adds Bogus ‘Fact Check’ to Grenell Post About Biden Tax Plan

>>>/qresearch/11361743 Federal appeals court nixes Minnesota Democratic secretary of state's plan to extend the mail-in ballot deadline — for now

>>>/qresearch/11361744 Rudy Giuliani on Hunter Biden Controversy


>>>/qresearch/11361758 As Facebook Censorship Peaks—A Better Alternative Treats You as a Customer, Not the Product

>>>/qresearch/11361768 Mexican Government ‘Profoundly Upset’ After DEA Arrests Fmr. Secretary of Defense

>>>/qresearch/11361773 Florida police say 2 men fished mail out of a drop box, stole ballots

>>>/qresearch/11361781 France Dissolves Islamist Group, Founder Requests Political Asylum in Erdogan’s Turkey

>>>/qresearch/11361788, >>>/qresearch/11362117, >>>/qresearch/11362196, >>>/qresearch/11362340 .

>>>/qresearch/11361796 Sculpture of Donald Trump Having Sex With Miss Universe Displayed in London Gallery

>>>/qresearch/11361816 Everything they accuse Trump of doing, they do it in the article - FAKE NEWS

>>>/qresearch/11361826 COVID Vaccine Trials: Rigged Benchmarks and Horrible Side Effects

>>>/qresearch/11361840 Live Rally

>>>/qresearch/11361844 U.S. Air Force launches $7million Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile 4,200 miles across the Pacific to remote Marshall Islands in test 'not related to current world events'


>>>/qresearch/11361875 President Trump meets with Army unit that conducted Al-Baghdadi raid

>>>/qresearch/11361904 'Big four' tech titans Amazon, Facebook, Google and Apple see profits climb by £29billion and post record £177billion sales as they cash in during Covid pandemic

>>>/qresearch/11361921 France national security alert system has just been raised to the maximum level!

>>>/qresearch/11361938 Key Steele Dossier Source Revealed As Alcoholic Disgruntled Russian PR Exec In Cyprus

>>>/qresearch/11361949 SEC Scraps Proposed Rule To Raise 13F Reporting Threshold

>>>/qresearch/11361966 How will you be remembered?


>>>/qresearch/11361971 Instagram has temporarily removed its 'recent' search listings for US users in a bid to stop fake election news

>>>/qresearch/11361987 Fauci's Treacherous Ties to China and Globalists

>>>/qresearch/11361995 The Bank of England has pumped up the housing market again

>>>/qresearch/11362013 Israel Prepares for War on Multiple Fronts

>>>/qresearch/11362044 HAPPENING NOW—Waterford Township, in MICHIGAN!#Election2020


>>>/qresearch/11362050 FBI To The Rescue: Feds Arrest Members Of Suspected Fed-Run Honeypot 'The Base' Just Days Before Election

>>>/qresearch/11362051 National Guard arrives in Philadelphia amid riots over police of Black man

>>>/qresearch/11362079, >>>/qresearch/11362088 NY Post’s ‘Smoking Gun’ Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes

>>>/qresearch/11362082 The group that installed that 405 freeway TRUMP sign has come forward with a pro-Trump campaign video and IT IS Fire

>>>/qresearch/11362096 Democrats in Congress Demand More Big Tech Censorship, Not Less

>>>/qresearch/11362112 FIVE PER DAY: Trump Rally Schedule Announced for Final Days of Campaign

>>>/qresearch/11362116 Massive protests in Warsaw

>>>/qresearch/11362131, >>>/qresearch/11362149, >>>/qresearch/11362157 Authorities have uncovered an attempt to register dozens of dead people as Democrat voters

>>>/qresearch/11362181 UK Police Chief: It’s a “Civic Duty” to Snitch on Neighbors Violating COVID Restrictions

>>>/qresearch/11362198 US and Chinese Militaries Hold Talks Amid Heightened Tensions

>>>/qresearch/11362254 Ukraine launches criminal case against Constitutional Court judges

>>>/qresearch/11362275 Twitter stock in free-fall

>>>/qresearch/11362280 CNN’s Jake Tapper To The New York Post: Bow To Twitter Censorship And Delete Your Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11362342 Kyle Rittenhouse Hearing

>>>/qresearch/11362386 #14511

(46 notables, 52 posts, 89 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:25 a.m. No.35545   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11362394 Q Research General #14512: Five Rallies Per Day Edition

Created 301830ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11362484 Democratic congressman tells ex-Hunter Biden associate Bobulinski he’d defend him over ‘partisan hack’ claim

>>>/qresearch/11362495 Hunter Biden & Burisma's Dealings w/ China–"Everyone Knew Joe Biden Was Making Money!"

>>>/qresearch/11362522 Hundreds protest at Temple Mount against Macron, Muhammad cartoons; 3 arrested

>>>/qresearch/11362528 Election Violence Fears Rise: California Prepares For Civil Unrest; Walmart Pulls Guns From Stores

>>>/qresearch/11362570 Over 10,000 Robinhood Account Credentials Are Being Sold On The Dark Web, Bloomberg Discovers

>>>/qresearch/11362574, >>>/qresearch/11362966, >>>/qresearch/11363082 pf

>>>/qresearch/11362598 Mountain Of Evidence Confirms Common Pesticide Hazardous To Children’s Health

>>>/qresearch/11362608 TED panic

VIDEO - TEDxMidAtlantic — Dismantling QAnon [Channel: tedxmidatlantic]

>>>/qresearch/11362631 Oil Firm Whistleblower Faces Puzzling Extradition to Monaco

>>>/qresearch/11362634 President Trump is LEADING Joe Biden in 4 key swing states‼️

>>>/qresearch/11362650 The best of the best (US Air Force)

>>>/qresearch/11362658 DoD canceled its diversity training audit to comply with new White House rules

>>>/qresearch/11362671, >>>/qresearch/11362779, >>>/qresearch/11362823, >>>/qresearch/11362894 Navy Partnerships in action in the #SouthChinaSea!

>>>/qresearch/11362688 Lady Gaga: Vote ‘If You Want the Country to Be Different Than It Is’

>>>/qresearch/11362723 Despite Its Five Felony Counts, the Federal Reserve Has Entrusted $2 Trillion in Bonds to JPMorgan Chase

>>>/qresearch/11362725 Hunter/Joe connections map - requesting help

>>>/qresearch/11362742 YouTube reporters on DLive

>>>/qresearch/11362774 DOD surveillance - GA = Great Awakening?

>>>/qresearch/11362778 based Pence, fake news btfo


>>>/qresearch/11362781, >>>/qresearch/11362817, >>>/qresearch/11362857, >>>/qresearch/11362880, >>>/qresearch/11363046 NG Proof check - 12 states and counting

>>>/qresearch/11362825 Boom: “Hunter called ANOTHER Foreign Spy Chief a ‘Close Friend,’ met KGB-linked man with Joe Biden”

>>>/qresearch/11362838 Federal Government to ramp up its vaccine diplomacy in the Pacific, South-East Asia

>>>/qresearch/11362840 DEVELOPING: ICE agents told to prepare for possible civil unrest in Washington D.C., on #ElectionDay

>>>/qresearch/11362854 DARK WINTER: code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation

>>>/qresearch/11362883 Motorcycle parade going through Jerusalem's Old City in support of President Donald Trump


>>>/qresearch/11362902 Obama-Biden Michigan Rallies Closed to the Public, Locations Being Kept Secret

>>>/qresearch/11362916 NYC mayor de Blasio Ready to lock the city down if infection rate gets to 2%, and its at 1.92%

>>>/qresearch/11363011 Yes, Media Are Rigging The Election Against Half The Country. Here’s How

>>>/qresearch/11363060 Epstein sleaze empire fallout continues as head of International Peace Institute resigns over dealings with pedophile

>>>/qresearch/11363092 Emmanuel Macron is selling out French sovereignty to the EU with a second total lockdown

>>>/qresearch/11363106 New Catherine Herridge

>>>/qresearch/11363156 #14512

(32 notables, 41 posts, 62 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:26 a.m. No.35546   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11363160 Q Research General #14513: Leading In 4 Key Swing States Edition

Created 301932ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11363243, >>>/qresearch/11363250 Trump Live

>>>/qresearch/11363272 Belgium Announces 6-Week National COVID-19 Lockdown To Avert "Collapse Of Health-Care System"

>>>/qresearch/11363287, >>>/qresearch/11363765 Dan Scavino tweet

>>>/qresearch/11363293 Live Updates: Casualties, Major Damage Reported After Strong Earthquakes Hit Turkey, Greece

>>>/qresearch/11363298, >>>/qresearch/11363309, >>>/qresearch/11363399, >>>/qresearch/11363414, >>>/qresearch/11363457, >>>/qresearch/11363487, >>>/qresearch/11363557, >>>/qresearch/11363609, >>>/qresearch/11363969 pf

>>>/qresearch/11363313 Anon Q digits theory

>>>/qresearch/11363339 ‘Respect Our Prophet’ Image of Emmanuel Macron Burnt Outside London French Embassy

>>>/qresearch/11363363 Regardless of who wins, the LEFT plans to take over


>>>/qresearch/11363395 National Guard links

>>>/qresearch/11363505 Operation Vulgar Betrayal, Counter-terrorism Probe, 1990s-2000s

>>>/qresearch/11363541 New Zealand Votes to Legalize Euthanasia

>>>/qresearch/11363550 Bureaucrats Try Limiting Us to Just One Drink a Day—After Everything They’ve Put Us Through?

>>>/qresearch/11363579 Farmers for Trump

>>>/qresearch/11363693 We'll see what happens (Trump, dailymail)

>>>/qresearch/11363709 Walmart reverses decision to remove guns, ammo from sales floors

>>>/qresearch/11363748 Southeast Texas man who wanted to marry child victim sentenced to 50 years in prison for producing child pornography.

>>>/qresearch/11363834 Disturbing Joe Biden Brain Freeze Caught at PA Rally: ‘Truaninonashufodopressure’

>>>/qresearch/11363878 A “Blue” Moon will rise on Halloween

>>>/qresearch/11363961 McConnell hints that COVID-19 relief package might wait till early 2021

(19 notables, 29 posts, 27 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:26 a.m. No.35547   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11364054 Q Research General #14514: Patriots On Guard Edition

Created 302045ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11364133 The growth rate for death in America went up more in the last years of Obama-Biden than in any of the Trump years.

>>>/qresearch/11364163 US Judge Approves Extradition of Teen Kenosha Shooter to Wisconsin

>>>/qresearch/11364173 Death Toll From Earthquake in Turkey Rises to 17, Number of Injured to 709 - Emergency Agency

>>>/qresearch/11364174 Project Veritas SUES New York Times for Defamation for Labeling Videos “Deceptive,” “Disinformation”

>>>/qresearch/11364185 Never forget that the press told you voter fraud doesn’t exist!

>>>/qresearch/11364275 kek: McDonald's announces that it's bringing back the McRib sandwich nationwide

>>>/qresearch/11364325 WH: Wisconsin is the dairy capital of the country, home to nearly a quarter of dairy farms nationwide.

>>>/qresearch/11364360 President @realDonaldTrump in Green Bay, Wisconsin! #MAGA

>>>/qresearch/11364367 Recent arrests in Portland, Oregon

>>>/qresearch/11364550, >>>/qresearch/11364724 @USNavy: To infinite-sea and beyond

>>>/qresearch/11364556 Hunter/Joe connections: anon requesting help

>>>/qresearch/11364574 FBI Had Possession of Biden-Burisma Wire Transfers

>>>/qresearch/11364703 Trump supporters not taking “no” for an answer at Rochester Airport rally

>>>/qresearch/11364742 VPOTUS is live in AZ

>>>/qresearch/11364750 Thumbnail from Hunter's pornhub album

>>>/qresearch/11364820 #14514

>>>/qresearch/11364834 International Peace Institute president resigns after Epstein links revealed

(17 notables, 18 posts, 18 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:27 a.m. No.35548   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11364861 Q Research General #14515: Not Taking No For An Answer Edition

Created 302152ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11364921 All 236 Sources in PDF Cited in Project Time Biden Investigation

>>>/qresearch/11364958 How Serious Is The FBI's Biden Inc. Investigation?

>>>/qresearch/11364971 DJT: The Election should end on November 3rd., not weeks later!

>>>/qresearch/11364981 Battelle Awarded US Navy Contract for Brain Computer Interface Development

>>>/qresearch/11364987 "Utah sent every phone in the state an emergency alert warning about rapidly rising Covid-19 cases and overwhelmed hospitals'"

>>>/qresearch/11364988 ‘Looting, Horrible Destruction’: Here’s What People In DC Think Will Happen If Trump Gets Reelected

>>>/qresearch/11364996 Get ready for this Halloween’s Blue Hunter's Moon

>>>/qresearch/11365007 Here are some of our #ReserveCitizenAirmen on the other side of the globe

>>>/qresearch/11365029 Hackers Steal Millions Of Dollars Out From Wisconsin Republican Party In Final Days Of Election: Party Chairman

>>>/qresearch/11365046 Uncharted Territory: Texas Early-Voting Turnout Surpasses Total Turnout In 2016

>>>/qresearch/11365053, >>>/qresearch/11365281 Twitter backs down, unlocks New York Post’s account

>>>/qresearch/11365054 U.S. Naval Research Lab chimed in & said water on the Moon was known for 25+ years.

>>>/qresearch/11365069 Biden Campaign Bus Runs Red Light to Flee Pro-Trump ‘Democrat Cemetery Vote Collector’ Hearse

>>>/qresearch/11365083 ABC Affiliate in Philadelphia Refuses to Air Restoration PAC Ad Highlighting Biden Corruption

>>>/qresearch/11365110 Attempted Cop Assassination in New Orleans French Quarter

>>>/qresearch/11365163 Trump plans an election eve MAGA rally at airport in Miami-Dade County

>>>/qresearch/11365228 Raleigh mayor issues curfew for Friday night ahead of planned demonstration over shooting death of Walter Wallace Jr. by Philadelphia police

>>>/qresearch/11365262 Elementary schooler asked by administrator to remove most of his Trump costume for 'Super Hero Day'

>>>/qresearch/11365299, >>>/qresearch/11365337 Qanon, Trump, and the election (bloomberg, cnn)

>>>/qresearch/11365308 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Support Criminals and Demoralize Cops

>>>/qresearch/11365359 We have not fallen

>>>/qresearch/11365376 How Wikipedia Buries Stories Like the Biden Corruption Scandal

>>>/qresearch/11365441 Trump Administration to Put 180-Day Ban on Many Asylum Requests

>>>/qresearch/11365471, >>>/qresearch/11365475 Biden Pledges to ‘Collaborate’ With CCP in Chinese-Language Newspaper

>>>/qresearch/11365493 Florida judge resigns from vote-counting board after at least a dozen Trump donations discovered

>>>/qresearch/11365495 Pelosi-Tied Super PAC Targets Republican with Misleading Health Care Ad, Ex-govt. worker attacks Barr despite being on plan administered by the state

>>>/qresearch/11365529 HUNTER'S PAYOUT Scandal-hit Hunter Biden ‘agreed to pay baby mama $2.5million to settle paternity case despite claiming to be broke’

>>>/qresearch/11365571 POTUS IS LIVE

>>>/qresearch/11365579 Biden Accuser Tony Bobulinski Has Record Of Honorable Navy Service

>>>/qresearch/11365590 #14515

(30 notables, 33 posts, 31 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:27 a.m. No.35549   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11365606 Q Research General #14516: Rochester Peaceful Protest Edition

Created 302247ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11365718 North Carolina Citizens Defy Proposed Mandatory Mask Law — City Council Stunned by Turn Out Backs Down

>>>/qresearch/11365722 Only 250 Allowed In To Trump Rally, But Thousands Show Up


>>>/qresearch/11365725 Very Interdasting Twatter Thread

>>>/qresearch/11365733 Dr. Simone Gold: I DO NOT CONSENT!

>>>/qresearch/11365757 UFC lightweight champion Khabib Nurmagomedov not a fan of Macron or cartoons

>>>/qresearch/11365783 Masked men ATTACK abortion protest in Poland with flares

>>>/qresearch/11365800, >>>/qresearch/11366232 pf

>>>/qresearch/11365813 Violent clashes in Barcelona as protesters hurl missiles at police after Catalonia closes borders over Covid

>>>/qresearch/11365896 Steve Bannon shows COUP zoom call recorded by Millie Weaver

>>>/qresearch/11365898 How Many People Have Already Voted In The 2020 Election? Turnout Already Exceeds 2016 In One Key Battleground State

>>>/qresearch/11365915 It's time to save America!

>>>/qresearch/11366079 This Week at Justice - October 30, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11366118, >>>/qresearch/11366207 NYP is back (free bird)

>>>/qresearch/11366120 U.S. Ignores China’s Sanction over Arms Sale to Taiwan

>>>/qresearch/11366259 Hunter Biden Recorded Video of Himself and a Hooker Watching Perverted Porn Scene Filmed in a Church

>>>/qresearch/11366288 California Threatens To Arrest 12-Year-Old For Missing 3 Zoom Classes

(16 notables, 18 posts, 21 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:28 a.m. No.35550   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11366368 Q Research General #14517: Time To Save America Edition

Created 302337ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11366492, >>>/qresearch/11366540 Another laptop tied to Hunter Biden was reportedly obtained by the Drug Enforcement Agency earlier this year.

>>>/qresearch/11366494 DJT: THANK YOU MINNESOTA!

>>>/qresearch/11366519, >>>/qresearch/11366795 Thousands of Ballots in Pennsylvania May Be Missing: Officials

>>>/qresearch/11366557, >>>/qresearch/11366808 pf

>>>/qresearch/11366594 ‘Dark money’ groups find new ways to hide donors in 2020 election

>>>/qresearch/11366612, >>>/qresearch/11366648, >>>/qresearch/11366836 Illinois Court Approves Extradition of 17-Year-Old Kyle Rittenhouse to Wisconsin on Murder Charges

>>>/qresearch/11366652 Welcome, Great Trumpkin! (art)

>>>/qresearch/11366685 Joe Biden Melts Down at Trump Supporters in Minnesota: ‘Ugly People’

>>>/qresearch/11366729 Read the piece The Intercept refused to run: GLENN GREENWALD'S blistering attack on the US media's conspiracy of silence over Hunter Biden's laptops and the serious questions Joe still has to answer over son's sketchy Chinese and Ukrainian business deals

>>>/qresearch/11366745 Scott Walker claims Trump has 'fighting chance' in Wisconsin, touts Favre endorsement of president

>>>/qresearch/11366769 @Project_Veritas SUES @nytimes

>>>/qresearch/11366798 Kanye acting weird again

>>>/qresearch/11366811 Song for the Potus


>>>/qresearch/11366850 Philly City Council Strips Cops Of Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas After Dozens Wounded In Street Violence

>>>/qresearch/11366873, >>>/qresearch/11366996, >>>/qresearch/11367059, >>>/qresearch/11367104 POTUS speaks truth.


>>>/qresearch/11366978 NATIONAL GUARD IS CALLED UP IN 12 CITIES.

>>>/qresearch/11367121 #14517

(17 notables, 25 posts, 29 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:28 a.m. No.35551   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11367134 Q Research General #14518: POTUS Speaks The Truth Edition

Created 310029ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11367243 Trump Controlled “Q” Typhoon Slams Into Hunter The Hunted And Levels Leftist Media

>>>/qresearch/11367245 A Pandemic, a Vaccine and Mind Control: The Prophetic Messages of the Series “Utopia”

>>>/qresearch/11367407 President Trump's 2016 surprise victory over Hillary Clinton caused mass panic within the the int'l child trafficking cartel involving the Clinton's, Biden's, and Obama's. They scrambled to move controlled opposition into place. They were stopped.

>>>/qresearch/11367480 A Joliet police sergeant who went public with allegations of police misconduct in the death of a suspect has been arrested

>>>/qresearch/11367534 UN General Assembly to Resume In-Person Meetings Monday, Spokesman Says

>>>/qresearch/11367560 “I Feel Very Confident that Joe Biden Will Be President – Whatever the End Count Is” – Nancy Pelosi Issues Frightening Proclamation (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11367564 Inspire Brands, parent company of Arby’s & Sonic, reaches deal to acquire Dunkin Brands for $106.50/share in cash or total of about $11.3 billion including the company’s debt - CNBC

>>>/qresearch/11367615 Judge Cites Trump Tweets in Restricting Feds at Protests

>>>/qresearch/11367627 CNN just updated their Bill Richard Bio Page 2 days ago

>>>/qresearch/11367650 Tech Rout Sends Stocks to Worst Week Since March

>>>/qresearch/11367777 New Dan Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11367783 People in spain are done with lockdown


>>>/qresearch/11367796 09-0015 USAF VIP POTUS C-32A on approach for JBA from Rochester, MN

>>>/qresearch/11367851 Reports Show Trump Rallies Are Not Super Spreaders for COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/11367875 US court summons Saudi Crown Prince via WhatsApp in attempted assassination lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/11367890 Money from Iranian Gasoline Seized on Its Way to Venezuela Will Go to Victims of Terrorism

>>>/qresearch/11367912 #14518

(17 notables, 17 posts, 21 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:29 a.m. No.35552   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11367924 Q Research General #14519:

Created 310125ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11368039 No way was that filled out by a human. The box was inked from a computer.


>>>/qresearch/11368060 North Dakota man arrested for threatening to blow up voting location

>>>/qresearch/11368068 Pennsylvania governor appeals public information request

>>>/qresearch/11368073 @USArmy Time to slide into the #weekend!!


>>>/qresearch/11368097 SAM727 USAF C-32A KANSAS has priority on the arrivals

>>>/qresearch/11368116 New Mike Pence - Four more days until FOUR MORE YEARS!

>>>/qresearch/11368123, >>>/qresearch/11368132 'A storm is ahead of us': Ducey warns public of rise in COVID-19, but doesn't impose new preventive measures

>>>/qresearch/11368139 Fraudster attempts to register dead Americans as Dem voters in Florida

>>>/qresearch/11368142 New Dan Scavino - Trump: Biden ‘Twisted the Knife in the Back of Michigan Workers'

>>>/qresearch/11368169 Donald Trump deserves a second term - CNN???

>>>/qresearch/11368253 Moar Bill Richardson

>>>/qresearch/11368256 Ice Cube On Turning Down Kamala Harris Group Zoom Call: "I Want To Get Things Done"

>>>/qresearch/11368316 The FBI opened an investigation into Hunter Biden and associates in 2019 on suspicion of money laundering, a Justice Department official told Sinclair Broadcasting.

>>>/qresearch/11368434 It doesn't get more twisted than this….Thomas Friedman on CNN….


>>>/qresearch/11368472 This Week At State - The Department of State Week In Review

>>>/qresearch/11368610, >>>/qresearch/11368632 FreeBaker forgets to not namefag

>>>/qresearch/11368647 Letter from Acting Secretary Wolf to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on recent censorship by Twitter of DHS personnel

(17 notables, 19 posts, 22 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:29 a.m. No.35553   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11368709 Q Research General #14520: The Times That Try Men's Souls Edition

Created 310223ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11368804 FREEDOM

>>>/qresearch/11368821 Lude Media: CCP Censorship, Closer Than You Think - Live now

>>>/qresearch/11368837 Rob Graham has successfully verified DKIM headers of Hunter Biden email

>>>/qresearch/11368854 MBNA Paid Biden's Son As Biden Backed Bill

>>>/qresearch/11368873 Group Headed by Biden’s Daughter Got Grant While He Was Veep 01/29/2020

>>>/qresearch/11368878, >>>/qresearch/11368928 FOLLOWING HUMA DIGS

>>>/qresearch/11368890 The Rally in Georgia on Sunday is being held at the Richard Russell Airport. RIP SKYKING.

>>>/qresearch/11369061 BOLOGNA, ITALY: The conscience of a country's population standing against their politicians speaks through this woman who says her life has been destroyed by lockdowns & has nothing to eat or to feed her 3 year old child


>>>/qresearch/11369126 CENSORED: Here Are The Crimes They Are Hiding From You | Rudy Giuliani

>>>/qresearch/11369174 During a BBC investigation, they discovered that Facebook didn't remove 80 percent of child abuse images they reported. In response, Facebook requested examples then reported the BBC team to the authorities.

>>>/qresearch/11369272 27 Missing Children Rescued In Virginia Sweep: U.S. Marshals

>>>/qresearch/11369311 P = Paysuer

>>>/qresearch/11369479 #14520

(13 notables, 14 posts, 10 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:30 a.m. No.35554   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11369487 Q Research General #14521: Freedom Edition

Created 310325ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11369629 Joe Biden and I are about to work to get rid of that tax cut


>>>/qresearch/11369649 Texan Trumps Fans give Sleepy his biggest rally. - Hilarious.



>>>/qresearch/11369763 Anons see?

>>>/qresearch/11369764 Anon makes case for everyone to homeschool their kids after finding CCP propaganda in school textbooks

>>>/qresearch/11369831 POTUS Schedule for SATURDAY, October 31, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11370083 Mueller gathered evidence suggesting DNC, Clinton camp created Russia collusion story

>>>/qresearch/11370178 ANONS Here is MAP it is not complete. But It is start.

>>>/qresearch/11370186 Keith House was General George Washington's headquarters before the historic crossing of the Delaware River and Battle of Trenton.

>>>/qresearch/11370248 #14521

(10 notables, 10 posts, 11 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:30 a.m. No.35555   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11370986 Q Research General #14523: Having The Whole World At Your Finger-Lakes Edition

Created 310538ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11371053 POTUS: Suburban Women are trending strongly to our campaign because they want SAFETY, SECURITY

>>>/qresearch/11371076, >>>/qresearch/11371394 Behold a Pale Horse book , page 86-87 decodes the recent Archbishop letter to POTUS


>>>/qresearch/11371119, >>>/qresearch/11371368 Finger lakes, mini bun

>>>/qresearch/11371123, >>>/qresearch/11371128, >>>/qresearch/11371131, >>>/qresearch/11371379 January 15, 2020: A Day That Should Live in Infamy

>>>/qresearch/11371157 Report: Second Hunter Biden Laptop Seized by DEA

>>>/qresearch/11371170 URGENT: Biden Team Need Volunteers (no money)

>>>/qresearch/11371171, >>>/qresearch/11371311 "Inslee-Clinton fundraiser almost sold out, boasts excited campaign"

>>>/qresearch/11371175 Another 1-On-1 With Giuliani — After Giving Us The Hard Drive, He’s Now Directly Accusing Biden Of Two Specific Crimes. Do You Believe Him?

>>>/qresearch/11371191 Kamala Harris: ‘Joe Biden and I Are About to Work to Get Rid of that Tax Cut’

>>>/qresearch/11371218 New Dan Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11371219 More than 230 election-related federal lawsuits have been filed already. A look at each state

>>>/qresearch/11371231 Candidates Are Held Hostage by Scandal

>>>/qresearch/11371232 Bernie Endorses Pro-Antifa Portland Mayoral Candidate Who Voted for Stalin, Mao, Pol-Pot, Lenin and Castro as Write-In Candidates on Her 2016 Ballot

>>>/qresearch/11371252 DC activist groups primed for Nov. 3 and whatever follows

>>>/qresearch/11371257 US Seizes "Largest Ever" Haul Of Iranian Missiles & Oil: 'Enough For A Large Military Force'

>>>/qresearch/11371307 Biden whistleblower says he’s hired former Navy Seal team for security, worried they’ll be targeted in retaliation

>>>/qresearch/11371346 Self Appointed “Fact-Checking” Group NewsGuard, Gets Exposed After Trying To Smear Top Conservative Pages On Facebook Before Election

>>>/qresearch/11371422 QAnon Isn’t Just For Boomers. Teachers Are Now Debunking It At Schools.

>>>/qresearch/11371424 Alternate Use of the Tunnel?

>>>/qresearch/11371428 West Tennessee Psychiatrist Sentenced for Unlawfully Distributing Opioids

>>>/qresearch/11371444 Bill would allow children 11 years and older to be vaccinated without parental knowledge

>>>/qresearch/11371459 South-east Queensland hit by very dangerous thunderstorms as hail up to 13cm pummels the region

>>>/qresearch/11371467 NASA Spacecraft Spots “Dancing Sprites” And Colorful Electrical Bursts in Jupiter’s Sky For First Time (Jupiter COMMS?)

>>>/qresearch/11371476 Trump By A Landslide In Texas? Early Voting Numbers Are Diverging Strongly From The Polls

>>>/qresearch/11371488 Eight billion humans can't all be wrong, but we do need a civilised discussion on this

>>>/qresearch/11371527 Dem Senate Candidate Kelly Wanted Ex-Wife Jailed Amid Custody Dispute

>>>/qresearch/11371591 Maine Dem Refused to Spare Small Businesses From Taxes on COVID Relief

>>>/qresearch/11371681 Facebook’s ban on New York Post’s Hunter Biden story had NOTHING to do with fact-checkers, report suggests

>>>/qresearch/11371692 The Facts on Andrew Cuomo’s Nursing Home Policy

>>>/qresearch/11371733 #14523

(30 notables, 36 posts, 45 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:30 a.m. No.35556   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11370265 Q Research General #14522: 4 Days Till 4 More Years Edition

Created 310427ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11370329 New James Woods: Finger Lakes

>>>/qresearch/11370336 Biblical.

>>>/qresearch/11370343 Woman Extradited From Australia Charged For Fatal 2017 Hit-And-Run That Killed Bicyclist In Whittier

>>>/qresearch/11370348 Protesters livestream Portland Andy

>>>/qresearch/11370349 FLOTUS, volume 28

>>>/qresearch/11370353, >>>/qresearch/11370376, >>>/qresearch/11370809 New Dan Scavino

>>>/qresearch/11370356 BREAKING: U.S. reports 100,000 coronavirus cases in 24 hours, setting world record - BNO count

>>>/qresearch/11370375 some new foia stuff rosatom docs

>>>/qresearch/11370437 Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE: Barack Obama's advisors were 'bothered' and thought it was 'unseemly' when Hunter Biden joined board of Burisma while Joe was VP and helping decide policy for Ukraine, new book claims

>>>/qresearch/11370467 Another late night for POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11370498 Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic vice presidential nominee, has reportedly chosen her Secret Service code name ahead of the 2020 election. ("Pioneer")

>>>/qresearch/11370500 PF: PORTLAND POLICE BUREAU doing laps

>>>/qresearch/11370501 Twitter search: Hunter Finger Lakes

>>>/qresearch/11370529 DAILY MAIL: Read tGLENN GREENWALD'S blistering attack on the US media's conspiracy of silence over Hunter Biden's laptops and the serious questions Joe still has to answer over son's sketchy Chinese and Ukrainian business deals

>>>/qresearch/11370560 PF: SkyWest bringing more shitters to the direct action

>>>/qresearch/11370564 This is where Washington made his plans for his Christmas eve attack


>>>/qresearch/11370566 New source for HB laptop "openly admitting that a foreign national used him repeatedly for access to Obama and Joe Biden and that he fulfilled their every wish"

>>>/qresearch/11370575 HunterBiden Crime and Corruption MAP v0.8

>>>/qresearch/11370584 NATIONAL GUARD ACTIVATE

>>>/qresearch/11370636, >>>/qresearch/11370718 Dear Lord Jesus please bless anons

>>>/qresearch/11370664 This is what the filthy Jewish Talmud actually teaches. No wonder Jews are the leading proponents of transgenderism and homosexuality.

>>>/qresearch/11370669 POTUS mentioned 1972 at the peaceful protests today. Q 1972

>>>/qresearch/11370683 PF: Delta from San Diego + Hawaiian Airlines going in, should be hitting the streets at midnight imo

>>>/qresearch/11370700 This Ukrainian woman who criticizes the Bidens is only described as a 'supporter of Biden'

>>>/qresearch/11370712 Alaskan Airlines bringing in methhead Radicals from Minneapolis

>>>/qresearch/11370725, >>>/qresearch/11370754 Stange Factoid Tweet (assassinate POTUS comms -obvious -nothing stops what is happening)

>>>/qresearch/11370746 Seven takeaways from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s talk to Silicon Valley

>>>/qresearch/11370776, >>>/qresearch/11370801 How do I get proof that Trump received the letter from Vigano?

>>>/qresearch/11370797 PF: Portland; Transition Integrity Project in full swing

>>>/qresearch/11370834 I found this source for how many ballots have been returned with all the statistical information for each state for anyone who is interested.

>>>/qresearch/11370842 POTUS: “A Biden win would mean the end of Fracking in Pennsylvania, Texas, and everywhere else. Millions of jobs would be lost, and Energy prices would soar.” @OANN And we would no longer be Energy Independent!!!


>>>/qresearch/11370855 How a fake persona laid the groundwork for a Hunter Biden conspiracy deluge ('fake persona' -when will they learn?)

>>>/qresearch/11370860 May all beings be blessed

>>>/qresearch/11370888 PhD Chemist Whistleblower who Worked 17 Years Developing Chemtrails: 90% of Chemtrails Designed to Alter Emotions/Mood/State of Mind and Provoke “Flu-like Symptoms”

>>>/qresearch/11370890 Scientists say they have found an elusive chameleon species that was last spotted in Madagascar 100 years ago. Researchers say they've discovered several living specimens of Voeltzkow’s chameleon during an expedition.

>>>/qresearch/11370935 Report: Second Hunter Biden Laptop Seized by DEA

>>>/qresearch/11370967 First known case in Bay Area of dual coronavirus-flu infection found in Solano County

(38 notables, 43 posts, 51 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:31 a.m. No.35557   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11371744 Q Research General #14524: TFW Your Whole Life Slips Between Your Finger-Lakes Edition

Created 310712ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11371805 Peter Navarro—‘Arc of Toughness’ on China to Continue

>>>/qresearch/11371886 Hilldawg goes to college

>>>/qresearch/11371939 What is the Quatria Theory? The nature of existence is music

>>>/qresearch/11372019 Clinton, DeBlasio Cuomo enrolled in Electoral college

>>>/qresearch/11372181 More lockdown for Pommies

>>>/qresearch/11372515 #14524

(6 notables, 6 posts, 5 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:31 a.m. No.35558   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11373312 Q Research General #14526: Flying With The Wings Of An Angel Edition

Created 311232ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11373353 New DJT @ 0747 ET


>>>/qresearch/11373431 Sean Connery: James Bond actor dies aged 90

>>>/qresearch/11373465, >>>/qresearch/11373477 (pb) Keith Ablow / DEA / Another HB laptop

>>>/qresearch/11373471 Scotland’s Justice Secretary, the Afro-Pakistani Humma Yousaf, says he intends to clamp down on hate speech inside private homes under his sinister new so-called ‘hate crime’ Bill

>>>/qresearch/11373490 Trump's order ending diversity training faces lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/11373502, >>>/qresearch/11373613, >>>/qresearch/11373924 American hostage rescued by Navy Seals in Nigeria

>>>/qresearch/11373509 Archive Update: "One Ping Only!" Edition

>>>/qresearch/11373534, >>>/qresearch/11373543 Ablow: Will run with GOP backing (FROM 2013)

>>>/qresearch/11373548 countries using Google and Apple’s COVID-19 Contact Tracing API

>>>/qresearch/11373551 @RealJamesWoods "They don’t even hide it anymore."


>>>/qresearch/11373572 Bitchute video: activists, talking heads, and world leaders admitting White Genocide is real

>>>/qresearch/11373627 Chuck's harvest is over.

>>>/qresearch/11373633 Rudy Gave Us The Hard Drive, Accused Biden Of Two Specific Crimes

>>>/qresearch/11373644 Stand for the Truth: A Government Researcher Speaks Out | 9/11 Evidence and NIST

VIDEO - Stand for the Truth: A Government Researcher Speaks Out | 9/11 Evidence and NIST [Channel: AE911Truth]

>>>/qresearch/11373672 new @FLOTUS

>>>/qresearch/11373676 BIGGEST BRIBERY CASE IN THE HISTORY OF OHIO; use to see how relates to Ukraine

>>>/qresearch/11373678 (lb) anons opine on wuhan, soros, smart dust, 5g

>>>/qresearch/11373707 51 new voter applications, all of which featured the same handwriting

>>>/qresearch/11373717, >>>/qresearch/11373870 Herridge rt @DHS_Wolf

>>>/qresearch/11373736 Abused In A Satanic Halloween Ritual

>>>/qresearch/11373748 Jackie was taking private yacht rides with Aristotle Onassis when she was still first lady

>>>/qresearch/11373755 new @SidneyPowell1

>>>/qresearch/11373768 Donald Trump Fought the Establishment—and Won, October 30, 2020, 4 minute read

>>>/qresearch/11373771 Texas Supreme Court Weighing Whether To Throw Out More Than 100,000 Drive-Thru Votes

>>>/qresearch/11373799 The greatest stunt of the 2020 election has now produced the most inspiring ad of the campaign

>>>/qresearch/11373852, >>>/qresearch/11373908 Herridge pen shows words we have been waiting for!!! from

>>>/qresearch/11373878 Chad Wolf letter to Dorsey (yesterday)

>>>/qresearch/11373879, >>>/qresearch/11373991 New DJT: Big win for our very elite U.S. Special Forces today. Details to follow!

>>>/qresearch/11374078 #14526

(30 notables, 37 posts, 47 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:31 a.m. No.35559   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11372533 Q Research General #14525: The Good, The True And The Beautiful Edition

Created 310947ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11372639 AMAZING! Minnesota Democrat Leaders Try to Keep Massive Crowd of Supporters from Trump Rally — FAIL MISERABLY –VIDEO

>>>/qresearch/11372641 Nobody Likes You: CNN Goes After Kirstie Alley After She Slams Their COVID Coverage

>>>/qresearch/11372645 This Week in Ballot Shenanigans: 'Disgrace to Democracy' Edition!

>>>/qresearch/11372651 Taiwanese woman in ICU nine days after flu vaccination

>>>/qresearch/11372652 Bernie Endorses Pro-Antifa Portland Mayoral Candidate Who Voted for Stalin, Mao, Pol-Pot, Lenin and Castro as Write-In Candidates on Her 2016 Ballot

>>>/qresearch/11372660 These Potential Biden Cabinet Members Should Terrify Capitalists

>>>/qresearch/11372662 Israeli Court Rules Convict Who Ran International Child Porn Ring ‘Safe’ To Practice As Pediatrician (checks out)

>>>/qresearch/11372665 Mueller gathered evidence suggesting DNC, Clinton camp manufactured Russia collusion story

>>>/qresearch/11372670 San Francisco Sen. Scott Wiener Introduces Bill to Decriminalize Men Having Sex With Boys (re-post because it so insane)

>>>/qresearch/11372671 “Not Pro-Black”: Wisconsin Students Unanimously Vote To Remove Lincoln Statue As Racist

>>>/qresearch/11372672 Exclusive: Goldman money funds' liquidity buffer swells before U.S. election

>>>/qresearch/11372683 New York Times opinion section comes unhinged ahead of the 2020 election

>>>/qresearch/11372701 Family dynasty protects a ‘killer’ Kennedy

>>>/qresearch/11372702 Soros will lead to the Rothschild and Israel

>>>/qresearch/11372707 More than 230 Federal Election-Related Lawsuits Have Been Filed Already

>>>/qresearch/11372708 TRUMP PATRIOTS escort DRUNK wicked witch KAMALA HARRIS the HELL on outta TOWN!

>>>/qresearch/11372713 Chicago unveils Election Day security plan spanning 10 days

>>>/qresearch/11372722 Massive Florida mail pile-up believed to include ballots

>>>/qresearch/11372723 Anons are the most powerful weapon on the digital battlefield


>>>/qresearch/11372731 Keith Richards on catching COVID-19: ‘I’m impervious … like Donald Trump’

>>>/qresearch/11372741 Biden is slammed for calling Trump fans 'ugly folks' after they interrupt his Minnesota rally with honking horns - leading critics to compare moment to Hillary Clinton's 2016 'deplorables' remark

>>>/qresearch/11372744 “. . . All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic”: An Open Letter to Gen. Milley

>>>/qresearch/11372746 Biden Pledges to Gut Religious Freedom Protections, Saying They Give 'Hate' a 'Safe Harbor'

>>>/qresearch/11372748 Why did all the rioting stop when CNN polls found it hurting Biden?

>>>/qresearch/11372761 'Ambushed': New Orleans police officer shot in French Quarter by man in pedicab

>>>/qresearch/11372765 Mary Jane Jacoby, a 101-year-old supporter of President Donald Trump, will not let the COVID-19 pandemic or its restrictions keep her from voting in person

>>>/qresearch/11372768 Walmart returning displays of guns, ammo to stores, reversing decision prompted by mounting civil unrest

>>>/qresearch/11372774 Project Veritas Sues New York Times for Calling Group ‘Deceptive’

>>>/qresearch/11372781 Chris Wallace says he 'never believed' that Joe Biden did not speak about Hunter's business activity

>>>/qresearch/11372786 Coronavirus: PM considering England lockdown next week

>>>/qresearch/11372802 How to survive the riots if President Trump is re-elected

>>>/qresearch/11372810 National Review: Biden, Never

>>>/qresearch/11372817 Trump greets throngs of fans outside Minnesota rally after state allows just 250 seats

>>>/qresearch/11372843 US Seizes "Largest Ever" Haul Of Iranian Missiles & Oil: 'Enough For A Large Military Force'

>>>/qresearch/11372854 Michigan Officially Starts Covid Track & Tracing – Next Will Be Mandatory Apps On Your Phones (Hawaii is already full on tracking)

>>>/qresearch/11372860 The Post’s Twitter account gained about 190,000 followers during blackout

>>>/qresearch/11372868 NYC businesses board up windows ahead of 2020 presidential election

>>>/qresearch/11372874 Professor of African American history accused of faking Mexican heritage

>>>/qresearch/11372889 Investigators Stop Attempt To Register Dead People As Democrats In Florida

>>>/qresearch/11372913, >>>/qresearch/11372922, >>>/qresearch/11372956 New Flynn: The stakes in this election are monumental

>>>/qresearch/11372919 (lb) anons opine on wuhan, soros, smart dust, 5g

>>>/qresearch/11372920 Georgia battle could swing control of US Senate

>>>/qresearch/11372931 Fox News Beats Three Broadcast Networks in Overall Primetime Ratings on Thursday, Romps in Total Day Audience

>>>/qresearch/11372948 Second Hunter Biden Laptop Taken Into Custody by DEA

>>>/qresearch/11372955, >>>/qresearch/11373020, >>>/qresearch/11373240 Finger Lakes digs

>>>/qresearch/11372957 Maine Dem Refused to Spare Small Businesses From Taxes on COVID Relief

>>>/qresearch/11373041 A guide to Pennsylvania’s political hot spots The Keystone State

>>>/qresearch/11373065 Woah, did @maggieNYT see that ABC News just broke the dam?!

>>>/qresearch/11373074 Flynn: Read this very sincere & uplifting thread from the great journalist

>>>/qresearch/11373128 New Jersey's Gov. Murphy won't rule out another coronavirus lockdown as cases spike

>>>/qresearch/11373191 Black Cats and Election Predictions

>>>/qresearch/11373211 FLOTUS: Office of National Drug Control Policy and the #BeBest campaign are committed to nurturing an environment that is conducive for children to live their best, drug-free lives

>>>/qresearch/11373221 (pb) Keith Ablow / DEA / Another HB laptop

>>>/qresearch/11373263, >>>/qresearch/11373269, >>>/qresearch/11373286 Three women settle medical malpractice lawsuits against prominent psychiatrist Keith Ablow

(54 notables, 60 posts, 75 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:32 a.m. No.35560   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11374104 Q Research General #14527: Grassley's Harvest Now Complete Edition

Created 311415ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11374202 President Trump is now running against Joe Biden, the media and Barack Obama.

>>>/qresearch/11374205 Election2020 In local Iowa interview, former VP Biden was asked about Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop. He called it a “smear” + loosely connected the story to “Russians” NOTE: There are 2 distinct buckets of info: the alleged laptop + former HB business associate Tony Bobulinski

>>>/qresearch/11374217 @StatesPoll Is Out With Their Latest Electoral College Forecast Based On Polling Reanalysis Current As Of 10/30.#Trump 312 Electoral Votes

>>>/qresearch/11374246 Grassley says the the corn is completely harvested.

>>>/qresearch/11374259 EXEC1F USAF VIP C-32A FLOTUS departing JBA nw

>>>/qresearch/11374276 Q PROOF 12 Cities National Guard

>>>/qresearch/11374285 Ivanka Trump makes clear just where she stands on a key issue

>>>/qresearch/11374447 #China is pouring $3 BILLION into #Freeport #Bahamas, a short 87 miles east of #PalmBeach #Florida.

>>>/qresearch/11374466 Sheriff’s Office to enforce shutdown after county attorney reinstates order

>>>/qresearch/11374506 Biden Daughter’s Diary Details ‘Not Appropriate’ Showers With Joe As Child

>>>/qresearch/11374536 This is the most badass video of Trump supporters dominating Biden yet…..

>>>/qresearch/11374604 Mitigation Measures pursuant to EO 4.4.20- Could Sec 9 be a [Marker}?

>>>/qresearch/11374639 BREAKING: An American hostage has been rescued in West Africa by SEAL Team 6 in a daring raid early this morning

>>>/qresearch/11374641 FBI Hiring Outside Contractor To Overhaul Use Of FISA Spying Tool

>>>/qresearch/11374670 AF2 USAF VIP C-40B departed JBA for Elm City, NC campaign event

>>>/qresearch/11374712 The Biden Bus, with Kamala on board, got so trolled by flag-waving Trump trucks on I-35 in Texas, they cancelled their Austin rally!

>>>/qresearch/11374760 Human trafficking in Finger Lakes region: ‘It’s real, and it’s here’

>>>/qresearch/11374812 09-0015 USAF VIP POTUS C-32A departed JBA for Trenton-Mercer Airport,

>>>/qresearch/11374824 Today President Trump will be focusing on Pennsylvania with four rallies in the keystone state


(20 notables, 20 posts, 24 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:32 a.m. No.35561   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11374920 Q Research General #14528: 4 Days Till 4 More Years Edition

Created 311537ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11374947 Trump Rally Buck Pa livelink RSBN

>>>/qresearch/11374952 Q Proof 12 Cities that National Guard is activating in

>>>/qresearch/11374964 Video Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano on DeepState

>>>/qresearch/11374969 09-0015 USAF VIP POTUS C-32A on approach for Trenton-Mercer Airport, NJ from JBA

>>>/qresearch/11374978 Halloween is NOT harmless fun (video)

>>>/qresearch/11374982 Human Trafficking in Finger Lakes NY is REAL

>>>/qresearch/11374986 Not Pro-Black: Wisconsin Students Unanimously Vote To Remove Lincoln Statue As Racist

>>>/qresearch/11374996 Anon letter to Congress

>>>/qresearch/11375010 According to Fakenews fearport - Biden forced to cancel event in Texas due to armed Trump Supporters

>>>/qresearch/11375083 CBS WH correspondent thinking about jumping ship?

>>>/qresearch/11375086 The Make America Great Again Victory Rallies will feature remarks from President Donald J. Trump and Republican candidates.

>>>/qresearch/11375089 Over the next Seven Days, leave it all on the field. /ourgeneral/

>>>/qresearch/11375100 Discussing the blackmail and methods of the CCCP is banned on TWITTER.

>>>/qresearch/11375130 EXEC1F USAF VIP C-32A FLOTUS on final approach to Milwaukee-Mitchell Airport from JBA departure

>>>/qresearch/11375158 Define: Projection

>>>/qresearch/11375206 Why We, Never give up.

>>>/qresearch/11375218 In conversation with a shy Trump voter

>>>/qresearch/11375222 President Trump Supporting Parade of vehicles (over 1000) escort Biden/Harris Campaign bus out of Texas City, Texas - Video


>>>/qresearch/11375236 Husband of Africa's richest woman Isabel dos Santos dies in diving accident off the coast of Dubai

>>>/qresearch/11375281 New POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11375312 New Creepy Joe

>>>/qresearch/11375372 New /OurGeneral/ Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11375401 Another Terror Attack in France - Joe Biden Style Immigration Policies

>>>/qresearch/11375450 Costco Drops Coconut Milk Products Over Allegations Of Forced Monkey Labor

>>>/qresearch/11375473 BASED AF TWAT BE TROLLIN

>>>/qresearch/11375562 BREAKING - United Kingdom to ban all international travel outbound.

>>>/qresearch/11375566 Freebaker forgets to not namefag when working for JIDF

(27 notables, 27 posts, 32 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:33 a.m. No.35562   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11375622 Q Research General #14529: RED OCTOBER Edition

Created 311645ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11375674, >>>/qresearch/11375696, >>>/qresearch/11375729 POTUS LIVE

>>>/qresearch/11375705 3-year delta - Q14

>>>/qresearch/11375721, >>>/qresearch/11375853 New Dan Scavino



>>>/qresearch/11375763 The wild life of billionaire Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who eats one meal a day, has faced attempted oustings, and had to defend his company in front of Congress

>>>/qresearch/11375767, >>>/qresearch/11375834 Dem Senate Candidate Kelly Wanted Ex-Wife Jailed Amid Custody Dispute

>>>/qresearch/11375801 BigMikeAnon Pompeo's visit to improve trade and security in the South China Sea..

>>>/qresearch/11375831 "Breaking: Boots On The Ground"


>>>/qresearch/11375873 Bill Maher doesnt want a civil war with Trump supporters.

>>>/qresearch/11375879 BREAKING: Priest gravely injured in shooting at Greek Orthodox church in French city of Lyon; suspect fled the scene

>>>/qresearch/11375916 When a politician talks about lockdowns, realize that no lockdown ever applies to any politician.

>>>/qresearch/11375935 Gunmen Kidnap American Citizen in Southern Niger - Saved by Seals

>>>/qresearch/11375947 Finger Lakes child trafficking tie into Trudeau's Ottawa?

>>>/qresearch/11375958 Who let all these people into my basement?


>>>/qresearch/11376015 CNN Claims Hunter Biden "Burisma Deal" Stinks; Story On ABC News Confronting Hunter Biden Resurfaces

>>>/qresearch/11376088, >>>/qresearch/11376238, >>>/qresearch/11376262 BORIS JOHNSON CONFIRMS MICROCHIPS, NANOBOTS AND NEW WORLD ORDER.. Video


>>>/qresearch/11376096 Planned Parenthood Lied To Congress About Selling Aborted Fetuses

>>>/qresearch/11376101 “It Was Just Conversation, Like BSing” Mainstream Media Runs Damage Control On O’Keefe Texas Hit

>>>/qresearch/11376108 Unrest erupts over police killing of 21-year-old Black man, Kevin Peterson Jr., near Portland

>>>/qresearch/11376114 NY Introduces Mandatory 3-Day Quarantine

>>>/qresearch/11376133 South Korea reports 83 deaths among people given flu jabs amid safety concerns with govt vaccination program

>>>/qresearch/11376187 United States and more than 30 other nations sign declaration that 'there is no international right to abortion' and that the family is 'fundamental' to society

>>>/qresearch/11376194 The Godfather: how the Mafia blockbuster became a political handbook

>>>/qresearch/11376207 UK govt to hold emergency meeting after plans for new Covid-19 lockdown in England leaked to media

>>>/qresearch/11376288 Antifa Attacks Restaurant Patrons in Suburban Vancouver, Washington

>>>/qresearch/11376291 This Week in Iran Policy..

>>>/qresearch/11376293 The White House Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11376314 NGOs Demand Britain Open Borders to Migrants Across the World After Boat Deaths

>>>/qresearch/11376389 #14529

(29 notables, 35 posts, 45 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:33 a.m. No.35563   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11376397 Q Research General #14530: If God Be For Us, Who Could Be Against Us Edition

Created 311741ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11376501 Grand Jury Finds Prima Facie Evidence of Pandemic Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11376523 Look what's trending.

>>>/qresearch/11376539 DoJ fights 'last minute delay' in extradition of former Green Beret and his son to Japan after they 'helped smuggle Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn out of the country in custom-made speaker box'

>>>/qresearch/11376554 MAP OF BIDEN FAMILY CONNECTIONS

>>>/qresearch/11376565 Vatican Cardinal Calls for Battle Against ‘Monstrous’ Islamism

>>>/qresearch/11376595 NEW LEWANDOWSKI

>>>/qresearch/11376600 BLM’s Connection to Obama’s Rev Wright: “There will be no peace in America until whites begin to hate their whiteness”

>>>/qresearch/11376628 9 More Biden Hard Drive Disclosure! Hunter Biden’s Email Concerning Former Ukrainian President!

>>>/qresearch/11376637 MI Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: "I've earned a few nicknames in 2020 – but 'Big Gretch' is my favorite."

>>>/qresearch/11376640 Most employers issue only paychecks every two weeks. In the meantime, payroll processors like ADP make millions from investing worker salaries before they’re paid.

>>>/qresearch/11376647 4 Star General Explains America’s Greatest National Security Risk

>>>/qresearch/11376665 Married Kentucky teacher, 36, 'sexually abused her 13-year-old student and gave him an iPad to send explicit photos of himself to her'

>>>/qresearch/11376688, >>>/qresearch/11376766 INTL NEWS

>>>/qresearch/11376700 Some 50 Young People With Turkish Background Rampage in Catholic Church in Vienna – Reports

>>>/qresearch/11376705 Instagram ‘blocked French account of Iran’s Khamenei’ after he sent message to youths on Prophet Mohammed cartoons

>>>/qresearch/11376726 Q Clock Updates

>>>/qresearch/11376800 Facebook cracks down on the use of 'Save Our Children' hashtag because it's been overtaken by QAnon conspiracy theorists

>>>/qresearch/11376890 House Democrats Introduce Bill to Slow UAE F-35 Deal

>>>/qresearch/11376907 Inside Finger Lakes' Nuclear Bunker Data Center

>>>/qresearch/11376919 Kyle Rittenhouse was unexpectedly transferred to Wisconsin today before he could exercise his statutory right of appeal.

>>>/qresearch/11376920 Military Forces Rescue Kidnapped American in Niger

>>>/qresearch/11376939 Social media & mainstream media have banned fundraising efforts for Kyle Rittenhouse & have censored information establishing his evidence.

>>>/qresearch/11376947 POTUS hated CNN even in 1990.


>>>/qresearch/11376958 Here’s What National Guard Units Across the Country Will Be Doing on Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11376981 Project Veritas SUES New York Times for Defamation for Labeling Undercover Videos as “Deceptive”

>>>/qresearch/11377023 Amen.

>>>/qresearch/11377061 New Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11377089 Saturday pop quiz: who led the Senate Supreme Court hearings Justice Clarence Thomas referred to as a “high-tech lynching for uppity Blacks?” You guessed right, Joe Biden.


>>>/qresearch/11377116 09-0017

>>>/qresearch/11377121 NEW PDJT

(30 notables, 31 posts, 63 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:33 a.m. No.35564   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11377207 Q Research General #14531: THE BEST IS INDEED YET TO COME Edition

Created 311846ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11377266, >>>/qresearch/11377295, >>>/qresearch/11377359, >>>/qresearch/11377429 /Comms/ Collection - Shilling hard today

>>>/qresearch/11377289 U.S. Military Helicopter Crashed In Northeastern Syria – Reports

>>>/qresearch/11377296 #RIP Sean Connery who has asked for his last ping. Connery passed away this morning at the age of 90. He will always be Captain Marko Ramius to us.

>>>/qresearch/11377373 Obama officials were ‘bothered’ by Hunter Biden Burisma job: book

>>>/qresearch/11377381 3 years ago today

>>>/qresearch/11377394 Joe Biden Interrupts Local Iowa Reporter Asking About Hunter’s Laptop From Hell, ‘It’s All a Smear From Russia – Classic Trump!’

>>>/qresearch/11377424 Group Responsible for 405 Trump Sign Comes Forward With Killer Pro-Trump Campaign Ad

>>>/qresearch/11377445 Fireworks Over Nagorno-Karabakh: Azerbaijan Used Banned Phosphorus Munitions

>>>/qresearch/11377452 Hugo Chavez’s ex-nurse indicted in US for money laundering

>>>/qresearch/11377456 Watch: Kamala Harris Introduced as ‘Next President of the United States’ During Texas Campaign Event

>>>/qresearch/11377476 New interview. Lockdowns, facts, frauds … if you can't handle truth, use a mask to cover your eyes and ears

>>>/qresearch/11377479 Bernie Tells Squad: ‘Electing Biden Is Not the End-All, It Is the Beginning’

>>>/qresearch/11377483 ‘Enough is enough’: How FinCEN Files exposes a broken system that keeps dirty cash flowing

>>>/qresearch/11377516, >>>/qresearch/11377525 NEW PDJT


>>>/qresearch/11377567 Drudge Report traffic plunges as content turns against Trump

>>>/qresearch/11377571 Democratic presidential candidate Creepy Joe Biden will address the nation on Election Day from Wilmington, Delaware

>>>/qresearch/11377591 A Collusion Tale: China and the Bidens

>>>/qresearch/11377595 Open season when?

>>>/qresearch/11377602 Election Resurrection: Scheme to Register Dead Voters as Democrats Uncovered in Florida

>>>/qresearch/11377629 The 10 Cities In The Most Financial Distress

>>>/qresearch/11377677 Michigan Bars and Restaurants Will Require Customers’ Names and Phone Numbers

>>>/qresearch/11377687, >>>/qresearch/11377719 Joe Biden’s Hand in Corruption, Subversion and Crime in Guatemala

>>>/qresearch/11377690 Help needed. What language does Sleepy Joe speak ?


>>>/qresearch/11377704 Gov. Gavin Newsom sends his children to private school when many California kids can't, sparking backlash

>>>/qresearch/11377764, >>>/qresearch/11377805 THE GREAT RESET

>>>/qresearch/11377793 More #Biden nefarious dealings!

>>>/qresearch/11377798 Rally Numbers

>>>/qresearch/11377810 Gov. Cuomo announces mandatory COVID-19 testing for out-of-state travelers

>>>/qresearch/11377814 Minnesota Absentee Ballot Tracking Site Crashes Three Days Before Election

>>>/qresearch/11377825 Hunter Biden’s Ukraine contact allegedly a ‘fixer’ for shady oligarchs

>>>/qresearch/11377828 Gretchen Whitmer Administration Tightens Coronavirus Restrictions, Issues Guidelines for Trick-or-Treating

>>>/qresearch/11377838 Former Denver FBI Agent who Helped Capture Saddam Hussein Dies

>>>/qresearch/11377841 BREAKING: CALLING ALL LOCAL TRUMP SUPPORTERS — Mole Leaks Out Michigan Location of Obama-Sleepy Joe Rally — Help Welcome Them to Belle Isle!

>>>/qresearch/11377855 AMAZING! Ivanka Trump Invites Law Enforcement Officers Who Worked on Recent Human Trafficking Rescues on Stage to Thank Them! (VIDEO)


>>>/qresearch/11377866 Statement From the President On Last Night’s Hostage Rescue

>>>/qresearch/11377945 #14531

(38 notables, 44 posts, 54 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:34 a.m. No.35565   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11377949 Q Research General #14532: Reading Rally Bread Edition

Created 311952ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11378050 Biden the Bully Fantasizes About Assaulting President Trump in Michigan Speech

>>>/qresearch/11378055 French Police Have Detained Suspected Shooter Who Wounded Orthodox Priest in Lyon - Report

>>>/qresearch/11378056 AWACSs get thirsty too.

>>>/qresearch/11378081 Where is Hillary? MATHs is noteworthy.

>>>/qresearch/11378111 Here’s some fake news I expected months ago

>>>/qresearch/11378117 Reading Rally Live Link

>>>/qresearch/11378282 America is the Guiding Light of the Free World. It serves as the Keystone that holds together the world's arching society.

>>>/qresearch/11378412 Business Associates Viewed Hunter Biden as Pipeline to Obama Administration, Researcher Says

>>>/qresearch/11378425 Monica The Living Humidor Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11378529 Children are DONE with lockdown. Open schools and playgrounds.


>>>/qresearch/11378720 #14532

(11 notables, 11 posts, 9 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:34 a.m. No.35566   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11379487 Q Research General #14534 Playground WILL BE open Edition

Created 312212ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11379592 POTUS Tweet - Signed order to protect fracking and Oil/Gas Industry

>>>/qresearch/11379594 Chanel Rion tweet - Biden Tax Liens in the millions of $$

>>>/qresearch/11379628 Project Veritas receives death threat

>>>/qresearch/11379632 free cheese is not free - it's socialism


>>>/qresearch/11379645 POTUS Live in Butler, PA

>>>/qresearch/11379648 Rudy G goes off on never-Trumper Kennedy on Fox Business (MP4 Video)


>>>/qresearch/11379695 Plane Fags might have a runner!

>>>/qresearch/11379716 Trump / Biden watch numbers

>>>/qresearch/11379773 RALLY BREAD

>>>/qresearch/11379780 more diggs on Finger Lakes

>>>/qresearch/11379791 PlaneFag GAF686 interesting data

>>>/qresearch/11379824 Why the NYTimes is blocking the truth SO HARD

>>>/qresearch/11379902 ————————————–——– Are you ready to finish what we started?

>>>/qresearch/11379970 ————————————–——– Are you ready to hold the political elite [protected] accountable?

>>>/qresearch/11380075 ————————————–——– Are you ready to take back control of this Country?

>>>/qresearch/11380146 ————————————–——– Are you ready for: ZERO DAY! (Cap: )

>>>/qresearch/11380279 ————————————–——– Space Shuttle Launch Audio - play LOUD (no music) HD 1080p ( CAP: )

VIDEO - Space Shuttle Launch Audio - play LOUD (no music) [Channel: indiegun]

(17 notables, 17 posts, 10 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11379902, >>>/qresearch/11379970, >>>/qresearch/11380075, >>>/qresearch/11380146

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:35 a.m. No.35567   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11378652 Q Research General #14533 USA Fireside 'Chats' coming, activate EAS Edition

Created 312049ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11378817 Bernie Sanders Cheerily Greets Trick-Or-Treaters Before Stealing Their Candy For Redistribution - Babylon Bee Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11378840 Lockdowns Recreated a Pre-Modern Caste System

>>>/qresearch/11378843 Gen Flynn tweet - Conversation with Arch Bishop Carlos Vigano

>>>/qresearch/11378879, >>>/qresearch/11379063 Anon notes on Gen Flynn tweet - Arch Bishop Carlos Vigano Talks pedophilia, corruption, culture of silence, blackmail, China, ect. NEED EYES AND EARS ON.

>>>/qresearch/11378881 'Blaming Wuhan' a documentary (Youtube Video)

VIDEO - Blaming Wuhan The Documentary 武汉 2020 中文字幕 [Channel: Reporterfy Media & Travel]

>>>/qresearch/11378887 A neighbor reports that AG William Barr's house in McLean is being picketed by Trump supporters who believe he's not doing enough to lock up Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11378906 96 miles of Trump Supporters in Arizona (MP4 Video)


>>>/qresearch/11378980 Tweet from Chanel Rion OAN - Biden Tax Liens?

>>>/qresearch/11378989 Wokeness - old religion in a new bottle

>>>/qresearch/11378990 International Q Research threads

>>>/qresearch/11379020 Millie Weaver @ America's Voice news reporting on BLM plans to cause ruckus after Election (youtube video)

>>>/qresearch/11379023 Leaked Emails Reveal Bill Clinton and Hunter Biden Planned Trip Together To Haiti

>>>/qresearch/11379040 South Korea reports 83 dead from covid vaccination trial

>>>/qresearch/11379052 7 part digg on Dead Sea Scrolls

>>>/qresearch/11379082 New ad DJT Jr tweet Shout out to anons

>>>/qresearch/11379103 Explosion at China Virus Hospital in Russia's Urals

>>>/qresearch/11379108 Joe Biden missed introduction by Obama in Michigan.

>>>/qresearch/11379117 Self Appointed “Fact-Checking” Group NewsGuard, Gets Exposed After Trying To Smear Top Conservative Pages On Facebook Before Election

>>>/qresearch/11379148 Hillary interned the summer after college at law firm whose 4 partners included 2 communists and 2 that tolerated communists.

>>>/qresearch/11379163 POTUS / FLOTUS roundup from Chanel Rion OAN

>>>/qresearch/11379172 Tweet with Hunter Biden corruption flow chart

>>>/qresearch/11379196 Bradley Birkenfeld - accurate predictions in 'Lucifer's Banker' book

>>>/qresearch/11379221 Barr tells friends he would like to remain attorney general in second term if Trump is reelected

>>>/qresearch/11379239, >>>/qresearch/11379260, >>>/qresearch/11379279, >>>/qresearch/11379287, >>>/qresearch/11379369 Finger Lakes Constellation Brands Connections Digg

>>>/qresearch/11379240 Pentagon Leaders Targeted in Retaliation for Soleimani Assassination

>>>/qresearch/11379250 Anon opines on spontaneous Trump Rally that broke out by his home

>>>/qresearch/11379262 Never Trumper Rick Gates and John Podesta comms

>>>/qresearch/11379272 Portland Antifa Invades Vancouver — Attacks Restaurant Patrons

>>>/qresearch/11379275 POTUS up by 7 in Utah

>>>/qresearch/11379285 Prayer for President Trump from anon

>>>/qresearch/11379307 5G digg

>>>/qresearch/11379313 DEA raids Newburyport office of Dr. Keith Ablow, controversial psychiatrist who settled malpractice lawsuits

>>>/qresearch/11379319 Hunter Biden incest - look at the bracelet

>>>/qresearch/11379377 Tom Fitton tweet BREAKING:@Instagram (owned by @Facebook) throttling its entire system to restrict information flow through hashtags. Unprecedented censorship of 1 billion users– all to protect Joe Biden and hurt @realDonaldTrump

>>>/qresearch/11379379 IDF tweet - RIP Sean Connery

>>>/qresearch/11379394 MSM poking fun at Hillary?

>>>/qresearch/11379415 Harvard Exploring the Renaming of Pretty Much Everything on Campus

>>>/qresearch/11379431 Melania live (Youtube live broadcast)

>>>/qresearch/11379433, >>>/qresearch/11379436, >>>/qresearch/11379444 archive bread links

(39 notables, 46 posts, 44 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:35 a.m. No.35568   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11381086 Q Research General #14536: Are you ready to finish what we started? Edition

Created 312328ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11381122 New Dan Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11381165 Time to wake up, California. - John Solomon

>>>/qresearch/11381316 THE WALL AND THE WHEEL

>>>/qresearch/11381378 Happy Halloween! Owls may seem spooky, but unless you're a mouse, you have nothing to fear!

>>>/qresearch/11381380 Biden babbling about cars honking not made in Michigan


>>>/qresearch/11381420 Hussein - Shoot your shot

>>>/qresearch/11381432 Trudeau Ethics Scandal CONTINUES!

>>>/qresearch/11381436 6-second clip: T-Minus 17 seconds and counting


>>>/qresearch/11381446 CAUGHT ON TAPE: Houston Poll Judge Admits To Illegally Casting Vote For A Voter

>>>/qresearch/11381581 NEW POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11381591 David Einhorn Made 7.7% In Month He Claims "Enormous" Tech Bubble Popped

>>>/qresearch/11381593 ————————————–——– Are you ready for: ZERO DAY! (Cap: )

VIDEO - Space Shuttle Launch Audio - play LOUD (no music) [Channel: indiegun]

>>>/qresearch/11381604 New POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11381612 NBC Finally Responds To Hunter Biden Story… With An Exhaustive Exposé Of An Unrelated Document

>>>/qresearch/11381628 Sixth Mexican Journalist Murdered in 2020

>>>/qresearch/11381656 NEW Richard Grenell

>>>/qresearch/11381695 Massive POTUS RALLY

>>>/qresearch/11381782 The Original ‘Antifa’ Was A Jewish Anti-Nazi Militia

>>>/qresearch/11381794 Twitter censorship endangers National Security.

(19 notables, 19 posts, 26 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:36 a.m. No.35569   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11380359 Q Research General #14535 Goldfinger Sunsets on day of the Red October Hunter Moon

Created 312257ZOCT20


>>>/qresearch/11380391 #14534

>>>/qresearch/11380413 A tradition for NASA spaceflights since the days of Gemini, mission crews are played a special musical track at the start of each day in space.

>>>/qresearch/11380449, >>>/qresearch/11380483, >>>/qresearch/11380533 Trilateral Commission

>>>/qresearch/11380502 We are here!

>>>/qresearch/11380510 Rhode Island Man charged with Sex Trafficking

>>>/qresearch/11380523 President Trump supports fracking

>>>/qresearch/11380539 God Wins

>>>/qresearch/11380580 45 missing children rescued, 179 arrested in Ohio human trafficking sting operation.

>>>/qresearch/11380582 T-Minus 17 seconds

>>>/qresearch/11380659 Thank you Wisconsin for your immense support & pride for our country. I am now off to Pennsylvania!

>>>/qresearch/11380673 A DOJ official says Barr went outside to greet the crowd, chatted with the folks out there, explained DOJ’s role generally in investigations and then shook hands and posed for photos with them.

>>>/qresearch/11380884 Paradigm Global, the Bidens and allegedly fraudulent hedge funds – a summary

(12 notables, 14 posts, 18 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:36 a.m. No.35570   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11381849 Q Research General #14537: Are You ready to take back control of this Country? Edition

Created 010010ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11381900 Gerbil

>>>/qresearch/11381932 Tell everybody I'm on my way, And I'm loving every step I take

>>>/qresearch/11382009 Communist Control Act of 1954


>>>/qresearch/11382010 NAVY MOON TWAT

>>>/qresearch/11382040 Read and weep

>>>/qresearch/11382137 We are reaching levels of cringe never before seen.


>>>/qresearch/11382239 The White House

>>>/qresearch/11382345 Orthodox priest shot at church in France, motive unknown

>>>/qresearch/11382360 KEK!! POTUS just tweeted this


>>>/qresearch/11382410 Rupert Murdoch, who had a personal relationship with paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, points the finger at Kevin Rudd

>>>/qresearch/11382456 The Masonic Plan For The Destruction Of The Catholic Church

>>>/qresearch/11382467 Woman gets more than two years in jail for threat letter to Sen. Susan Collins

>>>/qresearch/11382486 University reprimands Dem for using tax-funded resources for campaign

>>>/qresearch/11382512 The Biden campaign is now lying about a campaign car involved in a highway accident


>>>/qresearch/11382522 CNN Claims Hunter Biden "Burisma Deal" Stinks; Story On ABC News Confronting Hunter Biden Resurfaces

>>>/qresearch/11382535 ROGER STONE EXCLUSIVE: How the Democrats Plan to Steal the 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/11382541 NEW PDJT

>>>/qresearch/11382613 #14537

(18 notables, 18 posts, 30 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:37 a.m. No.35571   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11382596 Q Research General #14538: No weapon formed against you shall prosper Edition

Created 010100ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11382636, >>>/qresearch/11382942 POTUS going live.

>>>/qresearch/11382690 Melania Trump Campaigns in Wisconsin: Joe Biden Will ‘Make Us Hide in Fear in Our Basements’

>>>/qresearch/11382699 CAUGHT ON TAPE: Houston Poll Judge Admits To Illegally Casting Vote For A Voter

>>>/qresearch/11382710 Trump Country in Western PA tonight.

>>>/qresearch/11382713 Missouri Officers Rescue Over a Dozen Victims, Arrest 5 Human Trafficking Suspects

>>>/qresearch/11382737 Tomorrow is the big day to support POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11382756 Vid showing Trump supporters escorting Biden out of town!



>>>/qresearch/11382763 FLOTUS Pool Report #12 – Arrival at White House

>>>/qresearch/11382764 Army - Zero bubble Q reference

>>>/qresearch/11382766 Desperate 'Fact-Checkers' Line Up to Help Biden

>>>/qresearch/11382789 Philadelphia Firefighters Union Confirms Trump Endorsement in Forced Recount

>>>/qresearch/11382822 Canadian Armed Forces soldier shot dead in live-fire exercise at Alberta base

>>>/qresearch/11382854 Dems Cancel Rallies After Trump Fan Caravan Swarms Biden Bus on Texas Highway

>>>/qresearch/11383040 Pagan Origins of Halloween

>>>/qresearch/11383042 Feds go after protesters with rarely used civil disorder law enacted in 1960s

>>>/qresearch/11383075 Media Hide Anti-Cop Views, Violent History of Man Shot By Police

>>>/qresearch/11383173 Epstein Donations Force Resignation of International Peace Institute CEO

>>>/qresearch/11383179 A federal judge in Texas scheduled an emergency hearing for Monday on whether Houston officials unlawfully allowed drive-through voting and should toss more than 100,000 votes in the Democratic-leaning area.

>>>/qresearch/11383187 DJT: I LOVE TEXAS!


>>>/qresearch/11383321 PRESIDENT TRUMP Plays the BEST CLOSING VIDEO OF ALL TIME at Butler, Pennsylvania Rally

>>>/qresearch/11383345 #14538

>>>/qresearch/11383393 Chuck Callesto Twat - Biden Laptop has phone #s for the Clintons, Secret Service and Obama's Cabinet

(23 notables, 24 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:38 a.m. No.35572   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11383361 Q Research General #14539: Montoursville Peaceful Protest Edition

Created 010155ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11383452 The silent majority in Beverly Hills, California today


>>>/qresearch/11383463, >>>/qresearch/11383495 PF: WE OUT HERE

>>>/qresearch/11383478 Store guard stabbed 27 times for asking sisters to wear masks, use sanitizer

>>>/qresearch/11383487 Nearly 50% Of BLM Protesters Arrested In Seattle Were White, From Other Cities

>>>/qresearch/11383504 Savage Corp To Shield High-Value Targets With AI-Drone Killing Missiles

>>>/qresearch/11383527 POTUS: Joe Biden has vowed to ABOLISH American Oil and Natural Gas

>>>/qresearch/11383536 James Woords: How is it conceivable this guy is behind in the polls, and the other guy can’t fill a telephone booth at a rally?


>>>/qresearch/11383558 Study: 1 to 2 million tons of US plastic trash go astray

>>>/qresearch/11383564, >>>/qresearch/11383843, >>>/qresearch/11383932 PF: SAM942

>>>/qresearch/11383592 American thought leaders on big tech. Check out background

>>>/qresearch/11383607 DONALD TRUMP JR. ON FIRE! First Son GOES OFF on Fake News, Paul Ryan, Tech Giants and Weak-Kneed Republicans!

>>>/qresearch/11383678 The left-wing bias of Wikipedia

>>>/qresearch/11383694, >>>/qresearch/11383767, >>>/qresearch/11383823 PF: can we have someone check out the intersection of this point

>>>/qresearch/11383717 ROGER STONE EXCLUSIVE: How the Democrats Plan to Steal the 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/11383748 Trafalgar Group's Robert Cahaly Responds To Nate Silver, Explains Why He Has The Winning Formula


>>>/qresearch/11383766 Norhtern Lights Above Finland

>>>/qresearch/11383814 WaPo Satanic PROJECTION

>>>/qresearch/11383817 POTUS brings the OIL WELL to PA Rally

>>>/qresearch/11383880 HAPPY GALLOW'S EVE


>>>/qresearch/11383918 New Dan Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11383922 Head of Silvercorp USA claims #WhiteHouse officials knew about the planned coup in #Venezuela

>>>/qresearch/11383972, >>>/qresearch/11384016 POTUS Schedule for SUNDAY, November 1, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11384057 PM announces second lockdown to avoid 'medical and moral disaster'

>>>/qresearch/11384061 Dan Scavino: Behind the Scenes

(24 notables, 30 posts, 43 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:39 a.m. No.35573   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11384119 Q Research General #14540: There Is No "QAnon" Edition

Created 010248ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11384191 Oregon voters to decide on decriminalizing heroin, cocaine and LSD

>>>/qresearch/11384221 POTUS: Waters World Clip


>>>/qresearch/11384233, >>>/qresearch/11384441 Fresh Poll for the Flippening

>>>/qresearch/11384235 Latino Border Patrol Union Members Voice Support for President Trump’s Immigration Policies

>>>/qresearch/11384254 ALL LIES: Trump supporters 'tried to run Biden bus off road'

>>>/qresearch/11384278 James Woods Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11384314 'A global conspiracy against God and humanity': Controversial Catholic archbishop pushes QAnon themes in letter to Trump


>>>/qresearch/11384321 Smithsonian: There were a series of inventions in the 19th century, which would aid someone, who was buried alive, to escape, breathe and signal for help.

>>>/qresearch/11384325 Black voter support for Trump soars to 31%, new survey finds

>>>/qresearch/11384360 The Medal of Honor is the highest award for bravery that can be given to any individual in the United States.

>>>/qresearch/11384367 POTUS rt: Arizona: Trump vs. Biden

>>>/qresearch/11384368 Wheels up for shortly for Washington.

>>>/qresearch/11384401 And the voting fuckery is continuing.

>>>/qresearch/11384429 Barr addresses Trump supporters protesting him for no action personally.

>>>/qresearch/11384435 Mika Brzezinski: “Our Job” to “Control Exactly What People Think”

>>>/qresearch/11384469 Jay Inslee (D), Governor of Washington State, Deep State asset:

>>>/qresearch/11384477 What do we know for sure, if we are counting down HOURS ?

>>>/qresearch/11384496 @realDonaldTrump supporters gave #SleepyJoe a warm Iowa welcome during his drive-in rally 🌽 .@IowaGOP #KAG #TeamTrump

>>>/qresearch/11384512 Motorcade is rolling back to the White House at 10:59 p.m.

>>>/qresearch/11384534 A Ford Mustang owner found a massive Burmese python under the hood of his sports car in Florida

>>>/qresearch/11384545 Trump Supporters Fill Streets of Beverly Hills: ‘The Silent Majority is Silenced No More’

>>>/qresearch/11384579, >>>/qresearch/11384588 Talmud aka Oral Torah/Jewish Law


>>>/qresearch/11384620 Stevie Wonder Says ‘I Know Joe Biden Will Give Us Reparations’ At Detroit Biden Rally

>>>/qresearch/11384640 Full moon will be visible for almost all times zones on Earth this HALLOWEEN

>>>/qresearch/11384744 Andy Ngo

>>>/qresearch/11384810 Wonderful! 110 Year-Old Proud Texas Woman Says She Voted for President Trump in Person This Week

>>>/qresearch/11384813 Patriot Anons

>>>/qresearch/11384822 How AI builds its own personal assistant.

>>>/qresearch/11384878 #14540

(29 notables, 31 posts, 36 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:39 a.m. No.35574   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11384898 Q Research General #14541: Tippy Top Comfy Edition

Created 010342ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11384974, >>>/qresearch/11385055, >>>/qresearch/11385085 Comms, ABCU, and Warroom all working together

>>>/qresearch/11384976 Q predicted NG called to 12 cities. Military times reports NG in 12 states.

>>>/qresearch/11384984 Portland Andy He has 2 streams up right now

>>>/qresearch/11384991 Counties band together to challenge Newsom on COVID restrictions

>>>/qresearch/11385011 The drops all have many levels of meaning.

>>>/qresearch/11385034 Bak

>>>/qresearch/11385048 Federal judge in Washington orders sweeps of some Michigan and Wisconsin postal facilities for election ballots

>>>/qresearch/11385083 A march in the street traveling southbound on NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd has broken windows in multiple businesses.

>>>/qresearch/11385131 ‘Imminent risk of a super-spreader’: Santa Clara D.A. sues San Jose church, alleging health order violations

>>>/qresearch/11385157 Anon Bakers don't do things because they're told to do them.

>>>/qresearch/11385166 US Army: There are things that go bump in the night – and we're the ones who bump back.


>>>/qresearch/11385200 U.S. Navy: Don't be afraid of the things that go bump in the night, for we have the watch! #HappyHalloween


>>>/qresearch/11385203 New POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11385204 Fauci's Pandemic: How He Caused It and Uses It

>>>/qresearch/11385229 EXCLUSIVE: National security nightmare of Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop containing phone numbers for the Clintons, Secret Service officers and most of the Obama cabinet plus his sex and drug addictions - all secured by the password Hunter02'

>>>/qresearch/11385250 U.S. Air Force: Now that's spooky. As spooky season comes to a close, remember to maintain social distance and wear a mask this weekend.


>>>/qresearch/11385291 U.S. SPace Force: Happy Halloween!

>>>/qresearch/11385362 SS estimate crowd size in Butler PA to be 57k

>>>/qresearch/11385448 James Woods: #Antifa, the paramilitary mercenaries of the Democrats, have vowed to interrupt our most sacred right as Americans. They are going to mob the polls on election day to interfere in neighborhoods that they feel support President Trump. #InsurrectionAct

>>>/qresearch/11385527 Here you go, fren. Enjoy!

VIDEO - Above & Beyond - Great Falls [Channel: Above & Beyond]

>>>/qresearch/11385548 At end of bitter campaign, Biden anguishes over 'my only surviving son'

>>>/qresearch/11385555 Father Aristeus's words to his son

>>>/qresearch/11385618 #14541

(23 notables, 25 posts, 32 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:39 a.m. No.35575   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11385639 Q Research General #14542: Dont Be Afraid; We Have The Watch Edition

Created 010440ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11385747 DJT issues order to Facebook: put them (NJ Women for Trump) back now!

>>>/qresearch/11385748 "Are you ready for a Trump victory? Are you mentally prepared to be outsmarted by Trump again?"

>>>/qresearch/11385758 Million in Chinese donations to Biden Center not disclosed

>>>/qresearch/11385762 Gunmen attack convoy of deputy head of Afghanistan’s reconciliation council

>>>/qresearch/11385773 Barr went out and talked to the "picketer"

>>>/qresearch/11385775 POTUS: Steve Hilton: Next Revolution


>>>/qresearch/11385789 Steve Hilton: Next Revolution

>>>/qresearch/11385808 Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for Medical Countermeasures Against COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/11385829 Trump WILL get his Military Parade IMO regardless of what Ted Lieu

>>>/qresearch/11385830 Facebook will stop at nothing.

>>>/qresearch/11385833 Georgia opposition rejects preliminary election results which show ruling party narrowly leading, calls protests

>>>/qresearch/11385834, >>>/qresearch/11385837, >>>/qresearch/11385846, >>>/qresearch/11386074 Father Aristeus's words to his son

>>>/qresearch/11385838 EXCLUSIVE: National security nightmare of Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop containing phone numbers for the Clintons, Secret Service officers and most of the Obama cabinet plus his sex and drug addictions - all secured by the password Hunter02'

>>>/qresearch/11385886 New Dan Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11385892 Here's a fun insider story about FLOTUS

>>>/qresearch/11385934, >>>/qresearch/11385944 BREAKING: Man wearing medieval clothes and armed with a bladed weapon causes 'multiple victims' near provincial parliament in Quebec City, police say

>>>/qresearch/11385976, >>>/qresearch/11386255, >>>/qresearch/11386277 MEMEFAGS: New Dan Scavino (this is a meme templace just being given to us guys)

>>>/qresearch/11386025 Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED

>>>/qresearch/11386027 PF: Vancouver Wa

>>>/qresearch/11386064 There's something to this Blue Moon stuff…

>>>/qresearch/11386164 Good to be the king…

>>>/qresearch/11386216 Two reported dead and five wounded after stabbing attack in #Quebec

>>>/qresearch/11386225, >>>/qresearch/11386371 Q Gives -DIRECT- Order to REMOVE ALL references to 'QAnon'

>>>/qresearch/11386273 Dan The Man All Nighter!

>>>/qresearch/11386288, >>>/qresearch/11386296 LET’S GO PENNSYLVANIA!

>>>/qresearch/11386331 Politics pit neighbor against neighbor as Election Day looms

>>>/qresearch/11386424 Anyone speak Biden?

(27 notables, 35 posts, 47 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:39 a.m. No.35576   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11386465 Q Research General #14543: There Is Q And There Are Anons Edition

Created 010607ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11386556 JOE 2020: YOU HAVE TO STUDY CHINESE LANGUAGE


>>>/qresearch/11386606, >>>/qresearch/11386644 TRUMP CROWD IN PA. BIGGEST CROWD EVER RECORDED. RED WAVE COMING

>>>/qresearch/11386818 They just tore down the American flag and the Washington State flag at the Washington State Patrol Vancouver building


>>>/qresearch/11386839 A Hunter Biden Email Reveals the CCP-NBA Affiliation

>>>/qresearch/11386875 Yeah, they burned it. #Vancouver


>>>/qresearch/11386926 Archbishop Viganò Addresses the Catholic Identity Conference 2020 (Francis & the New World Order), 10-26-2020

>>>/qresearch/11387144 #14543

(7 notables, 8 posts, 8 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:40 a.m. No.35577   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11387163 Q Research General #14544: Drop All References Re: 'Q' 'Qanon' Etc Edition

Created 010710ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11387260 Creepy video shows alleged Quebec City attacker dressed as a samurai—who used a sword to kill 2 & injure 5.



>>>/qresearch/11387308 I am a former virus/spyware removal specialist…

>>>/qresearch/11387313 A riveting conversation with Osama Bin Laden's niece.

>>>/qresearch/11387317, >>>/qresearch/11387348, >>>/qresearch/11387452, >>>/qresearch/11387633, >>>/qresearch/11387649, >>>/qresearch/11387669 This fucked something up for them, maybe the way the bots find the breads. (ShillCon 6)

>>>/qresearch/11387321 UIllinois warns students against Halloween costumes that depict 'struggles'

>>>/qresearch/11387359 Q 2 years ago "2 days ahead of schedule."

>>>/qresearch/11387413 Featuring Jim Carry as Joe Biden. QAnon jeered at.

>>>/qresearch/11387432, >>>/qresearch/11387501 Glendale Colorado Police shoot at vehicle that rams them


>>>/qresearch/11387462, >>>/qresearch/11387471 LAW ABIDING CITIZEN (2009) NOTABLE SCENES





>>>/qresearch/11387516 How many "numerous Hollywood screenplays" did Hunter write?

>>>/qresearch/11387636 Unraveling Qresearch PAYTRIOT Infiltration

>>>/qresearch/11387682 Houston looks to boost turnout by offering 24-hour voting

>>>/qresearch/11387701 Scientists discover a ‘rogue’ planet cruising through the Milky Way

>>>/qresearch/11387799 Ivanka Trump breaks Obama recordon way to $35M-plus fundraising haul: reports

>>>/qresearch/11387802 Democrats Growing More Anxious in Pennsylvania About ‘Late Shift’ Towards Trump

>>>/qresearch/11387837 Biden's Laptop Problem

>>>/qresearch/11387914 James Woods


>>>/qresearch/11387955 #14544

(18 notables, 25 posts, 31 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:40 a.m. No.35578   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11390335 Q Research General #14548: ZERO DELTA TREASURE TROVE Edition

Created 011408ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11390402 @newtgingrich My best estimate two days before the election is Trump 324 electoral votes Biden 214.

>>>/qresearch/11390405, >>>/qresearch/11390413, >>>/qresearch/11390417, >>>/qresearch/11390423, >>>/qresearch/11390427, >>>/qresearch/11390429, >>>/qresearch/11390433, >>>/qresearch/11390435, >>>/qresearch/11390438, >>>/qresearch/11390444, >>>/qresearch/11390451, >>>/qresearch/11390460, >>>/qresearch/11390463 excerpts and BUNDLE from the Biden Crime Family dig

>>>/qresearch/11390410 That Kathy Chung email was one month before the creation of the Iran Nuclear Deal



>>>/qresearch/11390416 Donald Trump Plays ‘Creepy’ Halloween Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Video at Pennsylvania Rally

>>>/qresearch/11390457, >>>/qresearch/11390594 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/11390461 we set up a domain especially for the #HardDriveFromHell

>>>/qresearch/11390514 Joe Biden and his people are a national security risk.

>>>/qresearch/11390523 5/14/2012 Kathy Chung

>>>/qresearch/11390537 Kathy Chung is now Sen. Ted Kaufman's asst.

>>>/qresearch/11390539 US Naval tweet: Sailors who rebel against lawful authority guilty of mutiny

>>>/qresearch/11390544, >>>/qresearch/11390555 BIDEN CRIME FAMILY dig map v0.8 and sources (reposed)

>>>/qresearch/11390552 Rockeffelers spent Millions $$ on Iran Deal

>>>/qresearch/11390563 USNHistory tweets: A Navy movie for your social distancing days: The Hunt for Red October

>>>/qresearch/11390617 All 236 Sources in PDF Cited in Pro

>>>/qresearch/11390628 A pale horse was seen outside the home of Bill Barr.

>>>/qresearch/11390639 ANON NOTABLE BUN - BIDENS

>>>/qresearch/11390651 Masvidal took a photo with DJTjr holding a BigMac so everyone can see the sign. 12th.Oct.

>>>/qresearch/11390717 Indiana Department of Child Services investigating drug screening, child custody implicated in mix

>>>/qresearch/11390730 Ready to TAKE BACK our COUNTRY…!!!

>>>/qresearch/11390830 Rioters Move from Businesses to Residential Streets in Portland

>>>/qresearch/11390942 PF's:USAF C-32A's departed, POTUS on Final Oakland, etc.

>>>/qresearch/11390943 More on Pale Horse linkage

>>>/qresearch/11390957 Trump In An “All-Out Sprint To Election Day,” ABC News

>>>/qresearch/11390980 Twitter Account Posting Trump’s Tweets Verbatim Has Been Flagged 4 Times

>>>/qresearch/11390996 POTUS LIVE: MI Rally

>>>/qresearch/11391111 #14548

(27 notables, 41 posts, 28 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:40 a.m. No.35579   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11387971 Q Research General #14545: We Did A Thing! Edition

Created 010824ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11388084, >>>/qresearch/11388112 Possible link between homo-pedos, hiking, and working in the mental-health/medical field.

>>>/qresearch/11388134, >>>/qresearch/11388189, >>>/qresearch/11388490 I think if the theory that bots are targeting a graphic, then there's a easy fix.

>>>/qresearch/11388156 BO/BV Locks Split Breads During /NightShift/

>>>/qresearch/11388163 This story is close to a week old, but I don't see that it's been posted per Maybe other news outlets or Twitter URLs.


>>>/qresearch/11388179 On Twitter, Hawkes said the Windows zero-day (tracked as CVE-2020-17087) was used as part of a two-punch attack, together with another a Chrome zero-day (tracked as CVE-2020-15999) that his team disclosed last week.

>>>/qresearch/11388202 How the “Conspiracy Theory” label was conceived to derail the Truth Movement

>>>/qresearch/11388221 BO Update on , no new BV team "adjustments"

>>>/qresearch/11388223 Our phones are hacked.

>>>/qresearch/11388230 Not fixed yet. Still vulnerable. is this how stuff will "accidentally" get released?

>>>/qresearch/11388281 The Bidens tried to remove Miles Guo from the US

>>>/qresearch/11388290 Anime you saw tonight why so many were attacking you

>>>/qresearch/11388299 denver shooting


>>>/qresearch/11388300 Obama Twitter comms


>>>/qresearch/11388311 All Saints Day

>>>/qresearch/11388334 My secondary theory is they want the Q_Anon narrative for their Cabal FakeNews Stories

>>>/qresearch/11388371, >>>/qresearch/11388410, >>>/qresearch/11388550, >>>/qresearch/11388570 Canada Rolling Out Great Reset At Record Speed

>>>/qresearch/11388402 Russian Media’s Final Election Push For Trump: Primetime Hunter Biden ‘Sex Videos’

>>>/qresearch/11388422 I Voted for Trump—and You Should, Too, Because the Republic Is at Stake

>>>/qresearch/11388439 All of the cities where Election Day rioting is expected have one thing in common: They're run by Democrats

>>>/qresearch/11388455 'Joe Biden is a pathological liar'

>>>/qresearch/11388464 Commentary: The Nightmare Scenario of Biden-Harris and the Ascendancy of Kamala

>>>/qresearch/11388476 Vanity Fair Adores the Idea of a 'News-Cycle Slowdown' Under Sleepy Joe

>>>/qresearch/11388479 Government Audit Reveals 320 NGOs In Greece Aiding And Abetting Third World Invasion Of Europe

>>>/qresearch/11388500 Looking for Racism

>>>/qresearch/11388502 Hunter Biden chatting with his brother’s widow naked

>>>/qresearch/11388509 NEW: Hunter Biden's Laptop Is "National Security Nightmare" With Personal Cell Numbers for Clintons, Obama Admin Officials, More

>>>/qresearch/11388533 OP-ED: President Donald J. Trump — My Message to Black America

>>>/qresearch/11388543 WATCH: Obama Stands Confused After He Tries Introducing Joe Biden and Joe is Nowhere To Be Seen

>>>/qresearch/11388555 WATCH–Houston Pro-Trump Parade Draws Hundreds: ‘We Want Him to Win’

>>>/qresearch/11388562, >>>/qresearch/11388568 If you hate woke education now, wait until Biden is done with it

>>>/qresearch/11388569 Trump Declares ‘National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens’ on November 1

>>>/qresearch/11388589 High Noon in America: Will You Fight or Hide?

>>>/qresearch/11388653 The Fourth Wave! Private messages from Hunter’s Cell Phone: Hunter Biden chatting with his brother’s widow naked, more is coming soon, stay tuned!


>>>/qresearch/11388661 Why are they comparing asteroids to Big Ben and St. Paul's Cathedral?

>>>/qresearch/11388678 I am an armchair scientist with a little medical background and I am asking for help.

>>>/qresearch/11388696 Middle East expert: U.N. ignoring Iranian sleeper cells in U.S.

>>>/qresearch/11388716 HALLOWEEN NIGHTMARE Hunter Biden laptop ‘used flimsy password to secure “sex & drugs” proof & sensitive info on Clintons, Obamas & celebs’

(38 notables, 45 posts, 49 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:41 a.m. No.35580   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11388747 Q Research General #14546: Onward, To VICTORY Edition

Created 011015ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11388883 Hunter Biden audio Files from Cassandra Fairbanks

>>>/qresearch/11388921 Voting Against Evil

>>>/qresearch/11388922 Kenosha DA coordinating w/BLM

>>>/qresearch/11388926 Facebook censorship board is comprised mostly of foreign nationals with ties to George Soros

>>>/qresearch/11388961 Nearly 50% Of BLM Protesters Arrested In Seattle Were White, From Other Cities

>>>/qresearch/11388971 "A Lot Of People Are Leaving": COVID Shutdowns Have Turned San Francisco Into A Ghost Town

>>>/qresearch/11388980 "Time To Switch Hands" - Pro-Trump Candidate Kim Klacik Says Liberals Ruined Baltimore

>>>/qresearch/11388982 ZeroHedge going for the Biden = Godfather analogy

>>>/qresearch/11389010 Quebec stabbing: Two dead after attack by man in medieval clothes

>>>/qresearch/11389019 This Day in History: Nov. 1

>>>/qresearch/11389050 Houston looks to boost turnout by offering 24-hour voting

>>>/qresearch/11389060 Georgia anons, POTUS rally in Rome tonight, very close to TN

>>>/qresearch/11389069 Hunter Biden was very bad at setting password on his infamous laptop: report

>>>/qresearch/11389088 DoD Tweet: Awaiting Sunrise

>>>/qresearch/11389111 Trump Tweets Support for Fans Who Swarmed Biden Bus: ‘I LOVE TEXAS!’

>>>/qresearch/11389166 Mexico says has no register of minors expelled by U.S. after NY Times report

>>>/qresearch/11389201 POTUS Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11389226 ChelseaHandler is known for her candor, but the comedian reveals a rare, vulnerable side when discussing therapy and the death of her brother in her new @HBOMax special “Evolution.”

>>>/qresearch/11389246 Is It Wet Yet?: You've got mail!

>>>/qresearch/11389251 PF: AF2 leaving Andrews.

>>>/qresearch/11389258 Kek, I love our President, he wanted to do another rally after 4 done, last night

>>>/qresearch/11389280 PF: That German Air Force plane (GAF686) landed at Comox last night.

>>>/qresearch/11389292 Will Halloween Last for Weeks?

>>>/qresearch/11389308 Live Not By Lies

>>>/qresearch/11389323 False claims that celebrities and politicians are pedophiles

>>>/qresearch/11389332 Full Night Shift Anon Breadstream Re: New Prime Spot Classy Meme(s)

>>>/qresearch/11389347 A power company's equipment started one of the most destructive fires in California history

>>>/qresearch/11389359 Consumer agency wants PG&E fined $166 million for botching California wildfire blackouts

>>>/qresearch/11389383 Halloween ‘SNL’ cold open features Joe Biden spoofing ‘The Raven’

>>>/qresearch/11389398 "Arctic Sea Ice is not freezing In October for the first time since measurements began"

>>>/qresearch/11389414 Denver judge doubts security guard's self-defense claim in protest shooting, refused to reduce bail from $500,000

>>>/qresearch/11389440 What the hell is this? CNN backs up Trump, or do I need more covfefe?

>>>/qresearch/11389467 Biden Cancels Texas Event After Biden Staffer Sideswipes MAGA Caravan Escort

>>>/qresearch/11389469 Space Force, “The Sky is Not the Limit”

>>>/qresearch/11389473 Mohler’s turn to Trump is the crowning flip-flop of his career

>>>/qresearch/11389479 Biden Family Mega-MAP

>>>/qresearch/11389492 Who is "Uncle Jim"????

>>>/qresearch/11389498 96 Miles….Yes, you read that correctly, 96 Miles in AZ!

>>>/qresearch/11389532 #14546

(39 notables, 39 posts, 38 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:41 a.m. No.35581   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11389538 Q Research General #14547: By The Don's Early Light Edition

Created 011222ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11389590, >>>/qresearch/11389713, >>>/qresearch/11389741 Ask who is Kathy Chung (EOP) and why in 2015 is she giving a “treasure trove” of intelligence (phone no’s) to Hunter & Redacted.

>>>/qresearch/11389673, >>>/qresearch/11390003, >>>/qresearch/11390081, >>>/qresearch/11390136 pf reports

>>>/qresearch/11389705 Was Biden’s mention of having the most sophisticated voter fraud organization ever created a tell?

>>>/qresearch/11389813 Call To DIG: Kathy Chung

>>>/qresearch/11389833 CHUNG WORKED DIRECTLY FOR BIDEN

>>>/qresearch/11389864 Misspelling in POTUS tweet to Mohler: Belivers Anything?

>>>/qresearch/11389865 Treasure Trove of Biden's staff/endorsements across states/ backgrounds on all of them.

>>>/qresearch/11389880 Kathy Chung was Biden's aide and also shows up in the Podesta emails.

>>>/qresearch/11389913 TREASURE TROVE CRUMBS ZERO DELTA potus twat at 15:02 on 4/21/18

>>>/qresearch/11389919 As part of the deal, the Chinese promised $3 billion for commercial office property acquisitions in the US

>>>/qresearch/11389948 Missing T and TREASURE TROVE Apr 21st 2018 - 2:52:28 PM EST

>>>/qresearch/11389955 Bill Barr is on self quarantine. House arrest?

>>>/qresearch/11389967 Great article describing the relationship between Satan and Communism, and America's struggle with this invisible enemy.

>>>/qresearch/11389968 New DJT

>>>/qresearch/11389970 No farmer should ever bury his year's labor in the ground while people are hungry.

>>>/qresearch/11390037 On 17 December 2014, Palo Alto Networks announced it had found a backdoor on many Coolpad handsets, and dubbed it "CoolReaper".

>>>/qresearch/11390043 "director of scheduling" is code for ccp handler like Diane's driver was

>>>/qresearch/11390046 also Apr 21 18: Deleted twat with extra B in Habberman about Maggie Haberman

>>>/qresearch/11390090 15poundstogo has done some digging already.

>>>/qresearch/11390114 New DJT: Joe Biden called Black Youth SUPER PREDATORS.

>>>/qresearch/11390151 DJT keeps saying Joe is SHOT.

>>>/qresearch/11390171, >>>/qresearch/11390246 Hunter Biden & business partners CEFC/CCP worm into European finance & EU nobility. Connection to Al Thani family of Qatar too!

>>>/qresearch/11390176 Hunter Biden gave SCIF level info to CCP

>>>/qresearch/11390213 Hunter Biden’s Ukraine contact allegedly a ‘fixer’ for shady oligarchs

>>>/qresearch/11390244 New DJT: Sean Connery "past"

>>>/qresearch/11390301 #14547

(26 notables, 32 posts, 40 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:41 a.m. No.35582   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11391117 Q Research General #14549: Win The House Edition

Created 011535ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11391162 VIGANO: Scapegoating Francis: How the Revolution of Vatican II Serves the New World Order

>>>/qresearch/11391174 Dem PA Lt Gov - Pres Trump Is Visiting “Small County PA” Like No One Ever Has Before In PA Politics (video)

>>>/qresearch/11391175, >>>/qresearch/11391253 Arlington National Cemetery tweet

>>>/qresearch/11391179, >>>/qresearch/11391199 EXCLUSIVE: Devin Nunes: The Man Behind the Explosive Memo (video) BIDEN CRIME FAMILY dig

>>>/qresearch/11391200 additional to Kathy Chung…

>>>/qresearch/11391202 The Big Money Behind the Narrative—Sharyl Attkisson on Media Bias & Spin (video)

>>>/qresearch/11391204, >>>/qresearch/11391297 QAnon / Q_Anon is no longer being used by anons

>>>/qresearch/11391226 Jack Nicklaus questions COVID death toll, took hydroxychloroquine to combat his own virus symptoms

>>>/qresearch/11391227, >>>/qresearch/11391235 more Finger Lakes diggs

>>>/qresearch/11391243 Trump train rolling around the Indianapolis 465 loop today, people from all over the state joining in.

>>>/qresearch/11391268 Confucius Institutes?

>>>/qresearch/11391288, >>>/qresearch/11391294 Prayer from Anon Chaplain Corps

>>>/qresearch/11391313 US Department of the Interior Twat - just sayin…

>>>/qresearch/11391321 Economic Schedule for Week of November 1st'

>>>/qresearch/11391339 EXCLUSIVE: National security nightmare of Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop containing phone numbers for the Clintons, Secret Service officers and most of the Obama cabinet plus his sex and drug addictions - all secured by the password Hunter02

>>>/qresearch/11391347 Zelenko protocol (HQC + Z) and journal link

>>>/qresearch/11391454 Antifa a Jewish org?

>>>/qresearch/11391461 Early voting stats

>>>/qresearch/11391492 Anon expat living in South Korea reports on Korean FakeNews

>>>/qresearch/11391603, >>>/qresearch/11391628 Nancy Shaefer murdered for exposing child trafficking in CPS (Child Protective Services)

>>>/qresearch/11391604 Kimberly Klacik is running against Kweisi Mfume.

>>>/qresearch/11391607 THE EDITORIAL BOARD Pittsburgh Post-Gazette smears President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11391610 QAnon smear example and why we won't use the term 'QAnon' anymore

>>>/qresearch/11391635 The Bidens are a NIGHTMARE NATIONAL SECURITY RISK !!

>>>/qresearch/11391756 Dems are sweating over Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11391771 Joe taking a Hunter-esque selfie.

>>>/qresearch/11391827 Sean Connery - One Ping Only - RIP Mr. Connery

>>>/qresearch/11391898 The witch just retweeted.

>>>/qresearch/11391926 Hunter Biden’s Complicated Incest Relationships

(29 notables, 35 posts, 41 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:42 a.m. No.35583   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11391937 Q Research General #14550: E-BAKE Sunday Winning Edition

Created 011645ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11391957 POTUS Michigan rallies

>>>/qresearch/11391986 lb, 58,000 in attendance at the Trump rally last night in Butler, PA. Biden is toast

>>>/qresearch/11391991 CDC Admits Vaccine Killed 98 Million Americans

>>>/qresearch/11392010 Continuing BIDEN CRIME FAMILY DIG

>>>/qresearch/11392015 Congresswoman Jayapal pushes deceptive PAC cash scheme to fund her friends

>>>/qresearch/11392062 Biden supporter clear aggressor in vehicle mishap in Trump Caravan following Biden Bus

>>>/qresearch/11392063 HUNTER BIDEN'S LAPTOP Had on it an unsecured CONTACT DATA BASE with 1,500 names of elite POLITICAL CONTACTS !!

>>>/qresearch/11392083 Trump Caravan in Colorado


>>>/qresearch/11392095 More Indoctrination of Youth in Minnesota Schools

>>>/qresearch/11392099 Hidden Trump Votes?

>>>/qresearch/11392145 Dead Sea Scrolls digg

>>>/qresearch/11392198 (collected in 14550 by 2f5e19 (6) )

>>>/qresearch/11392224 Democracy Institute Poll: Electoral College Landslide for Trump

>>>/qresearch/11392229 Attorneys seek to pull LA Mayor Garcetti deeper into aide’s sexual harassment suit

>>>/qresearch/11392239 FBI investigating ‘Trump Train’ swarming of Biden bus on Texas interstate

>>>/qresearch/11392244 Texas billionaire Bob Brockman charged with biggest tax evasion case in US history; feds say losses total $2 billion

>>>/qresearch/11392340 Melania tweet to Law Enforcement

>>>/qresearch/11392350 Notes posted in #15550:

>>>/qresearch/11392406 Chuck Toad says its over. Hear that Dems no need to risk COVID exposure

>>>/qresearch/11392419 Just say no to Pedo Joe

>>>/qresearch/11392431 What was the technology that kept the submarine "invisible" in Hunt for Red October?

>>>/qresearch/11392494 The Nazi Order

>>>/qresearch/11392594 BREAKING: Records reveal the analyst who will run Fox News' election decision desk is a registered Democrat who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016

>>>/qresearch/11392624 Pence Tweet Such a Blessing to be at Alliance Bible Fellowship for Sunday Worship Service this morning in North Carolina with @Franklin_Graham

>>>/qresearch/11392667 Was curious about the etymology of the word Vatican Ended up at Odin

>>>/qresearch/11392674 Sean Parnell tweet - property defaced

(26 notables, 26 posts, 30 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:42 a.m. No.35584   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11393463 Q Research General #14552: Biden Cancels Christmas Edition

Created 011855ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11393553 Prize for Ukrainian prosecutor who settled Burisma case? A meeting with Clinton campaign


VIDEO - Vatican control of World Health Organization popul [Channel: LolaHeavey]

>>>/qresearch/11393563 "Hello Minnesota!!" Joe Biden yells in Florida.

>>>/qresearch/11393567 FAKE NEWS ‘Israel will be stronger by a partnership with a Biden administration’

>>>/qresearch/11393572 United Launch Alliance plans to launch an Atlas

>>>/qresearch/11393577 A barrage of election lawsuits threaten to delay final results for weeks or more

>>>/qresearch/11393588 Even FOX NEWS is Censoring Criticism of George Soros

>>>/qresearch/11393615 PF POTUS on approach to Peotia. My ADS-B has started to flake out again.

>>>/qresearch/11393616 Judicial Watch Discovers 1.8 Million “Ghost Voters” In 29 States – Warns Of “Dirty Elections”

>>>/qresearch/11393620 lb, 58,000 in attendance at the Trump rally last night in Butler, PA. Biden is toast

>>>/qresearch/11393626 Trump Fulfills Bible Parable—Leaves Entire American Flock To Rescue One Lost Sheep

>>>/qresearch/11393646 PLANEFAG reports on POTUS flights

>>>/qresearch/11393656 INVESTIGATION: How Chinese Intelligence Cultivated The Biden Family

>>>/qresearch/11393672 PF

>>>/qresearch/11393677 The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette endorsed a Republican for President for the FIRST TIME since 1972.

>>>/qresearch/11393693 Why Propaganda Is Vital In Upholding The Illusion Of A Democracy

>>>/qresearch/11393714 RandyRRQuaid "The Left is having a panic attack, lashing out at every known republican on a level that is off the charts

>>>/qresearch/11393736 Hundreds attack Frankfurt police as Germany braces for a new lockdown

>>>/qresearch/11393738 God Wins!

>>>/qresearch/11393752 Pope Francis and Freemasonic Infiltration of Vatican

>>>/qresearch/11393808, >>>/qresearch/11393865 DJT 007 Comms?

>>>/qresearch/11393811, >>>/qresearch/11393986 Officials OUTRAGED After Trump Campaign Asks for Names of People Transporting Ballots and Locations of Where Ballots Are Stored and Counted

>>>/qresearch/11393824, >>>/qresearch/11393844 POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11393845 Just in: Texas Supreme Court denies a Republican-backed petition seeking to toss out more than 100,000 votes in Harris County cast in drive-thru lanes.

>>>/qresearch/11393853 Jim Davis, former head of Denver FBI office, dies unexpectedly

>>>/qresearch/11393927 Poll Watch

>>>/qresearch/11393963 Hundreds Gather for Pro-Trump Parade in North Carolina

>>>/qresearch/11393972 LIVE: POTUS Holds MAGA Rally in Dubuque, IA 11-1-20

>>>/qresearch/11393981 Maxine Waters Calls Black Trump Voters 'Shameful,' Says She Will 'Never Ever Forgive Them' (WINNING!!!)

>>>/qresearch/11393985, >>>/qresearch/11394015 WOW! FBI Investigating Trump Supporters Surrounding and Escorting Biden Bus From Texas Town

>>>/qresearch/11393991 Dan Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11394009 A Momentous Choice Faces Us Today as in 1776

>>>/qresearch/11394018, >>>/qresearch/11394089 The Democrats' 'Jewish Squad' Is Fighting for Reelection in Trump Country

>>>/qresearch/11394027 Trump Lays Out 'Straightforward' Case for Black Voters in 'My Message to Black America' Op-Ed

>>>/qresearch/11394034 WATCH: Thousands Stand in Line for Trump in Windy, Snowy, Frigid Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11394049 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Endorses Trump; First Time Paper Has Endorsed Republican Since 1972

>>>/qresearch/11394054 #14548, #14549, #14550 in #14551

>>>/qresearch/11394078 George Soros's Plan B If Biden Loses

>>>/qresearch/11394090 Here’s Why Judge Sullivan Must Disqualify Himself From Michael Flynn’s Case

>>>/qresearch/11394105 It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again – President Trump Takes Commanding Seven Point Lead In Iowa Poll: 48% – 41%

>>>/qresearch/11394184 #14552

(41 notables, 46 posts, 59 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:42 a.m. No.35585   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11392696 Q Research General #14551: CCP rats out Biden Edition

Created 011748ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11392784 Canada: Huwawei exec extradition case

>>>/qresearch/11392797 Garden State Parkway in Democratic New Jersey at a standstill in support of President Trump.

>>>/qresearch/11392824 United States v Burns [2001] Canadian SC about extradition of individuals to places where they may face the death penalty

>>>/qresearch/11392828 CABAL81 Wheels Up from Okinawa

>>>/qresearch/11392844 Buttigieg on Biden Locking Down the Country: ‘Everything Has to Be on the Table’

>>>/qresearch/11392857 White House spokesman Judd Deere called Fauci’s comments “unacceptable and breaking with all norms.”

>>>/qresearch/11392872 Biden's foreign policy aide opposes idea of selling F-35s to #UAE, says only #Israel should have them

>>>/qresearch/11392873 Antifa's favorite battle hymns

>>>/qresearch/11392876 Antifa Burns U.S. Flag While Shouting ‘Death to Your F**king Empire’

>>>/qresearch/11392918 AP blames France for INCITING Muslims to chop heads off, deletes & rewrites tweet after ferocious criticism

>>>/qresearch/11392935 Stage setting for permanent lockdown

>>>/qresearch/11392958 ‘Cowardly and Incompetent’ Boris Johnson Faces Calls to Resign After Lockdown Announcement

>>>/qresearch/11392980 lack of social distancing at Hollywood Halloween parties

>>>/qresearch/11393007 Texas GOP Statement Regarding ‘Biden Bus’ Incident

>>>/qresearch/11393010 dig on Fox News' Mishkin

>>>/qresearch/11393032 6% of reported "covid deaths" are caused by covid alone, according to CDC.

>>>/qresearch/11393118 'There'll be nothing': Donald Trump says Joe Biden will take away Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter to combat COVID in the first of his four rallies in critical Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11393154 Rosalie Silberman Abella is a Supreme Court of Canada Justice.

>>>/qresearch/11393238 Link between Saul Alinsky, Obama and the Roman Catholic Jesuits.


>>>/qresearch/11393337 Sunrise Exposed (and more)

(21 notables, 21 posts, 41 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:43 a.m. No.35586   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11394187 Q Research General #14553: Can Hear the BEAT of Drums Edition

Created 011950ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11394297 Officials in the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain expressed their hope for a Trump victory in the upcoming election

>>>/qresearch/11394329 Chris Cuomo not wearing a mask while getting a haircut in NYC near 80th & Broadway

>>>/qresearch/11394379 Potus is mirroring what Kennedy did against the corrupt CIA but couldn't finish: CIA document

>>>/qresearch/11394386, >>>/qresearch/11394438 It begins. FAKE NEWS trying to whip voters up cuz protests

>>>/qresearch/11394389 Joe Biden Guns… Tell Jill to fire two shots?

>>>/qresearch/11394403 Huge! Fake Kamala Harris Caught!

>>>/qresearch/11394424 Facebook Manually Censored NY Post Biden Corruption Bombshell

>>>/qresearch/11394429 Trump Care, produced by Dinesh Dasouza

>>>/qresearch/11394463 #14548, #14549, #14550 in #14551

>>>/qresearch/11394465, >>>/qresearch/11394777 Trump train around Indianapolis! anon photo

>>>/qresearch/11394485 …my God, look at this line, this is North Carolina!

>>>/qresearch/11394546 Sidney Powell


>>>/qresearch/11394605 For the first time in more than four decades, there are no vacancies on the circuit court level

>>>/qresearch/11394612 Australia records zero Covid cases for first time in nearly five months

>>>/qresearch/11394638 WTH? Joe Biden Tells Voters: “I Don’t Need You to Get Me Elected” (Video)

>>>/qresearch/11394654 Woman who wants to defund the police calls police on Trump supporters because flags scare her


>>>/qresearch/11394700 GOD WINS

>>>/qresearch/11394703 Rush Limbaugh

>>>/qresearch/11394742 Harris County drive-thru voters await court rulings as Texas Republicans push to invalidate 127,000 votes

>>>/qresearch/11394780 Al Gore to be subjected to another police investigation related to late-night massage

>>>/qresearch/11394797 Australian MSM / Murdoch they're full of kangaroo shit!

>>>/qresearch/11394826 Denver KILLER who shot Trump supporter while working for MEDIA denied lower bail request; READ: Judge’s order not BUYING self-defense

>>>/qresearch/11394880 LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Dubuque, IA 11-1-20

>>>/qresearch/11394907 Biden without teleprompter


>>>/qresearch/11394908 Nashville patriots

>>>/qresearch/11394917 Letitia James: White House trying to ‘rig’ system with COVID-19 vaccine plan

>>>/qresearch/11394934 The Washington Times EDITORIAL: Why we enthusiastically endorse Donald J. Trump for reelection

>>>/qresearch/11394990 #14553

(28 notables, 30 posts, 35 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:43 a.m. No.35587   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11395005 Q Research General #14554: 5 V FIVE RALLYS Edition

Created 012046ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11395018, >>>/qresearch/11395364 ‘Operation find our children’: 27 missing kids found in Virginia

>>>/qresearch/11395139 Burisma exec who allegedly met with Joe Biden, reportedly works as a 'fixer' for Ukrainian oligarch

>>>/qresearch/11395153 Sean Connery’s last work… Comms?

>>>/qresearch/11395155 "Have faith in Humanity!"

>>>/qresearch/11395162 Nuclear subs are TIPPY TOP.WE LOVE OUR President Trump AND HE LOVES US!

>>>/qresearch/11395163 NEW Q research board /midnightriders/

>>>/qresearch/11395169 ‘Destroy Trump Ballots’ Demands NYT, Atlantic Mag Writer

>>>/qresearch/11395173 PF Q plane

>>>/qresearch/11395193, >>>/qresearch/11395240 Her video is hysterical, she’s addicted to popping red pills


>>>/qresearch/11395195, >>>/qresearch/11395220, >>>/qresearch/11395238, >>>/qresearch/11395247, >>>/qresearch/11395269, >>>/qresearch/11395289, >>>/qresearch/11395323 Trilateral Commission

>>>/qresearch/11395208 BUSTED: Facebook bans pro-Trump group, President shines the spotlight, Facebook REVERSES and blames ‘error’

>>>/qresearch/11395239 Attempt to register dead people in Florida County discovered

>>>/qresearch/11395257 Relive the Trump's stunning win in under 2 minutes

>>>/qresearch/11395259 WHO Special Envoy On COVID Reiterates Caution Against Lockdowns As Primary Virus Plan


>>>/qresearch/11395275 EVERY POLL IS A GOAL

>>>/qresearch/11395278 Report: Mueller Team Knew that Clinton, DNC Invented Russian Collusion Narrative

>>>/qresearch/11395284 600 Jewish Groups Support BLM In New York Times Ad - On Page 17

>>>/qresearch/11395295 WAYNE ROOT: Las Vegas Oddsmaker Announces Final Prediction: Trump Electoral Landslide Coming

>>>/qresearch/11395299 YUCK FALE

>>>/qresearch/11395305 CIA document….The Original Wizards of Langley 'And the Truth' shall set you free!

>>>/qresearch/11395316 BOOOOOMMMMMM Co-Founder of New York’s Black Lives Matter chapter, Hawk Newsome—arrested by the NYPD

>>>/qresearch/11395320 New Gingrich

>>>/qresearch/11395333, >>>/qresearch/11395349, >>>/qresearch/11395369, >>>/qresearch/11395422 PF

>>>/qresearch/11395339 Weird… somehow, not one person on twitler has tweeted about California in the last hour. Gee I wonder why?

>>>/qresearch/11395386 Facebook removes 29K-member pro-Trump group, reinstates after Trump blasts on Twitter

>>>/qresearch/11395452 Hawk Newsome Director of Black Lives Matter Arrested By NYPD

>>>/qresearch/11395459 POTUS heading to NC

>>>/qresearch/11395496 This is what Trump and America are up against…Been this way for years

>>>/qresearch/11395521 Babylon Bee Biden Campaign Hires Interpreter To Translate His Speeches Into English

>>>/qresearch/11395590 Prominent St. Louis attorney who died by suicide was 'sick and dying,' law firm says from an 11th floor balcony

>>>/qresearch/11395605 North Carolina town refuses to remove BLM banners from voting site

>>>/qresearch/11395606, >>>/qresearch/11395695 Customs and Border Protection officers recently made a rare bust at Philadelphia International Airport. Massive lines at Trump rally in battleground state North Carolina

(33 notables, 45 posts, 50 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:43 a.m. No.35588   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11395751 Q Research General #14555: What happens in 5 CUBED Stays in 5CUBED? Nah Edition

Created 012138ZNOV20



>>>/qresearch/11395876 #1622 at 2018-06-28 18:52:13 (UTC+1) Are you ready? Q

>>>/qresearch/11395896 The word is getting out that Trump wants black Americans to do well.

>>>/qresearch/11395901 NorCal Anons in Redding MAGA parade today!

>>>/qresearch/11395913 On his campaign website, Biden states his administration would require background checks for all gun sales and would ban the manufacturing and sales of “assault weapons.”

>>>/qresearch/11395919 Black Lives Matter CRASHES North Carolina Polling Station

>>>/qresearch/11395921 So i found

>>>/qresearch/11395951 Forecasters expect tropical storm #Eta to become hurricane on Monday

>>>/qresearch/11395962, >>>/qresearch/11395994, >>>/qresearch/11396067 11.3 Kathy Chung

>>>/qresearch/11395972 Again read the Q Post I have provided you over 10x

>>>/qresearch/11395974 Antifa: Rise of the Black Flags

>>>/qresearch/11395991 BREAKING: Hunter Biden’s ‘Fixer’ Identified – A Secret Service Head In a Major US City

>>>/qresearch/11395992 ALL… means ALL

>>>/qresearch/11396008 PF

>>>/qresearch/11396015 TENNESSEE - No Foul Play Ruled In Gunshot Death Of Manchester Police Captain, 42; Chris Patterson

>>>/qresearch/11396026 11-01 is also 1,101 days of Q

>>>/qresearch/11396027 FBI investigating Trump supporters who surrounded Biden-Harris tour bus on Texas highway

>>>/qresearch/11396051 Astroturfed tyb posts whenever /comms/ bakes

>>>/qresearch/11396072 Graham has a question for mainstream media if Trump gets reelected

>>>/qresearch/11396075 Maxine Waters Calls Black Trump Voters 'Shameful,' Says She Will 'Never Ever Forgive Them'

>>>/qresearch/11396083 TRUST KANSAS

>>>/qresearch/11396087 Antifa shouting NYPD is how you spell NAZI in NYC

>>>/qresearch/11396093 Relations with Trump Administration frozen since US recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

>>>/qresearch/11396106 POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11396125 Russian @roscosmos' space observation station

>>>/qresearch/11396129 DE BORCHGRAVE: Geneva gnome’s global dread

>>>/qresearch/11396130 7th letter in Greek alphabet

>>>/qresearch/11396133 Pompeo State and Barr DOJ trying to SHUT DOWN lawsuits about Clinton emails. Outrageous.


>>>/qresearch/11396176 “They Are Doing so Much Cheating, Biden Is Confident He Doesn’t Need a Single Voter!”

>>>/qresearch/11396177 @GenFlynn retweeted @MZHemingway

>>>/qresearch/11396204 Salt Lake city Utah, Trump train preparing


>>>/qresearch/11396230 It's (Ted Kaufman) not Kauthers

>>>/qresearch/11396255, >>>/qresearch/11396276 Biden Using SCORECARD and THE HAMMER To Steal Another U.S. Presidential Election — Just Like Obama And Biden Did In 2012

>>>/qresearch/11396259 Notice: TO ALL SHERIFF'S AND POLICE CHIEF'S NATIONWIDE.


>>>/qresearch/11396271 FLASHBACK - August 24, 2016 KAC explained the 'undercover Trump vote' in polling gap

>>>/qresearch/11396273 Why Is Maxine Waters Silent on the Terrorist Drug-Dealing Probe That Obama Shut Down?

>>>/qresearch/11396288 OANN: The True History Of Republican Party Colors

VIDEO - The true history of Republican party colors [Channel: One America News Network]

>>>/qresearch/11396293 44,000 Scientists, Public Health Experts, and Clinicians sign a Declaration that states Lockdowns don’t work

>>>/qresearch/11396331 Habbenings in NY


>>>/qresearch/11396339 August 18, 2020 We're going to leave everything on the field

>>>/qresearch/11396344 EXCLUSIVE: Celeb-packed apartments to be protected by armed guards on Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11396345 The Traitor Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11396347 BIDEN CRIME FAMILY dig

>>>/qresearch/11396362 3 arrested after cops clash with anti-Trump protesters in Manhattan

>>>/qresearch/11396388 Camila’s Complete Statement at Raniere’s Sentencing


>>>/qresearch/11396436 30 miles LONG in Colorado


>>>/qresearch/11396450 Hunter Biden Partner Secured Millions for Fund from Businessman with Reputed Organized Crime Ties

>>>/qresearch/11396451 Two 1972 NYT Articles that Strongly Suggest a Trump Landslide

>>>/qresearch/11396480 I’m proud of my fellow Georgians

>>>/qresearch/11396501, >>>/qresearch/11396550 #14555

(53 notables, 57 posts, 53 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:44 a.m. No.35589   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11396505 Q Research General #14556: Not all Anons Are Authentic Edition

Created 012230ZNOV20



>>>/qresearch/11396632 What is COVID-19? Seven Key Points for Understanding SARS-CoV-2 and Testing

>>>/qresearch/11396642 A Confused Joe Biden Yells at Parking Lot with Honking Cars in Philadelphia

>>>/qresearch/11396643 ElectionEdge 5: ‘Why Trump is Defying the Pollsters’, guest Robert Barnes

>>>/qresearch/11396650 Sanders to ‘The Squad’: Electing Biden & Harris Is Just the Beginning

>>>/qresearch/11396655 WATCH: Antifa Gets Violent at Trump Rally in Beverly Hills

>>>/qresearch/11396681 Pollsters Warn of Flawed Election Day Predictions: ‘People Are Going to Be Shocked’ by ‘Shy,’ ‘Hidden’ Trump Voters

>>>/qresearch/11396700 Irish Deputy PM Varadkar Faces Grilling over Leak of Doctors' Pay Agreement to Rivals

>>>/qresearch/11396701, >>>/qresearch/11396742, >>>/qresearch/11396882 Finger Lakes Tattoo - The plot thickens

>>>/qresearch/11396709 Prize for Ukrainian prosecutor who settled Burisma case? A meeting with Clinton campaign

>>>/qresearch/11396711 Trump boat parade stretching for miles in deeply blue San Diego, California.

>>>/qresearch/11396733 Report: FBI Opened Money Laundering Investigation into Hunter Biden and His Associates

>>>/qresearch/11396755 Fake Kamala campaigning in Florida…

>>>/qresearch/11396779 Westpac blames virus and money-laundering fine on ‘disappointing’ financial results

>>>/qresearch/11396797 Leaked Zoom calls: Federal workers conspiring to shut down White House in contested election

>>>/qresearch/11396802 Fact check: False claim that Joe and Hunter Biden pictured golfing with Burisma CEO

>>>/qresearch/11396813 PHOTOS: 57,000 show up for Trump rally in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11396831 Lindsey Graham: 'I'll be shocked' if Durham probe doesn't lead to more indictments"

>>>/qresearch/11396862 Atlantic ‘Editor’s Note’ Adds New Layers To The Magazine’s Unethical Journalism Standard

>>>/qresearch/11396906 Full on fight between Murdoch and Rudd

>>>/qresearch/11396941 POTUS 30 minutes late to Hickory NC

>>>/qresearch/11396947 Resist STL intends to protest until every vote is counted in the General Election

>>>/qresearch/11396974 Texas High Court Denies GOP Effort to Reject Houston Votes

>>>/qresearch/11396985 WHY "EVERY POLL IS A GOAL" MATTERS

>>>/qresearch/11396999 Richmond

>>>/qresearch/11397007 New Dan Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11397033 ResignationAnon here.

>>>/qresearch/11397057 I Believe it is the Maga Lion they care about for tracking. They didn't flip out until IT was removed and aflgb always posts the lion.

>>>/qresearch/11397088 Kevin Rudd name-dropped by Hunter Biden’s jailed associate

>>>/qresearch/11397098, >>>/qresearch/11397265 A Frazzled World Watches While the U.S. Chooses Its Leader

>>>/qresearch/11397128 What are the odds that two drops contain the SAME Space Shuttle lift-off video and line up on the Qclock TODAY?

>>>/qresearch/11397183 Now wwe know how Hunter and Biden Crime Famiy created secure coms w/ their CCP masters in Beijing

>>>/qresearch/11397188 Mr K Rudd is a China operative! A disgrace to Australia.

>>>/qresearch/11397204 Vote like your life depended on it, it does - For Anons it probably does.

>>>/qresearch/11397268 Kayleigh McEnany was also seen dancing in a white MAGA hat with gold lettering.

>>>/qresearch/11397287 Miami Florida 305. Now this is what you call great Energy, Spirit, Positive Vibes


>>>/qresearch/11397369 #14556

(37 notables, 40 posts, 51 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:44 a.m. No.35590   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11397378 Q Research General #14557: THERE IS ONLY ONE Q RESEARCH BOARD Edition

Created 012335ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11397435 LIVE PDJT

>>>/qresearch/11397438 Don't believe your lying eyes

>>>/qresearch/11397479 Congress, Not The Fed, Is The New Driver Of Financial Markets

>>>/qresearch/11397492 Carney: 7 Winning Policies That Trump Deployed to Revive U.S. Manufacturing

>>>/qresearch/11397505 Why Israel has doomed itself to suffer the consequences of their deeds against America and the American People


>>>/qresearch/11397511 A fake Kamala Harris Body Double Got Loomered today at a Palm Beach polling place!

>>>/qresearch/11397514 Joe Biden Tells Philly Crowd “I Got My Eagles Jacket On” …Except It’s Not. It’s a Blue Hen

>>>/qresearch/11397521 The lion

>>>/qresearch/11397527 Cartel Assassins Murder Mexican Border State Police Commander South of Texas

>>>/qresearch/11397528 A journalist called me a hero today, but I don't feel like one. I feel like I've completely failed.

>>>/qresearch/11397547 2 Men Charged With Selling, Buying 19-Year-Old Woman, Keeping Her In Dungeon

>>>/qresearch/11397586 GovRonDeSantis rips the “mainstream media” and called on Republicans to “storm the polls” on Election Day.

>>>/qresearch/11397587 The scariest thing you can be is a SILENCED American


>>>/qresearch/11397606 Sexual trafficking in China: Kidnapped into prostitution

>>>/qresearch/11397661 150,000 watching now

>>>/qresearch/11397722 Caravan Of Vehicles For Trump Shut Down New Jersey Highway


>>>/qresearch/11397742 NEW SCAVINO

>>>/qresearch/11397859 POTUS now 'The snake' Poem

>>>/qresearch/11397861 Thug Life Kayleigh

>>>/qresearch/11397873 Trump Snake Poem

>>>/qresearch/11397896 Trump Grabs 2-Point Lead in Pennsylvania Per New Poll

>>>/qresearch/11397900 Justice for Andy Ngo

>>>/qresearch/11397902 Jewish Prof. who called every election since 1984 predicts Biden will win

>>>/qresearch/11397927 BREAKING: Final poll before the election for Democracy Institute Sunday Express poll: TRUMP is up 4% in NewHampshire.

>>>/qresearch/11397947 Mueller's Team WAS AWARE Clinton and the DNC Invented the Russian Collusion Narrative…

>>>/qresearch/11397970 TIPPY TOP

>>>/qresearch/11398011 What is this old fool on about this time?


>>>/qresearch/11398014 Lockdowns KILL’: Trump Covid adviser Atlas forced to APOLOGIZE for RT interview as media uproar deflects to ‘Russian propaganda’

(29 notables, 29 posts, 37 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:44 a.m. No.35591   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11398152 Q Research General #14558: Tippy Top Edition

Created 020028ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11398223 Joe Biden Gets Confused Again in Philadelphia: “I Am Finnegan Biden’s Grandma”

>>>/qresearch/11398230 Pentagon Begins Draw Down Of Generals From Africa Posts & Other Hot Spots

>>>/qresearch/11398231 Speaker Pelosi says that all three Supreme Court justices appointed by Trump should recuse themselves from cases tied to potential election disputes because they have a conflict of interest.

>>>/qresearch/11398290 Chris Wallace "pissed off" first family didn't wear masks during debate, suggests Trump has "daddy issue"

>>>/qresearch/11398392 Uranium One Inc is a Canadian uranium mining company with headquarters in Toronto, Ontario. Since 2013 it is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Russian state-owned nuclear corporation Rosatom. -→Clinton Foundation conduit

>>>/qresearch/11398393 The Notable I removed from DSB/DOC/Bread Boss bake

>>>/qresearch/11398414 Election Night Coverage: TYT - The Young Turks Meltdown - 2016 - All the Keks

VIDEO - Election Night Coverage: TYT - The Young Turks Meltdown - 2016 - Part Six [Channel: Joseph Hewes]


>>>/qresearch/11398433, >>>/qresearch/11398788, >>>/qresearch/11398833 AFLGB IS BIG MAD ABOUT THE GRAPHIC SWITCH

>>>/qresearch/11398594 Moldova's presidential election declared valid, with turnout above 33.3% - CEC

>>>/qresearch/11398616 "Went to the ballot box this morning in Huntington Beach, CA and found this (pic related) …seriously, no joke. I took pics and then turned them into the adjacent voting center (library)."

>>>/qresearch/11398728 Our POTUS is a BADASS!

>>>/qresearch/11398733 New M Bartiromo

>>>/qresearch/11398757, >>>/qresearch/11398777, >>>/qresearch/11398790, >>>/qresearch/11398794 Giuliani: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey “covering up child pornography”

>>>/qresearch/11398795 EXCLUSIVE: I have obtained a document showing that the state of Minnesota is planning to put children in foster care if their parents get Coronavirus

>>>/qresearch/11398811 If MSNBC was into law enforcement, they would be called "The FBI"

>>>/qresearch/11398821 Pray for a mother of 11, whose priest just had her arrested (without warning) for not wearing a mask during adoration

>>>/qresearch/11398897 #14558

(18 notables, 23 posts, 18 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:45 a.m. No.35592   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11398901 Q Research General #14559: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey “covering up child pornography Edition

Created 020115ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11398991 Really great to hear that the same FBI that found the time to spy on a presidential campaign at the behest of Hillary, & who “missed” the Biden crime family scandal, is all over this case.

>>>/qresearch/11399001 Red Shoes, Bourne, The Kennedy Center, Broadway World

>>>/qresearch/11399033 700,000 fraudulent ballots??

>>>/qresearch/11399067 EVERY POLL IS A GOAL

>>>/qresearch/11399069 Also this: tomorrow’s 3-year delta

>>>/qresearch/11399099 GOD BLESS THIS MAN

>>>/qresearch/11399101 You will NEVER in your lifetime see an outpouring of love like this.



>>>/qresearch/11399139 4-5 times a day Do you believe the Polls?

>>>/qresearch/11399159 Another Professor discriminated about her views on covid.

>>>/qresearch/11399161 Cuomo shut the cams down on the NY cuomo bridge full with Trump supporters. But the maga people brought a drone


>>>/qresearch/11399180 Jewish Tyranny Ending Your First Amendment Rights

>>>/qresearch/11399194 POTUS LIVE SOON

>>>/qresearch/11399201 Oregon considers decriminalizing hard drugs.

>>>/qresearch/11399237 I'm not crying, you crying!


>>>/qresearch/11399457 Nobel laureate Dr. Luc Montagnier (Nobel Price for Medicine 2008) reiterates on French TV that the coronavirus genome has been engineered.

>>>/qresearch/11399535 THE MASK IS OFF: Kamala Harris Endorses Communism Two Days Out From Election Day


>>>/qresearch/11399647 #14559

(19 notables, 19 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:45 a.m. No.35593   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11399644 Q Research General #14560: Totally Organic Shilling Continues Edition

Created 020202ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11399798 Statement Regarding Biden Bus

>>>/qresearch/11399814 BOMBSHELL: Hunter Biden Email Names Kamala Harris, Others as Key Contacts for 'Joint Venture' With China Energy Co.

>>>/qresearch/11399833 Oregon Is On The Verge Of Decriminalizing Heroin, Cocaine, And LSD

>>>/qresearch/11399846 Kamala's communism endorsement animation


>>>/qresearch/11399858 Three-wheeled flying car built in the Netherlands wins approval to drive on the roads

>>>/qresearch/11399873, >>>/qresearch/11399980, >>>/qresearch/11400162 172,000 watching POTUS


>>>/qresearch/11399898 Flashback: In the 1980s the Holy Hermit of Loreto, Italy Predicted Donald Trump Will Lead America Back to God

VIDEO - Hermit of Loreto [Channel: Giacomo Capoverdi]

>>>/qresearch/11399903 Dr. Fauci slams President Trump, praises Biden campaign over COVID response; White House responds

>>>/qresearch/11399953 President Trump just said RED WAVE

>>>/qresearch/11399965 Over 1,000 cars/trucks in Redding California!!! Let’s turn Cali RED!!!

>>>/qresearch/11399967 Wray must go…

>>>/qresearch/11399979 Rudy Giuliani’s Final Argument, Election 2020.

>>>/qresearch/11399993 SNTRY27 Infinity

>>>/qresearch/11400008 The same "Baker" who calls out anon's as shills for not wanting graphic change, in shilling red text

>>>/qresearch/11400035 ANON USAFSOC C-32B

>>>/qresearch/11400045 George Soros's Plan B If Biden Loses

>>>/qresearch/11400152 I just got my first “headlines don’t tell the whole story” warning—on my own piece. Hey @jack i don’t need to be told to reread

>>>/qresearch/11400161 Rabbi Jeffrey Myers - Praises Trump for his response to Tree of Life.


>>>/qresearch/11400163 Klobuchar asks Minnesotans: ‘don’t vote by mail anymore’ citing concerns over segregated ballots

>>>/qresearch/11400179 Where’s your fucking mask, Cuomo?

>>>/qresearch/11400191 ‘Absolutely Unsustainable’: Joe Biden’s Plans Would Increase Spending By $11 Trillion Over 10 Years, Report Says

>>>/qresearch/11400224 Far-left agitators call for death of 'Nazi' cops, scream at NYPD: 'Hope all of your children get raped and killed'

>>>/qresearch/11400308 Why does it seem like the FBI was quicker to act on this quicker than they have been to do something about Joe Biden and his son selling America out to the Chinese Communist Party?

>>>/qresearch/11400392 We don't say his name. Up coming marker.

>>>/qresearch/11400422 UK's Nigel Farage set to relaunch Brexit Party as anti-lockdown party

(26 notables, 28 posts, 31 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:45 a.m. No.35594   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11401179 Q Research General #14562: Lets Get This /NightShift/ Started Edition

Created 020335ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11401240, >>>/qresearch/11401275 TUCKER CARLSON EMAIL TO HUNTER BIDEN (GNEWS) BREAKING!

>>>/qresearch/11401261 Castle Lock

>>>/qresearch/11401262 Miami Rally Stream

>>>/qresearch/11401290 Trump Rallies gettting INSANE live-stream numbers

>>>/qresearch/11401323 San Marcos, TX. is emerging as a testing ground for numerous groups funded by George Soros to play out their ambitions.

>>>/qresearch/11401344 Both of FL Senators finally showed up for a POTUS rally. Mighty nice of em.

>>>/qresearch/11401345, >>>/qresearch/11401377 Biden Using SCORECARD and THE HAMMER To Steal Another U.S. Presidential Election

>>>/qresearch/11401384 Leaked Zoom Calls Reveals Anarchists Nationwide Plans to Disrupt US Election and Takeover Federal Buildings

>>>/qresearch/11401398 marco censors the crowd from chanting lock him up and starts talking about not liking socialism

>>>/qresearch/11401401 PF

>>>/qresearch/11401434 Marching for TRUMP

>>>/qresearch/11401490 DEVELOPING: Chautauqua County Sheriff reports the search continues for a mission plane that flew from NC to Jamestown. Lost contact at 5:47pm. 13 volunteer fire depts, 4 police agencies, county CAST team involved. Homeland Security, US Air Force sending help. 3 people on board.

>>>/qresearch/11401508 Dan Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11401515 Someone captured this. Hallelujah

>>>/qresearch/11401566 US Marshals Service leads recovery of 27 missing children in Virginia's 'Operation Find Our Children'


>>>/qresearch/11401626 TIME TO HIT THE PANIC BUTTON LIBS


>>>/qresearch/11401627 Holy Mass Dedicated to Victims of Nice Attack Held on All Saints' Day

>>>/qresearch/11401673 Interdasting!

>>>/qresearch/11401701 Miami rally is lit!!! Block party!!!

>>>/qresearch/11401792 Australia Post CEO Christine Holgate resigns after PM tells her ‘she should go’

>>>/qresearch/11401838 POTUS: Remember, Third Quarter GDP is the biggest in U.S. history, by far. Next year will be our best ever!

>>>/qresearch/11401847 Sunday night rally and it’s 11pm and totally packed!

>>>/qresearch/11401857 'These patriots did nothing wrong': Trump slams the FBI for investigating MAGA convoy which ran a Biden bus out of Texan town and demands agency and DOJ probe ANTIFA instead

>>>/qresearch/11401866 A 96 mile tailgate? OMG.


>>>/qresearch/11401885 Q's last post was about the final countdown to, and the launch of, "Discovery".

VIDEO - Space Shuttle Launch Audio - play LOUD (no music) [Channel: indiegun]


>>>/qresearch/11401901 POTUS: Joe Biden is a corrupt politician who is bought and paid for by China! In 2016, Georgia voted to FIRE this corrupt political establishment and you elected an outsider as President who is finally putting AMERICA FIRST!

>>>/qresearch/11401908 #14562

(29 notables, 31 posts, 33 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:46 a.m. No.35595   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11400465 Q Research General #14561: For God & Country

Created 020254ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11400513 In case you missed with all the happenings

>>>/qresearch/11400583 Huge Trump car caravan disrupted some voters in Temecula, authorities say

>>>/qresearch/11400652 During a short tarmac presser President Trump told the hyenas that the recent Supreme Court ruling (4:4 re: PA extended vote counting time, wouldn't take it up) was a disgrace.

>>>/qresearch/11400689 Government Audit Reveals 320 NGOs In Greece Aiding And Abetting Third World Invasion Of Europe

>>>/qresearch/11400691 The video clip in this tweet is the best one that shows the Biden/Harris bus and the white car driving erratically.

>>>/qresearch/11400701 RSBN Stream

>>>/qresearch/11400704 Ben Fulford Part 2

>>>/qresearch/11400723 Miami rally. Whites in the minority. Alot of black and hispanic support!!

>>>/qresearch/11400732 Coronavirus: Failing grades spike in Bay Area schools with distance learning

>>>/qresearch/11400747 The Brief: International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists

>>>/qresearch/11400792, >>>/qresearch/11400815 The White House on lockdown: A federal law enforcement source tells NBC that beginning tomorrow, crews will build a “non-scalable” fence to secure the WH complex, Ellipse and Lafayette Square.

>>>/qresearch/11400830 What We Found Out About Hunter Biden’s Apparent Fetish with the Finger Lakes Region of New York

>>>/qresearch/11400879 UC president orders all on-campus students, faculty, staff to get flu shot by Sunday

>>>/qresearch/11400888 This seems to confirms that Trump has a big winning move to make regarding the mail in ballots.

>>>/qresearch/11400935 A friend of mine in SF (special forces) just alerted me around 2 hrs ago that his base is expected to be on lock down due to on stand by readiness

>>>/qresearch/11400954 We broke the Cabal feed anons. They need that lion and they need that graphic.

>>>/qresearch/11400988 POTUS Rally: LOOK AT THAT FUCKING CROWD

>>>/qresearch/11401015 POTUS Rally Stream: Damn, he's got a Cuban band there tonight!!!

>>>/qresearch/11401072 CONTROL “SCIENCES” an Article by L. Ron Hubbard 15 June 1969

>>>/qresearch/11401076 Maggie NYT: The president is laughing out loud at his campaign video splicing together clips of Biden's verbal stumbles, playing at his rally in GA.

>>>/qresearch/11401117 Hundreds of vehicles parade through Humboldt County in support of Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/11401161 #14561

(22 notables, 23 posts, 19 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:46 a.m. No.35596   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11401921 Q Research General #14563: Never Forget Those In The Background Edition

Created 020425ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11401996 White House Lockdown: Non-Scalable Fence Being Built to Protect Trump During Election Day Unrest, 250 National Guard on Standby

>>>/qresearch/11402022 Attorney-General announces federal ICAC with ‘greater powers’ than Royal Commission

>>>/qresearch/11402023 Potus landing soon.

>>>/qresearch/11402027 POTUS endorses candidate Marjorie Taylor Greene

>>>/qresearch/11402036 Biden can't negotiate with China because he’s been ‘bought’ by Beijing: Trump

>>>/qresearch/11402051 PF: POTUS Landed

>>>/qresearch/11402069 Jews Were Expelled From 132 Host Countries 1,030 Times

>>>/qresearch/11402082 Up To Six Months In Prison If Businesses Don’t Surveil Customers For Contact Tracing

>>>/qresearch/11402084 'Airwolf | Original Soundtrack Theme | Extended Version'

VIDEO - Airwolf | Original Soundtrack Theme | Extended Ver [Channel: Denilee]

>>>/qresearch/11402086 Seneca Lake Holdings

>>>/qresearch/11402089 Rudy G on Bill Cunningham NOW:

>>>/qresearch/11402153 So these left wing groups have published a map of DC

>>>/qresearch/11402159 Ballots in NY received Pre-filled for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11402165 Finally Rally for the night, GOD help this man!

>>>/qresearch/11402166 Ultimate Battle 10: The Timeline of Joe Biden Being Bought off by CCP

>>>/qresearch/11402203 Exclusive! The Fourth Wave!Hunter Biden’s Complicated Incest Relationships:Hunter Biden may have had sexual relations with many female family members

>>>/qresearch/11402208 New Sgt B message to anons

>>>/qresearch/11402228 Former American Idol contestant Nikki McKibbin dies after suffering brain aneurysm

>>>/qresearch/11402248 Not gonna lie, I really thought the truth of Haiti would have dropped before Tuesday. If there's a more important time to get the black vote it's Tuesday, no?

>>>/qresearch/11402277 Victory Rally

>>>/qresearch/11402307 Midnight rider @realDonaldTrump

>>>/qresearch/11402323 I would like to make this night a memory of all of the anons that got us here

>>>/qresearch/11402422 White House: The brutal dictatorships in Venezuela, Cuba, & Nicaragua are a direct threat to their own people and to the national security of the United States.

>>>/qresearch/11402479 Tonight, leftist protesters started screaming and charged @TiffanyATrump while she was speaking at a #TrumpPride event!


>>>/qresearch/11402493 Owl rescued from Silverado Fire by Orange County firefighters

>>>/qresearch/11402648 Examine the specific wording of the 22nd amendment.

(26 notables, 26 posts, 19 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:46 a.m. No.35597   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11402676 Q Research General #14564: The /NightShift/ We Remember The Anons Who Got Us Here Edition

Created 020519ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11402780 An absolutely massive crowd of Patriots for @realDonaldTrump in Florida tonight.


>>>/qresearch/11402826 Bowser is censoring this article

>>>/qresearch/11402897, >>>/qresearch/11402916 Ever wonder about the coincidental connections of the Weston family and Trudeau? It's no coincidence; George Weston Sr. and his wife have a close relationship with the Royal Family

>>>/qresearch/11403020 New Dan Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11403138, >>>/qresearch/11403196 Eyes on, Colorado See something, say something

>>>/qresearch/11403155 POTUS shows Biden Compilation - for the Keks

>>>/qresearch/11403200 Lincold Project NOT shitting on POTUS?

>>>/qresearch/11403241 TRUMP Hollywood Sign has Pro-Trump Campaign AD

>>>/qresearch/11403245 US vote to shape how world warms as climate pact exit looms

>>>/qresearch/11403271 Attorney Charles "Ed" Brown, well-known as half of the prominent St. Louis legal team Brown and Brown, has passed away, according to a statement from his firm.

>>>/qresearch/11403300 Australia Post boss resigns over luxury watches scandal

>>>/qresearch/11403315 Tanzania police arrest main opposition party leader ahead of protests

>>>/qresearch/11403355 It’s not over with Haiti….

>>>/qresearch/11403383 White House Entering Lockdown

>>>/qresearch/11403406 RNsailors use a ship's cat to promote the Bread Fund during WWI

>>>/qresearch/11403431 Message From Hong Kong in Support of Trump 2020!

>>>/qresearch/11403438 Donald Trump on Letterman, May 21, 1992

>>>/qresearch/11403443 #14564

(18 notables, 20 posts, 17 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:47 a.m. No.35598   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11403452 Q Research General #14565: REGENERON Edition

Created 020622ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11403602 Thank you ResignationAnon

>>>/qresearch/11403657 Photos from tonight’s rally in Opa Locka, Florida

>>>/qresearch/11403675 No Deals

>>>/qresearch/11403679 WILLS COVID FIGHT Prince William battled coronavirus in April but kept it secret because he didn’t want to alarm nation

>>>/qresearch/11403680 The October Supplemental Appendix for "Q Anon -The Storm - VOLUME 2" is ready.

>>>/qresearch/11403683 POTUS made some interesting comments at Butler, PA rally 10/31

>>>/qresearch/11403718 Castle: security upgrade has been gnawing…

>>>/qresearch/11403737 Qanon ray chandler boom boom room

>>>/qresearch/11403767, >>>/qresearch/11403792 NEW POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11403842 POTUS Rally Vid


>>>/qresearch/11403876 No one else could do what he has done, and live through it.

>>>/qresearch/11403884 Remember when anons would dig and work collaboratively while having a bit of fun?

>>>/qresearch/11403903 From Minnesota to New Hampshire, New Polls Show Electoral College Massacre for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11403909 Nate Silver: "Without Pennsylvania, Biden becomes an underdog"

>>>/qresearch/11403938 This one poll is giving Trump backers hope and Democrats anxiety

>>>/qresearch/11403960 The Next Populist Revolt - China Virus Lockdowns

>>>/qresearch/11403981 Covid-19: Boris Johnson announces four-week England lockdown

>>>/qresearch/11404021 What Liberals Don’t Understand About Pro-Trump Latinos

>>>/qresearch/11404036 World Economic Forum


>>>/qresearch/11404061 Joe Biden has been able to straddle these two poles

>>>/qresearch/11404167 COVID-19 smartphone app can tell if you’re an asymptomatic carrier — by the way you cough

>>>/qresearch/11404184 #14565

(22 notables, 23 posts, 29 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:47 a.m. No.35599   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11404192 Q Research General #14566: Anime Fights For POTUS Edition

Created 020739ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11404275 Follow HUMA

>>>/qresearch/11404376 Andy Ngo: Antifa in Seattle have announced their post-election plans.

>>>/qresearch/11404406 You will NEVER in your lifetime see an outpouring of love like this


>>>/qresearch/11404414 Allen West's response to Abby Livingston over convoy of MAGA trucks escorting Biden bus down the highway:

>>>/qresearch/11404446 THIS was a night to remember for decades.

>>>/qresearch/11404458 Biden will have Lady Gaga & Harris will have John Legend.

>>>/qresearch/11404465 POTUS Schedule for MONDAY, November 2, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11404471 You can't imagine the magnitude of this

>>>/qresearch/11404510 Veteran CBS News correspondent Mark Knoller included in layoffs

>>>/qresearch/11404613, >>>/qresearch/11404650, >>>/qresearch/11404673 NCSWIC -Q?

>>>/qresearch/11404648 Boeing B-52 Stratofortress Compilation for the planefags

>>>/qresearch/11404683 Trump casting out the Dracos?

>>>/qresearch/11404690, >>>/qresearch/11404696, >>>/qresearch/11404708 "Yellow Brick Road" — designed for the Marines to push even the toughest to their limit

>>>/qresearch/11404748 Navy twitter, last tweet: USS NIMITZ

>>>/qresearch/11404770 Same words used on both. Antifa?

>>>/qresearch/11404800 FIB - The Agency Formerly Known As The FBI (topkek)

>>>/qresearch/11404865 Anons don't need a plan, just God.

>>>/qresearch/11404875, >>>/qresearch/11404884 Snowden requests Russian nationality

(18 notables, 23 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:48 a.m. No.35600   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11404979 Q Research General #14567: Memefags Make Us All Look Good Edition

Created 020934ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11405114 Here's How Google Can Shift 15 Million Votes Without Anyone Realizing It

>>>/qresearch/11405115 voat is still down

>>>/qresearch/11405125 THE MASK IS OFF: Kamala Harris Endorses Communism Two Days Out From Election Day (VIDEO)


>>>/qresearch/11405133 TRUMP SMASHES ONLINE AUDIENCE RECORDS! 177,474 Viewers Watch Trump Live at Georgia Rally — 1.7 MILLION Supporters Watch Trump Sunday Rallies on RSBN

>>>/qresearch/11405140 October Surprise: This Race Is Over

>>>/qresearch/11405149 Tag team: Polls, media join forces to close in on Trump

>>>/qresearch/11405157 The Pope really doesn’t like Republicans

>>>/qresearch/11405176 What Was a Clinton White House Lawyer Doing At Epstein’s Arraignment NOTHING GOOD

>>>/qresearch/11405182 ‘Broadcasting Terror’: Kirstie Alley Doubles Down, Slams CNN For Scaring Viewers

>>>/qresearch/11405187 WHOOPS! The AP Didn't Really Mean to Suggest France 'Incites' Islamic Terror, Did It?

>>>/qresearch/11405196 False Claims of Hacked Voter Information Likely Intended to Cast Doubt on Legitimacy of U.S. Elections

>>>/qresearch/11405206 Biden Stumbles Through Another Campaign Speech: “America Is Dead Because Of COVID-19”

>>>/qresearch/11405211 Where’s Hillary? Clinton absent from trail as Biden deploys Obama in election's final days

>>>/qresearch/11405216 Celebrity apartments will be protected by armed guards on Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11405223 Trump caravans snarl traffic on Garden State Parkway, Mario Cuomo Bridge

>>>/qresearch/11405231 This lady is major deep state. not a new name but a rare one

>>>/qresearch/11405236 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲’𝐬 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐀 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐩 𝐑𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬

>>>/qresearch/11405237 Supporting Systemic Victimhood Is Not Caring—Reelect Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/11405246 Gloom vs Optimism: A Tale of Presidential Candidates

>>>/qresearch/11405258 It’s Too Late for a Late Hit

>>>/qresearch/11405266 If It's the America I Still Recognize, Biden Will Not Win

>>>/qresearch/11405273 White House Lockdown: Non-Scalable Fence Being Built to Protect Trump During Election Day Unrest, 250 National Guard on Standby

>>>/qresearch/11405278 WATCH: Kid Rock Endorses Michigan Senate Candidate John James

>>>/qresearch/11405285 Democrats are masking Biden’s frailty: Devine

>>>/qresearch/11405292 Stealing Pennsylvania: Unpostmarked mail-in ballots will make the difference, thanks to the Democrat state Supreme Court.

>>>/qresearch/11405296 The 'Anonymous' saga ended with a dud — a perfect example of the problem of Trump-era media

>>>/qresearch/11405301 Thread: Was This the Real 2020 Democratic Plan, which got Blown Up with Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Death?

>>>/qresearch/11405425 The moment CNN realizes the election is OFFICIALLY over. Trump wins!!!!

>>>/qresearch/11405442 The Morning Briefing: Enemy of the People MSM Suddenly Worried About Violence It Spent 6 Months Ignoring

>>>/qresearch/11405457 This is an interesting article from Political Moonshine which ties into the current timelines nicely. Not seen posted yet.

>>>/qresearch/11405461 Whats up with all the EVERGREEN links to Elon Musk?

>>>/qresearch/11405471 Biden 'Will Open the Floodgate to Radical Islamic Terrorism.' Why Don’t His Supporters Care?

>>>/qresearch/11405508 In the audio recording of Hunter he mentions The richest man in the world, his friend, Patrick Ye has disappeared.

>>>/qresearch/11405529 NASTY: 'Saturday Night Live' Fake News Anchor Claims Trump's a Mass COVID Murderer

>>>/qresearch/11405563 So these left wing groups have published a map of DC

>>>/qresearch/11405650 National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators

>>>/qresearch/11405667 Counting deaths without proof, oh yeah, it’s about trump rallies, of course

>>>/qresearch/11405679 NJ police wouldn’t let the Trump get off the parkway, they kept them on the highway stopped, NJ will go Red

>>>/qresearch/11405684 Stolen President Trump signs lead to 3 people shot

>>>/qresearch/11405728 #14567

(41 notables, 41 posts, 44 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:48 a.m. No.35601   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11405732 Q Research General #14568: One Day Before The Greatest Politcal Victory In American History Edition

Created 021144ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11405831 Personal details: Middle-class president Mario Ohoven dies in a traffic accident

>>>/qresearch/11405855 #JusticeForLeeKeltner

>>>/qresearch/11405891, >>>/qresearch/11406008, >>>/qresearch/11406033, >>>/qresearch/11406035, >>>/qresearch/11406252 Was the Frazzled Rip video made somewhere in the Finger Lakes?

>>>/qresearch/11405904 RED WAVE (bideo)


>>>/qresearch/11405925 Remember that "rigging" the election doesn't come down to stuffed ballot boxes..

>>>/qresearch/11405928 TOMORROW IS ELECTION DAY! (bideo)


>>>/qresearch/11405941 EXCLUSIVE: Pastor Jack Hibbs: ‘We’ve Never Seen So Many People Register To Vote and Change Their Affiliation’

>>>/qresearch/11405975 THIS IS THE DEMS AGENDA

>>>/qresearch/11405980 Fox News rips on Lady Gag Gag Skank mocking Trump supporters in new video.


>>>/qresearch/11405995 #SOF Truth II: Quality is better than quantity.

>>>/qresearch/11406015 VOAT taken out… FOR NOW

>>>/qresearch/11406023 These Fools think You Will Follow "[THEIR] Stars"

>>>/qresearch/11406038 Teach your children the truth about Marxism

>>>/qresearch/11406086 Hidden Food Bank Discovered (bideo)


>>>/qresearch/11406100 NY POST EDITORIAL BOARD: New York is about to kill a whole lot of landlords

>>>/qresearch/11406101 VERIFY: Voter intimidation is real. Here's what you can do.

>>>/qresearch/11406108 Postal authorities to search Miami-area post offices after ballots found in mail pile up: report

>>>/qresearch/11406116 Trump supporters, protesters clash at Robert E. Lee monument in Virginia

>>>/qresearch/11406127 Trump and Biden Make Final Pitches


>>>/qresearch/11406129 Gaetz, Trump blast FBI over probe into Biden bus incident

>>>/qresearch/11406152 Trump criticizes Supreme Court rulings over absentee ballots in 2 states

>>>/qresearch/11406183 Obama campaigns to a parking lot of 10's of supporters (bideo)


>>>/qresearch/11406188 DOJ lawyers say bid by Special Forces vet and his son to stop extradition to Japan is ‘meritless’

>>>/qresearch/11406203, >>>/qresearch/11406349 Trump hints at top disease doc’s future after rally chants, ‘Fire Fauci’

>>>/qresearch/11406223 Nuclear attack in Detroit? Call the Army National Guard

>>>/qresearch/11406230 BREAKFAST WITH PETE IN MN


>>>/qresearch/11406232, >>>/qresearch/11406236 The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations



>>>/qresearch/11406280 Ouija Boards, Warfare, Exorcism, and the Bible’s Undeniable Stance on Playing with Fire

>>>/qresearch/11406321, >>>/qresearch/11406333, >>>/qresearch/11406408 How Joe Biden Clearly Benefited From 'Biden Family Business'

>>>/qresearch/11406401 Freemasons call Gang Stalking "The Silent Dagger" or the "White Glove Treatment".

>>>/qresearch/11406428 -NEW DJT

>>>/qresearch/11406438 Anons get the word out, anyone dropping off ballots must go to county election office

>>>/qresearch/11406453 Ohio ballots must be postmarked by 11/2, that’s today

>>>/qresearch/11406475 State Rankings

>>>/qresearch/11406481 Trump's Fla. rally stretches into early morning hours against mayor's curfew

>>>/qresearch/11406514 Federal authorities boost White House security in preparation for election protests

>>>/qresearch/11406573 #14568

(37 notables, 45 posts, 62 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:49 a.m. No.35602   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11406576 Q Research General #14569: Patriots Ready? Edition

Created 021340ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11406645, >>>/qresearch/11406976 Turns Out the FBI Has Been Hiding More Seth Rich Documents

>>>/qresearch/11406650 People tracked as MONEY

>>>/qresearch/11406720 PHOTOS: Trump Supporters Gather for ‘Midnight Special II’ Rally in Florida

>>>/qresearch/11406739, >>>/qresearch/11406745, >>>/qresearch/11406758, >>>/qresearch/11407067 Rothschild coat of arms at Ramat Hanadiv Park in Israel

>>>/qresearch/11406742 PHOTOS: Red Moon Rises as Trump Supporters Gather for Georgia Rally

>>>/qresearch/11406770 Boston Globe Columnist Compares Trump Caravans to ISIS Terrorists

>>>/qresearch/11406807, >>>/qresearch/11406841 Basically US/EU Globalists, CIA/State & MI6/FSO forced regime change in Ukraine.

>>>/qresearch/11406814 Trump Caravan, Boat Parade Take Over San Diego 2 Days Before Election

>>>/qresearch/11406832 Great Awakening Fresh off the Presses

>>>/qresearch/11406843 The Bidens are a NIGHTMARE NATIONAL SECURITY RISK !!


>>>/qresearch/11406894, >>>/qresearch/11407097 C19 narrative kill date: Election Day +1

>>>/qresearch/11406896 Massive Trump Caravans Swarm Sunday Roadways Coast to Coast

>>>/qresearch/11406928 Texas Officials: Trump Supporters Broke No Laws

>>>/qresearch/11406957 For the Keks


>>>/qresearch/11406982 What is Operation Hammer?

>>>/qresearch/11406991 Human trafficking in Finger Lakes region

>>>/qresearch/11407003 Commies going to commie

>>>/qresearch/11407018 The Spies Who Hijacked America / Aug/2020 / Excellent article

>>>/qresearch/11407032 Dan Scavino Tweet


>>>/qresearch/11407050 USMC TWAT CASTLE IN PIC: Be Cyber Smart. All The Time.

>>>/qresearch/11407099 Re-posting for AWESOMENESS! MAGA


>>>/qresearch/11407100 Antifa DC planning call

>>>/qresearch/11407120 Gold In the News

>>>/qresearch/11407171 On a whim I just searched Wikileaks for "darnkess" and this is what comes up.

(25 notables, 31 posts, 65 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:49 a.m. No.35603   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11408060 Q Research General #14571: ReadyAF Edition

Created 021541ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11408102 Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing

>>>/qresearch/11408246 What Was a Clinton White House Lawyer Doing at Epstein’s Arraignment?

>>>/qresearch/11408263 Biden's vaccine will be "Free" twat

>>>/qresearch/11408285 (pb) AF "This is test" twat roundup caps

>>>/qresearch/11408289 PA AG saying Trump is going to lose based on current vote count

>>>/qresearch/11408303 Dems vote altering plan in PA "Operation Scorecard"

>>>/qresearch/11408505 Louisiana power outages before Election Day ignites feud between New Orleans mayor, state official

>>>/qresearch/11408533 16th Army Sgt Maj leadership twat (11.6 Huma - Time's up)

>>>/qresearch/11408585 Don, Jr twats "Evergreen"


>>>/qresearch/11408642 Bannon predicts FBI leadershipr transfer from Wray > Grenell (temp) > Sidney Powell (perm)


>>>/qresearch/11408673, >>>/qresearch/11408721 -TOPICAL RepostFOLLOWING HUMA DIGS - PT. I PT. II

>>>/qresearch/11408793 #14571

(12 notables, 13 posts, 19 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:49 a.m. No.35604   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11407325 Q Research General #14570: Morning Sun Brings the Heat Edition

Created 021447ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11407381 Fauci's future in Trump Admin looking to be in Jeopardy

>>>/qresearch/11407414 (pb) AF "This is test" twat roundup caps

>>>/qresearch/11407476, >>>/qresearch/11407495 Liftoff complete, NEGATIVE RETURN, no turning back now.

>>>/qresearch/11407486 Record 95M Americans voted before Election Day: 70% of the total 2016

>>>/qresearch/11407510 Bannon's WarRoom Pandemic: Ep#469 LIVE Stream

>>>/qresearch/11407512 Justice Amy Coney Barrett to hear first Supreme Court oral arguments Monday

>>>/qresearch/11407535 Biden-Harris campaign launches 'Build Back Better' map in Fortnite 10/31/2020

>>>/qresearch/11407567 Harris courts the illegal immigrant support, promises consideration post election

>>>/qresearch/11407574 Updated GA Early Voter turnout, matching 2016

>>>/qresearch/11407597 POTUS Holds MAGA Rally in Fayetteville, NC 11/2/20

>>>/qresearch/11407616 Philadelphia Police and Fire Fighters Union Endorse Trump

>>>/qresearch/11407673 '60 Days In' star Nate Burrell dead at 33

>>>/qresearch/11407686 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲’𝐬 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐀 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐩 𝐑𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬

>>>/qresearch/11407697 Actor Eddie Hassell dead at 30 in suspected carjacking in Texas

>>>/qresearch/11407722, >>>/qresearch/11407750, >>>/qresearch/11407827 (cap) AF TWAT "THIS IS A TEST", (anon ID's typo)


>>>/qresearch/11407744 Cancer researcher dead after Indianapolis hospital gave him fentanyl rather than fluids	

>>>/qresearch/11407757 Statistics show 'Karens' love Biden

>>>/qresearch/11407758 At least 17 dead as typhoon Goni impacts more than 2 million people in the Philippines

>>>/qresearch/11407765 Polling station locator

>>>/qresearch/11407784 2 Churches torched in Ontario Canada Sunday morning

>>>/qresearch/11407795 FBI agent who helped capture Saddam Hussein dies young of heart attack

>>>/qresearch/11407979 MARKER 1 in AF twat - Let Justice be served

>>>/qresearch/11408015 Hundreds Of Vote Centers Open Across Southland [Los Angeles]	

>>>/qresearch/11408046 #14570

(24 notables, 27 posts, 21 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:50 a.m. No.35605   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11408833 Q Research General #14572: Straight and True Edition

Created 021641ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11408943 NASA TWAT VIDEO

>>>/qresearch/11408948 Dunkin' stock hits new high after $11.3 billion takeover deal

>>>/qresearch/11408953 American Thinker - Dems having a Wylie Coyote moment

>>>/qresearch/11408965 Barack Obama had to call Joe Biden three times before he finally emerged at Michigan rally, then had to remind him to put his mask back on and help guide him off the stage

>>>/qresearch/11408977 Trump Caravan, Boat Parade Take Over San Diego 2 Days Before Election

>>>/qresearch/11408991 justice Department Again to Monitor Compliance with the Federal Voting Rights Laws on Election Day


>>>/qresearch/11409003 VPOTUS live in Latrobe, PA

>>>/qresearch/11409004, >>>/qresearch/11409147, >>>/qresearch/11409225 Pennsylvania Election Officials Rattled After Trump Campaign Requests Names Of Ballot Transporters, Storage Locations

>>>/qresearch/11409009 Catherine Herridge- McCabe to testify Nov 10 Senate Judiciary Committee

>>>/qresearch/11409034 3 year deltas…

>>>/qresearch/11409045 Tech Tyranny: Twitter Censors Tom Fitton’s Accurate and Logical Tweet on Voter Fraud to Protect Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11409047 Interesting walk thru DC this morning with Nigel Farage


>>>/qresearch/11409065 New Gen Flynn

>>>/qresearch/11409083 Exactly 1103 or 11.3 days from Q start to tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/11409092 Team Trump retweeted the AWESOME MAGA VIDEO!!!


>>>/qresearch/11409099 New Grassley

>>>/qresearch/11409145 AF1 was wheels down at 11:40 AM.

>>>/qresearch/11409175, >>>/qresearch/11409316 Far Left Twitter Identifies Only 7 Approved Outlets to Announce Presidential Election Results

>>>/qresearch/11409221 How Much Has Big Tech Spent On Lobbying Congress

>>>/qresearch/11409254 Turns Out the FBI Has Been Hiding More Seth Rich Documents

>>>/qresearch/11409272 Judge named Joe Biden as possible 'witness' in fraud cause

>>>/qresearch/11409276 China Poised To Ban Australian Lobster, Copper & Sugar Amid Spiraling Trade Dispute

>>>/qresearch/11409286, >>>/qresearch/11409371, >>>/qresearch/11409401 INTL NEWS

>>>/qresearch/11409320, >>>/qresearch/11409331, >>>/qresearch/11409335 The DOJ announced the filing of a complaint on Thursday to forfeit two shipments of Iranian missiles that the U.S. Navy seized

>>>/qresearch/11409338 Antifa-affiliated Twitter account shares riot strategy guides in preparation for US election fallout

>>>/qresearch/11409389 Child Sex Assault Victim Sexually Assaulted by Cop Who Shouldn’t Have Been Assigned to Her Case

>>>/qresearch/11409404 @USMC


>>>/qresearch/11409415 Michigan implements new COVID restrictions that could send violators to jail after Whitmer vows to bypass court ruling

>>>/qresearch/11409438 Cop Walks Despite 36 Charges and 8 Women Accusing Him of On-Duty Sexual Assault

>>>/qresearch/11409455 Ivanka Trump breaks Obama record on way to $35M-plus fundraising haul: reports

>>>/qresearch/11409475 False Claims of Hacked Voter Information Likely Intended to Cast Doubt on Legitimacy of U.S. Elections

>>>/qresearch/11409480 Federal employees/bureaucrats are legit on camera planning a coup in DC


>>>/qresearch/11409516 Dong Gongwen who worked for YE Jianming purposely approached Hunter Biden and they jointly opened an account at Cathay Bank

>>>/qresearch/11409537 In First Republican Presidential Endorsement In 48 Years, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Endorses Trump

>>>/qresearch/11409551 AUDIO: Philly Teacher Reveals School Lunch Workers Gave Ballots To Children

>>>/qresearch/11409554 The White House seen behind a fence and protest posters on the day before 2020 Election Day.

>>>/qresearch/11409563 Scheduled power outages from Nov. 2 to 12 in Richmond

(38 notables, 45 posts, 57 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:51 a.m. No.35606   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11409630 Q Research General #14573

Created 021742ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11409732 Hillsborough Suspect, 11 Others Snagged in Online Sex Predator Sting

>>>/qresearch/11409742, >>>/qresearch/11409875, >>>/qresearch/11409910, >>>/qresearch/11410056, >>>/qresearch/11410107, >>>/qresearch/11410286 INTL NEWS

>>>/qresearch/11409749 Lock this bitch up

>>>/qresearch/11409750 How Dems are going to Try to steal the election

>>>/qresearch/11409753 Mark Zuckerberg: ‘There Is a Risk of Civil Unrest Across the Country’

>>>/qresearch/11409768 Stephen Colbert should an hero and take Podesta with him

>>>/qresearch/11409794 Anthony Fauci's family says they can no longer stand behind flip-flopping family member

>>>/qresearch/11409814 Mexico Reprimands Cartel-Linked Governor After Pushing Votes for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11409835 Oakland pledged to cut its police budget in half. Then homicides surged

>>>/qresearch/11409837 New CDC Numbers Show Lockdown’s Deadly Toll On Young People

>>>/qresearch/11409847 Trump order creates Schedule F, to speed hiring and firing in key positions

>>>/qresearch/11409855 Nothing is ever deleted

>>>/qresearch/11409866 CDC plans COVID concentration camps

>>>/qresearch/11409876 Trump blasts Facebook for sudden suspension of ‘NJ Women for Trump’ account

>>>/qresearch/11409889 Twitter suspends dozens of Palestinian accounts opposing normalization with Israel

>>>/qresearch/11409893 Tinker Air Force Base will be conducting a Major Accident Response Exercise (MARE) near the North Transient Ramp on the morning of Nov. 4.

>>>/qresearch/11409900 I’m really scared about Q people rioting tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/11409914 Texas Supreme Court denies Republican effort to reject 127,000 ballots cast at drive-thru voting stations in Houston

>>>/qresearch/11409926 Twitter Acquisition of Substack ‘Not Going to Happen,’ Co-Founder Says

>>>/qresearch/11410002 Iran sees Biden as the "more promising" candidate in U.S. election

>>>/qresearch/11410006, >>>/qresearch/11410008 Democratic Attorney General of Pennsylvania suggests he knows the vote count – the day before the election.

>>>/qresearch/11410007 Whistleblower says El Paso ambulances picking up COVID-19 patients from Juarez

>>>/qresearch/11410033 Dems Focus Grouped These Memes Urging Public to REJECT Election Night Results

>>>/qresearch/11410046 317 retired Generals & Admirals supporting President Trump for re-election

>>>/qresearch/11410082 Leftist activists plan unrest in D.C., warn of a potential Trump coup after the election

>>>/qresearch/11410119 Bernie Sanders to host election-eve virtual rally with AOC, other liberal candidates

>>>/qresearch/11410135 Former University of Michigan professor indicted on charges of child exploitation of a minor

>>>/qresearch/11410140 Former county constable and city firefighter sentenced for child exploitation

>>>/qresearch/11410170 New from Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon: “Under no scenario will Donald Trump be declared a victor on election night”

>>>/qresearch/11410185 MS-13 Updates, A Republic Under Assault, & Biden’s Unmasking Requests

>>>/qresearch/11410218 Trump was IMPEACHED for Asking about Biden-Burisma Corruption Issues in Ukraine!

>>>/qresearch/11410305 NEW PDJT

>>>/qresearch/11410362 #14573

(33 notables, 39 posts, 48 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:51 a.m. No.35607   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11411159 Q Research General #14575: This Time Tomorrow, We Shall Be Victorious Edition Edition

Created 021926ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11411253 Cloudflare is having problems today.

>>>/qresearch/11411259 Poll closing times across America

>>>/qresearch/11411261 State Department released 85 new documents on Oct. 30th.

>>>/qresearch/11411264 WWG1WGA

>>>/qresearch/11411271 Trolling the Left with wifi passwords at Pence rally

>>>/qresearch/11411278 General Dennis Montgomery speaks regarding Hammer and Scorecard, election implications

>>>/qresearch/11411328 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!



>>>/qresearch/11411344 PAT777 (interdasting call sign) landing at San Antonio Inetrnational

>>>/qresearch/11411345 In response to Josh Shapiro, AG of PA:

>>>/qresearch/11411371 $1.2 in Burisma and any Romania payments

>>>/qresearch/11411403 THIS IS WHY WE MEME

>>>/qresearch/11411407 Must-see Steve Bannon War Room videocast from a little while ago Guests are Sidney Powell AND Rudy Giuliani


>>>/qresearch/11411435 POTUS LIVE

>>>/qresearch/11411448 Crazy Auntie Peach Mint Maxine Waters Says Black Trump Voters 'Shameful'

>>>/qresearch/11411454 NEW 2 TERM POTUS DONALD J TRUMP

>>>/qresearch/11411515 Long-time organizer Lisa Fithian describes tools and tactics to shut down the nation's capital

>>>/qresearch/11411522 Obama is the only president to never achieve a 3% GDP during his 8 years in office.

>>>/qresearch/11411541 George Soros has a plan B, and it's already underway

>>>/qresearch/11411563 Trump Campaign Has Webpage to Report an Election Issue

>>>/qresearch/11411599 Salt Life co-founder charged after teen found shot at Florida hotel

>>>/qresearch/11411624 Trump slams Twitter execs for ‘fixing’ the 2020 election

>>>/qresearch/11411625 NEW FLYNN - Parlor

>>>/qresearch/11411649 Meet Arnon Mishkin: Democrat Political Consultant Who Will Determine Next President for Fox News

>>>/qresearch/11411683 Seven Pennsylvania counties won't start counting mail-in ballots until Wednesday

>>>/qresearch/11411685 Today, the ISIS caliphate is destroyed.

>>>/qresearch/11411700, >>>/qresearch/11411702 SHOOTING AT AUSTRIAN SYNAGOGUE!

>>>/qresearch/11411713 In Maine Senate Race, Sara Gideon’s Ethics Violation Paid Off

>>>/qresearch/11411715 Undelivered ballots were found at one Miami-Dade post office. Now others being searched

>>>/qresearch/11411755 Kabul University attack: Islamic State claims responsibility after 22 people killed in Afghanistan

>>>/qresearch/11411795 New Gen Flynn

>>>/qresearch/11411826 New White House Twitter

>>>/qresearch/11411830 Are both of these disrespectful or just the one you don't like?

>>>/qresearch/11411835 BREAKING: Massachusetts Governor activates 1,000 National Guard members in prep for #ElectionDay unrest.

(34 notables, 35 posts, 38 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:52 a.m. No.35608   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11411920 Q Research General #14576: Never Take Counsel Of Your Fears Edition

Created 022017ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11411948 The "Hook"

>>>/qresearch/11411994 Pallets of bricks have been sighted in Detroit.

>>>/qresearch/11412009 Vienna Video


>>>/qresearch/11412019 "We have powerful eyes watching".

>>>/qresearch/11412023 False Flag happening in Austria.

>>>/qresearch/11412026 The Gift That Keeps On Giving: 'Can I Change My Vote' Still Spiking Since Hunter Laptop

>>>/qresearch/11412057 Pentagon announces random, rapid COVID-19 testing for Patriot Express flights

>>>/qresearch/11412067 ‘Disinformation’ And Other Media Excuses For Downplaying, Dismissing Hunter Biden Revelations

>>>/qresearch/11412091 More Seth Rich Docs…The FBI Caught Hiding Docs

>>>/qresearch/11412095 TRAVEL ALERT: The temporary restriction on non-essential travel at US land border ports of entry remains in effect.

>>>/qresearch/11412096 'Businesses weren't boarding up their windows because they were afraid of Trump supporters'

>>>/qresearch/11412117 Early voting stats look strong compared to 2016, . in the president battleground states. And even better in the senate battleground states

>>>/qresearch/11412147 Goldman Sachs 1MDB settlement: a meaningful punishment for major financial crimes?

>>>/qresearch/11412148 @FLOTUS soon taking off to #NorthCarolina to highlight President @realdonaldtrump’s record of promises made & promises kept!

>>>/qresearch/11412211 A Republican Senate Upset Could Be Coming Together In Minnesota

>>>/qresearch/11412220 Florida For POTUS


>>>/qresearch/11412224 After Excusing Rioting for Months, What the Media Are Freaking out Over Now Is Hilarious

>>>/qresearch/11412308 China Lobbies for the West to Pay Africa’s Debts (to China)

>>>/qresearch/11412323 Democrats In Panic Mode As Long-Held Oregon Seat May Fall To GOP Newcomer Alek Skarlatos Who Thwarted Paris Terror Attack

>>>/qresearch/11412339 New Dan Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11412341 KYLE UPDATE

>>>/qresearch/11412347 Democrats Should Be Preparing Themselves for a Bad Tuesday

>>>/qresearch/11412371 Eric Schwerin emailed Hunter Biden on 1/16/2017 evidencing Hunter’s Phantom Income partly “borrowed” from RSB

>>>/qresearch/11412400 Millionaire Stevie Wonder Wants Reparations, Will Vote for Biden, As a Result

>>>/qresearch/11412417 Hussein: "I could say when I looked back at the end of 8 years that the country is better off now than it was when I took office."


>>>/qresearch/11412427 BREAKING: Evidence of Biden Payments from China Support Tony Bobulinski and Show the Bidens Made Millions Swindling America

>>>/qresearch/11412447 CLOWN SHOW: Kamala Harris Misses Her Cue in Pennsylvania by 65 Seconds (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11412470 Court Document Reveals Joe Biden A 'Witness' With Son In Fraud Case

>>>/qresearch/11412503, >>>/qresearch/11412649 The DOJ announced today that FEDERAL ELECTION OFFICIALS will be present tomorrow in 18 states to ensure no VOTER FRAUD in the counting rooms.

>>>/qresearch/11412549 Sidney Powell gives her word she will clean this mess up if she becomes the FBI director regardless of political parties.

>>>/qresearch/11412576 Business Owners Boarding Up In Case Party Of Love And Tolerance Loses

>>>/qresearch/11412606 ‘I Do This Without a Guitar’

>>>/qresearch/11412641 New Sidney Powell

>>>/qresearch/11412680 #14576

(34 notables, 35 posts, 40 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:52 a.m. No.35609   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11412690 Q Research General #14577: "One man with courage makes a majority." Edition

Created 022112ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11412791 National Guard spotted in Chicago


>>>/qresearch/11412806, >>>/qresearch/11412812, >>>/qresearch/11412844, >>>/qresearch/11412886, >>>/qresearch/11412939, >>>/qresearch/11413000, >>>/qresearch/11413189, >>>/qresearch/11413438 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/11412816, >>>/qresearch/11412868 POTUS tweets on Fracking, PA, and Biden

>>>/qresearch/11412824 Bradley Birkenfeld: Obama Administration Covered Up Tax Evasion Scandal

>>>/qresearch/11412842 Compilation of #walkaway rallies past 3 months. 16 rallies in 16 blue cities.


>>>/qresearch/11412848 Anon connecting dots: watch the water/Hunter Biden/Submarines

>>>/qresearch/11412980, >>>/qresearch/11413076 Media's tested graphics/headlines already gamed out. Hammer/Scorecard confirmed and moved to private co.

>>>/qresearch/11413065 HAPPENING NOW: Total chaos in Paris as anti-lockdown demonstrators take to the streets.

>>>/qresearch/11413084 Q PROOF: Dan Scavino used Q music from drop 4827 “can music be healing?” in a tweet today!

>>>/qresearch/11413113 Trump Campaign Accuses Democrats of ALREADY Cutting Election Day Ads of “Red Mirage” in Order to Excuse Biden’s Loss and Foment Chaos

>>>/qresearch/11413134 Mass. Gov. Announces Stay-at-Home Advisory, Mask Order, Restaurant Curfew. All orders and advisories effective 11/6 at 12AM. Residents to stay home between 10 PM and 5 AM.

>>>/qresearch/11413170 A vote for Biden-Harris is a vote for this: "men against abortion are just jealous they'll never know how good it feels to kill a baby" -liberal psycho

>>>/qresearch/11413257 Before a single vote has been counted, PA Democrat AG is declaring that Biden has already won, promising to litigate the state into Biden’s corner.

>>>/qresearch/11413286 Philadelphia Police and Fire Fighters Union Endorse Trump – They have never endorsed a GOP Candidate

>>>/qresearch/11413290 Congress Probes Claim U.N. Gave Names of Uighur Dissidents to China

>>>/qresearch/11413305 Tech Tyranny: Twitter Censors Tom Fitton’s Accurate and Logical Tweet on Voter Fraud to Protect Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11413309 Ivanka Trump breaks Obama record on way to $35M-plus fundraising haul: reports

>>>/qresearch/11413312 AUDIO: Philly Teacher Reveals School Lunch Workers Gave Ballots To Children

>>>/qresearch/11413358 At 1:52 of War Room: Pandemic, Sydney Powell says she will sort all the fuckery out WHEN she's FBI director…

>>>/qresearch/11413512 #14577

(20 notables, 29 posts, 22 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:53 a.m. No.35610   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11413523 Q Research General #14578: Dan Scavino Tweeted Q Music Edition

Created 022210ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11413574 BLM terrorists blocking polls in North Carolina


>>>/qresearch/11413581 Politico Q hit piece fresh off the press

>>>/qresearch/11413625 POTUS tweet: GET OUT AND VOTE PENNSYLVANIA


>>>/qresearch/11413627 The military is deployed to protect properties in the federal capital of Austria #Vienna.

>>>/qresearch/11413645 Director of Battleground Strategy Nick Trainer tells reporters that Biden campaign just said Trump was within 1 state of winning (!!!)

>>>/qresearch/11413731 Will net be "paused" to stop HAMMER?

>>>/qresearch/11413745, >>>/qresearch/11413760, >>>/qresearch/11413769 Clinton Health Access Initiative 2019 Report: Dig on partners and donors

>>>/qresearch/11413793 QPosts Archives NOW THRU OCTOBER

>>>/qresearch/11413823, >>>/qresearch/11413824, >>>/qresearch/11413882 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/11413827 Multiple heavily armed perpetrators are still at large in #Vienna, a police spokesman just announced on Austrian media.

>>>/qresearch/11413893 Judge issues permanent injunction restraining Gov. Newsom from issuing further unconstitutional orders

>>>/qresearch/11413902, >>>/qresearch/11414274 3-year delta/Q Proof: Pence just said prayer from Q54 at the Trump rally

>>>/qresearch/11414097 Creepy cultish video of Hussein in a mask

>>>/qresearch/11414108, >>>/qresearch/11414149 ————————————–——– Trump campaign statement on democrat plans to delegitimize Election Day results (Cap: )

>>>/qresearch/11414205 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Traverse City, MI 11/2/20

>>>/qresearch/11414244 More on Project Hammer/Scorecard

>>>/qresearch/11414255 Mass mandatory testing in Liverpool UK.

(17 notables, 23 posts, 22 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11414108

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:53 a.m. No.35611   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11415097 Q Research General #14580: Be Ready Edition

Created 022337ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11415145 These are the states allowing for late ballots. If POTUS wins all the other states out of 538 electoral votes, POTUS would win 279 to 259.

>>>/qresearch/11415148 HAPPENING NOW: Feds install “non-scalable” fencing around the White House complex in prep for Election Day unrest.


>>>/qresearch/11415165 Starting Today, Michigan Bars & Restaurants Will Require Your Name, Phone Number, Contact Info

>>>/qresearch/11415166 For the keks, Lady Gaga "vote for America" parody video


>>>/qresearch/11415172 Federal Workers and Activist plans to subvert the election.

>>>/qresearch/11415174 Anon on Wizards & Warlocks + genetic/disease manipulation by the CIA




>>>/qresearch/11415205 Founder of Salt Life Clothing Line Arrested After 18-Year-Old Woman Is Found Dead in Resort Room

>>>/qresearch/11415277 Court File Shows Joe Biden Listed as Possible Witness With Son Hunter in Fraud Case

>>>/qresearch/11415388 Updated Biden Crime Family Map - proposed China Inc. Investments - with 2 missing labels (lb notable )

>>>/qresearch/11415402, >>>/qresearch/11415642 October 2020 Update to Sealed Indictment Cases: THREE YEAR TOTAL

>>>/qresearch/11415462 Democrats colluding with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results: Report

>>>/qresearch/11415471 Tim Murtaugh says Biden campaign has already filmed "red mirage" videos with celebrities to challenge POTUS's victory

>>>/qresearch/11415576, >>>/qresearch/11415845 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/11415580 POTUS tweets in Spanish re: American Dream Plan for Latinos

>>>/qresearch/11415688, >>>/qresearch/11415778 Anons on possible POTUS comms: "corona sounds like an island in Italy" - Gorgona prison island? - needs sauce

>>>/qresearch/11415733 (pb), (pb) Anon finds missing ink in HB tattoo overlays perfectly on artifact in google satellite image that looks like some sort of huge underwater base

>>>/qresearch/11415783 Election certification deadline by State

>>>/qresearch/11415874 #14580

(18 notables, 21 posts, 24 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:53 a.m. No.35612   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11414308 Q Research General #14579: Fuck Your "Red Mirage" Edition

Created 022257ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11414387, >>>/qresearch/11414436 POTUS comms at tonight's rally: "Look at the sky", "17 auto plants"

>>>/qresearch/11414433, >>>/qresearch/11414465, >>>/qresearch/11414486, >>>/qresearch/11414537 Rereading old crumbs in the archive re: Dennis Montgomery (Hammer, Scorecard)

>>>/qresearch/11414505 John Roberts just mentioned the Red Mirage. The talking point has been deployed.

>>>/qresearch/11414578 Recent posts from ALL HASHTAGS on instagram are temporarily hidden to "help prevent the spread of possible false information" and "harmful content related to the election"

>>>/qresearch/11414612 Edward Snowden applies for Russian citizenship for sake of future son

>>>/qresearch/11414666 Federal judge tosses Trump's 'public charge' immigration rule

>>>/qresearch/11414695 Kamala's bail fund continues to bail out alleged sexual assaulters

>>>/qresearch/11414700 Donald Trump, Counterrevolutionary

>>>/qresearch/11414740 One terrorist was shot and killed in front of a church in #Vienna and still lies on the ground as he is wearing an explosive belt.

>>>/qresearch/11414748 Psychiatrist And CNN Guest Praises Hitler In Attempt To Dunk On Trump

>>>/qresearch/11414751, >>>/qresearch/11414815, >>>/qresearch/11414867 Subversion - the undermining of the power and authority of an established system or institution.

>>>/qresearch/11414781 Updated Biden Crime Family Map - proposed China Inc. Investments - with 2 missing labels (lb notable )

>>>/qresearch/11414792, >>>/qresearch/11414875 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/11414799 The Trump Recovery: U.S. Manufacturing Activity Accelerated Again in October

>>>/qresearch/11414826 PF: DC BLITZ

>>>/qresearch/11414843 GOP GOTV set to swamp Biden lead, 'Election Day to look like a Trump rally’

>>>/qresearch/11414889 UK Anon places largest bet ever on Trumps inevitable win. Will walk away with $15 million.

>>>/qresearch/11414893 Kek, Pence trolls media with ACB wifi login at Erie, PA rally

>>>/qresearch/11414902 What It's Like To Get Locked Out of Google Indefinitely

>>>/qresearch/11415011, >>>/qresearch/11415015 (pb), (pb) Anon finds missing ink in HB tattoo overlays perfectly on artifact in google satellite image that looks like some sort of huge underwater base

>>>/qresearch/11415084 #14579

(21 notables, 29 posts, 29 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:54 a.m. No.35613   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11416620 Q Research General #14582: In God Is Our Trust Edition

Created 030057ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11416717 POTUS: "WE will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN"; lowercased "will" = comms?

>>>/qresearch/11416726 Gov. Cuomo today announced new guidelines allowing out-of-state travelers to NY to "test out" of the mandatory 14-day quarantine, effective 11/4

>>>/qresearch/11416783 Anon graphic on pb notable: VP Pence quotes Jeremiah 29:11, 3-year delta with Q54

>>>/qresearch/11416801, >>>/qresearch/11416876 Moar sauce on Epstein's Palm Beach mansion demolition news

>>>/qresearch/11416821 100-year old Jewish cemetery in Michigan vandalized with red paint

>>>/qresearch/11416829 Moar on the "Hammer" project

>>>/qresearch/11416842 Michael Bloomberg’s Hawkfish invented the “Red Mirage”

>>>/qresearch/11416856, >>>/qresearch/11416889 Looks like everyone's trying to get the hell out of D.C. like an asteroid is about to hit. (PF report)

>>>/qresearch/11416900 Gingrich: Trump ‘wins with 324 electoral votes,’ and ‘leftists will be in total shock’ | Just The News

>>>/qresearch/11416907 Vatican breaks silence, explains Pope Francis' civil union comments

>>>/qresearch/11416909, >>>/qresearch/11416913, >>>/qresearch/11417079, >>>/qresearch/11417143 Anons reflecting on the past 3 years, on the eve of the Election, feelsgoodman

>>>/qresearch/11416933 March 7, 2017, WikiLeaks dumped CIA Vault 7 that confirmed the existence of THE HAMMER

>>>/qresearch/11416958 Just communists planning their takeover of the federal government

>>>/qresearch/11416996 Lockheed-Martin/SERCO lose control of UK nukes

>>>/qresearch/11417005 Defend your ballot site allows you to report election fuckery

>>>/qresearch/11417033, >>>/qresearch/11417382 BO Update on , no new BV team "adjustments"

>>>/qresearch/11417082, >>>/qresearch/11417378 E in Biden campaign slogan is the Greek letter for "xi"..?

>>>/qresearch/11417264 Fractional voting: Cheating by counting votes as decimals instead of whole integers

>>>/qresearch/11417359 Update: At least THREE dead and 15 wounded in Austrian rampage

>>>/qresearch/11417417 #14582

(20 notables, 27 posts, 23 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:54 a.m. No.35614   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11415887 Q Research General #14581: DIG MEME PRAY Edition

Created 030018ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11415946, >>>/qresearch/11415960 Progressive Activist group Protect the Results mobilizes and asks activists to register

>>>/qresearch/11415969, >>>/qresearch/11416212, >>>/qresearch/11416333, >>>/qresearch/11416364 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/11415970 POTUS's American Dream Plan

>>>/qresearch/11416096 Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney: votes can be changed in the network system using phone Signal app, part of privatized Hammer

>>>/qresearch/11416140 A Chinese man has been convicted in Florida in a scheme to buy and ship inflatable military boats from the United States to China.

>>>/qresearch/11416173 For newfags: Missing verses of the 'Star Spangled Banner', on this, our election eve: "In God Is Our Trust!"


>>>/qresearch/11416303 Dead people caught voting NYC, election records show. Staten Island Republican Party caught it

>>>/qresearch/11416398, >>>/qresearch/11416492, >>>/qresearch/11416572 JUST IN: Jeffrey Epstein's Palm Beach mansion to be demolished (WSJ)

>>>/qresearch/11416436, >>>/qresearch/11416593 More on POTUS/corona/Italy island comms

>>>/qresearch/11416450 Anon corrects lb notable on Dems colluding with CIA to alter voting machine results

>>>/qresearch/11416465 Latest updates after several people are believed to have died in a shooting near a synagogue in Vienna.

(11 notables, 18 posts, 22 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:55 a.m. No.35615   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11417415 Q Research General #14583: Election Integrity Edition

Created 030148ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11417475 Fitton on PA voting rolls: "800,000 inactive names on the rolls! Chief Justice Roberts decision is helping create perfect storm of #VoterFraud."

>>>/qresearch/11417492 Is this Lady Gaga in Hunter Biden photo?

>>>/qresearch/11417589, >>>/qresearch/11417872 A reminder about Fraction Magic software that steals elections and the brave women who is fighting to bring the deception to light!

VIDEO - Fraction Magic - Detailed Vote Rigging Demonstration [Channel: Bev Harris]

>>>/qresearch/11417638 Fire erupts inside warehouse filled with gas tanks in southern Moscow (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11417670 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Kenosha, WI 11/2/20

>>>/qresearch/11417671 Winning: CP Arrest news



>>>/qresearch/11417701 Antifa-affiliated Twitter account shares riot strategy guides in preparation for US election fallout – no matter who wins

>>>/qresearch/11417702 Comms? Moment experts find and then capture TWO 'murder hornet' queens after returning to finish clear out of a nest

>>>/qresearch/11417777 'I appreciate the advice': After crowd chants 'Fire Fauci!' Trump says to wait until after election

>>>/qresearch/11417920, >>>/qresearch/11418140 This @nytimes article by @paulmozur is a smoking gun on the genesis of the coronavirus lockdowns. (twitter thread)

>>>/qresearch/11417941 PF report

>>>/qresearch/11417974 NY post: Majority of voters named Karen favor Biden for president

>>>/qresearch/11418077 Baltimore Spy Planes Grounded, Failed To Reduce Homicides

>>>/qresearch/11418101 Remarks by President Trump After Air Force One Arrival | Milwaukee, WI

>>>/qresearch/11418157 Dismal audience participation for Lady Gaga while she is campaigning for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

>>>/qresearch/11418176 #14583

(16 notables, 18 posts, 15 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:55 a.m. No.35616   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11418194 Q Research General #14584: Red BARRAGE Edition

Created 030231ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11418324 Snowden retweet: Assange's friend killed himself in his cell. "Julian is devastated. " Comms?

>>>/qresearch/11418426 'Retired' F-117 fighters caught taking off from #Nevada base for first time in years

>>>/qresearch/11418428 Rapper Lil Pump is making no secret of his desire for a Donald Trump reelection victory on Tuesday, posting a photo of himself with a massive MAGA flag to 17M+ IG followers.

>>>/qresearch/11418744 Canadian Forces forged a letter warning Canadians wolves were loose and now seeks to establish new organization to use propaganda, other techniques to influence Canadians

>>>/qresearch/11418770 CONNECTION: HBiden Tattoo > Finger Lakes (Seneca) > NUWC, Newport, RI > Chinese Government Sub Data Hack in 2018

>>>/qresearch/11418795 Another record? 191,000 watching President Trump's rally tonight (RSBN livestream)

>>>/qresearch/11418848 Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate (issued 11/1)

>>>/qresearch/11418919 Twitter blocks users from liking, replying to Donald Trump's tweet about Pennsylvania Supreme Court mail-in ballot decision

(8 notables, 8 posts, 12 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:56 a.m. No.35617   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11418953 Q Research General #14585: Hold The Line Edition

Created 030311ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11419002 FB "fact-checking" POTUS again

>>>/qresearch/11419027 DJT Jr. on Joe Rogan: "Evergreen tweet"

>>>/qresearch/11419056 Red mirage bullshit already creeping up in msm (AU news)

>>>/qresearch/11419097 New General Flynn: This big beautiful RED WAVE is running across the United States of America on 3 NOV.

>>>/qresearch/11419169 Daily Caller tweets "The calm before the storm"

>>>/qresearch/11419180 Gov. Brown Announces Law Enforcement Plan to Protect Free Speech and Prevent Election-Related Violence and Intimidation in Portland

>>>/qresearch/11419266, >>>/qresearch/11419280 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/11419288 At current pace, total covid tests will surpass total population for NY State by end of month. Who is getting tested?

>>>/qresearch/11419399 President Donald J. Trump Is Protecting America’s Founding Ideals by Promoting Patriotic Education

>>>/qresearch/11419447 Hussein twitter comms: the Playbook

>>>/qresearch/11419654 Ingraham does pepe pose on her show, call to meme her green

>>>/qresearch/11419692 #14585

(12 notables, 13 posts, 16 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:56 a.m. No.35618   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11419695 Q Research General #14586: Rig for Red Edition

Created 030354ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11419788 Anon on "The Hammer": Obama spied on Americans & sold access. Paid for thru CF & accessed via HRCs servers. Patriots now have server & data, incl SR evidence.

>>>/qresearch/11419886 Planefags: Who has been riding in that Gulfstream with the tail number 1942 that is leading Air Force One in all day today and yesterday?

>>>/qresearch/11419900, >>>/qresearch/11420054, >>>/qresearch/11420346 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/11419911 Kamala Harris Urges Illegal Migrants to Help Elect Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11419965 FiveThirtyEight posts 1st "election-day" spin - Polling Error analysis

>>>/qresearch/11420021 List of every triple six aircraft in the United States, Total results 427

>>>/qresearch/11420034, >>>/qresearch/11420048 Pence on draining the swamp: "We found the plug and we're gonna pull it tomorrow."

>>>/qresearch/11420044 Great Reset explained by Archbishop Vigano (Difficult Truths, Historic, Biblical) video/audio

>>>/qresearch/11420068 PF finds Ukrainian plane with "MEM3012" call sign - meme?

>>>/qresearch/11420090 Russia's 'Sausage King' killed with a crossbow in sauna outside Moscow

>>>/qresearch/11420115 Amish rolling support for Trump

>>>/qresearch/11420116 The Trump Revolution

>>>/qresearch/11420127 For keks, we live in a simulation

>>>/qresearch/11420176 Progressives plan for post-election actions; action trigger 1, action trigger 2, action talking points and slogans.

>>>/qresearch/11420191 Eyes on: if you live in any of these counties, in a swing state ; DOJ needs their feet held to the fire

>>>/qresearch/11420467 #14586

(16 notables, 19 posts, 20 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:57 a.m. No.35619   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11421213 Q Research General #14588: No More Slides Edition

Created 030519ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11421281 Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Got a Big Social Media Boost from Indian Troll Farms

>>>/qresearch/11421329 Facebook reportedly held off shadow-banning Trump family members during election

>>>/qresearch/11421351 POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY, November 3, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11421362 Antifa has broken windows at Portland State University, unlawful assembly declared

>>>/qresearch/11421364, >>>/qresearch/11421404 Watch Joe Biden forget the Catholic sign of the cross: "As they say in my faith: Bless me Father for I don't know."


>>>/qresearch/11421389 Map of cities increasing election security - all "peaceful" Democrat

>>>/qresearch/11421630 Don't stress today, Anons. CELEBRATE.

>>>/qresearch/11421657 179k watching POTUS' 5th rally of the day!

>>>/qresearch/11421665, >>>/qresearch/11421721 Symbolism will be their downfall.

>>>/qresearch/11421819 #14588

>>>/qresearch/11421829 Drunk Nancy Pelosi says House is prepared to decide president if election results are disputed

>>>/qresearch/11421834 GTV: UK former PM David Cameron also worked with the CCP on COVID and his dealings are on the second hard drive…


>>>/qresearch/11421846 Creepy Joe meme material

>>>/qresearch/11421913 PF report

>>>/qresearch/11421926 Alleged Message from Rush Limbaugh

(15 notables, 17 posts, 18 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:57 a.m. No.35620   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11422019 Q Research General #14589: Last Rally Edition

Created 030613ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11422071 Based patriot flies from Maryland to Arizona just to vote

>>>/qresearch/11422088 Finish strong

>>>/qresearch/11422190 Europe Preparing to Cancel all Paper Money

>>>/qresearch/11422223, >>>/qresearch/11422540 ————————————–——– that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom (CAP: )

VIDEO - The Last of the Mohicans - Promontory (Main Theme) [Channel: immortalsongs]

>>>/qresearch/11422328 Resignations in the news 11/1/2020

>>>/qresearch/11422411 Out-of-town pool report #22 - Grand Rapids rally ends

>>>/qresearch/11422557 PF update on Gulfstream from pb notable: collecting telemetry data, ensuring range safety and transmitting surveillance and communications data.

>>>/qresearch/11422702 #14589

(8 notables, 9 posts, 4 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11422223

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:58 a.m. No.35621   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11420476 Q Research General #14587: Ending All Wars Edition

Created 030439ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11420560 POTUS on Vienna terrorist attack

>>>/qresearch/11420572 Q #123: Think mirror, what is a map. Hunter pic of finger lake map tattoo in mirror.

>>>/qresearch/11420618 October Happenings Calendar

>>>/qresearch/11420631 Video of Pence saying "We found the plug; and we're going to pull it tomorrow."


>>>/qresearch/11420662 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/11420684 Joe Biden gave the last speech of his presidential campaign just like Hillary Clinton did four years ago: with a rally headlined by pop star Lady Gaga…

>>>/qresearch/11420911 Biden tells supporters not to suicide because he needs them.


>>>/qresearch/11420955 Anon on POTUS's song choice tonight - Major Tom by David Bowie

>>>/qresearch/11421024 Three Pennsylvania residents killed when small plane crashes during flight from North Carolina to New York

>>>/qresearch/11421183 #14587

(10 notables, 10 posts, 11 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:59 a.m. No.35622   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11422710 Q Research General #14590: New Birth of Freedom Edition

Created 030649ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11422929, >>>/qresearch/11423042 Flag pic from Q's post is located in Gastonia, NC near Crowders Mountain

VIDEO - World's Largest Flying American Flag - Gastonia, NC [Channel: Charlotte Stories]

>>>/qresearch/11422961, >>>/qresearch/11423386 Clip of Bannon saying "We're going to get the plug pulled…" + "Plugs" is what Limbaugh calls Biden..


>>>/qresearch/11422980, >>>/qresearch/11423061, >>>/qresearch/11423090, >>>/qresearch/11423176, >>>/qresearch/11423303, >>>/qresearch/11423425 BO comments on the state of the board

>>>/qresearch/11422989 Q didn't post in Q_Anon Research - He posted in Q Research

>>>/qresearch/11423017 PF report

>>>/qresearch/11423036, >>>/qresearch/11423461 Lady Gaga, Daughter of the Devil

>>>/qresearch/11423049 Donald Trump Praises Organic Parades: I’m ‘Honored’ to Be Part of this Movement

>>>/qresearch/11423099 REPORT: Democrat Elected Officials In Pennsylvania Are Secretly Planning To Vote For Trump

>>>/qresearch/11423492, >>>/qresearch/11423538 #14590

(9 notables, 18 posts, 10 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 3:59 a.m. No.35623   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11423531 Q Research General #14591: One Nation Under God Edition

Created 030753ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11423655, >>>/qresearch/11423716, >>>/qresearch/11424195, >>>/qresearch/11424255 Ivanka Trump Twitter (comms) "Whats it say?" RE: True the Vote Founder

>>>/qresearch/11423663 Philadelphia mayor says it will take several days to count mail in ballots

>>>/qresearch/11423679 Epic in the air

>>>/qresearch/11423706 TRUMP TALK: Michael Matt on Steve Bannon's War Room

>>>/qresearch/11423710, >>>/qresearch/11423809 Noticed a crypto puzzle account on twitter

>>>/qresearch/11423741 Court Finds IRS Actions Unconstitutional, Awards TTV Increased Fees Based on "Bad Faith Enhancement"

>>>/qresearch/11423814 PF: The ADS-B Exchange Network website is behaving differently tonight

>>>/qresearch/11423845, >>>/qresearch/11423867 Donations to Biden vs Trump

>>>/qresearch/11423849 PF: E-6 airborne now.

>>>/qresearch/11423858, >>>/qresearch/11423996 Organized groups plan to siege the White House and takeover major cities throughout the United States including Washington, DC starting on Election Night!

VIDEO - Election Night Coup D'état Plot Exposed! [Channel: Millennial Millie]

>>>/qresearch/11423887, >>>/qresearch/11423909 New Dan Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11423976 We kind of went through this last week

>>>/qresearch/11424000 Epic PF Video is Epic: U-2 Dragon Lady: Landings

VIDEO - U-2 Dragon Lady: Landings [Channel: Stu Broce]

>>>/qresearch/11424022 Here ya go Patriots.

>>>/qresearch/11424042 FIREWORKS: Mount Rushmore July 4, 2020


>>>/qresearch/11424060 Biden China Corruption

>>>/qresearch/11424064 Biden Pedophilia

>>>/qresearch/11424066 Biden Emails: Collusion between Burisma and Hunter Biden and the CCP

>>>/qresearch/11424067 The Third Wave Biden Email Leaks (Biden Ukraine corruption) 01-15

>>>/qresearch/11424068 The Third Wave Biden Email Leaks (Biden Ukraine corruption) 16-39

>>>/qresearch/11424082 BREAKING - Armenia's Prime Minister responded to the terror attack in #Vienna: "The hybrid world war has begun. And Nagorny-Karabakh is frontline of this war."

>>>/qresearch/11424150 Q did tell Anons to clean up breads and get our shit together… didn’t post again until we did and started working together and digging again

>>>/qresearch/11424164 For anyone needing to find their location.

>>>/qresearch/11424189 More Biden Dig Links

>>>/qresearch/11424191 Catherine Engelbrecht

VIDEO - The Most Important Video of the 2020 Election | True the Vote 2020 - HD [Channel: True the Vote]

>>>/qresearch/11424203 WiFi for reporters at Pence rally includes username "FilledTheSeat" and password "JusticeBarrett"

>>>/qresearch/11424286 Suicide Watch?

>>>/qresearch/11424299 11.11 What a wonderful day!

>>>/qresearch/11424305 The October Supplemental Appendix for "Q Anon - The Storm - VOLUME 2" is ready

>>>/qresearch/11424316 #14591, #14592(p2), #14592(p1)

(30 notables, 37 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4 a.m. No.35624   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11424321 Q Research General #14592: Anons Celebrate While America Sleeps Edition

Created 030928ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11424422 A little thumbnail of the road we've traveled. It's been good anons.

>>>/qresearch/11424473 Unity - purple text from Q after 3 years (almost exactly) is significant.

>>>/qresearch/11424489 Vienna shooting: fourth victim dies as police make several arrests

>>>/qresearch/11424506 Don Jr. Rallies in Yuma City – Ivanka Rallies in Michigan – Eric Trump Rallies in Florida… So, Where’s Hunter?

>>>/qresearch/11424521 Russia's 'sausage king' is tortured to death after being shot with a crossbow while relaxing in a sauna with his girlfriend

>>>/qresearch/11424523 Flynn: This big beautiful RED WAVE is running across the United States of America on 3 NOV.

>>>/qresearch/11424537, >>>/qresearch/11424844 Jeffrey Epstein's Palm Beach mansion where he sexually abused underage girls will be DEMOLISHED by developer 'who bought it for $18million' to try and erase all memories of the pedophile

>>>/qresearch/11424541 Judge Rules CA Gov Overstepped His Authority with Covid Order, Issues Permanent Injunction Restraining Newsom From Further Issuing Unconstitutional Orders

>>>/qresearch/11424554 REPORT: Democrat Elected Officials In Pennsylvania Are Secretly Planning To Vote For Trump

>>>/qresearch/11424559 As of election day today, there are 77 days left to POTUS current term in office.

>>>/qresearch/11424562 Portland Rioters Give Trump One Last Free Campaign Ad Before Election Day By Trying To Burn Down An Apartment Building, Smash Up University

>>>/qresearch/11424573 How MMA Fighters Magnify QAnon for MAGAWorld

>>>/qresearch/11424577 ERICKSEN: Let’s Get Serious About Voter Fraud — It’s A Problem

>>>/qresearch/11424583, >>>/qresearch/11424630 How Canada became one of the world's biggest hubs for Qanon conspiracy theories


>>>/qresearch/11424594 FIREBOMB attack leaves home ablaze in residential street - as local films man furiously shouting for 'occupant to come out' before fleeing scene in car

>>>/qresearch/11424597 Joe Biden's Twitter Followers Include 100K 'Sock Puppets' From Foreign Troll Farms

>>>/qresearch/11424618 Zero Hour For America

>>>/qresearch/11424640, >>>/qresearch/11424714 Sleepy Joe Biden Invites Anti-Fracking Lady Gaga to Final ‘Drive In’ Rally in Pennsylvania and It’s a Total Flop (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11424661 Kayleigh McEnany: Dem cities boarding up 'all the proof you need' the left shouldn't have 'federal power'

>>>/qresearch/11424672 POTUS and Ivanka AF1 Pic COMMS -did YOU catch the change?

>>>/qresearch/11424685 The Secret Ballot Is Trump’s Secret Weapon

>>>/qresearch/11424688 The first Election Day votes have been counted after the clocked ticked past midnight on the East Coast of the United States.

>>>/qresearch/11424699 Pelosi: ‘Insecure’ Trump Knows He Can’t Win — He’s ‘Undermining’ Elections Integrity

>>>/qresearch/11424715 'We're Not Political' ESPN Shows Partisanship in Overly Biased Political Series

>>>/qresearch/11424717, >>>/qresearch/11424797 More keyboard warriors for President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11424732 ‘Red Sky at Night’: Massive Crowd for Trump in Kenosha, Wisconsin

>>>/qresearch/11424738 Conservative European Parliamentarians Nominate Trump for Nobel Peace Prize on Eve of Presidential Election

>>>/qresearch/11424748 Tucker Carlson mocks Kamala Harris for affecting 'Deep South' accent on campaign trail

>>>/qresearch/11424783 Warren Buffett-Funded Foundation Secretly Paid For Protest To Stop The Construction Of A Highly Contentious Pipeline

>>>/qresearch/11424796 2020 Sets All-Time Gun Sales Record

>>>/qresearch/11424799 Sixteen Thirty Fund Steers $55 Million in Hidden Cash to Pro-Biden PACs

>>>/qresearch/11424819 TEAR IT DOWN Jeffrey Epstein’s $22million Palm Beach pedo palace where he abused girls to be DEMOLISHED by developer

>>>/qresearch/11424832 'KILLER' THERAPIST Psychologist ‘drugged twin daughters, 7, before killing them and turning gun on herself during custody fight’

>>>/qresearch/11424841 WHO Struck Deal With China on COVID-19 Probe

>>>/qresearch/11424867 After Blocking Release, US Judge Lets Trump Policing Panel Publish Report


>>>/qresearch/11424886 Anthony Fauci should've been fired long ago

>>>/qresearch/11424889 As the election impends, I feel an irresistible need to explain why I am going to vote for President Donald Trump.

>>>/qresearch/11424900 What the missing Tucker docs really tell us

>>>/qresearch/11424911 During his opening monologue tonight Tucker Carlson used the image of Butler, Pennsylvania, to accurately define #ColdAnger.

>>>/qresearch/11424931 Biden’s Last-Minute Hail Mary On Gun Control

>>>/qresearch/11424943 Pennsylvania bakery's election-themed 'cookie poll' is now showing clear front-runner

>>>/qresearch/11424948 After years of being misled by the disconnected-from-history visions of both the Left and Right, we finally have someone in the lead who loves America and her ideals.

>>>/qresearch/11424956 Businessman wagers $5M on Trump winning election: report: The bet can result in a $15 million payout

>>>/qresearch/11424973 Yes, there is a hidden Trump vote

>>>/qresearch/11424987 So You Don’t Like President Donald Trump?

>>>/qresearch/11424999 Panic begins: Limbaugh shows Democrats are suddenly frantic

>>>/qresearch/11425016 Woman behind Trump breaks out anti-Democrat stunt, totally steals the show

>>>/qresearch/11425034 Cuccinelli: 'Dystopian scenario' of Twitter censorship is 'deeply troubling'

>>>/qresearch/11425055 DoD: After the storm clears

>>>/qresearch/11425058 Twitter Flags Trump Post That Baselessly Claims PA Mail Ballot ‘Cheating’ Will ‘Induce Violence in the Streets’

>>>/qresearch/11425061 Interesting Chelsea Clinton Re Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11425080 Don Jr. Fires Up Trump Rally Crowd By Calling for ‘Making Liberals Cry Again’ on Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11425100 Michael Flynn defense says Mifsud phones they seek from DOJ may trace back to FBI and CIA 1 year ▲Delta

>>>/qresearch/11425112, >>>/qresearch/11425125 #14591, #14592(p2), #14592(p1)

(55 notables, 60 posts, 63 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4 a.m. No.35625   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11426675 Q Research General #14595:Sailing towards a Super Victory Edition

Created 031344ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11426774 Codemonkey bids anons farewell to 8Kun Admin position

>>>/qresearch/11426848 Gmail actively forwarding emails sent by Trump Campaign to SPAM folder

>>>/qresearch/11427006 US MARSHALLS On standby to prevent civil disobedience nationally

>>>/qresearch/11427016 Nicaragua Braces For Arrival Of Powerful Hurricane Eta

>>>/qresearch/11427184 Sealed Indictments exceed 210K as of 10/31/20

>>>/qresearch/11427216 Palestinian Authority confirms open channels off communication with Biden campaign

>>>/qresearch/11427248 New Hunter details: The letter From the Entrepreneur to the Governor Should be Previewed by the Princeling

>>>/qresearch/11427339 #14594

(8 notables, 8 posts, 10 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:01 a.m. No.35626   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11425146 Q Research General #14593: That This Nation, Under God, Shall Have A New Birth Of Freedom Edition

Created 031124ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11425234, >>>/qresearch/11425244, >>>/qresearch/11425246, >>>/qresearch/11425250, >>>/qresearch/11425260, >>>/qresearch/11425265, >>>/qresearch/11425269, >>>/qresearch/11425273, >>>/qresearch/11425283, >>>/qresearch/11425290, >>>/qresearch/11425292, >>>/qresearch/11425308, >>>/qresearch/11425313, >>>/qresearch/11425321, >>>/qresearch/11425416, >>>/qresearch/11425429, >>>/qresearch/11425445 New drops. Eyes on. Pizza

>>>/qresearch/11425281 The Governor of Nevada threw a giant maskless Halloween party at his Spanish Trails mansion, and confiscated cell phones so no one could narc on him.

>>>/qresearch/11425291 Let's do this, Anons!

>>>/qresearch/11425316 Some pollsters use the telephone, some use email, some use text messages, and, yes, some even use cookies.

>>>/qresearch/11425347 Village People YMCA Decode: is a call out to anonfags

>>>/qresearch/11425349 Former president of the Jersey City Board of Education (JCBOED) and former Acting Executive Director of the Jersey City Employment and Training Program (JCETP) and an Ocean County, New Jersey, attorney were indicted today for embezzlemen

>>>/qresearch/11425413 Explainer: From the 2020 election, some new political terms

>>>/qresearch/11425417 Regarding Ivanka/ Potus election comms this morning

>>>/qresearch/11425422 GWU Warns Students to Stockpile ‘Food, Supplies, Medicine’ for Elections

>>>/qresearch/11425433 The Man Who Helped Turn 4chan Into the Internet's Racist Engine

>>>/qresearch/11425435 DoD Tweet ▲Delta

>>>/qresearch/11425460 Video: Trump invites Lil Pimp on Stage at Rally

>>>/qresearch/11425469 Texas y’all!

>>>/qresearch/11425489 Antifa gearing up for false flag violence disguised as Trump supporters

>>>/qresearch/11425498 Democrats Deny Voter Fraud Exists As They Plot To Steal Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11425501 Biden Crime Family Proposal Targeted France - Providing Access to 3 Oceans via French Overseas Territories

>>>/qresearch/11425518 Massive POTUS Rally Attendence Shot: Now THATS a banner!

>>>/qresearch/11425533 John Legend Calls Out Lil Wayne and Other Rappers Who Have Supported Trump

>>>/qresearch/11425536 National guard will be stationed in these areas.

>>>/qresearch/11425574 On Election Day, Democrats Are Haunted by the Ghosts of Al Gore and Hillary Clinton

>>>/qresearch/11425636 DOE is where Q level clearances come from amirite

>>>/qresearch/11425639 History repeats itself (today).

>>>/qresearch/11425677 Live election updates: Polls open on East Coast, Ohio reports county check-in issue

>>>/qresearch/11425733 Franklin County voters being checked in using backup paper system

>>>/qresearch/11425745 New: Mueller Investigated Julian Assange, WikiLeaks, And Roger Stone For DNC Hacks

>>>/qresearch/11425747 NEW HUNTER EMAILS

>>>/qresearch/11425764 DC protesters organized via Zoom for months, thousands expected outside White House on Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11425793 Newt Gingrich: If election riots break out, Trump should follow Lincoln’s advice

>>>/qresearch/11425816 Free speech hangs in the balance regardless of 2020 election outcome: Parler execs Wernick, Peikoff

>>>/qresearch/11425828 Fauci has know since at least July that most Covid “cases” are false.


>>>/qresearch/11425830 NO DEALS

>>>/qresearch/11425837 BAD JOKE: NPR Reporters Tout Biden Message of Putting 'Character on the Ballot'

>>>/qresearch/11425856 Have you ever seen this much enthusiasm for a President?

(33 notables, 49 posts, 116 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:01 a.m. No.35627   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11425876 Q Research General #14594: The Greatest Politcal Victory In American History Edition

Created 031243ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11425910 Vote Fuckery in PA

>>>/qresearch/11425999 Air Force Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11426095 Brennan Twat "This is America's Day"

>>>/qresearch/11426228 Jewish Star endorses Trump: If you oppose anti-Semitism, you must vote for Trump

>>>/qresearch/11426230 Gen Flynn twat Attn: "Digital Soldiers"

>>>/qresearch/11426395 'Extremely disturbing': Montana woman gets 50 years in prison for selling 5-year-old girl for sex

>>>/qresearch/11426421 Eyes on Minneapolis - Activists taking to the streets win or lose

>>>/qresearch/11426433 1776 Advisory commission established by POTUS EO

>>>/qresearch/11426527 Codemonkey bids anons farewell to 8Kun Admin position

(9 notables, 9 posts, 7 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:02 a.m. No.35628   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11428108 Q Research General #14597: Day of Days Edition

Created 031525ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11428207 #14596

>>>/qresearch/11428306 "POTUS had 32 rallies in the last 11 days!"

>>>/qresearch/11428323, >>>/qresearch/11428333, >>>/qresearch/11428340 Election Day Coverage Links

>>>/qresearch/11428348 BREAKING: John Sessions, actor and comedian, dies aged 67

>>>/qresearch/11428394 BREAKING: Overnight the 5th Circuit DENIED Republican effort to block drive-thru voting on Election Day in Harris County, Texas.

>>>/qresearch/11428451 Kirstie Alley joins 'Tucker' to discuss backlash for supporting Trump

VIDEO - Kirstie Alley joins 'Tucker' to discuss backlash for supporting Trump [Channel: Fox News]


>>>/qresearch/11428483 QAnon's danger rises with divisive election

>>>/qresearch/11428486 Britain is No Longer a Free Country

>>>/qresearch/11428492 Joe Biden heads to Mass, visits Beau Biden’s grave on Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11428512 UFC fighter vows 'mob' won't intimidate him out of Trump support

>>>/qresearch/11428558, >>>/qresearch/11428869 BREAKING: Voting machines in a New York City polling place broken & completely locked; this is after opening 30 minutes late.

>>>/qresearch/11428614 QAnon and the looming threat of misinformation in Finland

>>>/qresearch/11428616 BREAKING: Deutsche Bank wants to cut ties with trump by selling his loans on the secondary market. Trouble is: no one wants to buy them.

>>>/qresearch/11428657 Exclusive – Union Workers Go All In to Reelect Their Fighter, Trump: ‘The Democrats Left Us Behind 30 Years Ago’

>>>/qresearch/11428675 BREAKING: Certified poll watchers across Montgomery County are already being DENIED entry! Whatever happened to #FreeAndFairElections?!

>>>/qresearch/11428740 FLORIDA VOTE: D had lead of 115,000 this morning, R currently leading by 22,000

>>>/qresearch/11428765 Some background on the ship presented on CM's tweet;

>>>/qresearch/11428772 Pa. Gov. Wolf Tries to Block Trump Rally-Goers from Voting Due to Potential COVID Exposure

>>>/qresearch/11428782, >>>/qresearch/11428803 BASED GEN FLYNN

>>>/qresearch/11428817 MORE BREAKING: At nearly midnight on the eve of Election Day, DOJ responds to my #FOIA for docs about Barr's intervention in the Stone and Flynn criminal cases

>>>/qresearch/11428835 BREAKING Brexit: Boris Johnson misses EU deadline to explain breach of international law: Boris Johnson has missed an EU deadline to explain why he is planning to breach international law with his policy on Northern Ireland.

>>>/qresearch/11428858 POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY, November 3, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11429032 Farage Bets 10K on Trump Victory, Biden Would Turn America Into a ‘Laughing Stock’


>>>/qresearch/11429138 Ant Group's $37 billion listing suspended as China slams on brakes

>>>/qresearch/11429193 Fear Will Fail On Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11429236 NEWT GINGRICH: Trump should follow Lincoln’s advice, if election riots break out

>>>/qresearch/11429243 Sky News understands the UK terror threat level is being raised from substantial to severe meaning an attack is "highly likely"

>>>/qresearch/11429304 UK terrorism threat level raised to severe, meaning an attack is highly likely

>>>/qresearch/11429307 THE STEAL IS ON IN PHILLY: Man Caught Handing Out Democrat Literature to Voters IN LINE TO VOTE

>>>/qresearch/11429397 Trump hovered around 70-million searches for most of the campaign, and he reached more than 100-million with his tweet revealing that he’d tested positive for the coronavirus that causes Covid-19

>>>/qresearch/11429401 Coronavirus vaccine 'to be given to over 85s and NHS workers next month'

>>>/qresearch/11429486 Porn-addicted Pennsylvania judge accused of sexually assaulting boy

>>>/qresearch/11429494 Vote fraud underway in Pennsylvania

(35 notables, 39 posts, 22 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:02 a.m. No.35629   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11427352 Q Research General #14596: Day of all Days Edition

Created 031434ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11427418 #TakeTheHouse operation

>>>/qresearch/11427476, >>>/qresearch/11427485, >>>/qresearch/11427492 3 Year Deltas

>>>/qresearch/11427530 Thank you, Anons (Patriots).

>>>/qresearch/11427540, >>>/qresearch/11427548, >>>/qresearch/11427557, >>>/qresearch/11427587, >>>/qresearch/11427606, >>>/qresearch/11427616, >>>/qresearch/11427792 Philly election scandals and corruption

>>>/qresearch/11427544 #14595

>>>/qresearch/11427566 Crippled man in Ohio waits in the dark and cold, waiting for the doors to open so he can vote for President Trump.

>>>/qresearch/11427661 Great Awakening magazine covers

>>>/qresearch/11427664 Biden desperate comms?

>>>/qresearch/11427682 Code Monkey brings the ship to dock

>>>/qresearch/11427707 CRIME SURGE NYC: Big Apple Shootings UP 120% Compared to October 2019

>>>/qresearch/11427841 SCORECARD is stealing votes in Florida, Georgia, Texas, Pennslyvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, and Arizona

>>>/qresearch/11427865 Aggressive leftists at polls


>>>/qresearch/11427911 Us vs. Them: Presidential elections have long created deep divisions in our country

>>>/qresearch/11428054 A Princeton professor is voting for Trump

>>>/qresearch/11428060 BREAKING: Ethics Watchdog Files Justice Dept. Complaint vs. Biden's Son

>>>/qresearch/11428094 US Marshals stand ready to respond to violent acts

>>>/qresearch/11428158 Biden emails

>>>/qresearch/11428177 #14596

(18 notables, 26 posts, 33 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:02 a.m. No.35630   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11428161 Q Research General #14597: Election Day Edition

Created 031529ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11428422 QAnon's danger rises with divisive election


>>>/qresearch/11428484 Philadelphia poll watcher prevented from entering polling place

>>>/qresearch/11428497 “It’s Election Day, so I wanted to come here to vote today for the election.” - press pool

>>>/qresearch/11428541 Britain is No Longer a Free Country

>>>/qresearch/11428549 Dow jumps 500 points on Election Day, oil rebounds

>>>/qresearch/11428592 QAnon and the looming threat of misinformation in Finland

>>>/qresearch/11428638 Deutsche Bank wants to cut ties with trump by selling his loans on the secondary market.

>>>/qresearch/11428647, >>>/qresearch/11428679 Exclusive – Union Workers Go All In to Reelect Their Fighter, Trump: ‘The Democrats Left Us Behind 30 Years Ago’


>>>/qresearch/11428724 Preparation for possible unrest on Election Day underway in Phoenix

>>>/qresearch/11428736 A video made by a popular QAnon account was shared by Trump, Ivanka, and played at a campaign rally

>>>/qresearch/11428744 BREAKING: Certified poll watchers across Montgomery County are already being DENIED entry!

>>>/qresearch/11428783 Twitter blocks users from liking, replying to Donald Trump's tweet about Pennsylvania Supreme Court mail-in ballot decision

>>>/qresearch/11428788 MORE BREAKING: At nearly midnight on the eve of Election Day, DOJ responds to my #FOIA for docs about Barr's intervention in the Stone and Flynn criminal cases

>>>/qresearch/11428795 Chris Wallace says he will be looking at 'early closures and fast counters' on election night

>>>/qresearch/11428800 General Flynn red wave tweet

>>>/qresearch/11428804 The calm before the storm - Daily Caller

>>>/qresearch/11428819 BREAKING: USPS reports delayed delivery of mail ballots sent by voters in the following battleground areas:

>>>/qresearch/11428844 BREAKING: Per Spalding County Elections all voting machines are down

>>>/qresearch/11428859 BREAKING: Voting machines in a New York City polling place broken & completely locked; this is after opening 30 minutes late.

>>>/qresearch/11428866 Joe Biden visits son Beau's grave on #ElectionDay


>>>/qresearch/11428874 POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY, November 3, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11429003, >>>/qresearch/11429265 pf

>>>/qresearch/11429006 New York City sees major spike in shootings

>>>/qresearch/11429055 BREAKING Brexit: Police scramble to rescue files of suspected criminals and missing people amid no-deal fears

>>>/qresearch/11429066 WHEN THE VOTING MACHINES GO DOWN:

>>>/qresearch/11429123 Anons, here's my account from behind enemy lines (in this bread but also contains a lb post to the original)

>>>/qresearch/11429129 Just voted. Felt good.

>>>/qresearch/11429130 Ant Group's $37 billion listing suspended as China slams on brakes

>>>/qresearch/11429141, >>>/qresearch/11429342, >>>/qresearch/11429553, >>>/qresearch/11429556 UK terrorism threat level raised to severe, meaning an attack is highly likely

>>>/qresearch/11429160 For any WA anons who wish to check their vote.

>>>/qresearch/11429171 More brick pallets found in Denver, Chicago, amd CT.

>>>/qresearch/11429206 Enjoy the show (twitter video)



>>>/qresearch/11429283 Mad Maxine calls Black Trump voters despicable, shameful, will never ever forgive them

>>>/qresearch/11429355 EYES ON FL!!!

>>>/qresearch/11429386 Pennsylvania judge accused of sexually assaulting boy

>>>/qresearch/11429393 measured average monthly search volume across all US channels found that Trump hovered around 70-million searches for most of the campaign, and he reached more than 100-million with his tweet revealing that he’d tested positive for the coronavirus that causes Covid-19…. while Biden’s peak volume reached just 26.6 million in September

>>>/qresearch/11429414 FUCKERY AFOOT IN FLINT!!!!

>>>/qresearch/11429426 Election corruption pics (no sauce)

>>>/qresearch/11429482 Rose Garden Pics - With Message.

>>>/qresearch/11429549 Amish Trump Train

>>>/qresearch/11429590 Record Voter Turnout in Central Florida

(44 notables, 49 posts, 46 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:03 a.m. No.35631   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11429544 Q Research General #14598: Let's Finish This Edition

Created 031632ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11429720 New Dan Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11429820 The YMCA Trump Dance. What a Class Act!


>>>/qresearch/11429858 Comms didn't finish their first bread and baked another

>>>/qresearch/11429862 BREAKING: Less redacted Mueller report shows that Julian Assange, Wikileaks and Roger Stone were investigated

>>>/qresearch/11429938 Trump warns US 'could never be the same' if Biden wins

>>>/qresearch/11429963 BREAKING: Voting machines down in Westmoreland and Philadelphia Counties.

>>>/qresearch/11430005 War Room: Pandemic Ep 472

>>>/qresearch/11430016 Best Trump photo?


>>>/qresearch/11430097 Per Spalding County Elections all voting machines are down

>>>/qresearch/11430121 HEATED EXCHANGE: Rudy Giuliani on election 2020, Hunter Biden & Big Tech censorship

>>>/qresearch/11430134 Sealed Indictments Northern District of Illinois (Chicago) 5,500 in August/September

>>>/qresearch/11430135 Westmoreland and Philly counties: Voting Machines Down

>>>/qresearch/11430161 True the Vote

>>>/qresearch/11430162 Some Astute Anon called this yesterday.

>>>/qresearch/11430169 Biden in Scranton, PA this morning. With granddaughters in tow. Natalie wearing an interesting shirt.

>>>/qresearch/11430179 USPS finds 62 ballots among 180,000 pieces of delayed mail at Miami-Dade post office

>>>/qresearch/11430253 BREAKING: Voting machines down in Westmoreland and Philadelphia Counties in PA.

>>>/qresearch/11430274 James Woods Shining Light on Campaigning at Polling Place Violations in Philly

>>>/qresearch/11430279 Vietnamese People Rooting For Donald Trump’s Victory Over Rival Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11430291 GENERAL FLYNN: "Our media will spin a disaster scenario over the coming days. They want to crush your morale & make you believe your rightful vote doesn’t count. While we have wild enthusiasm on the side of light, we hear crickets from the dark-side. Your vote matters, so vote."


>>>/qresearch/11430300, >>>/qresearch/11430332 THREAD: VOter Machines DOWN Tracking

>>>/qresearch/11430323 Three people involved in Vienna attack have dual citizenship of Austria and N.Macedonia, police say

>>>/qresearch/11430330 Pollfaggots have Biden over the electorates needed to win at 290 - 1 HOUR AFTER POLLS OPEN ON THE WEST COAST

>>>/qresearch/11430340 Tracking Live results tonight as they come in!

>>>/qresearch/11430351 Fired FBI Director Comey Posts Pro-Biden Photo on Election Day — Trump Voters Weigh In

>>>/qresearch/11430359 Cyber Daily: Officials on Watch for Disinformation If 2020 Election Results Are Delayed



>>>/qresearch/11430380 Every time you see fraud or illegal electioneering at a polling place, reply to this tweet with photographs or video. Especially in Philadelphia, which sadly has become infamous for cheating. I will forward to Republican legal staff to use in the inevitable court cases coming up.

>>>/qresearch/11430381 Stock market predicts Trump will defeat Biden

>>>/qresearch/11430396 Some of tech's biggest names donated millions of dollars ahead of the 2020 election, and most of it went to Democrats

>>>/qresearch/11430397 was always told that the machines automatically shut off at 8pm even if they are in use. Also, this was re-tweeted by the PA AG. Is he supposed to be neutral?

>>>/qresearch/11430399 THE STEAL IS ON IN PHILLY: Man Caught Handing Out Democrat Literature to Voters IN LINE TO VOTE

>>>/qresearch/11430438 Cap of locked breads

>>>/qresearch/11430446 UK Raises Terror Alert Level To "Severe", Meaning Attack "Highly Likely"

>>>/qresearch/11430469 Biden is planning to declare victory if news organizations say he won the presidential election - even if Trump won't concede

>>>/qresearch/11430485 Thousands Of Witches Are Casting "Binding Spells" On Donald Trump To Lose The Election

>>>/qresearch/11430518 Deutsche Bank Wants To "Sever Ties" With Trump By Offloading Business Loans

>>>/qresearch/11430544 Judge Rules Gov. Newsom Violated California Constitution (Again) With June Order For Mail-In Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11430674 #145978

(41 notables, 42 posts, 46 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:03 a.m. No.35632   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11430658 Q Research General #14599: The Steal is Being Attempted In Philly Edition

Created 031725ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11430772 Twitter Censors Trump Post on Supreme Court’s Pennsylvania Vote Ruling

>>>/qresearch/11430789 Tweeted by general Paul Nakasone

>>>/qresearch/11430796 Google Displays Plagiarized Versions of Breitbart Articles Ahead of Original Stories

>>>/qresearch/11430815 Small margin of Democrat to Republican early-voters 'not looking good for Biden'

>>>/qresearch/11430820 ‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

>>>/qresearch/11430826 Radical left groups are already plotting a coup

>>>/qresearch/11430833 US_SpaceCom

>>>/qresearch/11430838 FLORIDA UPDATE

>>>/qresearch/11430840 Voting Machines in Georgia County Back up After ‘Glitch’

>>>/qresearch/11430855 Trump: ‘They Say You Cannot Win Without Big Tech, We’re Going to Find Out

>>>/qresearch/11430875 @USMC

>>>/qresearch/11430882 Stacey Abrams: ‘I Think We Have a Strong Chance of Delivering Georgia’ for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11430892 Donald Trump's posts on Pennsylvania voting get censored by Twitter, Facebook

>>>/qresearch/11430939 ST. LOUIS — A woman was hit by a car and killed near a polling location Tuesday morning, according to St. Louis County police.There were about 100 people in line waiting to vote when the woman was hit

>>>/qresearch/11430945 School Shocked as Cop Hit with 52 Charges Over Horrifying Sexual Torture of Children

>>>/qresearch/11430965 We could very well break the Democrat stranglehold on Virginia by finally outvoting Fairfax and the rest of NoVA, aka "South D.C." where the Swamp and Clowns in America fester.

>>>/qresearch/11430988 UK Lockdown: Govt Pushes Police to Break Up Protests of More Than TWO People

>>>/qresearch/11431005 She knows it's over!!!!

>>>/qresearch/11431042 I'd rather COMMS attack the board all day then succumb to their vision of 'taking care of me' while they censor my voice. Today represents freedom of anons from COMMS tyranny.

>>>/qresearch/11431069 'No one works harder for the American people than Donald Trump': Trump's Former EA

>>>/qresearch/11431084 MAGAnomics: Manufacturing Orders Jump Highest in 17 Years – 3.4 Percent Higher Than Pre-Pandemic Levels…

>>>/qresearch/11431091 Bohai Harvest buy Regal Entertainment – Deal Between Hunter Biden and Communist China

>>>/qresearch/11431106 Stephanopoulos Already Celebrating Biden Victory: ‘Going to Start Acting As President Right Away’

>>>/qresearch/11431110 BASED Richard Grenell

>>>/qresearch/11431112 @TheJusticeDept Retweet

>>>/qresearch/11431131 More evidence shows Hunter Biden transferred money from Company to his own pocket

>>>/qresearch/11431138 Swedish Journo Compares Trump Supporters To Islamic State Terror Group

>>>/qresearch/11431148 ICE Air Operations will repatriate national security threats or human rights violators via a special high-risk charter? ERO ensures the health and safety of all those onboard during removal flights.

>>>/qresearch/11431181 Philadelphia officials are denying a Trump campaign operative’s allegation that Republican poll watchers are being excluded from voting sites around the city.

>>>/qresearch/11431182 Anonymous British Banker Places $5 Million Bet on Donald Trump to Win

>>>/qresearch/11431193 Trump puts potential rioters and looters on notice: You will be ‘prosecuted to the fullest degree’

>>>/qresearch/11431212 New Ivanka

>>>/qresearch/11431214 New Richard Grenell

>>>/qresearch/11431258 Late Night Deep State Document Release Shows Mueller Investigated and Chose Not to Charge Assange, WikiLeaks, and Roger Stone For DNC Hacks

>>>/qresearch/11431271 NEW 2 TERM POTUS DONALD J TRUMP

>>>/qresearch/11431303 Have you ever wondered why @realDonaldTrump plays the song YMCA?

>>>/qresearch/11431322 NEW THE WHITE HOUSE

>>>/qresearch/11431344 REPORT: All Voting Machines Go Down In 1 Georgia County. Trump Won This County By 24 Points In 2016

>>>/qresearch/11431349 Reuters equipping journalists with gas masks, flak jackets for election coverage

>>>/qresearch/11431372 SV News has been suspended by Twitter!

>>>/qresearch/11431377 SEE IT: Bike-riding vandals graffiti angry messages outside home of Giuliani’s former deputy mayor

>>>/qresearch/11431392 POTUS Live now

>>>/qresearch/11431394 Canada requesting proposals for construction of “isolation/quarantine camps"

>>>/qresearch/11431423 #14599

(44 notables, 44 posts, 48 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:04 a.m. No.35633   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11431468 Q Research General #14600: WE WILL WIN AGAIN Edition

Created 031809ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11431568 Israeli Demolitions of Palestinian Homes Reach Four-Year High

>>>/qresearch/11431589 "I just received a report from a friend that the IBEW Electrician Union in Macomb County, MI told union members that if they vote Biden today and take a photo of their ballot to prove it they will be paid $100. Illegal vote buying happening in Michigan! @freep@detroitnews"

>>>/qresearch/11431602 Bayer’s Costs to Fight Future Roundup Lawsuits Climb

>>>/qresearch/11431615 Exit polling really means little today and I find it funny that the media focuses on that. So many have already voted.

>>>/qresearch/11431651 New Based Dan


>>>/qresearch/11431666 New Flotus

>>>/qresearch/11431675 "We count every LEGAL vote. California sent ballots to dead people, illegal immigrants, & people who moved out of state a long time ago. Those aren’t legal votes. We need to require an ID to vote. It’s suspect that people would advocate for voting without an ID."

>>>/qresearch/11431684 Understanding the Tri-fold Nature of the Deep State

>>>/qresearch/11431694 New polls show Biden winning nearly every province in China - Kek

>>>/qresearch/11431696 Democrats prep teams of lawyers for 'Election Week'

>>>/qresearch/11431726 BREAKING - Governor DeSantis actvates National Guard across Florida.

>>>/qresearch/11431728 The New Biden-Burisma Documents

>>>/qresearch/11431730 “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party.” - Patrick Henry.

>>>/qresearch/11431744 Antifa planning to cause violence in the guise of Trump supporters.

>>>/qresearch/11431756 STRATOTANKERS in the AIR 11/3/20 (A few last night also)

>>>/qresearch/11431795 Scrubbed Video found of CBS anchor grilling Bill Gate's on the toxicity of the COVID vaccine (from July)

>>>/qresearch/11431816 We got another screamer


>>>/qresearch/11431835 NEW DAN SCAVINO


>>>/qresearch/11431892 Kamala Harris Blames Trump for Coronavirus Deaths, Compares Number to Lives Lost in WWII

>>>/qresearch/11431900 "@Peoples_Pundit: Expect big polling misses as results roll in"


>>>/qresearch/11431915 2020 Sets All-Time Gun Sales Record

>>>/qresearch/11431936 @USNavy

>>>/qresearch/11431940 Democrats colluding with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results: Report

>>>/qresearch/11431941 CDC says people who test positive for COVID can vote in person

>>>/qresearch/11431955 Every Poll is the Goal

>>>/qresearch/11431973 China Blocks WHO From Investigating Origins of the Coronavirus

>>>/qresearch/11431985 More than 3.1 million Los Angeles County voters have already cast early ballots as Election Day arrived Tuesday.

>>>/qresearch/11431990 Report: Joe Biden Planning to 'Assert Control' If News Organizations Declare Him As Winner

>>>/qresearch/11432023 The President makes visit to Trump Campaign Headquarters on #ElectionDay


>>>/qresearch/11432029 Pelosi Calls Amy Coney Barrett An ‘Illegitimate Supreme Court Justice’

>>>/qresearch/11432058 Private Jet Traffic Soars As Elites Panic Exit Cities Amid Virus, Elections

>>>/qresearch/11432069 Republicans: We have thousands of staff, volunteers, and lawyers on the ground all over the country. Please HELP US — if you see anything irregular at the polling place — electioneering, not open, harassing or denying poll watchers, report it here!

>>>/qresearch/11432093 NEW POTUS


>>>/qresearch/11432100 How DHS and FBI Officials Spun a Dubious Russian Election Threat Days Before Voting

>>>/qresearch/11432112 NEW Dan Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11432195 The First Lady votes in Palm Beach, Florida.

>>>/qresearch/11432300 BREAKING - Twitter Censors @PhillyGOP Vids Of Polling Place Violations

(37 notables, 37 posts, 47 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:04 a.m. No.35634   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11432225 Q Research General #14601: THE SALT WILL FLOW Edition

Created 031852ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11432322 The New Contras’ Insurgence Against Legacy Media Is Only Getting Hotter

>>>/qresearch/11432337 As tens of millions of Americans head to the polls, @US_CYBERCOM and @NSAGov teams around the world are fully engaged, working hard with our partners to defend our elections.

>>>/qresearch/11432348 CoVid Test is Worthless According to World Health Organization!

>>>/qresearch/11432352 Danish Military Intelligence Uses XKEYSCORE to Tap Cables in Cooperation with NSA

>>>/qresearch/11432359 Steve Bannon: Trump won’t allow the election to be stolen

>>>/qresearch/11432366 NEW Richard Grenell

>>>/qresearch/11432382 DAN 0 DELTAS

>>>/qresearch/11432403 Twitter is now censoring Philly GOP videos of election violations

>>>/qresearch/11432415 Evidence of Biden Payments from China Support Tony Bobulinski and Show the Bidens Made Millions Swindling America

>>>/qresearch/11432431 Biosensor Chips To Test DNA For COVID-19 By 2021

>>>/qresearch/11432440 They have this nonsense going on Twitter now - #Waitforit

>>>/qresearch/11432447 Trump 2024-infinity

>>>/qresearch/11432453 Sign Of Caution? Corporate Insiders Absent In Pre-Election Dip-Buying

>>>/qresearch/11432489 News Outlets Now Calling Beijing For Biden - KEKS

>>>/qresearch/11432506 Program note: @brianstelter was crying in his network dressing room this morning…that is all…

>>>/qresearch/11432510 Pelosi: House Ready to Play 'Prominent Role' if Election Demands It

>>>/qresearch/11432546 Pennsylvania Voter Sounds the Alarm Over Delayed Poll Opening, Voting Machine Issues

>>>/qresearch/11432552 US Marshals are on the mother

>>>/qresearch/11432559 White House Coronavirus Predictions Differ: 'Rounding The Corner' Or 'Most Deadly Phase'?

>>>/qresearch/11432572 Former Melania Trump hairstylist blows apart leftist narrative on the state of first couple's marriage

>>>/qresearch/11432578 Election Day: Some voters see delays at polls as Franklin County switches to paper pollbooks

>>>/qresearch/11432626 President Trump suggested on Tuesday that he does not a have a concession or acceptance speech prepared.


>>>/qresearch/11432640 Judge Sullivan voting fuckery - what is he up to?

>>>/qresearch/11432670 James Woods - This is a valuable resource. If you detect Democrat vote fraud any where are you are, call these numbers.

>>>/qresearch/11432710 UK Aircraft Support Company to Pay $3M to Settle Bribery Charges

>>>/qresearch/11432721 POTUS Retweet


>>>/qresearch/11432744 NEW DJT JR


>>>/qresearch/11432749 Luxury London Residence of Azerbaijan Official’s Son Purchased With Mysterious Payment to Shell Company

>>>/qresearch/11432750 Biden campaign already admitting defeat in Florida and PA?

>>>/qresearch/11432760 Nick Backovic from today sent a tweet to ResignationAnon:

>>>/qresearch/11432791 Voting hours extended at 4 NC polling sites, delaying release of election results

>>>/qresearch/11432798 Central Rail Station in Utrecht Evacuated Due to 'Suspicious Situation', Police Look For Suspect

>>>/qresearch/11432836 Suspicious robocall campaign warning people to ‘stay home’ spooks voters nationwide

>>>/qresearch/11432867 Adam Schiff is panicking

>>>/qresearch/11432874 BREAKING: Elections workers are now claiming voter machines are down in Scranton, Pennsylvania.


>>>/qresearch/11432893 WHO ‘Quietly Negotiated’ Deal That ‘Sidelined Its Own Experts’ From Investigating Coronavirus Origin In China: Report

>>>/qresearch/11432902 If Trump gets reelected, Facebook and Twitter are going to change forever. If Biden gets it, they will rampage and censorship will get worse.

>>>/qresearch/11432907 FLORIDA

>>>/qresearch/11432944 Fortune cookies for Trump! Pennsylvania bakery that has predicted the last three elections says Trump-themed treats are massively outselling those for Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11432972 CDC says people sick with COVID-19 can break quarantine to vote in-person

>>>/qresearch/11432976 BREAKING: New audio of Hunter Biden talking about his partner “the f**king spy chief of China” “I’m receiving calls from SDNY”


>>>/qresearch/11432992 #14601

(42 notables, 42 posts, 70 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:04 a.m. No.35635   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11433001 Q Research General #14602: Voter machines are down in Scranton Edition

Created 031946ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11433080 LeBron James-Backed Campaign Paid Off Fines Of 40,000 Felons So They Can Vote, Report Says

>>>/qresearch/11433098 Scoop: Biden's plan to assert control

>>>/qresearch/11433103 Twitter and Google’s head of A.I. just backed a new VC fund — here’s why

>>>/qresearch/11433117 NEW DAN SCAVINO

>>>/qresearch/11433145 Archive Update "Fuckery Afot" Edition

>>>/qresearch/11433146, >>>/qresearch/11433320, >>>/qresearch/11433395 Wow. Almost perfect harmony Is the music about to stop?

>>>/qresearch/11433147 North Carolina Extends Voting Hours at Four Sites, Delaying Release of Election Results

>>>/qresearch/11433158 Big Tech Monopolies Want To Rig The Election And Run The Country. If Biden Wins, They Will Be In Charge

>>>/qresearch/11433162 First votes in: Trump wins NH town 16-5, Biden sweeps another 5-0.

>>>/qresearch/11433183 This is what Facebook is doing to small publishers

>>>/qresearch/11433184 General Nakasone offering reassurance again:

>>>/qresearch/11433202 FLASH: This individual claims he is working at a polling station in Erie County, PA, and says he threw out over 100 ballots that were cast for @realDonaldTrump

>>>/qresearch/11433215 Video of Amish Horse and Buggy Trump Train Goes Viral on Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11433228 If you observe ANY ISSUES at the polls, please call the below hotline for your state!

>>>/qresearch/11433262 Keep The Good Fight Anons WE WILL WIN


>>>/qresearch/11433278 So the Machines in Montgomery county Ohio are 12 hours ahead?

>>>/qresearch/11433338 Trump camp: Turnout models confirm momentum shift to president, undercut Dems' 'Red Mirage' script

>>>/qresearch/11433341 JUST IN: In Brooklyn, NY - polling locations (In areas with HUGE GOP turnout!) machines are "Broken" and people are being told to leave their ballots with poll workers and "when they are back up they will be scanned in later"

>>>/qresearch/11433349 Amazing.

>>>/qresearch/11433353 On Election Eve Joe Biden Posts Angry, Unhinged Rant on Twitter Trashing President Trump – But He’s Ahead by 12 Points!

>>>/qresearch/11433374 JPMorgan Sees S&P Tumbling To 2,500 In Case Of Blue Wave, Surging To 3,900 If Red Wave


>>>/qresearch/11433418 What are voters saying at the polls? Election Day ‘worth risking a life for,’ and ‘we have got to rein this country in’

>>>/qresearch/11433456 BREAKING: Obama's OFA partner Indivisible has organized more than 500 protests across the country for Nov. 4 in the event Trump wins tonight

>>>/qresearch/11433460 NEW Richard Grenell

>>>/qresearch/11433522 Sebastian Machado @omg_seabass admits throwing away TRUMP ballots in Erie, PA

>>>/qresearch/11433548 Melinda Gates called on PM Jacinda Ardern to 'speak up' in support of global Covid-19 vaccine

>>>/qresearch/11433575 Election Day 2020: PR pros pick the president

>>>/qresearch/11433579 Nothing says 'mostly peaceful protest' quite like plywood!

>>>/qresearch/11433596 I've been hearing from Trump campaign that turnout is blowing away their expectations.

>>>/qresearch/11433610 Nearly twice as many Washington voters using ballot drop box than mail

>>>/qresearch/11433625 Dems Caught Cheating In Philly, Handing Out Dem Voting Guides Inside Polling Site, Blocking GOP Poll Watchers, Voting Machines Down

>>>/qresearch/11433628 French airstrikes kill over 50 Al-Qaeda-linked jihadists in Mali – defense minister

>>>/qresearch/11433674 The DC protests start in less than an hour, organizers say

>>>/qresearch/11433683 Dead people caught voting in NYC, elections records show

>>>/qresearch/11433696 National security professionals across U.S. government agencies fear an exodus of senior experts from government if Donald Trump is elected to a second term

>>>/qresearch/11433711 Fraudster attempts to register dead Americans as Dem voters in Florida

>>>/qresearch/11433737 #14602

>>>/qresearch/11433750 Barr Preps Prison Guards to Head to D.C. for Election Unrest

(39 notables, 41 posts, 56 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:05 a.m. No.35636   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11433775 Q Research General #14603: that This Nation, Under God Edition

Created 032040ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11433849, >>>/qresearch/11433868 Joe introduces g. daughter Natalie as his son Beau Biden


>>>/qresearch/11433867 In the Minneapolis neighborhood where George Floyd died, voters disagree with Biden on policing. But they're voting for him anyway.

>>>/qresearch/11433869 UPDATES: Trump, Biden fight for Florida; Judge orders USPS to search for ballotS

>>>/qresearch/11433878 Tweet posted by the guy who wrote the Qanon articles for the Pittsburgh City Paper.

>>>/qresearch/11433884 Blackhawk Call Sign:12345678

>>>/qresearch/11433914 Tim Murtaugh, Trump 2020 Communications Director just now on Fox News

>>>/qresearch/11433918 SHOCKER! In 2016 Gateway Pundit was One of the Top 4 Pro-Trump Websites on Facebook — So today Facebook Shut Down Our Traffic to a Trickle on Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11433921 Exit polls indicate that Brian Stelter is a potato.

>>>/qresearch/11433954 Top generals tamp down election concerns in private briefing with news anchors

>>>/qresearch/11433965, >>>/qresearch/11434033 BREAKING - Trump Tower is now surrounded by New York Police Department (NYPD) trucks and fences.921


>>>/qresearch/11433967 QAnon-Supporting GOP Candidate Amplifies Deceptive Poll Tweet, Then Attacks Journo for Pointing It Out

>>>/qresearch/11433983 Election night 2020: How to watch the presidential election returns tonight

>>>/qresearch/11434048 John O. Brennan - Traitor

>>>/qresearch/11434059 Election Day anti-voting message spray-painted on Kansas

>>>/qresearch/11434087 ILLEGAL campaigning INSIDE of a polling location in Philly.

>>>/qresearch/11434149 Torch Song Contrarian - On Election Eve Did Max Boot Write a Eulogy for Never-Trumpers?

>>>/qresearch/11434179 Final Call: “Shy Vote” Pollsters Predict Solid Trump Win; Team Biden: We Can Still Win Without PA And FL

>>>/qresearch/11434211 An Outrageously Honest Assessment of President Trump's First 4 Years

>>>/qresearch/11434244 Biden Had 'One More Thing' to Say at His Last Rally, but What Happened Says It All

>>>/qresearch/11434312 James O'Keefe to the rescue with whistleblowers?


>>>/qresearch/11434381 Literally STUFFING the ballot box in Philly! You are only allowed to deliver YOUR OWN ballot to a drop box!! Trying to STEAL THE ELECTION in broad daylight.


>>>/qresearch/11434424 'Hunter Biden attempted to influence his father'

>>>/qresearch/11434457 FBI raids Compton councilman’s home, Baldwin Park city attorney’s office in pot inquiry

>>>/qresearch/11434462 Report: Biden planning aggressive moves to seize control if news outlets declare him winner

>>>/qresearch/11434501 All terror lone wolfs across EU have been told to go

(25 notables, 27 posts, 30 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:05 a.m. No.35637   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11434533 Q Research General #14604: A New Birth of Freedom Edition

Created 032127ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11434658 James O'Keefe, former NYC Election Commissioner Alan Schulkin: Voters busing, and all sorts of voting frauds in NYC


>>>/qresearch/11434662 Over 3,000 National Guard troops deployed to various states in fear of election night violence

>>>/qresearch/11434665 The White Male Without a College Degree Non-Voter – A Wave About to Wash Over Joe Biden?

>>>/qresearch/11434688 Call sign FEAR01. B-52 Stratofortress tail 60-0009.

>>>/qresearch/11434714 According to this New Yorker piece, Luzerne County Republican election officials are not counting ballots that come in after today—despite the Supreme Court saying they should.

>>>/qresearch/11434737 Folks, #MAGA love for President Trump from LITHUANIA Flag of Lithuania

>>>/qresearch/11434748 Chelsea Handler Goes Topless To Give Voting PSA On Election Day - Vomit

>>>/qresearch/11434816 BUCKLE UP ANONS!!

>>>/qresearch/11434854 FBI Has Performed Record 32M Gun Background Checks in 2020

>>>/qresearch/11434879 #FL 3pm update R lead now at 143.6k and increasing. When accounting for expected addons from late reporting counties, it could top 300k. Trump should win FL by 5 pts.

>>>/qresearch/11434883 Is The Biden Campaign Nervous About Pennsylvania?

>>>/qresearch/11434923, >>>/qresearch/11435139 New Gen Flynn

>>>/qresearch/11434938 We analyzed every message ever posted by 'Q,' the enigmatic persona that started the QAnon conspiracy theory

>>>/qresearch/11434958 FLORIDA AGAIN

>>>/qresearch/11434960 QAnon-linked candidates in Georgia, Colorado could make national inroads in Tuesday's election

>>>/qresearch/11434991 Q’s appeal in the burbs: Why QAnon posts entice suburbanites

>>>/qresearch/11435007 NEW PDJT - POTUS TWEETS IWO JIMA STATUE (same as our banner!)

>>>/qresearch/11435031 Bitchute has been taken down


>>>/qresearch/11435058 The Fastest Recovery in History

>>>/qresearch/11435079 Federal judge orders USPS to rush delivery of mail ballots as deadlines near

>>>/qresearch/11435145 5 Blackhawks in NY

>>>/qresearch/11435162 Report: If Media Declare Biden Winner, He Intends to ‘Address Nation’ as ‘New Leader’

>>>/qresearch/11435197 FDA Warns Of 'Inaccuracies' In New Rapid COVID-19 Tests

>>>/qresearch/11435211 UPDATE: We need Trump voters to STAY. IN. LINE.

>>>/qresearch/11435212 Limbaugh: Trump Base ‘Fed Up’ with the Left’s Attack on the Country

>>>/qresearch/11435216 U-2 Dragon Lady 80-1078. On a rather low altitude flight, for this type. Shooting landings. The most difficult aspect of flying the U-2.

(27 notables, 28 posts, 30 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:06 a.m. No.35638   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11435281 Q Research General #14605: POTUS TWEETS IWO JIMA STATUE Edition

Created 032209ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11435495 Group flies "Trump loves Jerry Jones and the Cowboys" banner over Philly on Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11435498 Election Tracking as the data comes in!

>>>/qresearch/11435499 New General Flynn:

>>>/qresearch/11435524 The Celebrities Who Said They’ll Leave the U.S. if Trump Re-Elected

>>>/qresearch/11435548 is down again

>>>/qresearch/11435557 Report: Biden campaign is in direct contact with Palestinian Authority, which financially supports terrorists

>>>/qresearch/11435588 Election Night 2020 LIVE Coverage & Results 11/3/20

>>>/qresearch/11435598 Twitter Censors PA GOP Account Alleging Irregular Activity at Polls

>>>/qresearch/11435614 FEDS: Las Vegas Men Defrauded 600 People In Multimillion Dollar Betting Pyramid Scheme

>>>/qresearch/11435624 ‘LeBron James Sucks’ Chant Breaks Out at Trump Rally in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11435653 Richard Grenell - Everyone should be telling people to STAY IN LINE.

>>>/qresearch/11435669 Pelosi Blasts CNN Reporter for Asking When She’ll Leave Speakership

>>>/qresearch/11435691 New DJT upload. - Can You Feel It?

>>>/qresearch/11435710 A federal judge ordered the U.S. Postal Service inspectors to sweep facilities Tuesday afternoon for mail-in ballots to ensure they have not been held up on Election Day.

>>>/qresearch/11435741 China Blocks WHO From Investigating Origins of the Coronavirus

>>>/qresearch/11435770 Some ballots cannot be read by a ballot scanner due to issues such as damage or misprinting. In these instances, elections officials are permitted to “duplicate” or further mark cast ballots to ensure they can be properly counted.

>>>/qresearch/11435795 Portland Mayor Blames White Supremacists for Election Unrest

>>>/qresearch/11435836 It’s that sort of energy that makes @realDonaldTrump able to get all of the things he’s accomplished for America done. You can’t just hide in the basement I’d be president you have to be out there and you have to work.

>>>/qresearch/11435864 Unidentified Civilian is Filmed Taking Official Ballot Box Away from Philly Polling Place – Stuffing it in his Car

>>>/qresearch/11435870 Left Would ‘Rip the Constitution to Shreds’ if They Had the Chance

>>>/qresearch/11435882 Trucker Who Crossed America Posts Must-Watch Video for Trump Supporters

>>>/qresearch/11435925 Last Call for the Pollsters?

>>>/qresearch/11435957 "You were the “non biased, apolitical” FBI Director? LOL"

>>>/qresearch/11436002 Election Results trackers

>>>/qresearch/11436010 Two Epstein victims drop their cases against his estate, Ghislaine Maxwell

>>>/qresearch/11436052 #14605

(26 notables, 26 posts, 24 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:06 a.m. No.35639   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11435992 Q Research General #14606: We Shall Prevail Edition

Created 032240ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11436125 Election Night 2020 LIVE Coverage & Results 11/3/20

>>>/qresearch/11436170 Troll Farms in India Made Up Large Portion of Biden Following on Twitter

>>>/qresearch/11436171 The MSM needs to be switched off for GOOD. this fuckery is treasonous

>>>/qresearch/11436173 David Icke has been suspended from Twitter. The election purge of accounts continues.

>>>/qresearch/11436191 UPDATE: #Republicans now lead by in #Florida by 205,413 votes. Per FL GOP GOTV Tracker.

>>>/qresearch/11436199 Flip this Anons!!

>>>/qresearch/11436204 Today's the day. General Paul M. Nakasone

>>>/qresearch/11436218 OPINION: This writer is a fake and gay

>>>/qresearch/11436226 Call sign SPADESMA. Up from Holloman AFB to Hill AFB for a couple hours. Now up again. Top speed looks to be around 600 knots. ICAO hexidecimal code AE6B64 returns no results.

>>>/qresearch/11436236 Portland Declares State Of Emergency Ahead Of Election Results

>>>/qresearch/11436248 WarRoom: Global Election Night Special 2020 - Steve Bannon

>>>/qresearch/11436264 BREAKING: USPS fails to meet deadline set by U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan to sweep facilities and immediately deliver remaining mail ballots. As of this week, USPS said there were some 300,000 ballots that lacked a delivery scan

>>>/qresearch/11436267 NEW YORK TIMES DELETES TWEET

>>>/qresearch/11436289 The Battle Hymn of the Republic

VIDEO - The Battle Hymn of the Republic [Channel: The United States Army Field Band]

>>>/qresearch/11436304 Philadelphia City Commissioners Say They Are Investigating After Video Allegedly Shows GOP Poll Watcher Getting Kicked Out Of Polling Place

>>>/qresearch/11436320 Google Engineer Dies While Kayaking in Maine Pond

>>>/qresearch/11436359 Trump Tower in New York is being surrounded with NYPD vehicles and personnel.

>>>/qresearch/11436375 Bricks already showing up in Chicago and Denver. Keep yo head on a swivel

>>>/qresearch/11436383 Navy Prepares For Integration Of MQ-25 Tanker Drones With E-2 Hawkeye Squadrons

>>>/qresearch/11436386 National Guard units activated in 16 US states ahead of possible post-election unrest

>>>/qresearch/11436426 GOING DARK

>>>/qresearch/11436459 Terrorist Threat in Switzerland High, No Data About Possible Attacks, Intelligence Service Says

>>>/qresearch/11436468 James Woods - This

>>>/qresearch/11436513 "The Trump campaign, exuding eleventh-hour confidence, is revealing raw voter data that suggests to it that Joe Biden’s lead in early voting will be swamped by a red wave of GOP voters on Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11436518 NASCAR Driver Kyle Larson Fired From Racing Team For Using The N-Word

>>>/qresearch/11436554 Trump: ‘They Say You Cannot Win Without Big Tech, We’re Going to Find Out’

>>>/qresearch/11436558 Video of Amish Horse and Buggy Trump Train Goes Viral on Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11436589 -Election Results trackers

>>>/qresearch/11436624 Governor Cuomo Calls into Question Federal Administration's Demand for ID Numbers of New Yorkers Who Receive COVID-19 Vaccine

>>>/qresearch/11436629 Man drives 1,217 miles from LA to Texas to vote after not receiving mail-in ballot


>>>/qresearch/11436730 Seven West Media executive and alleged war criminal Ben Roberts-Smith caught lying and deceiving the public in defamation case

>>>/qresearch/11436758 Tracker on the Real Clear Politics home page.

>>>/qresearch/11436791 Hunter Biden’s Money Sex relationship: Credit card company messages reveal Hunter & Hallie have a joint credit card

(34 notables, 34 posts, 39 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:06 a.m. No.35640   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11436802 Q Research General #14607: Holding The Line Edition

Created 032322ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11436920 POTUS submitted his OP meme, Baker just used it.

>>>/qresearch/11436936 Twitter Bans Retweeting Official Statement From Erie County Election Board on Viral Post From Man Claiming to be Poll Worker Throwing Away Trump Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11436937 Erie County Election Board issues statement regarding Sebastian Machado Trump ballot tossing claim

>>>/qresearch/11436938 SPECIAL REPORT: Voting Machine Failures and Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11436944 Dayum! He is already over ABQ!

>>>/qresearch/11436954 This is a setup


>>>/qresearch/11436960 Republican Poll Volunteers Kicked Out Of Rural Oregon Election Office

>>>/qresearch/11436967 Richard Grenell - Do not leave the line. We need you.

>>>/qresearch/11436980 Supreme court rules Kim Dotcom can be extradited - subject to a judicial review

>>>/qresearch/11436991 Boston Police Caught With Truck Full of Bricks; Are They 'Planting' Them to Incite Violence?

>>>/qresearch/11436999 Trump promised full transparency on scandal documents, State Department didn't comply

>>>/qresearch/11437030 Obama Shares Final Election Day Message: ‘We’ll Decide as a Nation Who We Really Are’

>>>/qresearch/11437036 In Election Day flubs, Joe Biden says son Beau was senator, mixes up granddaughters

>>>/qresearch/11437051 Potential ballot heist in Philly.

>>>/qresearch/11437091 They Thought You Would Follow The Stars


>>>/qresearch/11437103 NY POST POLL

>>>/qresearch/11437121 New DJTJR

>>>/qresearch/11437133 Two Virginia Men Convicted for Their Roles in Investment Fraud Scheme

>>>/qresearch/11437155 IS IT HAPPENING??

>>>/qresearch/11437178 Victor Davis Hanson: 2020 election is not really about a choice between Trump vs. Biden

>>>/qresearch/11437194 LAPD Declares Citywide Tactical Alert

>>>/qresearch/11437197 Unlike 4 years ago, George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, won’t reveal who they voted for

>>>/qresearch/11437204 Republicans have overtaken the voting lead in Florida, erasing the early and mail-in vote deficit Democrats built up before Election Day.

>>>/qresearch/11437211 Stolen Ballots Found Under a Rock On Side Of Road In Glendale, Arizona

>>>/qresearch/11437240 election updates

>>>/qresearch/11437259 BREAKING: Republican Harold Rogers wins reelection to U.S. House in Kentucky's 5th Congressional District. #APracecall at 6:30 p.m. EST. #Election2020 #KYelection

>>>/qresearch/11437275 "On A Fast Track To Irrelevance": Drudge Report Viewership Collapses 45%, Down 9 Months In A Row

>>>/qresearch/11437276 LIVE: People gather in front of the White House during US presidential election night

>>>/qresearch/11437280 Sick of Hunter? Like father like son, audios show the hint that Joe’s affair with his daughter-in-law?

>>>/qresearch/11437294 To our Patriot Brothers and Sisters out west and in Mountain States …Stay in Line!!! Every Vote Counts!!! … let’s keep Senate, House and of course re-elect @realDonaldTrump

>>>/qresearch/11437309, >>>/qresearch/11437387 New York Times Deletes Tweet Falsely Claiming Only The Media Can Declare Election Winner

>>>/qresearch/11437332 The 6th Wave of Biden’s Expose: A Case Study of Kazakhstan on the Challenges of their Labor Market

>>>/qresearch/11437333 Illinois'-Own COVID-19 Data Reveals State's COVID-19 Policy Is Upside-Down

>>>/qresearch/11437345 REPORT: EARLY VOTING RETURNS IN #Kentucky - 10% Of Precincts Reporting #Trump: 45.3% (96,071), #Biden 53.2% (112,843)

>>>/qresearch/11437438 "With 133K Election Day votes as of 3 p.m., Harris County turnout has now reached 1.57 million,a bit more than 63% of registered voters.This is the county's highest turnout rate since 1992 (72%), per @TXsecofstate. #txlege"

>>>/qresearch/11437486 Stock Futures UP strongly this evening

>>>/qresearch/11437583 #14607

(38 notables, 39 posts, 41 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:07 a.m. No.35641   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11437546 Q Research General #14608: Potus Wins Indiana Edition

Created 040001ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11437695 House race numbers should give us a good idea of what to expect from POTUS.

>>>/qresearch/11437721 Seems we have a real chance of flipping Nevada.

>>>/qresearch/11437749 Gettin rowdy in DC


>>>/qresearch/11437809 WarRoom: Global Election Night Special 2020


>>>/qresearch/11437910 TEN C-130's from Fort Bragg visible again around Raleigh Durham @2000'

>>>/qresearch/11437970 The New York Times - Here's how the news media plans to report the election results

>>>/qresearch/11437984 Fox is full of shit, Biden is hovering at 41.6% for VA, and Trump is at 57.9%

>>>/qresearch/11438110 Here’s What We’ve Found Digging Through Hunter Biden’s Alleged Laptop

>>>/qresearch/11438149 Biden’s going down consistently since they called VA for him, crazy

>>>/qresearch/11438311 #14608

>>>/qresearch/11438330 Hussein Tweets

(12 notables, 12 posts, 11 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:07 a.m. No.35642   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11438420 Q Research General #14609: Fox is Cucked Edition Edition

Created 040037ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11438463 QAnon-Supporting Candidate Marjorie Taylor Greene Guaranteed A Congressional Win

>>>/qresearch/11438465 California, the Shoplifting State

>>>/qresearch/11438466 GOD IS IN CONTROL - KAYLEIGH

>>>/qresearch/11438498 Eric Trump - Hold The Line! VOTE!!!


>>>/qresearch/11438516 #BREAKING The NYT gives Trump a 95% chance of winning Florida

>>>/qresearch/11438550 Wife of Gov. Cooper used her personal Facebook account to comment about a Trump rally event in Raleigh

>>>/qresearch/11438663 QAnon Is Headed to Congress

>>>/qresearch/11438678 BREAKING: Records reveal the analyst who will run Fox News election decision desk is a registered Democrat who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 & gave Democrats more than $4,000

>>>/qresearch/11438710 Delays expected in Georgia vote counting after burst pipe

>>>/qresearch/11438752 Cocaine Mitch WINS!

>>>/qresearch/11438796 This is called “expectation management” from the Biden team, and it’s early in the night to start moving goalposts

>>>/qresearch/11438827 If you live in one of these states but you never registered… here’s some good news!! You can still #VOTE

(13 notables, 13 posts, 13 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:08 a.m. No.35643   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11439063 Q Research General #14610: Hold The Line! VOTE!!! Edition

Created 040106ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11439219 4 MORE YEARS OF TRUMP'S AMERICA

>>>/qresearch/11439256 Polls haven’t closed in Florida yet, but there’s already a celebration for President Trump outside a popular Cuban-American bakery in Miami.

>>>/qresearch/11439274 Schumann remains harmonious

>>>/qresearch/11439295 Oregon County Excludes Republicans From Key Election Oversight Positions

>>>/qresearch/11439309 Election Results Headlines..Polls have barely closed

>>>/qresearch/11439329, >>>/qresearch/11439378 US Cyber Command, NSA undertook ops against #Iran prior to US election - report

>>>/qresearch/11439349 HUGE FLORIDA RESULTS: Trump 94% Likely to Win Florida – Is Winning HISPANICS IN FLORIDA at 53%

>>>/qresearch/11439362 Eric Trump Yes Yes Yes!!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

>>>/qresearch/11439365 National Guard moves into Chicago ahead of possible election unrest

>>>/qresearch/11439370 NYT needle has Trump at 78% to win in Georgia.

>>>/qresearch/11439408 "You can feel the hopes and the dreams of our viewers falling down and you can hear the liquor cabinets opening all across this great land."

>>>/qresearch/11439411 "Dade and Broward numbers for Biden are low that’s not good for Biden because the panhandle just closed and it’s Ruby red"

>>>/qresearch/11439468 My GREAT home state of FLORIDA will be the first swing state called for President Trump shortly as the panhandle comes in.

>>>/qresearch/11439502 BOOM! Breaking: Decision Desk Calls FLORIDA FOR TRUMP!

>>>/qresearch/11439526 Decision Desk HQ has called Florida for Trump

>>>/qresearch/11439615 Trump expected to address the nation tonight, Kellyanne Conway says

>>>/qresearch/11439717 Fast movers from Whidbey Island NAS NE into Canada

>>>/qresearch/11439726 Donald J. Trump has won the state of South Carolina.


>>>/qresearch/11439798 Indiana Reelects GOP Gov. Holcomb

>>>/qresearch/11439810 Donald Trump wins Arkansas - AP call

>>>/qresearch/11439854 #14610

(22 notables, 23 posts, 18 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:08 a.m. No.35644   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11439846 Q Research General #14611: FLORIDA IS OURS Edition

Created 040140ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11440019 LIVE - Steve Bannon Warroom

>>>/qresearch/11440074 Projection on St John's church - We are many, they are few


>>>/qresearch/11440083 Fulton election results delayed after pipe bursts in room with ballots

>>>/qresearch/11440089 hangin' wit dilley, _ffrank and adel til they hand us the trophy…

>>>/qresearch/11440094 VIRGINIA 81% reporting Trump at 58.4

>>>/qresearch/11440153 Houston woman turned away from polls after being told she already voted

>>>/qresearch/11440155 The @nytimes Election Needles As Of 7:41PM CDT

>>>/qresearch/11440181 2020 Results Update: TRUMP Wins Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, West Virginia

>>>/qresearch/11440199 2 house seats in Miami-Dade have flipped.

>>>/qresearch/11440205 Biden isn’t going to win Texas, folks.

>>>/qresearch/11440210 ‘Mixed bag’: Kim Dotcom says he wants 'take US to task' on extradition request after court pays way for handover subject to review

>>>/qresearch/11440242 Crowds gather near White House for Election Night protests

>>>/qresearch/11440267 In an upset, Republican Barbara Ann Fenton-Fung has ousted Rhode Island's Democratic House speaker, Nicholas Mattiello.


>>>/qresearch/11440393 Meltdown! NY Times Columnists Suffer Psychotic Break as Election Day Arrives

>>>/qresearch/11440448 If I read that right, Hispanics are breaking big for Trump.

>>>/qresearch/11440464 "BREAKING: TEXAS CD2 @DanCrenshawTX PROJECTED WINNER!

>>>/qresearch/11440557 #UPDATE: Trump pulls ahead in Va. – HERE IT COMES

>>>/qresearch/11440568 With0%of votes reporting, the Associated Press calls New York for @JoeBiden at 9 p.m.

>>>/qresearch/11440583 Police scuffle with BLM protesters as THOUSANDS gather outside the White House in demonstration they'd 'planned for months'

>>>/qresearch/11440610 Delaware elects Sarah McBride, first openly trans state senator in the US

>>>/qresearch/11440618 Don't close the book on Virginia just yet.

>>>/qresearch/11440638 #14611

(23 notables, 23 posts, 18 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:09 a.m. No.35645   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11440614 Q Research General #14612: Live QResearch Election Coverage Edition

Created 040211ZNOV20



>>>/qresearch/11440738 BREAKING: Trump is presently leading in Flint, Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11440748 Socialistic, Marxist Drivel from the prospective Vice President.

>>>/qresearch/11440786 Current House 55-GOP - 38-D

>>>/qresearch/11440842 I'm honored to be elected as the next representative for Texas' 13th Congressional District. I'll NEVER back down to the liberal mobs, and I'll be the strong conservative leader that you DESERVE. I promise I'll make you proud! Thank you #TX13!

>>>/qresearch/11440845 2020 Election: Ex-White House physician Ronny Jackson wins Texas House seat

>>>/qresearch/11440865 Fulton County, Georgia's largest county (and home to Atlanta), has its election results delayed after a WATER PIPE burst in a room with ballots

>>>/qresearch/11440909 Laura Loomer defeated

>>>/qresearch/11441011 BREAKING ELECTION UPDATE: CNN Is Walking Back Virginia After Calling it For Trump!

>>>/qresearch/11441070 Biden's lead in OH has now been slashed in half.

>>>/qresearch/11441102 BREAKING: CNN has recalled their early prediction of Biden winning Virginia. Wow, we could FLIP IT!

>>>/qresearch/11441340 BREAKING: Republican Madison Cawthorn wins election to U.S. House in North Carolina's 11th Congressional District.

(12 notables, 12 posts, 19 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:09 a.m. No.35646   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11441398 Q Research General #14613:Reddit Seething Over Florida, Anons laugh Edition

Created 040238ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11441505 Man I love her kek

>>>/qresearch/11441561 "BREAKING: Betting Odds Have Now Shifted To A 64% Chance Of A @realDonaldTrump WIN!"

>>>/qresearch/11441585 Donald Trump is now the betting market favorite to win re-election. He first became the favorite at 920 pm et tonight. Trump first became the favorite at 935 et in 2016.

>>>/qresearch/11441722 Martinsville County, VA has shifted right, toward Trump, compared with 2016. We’re still waiting for more votes to be counted in 120 counties.

>>>/qresearch/11441820 Chinese yuan tanking

>>>/qresearch/11441828 These are election day, not combined totals.

>>>/qresearch/11441891 Twitters stuff

>>>/qresearch/11441921 One big way it feels like 2016 is the “moving of the needle” from NYT Upshot and Nate Cohn. We kept refreshing and showing @realDonaldTrump the adjustments from “little chance” to “clear victory

>>>/qresearch/11442032 TONIGHT: In northern Virginia, Fairfax County elections workers arrive in droves carrying sealed boxes we’re told are ballots from drop boxes.

>>>/qresearch/11442055 Orange County investigates report of fake polling site, complete with ‘I Voted’ stickers

>>>/qresearch/11442100 "So something’s up with Virginia, with some outlets retracting their call for Biden, but no one’s really mentioning it on TV. What the hell is going on?"

>>>/qresearch/11442132 #14613

(12 notables, 12 posts, 9 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:09 a.m. No.35647   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11442149 Q Research General #14614: Chinese Yuan Tanking Edition

Created 040304ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11442227 BREAKING!! Trump has taken the lead in PA.

>>>/qresearch/11442288 Greg Pence, Brother of Vice President Pence, Wins Indiana Congressional Reelection

>>>/qresearch/11442336 China Tanking - Biden Tanking Soon

>>>/qresearch/11442338 AP: Lindsey Graham Wins Reelection

>>>/qresearch/11442347 Updated Betting Odds

>>>/qresearch/11442369 A lot of pollsters are shit. Thanks. That’s all.

>>>/qresearch/11442372 President Donald J. #Trump has captured the lead in #Pennsylvania.

>>>/qresearch/11442398 "CNN walked back calling VA!"

>>>/qresearch/11442421 POTUS is up in Florida by almost 400,000 votes with more than 90% of precincts reporting. Why haven’t networks called the race?

>>>/qresearch/11442448 So this certainly will come into play right?

>>>/qresearch/11442453 Know that our defense of #elections doesn't end tonight - this is an enduring mission for the Command and Agency, with election security integrated into our daily operations.

>>>/qresearch/11442534 Epstein's Notorious $20 Million Palm Beach Mansion To Be Demolished

>>>/qresearch/11442715 Fox News: Colorado Flips First Senate Seat With John Hickenlooper Win

>>>/qresearch/11442733 For the KEKS - TYT ELECTION COVERAGE. THE SALT FLOWS

>>>/qresearch/11442743 TRUMP WINNING OHIO !!!

>>>/qresearch/11442772 Trump is up in #Florida by 3.5 points & 381000 votes with 91% reporting & only 50000 votes left to count.

>>>/qresearch/11442791 Unofficial Election Night Results

>>>/qresearch/11442802 BREAKING: Republican Tommy Tuberville, a former Auburn University football coach, wins election to the U.S. Senate from Alabama

>>>/qresearch/11442836 Maria Elvira Salazar defeats incumbent Donna Shalala in race for Miami-Dade District 27 congressional seat

>>>/qresearch/11442906 #14614

(20 notables, 20 posts, 15 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:10 a.m. No.35648   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11442863 Q Research General #14615: PERFECTION IS UNOBTAINABLE(for this baker) Edition

Created 040327ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11443002 Steady #DigitalSoldiers Steady Success breeds success - GEN FLYNN

>>>/qresearch/11443088 New Scavino - 17

>>>/qresearch/11443112 Trust KANSAS

>>>/qresearch/11443160 BREAKING: Las Vegas Betting Odds Officially Flip to Trump – Trump Has 91% of Winning Now!

>>>/qresearch/11443181 Post-election stock market is going to be ‘PARTICULARLY BRUTAL’ & gold will be last safe haven standing – Peter Schiff

>>>/qresearch/11443189 8 C130j just took off flying in a line NE from FT bragg

>>>/qresearch/11443210 Congratulations to my good friend, @LindseyGrahamSC

>>>/qresearch/11443251 Madison Cawthorn Wins in North Carolina, Becoming Youngest Republican Elected to House

>>>/qresearch/11443277 RIP to another cycle of "THIS year Texas will flip blue" hot takes

>>>/qresearch/11443281 The Salt Floweth

>>>/qresearch/11443361 Philly officials will NOT release any more mail in vote counts tonight , 76,000 out of 350,000 counted

>>>/qresearch/11443408 This Anon Gets It - American futures are on fire and the Chinese yuan is tanking. Hmmm.. Where's Hunter?

>>>/qresearch/11443416, >>>/qresearch/11443463 The Foundation of Hunter Biden Maybe just Another Shell Company


>>>/qresearch/11443426 Muslim Member of AOC 'Squad' Ilhan Omar Wins Reelection

>>>/qresearch/11443480 Fort Bragg sending reinforcements? 9 C-130s…

>>>/qresearch/11443524 Va. +POTUS 269k…

>>>/qresearch/11443540 The 6th Wave of Biden’s Exposé: Why Is Hunter Sending Joe and Jill’s Car Insurance Information to NYPD Personnel in the Middle of the Night?

>>>/qresearch/11443547 Trump is running 48-51 in Bucks County, PA. This is a county he lost by about one point to HRC.

>>>/qresearch/11443609 People forget, about 60% of the vote in WI comes from rural areas.

>>>/qresearch/11443611 BREAKING: Republican Cuban-American @NMalliotakis defeats Democrat @MaxRose4NY in New York, a net congressional pickup for Republicans.

(21 notables, 22 posts, 33 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:10 a.m. No.35649   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11443641 Q Research General #14616: Steady Digital Soldiers, Steady Edition

Created 040353ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11443763 REDDIT SALT

>>>/qresearch/11443812 Dear lord the livechat on TYT is brutal

>>>/qresearch/11443815 TYT Post Mortem

>>>/qresearch/11443889 Fight Breaks Out in BLM Park in DC

>>>/qresearch/11443941 Leaked Zoom calls show extensive preparation for organized protests and unrest in D.C.

>>>/qresearch/11443946 For everybody who promised to leave the country if Trump won you can leave. For everybody else regardless of political affiliation let’s all work together to make the best of these next 4 years.


>>>/qresearch/11443953 Twitter and Facebook add warnings to Trump message about Pennsylvania voting

>>>/qresearch/11444026 Called in less than what, 2 minutes?

>>>/qresearch/11444100 Cornyn wins reelection in Texas

>>>/qresearch/11444140 Cillizza: Let’s Stop Talking About “How It Will Be Different This Time” Against McConnell

>>>/qresearch/11444160 At 7:01pm - one minute after polls closed in Virginia @AP_Politics called the race for Senator @MarkWarner - 4 hours later with 2518 of 2585 precincts in @gop challenger @gadeforvirginia is leading 51.18% to 48.72%

>>>/qresearch/11444182 Fox calls Florida for Trump.

>>>/qresearch/11444193 That's Racist

>>>/qresearch/11444238 It is starting with the dumb ass rioters in DC.

>>>/qresearch/11444250 it's way too early to call Cali, only 3 minor counties votes are partially tallied

>>>/qresearch/11444438 #14616

(16 notables, 16 posts, 17 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:10 a.m. No.35650   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11444423 Q Research General #14617: FOX FINALLY CALLS FLORIDA, BUT INSTANTLY CALLS THE WEST COAST Edition

Created 040419ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11444549 FOX NEWS: Az called for Pedo Joe!

>>>/qresearch/11444574 California is going to shock this country tonight.

>>>/qresearch/11444625 DC: “Fck Trump. Fck Biden. No more presidents”

>>>/qresearch/11444663 Madison Cawthorn, a 25-year-old Trump-loving conservative, is projected to win the North Carolina House seat once held by Mark Meadows, now White House chief of staff

>>>/qresearch/11444796 Antifa in Washington DC are assaulting people with cameras. “Walk away or it gets worse.”


>>>/qresearch/11444843 WAY too soon to be calling Arizona…way too soon. We believe over 2/3 of those outstanding Election Day voters are going to be for Trump. Can’t believe Fox was so anxious to pull the trigger here after taking so long to call Florida. Wow.

>>>/qresearch/11444925 Former astronaut Mark Kelly beats Republican Sen. Martha McSally in Arizona’s special election faceoff, Fox News projects

>>>/qresearch/11444950 BREAKING: Trump has captured the lead in IA.

>>>/qresearch/11444970 RQ-180? Next-Gen Spy Drone Spotted Over California

>>>/qresearch/11445002 This is a coordinated effort to stop reporting/counting in states where Trump is ahead to prevent him from declaring victory. Michigan, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin…

>>>/qresearch/11445178 #14617

(11 notables, 11 posts, 9 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:10 a.m. No.35651   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11445244 Q Research General #14618: WAY TO EARLY Edition

Created 040447ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11445313 DOES NOT NEED #Pennsylvania To Win!

>>>/qresearch/11445319 Arizona GOP chairwoman Kelli Ward says the numbers in Arizona are mostly early votes and she believes Fox News will be embarrassed by calling the race for Biden.

>>>/qresearch/11445378 Appears Trump is running mostly AHEAD in the Twin City suburb counties:

>>>/qresearch/11445465 @realDonaldTrump WINS #OHIO"

>>>/qresearch/11445509 FOX NEWS: JOHN JAMES +13 IN MICHIGAN!

>>>/qresearch/11445665 BREAKING: Oregon becomes first U.S. state to decriminalize possession of all drugs, including cocaine, heroin, and meth, for personal use

>>>/qresearch/11445697 BREAKING: Mississippi voters approve a new state flag that will replace the 126-year-old previous one that featured the Confederate battle flag

>>>/qresearch/11445753 I've talked to several Trump campaign advisers, and I can't convey how furious the campaign is at Fox for its completely unjustified AZ call for Biden.

>>>/qresearch/11445796 Fastmovers outa Whidbey Island NAS inbound to Maine

>>>/qresearch/11445807 Don't leave! The media is lying! Get that vote in!

>>>/qresearch/11445815 It makes zero sense. Could Biden win Arizona? Of course. But there is no defensible reason for calling that race right now given how many ballots are yet to be counted.

>>>/qresearch/11445838 Please re member, the main point of cable news is to keep you watching.

>>>/qresearch/11445848 Yes - Mnuchin is in the East Room with about 200 guests

>>>/qresearch/11445866 Stream of DC. Black lives matter/antifa are wandering around in loose groups

>>>/qresearch/11445882 Don't forget the letter issued by the Trump campaign. DS will try to de-legitimize the elections results knowing ahead of time Biden is going to lose

(15 notables, 15 posts, 8 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:11 a.m. No.35652   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11445890 Q Research General #14619: JOHN JAMES +13 IN MICHIGAN Edition

Created 040511ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11446049 Fox News is behaving like a Super PAC for the DNC tonight. I have no idea what they are thinking. We will win. They have misled America.

>>>/qresearch/11446060 Biden wins Minnesota

>>>/qresearch/11446061 BREAKING: Fox News retracts AZ call.

>>>/qresearch/11446117 JUST IN: Joe Biden is set to make a statement shortly

>>>/qresearch/11446137 Red counties getting more red in the Rust Belt!

>>>/qresearch/11446331 What the hell is going on in Arizona?!

>>>/qresearch/11446378 Can confirm they are on the hunt with intent to hurt/kill A liberal journalist

>>>/qresearch/11446523 Twitter Flags OANN for Calling Florida for Trump After Trump Wins Florida by 3.5%

>>>/qresearch/11446524 Fox News has NOT retracted its Arizona call, per network source & the live broadcast

>>>/qresearch/11446671 #14619

(10 notables, 10 posts, 8 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:11 a.m. No.35653   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11446643 Q Research General #14620: What the hell is going on in Arizona?! Edition

Created 040541ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11446775, >>>/qresearch/11446931, >>>/qresearch/11447034 reissued NEW PDJT - We are up BIG, but they are trying to STEAL the Election. We will never let them do it. Votes cannot be cast after the POLES/POLLS are closed!

>>>/qresearch/11446801 NEW PDJT - I will be making a statement tonight. A big WIN!

>>>/qresearch/11446829 POLLS vs POLES

>>>/qresearch/11447070 AP gives Wisconsin to Trump

>>>/qresearch/11447124 Comms possible Decode

>>>/qresearch/11447136 The President is still on track to win with around 300 electoral votes

>>>/qresearch/11447143, >>>/qresearch/11447149 FUCK YOU @JACK

>>>/qresearch/11447162 Voter Fraud in AZ

>>>/qresearch/11447406 #14620

(9 notables, 12 posts, 12 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:11 a.m. No.35654   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11447401 Q Research General #14621: WAR Edition

Created 040604ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11447576 Q4414 EAM LOYALISTS:

>>>/qresearch/11447624 this is why the NY Post map stopped updating! AP stopped their service.

>>>/qresearch/11447645 Bannin's rainman, Bided cannot make up 243,000 deficit in Georgia

>>>/qresearch/11447680 Live Election Map

>>>/qresearch/11447683 Now I get it. @FoxNews calls Arizona for Biden and refuses to call the states (for Trump) that he's obviously gonna win…so Biden can give this speech to muddy the waters and look like he's still got a chance!

>>>/qresearch/11447686 ANONS, IS NOW THE TIME?????

>>>/qresearch/11447712 EV PEDO JOE 215, POTUS 210

>>>/qresearch/11447728 Here's the message from Trump that Twitter is censoring.

>>>/qresearch/11447764 Maine Election Results

>>>/qresearch/11447769 Newsmax coverage owns the night for #TrueNews

>>>/qresearch/11447801 Since when does an assumption hold up in court?

>>>/qresearch/11447816 Zapata county TX hasn't voted Republican for president since 1920.

>>>/qresearch/11447830 This is where they are going to halt it for the night. Reuters.

>>>/qresearch/11447831 The media’s polls were very wrong. But they won’t admit it.

>>>/qresearch/11447889 Just spoke to AZ Governor Doug Ducey's office. There are at least 900,000 votes outstanding that haven't been counted. About half are Maricopa.

>>>/qresearch/11447997 NYT updated election MAP

>>>/qresearch/11448044 NYT: "Atlanta won’t finish its count tonight. Election workers in Fulton County, who were counting absentee ballots, went home for the night"

>>>/qresearch/11448062 CNN: NAIL-BITER ELECTION COMES DOWN TO AZ, GA, PA, MI, WI (wont be called for days)

>>>/qresearch/11448065 Another Rapper supporting POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11448091 This is the map anon put together, btw. Even without PA, still good.

>>>/qresearch/11448108 Madison County: The only problem reported some people are coming in to vote in person with absentee ballots.

>>>/qresearch/11448125 GEORGIA UPDATE

(22 notables, 22 posts, 19 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:11 a.m. No.35655   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11448180 Q Research General #14622: /NightShift/ Engaged Edition

Created 040635ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11448303, >>>/qresearch/11448714 PF: Almost NO air traffic in Philly & NY.

>>>/qresearch/11448304 Been retweeting EVERY instance of the mention of POTUS suppressed tweet.

>>>/qresearch/11448309 Current Pennsylvania Tally

>>>/qresearch/11448311 Yahoo Live Coverage

>>>/qresearch/11448331 Twat is putting a warning banner on it everytime you try to RT it.

>>>/qresearch/11448338 Trump has won PA

>>>/qresearch/11448379 Newsmax just said WH just called press pool for POTUS to speak.

>>>/qresearch/11448393 POTUS Twitter (new banner?)

>>>/qresearch/11448430 Current Rueters Map

>>>/qresearch/11448462 Kayleigh: Currently, President @realDonaldTrump is winning Rust Belt states by ENORMOUS margins compared to 2016:

>>>/qresearch/11448463 Friendly Reminder: SAVE EVERYTHING OFFLINE

>>>/qresearch/11448486 Steve Bannon Calls for US Marshals to Arrest Jack Dorsey

>>>/qresearch/11448544 After Biden’s brief remarks in which he said he believes he is ‘on track ton win the election’ his supporters start to leave the election event in their cars in high spirits.

>>>/qresearch/11448573 It’s way too early to declare a winner in Arizona!

>>>/qresearch/11448624 Sure is interesting how all the heavy Biden counties in all the remaining tipping point states all magically decided at the same time to just stop counting. It's almost like they don't want to give a real Election Day count. Why is that?

>>>/qresearch/11448654 Trump is up by ~700,000 votes in PA. Biden has to win the remaining vote by ~2:1 to win the state.

>>>/qresearch/11448663 The U.S. formally exited the Paris Agreement, fulfilling a years-long promise by President Trump to withdraw the world’s second-largest greenhouse gas emitter from the global pact to fight climate change

>>>/qresearch/11448717 Press Pool called into East Room for POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11448774 POTUS Live now

VIDEO - Watch Sky News live [Channel: Sky News]

>>>/qresearch/11448780 John Kerry, Secretary of State, was at the South Pole when Trump won in 2016. POTUS is telling us he's shut down an escape or communication outlet.

>>>/qresearch/11448799 Wisconsin district is manually transcribing 13,500 mail in ballots because they cannot be fed into their machines on the current ballot.

>>>/qresearch/11448827 Sure is interesting how all the heavy Biden counties in all the remaining tipping point states all magically decided at the same time to just stop counting.

>>>/qresearch/11448858 PF: Must be headed to Ramstein AFB, Germany.

>>>/qresearch/11448860 No Masks?

>>>/qresearch/11448906 PLAYBOOK KNOWN

>>>/qresearch/11448939 #14622

(26 notables, 27 posts, 21 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:12 a.m. No.35656   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11448947 Q Research General #14623: POTUS is LIVE NOW Edition

Created 040709ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11449024 Currently, President @realDonaldTrump is winning Rust Belt states by ENORMOUS margins compared to 2016

>>>/qresearch/11449173 Growing numbers of protestors moving through central Washington DC. Congregating on Black Lives Matter Plaza, leading to the White House. There’s fireworks. Not a metaphor.

>>>/qresearch/11449194 Do you think Trump won the election?

>>>/qresearch/11449302 We won't stand for it.

>>>/qresearch/11449328 117,000 votes

>>>/qresearch/11449338 We won Ohio, Florida, Texas and Georgia

>>>/qresearch/11449344 winning the keystone state

>>>/qresearch/11449369 GEOTUS looking and sounding confident AF

>>>/qresearch/11449404 NBC just cut potus live feed……told ya so

>>>/qresearch/11449441 I think the MSM, FoX and CNN may have in conjunction with Biden done this tonight for their own selfish interests

>>>/qresearch/11449459 That is our leader, and his announcement says, "I will fight for you no matter what happens, because we won."

>>>/qresearch/11449557 ‘Burn It Down’: Hundreds March Through The Streets Of DC On Election Night

>>>/qresearch/11449664 #14623

(13 notables, 13 posts, 7 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:12 a.m. No.35657   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11449681 Q Research General #14624: As Far As I Am Concerned We Have ALREADY Won It Edition

Created 040737ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11449806 POTUS: This is a major fruad on our Nation.

>>>/qresearch/11449810 It is completely ridiculous that they have stopped counting votes. Nevertheless, in the end, Trump will still be your President. Get used to it.

>>>/qresearch/11449919 Despite securing only 213 electoral votes of the necessary 270, President Trump prematurely declares victory. He has not won the election.

>>>/qresearch/11449966 FYI that Pennsylvania AG yesterday tweeted that Trump couldn't win the state and Democratic strongholds stopped counting votes tonight. PA allowing votes with no proof of having been cast prior to polls closing.

>>>/qresearch/11449974 Beth Van Duyne declares victory in tight race with Candace Valenzuela in Texas' 24th Congressional District

>>>/qresearch/11450039 Seems suspicious AF

>>>/qresearch/11450057 Reuters is swamp central and their own graphic shows there's no way dems can declare victory.

>>>/qresearch/11450071 Trump votes are being INVALIDATED In Arizona


>>>/qresearch/11450107 Ballots of Trump voters who voted, are being marked on line as Canceled

>>>/qresearch/11450139 POTUS is ahead in 5 key states where there aren't enough votes left uncounted for Dems to win.


>>>/qresearch/11450179 WE WERE TOLD THIS WAS THE PLAN, ANON.

>>>/qresearch/11450224 Gorka Calls Out Q at POTUS Live Address

>>>/qresearch/11450229 This OAN Covid is Fake Documentary is Based as Fuck

>>>/qresearch/11450263 Pipe bursts in Atlanta arena causing 4-hour delay in processing

>>>/qresearch/11450286 Even giving some more states to Biden, we will see President Trump win BIG!

>>>/qresearch/11450340 Public health is the enemy of "We the People"

(17 notables, 17 posts, 16 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:12 a.m. No.35658   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11450436 Q Research General #14625: Patriots Guard The Nightwatch Edition

Created 040816ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11450546 SEETHE

>>>/qresearch/11450600 Even if they steal Pennsylvania, President Trump will still win!

>>>/qresearch/11450624 Record-Breaking 800 Million Americans Expected To Vote In 2020 Election (800 million??? -325 million current US pop)

>>>/qresearch/11450637 Not so fast. The race has narrowed in #AZ considerably. 130,000 votes separate the candidates, with hundreds of thousands of votes yet to be counted, from all over the state.

>>>/qresearch/11450647 Latest count shows TRUMP ahead in Pennsylvania by a whopping 677,988 with 74% counted.

>>>/qresearch/11450649 North Carolina Files

>>>/qresearch/11450678 Born on this day, November 4th, 1916, John Basilone

>>>/qresearch/11450728, >>>/qresearch/11450841 Pennsylvania = the Keystone State

>>>/qresearch/11450731 So I just counted the Electoral numbers for the Red states….. comes out to284for Trump, The map is showing 213 for Trumpfuckery

>>>/qresearch/11450777 PF

>>>/qresearch/11450794 Democrats went from "Every vote counts," to, "Time to stop counting votes for the night." REAL QUICK

>>>/qresearch/11450852 Former White House Doctor Ronny Jackson Wins Texas House Seat

>>>/qresearch/11450867 halfchan anon made a ragequit map

>>>/qresearch/11450927 Arizona Early Voting Statistics

>>>/qresearch/11450929 For anons reference, Beverlyn Beatty was the one who went out at least twice and dropped paint on BLM painted in front of Trump Tower.

>>>/qresearch/11450937 "HAS POTUS ever made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?" -Q14

>>>/qresearch/11450980 If Hawaii, Nevada, Arizona, and Maine all go to the dimms…

>>>/qresearch/11450983 arizona running tableu report

>>>/qresearch/11451008, >>>/qresearch/11451092 Bevelyn Beatty stabbed in DC by Antifa BLM


>>>/qresearch/11451114 And it looks like Georgia is still counting and reporting? 92% now counted?

>>>/qresearch/11451160 The Virginia vote counters have decided to call it a night and… GET THIS… They took the uncounted ballots HOME WITH THEM.

>>>/qresearch/11451221 #14625

(22 notables, 24 posts, 28 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:13 a.m. No.35659   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11452002 Q Research General #14627: Always Darkest Before The DON Edition

Created 041036ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11452069 From /pol. Note the ONLY votes added were for biden (new votes 100% Biden)

>>>/qresearch/11452077 Google No Longer Listing @realDonaldTrump

>>>/qresearch/11452115 Current path to a trump win

>>>/qresearch/11452116 The Virginia vote counters have decided to call it a night and… GET THIS… They took the uncounted ballots HOME WITH THEM.

>>>/qresearch/11452126 Nevada getting VERY close

>>>/qresearch/11452146 James O'keefe talks to Broward County election supervisor

>>>/qresearch/11452246 TRUMPS LEAD IN MICHIGAN GROWS TO 200K

>>>/qresearch/11452355 We have already won.

>>>/qresearch/11452423 NOTICE all the bots and COMMS have been replaced by concernfags and psyops pushing fearporn and hopelessness

>>>/qresearch/11452546 Analyst who runs Fox News Election Desk is Democrat Shill

>>>/qresearch/11452573, >>>/qresearch/11452602 Twitter Labels TRUMP Tweet about Election Fraud as 'misleading' (enemy of the people)

>>>/qresearch/11452575 The yuan weakened to a more than three-week low against a rising dollar on Wednesday

>>>/qresearch/11452579 Yvonne Lewis Holley, Democratic candidate for Lt Governor tells me she just called and conceded the race.

>>>/qresearch/11452585 Christian Slovakia Officially Outlaws Mosques, Effectively Banishing Islam From Their Nation

>>>/qresearch/11452591 Nancy Pelosi Humiliated In California As GOP Wins Special Election and Takes Back House Seat From Dems On Home Turf

>>>/qresearch/11452601 Farage: 'I think @realDonaldTrump second term is Donald Trump with the straitjacket removed.'

>>>/qresearch/11452641 Cheating fuckers. Trump is in the lead in Green Bay.. 66% reported Ran out of ink WTF

>>>/qresearch/11452648 DoD: Jumping into the day!

>>>/qresearch/11452714 World markets are saying Q+ won…

(19 notables, 20 posts, 22 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:13 a.m. No.35660   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11451226 Q Research General #14626: A Great Fraud On The American People Edition

Created 040921ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11451361 Trump now leads in Pennsylvania by 700,000 votes with 74% cast.

>>>/qresearch/11451366, >>>/qresearch/11451401, >>>/qresearch/11451424, >>>/qresearch/11451467 Wisconsin FLipped RED ….or not???

>>>/qresearch/11451370 Julietta Henry reports that 100% of Milwaukee County‘s count is done.

>>>/qresearch/11451383 O’Malley Dillon says the Biden campaign has “legal teams standing by ready to deploy to resist that effort.”

>>>/qresearch/11451420 WE WILL PROTECT THE VOTE - Know that our defense of #elections doesn't end tonight - Nakasone

>>>/qresearch/11451541 Trump: Fraud Is Underway. 'Frankly We Did Win This Election… We'll Be Going to the Supreme Court'

>>>/qresearch/11451550 Lindsey Graham Rakes Pollsters, Liberal Donors, Over the Coals in Fiery Victory Speech

>>>/qresearch/11451559 Philadelphia Will Halt Mail-In Vote Count for the Night

>>>/qresearch/11451598 Election night reveals three disturbing facts

>>>/qresearch/11451627 Trump: ‘Did I Predict This?

>>>/qresearch/11451645 Conservative pundits blast liberal media for writing off Trump

>>>/qresearch/11451660 Trump says ‘very sad group of people’ trying to ‘disenfranchise’ voters

>>>/qresearch/11451674 Left-wing Protesters Near White House Unfurl ‘Remove Trump’ Banner on Election Night

>>>/qresearch/11451689 Multiple Republicans Knock Off Democrat Members Of Congress In Races

>>>/qresearch/11451702 Election results: President Donald Trump wins Ohio again

>>>/qresearch/11451720 Republican Sen. Joni Ernst is projected to win Iowa Senate race

>>>/qresearch/11451727 2020 Election: Joe Biden addresses nation as election hangs in balance

>>>/qresearch/11451732 Milwaukee’s 169,000+ absentee ballots en route

>>>/qresearch/11451733 Republican Maria Elvira Salazar Defeats Democrat Incumbent Rep. Donna Shalala in Miami

>>>/qresearch/11451747 GOP newcomer Madison Cawthorn wins North Carolina congressional seat vacated by Mark Meadows

>>>/qresearch/11451756 Louisiana approves Amendment 1 stating abortion not a right

>>>/qresearch/11451762 Marshall keeps Kansas Senate seat in Republican hands

>>>/qresearch/11451777 GOP flips Florida congressional seats in sign of Dem struggles in southern tip of state

>>>/qresearch/11451780 Google No Longer Listing @realDonaldTrump

>>>/qresearch/11451790 Nicole Malliotakis declares victory in contentious House race in NYC swing district

>>>/qresearch/11451793 Speaking of civil war…..

>>>/qresearch/11451802 BREAKING: Bevelyn Beatty Stabbed in the Back… Multiple Proud Boys Stabbed in DC (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11451814 CNN Admits Biden Needs 75% of Remaining PA Votes to Overtake President Trump, Says ‘That’s a Steep Hill’

>>>/qresearch/11451823 Two Arrested in DC Following Antifa Mob Attack… Man Hit in the Head With a Baseball Bat (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11451837 We Have Been Prepared by Being Made Aware of the Playbook

>>>/qresearch/11451844 Oregon Votes To Decriminalize Certain Amounts Of Meth, Heroin, Cocaine

>>>/qresearch/11451864 Ready to rumble? Piles of bricks suddenly appearing in U.S. cities

>>>/qresearch/11451886 Georgia Republican who supports Q wins US House seat

>>>/qresearch/11451894 MELTDOWN: CBS Blames Trump for Possible Riots, Wonders About ‘Repercussions’ for Speech

>>>/qresearch/11451896 Battleground State Updates

>>>/qresearch/11451906 Sputtering Hatred on MSNBC: Maybe U.S. IS as Bad as Trump, 'Uncle Clarence'

>>>/qresearch/11451921 Van Jones: 'These Polls Are Not to Be Trusted,' Close Election Hurts

>>>/qresearch/11451936 Four Networks Cut Away During WH Speech on State of 2020 Election (fix'd)

>>>/qresearch/11451956 MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Laments Election Results: Not a Blue Wave, Not Even a Ripple in a Pond

>>>/qresearch/11451965 Obama Launches New Memoir Without Help of First Mate Ayers

>>>/qresearch/11451981 Joe Biden maintains thin lead as Milwaukee delivers absentee results

>>>/qresearch/11451995 #14626

>>>/qresearch/11452012 From /pol. Note the ONLY votes added were for biden (new votes 100% Biden)

(43 notables, 46 posts, 54 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:13 a.m. No.35661   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11452748 Q Research General #14628: By The Don's Early Light Our Country RISES Edition

Created 041148ZNOV20



>>>/qresearch/11452918 BREAD TRACKER UPDATE

>>>/qresearch/11452921 "Can we stop and give a standing ovation to Tucker Carson?

>>>/qresearch/11453020 Anons…PA tips it…

>>>/qresearch/11453103 NV Judge who gave NV an extra hour after polls close is dem shill

>>>/qresearch/11453122 Looks like they are trying the Wisconsin Shuffle in Michigan now. Specifically, track the votes coming in from Macomb County.

>>>/qresearch/11453175 POTUS always wins.

>>>/qresearch/11453176, >>>/qresearch/11453232 WHAT IF THE BELOW COULD BE PROVEN?

>>>/qresearch/11453218 100% on new votes in Michigan go to Biden (CAP)

>>>/qresearch/11453223 Anons - Operation Legend (What is Legend on a map?) was more than picking up Antifa goons.

>>>/qresearch/11453344 Demoralization shills are here, be steadfast and use logic to paint yourself the full picture of what's to come.

>>>/qresearch/11453345 Where are you getting your info from?

>>>/qresearch/11453439 And if they cheat, what happens?

>>>/qresearch/11453442 Did someone say "no one is above the law"?


>>>/qresearch/11453484 Trump Supporters Stabbed

>>>/qresearch/11453502 #14628

(16 notables, 17 posts, 15 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:14 a.m. No.35662   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11455004 Q Research General #14631: Into The Light Of A New Day Edition

Created 041423ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11455152 WTF Check out this math.

>>>/qresearch/11455188 Biden Camp Slams “Outrageous” Donald Trump Victory & Fraud Claim

>>>/qresearch/11455257 If a team is winning a game, does the winning team stop the game or does the losing team stop the game before it can be called. (logical thinking)

>>>/qresearch/11455270 In a legal battle you must produce EVIDENCE.

>>>/qresearch/11455291 Twitter does not want you to see Sean Davis' Tweet.

>>>/qresearch/11455304 Potential fuckery occurring with NC absentee ballots.

>>>/qresearch/11455314 Federal Court Hearing Today in Judicial Watch Lawsuit for Andrew McCabe

>>>/qresearch/11455319, >>>/qresearch/11455353, >>>/qresearch/11455359, >>>/qresearch/11455614 Biden Vote Injection CAP

>>>/qresearch/11455489 Interview of Sidney Powell by Chanel Rion on OANN this morning


>>>/qresearch/11455521 PF: SAM114 USAF G5 departed JBA sw and most likely heading to MacDill AFB

>>>/qresearch/11455538 Live: Philadelphia election officials to speak to press

>>>/qresearch/11455541 @USStratCom A mother and daughter share #Minuteman III launch experiences nearly 26 years apart.

>>>/qresearch/11455637 Treasury Announces A Record $122BN Refunding Debt Sale

>>>/qresearch/11455688 101% turnout among Wisconsin voters?

>>>/qresearch/11455693 So in 3 hours POTUS went from 200,000 UP in Michigan to now being behind pedo Joe! Yeah, that bs in believable!

>>>/qresearch/11455718 Bannon is live

>>>/qresearch/11455725 Maybe this is how it should ALWAYS be done

>>>/qresearch/11455766 #14631

(18 notables, 21 posts, 19 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:14 a.m. No.35663   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11453506 Q Research General #14629: Morning Sun Brings HEAT Edition

Created 041254ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11453633 Voter fraud can be exposed while still winning

>>>/qresearch/11453697, >>>/qresearch/11453822 Do you remember this?

>>>/qresearch/11453774, >>>/qresearch/11453978 Biden Voter Fraud Whistleblower (chek'm anons, this title okay)?


>>>/qresearch/11453783 BROOKLYN WENT RED!!!


>>>/qresearch/11453836 Anon Analysis: Was “Stop The Count” Their Shoddy Plan B?

>>>/qresearch/11453888 Trust Kansas

>>>/qresearch/11453934, >>>/qresearch/11453945 TRUMP WINS NC!!!

>>>/qresearch/11453948 The whole election comes down to Wayne County???

>>>/qresearch/11453953 A lawsuit has been filed against the Joe Biden campaign's Texas political director accusing him of running an illegal ballot harvesting operation

>>>/qresearch/11453995 The fraud was allowed to happen for a reason

>>>/qresearch/11454007 TRUMP WINS GA !!!!

>>>/qresearch/11454019 Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.

>>>/qresearch/11454071 TRUMP WINS WISCONSIN !!!!

>>>/qresearch/11454107 JuliansRum

>>>/qresearch/11454122 MUST HOLD GEORGIA PA AND NC LEADS

>>>/qresearch/11454132 Chris Christie slams Trump for declaring 2020 presidential election victory (fag)

>>>/qresearch/11454173 Flynn Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11454181 A picture is worth many sentences.

>>>/qresearch/11454221 TRUMP WON

>>>/qresearch/11454253 #14629

(20 notables, 23 posts, 18 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:14 a.m. No.35664   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11454259 Q Research General #14630: Dark To Light Edition

Created 041344ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11454403 Judicial Watch: Needlessly and purposefully delaying the counting of ballots until after Election Day is strong evidence of malintent. #VoterFraud

>>>/qresearch/11454475 MSNBC host uses racist ‘Uncle Clarence’ when speaking about Justice Clarence Thomas

>>>/qresearch/11454518, >>>/qresearch/11454569, >>>/qresearch/11454594, >>>/qresearch/11454644, >>>/qresearch/11454926 Mathematically Impossible -Biden Votes [Injected]

>>>/qresearch/11454549 Sara Carter: Democrats want this to be a fraud and litigation-driven contest. The further it can be taken out of your hands, the better

>>>/qresearch/11454567 Playbook known

>>>/qresearch/11454568 Donald Trump voters are given the incorrect pens at voting stations, now their votes are being invalidated….. (chek'm anons, is this legit?)


>>>/qresearch/11454647 STORY OF THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER


>>>/qresearch/11454699 POTUS and FLOTUS know what's habbening behind the scenes. Comms to anons…

>>>/qresearch/11454717 Gen. Flynn

>>>/qresearch/11454748 Operation Bring In the Chinese Counterfeit Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11454764 Fancy Nancy Says House ‘Prepared’ to Decide 2020 Election if Results Are Disputed

>>>/qresearch/11454769 Nevada takes a "one day pause" on releasing new totals

>>>/qresearch/11454833 U.S. FDA warns about false positive results from COVID-19 antigen tests

>>>/qresearch/11454984 Flynn: Success breeds success

>>>/qresearch/11455018 In a legal battle you must produce EVIDENCE.

(15 notables, 19 posts, 24 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:15 a.m. No.35665   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11455776 Q Research General #14632: Patriots Rise Edition

Created 041505ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11455888 Anon bun from #14632 / Tweet: New USPS data appears to show a failure to deliver mail ballots from voters across the country on Election Day.

>>>/qresearch/11455906 Anon bun from #14632 / US Stratcom Mother Daughter Minuteman Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11456010 Anon bun from #14632 / Lavender Cabal Reducing Church to Globalist Pawn

>>>/qresearch/11456020 Anon bun from #14632 / DJT Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11456063 Anon bun from #14632 / Danish Newspapers Agree to Publish Political Ads with Mohammed Cartoon

>>>/qresearch/11456317 Anon bun from #14632 / Project Veritas on voter fraud in Minnesota

>>>/qresearch/11456372 Anon bun from #14632 / Oregon becomes the first state to decriminalize hard drugs like cocaine and heroin

>>>/qresearch/11456405 Anon bun from #14632 / Prominent Black Conservative Bevelyn Beatty Stabbed in the Back

(8 notables, 8 posts, 6 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:15 a.m. No.35666   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11456513 Q Research General #14633: E-Bake to VICTORY Edition

Created 041539ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11456915, >>>/qresearch/11457282 Jason D. Meister: Watch AZ. That's all I can tell you. This is a member of Trumps Advisory Board

>>>/qresearch/11456916 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/11456918 Fairfax County 2020

>>>/qresearch/11456926 Anon bun from #14632

>>>/qresearch/11457049 A Digg You Can Do = Official ballot printers in Your State

>>>/qresearch/11457054 Eric Trump retweet: The only thing we did on Election Day was tell them how many votes they needed on Election Night.

>>>/qresearch/11457059 Trump touts wins in key states, says he will fight election in Supreme Court (9 minutes)

>>>/qresearch/11457102 Bannon saying this is mathematically impossible

>>>/qresearch/11457136 #14632

>>>/qresearch/11457138 Fulton County resumes counting ballots after pipe burst at State Farm Arena

>>>/qresearch/11457157 Targeting child trafficking: 388 arrested across Europe

>>>/qresearch/11457177 National Guard brought in to help with Wisconsin ballot counting issue

>>>/qresearch/11457200 Error establishing a database connection

>>>/qresearch/11457223 This is the last screencap i got this morning… timestamped 3:27am… just before the mail in bullshit in Wisconsin and Michigan started

>>>/qresearch/11457329 Michigan An update gives Biden 100% of new votes — 128k+

>>>/qresearch/11457368 An update gives Biden 100% of new votes — 128k+

(16 notables, 17 posts, 14 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:15 a.m. No.35667   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11456571 Q Research General #14636: The 'EBAKE' Edition

Created 041542ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11459420 #14635

(1 notable, 1 post)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:16 a.m. No.35668   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11457369 Q Research General #14634: E-Bake to VICTORY Edition

Created 041618ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11458062 POTUS Schedule for WEDNESDAY, November 4, 2020, THE PRESIDENT has no public events scheduled

>>>/qresearch/11458098 Chris D. Jackson: Breaking WI Elections Commission Admin says on NBCNew: "All of the ballots have been counted," Joe Biden has won WI by 20,697

>>>/qresearch/11458211, >>>/qresearch/11458240 POTUS tweet: They are finding Biden votes all over the place…

(3 notables, 4 posts, 4 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:16 a.m. No.35669   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11458191 Q Research General #14635: E-Bake to VICTORY Edition

Created 041657ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11458344 Sara Carter: Yes I’m hearing the same thing from friends in Arizona - we need to investigate this and see if it’s true. Allegedly people were passing them out at precincts

>>>/qresearch/11458374 Jack Posobiec: Right on cue Protests Against President Trump Begin In DC Following Election

>>>/qresearch/11458375 Anon calls to dig on election numbers

>>>/qresearch/11458404 #14634

>>>/qresearch/11458466 The Good News Is That Biden Is Screwed, Even if He Wins

>>>/qresearch/11458524 Michigan Secretary of State vote tally with 10 minute updates

>>>/qresearch/11458529 Democrats falling short in bid for control of U.S. Senate

>>>/qresearch/11458576 President Trump’s Accurate Tweet Questioning Massive Ballot Dump in Michigan That Went 100% For Biden

>>>/qresearch/11458596 AZ update: apparently the use of sharpie pens in gop precincts is causing ballots to be invalidated. Could be huge numbers of mostly Trump supporters. More to come. FOLLOW THE PEN

>>>/qresearch/11458628 WOW! — The Steal Is On!… With Last Night’s Ballot Dump Wisconsin has 88% Voter Turnout or HIGHER! IT’S EITHER A NEW RECORD OR IT’S HORSESH*T

>>>/qresearch/11458702 Pollsters repeat 2016 failure in 2020 disaster

>>>/qresearch/11458808 Twitter Censoring Sean Davis For Quoting PA’s Supreme Court Decision Allowing Post-Election Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11458858 All of my sources in Arizona, those working the ground game there and from the Trump campaign have been saying AZ is still in play for hours. They've never changed that position, even when pressed.

>>>/qresearch/11458938 ‘Explosive situation could lead to constitutional crisis’: Politicians across the globe react to US election

>>>/qresearch/11458991 Dems Spend More Than Quarter Billion to Lose Longshot Senate Races

>>>/qresearch/11459077 CHEATERS: President Trump Warns Against 4am Ballot Drops and an Hour Later Wisconsin and Michigan Drop 300,000 Ballots For Democrats and ZERO for Trump

>>>/qresearch/11459086 Frank Luntz: Polling profession 'done' after election misses: 'Devastating to my industry'

(17 notables, 17 posts, 14 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:16 a.m. No.35670   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11459802 Q Research General #14637: Shall we play a game? Edition

Created 041813ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11459856 DC Protester Says She Will "Wipe Bloody P*ssy With Bible

>>>/qresearch/11459859 USPS says huge amount of mail-in ballots were not delivered

>>>/qresearch/11459873 South Sudan confirms new outbreak of vaccine-related polio

>>>/qresearch/11459885, >>>/qresearch/11459941 Trudeau warns there ‘may not be’ Christmas in Canada because of COVID-19 The Michigan Secretary of State Website reports 8.127 million registered voters, but Michigan has only 7.822 million people 18 and over. Explanations?

>>>/qresearch/11459888 CENSORED: Here Are The Crimes They Are Hiding From You | Rudy Giuliani

>>>/qresearch/11459903, >>>/qresearch/11459943 AZ update: apparently the use of sharpie pens in gop precincts is causing ballots to be invalidated. Could be huge numbers of mostly Trump supporters.

>>>/qresearch/11459906 Sarah McBride becomes the first transgender state senator with victory in Delaware

>>>/qresearch/11459935 I cannot understand how the vote totals exceed the amount of registered voters in the US.

>>>/qresearch/11459985 he massive jump in Biden votes out of nowhere is because Shiawassee county reported "153710" when it SHOULD have been "15371."

>>>/qresearch/11459999 DEACE: ‘This Is A Coup’ With Biden Getting ‘Chavez-Like Totals’

>>>/qresearch/11460073 Swift County in Minnesota with more votes than registered voters: 5,650 votes, but only 5,638 registered voters

>>>/qresearch/11460079, >>>/qresearch/11460230 JamesOKeefe Over 1000 tips received regarding voter fraud this election. Dan Bongino: Trump Campaign to Request Recount in Wisconsin

>>>/qresearch/11460110 Angelina Jolie’s MI6 Interview Shows Just How Connected Hollywood Is To the Deep State

>>>/qresearch/11460139 Pentagon Draws Down Officers From Middle East and African Embassies

>>>/qresearch/11460151 A Biden Administration Would Keep a Military Presence in Syria FOREVER WARS

>>>/qresearch/11460202 Michigan elections website shows 75/83 counties reported with 3.7M voters (52%) Trump. Where does the AP/MSM get over 5 million votes counted and Biden lead?!

>>>/qresearch/11460279 dig on PA Gov Wolf and connections to China. daughter Katie Wolf is involved in a group called Environmental Resources Management (ERM).

>>>/qresearch/11460486 #14637

(18 notables, 21 posts, 26 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:17 a.m. No.35671   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11460606 Q Research General #14638: Keep the faith Edition

Created 041850ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11460612 Some interesting two year deltas coming up.

>>>/qresearch/11460615 Biden campaign is aiming to declare victory by 4pm EST today

>>>/qresearch/11460629 DJT We are winning Pennsylvania big, but the PA Secretary of State just announced that there are “Millions of ballots left to be counted.”

>>>/qresearch/11460650 SENDING RUDY TO PHILLY

>>>/qresearch/11460729 DEMOCRAT PLOT To Rig Pennsylvania Election For Biden

>>>/qresearch/11460761 Osan airman found dead in dormitory

>>>/qresearch/11460767 IMPOSSIBLE: New Michigan & Wisconsin Update Suddenly Gives Biden Almost 100% Of New Votes

>>>/qresearch/11460809 Democrat Operatives Are Threatening GOP Poll Watchers – They are Hiding the Line in Back Where Votes are Counted

>>>/qresearch/11460855 Dovish Jewish groups rap Trump for false victory call, urge all votes be counted

>>>/qresearch/11460883 Russia to do everything possible to end conflict in South Caucasus, Putin says

>>>/qresearch/11460940 Wisconsin National Guard to assist in tallying misprinted absentee ballots

>>>/qresearch/11460953 US elections: Biden expects to secure over 270 electoral votes today (JPOST)

>>>/qresearch/11460978 Here’s New York as of 2:04 pm. U.S. President > All Counties (Active Registered voters 12,363,072)

>>>/qresearch/11460986 J.B. WHITE Based idea

>>>/qresearch/11460987 Coincidence the flag in the Q drop is in Wisconsin?

>>>/qresearch/11461033 Hunter Biden was invited to get together with friends on 5/12/2011

>>>/qresearch/11461050 Senator Susan Collins Wins Reelection in Maine

>>>/qresearch/11461063 Will not let Philly Democrat hacks steal it! (Rudy W. Giuliani)

>>>/qresearch/11461090, >>>/qresearch/11461113 US ARMY TWEET - RECOGNITION OF Q’s LAST POST “The Last of the Mohicans”

>>>/qresearch/11461108 Prayers for Strength and Protection During this Time of Evil and Corruption

>>>/qresearch/11461161 Who Benefit From Terror In Europe, US Political Chaos And Regional Wars? CABAL

>>>/qresearch/11461186 Queen Elisabeth & Pope Hope you enjoy your FINAL CHRISTMAS

>>>/qresearch/11461324 ABC has taken down the winner of Arizona.

(23 notables, 24 posts, 40 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:17 a.m. No.35672   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11461375 Q Research Geneal #14639: Noob baker - Anyone can bake Edition

Created 041927ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11461380 En route to Philadelphia with legal team. Massive cheating.

>>>/qresearch/11461410 Yeah and they’re trying to say NH is for Biden BS

>>>/qresearch/11461412 We're fighting it lads, every corrupt vote will be exposed

>>>/qresearch/11461414 CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY?

>>>/qresearch/11461420 Trump campaign will host a press conference in Philadelphia

>>>/qresearch/11461447 White House fights back: Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, other States are still at play

>>>/qresearch/11461914 AZ update: apparently the use of sharpie pens in gop precincts is causing ballots to be invalidated

>>>/qresearch/11461998 They never thought she would lose. Now they ALL lose

>>>/qresearch/11462046 Everyone keeps saying hold the line, General Flynn's telling us to hold the line….


(10 notables, 10 posts, 4 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:18 a.m. No.35673   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11462159 Q Research General #14640: Noob baker - Still learning (dont hate me too hard) post too long

Created 042013ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11462443 Bill Stepien declares victory in PA

>>>/qresearch/11462537 Next President Chart showing Sudden Shift in % of Winning

>>>/qresearch/11462621 Some Pennsylvania Counties Have Zero Precincts Reporting & Donald Trump Won Them All In 2016

>>>/qresearch/11462710 CNN shows Biden gaining 110,000 votes in Wisconsin instantly.


>>>/qresearch/11462860 #14637

(5 notables, 5 posts, 5 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:18 a.m. No.35674   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11462991 Q Research General #14641: Anons whipping the Kitchen into shape edition

Created 042058ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11463085 Listen and pay attention starting

>>>/qresearch/11463088 WE GOT PA FAGGOTS!

>>>/qresearch/11463089 More Fraud: Special Lines for "Special Voters"


>>>/qresearch/11463122 Report: Democrats Want Nancy Pelosi Out After Lackluster Election Results

>>>/qresearch/11463153 Hang tough anons.

>>>/qresearch/11463155 Live: Trump Campaign News Conference


>>>/qresearch/11463240 It looks like votes disappeared in Oregon overnight.

>>>/qresearch/11463294 There's a Blackhawk following the freeway around Washington. Is it following someone..?

>>>/qresearch/11463313 Michigan Sec. of State, in charge of overseeing elections, had campaign manager charged w Felony Voter Fraud violations?

>>>/qresearch/11463447 Fox News deliberately called Arizona early for Joe Biden to pause the ballot counting in the Midwest.

>>>/qresearch/11463454 TRUMP WINS PA and Georgia

>>>/qresearch/11463527 Blackhawk just went over Dulles Airport at 100ft. Tracking. I need more eyes on.

>>>/qresearch/11463557, >>>/qresearch/11463589 U.S. Air Force Tweet: "Operators on "the move

>>>/qresearch/11463559 Biden says ‘it’s clear’ he’s 'winning' enough states to reach 270 electoral votes

>>>/qresearch/11463571 Tweet about Iballot isotope watermark sting theory

>>>/qresearch/11463597 CNN Gives MI to Biden

>>>/qresearch/11463604 It's actually a Navy Seahawk and it's a bit far away from the sea.. Headed back over Dulles.

>>>/qresearch/11463644 Demands Arise for PA Attorney General to ‘Step Aside’: He’s Trying to ‘Steal Pennsylvania from Trump’

>>>/qresearch/11463675 Volunteer in Michigan Claims She Found Box Full of 500 Ballots From People Not on Voter Rolls

>>>/qresearch/11463729 Joe Biden Declares Victory – Says It Was a Hard Fought Campaign – Calls for the Country to Come Together

>>>/qresearch/11463773 RSBN projects TRUMP the winner of PA

(22 notables, 23 posts, 28 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:19 a.m. No.35675   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11463789 Q Research General #14642: Bread Back On Track Edition

Created 042134ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11463816 #14641

>>>/qresearch/11463819 Now they are frauding John James

>>>/qresearch/11463858 Starting NowTrump campaign URGENT Press conference in Philadelphia

>>>/qresearch/11463862 The Seahawk from the previous bread is still following I-95. It's now got a call sign FFAB123.

>>>/qresearch/11463884 @US_CYBERCOM Our efforts did not end last night– election defense is integrated into our everyday operations.

>>>/qresearch/11463918 Trump wins Michigan. MSM report different numbers than the official state numbers.

>>>/qresearch/11463971 7 sections of Milwauke have more votes than actual registered voters

>>>/qresearch/11463996 Do they really want us to believe that Wisconsin had .89999361% of registered voter [3.6 mil] turnout?

>>>/qresearch/11464004 NOW: Trump campaign is preparing for a news conference about Philadelphia’s election.

>>>/qresearch/11464019 Look at which state is changing their voter registration numbers as of about 30 minutes ago

>>>/qresearch/11464035, >>>/qresearch/11464106 TRAP IS SET

>>>/qresearch/11464060 The situation in Wayne County is crazy. This man, who says he’s a lawyer, describes the chaos inside the counting facility.


>>>/qresearch/11464075 Defending #Election2020 from foreign adversary interference is our #1 priority, and did not end last night.

>>>/qresearch/11464127 Let us cover up the windows so we can create all the ballots we need.

>>>/qresearch/11464176 Hmmm: Nevada Won't Announce Any More Election Results Until Thursday

>>>/qresearch/11464250 North Carolina Ballots Would Be Counted For At Least Another Week

>>>/qresearch/11464260 Seahawk FFAB123 back at Davison.

>>>/qresearch/11464273 Report: Some Democrats Want Nancy Pelosi Out After Lackluster Election Results

>>>/qresearch/11464283 Time to refresh the Tree of liberty?

>>>/qresearch/11464313 A few minutes ago in Chatham County, our observers watched an unidentifiable woman mix over 50 ballots into the stack of uncounted absentee ballots.

>>>/qresearch/11464322, >>>/qresearch/11464336 NEW 2 TERM PRESIDENT DJT

>>>/qresearch/11464324 Those regime change bastards that engineered this soft coup perfected their trade in South/Central America.

>>>/qresearch/11464354 SETH BLUESTEIN

>>>/qresearch/11464359 SEVEN Milwaukee Wards Report More Presidential Votes than Registered Voters — State Voter Turnout Is Nearly 90% Which Is Virtually Impossible

>>>/qresearch/11464371 Ann Sarnoff is married to the nephew of General David Sarnoff

(25 notables, 27 posts, 29 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:19 a.m. No.35676   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11464428 Q Research General #14643: WE WILL FIGHT TO END AND THEN WE WILL FIGHT MORE EDITION

Created 042201ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11464518 NEW POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11464546 God Bless The USA

>>>/qresearch/11464609 Bannon calling it a Great Awakening several times..looks right at the camera! WWG1WGA

>>>/qresearch/11464645 WATCH: Volunteer in Michigan Claims She Found Box Full of 500 Ballots From People Not on Voter Rolls

>>>/qresearch/11464685 WI bullshit

>>>/qresearch/11464709 EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Republican Poll Watchers Prevented From Entering Detroit Ballot Counting Center — Local Officials Say It’s Due to ‘COVID’ Concerns (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11464762 Watch now! Join WND in prayer for President Trump and America

>>>/qresearch/11464768 Operators on the move

>>>/qresearch/11464788 POTUS up almost +250k so how the fuck is Michigan called for pedo Joe?

>>>/qresearch/11464800 Trump should use emergency powers and order the VERIFICATION of all votes in contested states.

>>>/qresearch/11464808 Well, this looks secure …oh, wait


>>>/qresearch/11464819 How cute, they created a mascot to push ELECTION FRAUD

>>>/qresearch/11464825 Trump campaign claims Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina and Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11464828 Democratic lockdown governors 'fully prepared to put people in jail'

>>>/qresearch/11464961 Republican senators are ball-less.

>>>/qresearch/11464977 Sharpie anyone?

>>>/qresearch/11465106 Just like 9/11 these satanists/masons told us in advance what they were going to do.

VIDEO - Joe Biden brags about having u201cthe most extensi [Channel: Donald J Trump]

>>>/qresearch/11465107 Team Trump predicts reelection by Friday

>>>/qresearch/11465211 Pittsburgh weather, code orange issued for Liberty. Possible comms.

>>>/qresearch/11465218 My wife just sent this video of Detroit election workers cheering every time a @migop attorney is removed from the TCF Center, where absentee ballot counting is happening. She says they do this every time they eject a GOP poll watcher & that Dem watchers outnumber GOP 3:1.


>>>/qresearch/11465254 #14643

(21 notables, 21 posts, 19 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:20 a.m. No.35677   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11465320 Q Research General #14644: FIGHT NOW OR LEARN MANDARIN, YOU CHOOSE EDITION

Created 042239ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11465347 Baldwin: Biden Can Act on ‘Several Issues’ Through Executive Action

>>>/qresearch/11465360 Bannon says they might declare JB President some time tonight.

>>>/qresearch/11465374 @US_CYBERCOM We have our teams ready

>>>/qresearch/11465379 Late Night Deep State Document Release Shows Mueller Investigated and Chose Not to Charge Assange, WikiLeaks, and Roger Stone For DNC Hacks

>>>/qresearch/11465380 "They just found 23K votes in Philly and they’re all for Biden. Every single one. Aren’t they at least supposed to lie within the margin of error?"

>>>/qresearch/11465399 Demands Arise for PA Attorney General to ‘Step Aside’: He’s Trying to ‘Steal Pennsylvania from Trump’

>>>/qresearch/11465431 U.S. Seizes Virtual Currencies Valued at $24 Million Assisting Brazil in Major Internet Fraud Investigation

>>>/qresearch/11465476 FOR GOD AND COUNTRY

>>>/qresearch/11465479 Trump Campaign Demands Fox, AP Retract Calling Arizona for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11465507 US forces participate in UNITAS exercise with Ecuadorian navy, other regional allies

>>>/qresearch/11465510 New Herridge

>>>/qresearch/11465511 Team Trump predicts reelection by Friday

>>>/qresearch/11465520 Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything

>>>/qresearch/11465546 New Pompeo

>>>/qresearch/11465547 MORE: Crowd assembled at TCF Center in Detroit, where Michigan absentee votes are being counted, chant "stop the count" as security blocks doors

>>>/qresearch/11465553 Possible comms. Ford recall.

>>>/qresearch/11465570 AP has pedo Joe winning Michigan w/99% reporting…BUT still has POTUS UP almosy 250k votes w/77 pit of 83 counties reporting!

>>>/qresearch/11465575 It just so happens that we are on track to have more votes than registered voters in every single state that could potentially win Trump the election

>>>/qresearch/11465576 Chaotic scene at Detroit vote tally site as protesters chant ‘Stop the count!’

>>>/qresearch/11465611 If your ballot was tossed, we need to determine why.

>>>/qresearch/11465637 NY Man Admits To Sexual Exploitation Of 8-Year-Old Twin Sisters

>>>/qresearch/11465688 Bannon big data rainman guy is saying:

>>>/qresearch/11465706 Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence…

>>>/qresearch/11465738, >>>/qresearch/11465760 Epic moment from Clark County election presser… Trumpster Rages Against The Biden Machine


>>>/qresearch/11465748 The “decision desk” is declaring Biden the winner of Michigan…all the while the Michigan government is not updating the vote

>>>/qresearch/11465779 $60 MILLION Worth of Meth Discovered In Commercial Rigs

>>>/qresearch/11465782 North Carolina won't update its total vote count until Nov. 12. The state is crucial for President Trump's path to victory.

>>>/qresearch/11465793 Gun Store Sells 80,000 Rounds Of Ammo In 30 Minutes After Opening

>>>/qresearch/11465806 Looks Like The US 2020 Presidential Election is Rigged

>>>/qresearch/11465823 If you voted in Nevada please check to see if your vote registered in the system at this link:

>>>/qresearch/11465835 Mayor Giuliani in Philly: This form of balloting has always been considered the most prone to fraud

>>>/qresearch/11465844 It truly appears that the fix is in

>>>/qresearch/11465852 I just logged in to check my voter history as I am a AZ voter. my vote history says my last vote was 2018!!!!!!!!

>>>/qresearch/11465866 In What Can Only Be Described As "Significant" Military Presence, There Are CURRENTLY Over 190 US Military Aircraft Aloft Over The Country.

>>>/qresearch/11465874 Department of Defense

>>>/qresearch/11465908 Marc Elias, the Democratic lawyer behind many of the voting changes causing havoc in the 2020 presidential election, is also responsible for hiring Fusion GPS to compile the “Russia dossier”

>>>/qresearch/11465944 #14644

(37 notables, 38 posts, 34 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:20 a.m. No.35678   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11465789 Q Research General #14645: I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution

Created 042304ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11466030 It's no secret where the PA Secretary of State's allegiance lies. These people aren't neutral and they will stop at nothing to ensure a win for Biden.

>>>/qresearch/11466052 Twitter Bans Account That Shared Video of Man Claiming to Burn Trump Ballots After It Was Shared By Eric Trump

>>>/qresearch/11466087 This is now the Alamo. We are fighting a last ditch stand against the very real possibility of vote malfeasance. It will be contested in the Supreme Court and the cards will finally fall where they may.

>>>/qresearch/11466153 3.9M for POTUS out of 20M registered voters in CA?

>>>/qresearch/11466164 Michigan, Wisconsin Elections Officials Refuse To Explain Sudden Biden Vote Influx

>>>/qresearch/11466175 President Donald J. Trump has won the State of Pennsylvania and it’s 20 electoral votes

>>>/qresearch/11466190 PDJT - Our lawyers have asked for “meaningful access”, but what good does that do? The damage has already been done to the integrity of our system, and to the Presidential Election itself. This is what should be discussed!

>>>/qresearch/11466193 Protesters Hit the Streets of NYC Following Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11466207 Was it a Trap?

>>>/qresearch/11466229 Is this the likely watermark method to determine forged ballots?

>>>/qresearch/11466256 “Protesters” in Pittsburgh demanding all votes be counted.

>>>/qresearch/11466272 @ChrisRuddyNMXsays "the one thing I got from @realDonaldTrump in my conversation with him today was he is going to fight, he is not going to just give up and wave the white flag."

>>>/qresearch/11466306 "We will be going to the US Supreme court…We don't want them to find any ballots at 4 o'clock in the morning and add them to the list."


>>>/qresearch/11466311 Rigged for yuan

>>>/qresearch/11466321 #Arizona AG opens probe into voter SHARPIE complaints in Maricopa County

>>>/qresearch/11466328 "Nothing says an open and transparent process like COVERING UP WINDOWS"

>>>/qresearch/11466340 UPDATE

>>>/qresearch/11466342 REMEMBER THIS

>>>/qresearch/11466394 United States Seizes 27 Additional Domain Names Used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to Further a Global, Covert Influence Campaign

>>>/qresearch/11466409 Rudy Giuliani Launches Trump Campaign Claim of Democrat Voting Fraud in Philadelphia

>>>/qresearch/11466441, >>>/qresearch/11466504 NEW POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11466467 You are Watching REAL Fascism - "the merger of corporate and state power"

>>>/qresearch/11466509 "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of state and corporate power" Benito Mussolini

>>>/qresearch/11466523 North Carolina Officials Will Not Announce Results Until November 12th

>>>/qresearch/11466531 Detroit Padlocking Doors to Keep Public from Observing Ballot Review and Counting

>>>/qresearch/11466537 HERE'S EVEN MORE WTF BULLSHIT

>>>/qresearch/11466557 The actual math points to a Trump triumph in Arizona, here are the numbers.


>>>/qresearch/11466582 Current activity, what's up?

>>>/qresearch/11466647 New Grennell

>>>/qresearch/11466665 We were forced to use a Sharpie in Chicago, Illinois. On top of that, after we voted in person and checked online, it stated my husband's and my voter status was "Inactive".

>>>/qresearch/11466678 Arizona AG opens probe into voter SHARPIE complaints in Maricopa County

(31 notables, 32 posts, 36 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:20 a.m. No.35679   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11467489 Q Research General #14647: NEVERENDING SUBVERION EDITION

Created 050028ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11467611 House Democrats Suffer a Catastrophe that Will Blow Up Their Party

>>>/qresearch/11467636 The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency was established on 16 November 2018 when President Donald Trump signed into law the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act of 2018.

>>>/qresearch/11467666 Elections Officials and DA Investigate Alleged “Fake” Vote Center in Westminster

>>>/qresearch/11467723 Ballots are secure, knowledge on vote-by-mail is not

>>>/qresearch/11467724 Archbishop Vigano calls on all of us to PRAY.

>>>/qresearch/11467741 Fourteenth Amendment

>>>/qresearch/11467762, >>>/qresearch/11467837 Full list , I think some of these China bought owners are complicit

>>>/qresearch/11467766 Pittsburgh Protest - American flag burned.

>>>/qresearch/11467804 An Exact DECLASSIFY Plan To Thwart The Election Steal By DNC - Published Oct 7th, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11467809 Paying Attention Patriots?

>>>/qresearch/11467815 "Trump was winning the lot, then the Dems refused to continue to count in democratic controlled states. They resume 10 hours later and bingo all the votes are going Biden's way.

>>>/qresearch/11467817 The voter fraud started when they stopped counting overnight.

>>>/qresearch/11467827 The total Corruption of the Democrat Party is on full display;

>>>/qresearch/11467867 Anarchy-99 Design could refer to CLAS-99 hence Playbook known.

>>>/qresearch/11467870 Because the election was yesterday and they are still counting the ballots in Michigan today, you blue check mark idiot.

>>>/qresearch/11467877 @USArmy


>>>/qresearch/11467881, >>>/qresearch/11468236 JEWISH SUBVERSION

>>>/qresearch/11467905 (You) are here. Welcome to Psychological Warfare 101

>>>/qresearch/11467922 REMEMBER THIS from 2 months ago? Democrat Whistleblower Reveals Massive Voter Fraud Operation By Democrats To Steal Election Using Mail-In Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11467926 Bezos unloads billions worth of $AMZN stock wow

>>>/qresearch/11467941 LIVE RSBN 2020 Team Election Prayer Vigil

>>>/qresearch/11467947 Your a joke @MarkSZaidEsq and you know it. You always were part of covering up for the corruption in Washington DC and I’m not concerned about your petty statements. I’m just grateful I never sold out like you.


>>>/qresearch/11468028, >>>/qresearch/11468038 ​ Titled, The website's landing page notes that the "American people will determine who will serve as the next President of the United States."

>>>/qresearch/11468048 Watermark proof?

>>>/qresearch/11468049 PopeFrancis says terrorism seeks to compromise fraternal cooperation between religions

>>>/qresearch/11468076 PA sec of state Kathy Boockvar ran for a seat on the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court in 2011 and then as the Democratic challenger to late Rep.

>>>/qresearch/11468147 On 30th of November the Supreme Court will argue whether President Trump can exclude illegal aliens from 2020 census or not.

>>>/qresearch/11468160 Carl Lentz has been fired by Hillsong for “a recent revelation of moral failures” writes Brian Houston in an email to church members.

>>>/qresearch/11468169 Remember, DHS printed the ballots.

>>>/qresearch/11468196 Two more batches of Pennsylvania vote were reported

>>>/qresearch/11468216 Biden Launches Presidential 'Transition Team', Trump Asks SCOTUS To Intervene

>>>/qresearch/11468229 #14647

(33 notables, 36 posts, 34 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:20 a.m. No.35680   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11466646 Q Research General #14646: TO THE MATTRESSES EDITION

Created 042347ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11466784 UPDATE TO PREVIOUS NOTABLE - It just so happens that we are on track to have more votes than registered voters in every single state that could potentially win Trump the election

>>>/qresearch/11466839 Trump Wins Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11466848 Wayne county hasn't reported in yet, Rashida Tlaib's district, so you know there's gonna be fukkkery there, but Trump currently leads by 237,000 votes in Michigan as per Sec of State website.

>>>/qresearch/11466864 Communists Trying to Steal US Election

>>>/qresearch/11466865 Protests link

>>>/qresearch/11466885 Operators on the move

>>>/qresearch/11466904 PROJECT VERITAS VID

>>>/qresearch/11466908 We're calling on @FoxNews to retract its early and rash call that Biden has won AZ

>>>/qresearch/11466912, >>>/qresearch/11466932 NEW PDJT

>>>/qresearch/11466918 Another piece of crap democrat criminal.

>>>/qresearch/11466924 ANARCHY 99

>>>/qresearch/11466973 Chief #Palestinian negotiator @ErakatSaeb is reportedly in critical condition.

>>>/qresearch/11466987 Twatter account worth following

>>>/qresearch/11466999 What's another word for a Sharpie?

>>>/qresearch/11467004 "Soon, we'll have the same fraud pollsters who lied to us come out with numbers suggesting @realDonaldTrump should concede the election. Absolutely, take it to the bank."

>>>/qresearch/11467017 Nov 04, 6:34 pm Biden team launches transition website

>>>/qresearch/11467020, >>>/qresearch/11467039, >>>/qresearch/11467129, >>>/qresearch/11467266 JEWISH SUBVERSION

>>>/qresearch/11467110 PS- msm should really retract both California and Michigan.

>>>/qresearch/11467124 Hunter Biden is suspected of participating in Ye Jianming’s acquisition of Kewen

>>>/qresearch/11467232 Hunter Biden and FBI director Wray, their secret ties to the CCP

>>>/qresearch/11467251 More than 2.4 million Pennsylvania mail-in ballots returned by Monday morning

>>>/qresearch/11467286 Who were two Chinese donators in Francis Peter’s Congress nomination in 2016 ? And what secrets are in the hard drives?

>>>/qresearch/11467308 Hold the Line

>>>/qresearch/11467356 Get the Facts: Election night results are not official results. These sites may experience outages due to a variety of issues including too many people trying to view the site or cyberattacks

>>>/qresearch/11467373 SKY FORTRESS

>>>/qresearch/11467393 Amid Election Chaos, Jeff Bezos Sells $3 Billion Worth Of Amazon Shares

>>>/qresearch/11467423 New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100%

>>>/qresearch/11467435 "JUST IN: Instead of delaying releasing results until tomorrow, Nevada officials will release more results later today due to the high interest in how Nevada voted."

>>>/qresearch/11467441 It was all a STING, the ballots were watermarked and this man appointed by Trump helped pull it off. Watch the water, watch the lawsuits and the fake ballots TOSSED. This agency was founded AFTER the 2018 Midterms.

>>>/qresearch/11467475 Harmeet Dhillon from President Trump’s Legal Team Says They are Expecting to Finalize the States Needed to Win the Election

>>>/qresearch/11467516 A LOT of H60 Blackhawks up now. This is with the filter showing only H60

>>>/qresearch/11467526 #14646

(32 notables, 36 posts, 47 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:21 a.m. No.35681   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11468198 Q Research General #14648: CONCERNSHILLS GONNA CONCERN EDITION

Created 050109ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11468305 Password.

>>>/qresearch/11468323 ‘No Evidence’ of Significant Foreign Interference in 2020 US Election - DHS Agency

>>>/qresearch/11468337 SEVEN VOTERS Older than the Oldest Human Being Alive Today Voted in Michigan Including One Man Born in 1850

>>>/qresearch/11468389 Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler wins re-election, beating pro-Antifa challenger

>>>/qresearch/11468401 Trump team has filed 17 lawsuits so far.

>>>/qresearch/11468421, >>>/qresearch/11468452 "I Honestly Feel Like The Fuse On The Powderkeg Of This Country Has Been Lit & We Are On The Precipice Of A Second Great American Civil War. I Pray Im Wrong, But I Fear Im Right, No Matter Which Way This Election Turns Out."

>>>/qresearch/11468431 Trump Won Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11468432 Protesters Mobilize To Pressure Trump To Concede Election

>>>/qresearch/11468438 Michigan updates Secty of State vote count web page, Trump still leading by 200K votes.

>>>/qresearch/11468443 Well fuck. Bezos just bailed out on his own stock, apparently expecting massive capital gains tax spike courtesy of Comrade Biden.

>>>/qresearch/11468450 Vitamin D Levels During Pregnancy Linked with Child IQ

>>>/qresearch/11468547 The Steal Is On. What Republicans Must Do Next To Guarantee Victory.

>>>/qresearch/11468561 "Marc Elias, the Democratic lawyer behind many of the voting changes causing havoc in the 2020 presidential election, is also responsible for hiring Fusion GPS to compile the “Russia dossier”

>>>/qresearch/11468580 I have a liberal friend who is very bright and funny. I really like him a lot. Naturally we banter about politics.

>>>/qresearch/11468634 Trump has won the State of Georgia

>>>/qresearch/11468650 What if a foreign ballot design is identified, could that be tracked to disqualify all those ballots duplicated by say china?

>>>/qresearch/11468652 Great this is the person responsible for the count in PA

>>>/qresearch/11468673, >>>/qresearch/11468865 JEWISH SUBVERSION

>>>/qresearch/11468748 Joe Biden Couldn’t Get 10 People at a Campaign Rally But He Somehow Breaks the Record for the Most Candidate Votes in US History? No Way

>>>/qresearch/11468791 Mail-in voting safeguards

>>>/qresearch/11468805 Antifa already starting to smash businesses in Portland, OR

>>>/qresearch/11468806, >>>/qresearch/11468887 Jewish Subversion

>>>/qresearch/11468817 FRAUD IN DETROIT:

>>>/qresearch/11468863 National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators - Nothing Can Stop What is Coming

>>>/qresearch/11468943 President Trump Still Winning Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11469026 BOMBSHELL: @Project_Veritas to release whistleblower allegations from within @USPS in Michigan

(26 notables, 29 posts, 31 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:21 a.m. No.35682   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11468954 Q Research General #14649: We Are Winning Michigan Edition

Created 050154ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11469142 Proof of election fraud

>>>/qresearch/11469165 Nominating my theory as notable.

>>>/qresearch/11469185 Track em down


>>>/qresearch/11469186 PA Secretary of State overseeing what’s being done in PA isn’t just a partisan but this level of anti-Trump partisan

>>>/qresearch/11469190 Maricopa: Trump got 59% of the 74K new votes

>>>/qresearch/11469230 Arizona sources are telling me the numbers are shaping out to be very good for Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/11469250 Charlie Hebdo publishes provocative cover of beheaded cancan dancers in response to recent terror attacks in France

>>>/qresearch/11469268 ATLANTA TONIGHT for a RALLY to SAVE OUR VOTES

>>>/qresearch/11469296 Darrell Issa leading in the race to take over the 50th congressional district

>>>/qresearch/11469346 JUST IN: Biden camp launches transition website

>>>/qresearch/11469356 Steve Cortes, Trump 2020 Campaign Senior Advisor for Strategy

>>>/qresearch/11469373 Several hundred people are marching in Minneapolis — including onto Interstate 94 — to protest Donald Trump's presidency and for rights that they don't believe Joe Biden also won't deliver.

>>>/qresearch/11469394 Michigan @USPS Whistleblower Details Directive From Superiors: Back-Date Late Mail-In-Ballots As Received November 3rd, 2020 So They Are Accepted

>>>/qresearch/11469396 Imagine if 138,000 votes had appeared out of thin air all for Trump, not a single 1 for Biden. Could you imagine the media outrage?

>>>/qresearch/11469430 Twitter Is Censoring Sean Davis For Quoting PA’s Supreme Court Decision Allowing Post-Election Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11469442 @PhilArballo2020 officially conceded CA-22 race against @DevinNunes

>>>/qresearch/11469451 Media planning to call Nevada tonight and shortly after calling election for Biden


>>>/qresearch/11469475 NEW PROJECT VERITAS VIDEO

>>>/qresearch/11469524 JAMES O'KEEFE on MICHIGAN FRAUD

>>>/qresearch/11469535 Ballots being picked up from drop off boxes THE DAY AFTER ELECTION IN CALIFORNIA!


>>>/qresearch/11469540 BREAKING: Michigan @USPS Whistleblower Details Directive From Superiors: Back-Date Late Mail-In-Ballots As Received November 3rd, 2020 So They Are Accepted

>>>/qresearch/11469552 Arizona. On MSNBC, Steve Kornacki reports on latest batch of AZ votes counted may tighten the race in Trump's favor, notes NBC hasn't called this race yet Fox & AP have called AZ for Biden. NBC, ABC, CNN and others haven't:

>>>/qresearch/11469617 Lancaster, PA had 43,000 MORE mail-in ballots than they had requested

>>>/qresearch/11469620 Owen G. Dunn Company

>>>/qresearch/11469635 Biden-Harris transition team website goes live even as election remains undecided

>>>/qresearch/11469654 We will “call” Arizona when EVERY legal vote is counted. I don’t give a damn where you work, but the voters decide elections, not spreadsheet managers. Thanks.

>>>/qresearch/11469704 2,258 N.J. Prisoners Will Be Released in a Single Day

>>>/qresearch/11469755 #14649

(29 notables, 29 posts, 30 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:21 a.m. No.35683   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11469759 Q Research General #14650: Best Movie Ever Edition

Created 050239ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11469894, >>>/qresearch/11469913, >>>/qresearch/11469922, >>>/qresearch/11469986, >>>/qresearch/11470295 I found this poster for the scheduled protest. Person who posted it calls himself an antifa thug. What’s the flower by his name mean?

>>>/qresearch/11469904 Strange group of 7 C130's flying low over NC about 1,000 feet.

>>>/qresearch/11469919 AZ Theft So Far

>>>/qresearch/11469931 80/83 Counties have now reported as of 9:37PM POTUS Trump still up


>>>/qresearch/11469984 POTUS Donald J. Trump - 2012

>>>/qresearch/11470005 More election fraud.


>>>/qresearch/11470064 The Biden crime family stole this election with help from Obola.

>>>/qresearch/11470129 Democrats Hold Secret Edge If Election Is Too Close to Call

>>>/qresearch/11470154 Analysis: Seven Milwaukee wards report more 2020 presidential votes than registered voters; Biden nets 146K votes in city

>>>/qresearch/11470174 Trump Asks Top Court to Bar Late-Arriving Pennsylvania Votes

>>>/qresearch/11470181 Ron Paul: There's No Vaccine For Tyranny

>>>/qresearch/11470222 Michigan USPS Whistleblower Details Directive From Superiors To Back-Date Late Mail-In-Ballots Nov 3

>>>/qresearch/11470244, >>>/qresearch/11470459, >>>/qresearch/11470508 Jewish Subversion

>>>/qresearch/11470268 Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted - Lancaster, PA had 43,000 MORE mail-in ballots than they had requested That doesn’t seem sketch at all

>>>/qresearch/11470269 AZ PATRIOTS


>>>/qresearch/11470275 WATCH: Suitcases and Coolers Rolled Into Detroit Voting Center at 4 AM, Brought Into Secure Counting Area

>>>/qresearch/11470278 Happening right now Phoenix, AZ

>>>/qresearch/11470292 Trump Still Winning Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11470312 FoxNews call of Arizona was indefensible. Even lefties are saying this. Why did Fox want to suppress the Trump vote?

>>>/qresearch/11470388 Ballot marking has been planned since 2018

>>>/qresearch/11470418 You and the NYT have made stuff up for 4 years. The echo chamber of DC newsrooms just repeat it. But Americans no longer believe you. You’ve ruined your credibility outside DC.

>>>/qresearch/11470544 #14650

(24 notables, 30 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:22 a.m. No.35684   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11470466 Q Research General #14651: AZ PATRIOTS Edition

Created 050317ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11470664 Pro-Trump Patriots Chant ‘Shame on Fox’ at Arizona Protect the Vote Rally

>>>/qresearch/11470697 Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted - Michigan poll observer Matthew Seely describes how Wayne County (Detroit) polling station workers ejected GOP watchdogs


>>>/qresearch/11470699 @Project_Veritas has been contacted by a Special Agent within the Office of Inspector General for the USPS

>>>/qresearch/11470707, >>>/qresearch/11470724 Archbishop Viganò to American Catholics: Do Not Be Discouraged by the Enemy, Even in This Terrible Hour

>>>/qresearch/11470718 GET REPUBLICANS THERE NOW!!!!

>>>/qresearch/11470768 This is not Norm Coleman. This is not Mitt Romney or George W. Bush. This is Donald Trump. And you're going to wish you'd never tried this.

>>>/qresearch/11470773 Dan Scavino

>>>/qresearch/11470775 Interesting issues with Tarrent county voting machines not scanning barcodes.

>>>/qresearch/11470808 Tomorrow is Bombs Away/Red Carpet/MOAB marker

>>>/qresearch/11470827 FOR ONE location I can attest to ALL SHARPIES were used here

>>>/qresearch/11470903 :44 is the year BC for JC

>>>/qresearch/11470906 Listen to this guys, David Brooks of NYT says, something that sounds an awful lot like Mika the clown said “it’s our job to tell people what to think”, arrogant assholes

>>>/qresearch/11470942 TRUMP TRAP: Is China Successfully Manufacturing Ballots And Coordinating With Leaders Of Battleground States To Rig The Election For Joe Biden?

>>>/qresearch/11470964 EDISON RESEARCH "Sole provider of election day data"

>>>/qresearch/11470967 WaterMarksMatter trending on twatter.

>>>/qresearch/11470977 Italian Government Postpones New Coronavirus Response Decree Until Friday

>>>/qresearch/11470996 Danske Bank Fined US$1.4M for Misleading Customers

>>>/qresearch/11471011 IT has TRUMP WINNING, and it is UPDATED EVERY TEN FUCKING MINUTES, YET we are supposed to believe that BIDEN WON MICHIGAN?

>>>/qresearch/11471026 Secretive high-end art world can be vehicle for dirty money, US Treasury warns

>>>/qresearch/11471035 How to Detect Watermarks on Stamps

(20 notables, 21 posts, 28 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:22 a.m. No.35685   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11471286 Q Research General #14652: Watermarks Edition

Created 050405ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11471469, >>>/qresearch/11471501 USPS Whistleblower in Michigan Claims Higher-Ups Were Engaging in Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11471541 Posted by anon earlier, but too good to ignore. Twatter told me when I clicked on "view thread": "Not available to you". Damn Twatter.


>>>/qresearch/11471573 Citizens gather in Maricopa County in response to nationwide voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/11471615 USPS Inspector General has contacted project veritas


>>>/qresearch/11471691 Biden wins most votes of any presidential candidate in history

>>>/qresearch/11471739 Michigan Republican Count Keeps Going Down

>>>/qresearch/11471796 "a great read" - anon

>>>/qresearch/11471808 Previous Bread Notable NEW UPDATED TALLY TRUMP STILL WINNING


VIDEO - Detroit Nov 2020 [Channel: David Peace]

>>>/qresearch/11471881 LA COUNTY ANON REPORTS FUCKERY

>>>/qresearch/11471898 A woman is arrested in New York City after she spat on a police officer’s face and screamed “f*ck you, fascist”


>>>/qresearch/11471921 Oregon has activated their National Guard

>>>/qresearch/11472000 TRIPS CONFIRM FUCKERY

>>>/qresearch/11472013 After taking Michigan, Joe Biden is technically within one state — Pennsylvania — of the White House

>>>/qresearch/11472031 Actual ballots from dead in Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11472041 Pro-Biden Riots In NYC

>>>/qresearch/11472125 Twitter suspends fake AP accounts that made bogus election calls

(19 notables, 20 posts, 18 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:22 a.m. No.35686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11472072 Q Research General #14653: 11.4 Edition

Created 050457ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11472176 James Woods: Considering all the places that mouth might have been, could this be considered assault with a deadly weapon?


>>>/qresearch/11472189 Twitter suspends fake AP accounts that made bogus election calls

>>>/qresearch/11472244, >>>/qresearch/11472325, >>>/qresearch/11472333 (You), Chk'd MI Fuckery

>>>/qresearch/11472245 World Bank Document PDF and SPARS Pandemic Scenario PDF

>>>/qresearch/11472270, >>>/qresearch/11472291 Watch the Water(mark)

>>>/qresearch/11472299 Hounds of hell

>>>/qresearch/11472310 #14652

>>>/qresearch/11472341 McEnany Twat, Pray anons

>>>/qresearch/11472372 CA fuckery reported by anon

>>>/qresearch/11472376 JUST IN from Maricopa, Arizona: Vote count will be transmitted electronically by officials, but the media has to leave per @CNN

>>>/qresearch/11472379 Denmark to cull millions of minks over mutated coronavirus

>>>/qresearch/11472414 REFRESHER REPORT: Soros-Gates-Linked Group War Games Election Outcome

>>>/qresearch/11472421 56,600+ tweets using #MailFraud in the last 3 hours

>>>/qresearch/11472429 POTUS Schedule for THURSDAY, November 5, 2020. THE PRESIDENT has no public events scheduled.

>>>/qresearch/11472463 Military sting operation. Worth re-notabling

>>>/qresearch/11472472 Trump supporters at Arizona's State Capital peacefully kneeling in prayer.

>>>/qresearch/11472522 rchbishop Viganò: America is in midst of ‘Colossal Electoral Fraud,’ ‘Do Not Think the Children of Darkness Act with Honesty – We Must Pray NOW to Defeat Enemy

>>>/qresearch/11472565 Mass arrests in Minneapolis?

>>>/qresearch/11472869 #14653

(19 notables, 22 posts, 23 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:23 a.m. No.35687   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11473612 Q Research General #14655: /NightShift/ ENGAGED Edition

Created 050659ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11473744, >>>/qresearch/11473859, >>>/qresearch/11473882, >>>/qresearch/11473884 Do the ballots have a secret water mark? Are the NG counting ballots? Watch the water?

>>>/qresearch/11473762 Attorneys, colleagues and friends are mourning the sudden death Oct. 31 of 38-year-old attorney Lee Sawyer

>>>/qresearch/11473765 Some antifa got pulled over by State Police in Portland. Fake medic got arrested for gun charge. Looks like vehicle is being impounded.

>>>/qresearch/11473767 'Cruel irony' that former state elections commissioner killed in crash on eve of election, officials say

>>>/qresearch/11473786, >>>/qresearch/11473863, >>>/qresearch/11473877, >>>/qresearch/11473946 Watch the WATER(marks) CALIFORNIA

>>>/qresearch/11473802 Resignations in the news 11/4/2020

>>>/qresearch/11473808 WSJ: "We got smoked, there is no sugar-coating it."

>>>/qresearch/11473809 CNN just changed AZ from Blue to White.

>>>/qresearch/11473812 Why AP has not called PA

>>>/qresearch/11473824 If anyone here or fam member who was given a "Shaprie". The head of elections has now stated that your vote is not valid and will be tossed.

>>>/qresearch/11473827, >>>/qresearch/11473832 Arizona secretary of State says Trump campaign doesn't have legal pathway should it bring lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/11473833 Check this out from DHS votor fraud risk assessment and monitoring

>>>/qresearch/11473842 And so we were, a ragtag group of no-names, brought together by our thirst for freedom and justice in this darkest hour

>>>/qresearch/11473844 "Corn harvest" “Watch the water” "Rig 4 Red"?

>>>/qresearch/11473896 RIG FOR RED DoD Tweet: Refueling aircraft mid-flight – that’s the job of a boom operator.

>>>/qresearch/11473918, >>>/qresearch/11473954, >>>/qresearch/11473990, >>>/qresearch/11474009 POTUS: RIGGED 2020 ELECTION: MILLIONS OF MAIL-IN BALLOTS WILL BE PRINTED BY FOREIGN COUNTRIES, AND OTHERS. IT WILL BE THE SCANDAL OF OUR TIMES!

>>>/qresearch/11473927 Here Is An Exact DECLASSIFY Plan To Thwart The Election Steal By DNC


>>>/qresearch/11473979 GA 100% REPORTING. DJT WINS GA

>>>/qresearch/11473984 BallotGATE Memes!


>>>/qresearch/11474045, >>>/qresearch/11474075, >>>/qresearch/11474109, >>>/qresearch/11474135, >>>/qresearch/11474148 InkJet Pinter Security Markers: never implied that official ballots were printed with a "normal" printer, but if they were, DHS could trace those too if they wanted.


>>>/qresearch/11474052 Latest from AZ

>>>/qresearch/11474069 Am I seeing this right? The number of registered voters and number of ballots received in Oregon changed after the polls closed?

>>>/qresearch/11474070 New Jersey, Arizona, Montana, And South Dakota Voted To Legalize Recreational Cannabis

>>>/qresearch/11474082 Planned Role of NSA Election Security Group in Elections Integrity

>>>/qresearch/11474087 Why do we accept as fact that America's "cities" will naturally turn blue?

>>>/qresearch/11474102 Kayleigh McEnany: Who would want to join a LIVE prayer group tomorrow?


>>>/qresearch/11474244, >>>/qresearch/11474307 The dots that guy found are the microdot code!


>>>/qresearch/11474287, >>>/qresearch/11474304, >>>/qresearch/11474319, >>>/qresearch/11474330 Hmm, where have I seen dots and codes before…

>>>/qresearch/11474344, >>>/qresearch/11474353, >>>/qresearch/11474360 What are MicroDots?


>>>/qresearch/11474365 Is AIDS U.S. $90B Taxpayer Dollars A Global Slush Fund?

>>>/qresearch/11474366 POSSIBLE VOTER FRAUD AT DETROIT??

>>>/qresearch/11474383 #14655

(36 notables, 56 posts, 67 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:23 a.m. No.35688   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11472882 Q Research General #14654: Super early bread edition b/c I haven't baked in forever

Created 050553ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11472904, >>>/qresearch/11472976, >>>/qresearch/11472987, >>>/qresearch/11472999, >>>/qresearch/11473066, >>>/qresearch/11473102 Maricopa County ongoing developments


>>>/qresearch/11473018, >>>/qresearch/11473052 Dead folks voting

>>>/qresearch/11473021, >>>/qresearch/11473029, >>>/qresearch/11473038 Twitter deletes Project veritas voter Fraud Video & Update


>>>/qresearch/11473094 James Woods

>>>/qresearch/11473101 Statistically impossible

>>>/qresearch/11473119 Global unease as US Presidential election remains uncertain

>>>/qresearch/11473139 Cyber Operations Specialist = MOS 17

>>>/qresearch/11473148 Vote Total Graphics fuckery

>>>/qresearch/11473152 Worth bringing up against

>>>/qresearch/11473153 GUARDIAN SHIELD Joint Operations, 11/04/2020

>>>/qresearch/11473220 Wisconsin’s voter turnout, with 98 percent of precincts reporting, indicates that nearly 9-in-10 registered voters cast ballots in the 2020 presidential election

>>>/qresearch/11473225 PF: UK Royal Air Force Transport 5831

>>>/qresearch/11473265 Decision Desk HQ: Trump Still WINNING Georgia

>>>/qresearch/11473275, >>>/qresearch/11473344 CA Vote Tally: Numbers ain't adding up here, will check tomorrow when it updates again.

>>>/qresearch/11473279 Video: Phoenix, AZ Vote Fraud Protest

>>>/qresearch/11473304 Eyes on

>>>/qresearch/11473334 More Projected Votes than Currently Register Voters - Major fuggery?

>>>/qresearch/11473383 PA Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11473414 US Election Night 1980 NBC live coverage 11-4-1980

>>>/qresearch/11473453 Moar Dead people on the rolls

>>>/qresearch/11473466 Trump Won And they already know it. It is being slowly drawn out so the left wing riots start to believe they have won.

>>>/qresearch/11473492 Antifa burning Biden/ Harris signs


>>>/qresearch/11473495 POTUS Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11473496 Current USPS inspector general is Tammy L. Whitcomb

>>>/qresearch/11473513 Lancaster Mail in Ballot Count CAP : Striaght Fuckery

>>>/qresearch/11473515 Decision Desk HQ: Trump Still Winning In PA

>>>/qresearch/11473538, >>>/qresearch/11473559 National Guard out in Portland.

>>>/qresearch/11473609 #14654, #14655, #14656(1/2)

(28 notables, 38 posts, 37 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:23 a.m. No.35689   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11474386 Q Research General #14656: WATCH The WATER(marks) Edition

Created 050846ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11474437 Biden Campaign Fraud Series 1: SF Express (China's version of Fedex/DHL) packages found at Atlanta's vote counting, Fake Votes Printed and Delivered Directly from Biden's Boss in China

>>>/qresearch/11474439, >>>/qresearch/11475215 #14654, #14655, #14656(1/2)

>>>/qresearch/11474521, >>>/qresearch/11474537, >>>/qresearch/11474573 Gnews has been posting only about voter fraud all day.

>>>/qresearch/11474547 007 - You Only Live Twice - My men found a MicroDot on the PAPER


>>>/qresearch/11474553 Notable MicroDots used in Hollywood Films (thats alota of pedowood microdots)

>>>/qresearch/11474559 Literally [Mathematically Impossible]

>>>/qresearch/11474583, >>>/qresearch/11474620 MicroDots All Day


>>>/qresearch/11474595 Bannon was confirmed photod with chinese scientist who claims covid was chinese bioweapon.

>>>/qresearch/11474602 Removal of mail-in ballot harvesting + FRAUD [normal in-person voting]?

>>>/qresearch/11474642, >>>/qresearch/11474678 Where is the FBI and DHS…

>>>/qresearch/11474649 MicroDots: One thing you can never match no matter how much time or effort is an assembly line imprint.

>>>/qresearch/11474685 WATCH: Suitcases and Coolers Rolled Into Detroit Voting Center at 4 AM, Brought Into Secure Counting Area

>>>/qresearch/11474694 Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar Denied Entry Into Maricopa County Elections Center as Ballots Are Counted

>>>/qresearch/11474702 Democrats Already Blaming Each Other For Failed House Races And Republican Gains

>>>/qresearch/11474707 Exclusive: AZ Poll Workers Gave Voters a Sharpie to Vote and Then Threw Out Their Ballots, Lawsuit Claims

>>>/qresearch/11474717 House Democrats Suffer a Catastrophe that Will Blow Up Their Party

>>>/qresearch/11474719 On election night on fox news someone got a screenshot of the white house in background, one with red light , one with green light

>>>/qresearch/11474733 Democratic Senator Gary Peters narrowly wins reelection in Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11474737 ELECTION BRAWL Who is conservative activist Bevelyn Beatty [Is Stabbed] and WHY did she accuse Black Lives Matter members of attacking her?

>>>/qresearch/11474739 Arizona GOP Demands Fox News Retract ‘Rash Call Biden Has Won’ the State

>>>/qresearch/11474740 Compilation Of Blatant Voter Fraud By The Democratic Operatives In The 2020 Election #stopthesteal

>>>/qresearch/11474748 Watch: Detroit Absentee Ballot Counting Chaos as Workers Block Windows, Bar Observers

>>>/qresearch/11474757 Report: North Carolina Won’t Be Updating State’s Election Results For A Full Week

>>>/qresearch/11474766 Trump campaign expands lawsuits in strategy rooted in Constitution's voting law authority

>>>/qresearch/11474771, >>>/qresearch/11475001 They also got caught siphoning votes from Jo Jorgenson and dumping into Bidens tally CAP

>>>/qresearch/11474774 Casar responds after Houston police chief blames Austin City Council for Democrat losses in Texas

>>>/qresearch/11474778, >>>/qresearch/11474842 MicroDots: Electronic Frontier Foundation - John Perry Barlow - Microdot secure tech for xerox et al

>>>/qresearch/11474834 This is what 17,000 ballots looks like, imagine 140,000

>>>/qresearch/11474854 Donald Trump, Facing Defeat, Asks Lawyers to 'Pull a Rabbit Out of a Hat'

>>>/qresearch/11474862 A Biden Victory Wouldn’t Defeat QAnon

>>>/qresearch/11474864 If Little Pimp can have faith, maybe I should too.

>>>/qresearch/11474867 QAnon Followers Trust ‘the Plan,’ Not the Polls

>>>/qresearch/11474875 We Call Bull$hit: Joe Biden Couldn’t Get 10 People at a Campaign Rally But He Somehow Breaks the Record for the Most Candidate Votes in US History? No Way

>>>/qresearch/11474883 Biden launches presidential transition website as he nears 270 electoral votes

>>>/qresearch/11474888 Police, protesters clash in NYC as demonstration turns chaotic

>>>/qresearch/11474896 Election TV ratings down by 20% despite people being home during coronavirus pandemic

>>>/qresearch/11474899 They are being forced into the light for all TO SEE.

>>>/qresearch/11474905 Tucker Carlson: The election that narrowly saved America

>>>/qresearch/11474911 The left’s attempt to steal the election… just another night in the deep state

>>>/qresearch/11474919 Stealing Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11474922 Twitter censors Trump declaring victory in Pennsylvania, Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11474925 COUNT 'EM TILL YOU WIN

>>>/qresearch/11474930 Trump Sues in 3 States, Laying Ground for Contesting Outcome

>>>/qresearch/11474935 Republican Spartz Wins Hard-fought Indiana US House Race

>>>/qresearch/11474948 Anti-Trump Group Funds More Than 100 Billboards in Pennsylvania: 'Count Every Vote'

>>>/qresearch/11474952 Voters Crush Progressive Ballot Initiatives Across the Country

>>>/qresearch/11474962, >>>/qresearch/11474980 CA Citizen Documents Ballot Gathering at roadside drop box on 11/4 -AFTER POLLS CLOSED


>>>/qresearch/11474970 Nate Silver Says Fox News and AP Projections For Biden in Arizona ‘Should Be Retracted Now’

>>>/qresearch/11474974 ‘Do You Trust What Happened?’ Sean Hannity Raises Questions About Whether ‘This Was a Free, Fair, Honest Election’

>>>/qresearch/11474978 Wisconsin Dem Chair Tells of Dismissing Absurd Polls, Including One Showing Biden Up 17% in a State He Won by 0.6%

>>>/qresearch/11474981 Trump DOJ Claims Legal Power to Send Armed Federal Agents Into Ballot-Counting Sites to Investigate Claims of Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11474990 Video: Trump Supporters Stabbed In Streets Of DC

>>>/qresearch/11474991 Gates Foundation - Poll Fuckery - This makes for an interesting read if anons haven't already

>>>/qresearch/11475013 Donald J. Trump Campaign has created a webpage to report elections issues.

>>>/qresearch/11475061 It is easier than you think to control people indirectly

>>>/qresearch/11475067 Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

>>>/qresearch/11475076 Hidden audio recordings of training sessions for pollworkers to commit fraud, trash certain provisional votes for destruction and kick out poll watchers among other strategies.

>>>/qresearch/11475111 The latest batch of votes in Arizona have been tallied from Maricopa county, and CNN admits Trump is tracking to win the state.

>>>/qresearch/11475115 WATCH: Trump Supporters Flock to Arizona State Capital to Protect the Vote… Chant ‘Four More Years’ and ‘We Love Trump’

>>>/qresearch/11475117 The ballots were discovered during an investigation into election issues in Luzerne County

>>>/qresearch/11475124 Trump Legal Adviser Jenna Ellis Discusses Magical 138,000 Michigan Biden Votes that Appeared Out of Nowhere in the Middle of the Night (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11475125 As Maricopa County released results from about 76,000 more ballots on Wednesday night, President Trump received almost the exact share he would need to charge back to win Arizona's 11 electoral votes.

(62 notables, 70 posts, 76 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:24 a.m. No.35690   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11475219 Q Research General #14657: My Men Found A MicroDot On The Paper Edition

Created 051140ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11475259 Time - Warner - Comcast is one the main tools to keep people in Dem strongholds in the dark.

>>>/qresearch/11475266, >>>/qresearch/11475276 Detroit Fraud Primary Source Video

>>>/qresearch/11475371 Psalms 50

>>>/qresearch/11475385 Trump campaign files vote-counting lawsuit in Georgia as margin narrows

>>>/qresearch/11475389 Project Veritas: If you can see this video, share this video right now


>>>/qresearch/11475397 Trump backers protest at Arizona voting center during vote tally

>>>/qresearch/11475402 Wisconsin federal ballet posted online by Wisconsin elections commission, not watermarked as sample

>>>/qresearch/11475404 Here's a nicely done compilation of various vote fraud around the country.

>>>/qresearch/11475412 Had to chkek if Edison Research had infested Ukraine… imagine anon's shock.

>>>/qresearch/11475415 Jeffrey Epstein's $22 million Palm Beach mansion will be demolished

>>>/qresearch/11475429 20.000+ Fake ID's and driver licences from China intercepted

>>>/qresearch/11475433, >>>/qresearch/11475942 Why are all the cars at Biden's rally 2020 Jeeps? Renegade?


>>>/qresearch/11475491 I've just done the math according to races that Politico has called

>>>/qresearch/11475517 The GA SOS just said the military ballots will be counted next, and vote certified by Nov 13.

>>>/qresearch/11475560, >>>/qresearch/11475577 How ballots get printed - printing vendors (US Service Flags in shot of Printing Vendor Warehouse)

>>>/qresearch/11475652 NSA involved in ballot certification?

>>>/qresearch/11475723, >>>/qresearch/11475746 Flynn: My Country Tis of Thee, Sweet Land of Liberty…Let Freedom Ring (17 second video)


>>>/qresearch/11475751 Fulton County GA -5000 left to count

>>>/qresearch/11475771 FRAUD IN DETROIT:

>>>/qresearch/11475784, >>>/qresearch/11475869, >>>/qresearch/11475897 USS Monitor (CM departure image)

>>>/qresearch/11475836, >>>/qresearch/11475843 Confessions of an election rigger (voter fraud)

>>>/qresearch/11475866, >>>/qresearch/11475896 Watch the water confirmed

>>>/qresearch/11475914 From what I gathered, the bleeding of the ink can invalidate the reading of one of more candidates by the ballot machine

>>>/qresearch/11475923 "MARKED" ballot "recipes" allowed to be "Leaked" to adversaries?

>>>/qresearch/11475947 Someone with more time than me, please dig into Election Source.

>>>/qresearch/11475993 #14657

(26 notables, 34 posts, 39 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:24 a.m. No.35691   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11475996 Q Research General #14658: Kayleigh McEnany Prays For The Nation Edition

Created 051331ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11476099 In California's ballot-harvesting rematches, the old slow-walk ballot-count is back

>>>/qresearch/11476111, >>>/qresearch/11476123, >>>/qresearch/11476141 Video: Detroit Election Fraud Documented




>>>/qresearch/11476117, >>>/qresearch/11476127, >>>/qresearch/11476171 Q2479 post about "enemy @ the front door" is about election's fraud

>>>/qresearch/11476144, >>>/qresearch/11476738 #14656(2/2) #14657 #14658

>>>/qresearch/11476146 Trump campaign to make "major announcement" at 11:30AM EST.

>>>/qresearch/11476288 Turns out 118 year old “William Bradley” voted via absentee ballot in Wayne County, Michigan. William Bradley died in 1984.


>>>/qresearch/11476307 JUST IN: U.S. jobless claims fell to 751,000 in the week of October 31 from 758,000 in the prior week - Reuters

>>>/qresearch/11476450 Digital Watermark, Spector Ink, Rigging for Red to notice (BOOM)

>>>/qresearch/11476484 Question: Why do the dead always vote Democrat?

>>>/qresearch/11476490 Halfchan calling Trump already won 285 Electoral Votes, announcment being delayed/ slow walked

>>>/qresearch/11476531 #StopTheCount Trending Hard from yesterday.

>>>/qresearch/11476552 POTUS: STOP THE COUNT

>>>/qresearch/11476588, >>>/qresearch/11476633 WI voter turnout fuckery CAP

>>>/qresearch/11476619 PF: PAT777 (chek't) US Army C-560 departing San Juan, PR after an overnight and inbound from McGuire AFB, NJ and ground stop at NAS Jax prior to San Juan arrival

>>>/qresearch/11476627 Media were not allowing Trump to speak on TV or in interviews. Proof below

>>>/qresearch/11476686 What does vote curing mean?

>>>/qresearch/11476696 Mainstream Is Censoring This AP OneWire Press Release About Obvious Election Fraud, So I Am Leaking It. (DHS ELECTION AUDIT STING)

>>>/qresearch/11476714 Hammer Time.

(18 notables, 24 posts, 34 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:24 a.m. No.35692   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11476746 Q Research General #14659: Remeber Remeber The Fifth Of November Edition

Created 051438ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11476827 Chanel Rion, OANN, interviews Sidney Powell


>>>/qresearch/11476855 Election Updates

>>>/qresearch/11476856 Michelle Malkin Video ….Get Mobilized

>>>/qresearch/11476866 Kellyanne Conway on Election Polls

>>>/qresearch/11476867 Moar ballot fuckery

>>>/qresearch/11476887 Hearing from a WH source: the @TheJusticeDept is claiming that regulations require them to wait 10 days before intervening in the election.

>>>/qresearch/11476890 OAN "Trump Won"

>>>/qresearch/11476891 Ballot Paper

>>>/qresearch/11476899 So much for California's racial reckoning. Voters reject affirmative action - again

>>>/qresearch/11476901 UFO’s to Finger Lakes diggz

>>>/qresearch/11476985, >>>/qresearch/11477008, >>>/qresearch/11477204 WHERE THE EXTRA BALLOTS CAME FROM. wait! what?


>>>/qresearch/11477122 ying to connect the dots on the “it’s a trap” school of thought.

>>>/qresearch/11477139 Q Decode pre and post election

>>>/qresearch/11477165 This should give you some idea… roughly…of Ballot Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11477181, >>>/qresearch/11477189 "A 24/7 war room will operate from Election Day until local officials are confident in the results. It shows just how farDHS’s cybersecurityagency has come since 2016."

>>>/qresearch/11477220, >>>/qresearch/11477249 HOLD THE LINE PATRIOTS, "10 DAYS OF DARNKESS"

>>>/qresearch/11477248 Trump even said what was going to happen @8:05 "finding ballots at 4 O'clock in the morning"

>>>/qresearch/11477251, >>>/qresearch/11477258 Biden Campaign Fraud Series 1: Absurd! SF Express package of the Communist Party of China was discovered

>>>/qresearch/11477279 DHS Election Fraud Sting Op??

>>>/qresearch/11477439 How are they saying Biden won Michigan?

>>>/qresearch/11477572 'Cruel irony' that former state elections commissioner Elaine Manlove killed in crash on eve of election

(22 notables, 27 posts, 27 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:24 a.m. No.35693   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11477519 Q Research General #14660: E-Bake To VICTORY Edition

Created 051539ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11477596 Pennsylania AG on CBS today…

>>>/qresearch/11477625 Anons PRAY

>>>/qresearch/11477627 Trump Tweet - PRESIDENTIAL CENSORSHIP


>>>/qresearch/11477637 #14569 Notables from Anon 2

>>>/qresearch/11477640 Remember those in the background

>>>/qresearch/11477642 DHS Election auditing

>>>/qresearch/11477655 Ballot print anomaly in New Mexico

>>>/qresearch/11477659 former state elections commissioner Elaine Manlove killed in crash on eve of election


>>>/qresearch/11477664 God Wins

>>>/qresearch/11477668, >>>/qresearch/11477829 PRESIDENTIAL CENSORSHIP

>>>/qresearch/11477670 How The Wisconsin Elections Commission Destroyed Fair Elections In Wisconsin

>>>/qresearch/11477672 Allegheny County, PA still has 35,413 uncounted mail-in ballots

>>>/qresearch/11477701 This race is and has been over. President Trump has been re-elected for another 4 years

>>>/qresearch/11477712 Anon Notables from 14559 (Anon collected tyvm)

>>>/qresearch/11477730 Top kek James Woods

>>>/qresearch/11477735 Sara Carter = Biden returning to Nuke deal (Iran) will lead to confrontation between Israel and Iran

>>>/qresearch/11477738 Remember the words of Patton

>>>/qresearch/11477744 2nd Hunter Biden laptop seized by DEA from psychiatrist

>>>/qresearch/11477777 WWG1WGA

>>>/qresearch/11477825 HCQ IS THE CURE

>>>/qresearch/11477850, >>>/qresearch/11477865 Death Blossom Q Post

>>>/qresearch/11477901 TEN DAYS THAT SHOOK THE WORLD It's about the Bolshevik coup, Russia 1917, aka Red October.

>>>/qresearch/11477904 Came across a tweet from fulton county that sounded funky.. Just throwing it out there for possible election fuckery..

>>>/qresearch/11477916 Wisconsin turnout statistical impossibility

>>>/qresearch/11477939 US Navy Tweet


>>>/qresearch/11478013 Anon opines - Trust the Plan

>>>/qresearch/11478061 DJT Jr tweet - 100% correct Don Jr

>>>/qresearch/11478070 Call to digg

>>>/qresearch/11478098 Liberals whining about America being America


>>>/qresearch/11478111 20 tweets from Q supporting Congresswoman

>>>/qresearch/11478121 Notice they stopped destroying statues?

>>>/qresearch/11478136 Trump tweet - BIG legal win in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11478137 Dems Election Fail extend to State Houses and State Legislatures

>>>/qresearch/11478149 PA early voting stats from Election night the moment they stopped counting ballots

>>>/qresearch/11478162 Big Tech / Fakenews vs President Trump and the People

>>>/qresearch/11478187 Israel passes US Military tech to China

>>>/qresearch/11478190 BREAKING: Pam Bondi has received a court order to enter the ballot counting center in Philadelphia

>>>/qresearch/11478230 American Thinker - The left's attempt to steal the election. Just another night in the deepstate

>>>/qresearch/11478272 New POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11478277 BREAKING: Trump Campaign to Announce Lawsuit in Nevada

(42 notables, 44 posts, 47 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:25 a.m. No.35694   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11478320 Q Research General #14661: Go time!

Created 051628ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11478518 Why Trump Will Triumph in PA Litigation

>>>/qresearch/11478635 baking seminar #39

>>>/qresearch/11478654, >>>/qresearch/11478766 Georgia judge dismisses lawsuit by Trump campaign

>>>/qresearch/11478673, >>>/qresearch/11478770 Counting in PA halted

>>>/qresearch/11478784 Status of the Ongoing Vote Count in Arizona and Nevada


>>>/qresearch/11478883 Michigan USPS Whistleblower: Late Mail-In-Ballots Are Being Stamped As Received on November 3rd

>>>/qresearch/11478948 Summary of U.S. Attorney's Office Announcments on Efforts to Protect Voters and Prevent Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11478989 John James campaign alleges irregularities, lack of integrity in Michigan vote count

>>>/qresearch/11479019 BREAKING: The PA Supreme Court has overruled the Commonwealth Court

>>>/qresearch/11479042 #14661

(11 notables, 13 posts, 13 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:25 a.m. No.35695   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11479056 Q Research General #14662: Hold the line frens

Created 051713ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11479156 Democrats hold a 5-2 supermajority on the PA Supreme Court

>>>/qresearch/11479290 For the kek: Biden Campaign Says 'Victory Is Imminent'

>>>/qresearch/11479305 In Michigan alone…

>>>/qresearch/11479527 New York Times Piece Claims Trump is Deliberately Inserting Typos Into His Tweets as Secret “Code” to His Supporters

>>>/qresearch/11479558 Vote count stopped temporarily in Philadelphia as Democrats appeal court ruling

>>>/qresearch/11479568 Breaking: With a court order in hand, the Trump Campaign has been granted full access to vote counting centers in Philadelphia and are inside now

>>>/qresearch/11479616 Pennsylvania County Won't Resume Counting Votes Until Friday Due To "Administrative Work"

>>>/qresearch/11479699 Rudy explains the Trump campaign's court case they just WON in Pennsylvania on ballot counting: "Now we have the right to observe."


>>>/qresearch/11479730 Trump Campaign Files Lawsuit In Nevada, Claims 1000s Of Ballots Cast By Non-Residents

>>>/qresearch/11479747 Dead Voter for Biden - Michigan


>>>/qresearch/11479809 #14662

(11 notables, 11 posts, 17 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:25 a.m. No.35696   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11479827 Q Research General #14663: Winning Winning Winning

Created 051759ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11479962 On Wednesday Democrat Officials in Pennsylvania Said 92% of Vote was Counted — Today They Say Only 88% of Vote was Counted

>>>/qresearch/11480088, >>>/qresearch/11480185 We miss you Andrew


>>>/qresearch/11480422 Democrat PA Officials ‘Privately’ Feeding Biden Campaign His Potential Margin of Victory

>>>/qresearch/11480468 BREAKING: Mich Gov Whitmer sent health dept into Detroit TFC Center to evict GOP pollwatchers but not Dem pollwatchers or media, claiming COVID

>>>/qresearch/11480500 a Clark County election official, says he cannot guarantee there isn’t fraud in Nevada

(5 notables, 6 posts, 10 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:26 a.m. No.35697   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11481443 Q Research General #14665: E-Bake

Created 051938ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11481489 Rebel Commander Ezra Levant has been denied access to the vote counting going on in Philadelphia.

>>>/qresearch/11481521 Upon calling the state they have been told that none of them are registered voters and their votes have not been counted.

>>>/qresearch/11481529 NO WH PRESSER, 3 PRESIDENTIAL DOCS

>>>/qresearch/11481534 #StopTheSteal

>>>/qresearch/11481588 1,300,000 Bidens Ballots delivered in Detroit last night

>>>/qresearch/11481614 Detroit Election Fraud Nov 2020

VIDEO - Detroit Nov 2020 [Channel: David Peace]

>>>/qresearch/11481624 Former Jerry Nadler Intern Charged for Allegedly Spitting on Officer During NYC Protest


>>>/qresearch/11481632 Remember the words of war hero and legendary patriot General George S. Patton

>>>/qresearch/11481651 election relevant Q drop

>>>/qresearch/11481659 California votes to return voting rights to felons on parole

>>>/qresearch/11481685 In Unprecedented Move CDC Stops Tracking Influenza for 2020-21 Flu Season

>>>/qresearch/11481705 U.S. News Technology Business Virus Outbreak San Francisco San Francisco voters approve taxes on CEOs, big businesses

>>>/qresearch/11481869 It Begins… Democrat Lawmakers Call on Twitter to Remove US President Trump from Platform

>>>/qresearch/11482157 #14665

(14 notables, 14 posts, 24 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:26 a.m. No.35698   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11482404 Q Research General #14666: On your mark, get set, go! Edition

Created 052031ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11482525 Project Veritas to release bombshell video of USPS carrier pledging voter fraud in Neveada

>>>/qresearch/11482610 Vid: Registered Demcrat Poll watcher testimony.


>>>/qresearch/11482864 Defense Secretary Esper has prepared a resignation letter (NBC)

>>>/qresearch/11483070 American Thinker: Democrats are turning on the NeverTrump Lincoln Project for its failure to deliver on promises

>>>/qresearch/11483119 GOP House Gains Shock and Bewilder Predictors, Show a Bright Future Ahead

>>>/qresearch/11483164 Prayer of Command

>>>/qresearch/11483217 Ballot watermarks mentioned on government website CISA for controls within the mail-in voting process

>>>/qresearch/11483235 Senior Trump Advisor David Bossie states that Arizona’s 11 Electoral Votes will be allocated to President Donald J. Trump.

>>>/qresearch/11483287 Eric Trump replay: Just saying on Pennsylvania:200k votes voted only for Biden and not for any down-ballot races.

>>>/qresearch/11483507, >>>/qresearch/11483645 PF Georgia Democrats Going Door-to-Door to Fix Flawed Ballots, Told to ‘Minimize’ Helping Republicans

>>>/qresearch/11483657 National Guard deployed to four nursing homes in Tippecanoe County

(11 notables, 12 posts, 10 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:27 a.m. No.35699   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11483756 Q Research General #14667: Dark to Light Edition

Created 052151ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11483813 Matt Gaetz: While some of us are fighting for President Trump…Nikki Haley is eulogizing him. Sad!

>>>/qresearch/11483844, >>>/qresearch/11483954 Pelosi OWNS the Software used to collect & distribute the Election Voting Tallies & Can have a back door put in any time they want!

>>>/qresearch/11483847, >>>/qresearch/11483934 Trump campaign announces press conference in Atlanta with Donald Trump Jr., Rep. Doug Collins, and others at 6:00 P.M.

>>>/qresearch/11483848, >>>/qresearch/11484047, >>>/qresearch/11484082, >>>/qresearch/11484236 PF

>>>/qresearch/11483858 Armenian-Azerbaijani War: Military Situation In Nagorno-Karabakh On November 5, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11483860 USAF: Next gen. warfighting

>>>/qresearch/11483861, >>>/qresearch/11483930 CF

>>>/qresearch/11483867, >>>/qresearch/11483906 DEM Operative calling for POTUS to be removed from Twitter

>>>/qresearch/11483914 Dominic Raab and the Foreign Office have called for a fresh Presidential election. In Belarus…

>>>/qresearch/11484030 Democrats Have Been Denying Trump The Presidency Ever Since His First Victory

>>>/qresearch/11484052 ZH: Facebook Censors Massive Pro-Trump Group Protesting "Widespread Ballot Fraud"

>>>/qresearch/11484103 DJT Jr.: The best thing for America’s future is for @realDonaldTrump to go to total war over this election to expose all of the fraud, cheating, dead/no longer in state voters, that has been going on for far too long.

>>>/qresearch/11484113 Greg Rubini: 9.7 Million V O T E S missing in California

>>>/qresearch/11484120 DOJ seizes over $1B worth of bitcoin associated with the underground online marketplace Silk Road

>>>/qresearch/11484139 Army National Guard Deployed to UVM to Assist Ransomware Recovery

>>>/qresearch/11484168 Wrong turn leads to postal carrier's arrest; mail found in car included absentees

>>>/qresearch/11484177 Ben Fulford Part 2 Nov. 5, 20

>>>/qresearch/11484178 Canada Reports First Case of Rare Swine Flu Virus in Alberta Patient

>>>/qresearch/11484471 Ballot Count Livestreams

>>>/qresearch/11484525 #14667

(20 notables, 27 posts, 32 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:27 a.m. No.35700   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11484559 Q Research General #14668: We Will Win Edition

Created 052233ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11484566 QPosts Archives NOW THROUGH OCTOBER Download and read offline .PDF

>>>/qresearch/11484570, >>>/qresearch/11484911 5:5 RED

>>>/qresearch/11484584, >>>/qresearch/11484620, >>>/qresearch/11485216 PF

>>>/qresearch/11484598 James Woods: Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election | The White House.

>>>/qresearch/11484604 Kosovo President Hashim Thaci resigns to face war crimes charges at The Hague

>>>/qresearch/11484608 The Military Vote Could Determine the Next President – After Election Day, Military Times in October.

>>>/qresearch/11484615 Criminal NY Governor Declares New Fascist COVID Rules

>>>/qresearch/11484647 Election Results Tracker

>>>/qresearch/11484668, >>>/qresearch/11484720 Brian Cates suspended by Nazi Jack

>>>/qresearch/11484695 Trafficking in Persons; Foreign Governments' Efforts To Combat (Presidential Determination No. 2020-12 of September 28, 2020) by the Executive Office of the President scheduled for publication on 11/06/2020.

>>>/qresearch/11484805 CH: ElectionResults2020 On POTUS tweets + claims of voter fraud, DOJ official says Department will investigate credible allegations + leads that are “actionable” + essential to report to FBI field offices as 1st step

>>>/qresearch/11485228, >>>/qresearch/11485266, >>>/qresearch/11485285 Minnesota ballot info

>>>/qresearch/11485239 Diane Feinstein's Husband Richard Blum Owns 60% of Avid Tech. VOTING MACHINES

(13 notables, 19 posts, 30 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:28 a.m. No.35701   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11486438 Q Research General #14670: We've Seen So Much Spirit Edition

Created 060003ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11486734 Suspicious! Milwaukee Voting Wards Reported More Presidential Votes Than Registered Voters

>>>/qresearch/11486751 Great summary of the fraud that is taking place, from Jim Stone's site

>>>/qresearch/11486777 Remember (((they))) dont know of any changes. Q4253 link

>>>/qresearch/11486795 Brazilian intervention confirmed to save the USA from the Dems?

>>>/qresearch/11487027 Statistician Announces Investigation into Voter Fraud in AZ, GA, MI, NC, NV, PA, and WI

>>>/qresearch/11487040 #14668

>>>/qresearch/11487048, >>>/qresearch/11487060, >>>/qresearch/11487065, >>>/qresearch/11487071, >>>/qresearch/11487076, >>>/qresearch/11487107 voter fraud bundle

>>>/qresearch/11487209 "We'll Get Fu*king Torn Apart Again In 2022": Democrats Livid In Leaked Caucus Call After Crushing Election Losses

>>>/qresearch/11487287 "mail covers" database info

>>>/qresearch/11487288 ballot safety – not just watermarks

>>>/qresearch/11487341 Blum dig from last bread, he had a lot to do with 911 debris removal to China.

>>>/qresearch/11487362 New Fox Vice President Danny O’Brien is Joe Biden’s former Chief of Staff.

>>>/qresearch/11487418 MICHIGAN POLL WATCHER: Ballots Were Turned In With No Names On Them

>>>/qresearch/11487546 BREAKING: Mich Gov Whitmer sent health dept into Detroit TFC Center to evict GOP pollwatchers claiming COVID concerns

>>>/qresearch/11487654 #14670

(15 notables, 20 posts, 16 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:28 a.m. No.35702   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11485360 Q Research General #14669: Ebake for Presser

Created 052323ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11485559 A New Correlation of Forces

>>>/qresearch/11485567 Tulare County: What does the county % col represent ? And why does it not correlate w/ the actual counts ?

>>>/qresearch/11485646 The "Trump Is a Racist" Narrative Dies a Nasty Death as Numbers Reveal Amazing Minority Turnout for Him

>>>/qresearch/11485672 Moar Veritas USPS, this time a PA whistleblower

>>>/qresearch/11485683 FAA issues flight restrictions for Biden's hometown of Wilmington as election results loom

>>>/qresearch/11485692 YT just cut off Bannon WarRoom midstream

>>>/qresearch/11485833 State officials refused to explain surge of Biden votes

>>>/qresearch/11485886 Dem Strategists Scrub Internet of South Carolina Failure

>>>/qresearch/11485950 Bannon's show alt link

>>>/qresearch/11486005 DOJ Seizes Over $1 Billion in Bitcoin Tied to 'Silk Road'

>>>/qresearch/11486172 how can this be if we lost ZERO SEATS? see pic

>>>/qresearch/11486193 Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro's senator son Flávio charged with laundering money

>>>/qresearch/11486265 CBS NBC MSNBC ABC not covering trump now at WH Q+A

>>>/qresearch/11486305 Brian Cates suspended… new account

>>>/qresearch/11486364 Los Angeles County’s so-called workers are still collecting large amounts of “mail-in ballots” after California has called state

(15 notables, 15 posts, 14 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:28 a.m. No.35703   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11487671 Q Research General #14671: They All Did It Knowingly Edition

Created 060047ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11487808 ELECTION FRAUD COMPILATION

>>>/qresearch/11487834 vote fraud equals mail fraud.

>>>/qresearch/11487864 Maybe I’m wrong, but I feel like something is brewing that is bigger than we have seen before. There is only so long people will tolerate an unfair system, particularly when those in charge are too arrogant to see it.

>>>/qresearch/11487868 ABC, CBS, NBC Cut Away from President Trump’s Live Remarks on Election

>>>/qresearch/11487875, >>>/qresearch/11487920 At least 3,000 unauthorized votes found in Clark County, Nevada by a law firm representing the Trump campaign in comparing the election roll with national change of address file.

>>>/qresearch/11487890 (WCSH6 Maine) Gov. Mills: Face coverings must now be worn in public settings regardless of physical distance


>>>/qresearch/11487986 Republican Scott Perry wins reelection to U.S. House in Pennsylvania's 10th Congressional District

>>>/qresearch/11488021 The Georgia Secretary of State says as of 5:45PM, there are 36,331 ballots still outstanding in the state. Their numbers also show Trump is narrowly leading Biden with 9,525 votes in Georgia.

>>>/qresearch/11488034 Graham Hutchinson, ex-Senior Chief Biomedical Scientist, Public Health UK speaking about COVID.

>>>/qresearch/11488066 @NVGOP criminal referral to AG Barr “at least 3,062 instances of voter fraud” + “expect that number to grow substantially”

>>>/qresearch/11488086 Calling races early - KNOWINGLY

>>>/qresearch/11488160 Anon's opine is on to something

>>>/qresearch/11488182 Any FAKE BALLOTS most likely won’t have this official watermark!


>>>/qresearch/11488202 Steve Piezcenik "QFS Blockchain Encryption" drop, discernment advised

>>>/qresearch/11488262 Vote Counter Caught Filling In Ballots


>>>/qresearch/11488275 New General Flynn Twit

>>>/qresearch/11488303 DOJ official confirms the @NVGOP referral has been received

>>>/qresearch/11488322 The blue typical mask contains teflon and other chems. Masks are sterilzed with Ethyline Oxide - a known carcinogen.

>>>/qresearch/11488498 New Grenell: This is frightening. Nevada has allowed non-residents to vote.

>>>/qresearch/11488583 @KeithOlbermann: It is necessary to remove, and arrest, the president of the United States. Tonight.

>>>/qresearch/11488684 #14671

(22 notables, 23 posts, 18 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:29 a.m. No.35704   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11488656 Q Research General #14672: Lagadocious & Knowingly Edition

Created 060132ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11488805 US Postal Service Files A Patent For Voting System Combining Mail And A Blockchain

>>>/qresearch/11488815 GOP senators incensed by Schiff 'head on a pike' remark at impeachment trial

>>>/qresearch/11488826 ELECTION INTEGRITY: "Here in Nevada - we have found and just referred to DOJ - 3,062 people who violated residency requirements in Nevada," @RichardGrenell tells Newsmax TV's

>>>/qresearch/11488833 Anderson Cooper: "That is the president of the United States. That is the most powerful person in the world. We see him like an obese turtle on his back flailing in the hot sun, realizing his time is over."


>>>/qresearch/11488840, >>>/qresearch/11488906 @GenFlynn: Calling ALL Republican leaders, MUSTER your courage! Time is NOW to speak up & join w/ Patriots across America and back @realDonaldTrump our @POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11488853 TRUMP STING w CIA Director Steve Pieczenik The Biggest Election Story in History, QFS-BLOCKCHAIN

>>>/qresearch/11488858 why hasn't GA been called for the past 3 hours?

>>>/qresearch/11488871 Going to be giving an update on the Philly election shenanigans on @seanhannity tonight with @PamBondi. You won’t want to miss this. #FollowTheLaw

>>>/qresearch/11488878 Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos cashes in $3billion of his shares which have risen more than 75% this year

>>>/qresearch/11488901, >>>/qresearch/11489037 @RalphNader: Trump is speaking now before the media. NPR cut off him off for a fact check. Unacceptable decision.

>>>/qresearch/11488923 Trump can run again in 2024 if the loses reelection, but would he?

>>>/qresearch/11488945 GOP Slammed for Silence amid Election Chaos: Cowering to the ‘Media Mob’

>>>/qresearch/11488979 AP: A federal judge has denied a bid by President Donald Trump's campaign to stop the vote count in Philadelphia over observer access, urging the two sides to instead “forge an agreement.”

>>>/qresearch/11489033 Our lawyers just sent a criminal referral to AG Barr regarding at least 3,062 instances of voter fraud. We expect that number to grow substantially. Thousands of individuals have been identified who appear to have violated the law by casting ballots after they moved from NV.

>>>/qresearch/11489050 B-52 somewhere over the Pacific Ocean. Last seen 138 minutes ago. The icon automatically turns toward the top of the screen after some time with no contact. Presumably some distance west of last fix at this time.

>>>/qresearch/11489218 pjmedia: Trump: Democrats ’Never Believed They Could Win This Election Honestly’

>>>/qresearch/11489227 @CBS_Herridge: DOJ official confirms the (@NVGOP) referral has been received + that it’s being looked into.

>>>/qresearch/11489246 Here is the company that produced the valid ballot paper. Rolland´s Security Papers.

>>>/qresearch/11489251 BIDEN HARRIS TRANSISTION


>>>/qresearch/11489329 PA Republican State Rep Guy Reschenthaler is not getting any mainstream media attention. He is supporting President Trump. I think his tweets could use more views.

>>>/qresearch/11489332 As Many as 6,000 Illegal Votes Identified in Nevada – Thousands of People Referred to DOJ For Potential Criminal Violation of Election Laws

>>>/qresearch/11489422, >>>/qresearch/11489533 Vid of poll worker filling out ballots in Philly


>>>/qresearch/11489455 Democrats' down-ballot misery continues with state legislative battles

(23 notables, 26 posts, 30 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:29 a.m. No.35705   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11489778 Q Research General #14673: Making America Great Again Edition

Created 060226ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11489890 RSBN LIVE from Phoenix, AZ: RALLY TO COUNT THE VOTES 11/5/20

>>>/qresearch/11489907 Dig: All assets deployed

>>>/qresearch/11489945 CNBC: Record $1 billion worth of bitcoin linked to the Silk Road seized by U.S. government

>>>/qresearch/11489986 Eric Trump: Wait until you see what we are uncovering…

>>>/qresearch/11490010 Republican 2024 Hopefuls Can Speak Now Or Shut Up In Four Years

>>>/qresearch/11490017 Key senators demand to know: Did Google manipulate get-out-vote messages?

>>>/qresearch/11490023 ICE arrests 88 inmates released from prison this week in New Jersey

>>>/qresearch/11490072, >>>/qresearch/11490136 PF

>>>/qresearch/11490078 Call to Dig: WIKILEAKS DUMPS IT ALL

>>>/qresearch/11490116, >>>/qresearch/11490423 BANNON VIDEO


>>>/qresearch/11490130 Brand new returns in Arizona validate our prior projections about the “Desert Storm” comeback of Pres Trump to win the state.


>>>/qresearch/11490169, >>>/qresearch/11490196, >>>/qresearch/11490314, >>>/qresearch/11490505, >>>/qresearch/11490607 Quantum Financial Systems MiniBun

>>>/qresearch/11490204, >>>/qresearch/11490345 Get in here - live cheating


>>>/qresearch/11490209 All SHARPIE VOTERS in AZ, email @JaySekulow immediately. JAY IS A LAWYER FOR TRUMP.

>>>/qresearch/11490232 FOMC Press Conference, November 5, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11490334 New Catherine Herridge: Letter to AG Barr includes +60 pages voter records @NVGOP

>>>/qresearch/11490439 Lindsey Graham just donated $500K to President Trump's legal fund. He made the announcement on Fox News Hannity show.

>>>/qresearch/11490446 Bibliography: Digital Forensics and Watermarking

(18 notables, 25 posts, 33 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:30 a.m. No.35706   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11490693 Q Research General #14673: We the People Edition

Created 060308ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11490755, >>>/qresearch/11490757 Vladimir Putin is planning to step down next year as speculation swirls in Russia that the longtime president may have Parkinson’s disease

>>>/qresearch/11490793 Attached is the Amundson Memo that was issued on August 20th reminding US Attorneys that they have to wait for elections to complete before they can investigate.


>>>/qresearch/11490835, >>>/qresearch/11490933 Why Does Biden Have So Many More Votes Than Democrat Senators In Swing States?

>>>/qresearch/11490926 PF

>>>/qresearch/11491088 Intelligence expert Steve Pieczenik claims 2020 election was a "sophisticated sting operation" that has trapped the Democrats in the most massive criminal election fraud in history… details

>>>/qresearch/11491094 Shepard smith breaks into Trumps remarks to tell his audience he is stopping the broadcast because the president is lying.

>>>/qresearch/11491105 Australian regulator allows $25 billion reduction in banks' committed liquidity facility

>>>/qresearch/11491122 There Is A Role for the Department of Justice In Addressing Election Process Fraud and Attorney General Barr Needs to Step Up

>>>/qresearch/11491136 LIVE from Phoenix, AZ: RALLY TO COUNT THE VOTES 11/5/20

>>>/qresearch/11491179 QAnon supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene censored by Twitter after Georgia election win

>>>/qresearch/11491211 Daily mail: 'Are you being a sore loser?': CNN's Jim Acosta taunts Trump as he storms off stage after 17-minute tirade

>>>/qresearch/11491219 Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

>>>/qresearch/11491346 Arizona voter sharpiegate interview


>>>/qresearch/11491407 Bradley Birkenfeld, exposes Obama, Hilary and Quid Pro Quo Joe and Hunter.

>>>/qresearch/11491454 FB Witch hunt: Mark Levin, DBongino and Steve Pieczenik pages are down.

>>>/qresearch/11491501 Alex Jones larping it up in Arizona


>>>/qresearch/11491514 Notables #14674 Secondary bread

>>>/qresearch/11491540 If I told you that Lindsey Graham received money from Perkins Coie, would you believe me? Because he did.

>>>/qresearch/11491559 POTUS GOING LIVE IN 10

>>>/qresearch/11491580 ELECTION FRAUD COMPILATION

>>>/qresearch/11491598 #14673

>>>/qresearch/11491750 #14674

(22 notables, 24 posts, 23 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:30 a.m. No.35707   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11491748 Q Research General #14675: Anons ready to fight! Edition

Created 060357ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11491888 Vid: Barr in September before vanishing.


>>>/qresearch/11491932 Pics: Watermark confirmed?

>>>/qresearch/11491981 NEW DJT: "They don't want us to have observers"


>>>/qresearch/11492010 ABC’s Hostin: Selfish Trump Voters ‘Despicable,’ ‘Un-American

>>>/qresearch/11492021, >>>/qresearch/11492156 DoD: We made a mistake! We had the wrong flag. Our apologies to our Australian partners.

>>>/qresearch/11492031 Phillip Kline: Philly Prosecutor Threatens to Jail Trump If He Sends in Uncertified Poll Watchers — Officials Still Refuse to Allow GOP Watchers in Room

>>>/qresearch/11492050 Matt Schlapp: We have evidence in Nevada Gov Christie stay tuned.

>>>/qresearch/11492073 Thai Authorities Face Blowback After Nationwide PornHub Ban

>>>/qresearch/11492112 Sharpie-gate. Maricopa County Attorney’s office responds to questions about Sharpie usage for ballots | Just The News

>>>/qresearch/11492196 DJT Jr. RT: Adam Paul Laxalt "Tonight, we filed a lawsuit highlighting ongoing voter fraud and voter disenfranchisement in Clark County NV. We request the court immediately halt illegal voter verification procedures being utilized by Clark County and seeks immediate transparency to all counting efforts."

>>>/qresearch/11492224 Japan's Nikkei index at 29-year high after US election

>>>/qresearch/11492331 Papadopoulos: Maricopa County, AZ releases 73,976 ballots. Trump gets 42,276 - so 57%. This is right in line with what he needs to prevail in AZ once all the ballots are counted.

>>>/qresearch/11492378 Georgia election officials say recount in presidential race likely.

>>>/qresearch/11492418 @Beer_Parade: What if the "virus" was the corruption within our voting system?

>>>/qresearch/11492442, >>>/qresearch/11492805, >>>/qresearch/11493009, >>>/qresearch/11493030 BREAKING: DOJ Arrests U.S. Postal Worker Caught at Canadian Border With Stolen Ballots In Car Trunk. PF

>>>/qresearch/11492682 @dbongino:Put on your seatbelts, folks. BOOM: Even MSNBC Admits Trump Is on Track to WIN Arizona. This election is not over!

>>>/qresearch/11492807 WKBW TV, Buffalo, NY: Postal worker accused of staling ballots, other mail

>>>/qresearch/11493053 #14675

(18 notables, 22 posts, 32 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:31 a.m. No.35708   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11494195 Q Research General #14677: Habbenings incomig! Edition

Created 060619ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11494224, >>>/qresearch/11494609 Police probe alleged plot to attack Philadelphia vote counting center

>>>/qresearch/11494266, >>>/qresearch/11494773 6D Chess -Explained

>>>/qresearch/11494269 Voter fraud whistleblower

>>>/qresearch/11494278 Harris County Ballot Harvesting Scheme

>>>/qresearch/11494280 Trump is paying all Legal fees for this fight out of his own pocket.

>>>/qresearch/11494282 Democrats in GA just officially changed the outcome of an election….and can now be severely punished.

>>>/qresearch/11494298 Patrick Howley: FBI interrogated Dallas Jones and others in the biggest election fraud bust in American history. Fake driver licenses from China, nursing home patients denied food until vote as told.

>>>/qresearch/11494308, >>>/qresearch/11494445, >>>/qresearch/11494583 Secret Service Sending Re-Enforcments to Wilmington, Delaware

>>>/qresearch/11494319, >>>/qresearch/11494321 #14675-1, #14675-2, #14676

>>>/qresearch/11494344 01:03:33 - It's in the briefcase. It's coated with isotopes which give off a unique…

>>>/qresearch/11494350 muhQanon being connected to vote counting attack in PA

>>>/qresearch/11494379 COMMS FUCKERY REPORT Notice they ghosted RIGHT at the moment this was reported. Comms is setting Q up

>>>/qresearch/11494392 Michigan AG asks residents to stop telling staff to shove Sharpies up their butts

>>>/qresearch/11494400 muhQanon They don't let up

>>>/qresearch/11494405 BREAKING: Alleged Plot To Attack Philly Convention Center Where Votes Are Being Counted, FF?

>>>/qresearch/11494451, >>>/qresearch/11494504, >>>/qresearch/11494553 Who prints the ballots and where anons?

>>>/qresearch/11494458 Partisan Biden Vote Volunteer

>>>/qresearch/11494485 Voter Fruad Whistleblower USPS Wisconsin/ Illinois

>>>/qresearch/11494512 Three year delta: talking about elections:

>>>/qresearch/11494515 Nevada AG Sounds The Alarm, Says Nevada Dems Will Be Able to Vote For Elders Without Their Signature (old news, now relevent)

>>>/qresearch/11494530 Former Philadelphia Judge of Elections Convicted of Conspiring to Violate Civil Rights and Bribery (old news now relevent)

>>>/qresearch/11494551 KEK - BASED WOODS

>>>/qresearch/11494565 How Bill Clinton and American Financiers Armed China

>>>/qresearch/11494570 Important Election Integrity Info from 2018

>>>/qresearch/11494630 Trump Jr. Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11494632 Markers/felt tip pens

>>>/qresearch/11494664 Workers at dump find Trump ballots. Not sure where this happened.


>>>/qresearch/11494671 Ok so the theory that Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto and BSV restored to the Genesis Bitcoin code is a rabbit hole.

>>>/qresearch/11494676 Alabama Fruad: TRUMP HAS 78.6M VOTES BIDEN ONLY 64.2M WHEN COUNTED BY COUNTY

>>>/qresearch/11494708 Demorilization Campaign is PAID Actors (Anons Already Knew)

>>>/qresearch/11494850 "Red October" was on 7 November, 1917

>>>/qresearch/11494862, >>>/qresearch/11494874, >>>/qresearch/11494876, >>>/qresearch/11494916 USSS has Biden literally surround (dafuq?)

>>>/qresearch/11494887 Philly Suburb still taking ballots


>>>/qresearch/11494929 #14677

(34 notables, 44 posts, 43 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:32 a.m. No.35709   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11493116 Q Research General #14676: Arrests would start tonight Edition

Created 060508ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11493202 Reba4congress! Anons Help the Kangz meme this based congressional candidate from Florida.

>>>/qresearch/11493222 OTD: Today in 1980 Microsoft signed a contract with IBM to develop the operating system for their new line of personal computers.

>>>/qresearch/11493257 get this trending in search browsers: #stopthesteal #hammer/scorecard

>>>/qresearch/11493283 Jake Tapper: Current margins and trends as outstanding ballots are counted

>>>/qresearch/11493407 Origins in HIV Screening Program

>>>/qresearch/11493450, >>>/qresearch/11493571 Virginia Dem Rep. reportedly yelled and cursed at Caucus members

>>>/qresearch/11493524, >>>/qresearch/11493650 Pennsylvania Election Worker CAUGHT FILLING OUT BALLOTS, camera number 7 live stream

>>>/qresearch/11493566 Delaware PA, Moar Fraud


>>>/qresearch/11493598 Vid: 1363 DEAD PEOPLE actually VOTED in Michigan!


>>>/qresearch/11493606 BREAKING: Alleged Plot To Attack Philly Convention Center Where Votes Are Being Counted, FF?

>>>/qresearch/11493646 Moar diggs on Edison Research, the sole data provider for Election Night data

>>>/qresearch/11493724 NYS Police activate AMBER Alert for missing Binghamton children

>>>/qresearch/11493885 Vid: Happenings: Evidence of fraud, FBI Interrogatories, names dallas jones, boris miles, gerald womack, rodney ellis, ab canvassing. nursing home patient denied food until vote as told. Chines shipping in fake drivers license.


>>>/qresearch/11493936 Resignations in the news 11/5/2020

>>>/qresearch/11493946 AP FACT CHECK: Trump fabricates election corruption

>>>/qresearch/11494024 @EmeraldRobinson:Hearing from a WH source: the @TheJusticeDept is claiming that regulations require them to wait 10 days before intervening in the election.

>>>/qresearch/11494034 Scavino: Poll observers EJECTED, MP4 Attached


>>>/qresearch/11494167 #14675-1, #14675-2, #14676

(18 notables, 20 posts, 24 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:32 a.m. No.35710   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11490694 Q Research General #14674

Created 060308ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11490724 10 YEAR PRESIDENT: DJT

>>>/qresearch/11490729, >>>/qresearch/11490970, >>>/qresearch/11491829 #14672, #14673, #14674

>>>/qresearch/11490736 Quantum Financial Systems MiniBun

>>>/qresearch/11490844 I want to thank the voters of Arizona for having patience. I encourage media outlets, cable news and national pundits to do the same, and avoid the temptation to declare a winner until our Arizona election officials have finished their jobs. 1/3

>>>/qresearch/11490938 ‘I’m Here to Stand with President Trump’ – Lindsey Graham to Donate $500,000 to Trump’s Legal Fund Tonight

>>>/qresearch/11490980 Poll Watcher in Michigan Kicked Out of Detroit Hall But Not Before They Obtained Evidence of Potential Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11491001 Liberal Media ABC, NBC, CBS Cut Away from President Trump’s Presser on Election Fraud and Irregularities and Then Accuse Him of Lying

>>>/qresearch/11491055 No, Democrats and the Media, We Are Not Taking Your Word for It This Election

>>>/qresearch/11491063 Where are Republicans! Have some backbone. Fight against this fraud. Our voters will never forget you if your sheep!

>>>/qresearch/11491074 QFS

>>>/qresearch/11491083 I Stand With President @realDonaldTrump. We must count every LEGAL vote.

>>>/qresearch/11491135 Video: Black Lives Matter Rally Starts in Manhattan, Police Begin to Detain Activists

>>>/qresearch/11491182 Whoever wins Erie, wins Pennsylvania.

>>>/qresearch/11491192 ‘Tricky Nikki’ Haley takes heat from all sides as #Resistance & MAGA fans pile on over perceived loyalty to Trump (or lack of it)

>>>/qresearch/11491247 Joe Biden sees 'NO DOUBT' of winning presidency, urges supporters to be patient, calls system 'envy of the world'

>>>/qresearch/11491281 POTUS Schedule for FRIDAY, November 6, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11491282 Ethiopian military announces it's at 'war' with Tigray region's ruling party as government declares emergency

>>>/qresearch/11491323 Former military leaders: Trump’s tweet is ‘attack on our electoral process’

>>>/qresearch/11491377 Trump’s Director of Election Day Operations Posts Video of Philly Post Office Continuing to Collect Ballots After Election Day (WATCH)

>>>/qresearch/11491406 Pro-Gun Montana Ballot Referendum Passes

>>>/qresearch/11491517 Reported Wisconsin voter turnout in 2020 is so high that it can only be viewed as a virtual statistical impossibility. It’s 5.5 standard deviations from the mean. It’s a black swan event. You’d never expect to see it in this world. This should be immediately investigated.

>>>/qresearch/11491558 The amount of FRAUD being reported in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, Georgia and Wisconsin is unreal. Please report personal experiences.

>>>/qresearch/11491572 Twitter's PSYOP continues: self-appointed 'neutral election arbiter' Twitter lets #TrumpMeltdown trend

(23 notables, 25 posts, 42 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:32 a.m. No.35711   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11491606 Q Research General #14675: Quantum Financial Systems Edition

Created 060351ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11491708, >>>/qresearch/11491781, >>>/qresearch/11491966 Dick Morris was on Newsmax and he suggests that Trump supporters should flood State Legislators with calls to get them involved in the voter count process in PA Georgia

>>>/qresearch/11491786 Notable Joe M

>>>/qresearch/11491851 Anon calls Digits -POTUS WINS

>>>/qresearch/11491852 Eric Trump: "Wait until you see what we are uncovering…"

>>>/qresearch/11491877 Grenell gives no fucks

>>>/qresearch/11491881 Denmark To Kill Up To 17 Million Minks After Discovering Mutated Coronavirus

>>>/qresearch/11491893 Senate INQUIRY into GOOGLE: Only ‘liberal field agents received vote reminders’ before the election

>>>/qresearch/11491903 Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen on Wednesday called on election officials in all 50 states to ensure that ballots used during the 2020 presidential election are able to be audited.

>>>/qresearch/11491982 radley Birkenfeld: Obama Admin Covered Up Massive Money Laundering Scandal

>>>/qresearch/11491989 Phillip Kline: Philly Prosecutor Threatens to Jail Trump If He Sends in Uncertified Poll Watchers — Officials Still Refuse to Allow GOP Watchers in Room

>>>/qresearch/11491997 We have evidence in Nevada Gov Christie stay tuned.

>>>/qresearch/11492003 RSBN is telling the truth at the AZ COUNT THE VOTE Rally Tonight

>>>/qresearch/11492020 ABC’s Hostin: Selfish Trump Voters ‘Despicable,’ ‘Un-American

>>>/qresearch/11492042 DoD: mistake! We had the wrong flag. Our apologies to our Australian partners.

>>>/qresearch/11492057 make sure you call your REPUBLICAN reps and ask them if they are supporting POTUS or if they/'re RHINOS playing it safe

>>>/qresearch/11492069 Alex Jones in AZ.

>>>/qresearch/11492077 Bogino: It’s going down.

>>>/qresearch/11492092 Sharpie-gate. Maricopa County Attorney’s office responds to questions about Sharpie usage for ballots | Just The News

>>>/qresearch/11492094 Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted

>>>/qresearch/11492141 twitter confirms POTUS account fuckery

>>>/qresearch/11492146 Record $1 billion worth of bitcoin linked to the Silk Road seized by U.S. government

>>>/qresearch/11492186 Context - when the Fox anchors say they have seen no direct evidence, what they mean they have not seen any direct evidence in the 4am talking points memo that all the MSM sing from.

>>>/qresearch/11492215 Project Veritas: Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower Exposes Anti-Trump Postmaster’s Illegal Order to Back-Date Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11492218 What happens if China successfully duplicates [clones] select ballots (Q)

>>>/qresearch/11492223 Maricopa County, AZ releases 73,976 ballots. Trump gets 42,276 - so 57%. This is right in line with what he needs to prevail in AZ once all the ballots are counted.

>>>/qresearch/11492225 James Woods: Donald Trump has been abused, insulted, degraded, lied about, and undermined from the moment he took the oath of office.

>>>/qresearch/11492291 Georgia election officials say recount in presidential race likely. - BBG

>>>/qresearch/11492349 Sting confirmed.

>>>/qresearch/11492375 What if the "virus" was the corruption within our voting system? (Military is the Only Way)

>>>/qresearch/11492384 COMMS FUCKERY REPORT They didn't note the complaint information by the Trump Campaign, disregarding VERY relevant Grenell, Rudy and Lewandowski info and videos a bout PA

>>>/qresearch/11492431 Breaking: Key senators demand to know: Did Google manipulate get-out-vote messages? | Just The News

>>>/qresearch/11492550 Here is a list of 14+ thousand dead people who voted in Wayne County (Detroit)

>>>/qresearch/11492613 QFS Block Chain encryption code put on every legit ballot!

>>>/qresearch/11492627 James Woods: “We need a bigger plane.”

>>>/qresearch/11492628 COMMS FUCKERY REPORT Here is what a comms baker said about POTUS the day before the election

>>>/qresearch/11492748 Pennsylvania had counted 94% of the vote counted this morning. All day all votes counted came in for Biden, but Trump is still leading. How can there now be that only 90% is counted.

>>>/qresearch/11492758 Twitter not long for this world in its present form.

>>>/qresearch/11492795 Wow, Admiral Ackbar was right! IT'S A TRAP

>>>/qresearch/11492809 This election cheating is obvious and an embarrassment to our reputation throughout the world.

>>>/qresearch/11492835 U.S. Postal Worker Caught at Canadian Border With Stolen Ballots In Car Trunk

>>>/qresearch/11492989 Adam Housley: Listen…all I am doing is being an impartial reporter. There were claims of fraud.

>>>/qresearch/11493119 Take a little gander at how the blue checks are discussing "QAnon'

>>>/qresearch/11493147, >>>/qresearch/11493221 BIDEN ADMITS FRAUD!!!

VIDEO - Biden Brags About Having The u201cMost Extensive…Voter Fraud Organizationu201d [Channel: GOP War Room]


>>>/qresearch/11493179 COMMS FUCKERY REPORT They litereally ADMIT to being muhQanon shills

>>>/qresearch/11493180 FRUAD REPORT: It's a bit blurry from a live-cam, but the woman at very bottom left, who is supposed to be counting ballots in PA, does appear to be filling them out.


>>>/qresearch/11493203 What if 20,000 ballots are QFS block-chain watermarked?

>>>/qresearch/11493214 Philly Patriot Protest tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/11493256, >>>/qresearch/11493286 Anons, Alaska stopped a major move by dems.

>>>/qresearch/11493297 HUGE! CHEATER CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Pennsylvania Election Worker CAUGHT Filling Out Ballots for A HALF HOUR! (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11493323 Wagon Rolling into Detroit Vote Counting Center in Early Morning

>>>/qresearch/11493332 WATCH: Florida Governor DeSantis Calls Out Fox News Election Desk While Appearing on Fox News

>>>/qresearch/11493389 "We'll Get Fu*king Torn Apart Again In 2022": Democrats Livid In Leaked Caucus Call After Crushing Election Losses

>>>/qresearch/11493478 FRUAD REPORT: Looks like very clear fraud committed by Pennsylvania vote-counter. Security even sees it and just ignores the crime.


>>>/qresearch/11493512, >>>/qresearch/11493618 New Dan Scavino




>>>/qresearch/11493552 It's literally the American People and President Trump against the New World Order

>>>/qresearch/11493683 Moar diggs on Edison Research, the sole data provider for Election Night data

>>>/qresearch/11493941 Viganò: America is in midst of ‘colossal electoral fraud,’ we must pray NOW to defeat enemy

>>>/qresearch/11494129 tealing Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11494182 Police probe alleged plot to attack Philadelphia vote counting center

(59 notables, 64 posts, 67 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:33 a.m. No.35712   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11494938 Q Research General #14678: /NightShift/ Engaged Edition

Created 060740ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11494999, >>>/qresearch/11495293 Never Forget Those In The Background: The man behind the PAPER BALLOT (USSS)

>>>/qresearch/11495037 My Missouri county (liberal hell hole in a sea of red) has used Sharpies often in previous elections.

>>>/qresearch/11495060 Almost quitin' time, just 666 to go ftw.

>>>/qresearch/11495081, >>>/qresearch/11495108, >>>/qresearch/11495194, >>>/qresearch/11495245, >>>/qresearch/11495266 Quantum Financial Systems Watermarking dig

>>>/qresearch/11495091 Philly Mail in ballot test failures back in July

>>>/qresearch/11495112 Watermarks and paper specs

>>>/qresearch/11495116 Just heard on OAN - Normies showing up in Emergency Rooms for Panic Attacks skyrocketing

>>>/qresearch/11495137, >>>/qresearch/11495727 #14677, #14678, #14679 2/2

>>>/qresearch/11495148 Back in 2018 POTUS created the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency as part of DHS. Upon establishment, immediately declared "elections" a "critical infrastructure."

>>>/qresearch/11495163, >>>/qresearch/11495336 How is a half-baked crypto currency idea going to be used for ballot tracking? -RFID readers can detect them from cellphone tower distances

>>>/qresearch/11495170 Trump has unleashed his legal dogs or war and his most effective all-star persuasion trolls, with air support from weaponized autism. Dems don’t know what is coming for them.

>>>/qresearch/11495199, >>>/qresearch/11495226, >>>/qresearch/11495292 Wisconsin fraud drop at /pol/

>>>/qresearch/11495209, >>>/qresearch/11495288 PIC equals 17

>>>/qresearch/11495225 These real paper ballots can be tracked from up to a half mile away? Gee don't helos fly pretty low sometimes? Bunch of mil plane activity recently?


>>>/qresearch/11495317 Those who have not studied Sun Tzu’s The Art of War can never fully understand Trump and his way.



>>>/qresearch/11495350 Perfect display of why the best diggers have left Q research

>>>/qresearch/11495364 AP is releasing its narrative for all the other news outlets to mimic.

>>>/qresearch/11495367 Quantum Financial Systems The Secret Service has primary jurisdiction to investigate threats against Secret Service protectees as well as financial crimes

>>>/qresearch/11495368 Jame Bond 007 - You Only LiveTwice: "My men found a MicroDot on the PAPER"


>>>/qresearch/11495370 GerorgiaAnon: Gwinnett County says they still have about 5,000 and it might be Sunday before they release the numbers

>>>/qresearch/11495394 Armed QAnon supporter drove from Virginia to attack Philly vote counting: reports

>>>/qresearch/11495404 WATERMARK CONFIRMED Full resolution pic.

>>>/qresearch/11495419 POTUS: "control comms" PROOF

>>>/qresearch/11495463, >>>/qresearch/11495531 Police increased their presence at the Philadelphia Convention Center after receiving a tip about a terrorism attack.

>>>/qresearch/11495471, >>>/qresearch/11495510 Compilation of VOTER FRAUD videos to share with friends. (ARCHIVE OFFLINE)

>>>/qresearch/11495481 Just to be clear: police were/are investigating an alleged plot; police have not confirmed a plot

>>>/qresearch/11495492 Dinesh D'Souza's A Thousand Pieces JFK Documentary free to watch tonight

>>>/qresearch/11495503 Democrats have put us through 4 years of living hell

>>>/qresearch/11495507 People are sending postmananon to Project Veritas from what I can tell

>>>/qresearch/11495508, >>>/qresearch/11495590 463 Vote difference in Georgia now. (4+6+3 = 13)

>>>/qresearch/11495565 Patriots don’t sleep.

>>>/qresearch/11495566, >>>/qresearch/11495575 The left told us what they were going to do, "we wouldn't know who won on election night & neither side will concede"


>>>/qresearch/11495643 Real Clear Politics: 100% reporting in Georgia -Trump stil WINNING

>>>/qresearch/11495663 MSM talking about Vigano


>>>/qresearch/11495664 MSNBC chose to be in Pittsburgh at 4:17am ("For Q") talking about their "35,000 ballots" yet to be counted

>>>/qresearch/11495679 The DHS security microdot document mentions Red 192, which is a Pantone code for a shade of Antique Rose or Vivid Rose.

(37 notables, 51 posts, 56 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:33 a.m. No.35713   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11495734 Q Research General #14679: Biden Gets The HAMMER Edition

Created 060931ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11495822 Video: STING (confirmed)


>>>/qresearch/11495829, >>>/qresearch/11495833 Biden Takes Lead In Georgia (still 110% reporting)

>>>/qresearch/11495867 FoxNews subliminal vote calls opposite of actual Fox call

>>>/qresearch/11495868 PF: QID295

>>>/qresearch/11495876 Flynn: Fruad in Fulton County

>>>/qresearch/11495877 Were QAnon supporters a force behind Trump's 'red wave' in 2020 election?

>>>/qresearch/11495897 DOJ Looking Into Criminal Referral Alleging 3K Cases of Voter Fraud in Nevada

>>>/qresearch/11495902 Pennsylvania sos from today works much better with a laugh track!

>>>/qresearch/11495905 Trump Lawyer: Nevada Allowed Thousands of People Who Didn't Live There to Vote

>>>/qresearch/11495907 You forgot a minor detail…..the ballots are tracked,

>>>/qresearch/11495911 EXCLUSIVE: Poll Watcher in Michigan Kicked Out of Detroit Hall But Not Before They Obtained Evidence of Potential Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11495919 Virginia Democrat Surges Ahead In House Race After Thousands Of Ballots Are ‘Found’ On A Flash Drive

>>>/qresearch/11495933 Arizona Voters File Lawsuit to Restore Their Ballots Cancelled Over Sharpies

>>>/qresearch/11495934 Never Bring A Republican to a Street Fight

>>>/qresearch/11495941 Sidney Powell: Great compilation of voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/11495944 Newly elected House Republican women break record in 'stunning blow to Nancy Pelosi'

>>>/qresearch/11495951 The Voters Versus the Vote Counters

>>>/qresearch/11495960 The U.S. Supreme Court Should Act On Pennsylvania’s Vote Count

>>>/qresearch/11495963, >>>/qresearch/11496028 The way each ballot is printed, the offset margins, even text spacing could be used to stored digital data specific to the voter.

>>>/qresearch/11495965 American Companies Secretly Owned by China

>>>/qresearch/11495966 So just hang on. We didn't 'lose' Georgia, no one is 'stealing' Pennsylvania, etc. Not while POTUS has breath in his lungs.

>>>/qresearch/11495977 UN speaks of Temple Mount as solely Muslim site, ignores Jewish ties

>>>/qresearch/11495983 PROOF of voter Fruad CAPs

>>>/qresearch/11495987 Trump Forces CBS to Cover GOP Wins in the House, They Fact-Checked Him

>>>/qresearch/11495997 NY Times Can’t Wait to Crown Biden, Still Puzzled By Pro-Trump Pollster

>>>/qresearch/11496012 BREAKING: Project Veritas: Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower Exposes Anti-Trump Postmaster’s Illegal Order to Back-Date Ballots (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11496019 Trump will lose a certain Twitter privilege if Biden wins the 2020 election

>>>/qresearch/11496023, >>>/qresearch/11496046 Edison Research -CALL TO DIG

>>>/qresearch/11496031 Dems Disagree in Leaked Caucus Call, Rep. Tlaib Says Progressive Wing is Not to Blame for Losses

>>>/qresearch/11496042 Rush Urges Trump Supporters to 'Keep the Faith' As Dems Use 'Fraud' and 'Deceit' to Steal Election

>>>/qresearch/11496057, >>>/qresearch/11496098 U.S Army: Night Stalkers Dont Quit!

>>>/qresearch/11496058 Late-night comedians rally for Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11496067 ABC, CBS, NBC Cut Away from President Trump’s Live Remarks on Election

>>>/qresearch/11496090 Twitter Confirms Trump’s Account Will No Longer Receive ‘Special Protections’ Starting January 20th, Will Be Censored for Violations

>>>/qresearch/11496103 Trump Eclipses Obama Popular Vote Mark, Reinforcing Speculation of 2024 Run

>>>/qresearch/11496108 Republican Leaders Take Note: Even in a Post-Trump World the Realignment Is Real

>>>/qresearch/11496118 U.S Marines RED Carpet (roll it out!)

>>>/qresearch/11496119 Democrats urge Twitter to suspend Trump until ballots counted President's tweets called 'threat to democracy'

>>>/qresearch/11496128 Facebook bans pro-Trump 'Stop the Steal' page for 'delegitimizing' election Blames nation's 'heightened tension'

>>>/qresearch/11496133 Watch Pennsylvania Dem poll-watcher reveal 'coup' against president 'There is corruption at the highest levels in the city of Philadelphia'

>>>/qresearch/11496144 Definitely…this was the Primary election but he was Biden's Ballot Harvester/ and Sheila Jacksons'.

>>>/qresearch/11496149 The Plan to steal WI, MI & PA for Dems was set in motion

>>>/qresearch/11496155 Ballot-count watcher claims 130,000 votes dumped for Biden Describes incident in Detroit early Wednesday amid Trump lead

>>>/qresearch/11496194 ‘HERE WE GO AGAIN' TV stations CUT AWAY from Trump as he rants about Dems trying to ‘steal’ the election & conspiracies against him

>>>/qresearch/11496210 'UP TRUMP!' Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones shouts ‘you ain’t stealing s**t’ as he riles up armed Trump fans protesting Arizona count

>>>/qresearch/11496217 If the real "plague" or "pandemic" is Chinese marxism then when do "We the People" get to close down the health department for "investigations and contact tracing" of a different sort?

>>>/qresearch/11496219 Texas JUST unleashes indictments for the 2018 midterm voter fraud in September 2020.

>>>/qresearch/11496227 Posted this last night, but guess anons didn't process that theis is a blockchain technology WATERMARK. There is a PATENT on it, which means it is a secret.

>>>/qresearch/11496236 Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax TV: Trump Has Best Chance With Pennsylvania Lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/11496237 Top KEK amongst the madness.

>>>/qresearch/11496248 Proud Boys' Gavin McInnes to Newsmax TV: Anti-Trump Supporters 'Impaled' Black Conservative Woman

>>>/qresearch/11496263 USPS worker arrested at Canadian border with bin of mail, undelivered ballots

>>>/qresearch/11496274 Senate Republicans sit quietly as Trump challenges vote counts

>>>/qresearch/11496287 BREAKING: Portland Antifa Mob Home of City Council Member Dan Ryan For Voting Against Defunding Police (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11496299 USA Today Deplatforms Trump’s Comments on Election as NPR and Other Outlets Censor President

>>>/qresearch/11496311 ‘I’m Here to Stand with President Trump’ – Lindsey Graham to Donate $500,000 to Trump’s Legal Fund Tonight (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11496314, >>>/qresearch/11496457 Chain of custody for ballots:

>>>/qresearch/11496351 The ‘paper of record’ commits the same mistakes it apologized for four years ago

>>>/qresearch/11496357 Ditch the Real Clear Politics Average

>>>/qresearch/11496364 done in 30?

>>>/qresearch/11496367 Milwaukee Officials Have Some Explaining to Do

>>>/qresearch/11496368 Ballot Video MEGA Thread

>>>/qresearch/11496377 LOOKING ON THE BRIGHT SIDE

>>>/qresearch/11496384 Do you want to find proof of fraud? Here's a hint. Subpoena the mail covers.

>>>/qresearch/11496392 Anon Reporting; See something, say something.

>>>/qresearch/11496394 Trump’s Latest Twitter Meme Is Music To The Ears Of QAnon Adherents

>>>/qresearch/11496416 Vox: The Left Should Reconsider Its Commitment To Intersectional Politics (Aka ‘The Latinx Problem’)

>>>/qresearch/11496449 Court cases, with hard evidence of course, will be rock solid IF Biden is declared the winner. If they've cheated and committed fraud to get him there and he loses, the cases won't hold as much water.

>>>/qresearch/11496476 Idioms now get you kicked off Twitter.

>>>/qresearch/11496492 Black men drifted from Democrats toward Trump in record numbers, polls show

>>>/qresearch/11496498 #14679 1/2, #14680, #14681

>>>/qresearch/11496499 #14677, #14678, #14679 2/2

(72 notables, 77 posts, 70 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:33 a.m. No.35714   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11496510 Q Research General #14680: Night Stalkers Dont Quit! Edition

Created 061114ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11496551, >>>/qresearch/11496621, >>>/qresearch/11496670, >>>/qresearch/11496712 The Postal Service patented "secure voting system" using blockchain technology in Aug 2020.

>>>/qresearch/11496558 Oh, those poll workers…

>>>/qresearch/11496632 A deep dark world is BEING EXPOSED.

VIDEO - This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected [Channel: Enriching Diversity]

>>>/qresearch/11496637 DoD Tweet: Watch Marines conduct an assault on a military operations urban training compound in support of Bold Quest 20.2


>>>/qresearch/11496662 DISQUS commenting system is deleting posts containing the watermarked ballots as spam

>>>/qresearch/11496668 CISA - The agency that DJT created to secure the elections:

>>>/qresearch/11496674 Biden to receive additional Secret Service protection: report

>>>/qresearch/11496680 Voter fraud in one nice pic. Please share everywhere!

>>>/qresearch/11496691 According to waybackmachine millions of "registered voters" were added at 11/04/2020

>>>/qresearch/11496726 2 Officers shot in Waukesha County

>>>/qresearch/11496730 Very good election fraud thread:

>>>/qresearch/11496776 Fulton County told our observers last night to go home because they were closing up and then continued to count ballots in secret.

>>>/qresearch/11496785 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi NECK DEEP in Ukraine – Female Ukrainian Party Girl Connected to Military and Government is Her Legislative Aide

>>>/qresearch/11496795 Every night between 3-5amEST vote totals magically change so that when America wakes up everything is changed.

>>>/qresearch/11496833 U.S. Office of Special Counsel has opened an investigation into the Trump campaign's use of the White House for campaign-related activities to see if federal law has been violated.

>>>/qresearch/11496879 President Trump considers recounts in Wis., Pa., Mich. and Ga.

>>>/qresearch/11496884 Eric Trump: There was a lot of truth to this statement… Just wait:


>>>/qresearch/11496888 Guess who's back from suspension at fake news CNN Loobin Tubin Strikes again

>>>/qresearch/11496906 Democrat civil war begins

>>>/qresearch/11496913 Trump Campaign: Victory Possible By Friday

>>>/qresearch/11496915 Is Ballotgate the Single Greatest Crime in Modern American History?

>>>/qresearch/11496916 Spouse anon said the elementary kids were chanting “Biden sucks” on the playground yesterday.

>>>/qresearch/11496926 It’s Not Even Close to Being Over – Not by a Long Shot!

>>>/qresearch/11496937 GOP Slammed for Silence amid Election Chaos: Cowering to the ‘Media Mob’

>>>/qresearch/11496951 Report: Democrat PA Officials ‘Privately’ Feeding Biden Campaign His Potential Margin of Victory

>>>/qresearch/11496961 Defense Sec. Esper has reportedly prepared a resignation letter

>>>/qresearch/11496962 Cheri Bustos Promises ‘Post Mortem’ After Losing House Democrat Seats

>>>/qresearch/11496971 Graham: I’m Donating $500,000 to Trump Legal Fund, We’ll Be Briefed by Campaign on Saturday

>>>/qresearch/11496977 Donald Trump: Biden’s Donors Were Wall Street Bankers; Mine Were Policemen, Farmers, Everyday Citizens

>>>/qresearch/11497003 Coloradans vote to bypass Electoral College Approve plan to give votes to winner of national popular tally

>>>/qresearch/11497012 WATCH: Florida Governor DeSantis Calls Out Fox News Election Desk While Appearing on Fox News

>>>/qresearch/11497041 Mail-in ballots were part of a plot to deny Lincoln reelection in 1864

>>>/qresearch/11497047 NC first lady apologizes for Facebook comment about ‘flipping off’ Trump supporters

>>>/qresearch/11497051 "Vladimir Putin is planning to step down next year as speculation swirls in Russia that the longtime president may have Parkinson’s disease, a report said Thursday."

>>>/qresearch/11497059, >>>/qresearch/11497080 PF

>>>/qresearch/11497066 The Michigan Secretary of State's Office says there were 77,483 spoiled ballots associated with the presidential election in Michigan as of Tuesday morning.

>>>/qresearch/11497074 AG Barr Just Sent In The Federal Agents – Bill Is Ordering Them To Watch The 2020 Ballot Counting

>>>/qresearch/11497078 Two Arrested After Police Get Tip of Convention Center Threat

>>>/qresearch/11497083 Moments ago, divers discovered a sunken vehicle in the Potomac river with what appears to be, two trunks full of Joe Biden ballots for 2020. (for keks)

>>>/qresearch/11497094 Our best guess: A fuel dump by the second stage of a Space X Falcon 9 rocket launched earlier in the evening from Cape Canaveral


>>>/qresearch/11497142 U.S. Postal Service says 1,700 ballots found in Pennsylvania facilities

>>>/qresearch/11497194 Europe’s QAnon followers embrace US election conspiracy theories

>>>/qresearch/11497196 Notes: This release is not public

>>>/qresearch/11497220 Why Trump Keeps Fighting: America’s Future Is At Stake

>>>/qresearch/11497233 The Morning Briefing: Dems Have Turned U.S. Elections Into a Third World Embarrassment

>>>/qresearch/11497241 Presidential Determination With Respect to the Efforts of Foreign Governments Regarding Trafficking in Persons

>>>/qresearch/11497246 No, Democrats and the Media, We Are Not Taking Your Word for It This Election

>>>/qresearch/11497259 #14679 1/2, #14680, #14681

(49 notables, 53 posts, 58 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:34 a.m. No.35715   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11497267 Q Research General #14681: By The Don's Early Light Edition

Created 061244ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11497397 Dough Custody Tracker

>>>/qresearch/11497400 Anon lays out a couple of "baseless predictions" for today

>>>/qresearch/11497402 New DJTjr

>>>/qresearch/11497415 Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

>>>/qresearch/11497419 instead of saying the usual phrase "throw down the hammer," she said TAKE down the hammer. It wasn't an awkward choice of words.

>>>/qresearch/11497439 Anon Opines: 11.3 is the beginning of the end

>>>/qresearch/11497442 (from yesterday) Pro-2A Republican Mark Robinson Becomes NC’s 1st Black Lt. Gov.

VIDEO - "I AM THE MAJORITY!" Full Gun Rights Speech MUST WATCH [Channel: TWANGnBANG]

>>>/qresearch/11497443 New twat from Cocaine Mitch

>>>/qresearch/11497445 Fresh DOD twit


>>>/qresearch/11497463 In February 2009, the Obama administration commandeered a powerful supercomputer system known as THE HAMMER.

>>>/qresearch/11497467 GOP announces legal challenge teams in AZ, GA, MI, & PA

>>>/qresearch/11497473 for background, RAND on counterinsurgency and legit elections

>>>/qresearch/11497486 (from 11-21-19) DHS cyber agency invests in election auditing tool to secure 2020 elections

>>>/qresearch/11497517 @USArmyReserve

>>>/qresearch/11497530 @SidneyPowell1 #Philadelphia fraud is historical and real. It's happening NOW!!

>>>/qresearch/11497582 leaked phone call from the Democratic meeting (6pm yesterday)

>>>/qresearch/11497592 clear legal analysis here by Johnathan Turley

>>>/qresearch/11497608 The USPS and Blockchain Mail-in-Voting

>>>/qresearch/11497672 Here is a list of 14+ thousand dead people who voted in Wayne County (Detroit)

>>>/qresearch/11497727 Genesis Bitcoin needs deeper dig.

>>>/qresearch/11497747 @RandPaul

>>>/qresearch/11497761 an interesting theory.

>>>/qresearch/11497789 DHS 2-election trap method graphic

>>>/qresearch/11497836 unconfirmed, maybe for keks

>>>/qresearch/11497971 anon opines that Steve Pieczenik misspoke when he said "QFS blockchain encryption"

>>>/qresearch/11498036 #14679 1/2, #14680, #14681

(26 notables, 26 posts, 18 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:34 a.m. No.35716   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11498088 Q Research General #14682: Cha(i)n Of Custody Edition

Created 061355ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11498221 correct GA election site…

>>>/qresearch/11498238 High-Ranking Democrats Call For Madigan To Step Aside As State Party Chair

>>>/qresearch/11498382 Poet and Israel Prize laureate Nathan Zach dies

>>>/qresearch/11498393 Decision Desk HQ projects that @JoeBiden has won Pennsylvania and its 20 electoral college votes for a total of 273.

>>>/qresearch/11498400 Grenell taking on everyone, including FOX Business Liz Claman.

>>>/qresearch/11498469 Biden Takes 5k-Vote Lead In PA As USPS Finds More Ballots In Philly

>>>/qresearch/11498477 DJTjr: only one dot on fraudulent ballots?

>>>/qresearch/11498600 Presidential Determination With Respect to the Efforts of Foreign Governments Regarding Trafficking in Persons

>>>/qresearch/11498604 @USArmy

>>>/qresearch/11498635 Roll of Honor—those who stood by President Trump at the crux of the battle.

>>>/qresearch/11498651 GOP senator: Trump's claims of voter fraud are "not substantiated"

>>>/qresearch/11498685 Once Biden claims victory, we can proceed with the plan.

>>>/qresearch/11498765 Italy fake news says POTUS lost GA, PA, won't concede as he should

>>>/qresearch/11498767 new @FLOTUS

>>>/qresearch/11498896 #14682, #14683 Posted in #14684

(15 notables, 15 posts, 16 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:34 a.m. No.35717   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11498940 Q Research General #14683: Sun Brings Heat Edition

Created 061446ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11499018 Trump campaign statement: This election is not over

>>>/qresearch/11499377 DJT "Philadelpiha"


(3 notables, 3 posts, 3 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:35 a.m. No.35718   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11499689 Q Research General #14684: Another Ebake For Victory Edition

Created 061529ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11499777 TRUST THE PLAN

>>>/qresearch/11499783 Molly McCann @molmccann 23m The Trump campaign needs statisticians to help in Pennsylvania.

>>>/qresearch/11499795 Israel is last

>>>/qresearch/11499800 Anon digg on watermark ballot paper

>>>/qresearch/11499810 Trump investment in North Carolina's Native American Lumbee Tribe pays off

>>>/qresearch/11499817, >>>/qresearch/11499883 Trump tweet - Philly has got a rotten history on election integrity

>>>/qresearch/11499829 Mainstream Media told They are Not Allowed to Investigate Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11499874 Anon theory, with the understanding that POTUS will defeat them all, and has already:

>>>/qresearch/11499880 MASSIVE ELECTION FRAUD You've ALL BE SCAMMED!

>>>/qresearch/11499933 Biden campaign threatens to 'escort trespassers out of White House' if Trump refuses to concede

>>>/qresearch/11499954 #14683

>>>/qresearch/11499972 #14682, #14683 Posted in #14684

>>>/qresearch/11499981 AG Barr Just Sent In The Federal Agents – Bill Is Ordering Them To Watch The 2020 Ballot Counting

>>>/qresearch/11499982 Trump Won Highest Share of Non-White Vote of Any Republican Since 1960, Exit Polls Show

>>>/qresearch/11500023 Hold the Line anons

>>>/qresearch/11500043 Recount in Georgia

>>>/qresearch/11500072 GOP senator: Trump's claims of voter fraud are "not substantiated" 'All assets deployed'

>>>/qresearch/11500175 Voting by Mail? These Companies Are Rushing to Print Your Ballot

>>>/qresearch/11500315 QFS Blockchain Encryption (vote ballots)


>>>/qresearch/11500356 All illegal votes will be exposed

>>>/qresearch/11500398 #14684

>>>/qresearch/11500403 And now MULTIPLE states that had an overwhelming Trump lead keep counting and counting and counting until - Surprise! Biden wins!

(23 notables, 24 posts, 26 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:35 a.m. No.35719   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11500498 Q Research General # 14685: Yet Another Ebake For Victory Edition

Created 061608ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11500526 Trump tweet - rigged 2020 election

>>>/qresearch/11500551 Fakenews story How Stacey Abrams became the 'architect' of Biden's Georgia surge

>>>/qresearch/11500553 Trump says Biden is failing dummy

>>>/qresearch/11500573 Killary tweet on Georgia vote fraud

>>>/qresearch/11500575 Anon opine on DHS/Blockchain

>>>/qresearch/11500586 Looters hit stores in Emeryville, Richmond, San Lorenzo after groups targeted Oakland night before

>>>/qresearch/11500602 DOJ to monitor election counts

>>>/qresearch/11500625 Pelosi refers to Biden as 'President-Elect'

>>>/qresearch/11500651 Mike Rothschild sides with Comms Bakers on 'QAnon'

>>>/qresearch/11500670 Recounts with fake ballots mean nothing. Ballots must be audited

>>>/qresearch/11500675 Anons need to understand that NOTHING can undo these fraudulent election results unless Trump/DOJ can prove that it was massive and everywhere.

>>>/qresearch/11500711 Georgia Secretary of State: “There will be a recount in Georgia."


>>>/qresearch/11500731 Stand strong on your faith - The Storm is almost upon us

>>>/qresearch/11500735 Anon calls for diggs on ballot QFS blockchain encryption

>>>/qresearch/11500776 Anon makes dough with last two bread notables - BAKER STEP UP PLEASE

>>>/qresearch/11500923, >>>/qresearch/11500955 Trump tweet thread - This is what we know

>>>/qresearch/11501154 #14685

(17 notables, 18 posts, 16 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:35 a.m. No.35720   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11501266 Q Research General # 14686: hold the line

Created 061649ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11501292 #StoptheSteal

>>>/qresearch/11501298 James O'Keefe@JamesOKeefeIII We are processing every voter fraud and election integrity tip that comes in.

>>>/qresearch/11501319 Trump tweet thread - This is what we know (about the vote fraud)

>>>/qresearch/11501334 HOLD THE LINE

>>>/qresearch/11501341 Pledge of Allegiance

>>>/qresearch/11501358 14683 Bread notables (uncensored by comms)

>>>/qresearch/11501371 14684 Bread notables (uncensored by comms)

>>>/qresearch/11501380 Anon opines about ballot chain of custody

>>>/qresearch/11501388 14685 Bread notables (uncensored by comms)

>>>/qresearch/11501400 Why is comms attacking the 'watermark' ballots so hard?

>>>/qresearch/11501408, >>>/qresearch/11501481 I laughed my ass off! This is an epic tweet by Maria Bartiromo! 'Don't listen to haters'

>>>/qresearch/11501409 BLM is a jewish terror group

>>>/qresearch/11501413 Comms doesn't like anons going around their censorship

>>>/qresearch/11501433 Biden vote fraud


>>>/qresearch/11501511 FOX 13: Utah attorney general says election process has been "compromised," will take personal leave to help Trump campaign

>>>/qresearch/11501538 Updated and clean dough waiting for patriot baker

>>>/qresearch/11501547 ANDREW BREITBART -WAR MURDOCK and the rest of the MSM are the enemy of the people expose their lies. No violence. just truth

VIDEO - Andrew Breitbart - War [Channel: Sage Antone]

>>>/qresearch/11501557 ELECTION FRAUD COMPILATION

>>>/qresearch/11501560, >>>/qresearch/11501687, >>>/qresearch/11501727 Watch the Water(mark)

>>>/qresearch/11501569 Report Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11501597 Biden Campaign talking shit

>>>/qresearch/11501600 Anon supports Anon Note Buns to go around comms censorship

>>>/qresearch/11501666 ‘Stop the Steal’ spreads across the internet after infecting Facebook

>>>/qresearch/11501688 Calls to digg on VoteAmerica

>>>/qresearch/11501709 WATCH: Nancy Pelosi Calls President Donald Trump a Domestic Enemy and Refers to Biden as ‘President Elect’

>>>/qresearch/11501741 Anons pray

>>>/qresearch/11501747 Plan to take down Trump

>>>/qresearch/11501758 Pennsylvania Republican State Leaders Say They Will Not Step In — Contact Them Today!

>>>/qresearch/11501771 Clark county kicks out GOP watchers and covers the windows, all at 4am (4am voter)

>>>/qresearch/11501791 This Is Interesting: Internet Sleuths Were Using Michigan Govt. Website to Check for Dead Voters — So the Website Was Shut Down

>>>/qresearch/11501796 Dig! PA 2020 General Election Mail Ballot Requests Data Set

>>>/qresearch/11501802 The new federal agency nobody knows about.

>>>/qresearch/11501810 Quantum Dots for experimental anti-fraud labeling

>>>/qresearch/11501816 Lawsuit: At Least 21K Dead People on Pennsylvania Voter Rolls

>>>/qresearch/11501842 Justice Department OKs armed officers investigating fraud at ballot-counting sites

>>>/qresearch/11501854 JUST IN: The Associated Press says Pennsylvania is likely to go to a recount

>>>/qresearch/11501887 BREAKING: Pennsylvania Democrats Create Nearly 700,000 Votes To Put Joe Biden In Lead Since Election

>>>/qresearch/11501889 Justice Department Looking Into Allegations of Voter Fraud in Nevada After Trump Legal Team Identifies Thousands of Illegal Votes

>>>/qresearch/11501921 We don’t care who you supported, if you have anything let us know. From suppression, to questions. That’s our job…no matter who it helps.

>>>/qresearch/11502013 #14686

(41 notables, 44 posts, 45 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:36 a.m. No.35721   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11502022 Q Research General # 14687: These People are Stupid

Created 061731ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11502075 Steve Bannon's Twitter acct has been suspended.

>>>/qresearch/11502078 Lindsey is onboard. Where are the other DC Republicans?

>>>/qresearch/11502079 AT LEAST 21K Dead People on Pennsylvania Voter Rolls

>>>/qresearch/11502092 For the 2020 election, an Arizona company RUNBECK printed 70,000,000 ballots for 21 state including Washington DC.

>>>/qresearch/11502103 The evidence flowing into Voter Fraud Hotline is overwhelming. Campaign legal team setting battlefield for fight in the courts - armed with incontrovertible evidence. Major Press Conference today. Stay tuned.

>>>/qresearch/11502105 NEW PDJT

>>>/qresearch/11502116 GOP lining up to surrender

>>>/qresearch/11502119 FIVE E6 OVER AMERICA

>>>/qresearch/11502149 Biden campaign threatens to ESCORT Trump from White House if he refuses to concede

>>>/qresearch/11502151 Tucker Carlson: Lack of Confidence in Elections ‘Destroys Social Trust,’ ‘Sets the Table for Awful Things to Come’

>>>/qresearch/11502165 Who may speak, and how? A visual guide

>>>/qresearch/11502166 A Defunct Republic

>>>/qresearch/11502176 "If the ballot counters weren't up to anything illicit, why did they go to great lengths to hide their activity from lawful observers?"

>>>/qresearch/11502212 In the Finger Lakes region, the positive infection rate has gone from 1.7% to 2.6%. The majority of the rest of the state has been keeping their numbers flat, according to Cuomo.

>>>/qresearch/11502216 Armed federal agents could be sent to examine ballot-counting locations, Justice Dept tells prosecutors

>>>/qresearch/11502241 Secret Service headed to Biden campaign HQ in Wilmington as Biden reportedly prepares to deliver big victory speech

>>>/qresearch/11502261 It’s habbening.

>>>/qresearch/11502268 Four California House incumbents trail narrowly as votes come in

>>>/qresearch/11502294 ‘Put a Bullet in Their Skull for Treason’ — Police Captain Advocates Executing Biden Voters

>>>/qresearch/11502296 The election coup plot, explained

>>>/qresearch/11502307 Silicon Valley giants ‘set out to silence me,’ coronavirus denialist David Icke tells RT after perma-ban on Twitter

>>>/qresearch/11502342 UK Media Reports Putin To Step Down In January Amid Parkinson's Disease Fears

>>>/qresearch/11502373 Bolivia’s president-elect survives dynamite attack at party’s headquarters

>>>/qresearch/11502382 Georgia officials say there will be a recount of votes in swing state

>>>/qresearch/11502396 Over Half-Million Australians Demand Investigation Into Rupert Murdoch's Media Empire

>>>/qresearch/11502423 ‘It’s not your job’: Debate sparked on ‘unbiased’ journalism after news broadcasters cut away from Trump’s election fraud speech

>>>/qresearch/11502432 Joe Biden, the luckiest politician in U.S. history

>>>/qresearch/11502456 Keep Fighting

>>>/qresearch/11502468 Twitter Censors 6 Trump Posts in 24 Hours

>>>/qresearch/11502496 Shhh: Twitter Donations to Dems Now Exceed 99 Percent

>>>/qresearch/11502498 New PDJT

>>>/qresearch/11502501 Hillary Clinton: 'Trump Must Stop Fueling Dangerous Conspiracy Theories About Our Elections Being Unfair'

>>>/qresearch/11502520 Facebook Adding MORE Restrictions to Election Posts: Report

>>>/qresearch/11502535 Arrests & scuffles as Million Mask March staged in London despite Covid-19 lockdown

>>>/qresearch/11502541 Senate Inquiry Into Google: Only "Liberal Field Agents Received Vote Reminders" Before Election

>>>/qresearch/11502543 Liberal Pressure Groups Urge Twitter to Ban Trump

>>>/qresearch/11502550 US STRATEGIC COMMAND

>>>/qresearch/11502560 Here’s a giant list of dead voters that all mailed votes in PA.

>>>/qresearch/11502570 Portland Resident Indicted for Providing Material Support to ISIS

>>>/qresearch/11502576 GOP Analyst Raises $170K To Purchase Data, Conduct Deep Dive On Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11502579 Greece Arrests Islamic State Migrant Helped by Pro-Migration NGOs

>>>/qresearch/11502595 PHILLY MAYOR - President needs to put his big boy pants on, acknowledge the fact he lose, congratulate the winner, stop this and let us move on as a country

>>>/qresearch/11502602 The voter fraud is glaring and caught on video. @realDonaldTrump should concede nothing until SCOTUS has its say.

>>>/qresearch/11502606 UK: Nurse Arrested Trying to Remove Her 97-Year-Old Mother from Care Home

>>>/qresearch/11502614 Adapt and Overcome

>>>/qresearch/11502624 Between 6am and 8:30am… they found 25-35k more ballots in Georgia.

>>>/qresearch/11502628 Why The Epoch Times Won’t Call the Presidential Race Until All Challenges Are Resolved

>>>/qresearch/11502657 Adapt2Win

>>>/qresearch/11502665 Pollak: Seven Kinds of Election Interference, from Fraud to Censorship

(49 notables, 49 posts, 51 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:36 a.m. No.35722   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11502688 Q Research General # 14688: Stay Frosty Anons Edition

Created 061806ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11502840 List of voter fraud cases/events with sources

>>>/qresearch/11502864 Biden Results 'Statistically Impossible': Election Being Stolen While Media, Socials Censor Truth

>>>/qresearch/11502887 Lots of fuel burning today

>>>/qresearch/11502898 USPS worker allegedly had undelivered mail in his trunk, including ballots, at US-Canada border

>>>/qresearch/11502900 Timestamps Matter

>>>/qresearch/11502924 Biden's win will not survive the DHS election audit

>>>/qresearch/11502928 Overnight Democrats Finally Steal Georgia

>>>/qresearch/11502946 ELECTION FRAUD: Illegal Router Connecting Tabulation Machines To Internet Discovered In Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11502962 True Electoral Count Shows Trump Winning

>>>/qresearch/11502969 Media Awakens: Voter Fraud Across Democratic Run Cities & Counties Causing Alarms

>>>/qresearch/11502974 Henniges Automotive, acquired by Chinese military contractor through the efforts of Hunter Biden

>>>/qresearch/11502995 Israel razes village, leaves 41 children homeless

>>>/qresearch/11503064 A computer error led election officials in Oakland County to hand an upset victory Wednesday to a Democrat, only to switch the win back to an incumbent Republican a day later.

>>>/qresearch/11503065 In 1960, USS Canberra did a bit of time traveling when it fired a missile that hit a drone the day before it was launched. This feat was accomplished when the cruiser fired a missile on Monday that crossed the International Date Line to hit its target on Sunday.

>>>/qresearch/11503077 stack of c-130's headed west from fayettenam

>>>/qresearch/11503078 Utah Attorney General Claims “Compromised Election Process” – Will Take Personal Leave Time to Help President Trump Fight in Several States

>>>/qresearch/11503105 Sen. Mitch McConnell calls for every vote to be counted, ignoring Trump’s claims

>>>/qresearch/11503106 Exercise

>>>/qresearch/11503152 Money buys everything: there are people in the Republican Party who are being paid to vote for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11503165 How to Quickly Spot a Clown

>>>/qresearch/11503171 If you have witnessed voter fraud and have pictures, video, and/or are willing to sign an affidavit, please message me.

>>>/qresearch/11503173 Fraud Site Online

>>>/qresearch/11503193 History Repeats Itself: Lenin’s Actions to Steal the 1917 Election in Russia Are Eerily Similar to the Democrats Steal Today

>>>/qresearch/11503204 DE County ,PE Ballot counters filled in 6 ballots and continuing, while the security pays blind eyes on them.

>>>/qresearch/11503208 If you send a picture of this graph of voting trends in Wisconsin in a PRIVATE MESSAGE, Instagram will say it's missing context and flag it. Welcome to the CCP.

>>>/qresearch/11503222 He's it. Sorry. One chance. This is our hill.

>>>/qresearch/11503229 Filled out Trump mail in ballots in Landfill


>>>/qresearch/11503259 Pennsylvania Democrats Create Nearly 700,000 Votes To Put Joe Biden In Lead Since Election

>>>/qresearch/11503274 When you’re breaking the law, ignoring court orders, counting ballots in secret & threatening to steal the presidency, it’s not “PA’s business.” It’s America’s business, and we have the right to expect votes will be counted

>>>/qresearch/11503329 New Grenell - The details were given to DOJ last night. Catch up!

>>>/qresearch/11503335 Beirut port customs chief arrested in Saudi drug-smuggling case

>>>/qresearch/11503348 Last summer, the press was obsessed with asking President Trump if he would leave the White House without controversy if defeated by Joe Biden.


>>>/qresearch/11503363 Breaking Down the Mechanics of the Oligarchs’ Great Reset

>>>/qresearch/11503375 Trump Administration Advances $2.9 Billion Reaper Drone Sale to UAE

>>>/qresearch/11503395 I'm in Philly where voter fraud is rampant. Where's @TheJusticeDept

>>>/qresearch/11503403 A Suspicious Election

>>>/qresearch/11503406 Did Media Spiking the Ukraine-Burisma Story Win Joe Biden the Election?

>>>/qresearch/11503421 DOJ Frees Federal Prosecutors to Take Steps That Could Interfere With Elections, Weakening Long-standing Policy

>>>/qresearch/11503430 We have documented irregularities in Michigan.

>>>/qresearch/11503435 Biden Announcement Tonight Possibly to Lead Off w/ Heels Up Speaking First

>>>/qresearch/11503440 SAM105 USAF G5 ws from JBA-this AC departed Lackland AFB, San Antonio last night back to JBA

>>>/qresearch/11503453 #14688

(43 notables, 43 posts, 51 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:36 a.m. No.35723   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11503476 Q Research General # 14689: We have it in our power to begin the world over again Edition

Created 061849ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11503597 Counting New Ballots After Election Day Conflicts w/ Federal Law!

>>>/qresearch/11503608 Report ALL voter fraud to Trump's legal team

>>>/qresearch/11503611 BREAKING REPORT: Chair of the FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION Trey Trainor believes VOTER FRAUD IS TAKING PLACE in states still counting ballots…

>>>/qresearch/11503628 Milwaukee Officials Have Some Explaining to Do

>>>/qresearch/11503631 Trump is 'preparing to hold a "victory" rally this weekend' #Election2020

>>>/qresearch/11503637 A preliminary statistical analysis of Philadelphia voting data is showing that the vote totals are “as if someone flipped a coin 100 times and got heads every time.

>>>/qresearch/11503642 Milwaukee's sky-high voter turnout raises questions, prompts lawsuit seeking explanation

>>>/qresearch/11503648 Biden war machine anxious to get back into Syria and cause chaos in Caucasus

>>>/qresearch/11503683 Patrick Howley: FBI interrogated Dallas Jones & others in biggest election fraud bust in US history. Fake driver licenses from China, nursing home patients denied food until vote as told

>>>/qresearch/11503684 AMMO DUMP. PATRIOTS TAKE AND DROP.

>>>/qresearch/11503699 Trey Trainor to Newsmax TV: Voter Fraud Is Taking Place

>>>/qresearch/11503701 Look Who Thinks He's Getting off the Hook

>>>/qresearch/11503713 Philadelphia mayor tells Trump to 'put his big boy pants on' and concede, even as key states remain uncalled

>>>/qresearch/11503742 There are 6x E-6’s airborne right fucking now. A 7th dropped off the radar.

>>>/qresearch/11503763 Turkish Intelligence Services Are Involved In Karabakh War: Russia

>>>/qresearch/11503784 Russia’s Security Service Arrested Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami Terrorist Cell In Kazan

>>>/qresearch/11503793 JFK said this in 1961 he was dead 2 years later…

>>>/qresearch/11503795 Far from over. Republicans will not back down from this battle.

>>>/qresearch/11503796 Leon Black Reveals Other Jeffrey Epstein Finance Clients—Including A U.S. Treasury Secretary

>>>/qresearch/11503825 Chinese State Propagandist Gushes over ‘Tenacious Man’ Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11503860 The battle here in #PA17 is far from over & we are going to fight like hell for free, fair & transparent elections & to ensure that every legal vote counts.

>>>/qresearch/11503863 They are trying to California our electoral process!

>>>/qresearch/11503901 Head of nuclear weapons agency unexpectedly resigns

>>>/qresearch/11503926 2nd PA USPS whistleblower: Postmaster ordered late ballots picked up; thinks they will be BACKDATED

>>>/qresearch/11503931 Dear Congressional Republicans: We, Trump Supporters, Are Watching You

>>>/qresearch/11503954 Evidence of Voter Election FRAUD?!

>>>/qresearch/11503955 For everyone complaining about the President bringing up voter fraud & not providing the evidence himself, it would do you good to remember that he has a team of hundreds of lawyers who are literally assembling it & organizing it for lawsuits as we speak.

>>>/qresearch/11503958 @NYGovCuomo says he is posting the National Guard to airports and increasing other enforcement presence.

>>>/qresearch/11503960 Biden Takes Lead In Georgia At 4AM From Mail-In Ballots, Three Days After Election

>>>/qresearch/11503971 Sidney Powell tweeted this DOJ release on a Philadelphia Judge of Elections Convicted of Conspiring to Violate Civil Rights and Bribery

>>>/qresearch/11503977 How is it that more 90-year-olds registered to vote in one year, during a pandemic, than at any point in Pennsylvania history?

>>>/qresearch/11503982 Chris Bannon: 'We Are Coming For You!'

>>>/qresearch/11503995 Donald J. Trump - Where are the missing military ballots in Georgia? What happened to them?

>>>/qresearch/11504020 “To have this kind of stuff going on at the 11th hour is unconscionable. So we have a totally lack of faith in her ability to do her job and to do it fairly.”

>>>/qresearch/11504027 Multiple reports claim if Trump loses, he is considering launching a "Trump TV" to fight Fox News, and plans to take Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and others with him.

>>>/qresearch/11504047 Planefag checking in. R0530909 (aka ROSE0909) went to Elizabeths town from Andrews. There has been a LOT of SIGINT and surveillance planes up today, with GLARE08 and GLARE12 over DC again.

>>>/qresearch/11504054 Hillary Clinton Cheers the News that Media Calls 2020 Election for Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11504100 'Astounding': Biden Scores Insane Advantage In Mail-In Ballots In Michigan And Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11504120 One of the USPS officials in Pennsylvania has just agreed to go on the record and is willing to testify under oath to the backdating of ballots.

>>>/qresearch/11504134 Mercury's, SAM's and AWACS oh myyyy

>>>/qresearch/11504157 Jewish media hates Trump

>>>/qresearch/11504176 Elections aren't decided by fake news. They are decided by State Legislatures, the Supreme Court, and certified by congress.


>>>/qresearch/11504202 SHARPIEGATE: Arizona Said Sharpies Would Invalidate Ballots Before Telling Republican-Leaning Voters To Use Them

>>>/qresearch/11504242 #14689

(45 notables, 45 posts, 58 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:36 a.m. No.35724   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11504151 Q Research General #14690: Grow Brave By Reflection Edition

Created 061926ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11504354 Trump Mulling Firing Top Officials at the Pentagon, FBI, CIA, Report Claims

>>>/qresearch/11504371 Paradise Papers pulp giant faces profit-shifting accusations

>>>/qresearch/11504377 True Electoral Count Shows Trump Winning

>>>/qresearch/11504388 Ex-ABC producer sues network for $10M in Amy Robach leaked Epstein tape scandal

>>>/qresearch/11504420 Navy Ballots Found In Dumpster In Georgia


>>>/qresearch/11504424 Reminder that more than 30,000 paper ballots requested in pro-Trump Butler County, Pennsylvania were not delivered, and we WILL make sure they get their provisional ballots counted

>>>/qresearch/11504432 ‘American Hustle’: Party Insiders Tell The True Story Of How Philadelphia Elections Work

>>>/qresearch/11504441 Biden got fewer votes in the major cities and urban areas in every state except the major cities in MI, PA, GA, WI.

>>>/qresearch/11504448 Sauce for why /PB is not accurate…

>>>/qresearch/11504460 Nov 2nd Pennsylvania still had 700,000 ballots unreturned.

>>>/qresearch/11504467 A joint Secret Service investigation led to 19 defendants being charged in a multi-million dollar fraud scheme in Manhattan.

>>>/qresearch/11504468 Keep the Faith – President Trump Will Win The Election Based on the Constitution Per Retired Intel Operative Tony Shaffer

>>>/qresearch/11504475 President Trump Vows to Use “Every Aspect of the Law” to Fight Against Corrupt Democrat Machine Trying to Steal Election

>>>/qresearch/11504477 Project Veritas tweet: 2nd PA Postal Worker comes forward! (video)


>>>/qresearch/11504496 ‘Happy day’: Pelosi hails ‘President-Elect Joe Biden’ with ‘tremendous mandate,’ votes still being counted in several states

>>>/qresearch/11504502 Here's a list of the ballot "curing" deadlines for the key states that allow voters to correct their ballot.

>>>/qresearch/11504576 They fixed this so a deeper look into the county doesn't happen

>>>/qresearch/11504594 Federal Court Declares Genetically Engineered Salmon Unlawful

>>>/qresearch/11504641 One Michigan county clerk caught a glitch in tabulation software so they hand counted votes and found the glitch caused 6,000 votes to go to Biden + Democrats that were meant for Trump and Republicans. 47 MI counties used this software. All must check now!

>>>/qresearch/11504660 One Democratic House member said that Pelosi is “strategically and tactically unmatchable,” but added: “She knows the sports playbook but we cannot understand what play she is calling.”

>>>/qresearch/11504665 Archive Update "Popcorn poisoning" Edition

>>>/qresearch/11504681 "Quantum Dots" for fluorescent tagging

>>>/qresearch/11504684 This Firefox vulnerability is so bad, the U.S. government is urging users to patch it immediately

>>>/qresearch/11504695 DETROIT: Trump Unity Bridge Owner Pulled Over For “Failure to signal,” Arrested At Pro-Trump Rally Over Non-Existent Outstanding Warrants

>>>/qresearch/11504705 Georgia check the status of your ballot, you have until 5pm TODAY to cure it.

>>>/qresearch/11504712 Former Department of Justice Paralegal Pleads Guilty to Accessing and Releasing Sensitive, Non-Public Information

>>>/qresearch/11504736 As Q and Anons continue to suck up to Blue Lives Matter, Law Enforcers continue to spit on the Constitution which they took an oath to protect and serve.

>>>/qresearch/11504738 No Evidence To Support Trump’s Claims Of Voter Fraud, GOP Senator Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) Says

>>>/qresearch/11504776 Newt Gingrich: The CORRUPT believe the American people are ‘spineless…cowards’

>>>/qresearch/11504794 A good general summary of Dem ballot fuckery and their coming doom for normies. Send this to your dad or your liberal friends who cannot deny election fraud:

>>>/qresearch/11504796 In Philadelphia PA Poll Watcher videos several people walking into vote counting area with suitcases and backpacks.


>>>/qresearch/11504801 Las Vegas showing boat loads of loose ballots littering Vegas

>>>/qresearch/11504870 The Republican Party of Michigan held a press conference Friday afternoon and revealed six thousand Republican votes were calculated for Democrats after a software glitch.

>>>/qresearch/11504887 Breaking: According to @NCSBE

>>>/qresearch/11504910 Celebrities attack Trump voters: Janelle Monae says every American who supported Trump should 'burn'

>>>/qresearch/11504918 i think the bigger story is the illegal ID's confiscated at International wing of O'Hare in Chicago!!!

>>>/qresearch/11504922 KILL_CHAIN: DHS>NSA(CISA)>DOD[!]>

>>>/qresearch/11504932 Apparently June Aiken (born in 1900) voted via absentee ballot in Jackson County, Michigan. That would make them 120 years old!


>>>/qresearch/11504954 Glitch in tabulation software in 47 Michigan counties caused 6000 votes to go to Biden instead of Trump!


>>>/qresearch/11504970 Ballots have been turned in with no names on them!


>>>/qresearch/11505027 Lindsey Graham says Joe Biden ‘deserves’ cabinet picks if elected

(41 notables, 41 posts, 58 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:37 a.m. No.35725   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11505792 Q Research General #14692: Summer Soldiers and Sunshine Patriots Edition

Created 062057ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11505884, >>>/qresearch/11505992 Roland Vote Secur SL GR "MADE IN CANADA

>>>/qresearch/11505994 Watch this David Steele discussion with Charlie Ward. It's from August 7th, but very interesting.

>>>/qresearch/11506005 @USNavy

>>>/qresearch/11506008 "The an election-software glitch in Michigan's Antrim County that had incorrectly directed votes Democratic presidential candidate to Joe Biden was fixed Friday, putting thousands of vote correctly into President Trump's totals.

>>>/qresearch/11506016, >>>/qresearch/11506144 Watermark. CA

>>>/qresearch/11506025 Secret Service announces the creation of the Cyber Fraud Task Force

>>>/qresearch/11506031 So if Director of CISA is saying Piecnezik and Wictor's stories are bunk, then what?

>>>/qresearch/11506042 Twitters Censors Rand Paul Post About Historical Voter Fraud – Then Uncensor's It

>>>/qresearch/11506051 One Michigan county clerk caught a glitch in tabulation software so they hand counted votes and found the glitch caused 6,000 votes to go to Biden + Democrats that were meant for Trump and Republicans. 47 MI counties used this software. All must check now!


>>>/qresearch/11506058 ELECTION THEFTOf The Century | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 84

>>>/qresearch/11506119 Grassley: Members of my staff collected stories for the Library of Congress Veterans History Project today at the Waverly Area Veterans Post

>>>/qresearch/11506125 New Lawsuit Alleges Pennsylvania Democrats Broke Election Laws

>>>/qresearch/11506147 The ink that was mentioned in the last bread…

>>>/qresearch/11506620 #14691

(14 notables, 16 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:37 a.m. No.35726   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11505007 Q Research General #14691: It Is Error Only, and Not Truth, That Shrinks From Inquiry. Edition

Created 062014ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11505151 Former Department of Justice Paralegal Pleads Guilty to Accessing and Releasing Sensitive, Non-Public Information

>>>/qresearch/11505171 Michigan GOP: Software That Stole 6,000 Votes From Trump in One County Used in 47 Counties

>>>/qresearch/11505182 Q for Sale? - Not likely

>>>/qresearch/11505195 What Teachers Should Do When QAnon Conspiracy Theories Come to Class

>>>/qresearch/11505205 Here’s a giant list of dead voters that all mailed votes in PA.

>>>/qresearch/11505212 2 GOP Candidates Who Promoted QAnon Conspiracy Theory Lose Bids for Congress in Illinois

>>>/qresearch/11505220 FOX836out of NC (Probable USMC) landed in Quantico briefly earlier. Went from Quantico to Fort Drum. Now departing back south.

>>>/qresearch/11505223 Decision Desk called it for Biden.

>>>/qresearch/11505225 Graham Reacts to Post-Election Updates

>>>/qresearch/11505226 Thomas Wictor The new federal agency nobody knows about.

>>>/qresearch/11505228 DHS audit will begin the minute the election is over.

>>>/qresearch/11505229 The New York Times Didn’t Learn Its Lesson

>>>/qresearch/11505239 Dan Crenshaw is a patriot, in Israel

>>>/qresearch/11505243 QAnon supporter pulls ahead in race for Coney Island assembly seat


>>>/qresearch/11505267 President Trump’s former campaign manager Brad Parscale is reportedly working on a book deal after being removed from his post atop Trump's reelection campaign earlier this year.

>>>/qresearch/11505274 Old But Relevant - Computer Programmer Testifies To Rigging Election machines

>>>/qresearch/11505279 As QAnon Copes With Trump’s Likely Loss, They Wonder Where Q Is

>>>/qresearch/11505291 Tonight Show Head Writer Quits Because She's Sick of Trump Jokes

>>>/qresearch/11505293 Mainstream Media CAUGHT Using Portland Riot Pic To Frame Election Integrity Protests As Violent

>>>/qresearch/11505297 Nasty Declares Joe Biden President Elect


>>>/qresearch/11505298 Serbia Calls for Ensuring Safety of Witnesses in Ex-Kosovo President's Case, Dacic Says


>>>/qresearch/11505313 Sorry, Abigail Spanberger, Dems Don't Just Need to Ditch the Word 'Socialism.'

>>>/qresearch/11505337 Kate brown…shutting it down!

>>>/qresearch/11505384 The justices then make a final decision.

>>>/qresearch/11505417 Stratcom twitter is talking to this board.

>>>/qresearch/11505458 GOP Expert Describes Plan to Reveal Ballot Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11505467 More than 45,000 Americans flood New Zealand's immigration website fearing Donald Trump would win the US election

>>>/qresearch/11505477 How does the Supreme Court decide to hear a case?

>>>/qresearch/11505513 Nolte: Of Vote Fraud, Hard Evidence, and Swing State Margins

>>>/qresearch/11505528 Traitor

>>>/qresearch/11505538 BREAKING: Communist Chinese State Media Gushes Over Joe Biden After Election

>>>/qresearch/11505555 Smoking gun: Milwaukee ‘updates’ voter registration portal data to hide cheating

>>>/qresearch/11505562 Voter Fraud in Detroit, MI: At Least 130,000 Ballots Arrived in 3 Vehicles.. All for Biden! via Blazing Press

>>>/qresearch/11505578 Michigan County’s Updated Results Show Flip From Biden to Trump

>>>/qresearch/11505596 BOOM OPERATOR

>>>/qresearch/11505602 Van Drew, who switched parties to support Trump, declared winner in hotly-contested N.J. House race

>>>/qresearch/11505631 Georgia Secretary Of State Announces Recount In Presidential Race

>>>/qresearch/11505633 ELECTION THEFT Of The Century | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 84

>>>/qresearch/11505647 Trump Campaign: Projection of Biden as Winner Is ‘False’

>>>/qresearch/11505649 Ten days. Darkness.

>>>/qresearch/11505667 The Election Fallacy of the “Intellectual Conservatives” – Beltway Republicans are Decepticons…

>>>/qresearch/11505685 U.S. adds 638,000 jobs in October, unemployment rate drops to 6.9%, report

>>>/qresearch/11505711 'The View' host blasts 70 million 'selfish' Trump voters

>>>/qresearch/11505718 “After four years of ‘resistance’ by Democrats-including but not limited to the phony RussiaHoax+phony Impeachment-they should not expect Republicans to just play nice,” the longtime reporter and friend of President Trump tweeted Friday.

>>>/qresearch/11505726 RNC Seeking to Raise at Least $60M to Fund Trump Legal Challenges: Sources

>>>/qresearch/11505731 Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

>>>/qresearch/11505749 Dead Detroit voters


>>>/qresearch/11505827 EVERYTHING IS FUCKING NOTABLE

>>>/qresearch/11505844 #14691

(52 notables, 52 posts, 50 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:37 a.m. No.35727   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11506628 Q Research General #14693: Fairweather (Pay)triots Head For The Hills Edition

Created 062145ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11506717 Blago knows


>>>/qresearch/11506743 Eyes On?

>>>/qresearch/11506789 If President Trump was in the lead, the media would be screaming that the race is not over

>>>/qresearch/11506791 Looks like we fucked up the polls, somehow. (topkek)

>>>/qresearch/11506796 BOTH CHAMBERS IN SESSION MONDAY

>>>/qresearch/11506799 Kayleigh: It's absolutely INSANE that Twitter BLOCKED @marklevinshow

>>>/qresearch/11506857 #14691

>>>/qresearch/11506860 POTUS currently in the Oval

>>>/qresearch/11506948, >>>/qresearch/11507087 President Trump was building up a historic landslide victory then the media started lying

>>>/qresearch/11506962 Apparent national guard sighting.

>>>/qresearch/11506968 Michigan county flips back to Trump, following repair of voting software glitch


>>>/qresearch/11507074 Trump Jr.: When America sees everything we are uncovering…

>>>/qresearch/11507117 BANNON'S WAR ROOM ON NOW

>>>/qresearch/11507125, >>>/qresearch/11507154 11507280 Anyone looked into voting equipment from Hart Intercivic?

>>>/qresearch/11507194 AOC Is Making a List of Who's Headed to the Camps

>>>/qresearch/11507195 WHY AP HASN’T CALLED PENNSYLVANIA

>>>/qresearch/11507216 Bookmark me, i'm trump's 1063 Presidential Documents since 2017 Inauguration

>>>/qresearch/11507241 Trump talking tonight?


>>>/qresearch/11507302 Nancy Pelosi Vows Congress Will Pass ‘Election Reform’ Bill: Criminalized Political Speech, Pre-Paid Absentee Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11507334 Man ‘sacrifices’ daughter in India to perform witchcraft in bid to find hidden treasure

>>>/qresearch/11507345 AOC asks for a list and one is made. No censorship or harm in making lists of Trump Supporters.

>>>/qresearch/11507352 Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, Board of Elections holds a meeting

>>>/qresearch/11507360 Sky News host Alan Jones says there is something odd about the hundreds and thousands of postal votes which "have magically materialised for Biden" in the last 24 hours.

>>>/qresearch/11507412 #14693

(26 notables, 28 posts, 27 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:38 a.m. No.35728   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11507422 Q Research General #14694: Onward to VICTORY Edition

Created 062225ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11507520 Qanon gear found after arrest in virginia says DA Krasner (fake news)

>>>/qresearch/11507551 SEETHE

>>>/qresearch/11507552 Operation Vendetta

>>>/qresearch/11507576 Active-Duty Air Force Teams Deploy to Texas as Fort Bliss Declares Public Health Emergency

>>>/qresearch/11507588 Leon Black Reveals Other Jeffrey Epstein Finance Clients—Including A U.S. Treasury Secretary

>>>/qresearch/11507595 Israeli Minister Warns of War if Biden Returns to Iran Pact

>>>/qresearch/11507599 Republican John James Alleges 'Lack of Integrity' in Michigan Vote Count

>>>/qresearch/11507607 Kornacki says calling PA is premature


>>>/qresearch/11507618 Stay Tuned

>>>/qresearch/11507622, >>>/qresearch/11507684 Data Expert Describes How Democrats Can Fabricate Votes

>>>/qresearch/11507626 Q Patriots Blamed for Planning Attack on Philly Convention Center

>>>/qresearch/11507629 Watchdog Finds 21,000 Dead Registrants on PA Voter Rolls in Final Weeks of Election

>>>/qresearch/11507661 PF: GTMO 845

>>>/qresearch/11507714 Pennsylvania GOP files emergency appeal with Supreme Court over late ballots

>>>/qresearch/11507720 Bannon's show: AZ authorities told people that any discrepancies in their votes not be counted would be resolved AFTER the results are finalized

>>>/qresearch/11507729 Uhh we are not even done counting the vote..(?)

>>>/qresearch/11507775 New Project Veritas


>>>/qresearch/11507784 Rolland security provides the paper

>>>/qresearch/11507831 Full moon coming.

>>>/qresearch/11507855 The Left’s Attempt To Steal the Election… Just Another Night in The Deep State

>>>/qresearch/11507884, >>>/qresearch/11507972 Potus tries to trick Biden in doing so. They do automatically what Trump doesn't want

>>>/qresearch/11507886 PF: FOX836fromFort DrumtoMCAS Beaufort.

>>>/qresearch/11507941 Looks like a lot of the money went to Allegheny & Philly.

>>>/qresearch/11507946 Grocery chains including Kroger and H-E-B are bringing back limits on toilet paper and paper towels as COVID cases climb

>>>/qresearch/11508009 Dead Cat Bounce.


>>>/qresearch/11508030 NGP VAN is the leading technology provider to Democratic and progressive campaigns and organizations

>>>/qresearch/11508035 Corn based ink on the real ballots.

>>>/qresearch/11508041, >>>/qresearch/11508081 PF: Folks. Several C-130 from Leujune making rounds around the country.

>>>/qresearch/11508051 Krebs is sharing some VERY mixed signals… Or disinfo?

>>>/qresearch/11508121 USPS Whistleblower looks scared AF

>>>/qresearch/11508150 PF: LITTLE ROCK, AK to Dallas Ft. Worth

>>>/qresearch/11508157 #14694

(33 notables, 36 posts, 49 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:38 a.m. No.35729   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11508165 Q Research General #14695: As The Sun Sets Patriots Are Just Getting Started Edition

Created 062305ZNOV20



>>>/qresearch/11508290 Laptop, Encrypted USB Drives Stolen From Philadelphia Election Machine Warehouse: Officials

>>>/qresearch/11508297 Online Benford's Analysis Tool

>>>/qresearch/11508310 Naval Institute comms

>>>/qresearch/11508312 Study considers a link between QAnon and polling errors

>>>/qresearch/11508319 Ballots incoming from China???

>>>/qresearch/11508320 Obama / [No Name] / Jeff Flake appointed Arizona Federal Judge Steven Logan extended Voter Registration Deadline by nearly three weeks during 11th Hour

>>>/qresearch/11508332 QAnon-supporting Republican accuses a former Navy SEAL lawmaker of having a 'loser mindset'

>>>/qresearch/11508341 Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs just said they have evidence that the software HAMMER and SCORECARD was used to change voting numbers. For those who do not know, this software is for Intel agencies only for use against enemy countries.

>>>/qresearch/11508359 Head of nuclear weapons agency unexpectedly resigns

>>>/qresearch/11508372 8 year Δ

>>>/qresearch/11508377 AOC Leads Democrat Movement to Create ‘Trump Accountability Project’ Hit List to Pay Back Trump Supporters

>>>/qresearch/11508398 BREAKING: 11,791 Ballots Released by 3 Arizona Counties – 66.3% For President Trump!

>>>/qresearch/11508457 Software Glitch In Michigan County Tallied 6,000 Republican Votes As Democrat

>>>/qresearch/11508458, >>>/qresearch/11508583, >>>/qresearch/11508607, >>>/qresearch/11508620 pf

>>>/qresearch/11508467, >>>/qresearch/11508687 Totally normal in some nearly 100% turnout counties in PA.

>>>/qresearch/11508478 ‘American Hustle’: Party Insiders Tell The True Story Of How Philadelphia Elections Work


>>>/qresearch/11508490 Lincoln Project’ to Back Democrat Control of Senate in Georgia Runoff: ‘Defeat Trumpism'

>>>/qresearch/11508495 𝙋𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙞𝙣 𝙅𝙖𝙣𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙮 𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙙 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙤𝙣'𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙨

>>>/qresearch/11508505 Trump’s election fraud claim wrong, ‘reckless,’ Mitt Romney says

>>>/qresearch/11508538 Pennsylvania GOP files emergency appeal with Supreme Court over late ballots

>>>/qresearch/11508571, >>>/qresearch/11508615, >>>/qresearch/11508664 DJT Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11508581 Abortion Groups Pump Millions Into Failed Congressional Races

>>>/qresearch/11508608 Pennsylvania Whistleblower Goes Public; Confirms Federal Investigators Have Spoken with Him About Postmaster’s Order to Backdate Ballots to Nov 3rd

>>>/qresearch/11508614 Portland Man Charged With Supporting ISIS

>>>/qresearch/11508624 Evidence Reveals Possible Link Between Voting Machines And Clinton Foundation

>>>/qresearch/11508650 Minnesota college president offers to bail out students arrested in protests

>>>/qresearch/11508651 WaPo agrees with POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11508674 USAID acting administrator required to leave post by midnight

>>>/qresearch/11508697 Pennsylvania GOP lawmaker claims Democratic officials worked to 'tip the scales' to Biden

>>>/qresearch/11508701 Notice the flags, no gold braid/fringe. End of Admiralty & Maritime Law?

>>>/qresearch/11508711 Police In Riot Gear Arrive In Pittsburgh To Break Up Pro-Trump And Anti-Trump Protesters

>>>/qresearch/11508715, >>>/qresearch/11508738 CA watermark = Poppy

>>>/qresearch/11508723 In 2019, the state of Georgia selected Dominion Voting Systems to provide its new statewide voting system for 2020 and beyond.

>>>/qresearch/11508756 What We Don't Elect Matters Most: Central Banking and the Permanent Government

>>>/qresearch/11508765 Ex-ABC News staffer sues Disney-owned network over leaked Jeffrey Epstein tape: report

>>>/qresearch/11508797 Member States Agree to EU Level Anti-Money Laundering Authority

>>>/qresearch/11508802 Get a load of this. Google made a website to track those backing Trump.

>>>/qresearch/11508808 Treason lurker

>>>/qresearch/11508818 These are the states that use the software that flipped the vote in MI.

>>>/qresearch/11508863 We've been focused on ballots, we should be focused on cybersecurity.

>>>/qresearch/11508866 President Trump was building up a historic landslide victory then the media started lying

>>>/qresearch/11508883 Limestone County Social Worker Charged With 134 Felony Counts Involving Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11508948 #14695

(45 notables, 52 posts, 62 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:38 a.m. No.35730   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11508933 Q Research General #14696: Hammer & Scorecard Edition

Created 062350ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11508996, >>>/qresearch/11509200, >>>/qresearch/11509668 pf

>>>/qresearch/11509018 "It's the beginning of A Great Awakening"

>>>/qresearch/11509060 gnews election information

>>>/qresearch/11509067 stable genius (DJT, 2012 tweet)

>>>/qresearch/11509073 HOW TO RIG AN ELECTION

>>>/qresearch/11509077 Here’s a giant list of dead voters that all mailed votes in PA. There are dozens of additional pages like this. #mailfraud #voterfraud

>>>/qresearch/11509089 Another patriot account suspended

>>>/qresearch/11509151 Hammer Time

>>>/qresearch/11509158 Next week per Solomon, Russia investigation info

>>>/qresearch/11509171 The @DNC is spamming our voter fraud hotline to bog down the thousands of complaints we are receiving! Wonder what they have to hide.

>>>/qresearch/11509193 John Solomon saying that MI FBI is aware of a whistleblower re: being asked to back date ballots

>>>/qresearch/11509195 Addresses from page for

>>>/qresearch/11509203 NCSWIC. Nothing Can Stop What is Coming is not just a catch phrase.

>>>/qresearch/11509218 Poll workers in PA Filling Out Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11509227, >>>/qresearch/11509291 Sidney Powell just told on Lou Dobbs about HAMMER and SCORECARD (lb)

>>>/qresearch/11509231 "Be honest. Y'all didn't think living through & enduring the 2nd American Revolution was gonna be easy, did ya?"

>>>/qresearch/11509232, >>>/qresearch/11509252, >>>/qresearch/11509315, >>>/qresearch/11509420, >>>/qresearch/11509509, >>>/qresearch/11509730, >>>/qresearch/11509736 Dominion Voting Software behind a software glitch


>>>/qresearch/11509325, >>>/qresearch/11509422 HAMMER and ScoreCard!

>>>/qresearch/11509350 Cybersecurity and U.S. Election Infrastructure

>>>/qresearch/11509354 Contrary to #disinfo floating around, @CISAgov doesn't print or audit ballots!

>>>/qresearch/11509359 When did Twitter first Fact Check President TRUMP?

>>>/qresearch/11509398 NEVER GIVE UP!

VIDEO - President Trump "Never Give Up!" MOTIVATIONAL VIDE [Channel: America First America Forever]

>>>/qresearch/11509467 DA Drops Charges On Ten Portland Rioters, Including Two Unlawfully Carrying Firearms

>>>/qresearch/11509486 Trump’s Director of Election Day Operations Tweets Video of Philly ‘Volunteers’ Busted Handling Absentee Ballots in Counting Center Basement

>>>/qresearch/11509520 Joe Biden should receive the president’s intelligence briefing every day. Now. (panic)

>>>/qresearch/11509521 "Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich (D) says stealing elections is a “time honored tradition” in big Democrat run cities like Philly. Blagojevich says he believes Democrats are trying to steal this election from President Trump."

>>>/qresearch/11509626 Microsoft Corp share sales: CEO: $23.25m and Chief Legal Officer/Pres: $44.51m-Nov 5

>>>/qresearch/11509630 In Philly suburbs “volunteers” are handling absentee ballots in the basement lunchroom of the counting center. The “election supervisor” LEFT!


>>>/qresearch/11509649 Bombshells, bomshells, and moar bombshells!

>>>/qresearch/11509662 Head of nuclear weapons agency unexpectedly resigns

>>>/qresearch/11509710 A good resource for detailed research (by county and state) for voting equipment and verification methods

>>>/qresearch/11509716 BLM rioters vandalize Portland commissioner's house after he voted against defunding police; city hall hit with arson attack

>>>/qresearch/11509745, >>>/qresearch/11509776 These are the states that use the software that flipped the vote in MI.

>>>/qresearch/11509841 election footage used multiple times by the fake news

>>>/qresearch/11509883 #14696

(36 notables, 47 posts, 56 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:39 a.m. No.35731   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11509886 Q Research General #14697: Never Give Up Edition

Created 070040ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11509949, >>>/qresearch/11509970, >>>/qresearch/11510033, >>>/qresearch/11510089, >>>/qresearch/11510101, >>>/qresearch/11510125, >>>/qresearch/11510165, >>>/qresearch/11510167, >>>/qresearch/11510169, >>>/qresearch/11510190, >>>/qresearch/11510241, >>>/qresearch/11510309, >>>/qresearch/11510340, >>>/qresearch/11510355, >>>/qresearch/11510372, >>>/qresearch/11510389, >>>/qresearch/11510496, >>>/qresearch/11510512, >>>/qresearch/11510513, >>>/qresearch/11510530, >>>/qresearch/11510599, >>>/qresearch/11510710, >>>/qresearch/11510715, >>>/qresearch/11510751, >>>/qresearch/11510856 Dominion Voting Systems - START DIGGING


>>>/qresearch/11509975 BREAKING: PA USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins Goes Public; Confirms Federal Investigation

>>>/qresearch/11509985 Write to your Senators and Representatives about election fraud and Voter ID. Easy template!

>>>/qresearch/11509994 Internet is forever as are screen caps - Trump Accountability Project

>>>/qresearch/11510085 Voting Irregularities, Dominion Voting + Clinton Foundation

>>>/qresearch/11510097 Erdogan Removes Turkish Central Bank Governor Amid Lira Rout

>>>/qresearch/11510106 Amazing photos show the ISS in front of the Sun and the moon during 17,000mph orbit

>>>/qresearch/11510139 We were warned… My friend was killed because she had discovered satellites were being used to alter State and national elections

>>>/qresearch/11510143 Trump Rallies Happening Tomorrow at State Capitals in All 50 States

>>>/qresearch/11510187, >>>/qresearch/11510270, >>>/qresearch/11510300 SCOTUS ON PA


>>>/qresearch/11510196, >>>/qresearch/11510221, >>>/qresearch/11510485 BREAKING: Supreme Court Justice Alito issued a temporary order requiring Pennsylvania officials to segregate ballots that arrived after Election Day.

>>>/qresearch/11510199 PA Electoral College


>>>/qresearch/11510264 Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs just said they have evidence that the software HAMMER and SCORECARD was used to change voting numbers.

>>>/qresearch/11510281 RED6 - SEC OF DEF meaning

>>>/qresearch/11510296 New, hi-tech voting system put to the test in SB, SLO and Ventura Counties

>>>/qresearch/11510362 Georgia machine glitch

>>>/qresearch/11510409, >>>/qresearch/11510663 "People" born in 1800 voting in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11510461 Why was the Voter Fraud Commission disbanded and turned over to DHS?

>>>/qresearch/11510467, >>>/qresearch/11510525 Have you seen this crazy shit?

>>>/qresearch/11510518 BREAKING: Two @realDonaldTrump supporters shot with BB Gun in Ft. Lauderdale, corner of Oakland Park and US1.

>>>/qresearch/11510531 'Online and vulnerable': Experts find nearly three dozen U.S. voting systems connected to internet (January)

>>>/qresearch/11510543 Bannon's website is @

>>>/qresearch/11510552 KY Election Officials Arrested, Charged With 'Changing Votes at E-Voting Machines'

>>>/qresearch/11510602 The Secretary of State’s Office currently has four certified RAVBM systems

>>>/qresearch/11510657 Call To Action! Based congressional candidate Reba needs Kang energy to help destroy the deepstate!

>>>/qresearch/11510692, >>>/qresearch/11510754 First win for election integrity!

>>>/qresearch/11510739 How a Reno casino con man duped the CIA and pulled one of the ‘most dangerous hoaxes’ in American history (2014)

>>>/qresearch/11510781 #14697

>>>/qresearch/11510840 Defense Secretary Mark Esper has Submitted his letter of Resignation

>>>/qresearch/11510853 ^ RED6

(31 notables, 62 posts, 70 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:39 a.m. No.35732   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11510807 Q Research General #14698: Dominion Voting Systems Edition

Created 070127ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11510915 Remember this in 2016? Seems relevant now. Trial run?

>>>/qresearch/11510995, >>>/qresearch/11511058, >>>/qresearch/11511125, >>>/qresearch/11511288 RED 6 Happened and POTUS handled it.

>>>/qresearch/11511061 ghosts are real (date of birth 1800 with returned ballots)

>>>/qresearch/11511085, >>>/qresearch/11511143, >>>/qresearch/11511317, >>>/qresearch/11511389 Dominion Voting

>>>/qresearch/11511130 Clinton Global Initiative connections graph

>>>/qresearch/11511214 Secure voting system patent

>>>/qresearch/11511233 Biden taps Gensler to work on Wall Street oversight review

>>>/qresearch/11511280, >>>/qresearch/11511331 JUST IN: Trump warns Biden not to 'wrongfully claim' the presidency

>>>/qresearch/11511289 Time for #FlagsforPresidentTrump.

>>>/qresearch/11511314 Email your senators and representative about Election Fraud and Voter ID!

>>>/qresearch/11511380 The barcodes can be maliciously programmed to instruct the scanners to flip votes. (2019)

>>>/qresearch/11511404 GoFundMe Shuts Down Fund for Data Analysts Investigating 2020 Voter Fraud After Raising Over $220,000 — NEW CAMPAIGN Launched on

>>>/qresearch/11511437 New "hybrid" voting system can change paper ballot after it's been cast (2019)

>>>/qresearch/11511441 FBI arrests Clarksville man over ISIS-connected terrorism threats against police, Fort Campbell

>>>/qresearch/11511475 Rod Blagojevich: Dems Stealing Elections a ‘Time-Honored Tradition’

VIDEO - Rod Blagojevich: Democrats have been stealing votes for years [Channel: Newsmax TV]

>>>/qresearch/11511488 Trump Mulling Firing Top Officials at the Pentagon, FBI, CIA, Report Claims

>>>/qresearch/11511492 Justice Alito Orders Any Ballots Received After 8pm on Election Day in Pennsylvania be Segregated and Secured – Counted Separately

>>>/qresearch/11511515 Democrats, Never-Trumpers compiling 'lists' of Trump supporters in case 'they try to deny complicity' in future

>>>/qresearch/11511516 Clinton Investigators: FBI & IRS Packet 757 Jet with Boxes of Clinton Foundation Evidence in Arkansas - could've been ballots?

>>>/qresearch/11511529 Biological Warfare: China Already Collects DNA Profiles Of Americans

>>>/qresearch/11511566 Virgin Galactic prepares for first spaceflight from New Mexico

>>>/qresearch/11511629 My DHS source just got back to me. Says there’s no DHS standard watermark on the ballots.

>>>/qresearch/11511678 #14698

(23 notables, 30 posts, 35 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:39 a.m. No.35733   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11511720 Q Research General #14699: RED 6 Edition

Created 070207ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11511801 Lebanon’s former FM Gebran Bassil hit by US sanctions over alleged corruption & Hezbollah support

>>>/qresearch/11511809 They should not be RECOUNTING ballots, they should be VERIFYING them!!!!

>>>/qresearch/11511845 Seoul goes all-in on presumption that Joe Biden won, launching efforts to build connections with ‘the new administration’

>>>/qresearch/11511857 "Uprising! The Hungarian Revolution of 1956"

>>>/qresearch/11511866 2 year Delta

>>>/qresearch/11511896 PA elections results site is down

>>>/qresearch/11511925 Email your senators and representative about Election Fraud and Voter ID!

>>>/qresearch/11511965 pf

>>>/qresearch/11511967, >>>/qresearch/11512122 Biden and Harris Deliver Prime Time Speech in Wilmington, Delaware LIVE

>>>/qresearch/11512020, >>>/qresearch/11512241 The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How To Mislead All Humanity Into Accepting Societal Lock-Downs

>>>/qresearch/11512037 They are really going to be screwed in Georgia.

>>>/qresearch/11512066 ‘No Evidence of Voter Fraud,’ says Southern Baptist ERLC

>>>/qresearch/11512104, >>>/qresearch/11512285 WH: WEEKEND GUIDANCE AND PRESS SCHEDULE FOR SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2020, THROUGH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11512110 Los Angeles DA Jackie Lacey Concedes to George Soros-Funded Contender George Gascon

>>>/qresearch/11512111 NCSWIC. Nothing Can Stop What is Coming is not just a catch phrase.

>>>/qresearch/11512125 U.S. Marines - Getting Closer


>>>/qresearch/11512196 The election software system in Michigan that switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden is called "Dominion." It is used in 30 states

>>>/qresearch/11512283 REAL URL is

>>>/qresearch/11512302 <27hrs until the 'clock' strikes (4chan /pol/ conspiracy)


>>>/qresearch/11512419 Inventor of PCR test (who sd it wouldn't work for Corona) died of a respiratory disease August 2019.

>>>/qresearch/11512453 UNDERSTANDING VOTER RECORDS

>>>/qresearch/11512649 November 7th is RED October

>>>/qresearch/11512658 POTUS flips AZ tomorrow AM?

(24 notables, 27 posts, 28 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:40 a.m. No.35734   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11512685 Q Research General #14700: Verify The Ballots Edition

Created 070249ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11512741 Big time Trump hater thinks Biden votes are suspicious.

>>>/qresearch/11512755 Biden/Harris address, just under 2 hours late

>>>/qresearch/11512766 Election Simulation Predicted Much of What We're Seeing

>>>/qresearch/11512787 Bill Binney Weighs in On CIA Vault 7 HAMR (Pronounced Hammer) and Inaccuracies in Past Reporting

>>>/qresearch/11512794, >>>/qresearch/11512802 We have arrests regarding election fraud.

>>>/qresearch/11512797 Snapshot of MIL activity at 2200 EST. I would go ahead and classify this as highly irregular.

>>>/qresearch/11512804 Here's what AOC and her group have planned for us if we loose (we won't)

>>>/qresearch/11512925 "knowingly" - Search 'knowingly' and peruse through the 115 results. Not a lawfag but …woah

>>>/qresearch/11512936 Turkey's Erdogan replaces central bank governor as lira slides

>>>/qresearch/11512966 BREAKING: GoFundMe Shuts Down Fund for Data Analysts Investigating 2020 Voter Fraud After Raising Over $220,000 — NEW CAMPAIGN Launched on

>>>/qresearch/11513223 Tucker tonight…even though..[FOX]

>>>/qresearch/11513226, >>>/qresearch/11513426 HAMMER AND SCORECARD Part 2…repost but in case anyone hasn't seen it

>>>/qresearch/11513281 New lude media - focusing on "glitch"

>>>/qresearch/11513333 no sauce but trips suggest Biden cancels

>>>/qresearch/11513415 Mercer dig

>>>/qresearch/11513486 #14700

(16 notables, 18 posts, 10 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:40 a.m. No.35735   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11513505 Q Research General #14701: E-Bake to VICTORY Edition

Created 070334ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11513588 Why does a voting systems company donate to the campaigns of Secretaries of State?

>>>/qresearch/11513612 PF: R50332 Mission Accomplished

>>>/qresearch/11513618 Watch CNN tallies change tallies in real time where D candidate goes up, R candidate goes down.


>>>/qresearch/11513625 James Woods: Are you literally making lists

>>>/qresearch/11513643 White House: Don’t fall victim to the media.

>>>/qresearch/11513646 Prime Minister says report on Australian Defence Force is ‘highly sensitive’

>>>/qresearch/11513647 Diebold gets "broken up" by DOJ and sale is approved to Dominion

>>>/qresearch/11513657 BREAKING: Michigan Legislature to Convene Special Joint Oversight Hearing Saturday After 'Glitches' Blow One Election, Give 6,000 Trump Votes to Biden

>>>/qresearch/11513679 Google knows best, says Google

>>>/qresearch/11513694 Biden Harris Arrive

>>>/qresearch/11513705 MUST LISTEN!!!!!

>>>/qresearch/11513725 helicopter transporting donated heart crashes on top of #California hospital

>>>/qresearch/11513752 HAMMER in action on CNN

>>>/qresearch/11513782 AG Paxton: Limestone County social worker charged with 134 felony counts involving election fraud

>>>/qresearch/11513815 BREAKING: Michigan Legislature to Convene Oversight Hearing Saturday After 'Glitches' Give 6,000 Trump Votes to Biden

>>>/qresearch/11513817 PA Voting

>>>/qresearch/11513863, >>>/qresearch/11513864 Did he go invisable?

>>>/qresearch/11513881 Proclamation on World Freedom Day, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11513899 He is trembling….


>>>/qresearch/11513918 "BREAKING: Judge does NOT grant request to stop Clark County,

>>>/qresearch/11513930 Bloomberg cut the feed

>>>/qresearch/11513985 The feed is all jacked to shit.

>>>/qresearch/11514025 Here is the video showing votes increasing for D while decreasing for R


>>>/qresearch/11514056 This Is Our Time

>>>/qresearch/11514062 About 25-30 official vehicles streamed across the screen behind the podium at 10:40 PM

>>>/qresearch/11514064 Only at the precipice will people find the will

>>>/qresearch/11514082 Who organized this? Does anyone know?


>>>/qresearch/11514167 BREAKING: In LIVE indoor speech to an empty new car lot, Biden blows smoke up liberals' asses,

>>>/qresearch/11514176 PF: Shits about to happen boys. Four UH-70A Lakota loitering NW of Tucson. Also six blackhawks loitering north of Eglin AFB — Two E-2C Hawkeyes above Atlanta (Aerial Command and Control).

>>>/qresearch/11514192, >>>/qresearch/11514205 "The election software system in Michigan that switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden is called "Dominion."

>>>/qresearch/11514195 BREAKING: Trump's chief of staff, Mark Meadows, has tested positive for coronavirus - Bloomberg

>>>/qresearch/11514231 But we need to remain calm. Patient. And let the process work out as we count all the votes.

>>>/qresearch/11514256 #14701

(35 notables, 37 posts, 39 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:40 a.m. No.35736   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11514265 Q Research General #14702: Biden Doesnt Announce The Win Edition

Created 070406ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11514373 POTUS: We need an explanation as to how these numbers have been running up for the last two or three days

>>>/qresearch/11514377, >>>/qresearch/11514687 Biden speech fuckery

>>>/qresearch/11514390 POTUS: Incredibly stated Jim!


>>>/qresearch/11514398 Is it possible quarantine is cover for testifying in court?

>>>/qresearch/11514410 Ah guys…Bloomberg made a HUGE mistake.

>>>/qresearch/11514413 Corrupted Software Used in Michigan County that Stole 6,000 Votes from Trump — Is Also Used in ALL SWING STATES — And Uses Chinese Computer Parts In Its Machines

>>>/qresearch/11514428 What did I just witness?

>>>/qresearch/11514488 Biden wore purple (NWO) tie tonight at the presser

>>>/qresearch/11514528 "Totally normal for 170-year-olds to be voting in Allegheny County, apparently."

>>>/qresearch/11514538 The counting of ballots in the 2020 General Election is drawing to a close.

>>>/qresearch/11514539 Dominion Software any relation to the energy company?

>>>/qresearch/11514546 Deleted tweets? Like what Moochelle did after Trump won in 2016? You think the anons forget? kek


>>>/qresearch/11514602 "Dominion." used in 30 states including: Every single major swing state. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

>>>/qresearch/11514632 Dominion Voting is owned by Staple Street Capital as of July 2018

>>>/qresearch/11514649 She issued a correction. I've saved the video in the event something happens.

>>>/qresearch/11514674 William Kennard, former Chairman of the FCC and former US Ambassador to the EU also serves on the Executive Board of Staple Street Capital…

>>>/qresearch/11514816 Donald J. Trump Retweeted John Solomon @jsolomonReports

>>>/qresearch/11514827 The barriers may not be permanent solutions, but they’ve now protected Venice from two floods this month.

>>>/qresearch/11514840 Here's the youtube for 11/4

>>>/qresearch/11514860 Donald J. Trump Retweeted Paul Sperry @paulsperry

>>>/qresearch/11514902 "A group of Trump supporters 'crashing' Biden-Harris rally in Wilmington,Delaware. The group chants of "Stop The Steal". Biden supporters await Kamala Harris and Biden who are set to address the nation tonight according to mulitple reports. #Election2020"

>>>/qresearch/11514906 Here is a video of the motorcade local ABC news reporter on the ground at The Chase Centre caught.


>>>/qresearch/11514946 POTUS: Legal proceedings are just now beginning!

(23 notables, 24 posts, 28 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:41 a.m. No.35737   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11515007 Q Research General #14703: Anons Winning Bigly Edition

Created 070444ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11515121, >>>/qresearch/11515353 Supreme Court Order to PA: Looks like it is all counties

>>>/qresearch/11515130 Supreme Court ORder to PA

>>>/qresearch/11515138 Trump QUOTE TWEETED this at the beginning of his bundle.17

>>>/qresearch/11515152 YOUR VOTE BELONGS TO US


>>>/qresearch/11515162 Nancy Pelosi Declares Joe Biden "Clear" Winner: "I Am So Officially Pleased with the Outcome"

>>>/qresearch/11515179 not a fan….BUT THAT SUIT HAD TO COST $10,000!!!

>>>/qresearch/11515191 Fox News and New York Post, magnate Rupert Murdoch's main media outlets, start distancing themselves from Trump as the US election vote counting drags on, a first since Trump came to power and a potential turning point

>>>/qresearch/11515231 11/2/2020 Retired U.S. Lieutenant General’s Finding: Democrats started to use “Hammer” and “Scoreboard” during the Obama Administration, the software changes the vote as they like

>>>/qresearch/11515241 For those of you struggling tonight why not take a moment and read what Q wrote to you?

>>>/qresearch/11515264 BREAKING: Sources on the ground say Stacey Abrams has been involved in the monitoring of mail-in ballot and absentee ballot counting in Fulton County where some 11,200 votes remain uncounted in George race where Trump holds lead

>>>/qresearch/11515272 Scorecard vote switching in action?

>>>/qresearch/11515342 Game-On For The Coup?

>>>/qresearch/11515344 TEXAS: AG Paxton: Limestone County social worker charged with 134 felony counts involving election fraud

>>>/qresearch/11515376 It was definitely indoors.. OAN panned out and the left through a door..

>>>/qresearch/11515391 Basement Biden again. He was clearly NOT on stage. KEK. Dining room? front room?


>>>/qresearch/11515396 You have to spam this shit to normies on twattholer

>>>/qresearch/11515408 Dominion voting machines

>>>/qresearch/11515418 "Our lawyers just sent a criminal referral to AG Barr regarding at least 3,062 instances of voter fraud. We expect that number to grow substantially. Thousands of individuals have been identified who appear to have violated the law by casting ballots after they moved from NV."

>>>/qresearch/11515435, >>>/qresearch/11515466, >>>/qresearch/11515501 Dominion Voting Related

>>>/qresearch/11515446 AND the bloomberg feed screenshot shows NO Biden at the podium in the parking lot and Biden on the screen at the same time.

>>>/qresearch/11515456 2 armed members of Vets for Trump group arrested near Philadelphia vote counting location

>>>/qresearch/11515474 Chinese Propagandists Bolster Biden

>>>/qresearch/11515493 Q4688 - 8. Create non_digital pathway to rig 2020 Presidential election

>>>/qresearch/11515535 dogs on dogs

>>>/qresearch/11515589 Unconfirmed reports of an “attempted attack” at the White House in DC moments ago.

>>>/qresearch/11515611 Voter Fraud Exposed; Program Hacking (2004)…well, what do we have now anons?

>>>/qresearch/11515625 Texas did testing on the Dominion software. The concluded they couldn’t use it because it wasn’t compliant with the Texas Election Code. Other major issues were found as well.

>>>/qresearch/11515630 muhGlitch: "Those are programmed into the software. It's doing exactly what it's supposed to… If only certain things are selected, picked, and changed – that's intentional"


>>>/qresearch/11515638 Speaker Vos Directs Assembly Committee to Utilize its Powers to Review Statewide Election

>>>/qresearch/11515653 Here's my synopsis on how the whole election fiasco was and is going down.

>>>/qresearch/11515660 The possible attack was going to be a Q / Anon set up!

>>>/qresearch/11515692 The stage was literally set for Biden in Wilmington speech -MOVIE SET


>>>/qresearch/11515735 K9 Pardo takes Tyler Trump into custody after deputies interrupt an attempted commercial burglary. Trump remains in custody at the Multnomah County Detention Center.

>>>/qresearch/11515757 #14703

(35 notables, 38 posts, 45 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:41 a.m. No.35738   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11515763 Q Research General #14704: /NightShift/ Engaged Edition

Created 070535ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11515890 Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw she was the Police Chief in PORTLAND OREGON October 2, 2017 – December 31, 2019

>>>/qresearch/11515910 Tucker: 'In fact, it's becoming clear there is no Joe Biden. The man you may remember from the 1980s is gone. -'What remains is a projection of sorts, a hologram designed to mimic the behavior of a non-threatening political candidate:

>>>/qresearch/11515919 Unconfirmed reports of an “attempted attack” at the White House in DC moments ago.

>>>/qresearch/11515934 HELP WANTED

>>>/qresearch/11515942 "REPORT: Rapper King Von Dead At 26 After Gunfight Breaks Out In Atlanta"

>>>/qresearch/11515946 Veritas trust poll: 8k votes in 7 mins

>>>/qresearch/11515952 CONFIRMED suspicious vehicle on Pennsylvania Avenue with one person taken into custody by the Secret Service.

>>>/qresearch/11515953 picture of the test voting machines, wtf is this, the machine put together is a sad face, freakin strange man

>>>/qresearch/11515984 What does a Biden World Look Like?

>>>/qresearch/11516029 Memory sticks used to program Philly's voting machines were stolen from election warehouse

>>>/qresearch/11516052 Fair game? Twitter flags Democratic tweets claiming Biden victory amid ongoing vote count

>>>/qresearch/11516078 Threat on Matt Gaetz

>>>/qresearch/11516086 Candace Owens suing facebook

>>>/qresearch/11516094 Systems used in AZ

>>>/qresearch/11516113 Are we on 9.

>>>/qresearch/11516155 U.S. Marines: This morning, a 245-mile relay run in honor of the Marine Corps' 245th birthday crossed the finish line in the nation's capital with @CMC_MarineCorps

>>>/qresearch/11516156, >>>/qresearch/11516218 Images of “ballots” in dumpster

>>>/qresearch/11516161 So much of Q’s language takes on a new meaning knowing what we now know.

>>>/qresearch/11516177, >>>/qresearch/11516188 Halfchanon Dominion machines

>>>/qresearch/11516236 Local AZ tvee saying potus should man up like noname and concede

>>>/qresearch/11516263 Compilation of Biden speech notables


>>>/qresearch/11516341 Turkey fires central bank governor: presidential decree

>>>/qresearch/11516349 DOMINION VOTING: John Paulos, the CEO and co-founder is a democrat from California.

>>>/qresearch/11516365 Anons ready?

>>>/qresearch/11516370 Read that Dominion also donated to the Clinton Campaign, meaning there is a high likelihood they are in cahoots with the (D) party.

>>>/qresearch/11516375, >>>/qresearch/11516428 In 2014, Dominion Voting committed to providing emerging and post-conflict democracies with access to voting technology through its philanthropic support to the DELIAN Project

>>>/qresearch/11516418 From /half: ONE OF THE CHAIRMEN OF DOMINION is Hootan Yaghoobzadeh

>>>/qresearch/11516421 Election reforms needed/desired? Some ideas:

>>>/qresearch/11516431 Definition Dominion - ruling or controlling power : sovereignty

>>>/qresearch/11516448 I'm just going over numbers looking at trends. It seems like every couple of terms we gain 5 million more voters

>>>/qresearch/11516478 WikiPedia has altered the page for the Benford Law since the election fraud is also provable by that.

>>>/qresearch/11516494 John A. Poulos is the Canadian who owns Dominion Software He is also a Clinton Foundation donor

>>>/qresearch/11516538 #14704

(34 notables, 37 posts, 47 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:41 a.m. No.35739   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11516543 Q Research General #14705: Patriots Guard The Nightwatch Edition

Created 070643ZNOV20



>>>/qresearch/11516660 There have been two realities until now. One of them is collapsing.

>>>/qresearch/11516662, >>>/qresearch/11516733 Google Analtyics: Trends - search term "Fruad" spiking like whoa

>>>/qresearch/11516670 'Online and vulnerable': Experts find nearly three dozen U.S. voting systems connected to internet

>>>/qresearch/11516672, >>>/qresearch/11516714 Potential attack on White House: Eyes on

>>>/qresearch/11516687, >>>/qresearch/11516736 WATCH VID!

>>>/qresearch/11516693 Add on to the Naterick Cain (whistle-blower) thread.

>>>/qresearch/11516720 DEF CON 27 Voting Machine Hacking Village - August 2019

>>>/qresearch/11516728, >>>/qresearch/11516854 Dropped on Twat 1 hr ago needs some digs.

>>>/qresearch/11516749 Benford LAW (MAthematicall Impossible -proof)

>>>/qresearch/11516755 "quantum dots" for fluorescent tagging

>>>/qresearch/11516805 This video is an important watch for those who are trying to understand Dominion and how they steal elections. It’s very clever invisible system. We need to get this out to other platforms so that normal sheep learn about it.

VIDEO - Fraction Magic - Detailed Vote Rigging Demonstration [Channel: Bev Harris]

>>>/qresearch/11516821, >>>/qresearch/11517025 We're collecting some great sauce on voting that affects the WORLD!

>>>/qresearch/11516827 The Dominion Voting System was rejected by Texas

>>>/qresearch/11516831 Pocahontis and Klubuchar sent a letter to 3 voting machine manufacturers.

>>>/qresearch/11516851, >>>/qresearch/11516868 Re: dominion voting

>>>/qresearch/11516857 It was there the whole time

>>>/qresearch/11516859 U.S. Nuclear Bomb Overseer Quits After Clash With Energy Chief

>>>/qresearch/11516898, >>>/qresearch/11516899 Charlie Ward: Blockchain used to steal election, alongside regular ballots

>>>/qresearch/11516952 Texas Voting Systems

>>>/qresearch/11516961 Autist on halfchan just connected the current SWAMP MASTERS connected to rigging the election

>>>/qresearch/11516967 BREAKING: Secret Service and DC Fire Investigating Vehicle, Livestreamer Says There Was an Attempted Attack on White House (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11516985 ES&S is the largest distributor of voting systems in America and its iVotronic system - which is well-documented to have lost and flipped votes on many occasions

>>>/qresearch/11517003 Does anything POTUS says ever NOT come true?

>>>/qresearch/11517020 ES&S Voting systems referenced in Podesta Wikileaks

>>>/qresearch/11517028, >>>/qresearch/11517094, >>>/qresearch/11517130 Joe Biden’s votes violate Benford’s Law (Mathematically Impossible)

>>>/qresearch/11517045 Dominion acquired another voting system in 2010 called SEQUOIA registered in California but it is really a Communist election manipulation software

>>>/qresearch/11517053 Halfpol thread, good info getting dumped here

>>>/qresearch/11517055 People's Pundit Daily calling it (kek, fags)


>>>/qresearch/11517089 If you want to know the back story to what is about to happen, ask Who is Dennis Montgomery?

>>>/qresearch/11517111 Reconcile…(Is Esper Resigning or NOT? -dafuq?)

>>>/qresearch/11517112 Election Fruad: Here you go, arrest are made

>>>/qresearch/11517119 PF: CLUB22 USAF E-4B

>>>/qresearch/11517166 New Scavino: POTUS boarding AF1

>>>/qresearch/11517182, >>>/qresearch/11517223 PF: E4-B Nightwatch CLUB22 is airborne over western Ohio. 75-0125

>>>/qresearch/11517196 PF: According to ADS-B network data. There is an Australian military aircraft over Panama.

>>>/qresearch/11517215 Trump: The American People "Know What's Happening;" "I've Never Seen Such Spirit"

>>>/qresearch/11517238 Trump Says Dems "Find Out How Many Votes They Need" and Then They Seem "to Find Them"

>>>/qresearch/11517241 THE HAMMER IS KEY TO THE COUP

>>>/qresearch/11517321 #14705, #14706, #14707 (2)

(41 notables, 51 posts, 55 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:42 a.m. No.35740   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11517326 Q Research General #14706: While The World Sleeps Anons Light Up The Darkness Edition

Created 070825ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11517421, >>>/qresearch/11517429 Q Drop HAMMER proof

>>>/qresearch/11517431 Just pause for a moment and consider that a widespread election software system that was used in virtually every swing state in the 2020 election is called "Dominion.".

>>>/qresearch/11517437 Look at the subdomains for dominionvoting. I wonder what the Serbian IP does.

>>>/qresearch/11517440 Future mayor anon here: Voter Fruad Experience

>>>/qresearch/11517470 'WATCH: Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff hold press conference'

>>>/qresearch/11517481 Who's at this podium? Andy is boots on the ground.

>>>/qresearch/11517529 PF: CLUB22 on the ground 23 minutes now. PF supposes the thing to do would be to watch for a departure within the next 45 minutes or so. Or to have an entirely different E-4B pop up elsewhere. Barring these happening tonight then PF assumes down tempo.

>>>/qresearch/11517560, >>>/qresearch/11517572 Dominion's faulty code Needs to be examined forensically A "glitch" is not acceptable

>>>/qresearch/11517568 Just caught on tape, November 5, 2020 in Lake Balboa, CA at 10:19am…MORE ballot harvesting after the election. The said they were to be "counted".


>>>/qresearch/11517622 Dominion Voting Systems tied to Clintons, widely used in battleground states

>>>/qresearch/11517641 CIA agent Dennis Montgomery, key to what is about to happen.

>>>/qresearch/11517683 Biden’s Vote Tallies apparently Violate Benford’s Law (Mathematicall Impossible)

>>>/qresearch/11517740, >>>/qresearch/11517785 Dominion straight line of Wards votes added in Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11517742, >>>/qresearch/11517753 Delian Project: Providing voting software to up and coming democracies. Tied to Arab Spring and other Color Revolutions?

>>>/qresearch/11517777 20,000 Quantum Financial System Blockchain Ballots Watermarked (Melania Dress: Horse "tackle blocks" formed into a "chain")

>>>/qresearch/11517791 The U.S. Air Force has recently migrated to a new platform to host its public websites - US SPACE FORCE

>>>/qresearch/11517800 The CEO of Election Systems & Software (ES&S) testified at the Committee on House Administration hearing with John Poulus of Dominion Voting Systems

>>>/qresearch/11517826 Mark Malloch-Brown; Chairman of another voting system company, SmartMatic, which we use here in the US

>>>/qresearch/11517876 She should go viral.


>>>/qresearch/11517917 Lime­stone Coun­ty (TX) Social Work­er Charged With 134 Felony Counts Involv­ing Elec­tion Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11517984 Twitter Poll -Kock em down

>>>/qresearch/11517988 Wisconsin - Homeland of political corruption

>>>/qresearch/11518001 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams The Lincoln Project as being in 'scam territory' after it raised $67 million to try to persuade never-Trump Republicans to vote for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11518017 New US Supreme Court order: All Pennsylvania ballots received after 8pm on November 3 must…

>>>/qresearch/11518024 Secret Service and DC Fire Investigating Vehicle, Livestreamer Says There Was an Attempted Attack on White House (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11518085 #14705, #14706, #14707 (2)

>>>/qresearch/11518144 Please send all documented evidence of dominion, ballot destruction, ballot alteration or other fraud to Project Veritas and

(27 notables, 31 posts, 43 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:42 a.m. No.35741   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11518107 Q Research General #14707: Night Shift Reads From The Book Of All Times Edition

Created 071013ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11518213 Philly's long history of corruption includes judge convicted of bribery to cast fraudulent ballots

>>>/qresearch/11518229 Face it pundits, Mitch McConnell is Kentucky's most popular politician in modern history

>>>/qresearch/11518231 This report is mind-blowing. (Flynn Stuff)

>>>/qresearch/11518234 Got fam in PA, they are worried their votes are being nullified by fake votes.

>>>/qresearch/11518235, >>>/qresearch/11518239 Math Doesn't Add Up In American Election Revealed To Be Intelligence Operation

>>>/qresearch/11518238 For First Time In 20 Years, US Senate Candidate Wins More Votes Than Presidential Candidate In Texas

>>>/qresearch/11518246 American Coup Victims Will Not Go Quietly

>>>/qresearch/11518260 The left is again showing that it can’t stand anyone who disagrees

>>>/qresearch/11518272 WaPo to Dems: Don’t get your hopes up on those two Georgia runoffs

>>>/qresearch/11518277 Half chan are onto somethiing - pe election tip-off about Hammer and Scorecard just being reisited

>>>/qresearch/11518280 Pelosi Braging about her "Dominion"

>>>/qresearch/11518284 The Left Threatens GOP: 'We Have a List' and You'll Never Work Again if You Helped Trump

>>>/qresearch/11518290 BREAKING: Michigan Legislature to Convene Joint Oversight Hearing Saturday After 'Glitches' Give 6,000 Trump Votes to Biden

>>>/qresearch/11518294 Tucker trying to tell us something? "He no longer exists. What remains is a projection of sorts, a hologram."


>>>/qresearch/11518297 Portland commissioner opposes $18M in police cuts, has home targeted by protesters

>>>/qresearch/11518303 Joe Biden Claims ‘Mandate’ But Stops Short of Declaring Victory

>>>/qresearch/11518305 Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states

>>>/qresearch/11518307 Texas Charges Social Worker With 134 Felony Counts Involving Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11518311 Trump Rewrites H-1B Program to Help American White-Collar Workers

>>>/qresearch/11518316 Justice Alito Orders PA to Segregate Votes Received After 8 P.M. on Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11518317 Mark Mallock-Brown book. "The Unfinished Global Revolution is a call to embrace more powerful international institutions as well as the values needed to underpin a truly globalist agenda."

>>>/qresearch/11518326 Obnoxious: Brazen Brzezinski Gloats Over Network Censorship of Trump

>>>/qresearch/11518331 Media gaslights GOP voters with false attributions to Republicans supposedly ‘rebuking’ Trump

>>>/qresearch/11518340 Corrupted Software Used in Michigan County that Stole 6,000 Votes from Trump — Is Also Used in ALL SWING STATES — And Uses Chinese Computer Parts In Its Machines

>>>/qresearch/11518357 Brutal tweets from Venezuelans who've seen this stolen-election movie before

>>>/qresearch/11518365 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Suggests ‘Trump Sycophants’ Should Be Held Accountable ‘In The Future’

>>>/qresearch/11518374 It Begins – Representative Ocasio-Cortez Requests Immediate Enemies List for Targeting After Biden Takes Office…

>>>/qresearch/11518391 Dystopian Nightmare: Media Covers For Biden as He Blasts Video Message to ‘Rally’ Filled With EMPTY Red, White, and Blue Jeeps

>>>/qresearch/11518397 Call of Duty Advanced Warfare: "Democracy" - Kevin Spacey

>>>/qresearch/11518403 GoFundMe Shuts Down Fund for Data Analysts Investigating 2020 Voter Fraud After Raising Over $220,000 — NEW CAMPAIGN Launched on

>>>/qresearch/11518405, >>>/qresearch/11518509, >>>/qresearch/11518670 MicroDot POTUS proof -RED BOAT007

>>>/qresearch/11518410 Sidney Powell: Likelihood that 3% of Vote Total Was Changed in Pre-Election Counting Connected to Hammer and Scorecard (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11518420 Democrats' big whiff on state legislatures will haunt them for a decade

>>>/qresearch/11518422 Venezuela knows about election fraud

>>>/qresearch/11518425 Chicago Democrat: Yes, the old party machine is stealing the election 'They just want to beat Donald Trump at all costs'

>>>/qresearch/11518427 In Kentucky, CNN's real time election update shows the Democrat gaining 560 votes and the Republican losing 560 votes.

>>>/qresearch/11518431 Rush Limbaugh: How could country vote for GOP but against Trump Outcome in presidential election 'as legitimate as the Steele dossier'

>>>/qresearch/11518464 Mr. Ferrara suggests that QAnon believers were not properly captured by the polls

>>>/qresearch/11518476 Delian Project officially supports the UN Global Compact.

>>>/qresearch/11518517 ANON NOTES

>>>/qresearch/11518538 Here's the application for patent on the ballots for election security- read the description and see that Steve isn't lyin

>>>/qresearch/11518541 CNN's Anderson Cooper sparks fat-shaming debate after calling Trump an 'obese turtle' on live TV


>>>/qresearch/11518558 Five states showed a change in number of registered voters.

>>>/qresearch/11518560 The Democrats’ Chickens Come Home to Roost

>>>/qresearch/11518576 Is this Green Day, in disguise, gleefully singing 'Ivankkka Is a Nazi'?

>>>/qresearch/11518613 Today is the anniversary of… Red October

>>>/qresearch/11518619 Dominion Voting Systems was purchased by private equity firm, Staple Street Capital in summer of 2018.

>>>/qresearch/11518652 DETROIT LEAKS, video was taken down from screwtube

>>>/qresearch/11518694 Rounding up 70 million Americans for political punishment is a bit ambitious, but it is kind of on brand for a socialist

>>>/qresearch/11518711 The head of the National Nuclear Security Administration unexpectedly resigned Friday, the agency confirmed

>>>/qresearch/11518716 The most active voting group by age in PA are those over 100 years old in fact ~2000 voters are born in 1800’s … what a life span?

>>>/qresearch/11518737 Hundreds of uncounted ballots found hidden in Massachusetts Grafton town clerk's vault

>>>/qresearch/11518741 That voter fraud is happening in Michigan is a provable given

>>>/qresearch/11518768 Music reference orchestrate, from Eric Trump!

>>>/qresearch/11518879 #14705, #14706, #14707 (2)

(56 notables, 59 posts, 67 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:42 a.m. No.35742   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11518886 Q Research General #14708: You Only Live Twice Edition

Created 071211ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11518999 We're getting justice for Christmas?

>>>/qresearch/11519019, >>>/qresearch/11519099, >>>/qresearch/11519129, >>>/qresearch/11519171 GHIDRA reverse engineers Hammer and exact time ballot was scanned using blockchain and barcode to weed out order of happenings… Merry Christmas


>>>/qresearch/11519021, >>>/qresearch/11519038 NCSWIC = Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming = National Coucil (of) Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (proof)

>>>/qresearch/11519028, >>>/qresearch/11519084 Plane flying over Liverpool UK, 1 hr ago. Banner says WORLD KNOWS TRUMP WON - MAGA

>>>/qresearch/11519030 Eric Trump: I am very suspect of these these voting machines

>>>/qresearch/11519053, >>>/qresearch/11519249 Suggestion: that this video where Sidney Powell talks to Lou Dobbs about Hammer and Scorecard being used to rig vote count be put in Globals.

>>>/qresearch/11519059 So we need all Patriots, across the country, to file a complaint with the California Bar and get this shittard disbarred for violating the Constitutional rights of of American Citizens.

>>>/qresearch/11519064 Credit T.Wiktor…I think he was here yesterday am trying to point this out…

>>>/qresearch/11519065 Voting Glitch: If systemic we could be looking at over 100 million votes for Trump

>>>/qresearch/11519078 Computer program exposed how voting software is manipulated

>>>/qresearch/11519080 DOMINION? DOMINION SOFYWARE, YOU SAY? (symbolism)

>>>/qresearch/11519095 Letter to AG Barr from 39 members of Congress. I'd called my Congressman yesterday to demand that he speak out against this election fraud, so I was please to see his signature on here.

>>>/qresearch/11519104, >>>/qresearch/11519120 Looks like it was going to be a Q / Anon set up.

>>>/qresearch/11519178 Spaniard politician declares winner Biden

>>>/qresearch/11519257, >>>/qresearch/11519280, >>>/qresearch/11519583 U.S. Army: Apache, Black Hawk, Chinook…these crucial aircraft are all named after Native American tribes or figures. Do you know why?

>>>/qresearch/11519313 Abraham Lincold Presidential Election Mail-In Balot Fraud (future proves waaay past, kek)

>>>/qresearch/11519340 This pic with 007 and red boat in high left corner happened in Maine when Trump opened 5k sq.miles of ocean. Lets dig more

>>>/qresearch/11519363 POTUS is up. And he’s pissed

>>>/qresearch/11519368 Anons should prepare dancing Trump meme for Victory day

>>>/qresearch/11519386 POTUS: Tens of thousands of votes were illegally received after 8 P.M. on Tuesday, Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11519417 Did Bronx County (NY) go RED? They did not use Dominion.

>>>/qresearch/11519441, >>>/qresearch/11519447, >>>/qresearch/11519449, >>>/qresearch/11519451, >>>/qresearch/11519456, >>>/qresearch/11519467, >>>/qresearch/11519482 Missing something here? Missing letters? missing word to make this a complete statement?

>>>/qresearch/11519480 POTUS: People were screaming STOP THE COUNT & WE DEMAND TRANSPARENCY (As Legal Observers were refused admittance to count rooms)!

>>>/qresearch/11519539 Company that enabled The Con, Dominion Voting Systems

>>>/qresearch/11519611 Look at the marches scheduled for today

>>>/qresearch/11519612 Anons, I think I know now why sharpies were handed out at those polling places

>>>/qresearch/11519627 Candace Owens announces lawsuit against Facebook fact-checkers

>>>/qresearch/11519629 Update: Corrupted Software that Stole 6,000 Votes From Trump in Michigan County – Shut Down for TWO HOURS in Red Counties in Georgia on Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11519640 #14708

(29 notables, 44 posts, 62 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:42 a.m. No.35743   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11519645 Q Research General #14709: Always Darnkest Before The Don Edition

Created 071349ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11519761 "The Only Way is Military" Q post links


>>>/qresearch/11519770, >>>/qresearch/11519880 Flynn on Newsmax /quotes

VIDEO - LIVE NOW: Newsmax TV Live Stream [Channel: Newsmax TV]

>>>/qresearch/11519771 Joe Flynn: No fucking way is @SidneyPowell1 gonna give up on this

>>>/qresearch/11519789 DJT Tweet Obfuscation

>>>/qresearch/11519813, >>>/qresearch/11519825, >>>/qresearch/11520073 GNews: Joe Biden’s votes violate Benford’s Law (Mathematics)

>>>/qresearch/11519818 CV19 is a hoax? Doctors say they’re ‘hopeful’ Biden will handle the pandemic better

>>>/qresearch/11519834 PA QAnon False Flag Arrest vid


>>>/qresearch/11519933, >>>/qresearch/11520147 Soros Voting Machines Digg

>>>/qresearch/11519985 GWP: Former FBI General Counsel James Baker Has Flipped! (?)

>>>/qresearch/11519999 Planefag reports (w/quads)

>>>/qresearch/11520009 Criminal filings Boogaloo dig

>>>/qresearch/11520025, >>>/qresearch/11520208, >>>/qresearch/11520294 Vote Flipping digs

>>>/qresearch/11520053 Biden Rally Jeeps registration

>>>/qresearch/11520113 The Trump counterattack will blow your mind (vid)

>>>/qresearch/11520199, >>>/qresearch/11520238, >>>/qresearch/11520291, >>>/qresearch/11520418, >>>/qresearch/11520443 New DJT: Big presser in Philly @ 11:30am

>>>/qresearch/11520260, >>>/qresearch/11520386 Nate Cain: Go ahead and add my name to your list of @realDonaldTrump

>>>/qresearch/11520347 Exactly 200 years ago this year, James Monroe won all existing states

>>>/qresearch/11520467 #14709

(18 notables, 29 posts, 38 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:43 a.m. No.35744   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11520464 Q Research General #14710: Ocasio's Hit List Edition

Created 071505ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11520592, >>>/qresearch/11520661, >>>/qresearch/11521115 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/11520593, >>>/qresearch/11520968, >>>/qresearch/11521197 Banned Bannon's Warroom info

>>>/qresearch/11520754, >>>/qresearch/11520783 Links to Philly Presser

>>>/qresearch/11520818 known about the problems with the Dominion " GLITCH " for some time now

>>>/qresearch/11520829, >>>/qresearch/11521104 DJT: I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT! /analysis

>>>/qresearch/11520852 14th Amendment

>>>/qresearch/11520880 Mark L: Commie bastard wants to create an enemies list

>>>/qresearch/11520924 Stop the Steal Atlanta GA: Today, no change in venue

>>>/qresearch/11520971, >>>/qresearch/11521091 Just passed a long military convoy heading toward Detroit

>>>/qresearch/11520979 Press pool: Pres Trump departed the WH this morning, Destination not announced

(10 notables, 17 posts, 17 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:43 a.m. No.35745   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11521249 Q Research General #14711: Four Seasons Beatdown Edition

Created 071605ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11521285 anon Notable Bun from #14711 / BREAKING - Massive protests underway in #Leipzig (Germany) opposing the new #COVID19 lockdown.

>>>/qresearch/11521297 POTUS 14th Amendment option to quell insurrection and rebellion

>>>/qresearch/11521329 anon Notable Bun from #14711 / POTUS Tweet - I WON THIS ELECTION BY A LOT

>>>/qresearch/11521337 anon Notable Bun from #14711 / Anon Chaplain Prayer

>>>/qresearch/11521343 anon Notable Bun from #14711 / Bannon Warroom

>>>/qresearch/11521345 anon Notable Bun from #14711 / Jewish Antifa?

>>>/qresearch/11521395 anon Notable Bun from #14711 / Pray Anons

>>>/qresearch/11521414 anon Notable Bun from #14711 / We are the News now

>>>/qresearch/11521482 anon Notable Bun from #14711 / Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway bought back a record $9 billion in stock in the third quarter

>>>/qresearch/11521513 Dominion Voting digg continued

>>>/qresearch/11521515 anon Notable Bun from #14711 / Philadelphia at (Four Seasons Total Landscaping). Extremely ODD location for a Presidential press conference.

>>>/qresearch/11521523 anon: showing how rigged the system really is

>>>/qresearch/11521540 Mask strategy Digg

>>>/qresearch/11521560 anon Notable Bun from #14711 / Tip line for Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11521565 anon Notable Bun from #14711 / Fema re-education camps?

>>>/qresearch/11521580, >>>/qresearch/11521592 Fake News Calling it for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11521583, >>>/qresearch/11521597, >>>/qresearch/11521607 anon Notable Bun from #14711 / Anon reports CNN / MSNBC calls election for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11521667, >>>/qresearch/11521750 Fake News Calling it for Biden cont

>>>/qresearch/11521731 anon Notable Bun from #14711 / Drudge report splash screen

>>>/qresearch/11521752 anon Notable Bun from #14711 / Voter fraud in PA

>>>/qresearch/11521766 anon Notable Bun from #14711 / Trump Campaign Presser coming up in Philly

>>>/qresearch/11521773 anon Notable Bun from #14711 / Malik Obama compares 2020 Election to 2013 Kenyan Election

>>>/qresearch/11521852 anons comfy AF

>>>/qresearch/11521872 anon Notable Bun from #14711 / Charlie Kirk - Amazing how media rushes to call race right before ballot fraud evidence presented

>>>/qresearch/11521940 anon Notable Bun from #14711 / Anon opines - Fakenews ALL AT THE SAME TIME called the race

>>>/qresearch/11521994 #14710

>>>/qresearch/11522018 anon Notable Bun from #14711 / John Roberts tweet - Fox News calls Nevada for Biden

(27 notables, 31 posts, 27 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:44 a.m. No.35746   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11521986 Q Research General #14712: Fake News Calls it for Biden Edition


>>>/qresearch/11522061, >>>/qresearch/11522576 Petition to Audit the 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/11522075, >>>/qresearch/11522080 More Fake News Election Calls

>>>/qresearch/11522089 243 at Trump presser & Q#243 - The War has Gone Public?

>>>/qresearch/11522092, >>>/qresearch/11522636 Anon analysis on Presser

>>>/qresearch/11522109 Statement from POTUS (unverified)

>>>/qresearch/11522198, >>>/qresearch/11522487, >>>/qresearch/11522631, >>>/qresearch/11522657 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/11522204 Dog Comms or not

>>>/qresearch/11522222 Rudy On! Quints

>>>/qresearch/11522232 Tom Fitton: Media is not the constitution

>>>/qresearch/11522332, >>>/qresearch/11522423 Various Election related Tweets


>>>/qresearch/11522490 anon Notable Bun from #14711

>>>/qresearch/11522665 NYT

>>>/qresearch/11522731 #14712

(14 notables, 21 posts, 19 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:44 a.m. No.35747   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11522745 Q Research General #14713: Rudy On! For the Quints Biden Edition

Created 071716ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11522817, >>>/qresearch/11523170 Audit the 2020 Election petition


>>>/qresearch/11522848 JUST IN: Trump refuses to accept Biden victory, promises legal challenges

>>>/qresearch/11522855 @realDonaldTrump hasn't tweeted glitch?

>>>/qresearch/11522891 The push for Dorsey to leave starts.

>>>/qresearch/11522923 I’ve put together a parable that you can use


>>>/qresearch/11522953 Van Jones is overcome with emotion (kek)

>>>/qresearch/11523052, >>>/qresearch/11523147 think MIRROR (47-74)

>>>/qresearch/11523104 Guy just up at Rudy's presser said that any questions that Republican watchers had about ballots had to be reported to a guy named "Seth" who was standing in the back of the room.

>>>/qresearch/11523166 Tucker Carlson: GOP Establishment ‘Happy to Sell Out’ Voters with Amnesty

>>>/qresearch/11523171 Trump Campaign Announcement

>>>/qresearch/11523235 Joe Biden will address the nation at 8 p.m. ET

>>>/qresearch/11523262 Let's not forget Lindsey Graham kissing bidens ass

>>>/qresearch/11523303 OUR BO TWATTED


>>>/qresearch/11523326 pf

>>>/qresearch/11523342 [SCARE] NECESSARY EVENT.

>>>/qresearch/11523373 Newsmax TV surpassed both Fox Business and CNBC in daytime ratings the day after Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11523455 Georgia Counties Using Same Software as Michigan Counties Also Encounter ‘Glitch’

>>>/qresearch/11523458 MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow goes into quarantine after COVID-19 exposure

(20 notables, 22 posts, 19 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:44 a.m. No.35748   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11523490 Q Research General #14714: Biden Is #NotOurPresident Edition

Created 071750ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11523591 Black Lives Matter Celebrating MSM announcing Biden as winner

>>>/qresearch/11523592 Longtime GOP election lawyer Mark “Thor” Hearne, II has joined the ranks of Republican attorneys aiming to slow or stop ballot counting in presidential election battleground states.

>>>/qresearch/11523601 We dit it, Joe (kek)


>>>/qresearch/11523603 27 hrs till the ‘clock’ strikes. (4chan conspiracy)

>>>/qresearch/11523616, >>>/qresearch/11523652, >>>/qresearch/11523692, >>>/qresearch/11523715 Mark Malloch-Brown Timeline With Links

>>>/qresearch/11523625 LIVE: Crowds gather outside the White House after Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are projected to win the election

>>>/qresearch/11523631 HRC: The voters have spoken, and they have chosen @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris to be our next president and vice president.

>>>/qresearch/11523643 Next should be a continuation of RED steps.


>>>/qresearch/11523673 Multi-streams. The woman who runs this channel is pro-Trump

>>>/qresearch/11523688, >>>/qresearch/11524032, >>>/qresearch/11524124 pf

>>>/qresearch/11523729 Bernie: I want to congratulate all those who worked so hard to make this historic day possible

>>>/qresearch/11523739 SIGN THE PETITION TO AUDIT THE VOTE!

>>>/qresearch/11523761 Boris: Congratulations @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris

>>>/qresearch/11523825 Obama: Congratulations to my friends, @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris

>>>/qresearch/11523881 Malik Obama: FAKE VOTES!

>>>/qresearch/11523900, >>>/qresearch/11523941, >>>/qresearch/11523985 Google removed Trump's official twitter account from the search results

>>>/qresearch/11523910 World Champion Boxer Joe Frazier Voted this Year in Pennsylvania — But He Skipped Campaigning for Joe Biden Because He’s Dead Since 2011

>>>/qresearch/11523932 @khamenei_ir tweet

>>>/qresearch/11523934 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has congratulated Democrat Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Harris on winning the U.S. presidential election.

>>>/qresearch/11523980 For those of you struggling or feeling despair why not take a moment and read what Q wrote to you?

>>>/qresearch/11523982 Keep re-reading these posts.

>>>/qresearch/11523995 Turncoat GOP elections board members resign in North Carolina After Siding with Democrats on “Fixing” Flawed Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11524027 Official Overseeing US Nukes Unexpectedly Resigns After Clash With Energy Chief

>>>/qresearch/11524033 Republican Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey says President Donald Trump’s claims of fraud and theft of the election are “just not substantiated.”

>>>/qresearch/11524048 Hah! Faux FOX, AP, CNN, Alphabet Media Call Race for Biden after President Trump Goes Golfing in Coordinated Propaganda Assault

>>>/qresearch/11524050 CNN's Van Jones sobs uncontrollably after race called for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11524083 Child labor may be good, Bill Gates-funded article in The Guardian bizarrely argues

>>>/qresearch/11524104 A parade that will never be forgotten

>>>/qresearch/11524157 U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC)

>>>/qresearch/11524160 Here's a schizo thought.

>>>/qresearch/11524161 Twitter and Facebook are smacking down all questioning of US election integrity. What about 4 years of Russiagate?

>>>/qresearch/11524177 Sekulow: Campaign Should Be ‘Demanding a Manual Recount’ in Places with Software that Glitched in MI

>>>/qresearch/11524194 NHS Nurse Publicly Resigns, Blasts COVID Lockdown Policy

>>>/qresearch/11524257 More Democrat Corruption – Swing States Show Biden Votes Suspiciously Far Exceeding Democrat Down-Ticket Votes — Statistically Improbable

>>>/qresearch/11524308 #14714

(36 notables, 43 posts, 47 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:45 a.m. No.35749   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11524301 Q Research General #14715: Trust The Military Edition

Created 071826ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11524344, >>>/qresearch/11524663 The president issued the following statement via his campaign:

>>>/qresearch/11524347 The problem is that most everyday people don't understand the law


>>>/qresearch/11524348 There are thousands of people in Times Square right now cheering, singing, dancing and celebrating the defeat of@realDonaldTrump

>>>/qresearch/11524357 Georgia Counties Using Same Software as Michigan Counties Also Encounter ‘Glitch’

>>>/qresearch/11524372 Flynn was on Newsmax earlier

>>>/qresearch/11524380 Republican-Led Michigan Legislature to Hold Hearings on Election Fraud Claims

>>>/qresearch/11524397 M6.0 earthquake activity spreads across Planet

>>>/qresearch/11524415 Trump Lawyer Wants Recount in 28 States With 'Glitch' That Flipped 6,000 Votes to Biden

>>>/qresearch/11524486 See the Cabal rats

>>>/qresearch/11524492, >>>/qresearch/11524585 Swedish MSM Lies

>>>/qresearch/11524536 CDC KNEW its first coronavirus test kit could fail up to a THIRD of the time - but shipped it across the US in February anyway, report claims

>>>/qresearch/11524554 Google Trends: Searches For 'Election Fraud Punishment' Surged In MI, PA And AZ Before Election

>>>/qresearch/11524572 Newsmax: We're Not Calling Election for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11524595 Rahm Emanuel: Biden White House Should Tell Laid-Off Retail Workers to Learn to Code

>>>/qresearch/11524613 Another 'Computer Glitch' Identified and Corrected in Oakland County, Michigan, Led to Republican Winning His Race

>>>/qresearch/11524625 20/20. The year ALL will see more clearly.

>>>/qresearch/11524630 Celebration of Biden’s victory in front of the burned out Third Precinct in Minneapolis


>>>/qresearch/11524632 Pennsylvania Republican State Leaders Said in October They Will Not Step In Deciding Presidential Election — Contact Them Today!

>>>/qresearch/11524649 December 8, 2020: The “Safe Harbor” Deadline

>>>/qresearch/11524652 Justice Department Looking Into Allegations of Voter Fraud in Nevada After Trump Legal Team Identifies Thousands of Illegal Votes

>>>/qresearch/11524685 How to watch Joe Biden’s victory speech live

>>>/qresearch/11524694 POTUS Twitter is getting flooded with Satanic encantations

>>>/qresearch/11524701 Did President Trump issue secret watermarks on ballots? No, that’s another QAnon conspiracy theory

>>>/qresearch/11524713 Bret Baier on Fox News: "We have not seen widespread fraud yet, any evidence of widespread fraud. We continue to look into allegations as they pop up and we continue to not find that."


>>>/qresearch/11524714 Trump Legal Blitz Won't Impact Pennsylvania Vote, State AG Says

>>>/qresearch/11524732 AMERICA WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN!

>>>/qresearch/11524746 PENNSYLVANIA ANONS: Here is the link to confirm your ballot status

>>>/qresearch/11524749 Recount Contested States Or Prepare For War: Win Or Lose, Half Of America Will Not Trust Election Results Without Complete Transparency

>>>/qresearch/11524773 Dominion Voting Systems tied to Clintons, widely used in battleground states

>>>/qresearch/11524777 Judge In Pa. Rejects GOP Move To Toss 'Cured' Ballots That Had Contained Errors

>>>/qresearch/11524782, >>>/qresearch/11524797 2020 ELECTION FRAUD MEGATHREAD PARTs 1-2

>>>/qresearch/11524795 Trump Campaign to Name David Bossie to Lead Legal Election Fight

>>>/qresearch/11524816, >>>/qresearch/11524855 Barack Obama Congratulates Joe Biden: ‘Give Him A Chance’

>>>/qresearch/11524829 No Jail for Child Porn Distributing Bank Lawyer Mohamed Ismail

>>>/qresearch/11524854 Texas social worker hit with 134 counts of election fraud after requesting mail-in ballots for mentally disabled ‘without consent’

>>>/qresearch/11524897 They Want You to Believe This! — Biden Gained Over 1 Million Votes in Pennsylvania SINCE THE MORNING AFTER THE ELECTION!

>>>/qresearch/11524916 The media are running a coup against President Trump. Is the GOP in on it?

>>>/qresearch/11524927 Google Exec Blocked Conservative Party Advertising

>>>/qresearch/11524954 Spitballing Q-drop 4414.


>>>/qresearch/11524963 mail-in ballots discarded in Pennsylvania, where 100% of them were cast for President @realDonaldTr

>>>/qresearch/11524966 Joe Biden has the same super villain smile as Jeffery Epstein, I wonder if he has spoken with Hilary?'

>>>/qresearch/11524975 pf

>>>/qresearch/11524990 #14715

(44 notables, 48 posts, 50 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:45 a.m. No.35750   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11525002 Q Research General #14716: A Parade To Remember Edition

Created 071901ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11525104 Malik Obama: MAGA

>>>/qresearch/11525122 "What happens if China successfully duplicates [clones] select ballots [battleground states]?"

>>>/qresearch/11525131 Biden should not claim victory as legal proceedings begin, Trump says

>>>/qresearch/11525137 Merkel congratulates Biden and Kamala

>>>/qresearch/11525140 Chinese Yuan hits 28 month high on Biden election news

>>>/qresearch/11525156, >>>/qresearch/11525400, >>>/qresearch/11525798 pf

>>>/qresearch/11525160 Kamala Harris: ‘We Did It, Joe … Let’s Get Started

>>>/qresearch/11525170 Murdoch’s Fox News, New York Post start to distance themselves from Trump

>>>/qresearch/11525175 Media declares Biden the winner, and NYC is in a great mood, everyone is shouting in the streets, honking horns, and the wooden barricades around businesses are suddenly coming down

>>>/qresearch/11525241 Former Democrat, Mocked for Switching Parties, Wins as Republican in New Jersey

>>>/qresearch/11525272 GENERAL FLYNN is asking for our HELP

>>>/qresearch/11525290 Expose the Criminals and Hold Them Accountable

>>>/qresearch/11525309 The first to congratulate (within 2 hours)

>>>/qresearch/11525342 STOP the STEAL, Tell us what you are seeing Call: (888) 503-3526

>>>/qresearch/11525350 “Why Don’t They Want the Truth Exposed? ” Trump Campaign Releases Statement After Fake News Declares Senile Joe the Winner — THE FIGHT GOES ON

>>>/qresearch/11525367 ELECTION THEFT Of The Century

>>>/qresearch/11525369, >>>/qresearch/11525411, >>>/qresearch/11525426, >>>/qresearch/11525456, >>>/qresearch/11525492 RED & Emergency Action Message

>>>/qresearch/11525402 Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos Directs Committee to Review Statewide Election Amid Concerns Over Massive Midnight Ballot Dump For Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11525423 Statement from President@realDonaldTrump

>>>/qresearch/11525435 “Operation Scorecard” CIA-run vote theft software was running in EVERY swing state… “glitches” switched votes from Trump to Biden

>>>/qresearch/11525441 Tweet #BackDateGate and share this video right now.

>>>/qresearch/11525466 CNN’s Van Jones cries on air after Biden declared winner of 2020 presidential election

>>>/qresearch/11525497 Twitter gods Censor a Stream of US President Trump’s Tweets — The Sheep Are Not Allowed to Challenge the Stolen Election – Not Even the President!

>>>/qresearch/11525507 Large crowd in front of Lafayette Square in DC

>>>/qresearch/11525536 Dominion Voting

>>>/qresearch/11525616 Pelosi: ‘The dawning of a new day of hope for America’

>>>/qresearch/11525644 Vanderburgh County, Indiana (near Evansville) woman facing election fraud charge

>>>/qresearch/11525669 Paging AG Barr

>>>/qresearch/11525699 Google shadowbanning @realdonaldtrump from search results. It's true

>>>/qresearch/11525748 Joe's secret weapon! Hunter Biden's daughter Finnegan, 20, was a fixture on the campaign trail

>>>/qresearch/11525776 President Trump, thank you for what you are doing for us!

(31 notables, 37 posts, 50 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:45 a.m. No.35751   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11525680 Q Research General #14717: Trump Card Incoming Edition

Created 071938ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11525864, >>>/qresearch/11525865, >>>/qresearch/11525886, >>>/qresearch/11525896 Trump Election War To Save America Aided By Mysterious “Q” Base 31 Million Gun Stockpile

>>>/qresearch/11525867 What do we have here? ("I voted 29 times")

>>>/qresearch/11525879 RED5

>>>/qresearch/11525884 'It's not over': Trump supporters begin flocking to state capitols after Biden victory is announced

>>>/qresearch/11525891 We created a poster series celebrating selected tech successes from each of @ENERGY’s 17 #NationalLabs.

>>>/qresearch/11525915 Jim talking to someone?


>>>/qresearch/11525923 GOP Rep. Dan Crenshaw tells Marjorie Taylor Greene to 'start acting like a member of Congress'

>>>/qresearch/11525934 WATCH: Locals report fireworks in London, church bells in Paris as Biden win celebrated abroad

>>>/qresearch/11525944 Pennsylvania mailman says he was ordered to collect late ballots

>>>/qresearch/11525945 Mary Dudley was born in 1916 and used to live in Kalamazoo, Michigan, before she died at age 70 in Sevier, Utah, in July 1987. She still applied for and received an absentee ballot the same day in Michigan on 9/29.

>>>/qresearch/11525950 Looks like the Benedict Arnolds over at the Lincoln Project are going to end up on AOC's list unless they pay up !

>>>/qresearch/11525978 Benson accused of letting 'partisan operatives' influence election

>>>/qresearch/11525986 Live: Celebrations Around The U.S. As Joe Biden Projected President-Elect | NBC News

>>>/qresearch/11525992 RNC Chair: Detroit Election Worker Blows Whistle On Cheating Operation…”All Election Workers” Were Reportedly Told To Backdate Ballots [VIDEO]

>>>/qresearch/11525995 What happens if a president-elect dies before inauguration?

>>>/qresearch/11526023 Rudy Giuliani: Donald Trump Will ‘Not Concede when at Least 600,000 Ballots Are in Question’

>>>/qresearch/11526025 Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos Directs Committee to Review Statewide Election Amid Concerns Over Massive Midnight Ballot Dump For Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11526060 World Champion Boxer Joe Frazier Voted this Year in Pennsylvania — But He Skipped Campaigning for Joe Biden Because He’s Been Dead Since 2011

>>>/qresearch/11526104 Finally: the hard proof needed for sting-op story credibility

>>>/qresearch/11526137 Biden Declares Himself Winner in Election as Media Project Him Passing 270 Electoral College Votes

>>>/qresearch/11526178 Jeb Bush Congratulates ‘President-Elect’ Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11526213 Trump Campaign Refuses to Concede as Networks Call Election for Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11526225 Donald Trump: Joe Biden ‘Has Not Been Certified as Winner’ of Anything

>>>/qresearch/11526262 Kamala Harris: ‘We Did It, Joe … Let’s Get Started’

>>>/qresearch/11526272 Picture of Joe Biden with Gerry Adams and IRA chief who tried to kill an Army officer emerges - as former Sinn Fein president says they discussed 'a united Ireland'

>>>/qresearch/11526283 Great thread about voter fraud on halfchan

>>>/qresearch/11526327 'Nice to have a human again': Celebrities take to social media to praise Joe Biden's speech to the nation where he all but declared White House victory as his lead over Donald Trump grows in critical swing states

>>>/qresearch/11526334 I can’t share details. I’ll lay it down in the most digestible way possible.

>>>/qresearch/11526348 Football fans have decided to get behind President Donald Trump’s election campaign by flying a banner over Goodison Park this afternoon.

>>>/qresearch/11526396 Michigan GOP Identifies Software “Glitch” in Voting System – One County Had 6,000 Wrongly Assigned Biden Votes Corrected To Trump When Fixed

>>>/qresearch/11526404, >>>/qresearch/11526463 CA Poppy watermark (anons know)

>>>/qresearch/11526410 BANNON'S WAR ROOM NEW WEBSITE

>>>/qresearch/11526412 Brazil, Slovenia, Poland and Hungary refuse to acknowledge Joe Biden as President-Elect

>>>/qresearch/11526421 Post-Election Hollywood Hacks to U.S.: You’re Racist

>>>/qresearch/11526451 IF BIDEN TAKES OFFICE

>>>/qresearch/11526479 All Four Ex-Cops Charged in George Floyd Murder Case Will Be Tried Together in Televised Proceedings

>>>/qresearch/11526482 Sen. Feinstein’s Husband Owns 60% Of Software Co Used To Steal Trump Votes In Swing States

>>>/qresearch/11526499 Georgia election official: Machine glitch caused by last-minute vendor upload - POLITICO

>>>/qresearch/11526506 Tom Fitton: Trump won Tuesday according to federal election law

>>>/qresearch/11526519 pf

>>>/qresearch/11526551 #14717

(41 notables, 45 posts, 49 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:46 a.m. No.35752   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11526565 Q Research General #14718: Remember Remember Trump Won In November Edition

Created 072019ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11526626 Mr lude states to CCP collusion with CCP

>>>/qresearch/11526628 @GenFlynn tells @CarlHigbie "everybody around the country needs to take a deep breath" regarding the results of the election


>>>/qresearch/11526640, >>>/qresearch/11526924, >>>/qresearch/11527153 What happened today & The October Revolution

>>>/qresearch/11526645 C before D ?


>>>/qresearch/11526660 Be patient. Wait. It will take time.

>>>/qresearch/11526674 The legal trouble for Biden and his family is far from over, with fresh allegations of possession of child pornography filed against Hunter Biden.

>>>/qresearch/11526675 I LOVE our President @realDonaldTrump

>>>/qresearch/11526703, >>>/qresearch/11526750, >>>/qresearch/11526769 pf

>>>/qresearch/11526754 Biden supporters vs. Trump supporters

>>>/qresearch/11526788 'Glitchy' Dominion Voting Systems tied to Clintons, Pelosi, widely used in battleground states

>>>/qresearch/11526793, >>>/qresearch/11526929, >>>/qresearch/11527261 Head of national nuclear oversight committee resigns

>>>/qresearch/11526798 Declassify

>>>/qresearch/11526800 Trump's endorsement gone

>>>/qresearch/11526838 Minutes ago: President Trump returns to the White House after golfing.

>>>/qresearch/11526852 Sidney Powell talks to Lou Dobbs about Hammer and Scorecard being used to rig vote count


>>>/qresearch/11526887 Trump quietly fires three agency heads amid presidential vote count

>>>/qresearch/11526936 More Troubling Questions Raised About Election System Used in Contested Races In Swing States

>>>/qresearch/11526940 Trump: 'This Election is Far From Over'

>>>/qresearch/11526978 @realDonaldTrump supporters have also been in downtown #DC. Showing support for the president amid his projected loss to former Vice President Joe Biden.

>>>/qresearch/11526985 Chinese Coast Guard to be allowed to fire on foreign vessels

>>>/qresearch/11527012 Amended LAWSUIT IDENTIFIES 21,000+ DEAD PEOPLE on Pennsylvania Voter Rolls

>>>/qresearch/11527024 Candace Owens to Sue Facebook Fact-Checker for Censoring Her Videos

>>>/qresearch/11527031 Rate of rejected mail-in ballots almost 30 times lower in Pennsylvania this year than in 2016

>>>/qresearch/11527061 Former Democrat, Mocked for Switching Parties, Wins as Republican in New Jersey

>>>/qresearch/11527094 Philly's long history of corruption includes judge convicted of bribery to cast fraudulent ballots

>>>/qresearch/11527100 Watch closely everyone. Look at who is defending the President, and look at who is looking to “turn the chapter”

>>>/qresearch/11527150 Those bastards! Look what happens when you search for „loser“ on Twitter

>>>/qresearch/11527208 Notice that the corporate media has not called Senate races in North Carolina, Georgia, and Alaska.

>>>/qresearch/11527211 Joe Biden Spokesman: Gov’t Capable of Escorting ‘Trespassers Out of White House

>>>/qresearch/11527217 Watch Live: Stop The Steal Protest Underway In Downtown Austin

>>>/qresearch/11527239 Trump fires personnel from the Nuclear/Energy community.

>>>/qresearch/11527265 Unemployment fell from 7.9% to 6.9% in October

>>>/qresearch/11527307 How many people who requested and mailed in ballots near or on Election Day also showed up at the polls on Election Day and cast ballots in Philly, Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Vegas?

>>>/qresearch/11527338 #14718

(34 notables, 40 posts, 40 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:46 a.m. No.35753   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11527344 Q Research General #14719: Spooky Scary Sleepyton Edition

Created 072100ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11527393 HELP THEM LEAVE THE SWAMP

>>>/qresearch/11527394 Eric Trump tweet

>>>/qresearch/11527399 Interagency Crime and Drug Enforcement Congressional Submission 2021


>>>/qresearch/11527413 The most DC celebration. A NATO flag draped around a Biden supporter in front of the White House.

>>>/qresearch/11527423 President Trump is getting rid of DeepState. The USAID Director is GONE

>>>/qresearch/11527436, >>>/qresearch/11527637 Michigan Legislature Subpoenas Election Officials

>>>/qresearch/11527440 China Export Growth Jumps To 19 Month High, Defying Surging Yuan

>>>/qresearch/11527462 Largest State-Run Chinese Newspaper Laughs At Trump In First Reaction To Biden 'Win'

>>>/qresearch/11527471, >>>/qresearch/11527510 pf

>>>/qresearch/11527487, >>>/qresearch/11527951 Biden’s Lead in Arizona Cut in Half Overnight to 20,573 as Latest Ballot Dump Out of Maricopa County Favors President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11527662 VIRGINIA: In Tight Race, Officials Miraculously Find 15,000 Mostly Dem Votes On USB Flash Drive

>>>/qresearch/11527695 Romney congratulates Biden after victory

>>>/qresearch/11527696 World leaders offer heartfelt congrats to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

>>>/qresearch/11527722 PA State Senate GOP: SCOTUS Decision ‘Underscores’ How Democrats Undermined Election

>>>/qresearch/11527725 Jeb Bush Congratulates ‘President-Elect’ Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11527764 #OTD in 1921, 2,200 Marines were deployed across the nation to protect the U.S. Mail

>>>/qresearch/11527769, >>>/qresearch/11527818, >>>/qresearch/11527871 Other News

>>>/qresearch/11527782 Dems Stealing Elections a ‘Time-Honored Tradition’

VIDEO - Rod Blagojevich: Democrats have been stealing votes for years [Channel: Newsmax TV]

>>>/qresearch/11527800 Frank Biden approved as a Vice President position NOT President, offical letter September 1st ,2020.

>>>/qresearch/11527804 Text of statement from President Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/11527812 CNN's Jake Tapper celebrates Joe Biden's reported victory: 'Long national nightmare is over'

>>>/qresearch/11527822 Mr. President, Georgia will never surrender!


>>>/qresearch/11527836 What Happens In Vegas May Not Stay In Vegas

>>>/qresearch/11527892 Stop the Steal Rally - New Braunfels near San Antonio, Texas

>>>/qresearch/11527905 Lansing, MI #Stop The Steal

>>>/qresearch/11527917 Believe the Eyes Not the Liars – President Trump Destroyed Joe Biden – Trump Will Prevail

>>>/qresearch/11527978 This patriot explains how the steal happened, using FL data to show normies the details.

>>>/qresearch/11527993 LOBO712 diverted NE over Montross, now about to overfly McGuire Field.

>>>/qresearch/11528034 Germany Says Trump Is "Pouring Oil On The Fire" Of Potential "Constitutional Crisis"

(29 notables, 34 posts, 41 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:46 a.m. No.35754   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11527994 Q Research General #14720: RED LINE ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF RED OCTOBER? Edition

Created 072139ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11528167 History forgotten

>>>/qresearch/11528176 Twitter search links Trump to 'loser': Twitter said the results were automatically generated based on how people on the app were using the terms in their tweets at the time

>>>/qresearch/11528190 James Packer, who bribed Israel’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu, looks set to finally bite the dust for his Casino crimes

>>>/qresearch/11528196 If the state hasn't certified the election, then it's not decided.

>>>/qresearch/11528204 SAM119 landing at Patrick AFB. The loop pattern is from SNTRY06 that is landing at MacDill AFB.

>>>/qresearch/11528223 Trump is gone, and Bibi will follow him!" Israeli anti-Netanyahu demonstrators celebrate Biden election win outside the old US embassy in Tel Aviv .

>>>/qresearch/11528230 How The Wisconsin Elections Commission Destroyed Fair Elections In Wisconsin

>>>/qresearch/11528238 I have to say the funniest part of the opposition propaganda right now is the bogus 4chan style frog accounts who are pretending to be pro Biden trolls. There’s never been a more obvious propaganda op in history.


>>>/qresearch/11528263 POTUS - 71,000,000 Legal Votes. The most EVER for a sitting President!

>>>/qresearch/11528276 ANTIFA has started attacking Trump supporters at the Washington State Capitol

>>>/qresearch/11528338 Surprise! Hillary lawyers announce that there is a "successor server" that they can request access to.

>>>/qresearch/11528364 Supreme Court is about to have 3 Bush v. Gore alumni sitting on the bench

>>>/qresearch/11528393 The media do not get to determine who the president is. The people do.

>>>/qresearch/11528416 Mark Halperin Exits NBC News After Multiple Accusations of Sexual Misconduct

>>>/qresearch/11528428 C-32 99-6143 returning from Coronado.

>>>/qresearch/11528430 100,000 Provisional Ballots May Swing Pennsylvania Election Back to Trump Despite MASSIVE FRAUD by the Left

>>>/qresearch/11528454 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky who found himself at the center of President Trump’s impeachment congratulated President-elect Joe Biden.

>>>/qresearch/11528455 The Feeding Frenzy Begins…BLM Turns Violent Against Biden Supporters




>>>/qresearch/11528473 Dominion Voting Systems — which commands more than a third of the voting-machine market without having Washington lobbyists — has hired its first, a high-powered firm that includes a longtime aide to Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

>>>/qresearch/11528483 2 yr [DELTA]

>>>/qresearch/11528512 REVEALED: Female anti-Trump protester, 24, who spat in a cop's face was an intern for Jerry Nadler

>>>/qresearch/11528513 Many will not see your point. Everyone must decide when enough is enough. Just be prepared to make the decision. The courts must be used before any such decisions can be made, imo

>>>/qresearch/11528527 James Comey Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11528571 SAM861 leaving Andrews.

>>>/qresearch/11528656 Rudy Giuliani says Trump will not concede election ⁦

>>>/qresearch/11528700 BE20 in AZ been circling this area nonstop

>>>/qresearch/11528746 'It's not up to news organisations to decide the president': Devine

>>>/qresearch/11528798 #14720

(30 notables, 30 posts, 29 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:46 a.m. No.35755   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11528816 Q Research General #14721: 71,000,000 Legal Votes Edition

Created 072223ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11528926 Mirror 71=17

>>>/qresearch/11528933 Coast Guard HC-27J Spartan off the coast of San Diego, busy busy.

>>>/qresearch/11528938 70 million pissed off republicans and not one city burned to the ground

>>>/qresearch/11528942 Michael Flynn to Newsmax TV: Election Putting America ‘At Risk’

>>>/qresearch/11528943 Looks like the Dems aren’t so worried about social distancing & masks. Is Joe the Covid-19 cure?

>>>/qresearch/11529006 Poll: Black men left Democrats in favor of President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11529010 So 47 other counties in Michigan were using the same software. This means the Michigan vote was stolen from Trump, and we are actually being subjected to a cyber warfare assault on America.

>>>/qresearch/11529014 The Biden's are owned by China, but who owns China?

>>>/qresearch/11529017 TSHRTW is mirrored with Nov. 7

>>>/qresearch/11529018 Picture of Joe Biden with Gerry Adams and IRA chief who tried to kill an Army officer emerges - as former Sinn Fein president says they discussed 'a united Ireland'

>>>/qresearch/11529031 Goodbye Fox News.

>>>/qresearch/11529033 "Evidence Suggesting Voter Fraud in Milwaukee – a thread."

>>>/qresearch/11529053 What are the odds biden is declared new president on 7th of november which is the same date russia's bolshevik coup ended in victory back in 1917

>>>/qresearch/11529080 “Fulton County has discovered an issue involving reporting from their work on Friday.” @11AliveNews we don’t know how many ballots are in question, or which way they would change the count."

>>>/qresearch/11529119 Leftists finding themselves outnumbered by stopthesteal demonstrators in Salem, Oregon


>>>/qresearch/11529123 four seasons landscaping wasn't an accident


>>>/qresearch/11529209 LOBO712 lining up to land at Bangor, Maine

>>>/qresearch/11529262 New /OurGeneral/

>>>/qresearch/11529269 Anybody happen to notice General Flynn's post from Thursday?17 seconds long.

>>>/qresearch/11529295 RED OCTOBER - TSHRTW

>>>/qresearch/11529305 ANOTHER "ERROR"

>>>/qresearch/11529365 100,000 Provisional Ballots May Swing Pennsylvania Election Back to Trump Despite MASSIVE FRAUD by the Left

>>>/qresearch/11529402 These Counties Voted for Every White House Winner Since Reagan: There are only 19 counties and 18 went for Trump in 2020

>>>/qresearch/11529415 Take a gander at this break down of insecurities at Dominionvote…

>>>/qresearch/11529434 Bags of Ballots?


>>>/qresearch/11529450, >>>/qresearch/11529499 Who formally declares the winner of the US presidential election?

>>>/qresearch/11529484 Wrong Again! Media, Polls Embarrass Themselves With Botched ‘Blue Wave’ Prediction

>>>/qresearch/11529558 #14721

(29 notables, 30 posts, 43 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:47 a.m. No.35756   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11529573 Q Research General #14722: 70 million pissed off republicans

Created 072257ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11529691 Compilation of RED OCTOBER posts.

>>>/qresearch/11529698 Information War? Internet Archive To Rewrite History With Alerts For 'Fact-Checked' Sites

>>>/qresearch/11529712 I'll state the obvious - timestamp: 5:11 p.m. = 17:11 Military Time

>>>/qresearch/11529716 I am starting to get the feeling that most Republican senators and congressmen are allowed to appear as opposing Democrat polices, but in reality they are house slaves.

>>>/qresearch/11529725 :47 Tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/11529728 State of the World at FIU draws top policymakers to Miami

>>>/qresearch/11529737 Asian-American Ballot Observer in Detroit Describes Mysterious Van Dropping Off 61 Boxes of Ballots at 4 AM

>>>/qresearch/11529815 HOQK05

>>>/qresearch/11529822 Project Veritas: Bucks County, PA Board of Elections Director Tom Freitag CONFIRMS Spoiled Ballots Illegally Handled

>>>/qresearch/11529853 Rep. Dan Israel Tells QAnon-Supporting Rep-Elect to 'Start Acting' Like a Member of Congress

>>>/qresearch/11529900 Hunter’s back

>>>/qresearch/11529917 Ruptly stream from outside the WH if anyones interested

>>>/qresearch/11529949 the Fake is Ruling the America : the Biggest Election Fraud in U.S History

>>>/qresearch/11529958 @usairforce

>>>/qresearch/11529961 EXC: Is “Peter Henderson” Joe Biden’s E-mail Pseudonym?

>>>/qresearch/11529996 Is phosphorescent "quantum dot" tagging in ballots being found by military planes? PF please consider

>>>/qresearch/11530001 BREAKING: Bucks County, Pennsylvania Board of Elections Director Tom Freitag CONFIRMS Spoiled Ballots Were Illegally Handled And Destroyed

>>>/qresearch/11530014 Texas Court Convicts Ringleader of Scam Marriage Scheme

>>>/qresearch/11530042 Tara Reade is Joe Biden’s eighth accuser, not his first, not his only.

>>>/qresearch/11530051 Lol to the media clowns and their “time to move on bullshit.” You can take that and ram it where the sun don’t shine.

>>>/qresearch/11530079 A Marine with Marine Wing Support Squadron 171 provides security during exercise Kamoshika Wrath at the Harumara Maneuver Area in Japan.

>>>/qresearch/11530091 Dominion comped and Anons are exposing it.

>>>/qresearch/11530101 Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on the result of the U.S. presidential election

>>>/qresearch/11530153 Banana Follies: the mother of all color revolutions


>>>/qresearch/11530201 This is massive #VoterFraud.

>>>/qresearch/11530276 The Cure for America's Moral Decline Is Four More Years of Trump

(27 notables, 27 posts, 35 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:47 a.m. No.35757   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11530332 Q Research General #14723: This is massive #VoterFraud

Created 072332ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11530441 Phoenix, AZ


>>>/qresearch/11530482 Trump returns to White House after golfing to chants of "Loser!"

>>>/qresearch/11530483 4 MORE YEARS


>>>/qresearch/11530484 Electoral College Timeline of Events

>>>/qresearch/11530497 4 days later the war actually ended on 11/11

>>>/qresearch/11530502 #NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg congratulates Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11530515 BREAKING: Poll workers in Wisconsin may have unlawfully altered thousands of mail-in ballots!

>>>/qresearch/11530532 #STOPTHESTEAL rally in Nashville Tennessee

>>>/qresearch/11530548, >>>/qresearch/11530575 Something is Wrong with the Registered Voter Numbers and has been wrong for years.

>>>/qresearch/11530579 Burgess Owens (R) has recaptured the lead in UT-4 after a dump from Salt Lake City.

>>>/qresearch/11530581 Statement On The 2020 Presidential Election And The American Democratic Process


>>>/qresearch/11530650 Pope John Paul II had one of the longest meetings of his fledgling papacy with Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11530740 Lindsey Graham demands DOJ probe of late-ballot plot in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11530809 "I Am Done, I'll Not Vote Again" - One Middle-American Mom Rages At 'Real-Life Idiocracy'

>>>/qresearch/11530820 Georgia Sec. State: 'An Issue' Forces Rescanning of Ballots Saturday

>>>/qresearch/11530932 Philadelphia GOP Poll Watcher: Election ‘Not Fair at All’; ‘We Were Kept Away from Everything’

>>>/qresearch/11530945 Trump Campaign Files Lawsuit About Rejected Arizona Votes

>>>/qresearch/11531024 Asteroid the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza will approach Earth this weekend

>>>/qresearch/11531030 Get ready to MAGA

>>>/qresearch/11531087 #14723

(21 notables, 22 posts, 24 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:47 a.m. No.35758   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11531083 Q Research General #14724: 4 MORE YEARS

Created 080007ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11531507 Project Veritas: Bucks County, Pennsylvania Board of Elections Director Confirms “Spoiled” Ballots Were Illegally Handled and Destroyed

>>>/qresearch/11531515 Detroit city worker blows whistle, claims ballots were ordered backdated. FBI probing. | Just The News

>>>/qresearch/11531562 there are Chinese Investments into US Election Security.

>>>/qresearch/11531590 For all you anons who have forgotten what the plan is, or never noticed. We are fighting a deeply entrenched insurgency.

>>>/qresearch/11531605 Azerbaijan Shared Documents Proving Syrian Citizens Were Settled By Armenia In Nagorno-Karabakh

>>>/qresearch/11531608 Gen Flyn Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11531610 Iowa doing had recount on some ballots due to human error

>>>/qresearch/11531636 [BC set the stage] BC = Biden Campaign ?

>>>/qresearch/11531681 "Meet The New Resistance" - Mark Levin Rages At Democrats' "Cloward-Piven" Chaos Plan

>>>/qresearch/11531689 How braindead are these DNC trolls?

>>>/qresearch/11531699 US' Pompeo Engages in Twitter Spat With Iran's Khamenei Over Election Comment

>>>/qresearch/11531717 Anons, I have connected some BIBLICAL dots!

>>>/qresearch/11531729 Woke Faced the Voters—and Lost

>>>/qresearch/11531737 "2020+ safeguarded. Q"

>>>/qresearch/11531762 Scott Morrison congratulates Biden on US win while Malcolm Turnbull declares 'what a relief'

>>>/qresearch/11531797 Planefagging

(16 notables, 16 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:48 a.m. No.35759   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11531970 Q RESEARCH: 14725

Created 080057ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11531994 Bucks County, PA Board of Elections Director Tom Freitag CONFIRMS ballots illegally handled

>>>/qresearch/11532000, >>>/qresearch/11532030 Fox News has cancelled Judge Jeanine

>>>/qresearch/11532226, >>>/qresearch/11532552 PF

>>>/qresearch/11532284 Software that ‘Glitched’ in MI, GA, Incorrectly Gave Biden 1000s of Votes, Used in 28 States

>>>/qresearch/11532420 "President-elect" Joe Biden Delivers Speech | LIVE | TIME

>>>/qresearch/11532512 Hundreds of Trump supporters reconvening in Beverly Hills, constant blare of car horns

>>>/qresearch/11532597 Communist Dictator in Venezuela Cheers Comrade Sleepy Joe for Stunning Election “Victory”

>>>/qresearch/11532713 Gwinnett County Georgia 500k Registered Voters, 800K BALLOTS COUNTED

(8 notables, 10 posts, 13 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:48 a.m. No.35760   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11532668 Q Research General #14726

Created 080126ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11532959 OAN - Our last refuge

>>>/qresearch/11533011 Mexican president declines to congratulate Biden, will wait for election lawsuits to be resolved | Just The News

>>>/qresearch/11533033 Joe Biden rejected by a 14 year old. Sad.

>>>/qresearch/11533072 In the event of a contested election that escalates beyond a one-to-two week delay in results, there are two key dates earmarked for a resolution

>>>/qresearch/11533089 The Kafka Election: Finding A Way Out Of The Maze

>>>/qresearch/11533177 Think to offline backup all the documents stored on you want to keep, do not assume they will not go away!

>>>/qresearch/11533186 Violence breaks out at Biden rally in Wisconsin

>>>/qresearch/11533197 Who Declares Winner in US Presidential Election?

>>>/qresearch/11533221 Not everybody is recognizing Joe Biden as winner

>>>/qresearch/11533254 Normies are waking up

>>>/qresearch/11533269 It was acomment in reply to the clown Kevin Shipp criticizing Sidney Powell over Hammer

>>>/qresearch/11533275 U.S. Marines 1, 2, Freddy's Coming For You

>>>/qresearch/11533397 Bots are filling up pedo Joe tweets

>>>/qresearch/11533417 Biden leaves the stage without claiming the win

>>>/qresearch/11533436 I’m in Gwinnett County and my in-person vote was not counted. Officially checked it yesterday. Same with my parents’ votes. Total shitshow.

>>>/qresearch/11533493 Election Fraud tips Email for Veritas

(16 notables, 16 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:48 a.m. No.35761   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11533114 Q Research General #14727: We prosecute our case starting Monday

Created 080146ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11533459 '''The 14th Amendment Strips Electoral College Votes From States Engaged in "Illegal Insurrection."

>>>/qresearch/11533652 Detroit Ballot Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11533658 His acceptance speech seals his fate.


>>>/qresearch/11533743 Uh Oh. @ RudyGiuliani says they have audio recordings.

>>>/qresearch/11533762 BREAKING: Biden's lead in Georgia could be significantly affected due to a reporting error in Fulton County.

>>>/qresearch/11533788 European Union expected to impose tariffs on $4 billion worth of US goods next week

>>>/qresearch/11533794 Did this come from here? Election fraud pastebin plus file

>>>/qresearch/11533795 Hold the Line

>>>/qresearch/11533804 PRESIDENTIAL CENSORSHIP

>>>/qresearch/11533809 Why has POTUS dedicated so much time into labeling the MSM as fake news?

>>>/qresearch/11533847 Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty resigns as NNSA Administrator

>>>/qresearch/11533852 Paybacks gonna be a bitch

>>>/qresearch/11533873 Look at those retweet/like numbers for POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11533875 MEDIA telegraphing Kamala as President Elect

>>>/qresearch/11533894 Hey Libs - you feel that tiny little voice in your gut that’s saying “wait, is this for real? Why am I not more excited?”

>>>/qresearch/11533910 On Election night, Trump and his campaign team assembled in the Eisenhower Building just west if the White House to watch the results come in. Know what is there?

>>>/qresearch/11533913 Australian PM congratulates Biden on victory

>>>/qresearch/11533921 So did James Woods.

>>>/qresearch/11533942 President-elect Joe Biden's German Shepherd Major to be first rescue dog in the White House (psych)

>>>/qresearch/11533967 Israel's Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz congratulated #PresidentElectJoe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11533985 John Poulos, CEO of Dominion of Toronto, gave statement to House Committee

>>>/qresearch/11534010 They knew which states were using the voting machines loaded with HAMMER & SCORECARD.

>>>/qresearch/11534026 Another election computer glitch in Michigan reversed as Republican declared belated winner

>>>/qresearch/11534151 Four Seasons Landscaping? Anons comms?

>>>/qresearch/11534282 #14727

(26 notables, 26 posts, 24 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:49 a.m. No.35762   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11534346 Q Research General #14728: Hammer Time in DC

Created 080239ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11534448 What if you destroy ballots and documents pertaining to an ongoing investigation into voter fraud?

>>>/qresearch/11534464 BIll Binney (29)if what our President said about 100,000 late votes (all for Biden)is true

>>>/qresearch/11534481 Ask yourself this: If there is nothing to Q and Biden really just won, why is the board getting attacked so hard right now ?

>>>/qresearch/11534494 BREAKING: Here is the signed affidavit from Erie, Pennsylvania @USPS

>>>/qresearch/11534499 The Federalized National Guard were pulling around the clock duty in at least 16 states to trap these monsters.

>>>/qresearch/11534533 ny tweet with HAMMER in it is getting the warning label.

>>>/qresearch/11534538 All great Americans in PA use Four Seasons Total Landscaping. They love this country and are American Patriots. Thank you!! CoreyLewandowski

>>>/qresearch/11534546 why did trump have his press conference at Four Seasons Landscaping???? and 15 mins after trump announced it is when the media fucks called it for biden?

>>>/qresearch/11534547 relevant to Dominion guise?

>>>/qresearch/11534561 Video - Flynn on the election.

>>>/qresearch/11534588 Patriot Anons Hmmmmm Landscape PA = Keystone

>>>/qresearch/11534614 What if you used armed groups to declare and take over power in the US? What if their money came from overseas?

>>>/qresearch/11534645 Nolte: If Elected, Biden Will Wield ‘Phone and Pen’ with Flurry of Executive Orders

>>>/qresearch/11534649 What if you called for a group to overthrow the government and removal of the President?

>>>/qresearch/11534664 What if such a group was formed and/or acted?

>>>/qresearch/11534679, >>>/qresearch/11534782 What would such an action be called?

>>>/qresearch/11534688 Could Defense Sec. Esper be resigning because of his relationship to bureaucrat Maria Stephan who was outed in the leaked ShutDownDC

>>>/qresearch/11534846 With Time Short, Judge Mulls Georgia Voting System Changes

>>>/qresearch/11534856 General Flynn new Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11534903 Anon reports on Jake Tapper losing it on air

>>>/qresearch/11534925 Interview with Source on Electronic Vote Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11534942 Can't say the word 'Hammer' on Facebook

>>>/qresearch/11534949 Georgia’s new $107M voting system certified for use in elections

>>>/qresearch/11534964 Old Trump Tweet - Worry destroys Focus - Thing Big

(24 notables, 25 posts, 22 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:50 a.m. No.35763   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11535101 Q Research General #14729 : What if a Group planned the overthrow of POTUS?

Created 080329ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11535217, >>>/qresearch/11535308, >>>/qresearch/11535824 SCIF: On Election night, Trump and his campaign team assembled in the Eisenhower Building just west if the White House

>>>/qresearch/11535243 Biden plans immediate flurry of executive orders to reverse Trump policies

>>>/qresearch/11535254 HOLD THE LINE PATRIOTS

>>>/qresearch/11535259, >>>/qresearch/11535288, >>>/qresearch/11535384, >>>/qresearch/11535533, >>>/qresearch/11535569, >>>/qresearch/11535643, >>>/qresearch/11535743 CREMATORIUM NEXT TO FOUR SEASONS

>>>/qresearch/11535263 Anons looking into Biden's Campaign Disbursements

>>>/qresearch/11535268 Explains how voting systems are really accessible via internet and even cell phones

>>>/qresearch/11535303 Dominion is blacklisted and shows up on Threat Intel sites 75+ times A dark web honeypot.

>>>/qresearch/11535333, >>>/qresearch/11535392, >>>/qresearch/11535395 Incomplete list of current world leaders who cucked for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11535354 Former Kemp campaign manager was a lobbyist for Dominion

>>>/qresearch/11535364 Looks like the algos can't sniff the polls

>>>/qresearch/11535366 PA DESTROYING "SPOILED" BALLOTS

>>>/qresearch/11535381 '''PF"

>>>/qresearch/11535519 America is and shall remain the greatest nation in all of human history.

>>>/qresearch/11535524 PRESIDENTIAL CENSORSHIP

>>>/qresearch/11535534 Peaceful Biden supporter smashes police car window while officers inside, Seattle

>>>/qresearch/11535568 Biden’s top pick for Defense Secretary is Michèle Flournoy; would be first woman SECDEF

>>>/qresearch/11535571, >>>/qresearch/11535632 And porn sites. There was access through the USPS

>>>/qresearch/11535645 Found a suspicious one has a go fund me.. currently sitting at at $8000

>>>/qresearch/11535693 What of those that had knowledge but did not act?

>>>/qresearch/11535750 Twitter is censoring the word "hammer" now, regardless of how it's being used

>>>/qresearch/11535769 DOJ is in charge of election law matters at the @TheJusticeDept

>>>/qresearch/11535794 SUPRESS YOUR EGOS FOR A MOMENT

>>>/qresearch/11535811 Wifeanon says, "you missed your boy Guiliani today, he was at the Four Seasons hotel"

>>>/qresearch/11535831 Any newfags should read this old article about the hardware hack from china


>>>/qresearch/11535847 South Korean president Moon congratulates Biden, Harris on projected victory in US election

>>>/qresearch/11535913 #14728

(27 notables, 38 posts, 54 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:50 a.m. No.35764   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11536667 Q Research General #14731: Hunters in IV Seasons Edition

Created 080506ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11536781 MEME GOLD FROM RUDY


>>>/qresearch/11536786, >>>/qresearch/11537048 Clinton Foundation Has Ties to The Dominion Program THREAD

>>>/qresearch/11536787 4 seasons hotels owner Isadore Sharp - a 'prominent philanthropist'

>>>/qresearch/11536789 What do you want for Christmas ?

>>>/qresearch/11536792 It's a marathon not a sprint

>>>/qresearch/11536800 Documented - SF Examiner (MSM)

>>>/qresearch/11536807 Biden's lead in Georgia could be significantly affected due to a reporting error in Fulton County.

>>>/qresearch/11536817 (lb), (lb), (lb), To test this put the name of your local funeral home into the search using the *funeral home name

>>>/qresearch/11536820 Election Investigation Update 11-7-20

>>>/qresearch/11536823 OH LOOK! Those "glitchy" Dominion Voting machines we used in the 2020 election are linked to the Clinton Global Initiative.

>>>/qresearch/11536837, >>>/qresearch/11536948, >>>/qresearch/11537052, >>>/qresearch/11537113, >>>/qresearch/11537149, >>>/qresearch/11537203, >>>/qresearch/11537236, >>>/qresearch/11537371, >>>/qresearch/11537394, >>>/qresearch/11537535 Mont Laurel Home For Funerals Dig BUN

>>>/qresearch/11536867 Some news — Jared Kushner has approached President Trump about conceding the election, per two sources.

>>>/qresearch/11536869 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated president-elect Joe Biden on his projected victory on Sunday morning

>>>/qresearch/11536875 Judge Jeanine Pirro was suspended from Fox news for wanting to air a show about the corruption and cheating going on in the election they canceled her show and suspended her

>>>/qresearch/11537045 The events of 2020 are lining up for a climax to this story that ends with only one outcome

>>>/qresearch/11537060 Read about the RED FLAGS

>>>/qresearch/11537069 Video: Dr. Fauchi tells children to wear a mask and tells children how to give advise to parents.

>>>/qresearch/11537086 Breddy sure we saw this coming

>>>/qresearch/11537091 FOX, CNN, AND ALL OTHER MSM OUTLETS HAVE DELETED THEIR ELECTION NIGHT COVERAGE (anon chek'd this is ture news)

>>>/qresearch/11537092 PA Speaker of the House DEMANDS FULL AUDIT


>>>/qresearch/11537140 If there was electronic fraud, these guys will have been aware of it.

>>>/qresearch/11537175 Dominion Voting Systems tied to Clintons, widely used in battleground states

>>>/qresearch/11537212 Dick Morris to Newsmax TV: 'Don't Buy the Kool-Aid That This Race Is Over'

>>>/qresearch/11537231 This platform has blockchain secured comms:

>>>/qresearch/11537280 I just posted a dominion connection to the pornhub link open on CNN live screen.

>>>/qresearch/11537297 Thursday, May 21, 2020 "Former Philadelphia Judge of Elections Convicted of Conspiring to Violate Civil Rights and Bribery"

>>>/qresearch/11537298 The Hill: DHS cyber agency invests in election auditing tool to secure 2020 elections

>>>/qresearch/11537327 World War 3 fears SOAR as Israel warns Biden presidency may provoke war with Iran

>>>/qresearch/11537337 Thursday, July 23, 2020 Former Congressman Charged with Ballot Stuffing, Bribery, and Obstruction

>>>/qresearch/11537338 Documented USA Today (MSM) Continuing Fraud win!

>>>/qresearch/11537354 On Election night, Trump and his campaign team assembled in the Eisenhower Building just west if the White House to watch the results come in. Know what is there? A SCIF.

>>>/qresearch/11537356, >>>/qresearch/11537411 Kushner's tweets have been wiped.

>>>/qresearch/11537364 DOMINION VOTER SYSTEMS BUN

>>>/qresearch/11537366 GLOBAL MILSATCOM 2020 (VIRTUAL CONFERENCE)

>>>/qresearch/11537374 Brawl & shooting @ Circus Circus in Vegas


>>>/qresearch/11537407 Documented - Oregon Live (MSM) Perpetuating sedition

(37 notables, 48 posts, 51 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:51 a.m. No.35765   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11535910 Q Research General #14730: Fours Seasons BURN all year round Edition

Created 080419ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11535981, >>>/qresearch/11536390 Joe M

>>>/qresearch/11535997 If Elected, Biden Will Wield ‘Phone and Pen’ with Flurry of Executive Orders

>>>/qresearch/11535998 FEAR. PANIC.

>>>/qresearch/11536001 Delaware Valley Cremation Center is at 6:00 related to Four Seasons Total Landscape.

>>>/qresearch/11536004 Tommy DeVito: Four Seasons founding member dies aged 92


>>>/qresearch/11536007 Another Georgia County Encounters ‘Glitch’ Causing Delay Counting 1000s of Votes

>>>/qresearch/11536034, >>>/qresearch/11536442 The democrats burned ballots, 600,000 of them at a crematorium next to FOUR SEASONS

>>>/qresearch/11536042, >>>/qresearch/11536125 ANON THEORY This plan was executed in sequence, like an ambush going off

>>>/qresearch/11536064 Planned Parenthood: ‘Let’s Revel’ in Media Election Call for Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11536069 Jail Stephen Miller! Slate Joins Media Cry for Revenge Against Trump Supporters

>>>/qresearch/11536097 Inside Donald Trump’s ‘campaign war rooms in DC’ as he prepares to spend election night at the White House"

>>>/qresearch/11536112 Fill in the Blanks and link them up with the high crime while the world watches

>>>/qresearch/11536119 Hunter Biden Rented Room at the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills in September

>>>/qresearch/11536122 Fake news Breaking: Jared Kushner

>>>/qresearch/11536136 Four Seasons Total Landscaping, a landscaping company located on an industrial street, POTASH anyone?

>>>/qresearch/11536174 Biden Immediately Plans To Reverse Trump Agenda

>>>/qresearch/11536187 FAKE NEWS Trump Team Holds News Conference Outside Landscaping Firm, Next to Adult Book Store

>>>/qresearch/11536188 Please remove the FaceBook tracking code before posting a URL

>>>/qresearch/11536194 Wikipedia changes Sleepy Joe status to President-elect of the United States

>>>/qresearch/11536206 Mind War Propaganda

>>>/qresearch/11536231, >>>/qresearch/11536288, >>>/qresearch/11536310, >>>/qresearch/11536337, >>>/qresearch/11536394, >>>/qresearch/11536488 Dominion Voter Systems Bun

>>>/qresearch/11536267 TRUE RULE, THE PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER.

>>>/qresearch/11536312 The Chinese have created over 7 million counterfeit ballots for 4 states

>>>/qresearch/11536322 Everything You’re Seeing Tonight is an Illusion – Even the Term “President-Elect” Is an Illusion

>>>/qresearch/11536391 Senate Republican Leaders Call for PA Secretary of State to Resign Immediately

>>>/qresearch/11536392 LOOK!

>>>/qresearch/11536419 November 7th In History


>>>/qresearch/11536434 Easy graphs for understanding the voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/11536482 RACIAL RADICALISM

>>>/qresearch/11536490, >>>/qresearch/11536530, >>>/qresearch/11536531, >>>/qresearch/11536616 The following list consists of supposedly populares public figures and politicians who are largely characterized as “conservative”, and/or “Trump supporters”, and/or otherwise “patriots

>>>/qresearch/11536631 (lb) PA printed 105,000 provisional ballots (unprecedented amount)

>>>/qresearch/11536659 #14730

>>>/qresearch/11536705, >>>/qresearch/11536706, >>>/qresearch/11536708 (lb), (lb), (lb), To test this put the name of your local funeral home into the search using the *funeral home name

(35 notables, 49 posts, 45 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:51 a.m. No.35766   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11537444 Q Research General #14732: Dominion Gets The HAMMER Edition

Created 080601ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11537550 SNL pulls out the devil horns for Biden fake victory


>>>/qresearch/11537554 Proud Boys threaten action over Biden election win

>>>/qresearch/11537563 what must happen pre 11.11

>>>/qresearch/11537586 Documented - Denver Post (MSM) and on and on and on, Yet there has been no certification of Electoral votes yet! I must have slipped a timeline or something!

>>>/qresearch/11537594 Mont Laurel Home For Funerals Dig BUN

>>>/qresearch/11537598 Did you all see this Joe M post as well?

>>>/qresearch/11537600 four seasons landscaping

>>>/qresearch/11537606 Approx 15 min after this post on QResearch, Netenyahu finally endorses Biden and calls him "a great friend to Israel"

>>>/qresearch/11537612, >>>/qresearch/11537621, >>>/qresearch/11537631, >>>/qresearch/11537664, >>>/qresearch/11537688 Hammer being suppressed on the socials

>>>/qresearch/11537620 DJT Jr.: Hahahaha it’s so hard to be a left wing elitist in media in America.

>>>/qresearch/11537640 2020 Magnificent & Much Loved Military Family Month…

>>>/qresearch/11537678 The four seasons is also the meaning of the swastika, based on the position of the Big Dipper

>>>/qresearch/11537687 The passing of the 13th, 14th and 15th amendment was unconstitutional. Vetoed by the 17th President "Grant appointed justices who unanimously ruled to uphold the unconstitutional Reconstruction Acts.

>>>/qresearch/11537697 Fox News is now CNN. (and CNN is getting better somehow…)

>>>/qresearch/11537701 VIDEO: Vote Switching Real-Time caught on MSM streams



>>>/qresearch/11537755 Global uncertainty could risk World War Three - UK military chief

>>>/qresearch/11537859 Anons - Dominion Voting Systems is owned by Staple Street. Staple Street is controlled by Cerberus Capital. Cerberus is owned by billionaire Steve Feinberg….

>>>/qresearch/11537868 Four Seasons Total Landscaping Dig

>>>/qresearch/11537880 Start making these into memes and posting on all social media.

>>>/qresearch/11537887 Wisconsin Clerks May Have Unlawfully Altered Thousands of Absentee Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11537895 Letter from PA Speaker of House to PA Gov Wolf

>>>/qresearch/11538004 ARIZONA ABOUT TO FLIP

>>>/qresearch/11538057 God bless President Donald J Trump, now and for the next four years.

>>>/qresearch/11538114 The 4 Seasons Castle_Rock

>>>/qresearch/11538140 Can we link them to Kennard aka Dominion?

>>>/qresearch/11538157 At least 2 people have been shot at the ‘Circus Circus’ hotel & casino on the Las Vegas Strip; cops looking for suspects

>>>/qresearch/11538173 ‘Impossible’ breakthrough sees scientists successfully regrow optic nerve cells (Occulists everywhere cry about revealed methods)

>>>/qresearch/11538205 #14732

(29 notables, 33 posts, 42 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:51 a.m. No.35767   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11538210 Q Research General #14733: Patriots Still Winning While America Sleeps Edition

Created 080705ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11538259, >>>/qresearch/11538275 This Is Way Too Big For Us Alone - PRAY

>>>/qresearch/11538327 Anons, March on DC Saturday 11/14

>>>/qresearch/11538333 Crazy Enough To Change The World


>>>/qresearch/11538335, >>>/qresearch/11538607 Other businesses and individuals related to Four Seasons Total Landscaping

>>>/qresearch/11538342 Electoral College

>>>/qresearch/11538377 The comments to this Gutfeld tweet might be and indication of how much Fox's ratings are going to tank

>>>/qresearch/11538386, >>>/qresearch/11538397 Update on Four Seasons Landscaping -across the the crematorium.

>>>/qresearch/11538389 Michael Flynn's former colleagues describe him as volatile and 'unbelievably arrogant' (fake and gay)

>>>/qresearch/11538423 Four Seasons Total Landscaping - Cremation diggs


>>>/qresearch/11538476 How the Vote was supposed to be stolen vs. what happened.

>>>/qresearch/11538481 The hysterical Left cannot simply learn about China's effort to throw the election to Biden without also learning what they had on him. (re: Laptop from HELL)

>>>/qresearch/11538513, >>>/qresearch/11538545 This is going to drag on quite a while. Let me cover the basics

>>>/qresearch/11538548 Law enforcement authorities are investigating after tracking devices were found on the vehicles of two officials in Missouri Gov. Michael Parson’s administration.

>>>/qresearch/11538633 $400.00 For 4 Hours to be a Biden Supporter


>>>/qresearch/11538702 Speaking of Georgia voting machines….

>>>/qresearch/11538705 VOTING BLOCKCHAIN PATENT AUG 13, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11538906 Joe Biden updated his Twitter Bio featuring "frames" in his latest tweet video and seen on homepage:

>>>/qresearch/11538909 BIDEN VICTORY FUND


>>>/qresearch/11538985 #14733

(21 notables, 25 posts, 33 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:52 a.m. No.35768   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11538995 Q Research General #14734: Night Stalkers Never Quit! Edition

Created 080826ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11539168 Officials with the Maricopa County Attorney's Office have released additional details surrounding a medical emergency that landed County Attorney Allister Adel in the hospital.




>>>/qresearch/11539174, >>>/qresearch/11539179 STATE Vote totals 1976-2020 w/ accurate projection for 2020.

>>>/qresearch/11539302 Ummm, Keystone… PN. Keystone Votes.

>>>/qresearch/11539427 Two vids that describe how Hammer and Scorecard were used in the 2020 election

>>>/qresearch/11539435 President Trump Delivers Remarks at the 2019 Second Step Presidential Justice Forum

>>>/qresearch/11539507 Software that ‘Glitched’ in MI, GA, Incorrectly Gave Biden 1000s of Votes, Used in 28 States

>>>/qresearch/11539518 Can anyone explain why this Joe Biden Twatter URL redirects to the Trump Iwo Jima tweet?

>>>/qresearch/11539538, >>>/qresearch/11539576 PF: Wonder if they found what they were searching for?

>>>/qresearch/11539578 FAQ: What happens next in the presidential election process?

>>>/qresearch/11539628, >>>/qresearch/11539672 Electronic Registration Information Commission is a nonprofit state partnership offering "key federal databases and the use of sophisticated and secure data-matching technology."

>>>/qresearch/11539641 Dominion is a group of Fallen Angels in the second rank.

>>>/qresearch/11539731 Patriots were able to perfectly plan the death announcement of RBG and fill her seat with a pro-America replacement 3 weeks before an election that we knew would be contested. This whole thing is scripted.


>>>/qresearch/11539741, >>>/qresearch/11539747 PF: NOAA flight crew up late tracking that storm.

>>>/qresearch/11539796 How selecting a president actually works: THREAD

>>>/qresearch/11539827 PF: N42RF landed 8 hours ago.

(17 notables, 21 posts, 30 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:52 a.m. No.35769   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11539836 Q Research General #14735: We Own The Nightwatch Edition

Created 080956ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11539985 'World knows Trump won!' Plane with MAGA banner seen flying over Everton Man Utd match

>>>/qresearch/11539986 UK: Trident Missile Test FAILURE (US Minuteman test did NOT fail…)

>>>/qresearch/11540006 Newsmax: Jeanine Pirro’s Show Was Cancelled Tonight on FOX News After They Found Out She Was Going to Report on Election Fraud (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11540031 Biden Celebrates Large Rallies Despite Global Pandemic

>>>/qresearch/11540050 USPS filed a patent for BlockChain-Based secure voting system FEBUARY 7, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11540056 HYPOCRITES: Despite COVID, ABC, CBS Swoon Over ‘Nationwide Block Party’ Akin to V-J Day

>>>/qresearch/11540067 Sen. Graham Receives Affidavit from USPS Worker Citing 'Backdated Ballots'

>>>/qresearch/11540083 Greg Kelly from NewsMax: “Everything You’re Seeing Tonight is an Illusion – Even the Term “President-Elect” Is an Illusion” (Video)

>>>/qresearch/11540097 Attack "QAnon", the fear is palatable. Then some nothing to see here, in Aussieland.

>>>/qresearch/11540098 BREAKING: Signed Affidavit From Erie, Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins Now in Hands of Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham

>>>/qresearch/11540113 Biden Vows to Unite the Country, Will the Left Let Him?

>>>/qresearch/11540122 Hunter comes out of hiding! Joe Biden's son appears on stage for his dad's victory speech with his new wife Melissa and baby son weeks after the laptop scandal revealed his sex and drug addiction and months of invisibility

>>>/qresearch/11540129 Ex-ABC News staffer sues Disney-owned network over leaked Jeffrey Epstein tape: report

>>>/qresearch/11540134 Wait Just a Minute! Some Very Good News May Be Coming

>>>/qresearch/11540148 Marine Corps celebrates 245th birthday but faces challenges in the future

>>>/qresearch/11540163 Hillary Clinton Celebrates ‘Repudiation Of Trump’ As Media Declares Biden Victory

>>>/qresearch/11540173 The Anti-Catholic Presidency to Come It was brought to Catholics by their own bishops.

>>>/qresearch/11540184 The Biggest Loser In This Election? Confidence In The Voting Process

>>>/qresearch/11540189 Banned off Facebook for posting.


>>>/qresearch/11540194 Liberal media applauded Stacey Abrams for challenging election results, condemns Trump for same thing

>>>/qresearch/11540203 Detroit Ballot Tabulators Entered Names of Non-Voters During Count

>>>/qresearch/11540210 Nolte: If Elected, Biden Will Wield ‘Phone and Pen’ with Flurry of Executive Orders

>>>/qresearch/11540220 Went to Bed in America, Woke Up in a Banana Republic A Biden-Harris victory will never be legitimate.

>>>/qresearch/11540236 Michelle Obama Demonizes 70 Million Americans Who Voted For Trump: Support ‘Hate, Chaos, Division’

>>>/qresearch/11540243 Liberals Suddenly Don't Care About COVID; Celebrate "Victory" By Gathering And Shouting In Large Groups

>>>/qresearch/11540251 Report: Wisconsin Election Clerks May Have Illegally Altered Thousands of Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11540283 The Biden Victory Fund made 3 disbursements to Bumperactive for Online Store Merchandise…

>>>/qresearch/11540301 Trump Campaign To Challenge Mail-In Ballots Counted In Absence Of GOP Observers In Battlefield States

>>>/qresearch/11540316 Information War? Internet Archive To Rewrite History With Alerts For 'Fact-Checked' Sites

>>>/qresearch/11540330 Bill Maher pushes back at panelist who says all Trump voters are racists

>>>/qresearch/11540331 737 MAX

>>>/qresearch/11540349 AGONY & ECSTASY Trump and Biden fans clash as tensions erupt during wild celebrations over 2020 election result

>>>/qresearch/11540376 Biden plans to issue orders reversing Trump policies immediately upon taking office: report

>>>/qresearch/11540392 Investigators scramble to arena after Georgia's Fulton County discovers 'issue' with reporting of ballots

>>>/qresearch/11540402 Ari Fleischer: Resist. Overturn. Boycott. Surveil. Leak. Impeach. And now they tell us it’s time to heal. Where were they for the last four years?

>>>/qresearch/11540408 Nevada's Clark County elections chief has reports of voter fraud, won’t investigate until counting complete

>>>/qresearch/11540433 Fox News Cancels 'Justice With Judge Jeanine' This Weekend Over Trump

>>>/qresearch/11540483 Joe Biden at Sham Victory Parking Lot Party: “230 Million Thousand Americans” Have Lost a Loved One to the Coronavirus (Video)

>>>/qresearch/11540488, >>>/qresearch/11540501 Four Seasons Landscaping is a Money Laundering Front for Biden Campaign

>>>/qresearch/11540492 Australian Traitors



>>>/qresearch/11540500 Anger Grows Among Fans Of FOX News Over Network’s Coverage Of 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/11540511 'SNL' cold open shows CNN celebrating Biden's win, mocks Trump's vote-count complaints

>>>/qresearch/11540526 Pro-Trump election Facebook group 'Stop the Steal' banned after calling for violence

>>>/qresearch/11540542 Michigan GOP chairwoman says software glitch tallied thousands of Republican votes as Democrat

>>>/qresearch/11540543 President Trump has the truth on his side.

>>>/qresearch/11540555 Election Fraud 2020 Mega-Bun / 100s of cases of legal GOP voters who were not allowed to vote in Nevada.

>>>/qresearch/11540558 Another Cliffhanger

>>>/qresearch/11540637 #14735

(48 notables, 49 posts, 53 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:53 a.m. No.35770   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11540644 Q Research General #14736: Anons Are The Light In The Darkest Place Edition

Created 081138ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11540694 Trump Team Watched Election Night Results In SCIF (Watched Election Fraud In Real-Time)

>>>/qresearch/11540712 Four Seasons Total Landscape is Blocks Away from Keystone St.

>>>/qresearch/11540723 Four Seasons:

>>>/qresearch/11540724 Crazy Nancy Pelosi’s Brother in Law used Delaware Cremation Near Four Seasons Landscaping

>>>/qresearch/11540743 Four Seasons mega thread

>>>/qresearch/11540777 petition to recount or revote entire 2020 presidential election

>>>/qresearch/11540783 Feinstein Husband Connected to Dominion Voting

>>>/qresearch/11540789 Dough Custody Tracker

>>>/qresearch/11540796 Mad Maxine vid


>>>/qresearch/11540800 Hunter (Finally) Breaks Cover: Takes Center Stage to Applaud Joe

>>>/qresearch/11540807 HAMMER + Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming = NCSWIC


>>>/qresearch/11540808 Poll workers in Wisconsin may have unlawfully altered thousands of mail-in ballots!

>>>/qresearch/11540809, >>>/qresearch/11541156 The new federal agency nobody knows about

>>>/qresearch/11540828 CNN CAUGHT RED HANDED

>>>/qresearch/11540901 Airtight Statistical Analysis Proves Team Biden Stole the Election

>>>/qresearch/11540908 @RudyGiuliani Up early working on PA.

>>>/qresearch/11540911 Pennsylvania Republican leaders call on Gov. Tom Wolf to launch immediate audit of election

>>>/qresearch/11540932 Ballot Postmark requirements by State

>>>/qresearch/11540952, >>>/qresearch/11541103 "Clarity" elections data set is the map. Review key states from county level to state.

>>>/qresearch/11540994 PG&E hauls away Zogg Fire evidence by helicopter

>>>/qresearch/11541021 Ballots for President Donald Trump are showing up in landfills across the country.

>>>/qresearch/11541023 new @EricTrump

>>>/qresearch/11541037 deets for @EricTrump tweet

>>>/qresearch/11541048, >>>/qresearch/11541058 The SAME GLITCH that happened this year with the voting machines happened in 2018 in Dallas

>>>/qresearch/11541101 Slate demanding Senior White House adviser Stephen Miller be imprisoned.

>>>/qresearch/11541115 CNN wasn't caught doing anything wrong, the data was manipulated behind the scenes and we were able to see it. (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11541262 open source "clarify" reads Clarity election data

>>>/qresearch/11541443 #14736

(28 notables, 31 posts, 22 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:53 a.m. No.35771   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11542349 Q Research General : 14738 QResearch is our greatest weapon

Created 081657ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11542353 Board Lag problems awaiting word from BO/BV on resolution (fear not anons BO/BV on the job)

>>>/qresearch/11542406 Kek Bread Shitters one time hall pass anons

>>>/qresearch/11542415 Election Fraud 2020 Mega-Bun / Detroit Ballot Counters Were Counting “Xerox Copies” as Actual Military Votes!

>>>/qresearch/11542421 Mornin' Swordy

>>>/qresearch/11542422 Detroit Ballot Counters Were Counting “Xerox Copies” as Actual Military Votes!

>>>/qresearch/11542430 More fake news from people with everything to lose

>>>/qresearch/11542443 Trump tweet missing 'i' and extra 'l'

>>>/qresearch/11542447 Biden ‘Election Block Party’ in Seattle Ends In Gun Fire — 25-Year-Old Fatally Shot

>>>/qresearch/11542453 Maria Bartiromo Breaks with Anti-Trump Brass at FOX News, Says: “The Media Does Not Decide the Election”

>>>/qresearch/11542499 Election Fraud 2020 Mega-Bun / WI Turnout is in impossible '5.5' standard deviation


>>>/qresearch/11542538 Georgia Officials Caught Handing Over Ballots to Far Left Groups Linked to Hillary Clinton to Ballot Harvest for Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11542542 Great analysis of how the election was stolen, if NSA allowed this to happen and are not going to do anything about it then we are truly fucked as a nation.

>>>/qresearch/11542543 GOP Beware: The Republican Party Did Not Carry 71,000,000+ Votes, President Trump Did…

>>>/qresearch/11542548 Never in American history has a massive 750,000+ vote lead been completely erased and flipped blue by the remaining 2% of a states vote. Statistically impossible.

>>>/qresearch/11542558 Joe Scarborough calls the election result an 'absolute repudiation of the Democratic party as a brand' and says Biden's win will be a 'one-off'

>>>/qresearch/11542564 Fallout from Covid pandemic risks sparking WORLD WAR III, warns UK defence chief

>>>/qresearch/11542565 Two Statistical Curiosities That Allowed Biden To Pull Ahead In PA

>>>/qresearch/11542573 I’m glad Team Biden thinks it’s over. While they gloat, we grind! Steve Cortes tweet

>>>/qresearch/11542589 Mr Pig opines - Hear the sound of MSM? The sound of TREASON - God Wins in the end

>>>/qresearch/11542591 Mathematical impossibilities may be what trips up Democrat plans

>>>/qresearch/11542604 ‘We will rise stronger than we were before’: Biden ignores Trump’s lawsuits and presses ahead with transition

>>>/qresearch/11542606 Sara A. Carter comms??

>>>/qresearch/11542613 Beto O’Rourke Kicked the Hornet’s Nest in 2018. Republican Votes Spilled Out.

>>>/qresearch/11542631 Georgia sec of state dispatches investigators after 'issue' discovered with Fulton County ballots

>>>/qresearch/11542639 HAMMER/SCORECARD Lt Gen. McInerney: "It would have happened in 2016 except something happened to it that night when the Obama crowd, Democrats tried to use it. I can't talk about it."

>>>/qresearch/11542640 Police use pepper spray in scuffles with anti-lockdown protesters in Liverpool

>>>/qresearch/11542658 Call to dig on election fraud

>>>/qresearch/11542659 There was a “glitch” in Dominion voting machines in Gwinnett County, GA. (and several other counties)

>>>/qresearch/11542660 Al Gore got his day in Court in 2000. Do President Trump and his 70 million voters deserve less?


>>>/qresearch/11542661 With Homicides Soaring, LAPD Downsizes Homicide Division Due to ‘Defund the Police’

>>>/qresearch/11542666 Anon opines on Wray

>>>/qresearch/11542683 Blockchain technology was used for the voting on this election alongside the conventional voting system and Donald Trump won by a complete landslide

>>>/qresearch/11542685 Romney: Trump Has ‘Relaxed Relationship with the Truth’ — There Was No Widespread Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11542686 Nancy Pelosi's Chief of Staff Is Chief Executive and Feinstein's Husband a Shareholder at Dominion

>>>/qresearch/11542693 Stacey Abrams: Georgia Can ’Absolutely’ Deliver Two Democrat Senators

>>>/qresearch/11542694 With Recounts and Lawsuits Pending, and Sweeping Evidence of Voter Fraud, It’s Far too Early to Call the Race

>>>/qresearch/11542708 Migration Watch: Number of Freed Foreign Criminals Has Doubled Since 2012

>>>/qresearch/11542719 Churchill’s Legacy Considered for Review by Imperial War Museum After Black Lives Matter

>>>/qresearch/11542724 Austria: Mosques Dissolved, Raided After Radical Islamic Terror Attack

>>>/qresearch/11542730 USMC tweet I'm Watching You Wazowski, Always Watching

>>>/qresearch/11542743 There are no software 'glitches'

>>>/qresearch/11542748 Saturday’s Media Declaration Is A Naked Attempt To Silence Republicans, And Nothing Has Changed

>>>/qresearch/11542760 Among the millions of examples of media bias, I’m struck right now by how coverage post-2016 focused relentlessly for years on Clinton supporters and their emotional trauma and Resistance efforts Mollie H tweet

>>>/qresearch/11542761 Hunter Biden re-appears

>>>/qresearch/11542773 Postal worker caught trying to flee U.S. with absentee ballots

>>>/qresearch/11542791 Israeli PM Netanyahu Stabs 'The Most Pro-Israel President In History' In The Back

>>>/qresearch/11542814 #BREAKING: Alex Trebek Has Died At 80

>>>/qresearch/11542840 Chappelle jokes on SNL that COVID-19 kept ‘murderous whites’ from mass shootings

>>>/qresearch/11542846 Election Fraud 2020 Mega-Bun

>>>/qresearch/11543082 Election Fraud 2020 Mega-Bun / 97k Mail-In Ballots All in Favor of Opponent Questioned in Maryland

(50 notables, 50 posts, 63 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:53 a.m. No.35772   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11541457 Q Research General #14737: Clarify Clarity Elections Dataset b/w Dominion Glitch Edition

Created 081314ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11541584 British Army to barcode and test children for COVID at Liverpool school without prior parental consent.

>>>/qresearch/11541614 1876 United States presidential election

>>>/qresearch/11541626 MEDIA DOES NOT CALL AN ELECTION (Trump Lawyer Video)

>>>/qresearch/11541632 Didn't Guilliani say 'Weiner" at the Four Seasons presser?

>>>/qresearch/11541636 Omg take the time to read this! 10 days of darkness. We've read about this on the cue boards for years.

>>>/qresearch/11541648 wtf is BLACKROCK doing with a bazillion subsidiaries holding CUSIP etc & coming onbioard as COVID was starting a cruise?

>>>/qresearch/11541662 Justice Department Tells Prosecutors Armed Federal Agents Can Be Sent To Examine Ballot-Counting Locations

>>>/qresearch/11541702 70 msm articles that mention "qanon" in the past24 HOURS All for a larp?

>>>/qresearch/11541722 MI says they didn't update the software so they had a glitch, GgA says the update caused the glitch

>>>/qresearch/11541773 Twitter jumping the shark on the term 'hammer'

>>>/qresearch/11541804 More fakenews fearporn Jared Kushner has approached Trump about conceding the election: report

>>>/qresearch/11541806 Fraction Magic – Part 1: Votes are being counted as fractions instead of as whole numbers

>>>/qresearch/11541822 Found the Red Castle

>>>/qresearch/11541840 QAnon proves internet companies aren't up to the task of defending democracy

>>>/qresearch/11541843 Gov Cuomo has ordered additional National Guard troop to NY airports

>>>/qresearch/11541862 POTUS tweets with anon opine

>>>/qresearch/11541866 Election Fraud 2020 Mega-Bun

>>>/qresearch/11541885 Dominion Voting Systems: A Glitch in the System

>>>/qresearch/11541923 Dem/commies supporting their illegal King Tester stole his election same way

>>>/qresearch/11541926 Trump Has Appointed 216 New Federal Judges and it Could Be 230 By Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11541955 Key voting parts made in China

(21 notables, 21 posts, 22 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:54 a.m. No.35773   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11543051 Q Research General : 14739 POTUS "I WON BIG!"

Created 081751ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11543141 For anyone who doesn't know here is proof STEVE PIECZENIK is CABAL

>>>/qresearch/11543173 Germany erupts in protests: Thousands hit streets to demand Merkel QUITS over new lockdown

>>>/qresearch/11543189 Top Dem Operative, Bernie Sanders Supporter: Teams of Cheaters Steam Envelopes, Replace Voter’s Ballots With Fraudulent Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11543193 Rupert Murdoch-owned US outlets turn on Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/11543198 Wait Just a Minute! Some Very Good News May Be Coming

>>>/qresearch/11543203 Steve Bannon #WarRoomPandemic has opened an account on Rumble.

>>>/qresearch/11543216 'World knows Trump won!' Plane with MAGA banner seen flying over Everton Man Utd match

>>>/qresearch/11543219 Judge Sullivan is signaling Postmaster General Louis DeJoy may be held in contempt for failing to follow an Election Day court order to sweep USPS processing plants.

>>>/qresearch/11543227 'Vets for Trump' co-founder arrested in Philadelphia on weapons charges

>>>/qresearch/11543232 CRISPR gene-editing mistake results in over a dozen mutant embryos

>>>/qresearch/11543247 Millions of elderly and vulnerable will get free Vitamin D from government as evidence grows that it helps in battle against Covid-19

>>>/qresearch/11543255 clearly with orange man out we're so much closer to world peace

>>>/qresearch/11543270 Official data is 'exaggerating' the risk of Covid and talk of a second wave is 'misleading', 500 academics tell Boris Johnson in open letter attacking lockdown

>>>/qresearch/11543284 Election Fraud 2020 Mega-Bun

>>>/qresearch/11543287 #14737 in bun 14739

>>>/qresearch/11543316 They're not panicking too much are they? Inauguration of Joe Biden Announcement

>>>/qresearch/11543318 anon opines FOX news is dirt now…

>>>/qresearch/11543324 More on dominion which not onlycreates a digital image of every ballotcast

>>>/qresearch/11543327 Senate confirms Berrier as next DIA director

>>>/qresearch/11543334 Rep. Doug Collins It's not over. Don't stop fighting.

>>>/qresearch/11543344 Hammer and Scorecard Now you know why Biden did nutin

>>>/qresearch/11543346 Rivlin invites ‘longstanding friend of Israel’ Biden to visit Jerusalem (Trying too hard?)

>>>/qresearch/11543391 Reflections on the colour revolution in the USA.

>>>/qresearch/11543399 Hillary Clinton begins her campaign to enter a Biden shadow government

>>>/qresearch/11543433 Administrative changes in Wisconsin election put tens of thousands of votes in question

>>>/qresearch/11543452 Election Fraud 2020 Mega-Bun / PA Whistleblower R. Hopkins Testifies Late Ballots Back-Dated for Nov. 3, Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11543457 I googled "inauguration day president" and this is what google showed me.

>>>/qresearch/11543472 ‘Nightmare Situation’: Man Sentenced For Sex Assault On Flight

>>>/qresearch/11543499 'It's a mistake' for Republicans to not acknowledge Biden apparent win: Gov. Andrew Cuomo

>>>/qresearch/11543501 Fake news media tries to GASLIGHT America, claims Biden the winner… Trump fires back with ultimate truth: The media doesn’t decide elections

>>>/qresearch/11543507 who didn't clean sweep USPS for ballots each night

>>>/qresearch/11543566 Biden Readies a Tsunami of Executive Orders to Reverse Trump Policies

>>>/qresearch/11543600 Pennsylvania Swears to SCOTUS It's Properly Separating (And Counting) Late Ballots – After Installing COVID Infection Election Rules

>>>/qresearch/11543618 Developing: Nancy Pelosi’s Chief of Staff Is Chief Executive and Feinstein’s Husband a Major Shareholder at Dominion Ballot Counting Systems

>>>/qresearch/11543623 USMC tweet What's real must be fought for together.

>>>/qresearch/11543646 Thread: In case y'all are wondering who at the DOJ is in charge of election law matters at the @TheJusticeDept

>>>/qresearch/11543647 Scorecard fingerprints being scrubbed now, Scorecard traffic in California, Virginia, Illinois, New York state, and overseas

>>>/qresearch/11543652 Turkey In Turmoil: Finance Minister Resigns Days After Central Bank Head Fired

>>>/qresearch/11543656 Note the Level of Presumptuous Behavior with the Countdown Clock

>>>/qresearch/11543660 College Sports Destined For Explosion of Trans Inclusion

>>>/qresearch/11543665 Election Fraud 2020 Mega-Bun / Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) told poll workers to 'add a missing witness address' to a ballot

>>>/qresearch/11543670 Thread about Scorecard fuckery.

>>>/qresearch/11543708 Think they will change if there are no consequences for voter fraud this time? PollWatch tweet

>>>/qresearch/11543722 Kentucky stolen in 2019 Governor Election

>>>/qresearch/11543726 Victory Of Elites And Loss Of People: ‘Global Leaders’ And MSM Celebrate Alleged Biden Victory. Trump Declares Resistance

>>>/qresearch/11543740 #14739

>>>/qresearch/11543907 Election Fraud 2020 Mega-Bun / Georgia Official Says Machine Glitch Caused by Last-Minute Vendor Upload

(47 notables, 47 posts, 54 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:54 a.m. No.35774   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11543799 Q Research 14740 : How to find a ballot under a rock in the Desert

Created 081846ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11543876 Jack Flynn tweet on Chairman of the board of Smartmantics (Dominion)

>>>/qresearch/11543898 POTUS Tweet - ince when does the Lamestream Media call who our next president will be? We have all learned a lot in the last two weeks!

>>>/qresearch/11543939 State Bar Passes Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendation

>>>/qresearch/11543944 Election Fraud 2020 Mega-Bun

>>>/qresearch/11543947 The Dominion software -Is Nancy Pelosi a silent partner of the company? Soros?

>>>/qresearch/11543965 Bill Gates Buys Four Seasons Hotel


>>>/qresearch/11543978 There It Is: FOX News Heir’s Wife Kathryn Murdoch Calls Trump a Dictator, Tweets out, “We Did It!” After FOX News Declares Biden Winner!

>>>/qresearch/11543981 South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem spars with Stephanopoulos over election results

>>>/qresearch/11543994 Must watch. Especially now. If there was test to be an Anon on election f'kry…this is the teacher's edition. Private cyber security company FILETS our system and lays out the ugly truth.

>>>/qresearch/11544004 What's at Stake (if we don't confront the voter fraud)

>>>/qresearch/11544013 The Calm Before A Contested Election (Video)

>>>/qresearch/11544024 Dominion Voting Systems tied to Clintons, widely used in battleground states

>>>/qresearch/11544043 'I'd Be Honored': James Woods Responds to AOC After She Suggests Compiling List of Trump Supporters

>>>/qresearch/11544048 President Trump returns to golf outing for second straight day (Does he seem rattled?)

>>>/qresearch/11544054 This Week In Campus Insanity Vol. 18

>>>/qresearch/11544055 Election Fraud 2020 Mega-Bun / WEC Changes Facilitated Almost 400k Questionable Ballots in Wisconsin

>>>/qresearch/11544071 Investigators Dispatched After Fulton County Discovers ‘Issue’ with Ballot Reporting

>>>/qresearch/11544073 Not over by a long shot - Chris Bowen tweet

>>>/qresearch/11544100 Catherine Herridge tweet on Durham Investigation

>>>/qresearch/11544139 Rudy Giuliani: Trump campaign has enough evidence to change Pennsylvania election results

>>>/qresearch/11544150 FLOTUS: The American people deserve fair elections. Every legal - not illegal - vote should be counted. We must protect our democracy with complete transparency.

>>>/qresearch/11544222 Distinguished Russiagate disciple Michael McFaul upset that Putin hasn’t congratulated Biden for presumed election win

>>>/qresearch/11544240 Susan Collins beat The Lincoln Project

>>>/qresearch/11544243 US election polling data reveals that mainstream media is largely divorced from its audience

>>>/qresearch/11544261 Learn double meanings. Learn to work with info and intel

>>>/qresearch/11544280 Sidney Powell: "We've Identified 450,000 Ballots that Miraculously ONLY have a Vote for Joe Biden"

>>>/qresearch/11544286 Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham Sunday urged his GOP colleagues to support President Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/11544297 A candidate for mayor of Carrollton TX was arrested Wednesday night and charged with voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/11544300 The Vote-By-Mail situation, with its attendant “ballot harvesting” has created a situation akin to California’s “super-majority.” James Woods tweet

>>>/qresearch/11544307 GOP Veteran of Bush-Gore Battle: Dem Strategy Is to Let Courts Pick Election Winners

>>>/qresearch/11544327 Angry Michelle Obama Trashes Trump Voters as Supporters of “Hate” and “Chaos” — After Trump Smashes Her Hubby’s Vote Haul Record

>>>/qresearch/11544337 President Bush Says Trump Has Right To Request Election Recount

>>>/qresearch/11544339 Def Sec Esper has prepared his resignation not tendered it..

>>>/qresearch/11544374 MSNBC host hits Dem Party with hard reality check over election results: 'An absolute repudiation'

>>>/qresearch/11544390 Four seasons total landscaping. 4 min down the road from Holmesburg prison.

>>>/qresearch/11544392 At Least 4 US Soldiers Killed After Vehicle Explosion in Syrian Markada - SANA

>>>/qresearch/11544395 Dan Scavino new tweet - Happening now - seven mile bridge

>>>/qresearch/11544418 ‘Like Flipping A Coin And Getting Heads 100 Times’: Stats Boffs Scrutinize Biden ‘Victory’ Numbers

>>>/qresearch/11544419 THREAD – THE WORLD ACCORDING TO XI

>>>/qresearch/11544456 Election Fraud 2020 Mega-Bun / Volunteer Reportedly Busted Handling Ballots Unsupervised in Philadelphia Cafeteria

>>>/qresearch/11544485 Colorado back in play?

>>>/qresearch/11544497 Michigan Govt. Website to Check for Dead Voters Was Just Shutdown

(43 notables, 43 posts, 46 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:55 a.m. No.35775   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11544598 Q Research 14741 : Vote Totals are Mathematically impossible Edition

Created 081948ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11544696 Election Fraud 2020 Mega-Bun

>>>/qresearch/11544700 The lockdowns are not going to end

>>>/qresearch/11544712 ABC starts to walk back claims of Biden winning. Now referring to Biden as only being “characterized” as the “apparent” winner.

>>>/qresearch/11544725 Georgia Rep Vernon Jones, a Democrat, accuses his own party of rigging the election

>>>/qresearch/11544734 DJT tweet Investigators Dispatched After Fulton County Discovers ‘Issue‘ with Ballot Reporting

>>>/qresearch/11544742 Kirstie Alley and Scott Baio lead furious conservative celebrities in rejecting Donald Trump's election defeat as they demand probe into vote 'fraud'

>>>/qresearch/11544797 KEK it out - CISA subcomponents

>>>/qresearch/11544802 Another ‘Computer Glitch’ Identified and Corrected in Oakland County, Michigan, Led to Republican Winning His Race

>>>/qresearch/11544826 [C]ounter Attack before [D]eclass?

>>>/qresearch/11544828 Twitter Locks Out TGP Assistant Editor Cristina Laila For 12 Hours – No Specific Reason Given!

>>>/qresearch/11544831 President Trump will not Concede Good video by leftist Van Jones.

>>>/qresearch/11544834 Iran’s president calls on Biden to return to nuclear deal

>>>/qresearch/11544838, >>>/qresearch/11544994 Biden "Supporters" were paid $400.00 for 4 hours to "show up" at celebration parade


>>>/qresearch/11544841 Developing: Nancy Pelosi’s Chief of Staff Is Chief Executive and Feinstein’s Husband a Major Shareholder at Dominion Ballot Counting Systems

>>>/qresearch/11544851 Jewish ownership of Big Tech

>>>/qresearch/11544853 Michael Flynn on Election 2020 (video)

>>>/qresearch/11544857 Biggest Loser: Establishment Media; Can It Ever Be Trusted Again?

>>>/qresearch/11544861 There It Is: FOX News Heir’s Wife Kathryn Murdoch Calls Trump a Dictator, Tweets out, “We Did It!” After FOX News Declares Biden Winner!

>>>/qresearch/11544864, >>>/qresearch/11544866 Anons are solid and hanging in there (Meme and opine)

>>>/qresearch/11544869 Full Romney Interview: Trump Should Be 'Careful' In His Next Steps | Meet The Press | NBC News

>>>/qresearch/11544870 Trump Voters Have Reason to Question the Legitimacy of the 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/11544909 AOC vs. DNC: Ocasio-Cortez Threatens To Quit Politics, Slams "Hostile" Dems For Not Being Progressive Enough

>>>/qresearch/11544915 Feinstein has denied that her husband, San Francisco financier Richard C. Blum, has investments in China.

>>>/qresearch/11544916 Ukraine Election fraud was with 'absentee ballots' J Michael Walker tweet

>>>/qresearch/11544931 Georgia County Rescanning Ballots After Discovering Reporting Issue

>>>/qresearch/11544949 Signed whistleblower affidavit from Erie, Pennsylvania that is now in the hands of Sen. Lindsey Graham and the Senate Judiciary Committee.

>>>/qresearch/11544998 'Don't be fooled. This is not over' Newt Gingrich: 'The media don't decide elections'

>>>/qresearch/11545007 Brendan Keefe, chief investigator at Atlanta’s WXIA, says that the issue “may significantly affect the current Biden lead in Georgia.” Sauce?

>>>/qresearch/11545020 Military Situation In Syria On November 8, 2020 (Map Update)

>>>/qresearch/11545037 Getting closer in Arizona

>>>/qresearch/11545041 Sen. Feinstein’s Husband Owns 60% Of Software Co Used To Steal Trump Votes In Swing States​

>>>/qresearch/11545076 Democrats are already throwing BLM and ANTIFA under the bus

>>>/qresearch/11545114 Kevin McCarthy: Pelosi Won't Have Votes To Retain House Speaker Post

>>>/qresearch/11545152 Trump Complains About ‘Lamestream Media’ Calling Election for Biden; Melania Tweets Support for Election Fight

>>>/qresearch/11545153 Comcast outages

>>>/qresearch/11545162 Vote rigging: How to spot the tell-tale signs

>>>/qresearch/11545185, >>>/qresearch/11545188, >>>/qresearch/11545228 Newsmax: Judge Jeanine's Show Cancelled Tonight After They Found She Was Going to Anon opines - Fox News is Controlled Opposition

>>>/qresearch/11545240 23 is PAIN Look at Potus' golf cart number!

>>>/qresearch/11545281 We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD ORGANIZATION in the History of American Politics

>>>/qresearch/11545326 #14741

(40 notables, 44 posts, 43 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:55 a.m. No.35776   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11545430 Q Research 14742 : MSM doesn't get to pick the President Edition

Created 082042ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11545486 Rudy G teases up to 10 new election lawsuits

>>>/qresearch/11545488 Philly poll watcher not allowed to view ballots

>>>/qresearch/11545493, >>>/qresearch/11545556 Don Jr. /Eric Trump DECLASSIFY EVERYTHING!!! We can’t let the bad actors get away with it.

>>>/qresearch/11545494 REPORT: Wisconsin Election Clerks Tampered with Thousands of Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11545504 ICE Launches Billboards Showing People Released By North Carolina Police

>>>/qresearch/11545526 George W. Bush statement on the election

>>>/qresearch/11545532 Twitter and Facebook Are SUSPENDING Anyone Who Retweeted Our Tweet on Benford’s Law That SHOWS INPLAUSIBILITY OF BIDEN VOTE DISTRIBUTION!

>>>/qresearch/11545560 Need more evidence Bush Jr. flipped?

>>>/qresearch/11545566 World Leaders (Globalists that hate America) Welcome Biden Win as They Seek Reset in U.S. Ties

>>>/qresearch/11545569 First Operational HH-60W Jolly Green II CSAR Helicopters Delivered To The U.S. Air Force

>>>/qresearch/11545576 New Mr Pig meme - Americans call the ball not the MSM

>>>/qresearch/11545577 QAnon proves Internet Comanies aren't up to the task of defending Democracy

>>>/qresearch/11545592 Trump Campaign has enough evidence to change Pennsylvania election results

>>>/qresearch/11545605 Biden adviser says White House has not reached out to president-elect

>>>/qresearch/11545606 Darrell Issa Returns to Congress After Victory in California’s 50th District

>>>/qresearch/11545618 Memo written by US ATTY Amundson that states DOJ will wait until "the election in question has been concluded, its results certified


>>>/qresearch/11545625 Mollie Hemingway: Media Are "Doing Everything In Their Power" To Help "Their Candidate" Biden Claim Victory

>>>/qresearch/11545633 Benford's Law…The Forensic Accounting Tool That Could Reveal Almost Any Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11545644 CISA Director Krebs - 45 days after Nov 3? 12/18/2020 if I’m doing my math right?

>>>/qresearch/11545687 Biden Camp: AOC Won’t Be Disappointed by ‘Incredibly Progressive and Aggressive’ Agenda

>>>/qresearch/11545736 John Cusack Supports Suppression of Free Speech

>>>/qresearch/11545738 Republican Sen. Romney says Trump ‘is without question the most powerful voice in our party’

>>>/qresearch/11545754 Israeli expert: Biden could block F-35 sale to UAE over Iran fears

>>>/qresearch/11545780 Amy DC tweet - Ballot breakdown of ballots with ONLY Joe Biden on the ballot

>>>/qresearch/11545828 Nigel Farage tweet with video - "As you can see from this clip Biden hates the UK"


>>>/qresearch/11545831 Seal Team 6 hostage rescue in Nigeria

>>>/qresearch/11545847 Biden plans to name Covid task force on Monday

>>>/qresearch/11545849 Dick Morris - Trump can still win

>>>/qresearch/11545864 First-Hand Account Of Election Fraud In Detroit: ‘They Did Not Want Us To See What Was Happening’

>>>/qresearch/11545876 Rep. Jim Jordan tweets about the stupidity of Democrats

>>>/qresearch/11545955 SD Gov. Noem: ‘We Gave Al Gore 37 Days to Run the Process’ — Trump Voter Deserve Same Consideration

>>>/qresearch/11545988 Important that Trump's team gather evidence, and I am very sure that "his peeps" (the little guy on the ground) have evidence. That said, DOJ election people …

>>>/qresearch/11546000 Jack Flynn tweet - Chairman of the board of Smartmantics (Dominion)

>>>/qresearch/11546019 A 2019 study showed that 40 of Colorado’s 64 counties had voter registration rates exceeding 100% of the eligible citizen voting-age population.

>>>/qresearch/11546026 Democrats Pack Streets Celebrating Biden. Janice Dean Blisters Authorities For Hypocrisy Over COVID.

>>>/qresearch/11546044 #14742

(36 notables, 37 posts, 47 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:55 a.m. No.35777   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11546895 Q Research General: 14744 Mr Pig Love and Anon Unity Edition

Created 082226ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11546992 Frank Cifaldi is trying to bring up GamerGate

>>>/qresearch/11547040 ELECTION FRAUD COMPILATION

>>>/qresearch/11547059, >>>/qresearch/11547113 Interesting halfchan thread to look at

>>>/qresearch/11547087 Biden administration likely to provide US citizenship to over 500,000 Indians

>>>/qresearch/11547093 There Is Nothing Normal About

>>>/qresearch/11547112 SERVICE Dogs are voting too.

>>>/qresearch/11547182 Kevin McCarthy says Replicans can still win house


>>>/qresearch/11547185 President Trump's Campaign holds Nevada press conference

>>>/qresearch/11547194 In the primaries, Nevada mailed every registered voter a ballot. 200,000 of them came back as undeliverable.

>>>/qresearch/11547212 Pope Francis prays that intelligent robots will "always serve humankind"

>>>/qresearch/11547223, >>>/qresearch/11547344 ANOTHER LIVE GLITCH with SCORECARD


>>>/qresearch/11547324 At Least 11 Reportedly Killed in Gunfire Targeting Iraqi Army in Baghdad

>>>/qresearch/11547345 Ten Days?

>>>/qresearch/11547347 SD Gov. Noem: ‘We Gave Al Gore 37 Days to Run the Process’ — Trump Voters Deserve Same Consideration

>>>/qresearch/11547367 Zuckerberg Mentor And Early Tech Investor Says Social Media Should Be Banned Because It Allows For “Misinformation” To Spread

>>>/qresearch/11547400 The Hammer and Scorecard smoking gun: 150,000 Michigan presidential ‘voters’ didn’t vote for Senate

>>>/qresearch/11547412 UPDATE: Benford’s Law Has Been Used to Prove Election Fraud in the Past – Joe Biden’s Numbers in Michigan are 99% Flawed — No Surprise that Tech Giants are Banning This Information

>>>/qresearch/11547472 Biden names fired surgeon general as a head of his COVID-19 taskforce

>>>/qresearch/11547488 NYC to begin counting mail-in ballots tomorrow with several races at stake

>>>/qresearch/11547491, >>>/qresearch/11547549, >>>/qresearch/11547579 Who's ready for the work week?

>>>/qresearch/11547530 President Trump knew all about operation SCORECARD and watch the Democrats in real-time steal the election.

>>>/qresearch/11547540 Time Magazine Debuts ‘A Time to Heal’ Cover Featuring Biden and Harris

>>>/qresearch/11547605 @gofundme has flagged @USPS whistleblower's campaign

>>>/qresearch/11547640 174 Pounds of Meth, Cocaine Seized at Texas Border Crossing

>>>/qresearch/11547703 DJT YT: Former Attorney General of #Nevada Adam Laxalt: No human beings made sure signatures matched in NV

>>>/qresearch/11547731 #14744

(26 notables, 30 posts, 29 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:56 a.m. No.35778   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11547774 Q Research General #14745: A Time To Heal From The Cabal Edition

Created 082325ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11547839 They’re everywhere

>>>/qresearch/11547840 Pretty good raw audio from Detroit poll worker training. Proves intent.

>>>/qresearch/11547847, >>>/qresearch/11547864 Air Assault! Who's ready for the work week?

>>>/qresearch/11547850 Trump team says over 600,000 mail-in ballots were cast in Nevada and GOP observers have yet to lay eyes on a single voter roll signature or envelope signature for those ballots.


>>>/qresearch/11547852 Relevant US Laws Pdf


>>>/qresearch/11547878 Richard Baris: 10k confirmed dead returned absentee ballots in MI

>>>/qresearch/11547886 Four Trump Officials Left Posts As Ballots Were Counted

>>>/qresearch/11547888, >>>/qresearch/11547924 Self-Described Dem Party Worker, Detroit Resident, Brags On Facebook: “I work for Wayne Co, MI and I threw out every Trump ballot I saw. Tens of thousands of them and so did all of my co-workers”

>>>/qresearch/11547892 ABC News has deleted its ludicrous claim that fireworks over London were in celebration of Joe Biden.

>>>/qresearch/11547940 Zuckerberg Mentor And Early Tech Investor Says Social Media Should Be Banned Because It Allows For “Misinformation” To Spread

>>>/qresearch/11547946 Software was designed to CHEAT TRUMP OUT OF OFFICE!!!


>>>/qresearch/11547955 DOMINION. US offices in Denver, Colorado. CIA moved DOMESTIC Operations and recruiting to Denver, Colorado

>>>/qresearch/11547964 UPDATE: Benford’s Law Has Been Used to Prove Election Fraud in the Past – Joe Biden’s Numbers in Michigan are 99% Flawed — No Surprise that Tech Giants are Banning This Information

>>>/qresearch/11548028 Romney: Trump Has ‘Relaxed Relationship with the Truth’ — There Was No Widespread Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11548033 FNC’s Wallace: Ted Cruz Is Like a Japanese Soldier Who Thinks the War Is ‘Still Going On’

>>>/qresearch/11548056 Sidney Powell: People with links to powerful Democrats using Dominion voting machines to 'steal' votes

>>>/qresearch/11548107 Georgia County Rescanning Ballots After Discovering Reporting Issue

>>>/qresearch/11548141 Storm ETA ??

>>>/qresearch/11548145 Whistleblower saw suspicious activity (Biden/Harris Van full of ballots) at Nevada voting center


>>>/qresearch/11548156 BREAKING: City government whistleblower in contact with FBI alleging backdating ballots in Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11548165 Republicans already control enough state Congressional delegations to win a contested election vote in the House of Representatives.

>>>/qresearch/11548246 RAF wing commander set to be first non-US citizen to president on fly Air Force One, report says

>>>/qresearch/11548291 Dems got caught in a trap

>>>/qresearch/11548360 BREAKING: Former Nevada Attorney General @AdamLaxalt explains that some 200,000 ballots in Clark County were not verified by a human.

>>>/qresearch/11548408 @mschlapp says 9,000 non-Nevadans casts ballots in the Battle Born State.

>>>/qresearch/11548425 BREAKING: Trump team says over 600,000 mail-in ballots were cast in Nevada and GOP observers have yet to lay eyes on a single voter roll signature or envelope signature for those ballots.

>>>/qresearch/11548481 Donald Trump Jr: America Won’t Trust Elections Until The Voter Fraud Is Investigated

>>>/qresearch/11548525 #14745

(28 notables, 30 posts, 29 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:57 a.m. No.35779   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11548550 Q Research General #14746: Air Assault! Ready For The Work Week? Edition

Created 090015ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11548634 mp4 of Detroit fraud


>>>/qresearch/11548661 good ammo against SJWs (pb)

>>>/qresearch/11548662 election fraud punishment search up in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11548666, >>>/qresearch/11548719, >>>/qresearch/11549069 pf

>>>/qresearch/11548693 Fresh POTUS Tweet!

>>>/qresearch/11548710 Iran's Zarif calls on neighbours to cooperate following Trump's defeat

>>>/qresearch/11548769 One dead in hit-and-run accident on Route 17 south in Wood-Ridge

>>>/qresearch/11548772 BIG Tech is an Election Stealing Machine

>>>/qresearch/11548773 Michigan lawmakers issued subpoena to election officials during Saturday hearing

>>>/qresearch/11548845 NEW: @JudicialWatch analysis shows Clark County, NV has a 102.7% voter registration rate – more voters registered there than eligible to vote! About 154,000 inactive names on the rolls before the election….

>>>/qresearch/11548855 4chan censors taiwanese news outlets.

>>>/qresearch/11548865 Ivory Coast opposition leader arrested

>>>/qresearch/11548874, >>>/qresearch/11548894 The new federal agency nobody knows about

>>>/qresearch/11548890, >>>/qresearch/11549046, >>>/qresearch/11549201, >>>/qresearch/11549281 Fresh dig: Dominion Voting Systems Communication Manager Penelope Chester Starr is closely connected to The Clintons

>>>/qresearch/11548965 Audio recorded of "training" of poll workers in Michigan.


>>>/qresearch/11549009 Word is… The creator of the software that changes the vote count is a witness for Sidney Powell. He will provide irrefutable proof of voter fraud.

>>>/qresearch/11549017 DeBlasio absolutely destroyed by a passing citizen

>>>/qresearch/11549039 A blue waver found this in NC..what are the odds that both Dems and Unaffliateds end in 000's

>>>/qresearch/11549053 This is why I love /pol/.

>>>/qresearch/11549087 Email your senators and representative about Election Fraud and Voter ID!

>>>/qresearch/11549108 Why should we listen to the AP?

>>>/qresearch/11549151 Proof positive the election was rigged. Time series analysis of ballot data across states with excellent analysis by datasciencefag.

>>>/qresearch/11549199 BREAKING: Trump team says they’ve identified 9,000 ballots in Nevada that were cast by people who did not live in the state.

>>>/qresearch/11549227 I’ve been working on some data & need those experienced in writing code to help.

>>>/qresearch/11549280 Boris Johnson to chair nuclear summit

>>>/qresearch/11549298 election data graphs - joe biden's doesn't follow the pattern

>>>/qresearch/11549300 global call to prayer tonight for truth and justice to be brought to light at 8:00 eastern time

>>>/qresearch/11549318 Actually it’s President Select since media think they call elections.

(28 notables, 34 posts, 37 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:57 a.m. No.35780   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11549342 Q Research General #14747: President-Select, Not President-Elect Edition

Created 090104ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11549448, >>>/qresearch/11549460, >>>/qresearch/11549478, >>>/qresearch/11549587 The Battle of Athens

>>>/qresearch/11549466 NY Bar Association Recommends Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccine With No Exemptions

>>>/qresearch/11549490 Bill Gates-Funded 'Child Labor Is Good' Article Triggers Internet Outrage

>>>/qresearch/11549500 Administrative changes in Wisconsin election put tens of thousands of votes in question

>>>/qresearch/11549501 We just got a call from a mother in Georgia whose son was killed in action in 2015. She checked and found that he voted absentee in this election.

>>>/qresearch/11549522 Here’s how the State Dept explained Ukraine electoral fraud

>>>/qresearch/11549525 Four Trump Officials Left Posts As Ballots Were Counted

>>>/qresearch/11549530 General Flynn's son - Michael Flynn Jr


>>>/qresearch/11549549 Mollie Hemingway On The Media: 'They Lie, They Lie, They Lie. And Then They Lie.’

>>>/qresearch/11549571 AOC admits, ‘I don’t even know if I want to be in politics’

>>>/qresearch/11549599 A good reminder to keep praying for POTUS.

>>>/qresearch/11549602 I believe I found the woman teaching the poll workers how to run the show in Michigan and Detroit heard in this videoclip

>>>/qresearch/11549622 COMMS - PANIC

>>>/qresearch/11549632 In a Biden Administration, Changes for the Military Could Start on Day One

>>>/qresearch/11549674 Burgess Owens takes lead over Democrat McAdams

>>>/qresearch/11549686, >>>/qresearch/11550051 Military ballots for Trump found in a dumpster in Georgia.


>>>/qresearch/11549687 Trump campaign announces Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) to lead Georgia recount effort

>>>/qresearch/11549740 Archbishop Viganò on US Election: Reality Is Denied But Truth Will Prevail

>>>/qresearch/11549761 10 Days Of Darkness Documentary

>>>/qresearch/11549770 Communist YouTuber “Vaush” says he wants child porn to be legal


>>>/qresearch/11549799, >>>/qresearch/11549904, >>>/qresearch/11550023, >>>/qresearch/11550104 Dominion Voting Systems dig

>>>/qresearch/11549822 Trump Campaign Witness Saw Biden-Harris Van Stop at Las Vegas, Nevada Center and Unload and Fill In Boxes of Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11549862 remember who owns the Four Seasons Hotel company: Bill Gates and Prince Dopey!

>>>/qresearch/11549894 Joe M on Parler

>>>/qresearch/11549929 They just announced that 600,000 votes in Nevada didn't have their signatures verified.

>>>/qresearch/11550179 #14747

(26 notables, 33 posts, 40 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:57 a.m. No.35781   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11550175 Q Research General #14748: The Battle Of Athens Edition

Created 090203ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11550246 GEORGIA – 132,000 Ballots in Fulton County, Georgia Have Been Identified Which Are Likely Ineligible

>>>/qresearch/11550252 I can confirm Trump is not following Bibi currently, but I have no idea if he ever was

>>>/qresearch/11550256 Revelation 13:3 is the214th verse in that book.

>>>/qresearch/11550266 Trump Campaign Announces Doug Collins as Lead on Georgia Recount Effort…

>>>/qresearch/11550284 POTUS Schedule for MONDAY, November 9, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11550296 PA election law

>>>/qresearch/11550298 I'm sure you are all being ambushed by friends, family, and acquaintances of what's happening with the election…a graphic to redpill curious normies and lefties

>>>/qresearch/11550300 If president, Joe Biden wants to create a task force to crack down on online “harassment” (October 21)

>>>/qresearch/11550328 I’m down for a Trump RALLY. Who’s with me?

>>>/qresearch/11550330 Debate host Chris Wallace sparks more conservative fury by comparing Trump ally Ted Cruz to Japanese soldiers unaware of war's end

>>>/qresearch/11550338 HOW HAMMER AND SCORECARD WORKS

>>>/qresearch/11550353 Proctoring software company abuses DMCA to shutdown student who exposed invasive software tracking

>>>/qresearch/11550373 Joe Biden is no empty sheet, may well return to warmongering polices waged by US before 2016 – former OSCE vice-president toRT

>>>/qresearch/11550394 Twitter deletes several Angel Families’ accounts in post-election purge

>>>/qresearch/11550436 "There's Lots Of Shenanigans" - Lindsey Graham Urges Trump, Republicans Not To Concede To Biden

>>>/qresearch/11550454 John Solomon on Lou Dobbs 11/8/2020, 27:50

>>>/qresearch/11550463, >>>/qresearch/11550481 Dominion voting

>>>/qresearch/11550469 Nobel prize winner up to no good? Ethiopia’s PM reshuffles key officials as ‘rebel’region vows to fight until govt ready totalk

>>>/qresearch/11550488 pf

>>>/qresearch/11550513 This channel has a substantial amount of Nov 3/4 election vids for anons to review

>>>/qresearch/11550530 Great Video, Fitton & Powell explain the gameplan

>>>/qresearch/11550552 #14748

(22 notables, 23 posts, 37 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:58 a.m. No.35782   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11552306 Q Research General #14750: /NightShift/ Engaged Edition

Created 090427ZNOV20



>>>/qresearch/11552489 Dan Scavino: TRUMP won’t be letting down all 70,000,000+ of you who VOTED for him. BEST IS YET TO COME!

>>>/qresearch/11552551 Wisconsin Assembly speaker CALLS FOR REVIEW of how election was administered, citing VOTER FRAUD concerns…

>>>/qresearch/11552552 Anon Offers Authentic Mail in Ballot tracking theory

>>>/qresearch/11552609 Current state of the 2020 Presidential Election

>>>/qresearch/11552742, >>>/qresearch/11552829 House Republicans Ask Bill Barr to Ensure Integrity of Voting and Counting Process

>>>/qresearch/11552747 Patriots in Control.

>>>/qresearch/11552750 CERN scientific team develops transportable 'antimatter trap'

>>>/qresearch/11552763 Australia On Edge Over "Deeply Troubling" Reports China Placed Import Bans On 7 Commodities

>>>/qresearch/11552810 Scalise: Election Laws Weren’t Followed in 2020 — ‘Very Serious Concerns’

>>>/qresearch/11552842 November 29th shits gonna get real.

>>>/qresearch/11552870 This Election Is Not Over… And The Media Knows It

>>>/qresearch/11552897 Screenshot of the Pennsylvania vote swap using the CSV vote-over-time scrub from, I think, NYT.

>>>/qresearch/11552909 Follow the Pen(n). (Keystone)

>>>/qresearch/11552910 Statistical Anomalies in Biden Votes, Analyses Indicate

>>>/qresearch/11552933 Anyone watching air traffic over Nashville? Lot's of helicopters over the past couple days. Chinook flew over downtown two days ago.

>>>/qresearch/11552938 Media shuns Trump's claims of election interference after embracing Clinton's in 2016


>>>/qresearch/11552966 Trump did it again

>>>/qresearch/11552974 Gun-toting St. Louis couple sue news photographer over infamous image

>>>/qresearch/11553030 Quantum Financial Systems Watermarking dig

>>>/qresearch/11553066 Jeopardy!' host Alex Trebek dies after battle with cancer

>>>/qresearch/11553107 Supreme Court is about to have 3 Bush v. Gore alumni sitting on the bench

>>>/qresearch/11553114 Video of Justice Kavanaugh spanking Wolfman Blitzer re Bush v Gore FL Recount Case.

>>>/qresearch/11553168, >>>/qresearch/11553230 Document Management RFID Systems

>>>/qresearch/11553190 halfchan confirms.

>>>/qresearch/11553238 Truckers want to strike , and shut down the routes to liberal cities


>>>/qresearch/11553283 #14750

(28 notables, 30 posts, 41 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:58 a.m. No.35783   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11551012 Q Research General #14748: E-Bake to VICTORY Edition

Created 090302ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11551030 @mad_liberals has been suspended from Twitter


>>>/qresearch/11551035, >>>/qresearch/11551054 The Associated Press news agency entered a formal cooperation with the Hitler regime in the 1930s

>>>/qresearch/11551057, >>>/qresearch/11551603 Yep, these fuckers aired their treason in real time!



>>>/qresearch/11551090 Gen. Nakasone: 2016 Provides Framework for Understanding Election Security

>>>/qresearch/11551114 We have more than we know. What a Plan.

>>>/qresearch/11551127 DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS= F R A U D

>>>/qresearch/11551144 BLM Protesters Harass Restaurant Patrons During Michigan Protest

>>>/qresearch/11551163 Siri says president Kamala Harris was born in 1964


>>>/qresearch/11551208 WaPo: Trump appointee at GSA declines to sign letter authorizing Biden transition

>>>/qresearch/11551230 4am drop

>>>/qresearch/11551283 Joe Biden was so inspiring that all the 90+ year olds in Pennsylvania registered to vote this year, setting a huge record!

>>>/qresearch/11551286 HAMMER / SCORECARD EVIDENCE


>>>/qresearch/11551314, >>>/qresearch/11551323 FLOTUS: It was wonderful to host senior military leaders & their spouses at the @WhiteHouse tonight. Thank you for your service to our great nation. Flag of United States

>>>/qresearch/11551327 PF: SAM118 USAF C-40B departed Lima, Peru north and currently sw of Quito Ecuador

>>>/qresearch/11551360 New Tom Fitton

>>>/qresearch/11551383 (pb) anomalies on mail-in-ballot D to R ration point to likely election fraud

>>>/qresearch/11551411 Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency: BUDGET

>>>/qresearch/11551413, >>>/qresearch/11551442, >>>/qresearch/11551460 Archbishop Viganò on US Election: Reality Is Denied But Truth Will Prevail

>>>/qresearch/11551433 Even poor people in Cambodia are saying the election was stole from Trump.

>>>/qresearch/11551454 PF: FLUNG44 US Navy E-6B Mercury out of Travis AFB sw of Ensenada, Baja Norte and looks to be finishing up there now

>>>/qresearch/11551458 FOX: Biden Mask Mandate for ALL

>>>/qresearch/11551496 G. W. Bush is literally fake and gay

>>>/qresearch/11551712 FEC, Trey Trainor saying he thinks fraud is ongoing.

>>>/qresearch/11551763 Google Trends: Searches For 'Election Fraud Punishment' Surged In MI, PA And AZ Before Election

>>>/qresearch/11551805 A little moar activity visible in the Persian Gulf for the last few days

>>>/qresearch/11551846 BOOM's list

>>>/qresearch/11551854 BREAKING NEWS: President Donald J Trump may win the state of Georgia after 132,000 ballots could be considered ineligible!

>>>/qresearch/11551905, >>>/qresearch/11551978 More Penelope Chester Starr tweetage

>>>/qresearch/11551932 Jack Flynn post

>>>/qresearch/11552021 Recount vs. Audit

>>>/qresearch/11552169 Recording screencaps show that 20,000 votes were transferred from Trump to Biden in Pennsylvania somewhere between 5 seconds in and 40 seconds in.

>>>/qresearch/11552171 BREAKING: 11,791 Ballots Released by 3 Arizona Counties - 66.3% For President Trump!

(34 notables, 40 posts, 60 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:59 a.m. No.35784   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11551033 Q Research General #14749: END GAME Edition

Created 090305ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11551126 Heavy USSS activity at Athens,TN courthouse

>>>/qresearch/11551246 Q drop #270 "Keystone" - PA?.

>>>/qresearch/11551421 Dominion Voting connections

>>>/qresearch/11551579 Siri says President Kamala Hawrris

>>>/qresearch/11551826 Trump appointee at GSA declines to sign letter authorizing Biden transition

>>>/qresearch/11551940 Four seasons "mistake" not a mistake?

>>>/qresearch/11552024 Utah COVID EAS activation

>>>/qresearch/11552409 (PB) Calif dems increased by 5M in 2020; mathematically impossible?

(8 notables, 8 posts, 11 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:59 a.m. No.35785   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11553295 Q Research General #14751: Patriots Can't Sleep Edition

Created 090537ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11553398 PF: HAWKER 800XP – N254SB on ground

>>>/qresearch/11553408, >>>/qresearch/11553426, >>>/qresearch/11553429, >>>/qresearch/11553439 Longe range document tracking with RFID, UHF, NFC could be used to to track Ballots via Cellular Mesh or Low Flying aircraft/drones up to 4 km.

>>>/qresearch/11553425 Dems are going to scream like babies trying to force Thomas to recuse.

>>>/qresearch/11553456 Compare rollodex of ballots on state registry vs death notices. Also versus aged 100-plus. Moar eyes the better. Document and report.

>>>/qresearch/11553489 PF

>>>/qresearch/11553568 Gwinnett County printer change

>>>/qresearch/11553578 Ultra-High Frequency or UHF RFID labels and tags are ideal for longer read range applications

>>>/qresearch/11553582 How Trump STILL WINS in 4 Steps: Dr. Marshall makes the case for his re-election

>>>/qresearch/11553602 Always remember Trump is always 17 steps ahead

>>>/qresearch/11553636 Ohhhhh and look where SIDNEY POWELL said on "Sunday Morning with Maria" that 450k votes showed up for pedo Joe with ONLY his name filled in, no down ballot votes, NOT EVEN FOR SENATE or HOUSE!

>>>/qresearch/11553676 HAMMER Time CAP

>>>/qresearch/11553716 PF: When they stop and start circling like this always wonder if they caught some illegals.

>>>/qresearch/11553721 Detroit training covertly recorded, poll workers instructed to commit voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/11553723, >>>/qresearch/11553735, >>>/qresearch/11553738 Flag in Gastonia gif

VIDEO - World's Largest Flying American Flag - Gastonia, NC [Channel: Charlotte Stories]

>>>/qresearch/11553731 These two CAPS have quickly become my favorites

>>>/qresearch/11553799 Downloads to some MSM election night coverage. Comb them for stuff like…


>>>/qresearch/11553804 Resignations in the news 11/6/2020 thru 11/8/2020

>>>/qresearch/11553806 Twitter may suspend Trump's account if he loses election, report claims

>>>/qresearch/11553834 glitches occurred in a deep red county in the key swing state of Wisconsin.Roughly 13,400 ballots were counted by hand. Biden now leads by less than 20,000 votes.The voting system: Election Systems & Software.All the errors are running one way, towards Biden.

>>>/qresearch/11553868, >>>/qresearch/11553902 Wait Just a Minute! Some Very Good News May Be Coming

>>>/qresearch/11553895 Athens Infographic… META

>>>/qresearch/11553972 Instructions for Dealing With Child Porn

>>>/qresearch/11553975 POTUS Rally: Listen Again! POTUS PA keystone

>>>/qresearch/11554079 #14751

(25 notables, 31 posts, 30 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 4:59 a.m. No.35786   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11554086 Q Research General #14752: The Nightwatch Never Rests Edition

Created 090659ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11554160 New RUDY: The Biden selection by the Crooked Media is based on unlawful votes in PA, Mich, GA, Wisc, Nevada et al.

>>>/qresearch/11554178 New Archbishop Vigano statement PDF, Nov 8, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11554193, >>>/qresearch/11554290 We got DOMINION and ATHENS COURTHOUSE action.

>>>/qresearch/11554195 Maplight defends Democracy

>>>/qresearch/11554235 VIDEO: GEOTUS statement


>>>/qresearch/11554240, >>>/qresearch/11554251, >>>/qresearch/11554271 Sheriff Joe Arpaio discusses the backstory of Hammer - Full recording







>>>/qresearch/11554279 What is the KEYSTONE

>>>/qresearch/11554280 Antifa doing Antifa things


>>>/qresearch/11554294 Video: What Happened in Michigan at 4am on Nov.4 ?

>>>/qresearch/11554296 BREAKING At least 3 dead in shooting at Russian military base: agencies

>>>/qresearch/11554354 I found 2 problems at the precinct level in Washington County, Oregon in our primary election fraud by mail official results.

>>>/qresearch/11554356 November 9—The Tehran Stock Exchange Index in #Iran has plunged at least 21,000 points so far today.

>>>/qresearch/11554379 Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots

>>>/qresearch/11554401 Wagon rolling into FRONT of Detroit Vote Counting Center - Enemy @ the Front Door (Q2479)

>>>/qresearch/11554408 Continued statistical analysis shows wild numbers of people who voted ONLY for Joe Biden and didn’t vote further down the ticket:


>>>/qresearch/11554462 FBI: Exposure to child sexual abuse material can lead you or your child to feel disgusted, sad, and shocked. You may have nightmares or trouble concentrating. You are not alone. (FBI Link on Twitter doesn’t work. Here is correct link

>>>/qresearch/11554518 The evidence that PA got a 54 vote update on election night, where Biden gained 17929 votes while Trump lost 17877 is STILL live on the NYT public timestamped API.

>>>/qresearch/11554520 Halfchan anon claims fraud in NYT data

>>>/qresearch/11554550 For Twatter anons to do some flagging of their own!

>>>/qresearch/11554579 It appears that the county elections board "meant" to put up a .pdf of sample ballots but instead "accidentally" put up a .pdf of the OFFICIAL BALLOTS instead. (Fraud)

>>>/qresearch/11554581 Matt Schlapp says Trump Campaign has witness who SAW BIDEN-HARRIS VAN stop at Las Vegas, Nevada Center, UNLOAD AND FILL IN boxes of ballots…

>>>/qresearch/11554615 PF: Gen Atomics Q-9 Reaper CBP-113


>>>/qresearch/11554652 Vote rigging: How to spot the tell-tale signs (old article, now relevent)

>>>/qresearch/11554654 Texas Social Worker Charged With 134 Counts Involving Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11554662 Philadelphia's Republican City Commissioner said his office is receiving death threats for counting votes

>>>/qresearch/11554665 More votes than ballot papers issued

>>>/qresearch/11554746 Argument over dog leads to shooting in Nashville; 8 wounded

>>>/qresearch/11554786 Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: ‘I have no intention on leaving’ if offered Biden Cabinet role

>>>/qresearch/11554816 PAIN INCOMING (halfchan calling like always)

>>>/qresearch/11554845 #14752, #14753 2/2, #14753 1/2

(32 notables, 35 posts, 36 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5 a.m. No.35787   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11554849 Q Research General #14753: Always Darnkest Before The Don Edition

Created 090847ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11554911 Whitmer encourages Michigan to prep for winter this week.

>>>/qresearch/11554937 Polis Pleads With Colorado To ‘Show The Grit We Need,’ Reconsider Thanksgiving Plans To Overcome Coronavirus Surge

>>>/qresearch/11555005 Dominion Voting Systems -Twitter Thread

>>>/qresearch/11555029 Exit Polls vs Mail in ballots

>>>/qresearch/11555037 132,000 Ballots in Fulton County, Georgia Have Been Identified Which Are Likely Ineligible (re-post I think)

>>>/qresearch/11555044 The Fight for The Soul of Our Republic Has Begun

>>>/qresearch/11555054 Frank Luntz urges pollsters to seek new profession after Trump outperforms polls: 'Sell real estate'

>>>/qresearch/11555064 Fauci said Trump 'asking for trouble' with potential super spreader rallies – but silent on Biden celebrations

>>>/qresearch/11555071 Don’t Jump Off That Ledge. This Is Just a Blue Smokescreen

>>>/qresearch/11555073 From Wisconsin to Nevada to Pennsylvania to Georgia, Trump's 2020 Election Legal Challenge Starts to Take Shape

>>>/qresearch/11555086 Already Struggling Queens Business Owners Say Summonses, Fines Over COVID Guidelines Are ‘Unfair’

>>>/qresearch/11555089 Joy Reid’s response to 70 mil Trump voters came in a deranged rant that every Conservative should hear

>>>/qresearch/11555095, >>>/qresearch/11555098 Attorney Sidney Powell Drops Massive Bomb: "We've Identified 450,000 Ballots That Miraculously Only Have a Vote For Joe Biden"

>>>/qresearch/11555097 Guantanamo Is Becoming a Nursing Home for Its Aging Terror Suspects

>>>/qresearch/11555106 NBC's Nance Likens 69 Million Trump Voters to Mideast Terrorists

>>>/qresearch/11555108 MORE CONFIRMED VOTER FRAUD IN GEORGIA! (DominionGate)

>>>/qresearch/11555116 Trump Campaign Announces Doug Collins as Lead on Georgia Recount Effort…

>>>/qresearch/11555130 Megyn Kelly rips Biden suggestion he’s a uniter after 'smearing' Americans for 4 years

>>>/qresearch/11555142 Complete List of Suspected Fraud Issues in 2020 Election Sorted by State with Recommended Actions on How to Address

>>>/qresearch/11555149 Mexican president withholding congratulations until US election challenges are settled

>>>/qresearch/11555178 Giuliani: Trump campaign has the evidence to change Pennsylvania election results

>>>/qresearch/11555191 NYC to begin counting mail-in ballots tomorrow with several races at stake

>>>/qresearch/11555199 Voter and Election Fraud Penalties Awaiting

>>>/qresearch/11555201 First Lady Melania Trump echoes president’s claim of ‘illegal’ votes

>>>/qresearch/11555206 AOC admits, ‘I don’t even know if I want to be in politics’

>>>/qresearch/11555221 Axios: Trump Plans to Present Evidence Dead People Voted in Election

>>>/qresearch/11555229 The new federal agency nobody knows about

>>>/qresearch/11555241 Trump Admin Planning to Hit Iran With Flood of Sanctions Before Jan. 20

>>>/qresearch/11555255, >>>/qresearch/11555273, >>>/qresearch/11555275, >>>/qresearch/11555353 National Council of Statewide Interoperability Standards = NCSWIC = Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

>>>/qresearch/11555257 The Chinese government "sidestepped questions on when it would congratulate United States President-elect Joe Biden on his election victory,"

>>>/qresearch/11555268 The Kremlin says it will wait for the official results of the U.S. presidential election before commenting on its outcome

>>>/qresearch/11555289 Clyburn: ‘Defund the Police’ Rhetoric ‘Hurt’ Jaime Harrison’s Chances

>>>/qresearch/11555304 Trump Campaign Witness Saw Biden-Harris Van Stop at Las Vegas, Nevada Center and Unload and Fill In Boxes of Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11555305 Trump international allies

>>>/qresearch/11555309 Another msm voting slip.

>>>/qresearch/11555316 Reject the gaslighting. This election was not normal.

>>>/qresearch/11555326 Dead voters. Biden van full of ballots. Trump legal team details shock Nevada claims

>>>/qresearch/11555339 Don’t Believe the Hype: GOP Favored in Georgia Runoffs

>>>/qresearch/11555345 A Sampling of Recent Election Fraud Cases from Across the United States (posted on WH website)

>>>/qresearch/11555350 Deplorables don’t riot

>>>/qresearch/11555360 There is nothing more American than to pursue justice through the courts.

>>>/qresearch/11555364 Why Hasn’t Fox News Retracted Its Wrong Call on the House?

>>>/qresearch/11555366 If there’s fraud in the 2020 election, then we must find it: Devine

>>>/qresearch/11555376 New Election Math: It’s Not 270, It’s 26-24

>>>/qresearch/11555384 A Montana Second Amendment Referendum Passed Despite Being Massively Outspent

>>>/qresearch/11555392 In 2020, America elected a president who slithered his way up the greasy pole and a vice president who slept her way up. (sarc)

>>>/qresearch/11555399 Biden's first move as president-elect? Mask mandate for all. Here's how he plans on doing it.

>>>/qresearch/11555405 Ted Cruz Predicts ‘Socialist Abyss’ If Democrats Win Georgia Senate Runoffs

>>>/qresearch/11555423 QAnon made it to Congress — twice. What does that mean for the Republican Party?

>>>/qresearch/11555432 Trump campaign staff claims to have statistical evidence of fraud in Wisconsin

>>>/qresearch/11555443 This Election Is Not Over… And The Media Knows It

>>>/qresearch/11555448 Bill Gates-Funded 'Child Labor Is Good' Article Triggers Internet Outrage

>>>/qresearch/11555457 Wisconsin Fraud: Absentee Ballots Illegally Altered Under Elections Commission Order

>>>/qresearch/11555501 Ocasio-Cortez Threatens To Quit Politics

>>>/qresearch/11555539, >>>/qresearch/11555574 DoD Tweet: The Big Boom

>>>/qresearch/11555588 Pol fag using code that used the fake news NYT data and found evidence of voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/11555613, >>>/qresearch/11555616 #14752, #14753 2/2, #14753 1/2

(57 notables, 63 posts, 68 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5 a.m. No.35788   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11555620 Q Research General #14754: While The World Sleeps, Anons Save It Edition

Created 091118ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11555709 Philly poll watcher not allowed to view ballots (vid)

>>>/qresearch/11555764 WATCH THE WATER

>>>/qresearch/11555772 A message of hope, and vigilance to you.

>>>/qresearch/11555797 "Oklahoma: Ballots for President Trump are found in the trash! How many more cases like this??"

>>>/qresearch/11555877 Are we watching a movie?

>>>/qresearch/11555886 The Great Lakes Justice Law Center is filing a new election crimes lawsuit in Wayne County Circuit Court.

>>>/qresearch/11555921 Subject to google: NCSWIC

>>>/qresearch/11555927 Proof of Hammer in Action:

>>>/qresearch/11555936 POTUS tweeted last night at 11:14, 11:34, and 11:54 (Q drops related)

>>>/qresearch/11555946 Don't think they trying to win the election anymoar

>>>/qresearch/11555970 Article lays down why this election is actually a Nightmare for Biden.

>>>/qresearch/11556040 Child labor

>>>/qresearch/11556062 Trucker Strke 11/29


>>>/qresearch/11556074 BENFORDS LAW: Is a quick and dirty way of identifying ELECTION IRREGULARITIES

>>>/qresearch/11556112 Axios: Trump to Give Evidence Dead People Voted, Will Hold Rallies

>>>/qresearch/11556147 UK FORCED MASS VACCINATION

>>>/qresearch/11556173 Vaccine candidate was found to be more than 90% effective in preventing COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/11556186 Milwaukee Elections Head Misplaced Crucial Voting Flash Drive

>>>/qresearch/11556242 Complete list of messages from VTACAnon last night on halfchan.

>>>/qresearch/11556260 Gizzi: More Than 80,000 Ballots Could Be Recounted in GA's Gwinnett County

>>>/qresearch/11556274 China Holds Off on Sending Congratulations to Biden

>>>/qresearch/11556291 Only 2 days after the media crowned him President, and he's already gotten a COVID vaccine accomplished.

>>>/qresearch/11556328 DOW futures up yuge

>>>/qresearch/11556403 DOJ can't interject until 10 days after the election. 4+10 2020 (numbers…)

(24 notables, 24 posts, 21 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5 a.m. No.35789   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11556427 Q Research General #14755: The Don Of A New Day Brings HOPE Edition

Created 091317ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11556521 Biden has picked ‘Celtic’ as his USSS name

>>>/qresearch/11556543 Dough Custody Tracker

>>>/qresearch/11556561 Service dog was registered by someone for a mail-in vote and HAS VOTED in the 2020 election!

>>>/qresearch/11556573 Team Trump says watch Mark Levin show from last night

>>>/qresearch/11556580 Parents of sick newborn babies are being barred from seeing their children due to the draconian coronavirus restrictions in place in the UK.

>>>/qresearch/11556582 KlowdTV is offering free worldwide transmission of One America News Network and Infowars. + smartphone/smart tv app

>>>/qresearch/11556607 Is CISR far more important with everything that we realise? Anon decode

>>>/qresearch/11556637 anon's question, theory and request

>>>/qresearch/11556699 The new federal agency nobody knows about

>>>/qresearch/11556701 MICHIGAN FUCKERY

>>>/qresearch/11556736 Tom Fitton: Counting New Ballots After Election Day Conflicts w/ Federal Law!

>>>/qresearch/11556748 PENNSYLVANIA vote fakery

>>>/qresearch/11556764 80% DJT 20% Traitor ?


>>>/qresearch/11556771 Battle of Athens (vote count history)

>>>/qresearch/11556789 Voter Fraud 2020 [A Compilation]

>>>/qresearch/11556799, >>>/qresearch/11556853 proof of voter fraud state by state

>>>/qresearch/11556882 Multiple Detroit Pollworker trainings were audio recorded, which reveal the mechanics of the planned theft of the election

>>>/qresearch/11556901 Blk anon here, something to ponder

>>>/qresearch/11556930, >>>/qresearch/11556983 The pirate phone app "bee tv" and "tea tv" is on point with free TV! And you can bounce it to your TV or xbox

>>>/qresearch/11556985 @RandPaul

>>>/qresearch/11557009 John Solomon LIVE updates on election fraud

>>>/qresearch/11557051 Richard Grenell Retweeted @seanmdav

>>>/qresearch/11557175 Congressman Jody Hice said that Georgia numbers may turn around in favor of President Trump


>>>/qresearch/11557199 #14755

(24 notables, 26 posts, 11 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:01 a.m. No.35790   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11557233 Q Research General #14756: Bush Legal Team From The 2000 Election Edition

Created 091440ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11557299, >>>/qresearch/11557325 election fraud lawsuit was filed in Detroit with affidavits alleging backdating ballots, no matching signatures.

>>>/qresearch/11557301, >>>/qresearch/11557309 2020 was the first-ever presidential election where people cast votes via smartphone

>>>/qresearch/11557307 Winter is Coming!!


>>>/qresearch/11557308 Trump Team Monitored the Entire Voting Cheating Process

>>>/qresearch/11557322, >>>/qresearch/11557342 Jan. 9, 2020 Committee on House Administration Hearing on Election Security

>>>/qresearch/11557374 Old memefag here to caution anons about NEWSMAX.

>>>/qresearch/11557390 FROM MAY 2020: ‘Track your ballot like a package’: How technology will smooth the way for November’s mail-in ballot surge

>>>/qresearch/11557421 US Stratcom: deep dive to learn more about the evolution of submarines.

>>>/qresearch/11557426 9-11 & 11-9 mirror

>>>/qresearch/11557452 unmasking the people who ran the scheme.

>>>/qresearch/11557462 BANNON LIVE

>>>/qresearch/11557467 @adamhousley So I’ve got some Durham answers. Once it gets into the courts good luck stopping it.

>>>/qresearch/11557488 Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

>>>/qresearch/11557491 America's #BlueGreenTeam In Action!

>>>/qresearch/11557506 data dump - all absentee records from milwaukee county, wi

>>>/qresearch/11557575 Both Nevada and Michigan now have sworn statements from election officials in those states detailing election fraud.

>>>/qresearch/11557587 Team Trump says watch Mark Levin show from last night; here's yt embed again

>>>/qresearch/11557625 Q Drop #14 seems extremely important. This drop basically tells us that 2020 tampering would only be possible if allowed.

>>>/qresearch/11557670 anon opines on why things are so bad in the black community now.

>>>/qresearch/11557672, >>>/qresearch/11557806 Planefag reports

>>>/qresearch/11557675 @NYGovCuomo says it’s “bad news” Pfizer’s Covid vaccine came during the Trump Admin; says he’s going to work w/ other governors to “stop” distribution “before it does damage"


>>>/qresearch/11557681 CFP dares to tell these patriots that their ongoing Battle to Save America starts with DEFOXICATE from Fox

>>>/qresearch/11557694 Corey is clearly begging us to dig into Four Seasons Total landscaping.

>>>/qresearch/11557698 #ReadyAF

>>>/qresearch/11557701 CIA honors Trebek

>>>/qresearch/11557732 Virginia software glitch

>>>/qresearch/11557737 Remember the Pensylvania SCOTUS. It's compromised and controlled, yet nobody has dug on them. Why?

>>>/qresearch/11557768 In a new sworn affidavit, a whistleblower with the Clark County Elections Department in Nevada claims Nevada poll workers fabricated proof of residence data for illegal voters.

>>>/qresearch/11557789 2 new sworn affidavits reporting proof of fraud

>>>/qresearch/11557894 JosephJFlynn1 retweets W

>>>/qresearch/11557898 Bill Binney's got a good thread going on the election. He adds to it periodically.

>>>/qresearch/11557958 #14756

(32 notables, 36 posts, 49 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:01 a.m. No.35791   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11557974 Q Research General #14757: Freedom Of Choice Edition

Created 091549ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11558065 Smartmatic intimately tied to Dominion Voting System

>>>/qresearch/11558085 Was Biden's FAKE victory speech prerecorded on election night?

>>>/qresearch/11558101 Q-clock says Merry Christmas!!

>>>/qresearch/11558122 cyber risks to Next Generation 9-1-1

>>>/qresearch/11558136 Wisconsin elections commission instructed clerks to alter ballots?

>>>/qresearch/11558146 Could Wray be the Stealth Bomber?

>>>/qresearch/11558157 Rudy G. Live

>>>/qresearch/11558158 Dominion “got into trouble” with several subsidiaries it used over alleged cases of fraud. One subsidiary is Smartmatic.

>>>/qresearch/11558182 Tech billionaire ERIC SCHMIDT has applied to become a citizen of CYPRUS.

>>>/qresearch/11558188, >>>/qresearch/11558262 So, the[Y] admit they knew about Covid "19" four years ago.

>>>/qresearch/11558271 the result is decided by which boxes show up between 2am and 4am on the day after the election

>>>/qresearch/11558290 @usairforce

>>>/qresearch/11558308 from 8/2019: New Georgia voting system (DOMINION) risks secret balloting

>>>/qresearch/11558318 The coronavirus pandemic has led to federal civil and criminal trials in southern Illinois being canceled through Jan. 24.

>>>/qresearch/11558346 Nine post protecting the SOROS Smartmatic company.

>>>/qresearch/11558360 I wonder by what mechanism the vote tallies make their way to the "news channel" screens.


>>>/qresearch/11558386 Dominion gets nailed to the wall

>>>/qresearch/11558466 William Kennard, Director of Staple Street Capital that owns Dominion was named AT&T Chairman of Board Nov. 6 after election. AT&T owns CNN. The same people who own the voting machines own CNN.

>>>/qresearch/11558501 Another System ”Glitch” Captured Live on CNN on Election Night – 20,000 Votes Swapped from Trump to Biden (Video)

>>>/qresearch/11558530 video of Justice Kavanaugh spanking Wolfman Blitzer re Bush v Gore FL Recount Case, mentions Ted Olson

>>>/qresearch/11558539 Captured in Real Time: That Moment in Virginia at 5:12 AM Where they Took 169,000 Votes Off the State Totals

>>>/qresearch/11558548 Steve Bannon WarRoom Pandemic Ep 484

(22 notables, 23 posts, 17 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:01 a.m. No.35792   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11560221 Q Research General #14760 : Pallots full of Ballots Edition

Created 091835ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11560409 Sidney Powell and Tom Fitton: Trump Should Fight! (video)

>>>/qresearch/11560416 Kremlin insists Putin does NOT have Parkinson’s, but BIG changes in Russia may be coming (video)

>>>/qresearch/11560424 Azerbaijan says downed Russian helicopter by mistake

>>>/qresearch/11560428 Researchers Question Reliability of Dominion Voting Systems, Election Systems & Software

>>>/qresearch/11560437 CIA tweet Alex Trebek, host of @Jeopardy, won the hearts of many including CIA's workforce.

>>>/qresearch/11560442 Israel to Discuss Long-Term Military Aid With Biden

>>>/qresearch/11560446 Fox News crashes to new low ratings

>>>/qresearch/11560457, >>>/qresearch/11560642, >>>/qresearch/11560689 Dominion dig

>>>/qresearch/11560459 The Onion for keks 'Q followers frustrated after Q calls for uniting behind Biden'

>>>/qresearch/11560512 Official Footage Of IRGC’s Underground Ballistic Missile Bases Released

>>>/qresearch/11560535, >>>/qresearch/11560629, >>>/qresearch/11560737, >>>/qresearch/11560857 Dig on Domion exec Penelope Starr

>>>/qresearch/11560539 How the Democrats Weaponized a Pandemic to Psyop Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/11560570 Plane Fag ORDER66 USAF E-4B Nightwatch departed Offutt AFB and setting up "shop" ne of Brownsville, TX

>>>/qresearch/11560581 Spin from fakenews and Wall Street - Markets Soar On Biden, Virus Vaccine Success

>>>/qresearch/11560598 Anon opines on Clarence Thomas and how he was treated by Joe Biden during his confirmation hearing

>>>/qresearch/11560599 Naomi Wolf: If I Had Known Biden Wanted New Lockdowns 'I Would Never Have Voted For Him'

>>>/qresearch/11560602 [Secret]ary Pompeo on Fformer Nicaraguan President Aleman’s corrupt acts

>>>/qresearch/11560613 Tens of Thousands of Unsealed Ballots Arrived in Michigan County, All for Democrats: Lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/11560687 THIS IS CNN: Network Admits ‘US Media Declared Joe Biden Victorious’, Not Official Sources

>>>/qresearch/11560694 Prayer for POTUS from French anon

>>>/qresearch/11560706 With election rigging via mail-in ballots, the real purpose of the COVID bioweapon now becomes clear

>>>/qresearch/11560714 PA going full on Socialism.

>>>/qresearch/11560786, >>>/qresearch/11560821, >>>/qresearch/11560848 dig on New Sec of Defense Chris Miller

>>>/qresearch/11560796 BUSTED! Fox News Anchor Sandra Smith Caught on Hot Mic Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud After Panelist Says Network Has No Authority to Call Election

>>>/qresearch/11560800 Canadian Conservative party leader Erin O'Toole congratulates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris (exposed)


>>>/qresearch/11560837 Trump Admin Refuses to Play Pretend with Coup Plotters — Denies Funding to Biden Transition Team

>>>/qresearch/11560885 One-Party Democrat Rule Is Killing California, And It’s Coming For The Country

>>>/qresearch/11560893 US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper fired and replaced, Trump announces

>>>/qresearch/11560913 Cuomo says Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine under Trump is ‘bad news’, vows to block distribution until Biden is president

>>>/qresearch/11560942 John Podesta: Trump 'is interfering with the orderly transition of power' (video)

>>>/qresearch/11560950 Former Google exec Eric Schmidt who is rumored to get a cabinet job in Biden’s White House — after fundraising bigly for him

>>>/qresearch/11560955 Does Bizarre Giuliani Press Conference Send a Message?

(33 notables, 40 posts, 47 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:02 a.m. No.35793   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11558766 Q Research General #14758: Dominion and Smartmatic Connections? Edition

Created 091652ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11558879 Joseph Flynn / US Air Force tweets

>>>/qresearch/11558882 Paul Gosar tweet - Trump needs to get out on a rally tour NOW in the contested states.

>>>/qresearch/11558884 Hamr dig

>>>/qresearch/11558886 Piers Morgan - 'Concede the Election' (exposed)

>>>/qresearch/11558888 Correct term is spoilation of evidence (Dan O'Connell tweet)

>>>/qresearch/11558914 CIA Operation Scorecard

>>>/qresearch/11558921, >>>/qresearch/11559180 plane fag

>>>/qresearch/11558941 Smartmatac Chairman connected to Venezuela (Dominion)

>>>/qresearch/11558986 EU imposes tariffs on $4bn of US goods in Boeing row

>>>/qresearch/11558993 Dept of Defense tweet - check and double check

>>>/qresearch/11559018 Under Biden, Big Tech’s censorship goons will make conservatives nostalgic for the days of relatively free speech in Obama era

>>>/qresearch/11559026, >>>/qresearch/11559062 Smartmatic Board of Directors

>>>/qresearch/11559027 After seeing several postings RE: CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency), I looked up the actual May 11, 2017 EO (link below)


>>>/qresearch/11559081 A presidential election closely monitored for cyberattacks (politico)

>>>/qresearch/11559085 Fractional votes dig


>>>/qresearch/11559093 Sometime between 5:30 am and now the White House North Lawn was dug up

>>>/qresearch/11559096 Dominion Voting Systems, Inc.Acquires Premier Election Solutions Assets From ES&S

>>>/qresearch/11559109 How long has Dominion been Gaming the Vote?

>>>/qresearch/11559136 US Navy tweet British & #USNavy servicemembers place a wreath at the base of the British flag during a Remembrance Sunday ceremony in Diego Garcia

>>>/qresearch/11559152 Reminder: Anon is comfy

>>>/qresearch/11559181 Joe Biden Announces Covid Lockdown Panel – Plans Nationwide Mandatory Mask Mandate, Lockdown and Contact Tracing

>>>/qresearch/11559205 Three Supreme Court Justices Were On The Bush Legal Team From The 2000 Election

>>>/qresearch/11559217, >>>/qresearch/11559230 You may have noticed #USArmy helicopters Apache, Black Hawk, Chinook and others are named after #NativeAmerican tribes or figures.

>>>/qresearch/11559219 Should Fox News stand with Tucker Carlson?

>>>/qresearch/11559229 Another System ”Glitch” Captured Live on CNN on Election Night – 20,000 Votes Swapped from Trump to Biden

>>>/qresearch/11559237 Ilhan Omar pushed a lie about Jesus

>>>/qresearch/11559238, >>>/qresearch/11559340 U.S. Rejected Ukraine '04 Election Over Absentee Ballots, Opponent Observer Restrictions, And Wild Turnout Numbers

>>>/qresearch/11559241 Captured in Real Time: That Moment in Virginia at 5:12 AM Where they Took 169,000 Votes Off the State Totals

>>>/qresearch/11559249 Crooked Michigan Attorney General Says Accusations of Voter Fraud and the Mass Dump of Biden Votes in Middle of Night Is a “Conspiracy”

>>>/qresearch/11559267 City Visions: When QAnon Came for Senator Scott Wiener

>>>/qresearch/11559271 PA this year rejected a negligible 0.03% of mailed ballots this year.

>>>/qresearch/11559283 The next US president 'will be decided by the rulings of the Supreme Court' (video)

>>>/qresearch/11559285 FakeNewsFox


>>>/qresearch/11559291, >>>/qresearch/11559329 Report: Pfizer Stopped Testing COVID-19 Vaccine Results in Late October, Placed Samples in Cold Storage to Be Tested the Day After the Election

>>>/qresearch/11559324 Janet Yellen Said To Be Biden's New Favorite For Treasury Secretary

>>>/qresearch/11559339 Voting Machine digs - Voting Equipment Methods used by state and manner in which they function

>>>/qresearch/11559372 The New York State Bar Association passed a resolution calling upon the state government to require mandatory COVID vaccinations over religious, philosophical, or personal excuses

>>>/qresearch/11559376 CodemonkeyZ now being swamped by journalists - Ron tweet

>>>/qresearch/11559383 Government official accused of ‘hating democracy’ for not designating Biden ‘president-elect’ as soon as media called his victory

>>>/qresearch/11559385 CJTruth retweet Who is a righteous Judge and who is a political activist?

>>>/qresearch/11559413 One in seven UK mothers barred from seeing sick babies due to Covid-19 restrictions, preemie charity finds

>>>/qresearch/11559435 #14758

(42 notables, 47 posts, 59 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:02 a.m. No.35794   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11559498 Q Research General #14759 : Benghazi ain't goin away Charlie Daniels Edition

Created 091744ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11559587 Pallets full of ballots song going viral

VIDEO - Pallets Full Of Ballots 🇺🇸 [Channel: Austin Forman Music]

>>>/qresearch/11559613 Most Major Retail Brokerages Are Suffering Outages

>>>/qresearch/11559629 EU to slap tariffs on $4 BILLION worth of US goods over Boeing aid

>>>/qresearch/11559638 Breaking…multiple states AGs joining the fight.

>>>/qresearch/11559641 NY Gov. Cuomo says it's 'bad news' that a vaccine has potentially been developed 'two months before Joe Biden takes over'

>>>/qresearch/11559650 Steve Bannon with Seb Gorska starting at 1pm Video

>>>/qresearch/11559653 Nevada Clark County Election Official Won’t Investigate Fraud Allegations Until ‘Post-Election’

>>>/qresearch/11559656 Dominion has the ability to alter votes after they’ve been cast.

>>>/qresearch/11559664, >>>/qresearch/11559667, >>>/qresearch/11559678 Sec of Defense Mark Esper fired - Trump tweet

>>>/qresearch/11559671, >>>/qresearch/11559692 Dead Sea Scrolls dig

>>>/qresearch/11559673 Saw this information on pb and made into graphic SCOTUS Justices over States in question

>>>/qresearch/11559676 Censoring Donald Trump is more “dangerous to democracy” than anything he could ever say

>>>/qresearch/11559689, >>>/qresearch/11559734 New Sec of Defense Chris Miller digs

>>>/qresearch/11559695 Apple Abandons iPhone Assembler In China After Labor Abuses Uncovered

>>>/qresearch/11559702 Nevada Whistleblower: Workers Instructed to Process Illegitimate Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11559736 Cruz: Prepare For "Socialist Abyss" If Dems Win Senate

>>>/qresearch/11559751 Anon opines on stealing election strategy

>>>/qresearch/11559760 Globalists Salute: Angela Merkel, EU President Hail Future ‘Cooperation’ With Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11559768 Media caught in a lie about Guy Fawkes night UK fireworks

>>>/qresearch/11559774 Boris Refuses to Address Question on Biden’s Anti-Brexit Position

>>>/qresearch/11559783 Mexican President: Media ‘Censoring’ Trump’s Concerns over Election Integrity

>>>/qresearch/11559800 Irregular warfare being used to attempt to steal the election

>>>/qresearch/11559827 JPMorgan Relaxes Mortgage Curbs With U.S. Housing Prices on Rise

>>>/qresearch/11559831 Trump to hold campaign-style rallies, will push voter fraud examples

>>>/qresearch/11559832 Numerous Democrat Led Non-Profits Are Connected to Likely Illegal Absentee Ballot Harvesting in Georgia After the Election

>>>/qresearch/11559835 more fakenews - Scoop: Trump privately discussing 2024 run

>>>/qresearch/11559866 Lame excuse for dead people voting

>>>/qresearch/11559880 Biography The Honorable Christopher Miller - New Secretary of Defense

>>>/qresearch/11559881 Christopher before Declass?

>>>/qresearch/11559885 They aren't talking about covid here. They are talking about the swamp/cabal. Invisible enemy is not CV-19. (Anon opine)

>>>/qresearch/11559902 Costco in China?

>>>/qresearch/11559903 Lucas Tomlinson tweet Mark Esper fired five months after saying “I do not support invoking the Insurrection Act” amid nationwide protests over the summer.

>>>/qresearch/11559925 The director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Chris Krebs, appears to be a rogue intelligence asset:



>>>/qresearch/11559943 Trump doubles down on refusing to concede and Melania backs his claims of fraud

>>>/qresearch/11559988 Twitter red flags Trump tweets of Lindsey Graham claiming 100 dead people voted in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11559991 Space Force Satellite Launch

>>>/qresearch/11560017 Attorney Lin Wood On Why He Joined Trump’s Legal Team

>>>/qresearch/11560023 Anon opines about curious related data

>>>/qresearch/11560031 LOL! Antifa Terrorists Smash Up Portland Democrat Party Office

>>>/qresearch/11560039 Anon dig on Military Psyops MISO=PSYOP

>>>/qresearch/11560045 Bill Gates says Pfizer has best shot at early COVID-19 vaccine (Sept 15, 2020)

>>>/qresearch/11560067 Plane Fag RAF C-130 SKYFALL1

>>>/qresearch/11560076 Biden Foreign Corruption (Video)

>>>/qresearch/11560083 Anyone else notice "winter is here" and the #ready2fight? (US Army tweet)

>>>/qresearch/11560118 Here’s How to Contact All 535 Members of United States Congress. CALL, EMAIL, TWEET

>>>/qresearch/11560156 #14759

(47 notables, 51 posts, 52 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:03 a.m. No.35795   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11561014 Q Research General #14761: Lawsuit Monday Edition

Created 091928ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11561136 CNN’s Jake Tapper Tells Trump Staffers Concede or Get Blacklisted

>>>/qresearch/11561145 Graham: If GOP Doesn’t Fight, There Will ‘Never Be Another Republican President Elected Again’

>>>/qresearch/11561154 Republican Attorneys General Hold News Conference on Pennsylvania Election Legal Action

>>>/qresearch/11561156 Nolte: Corrupt Media Desperate to Close Books on Contested Election

>>>/qresearch/11561188, >>>/qresearch/11561216, >>>/qresearch/11561217 DJT Tweet The threshold identification of Ballots is turning out to be even bigger than originally anticipated.

>>>/qresearch/11561204 The Great Lakes Justice Center files action in Wayne County Circuit Court alleging massive fraud in election vote-counting procedures

>>>/qresearch/11561218 CHRISTOPHER C MILLER

>>>/qresearch/11561222 Detroit’s getting sued for election fraud. “Eyewitness accounts of direct evidence”…

>>>/qresearch/11561224 BUSTED: Fox News Anchor, Sandra Smith Gets Busted On Hot Mic Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud


>>>/qresearch/11561226 Esper, on his way out, says he was no yes man

>>>/qresearch/11561251 Anon opines on Keystone

>>>/qresearch/11561255 @seanmdav "In a new sworn affidavit, a whistleblower with the Clark County Elections Department in Nevada claims Nevada poll workers fabricated proof of residence data

>>>/qresearch/11561262 GSA Tells Biden Campaign: No Transfer Of Power Until A 'Clear, Constitutional Winner' Is Decided

>>>/qresearch/11561266 AG Barr just walked into Senate Majority Leader McConnell's office

>>>/qresearch/11561267 AG Barr just walked into @senatemajldr’s office

>>>/qresearch/11561296 UK spy agency to launch pro-vaccine offensive cyber operation

>>>/qresearch/11561303 Twitter Could Strip Trump of Certain Privileges Post-Presidency

>>>/qresearch/11561312 MI Election Lawsuit on Election Irregularities

>>>/qresearch/11561315 EU pushes for access to encrypted messages, Austrian broadcaster reports, amid recent terrorist attacks

>>>/qresearch/11561317 Catherine Tait, CEO of Canada's CBC is the Chair of the Global Task Force of the Public Media Alliance

>>>/qresearch/11561332 James Woods tweet A good man responding to Joe Biden’s destruction of his life. He was just one American then. Now he is 70 million of us.

>>>/qresearch/11561355 As had long been expected, President Donald Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Monday

>>>/qresearch/11561361 RBG issued an absentee ballot 7 days after she died….

>>>/qresearch/11561378 Easing of Scotland's Covid-19 restrictions ‘highly unlikely’ says Sturgeon, ahead of Tuesday review

>>>/qresearch/11561396 POTUS tweet with video VOTE VOTE VOTE


>>>/qresearch/11561404 Nevada is turning out to be a cesspool of Fake Votes.

>>>/qresearch/11561412, >>>/qresearch/11561439 Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.

>>>/qresearch/11561417 Report: Wisconsin election clerks may have unlawfully altered mail ballots: 'The statute is very, very clear'

>>>/qresearch/11561445 THEY ALREADY PRINTED THE BALLOTS……

>>>/qresearch/11561456 German Doctors Write Letter to Chancellor Merkel: Put an End to the COVID ‘Fear Machine’

>>>/qresearch/11561472 Postal Service policy on back dating mail


>>>/qresearch/11561488 “People” born in 1800 voting in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11561494 GOV Doug Ducey In Arizona, we are still counting the votes, with roughly 75,000 to 80,000 left. Our expectation is that we finish counting

>>>/qresearch/11561525 DJT Tweet Wisconsin is looking very good. Needs a little time statutorily. Will happen soon!

>>>/qresearch/11561532 Mine Collapse in virginia reading 2.7 on usgs

>>>/qresearch/11561536 Sperry tweet - "BREAKING: The Democratic Party of Georgia has been pressuring election officials across the state to count rejected provisional ballots for Biden,

>>>/qresearch/11561566 THESE FUCKERS ADMIT THE FRAUD!

>>>/qresearch/11561601 Can the US nullify a presidential election?

>>>/qresearch/11561604 US Police Chief Resigns Over Apparent Calls for Violence Against ‘Marxist Democrats

>>>/qresearch/11561632 Top USAID Official Tells Agency Leadership: ‘There Is No Transition In Place’

>>>/qresearch/11561642 EVIDENCE

>>>/qresearch/11561644 What if an attack was planned in the right place?

>>>/qresearch/11561651 Report: Big Tech, Media 'Stole the Election' by Burying Biden-China Scandal

>>>/qresearch/11561678 11.3 Crimes That Invade or Damage Property

>>>/qresearch/11561683 323k vote differential in Wayne county.

>>>/qresearch/11561723 Shill bakers NEVER add a link to previous bread notables.

>>>/qresearch/11561726 #17461

>>>/qresearch/11561758 POTUS - Pennsylvania prevented us from watching much of the Ballot count. Unthinkable and illegal in this country.

>>>/qresearch/11561813, >>>/qresearch/11561851 POTUS - Georgia will be a big presidential win, as it was the night of the Election!

>>>/qresearch/11561821 Scytl, involved in voter data manipulation, is formerly SOE Software Corporation, who developed Clarity

>>>/qresearch/11561879 Get in here!! - Concaine Mitch Going in

>>>/qresearch/11561896 Unidentified aircraft EAGLE31 headed up the West Coast.

>>>/qresearch/11561976 #14761

(54 notables, 58 posts, 82 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:03 a.m. No.35796   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11561731 Q Research General #14762: Eyes on Anons, Attacks from All Directions

Created 092017ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11561823, >>>/qresearch/11562210, >>>/qresearch/11562276, >>>/qresearch/11562424 Jondoodle aka "grasshopper" baker entire baking history - PAY ATTENTION ANONS, NAMING THE BREAD Q ANON RESEARCH WAS NO ACCIDENT

>>>/qresearch/11561996 The 1st HH-60W Jolly Green II has arrived

>>>/qresearch/11561997 For all of the anons wringing their hands over Barr going to see McConnell

>>>/qresearch/11562006 Joe Biden Implores Americans to Wear a Mask: ‘Election Is Over’

>>>/qresearch/11562013 Potus used the term "The threshold identification of Ballots " which turns out to be a statistical term

>>>/qresearch/11562025 Trump’s Legal Battle: Constitutional vs the Political Arguments Explained

>>>/qresearch/11562026 Pelosi decries "disturbing evidence that President Trump is intent on using his final days in office to sow chaos"

>>>/qresearch/11562056, >>>/qresearch/11562162, >>>/qresearch/11562164, >>>/qresearch/11562636 PF

>>>/qresearch/11562059 POTUS @ :17

>>>/qresearch/11562107 POTUS - Georgia will be a big presidential win, as it was the night of the Election!

>>>/qresearch/11562111 Miller = specialist information operations

>>>/qresearch/11562112 Electoral threshold

>>>/qresearch/11562128 Sudden Occurrence! The U.S. Embassy and Consulates in China issued a statement announcing the beginning of global CCP extermination.

>>>/qresearch/11562131 Nolte: Corrupt Media Desperate to Close Books on Contested Election

>>>/qresearch/11562168 THE OFFICIAL MILLION MAGA MARCH IN WASHINGTON D.C. — Saturday, November 14 - Freedom Plaza 12:00 NOON

>>>/qresearch/11562170 Four more women accuse Ed Henry of sexual misconduct

>>>/qresearch/11562176 Medics warn of rise in deaths by suicide, with 13 in past 11 days

>>>/qresearch/11562178 Yes, There Was Election Fraud. The Question Is How Much

>>>/qresearch/11562181 5 Reasons Conservatives Should Have Hope For The Future

>>>/qresearch/11562193 McCabe posts his Senate statement

>>>/qresearch/11562209 Joe Biden’s Lead in Arizona Dips Below 17,000, 77k Outstanding


>>>/qresearch/11562214 This false tweet must be retracted.

>>>/qresearch/11562215 Rudy says a lot of things so we will see.

>>>/qresearch/11562220 D.C. Officials Ask Businesses to Take Down Boards

>>>/qresearch/11562231 China Works to Expand Influence in Caribbean

>>>/qresearch/11562243 Only relevant thing I could find in reference to "Threshold Identification"

>>>/qresearch/11562272, >>>/qresearch/11562425 Jake Tapper

>>>/qresearch/11562275 Biden implores Americans to wear masks as ‘dark winter’ approaches

>>>/qresearch/11562284 Big picture on Nov. 9th: McConnell, the most powerful Republican in Congress, stands firmly with President Trump as the president fights his legal battles

>>>/qresearch/11562299 @JudicialWatch launches massive investigation under freedom of information laws in 6 battleground states. Prepared to go to court if necessary for the truth

>>>/qresearch/11562315 I didn't realize Pennsylvania elected judges through popular vote.

>>>/qresearch/11562318 Trump plans more campaign-style rallies to fire up supporters on behalf of election litigation

>>>/qresearch/11562324 Did Barr show McConnell the Trump card that's about to be played?

>>>/qresearch/11562330 Batter Up

>>>/qresearch/11562365 Jewish Subversion

>>>/qresearch/11562371 U.S. Naval Institute

>>>/qresearch/11562398 Jason Miller: 'Concede' Is 'Not Even in Our Vocabulary'

>>>/qresearch/11562409 GIVE THIS A READ

>>>/qresearch/11562473 Thomas to Biden - Payback's a bitch


>>>/qresearch/11562480 NPR IS COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA

>>>/qresearch/11562500 "This is a lot to get your head around and that is ok. But it is only the beginning. On another subject matter that is insignificant but important to some. The Chinese have created over 7 million counterfeit ballots"

>>>/qresearch/11562528, >>>/qresearch/11562530, >>>/qresearch/11562531, >>>/qresearch/11562535 FRAUD MINI BUN

>>>/qresearch/11562542 Georgia's GOP senators demand secretary of state resign amid vote bungles

>>>/qresearch/11562553 Maxwell loses latest appeal

>>>/qresearch/11562578 FoxNews ratings have crashed.

>>>/qresearch/11562586 Australian AG compromised

>>>/qresearch/11562628 Guantanamo Prisoner Covid-19 Issues Raised At United Nations – Geneva Hearing On 9 November 2020

>>>/qresearch/11562701 #14762

(49 notables, 59 posts, 63 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:03 a.m. No.35797   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11562675 Q Research General #14763: THERE IS NO QANON Edition

Created 092116ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11562770, >>>/qresearch/11562793 LIVE: Trump Campaign Holds Press Conference with Kayleigh McEnany and Ronna McDaniel

>>>/qresearch/11562780 Within an hour or so, new acting SecDef Chris Miller entered the building. He's now getting briefed on nuke codes etc - senior defense official.

>>>/qresearch/11562823 Over the last 30 days, it appears there are quite a few people with guilty consciences googling "election fraud punishment" in certain states

>>>/qresearch/11562844 Biden keeps taking about Dark winter

>>>/qresearch/11562855 Just kidding. #CNN still sucks.

>>>/qresearch/11562865 Isn't it interesting both GOP and Dems are still pushing the fake China Virus?

>>>/qresearch/11562873, >>>/qresearch/11562912, >>>/qresearch/11563115 Scytl Diggs

>>>/qresearch/11562877 "The Hunt for Red October".

>>>/qresearch/11562895 This is the guy calling for unity. Keep your powder dry men.

>>>/qresearch/11562925 Nolte: Bret Baier Deletes Tweet that Exposed Exploding Backlash Against Fox News

>>>/qresearch/11562933 Trump Campaign Announces Press Conference with Kayleigh McEnany and RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel

>>>/qresearch/11562937 Here is a breakdown of when each State certifies the election

>>>/qresearch/11562972 Mitch McConnell - President Trump is "100% Within His Rights" to Weigh Legal Options


>>>/qresearch/11562985 White Democrat Candidate Calls Black GOP Challenger's Effort to Combat Voter Fraud 'Sad and Pathetic'

>>>/qresearch/11562990 Trudeau already planning to destroy America with Biden

>>>/qresearch/11563026 Floyd Brown Big Tech Tyrants

>>>/qresearch/11563030 Here's the screenshot, it was fixed after I reported it and I'm sure bo/bv can verify.

>>>/qresearch/11563044, >>>/qresearch/11563128 OAN: Dominion Voting Systems Intermingled with Clinton Foundation Entities

>>>/qresearch/11563055 Pedo Joe Talking To Foreign Leaders

>>>/qresearch/11563100 PF

>>>/qresearch/11563144, >>>/qresearch/11563188 A 2nd U.S. Postal Service Worker in PA Comes Forward to Accuse Supervisors of Backdating Late Ballots to Nov.3

>>>/qresearch/11563173 BREAKING: Project Veritas Offers $25K Reward for tips in Illegal Ballot Harvesting in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11563235 Kayleigh: Dems have turned the election into a National Disaster

>>>/qresearch/11563255 Truckers Organising Strike for the POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11563262 Costantino & McCall V Detroit Election Commission



>>>/qresearch/11563267 682,000 ballots tabulated outside the view of ballot reviewers

>>>/qresearch/11563271 Lisa Gordon-Hagerty - That bitch was bad news.


>>>/qresearch/11563305 Today is the MIRROR image of Election Night on the Clock.


>>>/qresearch/11563342 Neil Cavuto doing an MSNBC-esque "fact-check" censoring of Kaleigh McEnany briefing


>>>/qresearch/11563363 Trump campaign general counsel announces a lawsuit in PA, alleging irregularities

>>>/qresearch/11563396 CNN aired their election fraud live!

>>>/qresearch/11563472 Georgia's election result will include legally cast ballots - and ONLY legally cast ballots. Period.

(34 notables, 39 posts, 48 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:04 a.m. No.35798   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11563461 Q Research General #14764: 682,000 ballots tabulated outside the view of ballot reviewers

Created 092201ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11563567 There was an anon on halfchan who posted some interesting stuff.

>>>/qresearch/11563606 Why would you cut away from a WH briefing?? Millions of Americans are in need of this information.


>>>/qresearch/11563612 Smartmatic has roots in Venezuala, a socialist country

>>>/qresearch/11563616 Pelosi Has Ties With Election Software ‘Glitch’ Company in Favor of Biden Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11563617, >>>/qresearch/11563704, >>>/qresearch/11563713, >>>/qresearch/11564119, >>>/qresearch/11564173 Who is this?





>>>/qresearch/11563624 Fresh Veritas


>>>/qresearch/11563658 With her new investment in CrowdStrike, Nancy Pelosi — the highest-ranking elected official of a party that has promoted Russiagate above all else — is already profiting from its success.

>>>/qresearch/11563671 ]B[ill ]B[arr = B2 activated !!!

>>>/qresearch/11563673 POPCORN DAY

>>>/qresearch/11563674 Campaign disclosures also show that CrowdStrike contributed $100,000 to the Democratic Governors Association in 2016 and 2017.

>>>/qresearch/11563688 Robert Epstein lectures at 8PM - "Big Tech and Political Manipulation"

>>>/qresearch/11563719 New Vice President of @FoxNews is Danny Obrien. He is Joe Bidens former chief of staff!!! All you need to know. #Fox News Is Dead

>>>/qresearch/11563732 BREAKING: Jury convicts doctor of 52 counts for performing unnecessary and irreversible hysterectomies and other surgeries on women. Faces 465 years in prison.

>>>/qresearch/11563797 BREAKING: Armenia to sign peace agreement with Azerbaijan tomorrow, ending Nagorno-Karabakh hostilities.

>>>/qresearch/11563845 Biden "win" emboldens Iran.

>>>/qresearch/11563894 A DC attorney has advised me to disappear for a while because of the incriminating evidence I have against #Google-&-the-Gang

>>>/qresearch/11563902 Lives in Colorado - bottom corner of "Mask Required" from another vid on profile

>>>/qresearch/11563922 GOP chairwomen makes official statement about not backing down


>>>/qresearch/11563932 Catherine Herridge

>>>/qresearch/11563947 THEY KNOW WTF is coming when swing states start flipping for POTUS!

>>>/qresearch/11563966 INBOX: Trump campaign files lawsuit in Pennsylvania alleging "creation and implementation of illegal 'two-tiered' voting system for election"

>>>/qresearch/11563986 Ben Carson tests positive for COVID-19


>>>/qresearch/11564053 VP PENCE

>>>/qresearch/11564061 Fox News just cut away from @PressSec, saying the network could not in good conscience continue to air her false claims, for which she has provided no supporting evidence.

>>>/qresearch/11564075 Governor Lujan Grisham joins Biden’s fake transition team

>>>/qresearch/11564087 BREAKING - United States is facing a "very dark winter,” Biden says.

>>>/qresearch/11564126 Anon Theory

>>>/qresearch/11564129 CNN and MSNBC beat Fox News in the ratings Saturday.

>>>/qresearch/11564139 Killary

>>>/qresearch/11564144, >>>/qresearch/11564163, >>>/qresearch/11564183, >>>/qresearch/11564208 SIDNEY POWELL IS APPEARING ON HOWIE'S SHOW AT 6:30 P.M. TONIGHT

>>>/qresearch/11564153 If they really thought the election was over, and that Biden had won, all these DC stores and businesses would’ve been told to remove the boards.

>>>/qresearch/11564165 CISA

>>>/qresearch/11564243 #14764

(34 notables, 41 posts, 44 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:04 a.m. No.35799   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11564206 Q Research General #14765: Pelosi Has Ties With Election Software ‘Glitch’ Company

Created 092250ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11564297 Does Bizarre Giuliani Press Conference Send a Message?

>>>/qresearch/11564316 Ex-Michigan Deputy Attorney General Alleges Detroit Counters Assigned Fraudulent Ballots to Non-Voters

>>>/qresearch/11564333 Former Elkhart, Indiana Resident Sentenced to Over Six Years in Prison for Financing of Terrorism

>>>/qresearch/11564352 McConnell Backs Trump In Push For Recounts, Says Shouldn't Accept Election Results "From The Media"

>>>/qresearch/11564367 Logan Act: Obama Hack Ben Rhodes Says Joe Biden is Already “Having Phone Calls” with Foreign Leaders About His Agenda

>>>/qresearch/11564374 Plane Faggin'

>>>/qresearch/11564387 Sex Offender Used Chatango to Share Child Pornography

>>>/qresearch/11564392 Texas Man Charged With Theft Of Over 100 Pieces Mail Including Absentee Ballot

>>>/qresearch/11564399 BREAKING NEWS: MARCH FOR TRUMP in Washington DC — Saturday November 14th, 2020 —

>>>/qresearch/11564402 Googles unlimted censorship reach.

>>>/qresearch/11564403 Clark County Registrar Joe Gloria admitted today that his office doesn't investigate voter fraud claims

>>>/qresearch/11564416 I’d rather be an obese turtle than a pedophile any day of the week. Too little too late PEDOPHILE

>>>/qresearch/11564430 Baker handoff

>>>/qresearch/11564450 Dominion Voting Machines Are At the Center Of Material Data Manipulation

>>>/qresearch/11564469 BREAKING: FOX NEWS Cuts Away From Kayleigh McEnany Briefing on Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11564484 “Georgians are Outraged” – Georgia GOP Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler Call For Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to Resign

>>>/qresearch/11564489 Halfchan dig on 8kun and Q with public info

>>>/qresearch/11564505 What a Mess – System ‘Glitches’ Favoring Democrats Are Becoming an Epidemic Across the Swing States – More Incidents Identified Today

>>>/qresearch/11564530 It's possible that 2020's election fraud is way bigger than we thought

>>>/qresearch/11564531 New Lawsuit in MI Alleges “Massive Fraud’ in Election Vote Counting

>>>/qresearch/11564535 Sen. Blackburn Gives Floor Speech - Nov 9, 2020 'Let's Put the People First'

>>>/qresearch/11564552 Fox News ratings tumble after declaring Biden prez

>>>/qresearch/11564557 DJT retweet of Chanel Rion tweet about election software glitching

>>>/qresearch/11564576 McConnell declines in floor speech to congratulate Biden as president-elect

>>>/qresearch/11564592 Both of these Republican candidates lost to their Democrat opponents.

>>>/qresearch/11564595 Election Systems in Michigan County Appeared to Be Connected to Internet: Sworn Affidavit

>>>/qresearch/11564615 Yikes! State Department Precedent Qualifies This 2020 Election as "Rigged"

>>>/qresearch/11564661 Sara Carter: Let the election ‘play out in the courts’

>>>/qresearch/11564686 Secretary Pompeo Delivers Virtual Remarks to the NATO Youth Summit (video)

>>>/qresearch/11564698 Rand Paul questions election results: ‘Your government sent 1.1 million dead people stimulus checks’

>>>/qresearch/11564733 Report: Google Sent Liberals, But Not Conservatives, a Vote Reminder. GOP Senators Want to Know Why

>>>/qresearch/11564796 Report: In 353 U.S. Counties, 1.8 Million More Voters Registered Than Eligible Citizens

>>>/qresearch/11564799 In a new sworn affidavit, a whistleblower with the Clark County Elections Department in Nevada claims Nevada poll workers fabricated proof of residence data for illegal voters

>>>/qresearch/11564815 Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11564823 Most Election Polling is Garbage, Gun Control Polling is Too

>>>/qresearch/11564837 Trump Will Continue Rallies, Plans To Brandish Obituaries Of People Who Allegedly Voted


>>>/qresearch/11564840 Cuomo would rather see body count rise than COVID vaccine under Trump

>>>/qresearch/11564850 THIRD study finds that COVID-19 antibodies fade “very, very quickly,” rendering vaccine useless

>>>/qresearch/11564851 AOC Tries to Walk Back the Democrats' Stance on Defunding the Police but the Internet Is Forever

>>>/qresearch/11564870 Biden target of profane graffiti in Portland, as crowd smashes windows at Democratic campaign office

>>>/qresearch/11564918 Lawsuit Alleges Detroit Officials Knowingly Committed Mass Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11564929 #14765

(43 notables, 43 posts, 51 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:04 a.m. No.35800   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11565801 Q Research General #14767:James Woods is Based Edition

Created 100023ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11565958 POTUS tweet This is good news, it means I won!

>>>/qresearch/11565960 US Attorney General William Barr authorizes the Department of Justice to probe 'substantial allegations' of irregularities.

>>>/qresearch/11565963 Vice President-elect Kamala Harris derided as ‘the Indian’ by member of British House of Lords

>>>/qresearch/11565998 Jim Demint tweet Wait, the vaccine was known to be successful weeks ago??

>>>/qresearch/11566000 3 Men Banned From Yellowstone After Trying to Cook Chicken in Geyser Comms?

>>>/qresearch/11566007 HOLD THE LINE Anons

>>>/qresearch/11566010 Steven Spielberg’s daughter Mikaela says doing porn is a ‘healing journey’

>>>/qresearch/11566030 Jim Demint tweet Fauci wrong on vaccine, Atlas was right

>>>/qresearch/11566042 2020 President Election - Live Results | RealClearPolitics - they just rescinded their call for Biden winning Pennsylvania!

>>>/qresearch/11566053 @RealDonaldTrump "verified" campaign lawsuit alleges "682,479 mail-in and absentee ballots" received and processed without review by parties or candidates in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11566058 Bill Gates/Tech and Election interference

>>>/qresearch/11566060 McEnany: 'Unlike Our Opponents, We Have Nothing to Hide'

>>>/qresearch/11566076, >>>/qresearch/11566173, >>>/qresearch/11566182, >>>/qresearch/11566203, >>>/qresearch/11566238, >>>/qresearch/11566315, >>>/qresearch/11566354, >>>/qresearch/11566441 Night Shift Meme mini bun

>>>/qresearch/11566094 Whistleblower Saw People in Biden Van Opening, Filling, and Sealing Nevada Ballots, Trump Campaign Claims

>>>/qresearch/11566110 Codemonkeyz tweet Trump and Biden both have access to the best lawyers in the world.

>>>/qresearch/11566138 OFFICIAL LETTER FROM BARR/DOJ

>>>/qresearch/11566157 Clark County, Nevada = History of Swampy Election Officials

>>>/qresearch/11566161 NEW DJT

>>>/qresearch/11566213 Project Veritas Offers $25K Reward for Tips Related to Election, Voter & Ballot Fraud in PA (video)

>>>/qresearch/11566229 ELECTION ALERT: Real Clear Politics have moved AZ, GA and PA out of Biden’s win column.

>>>/qresearch/11566246 dig on Four Seasons Total Landscaping

>>>/qresearch/11566262 BREAKING: Real Clear Politics Pulls Pennsylvania Call for Biden — WITHDRAWS ELECTORAL VOTES!

>>>/qresearch/11566416 Rudy Giuliani tweet - #FakeNews won’t cover law suit which will invalidate 300,000 or more crooked democrat votes votes in Philly.

>>>/qresearch/11566433 Election Trust Tracker: Republican Trust in Elections Plummets as 7 in 10 Say 2020 Election Was Not Free and Fair

>>>/qresearch/11566446 Sidney Powell tweet - Just the first step in reversing yet the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on #America????

>>>/qresearch/11566456 Getting the Band Back Together - SCOTUS Bush v Gore alumni

>>>/qresearch/11566460 Ohio AG Asks US Supreme Court to Overturn Pennsylvania Absentee Ballot Ruling

>>>/qresearch/11566463 “Third world stuff” in Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11566504 Plane Faggin'

>>>/qresearch/11566506 The held back the vaccine because of Biden. Pretty severe indictment of everyone involved.

>>>/qresearch/11566521 Fed Warns Assets Could Suffer "Significant Declines" If Covid Is Not Contained

>>>/qresearch/11566542 #14767

(32 notables, 39 posts, 54 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:05 a.m. No.35801   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11564956 Q Research General #14766:OAN is the new FoxNews

Created 092340ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11565114 Two King County sheriff's deputies shot in Woodinville, WA area

>>>/qresearch/11565117, >>>/qresearch/11565561, >>>/qresearch/11565613, >>>/qresearch/11565719 Real Clear Politics backs off contested state calls

>>>/qresearch/11565155 Fox News cuts away from Trump campaign press conference after one minute

>>>/qresearch/11565158 CNN still has PA for Biden, but they've also removed AZ

>>>/qresearch/11565193 Loon Kathy Griffin Mocks Kayleigh McEnany, Says Press Secretary Will Now Do Sexual Favors For Rudy Giuliani

>>>/qresearch/11565203 BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC

>>>/qresearch/11565272 BREAKING - Attorney General William Barr has authorized federal prosecutors across the U.S. to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified (AP News)

>>>/qresearch/11565307 Oregon's elections director was abruptly fired in a text message by the secretary of state after he pointed out serious issues with the state's aging and vulnerable technology for running elections.

>>>/qresearch/11565313 Interesting thread

>>>/qresearch/11565321, >>>/qresearch/11565671 Attorney General William Barr authorizes DOJ to probe ‘substantial allegations’ of voting irregularities

>>>/qresearch/11565357 Joe Biden calls a lid. Again.

>>>/qresearch/11565369 Customs Intercepts $9.3M In Counterfeit Designer Merchandise

>>>/qresearch/11565382 BREAKING: @RealDonaldTrump "verified" campaign lawsuit alleges "682,479 mail-in and absentee ballots" received and processed without review by parties or candidates in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11565399 Serbia links economic ties with Russia-led free trade zone

>>>/qresearch/11565432 Judicial Watch Statement on the Disputed Presidential Election

>>>/qresearch/11565486 Dig on Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA

>>>/qresearch/11565583 Navy announces freeze in diversity and inclusion training

>>>/qresearch/11565601 Social Distancing is Increasing Loneliness in Older Adults

>>>/qresearch/11565627 Hedge Fund Groups Have Immediately Started Lobbying President-Elect Biden

>>>/qresearch/11565666 Plane faggin' with all the wrong digits KEK

>>>/qresearch/11565669 Parler Becomes Most Downloaded App As Conservative-Driven Revolt From Twitter Intensifies

>>>/qresearch/11565679 Hold the Line Anons

>>>/qresearch/11565741 New DJT Tweet This is good news, it means I won! cc: @RepDougCollins @SecretarySonny

(23 notables, 27 posts, 31 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:05 a.m. No.35802   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11566574 Q Research General #14768:Real Clear Politics Edition

Created 100106ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11566694 POTUS seems to be finished with Fox News. He retweets Newsmax now.

>>>/qresearch/11566730 Q Proof dig from anon

>>>/qresearch/11566734 Breaking: Orange County California board of Elections have just announced a AUDIT/Recount of the Presidential Election race!!

>>>/qresearch/11566749 Actor Bert Belasco dead at 38 No official cause for the 'Let's Stay Together' star's death

>>>/qresearch/11566768 How the intelligence community controls your vote

>>>/qresearch/11566789 HOLD THE LINE - POTUS is cranking them

>>>/qresearch/11566792 Counting pauses are to recalculate margin needed to steal election

>>>/qresearch/11566798 The enormity of what’s happening in media cannot be ignored. (Jenna Ellis tweet)

>>>/qresearch/11566818 Voter Fraud 101 pepesgrandma tweet

>>>/qresearch/11566824 Scott Adams tweet - Scott, you lurkin?

>>>/qresearch/11566830 Pam Bondi tweet - numbers are changing fast

>>>/qresearch/11566835 AZ IS CLOSE TO FLIPPING FOR TRUMP

>>>/qresearch/11566846 Dig - Four Seasons Total Landscaping is a money laundering operation.

>>>/qresearch/11566848 PA House GOP Members to Call For a Legislative-Led Audit of Election and Demand Results Not Be Certified, Nor Electors be Seated, Until the Audit is Complete

>>>/qresearch/11566850 TUCKER: "You can't just cut away from coverage you don't like"

>>>/qresearch/11566903 Multiple States And FDA Warn Of "Careless" Rapid Antigen Testing In Asymptomatic COVID Cases

>>>/qresearch/11566908 Tom Fitton: Presidential election 'irredeemably compromised' | There WILL be an audit.

>>>/qresearch/11566914 Ned Ryan tweet - .@TuckerCarlson’s monologue is lit: “Nothing this grotesque can go on forever. The only solution is honesty.

>>>/qresearch/11566946 new POTUS tweet

>>>/qresearch/11567050 Russian-Iranian Ultimatum For Ceasefire In Nagorno-Karabakh

>>>/qresearch/11567087 Michigan AG Dana Nessel Sends Cease and Desist Order to Journalist Demanding He Erase His #DetroitLeaks Video Showing Voter Fraud Training — OR FACE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION

>>>/qresearch/11567118 Biden Wins, Results Disputed, Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall

>>>/qresearch/11567140 Kraft-Heinz Company sold by 3G Global Foods: $884.12m-Nov 9

>>>/qresearch/11567156 Peru Congress Votes to Impeach President Martin Vizcarra

>>>/qresearch/11567165 Ruam Saavedra tweet - Lots of people are posting a map from RealClearPolitics that they claim shows that RCP retracted their call for Pennsylvania


>>>/qresearch/11567205 Boris Johnson tweet - hidden comms?

>>>/qresearch/11567245 Ian Miles Cheong @stillgray The source is Omarosa. Saved you a click so you don't have to read the rest of this fake news.

>>>/qresearch/11567267 PA Mail-in ballots from people born in 1800?

>>>/qresearch/11567273 Trump Win Validated by Quantum Blockchain System Recount of Votes

>>>/qresearch/11567277 Live Updates: Yerevan Shook by Protests After Pashinyan Signs Statement on Ending Karabakh War

>>>/qresearch/11567289 DJT Jr tweet - OMG @TuckerCarlson nails it!!!

>>>/qresearch/11567315 #14768

(33 notables, 33 posts, 41 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:06 a.m. No.35803   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11567354 Q Research General #14769:Winning Winning Winning Edition

Created 100155ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11567439 Attorney General William Barr Authorizes DOJ to Look into Voting Irregularities

>>>/qresearch/11567488 Boomerang tweet from Peoples Daily, China

>>>/qresearch/11567497 One week after Election Day, Vice President Mike Pence appears ready to take some time off.

>>>/qresearch/11567514, >>>/qresearch/11567583 As an anon requested earlier today, here is an initial dig on Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney

>>>/qresearch/11567516 It is now a crime to expose crimes in Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11567519 The acting deputy administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, John Barsa, told colleagues on Monday that there will be "no transition" until the General Services Administration certifies the election results.

>>>/qresearch/11567544 The campaign for Joe Biden is urging the General Services Administration to approve an official transition of power

>>>/qresearch/11567599 US - CYPRUS Extradition Treaty

>>>/qresearch/11567618 Dog comms in Pennsylvania? Something habbening there?

>>>/qresearch/11567628 2 stealth comms "Caught in the Act" 11/8/2020

>>>/qresearch/11567633 We heard you. It’s hard to trust anything you hear at this moment. There are conflicting versions of virtually every part of the story. Here’s what we know is true right now. (Tucker tweet)

>>>/qresearch/11567651 ERIC SWALWELL PANIC

>>>/qresearch/11567694 US Army tweet

>>>/qresearch/11567695 Tonight RCP pulled their call for Pennsylvania that dropped Joe Biden under the 270 electoral vote threshhold.

(14 notables, 15 posts, 20 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:06 a.m. No.35804   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11568924 Q Research General #14771: Barr Hands Prosecutors the Authority Edition

Created 100335ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11569016 Jon Meacham reportedly let go as an MSNBC contributor after failing to disclose that he was a speechwriter for Biden's claim to victory speech

>>>/qresearch/11569023 Officials Blame Human Error for Michigan County’s ‘Skewed’ Election Results

>>>/qresearch/11569024 Donald Trump Jr.: Pennsylvania mail carrier says under SWORN AFFIDAVIT that he was ORDERED to collect late ballots..

>>>/qresearch/11569028, >>>/qresearch/11569033, >>>/qresearch/11569067, >>>/qresearch/11569083, >>>/qresearch/11569084, >>>/qresearch/11569137, >>>/qresearch/11569204, >>>/qresearch/11569210, >>>/qresearch/11569404, >>>/qresearch/11569588 WI System ‘Glitch’ Discovered, Reverses Biden lead

>>>/qresearch/11569034 Media bobble heads: "wE mUh cALLeD iT!"

>>>/qresearch/11569039 Twitter is caught red handed

>>>/qresearch/11569044 Globalists are maneuvering Trump right into the "dictator" scenario they want; when he WINS, they launch the kinetic coup and overthrow the Republic

>>>/qresearch/11569046 General Flynn and Sidney Powell

>>>/qresearch/11569051, >>>/qresearch/11569173, >>>/qresearch/11569244, >>>/qresearch/11569256, >>>/qresearch/11569307, >>>/qresearch/11569498 More on Richard Pilger and his involvement in the IRS-Tea Party scandal

>>>/qresearch/11569074, >>>/qresearch/11569103, >>>/qresearch/11569277, >>>/qresearch/11569283 Loretta Lynch

>>>/qresearch/11569080 Lindsey Graham: potentially 25,000 nursing home residents in different nursing homes requested mail-in ballots at the exact same time


>>>/qresearch/11569086 ANOTHER MI Poll Watcher


>>>/qresearch/11569148, >>>/qresearch/11569421, >>>/qresearch/11569502, >>>/qresearch/11569547 Penelope Chester's account's been deleted, panic?

>>>/qresearch/11569162 WAR IS OVER: Peace returns to Syria. Per Pres Putin's twitter

>>>/qresearch/11569185 Most of Biden’s 221,000 Vote Margin Gain in Georgia in 3 Counties that Received $15 Million from Zuckerberg-Funded ‘Safe Elections’ Project

>>>/qresearch/11569216 Detroit Poll watcher: At 4:30 a.m. on Nov. 4 "tens of thousands of ballots" delivered from out-of-state

>>>/qresearch/11569235 BIG BOOM

>>>/qresearch/11569303 Lin Wood

>>>/qresearch/11569305 Data set collectors

>>>/qresearch/11569318, >>>/qresearch/11569534 Boris Johnson Tweet and hidden message

>>>/qresearch/11569331 CNN did not report DICCK CHENEY would be advising Joe Biden on foreign policy

>>>/qresearch/11569400 Four Seasons" location was a comm to ds?

>>>/qresearch/11569428, >>>/qresearch/11569627, >>>/qresearch/11569754, >>>/qresearch/11569803 Clear Ballot have offices all across the US Call to dig on illegal voting machines used by State of Washington

>>>/qresearch/11569429 Donald Trump Jr

>>>/qresearch/11569443 Peace is the Prize

>>>/qresearch/11569451 Arizona State Rep. Calls on Maricopa GOP Chairman to Step Down Upon News That She Failed to Show Up to Certify Dominion Voting Machines

>>>/qresearch/11569484 Dominion Voting Systems used in 30 states including every swing state except North Carolina

>>>/qresearch/11569524 Richard Grenell: This is serious problem.

>>>/qresearch/11569608 Who did Beau Biden Vote For In 2020

>>>/qresearch/11569631, >>>/qresearch/11569694 Biden’s Lead in Arizona Shrinks After Latest Ballot Dump Out of Maricopa County Favors President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11569690 #14771

>>>/qresearch/11569756 POTUS

(33 notables, 58 posts, 93 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:06 a.m. No.35805   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11568213 Q Research General #14770: And Moar Winning Edition

Created 100248ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11568273 Dead infants wrapped in paper found dumped on Bronx patio

>>>/qresearch/11568274 Michigan Sen. Patrick Colbeck Gives Sworn Testimony: “We Got Visual Confirmation” Routers and WiFi Connectors Used Throughout TCF Center During Ballot Counting (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11568277 Detroit Poll watcher: At 4:30 a.m. on Nov. 4 "tens of thousands of ballots" delivered from out-of-state

>>>/qresearch/11568322 Manufacturer To Pay $1.5 Million After Alabama Worker Killed By Robot In 2016

>>>/qresearch/11568333 Barr Hands Prosecutors the Authority to Investigate Voter Fraud Claims

>>>/qresearch/11568341 Top DoJ Voter Fraud Investigator Quits After AG William Barr Authorizes Probe

>>>/qresearch/11568356 Republicans Begin Filing FCC Complaints About Networks Who Falsely Claim Joe Biden is the ‘President-Elect’

>>>/qresearch/11568364, >>>/qresearch/11568619 Oregon's Election Director Stephen Trout fired after pointing out Election Problems

>>>/qresearch/11568380 Senators ask DOJ to investigate segregation at colleges

>>>/qresearch/11568427 Arizona State Rep. Calls on Maricopa GOP Chairman to Step Down Upon News That She Failed to Show Up to Certify Dominion Voting Machines

>>>/qresearch/11568459 Ken Starr: Pennsylvania Ballot Extension A "Constitutional Travesty"

>>>/qresearch/11568468 Georgia’s Senators Call for Secretary of State to Resign Over Election Handling

>>>/qresearch/11568477 POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY, November 10, 2020 THE PRESIDENT has no public events scheduled.

>>>/qresearch/11568532 A little-known Trump appointee is in charge of handing transition resources to Biden — and she isn’t budging



>>>/qresearch/11568541 Silence From China & Russia On Recognizing Biden Win

>>>/qresearch/11568627 BREAKING: Proof the media stole the election.

>>>/qresearch/11568650 Chanel Rion Breaking - Dominion Connected To The Clintons

>>>/qresearch/11568659 Putin will NOT congratulate Biden until results are official & legal procedures are complete, Kremlin announces

>>>/qresearch/11568677 New General Flynn tweet - Retweet of Sidney Powell - EXTRODINARY voting irregularities

>>>/qresearch/11568768 Dominion's Comms Manager

>>>/qresearch/11568802 Updated sealed indictments


(23 notables, 24 posts, 40 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:07 a.m. No.35806   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11569739 Q Research General #14772: Desperately seeking Loretta Lynch Edition

Created 100424ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11569794, >>>/qresearch/11569893 WI “glitch” - potentially MASSIVE (state reversed from Biden to TRUMP WIN)

>>>/qresearch/11569800 Sweet, sweet Corney panic!

>>>/qresearch/11569820 One of my followers said the Twitter warning label is like a recommendation of must see tweets and he’s 100% right.

>>>/qresearch/11569829 Republicans Begin Filing FCC Complaints About Networks Who Falsely Claim Joe Biden is the 'President-Elect'

>>>/qresearch/11569831 Jonathan Turley: ‘No Reason Not To’ Investigate Claims of Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11569840 CoronaVirus COMMS?

>>>/qresearch/11569857 Video Compilation: MSDNC


>>>/qresearch/11569876 Actual statistical evidence proving voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/11569879 Michigan AG Dana Nessel Sends Cease and Desist Order to Journalist Demanding He Erase His #DetroitLeaks Video Showing Voter Fraud Training – OR FACE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION

>>>/qresearch/11569881, >>>/qresearch/11569898 ANOTHER “GLITCH” – Trump Loses 32,615 Votes in Pennsylvania In One Hour in AP Totals

>>>/qresearch/11569906 PENCE-RYAN 2016 EMAILS AND THE CLEVELAND DEAL

>>>/qresearch/11569930 Trump Jr. DECLASIFY EVERYTHING

>>>/qresearch/11569975 Detroit Poll watcher: At 4:30 a.m. on Nov. 4 "tens of thousands of ballots" delivered from out-of-state

>>>/qresearch/11569989 New Flynn

>>>/qresearch/11570007 Why is Pennsylvania so important to the presidential race?

>>>/qresearch/11570011 Eric Trump Tweets Wisconsin Glitch reversing state from Biden to TRUMP WIN

>>>/qresearch/11570031 DoD: M777 Howitzer fires a BIG BOOM

>>>/qresearch/11570044 PF: FRZN46 USAF C-17 Globemaster departed Kodiak Station ne

>>>/qresearch/11570100 POTUS Retweets Ken Stars "Constitutional Travisty" From last nights Mark Levin Show. Comms!

>>>/qresearch/11570146 Senator Cotton on The Story

>>>/qresearch/11570162 Curious Admiral Retirement

>>>/qresearch/11570177 Trump's Victory Speech coming to a Town Near You!

>>>/qresearch/11570187 DON WINSLOW PANIC

>>>/qresearch/11570189 PF: ORCA13

>>>/qresearch/11570196 Man charged with supplying Kyle Rittenhouse assault-style rifle used in deadly Wisconsin protest

>>>/qresearch/11570200 Watch CA..Here are some head lines..

>>>/qresearch/11570201 Trump FIRES Secretary of Defense Esper

>>>/qresearch/11570210 They are already starting the next phase of the narrative.

>>>/qresearch/11570226 Super Crook Joe Biden says "Dark Winter" again

>>>/qresearch/11570229 NEW RUDY TWEET

>>>/qresearch/11570327 Hack The Army 3.0 is set to begin.

>>>/qresearch/11570334 Trump's administration has reinstated the federal death penalty after a 16 year pause

>>>/qresearch/11570376 Halfchan: Election software servers from Scytl, located in Germany, seized last night by US military

>>>/qresearch/11570379 List of voting machines makes used in the 2020 elections

>>>/qresearch/11570383 MaidenGate (Maiden name, NOT legal married name voting in elections -the PHANTOM single woman voter)

>>>/qresearch/11570397 CNN just turned AZ and GA back to grey

>>>/qresearch/11570419 Top USAID Official Tells Agency Leadership: ‘There Is No Transition In Place’

>>>/qresearch/11570431 POTUS: Nolte: Bret Baier Deletes Tweet that Exposed Backlash Against Fox News

>>>/qresearch/11570454 #14771

(39 notables, 41 posts, 57 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:07 a.m. No.35807   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11570500 Q Research General #14773: Those Who NightShift Never Sleep Edition

Created 100524ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11570575 Women's service dog voted, the dog's vote got through, but the owner's vote didn't

>>>/qresearch/11570587 Michigan AG Dana Nessel Sends Cease and Desist Order to Journalist Demanding He Erase His #DetroitLeaks Video Showing Voter Fraud Training — OR FACE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION

>>>/qresearch/11570594 PF: SQUAR17

>>>/qresearch/11570603 Flynn: Hold the line, Digital Soldiers.

>>>/qresearch/11570608 Anyone notice the Gold Fringe on the Flags magically reappeared today?

>>>/qresearch/11570617 PF: SE coast missing its AIR TRAFFIC. So nobody is going to FL? Anywhere

>>>/qresearch/11570619 MORE STRATCOM COMMS

>>>/qresearch/11570632 A few women on twitter have noticed that their MAIDEN names have been registered and received ballots.

>>>/qresearch/11570652 POTUS: Nolte: Bret Baier Deletes Tweet that Exposed Backlash Against Fox News

>>>/qresearch/11570669 POTUS: Nothing!

>>>/qresearch/11570699 Possible comms?

>>>/qresearch/11570723 Betting Website Shows Trump’s Odds At Winning Election Improving As More Fraud, Lawsuits Emerge

>>>/qresearch/11570724 A friend just sent this video she recorded election night. (its going -viral-, kek)


>>>/qresearch/11570727 Yeah, he's worried.

>>>/qresearch/11570764 New Joseph Flynn

>>>/qresearch/11570792 Lin Wood: Perfect (memefags get on it!)

>>>/qresearch/11570794 YOU ARE HERE

>>>/qresearch/11570807, >>>/qresearch/11570908 DOMINION EMPLOYED ACTBLUE

>>>/qresearch/11570811 DOJ's Election Crimes Chief Resigns After Barr Directs Prosecutors to Probe Voter Fraud Claims

>>>/qresearch/11570817, >>>/qresearch/11570820 'General Flynn just became the shadow secretary of defense

>>>/qresearch/11570836 Halfchan calling a shot as usual: Big Pedo Shit about to drop RE: Rudy comms?

>>>/qresearch/11570839 FDA approves emergency use of monoclonal antibody for treatment of COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/11570883 Dec. 8, 2020: Deadline for Resolving Election Disputes

>>>/qresearch/11570899 Amazon’s Prime Video said on Tuesday it had acquired the rights for broadcasting New Zealand Cricket matches in India

>>>/qresearch/11570947 Clear Ballot Team digg: Team has numerous ties to the Democratic party and election systems providers

>>>/qresearch/11570948 CAP: Watch the Water

>>>/qresearch/11570965 Florida cities mop up after deluge from Tropical Storm Eta

>>>/qresearch/11570972 POTUS warming up the Twitter Cannon

>>>/qresearch/11570981 EAM LOYALISTS: Rig for RED -list

>>>/qresearch/11571026 KEK has spoken: Its OVER for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11571036 A call for dig

>>>/qresearch/11571045 James Woods literally BTFO's Jack Pussydick

>>>/qresearch/11571054 Polis extends mask mandate, urges Coloradans to 'buckle down' amid state's COVID-19 surge

>>>/qresearch/11571074, >>>/qresearch/11571082 Mike Pence heading to Florida vacation island

>>>/qresearch/11571088 DeepState Drudge ignores the Storm: Not a word about Barr or vote fraud

>>>/qresearch/11571089 U.S. Air Force: The #C17 is capable of rapid strategic delivery of troops

>>>/qresearch/11571096 Joe Manchin: Let me be clear: I will not vote to pack the courts & I will not vote to end the filibuster.


>>>/qresearch/11571138 Gavin Newsom's shortlist to replace Kamala Harris in the Senate starts to take shape

>>>/qresearch/11571180 DoD Twitter COMMS: enjoying this show

>>>/qresearch/11571187 I THINK THERE IS SOMETHING HERE. Dig?

>>>/qresearch/11571201 "Kayleigh McEnany: Pennsylvania Democrats Provide a 'Case Study' in How to Tip Scales of an Election"

>>>/qresearch/11571209 An undercover investigation ended with the arrests of two Army staff sergeants assigned to Fort Carson, Colorado

>>>/qresearch/11571233 #14773

(43 notables, 46 posts, 56 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:07 a.m. No.35808   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11571239 Q Research General #14774: Things That Go BOOM In The Night Edition

Created 100635ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11571376 Report: Big Tech, Media 'Stole the Election' by Burying Biden-China Scanda

>>>/qresearch/11571407 Service Point Solutions (Paragon) announces acquisition of Scytl

>>>/qresearch/11571431 WATCH: Clip of pastor laughing that "media said Joe Biden's president" goes viral


>>>/qresearch/11571459 "Stolen Election" narrative is going to be hard to dial back without broad censorship

>>>/qresearch/11571507 RED 3-Isn't Pelosi 3rd in line

>>>/qresearch/11571524 Four Seasons by Vivaldi (DIG)

>>>/qresearch/11571554 Democrats in 2004: Paper Ballots are not good because Major Fraud could be Committed.


>>>/qresearch/11571575 Following Attorney General William Barr’s decision to authorize the Department of Justice to probe any “substantial allegations” of alleged voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/11571577 Scytl America has a brand new private VOTE COUNTING company that the Obama administration has personally handpicked

>>>/qresearch/11571585 Houston police officer killed while responding to a call for help on his way to work


>>>/qresearch/11571595 Oregon elections director fired after reporting problems

>>>/qresearch/11571599 Looks like Comey has given up on the FBI

>>>/qresearch/11571600, >>>/qresearch/11571819 #Maidengate is blowing up… Dems used maiden names of women at old addresses to pad the vote count. MANY women saying this happened to them.

>>>/qresearch/11571610 Interest over time and location in the query term "election fraud punishment".

>>>/qresearch/11571626 Dominion use Serbian coders.

>>>/qresearch/11571639 Mayor and 3 others arrested for bribery, fraud, breach of trust and money laundering in Tel Aviv, Israel

>>>/qresearch/11571645 The Fight for The Soul of Our Republic Has Begun

>>>/qresearch/11571659 Comms from Boris Johnson

>>>/qresearch/11571663 MSNBC reportedly lets Jon Meacham go as contributor after not disclosing he was a speechwriter for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11571664, >>>/qresearch/11571683 'Trump ballots being ripped up vid


>>>/qresearch/11571670, >>>/qresearch/11571696 PENNSYLVANIA WIN RIPPED FROM HIS GRASP

>>>/qresearch/11571687 FAQ: What happens next in the presidential election process?

>>>/qresearch/11571705 NBC's Nance Likens 69 Million Trump Voters to Mideast Terrorists

>>>/qresearch/11571725 Lord Mark Malloch Brown, a George Soros lieutenant, whose company Smartmatic, is intimately tied to Dominion Voting Systems who flipped votes from Trump to Biden

>>>/qresearch/11571767 This is why Democrat fraud is so obvious they had a legal waiver for 35 years

>>>/qresearch/11571773 George Stephanopoulos ignores Gov. Kristi Noem as she rattles off examples of voting irregularities

>>>/qresearch/11571825, >>>/qresearch/11571872 28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last Four Elections

>>>/qresearch/11571934 Eisenhower Executive Office Building – Modernization (SCIF)

>>>/qresearch/11571947 NASA chief says he does not plan to serve in Biden administration

>>>/qresearch/11571958 Pam Bondi Tweet RE: RealClear Politics reversal of Biden call for PA

>>>/qresearch/11571976 Concentrate on the voting machines corrupted software and prove that and Trump is reelected convincingly.

>>>/qresearch/11571977 The Independent starts their backpedal: “Is the Election Really Over?”

>>>/qresearch/11571987 Don Jnr accuses head of DOJ election crimes unit of being the 'Deep State' after he resigned in protest

>>>/qresearch/11571991, >>>/qresearch/11572000 POTUS Tweet 0▲Delta with U.S. Navy Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11572028 #14774

(36 notables, 41 posts, 37 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:08 a.m. No.35809   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11572047 Q Research General #14775: The Tide Turns RED In Our Favor Edition

Created 100833ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11572115 Wondering if the crematorium had several purposes.

>>>/qresearch/11572150 Anons, steal this flow chart

>>>/qresearch/11572168 U.S. Attorney William M. McSwain Announces Charges and Guilty Plea of Former Philadelphia Judge of Elections Who Committed Election Fraud

VIDEO - U.S. Attorney William McSwain Announces Guilty Plea of Former Judge of Elections [Channel: Executive Office for United States Attorneys]

>>>/qresearch/11572175, >>>/qresearch/11572187 Former Judge of Elections for the 39th Ward, 36th Division in South Philadelphia, has been charged and has pled guilty to a two-count Information

>>>/qresearch/11572184 FAA in final stages of review of Boeing 737 MAX

>>>/qresearch/11572195 Biden "Having Phone Calls" With Foreign Leaders About "The Agenda They're Going To Pursue"

>>>/qresearch/11572197 Thus 10 November 1775, the day the Continental Marines were created serves as the official Marine Corps birthday.

VIDEO - Dangerous Missions: Assault on Iwo Jima (S1, E6) | Full Episode | History [Channel: HISTORY]

>>>/qresearch/11572198 Halfchan dig into dnc, segovia, bandwidth upgrades, Pfizer, insider trading, vaccines

>>>/qresearch/11572211 PF: Multiple medevac helicopters up in PA right now, all pointing toward same general direction

>>>/qresearch/11572222 TROLLING IS FUN


>>>/qresearch/11572229 Veritas Reporting: Whistleblower GoFundMe put on HOLD (supporting whistleblowers, eh?)

>>>/qresearch/11572247 ZeroHedge reports voter irregularities are [Mathematically Impossible]

>>>/qresearch/11572288 Q post 4685 from 9/12/2020

>>>/qresearch/11572290 Happy Birthday Marines

>>>/qresearch/11572317 Des Moines Man Sentenced to Prison for Possession of Child Pornography

>>>/qresearch/11572318, >>>/qresearch/11572330, >>>/qresearch/11572354, >>>/qresearch/11572386, >>>/qresearch/11572402, >>>/qresearch/11572452 TECH INSIDER POSTING ON HALFPOL (possible)

>>>/qresearch/11572404 Texas Charges Social Worker With 134 Felony Counts Involving Election Fraud



>>>/qresearch/11572425 Unmasking the Wall Street Executive Behind QAnon's Top Website

>>>/qresearch/11572481 U.S. Cyber Command Re-Tweets FBI: Fair elections are the foundation of our democracy

>>>/qresearch/11572491 MSNBC NOT-SO-SUBTLE COMMS (666)

>>>/qresearch/11572499, >>>/qresearch/11572535, >>>/qresearch/11572553 Jack Flynn: Smartmatics - Dominion - Mark Malloch Brown - George Soros (CONNECT THE DOTS)

>>>/qresearch/11572548 DOJ's Election Crimes Director Resigns After Barr Authorizes Election Fraud Investigation (fag)

>>>/qresearch/11572551 Ronna McDaniel Presents 131 Affidavits, 2,800 Incident Reports of Alleged Voter Fraud in MI

>>>/qresearch/11572557 NBC News Boasts World Reacting Like 'Americans Toppled a Dictator'

>>>/qresearch/11572561, >>>/qresearch/11572671 OAN TOP HEADLINES



>>>/qresearch/11572563 Bombshell: Nikki Haley claims senior officials tried enlisting her to sabotage President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11572565 Trump Supporters Encouraged to Send Complaints to FCC For Networks Calling Biden 'President-elect'

>>>/qresearch/11572594, >>>/qresearch/11572632 "Find the bridge" Henry Bridge?

>>>/qresearch/11572600 MARK MALLOCH-BROWN The Unfinished Global Revolution

>>>/qresearch/11572625 WTH: Republicans Failed to Send Someone to Arizona Election Equipment Test, Only Democrats Attended

>>>/qresearch/11572630 ANOTHER “GLITCH” – Trump Loses 32,615 Votes in Pennsylvania In One Hour in AP Totals

>>>/qresearch/11572641 Arizona Senate President Calls For Independent Evaluation Of Votes

>>>/qresearch/11572677 Minority leader says Pelosi's tenure as House speaker ending

>>>/qresearch/11572684 If you believe Biden won, you've suspended reality

>>>/qresearch/11572700 NSA Whistleblower, Bill Binney, Calls "Glitch" That Gave Trump's Votes To Biden "Intentional"

>>>/qresearch/11572715 Biden could lose out on important national security information and personal protection if Trump's continues to refuse to concede

>>>/qresearch/11572724 Minneapolis looks to bring in outside police to alleviate officer shortage

>>>/qresearch/11572731 Lindsey Graham: Possible ballot harvesting in Pennsylvania involving 25,000 nursing home residents

>>>/qresearch/11572746 Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller quickly brought up to speed in new role

>>>/qresearch/11572760 Notable meme

>>>/qresearch/11572784 Orange County will conduct audit of 2020 presidential election ballots

>>>/qresearch/11572818 #14775, #14776 2/2, #14776 1/2

(43 notables, 53 posts, 53 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:08 a.m. No.35810   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11572822 Q Research General #14776: By The Dons Early Light Edition

Created 101048ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11572847, >>>/qresearch/11572885 OAN TOP HEADLINES



>>>/qresearch/11572856 Polish cardinal sanctioned by the Vatican over sex scandal cases, hospitalized

>>>/qresearch/11572938 RealClearPolitics Removes Pennsylvania From Biden's Electoral Total

>>>/qresearch/11572956, >>>/qresearch/11573116 Rhodes: ‘Foreign Leaders Already Having Phone Calls with Joe Biden,’ Same Act for Which Michael Flynn Was Investigated

>>>/qresearch/11572965, >>>/qresearch/11573047 DoD wishing Marines a Haooy Birthday (comms)

>>>/qresearch/11572970 Feminist Author Naomi Wolf Pops Her Head Out of the Media-Big Tech Bubble and Regrets Her Vote for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11572975 Why Trump Shouldn’t Concede

>>>/qresearch/11572983 Bum’s Rush for Trump Is Biden’s First Mistake

>>>/qresearch/11572993 Newly appointed Biden coronavirus task force member accused of profiting off of lockdowns he advocated for

>>>/qresearch/11573003 Trump’s (Alleged) Defeat a Stunning Rebuke to Obama, Hillary

>>>/qresearch/11573009 One-Party Democrat Rule Is Killing California, And It’s Coming For The Country

>>>/qresearch/11573015 Reality: 'The media stole the election'

>>>/qresearch/11573023 Biden Calls for Unity After Blaming Trump for Killing Over 200,000 Americans

>>>/qresearch/11573028 The folks who gave us the Kavanaugh gang rape gang hoax via Michael Avenatti are claiming that SWORN STATEMENTS in court filings aren’t evidence.

>>>/qresearch/11573034 Forget traditional election maps — this is what the US vote really looks like

>>>/qresearch/11573037 Creepy Joe up to his old tricks a couple of days ago

>>>/qresearch/11573041 John Solomon, Patriot!

>>>/qresearch/11573045 The collapse of American progressivism

>>>/qresearch/11573060 #FakeNews won’t cover law suit which will invalidate 300,000 or more crooked democrat votes votes in Philly.

>>>/qresearch/11573066 George Soros Employee Owns Defective Switch-Vote Biden Machines

>>>/qresearch/11573078 Mexico, Brazil, Russia and China hold off on congratulating Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11573091 Joe Biden Coronavirus Adviser: Vaccine Should Be Distributed Globally, Not to America First

>>>/qresearch/11573096 US Marines officially training in Taiwan for 1st time since 1979

>>>/qresearch/11573101 GoFundMe Derails Fundraiser For ‘Whistleblower’ Mail Carrier From Pennsylvania (muhWhistleblower protection rights?)

>>>/qresearch/11573120 Taiwan fears Biden would bring LOSS of US support against Beijing

>>>/qresearch/11573125 39 House Republicans Ask Bill Barr to Ensure Integrity of Voting and Counting Process

>>>/qresearch/11573134 Want to be with others for Thanksgiving? Get ready to quarantine.

>>>/qresearch/11573139 Republican Attorneys General Taking Legal Action over Pennsylvania Mail-in Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11573142 Name an Election Czar to Focus on Protecting the Constitution

>>>/qresearch/11573147 Nolte: Bret Baier Deletes Tweet that Exposed Exploding Backlash Against Fox News


>>>/qresearch/11573155 Oregon elections director fired after sharing security, spending concerns

>>>/qresearch/11573164 Another switch nobody noticed!

>>>/qresearch/11573171 WSJ: Democrats Lost South Texas Latinos Due to Shutdowns, Oil, and Abortion

>>>/qresearch/11573175 Democrats May Lose 3 California Seats They Flipped In 2018

>>>/qresearch/11573187 Did Siri Let the Cat Out of the Bag?

>>>/qresearch/11573189 CentCom: Happy Birthday Marine (dog comms?)


>>>/qresearch/11573203 When Joe Biden spoke of distant relatives living in Mumbai

>>>/qresearch/11573213 HEY CALIFORNIA..ASKING FOR A FRIEND

>>>/qresearch/11573217 Don Jnr accuses head of DOJ election crimes unit of being the 'Deep State' after he resigned in protest

>>>/qresearch/11573227 Cincinnati Child Sex Trafficking Ring Broken Up by FBI

>>>/qresearch/11573249 Biden transition team not ruling out legal action if Trump admin doesn't cooperate

>>>/qresearch/11573255 Biden Coronavirus Board Member: I Don't Think Life Is Worth Living After 75, So Won't Take Flu Shots

>>>/qresearch/11573257 Friedman on CNN: GOP ‘Biggest Threat to Our Democracy Since the Civil War’

>>>/qresearch/11573267 The Morning Briefing: McConnell Reminds Dems About the 4-Year Election Tantrum They Just Finished

>>>/qresearch/11573285 Robert Gore: "It's Perfectly Clear…"


>>>/qresearch/11573304 AOC wants to cancel those who worked for Trump.

>>>/qresearch/11573312 Cindy McCain joins Joe Biden transition team advisory board

>>>/qresearch/11573321 GSA Delays Transfer of Power to Biden

>>>/qresearch/11573323 Chaotic scenes erupted inside Armenia's parliament in the early hours of Tuesday as protesters angry at a ceasefire deal with Azerbaijan seized control of its chamber to denounce the country's leadership

>>>/qresearch/11573324 @AndersonCooper compares @realDonaldTrump with "an evil dictator whose son drives around shooting his enemies with a machine gun."

>>>/qresearch/11573325 Lawsuit Claims Fox News Executives Were ‘Very Much’ Aware of Sexual Misconduct Complaints Against Ed Henry Years Ago

>>>/qresearch/11573329 Interview with Source on Electronic Vote Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11573358 OAN NEWS HEADLINES @7am EST


>>>/qresearch/11573362 D.C. Mayor Violates Own COVID Travel Restrictions to Attend Biden Party Bowser declares trip ‘essential,’ won’t quarantine

>>>/qresearch/11573371 NASA chief says he does not plan to serve in Biden administration Official says the decision is in the “best interest” of NASA

>>>/qresearch/11573438 Your government sent 1.1 million dead people stimulus checks. Wonder how many of these folks also voted absentee?

>>>/qresearch/11573441 Why network projections for Biden are hitting a wall of disbelief

>>>/qresearch/11573447 Hannity: Media calls for unity after spewing 'never-ending, nonstop psychotic rage and hatred for four years'

>>>/qresearch/11573454 Lindsey Graham: Democrats 'could give a damn' about election law and precedent, so long as Trump lost

>>>/qresearch/11573461 Shapiro says Biden celebrations expose media as 'damned liars' who treated COVID as political 'tool'

>>>/qresearch/11573495 This Guy likes to Vote….. A LOT


>>>/qresearch/11573498 A Trump Legacy That Needs To Last: He Withdrew Us From The Paris Climate Scam

>>>/qresearch/11573516 The successful employment of Artificial Intelligence within the DoD…

>>>/qresearch/11573591, >>>/qresearch/11573592 #14775, #14776 2/2, #14776 1/2

(66 notables, 70 posts, 75 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:08 a.m. No.35811   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11573599 Q Research General #14777: GOD WINS EDITION

Created 101250ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11573698 Watch the WATER: Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual

>>>/qresearch/11573720 William Kennard - VELOCITAS PARTNERS, Reality Defender AI platform, Project Origin. Partners - Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and others

>>>/qresearch/11573750 NEW DJT

>>>/qresearch/11573774 Gilroy Liquor Store Owners Charged With Human Trafficking: DA

>>>/qresearch/11573816 Operation Warp Speed got these vaccines out, NOT BIDEN!


>>>/qresearch/11573826 Pope John Paul II knew of extensive abuse allegations against former Newark archbishop Theodore McCarrick before promoting him to cardinal

>>>/qresearch/11573828, >>>/qresearch/11574015, >>>/qresearch/11574200, >>>/qresearch/11574339 HARVEST International Ministries? Next door to Four Seasons

>>>/qresearch/11573848 United States Marines have officially begun a training operation in Taiwan

>>>/qresearch/11573863 Ask Barr to demand that State legislatures audit the vote. Spread everywhere, patriots!

>>>/qresearch/11573934 Richard Pilger dig

>>>/qresearch/11573963 Pfizer (and expected Moderna as well) vaccine requires ultra-low temperature storage - specialized freezers. it's better to bring the people to the vaccine, than bring the vaccine to the people.


>>>/qresearch/11574040 We will announce a public corruption case this afternoon at@FBICincinnati

>>>/qresearch/11574043 EricTrump: Minnesota get out and vote

>>>/qresearch/11574084 anon opines on Barr mobilization

>>>/qresearch/11574087, >>>/qresearch/11574236 Booms yesterday: Let's keep the booms going

>>>/qresearch/11574093 New DJT


>>>/qresearch/11574335 Parler and Rumble trending number 1 and 2 is an enormous slap in the face to Twitter and YouTube.

(19 notables, 23 posts, 35 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:09 a.m. No.35812   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11574383 Q Research General #14778: Flippantly Harvesting Salt Edition

Created 101418ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11574442 Wisconsin flipping?

>>>/qresearch/11574460, >>>/qresearch/11574462, >>>/qresearch/11574464, >>>/qresearch/11574465, >>>/qresearch/11574890 vote fuckery bundle, latest

>>>/qresearch/11574473 Mexican Journalist Exposes Joe Biden's Human Trafficking Compact (from 10/23/2020)

>>>/qresearch/11574493, >>>/qresearch/11574556, >>>/qresearch/11574600, >>>/qresearch/11574610, >>>/qresearch/11574938 update to half chans 404'd antifa mapping link.

>>>/qresearch/11574505, >>>/qresearch/11574569 More “Glitches” in Pennsylvania: Votes for Trump Drop IN THREE DIFFERENT COUNTIES SIMULTANEOUSLY — Almost As If It Was Coordinated

>>>/qresearch/11574509 @USNavy

>>>/qresearch/11574523 Let’s make this happen

>>>/qresearch/11574555 @JudgeJeanine "How can EVERY BOX OF VOTES BE FOR BIDEN???"

>>>/qresearch/11574563 Oklahoma AG joins the #fight #fight #fight

>>>/qresearch/11574577 enough “glitch” switches in PA to give the lead back to @POTUS ?

>>>/qresearch/11574613 @TomFitton "Amazing: Delaware County, PA mail-in ballot count increased by 14,000 over several days with no explanation according to new federal lawsuit…."

>>>/qresearch/11574718 PF: This AC is used by the Sec. of Defense and has been for the last few administrations

>>>/qresearch/11574840 The actual fact that AG late last night triggered the use of the DOJ legal handbook bodes very ill for those who are involved in electoral cheating.

>>>/qresearch/11574878 This is your daily reminder. The election has not been certified.

>>>/qresearch/11574905 Vote counter in PA testimony, he is willing to testify in court.


>>>/qresearch/11574943 4 BOOMS = 4 State outcomes changing?

>>>/qresearch/11574951 Pastebin has nuked my Election Fraud Compilation. So here it is again in a new pastebin link:

>>>/qresearch/11574988 QVIR water

>>>/qresearch/11574997 FJ currently in the house playing whack-a-mole.

>>>/qresearch/11575098, >>>/qresearch/11575129 Maidengate

>>>/qresearch/11575149 #14778

(21 notables, 31 posts, 33 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:09 a.m. No.35813   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11575175 Q Research General #14779: qresearch being bombarded cuz muh larping conspiracy theorists Edition

Created 101522ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11575284 BO: Requesting, storing, linking to or posting CP are all crimes under US law.

>>>/qresearch/11575330 MILLER ACTIVATED

>>>/qresearch/11575357 DJT: BALLOT COUNTING ABUSE!

>>>/qresearch/11575372 @AndrewSeidman: Pa House GOP members tomorrow will "call for a legislative-led audit of the 2020 election and demand election results not be certified, nor electors be seated, until the audit is complete," per news release.

>>>/qresearch/11575379 All sorts of voting fraud videos compiled together. Now also includes anonfiles upload.

>>>/qresearch/11575447 MT's Republican Secretary of State.

>>>/qresearch/11575485 Indianapolis boarding up more businesses due to potential unrest

>>>/qresearch/11575509 Biden's Transition Team Threatens Legal Action Against GSA

>>>/qresearch/11575547 Gov. Greg Abbott doesn't acknowledge Joe Biden as president-elect, calls for vote-counting and recounts to continue

>>>/qresearch/11575627 What Would George Patton Do?

>>>/qresearch/11575706 New DJT

>>>/qresearch/11575775 Trump campaign asks Georgia election officials to count all ballots by hand instead of using high-speed scanners in upcoming recount

>>>/qresearch/11575972 They censor PEOPLE !!!!

>>>/qresearch/11576001 CSPAN linky for McCabe hearing

>>>/qresearch/11576018 New @CBS_Herridge

(15 notables, 15 posts, 16 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:10 a.m. No.35814   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11575953 Q Research General #14780: Ebake Or Die Edition

Created 101623ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11576064 Government Accountability Institute research director Eric Eggers says Michigan and Pennsylvania, with their “weird anomalies” this election, are raising “tough questions” about potential voter fraud.

>>>/qresearch/11576122 Pentagon Top Policy Official Resigns After Clash With White House, Follows Esper Exit

>>>/qresearch/11576134 Former FBI Deputy Director McCabe testifies he was “not aware”

>>>/qresearch/11576136, >>>/qresearch/11576307 PF bundle

>>>/qresearch/11576158, >>>/qresearch/11576262 WW Dominion Fuckery Not just Voting

>>>/qresearch/11576296 HANNITY KNOWS HIS TIME IS UP ON FOX

>>>/qresearch/11576328 DJT says HBD USMC

>>>/qresearch/11576342 The plan to sow chaos

>>>/qresearch/11576356 new @CBS_Herridge

>>>/qresearch/11576372 Grassley says HBD USMC

>>>/qresearch/11576384 Full David Brock Conf Memo On Fighting Trump

>>>/qresearch/11576480 Puerto Rico’s elections officials have now found 174 boxes of uncounted ballots, 7 days after the election!

(12 notables, 14 posts, 22 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:10 a.m. No.35815   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11576715 Q Research General #14781: HBD 245 USMC Semper Fi Edition

Created 101724ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11576779 Craig: “Ken, what have you learned, sir?” Ken: “Oh shit. Fuck.”


>>>/qresearch/11576802 POTUS HBD 245 USMC Official

>>>/qresearch/11576805 Loud Booms Alert

>>>/qresearch/11576847 the analyst that dumped the graphs for swing states that all got ballots in in the early morning 11/4.

>>>/qresearch/11576872 counting ballots in secret until 1:00 a.m.

>>>/qresearch/11576888 Grassley Questions DOJ on Biden Family FARA Compliance Stemming from Business Deals with Chinese Communist-Backed Energy Tycoons

>>>/qresearch/11576937 In Wisconsin, between 2 AM and 3:30 AM, the total number of votes increased by 125,000.

>>>/qresearch/11576964 Still amazing that Jon Meacham appeared on MSNBC Saturday evening to analyze the magnificence of Joe Biden's speech without disclosing that he helped write it.

>>>/qresearch/11576974 Republican Jay Obernolte wins election to U.S. House in California's 8th Congressional District.

>>>/qresearch/11577016 Ten State Attorneys General Join Suit Against Pennsylvania Where Individuals Were Allowed to Vote Three Days After the Election

>>>/qresearch/11577022 So if he was under investigation, did they have a FISA warrant on him ? 1 hop 2 hops 3 hops JOE

>>>/qresearch/11577041, >>>/qresearch/11577142 Erie, Pennsylvania USPS Worker Placed on UNPAID LEAVE For Blowing Whistle on Backdating of Ballots; gofundme flagged.

>>>/qresearch/11577106 FLOTUS Happy 245th birthday to our nation’s @USMC

>>>/qresearch/11577123 Wedding Was Hosted At a Polling Location After the Election — Look What They Found In the Trash (video)

>>>/qresearch/11577350 Pompeo having a presser

>>>/qresearch/11577449 #14781

(16 notables, 17 posts, 14 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:11 a.m. No.35816   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11579188 Q Research General #14784: Justice incoming Edition

Created 102014ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11579213 Anon bun #14784 / Anon bun #14783

>>>/qresearch/11579227 Anon bun #14784 / PF

>>>/qresearch/11579232 Anon bun #14784 / A Conspiracy Collapses In The Court: Justices Appear To Confirm A Majority In Favor Of Preserving The ACA

>>>/qresearch/11579247 Anon bun #14784 / U.S. Marshals bravely carried out a series of nationwide operations that rescued hundreds of human trafficking victims in at least seven states

>>>/qresearch/11579259 Anon bun #14784 / Andrew Cuomo: ‘If I Wasn’t Governor of New York, I Would’ve Decked’ President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11579283 Anon bun #14784 / Ex-Mueller Deputy Andrew Weissmann Compares President Trump to Hitler

>>>/qresearch/11579309 Anon bun #14784 / Tucker: "Not enough fraud to change results, still valid reason for concern"

>>>/qresearch/11579315 Anon bun #14784 / Kash Patel /Q1481. Future proves past

>>>/qresearch/11579321 Anon bun #14784 / Hammer/Whistleblower articles

>>>/qresearch/11579325 Anon bun #14784 / Dominion voting machines paired with EC map

>>>/qresearch/11579332 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

>>>/qresearch/11579371 Anon bun #14784 / Biden Coronavirus task force Rockefeller/CFR/Gates Fdn. Swamp

>>>/qresearch/11579400 Anon bun #14784 / Republican poll watchers on "no entry" list

>>>/qresearch/11579435 Anon bun #14784 / Gab outage?

>>>/qresearch/11579441 Anon bun #14784 / MIT PhD evidence of fraud (yt)

>>>/qresearch/11579445 Anon bun #14784 / Trudeau Says 'Deeply Disappointed' After Another Liberal MP Resigns Amid Scandal

>>>/qresearch/11579454 Anon bun #14784 / Anyone referring to Biden as President-Elect is gaslighting you


>>>/qresearch/11579467 Anon bun #14784 / Trust Kansas

>>>/qresearch/11579480 Anon bun #14784 / Wife of Fox News heir calls Trump dictator, "we did it" after declaring Biden win

>>>/qresearch/11579484 Anon bun #14784 / Kavanaugh/Roberts signal openness to keeping Obamacare alive

>>>/qresearch/11579492 Anon bun #14784 / ‘Safer world?’ Stoltenberg calls on international community to get rid of nukes, says NATO members should keep theirs for now

>>>/qresearch/11579495 Anon bun #14784 / Why did 6 battleground states with Dem. governors all pause counting on election night?

>>>/qresearch/11579507 Anon bun #14784 / Russian Embassy in UK Slams BBC Report on White Helmets as Unprofessional and Unfounded

>>>/qresearch/11579520 Anon bun #14784 / 51K PA ballots returned next day, 35K same day, 23K before sent

>>>/qresearch/11579524 Anon bun #14784 / New EU budget dismissed as 'soros plan' by Hungarian govt.

>>>/qresearch/11579525 Anon bun #14784 / Republicans flipped house/sen in NH, house in AK

>>>/qresearch/11579543 Anon bun #14784 / Catholic Church prioritized protecting its reputation over welfare of children abused by priests – UK inquiry

>>>/qresearch/11579563 Anon bun #14784 / More algorithmic evidence of rigging

>>>/qresearch/11579564 Anon bun #14784 / McCabe toasted by Sen. Marsha Blackburn at Russiagate hearing


>>>/qresearch/11579567 Anon bun #14784 / WH directs federal agencies to proceed with original February budget plans

>>>/qresearch/11579578 Anon bun #14784 / Bank asks if Phizer delayed covid vaccine news changed election outcome

>>>/qresearch/11579591 Anon bun #14784 / KNOWiNK mentions Clear Ballot, Dominion Voting, Elections Canada, and more on its website

>>>/qresearch/11579607 Anon bun #14784 / Satanic imagery in new SHOWstudio videos, employs Rachel Chandler. previously Q'd


>>>/qresearch/11579636 Anon bun #14784 / German AfD party controversy over premature Biden congrats

>>>/qresearch/11579660 Anon bun #14784 / TD.W research on Dominion software switched votes

>>>/qresearch/11579671 Anon bun #14784 / CNN: State dept officials and diplomats literally shaking

>>>/qresearch/11579685, >>>/qresearch/11579762 Anon bun #14784 / V. Adm. Joseph Kernan fired. Maybe related to Qdrop

>>>/qresearch/11579700 Anon bun #14784 / PA vote fuckery link collection

>>>/qresearch/11579754 Anon bun #14784 / Trump press conf on MI legal efforts rescheduled to 6pm

(39 notables, 40 posts, 49 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:11 a.m. No.35817   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11577463 Q Research General #14782: Marines Opening Birthday Presents Edition

Created 101814ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11577582, >>>/qresearch/11577777 quints give apt reply to daily mail french zersetzung


>>>/qresearch/11577613 Zuckerberg urged transparency in politics, but his election group’s spending remains shrouded

>>>/qresearch/11577621, >>>/qresearch/11577666 Pompeo says "There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration."

>>>/qresearch/11577691 Former DHS Chiefs Urge Donald Trump to OK Joe Biden Transition

>>>/qresearch/11577763 Stunning Sworn Affidavit From Former MI Asst. AG: Election Worker Assigned New Names To Voters When It Appeared Absentee Ballot Was From Person Who Already Voted

>>>/qresearch/11577895, >>>/qresearch/11578002, >>>/qresearch/11578196 Video: Ex-CIA director urges palace coup against President Trump to stop declassifications


>>>/qresearch/11577912 NC Senate race called for Tillis just now

>>>/qresearch/11577925 ANOTHER US HOUSE SEAT HAS BEEN FLIPPED! Harley Rouda has CONCEDED to Michelle Steel! CA48

>>>/qresearch/11577979 Eli Lilly to start immediately shipping coronavirus antibody drug after emergency FDA approval - in second COVID-19 breakthrough in 24 hours following Pfizer vaccine

>>>/qresearch/11577992 TRUMP WINS NC

>>>/qresearch/11577999 French President Macron to hold first talks with Joe Biden later today

>>>/qresearch/11578013 amateur PF questions

>>>/qresearch/11578035 TIMING: NYT Finally Admits Damage Done to Riot-Torn Businesses

>>>/qresearch/11578046 The CIA Ability to Hack the Vote

>>>/qresearch/11578087, >>>/qresearch/11578092 "Christopher Steele is the keystone of the investigation"

>>>/qresearch/11578130 Two-Star Air Force General Charged with Sexual Assault

>>>/qresearch/11578271 President-elect Biden Delivers Remarks on the Affordable Care Act Live at 2:00.

>>>/qresearch/11578293 #14782

(18 notables, 23 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:11 a.m. No.35818   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11579920 Q Research General #14785: These are the dates of our lives Edition

Created 102106ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11580098 Why did it take so long to count the other 30% of the votes if 70% was counted by November 5th?

>>>/qresearch/11580101 Over 51,000 [Absentee Pennsylvania] ballots are marked as returned just a day after they were sent out….

>>>/qresearch/11580134 Anon bun #14784

>>>/qresearch/11580153, >>>/qresearch/11580159 CIA Director Haspel just entered US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office (via @LauraLitvan)

>>>/qresearch/11580196 Trump’s Director of Election Day Operations Tweets Photo of Republican Poll Watchers on ‘NO ENTRY’ List in Philly

>>>/qresearch/11580297 Biden Says Trump Refusal To Concede Is "An Embarrassment", Releases List Of All Transition Teams

>>>/qresearch/11580337 Former Bank Executive Sentenced to Prison for $15 Million Construction Loan Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11580372 Taiwan Announces Military Exercises With U.S. Marines

>>>/qresearch/11580411 BLM Thug Pleads Guilty After Vicious Assault At Portland Protest Earlier This Year

>>>/qresearch/11580422, >>>/qresearch/11580521 LinWood Those trying to steal our election misjudged the Power of the People to use Internet to prove guilt

>>>/qresearch/11580433 Gynecologist Convicted of 52 Counts In Scheme to Perform Unnecessary Surgeries on Women

>>>/qresearch/11580461 Kevin McCarthy says Nancy Pelosi does not have the votes to remain as speaker.

>>>/qresearch/11580466 ELECTION FRAUD COMPILATION

>>>/qresearch/11580723 Philadelphia official(s) appear to have lawyered up. This is a very bad look.

(14 notables, 16 posts, 23 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:12 a.m. No.35819   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11580763 Q Research General #14786: Resist The Deplatforming Edition

Created 102153ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11580794 Sen. McConnell reelected as Senate GOP leader

>>>/qresearch/11580802 HACKED ELECTION PROOF

>>>/qresearch/11580814 Sidney Powell on war room saying those behind the election voting system have been swapping votes for years

>>>/qresearch/11580821, >>>/qresearch/11580875, >>>/qresearch/11580897 #14783, #14784, #14785

>>>/qresearch/11580828, >>>/qresearch/11580841, >>>/qresearch/11581218, >>>/qresearch/11581318 Dominion Voting

>>>/qresearch/11580836 Giuliani just showed 2 pictures on newsmax of improper ballot boxes that arrived in Detroit in the middle of the night.

>>>/qresearch/11580840 @GOPLeader says Nancy Pelosi does not have the votes to remain as speaker

>>>/qresearch/11580847 Holmesburg Prison Location Close to Four Seasons Landscaping

>>>/qresearch/11580864 With the win in #CA48, Republican candidates have flipped 9 Dem House seats so far – 7 are GOP women


>>>/qresearch/11580870 @USPS worker Richard Hopkins in Erie, PA has been placed on UNPAID LEAVE for blowing the whistle on backdating of ballots.

>>>/qresearch/11580891 Big Tech and Political Manipulation | Robert Epstein | NOV 9, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11580923 Democrats lose House seats while in-party division rises

>>>/qresearch/11580945 Sworn statements from Detroit state that boxes of ballots were brought in through back door of TCF center on Wednesday.

>>>/qresearch/11580954 Be sure to check out more on the newest CAE designation here

>>>/qresearch/11580961, >>>/qresearch/11581137, >>>/qresearch/11581253, >>>/qresearch/11581425, >>>/qresearch/11581450, >>>/qresearch/11581453 EZRA COHEN WATNICK IN AT PENTAGON

>>>/qresearch/11581002 In France, policy of militant atheism led to Christianity being effectively ousted from public life.

>>>/qresearch/11581068 White House National Security Council Aide Is Named to Top Pentagon

>>>/qresearch/11581098, >>>/qresearch/11581239 pf

>>>/qresearch/11581140 HOUSTON CHRONICLE: Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick offers $1 million reward for evidence of voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/11581141 Tens of Thousands of Pennsylvania Ballots Returned Earlier Than Sent Date: Researcher

>>>/qresearch/11581146 anon's notes

>>>/qresearch/11581153 Wisconsin appears to do a reboot suddenly AFTER a Biden spike in vote counts.

>>>/qresearch/11581157 Speaker of House resigning! (Q drop #1267 April 25th, opposite on Clock of today's date. No coincidences.)

>>>/qresearch/11581159 About 9,500 voters confirmed dead through the Social Security Death Index (SSDI) are marked in the state’s mail voting database as having returned their ballots

>>>/qresearch/11581163, >>>/qresearch/11581268 Pentagon Replacements: Anthony Tata, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Kash Patel

>>>/qresearch/11581168 He found out Trump won NC in real time!


>>>/qresearch/11581302 They want to convince a large portion of the population that Biden now holds a fictional government office in order to legitimize the coordinated mass media propaganda campaign

>>>/qresearch/11581339, >>>/qresearch/11581512 FBI: Exposure to child sexual abuse material can lead you or your child to feel disgusted, sad, and shocked. You may have nightmares or trouble concentrating. You are not alone. (FBI Link on Twitter doesn’t work. Here is correct link

>>>/qresearch/11581369 DNC 2021 - Holmsburg Prison - Law Abiding Citizen

>>>/qresearch/11581410 Pompeo on election results: 'There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration'

>>>/qresearch/11581455 NBC 10: Pennsylvania Democrat Treasurer Joe Torsella concedes reelection bid to Republican challenger Stacy Garrity

>>>/qresearch/11581472 Joe Biden says President Donald Trump's denial of election results is "not of much consequence."He says his transition team is moving forward regardless

>>>/qresearch/11581499 #14786

(33 notables, 46 posts, 46 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:12 a.m. No.35820   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11581511 Q Research General #14787: Ezra Cohen Watnick at Pentagon Edition

Created 102236ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11581591 DOD Statement on Personnel Changes at the Pentagon

>>>/qresearch/11581599 CBS PHILLY: Philadelphia health officials say "complete lockdown" on the table

>>>/qresearch/11581607, >>>/qresearch/11581610, >>>/qresearch/11581681, >>>/qresearch/11581692, >>>/qresearch/11581709, >>>/qresearch/11581767, >>>/qresearch/11582103, >>>/qresearch/11582140 Ezra Cohen-Watnick on deck. Dem heads exploding everywhere!

>>>/qresearch/11581649 If I wasn’t Governor of New York, I would’ve decked Trump

>>>/qresearch/11581678 Amazon's AWS is a common thread between the KnowInk, Democracy Live, Smartmatic, Scytl, and Votem voting platforms

>>>/qresearch/11581787 Anthony Tata in the Pentagon? they are Fuuuuuuucked

>>>/qresearch/11581795, >>>/qresearch/11581843, >>>/qresearch/11582029, >>>/qresearch/11582061, >>>/qresearch/11582114 pf

>>>/qresearch/11581876 Programmer under oath admits computers rig elections (old)

>>>/qresearch/11581896 The Donald dot fags have discovered the system glitch

>>>/qresearch/11581906 Media Outraged At Pompeo's Comments On 2nd Trump Administration

>>>/qresearch/11581931 Evers going to lock down Wisconsin

>>>/qresearch/11581934 Parler Sees Major Growth Boom as Big Tech Continues to Censor and Suppress Election News — Nearly 5M New Users Since Friday

>>>/qresearch/11581963 Opposition to Trump Apoplectic Over Announcement of Kash Patel’s Appointment to Defense Secretary Miller’s Chief of Staff

>>>/qresearch/11581998 Trump’s Director of Election Day Operations Tweets Photo of Republican Poll Watchers on ‘NO ENTRY’ List in Philly

>>>/qresearch/11582000, >>>/qresearch/11582004 Dominion Voting Systems

>>>/qresearch/11582007 Ilhan Omar's Campaign Paid Nearly $2.8 Mln to Husband's Firm, Finance Reports Show

>>>/qresearch/11582017 Project Veritas Has Recordings of Fed Agents Interrogating and Intimidating PA USPS Whistleblower Who Exposed the Backdating Ballots Scheme

>>>/qresearch/11582043 Senator Asks DOJ If Hunter Biden’s Chinese Business Deals Complied With Foreign Agent Registration Law

>>>/qresearch/11582046 Lewandowski's name on “NO ENTRY” list! His Court order's entry - [knowingly] ignored

>>>/qresearch/11582058, >>>/qresearch/11582120 In blow to Democrats, Republican Thom Tillis wins re-election in N.C. Senate race, NBC News projects

>>>/qresearch/11582065 Deeply Blue New England Disrupted by Republican Wins in Down-Ballot Races

>>>/qresearch/11582074 Republican Michelle Steel Wins CA-48, Defeating First-Time Incumbent Harley Rouda

>>>/qresearch/11582097 Top policy, intelligence civilians resign amid Pentagon shakeup

>>>/qresearch/11582139 Members of the Georgia Republican Congressional Delegation Demand Answers From Secretary of State Raffensperger About Allegations of Voter Irregularities

>>>/qresearch/11582149 More Than 10,000 Dead People Cast Ballots in Michigan, Analysis Shows

>>>/qresearch/11582177 Minneapolis City Council trashed cops and threatened to defund them. As crime rises, they're forced to outsource for police.

>>>/qresearch/11582218, >>>/qresearch/11582223 Flynn Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11582245 #14787

(28 notables, 42 posts, 49 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:12 a.m. No.35821   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11582268 Q Research General #14788: A Reborn Pentagon To Drain The Swamp & Semper Fi Edition

Created 102319ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11582336 Democrat poll worker has given an affidavit alleging mass cheating. She says she was disgusted by the amount of cheating

>>>/qresearch/11582347, >>>/qresearch/11582348 DJT: Ballot Corruption will be exposed tonight at 9:00pm E on @SeanHannity on @FoxNews!

>>>/qresearch/11582354 Is FBI’s Wray Next to Be Fired?

>>>/qresearch/11582370 Anon Crunches Voter Data, Discovers Election Software ‘Dominion’ Producing Massive Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11582382 “This case is about far more than the ultimate winner of the Presidential election.”

>>>/qresearch/11582401, >>>/qresearch/11582487, >>>/qresearch/11582637, >>>/qresearch/11582646 pf

>>>/qresearch/11582419, >>>/qresearch/11582651 Saturn Jupiter Great Conjunction will occur at time of Trump Wall Completion 12-21-20

>>>/qresearch/11582449 PA Voter Fraud lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/11582457 Robert Epstein's full "Big Tech and Political Manipulation" presentation at Hillsdale

>>>/qresearch/11582459 The U.S. has recorded more than 1 million new confirmed coronavirus cases in just the first 10 days of November

>>>/qresearch/11582462 why does RCP have us way back to nov 3rd?


>>>/qresearch/11582523 Vatican report blames Viganò for McCarrick scandal, Viganò responds

VIDEO - Vatican report blames Viganò for McCarrick scandal [Channel: LifeSiteNews]

>>>/qresearch/11582531 FBI NY "we will not tolerate threats and acts of violence"

>>>/qresearch/11582547, >>>/qresearch/11582619 Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick Offers Up to $1 Million Reward For Evidence of Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11582628 Rep. Guy Reschenthaler to Newsmax TV: There Was Voter Fraud in Pa.

>>>/qresearch/11582629, >>>/qresearch/11582726 The statistical case against Biden



>>>/qresearch/11582658 Analysis Finds Over 10,000 Dead People Returned Mail-In Ballots in Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11582665 Salt Lake County drops 20,000 votes, GOP candidate Burgess Owens gains 1,000 to extend lead to 1,780. This is almost done; another likely GOP House gain.

>>>/qresearch/11582700 Marine Corps Hymn

VIDEO - The Marines' Hymn [Channel: SemperFiOorah1]

>>>/qresearch/11582785 VILE Sunny Hostin Agrees With AOC: Trump 'Sycophants' Must Go On Enemies List

>>>/qresearch/11582817 Ex-CIA Chief Under Obama Urges Palace Coup Against Trump So He Doesn't "Declassify Everything"

>>>/qresearch/11582825 CIA director meets with McConnell amid speculation over possible firing

>>>/qresearch/11582869 The Battle Hymn of the Republic

VIDEO - The Battle Hymn of the Republic [Channel: The United States Army Field Band]

>>>/qresearch/11582880 Tens of Thousands of Pennsylvania Ballots Returned Earlier Than Sent Date: Researcher

>>>/qresearch/11582945 A Conspiracy Collapses In The Court: Justices Appear To Confirm A Majority In Favor Of Preserving The ACA

>>>/qresearch/11582964 CENSORSHIP: Facebook Bans Free Speech Social Network Founder, He’s ‘Dangerous’ Like ‘Terrorist Organizations’

>>>/qresearch/11582979 Taps - USMC Drum and Bugle Corps

VIDEO - "Taps" - Bugle Call: USMC Drum & Bugle Corps [Channel: "The Commandant's Own," The United States Marine Drum & Bugl]

>>>/qresearch/11582981 Voter fraud = Insurrection act = Martial law 11.11

>>>/qresearch/11583014 Breaking: Watermark on Ballots Reveals Alleged Massive Voter Fraud in 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/11583015 Even the Timestamp on Q Post #2057 adds up to 11/11

>>>/qresearch/11583040 #14788

(32 notables, 39 posts, 40 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:13 a.m. No.35822   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11583035 Q Research General #14789: Eyes On Faux At 9PM Edition

Created 110002ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11583092, >>>/qresearch/11583339 [E] in POTUS' tweet

>>>/qresearch/11583100 DNI Ratcliffe Names Acting Director of NCTC

>>>/qresearch/11583116, >>>/qresearch/11583124 Trump campaign files federal lawsuit in Michigan over fraud allegations

>>>/qresearch/11583127 Dark Winter: A J TATA (Pentagon)

>>>/qresearch/11583148, >>>/qresearch/11583155 Follow the wives #MaidenGate

>>>/qresearch/11583152 James Okeefe says USPS Hopkins was coerced by federal agents and DID NOT recant his story.

>>>/qresearch/11583183, >>>/qresearch/11583247 Dancing Trump Compilation



>>>/qresearch/11583200 Anthony J Tata

>>>/qresearch/11583215 This just happened on msnbc


>>>/qresearch/11583234 We have a BIG REPORT COMING OUT IN AN HOUR! More “Glitches” @joehoft

>>>/qresearch/11583310 Hammer time = Justice


>>>/qresearch/11583336 Raytheon to Purchase Private Satellite Maker Blue Canyon Technologies

>>>/qresearch/11583348 Rep. Doug Collins chosen to lead Georgia vote recount team

>>>/qresearch/11583368 Wisconsin school board meeting descends into chaos when Black Lives Matter protesters chant and intimidate board members

>>>/qresearch/11583407 DC mayor defends Delaware trip as ‘essential,’ despite state being on DC’s COVID travel list

>>>/qresearch/11583409, >>>/qresearch/11583478, >>>/qresearch/11583515, >>>/qresearch/11583673 pf

>>>/qresearch/11583433 GOP List of Alleged Voter Fraud in Nevada Contains Hundreds of Military Addresses

>>>/qresearch/11583501 Tomorrow 3 year delta

>>>/qresearch/11583507 Doug Collins concedes race for Georgia U.S Senate

>>>/qresearch/11583513 Jeff Bezos No Longer Interested In Buying CNN As AT&T Reportedly Looks To Dump Network

>>>/qresearch/11583517 Trump’s Pennsylvania Legal Challenge Likely to End Up at Supreme Court

>>>/qresearch/11583518 Interpol’s Global Operation Seizes Tons of Smuggled Wildlife Species

>>>/qresearch/11583544 WAKE UP, LIBERALS! American Voters Are Smarter Than You Are

>>>/qresearch/11583558 (8PM EST) LIVE RSBN 2020 Election Prayer Vigil 11/10/20


>>>/qresearch/11583596, >>>/qresearch/11583735 Results For CA21 Come to a Halt as GOP Candidate Pulls Ahead! Elections Dept Suspends Canvassing Operations Until Nov. 21 Due to Covid

>>>/qresearch/11583601 NATO, Pentagon’s #DARPA designing ‘drifter’ device to watch entire oceans

>>>/qresearch/11583611 ABOUT THE HANNITY SHOW TONIGHT

>>>/qresearch/11583637 Marsha Blackburn Stares Down Radical Leftists Seeking to Target Trump Supporters with Hit List

>>>/qresearch/11583682 Protesters gather in downtown Indy following grand jury decision in Dreasjon Reed case

>>>/qresearch/11583691 Ex-CIA Chief Under Obama Urges Palace Coup Against Trump So He Doesn't "Declassify Everything"

>>>/qresearch/11583712, >>>/qresearch/11583730 Federal police smash child abuse network, 14 men arrested

>>>/qresearch/11583716 "The Keystone State"

>>>/qresearch/11583750 O KEEFE VIDEO RELEASED

>>>/qresearch/11583761 Richard Chaifetz, founder of the Chaifetz Group (venture capital) and founder of ComPsych, invested $1M in KNOWiNK's election startup

>>>/qresearch/11583772 #14789

(37 notables, 46 posts, 50 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:13 a.m. No.35823   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11583784 Q Research General #14790: Anons, The Second Most Feared After POTUS Edition

Created 110049ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11583824, >>>/qresearch/11583894, >>>/qresearch/11583915, >>>/qresearch/11583924 RECORDING: Federal agents “coerce” USPS whistleblower Hopkins to water down story

VIDEO - RECORDING: Federal agents “coerce” USPS whistleblower Hopkins to water down story [Channel: Project Veritas]



>>>/qresearch/11583876, >>>/qresearch/11583948, >>>/qresearch/11584044 DJT Separate Deleted Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11583889 Report: Several New Mexicans on Biden's short list for cabinet positions

>>>/qresearch/11583907 DJT Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11583918 Jon Voight clip


>>>/qresearch/11583925, >>>/qresearch/11584276, >>>/qresearch/11584330 pf


>>>/qresearch/11583941, >>>/qresearch/11584119 Political contributions of KNOWiNK's staff…seems to be all for the Democrats

>>>/qresearch/11583988 Communist Party Expands Crackdown On China's Tech Billionaires After Spoiling Ant Financial IPO

>>>/qresearch/11584001 Nov 11 3 YEAR DELTA

>>>/qresearch/11584026 Sacked rail boss caught up in corruption probe

>>>/qresearch/11584035 ACLU's anti-Trump lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/11584082 Jim Jordan on Andrew McCabe

>>>/qresearch/11584089 Pray for POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11584093 11/11

>>>/qresearch/11584096 POTUS GAB ACCOUNT


>>>/qresearch/11584146 NBC Reporter Freaks Out Amid Confirmation That Trump Won North Carolina

>>>/qresearch/11584161 A Pennsylvania postal worker whose claims have been cited by top Republicans as potential evidence of widespread voting irregularities admitted to U.S. Postal Service investigators that he fabricated the allegations (Damage Control?

>>>/qresearch/11584187 Facebook Reportedly Removes Several Pages Linked to Ex-Trump Aide Stephen Bannon

>>>/qresearch/11584204 Medical Anon here

>>>/qresearch/11584221 UK intelligence to fight anti-vaccine propaganda spread by state actors, British media reports

>>>/qresearch/11584265 FBI arrests Cincinnati city councilman in bribery investigation that branched into Ohio Statehouse

>>>/qresearch/11584352 South Carolina Democrat Resigns After Devastating Election Results

>>>/qresearch/11584363 Jeff Bezos No Longer Interested In Buying CNN As AT&T Reportedly Looks To Dump Network

>>>/qresearch/11584400 Gina Haspel just dropped by McConnell’s office for over 20 mins

>>>/qresearch/11584459 TikTok says it filed challenge to Trump's divestiture order

>>>/qresearch/11584519 #14790

(28 notables, 36 posts, 48 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:13 a.m. No.35824   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11584533 Q Research General #14791: E For Ezra, E for Edward, E for 5:5 Edition

Created 110141ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11584619 Canadian Intelligence Says China Anti-Corruption Sting Targets Canada's Chinese Community

>>>/qresearch/11584622 BREAKING: We are joining a lawsuit to stop the Trump campaign from trying to illegally throw out votes in Pennsylvania.

>>>/qresearch/11584646 For any Anon that needs a link for Hannity

>>>/qresearch/11584668 General Michael Flynn Provides Insight/Advice on Current Election Dynamic…

>>>/qresearch/11584700 Any codefags taken a look at any of this stuff? L

>>>/qresearch/11584711 Never Trump Lincoln Project Targets Trump Attorneys: ‘Make Them Famous’

>>>/qresearch/11584737 Trump Campaign Spox Murtaugh: Pennsylvania Presidential Election ‘Unconstitutional’

>>>/qresearch/11584759 TATA box

>>>/qresearch/11584768, >>>/qresearch/11584811, >>>/qresearch/11584849, >>>/qresearch/11584891 New DJT tweets

>>>/qresearch/11584772 Trump campaign files federal lawsuit in Michigan over fraud allegations

>>>/qresearch/11584773 Italian Broadcaster Faces Probe After Uncovering Lega Nord Scandal

>>>/qresearch/11584800 Bombshell after bombshell from ComEd executives giving a very detailed account of the company's role in rewarding and bribing Public Official A, Mike Madigan, by giving sweetheart contracts and no-show lobbying jobs to closely connected allies of the speaker

>>>/qresearch/11584856 Top Republicans signal support for CIA director amid talk of her possible ouster

>>>/qresearch/11584864 Move, move, move! Marines fast-rope from a helicopter during training aboard #USSMakinIsland.

>>>/qresearch/11584878 Bank of Japan Will Pay Banks To Consolidate, Fire Workers

>>>/qresearch/11584956 Notables so far and Baker ghosting

>>>/qresearch/11584958 DJT: "He should pay a big price for his subversion!"

>>>/qresearch/11585031 Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost Using Dominion and Other Systems

>>>/qresearch/11585192 DJT: Obama spied on our campaign - and got caught!

(19 notables, 22 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:14 a.m. No.35825   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11585377 Q Research General #14792: Here we go! Edition

Created 110246ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11585397, >>>/qresearch/11585537 Antifa Mapping - account that posted it on twitter also posted a pic of gun like NZ, possible FF incoming

>>>/qresearch/11585450 Democrat whistleblower has come forward in Michigan; Rudy Giuliani to file lawsuit on Nov 11, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11585515 Sac County CA going Red

>>>/qresearch/11585525 Burisma attachment mentioning Rob Portman This goes with

>>>/qresearch/11585557 BigMikeAnon Gives Thee The Current.

>>>/qresearch/11585559 Michigan Election Lawsuit Makes SERIOUS Allegations

>>>/qresearch/11585607 #14791

>>>/qresearch/11585610, >>>/qresearch/11585651 This is the new SECDEF's wife, Kaythryn Maag's, employment.

>>>/qresearch/11585637 WAKE01(1xB-1B) and PEARL81(KC-135) with RUSSO11flt(2xF-22A 1FW) departed Andersen AFB Guam.

>>>/qresearch/11585690 CORRECTION: …Kash Patel, a former Devin Nunes staffer who worked to expose that there was no Trump-Russia collusion at all to win the 2016 election.


>>>/qresearch/11585743 He’s right you know, there’s no making peace with these creatures

>>>/qresearch/11585760 Trump is on the path to win AZ without exposing corruption.

>>>/qresearch/11585779 11.11

>>>/qresearch/11585805 POTUS Schedule for WEDNESDAY, November 11, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11585847 The vote in AZ continues to tick up for trump by .01% at a time every time it's updated for the past few days.

>>>/qresearch/11585900 Holy f*ck, this is an interrogation technique where the federal agent tries to use stress tactics to implant a false memory into the interview subject.

>>>/qresearch/11585938 Blackhawk is now at Enterprise Products location west of Harrisburg

>>>/qresearch/11586019 Dominion hacking user guide

>>>/qresearch/11586074 #14792,

(20 notables, 22 posts, 21 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:14 a.m. No.35826   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11586003 Q Research General #14793: DONNA BRAZILE NAMED INTERIM NEWS DIRECTOR AT FOX

Created 110327ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11586166 Pennsylvania Auditors Warned of Dead People, Duplicates on State Voter Rolls

>>>/qresearch/11586171 Biden couldn't pronounce "God" but now he has daily prayer groups?

>>>/qresearch/11586175 MIT PhD Analysis Reveals 138,000 Votes Switched from Trump to Biden in Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11586176, >>>/qresearch/11586200 New Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11586194 Democrat Jon Ossoff: Ban Sale of Semi-Automatic Rifles, ‘High Cap’ Magazines

>>>/qresearch/11586209 Stop the Pearl Clutching: Election Suspicions Are Legit

>>>/qresearch/11586216 Look at the timestamps . I see a call out to 5:5

>>>/qresearch/11586231 Joe Biden Gives Job to lawyer Husband of Running-Mate Harris

>>>/qresearch/11586259 ELECTION FRAUD COMPILATION


>>>/qresearch/11586263 Burisma attachment mentioning Rob Portman This goes with

>>>/qresearch/11586276 Oregon's Secretary of State elect Shemia Fagan, connected to Rose City Antifa. Why am I not surprised!

>>>/qresearch/11586299 USPS Postal Agent Richard Hopkins Placed Off-Duty Without Pay

>>>/qresearch/11586300 WATCH: Fox News’ Laura Ingraham interviews anonymous poll worker complete with disguised voice.

>>>/qresearch/11586323 Proclamation on Veterans Day, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11586342 Richard Grenell Retweeted

>>>/qresearch/11586349 MUST WATCH: Kayleigh McEnany runs through voting allegations in 234 pages of affidavits

>>>/qresearch/11586352 If the 2020 Election Was Held in a Foreign Country, the State Department and Western Media Would Declare it “Fraudulent”

>>>/qresearch/11586372 KNOWiNK's integration with Hart Intercivic

>>>/qresearch/11586373 Man cited for driving car into Trump caravan, injuring two in Santa Maria

>>>/qresearch/11586440 Tens of Thousands of Ballots Arrived Before Their Sent Date in Pennsylvania: Researcher

>>>/qresearch/11586464 Entire DOD top level Executive Management gone at one time

>>>/qresearch/11586477 Pennsylvania’s Allegheny County Board Of Elections Votes to Count Undated Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11586483 Many other businesses and individuals related to Four Seasons Total Landscaping

>>>/qresearch/11586491 Hannity: 70% of Republicans don't believe this election was free, fair

>>>/qresearch/11586542 Maria Siravo, President of Four Seasons Total Landscaping, also has other gigs

>>>/qresearch/11586557 John Brennan calls for 'Palace Coup' of President Trump. Says VP Pence should seize power.



>>>/qresearch/11586608, >>>/qresearch/11586735 BREAKING: #TrumanBlack Has Created A Computer Script That Combs Thru All The Election Data & Identifies Votes That:"SWITCHED" FROM #TRUMP TO #BIDEN & Votes "LOST" That Disappeared!

>>>/qresearch/11586616 National Recon Office Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11586642 That headline is up there with Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong-Un claiming 100% of the people voted for them

>>>/qresearch/11586712 3,889,947 Votes for @realDonaldTrump Stolen in Forensic Data Analysis! 8 States.

>>>/qresearch/11586722 Holy shit this whistle blower interview is nuclear

>>>/qresearch/11586744 'How did these guys make it through the birth canal?'"

>>>/qresearch/11586774 "Wait Until You See What's Coming!" - President Trump Fires Warning Shot on Fraudulent Computer Voting Systems

>>>/qresearch/11586824 #14793

(36 notables, 38 posts, 47 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:15 a.m. No.35827   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11587614 Q Research General #14795: WE WILL WIN! Edition

Created 110618ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11587663 Feds: mail ballots in postal worker's car

>>>/qresearch/11587728 Four Seasons

>>>/qresearch/11587730 Mayor De Blasio’s daughter in New York


>>>/qresearch/11587756 Famous Glitches In History


>>>/qresearch/11587778 Soros is targeted.

>>>/qresearch/11587781 Near by to Four seasons landscaping and Armour of God is the prison where Law abiding Citizen was filmed.


>>>/qresearch/11587888 Brennen - (video) desperation

>>>/qresearch/11587906 I know a few anons are aware of the Bet365 scam for those that voted for Trump…

>>>/qresearch/11587914 ISAAC KAPPY's DEAD MANS SWITCH – The LOST Tapes - #1

>>>/qresearch/11587939 EZRA Cohen-Watnick: He's the LOSBR to Pelosis arrow quiver

>>>/qresearch/11587985 Rudy: Affidavits will be published tomorrow. You will be shocked.

>>>/qresearch/11587995 This is called: Arrogation

>>>/qresearch/11587996 Twitter Disputes the Great James Woods (bad move, Twitter)

>>>/qresearch/11587998 Cuomo refers to President Trump as a "Revenant/Dead Man Walking" from 9:11 to the end.

>>>/qresearch/11588005, >>>/qresearch/11588037 Chair of the Federal Election Commission says the election is illegitimate. Won’t see this on the news. I will take his word not the fake news reporters word.


>>>/qresearch/11588010 11 November 2018 Mayotte seismic event.

>>>/qresearch/11588015, >>>/qresearch/11588029 PlaneFags: Eyes on developing situation


>>>/qresearch/11588020 #BigDickAnon Update: The Democrats Are Fucked Edition.

>>>/qresearch/11588023, >>>/qresearch/11588059, >>>/qresearch/11588081 CM analysing the Dominion voting system code manual

>>>/qresearch/11588030 LBJ: Ballot Box 13

>>>/qresearch/11588052 The FCC -NOW- prohibits broadcasters from intentionally distorting the news.

>>>/qresearch/11588053 Current Actual Election Result Update: President Trump Leading In Electoral College With More Paths to Victory Than Biden

>>>/qresearch/11588085 The Keystone State, the other stones in place

>>>/qresearch/11588087, >>>/qresearch/11588194 More history of the halfchan origin of the peepee dossier. /pol/ is always right!


>>>/qresearch/11588197 Nov 11.11.20 - 101 years since the Armistice. Big day coming.

>>>/qresearch/11588216, >>>/qresearch/11588227 Trump knew of Dominion election fraud method (exposed here by CodeMonkeyZ) back in October. (WeIl)

>>>/qresearch/11588230, >>>/qresearch/11588271 Kappy REopens the "Portal" tonight at 11:17 pm (with more rare Klassic Kappy videos to come over the next week+).

>>>/qresearch/11588247, >>>/qresearch/11588259 A company named Black Cube

>>>/qresearch/11588248 Kappy's father owned ranch near Epstein ranch. That Hamsa is in a private house.

>>>/qresearch/11588279 Trump files emergency junction in Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11588385 #14794

>>>/qresearch/11588441 #14795

(33 notables, 41 posts, 48 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:15 a.m. No.35828   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11586761 Q Research General #14794: Operators Are Standing By

Created 110433ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11586895, >>>/qresearch/11587030 Gina Haspel Goes To Congress Digs

>>>/qresearch/11586944 Ulla and JP Bak

>>>/qresearch/11586954, >>>/qresearch/11587043, >>>/qresearch/11587077 PF: Airborn Recon - GreenCastle

>>>/qresearch/11586962 You know… RED1 is when the delete Trump's Tweets…(well, actually his whole twitter acct, but yeah, notable)

>>>/qresearch/11586975 Why is FoxNews trying to push us to Parler?

>>>/qresearch/11586986 I seriously can’t stop watching this, “oh shit, fuck” will me remembered forever

>>>/qresearch/11587011, >>>/qresearch/11587051 Dan Scavino tweet vid is 34 seconds long. (Q34 = Q Clearance Patriot)

>>>/qresearch/11587018, >>>/qresearch/11587064 A Vaccine To Turn Off VMAT2 gene

>>>/qresearch/11587062 CAPS: 11.11 - Red1

>>>/qresearch/11587080 Look at all the likes on this tweet of POTUS: WE WILL WIN!

>>>/qresearch/11587140 That was without a doubt /pol/'s finest moment. (remember where you came from)

>>>/qresearch/11587143 Cupich calls Vatican sex abuse report a watershed moment for Catholic

>>>/qresearch/11587168 Trump Campaign Senior Advisor Steve Cortes: The Statistical Case Against a Joe Biden Election Win

>>>/qresearch/11587177 Popes Knew Of Misconduct Allegations Against Ex-Cardinal McCarrick, Vatican Finds | TODAY

>>>/qresearch/11587178 These numbers from lb are JUST the 'glitch & switch' votes, those are not counting the fraud with mail-in ballots!

>>>/qresearch/11587191 Noticed that USPS headquarters is located at L'enfent Plaza in DC. The child plaza…

>>>/qresearch/11587227 You can BUY your passport that will grant you unlimited access to all EU-nations with that?

>>>/qresearch/11587233 Dominion whistleblower last bread named her manager, Nick Ilonomakis. Said he is a patent holder and co-owner. Name she provided checks out.

>>>/qresearch/11587245, >>>/qresearch/11587253, >>>/qresearch/11587264, >>>/qresearch/11587272 Ben Sasse Twitter has an odd background image. (Wheat Leader of the Year 2019)

>>>/qresearch/11587251 Pol thread exposing a major Antifa network. They are requesting shovels.

>>>/qresearch/11587254, >>>/qresearch/11587316 Four Seasons Landscaping around the corner from Armour of God Ministries

>>>/qresearch/11587258 Joe Biden in September: I will Not Declare Victory Until the Election Is Independently Certified

>>>/qresearch/11587262 Abp. Viganò Denounces Alliance Between Deep State and Deep Church Amidst Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11587310, >>>/qresearch/11587474 Moar on the female protester who spat in a Police Officers face. She's linked to Jerry Nadler

>>>/qresearch/11587317 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost — Using Dominion and Other Systems

>>>/qresearch/11587321, >>>/qresearch/11587329 Okay, as far as I can see only three tweets were deleted, as compared from Two are dupes.

>>>/qresearch/11587348 INSANE: Pennsylvania’s Allegheny County Board Of Elections Votes to Count Undated Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11587374 PATRIOTS FIGHT Q467

>>>/qresearch/11587377 Dominion whistleblower Melissa Karone (sp?)

>>>/qresearch/11587419, >>>/qresearch/11587435 Is Ezra the LOSBR?

>>>/qresearch/11587427 Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses

>>>/qresearch/11587479 U.S. Political Consultant Suggests Rallying Democrats With Giant, Fortnite-Style Holographic Biden

>>>/qresearch/11587486 NASA chief Jim Bridenstine will reportedly step down when Biden takes office

>>>/qresearch/11587496 Kappy REopens the "Portal" tonight at 11:17 pm

>>>/qresearch/11587501 Joe Biden's nephew weds in Ulster; vice president visits area (Finger Lakes related)

>>>/qresearch/11587502 New Flynn

>>>/qresearch/11587535 Sen. John Kennedy rebukes Pelosi on coronavirus talks: 'She's drunk'

>>>/qresearch/11587585 Democrats' House majority is almost certain to shrink after an unforeseen surge of Republican voters.

>>>/qresearch/11587605 #14794

(39 notables, 51 posts, 63 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:15 a.m. No.35829   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11588386 Q Research General #14796: Defeated Tyrants, Eliminated Terrorists, And Secured Freedom Edition

Created 110801ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11588440 DeBlasio’s daughter gives a huge Freudian slip interview claiming we have the first black/Asian female president elected & joe Biden stole the election

>>>/qresearch/11588456 Tens of Thousands of Pennsylvania Ballots Returned Earlier Than Sent Date: Researcher

>>>/qresearch/11588461 Presidential Election Timeline

>>>/qresearch/11588462 Trump Campaign’s Latest Lawsuit in Pennsylvania Will ‘Prevail’: Murtaugh

>>>/qresearch/11588473, >>>/qresearch/11588481 The Cannabis Question Rant Thing - prerecorded segments - recently edited

VIDEO - Peter Tosh - Legalize It [Channel: Bondade é Nosso Hábito]

>>>/qresearch/11588490 Fraud Street Run - Four Seasons to Four Seasons (holy kek, can you make this shit up?)

>>>/qresearch/11588500 CAP: Mossad Media MAtrix - Black Cube


>>>/qresearch/11588599 Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses

>>>/qresearch/11588605 Mike Pompeo Says There Will Be ‘Smooth Transition’ To 2nd Trump Administration

>>>/qresearch/11588634 Biden team can’t get intelligence reports until Trump concedes

>>>/qresearch/11588722, >>>/qresearch/11588728 Dominion Detroit whistleblower cancelled from Fox News! Watch her here!

>>>/qresearch/11588735 CM Digs on Dominion Voting Software


>>>/qresearch/11588738, >>>/qresearch/11588750, >>>/qresearch/11588770, >>>/qresearch/11588789 Evidence Surfaces of John Durham Grand Jury

>>>/qresearch/11588741 This place is not for normies.

>>>/qresearch/11588743 Marxist bullshit in Australia mirrors the Marxist bullshit in the U.S.

>>>/qresearch/11588744, >>>/qresearch/11588902 180 boxes with votes and voting materials found in Puerto Rico after elections

>>>/qresearch/11588748 Based on just INITIAL analysis of DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS over 500,000 votes SWITCHED from President Trump to Joe Biden. Another 2,865,757 votes DELETED. These are not "GLITCHES." This is system wide programming behavior (Malicious Intent).

>>>/qresearch/11588763, >>>/qresearch/11588850, >>>/qresearch/11588928 Articles from US Constitution

>>>/qresearch/11588817 Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost — Using Dominion and Other Systems

>>>/qresearch/11588827 Conservative Network Newsmax Surges In Ratings – Already Beating The FOX Business Network

>>>/qresearch/11588835 Brigadier General Anthony Jean Tata has some choices for [Brennan].

>>>/qresearch/11588838 How Nancy Pelosi Could Lose the Speakership Even if Democrats Hold the House

>>>/qresearch/11588842 Here are the two longest Dominion user guides I can find and they show the general product features.

>>>/qresearch/11588845 From the Dominion Voting Systems Democracy Suite: Results Tally and Reporting User Guide. (All Your Votes Are Belong To Us)

>>>/qresearch/11588849 Pennsylvania’s Allegheny County Board Of Elections Votes to Count Undated Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11588866 Gregg Jarrett: In Russia hoax probe, fired FBI Deputy Director McCabe gives ludicrous defense of misconduct

>>>/qresearch/11588869 Ezra Cohen-Watnick

>>>/qresearch/11588882 GOP-bashing, softball questions take center stage at Biden's first presser

>>>/qresearch/11588885 Eventbrite Falsely Announces Cancellation of ‘March for Trump’ to Suppress Outcome for This Weekend’s Historic Rally

>>>/qresearch/11588907 CNN Reality is Setting In

>>>/qresearch/11588914 "Wait Until You See What's Coming!": President Trump Teases New Evidence Of Alleged Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11588923 Raymond document outlines Space Force’s management practices, priorities, and identity

>>>/qresearch/11588926 Sorry Dems: There Won't Be a Post-Trump GOP Any Time Soon

>>>/qresearch/11588947 This woman is an IT tech for Dominion Voting Systems

>>>/qresearch/11588951 The Red Wave No One Saw Coming

>>>/qresearch/11588972 Democrat Raphael Warnock Repeatedly Praised Jeremiah Wright, Marxism

>>>/qresearch/11588998 Fake News: ABC, CNN Claim Trump Gearing Up to Leave a War for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11589017 Rep. Clyburn: ‘Defund The Police’ Killed Democrats

>>>/qresearch/11589022 Never Trump Lincoln Project Targets Trump Attorneys: ‘Make Them Famous’

>>>/qresearch/11589023 Maryland’s 7th District encompasses large portions of Baltimore County, Howard County & Baltimore City.

>>>/qresearch/11589037, >>>/qresearch/11589045, >>>/qresearch/11589055, >>>/qresearch/11589072 Nick Ikonomakis Patents -computer program for tabulating votes and creating an audit trail is provided

>>>/qresearch/11589073 The 2020 US Presidential election far exceeded 2 standard deviations of historical voter turnout over the past ~100 years.

>>>/qresearch/11589081 How big tech got bigger

>>>/qresearch/11589083 He said when all counts are in Biden and Harris could have over 90 million votes!!!

>>>/qresearch/11589096 US election 2020: God only knows what’s going on in the US

>>>/qresearch/11589110 Key Nunes Aide, Kash Patel, Named Acting Defense Secretary Chief of Staff…

>>>/qresearch/11589132 Ex-Mueller Deputy Andrew Weissmann Compares President Trump to Hitler

>>>/qresearch/11589134 3 year delta Q drop #141

>>>/qresearch/11589135 Andrew Cuomo says N.Y. job saved Trump from 'Fredo' joke violence

>>>/qresearch/11589143 Trump Campaign Senior Advisor Steve Cortes: The Statistical Case Against a Joe Biden Election Win

>>>/qresearch/11589162 What These Two Men Found In The Trash After A Wedding Reception In A Closed Polling Place Is Stunning [VIDEO]

>>>/qresearch/11589184 #14796

(53 notables, 64 posts, 51 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:15 a.m. No.35830   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11589192 Q Research General #14797: Eleven Eleven Edition

Created 110959ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11589305 Halfchan shut off image uploads. They usually do as a preemptive measure when they expect something really bad to leak.

>>>/qresearch/11589356 Executive Order 11110—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10289 as Amended, Relating to the Performance of Certain Functions Affecting the Department of the Treasury

>>>/qresearch/11589357 Dr.SHIVA LIVE: MIT PhD Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems.

>>>/qresearch/11589367 Armistice Day is commemorated every year on 11 November to mark the armistice signed between the Allies of World War I and Germany at Compiègne

>>>/qresearch/11589368 RealClearPolitics: Biden has not been elected

>>>/qresearch/11589383 Nobody Believes This Election Farce


>>>/qresearch/11589388 Biden 3 Days Prior to Election Night: "I don't need you to get me elected, I need you once I'm elected."

>>>/qresearch/11589391 Election Day should not last two months

>>>/qresearch/11589397, >>>/qresearch/11589401, >>>/qresearch/11589403, >>>/qresearch/11589409, >>>/qresearch/11589412, >>>/qresearch/11589419, >>>/qresearch/11589421, >>>/qresearch/11589425, >>>/qresearch/11589429, >>>/qresearch/11589434, >>>/qresearch/11589439, >>>/qresearch/11589445, >>>/qresearch/11589452, >>>/qresearch/11589458, >>>/qresearch/11589468, >>>/qresearch/11589485 BUN: Q Events/ Deltas 11.11 through 11.14 - a MAP (thank you anon)

>>>/qresearch/11589404 Ulster County Man Pleads Guilty to Child Pornography Offenses

>>>/qresearch/11589405 Fox News’ betrayal - there’s a question hanging in the air

>>>/qresearch/11589416 Voter Fraud in Presidential Elections Has Been Going on for at Least 60 Years. It’s Time to Call a Halt.

>>>/qresearch/11589427 Steve Cortes identified four statistical anomalies associated with last week’s presidential vote.

>>>/qresearch/11589431 Trump’s bid to shift the election may be hopeless, but Dems have done it since 2016

>>>/qresearch/11589441 Why Scott Adams of Dilbert Fame And I Say Trump Wins This Thing - Bigly

>>>/qresearch/11589450 McCarrick Report: a sorrowful page the Church is learning from

>>>/qresearch/11589456, >>>/qresearch/11589469, >>>/qresearch/11589491, >>>/qresearch/11589493 Gentlemen, as of 5:33:45EST 4chan is kill. Images have not been able to post for over an hour and now all post have stopped

>>>/qresearch/11589482 Duterte extends Philippines' military deal with US

>>>/qresearch/11589492 Tens of thousands of Pennsylvania ballots defy the laws of physics

>>>/qresearch/11589504 Georgia’s GOP Congressional Reps Demand Answers About Alleged Voter Irregularities

>>>/qresearch/11589520 Veteran's Day

>>>/qresearch/11589524 Letter: Election fraud? Why, whatever do you mean?

>>>/qresearch/11589543 AG Barr tells DOJ to investigate allegations of voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/11589553 Trump's Approval Ratings Climb in Week Since Election

>>>/qresearch/11589564 Ken Timmerman to Newsmax TV: Book Predicted This 'Secret Switch'

>>>/qresearch/11589577 MSNBC splits with two more contributors going to work for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11589581 A parade that will never be forgotten.

>>>/qresearch/11589585 Results For CA21 Come to a Halt as GOP Candidate Pulls Ahead! Elections Dept Suspends Canvassing Operations Until Nov. 21 Due to Covid


>>>/qresearch/11589596 ‘God Damn America’: Warnock’s Praise for Jeremiah Wright Gets Fresh Scrutiny

>>>/qresearch/11589599 South Carolina Democrat Resigns After Devastating Election Results

>>>/qresearch/11589606 Senator Asks DOJ If Hunter Biden’s Chinese Business Deals Complied With Foreign Agent Registration Law

>>>/qresearch/11589741 Aaaaaaand the Pentagon just made Michael Flynn aide Ezra Cohen-Watnick acting undersecretary for intelligence.

>>>/qresearch/11589765 South African Cabal updated MAP

>>>/qresearch/11589817 Enemy @ the Front Door.

>>>/qresearch/11589889 SOROS took over for Rothschild and both work for a Hidden Hand.

>>>/qresearch/11589895 Over 51,000 Absentee Pennsylvania ballots marked “returned” just a day after they sent out. Nearly 35,000 were returned on the same day they were mailed out.

>>>/qresearch/11589897 Sworn Affidavit From Former MI Asst. AG

>>>/qresearch/11589901 In Wisconsin, between 2 AM and 3:30 AM, the total number of votes increased by 125,000. Of these 125,000 votes, 100% were for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11589904, >>>/qresearch/11589913 Great article explains how DOJ attny Pilger who 'resigned' had been a gatekeeper

>>>/qresearch/11589906 (PB) vote fraud bundle

>>>/qresearch/11590004 #14797

(43 notables, 63 posts, 48 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:16 a.m. No.35831   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11590017 Q Research General #14798: Through The Darkest Of The Night Anons Shine The Light Edition

Created 111221ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11590107 E. among others suggest you read the Dominion voting machine manuals for yourself

>>>/qresearch/11590126 Ring recalls 350,000 doorbells over fire hazard

>>>/qresearch/11590127, >>>/qresearch/11590139 New General Flynn

>>>/qresearch/11590145 Dough Custody Tracker

>>>/qresearch/11590156 Some anon on The Donald says they bought the remaining $25,025 full voter data for WI &ndash; use teh python to research

>>>/qresearch/11590157 old Four Seasons hotel in Philadelphia, now called the Logan, has rooftop bar and creepy art.

>>>/qresearch/11590158, >>>/qresearch/11590274, >>>/qresearch/11590336, >>>/qresearch/11590347 Bannon rtfs violence in Chicago (tweet removed)


>>>/qresearch/11590163 Saudi Arabia bomb blast leaves four injured at remembrance memorial service

>>>/qresearch/11590200 analysis of national votes switched from Trump to Biden and votes erased

>>>/qresearch/11590201 Quantum internet coming thanks to President Trump.

>>>/qresearch/11590204 SOUTH AFRICAN CABAL SYMBOLS

>>>/qresearch/11590237 Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick offers $1 million reward for evidence of voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/11590249 "Final Days" MK U programming PDF

>>>/qresearch/11590255 buried testimony from John Poulos

>>>/qresearch/11590294 Tony Bobulinski MP4


>>>/qresearch/11590325 The DNC needs Antifa to go away so they're doxxing them!!!

>>>/qresearch/11590334 Volunteers who took Pfizer vaccine say it felt like suffering a ‘severe hangover’

>>>/qresearch/11590345 Live RSBN Chat

>>>/qresearch/11590354 CALLS TO UNSEAL CR17 DOCUMENTS in South Africa

>>>/qresearch/11590380 unusual plane activity to Gitmo the last 1-1/2 weeks

>>>/qresearch/11590405 Our head of nukes resigns and now we move some nukes…

>>>/qresearch/11590447 anon opines on how Covid/BLM/Antifa thing being used as cover to setup a hostile insurrection (not just election).

>>>/qresearch/11590495 CodeMonkey says: Remember the USB drives stolen in Philly? admin keys.

>>>/qresearch/11590630 New DJT

>>>/qresearch/11590723, >>>/qresearch/11590734 Code Monkey tweets about shared Dominion voting machine keys

>>>/qresearch/11590753 Who's on the Dominion Voting Systems board of directors?

>>>/qresearch/11590761 #14798,

(27 notables, 32 posts, 37 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:16 a.m. No.35832   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11590795 Q Research General #14799: The Day the Fake News gets SHUT DOWN Edition

Created 111401ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11590879 Pfizer's CEO Dumps 62% Of His Stock On COVID Vaccine Announcement

>>>/qresearch/11590880 Speeches start at 11am EST.

>>>/qresearch/11590890 U.S. special forces in Sweden &ndash; make of it what you will.

>>>/qresearch/11590908 Memory sticks used to program Philly’s voting machines were stolen from elections warehouse

>>>/qresearch/11590919 The commander of the Sub connects to Tennessee ?

>>>/qresearch/11591047 Trump Takes Alaska, 3 electoral votes

>>>/qresearch/11591065 Twitter is advocating for ILLEGAL ascertainments for the outcomes of Presidential elections!

>>>/qresearch/11591067 Notable General Flynn Vid


>>>/qresearch/11591072 what is going on with [Maynard C.] Krebs?

>>>/qresearch/11591073 It's much bigger than maidengate. ANYONE who has lived at multiple addresses and registered different times to vote. OR changed their name.

>>>/qresearch/11591098 [Find the Bridge] - Guess?

>>>/qresearch/11591135 If you secretly wanted to rule the world, wouldn’t Sweden be the perfect place for headquarters?

>>>/qresearch/11591158 They called it Dominion. Could they be any more obvious?

>>>/qresearch/11591175 ODNI: No National Security Info for Biden Until Win Confirmed

>>>/qresearch/11591239 Florida Gov. drafts expansion of "stand your ground" law that would cover looters.

>>>/qresearch/11591251 "(We) are the News Now" = POTUS tweet Confirms Anons' Call (Nov 6) about [Al Schmidt] - = [RINOs] in Philly Helping Steal Election

>>>/qresearch/11591350 Invisible US-Iran Cyber War

>>>/qresearch/11591384 Bahrain’s long-serving prime minister Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa dead at 84

>>>/qresearch/11591391 @CodeMonkeyZ: Why does the Dominion Voting System user manual say to not enter a password? Why are they using digital certificates without passwords?

>>>/qresearch/11591445 PF report(s)

>>>/qresearch/11591463 Ancient humans voting….will be called to verify proof of vote.

>>>/qresearch/11591503 Seems like it would be wise to dig on NASED ( ).

>>>/qresearch/11591567 #14799

(23 notables, 23 posts, 20 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:17 a.m. No.35833   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11593196 Q Research General #14802: Prayer Brake

Created 111708ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11593221, >>>/qresearch/11593321, >>>/qresearch/11593361, >>>/qresearch/11593371, >>>/qresearch/11593387, >>>/qresearch/11593407, >>>/qresearch/11593421, >>>/qresearch/11593459

(1 notable, 8 posts, 2 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:18 a.m. No.35834   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11593209 Q Rsearch General #14802: Ebaked Again

Created 111711ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11593238 Ballot counting machines that can PRINT votes

>>>/qresearch/11593244 Issac Kappy's deadman switch talking about SLAVE TRADERS in his deadman switch. All. About. Mossad.

>>>/qresearch/11593249 Gen. Mark A. Milley met withQatari Armed Forces Chief of Staff H E Lieutenant General Ghanem bin Shaheen Al Ghanemtoday at the Pentagon

>>>/qresearch/11593266 POTUS


>>>/qresearch/11593308 "USPS whistleblower denies report he recanted voter fraud claims

>>>/qresearch/11593346 Open Records Request Finds NO INVOICES OR WORK ORDERS on Reported

>>>/qresearch/11593352 Hammer and Scorecard Connection


>>>/qresearch/11593382 Deutsche Bank Proposes A 5% "Work From Home" Tax

>>>/qresearch/11593405 #14801, #14802,


>>>/qresearch/11593462 Twitter is now pushing #FakeNews about the election

>>>/qresearch/11593508 Globalist Klaus Schwab: World Will "Never" Return To Normal After COVID

>>>/qresearch/11593521 President Trump and Senate Republicans win Alaska, overwhelmingly and by a massive 20 point spread!

>>>/qresearch/11593545 Rudy Giuliani Confirms “Dominion” Whistleblowers Are Coming Forward

>>>/qresearch/11593595 Florida Gov DeSantis Introduces ‘Anti-Mob’ Law, Allows Citizens to Protect Themselves from Rioters

>>>/qresearch/11593604 Milwaukee Trying to Cover Its Tracks After Initially Reporting Seven Wards Had More Votes than Registered Voters

>>>/qresearch/11593627 Bomb Strikes WWI Memorial Event In Saudi Arabia Hosted By Western Diplomats

>>>/qresearch/11593643 Sullivan Wins Alaska Reelection, Bringing Republicans To 50 Senators

>>>/qresearch/11593657 PF

>>>/qresearch/11593668 Sidney Powell: “There is tons of evidence that Hundreds of Thousands of ballots are going to have to be discarded”

>>>/qresearch/11593695 MICHIGAN WITNESS: Detroit Tabulation Machines were Illegally Connected to the Web

>>>/qresearch/11593704 The Boeing Co., Defense, Space & Security St. Louis, Missouri, has been awarded a$9,800,000,000indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for F-15 support for Saudi Arabia

>>>/qresearch/11593717 We have the gavel’: Democrats secure majority in US House of Representatives but by slimmer margin – AP

>>>/qresearch/11593719 TSA found a suspicious package at the Charleston Airport that was ruled to be a "potential threat.”

>>>/qresearch/11593739 Pfizer's CEO Dumps 62% Of His Stock On COVID Vaccine Announcement

>>>/qresearch/11593747 Ghislane Maxwell Counsel Fighting to Keep Doe 1 & Doe 2 Names Redacted

>>>/qresearch/11593765 Pennsylvania Received 10,000 Contested Mail-In Ballots After Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11593787 In Georgia, ballots where the voter ONLY voted for President:• Trump: 818 • Biden: 95,801

>>>/qresearch/11593799 Terrence K. Williams is the Founder & CEO- Elect of Twitter & Facebook.

>>>/qresearch/11593803 ‘Leftists are evil’: Conservative actor Jon Voight says Democrats serve SATAN in pro-Trump speech

>>>/qresearch/11593849 ‘Medical tyranny’: Govt advisers’ idea to give corona-free Britons WRISTBANDS gets cold welcome on Twitter

>>>/qresearch/11593874 Professor actually says 'legal vote' is just as 'racist' as 'welfare queen,' 'super predator,' and — 'personal responsibility'

>>>/qresearch/11593927 Mark Tomb, a Pentagon policy official, has been fired as the unusual shakeup at DoD continues.

>>>/qresearch/11593966 Was Scytl just SOLD on the eve of election?

>>>/qresearch/11593970 Newsmax pledged $1M to Clinton foundation

>>>/qresearch/11593986 Letter from Brendan Hurley stating Dominion was dangerous.

(38 notables, 38 posts, 60 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:18 a.m. No.35835   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11591555 Q Research General #14800: They Called It Dominion Edition

Created 111508ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11591650 Gab post says Hannity was supposed to have Dominion IT lady on last night, but canceled at last minute.

>>>/qresearch/11591668 Reminder: Richard Jewel’s attorney was none other than Lin Wood.

>>>/qresearch/11591729 Dominion, Smartmatic, Sequoia, it's all becoming a curiously related blur:

>>>/qresearch/11591741, >>>/qresearch/11591789 General Flynn's Father In-Law Franklin Andrews

>>>/qresearch/11591792 GA SOS to hold presser shortly

>>>/qresearch/11591805, >>>/qresearch/11592135 @CodeMonkeyZ: Trying to figure out what a split rotation is and why you would want to enforce a maximum deviation on it.

>>>/qresearch/11591839, >>>/qresearch/11592030 More CM. What are the odds Microsoft is 'helping' out with the election in Detroit? Warren Flood is tight with Barry and Biden

>>>/qresearch/11591855 (PB) vote fraud bundle

>>>/qresearch/11591867 WHITE HOUSE LIVE: President Trump and The First Lady Participate in a National Veterans Day Observance

>>>/qresearch/11591934 Beau Biden Foundation for protection of children; Partner with

>>>/qresearch/11591938, >>>/qresearch/11592007 Candidate Name Rotations?

>>>/qresearch/11591961 not sure if it's the same warehouse from whence the laptop and memory sticks were stolen

>>>/qresearch/11592156 Too bad we dont have the dominion source code to review. These types of things should be open source so everybody can poke through it. Why do we have black box elections?

>>>/qresearch/11592193 @DeptofDefense LIVE: #VeteransDay wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at @ArlingtonNatl Cemetery.

>>>/qresearch/11592223 It's Maynard G. Krebs, not [Maynard C.]

>>>/qresearch/11592264 flynn talking about dominion software &ndash; kind anon embed plz

>>>/qresearch/11592300 #14800

(17 notables, 21 posts, 21 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:19 a.m. No.35836   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11592308 Q Research General #14801: Why do we have black box elections? Edition

Created 111606ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11592421 lb dominion voting system dig

>>>/qresearch/11592443 Pfizer CEO Stock Dump

>>>/qresearch/11592447 11.3 Confidentiality of Investigations

>>>/qresearch/11592469 ODIN/BlockChain

>>>/qresearch/11592487 GA AUDIT CONFIRMED

>>>/qresearch/11592541 Arrest the MSM?

(6 notables, 6 posts, 11 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:19 a.m. No.35837   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11594804 Q Research General #14804: If You Build It, Q Will Crumb Edition

Created 111903ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11594910 The National Museum of the United States Army celebrates over 240 years of Army history and honors our nation’s Soldiers

>>>/qresearch/11594913 Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs husband Patrick Goodman runs all the kids programs in AZ (DIG)

>>>/qresearch/11594915 Open Records Request Finds NO INVOICES OR WORK ORDERS on Reported Election Day Water Main Break in Atlanta

>>>/qresearch/11594919 Tens of Thousands of Pennsylvania Ballots Returned Earlier Than Sent Date: Researcher

>>>/qresearch/11594929, >>>/qresearch/11594933 The Hidden Tyranny


VIDEO - Harold Wallace Rosenthal jewish Tyranny [Channel: Tony Farrell]

>>>/qresearch/11594938 No, dead people didn't vote in Philadelphia, elections boss says

>>>/qresearch/11594946 RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents

VIDEO - RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>>/qresearch/11594958 #14802 1/2

>>>/qresearch/11594965 #14802 2/2

>>>/qresearch/11594987 Trump Job Approval: Approve 53% , Disapprove 46%

>>>/qresearch/11594992 President Trump has asked every registered voter in your household to send him a hard copy "snail mail" letter demanding all 50 states be audited.

>>>/qresearch/11594999 Europe To Pay Lower Price For Pfizer COVID Vaccine Than US

>>>/qresearch/11595013, >>>/qresearch/11595110 Texas Social Worker Charged With 134 Felony Counts Of Elections Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11595017 Netanyahu speaks to Pfizer CEO, says believes sides will reach deal on vaccine

>>>/qresearch/11595027, >>>/qresearch/11595298 Dominion Voting Sys Board Member has DS/Clown CV

>>>/qresearch/11595055 Charleston airport officials get ‘all-clear’ after suspicious package prompts evacuation

>>>/qresearch/11595062 Leandra English, Who Pretended to Run CFPB, Leads Biden CFPB Transition

>>>/qresearch/11595068 A Special Message from Senator Dole for the Tribute to Veterans Virtually

>>>/qresearch/11595075 New York Times Columnist Urges Democrats to Commit Voter Fraud in Georgia

>>>/qresearch/11595076 New York Governor Cuomo "limits indoor gatherings at private residences to 10 people."

>>>/qresearch/11595139 Millions Are Still Being Bet on Trump’s 'Shocking' Overturn of Election Results by UK Gamblers

>>>/qresearch/11595179 Turkish Miracle Weapons Used By Azerbaijan In Karabakh Appeared To Be Mostly Israeli Ones

>>>/qresearch/11595209 The Dystopic Great Reset and the Fight Back: Population Reduction and Hope for the Children of Men

>>>/qresearch/11595230 Birth Pangs of the National Psyche

>>>/qresearch/11595252 Russian Peacekeepers Get Into Position, As France Offers “Message Of Support To Armenian Friends” (Updated)

>>>/qresearch/11595261, >>>/qresearch/11595335 Additional Info regarding the Election Integrity Panel in 2018

>>>/qresearch/11595276 New Sidney Powell twat

>>>/qresearch/11595329 LIVE: Police chase suspect in Los Angeles area | ABC7

>>>/qresearch/11595345 Project Veritas Releases RAW and UNEDITED Audio of 2 Hour Coercive Interrogation of USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins by Federal Agents

VIDEO - RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>>/qresearch/11595398 Adobe Acquiring Management Platform Specialist Workfront For $1.5 Billion

>>>/qresearch/11595417 Pfizer's political donations favored Democrats in 2020 cycle, with Biden the highest recipient

>>>/qresearch/11595432 FEC chair Trey Trainor believes that there is voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/11595439 BREAKING NEWS: @RudyGiuliani has confirmed whistleblowers from Dominion have come forward. OMG. They stole election. Switched votes from @realDonaldTrump

>>>/qresearch/11595462 PF

>>>/qresearch/11595470 ‘BREATHTAKING ABUSE’: Republican Attorneys General file amicus brief urging SCOTUS to rule on Pennsylvania mail-in ballots

>>>/qresearch/11595473 QAnon Legal Battle Against YouTube Could Transform Free Speech Online

>>>/qresearch/11595494 Deep State Candidate: Did You Know Joe Biden’s Great Grandfather Worked For The East India Company

>>>/qresearch/11595562 #14804

(38 notables, 42 posts, 51 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:20 a.m. No.35838   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11594043 Q Rsearch General #14803: Ebaked Again, Again

Created 111808ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11594075 Brennan ‘Concerned’ What Trump Might do in the Next 70 Days, Calls For Trump to be Removed From Office

>>>/qresearch/11594088, >>>/qresearch/11594135, >>>/qresearch/11594154, >>>/qresearch/11594332, >>>/qresearch/11594554, >>>/qresearch/11594696 We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11594090 Kayleigh McEnany brandishes 200 pages of affidavits alleging voter fraud as she appears on Hannity a day after being cut-off by Fox for unsubstantiated claims - as former RNC chair admits the numbers are too small to make a difference

>>>/qresearch/11594091, >>>/qresearch/11594167 Scytl just sold themselves on Oct 22

>>>/qresearch/11594095 CodeMonkey Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11594099 When asked why he didn't congratulate Biden and Harris, Slovenian PM Janez Janša

>>>/qresearch/11594105 Letter from Brendan Hurley stating Dominion was dangerous.

>>>/qresearch/11594127 Azerbaijani president nails BBC journalist on ‘media freedom’ by bringing up Assange

VIDEO - President Ilham Aliyev was interviewed by BBC News [Channel: AZERTAC English]

>>>/qresearch/11594129 Catherine Herridge Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11594140, >>>/qresearch/11594707 Arizona Secretary of State Rejects ‘Independent Analysis’ of Voting Data, Says It Would Amplify Baseless Theories

>>>/qresearch/11594150 DeSantis Pushes To Expand Stand Your Ground Law To Allow Citizens To Defend Against Rioters, Looters: Reports

>>>/qresearch/11594153 Symantec Shows How Easy It Is To Hack An Election

>>>/qresearch/11594196 Philippines again suspends plans to order US troops out of the country


>>>/qresearch/11594239 Chaos erupts after Dems claim that USPS whistleblower recanted his testimony, whistleblower denies recanting

>>>/qresearch/11594300 Netanyahu Recognized Biden as President-Elect. Now He Has a List of Favors He Wants From Trump

>>>/qresearch/11594321 Into The Abyss Of Hell With A Biden Presidency

>>>/qresearch/11594342 Race To Debase From Central Bankers Gone Wild: Another Central Bank Creating Currency to Buy Bonds

>>>/qresearch/11594380 Government has spent £333bn on the coronavirus pandemic - more than TWICE the NHS budget: Costs hit £83bn for furlough plus £40bn for 'moonshot' Covid tests as public debt soars above £2TRILLION

>>>/qresearch/11594402 More Trump firings from DoD: Mark Tomb, James Anderson, Joseph Kernan, Jennifer Stewart

>>>/qresearch/11594410 Information on US election being censored by ‘powerful interests’ in the media

>>>/qresearch/11594424 DeKalb County (GA) Schools launches ‘Black Lives Matter’ week

>>>/qresearch/11594434 Edwin Ward is Chairman of Paragon Group

>>>/qresearch/11594464 Trump ultra-loyalists are installed in series of top Pentagon jobs after purge in wake of Defense Secretary Mark Esper being fired

>>>/qresearch/11594471, >>>/qresearch/11594486, >>>/qresearch/11594604 RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents

VIDEO - RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents [Channel: Project Veritas]

VIDEO - RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents [Channel: Project Veritas]

VIDEO - RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>>/qresearch/11594477 Feds to Biden: You’re Not Getting Transition Funds Because You Haven’t Won Yet

>>>/qresearch/11594478 It Was a Mistake to Close Schools, UK Study Concedes

>>>/qresearch/11594498, >>>/qresearch/11594597 The Lincoln Project doxxes two Trump lawyers

>>>/qresearch/11594511 New James O'keefe Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11594556 Election Uncertainty Prompts Surge in Gun Sales

>>>/qresearch/11594594 Bizarre Suicide at Sierra Towers as Man Jumps from 27th Floor

>>>/qresearch/11594595 What we Can Expect from a Biden-Harris Administration: Abject Looting, Scamdemic Tyranny, Hate Crime Hoaxes and Secret ‘Police’

>>>/qresearch/11594615 Showing Efficacy of Mask Mandates—as Biden Pushes Nationwide Requirement

>>>/qresearch/11594633 Judge Jeanine Appears to Take Veiled Swipe at Fox, Slams Censorship and Cancel Culture

>>>/qresearch/11594712 Screenshot of the news in Lancaster PA. If 89,681 mail in ballots were returned how did they count 142.584

>>>/qresearch/11594787 #14803

(36 notables, 46 posts, 58 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:20 a.m. No.35839   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11597229 Q Research General #14807: Ebake



(1 notable, 1 post)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:20 a.m. No.35840   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11595622 Q Research General #14805: Interdasting Times Edition

Created 112004ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11595670 JIDF/MOSSAD

>>>/qresearch/11595695 GEOTUS TikTok Video


>>>/qresearch/11595726 Re: Marks v Stinson

>>>/qresearch/11595733 Unbelievable! Reuters Livestreamed this video of Fake Hillary Speaking at Georgetown U. Webinar

>>>/qresearch/11595765 We Honor Our Veterans (bideo)

>>>/qresearch/11595768 Did Ukraine & Romania Alter the US Election for Biden?

>>>/qresearch/11595787 Letter to send to President Trump to audit the Election

>>>/qresearch/11595788 Gov. Cuomo orders restaurants, bars to close at 10 p.m. amid COVID-19 uptick

>>>/qresearch/11595789 COVID / ELECTION 2020 PLAYBOOK FOR DUMMIES

>>>/qresearch/11595790 Sex workers in Oregon can now apply for federal COVID-19 relief cash.

>>>/qresearch/11595791 DJT video


>>>/qresearch/11595809 Fox News Cuts From Trump Briefing On Voter Fraud, Cavuto Says ‘We Can’t Report That’

>>>/qresearch/11595821 "you have full authority" says the interrogator to the postal worker

>>>/qresearch/11595846, >>>/qresearch/11595920 Turkish scientists in Germany who developed Pfizer vaccine partnered with Gates Foundation

>>>/qresearch/11595849 China, newly elected to the U.N. Human Rights Council, just reviewed the U.S. human rights record.


>>>/qresearch/11595877 Dog comms

>>>/qresearch/11595917 PF

>>>/qresearch/11595928 THE GREAT STEALECTION: A Special Report on the Stolen 2020 POTUS Election

>>>/qresearch/11595943 Data deep dive on Dominion Voting Systems offers incontrovertible proof of election hack

>>>/qresearch/11595948 DoD to Civilian Staff: Wait a Few More Weeks to Break Out the MAGA Hats, Biden Pins

>>>/qresearch/11596005 Military Situation In Syria On November 11, 2020 (Map Update)

>>>/qresearch/11596025 Chaos In Armenia Ramping Up As Pashinyan Refuses To Give Up Power, Leads Country Through Facebook

>>>/qresearch/11596049 Maps Detailing Russia’s Observation Posts And Peacekeeping Patrols In Nagorno-Karabakh Released

>>>/qresearch/11596050 So, was anything of value leaked on 4chan earlier?

>>>/qresearch/11596053, >>>/qresearch/11596065, >>>/qresearch/11596073, >>>/qresearch/11596082, >>>/qresearch/11596087 NAP to Combat Human Trafficking pdf






>>>/qresearch/11596083, >>>/qresearch/11596170 Obama Met With Big Tech to Censor The Internet

>>>/qresearch/11596086 Principal blasted for calling Trump supporters 'awipes' with 'small dks.' His apology apparently falls short as well.

>>>/qresearch/11596146 How Collapsing Checks and Balances Destroyed the Election in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11596168 Labor bans all MPs from sexual relationships with their staff

>>>/qresearch/11596204 Bahrain's Crown Prince Appointed New Prime Minister, Replacing Late Uncle

>>>/qresearch/11596211 Did BLM operate out of China’s Consulate in Houston?

>>>/qresearch/11596212 US sanctions 4 more Chinese officials in HK; Nearly 600 large Chinese companies in severe crisis

>>>/qresearch/11596226 Squad On The Attack: Tlaib Says She Won’t ‘Be Silent,’ AOC Says It’s Time To ‘Take Our Gloves Off’

>>>/qresearch/11596255 Trump Spiritual Adviser Bishop Harry Jackson Jr. Dies

>>>/qresearch/11596260 President al-Assad in a speech at opening of Int’l Conference on Return of Refugees: Refugees issue according to Syria a national issue, in addition to being a humanitarian issue

>>>/qresearch/11596268 People who test Covid negative should wear paper wristbands

>>>/qresearch/11596295 #14805

(37 notables, 43 posts, 53 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:21 a.m. No.35841   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11597228 Q Research General #14807: E-Bake to VICTORY Edition

Created 112158ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11597268 Fox has hired a crisis management team Due To Exodus

>>>/qresearch/11597270 Fox News Memewar has begun

>>>/qresearch/11597274 17 People Were Shot In Chicago On Monday Alone

>>>/qresearch/11597280 Voting machine Chinese-made gear

>>>/qresearch/11597287 18 U.S. Code § 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government.

>>>/qresearch/11597293 Still think Baby Murdoch dropped Wallace, AZ and Saturday's 'call' on purpose.

>>>/qresearch/11597309 Bannon: war room live

>>>/qresearch/11597311 ‘Major Incident’ Declared as Car Driven Into London Police Station

>>>/qresearch/11597317 Microsoft’s Xbox video game: ‘Shattered Union,” initial release date 10/17/2005


>>>/qresearch/11597318 Ron asking for Dominion source code to review. @We_Have_Risen helping out.

>>>/qresearch/11597328 Douglas McGregor: Everybody's scared to death of Donald Trump who's playing multi dimensional chess


>>>/qresearch/11597366 Wife of Noted Expert on Election Manipulation By Big Tech Killed in Violent Auto Accident

>>>/qresearch/11597369 Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs husband Patrick Goodman runs all the kids programs in AZ (DIG)

>>>/qresearch/11597389 Werise did a whole thread exposing Dominion

>>>/qresearch/11597422 Joe Biden pledged to not declare victory until election is certified


>>>/qresearch/11597438 School In Liverpool To BARCODE TEST Kids With ARMY 😟 Parental Consent Not Required

>>>/qresearch/11597443 Lockdowns Coming: 22 States Already Locking Down Again

>>>/qresearch/11597452 Police expose global child abuse ring centered in Australia

>>>/qresearch/11597458 ‘BREATHTAKING ABUSE’: Republican Attorneys General file amicus brief urging SCOTUS to rule on Pennsylvania mail-in ballots

>>>/qresearch/11597471 The New Yorker fires Jeffrey Toobin after probe into Zoom masturbation scandal

>>>/qresearch/11597510 Chair of Federal Election Commission Says Election is Illegitimate.

>>>/qresearch/11597559 Bill Cooper's radio broadcast Veterans Day 1996

>>>/qresearch/11597566 Ongoing dig into Big Tech and Political Manipulation | Robert Epstein | CCA II: Big Tech

>>>/qresearch/11597570 New Flynn.

>>>/qresearch/11597581 Republican Incumbent Wins Alaska Senate Race, Clinching 50 Senate Seats For GOP

>>>/qresearch/11597626 Connecticut GOP Lawmaker Discovered Winner After Race Called for Democrat

>>>/qresearch/11597645 "The Glitch" was happening in early voting as well as election night.

>>>/qresearch/11597667 Democrat Raphael Warnock Arrested in 2002 for Obstructing Child Abuse Investigation

>>>/qresearch/11597668 Suggested letter to write to President Trump for auditing the 2020 Presidential Election(hand written letters are the most powerful)

>>>/qresearch/11597680 PF: C5M RCH220 from Lackland AFB to LaPaz Honduras.

>>>/qresearch/11597705 Ron is fired up. CodeMonkey indeed.

>>>/qresearch/11597706 Hollywood Celebrities Take Aim at Georgia Senate Races, Pushing Fundraising and Organizing Efforts for Democratic Candidates

>>>/qresearch/11597712 Anons know what to do

>>>/qresearch/11597716 Fox News Memewar

>>>/qresearch/11597734 Why does the Dominion Voting System user manual say to not enter a password? Why are they using digital certificates without passwords?

>>>/qresearch/11597736 New Flynn

>>>/qresearch/11597749 President Trump censored almost every tweet by Twitter now.

>>>/qresearch/11597752 Viral Video Allegedly Shows Mayor De Blasio's Daughter Saying Biden Was Able to 'Steal' The Election

>>>/qresearch/11597758 BREAKING: Republican Thom Tillis wins reelection to U.S. Senate from North Carolina. - AP

>>>/qresearch/11597798 More Than 10,000 Dead People have returned their mail-in-ballots to vote in Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11597814 Connecticut House Lawmaker Discovered Winner After Race Called for Opponent

>>>/qresearch/11597815 Isaac Kappy's last video

>>>/qresearch/11597828 ARIZONA: Maricopa County GOP Chair Resigns Following Failure to Check Voting Machines

>>>/qresearch/11597866 Britain’s heir-to-the-throne Prince Charles urges a "worldwide shift"

>>>/qresearch/11597871 Boris Johnson's Director of Communications Resigns From Post Amid Ongoing Disputes

>>>/qresearch/11597879 Biden Covid advisor says U.S. lockdown of 4 to 6 weeks could control pandemic and revive economy

>>>/qresearch/11597883 More New Flynn: Everyone Active

>>>/qresearch/11597895 Two Biden Campaign Members Admit to Printing Ballots in Key Battleground States

>>>/qresearch/11597911 ‘Inaccurate’: Pentagon Rejects Taipei’s Claims That US Marines Are Training Taiwanese Counterparts

>>>/qresearch/11597935 FLOTUS

>>>/qresearch/11597945 Philadelphia has destroyed all ballot envelopes.

>>>/qresearch/11597962 #14807

(52 notables, 52 posts, 61 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:21 a.m. No.35842   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11596376 Q Research General #14806: Self-Education and Dissemination Of Information Edition

Created 112057ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11596437 WHERE IS HILLARY CLINTON?

>>>/qresearch/11596463 FEC Chairman Trey Trainor: “I Do Believe There Is Fraud in These Places — If The Law Is Not Followed It Makes This an Illegitimate Election”

>>>/qresearch/11596468 Video From GEOTUS Tweet


>>>/qresearch/11596477 Tennessee Attorney General Asks Supreme Court to Review Election Process in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11596489 Melania Trump Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11596501 RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents

VIDEO - RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>>/qresearch/11596590 Suggested Letter to send to President Trump for audit of 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/11596607 Big happy family: Kamala Harris’ husband, MSNBC analysts leave jobs to join Biden administration

>>>/qresearch/11596684 PF

>>>/qresearch/11596702 WH Proclamation on Veterans Day, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11596714 Call to Digg on Symante

>>>/qresearch/11596730 Dan Bongino Tweets

>>>/qresearch/11596753 @RyanAFournier "Whistleblowers from Dominion have come forward. Big News. Trump was right all along."

>>>/qresearch/11596792 QAnon High Priest Was Just Trolling Away as a Citigroup Tech Executive

>>>/qresearch/11596885 Analysis of Election Night Data from All States

>>>/qresearch/11596894 BREAKING: Rudy Giuliani CONFIRMS “Dominion” Whistleblowers Coming Forward

>>>/qresearch/11596908 Black Lives Matter demands meeting with Biden: “We want something for our vote”

>>>/qresearch/11596936 #14806

(18 notables, 18 posts, 28 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:21 a.m. No.35843   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11597991 Q Research General #14808: Would You Like To Know More? Edition

Created 112241ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11598088 “This is the security of our nation & it doesn’t stop.” – Capt. Tarina Crook

>>>/qresearch/11598097, >>>/qresearch/11598777 #14807, #14808

>>>/qresearch/11598109, >>>/qresearch/11598352 Biden's covid advisor says 15 years to stop the spread

>>>/qresearch/11598153 Ticketmaster will require proof of COVID vaccine or negative test for customers to attend concerts

>>>/qresearch/11598162 MURDER HORNETS RETURN: First nest in U.S. found to have over 200 Queens

>>>/qresearch/11598179 CDC Paying Houston to lock down its City

>>>/qresearch/11598215 Someone on half replicated Dr. Shiva's findings.

>>>/qresearch/11598229 Rapper Mo3 is shot dead on a Dallas interstate

>>>/qresearch/11598245 Brigadier General Anthony Tata

>>>/qresearch/11598309 Gina Haspel is blocking Trump’s request to declassify Russiagate intelligence. Saying it will cause damage to our foreign allies.

>>>/qresearch/11598310 Robert Epstein, "I wasn't kill (in an accident); but my wife was!"


>>>/qresearch/11598369, >>>/qresearch/11598519, >>>/qresearch/11598542, >>>/qresearch/11598555 DJT: WE WILL WIN! (34 seconds)



>>>/qresearch/11598403 REPORT: FOX News Hires Crisis Management Team to Handle PR Over Ratings Crisis

>>>/qresearch/11598429 "Every veteran of the armed forces of the United States is a hero

>>>/qresearch/11598452 Anons, we missed this statement by Sidney Powell in her interview.

>>>/qresearch/11598456 Citadel Says Firm It's Suing "Can't Unsee" Secret Trading Algorithm Leaked By Ex-Employee

>>>/qresearch/11598467 Did anons remember to pray today?

>>>/qresearch/11598495 17 Lawsuits Filed By Trump

>>>/qresearch/11598572, >>>/qresearch/11598621 Global child sex abuse network uncovered with ties to US | TheHill

>>>/qresearch/11598651 CodeMonkeyZ is a Patriot of the highest caliber

>>>/qresearch/11598764 'Trump vaccine'-trashing Cuomo snubbed Azar, skipped 17 White House meetings

(21 notables, 27 posts, 32 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:22 a.m. No.35844   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11598791 Q Research General #14809: Thank You For Your Service Edition

Created 112336ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11598876 Whitehead: End The Government's War On America's Military Veterans

>>>/qresearch/11598884 Aggressive image blurring code

>>>/qresearch/11598885 Open Records Request Finds NO INVOICES OR WORK ORDERS on Reported Election Day Water Main Break in Atlanta — Here’s What We Found

>>>/qresearch/11598895 Federal Reserve Appears to Acknowledge Joe Biden Election Win

>>>/qresearch/11598906 Arizona: Maricopa County GOP Chair Resigns Following Failure to Check Voting Machines

>>>/qresearch/11598917 Dominion Voting Systems Voting System Documentation PDF's

>>>/qresearch/11598924 Biden Campaign Website Promises Internet Censorship Taskforce

>>>/qresearch/11598941 'Hundreds of thousands of ballots are going to have to be discarded'

>>>/qresearch/11598957 Dederal Election Commission Chairman Drops Bombshell: 'This Election Is Illegitimate'

>>>/qresearch/11598973 Kayleigh McEnany 6 tweets to sum up the fight

>>>/qresearch/11598976 Election Fraud Expert Warned About Dominion Voting Machines “It’s the Optical Scanners Where the Largest Chance of Cheating Occurs”

>>>/qresearch/11599039 DJT: Everyone is asking why the recent presidential polls were so inaccurate when it came to me. Because they are FAKE, just like much of the Lamestream Media!

>>>/qresearch/11599047 Trump Lawsuit Alleges Rampant Violations at Detroit Vote Counting Center

>>>/qresearch/11599060 Democrat Raphael Warnock Arrested in 2002 for Obstructing Child Abuse Investigation

>>>/qresearch/11599068 Senate Republicans urge Trump to keep Gina Haspel atop CIA

>>>/qresearch/11599069 DJT: I am pleased to announce that I have given my full support and endorsement to Ronna McDaniel to continue heading the Republican National Committee (RNC). With 72 MILLION votes, we received more votes than any sitting President in U.S. history - and we will win!

>>>/qresearch/11599073 Douglas Macgregor Installed At The Pentagon

>>>/qresearch/11599078 LA Times to pay $3M to settle journalist discrimination case

>>>/qresearch/11599091 Data deep dive on Dominion Voting Systems offers incontrovertible proof of election hack

>>>/qresearch/11599092, >>>/qresearch/11599093, >>>/qresearch/11599107 @Peoples_Pundit suspended

>>>/qresearch/11599111 24yr mil retired anon here

>>>/qresearch/11599113 Trump campaign highlights examples of dead people voting in Georgia

>>>/qresearch/11599123 General Flynn tweets that Dominion Voting is in play!

>>>/qresearch/11599132 Rep. Ilhan Omar has paid her husband's consultancy firm $2.8million since the start of 2019 - including $1.1million from the Squad member in the last four months

>>>/qresearch/11599158 Martin Armstrong Warns Cashless World Signals Global End To Privacy

>>>/qresearch/11599188 Federal Agent Who Intimidated and Coerced Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower is a Trump-Hating Biden Supporter

>>>/qresearch/11599192 Over 180 boxes with votes and voting materials found in Puerto Rico after local elections

>>>/qresearch/11599216 CNN’s Sciutto: Trump Not Conceding Could Put America in ‘Potential Danger’ for Another 9/11

>>>/qresearch/11599237 NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote

>>>/qresearch/11599308, >>>/qresearch/11599381 Behind the Q, seems like a disinfo agent and here are some reasons why

>>>/qresearch/11599320 Mt. Pleasant Police arrest 8 on child exploitation charges in ‘Operation Playground’

>>>/qresearch/11599349 Sidney Powell: “There is tons of evidence that Hundreds of Thousands of ballots are going to have to be discarded” (Video)

>>>/qresearch/11599398 How QAnon infiltrated the yoga world

>>>/qresearch/11599416 Rudy Giuliani Confirms “Dominion” Whistleblowers Are Coming Forward

>>>/qresearch/11599464 DJT: Nobody wants to report that Pennsylvania and Michigan didn’t allow our Poll Watchers and/or Vote Observers to Watch or Observe. This is responsible for hundreds of thousands of votes that should not be allowed to count. Therefore, I easily win both states. Report the News!

>>>/qresearch/11599471 DID YOUTUBE JUST GO DOWN?? (anon reports)

>>>/qresearch/11599559 #14809

(37 notables, 40 posts, 39 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:22 a.m. No.35845   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11599560 Q Research General #14810: Honor To The Soldier And Sailor Everywhere Edition

Created 120019ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11599631, >>>/qresearch/11599632, >>>/qresearch/11599633, >>>/qresearch/11599639, >>>/qresearch/11599640, >>>/qresearch/11599642, >>>/qresearch/11599645, >>>/qresearch/11599646, >>>/qresearch/11599650, >>>/qresearch/11599652, >>>/qresearch/11599654, >>>/qresearch/11599663, >>>/qresearch/11599668, >>>/qresearch/11599672, >>>/qresearch/11599675, >>>/qresearch/11599694, >>>/qresearch/11599717, >>>/qresearch/11599725, >>>/qresearch/11599903 YouTube outage???

>>>/qresearch/11599696 This is the real Electoral College map that the MSM won’t show anyone

>>>/qresearch/11599705 A LETTER TO TRUMP, Request an Audit of the Election

>>>/qresearch/11599716 Philadelphia Election Judge Admits Taking Bribes to Stuff Ballot Boxes for Democrats

>>>/qresearch/11599721 Meet Joe Biden's seventh grandchild Navy Joan Roberts - the two-year-old lovechild Hunter tried to deny he had with stripper - who was notably absent from the stage as the president-elect celebrated with his other grandkids

>>>/qresearch/11599732 2 dead in small plane crash on Whidbey Island

>>>/qresearch/11599769 ‘I DID NOT RECANT!’ Postal whistleblower in Pennsylvania disputes claims by media that he recanted

>>>/qresearch/11599818 Dominion voting software in version 5.5

>>>/qresearch/11599829 China, newly elected to the U.N. Human Rights Council, just reviewed the U.S. human rights record.

>>>/qresearch/11599838 Gov. Cuomo orders restaurants, bars to close at 10 p.m. amid COVID-19 uptick

>>>/qresearch/11599889 What we are seeing is a small group of people in positions of power and authority, abusing that power and authority to silence dissent

>>>/qresearch/11599921 Facebook Extends Ban on US Political Ads for Another Month

>>>/qresearch/11599926 anons notice that the players in PV Erie USPS are named:

>>>/qresearch/11600010 Trump Performs ‘Near Total Decapitation’ Of Pentagon Leadership As Speculation Swirls Around Afghanistan

>>>/qresearch/11600076 I wonder what changes the State of Pennsylvania requested for Dominion voting software in version 5.5?

>>>/qresearch/11600183 pf

>>>/qresearch/11600232, >>>/qresearch/11600243 William Kennard of Staple Street Capital co-founded Astra Capital, consisting of three Internet infrastructure companies; Board includes people from questionable organizations

>>>/qresearch/11600261 VCAT just posted again (4chan)

>>>/qresearch/11600263 World facing threat of third world war, claims Czech military intelligence report

(19 notables, 38 posts, 26 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:22 a.m. No.35846   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11600288 Q Research General #14811: Net Will Be Paused Edition

Created 120051ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11600407, >>>/qresearch/11600886 YouTube is down, worldwide.

>>>/qresearch/11600408 President Donald J. Trump Approves Florida Emergency Declaration

>>>/qresearch/11600409 The Associated Press called North Carolina's U.S. Senate race today, a day after Cunningham conceded the race on Tuesday, saying that “the voters have spoken” and that it was clear Tillis had won.

>>>/qresearch/11600420 Worldwide Outages

>>>/qresearch/11600430 YouTube: “Our team is aware of the issue and working on a fix..”


>>>/qresearch/11600484, >>>/qresearch/11600531, >>>/qresearch/11600746, >>>/qresearch/11600768 pf


>>>/qresearch/11600589 NASA’s Electrifying New Propulsion Systems

>>>/qresearch/11600592 Iran enriched uranium stockpile 12 times limit in 2015 deal: UN nuclear agency

>>>/qresearch/11600621 Dominion Voting Systems denies financial relationship with Dianne Feinstein's husband

>>>/qresearch/11600691 I’m getting rumors from trusted people that major social media sites will hit their kill switch when team Trump reveals all the election fraud. (conspiracy but relevant now)

>>>/qresearch/11600771, >>>/qresearch/11600793, >>>/qresearch/11600800, >>>/qresearch/11600853, >>>/qresearch/11600892 CM

>>>/qresearch/11600786 3 yr delta (I must go for good)

>>>/qresearch/11600797 De Blasio's Daughter In Verbal Slip Up, Claims Biden "Was Able To Steal" Election

>>>/qresearch/11600818 Biden taps Ronald A. Klain as White House chief of staff

>>>/qresearch/11600919 RED2

>>>/qresearch/11600963 ELECTION FRAUD COMPILATION

>>>/qresearch/11600966 Current Election Update: Trump Ahead with Most States, Most EC Votes and Most Legitimate Votes In History – Biden Committing Greatest Fraud Ever

>>>/qresearch/11600997 Rigged Election Exposed Through LAWSUITS Rudy Giuliani Ep. 85

>>>/qresearch/11601060 #14811

(21 notables, 29 posts, 44 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:23 a.m. No.35847   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11601070 Q Research General #14812: Worldwide Outages Edition

Created 120128ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11601146 Dominion Voting Software version 5.5 added an “option” to force the count scanner to overrun a preset number of ballots every time scanning stops midbatch.

>>>/qresearch/11601157 New DJT Video


>>>/qresearch/11601158, >>>/qresearch/11601399, >>>/qresearch/11601503, >>>/qresearch/11601568 pf

>>>/qresearch/11601168, >>>/qresearch/11601229 Rigged Election Exposed Through LAWSUITS Rudy Giuliani Ep. 85

>>>/qresearch/11601176, >>>/qresearch/11601410 Here's what I know. I'm a DOD contractor (GLP internet kill switch conspiracy)

>>>/qresearch/11601177 TEST>2

>>>/qresearch/11601212, >>>/qresearch/11601283, >>>/qresearch/11601331, >>>/qresearch/11601373 National Association of State Election Directors.

>>>/qresearch/11601220 Prime Minister Scott Morrison speaks via telephone with US president-elect Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11601224 Manuals for the Voting Machines

>>>/qresearch/11601244 Former National Guard Employee Sentenced for Billing Army $6 Million for Fake Repairs

>>>/qresearch/11601297 D5 / 5:5 = Dominion Software Rev D 5.5

>>>/qresearch/11601314 Biden taps longtime adviser Ron Klain as White House chief of staff

>>>/qresearch/11601333 PA Votes

>>>/qresearch/11601390 New Pentagon Chief Poised to Rush Troop Withdrawals Ahead of Trump’s January Exit

>>>/qresearch/11601419 Black Lives Matter Co-Founder to Demand Biden Prioritize Its Agenda


>>>/qresearch/11601558 They changed a line of code

>>>/qresearch/11601559 Arizona judge denies Trump team request to seal evidence in vote-counting suit

>>>/qresearch/11601595 Sidney Powell retweeted Code Monkey Z

>>>/qresearch/11601659 Democrats Went Postal With Sabotage Claims

>>>/qresearch/11601670 George Soros Looms Large Over Biden Transition

>>>/qresearch/11601691 President Trump Agrees with Rudy Giuliani: Hundreds of Thousands of Votes in Pennsylvania and Michigan Should Not Be Allowed to Count


VIDEO - RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>>/qresearch/11601783 Kayleigh McEnany

>>>/qresearch/11601802 #14812

(25 notables, 33 posts, 48 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:23 a.m. No.35848   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11601814 Q Research General #14813: Internet Kill Switch Test Edition

Created 120206ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11601921 YouTube taken down by "the Ghost squad hackers"

>>>/qresearch/11601925 CCP-Virus Pandemic Daily Updates EP291 (Nov 11, 2020)[En Sub/Dub]

>>>/qresearch/11601949 'Democrats Got A ‘Do-Over’ on a U.S. House Election Based on One Unproven Claim of Ballot Harvesting'

>>>/qresearch/11601952 Stop the Vote-Steal, Stop the Biden Plan For Federal Slavery

>>>/qresearch/11601958 New computer program finds 100% glitches only went to Biden.

>>>/qresearch/11601972 Design flaw in Dominion ImageCast Evolution voting machine

>>>/qresearch/11601983 11.11

>>>/qresearch/11602004 LiveNation Entertainment: Some of its Board of Directors

>>>/qresearch/11602012 Here is the video Rudy uploaded before YT went down

>>>/qresearch/11602016, >>>/qresearch/11602088 Biden tells South Korea's Moon that he will closely cooperate to resolve North Korean nuclear issues

>>>/qresearch/11602022 70 million pissed off republicans and not one city burned to the ground.

>>>/qresearch/11602023, >>>/qresearch/11602076 So, the in person and early votes were "L"'s and the mail in were capital "i"'s [i]

>>>/qresearch/11602037 Post #2726 could have some relevance right now…

>>>/qresearch/11602058 Rigged Election Exposed Through LAWSUITS Rudy Giuliani Ep. 85

>>>/qresearch/11602066 NEW DJT

>>>/qresearch/11602080 Data deep dive on Dominion Voting Systems offers incontrovertible proof of election hack

>>>/qresearch/11602100 wh petition to audit all 50 states for big

>>>/qresearch/11602116 Arizona's Republican attorney general rejects election fraud claims, predicts Biden win in state

>>>/qresearch/11602129 Covid Cases on the rise at University of Pittsburgh

>>>/qresearch/11602146 NEW DJT: NOW 73,000,000 LEGAL VOTES!

>>>/qresearch/11602168 Epoch Times has DJT leading

>>>/qresearch/11602204, >>>/qresearch/11602242 Ron Klain named Biden's chief of staff, first White House official picked for administration

>>>/qresearch/11602216 Newsmax CEO donates $1M to Clinton Foundation

>>>/qresearch/11602235 Donald Trump because Donald Trump plays chess in multiple dimensions simultaneously. He has now checkmated all of his potential opponents


>>>/qresearch/11602240 Twat: @18airbornecorps: Ready tonight. Ready every night.

>>>/qresearch/11602250 Virgin Australia Shareholder Sale Challenge Rejected By Court

>>>/qresearch/11602257 Anon created Donald Trump Video

>>>/qresearch/11602271, >>>/qresearch/11602361, >>>/qresearch/11602414, >>>/qresearch/11602427, >>>/qresearch/11602480, >>>/qresearch/11602564 CMi's have it

>>>/qresearch/11602279 ELECTION FRAUD 2020 list

>>>/qresearch/11602304 C(CP)NBC: Trump may accept results but never concede he lost, aides say

>>>/qresearch/11602343 GBH News: Attorney Mitchell Garabedian On The Vatican’s Damning Report On Church Sex Abuse

VIDEO - Attorney Mitchell Garabedian On The Vatican’s Damn [Channel: GBH News]

>>>/qresearch/11602369 PA Covid cases increasing

>>>/qresearch/11602466 Anon opines on WTF is going on

>>>/qresearch/11602478 Suggested letter to send to the White House to demand a full audit of the 2020 Election Handwritten letters are very powerful

>>>/qresearch/11602491 Blumberg: Covid’s Uncontrolled Spread Across America

>>>/qresearch/11602495 Rudy Twat

>>>/qresearch/11602497 Stealing Minnesota

>>>/qresearch/11602516 Bloomberg What you’ll need to know tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/11602529 LiveNation's (Ticketmaster) CEO is Michael Rapino of Canada, who resides in US; married to actress Jolene Blalock

>>>/qresearch/11602612 #14813

(40 notables, 48 posts, 43 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:23 a.m. No.35849   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11602629 Q Research General #14814: Philly and Pitt Unlawful 600k drop Edition

Created 120304ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11602688, >>>/qresearch/11602923, >>>/qresearch/11602940 Biden's chosen White House Chief of Staff tweeting on July 14, 2014 that elections are rigged

>>>/qresearch/11602705, >>>/qresearch/11603031 REMINDER POTUS retweets Jon Voight: "My friends of all colors, races and religions, this is now our greatest fight since the Civil War. The battle of Righteousness vs. Satan. Yes, Satan."


>>>/qresearch/11602729, >>>/qresearch/11603037, >>>/qresearch/11603134 Clock fag Ezra Back in the news Today is :50

>>>/qresearch/11602731 Arizona Rep. Points Out That the Number of Potential NON-CITIZEN Voters is Higher Than Biden’s Lead in the State

>>>/qresearch/11602733 Biden’s China Tech Plan: Stronger Defense, Quieter Offense

>>>/qresearch/11602738 Fake news NYT today: "No, Dominion voting machines did not cause widespread voting problems."

>>>/qresearch/11602759 Wisconsin Elections Commission Gave Unlawful Advice to Alter Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11602761 Dionysus in the text

>>>/qresearch/11602773, >>>/qresearch/11603076 Another USPS worker in Pennsylvania has come forth to Project Veritas

>>>/qresearch/11602794, >>>/qresearch/11602936 POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11602797 Biden's Transition Team contacted the ATF to discuss Gun Control

>>>/qresearch/11602802, >>>/qresearch/11602830 VATICAN RCC RESEARCH FILE 2.0

>>>/qresearch/11602805 Anon links POTUS tweets with "i" "l" feature in Dominion

>>>/qresearch/11602821 Election results certification dates 2020

>>>/qresearch/11602829 Pitt senior vice chancellor will take lead in President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team

>>>/qresearch/11602834 """CM""" It shows up in POTUS' archive

>>>/qresearch/11602837 Republican Sen. James Lankford says he will step in if Joe Biden doesn't have access to intelligence briefings by Friday

>>>/qresearch/11602860 POTUS Schedule for THURSDAY, November 12, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11602877, >>>/qresearch/11603060, >>>/qresearch/11603063 Rudy W. Giuliani Any information about Dominion?

>>>/qresearch/11602902 Shanghai overnight interbank rate jumps to 10-month high

>>>/qresearch/11602907 Its a trap? Harris County Public Health Department Goes Door-To-Door To Collect Blood Samples

>>>/qresearch/11602909 0ptional SoIutions

>>>/qresearch/11602942 Illinois Gov. Pritzker Parties with Biden Election Crowd Despite Calling for State to Lock Down

>>>/qresearch/11602945 Rumors Spell Death Blow For Dems As Dominion Whistleblowers Coming Forward

>>>/qresearch/11602947 Ted Cruz GRILLS Andrew McCabe in Senate hearing

>>>/qresearch/11602968 General Anthony J.Tata

>>>/qresearch/11602973 CM I wonder what changes the State of Pennsylvania requested for Dominion voting software in version 5.5?

>>>/qresearch/11603000 Hundreds of Pro-Trump IT Volunteers Are Scouring Voter Data – Already Nearly 300,000 Vote Discrepancies Were Identified in Pennsylvania Alone

>>>/qresearch/11603003, >>>/qresearch/11603033, >>>/qresearch/11603108 POTUS Remember the extra 'i' in Famiily, #BidenCrimeFamiily

>>>/qresearch/11603079 Instagram, as of right now?

>>>/qresearch/11603087 LiveNation / Ticketmaster has loads of holding companies in the UK

>>>/qresearch/11603141, >>>/qresearch/11603171 TIL that 'Weighted Races' are a thing. Along with fractional vote counts.

>>>/qresearch/11603145, >>>/qresearch/11603181 Same voting fraud was identified in 2018

>>>/qresearch/11603185, >>>/qresearch/11603224, >>>/qresearch/11603344 CM spelled it Weli, spelled it the same as POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11603189, >>>/qresearch/11603192, >>>/qresearch/11603211 CM I've reached out to Rudy Giuliani offering to give him a 15 minute phone briefing on where I think he might be able to uncover end-user fraud within the Dominion voting system

>>>/qresearch/11603322 A Contested Election Strongly Favors Republicans in 2020 Nov 6th

(36 notables, 54 posts, 61 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:24 a.m. No.35850   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11603393 Q Research General #14815: CM contacts RUDY Edition

Created 120404ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11603461 Neither the Trump campaign nor the RNC responded to Daily Caller’s requests for clarification on the Reuters report by press time

>>>/qresearch/11603494 Why Twitter Won’t Let People Share Sworn Court Documents Alleging Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11603502 Hostile Takeover: Wall Street Assumes Command of Joe Biden Transition Team

>>>/qresearch/11603516 Cindy No Name: ‘There Is a Role for Republicans’ in a Biden Administration

>>>/qresearch/11603531 MSM: NO THE VOTING MACHINES CAN'T BE HACKED!!!!

>>>/qresearch/11603532 Biden to Make Combatting Global warming agenda an ‘All-of-Government Agenda’

>>>/qresearch/11603540 Another flip for GOP house?

>>>/qresearch/11603583, >>>/qresearch/11603600, >>>/qresearch/11603619, >>>/qresearch/11603707, >>>/qresearch/11603708, >>>/qresearch/11603725, >>>/qresearch/11603861 POTUS: It attempted to alter our election and got caught?

>>>/qresearch/11603594 Fuckery in Ohio today

>>>/qresearch/11603605, >>>/qresearch/11603621 CM offer to blow the lid off election fraud with his forensic services

>>>/qresearch/11603620 NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote

>>>/qresearch/11603625 Plane fag

>>>/qresearch/11603640 Digital Army

>>>/qresearch/11603645 Melania Wears “Blockchain” Dress on Election Day, Validating Watermarked Quantum Blockchain Ballot Theory?

>>>/qresearch/11603653 RUDY TWEETS ABOUT DOMINION

>>>/qresearch/11603706 James Lankford says he will step in if Joe Biden doesn't have access to intelligence briefings by Friday

>>>/qresearch/11603719 Dan Scavino NEVER GIVE UP!

>>>/qresearch/11603786 IT: Illuminatus Trilogy?

>>>/qresearch/11603794, >>>/qresearch/11603888 CM Status: reading the 300+ page Dominion Voting Democracy Suite user manual


>>>/qresearch/11603859 Q drops the i's

>>>/qresearch/11603863 WA STATE VOTER FRAUD IS OFF THE CHART

>>>/qresearch/11603883 Dan Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11603892 Congress is Constitutionally a TRUMP Card…"Article I, Section 4, Clause 1:

>>>/qresearch/11603918 Statement from Treasury Spokesperson (re: ByteDance)

>>>/qresearch/11604015 NEW MSM TALKING POINTS

>>>/qresearch/11604065, >>>/qresearch/11604100, >>>/qresearch/11604108 RUDY Guliani The evidence of fraud is pouring in at an overwhelming pac'e.

>>>/qresearch/11604079 CM Ballots are 100% interlinked with the voting software. Sending a blank ballot allows the software to tabulate votes differently from a ballot that is correctly populated.

>>>/qresearch/11604171 #14815

(29 notables, 39 posts, 45 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:24 a.m. No.35851   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11604180 Q Research General #14816: CM Swings Open Proverbial Dominion Gate Edition

Created 120459ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11604258 Richard Grenell: Tapper keeps tweeting compliments to Ron Klain - but, of course, Tapper has failed to tweet the part where Klain says elections are rigged. Why?

>>>/qresearch/11604285 REMEMBER YOUR OATH

>>>/qresearch/11604307 (((It)))attempted to alter our election and got caught?

>>>/qresearch/11604321, >>>/qresearch/11604739 US Color Revolution: The Not So Phantom Menace

>>>/qresearch/11604343, >>>/qresearch/11604372 Franklin Graham: ‘Our Nation Is Under Attack from Within’

>>>/qresearch/11604347 CDPHE said 28 days must pass with no new illnesses

>>>/qresearch/11604349 Biden’s lead in Arizona drops to 11,635 votes

>>>/qresearch/11604365 If Congress neglects this 'supervisory power' what steps do WE THE PEOPLE

>>>/qresearch/11604380 What Is Bill Barr Going to Do?

>>>/qresearch/11604386 IMPOSSIBLE: GOP Picked Up Seats in House, Picked Up State Legislatures, Picked Up Governorship, Held the Senate — But Sniffy Joe Won?… NOT A CHANCE

>>>/qresearch/11604399 ODIN definition

>>>/qresearch/11604404 Colorado has no influenza in mid November, odd

>>>/qresearch/11604410, >>>/qresearch/11604747 Do not mistake public 'silence' for inaction

>>>/qresearch/11604415 Dominion Voting donated to Clinton campaign

>>>/qresearch/11604416 Arizona Rep. Points Out That the Number of Potential NON-CITIZEN Voters is Higher Than Biden’s Lead in the State

>>>/qresearch/11604424, >>>/qresearch/11604501 Trudeau coincidentally spoke with Pelosi today in the midst of DominionGate

>>>/qresearch/11604442 BIG dig on Dominion connection Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Soros, British government

>>>/qresearch/11604446 Rudy Giuliani spells pac’e (not pace).

>>>/qresearch/11604452 CM Ms. Chanel Rion just reached out to me and Ill be talking with her about Dominion tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/11604454, >>>/qresearch/11604531 Bahrain's crown prince appointed prime minister

>>>/qresearch/11604470 US Embassy in Pakistan apologizes for ‘unauthorized post’ predicting PM Khan will lose power after Trump defeat

>>>/qresearch/11604476 ANON theory: Biden Arrested on Dec 17th 2020 for Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11604477, >>>/qresearch/11604785 Washington counties with a registration rate of 100% or more list

>>>/qresearch/11604503 Facebook now says it expects to continue its ban for a month: Ban on political adverts extended by Google & Facebook as US election rolls on

>>>/qresearch/11604526, >>>/qresearch/11604547 Googled “pac’s” and third link was

>>>/qresearch/11604533 Schneider pleads guilty to bribing multiple officials at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to influence contracts for Communications Resource, Inc.

>>>/qresearch/11604537 Scott Morrison reveals the Liberal’s strategy for covering up corruption after the new Federal ICAC comes into force

>>>/qresearch/11604584 Republican leader speaks regarding recent comments about voter fraud allegations

>>>/qresearch/11604593, >>>/qresearch/11604642 CM Reminder

>>>/qresearch/11604617, >>>/qresearch/11604623 FAKE NEWS Why Trump’s challenges have failed to prove election fraud for keks

>>>/qresearch/11604635 Lucile Bridges dead at 86

>>>/qresearch/11604640 IT (information technology) attempted to steal …

>>>/qresearch/11604641 BOOM: President Trump Tweets that Dominion Attempted to Alter Our Election and Got Caught

>>>/qresearch/11604654 Colorado health agency deleted emails on pandemic

>>>/qresearch/11604665, >>>/qresearch/11604709, >>>/qresearch/11604712, >>>/qresearch/11604807 High-ranking Air Force officer charged with sexually assaulting civilian woman

>>>/qresearch/11604702 Rigged Election Exposed Through LAWSUITS | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 85

>>>/qresearch/11604742 Ron's twitter acct may be in danger of imminently disappearing. Collected his very recent Dominion tweets here

>>>/qresearch/11604754 Members of Congress Have a New Strategy for Ethics Investigations: Stonewalling

>>>/qresearch/11604805 March For Trump in Washington, DC

>>>/qresearch/11604815 Dan Scavino

>>>/qresearch/11604830, >>>/qresearch/11604873 CM What we have learned so far from reading the Dominion Voting System manual


>>>/qresearch/11604924 THEN-VP BIDEN addressed a high-faulting CAN-USA audience of deep state players. Trudeau intro'd BIDEN.

>>>/qresearch/11604950 #14816, #14817, #14818 2/2

(44 notables, 57 posts, 80 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:24 a.m. No.35852   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11604967 Q Research General #14817: ELITE Numbers ACCESS ALL AREAS Edition

Created 120615ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11605023 MAGA Patriots USA

>>>/qresearch/11605041, >>>/qresearch/11605063, >>>/qresearch/11605075 Lawsuit against youtube free speech


>>>/qresearch/11605068, >>>/qresearch/11605088, >>>/qresearch/11605122, >>>/qresearch/11605126, >>>/qresearch/11605140, >>>/qresearch/11605142 Dominion Voting Systems leads you to Smartmatic which leads you to Mark Malloch Brown. Who is he? He's the best friend of George Soros.

>>>/qresearch/11605112, >>>/qresearch/11605345 Oct 2, 2020, POTUS said "Going welI, I think! Thank you to all. LOVE!!!" The second L in well being an upper case I.

>>>/qresearch/11605132 Daniel Scavino Jr.

>>>/qresearch/11605135 Hopkins Case

>>>/qresearch/11605139 POTUS Dominion "It" twat 11:17 Scavino 10:26 9 minute difference CM Dominion Twat thread No. 9 "overrun" injection

>>>/qresearch/11605144, >>>/qresearch/11605145 The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.


VIDEO - Harold Wallace Rosenthal jewish Tyranny [Channel: Tony Farrell]

>>>/qresearch/11605164, >>>/qresearch/11605334, >>>/qresearch/11605502 Truman Black posted this great election map and voter fraud analysis info

>>>/qresearch/11605165, >>>/qresearch/11605176 They Warned Us

>>>/qresearch/11605192, >>>/qresearch/11605242 Gen. Robert Spalding on "IF" the CCP Interfered in the U.S. Election

>>>/qresearch/11605209, >>>/qresearch/11605265, >>>/qresearch/11605319, >>>/qresearch/11605326, >>>/qresearch/11605519 CM forgot his apostrophe ', but Rudy seemed to have an extra one (for him?)

>>>/qresearch/11605234 Mark Taylor Stands Strong, "Trump Has Already Won!"

VIDEO - ✅ Mark Taylor Stands Strong, "Trump Has Already Won!" - 11/5/20 [Channel: DailyTruthReport]

>>>/qresearch/11605241 Joe Biden’s chief of staff pick said elections are rigged

>>>/qresearch/11605257, >>>/qresearch/11605313, >>>/qresearch/11605338, >>>/qresearch/11605365 Malloch-Brown back in February

>>>/qresearch/11605258, >>>/qresearch/11605266 Where’s the picture of Hunter Biden’s email that involves Soros and ballot machines? Call to dig

>>>/qresearch/11605290 Outstanding article that lays out everything we have seen and lived through

>>>/qresearch/11605303, >>>/qresearch/11605330, >>>/qresearch/11605353, >>>/qresearch/11605373 Soros' BFF Mark Malloch Brown

>>>/qresearch/11605317, >>>/qresearch/11605372 Thomas Paine

>>>/qresearch/11605321, >>>/qresearch/11605357, >>>/qresearch/11605414 The point is the point man, Think [J C] re the space between J and C.

>>>/qresearch/11605375 LINK to thread on Mark Malloch Brown

>>>/qresearch/11605389 The Epoch Times “How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World,”

>>>/qresearch/11605400 OVER TARGET MARK MALLOCH-BROWN

>>>/qresearch/11605506 Malloch Brown has been closely associated with billionaire speculator George Soros WIKI

>>>/qresearch/11605525 Patricia Cronan Malloch-Brown is Lord Mark Malloch-Brown's wife; she has American and British citizenship

>>>/qresearch/11605623 Relevant given what's happening here…

>>>/qresearch/11605649, >>>/qresearch/11605679, >>>/qresearch/11605755 Kentucky Police code changes 2019 show alot of stuff about abortion, sex with animals/corpses, and organ harvesting

>>>/qresearch/11605650 BYE BIDEN…..when they find errors in MI then all the other states will get audited

>>>/qresearch/11605723 Speech - Lord Mark Malloch-Brown

>>>/qresearch/11605773 #14816, #14817, #14818 2/2

(31 notables, 61 posts, 72 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:25 a.m. No.35853   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11605760 Q Research General #14818: MARK MALLOCH-BROWN Globalist, Satanist? Edition

Created 120757ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11605798, >>>/qresearch/11606382, >>>/qresearch/11606428 Undeniable proof for Codemonkeys ballot hack theory: Ballot has Republican spelt with a double i's

>>>/qresearch/11605824 Lady Patricia Cronan Malloch-Brown… she's still active in US work….worth to Digg

>>>/qresearch/11605876 Dominion Voting Software version 5.5 (5:5)

>>>/qresearch/11605890 CanAm Missing Project

>>>/qresearch/11605950, >>>/qresearch/11605954 HART INTERCIVIC, INC. - Oakland county (MI), Lancaster, PA & Delaware County used these machines, not Dominion Voting Systems.

>>>/qresearch/11605979 To all the American Anons who don’t already know, this is how the global msm is reporting the current situation. Day after day after fucking day.

>>>/qresearch/11605994, >>>/qresearch/11606293 HERMES TRUST LINK

>>>/qresearch/11606018 Mark Malloch-Brown: Quick link to UK companies house multiple businesses including children’s charities

>>>/qresearch/11606022 JOE M on Parler referring to Bill Kristol's post

>>>/qresearch/11606025, >>>/qresearch/11606041, >>>/qresearch/11606046 Only link I could find to South African satanists is HERMES TRUST INVESTEC

>>>/qresearch/11606030 CodeMonkey and Lin Wood Tweets.

>>>/qresearch/11606048 Lord Mark Malloch-Brown was also involved in Save the Children and Thompson Reuters at one point in time…

>>>/qresearch/11606086 muhQanon trash nnews

>>>/qresearch/11606092 Ron's missing 'Apostrophe' is showing up in Rudy's tweet.

>>>/qresearch/11606116 SAMPLE: Letter to the President

>>>/qresearch/11606117 Ticketmaster To Verify COVID Vaccination Status Of Fans Before Issuing Concert Passes

>>>/qresearch/11606120 muhQanon trash news

>>>/qresearch/11606130 Here… another CM tweet without an apostrophe in 'Ive', asking Rudy for contact. Rudy probably signalled back to confirm

>>>/qresearch/11606161, >>>/qresearch/11606167 DOMINION:

>>>/qresearch/11606180 CM and Rudy Team Up

>>>/qresearch/11606228 Mark Malloch Brown: He is the Queens election rigger

>>>/qresearch/11606241 THE EUGENE WAVELENGTH

>>>/qresearch/11606251 #TrumanBlack: Data Shows ALL SWITCHED Votes WERE TAKEN FROM TRUMP & GIVEN TO BIDEN!

>>>/qresearch/11606264 Launch of Space Ship Unity Two days away NEW MEXICO

>>>/qresearch/11606292 Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed: Hamr Testing With WildTurkey

>>>/qresearch/11606308, >>>/qresearch/11606372 Here is what appears be Clarity elections software administrator manual for counties.

>>>/qresearch/11606332, >>>/qresearch/11606348 The Greek behind the electronic voting system in Canada and the US

>>>/qresearch/11606352 Biden Chief of Staff Designate Ron Klain Said in 2014 That Elections Are Rigged

>>>/qresearch/11606357 BOOM: President Trump Tweets that Dominion Attempted to Alter Our Election and Got Caught

>>>/qresearch/11606364 IMPOSSIBLE: GOP Picked Up Seats in House, Picked Up State Legislatures, Picked Up Governorship, Held the Senate — But Sniffy Joe Won?… NOT A CHANCE

>>>/qresearch/11606365 Links going dead on site. grab what you can.

>>>/qresearch/11606373 HAVE FAITH – Hundreds of Pro-Trump IT Volunteers Are Scouring Voter Data – Already Nearly 300,000 Vote Discrepancies Were Identified in Pennsylvania Alone

>>>/qresearch/11606377 Good Job, Canada. You Just Committed An Act Of War Against The United States (DOMINION)

>>>/qresearch/11606379 New York Times Finally Admits the Black Lives Matter Riots Left 'Long-Term Economic Damage'

>>>/qresearch/11606389, >>>/qresearch/11606425 How Many Election Software Vendors are There?!

>>>/qresearch/11606390 John Poulos, CEO of Dominion of Toronto, gave statement to House Committee

>>>/qresearch/11606393 Arizona Rep. Points Out That the Number of Potential NON-CITIZEN Voters is Higher Than Biden’s Lead in the State

>>>/qresearch/11606402 Oops! In Verbal Slip-Up De Blasio’s Street Activist Daughter Admits Joe Biden “Was Able to Steal” the Election

>>>/qresearch/11606412 Black Lives Matter: We ‘Invested Heavily In This Election’ And ‘We Want Something For Our Vote’

>>>/qresearch/11606419 Dr. Scott Atlas Attacks Fauci, Raising Tensions Among Task Force Members

>>>/qresearch/11606422 Cuomo Threatens GOP Lives? ‘Going to Lose Way More’ Than Election

>>>/qresearch/11606431 America LAST: Nets Skip Biden Advisor Advocating to Withhold Vaccine

>>>/qresearch/11606436 The Real Election 'Trump Card': Refuse to Certify

>>>/qresearch/11606451 What if #Obama, #Brennan, #Clinton, #Soros loaned out Electoral Management Systems (EMS) such as Dominion to foreign countries for pay-to-play

>>>/qresearch/11606457 AOC & Co.’s loathsome plan to keep lists of pro-Trumpies

>>>/qresearch/11606463 A high-end Canadian hotel chain will soon be lending a hand to Haiti's coffee farmers.

>>>/qresearch/11606465 Is Fox News Blue a Reality Now?

>>>/qresearch/11606469, >>>/qresearch/11606546 Biden Transition Team PACKED with Big Tech Employees

>>>/qresearch/11606473 POTUS and others standing strong and respectfully in the pouring rain!

>>>/qresearch/11606474 Portland City Commissioner Who Supports Defunding The Police Called 911 On Her Lyft Driver

>>>/qresearch/11606479 LANDSCAPE Mentioned twice in Q posts.

>>>/qresearch/11606483 Pope Francis vows to end sexual abuse after McCarrick report

>>>/qresearch/11606488 Franklin Graham: ‘Our Nation Is Under Attack from Within’

>>>/qresearch/11606498 Tucker Carlson: Yes, dead people voted in this election and Democrats helped make it happen

>>>/qresearch/11606505 President Trump Has Been On GAB Since 2016

>>>/qresearch/11606519 2020 Voting Fraud CONVICTIONS

>>>/qresearch/11606525 World Economic Forum - Taking The Reins From Ghislaine?

>>>/qresearch/11606534 PF: C-130 out of Eglin AFB got dizzy circling over Beaufort Marine Air Station for hours tonight, going back home.

>>>/qresearch/11606545 Muslim Brotherhood terrorists rejoicing over Biden 'victory'

>>>/qresearch/11606563 #14818 1/2, #14819, #14820

>>>/qresearch/11606564 #14816, #14817, #14818 2/2

(61 notables, 72 posts, 70 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:25 a.m. No.35854   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11608126 Q Research General #14821: WATCH THE LAST TWO MINUTES! Edition

Created 121400ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11608210, >>>/qresearch/11608217, >>>/qresearch/11608238, >>>/qresearch/11608250, >>>/qresearch/11608257, >>>/qresearch/11608274, >>>/qresearch/11608291, >>>/qresearch/11608394, >>>/qresearch/11608434, >>>/qresearch/11608471, >>>/qresearch/11608505 ALL 3 YEAR DELTAS FOR TODAY b/w BREAKING NEWS CONCERNING THE MCCARRICK VATICAN SEX SCANDAL HOLY SHIT READ MY BUNDLE baker notes

>>>/qresearch/11608225 Here is a video of someone using only a ball point pen and getting into ADMIN mode of a Dominion voting machine in less than 2 minutes.


>>>/qresearch/11608227 Many States Have Their Votes Counted in Spain

>>>/qresearch/11608230 in case anyone else here thinks its worth digging: Driver Arrested After Marathon SUV Pursuit With Children in Car

>>>/qresearch/11608243 dominion response to allegations was late last bread & feels important

>>>/qresearch/11608247 @CodeMonkeyZ: Pennsylvania Department of State requested a function from Dominion Voting Software to allow local "Operators" with access to "totally blank ballots" to examine, RE-MARK IF NEEDED

>>>/qresearch/11608249 Philadelphia has destroyed all ballot envelopes.This will make identifying naked ballots and ballots arriving post election impossible. It will also make finding fraud in an audit very hard.

>>>/qresearch/11608252 Federal agent Russell Strasser who coerced and bullied the USPS whistleblower SHUT DOWN his Twitter account

>>>/qresearch/11608253 anon(s) opine(s) bigly

>>>/qresearch/11608272 WE LOVE OUR EXTENDERS

>>>/qresearch/11608289 @molmccann: do not assume Repub leaders will uncover the fraud in time without your voice

>>>/qresearch/11608313 How weird are things getting? Scott Adams just retweeted Code Monkey.

>>>/qresearch/11608317 THIS is what the left-wing pundit class is so alarmed about over AG Barr's announcement.

>>>/qresearch/11608379, >>>/qresearch/11608709 PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/11608392 Blackhawk crash on Tiran Island, 5 American troops killed.

>>>/qresearch/11608482 Dominion Voting Systems is Crown Agent?

>>>/qresearch/11608490 The complaint filed in Pennsylvania by the Trump campaign is a superb piece of legal craftsmanship. (renoted because)

>>>/qresearch/11608491 What is going on in Maricopa County Arizona? They have a rule You don't need to prove your are a US citizen to vote for President in General elections

>>>/qresearch/11608493 Halfchan post Election night - activating HAMMER on voting systems

>>>/qresearch/11608532 NEW DJT Now 73,000,000 Votes!

>>>/qresearch/11608670 New DJT: If we can audit the total votes cast, we will easily win Arizona also!

>>>/qresearch/11608681 States v Federal in regard to elections.

>>>/qresearch/11608687 White House Petition to Audit the 2020 General Election in All 50 States (renoted because)

>>>/qresearch/11608763, >>>/qresearch/11608769 CM ASKING FOR HELP Spread the word anons!

(24 notables, 36 posts, 37 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:25 a.m. No.35855   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11608852 Q Research General #14822: Fraud Vitiates Every Thing Edition

Created 121512ZNOV20



>>>/qresearch/11608997 Rudy live with Bannon on Warroom RN.

>>>/qresearch/11609138 Lots of money involved in stealing an election. Lots of moving parts. And this is just one county.

>>>/qresearch/11609179 HUGE: One of Many IT Heroes Uncovers Damning Evidence Regarding Potential for Fraud Within Dominion Voting Machines

>>>/qresearch/11609185 THE DATA: A post on by user TrumanBlack has sparked a little attention, though not nearly enough.

>>>/qresearch/11609215 interesting case from the blackbox site

>>>/qresearch/11609226 Virginia was the first, and therefore the oldest, of the overseas dominions of the kings and queens of England.

>>>/qresearch/11609227 This election wasn’t just rigged - there was a sophisticated 3 pronged scheme to fund the illegal operation, and back it up with #DominionSoftware to insure a #Biden victory. The evidence is overwhelming and coming in by the minute. @RudyGiuliani

>>>/qresearch/11609255 MOAR DOMINION DIGGS

>>>/qresearch/11609273 What if election fraud was as easy as dragging votes from one folder to another?

>>>/qresearch/11609347 "sound beaming," a new futuristic audio technology from Noveto Systems

>>>/qresearch/11609396, >>>/qresearch/11609405 Biden affirms security treaty applies to Senkaku Islands in Suga call; anon opines He's going all out, Logan Act is going to bite him in the ass hard.

>>>/qresearch/11609433 New DJT Fox forgot golden goose

>>>/qresearch/11609447 Ambiguous (sharpie) ballots are not counted, but are saved to a folder.

>>>/qresearch/11609554 Crown Agents dig cont'd

>>>/qresearch/11609586 Helicopter with international peacekeepers crashes in Egypt’s Sinai, killing 7

>>>/qresearch/11609651 #14822

(17 notables, 19 posts, 23 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:26 a.m. No.35856   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11606571 Q Research General #14819: Taking Back Dominion Edition

Created 121018ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11606667, >>>/qresearch/11607191 John Poulos is the founding President and CEO of Dominion Voting

>>>/qresearch/11606700 HERMES TRUST - Investec (Registered in 1999) SOUTH AFRICA dig graphics

>>>/qresearch/11606711 Lawsuit: Out-of-state vehicles brought tens of thousands of unsealed ballots to Michigan, all for Dems

>>>/qresearch/11606715 So is this CM ? or a throw away name by the movie company? Just curious kek

>>>/qresearch/11606725 Extortion Day: How the Democratic Party and its allies used the threat of violence as a campaign tactic

>>>/qresearch/11606736 Joe Biden's choice for Chief of Staff Tweeted in 2014 that elections "ARE" rigged.

>>>/qresearch/11606744, >>>/qresearch/11606758, >>>/qresearch/11606775, >>>/qresearch/11606808 Delian Project digg

>>>/qresearch/11606747 Anons could break them over this stone, no?

>>>/qresearch/11606748 Joe Biden's transition team includes several people affiliated with organizations bankrolled by the left-wing billionaire George Soros.

>>>/qresearch/11606760 The Left’s Civility Claptrap: Biden seeks not unity but submission, not civility but unchallenged power.

>>>/qresearch/11606773 Lankford: Biden Will Be Getting Intel Briefings by Friday or ‘I Will Step In’ (what's he going to step in?)

>>>/qresearch/11606806 all about 4Seasons and some other tie ins, baker skimmed, looks tasty

>>>/qresearch/11606814 Black market for negative COVID-19 tests pops up across the globe

>>>/qresearch/11606842 Leandra English, Who Pretended to Run CFPB, Leads Biden CFPB Transition

>>>/qresearch/11606977 Wisconsin is headed to a recount & its procedures for doing one are very strict.

>>>/qresearch/11606984 CALL FOR HELP: Twitter user has Dominion's code but needs help decompiling.

>>>/qresearch/11606988 Biden's pick for chief of staff never accepted the results of the 2016 election.

>>>/qresearch/11607012 ARRRR!

>>>/qresearch/11607036 Rudy says: Rigged Election Exposed Thru Lawsuits

>>>/qresearch/11607081, >>>/qresearch/11607091 CM: Dominion Software Cheat Code #1: There is a setting to throw out votes for specific individual contests if you vote for a whole party.

>>>/qresearch/11607092 WATCH THE LAST TWO MINUTES

VIDEO - RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>>/qresearch/11607171 THE CLINTON FOUNDATION link to DOMINION

>>>/qresearch/11607188 Giuliani: Suits Filed, President Trump To Win Mich. And Pa.

>>>/qresearch/11607196 Lady Patricia Cronan Malloch-Brown… she's still active in US work….worth to Digg

>>>/qresearch/11607241 fraud vitiates every thing

>>>/qresearch/11607285 General Flynn r/t Molly McCann

>>>/qresearch/11607292 Updated QClock brings us around to Christmas.

>>>/qresearch/11607334 #14818 1/2, #14819, #14820

(28 notables, 33 posts, 41 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:26 a.m. No.35857   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11607364 Q Research General #14820: Delian Project Digg Edition

Created 121226ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11607399 Election Interference EO + Canadian Based Dominion Election Systems + Pelosi Ties + Clinton Foundation Ties = Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom

>>>/qresearch/11607468 Molly McCann that Gen. Flynn r/t

>>>/qresearch/11607472 Did a dig on Dominion yesterday, and it led to some Staple Street Capital that led to these two guys.

>>>/qresearch/11607474 The complaint filed in Pennsylvania by the Trump campaign is a superb piece of legal craftsmanship.

>>>/qresearch/11607494 Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney Explains Hammer and Scorecard

>>>/qresearch/11607543 Randolf County GA, Bidan hotspot, Albany, Pfizer, P&G connections

>>>/qresearch/11607571, >>>/qresearch/11607594 Delian Project more info:

>>>/qresearch/11607601 Two weeks BEFORE the election audit finds: DHS Has Not Adequately Addressed Physical Security Risks to the Election Infrastructure

>>>/qresearch/11607617 Full details on the Scytl and Windows Azure technology used for the 2014 EU Parliamentary Elections Web Results Project here.

>>>/qresearch/11607627 China / CCP "the Hundred-Year Marathon" from 1949 to 2049.

>>>/qresearch/11607757 Can you imagine if the first state to flip due to exposure of fuckery was CA?

>>>/qresearch/11607777 quad 7's inquire: Has anyone heard about this whistleblower on Benghazi, Pelosi blocking him

>>>/qresearch/11607794, >>>/qresearch/11607938 watch til the end when the interrogators learn they are being recorded: WATCH THE LAST TWO MINUTES!

VIDEO - RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>>/qresearch/11607799 Proposed code method breakdown sample

>>>/qresearch/11607811 Did we forget to mention that Federal Agent Russell Strasser who interrogated and used coercion tactics on @USPS whistleblower Richard Hopkins also runs an Anti-Trump burner account

>>>/qresearch/11607838 Past example of Florida election overturned due to problems with Dominion / Sequoia Voting Systems

>>>/qresearch/11607846 you can easily tune the system to flip votes at the rate you need and do it in such a way that it appears random.

>>>/qresearch/11607937 LIEUTENANT GENERAL Thomas McInerney explains how the vote totals are changed after the states get the vote amounts from the Dominion machines

>>>/qresearch/11608041 he is taking calls now. call now and show the veritas video talk about the last two minutes!!!!!!!

>>>/qresearch/11608058 I am seeing Codemonkey all over my social media. It seems so strange watching all this unfold. I can't help but think of Jesus taking the Five loaves of Bread and feeding a multitude of people.

>>>/qresearch/11608093 New DJT

>>>/qresearch/11608098 #14818 1/2, #14819, #14820

(22 notables, 24 posts, 13 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:27 a.m. No.35858   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11609661 Q Research General #14823: DJT retweets CM ? Edition

Created 121630ZNOV20



>>>/qresearch/11609787 Maria B, says she’s only posting scoops on Parler now

>>>/qresearch/11609795 Trump doesn't have to overturn anything. THERE ARE NO FINAL RESULTS YET.

>>>/qresearch/11609813 PA: Please forward this link to any member of the military so they can confirm whether or not their vote counted.

>>>/qresearch/11609843 Many of the Dominion voting systems come preconfigured on Dell hardware. They all have a simple system password reset jumper.

>>>/qresearch/11609891 They also have the ability to “override” and process a blank ballot…

>>>/qresearch/11609897 Trump Campaign Attorney Points to Dominion Fraud: “Communist China Materially Interfered with Our Election"

>>>/qresearch/11609928 Dems and Globalists Used Ukraine 2004 Election Playbook

>>>/qresearch/11609982 NYT's Maggie Haberman has deal for Trump book

>>>/qresearch/11609992 They are going to have a lot of explaining to do

>>>/qresearch/11610147 According to attorney Van Jones, Trump has the Constitutional Right to Refuse To Concede

>>>/qresearch/11610157 Texas election fraud research document drop. (August 2020 document).

>>>/qresearch/11610181 Dominion whistleblower Mellissa Carone showed up on Lou Dobbs


>>>/qresearch/11610298, >>>/qresearch/11610365 Moar Veritas USPS coming today

>>>/qresearch/11610406 USMC Purple Rain

>>>/qresearch/11610425 #14823

(16 notables, 17 posts, 21 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:27 a.m. No.35859   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11610439 Q Research General #14824: DOMINION DELETED 2.7 MILLION TRUMP VOTES NATIONWIDE Edition

Created 121726ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11610530, >>>/qresearch/11610630, >>>/qresearch/11610670, >>>/qresearch/11610899, >>>/qresearch/11611154 Anon bun #14824 / PF

>>>/qresearch/11610536 Dept Lied to Keep 738,000 Records Secret on Network of Pedophile Cops in Explorer Program

>>>/qresearch/11610541 Anon bun #14824 / Helicopter with international peacekeepers crashes in Egypt’s Sinai, killing 7 – officials

>>>/qresearch/11610549 University Researcher Pleads Guilty to Lying on Grant Applications to Develop Scientific Expertise for China

>>>/qresearch/11610554 Anon bun #14824 / FEC CHAIR: Illegitimate election

>>>/qresearch/11610560 This executive order is made even stronger now with the Supreme Court in our favor.

>>>/qresearch/11610563 Anon bun #14824 / The Software for The U.S. President Election Was Supplied by The CCP | Daily Express – Nov. 12, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11610565 Anons please help get this to CodeMonkey and can helper anon post graphic? Initial findings need more digging.

>>>/qresearch/11610581 Anon bun #14824 / WHO complains about ‘onslaught of cyberattacks’ as Taiwan accuses it of online censorship

>>>/qresearch/11610597 Trump Campaign Senior Advisor Steve Cortes: The Statistical Case Against a Joe Biden Election Win

>>>/qresearch/11610632 Anon bun #14824 / Obama blasts Trump in new book: He took advantage of Americans ‘spooked by a black man in the White House’

>>>/qresearch/11610651 Richard Grenell pummels NBC hack


>>>/qresearch/11610654 Anon bun #14824 / Facebook-owned apps, including WhatsApp and Instagram used in over half of online grooming cases in England and Wales

>>>/qresearch/11610676 Anon bun #14824 / UK prime minister slams anti-vax ‘nonsense’, tells Brits to get the Covid-19 jab when it’s their turn

>>>/qresearch/11610717 Anon bun #14824 / Arizona Secretary of State in Charge of Certifying Election Results Called Trump Supporters “Neo-Nazis”

>>>/qresearch/11610723 Anon bun #14824 / The Gettysburg Address was delivered by Lincoln on November 19, 1863

>>>/qresearch/11610732 Anon bun #14824 / Saudi Embassy in The Netherlands ‘Sprayed WIth Gunfire’, One Held by Police

>>>/qresearch/11610735 ICE's Twitter account has been suspended/nuked

>>>/qresearch/11610736 Anon bun #14824 / QAnon’s Home 8kun Is Imploding—and Q Has Gone Silent GHOST TOWNMSM BS

>>>/qresearch/11610792 Anon bun #14824 / TEEN VOGUE: ‘White Women Have to Answer For Backing the Republican Nominee Yet Again

>>>/qresearch/11610805 Anon bun #14824 / Biden spoke with the Pope

>>>/qresearch/11610807 The Maricopa County Republican chair has stepped down from her post after it was publicly revealed she was a no-show at a voting machine test in October.

>>>/qresearch/11610808 Anon bun #14824 / Two wealthy Israeli businessmen suspected of tax evasion in hundreds of millions

>>>/qresearch/11610866 Anon bun #14824 / Michelle Malkin Piece on Scytl, Soros and the Potential of Fuckery in a Presidential Election

>>>/qresearch/11610884 Anon bun #14824 / The World Economic Forum are working with the Biden Administration to ensure that most people will survive the coming food shortages

>>>/qresearch/11610896 Anon bun #14824 / Over 30,000 deaths including thousands in nursing homes?' Fox meteorologist whose in-laws died of COVID blasts Cuomo

>>>/qresearch/11610905 Who Killed Philip Haney? Why is the FBI withholding information on the DHS whistleblower’s laptop and thumb drive?

>>>/qresearch/11610926 Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared.

>>>/qresearch/11610948 Biden performed equally well in both heavy R and heavy D precincts, while all other votes were correlated with % party registrations.

>>>/qresearch/11610956 Anon bun #14824 / Illinois tells residents to only leave home for 'essential trips' and to work remotely for the next three weeks

>>>/qresearch/11610973 Anon bun #14824 / State Department blocking messages from foreign leaders to Biden: report

>>>/qresearch/11610977 Anon bun #14824 / Milwaukee Trying to Cover Its Tracks After Initially Reporting Seven Wards Had More Votes than Registered Voters

>>>/qresearch/11610994 Maricopa County, the largest voting contigency in AZ for Biden…..did not use certified voting machines

>>>/qresearch/11610996 Example letter to send to the White House to call for an independent audit of the vote in all 50 States

>>>/qresearch/11611006 Anon bun #14824 / RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Says She Has 500 Sworn Affidavits on 11,000 Incidents of Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11611025 Anon bun #14824 / Cop who probed Netanyahu to step down after being skipped on for promotion

>>>/qresearch/11611033 Anon bun #14824 / There is no such person as “President Elect Biden”.

>>>/qresearch/11611060 Anon bun #14824 / Oregon Elections Director Fired After Penning Scathing Letter Ripping Leadership, State Computer Infrastructure

>>>/qresearch/11611077 Former NV AG Bombshell: AI and Computer Vision Experts Reveal Signature Verification Setting For 200K Ballots Was Manually Lowered to 40% [VIDEO]

>>>/qresearch/11611096 Anon bun #14824 / Republican Senator James Lankford says he will intervene if Joe Biden is not given access to intelligence briefings by Friday

>>>/qresearch/11611144 Not everyone on the Electoral College is eligible to be there

>>>/qresearch/11611180 Anon bun #14824 / Fox News Admits Wrong Call on Democrat House Seat Projections

>>>/qresearch/11611183 Anon bun #14824 / Democrats Say AT&T, Comcast and Disney Decide Presidential Elections

(43 notables, 47 posts, 73 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:27 a.m. No.35860   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11611234 Q Research General #14825: Not everyone on the Electoral College is eligible to be there Edition

Created 121825ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11611309, >>>/qresearch/11611321 Anon bun #14824

>>>/qresearch/11611328, >>>/qresearch/11611425, >>>/qresearch/11611632, >>>/qresearch/11611710, >>>/qresearch/11611844 PF

>>>/qresearch/11611351 Inside Prince Harry's close friendship with Joe Biden's wife Jill

>>>/qresearch/11611356 Trump Advisor Corey Lewandowski Tests Positive For COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/11611361 Internet-Connected Election Systems Found in 10 U.S. States

>>>/qresearch/11611423 Biden’s Pentagon Transition Team Members Funded by the Arms Industry

>>>/qresearch/11611439 Biden’s Military Brain Trust Includes Former Navy, Marine Corps Top Leaders

>>>/qresearch/11611443 Rudy Giuliani I discovered a pattern of corruption that the Washington press covered up for years!

>>>/qresearch/11611481 Sorry @nytimes, almost all GA, MI Counties used ‘glitchy’ Dominion software.

>>>/qresearch/11611483 Exclusive: Critical U.S. Election Systems Have Been Left Exposed Online Despite Official Denials August 8, 2019

>>>/qresearch/11611495 Schumer, Pelosi want $3.4T as 'starting point' in new COVID-19 relief talks

>>>/qresearch/11611522 Russia will not lecture US on its electoral system, says Lavrov

>>>/qresearch/11611526 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov – wide ranging news conference with Russian and foreign journalists on international politics

>>>/qresearch/11611541 Edward Snowden July 27, 2019: Watch the voting machine used in US swing states get hacked to rig an election.

>>>/qresearch/11611553 Netanyahu says Israel to start getting Pfizer coronavirus vaccines in January

>>>/qresearch/11611610, >>>/qresearch/11611966 ‘Disgusting Failure’: US Senator Slams DOJ Investigation Into Epstein’s Sweetheart Deal

>>>/qresearch/11611638 Multiple Michigan residents swear they witnessed widespread voter fraud in Detroit

>>>/qresearch/11611652, >>>/qresearch/11611694, >>>/qresearch/11611726, >>>/qresearch/11611756, >>>/qresearch/11611788, >>>/qresearch/11611822 NASED, NASS and ACR

>>>/qresearch/11611655 Andrew McCabe's Corruption on Trump Targeting is Biden's Corruption! Where is John Durham?

>>>/qresearch/11611672 Grassley Questions DOJ on Biden Family Compliance with FARA

>>>/qresearch/11611675, >>>/qresearch/11611720, >>>/qresearch/11611741 A Killer Enterprise: How One of Big Pharma’s Most Corrupt Companies Plans to Corner the Covid-19 Cure Market

>>>/qresearch/11611723 From Hiding, Pashinyan Issues More Excuses Through Facebook, Doesn’t Mention Resignation

>>>/qresearch/11611740 Ukraine President Hospitalized After Testing Positive For Coronavirus, Official Says

>>>/qresearch/11611755 Alaska anon reports CV-19 emergency alert broadcast to cell phones by Gov. Dunleavy

>>>/qresearch/11611762 ICE, international partners arrest 113 child predators

>>>/qresearch/11611775 Look at What's Heading to Washington DC to Rally for Trump –– HOLY COW!

>>>/qresearch/11611800 Lawsuit Claims 40,000-Plus Fraudulent Ballots Pumped Through Detroit For Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11611820 Yes, Biden and Harris Are Self-Declared Zionists, But a Glimmer of Hope Remains

>>>/qresearch/11611859 US – UK Intel Agencies Declare Cyber War on Independent Media

>>>/qresearch/11611989 Katie Hobbs is married to Pat Goodman

(30 notables, 43 posts, 85 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:28 a.m. No.35861   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11612101 Q Research General #14826: E Baked Edition

Created 121934ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11612115 Anon bun #14825

>>>/qresearch/11612128 Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), a pivotal moderate Republican vote, says she will vote to confirm Judy Shelton, President Trump’s controversial nominee to the Federal Reserve.

>>>/qresearch/11612139 Judge orders segregated ballots should not be counted. It rules the PA Secretary of State "lacked statutory authority" to override election law.

>>>/qresearch/11612145 HRC Back to #MuhPandemic

>>>/qresearch/11612178 Senior U.S. cybersecurity official asked to resign amid Trump transition tumult

>>>/qresearch/11612187 Milley quoted

>>>/qresearch/11612189 New DC Law Would Give Vaccine Decisions to 11 Year Olds Without Parental Consent

>>>/qresearch/11612194 Dominion Denies Any Wrongdoing re: Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11612203 McConnell filed cloture on debate for Judy Shelton go on FED Board

>>>/qresearch/11612244 Facebook Extends Political Ad Ban

>>>/qresearch/11612253, >>>/qresearch/11612662, >>>/qresearch/11612788 PF

>>>/qresearch/11612258 Crooked Hillary Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11612272 Pennsylvania Judge Orders Segregated Ballots Should be Tossed

>>>/qresearch/11612296 White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany: America Will Hear from Trump “at Just the Right Moment”

>>>/qresearch/11612331 Kodak Executives Received Millions In Stock For Options They Never Owned

>>>/qresearch/11612349 DoJ Says Former Labor Secretary Acosta "Exercised Poor Judgment" In First Epstein Case

>>>/qresearch/11612356 Moar from AZ Sec of State Hobbs

>>>/qresearch/11612399 Vaccines - The Oldest Scam In 1988, Eustace Mullins blew the whistle on the vaccine scam.

>>>/qresearch/11612497 President Trump bars Americans from investing in firms that help China’s military

>>>/qresearch/11612500 Ticketmaster will require proof of COVID vaccine or negative test for customers to attend concerts PAPERS PLEASE

>>>/qresearch/11612503 Suicide rate among veterans up again slightly, despite focus on prevention efforts

>>>/qresearch/11612532 New Hampshire Releases Bombshell Report Questioning Safety of 5G

>>>/qresearch/11612594 Democratic Rep. Max Rose concedes New York House race

>>>/qresearch/11612600 153 MM Registered Voters in U.S. as of Nov 2018

>>>/qresearch/11612626 From a global fentanyl ring to a grieving family in Garland, a reporter’s FinCEN Files diary

>>>/qresearch/11612630 Arizona woman who went viral for smashing Target mask display blames QAnon TOP KEK

>>>/qresearch/11612649 What if I told you Dominion Voting Machines is Canadian company that got its parts from China & its software from Serbia?

>>>/qresearch/11612651 Chinese President Xi Jinping decided to halt Ant's IPO

>>>/qresearch/11612670 New DoD Adviser Has Made Controversial Proposal: Get Rid of the Marine Corps

>>>/qresearch/11612795 Man arrested after trying to break into cockpit on American Airlines flight: cops

(30 notables, 32 posts, 49 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:28 a.m. No.35862   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11612859 Q Research General #14827: Memefag in the Kitchen; Keeps Shills Bitchin' Edition

Created 122029ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11612894, >>>/qresearch/11612900 Anon bun #14826

VIDEO - Muse - Invincible (Video) [Channel: Muse]

>>>/qresearch/11612916 Cyber Security Guy FIRED.

>>>/qresearch/11612918, >>>/qresearch/11613009, >>>/qresearch/11613449, >>>/qresearch/11613551 PF

>>>/qresearch/11612921 C_A Improved Sabotage devices / Anarchist Cookbook



>>>/qresearch/11612943 Another Hunter Headache: The 'Secret' That Biden's Team Does Not Want Anyone To Know

>>>/qresearch/11612951, >>>/qresearch/11613187, >>>/qresearch/11613280 Plane Crashes Into Los Angeles Neighborhood

>>>/qresearch/11612957 N.J. man, 72, arrested in park where he tried to lure child for sex, cops say

>>>/qresearch/11612973 Statement on DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility Report on Jeffrey Epstein 2006-2008 Investigation

>>>/qresearch/11612995 KREMLIN: ‘Turkish Troops Being Deployed to Nagorno-Karabakh is a Lie’

>>>/qresearch/11612998 Please don't let this happen. CBS_Herridge

>>>/qresearch/11613011 Military Situation In Syria On November 12, 2020 (Map Update)

>>>/qresearch/11613059 Ten SAS soldiers under investigation by war crimes investigators over 12 Afghan deaths

>>>/qresearch/11613078 “Cancel Traditional Thanksgiving Plans” – Mayor Lori Lightfoot Tells Chicagoans Not to Gather with Family Members

>>>/qresearch/11613105 96% Of Dominion Voting Systems Political Donations Went To Democrats

>>>/qresearch/11613157 Biden to receive intel briefings??!!

>>>/qresearch/11613173 FLIMSY: Lindsey Graham Says Biden Should Get Intel Briefings

>>>/qresearch/11613212 Eventbrite Tries to 'Cancel' DC Pro-Trump Rally Due to 'Harmful Misinformation.' Organizers Ordered to Room 101

>>>/qresearch/11613245 New Pentagon Top Adviser Wants US Troops Out Of Syria "Immediately"

>>>/qresearch/11613507 Looks like Jeffrey Toobin did worse than bat off on Zoom.

>>>/qresearch/11613515 @ICEgov is back "GLITCH"

>>>/qresearch/11613545 Fox News Parts Ways with John Solomon

>>>/qresearch/11613567 Australian Government Department of Health has no record of a “COVID-19 virus” isolated from any human on the planet

(22 notables, 28 posts, 48 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:28 a.m. No.35863   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11614525 Q Research General #14829: E-Bake to VICTORY Edition

Created 122250ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11614586 Disgraced Fox News Retracts False House Race Projection — 8 Days Later!

>>>/qresearch/11614608 Our lovely and talented Maria B says it's hot in the kitchen

>>>/qresearch/11614615, >>>/qresearch/11614961 Lin Wood on Howie Carr: “Joe Biden and the People Like Him Who Have Been Trying to Steal This Election – Will All Go to Jail”

>>>/qresearch/11614642 Michigan GOP State Senators Request Full Audit of 2020 Election Before Results Are Certified

>>>/qresearch/11614651 PF

>>>/qresearch/11614677 Cheating celebrity pastor Carl Lentz sold $1.5M home days before scandal broke

>>>/qresearch/11614689 Can confirm Eric Coomer was scrubbed from Dominion Voting Systems Employee list

>>>/qresearch/11614715 Justice Department’s Procurement Collusion Strike Force Announces Eleven New National Partners

>>>/qresearch/11614726 NY Man Accused Of Cutting Utility Lines For 4th Time, Police Say

>>>/qresearch/11614754 Indivior Solutions Sentenced To Pay $289 Million In Criminal Penalties For Unlawful Marketing Of Opioid Drug

>>>/qresearch/11614757 Q-TV

>>>/qresearch/11614774 Coomer in Zoom meeting with Georgia election officials when meeting is hijacked with 9/11 images and some porn.

>>>/qresearch/11614807 Court-Packing Is Dead in the Water, and a Democrat Dealt the Killing Blow. AOC Is NOT Happy

>>>/qresearch/11614840 Sweden is about to impose a partial lockdown on bars and restaurants — its first such move since the pandemic began

>>>/qresearch/11614855 [C]ovid before [D]ominion

>>>/qresearch/11614857 Zuckerberg tells Facebook employees Biden will be next president

>>>/qresearch/11614881, >>>/qresearch/11615025 Eric Coomer

>>>/qresearch/11614941 A NOD to CM from RON COLEMAN

>>>/qresearch/11614966 Lin Wood: MSM are Co-Conspirators. Soon, no objective, fair-minded person will be able to deny massive fraud perpetrated in planned, coordinated scheme to steal our Presidency.

>>>/qresearch/11614980, >>>/qresearch/11615057 BREAKING: Huge Legal Victory for President Trump in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11614990 EU Officials Consider Granting Police Access to Encrypted Messages

>>>/qresearch/11614997 New Quantum education systems?

>>>/qresearch/11615003 Gayle King, Who Vacationed With Barack Obama, to Interview Barack Obama

>>>/qresearch/11615008 Patents by Inventor Eric Coomer

>>>/qresearch/11615020 House GOP leader defends newly elected members who have supported QAnon

>>>/qresearch/11615021 forces conduct crisis response exercise in #NorthAfrica

>>>/qresearch/11615034 109 Michigan Ballots Were Sent to an Insane Asylum, 1 Apparently Voted

>>>/qresearch/11615042, >>>/qresearch/11615115 BREAKING: Project Veritas: USPS Whistleblower in Philly Suburb Details Orders to Stop Delivering Trump and Republican Mailings (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11615069 Two top Homeland Security officials forced to resign by White House

>>>/qresearch/11615100 Trump Supporters Plan To March On Washington In Protest Of Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11615134 Leftists Back Down on Created Plans to List to Block Trump Backers from Jobs

>>>/qresearch/11615144 This Is How The Left Is Planning To Destroy Trump If He Leaves Office

>>>/qresearch/11615146 RENEGADE Obama says democracy doesn't work

>>>/qresearch/11615154 Cambridge Analytica chart

>>>/qresearch/11615158 Pennsylvania Court Rules, Secretary of State Improperly Changed Deadline 2 Days Before Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11615172 Trump's Pennsylvania complaint is brilliant

>>>/qresearch/11615175 CONFIRMED HAPPENING Dr. Eric COOMER, Dominion strategist, is an open Antifa supporter and Trump hater

>>>/qresearch/11615186 ‘We’re not some demonic cult’: Democrats fume over faulty messaging

>>>/qresearch/11615200 THE UNTOLD STORY The New Normal: By Any Means Necessary

>>>/qresearch/11615210, >>>/qresearch/11615219 Statement from election infrastructure officials, including CISA at DHS Replying to @CodeMonkeyZ Send me a DM buddy…

>>>/qresearch/11615218 Why Did Joe Biden Lose Ground With Latinos in South Texas?

>>>/qresearch/11615232 The Current Status of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Case

>>>/qresearch/11615243 Mika Brzezinski Wants 'Law Enforcement' to Go After Trump to Prevent Leaking National Secrets

>>>/qresearch/11615251 These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle

>>>/qresearch/11615264 Time to cut the cord on media’s Trump bashing

>>>/qresearch/11615322 One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD


>>>/qresearch/11615437 #14829

(48 notables, 53 posts, 64 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:29 a.m. No.35864   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11613694 Q Research General #14828: This Could Be Your Title; Learn to Bake Edition

Created 122132ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11613706, >>>/qresearch/11613717, >>>/qresearch/11613727 BREAKING Pennsylvania: Judge orders segregated ballots should not be counted, same legal principle applies to Georgia election.

>>>/qresearch/11613719 Project Veritas: New USPS Whistleblower in Philadelphia suburb Elkins Park details orders to stop delivering pro-Trump mail.

>>>/qresearch/11613720, >>>/qresearch/11613764 (You) Bryan Ware, a top official at CISA, will step down at the end of the week.

>>>/qresearch/11613735, >>>/qresearch/11613790, >>>/qresearch/11613846 Michigan GOP state senators are requesting a full audit of the 2020 General Election.

>>>/qresearch/11613739 @SidneyPowell1: "It's a bigger mess than you can imagine! @realDonaldTrump."

>>>/qresearch/11613744, >>>/qresearch/11614515 #14827, #14828,

>>>/qresearch/11613773 Philanthropist George Soros funds reportedly sway district attorney races to reshape law enforcement.

>>>/qresearch/11613821 @LLinWood: "GA Governor @BrianKempGAmust be investigated for his ties to Communist China. lnvestigate Kemp’s dealings in purchasing Covid treatment supplies from China & his relationship to use of Dominion in GA."

>>>/qresearch/11613825 DIGG: Oakland County, CA.

>>>/qresearch/11613831 Bernie Sanders Blasts ‘Corporate Democrats’ for Rejecting Far-Left Policies: ‘They Are Dead Wrong’.

>>>/qresearch/11613833 @SidneyPowell1 retweets CM.

>>>/qresearch/11613835, >>>/qresearch/11613843 Hillary tweet comms.

>>>/qresearch/11613863 @ICEgov back online after a "technical glitch".

>>>/qresearch/11613878 @BernardKerik tweets.

>>>/qresearch/11613916 Temple where Jesus reportedly healed bleeding woman found in Israel.

>>>/qresearch/11613972 Joe Oltmann dropping Moabs on Dominion Exec Eric Coomer.

>>>/qresearch/11614050 @TheJusticeDept: "Attorney General William P. Barr Honors Department of Justice Employees and Others for the 68th Annual Attorney General’s Awards."

>>>/qresearch/11614161 Nevada whistleblower describes Biden van vote factory in signed affidavit.

>>>/qresearch/11614206 OANN's Dan Ball interview with Editor-in-Chief For, John Solomon.

>>>/qresearch/11614226 Michigan Attorney General Threatens Criminal Prosecution Over Posting Of Video Alleging Voter Fraud.

>>>/qresearch/11614265 Global Child Sex Abuse Ring Uncovered: Ring was centered in Australia, with links to the US and other countries.

>>>/qresearch/11614306 @katiehobbs (AZ Sec of State): "@realDonaldTrump has made it abundantly clear he's more interested in pandering to his neo-nazi base than being @POTUS for all Americans. Aug 15, 2017."

>>>/qresearch/11614321 NY Post: Man arrested after trying to break into cockpit on American Airlines flight (near anniversary of American Airlines Flight 587 crash).

>>>/qresearch/11614346 Chicago Mayor asks residents to cancel Thanksgiving plans and stay indoors as Covid cases rise.

>>>/qresearch/11614349 DIGG: National Association of State Election Directors (N.A.S.E.D.).

>>>/qresearch/11614425 Eric Coomer Bun.

>>>/qresearch/11614439 Planefag: lots of MIL activity today.

>>>/qresearch/11614508 Delta Air Lines has banned nearly 550 people from its flights for refusing to wear face masks on board, Chief Executive Ed Bastian said Thursday.

(28 notables, 35 posts, 42 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:29 a.m. No.35865   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11615448 Q Research General #14830: REMEMBER There are more of US then there are of [you] HUNTING Edition

Created 122349ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11615537 Massive national security issues. Massive. I'm told Dirty Venezuelan & Cuba money behind dominion

>>>/qresearch/11615547 #BREAKING: DHS' Cyber Security Agency Releases Statement on Presidential Election:

>>>/qresearch/11615550 "Fraud vitiates everything." United States v Throckmorton, 1878. Since fraud has been committed, Trump wins by default under U.S. law.

>>>/qresearch/11615553 DR NO Fauci clashes with Biden Covid chief & says US does NOT need total lockdown despite daily infections hitting record 152k

>>>/qresearch/11615565 Fire Breaks Out Near Jizan Oil Facility After Coalition Destroys 2 Motorboats Laden With Explosives

>>>/qresearch/11615576 OAN is Killing it Right now

>>>/qresearch/11615596 Facebook ad ban scrambles Georgia Senate campaigns

>>>/qresearch/11615599, >>>/qresearch/11616000 Vatican calling: Pope congratulates Joe Biden on election

>>>/qresearch/11615600 $10 a day? Bank proposes taxing people who work from home to help the economy

>>>/qresearch/11615627 Holy Smokes! We got something coming out tonight that will CRUSH liberal hearts everywhere. VERY BIG!

>>>/qresearch/11615631 Justice Department Faults Ex-US Attorney Acosta's 'Poor Judgment' in Epstein Deal

>>>/qresearch/11615633 New device puts music in your head — no headphones required

>>>/qresearch/11615646 Democrats Have History of Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11615670 Appeals Court Clears Harvard of Admissions Bias

>>>/qresearch/11615708 #14829

>>>/qresearch/11615751 Connection between Trump firing two cyber security officials and release of this 'security' report letter

>>>/qresearch/11615788 Nancy Pelosi accuses Republicans of 'refusing to accept her version of her reality' of election result – video

>>>/qresearch/11615830 AOC: I’ll Be Working ‘Very Hard’ on Georgia Runoffs So Dems ‘Don’t Have to Negotiate’ with GOP

>>>/qresearch/11615832 New Ben Garrison

>>>/qresearch/11615841 Boatfag WARNS the maritime sites are being messed with again or somebody is making some huge changes on that side of the World

>>>/qresearch/11615844 109 Michigan Ballots Were Sent to an Insane Asylum, 1 Apparently Voted

>>>/qresearch/11615850 Chuck Schumer: ‘The Election Is Not in Doubt’ (TRUMP WON)

>>>/qresearch/11615851, >>>/qresearch/11615935 HAMMER SCORECARD -Joe Biden COMMS

>>>/qresearch/11615893, >>>/qresearch/11615952, >>>/qresearch/11615995 HERE IS YOUR LIST OF TRAITORS…..start diggingz

>>>/qresearch/11615913 PF

>>>/qresearch/11615917 Michigan voters file federal lawsuit seeking to toss 1.2M ballots

>>>/qresearch/11615945 Tammy Bruce credits Trump 'outreach' for record number of GOP women joining Congress

>>>/qresearch/11615999 General Milley gone rouge?

>>>/qresearch/11616076 Christopher Krebs - CISA cybersecurity chief

>>>/qresearch/11616199 #14830

(30 notables, 34 posts, 31 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:30 a.m. No.35866   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11616224 Q Research General #14831: OUR Votes Count Edition

Created 130039ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11616302 DOMINION LINKED TO ARIZONA

>>>/qresearch/11616321 Federal Election Commission Chair Calls Election ‘Illegitimate’ Due To Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11616326, >>>/qresearch/11616350 One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

>>>/qresearch/11616327 Disney reports quarterly loss of $710 million

>>>/qresearch/11616338, >>>/qresearch/11616565 Life after Q anon (Yahoo news)

>>>/qresearch/11616343 Rudy Giuliani on Election Fraud vid


>>>/qresearch/11616389 Indiana joining in lawsuit over absentee ballots

>>>/qresearch/11616448 SPECIAL THANKS to The New York Times for Accidentally Providing the Data that Will Bring Down Biden and CRACK THE BIGGEST VOTE FRAUD IN HISTORY

>>>/qresearch/11616449 CM tweet to Rudy offering to brief him on the DOMINION Voting System (yesterday)

>>>/qresearch/11616465 PF

>>>/qresearch/11616475 Louie Gohmert talks about MSM Censorship, Sctyl, Fraud and US Army Seizing Scytl's server(s) and Chris Wray

>>>/qresearch/11616488 Blue Dog COMMS?

>>>/qresearch/11616491, >>>/qresearch/11616618 Boatfag

>>>/qresearch/11616493 HAMMER AND SCORECARD HUGE!!!!

>>>/qresearch/11616509 Google Vote Reminders Only Went to Liberals, Not Conservatives for at Least 4 Days

>>>/qresearch/11616513 Kayleigh McEnany

>>>/qresearch/11616570 Outgoing Syria Envoy Admits Hiding US Troop Numbers; Praises Trump’s Mideast Record

>>>/qresearch/11616571 CM Ms. Chanel Rion just reached out to me and Ill be talking with her about Dominion tomorrow (yesterday)

>>>/qresearch/11616576 Bill Maher, Anthony Scaramucci stand to cash in big on Mets sale

>>>/qresearch/11616584 BIG: Maricopa County Republican chairman Rae Chornenky steps down

>>>/qresearch/11616600, >>>/qresearch/11616705 Honorary starters, then rain, as 1st fall Masters begins

>>>/qresearch/11616609 Democrats Openly Urge People To Commit Voter Fraud By Temporarily ‘Moving’ To Georgia

>>>/qresearch/11616617 U.S. Department of State The Reagan Legacy and Promise of America (0:55)

>>>/qresearch/11616659 LIVE RSBN 2020 Election Prayer Vigil 11/12/20

>>>/qresearch/11616700 Georgia Officials Rush to Fix Error in Voting Computers

>>>/qresearch/11616742 FEMALE filling out ballot after ballot by hand, stamping them, putting them in a pile then getting another Rise / repeat

>>>/qresearch/11616750 Pope congratulates Joe Biden on election

>>>/qresearch/11616801 Valerie Boyd (CISA) was exec secretary of Obama's NSC between 2009-2016

>>>/qresearch/11616820 Conservative social media darling Parler discovers that free speech is messy

>>>/qresearch/11616824 qalerts offline?

>>>/qresearch/11616828 Beto O'Rourke blames 'powerful memes' and Democratic incompetence for 'incredible performance' of Trump among Mexican-Americans

>>>/qresearch/11616830 Justice Dept. Calls Epstein's 2008 Deal 'Poor Judgment'

>>>/qresearch/11616836 22 Blackhawks up right now! Most this planefag has ever seen at once

>>>/qresearch/11616838 Dominion Voting Systems leads you to Smartmatic which leads you to Mark Malloch Brown

>>>/qresearch/11616977 #14831

(35 notables, 39 posts, 35 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:30 a.m. No.35867   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11617725 Q Research General #14833: LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL Edition

Created 130222ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11617805 Democrat Governor Tony Evers Furious After Wisconsin Supreme Court Tosses Out His Latest Covid Stay-at-Home Order

>>>/qresearch/11617818 Trump campaign enjoys minor victory in Pennsylvania lawsuit over voter ID

>>>/qresearch/11617838 Commerce Department Stops Tik Tok Ban

>>>/qresearch/11617844 NOTHING

>>>/qresearch/11617845, >>>/qresearch/11617846 The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing


VIDEO - Harold Wallace Rosenthal jewish Tyranny [Channel: Tony Farrell]

>>>/qresearch/11617854 Dominion info passwords etc

>>>/qresearch/11617856 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!

>>>/qresearch/11617880 POTUS Schedule for FRIDAY, November 13, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11617883 MICHIGAN WITNESS: GOP Poll Challengers Were Assaulted at TCF Center trying to Protect the Vote

>>>/qresearch/11617902 MAGA Patriot anons this is for you… Trump is not fucking around

>>>/qresearch/11618005 Big Tech Mogul Eric Schmidt Seeking Citizenship In Cyprus

>>>/qresearch/11618016 Feinstein urges Graham to stop processing Trump judicial nominees 'now that the 2020 election has concluded'

>>>/qresearch/11618033 Dan Scavino last tweet music matched Q drop 3804also matched Flynn Banner from twitter!

>>>/qresearch/11618034 CIA insider dumped on 1/2ch last night, interesting

>>>/qresearch/11618074 Emmanuel Macron says Biden presidency is chance to 'make our planet great again'

>>>/qresearch/11618082 CALL TO DIG JARED THOMAS

>>>/qresearch/11618127 Ghosts of the past come back to haunt Australian PM

>>>/qresearch/11618223 Robert P. Kolasky Assistant Director of the CISA

>>>/qresearch/11618311 Trump Campaign Attorney (L Linwood) Points to Dominion Fraud: “Communist China Materially Interfered with Our Election – TRUTH”

>>>/qresearch/11618361 Outsiders with USB’s and VCards Were Allowed in Pennsylvania Counting Areas with No Observers Present

>>>/qresearch/11618396 Zuckerberg Tells Employees Biden 'Is Going to Be Our Next President' - Report

>>>/qresearch/11618429 #14833,

(22 notables, 23 posts, 33 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11617856

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:30 a.m. No.35868   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11616982 Q Research General #14832: Dotting the I's and Crossing the T's Edition

Created 130131ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11617067 CM - CodeMonkey strikes again!

>>>/qresearch/11617073 LUDE Media Live now

>>>/qresearch/11617075, >>>/qresearch/11617134 Bartoromo post from Parler

>>>/qresearch/11617078 Joseph J Flynn He brought down the mob in NYC

>>>/qresearch/11617089 Fire crews respond to Beverly Hills home of Denzel Washington

>>>/qresearch/11617093, >>>/qresearch/11617119 PF Topcat7 big loop

>>>/qresearch/11617103 PF Maybe nothing, but: 4 BHs in holding pattern over Ft Carson

>>>/qresearch/11617115, >>>/qresearch/11617418, >>>/qresearch/11617554 Tomorrow is Friday the 13th

>>>/qresearch/11617146 CM' Going to tell Chanel Rion all about it today in a video interview. 6:18 PM · Nov 12, 2020 pt

>>>/qresearch/11617172, >>>/qresearch/11617267 Maria Baritromo

>>>/qresearch/11617176, >>>/qresearch/11617237, >>>/qresearch/11617259, >>>/qresearch/11617269 ELECTION FRAUD COMPILATION

>>>/qresearch/11617190, >>>/qresearch/11617223, >>>/qresearch/11617261 Booms enroute Kayleigh

>>>/qresearch/11617208 PF Skull Punisher? 71 17 Q

>>>/qresearch/11617210 PF THIS IS A LOT OF HELOS

>>>/qresearch/11617221 PF ASTL

>>>/qresearch/11617231 20,000 Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballots have "Impossible" Return Dates

>>>/qresearch/11617239 Bryan Ware is out at DHS/CISA

>>>/qresearch/11617256 PF Chill22

>>>/qresearch/11617279 PF PEARL11 13 15 USAF KC-135 Tankers

>>>/qresearch/11617286, >>>/qresearch/11617450, >>>/qresearch/11617701 PF

>>>/qresearch/11617299 CORRUPTION ANALYSIS for EVERY STATE

>>>/qresearch/11617323, >>>/qresearch/11617353 Speculative, Dirty Canadian ScotiaBank active in Cuba & Venezuela, relates to Maria B & foreign Dominion Voting finance

>>>/qresearch/11617405, >>>/qresearch/11617458, >>>/qresearch/11617553, >>>/qresearch/11617585 PRC has no legal grounds to unilaterally impose its will on the region

>>>/qresearch/11617427, >>>/qresearch/11617477, >>>/qresearch/11617518 NEW SCAVINO


>>>/qresearch/11617431 PA Judge Rules Some Late Ballots Don't Count; Secretary Of State 'Lacked Authority' To Extend ID Deadline

>>>/qresearch/11617473 Ticketmaster Unveils Plan To Verify Vaccination Status

>>>/qresearch/11617532 New Gen Flynn Digital Soldier to follow

>>>/qresearch/11617573 Trump Attorney Lin Wood: Chinese Communists Used Computer Fraud and Mail Ballot Fraud to Interfere with Our National Election

>>>/qresearch/11617606 Talks about a lawsuit in Georgia BEFORE THE ELECTION over Dominion vulnerabilities

>>>/qresearch/11617619, >>>/qresearch/11617624 Gen Flynn

>>>/qresearch/11617715 #14832

(31 notables, 50 posts, 50 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:31 a.m. No.35869   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11618439 Q Research General #14834: Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing! Edition

Created 130258ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11618521, >>>/qresearch/11618580, >>>/qresearch/11618581 #14834 @650,

>>>/qresearch/11618584 Dead Man Voting: Fox News Host Rolls Out List of Deceased People Who Cast Ballot in US Election

>>>/qresearch/11618603 VAX THE BLACKS? Joe's team is nasty…

>>>/qresearch/11618611 Owl comms? Watch out for owls: Signs posted about swooping owls at Beaverton park.

>>>/qresearch/11618685 Deputy CoS For the Defense Sec… Gone?

>>>/qresearch/11618691 One intriguing name being discussed privately is former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations…

>>>/qresearch/11618748 anon nom: Today Ezra Cohen-Watnick (Q 2057) and Kashyap Patel (Q 1481) named to key Defense positions

>>>/qresearch/11618885 anon nom: BALLOTS MARKED FOR TRUMP FOUND IN GARBAGE DUMP


>>>/qresearch/11618916 anon nom: EVERY COUNTY R & D voting discrepancies

>>>/qresearch/11618928 Trump Campaign Attorney Points to Dominion Fraud: “Communist China Materially Interfered with Our Election – TRUTH”

>>>/qresearch/11618946 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming NCSWIC (Cap: )

>>>/qresearch/11618999 One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

>>>/qresearch/11619100 Nationwide council Of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators info

>>>/qresearch/11619136 Secret Service announces the creation of the Cyber Fraud Task Force

>>>/qresearch/11619233 #14834

(15 notables, 17 posts, 11 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11618946

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:31 a.m. No.35870   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11619336 Q Research General #14835: Ebake

Created 130338ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11619487 Anons, WHO is NICK IKONOMAKIS and WHY was

>>>/qresearch/11619500 DOMINION City Brewery, Ottawa: Spoopy Trump haters

>>>/qresearch/11619525 NEW PDJT

>>>/qresearch/11619596 Urgent! Datafag here - Needs Help

>>>/qresearch/11619620, >>>/qresearch/11619623, >>>/qresearch/11619778 BLUEWATER INTERNATIONAL - Bryan S. Ware

>>>/qresearch/11619644 Facebook, Inc sold by Mark Zuckerberg: $30.59m-Nove 9-10

>>>/qresearch/11619679 Fox News–A 21st Century MEDIA Titanic?

>>>/qresearch/11619746 Kenya Weighs in on American Politics

>>>/qresearch/11619765 Krebs: ‘No Evidence Any Foreign Adversary Was Capable’ of Preventing or Changing Votes

>>>/qresearch/11619768 Be careful what you wish for

>>>/qresearch/11619784 Maxine Waters: Biden Win Is the ‘Dawn of a New Progressive America’

>>>/qresearch/11619864 Giuliani: 650K Illegal Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11619908 Kyle Rittenhouse’s Mom Announces Lawsuit Against Joe Biden On Tucker Carlson Tonight

>>>/qresearch/11619969 Oregon Sex Workers Now Eligible For COVID Aid

>>>/qresearch/11619986 One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

>>>/qresearch/11620026 BREAKING NEWS: Deputy chief of staff to the secretary of defense has resigned amid Pentagon purge

>>>/qresearch/11620070 #14835

(17 notables, 19 posts, 22 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:31 a.m. No.35871   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11619964 Q Research General #14836: Shall we play a game?

Created 130406ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11620120 ICE, international partners arrest 113 child predators

>>>/qresearch/11620144 Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin: Here's an Update on Team Trump's Lawsuits and Recounts

>>>/qresearch/11620147 NEW PDJT


>>>/qresearch/11620166 Bill Gates partners with Rashida Jones to host a new podcast limited series; first show will be on what the world will look post-COVID

>>>/qresearch/11620196 AZGOP files new lawsuit demanding hand recount by precinct

>>>/qresearch/11620368 Hannity on the horrible, inaccurate and anything but secure Dominion Voting System

>>>/qresearch/11620378 NCSWIC Primary Membership - PDF

>>>/qresearch/11620393 Executive Order on Addressing the Threat from Securities Investments that Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies

>>>/qresearch/11620406 CM - Thanks for the wonderful chat @ChanelRion. Looking forward to seeing what you are able to do with the information that I have provided you.

>>>/qresearch/11620409 Hillary Clinton under consideration for Biden's U.N. ambassador: report

>>>/qresearch/11620453, >>>/qresearch/11620583, >>>/qresearch/11620635, >>>/qresearch/11620686 MOAR CISA

>>>/qresearch/11620495 "Look Closely: Trump Still Has A Shot At Winning Reelection"

>>>/qresearch/11620536 More on Brian Ware and China

>>>/qresearch/11620577 #UPDATED ICE Twitter account deactivated temporarily over an age change in settings

>>>/qresearch/11620657 "Under Operation Warp Speed, we’ve shaved years off of the time that it takes to develop a vaccine and we’ve done it while maintaining the FDA gold standard for safety." President Donald J. Trump

>>>/qresearch/11620721 GA GOP LETTER

>>>/qresearch/11620742 So to summarize the last 4 years:

>>>/qresearch/11620755 Q posts American flag at anon’s request?

>>>/qresearch/11620785 BREAKING: Eric Coomer has been removed from the Dominion Voting Systems employees on leadcandy

(19 notables, 22 posts, 27 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:31 a.m. No.35872   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11620776 Q Research General #14837: Can we all agree the last 9 days were pretty dark?

Created 130455ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11620883 Staple Street / Dominion Connections Chart

>>>/qresearch/11620888 Pope Francis Urges Catholics To Pray For 'Ethical Robots'

>>>/qresearch/11620910 Jul 2, 2015- Lindsey Graham Chokes Up Talking About Joe Biden

VIDEO - Lindsey Graham Chokes Up Talking About Joe Biden [Channel: HuffPost]

>>>/qresearch/11620911 John Solomon on Dobbs


>>>/qresearch/11620915 3 year delta of Q posts with our Great American Flag.

>>>/qresearch/11620919 Ronald Reagan tells joke about Democrats

>>>/qresearch/11620941 CAP: Vate Rigging By The Numbers

>>>/qresearch/11620952 Flying drone taxi in S. Korea.

>>>/qresearch/11620956 Chanel & CM

>>>/qresearch/11620959 New York Times beheads Stephen Miller (what the fuck -sedition)

>>>/qresearch/11620975 Q posts American flag at anon’s request?

>>>/qresearch/11620998 Democrats LIED about Atlanta water main break to delay Georgia ballot counting

>>>/qresearch/11621028 Ha I told you fuckers QAI was quantum computing!

>>>/qresearch/11621044 Wisconsin Woman Wonders Why Incapacitated Mother Voted this Month

>>>/qresearch/11621055 Joe Biden’s incoming chief of staff said elections are rigged

>>>/qresearch/11621068 Alright boys & gals, due to the recent DHS/CUSA firing maybe we need to get shovels for these folks.

>>>/qresearch/11621106 ————————————–——– Durham.

>>>/qresearch/11621183 Vernon Jones says Georgia’s election fraud centers on mail-in ballots

>>>/qresearch/11621196 Declassifing Spook technology?

>>>/qresearch/11621251 Michael Cohen Book

>>>/qresearch/11621289 Old Tweet RE: Durham, Now Notable

>>>/qresearch/11621303 BREAKING: Biden Confirms Election Is Not Over

>>>/qresearch/11621314 Remember Anons, the boat Washington used was called a Durham boat

>>>/qresearch/11621316 This patent from Ware reads a lot like project looking glass

>>>/qresearch/11621323, >>>/qresearch/11621338 VotingWorks, founded by Ben Adida and Matt Pasternack, involved in pilot with Microsoft for testing new voting technology with Wisconsin in the Spring Primary Feb 2020

>>>/qresearch/11621333 BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK ENCRYPTED MESSAGE (dafuq?)

>>>/qresearch/11621378 New Executive order today states apparatuses.

>>>/qresearch/11621408 Flashback: Biden Said He’d Wait Until Election Results Were Independently Certified To Declare Victory

>>>/qresearch/11621410 TGP's Joe Hoft Joins Steve Bannon and The War Room to Discuss the Dominion "Glitches"

>>>/qresearch/11621489 I Was In Philadelphia Watching Fraud Happen. Here’s How It Went Down

>>>/qresearch/11621492 CAP: Dominion Voting Software Connections Map

>>>/qresearch/11621495 Am I the only one who thinks Durham might not refer to the person?

>>>/qresearch/11621510 MIT Scientists Analyze, Expose How Dominion Switched Thousands, Perhaps Millions Of Votes

>>>/qresearch/11621522 Microsoft's ElectionGuard team worked with Clear Ballot and Smartmatic

>>>/qresearch/11621523 Also noticed that Q's last post and CM's resignation were 7 hrs 4 mins apart. 74/47 symbolism (DC)?

(35 notables, 36 posts, 32 media/files)


Q- >>>/qresearch/11621106

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:32 a.m. No.35873   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11621560 Q Research General #14838: We're The Crew That Talks To Q Edition

Created 130546ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11621645 Durham DIGS Bun / Duke University & Duke Clinical Research Center

>>>/qresearch/11621677 Durham Boat

>>>/qresearch/11621702 CISA Director Chris Krebs Addresses American Voters

>>>/qresearch/11621711 Far-right protesters, counterdemonstrators plan to gather Saturday in D.C. amid pro-Trump rallies

>>>/qresearch/11621718 Durham Dig BUN / Feds will investigate whether Russia hacked Durham election software in 2016

>>>/qresearch/11621727 Think Durham start. Think 'Q' start.

>>>/qresearch/11621731 Durham DIGS Bun / North Carolina Startups Raised More Than $1 Billion Last Year

>>>/qresearch/11621738, >>>/qresearch/11622271 Durham Dig BUN / Duke University & Durham are directly connected to Wuhan, Ralph Baric (UNC) is key

>>>/qresearch/11621739 Durham Dig BUN / Durham, NC Politics

>>>/qresearch/11621744 Police expose global child abuse ring centered in Australia

>>>/qresearch/11621775 Just website with good info on dewine, page and others

>>>/qresearch/11621793 PA Judge Rule Ballots Without ID Cannot Be Counted

>>>/qresearch/11621835 Dye & Durham Announces $175 Million Bought Deal Offering of Common Shares

>>>/qresearch/11621838 Was Durham NC a Chinese test infiltration by DHS/China?

>>>/qresearch/11621850 FBI Investigates VOter Fraud Harris County, TX

>>>/qresearch/11621858 Durham clinical research firm continues rapid growth with West Coast acquisition

>>>/qresearch/11621863 SCOTUS Precedent: Once fraud is proven anywhere, EVERYTHING is invalidated! ALL OF IT!

>>>/qresearch/11621871 SAMPLE: Letter to POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11621872, >>>/qresearch/11621965 Sneaky ‘hidden gene’ found within coronavirus genetic code may help explain its spread

>>>/qresearch/11621885 Republican President Donald Trump has repeatedly made unsubstantiated claims of electoral fraud and has yet to concede.

>>>/qresearch/11621899 Durham: Ahead of schedule

>>>/qresearch/11621921 Why did select senior members of the D party [6] send a letter to Don McGahn in early Oct. outlining 'Hatch Act' violations re: Q?

>>>/qresearch/11621935, >>>/qresearch/11622219 Elon Musk blows the whistle on BOGUS Covid Tests

>>>/qresearch/11621948 Durham Dig BUN / Duke Institute for Health Innovation, they have a satanic logo.

>>>/qresearch/11621950 Durham Dig BUN / Fraudulent votes in Durham county are being changed

>>>/qresearch/11621957 Detroit contracted poll workers from firm owned by key figure in ex-mayor's corruption case

>>>/qresearch/11621978 Want to read a real howler about Bryan Ware?

>>>/qresearch/11621981 The Many Profile of Kayleigh McEnany Edition

>>>/qresearch/11621984 Another theory re: Signage at Rudy’s Four Seasons Presser

>>>/qresearch/11622003 Durham DIGS Bun

>>>/qresearch/11622064 CISA has lots of election Tools and Technologies…Did they use them or Abuse Them?

>>>/qresearch/11622071 Google is now banning documents that collect information on voter fraud


>>>/qresearch/11622097 REPORT:@CISAgovIssued A Self-Serving Doc Saying THEY Saw No Evidence Any Voting System

>>>/qresearch/11622163 Durham Dig BUN / Results are no longer available for Durham County, NC

>>>/qresearch/11622181 Florida "Anti-Mob" Bill Gives Civilians Immunity If They Shoot Looters Or Run Over Protesters

>>>/qresearch/11622184, >>>/qresearch/11622250 Law Abiding Citizen was filmed on location in Philadelphia PA

>>>/qresearch/11622190 (PB) post-POTUS comms?

>>>/qresearch/11622201 Tens of thousands of PA ballots returned earlier than sent date: 100+ year olds voting

>>>/qresearch/11622206 Durham County commissioner-elect becomes first Muslim woman to hold office in NC

>>>/qresearch/11622236 UNC - Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology

>>>/qresearch/11622248 Will they ever learn? We see you.

>>>/qresearch/11622273 Durham Dig BUN / Global Advisory Board for Duke Institute for Health Innovation

>>>/qresearch/11622310 Glenn Greenwald tears into media, Schiff, other Dems for dismissing Hunter Biden controversy

>>>/qresearch/11622313 This timeline is amazing (Chanel Rion and CM taking down the DS)

>>>/qresearch/11622314 Trump's Pennsylvania complaint is brilliant

>>>/qresearch/11622336 #14838

>>>/qresearch/11622354 Durham Dig BUN / lb/pb link to #14838, all below are lb/pb

(48 notables, 52 posts, 72 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:32 a.m. No.35874   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11622342 Q Research General #14839: Durham's Seal Is Broken Edition

Created 130643ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11622369, >>>/qresearch/11622450 Durham Dig BUN

>>>/qresearch/11622468 Dominion Energy employee critically injured in Durham explosion dies, officials say

>>>/qresearch/11622474 Notable for the Keks (halfchan shitposting is classy)

>>>/qresearch/11622500 George News: Read Between The Lines Statement from National Security Advisor Robert C. O’Brien

>>>/qresearch/11622565 QTV Guide 11.15: Look to Twitter Edition

>>>/qresearch/11622589 Economists like to tell us that “economics is everywhere,” but can you also find it in Star Wars? (comms?)

>>>/qresearch/11622597 Posted 17 times "Nothing can stop what is coming."

>>>/qresearch/11622632 Remembrance Day

>>>/qresearch/11622642 Mail-in Voting Election Integrity Safeguards Infographic (and more)

>>>/qresearch/11622759 Pope Francis Urges Catholics To Pray For ‘Ethical Robots’ (so many keks)

>>>/qresearch/11622797, >>>/qresearch/11622808, >>>/qresearch/11622828, >>>/qresearch/11622889, >>>/qresearch/11623081 Ezra Cohen-Watnick - S.E.S. - Keystone Confirmed


>>>/qresearch/11622798 There is literally a chemical plant (supposedly produced aspirin) in Raleigh owned by a medical company named COVIDien.

>>>/qresearch/11622835 Kaiser Permanente blocks 8kun for Pornography

>>>/qresearch/11622848 Duke University 20-21 Trustees

>>>/qresearch/11622869 Beto blames losing on "powerful memes". (can confirm)

>>>/qresearch/11622930 Detroit contracted poll workers from firm owned by key figure in ex-mayor's corruption case

>>>/qresearch/11622949 Laser-Guided Lightning May Help Prevent Wildfires

>>>/qresearch/11622955 Vatican’s ‘McCarrick report’ details ex-cardinal’s intimate friendship with Joe Biden, Obama

VIDEO - Krokus - Screaming In The Night [Channel: Vikram Sahu]

>>>/qresearch/11622967 It was originally nicknamed the "Keystone Division", as it was formed from units of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard…

>>>/qresearch/11623004 Vocid kills a "famous" UK 'Serial Killer' (MK Ultra on the public at large)

>>>/qresearch/11623023 Eric Holder Twitter (comms?)

>>>/qresearch/11623034 Still saintly? Vatican’s new report on McCarrick may complicate the legacy of Pope John Paul II

VIDEO - Black Label Society "Crazy Horse" [Channel: KOCHRECORDS]

>>>/qresearch/11623074 13 Things That Happened On Friday the 13th

>>>/qresearch/11623121 #14839, #14840 2/2, #14840 1/2

(24 notables, 29 posts, 35 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:32 a.m. No.35875   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11623127 Q Research General #14840: Patriots WINNING While America Sleeps Edition

Created 130815ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11623158 Given CISA rumor control i gather they are with the bad actors?

>>>/qresearch/11623222, >>>/qresearch/11623243 Report (circled in Red) of previous DOMINION fault.

>>>/qresearch/11623280 Victor Davis Hanson | US Election 2020

>>>/qresearch/11623308 White House recommends New Mexico test more to get COVID-19 under control

>>>/qresearch/11623338 3 year delta drop #150

>>>/qresearch/11623352 PF: Flight just left Opa-Locka - 2307, its a HC144 Ocean Sentry

>>>/qresearch/11623428, >>>/qresearch/11623458 #Snowden trending on Netflix

>>>/qresearch/11623443 Fugging based. The Donald.


>>>/qresearch/11623477 ‘Water Spirits’: unmasking demonic spirits associated with the wrong use of water as a source of power

>>>/qresearch/11623533 ACB Gets Her First Crack At The Second Amendment On Friday

>>>/qresearch/11623535 CodeMonkey proving the Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11623574 Louie Gohmert talks about MSM Censorship, Sctyl, Fraud and US Army Seizing Scytl's server(s) and Chris Wray

>>>/qresearch/11623670, >>>/qresearch/11623701 POTUS , Video: Military Transfer Of Authority [Power]

>>>/qresearch/11623678, >>>/qresearch/11623686 Perkins Coie Lobying for election law changes? RE: recounts???

>>>/qresearch/11623707 "Durham" is a prison in the UK

>>>/qresearch/11623710 Post-election, extremists use fringe social networks to push fraud claims, violence

>>>/qresearch/11623716 Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, but misinformation will continue to win (call it whatever you want, Trump is still your President)

>>>/qresearch/11623728 IG Horowitz: I Had No Idea Durham Was Going to Rebuke My Findings (2019)

>>>/qresearch/11623734 BREAKING: Outsiders with USBs and VCards Were Allowed in Pennsylvania Counting Areas with No Observers Present

>>>/qresearch/11623741 Democrat Governor Tony Evers Furious After Wisconsin Supreme Court Tosses Out His Latest Covid Stay-at-Home Order (fag got BTFO'd)

>>>/qresearch/11623747 Trump Attorney Lin Wood: Chinese Communists Used Computer Fraud and Mail Ballot Fraud to Interfere with Our National Election

>>>/qresearch/11623760 Under A Biden Administration, Expect An Explosion In Illegal Immigration

>>>/qresearch/11623767 Did Fox News's premature Arizona call for Biden trigger the massive cheating operation?

>>>/qresearch/11623788 Philadelphia’s Election Follies: A scene from Ground Zero of ballot confusion

>>>/qresearch/11623795 Applying the ‘Fruit of the Poisonous Tree’ Doctrine to Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11623800 Big Data to the Rescue: The Electoral College Meets Data Pattern Science

>>>/qresearch/11623810 Hillary Clinton under consideration for Biden's U.N. ambassador: report

>>>/qresearch/11623831 Trump Evangelical Advisers, Other Christian Leaders Stand by His Right to Fight in Court

>>>/qresearch/11623837 Joe Biden will stop building Trump's wall as soon as he is sworn in but will leave barrier intact

>>>/qresearch/11623839 Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

>>>/qresearch/11623843 Pfizer Told Biden About Successful COVID Vaccine Before Trump Administration

>>>/qresearch/11623847 Arizona Dem Secretary Of State Called Trump Supporters ‘Neo-Nazis’ In 2017. James Woods Fires: Recuse Yourself

>>>/qresearch/11623850 CodeMonkey poins the guns righ at Google

>>>/qresearch/11623858 Obama: Trump’s Claims of Widespread Fraud Another Step in ‘Delegitimizing’ Democracy

>>>/qresearch/11623869 Obama stokes division with red hot coals, smears millions of Americans as racists in new memoir

>>>/qresearch/11623872 Homeland Security agency: 2020 election was the ‘most secure in American history’

>>>/qresearch/11623875 Kevin McCarthy fires back at Pelosi’s election mantra: Yes Speaker, it was a ‘mandate’ – against Socialism!

>>>/qresearch/11623879 BREAKING: Michigan Legislature Calls For "Full Audit" Of 2020 Election, Cites Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11623883 What Planet Is AOC On?

>>>/qresearch/11623884 Trump blocks US investment in firms linked to Chinese military

>>>/qresearch/11623895 Obama Now Worries He May Have Gone Too Soft on America's Alleged Racist Oppression

>>>/qresearch/11623903 Searching "Dominion Voting Systems whistleblower" in Google v.s. Duck Duck Go

>>>/qresearch/11623906 Joe Biden's coalition is whiter, wealthier – and will not stick around

>>>/qresearch/11623911 Lightfoot Makes No Bones About It: She's Canceling 'Traditional Thanksgiving' for Chicago

>>>/qresearch/11623917 WATCH: USPS whistleblower told to dump Trump mail: Tells Project Veritas his supervisor ordered delivery only of Biden material

>>>/qresearch/11623924 True the Vote chief: Many U.S. votes counted in Spain

>>>/qresearch/11623928 Bill Barr is about to drop the hammer on vote fraud

>>>/qresearch/11623934 NYT Columnist Thomas Friedman Advocates Democrats Commit Voter Fraud in Georgia

>>>/qresearch/11623941 About Atlanta’s Election Day Pipe Dream

>>>/qresearch/11623944 It would be madness for Joe Biden to return to the Iran nuclear deal

>>>/qresearch/11623953, >>>/qresearch/11623956 #14839, #14840 2/2, #14840 1/2

(51 notables, 56 posts, 66 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:33 a.m. No.35876   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11623961 Q Research General #14841: Ezra Cohen-Watnick Is A Keystone Edition

Created 131037ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11624016 Who’s meddling now? Zuckerberg tells employees it’s ‘clear’ Biden won still-contested US election

>>>/qresearch/11624037 'Not a fraud case': Trump campaign's Arizona lawyer rebuts 'stop the steal' in case shifted from Sharpies to 191 votes

>>>/qresearch/11624039 China about to pull off ‘diplomatic coup’ by striking world’s largest free trade agreement

>>>/qresearch/11624046 CISA: The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result. (comped fakeNews)

>>>/qresearch/11624054 Donald Trump attacks Fox News: 'They forgot the golden goose'

>>>/qresearch/11624069 No evidence of US election fraud, says coalition of federal and state officials

>>>/qresearch/11624075 From three years ago… #Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11624086 Total panic from the Guardian

>>>/qresearch/11624087 Lawsuit Claims 40,000-Plus Fraudulent Ballots Pumped Through Detroit For Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11624088 DOMINION has a history of ERRORS.

>>>/qresearch/11624092 Ex navy fag: big flag post (re: Q) indicated to me that they were going into battle

>>>/qresearch/11624095, >>>/qresearch/11624201 Republicans Pick Up Tenth House Seat With New York Victory

>>>/qresearch/11624108 The Shady Ex-Cop Behind Trump’s Nevada Voter Fraud Farce

>>>/qresearch/11624114 UK summons Chinese ambassador after expulsion of Hong Kong MPs

>>>/qresearch/11624123 South Africa Ruling Party Official Charged With Graft, Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11624129 10 shot, 3 killed Thursday in Chicago

>>>/qresearch/11624134 Interesting - Comey twat about lone kayaker on October 18, 2017, time 1747; Q's first post is ten days later.

>>>/qresearch/11624141 Court asked to extend TikTok stay of execution

>>>/qresearch/11624163 VIDEO: Bulldozer op and co-workers burying trash at landfill found ballots cast for Trump, boss told them to ignore

>>>/qresearch/11624166 SCOTUS on Covid: Alito: "The Pandemic has resulted in previously unimaginable restrictions on individual liberty."

>>>/qresearch/11624171 House GOP Leader Defends Incoming QAnon Supporters, Stands With Trump

>>>/qresearch/11624188 Justice Alito warns of dangers to free speech, religious liberty in Federalist Society address

>>>/qresearch/11624192 One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

>>>/qresearch/11624213 After firings and turnover, national security community wonders: what’s next?

>>>/qresearch/11624216 Turkey Pleads For US To Rethink F-35 Program Suspension Before Biden Enters White House

>>>/qresearch/11624231 Senate Republicans, Lindsey Graham say Joe Biden needs presidential daily briefs

>>>/qresearch/11624232 PA Judge Rules Some Late Ballots Don't Count; Secretary Of State 'Lacked Authority' To Extend ID Deadline

>>>/qresearch/11624241 "Durham Furnace" is a town in Pennsylvania with an interesting history. It is just outside of Easton.

>>>/qresearch/11624263 Tony Norman: QAnon Confidential: A plea for marching orders from 'The One'

>>>/qresearch/11624266 ECW mentioned 2y, 1d prior to his appointment; Connected. Patel

>>>/qresearch/11624271 ▲Delta 3Y

>>>/qresearch/11624279 QAnon After Trump's Election Defeat (so many keks)


>>>/qresearch/11624299, >>>/qresearch/11624402 How the CIA stole the election for Biden "Hammer" and "Scorecard"

>>>/qresearch/11624304 Biden Logo rotated 90 degrees is an Owl over a Socialist Z

>>>/qresearch/11624305 CP roundup for 11/12/2020

>>>/qresearch/11624317 Lin Wood: The Masters of Deceit, the Chinese Communists, thought they had us played.

>>>/qresearch/11624338 McCarthy responds to QAnon proponent Marjorie Taylor Greene joining House GOP Caucus

>>>/qresearch/11624355 USS Durham (LKA-114), a Charleston-class amphibious cargo ship of the United States Navy

>>>/qresearch/11624362 Durham rule, a way that has been used to frame the insanity defense in the US

>>>/qresearch/11624369 China Gears For Next-Gen Warfare; Showcases Its Latest Unmanned Combat Capabilities

>>>/qresearch/11624380 Trump organization renews bid to stop state from certifying the election results

>>>/qresearch/11624386 Isn't what we REALLY want is an Audit? What's the point of recounting fraudulent ballots again?

>>>/qresearch/11624394 The Report on the Affairs of British North America,[1] (1839) commonly known as the Durham Report or Lord Durham's Report

>>>/qresearch/11624405 New device puts music in your head — no headphones required


>>>/qresearch/11624437 'It's not over yet, right?' Trump voters back president's refusal to concede

>>>/qresearch/11624446 Report: 6 American Troops Dead In Helicopter Crash

>>>/qresearch/11624447 President Trump tweets the Dominion Voting Systems have deleted million of votes for him

>>>/qresearch/11624468 Author Ken Timmerman explains election hacking with Newsmax TV host Grant Stinchfield

>>>/qresearch/11624471 New Flynn: Prayer

>>>/qresearch/11624493 Chinese Headache: It is Beijing’s aggressive behaviour that is Asia’s biggest problem today

>>>/qresearch/11624496 The Pennsylvania Court RULES for TRUMP as BALLOTS gets THROWN OUT!

>>>/qresearch/11624514 Dominion voting systems whistleblower 100k biden only votes

>>>/qresearch/11624529 Magnitude 5.5 earthquake strikes western Nevada

>>>/qresearch/11624568 PA Boards are going to be forced to argue their actions did not violate PA Election Laws – I think Trump campaign gets discovery rights.

>>>/qresearch/11624617 Florida now a Republican state

>>>/qresearch/11624621 Is anyone looking at vote switching ('glitches') from Independent to Biden?

>>>/qresearch/11624628 Big wins today for Trump in PA lawsuit, Michigan Audit, Georgia hand recount begins tomorrow 13 thru 18NOV.

>>>/qresearch/11624661 Could Q's Durham crumb have to do with Haspel in light of recent events with her?

>>>/qresearch/11624679 #DominionVotingSystems voting machine hacked in less then two minutes.

>>>/qresearch/11624692 PF: This guy keeps climbing to over 100k altitude im guessing its a GLITCH?

>>>/qresearch/11624720 Maricopa county rushed to get a late vote update out last night.

>>>/qresearch/11624735, >>>/qresearch/11624744 #14841 1/2, #14841 2/2, #14842

(64 notables, 67 posts, 32 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:33 a.m. No.35877   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11624747 Q Research General #14842: By The DON'S Early Light Edition

Created 131245ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11624865, >>>/qresearch/11624887 John Poulos opening Transcript, JANUARY 9, 2020 c-span on election security

>>>/qresearch/11624878 WWG1 points to Nigerian hacker ring

>>>/qresearch/11624882 Dough Custody Tracker

>>>/qresearch/11624900 Investigate Bill Gates for Crimes against Humanity seen on sign truck at rally; vidya.


>>>/qresearch/11624918 From halfchan. The corona mRNA vaccine will make possible the creation of the first human DNA's trojan/API.

>>>/qresearch/11625099 Bidan names transgender vet to review DOD

>>>/qresearch/11625123 Trump forced the halt of massive Chinese IPO last week that would have given Xi and other CCP leaders huge, long-expected payouts. Now Xi has to watch his back from a fuckton of unhappy cadres.

>>>/qresearch/11625195 Interesting repost by James Woods on Dominion changing votes

>>>/qresearch/11625218 "Vmat2, FunVax Vaccine and Adrenochrome - a tentative investigation"

>>>/qresearch/11625225 Google and Apple censoring messages containing Trump-related links/texts now ?

>>>/qresearch/11625242 SPREADSHEET & OFF-SITE GALLERIES ARE UPDATED; archive offline

>>>/qresearch/11625297 new @DonaldJTrumpJr

>>>/qresearch/11625321 Basham says incoming today

>>>/qresearch/11625388 CMZ: did you know Google, Inc. was a contributor to the latest US Gov't Election Results Common Data Format Spec?

>>>/qresearch/11625414 the reason friday the 13th is such an infamous date

>>>/qresearch/11625424 Just completed my CORRUPTION ANALYSIS for EVERY STATE (it's on the 2nd Tab). Not to sound clickbaity, but you won't believe what I found

>>>/qresearch/11625442 Legal scholar Jonathan Turley said there are "rumors" about secret materials obtained by U.S. Attorney John Durham.

>>>/qresearch/11625504 @USArmy

>>>/qresearch/11625539 #14841 1/2, #14841 2/2, #14842

(19 notables, 20 posts, 23 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:34 a.m. No.35878   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11625561 Q Research General #14843: Basham says incoming today Edition

Created 131418ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11625650 Durham, NC / Russian hacking / Help America Vote Act in 2002 following Gore/Bush and 9/11 - the genesis of voter fraud?

>>>/qresearch/11625653, >>>/qresearch/11625683 CNN compares Trump to Nazis purging Jews



>>>/qresearch/11625655 Dersh in spotlight again.

>>>/qresearch/11625665 here's the CIA TWAT from Nov 10th about HAMMER

>>>/qresearch/11625668 anon opines & raises questions

>>>/qresearch/11625670 Bryan Ware tied to General Patreaus and Chinese investment investment holding firm through Haystax/Fishtech/Accuvant/Optiv.

>>>/qresearch/11625702 USCG TWAT: tip top shape.

>>>/qresearch/11625728, >>>/qresearch/11625790, >>>/qresearch/11626042, >>>/qresearch/11626210 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/11625735 speaking of clowns fighting back…

>>>/qresearch/11625756 HAMR in Wikileaks (relates to )

>>>/qresearch/11625759 VR Systems dig - tied to voter irregularities in Durham NC

>>>/qresearch/11625795 share and spread weekend events to support Potus in DC

>>>/qresearch/11625810 Any anon recognize the book with the Owls on the cover or anything else interesting?

>>>/qresearch/11625824 "What was the VP of Development for Dominion voting systems doing in the Detroit counting facility on election night??Nick Ikonomakis"

>>>/qresearch/11625887 suggest the digs expand from Dominion to ALL voting machine companies and ALL cyber security firms servicing or partnering with voting machine companies.

>>>/qresearch/11625918 Jeffrey Bronfman (Edgar's cousin) brought the case to SCOTUS that resulted in ayahuasca becoming legal for sacramental use.

>>>/qresearch/11625923 Court ruling throws Pennsylvania smart-meter plan into turmoil

>>>/qresearch/11625937 Former Wells Fargo CEO charged by SEC for role in misleading investors

>>>/qresearch/11626011 Durham Tech CISA online training course?

>>>/qresearch/11626024, >>>/qresearch/11626232, >>>/qresearch/11626251 Connecticut official reports serious injuries in VA hospital explosion; federal investigators responding (AP).

>>>/qresearch/11626215 Georgia SOS going into a BUNKER during recount//audit by Hand that starts Today.

>>>/qresearch/11626292 #14843

(22 notables, 28 posts, 40 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:35 a.m. No.35879   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11626310 Q Research General #14844: Anons opine and raise questions Edition

Created 131526ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11626425 John Solomon Expects Durham Action Next Week

>>>/qresearch/11626456, >>>/qresearch/11626462 Milwaukee Election Chief Busted ILLEGALLY Running 169k Votes Without Any Observers


>>>/qresearch/11626860 President Trump on Election Battle “Never bet against me."

>>>/qresearch/11626963, >>>/qresearch/11626985 (The Hill) Two killed in explosion at Connecticut veterans hospital

>>>/qresearch/11627119 #14844

(5 notables, 7 posts, 7 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:35 a.m. No.35880   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11627159 Q Research General #14845: It had to be this way Edition

Created 131631ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11627248 Fake call for Trump recount observers &ndash; Actually ANTIFA honeypot

>>>/qresearch/11627278 Lawyers for President Donald Trump from the Porter Wright firm have withdrawn as of Friday from representing him in PA

>>>/qresearch/11627312 Over 130 Secret Service agents isolating amid White House COVID-19 outbreak

>>>/qresearch/11627416 Finland's PM Sanna Marin calls for a vaccination card for freedom to travel in 2021

>>>/qresearch/11627447, >>>/qresearch/11627526 Legal scholar Jonathan Turley said there are “rumors” about secret materials obtained by U.S. AttorneyJohn Durham.

>>>/qresearch/11627471 Michigan lockdown caused much more death

>>>/qresearch/11627505 Chicago Mayor @LoriLightfoot defends celebrating with a large crowd when the media called the race for Biden


>>>/qresearch/11627521 Fitton: 2020 Election Update

>>>/qresearch/11627754 Detroit Election Workers Paid $600-$650 a Shift by Connected Staffing Company

>>>/qresearch/11627867 Scorecard is the Pandemic

>>>/qresearch/11627893 #14845

(11 notables, 12 posts, 11 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:35 a.m. No.35881   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11627927 Q Research General #14846: Liars, Clowns, and Shills…OH MY Edition

Created 131733ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11627996, >>>/qresearch/11628439 New Elon Musk

>>>/qresearch/11628006 OAN is Over the Target

>>>/qresearch/11628012, >>>/qresearch/11628150 Something weird going on around Alabama and the Florida panhandle.

>>>/qresearch/11628013, >>>/qresearch/11628123 #USSPACECOM is proud to welcome @MARFORSPACE to the team!

>>>/qresearch/11628045 Dr. Anthony Fauci: Americans Must ‘Do What You’re Told’ Despite ‘Independent Spirit’

>>>/qresearch/11628055 I think Q wants people to pay attention to whatever resignations take place now. Eyes on

>>>/qresearch/11628076 Maxwell sealed document

>>>/qresearch/11628096, >>>/qresearch/11628134, >>>/qresearch/11628384 USSS being quarantined… part of Q 4414?

>>>/qresearch/11628119 Law firm representing Trump in Pennsylvania suit quits amid pressure and reports of ‘growing discomfort’

>>>/qresearch/11628126 Phones/Carriers Censoring Messages/Links?

>>>/qresearch/11628136 Milwaukee Elections Chief Lost Elections Flash Drive in Morning Hours of November 4th When Democrats Miraculously Found 120,000 Votes for Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11628151 Trump’s anti-ISIS envoy admits he MISLED president about US troop numbers in Syria to keep them there

>>>/qresearch/11628166, >>>/qresearch/11628210, >>>/qresearch/11628453 pf

>>>/qresearch/11628179 It’s Friday the 13th agents. Trust. No. One.

>>>/qresearch/11628193 EU warns Google CEO Sundar Pichai it won’t allow the web to remain the ‘Wild West’ any longer

>>>/qresearch/11628215 ‘Second Soviet Union’ – Hungary’s Orban rips into EU’s plans to make access to Brussels funds conditional

>>>/qresearch/11628217 real election data before the Nov 4th fix

>>>/qresearch/11628227 fractional-based cheating

>>>/qresearch/11628255 FOX 17: Wayne County judge to issue ruling in Trump campaign election fraud lawsuit today

>>>/qresearch/11628257 One of our observers at the hand count of the ballots ordered by Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger


>>>/qresearch/11628262 Cop’s Home Raided, Police Make ‘Historical’ Cocaine Bust Worth a Quarter BILLION Dollars

>>>/qresearch/11628294 CNN's Christiane Amanpour blasted for comparing Trump's term to Nazis' Kristallnacht: 'Disgusting'

>>>/qresearch/11628312, >>>/qresearch/11628338, >>>/qresearch/11628340, >>>/qresearch/11628387

>>>/qresearch/11628314 Alito: COVID Has Highlighted ‘Disturbing’ Trend of ‘Lawmaking by Executive Fiat’ and ‘Rule by Experts’

>>>/qresearch/11628316 Election corruption PDF (2019)


>>>/qresearch/11628320 Twitter Has Labeled 34% of Trump’s Tweets Since Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11628325 Antifa Planning to Infiltrate MAGA Rally Tomorrow

>>>/qresearch/11628354 Deutsche Bank Wants ‘Privilege Tax’ Imposed on People Who Work from Home

>>>/qresearch/11628370 Vote Leave Boss out as BoJo Adviser, PM to Push Green Agenda, End Culture Wars

>>>/qresearch/11628409 Based on Reports By Auditors, IT Specialists, Data Analysts, and Statisticians – The Number of Illegitimate Votes Identified In Four Swing States Are Enough to Overturn Election

>>>/qresearch/11628421 Pelosi Gets Visibly Irritated When Asked if She Takes Any Responsibility for the Loss of House Seats

>>>/qresearch/11628445 PCR TESTS

>>>/qresearch/11628450 Rand Paul: 11 Million Americans Are ‘Immune’ After Recovering From COVID, ‘Scientific Illiterates’ Are Denying It

>>>/qresearch/11628476 PETER NAVARRO: “We are moving forward here at the White House under the assumption that there will be a second Trump term…"

>>>/qresearch/11628482 Gambling sites refuse to call election for Biden, leaving $600 million in limbo

>>>/qresearch/11628487 Joe Biden’s Transition Aide Helped Steer $3M to Hunter Biden-Linked Firm

>>>/qresearch/11628491, >>>/qresearch/11628593 Scytl servers allegedly seized (RT by Sydney Powell)

>>>/qresearch/11628503 JUST IN: President Trump to deliver an update on Operation Warp Speed at 4PM in the White House Rose Garden.

>>>/qresearch/11628521 Michigan Governor Whitmer Tells Residents to CANCEL Thanksgiving and Christmas Get Togethers

>>>/qresearch/11628531 Colombian drug cartel that gave women breast implants made of liquid cocaine and sent them to Europe is raided by police

>>>/qresearch/11628554 Senior Administration Officials Lied To Trump About Troop Levels So He Wouldn’t Pull Out Of Syria

>>>/qresearch/11628571 Miami Dade - After 3-day recount, incumbent Democrat loses Senate seat to Latinas for Trump co-founder Ileana Garcia by 34 votes.

>>>/qresearch/11628577 Top DHS official behind website debunking election misinformation says he is about to be fired - after directly contradicting a Trump tweet

>>>/qresearch/11628601 Give new QAnon-supporting members of Congress 'an opportunity' says top House Republican Kevin McCarthy

>>>/qresearch/11628631 Billionaire scientist behind Pfizer and BioNTech's breakthrough Covid-19 vaccine claims it will 'bash the virus over the head' and end the pandemic

>>>/qresearch/11628682 #14846

(46 notables, 57 posts, 88 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:36 a.m. No.35882   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11628734 Q Research General #14847: Eyes On POTUS At 4PM Edition

Created 131837ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11628786, >>>/qresearch/11628789, >>>/qresearch/11628805, >>>/qresearch/11628824, >>>/qresearch/11628975, >>>/qresearch/11629302, >>>/qresearch/11629336, >>>/qresearch/11629364 US Army raids Scytl server facility in Frankfurt, Germany


>>>/qresearch/11628806 More than 130 Secret Service officers are said to be infected with coronavirus or quarantining in wake of Trump’s campaign travel

>>>/qresearch/11628812 Bill Gates Meets With Boris Johnson to Discuss Implementing ‘Global’ Vaccine Program

>>>/qresearch/11628818, >>>/qresearch/11628883, >>>/qresearch/11628933, >>>/qresearch/11629032, >>>/qresearch/11629064, >>>/qresearch/11629077 pf

>>>/qresearch/11628827 The Media Know There Was Vote Fraud So Why Do The Presstitutes Deny The Obvious?

>>>/qresearch/11628859 Why US Election Votes Were Counted By Bankrupted Spanish Company Scytl

>>>/qresearch/11628875 House Democrats Warn Biden Against Hiring SecDef With Arms Industry Ties

>>>/qresearch/11628878 Archaeological discovery related to Biblical Ark potentially contradicts ancient texts, media says

>>>/qresearch/11628886 Russia grants Assad $1bn, opens trade mission in Damascus

>>>/qresearch/11628916 2 Workers Dead, 1 Person Missing in VA Hospital Blast

>>>/qresearch/11628928 Trump Loses Pennsylvania Appeal Challenging Ballot Receipt Deadline

>>>/qresearch/11628950 CNN election night footage

>>>/qresearch/11628954 Justice Alito Slammed By Left After Questioning Constitutionality Of COVID Crackdowns

>>>/qresearch/11628967, >>>/qresearch/11628972, >>>/qresearch/11629054 NEW POTUS TWEET

>>>/qresearch/11628969 Political Candidate Trump

>>>/qresearch/11628976 Are Phone Networks Now Censoring Links About Election Fraud?

>>>/qresearch/11629009 Milwaukee Election Chief Busted ILLEGALLY Running 169k Votes Without Any Observers

>>>/qresearch/11629011 Memory Sticks Used to Program Philly’s Voting Machines Were Stolen From Elections Warehouse in September

>>>/qresearch/11629039 Israel seals vaccine deal with Pfizer, amid signs pandemic spreading again

>>>/qresearch/11629053 ICE arrests fugitive child sexual predator during targeted enforcement operation in Arizona

>>>/qresearch/11629127 Public Colleges Defy Federal Law with Racially Segregated Events to Further Diversity

>>>/qresearch/11629129, >>>/qresearch/11629250 Only One Credentialed GOP Monitor Allowed for Each Ten Counting Tables in Georgia Hand Recount

>>>/qresearch/11629141 Error and Fraud at Issue as Absentee Voting Rises (NYT 2012)

>>>/qresearch/11629167 Mississippi gov. says state would not follow any potential national lockdowns

>>>/qresearch/11629172, >>>/qresearch/11629415 Bruce Ohr Executive Office for the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement



>>>/qresearch/11629173 THE REAL STEALTH BOMBER

>>>/qresearch/11629175 Vaccines - The Oldest Scam

>>>/qresearch/11629189 Even Democrats Investigated Pelosi-Linked Dominion Voting For Bad Security And Chinese Parts

>>>/qresearch/11629205 GHIDRA 9.2 RELEASE

>>>/qresearch/11629207 Potential Biden Cabinet Pick a Frequent Guest on Chinese Propaganda Outlets

>>>/qresearch/11629217 “Covid-19 Vaccine May Have Unpleasant Side Effects. That Will Mean It’s Working.”

>>>/qresearch/11629227 Southern Poverty Law Center: Teachers Are ‘Weaponizing’ Whiteness

>>>/qresearch/11629238 - Find your location

>>>/qresearch/11629254, >>>/qresearch/11629408 Dominion Voting Systems 2019 complaint: "These problems threaten the integrity of our elections"

>>>/qresearch/11629263 Arizona GOP sues to force a new vote audit; attorney general rips the party's legal claims

>>>/qresearch/11629281 US Lawmakers Call on Bill Barr to Investigate Election Hardware and Software Following Reports of Unexplainable Anomalies and “Glitches” that Ripped Votes from President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11629289 NBC NEWS: President Trump wins North Carolina, per projection

>>>/qresearch/11629318 The Sentry: African Conflict Gold is Being Laundered in Dubai

>>>/qresearch/11629330 Comer, Hice question USPS IG over handling of mail-in ballot whistleblower complaint

>>>/qresearch/11629347 Aeroflot London Executive Arrested In Moscow And Charged With Spying For British Intelligence

>>>/qresearch/11629389 Trump Bans US Investments In 31 Companies Controlled By China's Military

>>>/qresearch/11629422 Dominic Cummings reportedly leaves office immediately

>>>/qresearch/11629453 #14847

(44 notables, 61 posts, 85 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:36 a.m. No.35883   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11629509 Q Research General #14848: Find Your Trump March Location Edition

Created 131937ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11629557 Delaware County PA urgently contacts poll workers to inform them that election results from their precinct cannot be confirmed and approved due to missing data

>>>/qresearch/11629569 Ghislaine Maxwell fights to keep second deposition on sex life sealed

>>>/qresearch/11629576, >>>/qresearch/11629585 It’s possible that 2020’s election fraud is way bigger than we thought

>>>/qresearch/11629579 Have you guys seen this?

>>>/qresearch/11629580 Pentagon differs on post-election Hatch Act rules

>>>/qresearch/11629583 Do Anons understand what is about to be unleashed?

>>>/qresearch/11629595 Georgia GOP Chair Responds to Reports of Liberals Moving to State to Vote in Runoff Election

>>>/qresearch/11629607, >>>/qresearch/11629616, >>>/qresearch/11629795 Reports of HOSTAGE situation at Montreal office of video game company Ubisoft


>>>/qresearch/11629611 Jon Ossoff's Financial Ties to Pro-CCP Hong Kong Media Company Revealed

>>>/qresearch/11629641 COVID-19 IS THE AGENDA – Biden is Merely The Delivery Vehicle…

>>>/qresearch/11629657 Interdasting info about Ezra Cohen-Watnick

>>>/qresearch/11629661 Antifa planning infil @ marches?

>>>/qresearch/11629664 Partisans Cheating By Ignoring Election Law Is A Problem As Big As Vote Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11629723 Hammer and Scorecard: Big Tech’s Drive to End Democracy

>>>/qresearch/11629740 At Least 11 Killed In Indian-Pakistani Exchange Of Strikes In Disputed Kashmir Region

>>>/qresearch/11629764 “I Know in Venezuela Elections Are Like This – It was Stolen” – MICHIGAN Observer: I saw the 3:30am Biden Ballot Dump of Illegal Votes

>>>/qresearch/11629774 Anthony Fauci’s new COVID-19 guidance: ‘Do what you’re told’

>>>/qresearch/11629809 'He is absolutely not a flight risk,' defense attorney argues before his client, accused rapist, disappears

>>>/qresearch/11629824 Beijing Vows To "Strike Back" After Pompeo Says Taiwan "Not Part Of China"

>>>/qresearch/11629842 DHS boss Chad Wolf defies Trump order to fire cyber chief Chris Krebs

>>>/qresearch/11629848, >>>/qresearch/11629888, >>>/qresearch/11630016, >>>/qresearch/11630064, >>>/qresearch/11630096, >>>/qresearch/11630131, >>>/qresearch/11630157 pf

>>>/qresearch/11629956 Soldiers from @ArmyMedEurope and 21st Theater Sustainment Command competed in a best medic and best warrior competition over two days

>>>/qresearch/11629980 The Founders Outsmarted the Presidential Election Fraudsters

>>>/qresearch/11630000 Scytl is connected to Carl Ferrer

>>>/qresearch/11630004 Mainstream Media United in Forcing 'President-Elect' Biden Down Your Throat

>>>/qresearch/11630012 And that's a wrap! #NavyPartnerships

>>>/qresearch/11630038 Tourist Voter Registration Illegal in Georgia, but Prosecution Is Rare

>>>/qresearch/11630061 Top Obama Adviser David Plouffe: Watch Breitbart News to See Where Republicans Are Headed

>>>/qresearch/11630084 Area 51 Triangle Action

>>>/qresearch/11630092 Michigan Judge Denies Trump Bid To Block Certification, Election Audit

>>>/qresearch/11630177 Fed moves closer to joining global peers in climate-change fight

>>>/qresearch/11630229 President Trump Delivers an Update on Operation Warp Speed

>>>/qresearch/11630249 #14848

(34 notables, 43 posts, 62 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:36 a.m. No.35884   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11630256 Q Research #14849: Do Anons Understand What Is About To Be Unleashed? Edition

Created 132033ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11630357 ELECTION FRAUD COMPILATION

>>>/qresearch/11630361 LIVE: POTUS Delivers Remarks from The Rose Garden on Operation Warp Speed 11/13/20

>>>/qresearch/11630369 New DJT

>>>/qresearch/11630370, >>>/qresearch/11630817 PENCE AND STEPHEN MILLER HOLDING A SECRET MEETING OUTSIDE DC (4chan)

>>>/qresearch/11630388 Rainbow Cultural Garden: Every Child That Went Through This Program Will Show Cognitive Damage and Language Deficiency

>>>/qresearch/11630389 306.

>>>/qresearch/11630400 Barings CEO Tom Finke steps down. Exec had led Charlotte firm since formation

>>>/qresearch/11630411 Cairns Airport CEO steps down

>>>/qresearch/11630417 Sidney Powell Retweet - US Army seizes election servers in Germany

>>>/qresearch/11630422 Pennsylvania Election Judge: Dozens of Blank Ballots Missing From End of Day Count at One County Precinct on Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11630434 Policy adopted by Facebook, Google in response to Dem pressure could end up hurting Democrats in Georgia Senate races

>>>/qresearch/11630447 West Virginia has jumped on the Commie bandwagon and the Governor says that police should be called if someone won’t comply with the mask mandate

>>>/qresearch/11630449 Live in Frankfurt comms

>>>/qresearch/11630452 Anti-Trump Syria Envoy Now Admits Successors Should Follow Trump Foreign Policy

>>>/qresearch/11630454, >>>/qresearch/11630536, >>>/qresearch/11630777, >>>/qresearch/11630864 pf

>>>/qresearch/11630482 REPORTS: Facebook Strips Trump of Presidential Title; Labels Him ‘Political Candidate’.

>>>/qresearch/11630512, >>>/qresearch/11630756 This POTUS twat 'typo' telling us Scytl was a white hat raid?

>>>/qresearch/11630521 Nevada, California struck by magnitude 5.5 earthquake

>>>/qresearch/11630550 Sara Carter: Once we give up the Constitution, we’ll have nothing left.

>>>/qresearch/11630627 some plandemic twat threads to red pill / boost for normies

>>>/qresearch/11630637 The 45th Space Wing is ready to support this evening's launch


>>>/qresearch/11630654 Here go the communists in action

>>>/qresearch/11630690 Donald Trump wins battleground state of North Carolina

>>>/qresearch/11630718 The units will spend several months testing Iron Dome at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., near Fort Bliss to help the Army determine whether the system should be integrated into its range of air defense capabilities

>>>/qresearch/11630794 A #USNavy Sailor & his military working dog (MWD), conduct an explosives sweep at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti

>>>/qresearch/11630853 House Dem and GOP leaders are holding respective dinners for new members

>>>/qresearch/11630901 Trump could stay in power even if he doesn’t win the election. The Constitution allows it

>>>/qresearch/11630920 Democrats keep winning the popular vote. That worries them.

>>>/qresearch/11630930 Rumor has it John Durham has 'material undisclosed' by special counsel or DOJ watchdog

>>>/qresearch/11630964 353 US counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens, in other words, the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters

(31 notables, 36 posts, 44 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:37 a.m. No.35885   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11631060 Q Research General #14850: Bread for Trump - Operation Warp Speed Edition

Created 132124ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11631146 Monrovia CEO to Step Down After 40 Years

>>>/qresearch/11631210 Inside the House Democrats’ post-election reckoning

>>>/qresearch/11631218 NEW FLYNN

>>>/qresearch/11631250 Speed accelerated +5

>>>/qresearch/11631313 What is operation Warp Speed?

>>>/qresearch/11631411 Dear leader China Joe celebrated by his masters.

>>>/qresearch/11631443 Associate Justice Samuel Alito of the United States Supreme Court for the first time allowed a private speech he was making to be recorded and released to the American people

>>>/qresearch/11631497 S&P 500 ends at record as stocks rally amid vaccine hopes

>>>/qresearch/11631526 ACB Family crest has a white rabbit

>>>/qresearch/11631533 NAACP Motion to Intervene in PA Lawsuit Presents Evidence That State/County Officials Violated PA Election Laws

>>>/qresearch/11631613 ENIAC = CAINE

>>>/qresearch/11631619 Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin: Here's an Update on Team Trump's Lawsuits and Recounts

>>>/qresearch/11631648 I filed a lawsuit today in federal court in Atlanta to establish that the March 6, 2020 Consent Agreement by the GA Secretary of State rendered UNLAWFUL the 11/3 GA general election.

>>>/qresearch/11631691 Five years ago today, France experienced horrific terrorist attacks across Paris (FF comms?)

>>>/qresearch/11631756 Pro-Trump protesters assemble in DC ahead of march demanding investigation into election fraud allegations

>>>/qresearch/11631804 Can Trump stage a coup and stay in office a second term? (The Guardian)

>>>/qresearch/11631820 Before the election, a majority of voters said U.S.'s best days were ahead; now it's less than half | Just The News

>>>/qresearch/11631846 #14850

(18 notables, 18 posts, 22 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:37 a.m. No.35886   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11631865 Q Research General #14851: Speed Accelerated +5 Edition

Created 132159ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11631929, >>>/qresearch/11632076, >>>/qresearch/11632333, >>>/qresearch/11632343 DJT, Relevant Q drops


>>>/qresearch/11631947 I actually think 'operation warp speed' refers to the speed of the arrests in this Q drop

>>>/qresearch/11631949, >>>/qresearch/11632028, >>>/qresearch/11632128 Dominion

>>>/qresearch/11631960 One America News Network does a full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

>>>/qresearch/11631965 General Perna at rose garden (Operation warp speed)

>>>/qresearch/11631969 We are interested in a mutual victory. When it comes to the #NewSTART, in the current environment, all sides can win only if the treaty is extended without any preconditions.

>>>/qresearch/11631994 Steve Bannon's War Room - COAR

>>>/qresearch/11631998 Twenty-sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution

>>>/qresearch/11632007, >>>/qresearch/11632085 CVS Health CEO Larry Merlo to step down next year

>>>/qresearch/11632112, >>>/qresearch/11632306, >>>/qresearch/11632486 pf

>>>/qresearch/11632200 OANN's Dan Ball Interview W/ Wayne County Whistleblower, Melissa Carone, who was contracted by Dominion to work at the polls in Wayne County, MI

>>>/qresearch/11632285 Anybody ever think that the FDA might not actually approve the vaccine?

>>>/qresearch/11632323 Deadlines and planned times for state legal contests

>>>/qresearch/11632358, >>>/qresearch/11632359, >>>/qresearch/11632364 "I'm going to release THE KRAKEN"

>>>/qresearch/11632429 “Never bet against me,” Trump said.

>>>/qresearch/11632458 Helicopter crashes killing 5 americans.

>>>/qresearch/11632491 Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s Failures Has Allowed the Georgia Election be Consumed by Lies and Criminal Conduct

>>>/qresearch/11632597 New Mexico Goes on Lock Down

>>>/qresearch/11632601 PAUL SPERRY: Pro-Biden Bug Also Suspected in Georgia’s Vote-Counting Software


>>>/qresearch/11632640 #14851

(21 notables, 31 posts, 30 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:37 a.m. No.35887   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11632661 Q Research General #14852: Comfy Roses At The Rose Garden Edition

Created 132241ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11632732 Former Michigan Sec of State: Recount Won’t Catch Real Problems, ‘Independent Audit’ of Vote Needed

>>>/qresearch/11632733, >>>/qresearch/11632972 SPEEDING UP TO LAUNCH

>>>/qresearch/11632744 Tom Cotton Ad Slams Democrat Raphael Warnock’s Anti-Police Radicalism

>>>/qresearch/11632752 Anon smacks down shill with Trumps accomplishments.

>>>/qresearch/11632766 nb "I'm going to release THE KRAKEN"

>>>/qresearch/11632769, >>>/qresearch/11632779 In-Q-Tel -> Amit Yoran -> Digital Sandbox -> Bryan Ware -> Haystax

>>>/qresearch/11632778 "Pigs Fly" out of Lambert Airport St Louis COMMS

>>>/qresearch/11632780 American Herald Tribune has been shut down by the FBI

>>>/qresearch/11632793 Amazon Sells a safe Alternative to HCQ, already used in India, Peru and Bangladesh

>>>/qresearch/11632807 Statistical tells


>>>/qresearch/11632830 Alito Savages Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Accusing Him of Orchestrating ‘Affront to the Constitution and the Rule of Law’

>>>/qresearch/11632845 The internets are forever

>>>/qresearch/11632873 Medopad Rebrands As Huma And Acquires Two Healthtech Companies (April)

>>>/qresearch/11632886 "Release the Kracken"


>>>/qresearch/11632894 Dominion Voting Systems Shares Floor Space With Soros Group, Partnered With Soros’ Friend

>>>/qresearch/11632903 Intel Officials Confirm Biden Isn’t Getting National Security Info Yet Because He Isn’t POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11632926 China and group of 77 call on Israeli occupation entity to withdraw from Syrian Golan

>>>/qresearch/11632956 Joy Reid and Adam Schiff complain that Congress will be investigating instead of legislating under a President Biden: 'Tearing down our democracy'

>>>/qresearch/11632971 McEnany dodges on Trump attending Biden inauguration: He'll 'attend his own inauguration'

>>>/qresearch/11632974 After a COVID-19 outbreak at a MultiCare facility in Auburn, union members at 20 facilities are planning to strike over work and safety conditions

>>>/qresearch/11632975 The Georgia Bureau of Investigation & GA Attorney General must investigate the 2020 purchase from China of Covid masks & testing kits. They must also investigate the purchase of Dominion voting machines in 2019

>>>/qresearch/11633010 Statement from the Press Secretary

>>>/qresearch/11633029 John Legend: Forget the poor and hungry, give politicians more money

>>>/qresearch/11633033 Pelosi to Host Large Dinner for New House Members as Democrats Urge Americans To Stay Home and Not Host Family Gatherings Due to Coronavirus

>>>/qresearch/11633056 South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem won't comply if Biden pursues national mask mandate

>>>/qresearch/11633091 Newly elected GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene bashes Capitol Hill mask mandate as 'oppressive'

>>>/qresearch/11633121 USARMY: Whiskey Hotel Alpha Tango?

>>>/qresearch/11633137 Twitter Says Around 300,000 Tweets About US Election Flagged, Labeled ‘Potentially Misleading’

>>>/qresearch/11633146 OAN live feed

>>>/qresearch/11633150 Hollyanne Milley, Wife of Joint Chiefs Chairman, Saves Veteran's Life at Arlington

>>>/qresearch/11633152 Judge J will be back on tomorrow night

>>>/qresearch/11633169 Video: US Air Force Base Security to Start Patrolling Grounds With ‘Robot Dogs’

>>>/qresearch/11633176, >>>/qresearch/11633370 pf

>>>/qresearch/11633179 Communist coercive methods for eliciting individual compliance

>>>/qresearch/11633182 Gen. Hyten, Embattled Joint Chiefs Vice Chair, Will Not Seek Second Term

>>>/qresearch/11633206, >>>/qresearch/11633317 Army Activates Two Israeli Iron Dome Missile Defense Batteries at Fort Bliss

>>>/qresearch/11633242 Compilation of voter fraud vids on YT

>>>/qresearch/11633246, >>>/qresearch/11633255 DJT: “VICTOR JOECKS: Clark County election officials accepted my signature — on 8 ballot envelopes”

>>>/qresearch/11633272 President Trump May Make Surprise Appearance at Trump MAGA Rally In Freedom Plaza on Saturday in DC

>>>/qresearch/11633296 New York GOP congresswoman-elect reveals interest in forming House anti-socialist 'Squad'

>>>/qresearch/11633332 #14852

(42 notables, 47 posts, 46 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:38 a.m. No.35888   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11633438 Q Research General #14853: Release The Kraken Edition

Created 132335ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11633495 Lin Wood: Would it greatly concern you if all of the votes in the 2020 Presidential election were routed to Amazon servers in Barcelona & Frankfurt before being reported or is it just me?

>>>/qresearch/11633498 Joe Biden transition official wrote op-ed advocating free speech restrictions

>>>/qresearch/11633507, >>>/qresearch/11633625 New Flynn

>>>/qresearch/11633517 Is the QAnon Fantasy Unravelling?

>>>/qresearch/11633526 Scytl

>>>/qresearch/11633528 Donald Trump Hints at D.C. Rally Surprise Appearance

>>>/qresearch/11633540 OUTRAGEOUS: Twitter Labeled 300K Tweets This Election Cycle


>>>/qresearch/11633551 Biden Will Increase U.S. Refugee Total to 125,000 His First Year

>>>/qresearch/11633560 JUST IN: Pennsylvania court rejects five Republican election legal challenges

>>>/qresearch/11633569 PAUL SPERRY: Pro-Biden Bug Also Suspected in Georgia’s Vote-Counting Software

>>>/qresearch/11633570 Twitter just suspended @TheDCPlaybook for posting a video exposing Philly Convention Center

>>>/qresearch/11633587 "Thousands of pieces of evidence, testimonies and affidavits on the Dominion software" -Chanel Rion

>>>/qresearch/11633588 Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s Failures Has Allowed the Georgia Election be Consumed by Lies and Criminal Conduct

>>>/qresearch/11633602 What the Polls Say About David Perdue vs Jon Ossoff in Georgia Senate Runoff

>>>/qresearch/11633624 500 staffers reportedly take voluntary buyouts at USA Today parent Gannett

>>>/qresearch/11633663 Trump Wins Battleground State of North Carolina

>>>/qresearch/11633673, >>>/qresearch/11634059 MICHIGAN WITNESS and Former State Senator Witnessed Early Morning Ballot Dump of 61 Boxes at TCF Center

>>>/qresearch/11633685 Billionaire dinner 1999 (Epstein & others)

>>>/qresearch/11633695 FEC Chairman Says He Believes 'There Is Voter Fraud' In Key States

>>>/qresearch/11633698 'We're doing it': Bongino and Parler CEO say they will outpace Twitter within the year after post-election boost

>>>/qresearch/11633731 Georgia GOP Chair Responds to Reports of Liberals Moving to State to Vote in Runoff Election

>>>/qresearch/11633743 Top Trump advisor Peter Navarro claims president 'clearly' won the election and claims White House is 'moving forward' with second term plans

>>>/qresearch/11633744 What is your job here?

>>>/qresearch/11633770, >>>/qresearch/11633884 Trump pulled the trigger… Military has the Dominion servers now.

>>>/qresearch/11633796 Social Elites Call for Dangerous Gun Data Changes

>>>/qresearch/11633798 bf

>>>/qresearch/11633800 Deep State Diplomat Lied To Trump About Syria On Behalf Of Military-Industrial Complex

>>>/qresearch/11633816 “Never Bet Against Me”: President Trump on Election Battle

>>>/qresearch/11633823 Twitter appears to be deliberately blocking searches for Eric Coomer, an executive at Dominion Voting Systems.

>>>/qresearch/11633826 What do we kow about Dan Byman? Those that scream the loudest have the most to hide.

>>>/qresearch/11633840 Famed lawyer: Biden could face special counsel probe

>>>/qresearch/11633851 CCP’s Response to Secretary Pompeo’s Reagan Institute Speech via Sina News – “Most Vicious Attack Yet! Pompeo’s Final Madness Against China”

>>>/qresearch/11633854 Pompeo going to France and Other State

>>>/qresearch/11633893 Trump: This Administration Not Going Into Lockdown

>>>/qresearch/11633937 Senior Administration Officials Lied To Trump About Troop Levels So He Wouldn’t Pull Out Of Syria

>>>/qresearch/11633940 BOOM theory

>>>/qresearch/11633947 Thoughts on Trump's tweet

>>>/qresearch/11633963 See what new GOP lawmaker who promotes QAnon wrote about masks

>>>/qresearch/11633982 Joe Biden has plans for Israel and the Middle East

>>>/qresearch/11633984 Israeli, US military chiefs speak after Trump fires top Pentagon officials

>>>/qresearch/11634014 New York Times ‘Unaccepts’ AP Call For Democrat In New Jersey House Race, Republican Has Gained 20,000 Votes

>>>/qresearch/11634020 Scientist behind Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine makes bold claim: It can stop pandemic

>>>/qresearch/11634023 Retired Air Force general warns of CIA software hacking

>>>/qresearch/11634034 Pelosi Hosts Welcome Dinner For New Democrats As Cities Lock Down Due To Pandemic

>>>/qresearch/11634054 Does a former Dominion Voter Systems VP and current patent holder have ties to the terrorist group (or idea) known as Antifa?

>>>/qresearch/11634056 @SpaceX will try to send four #astronauts to the International @Space_Station on Sunday

>>>/qresearch/11634069 Pennsylvania Election Judge: Dozens of Blank Ballots Missing From End of Day Count at One County Precinct on Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11634087 US Lawmakers Call on Bill Barr to Investigate Election Hardware and Software Following Reports of Unexplainable Anomalies and “Glitches” that Ripped Votes from President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11634088 Croatia’s Ex-PM Sentenced to 8 Years in Jail for Embezzlement

>>>/qresearch/11634098 The whole world knows Trump won.

>>>/qresearch/11634129 Biden campaign reportedly worries inauguration could turn into Trump MAGA rally

>>>/qresearch/11634143 These are crimes that should be investigated immediately by the #FBI and prosecuted by the #DOJ

>>>/qresearch/11634147 Pennsylvania Secretary of State Won’t Order Recount

>>>/qresearch/11634164 Patriots arriving in DC start taking down BLM and Marxist propaganda

>>>/qresearch/11634171 #14853

(56 notables, 59 posts, 62 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:38 a.m. No.35889   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11634207 Q Research General #14854: A Beacon Of Hope In The Constitutional Crisis Edition

Created 140027ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11634253, >>>/qresearch/11634311, >>>/qresearch/11634531, >>>/qresearch/11634749, >>>/qresearch/11634882 NEW POTUS TWEET

>>>/qresearch/11634259 DOJ acts to stop sale of nano silver as treatment for the Rona

>>>/qresearch/11634267 Anon theory

>>>/qresearch/11634277 Interesting site to watch

>>>/qresearch/11634281 A lie: Senior Administration Officials Lied To Trump About Troop Levels So He Wouldn’t Pull Out Of Syria

>>>/qresearch/11634283 These $18 are priceless. Recovered from the Titanic shipwreck of 1912, they are also missing.

>>>/qresearch/11634289 This Q post is on a 2 Year Delta

>>>/qresearch/11634297 CODEMONKEY TWATS TO DJT

>>>/qresearch/11634328, >>>/qresearch/11634347, >>>/qresearch/11634362 #14852 1/2, #14852 2/2, #14853 1/2

>>>/qresearch/11634365 GREATEST COVERUP IN AMERICAN POLITICAL HISTORY Special Guest On The Cirsten W Show Miami, Florida

>>>/qresearch/11634371 Detroit council gave $1 million to poll worker firm tied to jailed ex-Mayor, used in other elections

>>>/qresearch/11634372 Patriots hold the line in Tucson, AZ


>>>/qresearch/11634374 #14853 2/2, #14854, #14855

>>>/qresearch/11634385 PapaD tweets about the seized servers

>>>/qresearch/11634397 Pelosi Defends Holding Large Dinner for Incoming Members as Dems Move to Cancel Thanksgiving

>>>/qresearch/11634400 saw this earlier….thought it was interesting…

>>>/qresearch/11634453 Can DURHAM be Sidney?

>>>/qresearch/11634513 ELECTION FRAUD COMPILATION

>>>/qresearch/11634523, >>>/qresearch/11634654, >>>/qresearch/11634712 pf

>>>/qresearch/11634545 De Blasio tells New Yorkers: Get ready for schools to close Monday, through the end of November​

>>>/qresearch/11634570 One Third Of Biden's Pentagon Transition Team Funded By Weapons Industry

>>>/qresearch/11634576 CM Strikes yet again with logic

>>>/qresearch/11634582 DJT

>>>/qresearch/11634596 Circuit Judge In Crooked Wayne County, MI Ignores Horror Stories From Bullied GOP Poll Challengers…Refuses To Stop Certification of Election Results

>>>/qresearch/11634657 The connection between Smartmatic, Venezula and DHS

>>>/qresearch/11634724 Scorecard is the Pandemic

>>>/qresearch/11634781 Texas data on possible voter fraud by county

(27 notables, 35 posts, 29 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:38 a.m. No.35890   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11634967 Q Research General #14855: Is Sidney…Durham? Edition

Created 140127ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11635035 The military is with the President

>>>/qresearch/11635044, >>>/qresearch/11635221, >>>/qresearch/11635311, >>>/qresearch/11635608 @LLinWood: Biden/his criminal cronies not going to sleep well tonight. Well, Biden might because he prob forgot the name Scytl.

>>>/qresearch/11635053, >>>/qresearch/11635062 Who murdered Kennedy?

>>>/qresearch/11635084 Incoming Alabama Senator Can’t Name Three Branches of US Gov, Says WWII Fought Over Socialism

>>>/qresearch/11635087 QAnon's Dominion voter freaud conspiracy theory reaches the president

>>>/qresearch/11635127 Democrat Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak Tests Positive For Covid-19

>>>/qresearch/11635155 Militia Leader Tells Alex Jones He Has "Armed" Men Stationed Around DC Metro

>>>/qresearch/11635172 POTUS Schedule for the WEEKEND of November 14th and 15th, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11635217 Gavin Newsom Attends ‘French Laundry’ Party, Violating Own Coronavirus Guidelines

>>>/qresearch/11635226 LIVE: Large number of Patriots in DC; Mayor Bowser has ordered police to keep them out of the street

>>>/qresearch/11635267 Trump advisor says White House moving forward under assumption election was ‘immaculate deception’

>>>/qresearch/11635323 GEORGIA: Ex-Kemp Staffer Lobbies For DOMINION, Voting Madness Leads To Lame ‘Recount’

>>>/qresearch/11635371, >>>/qresearch/11635418, >>>/qresearch/11635503 Senior management changes at Paragon Group as Sean Shine becomes chief executive officer

>>>/qresearch/11635482 Michigan Election Observer Shane Trejo Witnessed Drivers Bring 50 Boxes “Absentee Ballots” After Midnight Deadline in Detroit TCF Center at 3:30am

>>>/qresearch/11635494, >>>/qresearch/11635560, >>>/qresearch/11635588, >>>/qresearch/11635613, >>>/qresearch/11635635, >>>/qresearch/11635652, >>>/qresearch/11635741 SMARTMATIC buys Sequoia Voting Systems

>>>/qresearch/11635523 Congratulations to BurgessOwens on being declared the winner in #UT4 during our tour in the Whitehouse Red Room! #takebackthehouse #liberty

>>>/qresearch/11635593 POTUS tweets Sundy 11/8 re ballot authentication, misspellings matter = SCITEL

>>>/qresearch/11635614 Portion Of MSP Airport Terminal 1 Evacuated After Reported Security Threat

>>>/qresearch/11635632 Haspel not in attendance at latest Trump intelligence briefing: reports

>>>/qresearch/11635642 @John Basham: Deputy Chief of Staff #AlexisRoss is the latest in a series of Pentagon officials stepping down

>>>/qresearch/11635668, >>>/qresearch/11635705 Republican Young Kim Wins Election To US House in CA's 39th Congressional District

>>>/qresearch/11635762 PDJT: “The worst thing you can do is bet against Donald Trump, considering what has been done against him. They flooded the zone with mail-in ballots.

(22 notables, 35 posts, 38 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:39 a.m. No.35891   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11635789 Q Research General #14856: Ebake for Victory Edition

Created 140230ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11635794 @realDonaldTrump: "Wow. This is exactly what happened to us. Great courage by judge!"

>>>/qresearch/11635800 Scavino tweet

>>>/qresearch/11635807, >>>/qresearch/11635813 @CodeMonkeyZ: "Maricopa County GOP chairman NEVER CERTIFIED DOMINION SOFTWARE to be used in Maricopa county. He has since stepped down."

>>>/qresearch/11635809 6 PART DIGG Bun: NCSWIC, Durham, Project 25, APCO International, Jim Acosta and ICMA

>>>/qresearch/11635819 GOP captures second Democratic US House seat in California

>>>/qresearch/11635822 another @DanScavino video


>>>/qresearch/11635827, >>>/qresearch/11636412 2009 Book on Election Equipment Supplies

>>>/qresearch/11635837 @LLinWood: "@replouiegohmert reveals US Army (CIA?) team raid on Scytl server facility in Frankfurt, Germany to recover 'extremely compelling' data detailing vote switching"


>>>/qresearch/11635843, >>>/qresearch/11635892, >>>/qresearch/11635908 Hear from CISA Director Chris Krebs on the ongoing effort to secure the 2020 election.

>>>/qresearch/11635845 Jim Acosta to Anderson Cooper about POTUS: He'll just go back to being another crackpot on the Internet.

>>>/qresearch/11635847 State of the Nation breaks down the Constitutional Law, and how Biden/Harris forfeited any right to the White House.

>>>/qresearch/11635858 Dominion Voting Systems Shares Floor Space With Soros Group, Partnered With Soros’ Friend

>>>/qresearch/11635865 @SidneyPowell1: "#Smartmatic and #DominionVotingSystems are inextricably intertwined! #Soros no. 2 man #Lord Malloch Brown heads up #Dominion funded by corrupt criminal communist money from #VZ #Cuba w/ #CCP."

>>>/qresearch/11635868 Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer took legal action Friday to shut down a pipeline that carries oil beneath a channel that links two of the Great Lakes.

>>>/qresearch/11635870 Frankfurt used as remote hacking base for the CIA: WikiLeaks

>>>/qresearch/11635874 The Department of Water Supply reports a watermain break that is affecting most of the Waiakea Uka Area

>>>/qresearch/11635889 POTUS tweet

>>>/qresearch/11635893 DC Officials Monitoring Groups That Plan to Hold MAGA Rallies

>>>/qresearch/11635901 Pemex Oil Traders Asked to Return Almost $1 Million of Bonuses

>>>/qresearch/11635922 #14853 2/2, #14854, #14855

>>>/qresearch/11635925 Democratic senators warned of potential 'vote switching' by Dominion voting machines prior to 2020 election


>>>/qresearch/11635930, >>>/qresearch/11635973 FROM OCTOBER 7,2020: How Things Could Escalate to a Full-Blown Electoral Crisis

>>>/qresearch/11635938 German ISP "confused" by their all-time traffic record on election night

>>>/qresearch/11635943 C&D acronyms

>>>/qresearch/11635957 BUSTED: Evidence Proves 'Burst Water Pipe' In Fulton County, Georgia Was Used As Cover For Secret Early-Morning Vote Counting Without Observers Present

>>>/qresearch/11635995, >>>/qresearch/11636062, >>>/qresearch/11636228 Planefag updates

>>>/qresearch/11635997 @DanScavino: Donald J. Trump - "If"

VIDEO - Donald J. Trump - "If" [Channel: GunUpOrShutUp]

>>>/qresearch/11636003 @SecPompeo: "We’ve stated clearly and consistently that U.S.-China relations won’t be dictated by exceptions carved out by the [CCP]"


>>>/qresearch/11636004 Sydney Powell: “I’m going to release the Kraken!”

>>>/qresearch/11636010 @realDonaldTrump: "Georgia Sec of State… won't let the people checking the ballots see the signatures for fraud…"

>>>/qresearch/11636021 What Did The Analysis Corporation Do, Anyway? [John Brennan]

>>>/qresearch/11636023 Sidney Powell / Durham

>>>/qresearch/11636025 Gettysburg Address

>>>/qresearch/11636049 QAnon's Dominion voter fraud conspiracy theory reaches the president

>>>/qresearch/11636055 The company CopperH20 invites customers to "experience the benefits of a copper water bottle," and claims the product can protect people against getting COVID-19.

>>>/qresearch/11636070 Mini dig: Dominion Voting Systems Corporation

>>>/qresearch/11636083 Federal Election Commission Chairman Drops Bombshell: ‘This Election Is Illegitimate’

>>>/qresearch/11636101 @DonaldTrumpJr: "70 million pissed off republicans and not one city burned to the ground."

>>>/qresearch/11636154 Would be a shame if Advance Democracy could be tied somehow to fusion gps

>>>/qresearch/11636231 Georgia hasn't voted for a democratic Presidential candidate in 28 years

>>>/qresearch/11636255 They changed it from President to political candidate

>>>/qresearch/11636261 SMARTMATIC fuckery is WORLD WIDE!


>>>/qresearch/11636310 Smartmatic Presents Its Electronic Voting in South Korea

>>>/qresearch/11636318, >>>/qresearch/11636369 @USArmy: "An AH-64 #Apache makes a low pass over German joint terminal attack controller instructors & members of the Franco-German Brigade at the end of a successful training iteration at Baumholder Training Area, Germany."

>>>/qresearch/11636326 #14856

>>>/qresearch/11636363 For 15 Years Sweden Thought Enemy Submarines Were Invading Its Territory. It Turned Out To Be Herring Farts

>>>/qresearch/11636431 DHS boss Chad Wolf defies Trump order to fire cyber chief Chris Krebs

>>>/qresearch/11636472 @realDonaldTrump: "700,000 ballots were not allowed to be viewed in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh"

>>>/qresearch/11636521 Pa. Gov. Tom Wolf to join NJ, NY governors in ‘emergency summit' to discuss more possible COVID-19 restrictions

>>>/qresearch/11636545 Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

(51 notables, 59 posts, 67 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:40 a.m. No.35892   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11636509 Q Research General #14857: Friday Night Edition

Created 140324ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11636568 Republican Young Kim Wins California’s 39th District

>>>/qresearch/11636577 Final Stage

>>>/qresearch/11636588 Pelosi Cancels ‘Super Spreader’ Dinner at Capitol After Backlash

>>>/qresearch/11636594 GEMS Software and the 5 major voting systems that use it

>>>/qresearch/11636595 Communist Takeover Of America

>>>/qresearch/11636610 Scrap Corruption-ridden Electronic Voting

>>>/qresearch/11636620 Oregon Democrat Governor Kate Brown Orders New Onerous Lockdown; Will Be Enforced By Police

>>>/qresearch/11636640 D.C. Mayor Puts New Virus Testing Rules in Place Ahead of Trump Rally, Defends Her Trip to ‘High Risk’ Delaware

>>>/qresearch/11636653 Gov. Cuomo: Trump Refusal to Concede the ‘Height of Irresponsibility and Narcissism’

>>>/qresearch/11636695 MIL Anon on Whitehouse Lawn

>>>/qresearch/11636744 Saudi Crown Prince Vows "Iron Fist" Against Extremists Targeting Western Interests

>>>/qresearch/11636746 US MIL Comms Re: Kraken


>>>/qresearch/11636768 News anchor suspended for complaining that 2020 'took' Alex Trebek, but not Mitch McConnell

>>>/qresearch/11636779 Sidney Powell: "I'm going to release the Kraken"

>>>/qresearch/11636790 VICTOR JOECKS: Clark County election officials accepted my signature — on 8 ballot envelopes

>>>/qresearch/11636797 PF

>>>/qresearch/11636810 Pentagon's new senior advisor said politicians support Israel because they've been getting "very very rich," from the Israel lobby

>>>/qresearch/11636820 World Economic Forum on planned food shortages

>>>/qresearch/11636825 Computer Science Professor Warned About Voting Machine Security Flaws In 2017

>>>/qresearch/11636915 DS going after Parler

>>>/qresearch/11637024 US MIL Comms Re: Germany

>>>/qresearch/11637039 Moar Voting machine fuckery

>>>/qresearch/11637123 Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer moves to shut down Great Lakes oil pipeline

(23 notables, 23 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:40 a.m. No.35893   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11637261 Q Research General #14858: FRESH Dough for FRESH Bread Edition

Created 140422ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11637414, >>>/qresearch/11637423 HELL IS COMING FOR ALL TRAITORS ON ALL SIDES

>>>/qresearch/11637437 That Trump/Pence sign is out of place. I noticed it's over Rudy's left shoulder, so I googled "over left shoulder" and look what I found!

>>>/qresearch/11637449, >>>/qresearch/11637606 LIN WOOD Did the US Raid European Software Company Scytl and Seize their Servers in Germany? — Our Intel Source Says YES, IT HAPPENED!

>>>/qresearch/11637457 Dan Scavino


>>>/qresearch/11637476 Raleigh and Durham in North Carolina Research Triangle Park

>>>/qresearch/11637528 The Covid Cult

>>>/qresearch/11637584 Burgess Owens getting congrats on Twitter for winning

>>>/qresearch/11637646, >>>/qresearch/11637709, >>>/qresearch/11637769, >>>/qresearch/11637844 "Voice of God tech" going public

>>>/qresearch/11637648 Do Elections Matter? | Ron Paul

>>>/qresearch/11637663 Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer moves to shut down Great Lakes oil pipeline

>>>/qresearch/11637707 Trump officials unveil new exam for citizenship

>>>/qresearch/11637733 PF

>>>/qresearch/11637754, >>>/qresearch/11637885, >>>/qresearch/11637903 BIG TECH, SOROS & GATES AUDITING ELECTION & DID MAIL-IN BALLOTS

>>>/qresearch/11637779, >>>/qresearch/11637795, >>>/qresearch/11637803 SPREAD THE PROOF - MI AFFIDAVITS PROVE MASSIVE FRAUD

>>>/qresearch/11637786, >>>/qresearch/11637840 Scytl actually put out a statement. They must be feeling the heat.

>>>/qresearch/11637831 Zen suggested that the Vatican’s efforts to remain non-partisan had made it appear “against Trump”

(16 notables, 26 posts, 40 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:40 a.m. No.35894   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11637997 Q Research General #14859: Popcorn Friday's Lean Pickings'Edition

Created 140522ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11638063 Contingent Election

>>>/qresearch/11638082, >>>/qresearch/11638156 Safe Harbor Deadline

>>>/qresearch/11638103 NEW POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11638105, >>>/qresearch/11638248, >>>/qresearch/11638323, >>>/qresearch/11638651 NEW POTUS The plot Against the President

>>>/qresearch/11638125 POTUS SCYTL anon decode

>>>/qresearch/11638145 The shills in this board and on Social Media suffer from Q Derangement Syndrome

>>>/qresearch/11638179 The Political Coronavirus Paradox: Where the Virus Was Worst, Voters Supported Trump the Most

>>>/qresearch/11638197 Newsmax blows the lid off DOMINION they call it QSnatch

>>>/qresearch/11638200 Lou Dobbs and Devin Nunes Watch THIS (1:52)


>>>/qresearch/11638253 ANON theory The world now knows Merkel helped Biden “win” the election…

>>>/qresearch/11638260 Israeli operatives reportedly killed in Iran one of Al-Qaeda leaders linked to 1998 attacks

>>>/qresearch/11638278 US Department of Homeland Security Partnered with Deep State, Big Tech & Soros swamp via an NGO called Voting Works and their software called ARLO. The audits are NOT SAFE! "

>>>/qresearch/11638285 Sidney Powell ,Brian Kemp's chief of staff moved on to lobby for DOMINION, who sold products to Georgia, while GA Secretary of State took campaign cash from wife of Dominion's partner's CEO

>>>/qresearch/11638305 Chuck a pinch of salt, over the Left shoulder

>>>/qresearch/11638340, >>>/qresearch/11638361, >>>/qresearch/11638437 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo heads out on a seven-nation trip to US allies that have congratulated President-elect #JoeBiden on his victory, even as President Donald Trump refuses to concede - a position Pompeo supports

>>>/qresearch/11638499 U.S. President Donald Trump has skipped a virtual summit with his Southeast Asian counterparts, the third year in a row

>>>/qresearch/11638522 Guinness heiress, 19, dies in tragic pool accident during BBQ at family's mansion

>>>/qresearch/11638550 Dan Scavino retweeted POTUS The plot against the President

>>>/qresearch/11638596 #14856

>>>/qresearch/11638597 Al Qaeda's No. 2 Abu Muhammad al-Masri is shot dead by Israeli agents

>>>/qresearch/11638641 Worth Remembering

(21 notables, 27 posts, 30 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:41 a.m. No.35895   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11638807 Q Research General #14860: Pompeo's Seven Wonders of the World Edition

Created 140639ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11638856 WE Choose to SMASH the C.I.A. and scatter it to the winds = JFK

>>>/qresearch/11638870, >>>/qresearch/11638871 Dominion Voting Systems tied to George Soros Funded Tides Foundation

>>>/qresearch/11638882, >>>/qresearch/11638899 Aaron Wilson, Sr. Director of Election Security of the Center for Election Security, worked for Syctl, Clear Ballot, VotingWorks, and Lockheed Martin - possible connections at EAC?

>>>/qresearch/11638907, >>>/qresearch/11638911, >>>/qresearch/11638918 USCG Halloween 2020 pic had a Kraken

>>>/qresearch/11638956, >>>/qresearch/11638991, >>>/qresearch/11639006 What is Diwali, the festival of lights, and how will it be celebrated amid coronavirus?

>>>/qresearch/11638969 Complaint - L. Wood v. Raffensperger et al.pdf

>>>/qresearch/11639008 Rudy with Left Eye Comms??

>>>/qresearch/11639161, >>>/qresearch/11639210, >>>/qresearch/11639235 The tweet that originated the "US Army seizes Scytl servers in Germany" story?

>>>/qresearch/11639165 Sidney Powell , Trump won in a landslide The Truth Will Prevail We The People are taking back this country from evil, darkness, deceit, corruption & violence

>>>/qresearch/11639208 Elon Musk tested for covid 4 times. two negative, two positive. Same machine, same test, same nurse, something extremely bogus is going on

>>>/qresearch/11639218 President Trump has been on to the counting fraud for a LONG time. 2012 folks.

>>>/qresearch/11639265 CM Milwaukee lost a flash drive holding absentee vote counts at 3am

>>>/qresearch/11639281 U.S. attorneys assigned to 2020 election tell William Barr no findings of widespread fraud

>>>/qresearch/11639285 Nov. 13 – Maricopa Recount; Georgia Recount Disaster; Grassroots Action Items

>>>/qresearch/11639306 The White Stripes Lyrics "Seven Nation Army"

>>>/qresearch/11639311 Secretary Pompeo Great to be in France, the United States’ oldest friend and Ally

>>>/qresearch/11639356, >>>/qresearch/11639394 REMEMBER THESES WORDS AND WHO SAID IT

>>>/qresearch/11639462 POTUS Congratulates Owens on Utah Win

>>>/qresearch/11639497 Outgoing Syria Envoy Admits Hiding US Troop Numbers; Praises Trump’s Mideast Record


(19 notables, 28 posts, 27 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:41 a.m. No.35896   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11639523 Q Research General #14861: CodeMonkey finds Discrepancies Edition

Created 140807ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11639586, >>>/qresearch/11639759 Trump's gone in 70 days But we'll remain here forever Betting on outsiders to provide security is never a good gamble

>>>/qresearch/11639618 Alternate space program site

>>>/qresearch/11639620 Nevada poll workers tricked 60,000 mostly Trump voters into using provisional ballots that were never counted 11/11/2020

>>>/qresearch/11639622, >>>/qresearch/11639639, >>>/qresearch/11639983 SCYTL uses AWS

>>>/qresearch/11639659 CM Does losing the chain of custody over a flash drive with vote tallies on it invalidate the vote tallies on that flash drive?

>>>/qresearch/11639660 Dark to light Diwali

>>>/qresearch/11639665 The US Military Has Raided And Seized Servers In Germany Tied To The Dominion Election System

>>>/qresearch/11639677, >>>/qresearch/11639679, >>>/qresearch/11639689, >>>/qresearch/11639766 CM With all the information coming out this week, a simple executive order from two years ago warrants another read.

>>>/qresearch/11639683, >>>/qresearch/11639701, >>>/qresearch/11639719 U.S. Naval Institute, It appears that USS Stein was attacked by a kraken in 1978 when claws were found embedded in the ship's sonar dome

>>>/qresearch/11639693 HAVE SOME RAPTORS

VIDEO - INSANE F-22 Raptor Hype Video [Channel: F-22 Demo Team]

>>>/qresearch/11639698 A Choice of Kipling’s Verse (1943)


>>>/qresearch/11639707 In 2013 Scytl acquired the software division of Gov2U,[13] a company partnered with the National Democratic Institute

>>>/qresearch/11639744 Similar to NCSWIC as an acronym, not a catchphrase, check out this hit for RCGC (Red Castle Green Castle)

>>>/qresearch/11639769, >>>/qresearch/11639852, >>>/qresearch/11639935, >>>/qresearch/11639948, >>>/qresearch/11639977 QTV Guide 11.12

>>>/qresearch/11639811 Stein, Tony. Medal of Honor

>>>/qresearch/11639816, >>>/qresearch/11639879 EO on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

>>>/qresearch/11639820 Tracking Data by Fitbit and Strava app reveals Top Secret military bases in Antarctica the shape of a giant “C” (VERY OLD NEWS 2018)

>>>/qresearch/11639822 The Founders Outsmarted the Presidential Election Fraudsters


VIDEO - Soundgarden - By Crooked Steps ᴴᴰ [Channel: Ztarfokker]

>>>/qresearch/11639921 Emergency! Big Tech, Soros & Gates Auditing Election & Did Mail-In Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11639936 Full report on the CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

>>>/qresearch/11639954 GIMME DA CASH THEORY

>>>/qresearch/11639972 General Flynn The Founders Outsmarted the Presidential Election Fraudsters

>>>/qresearch/11640010 FAQ: What happens next in this presidential election process?

>>>/qresearch/11640071 FOR THE KEKS - FOR THE SMILES


>>>/qresearch/11640098, >>>/qresearch/11640157 Lindsay Graham Iron eagle

>>>/qresearch/11640113 What’s the odds that the U.S. Naval Institute tweets ‘kraken’ today?

>>>/qresearch/11640129 The Electoral College: A 2020 Presidential Election Timeline [49] days to go until Jan 2, 2021

>>>/qresearch/11640147 American Herald Tribune has been shut down by the FBI

>>>/qresearch/11640163 MEET GEORGE SOROS

>>>/qresearch/11640188 GOOD EYE ANON


>>>/qresearch/11640189, >>>/qresearch/11640200, >>>/qresearch/11640206, >>>/qresearch/11640216 Hunt for Red October Opening Scene

VIDEO - Hunt for Red October Opening Scene [Channel: ArousingAdmiration]


VIDEO - The Hunt for Red October (6/9) Movie CLIP - You Speak Russian (1990) HD [Channel: Movieclips]

>>>/qresearch/11640190 Kraken is also a crypto exchange

>>>/qresearch/11640199 SECRET HACK "Tiny Chip "

>>>/qresearch/11640239 Haspel not in attendance at latest Trump intelligence briefing

>>>/qresearch/11640245 Q Is Back, But Does QAnon Have a Future?

>>>/qresearch/11640281 Trump supporters plan rallies in Washington DC, experts warn extremists may attend

>>>/qresearch/11640286 CM

>>>/qresearch/11640289 Kraken is a sensing system that is scalable and packs into a container

>>>/qresearch/11640305 Moar CM

>>>/qresearch/11640311 #14861

(42 notables, 59 posts, 53 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:41 a.m. No.35897   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11640314 Q Research General #14862: KRAKEN Saturday Sunrise Surprise? Edition

Created 141016ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11640369, >>>/qresearch/11640693 the pen is mightier than the sword. follow the pen.

>>>/qresearch/11640426 US Army+DOD in Alps Germany 10/21, posted 11/6

>>>/qresearch/11640448, >>>/qresearch/11640451 obama, merkel, & germany archives

>>>/qresearch/11640455 One Third Of Biden's Pentagon Transition Team Funded By Weapons Industry

>>>/qresearch/11640458 Massachusetts prepared to legalize abortion up to moment of birth

>>>/qresearch/11640466 Santa Ana man arrested for possessing 1,600 images of child porn, police say

>>>/qresearch/11640471 CM should be looking at, not I believe. .US is working

>>>/qresearch/11640476 centrist democrat praises DJT; will not vote Pelosi for spkr of house

>>>/qresearch/11640483 Orange County Flips ANOTHER Seat Red – Republican Young Kim Defeats Democrat Incumbent Gil Cisneros

>>>/qresearch/11640491 If a FISA warrant application contains parties who may become privy to its existence, the FISA application moves to the Special Access Program FISA for Military Intelligence (post 911), the MIRROR of the civilian court with no Congressional and therefore no Gang of 8 oversight.

>>>/qresearch/11640510 Washington State is a worrisome window into the future

>>>/qresearch/11640525 Scytl Raid Dig Going to the Nederlands via Dominion Voting and Elkins-Swyers

>>>/qresearch/11640541 scytl euro parliament election 2019 "success case"

>>>/qresearch/11640588 HAMMER mentioned at 2015 Arpaio Contempt Hearing

>>>/qresearch/11640822 Durham Report of 1839

>>>/qresearch/11640835, >>>/qresearch/11640864 3 YEAR DELTA FOR DROP #151, #154

>>>/qresearch/11640836 @DeptofDefense A moment alone.

>>>/qresearch/11640861, >>>/qresearch/11640871 New General Flynn tweet

>>>/qresearch/11640909 The-COVID-19-Genocide-2020 PRESS CONFERENCE VIENNA, AUSTRIA, Claire Edwards & Steven Whybrow

>>>/qresearch/11640953 President Trump celebrates Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights, at White House

>>>/qresearch/11640984 we do have the law on our side and that has to be litigated.

>>>/qresearch/11640997, >>>/qresearch/11640999 Why did Hillary Clinton secure herself as an elector for the state of NY?

>>>/qresearch/11641009, >>>/qresearch/11641011 Who owns Scytl? (from 2012)

>>>/qresearch/11641013 Great work on Scytl/Paragon/Service Point…not sure if we have this yet and looking like stories are being SCRUBBED…

>>>/qresearch/11641023 Pennsylvania Results Show a Statistically Impossible Pattern Behind Biden’s Steal! WE CAUGHT THEM!

>>>/qresearch/11641058 Just as the masks are a tool used to abuse us socially and psychologically, the demand to cut hair (versus Biblical admonition to cover, for women) is a further test of how far we will go in obeying "them" and giving them "control".

>>>/qresearch/11641066 Ron Watkins is on OANN. Taped interview. He did great.

>>>/qresearch/11641078 Why is Sidney Powell retweeting this?

>>>/qresearch/11641081 >>>/practicebakes/ is now live

>>>/qresearch/11641141 (lb) "A cryptographic trap door could let someone change votes cast using Switzerland’s online sVote system without being detected, according to a new paper.

>>>/qresearch/11641182 (lb) We might to do a deeper dig on Paragon and Sandton Capital…

>>>/qresearch/11641191 (lb) Does this Podesta email uncover how they do coms?

(32 notables, 38 posts, 31 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:42 a.m. No.35898   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11641117 Q Research General #14863: If the Pen wins what happens to the Sword? Edition

Created 141246ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11641161, >>>/qresearch/11641697 anon decodes b/w we have the server[S] With Clock confirmation.

>>>/qresearch/11641228 Join the RSBN crew for all day live coverage as President Trump supporters descend on Washington, DC in a show of support and solidarity for the President and in protest of the election results.

>>>/qresearch/11641237 Release The Kraken

>>>/qresearch/11641240 OAN take on the current electorate votes

>>>/qresearch/11641274 >>>/practicebakes/ is now updated with probably all /qresearch/ styling and (linkbreaking) wordfilters.

>>>/qresearch/11641289 anon opines "kraken" is COMPLETE DOCUMENTATION of all the voter fraud along with all the COMMS around voter fraud…

>>>/qresearch/11641348 Archive Update "German Servers" Edition

>>>/qresearch/11641351 NOW NOW

>>>/qresearch/11641480 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (always notable)

>>>/qresearch/11641501 Trump supporters advance on Washington, DC in droves ‘for biggest rally in history’

>>>/qresearch/11641503 anon opines on dog comms

>>>/qresearch/11641561 Grassley’s Letter To DOJ: Hunter, James Biden’s Actions ‘Potentially Make Them Agents Of The Chinese Government’ (from 11/11)

>>>/qresearch/11641665 The 1928 Red Line Agreement

>>>/qresearch/11641720 Rudy G Asking For Smartmatic Dig.

>>>/qresearch/11641731 Does Durham even exist?

>>>/qresearch/11641734 Kraken makes robotic subs?

>>>/qresearch/11641759 Dark to light

>>>/qresearch/11641775 This is one of the directors of SMARTMATIC.

(18 notables, 19 posts, 13 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:42 a.m. No.35899   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11642744 Q Research General #14865: E-Bake to Victory Edition

Created 141608ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11642748 DOJ seized The Herald Tribune Website

>>>/qresearch/11642769 CNN Says Parler Is a "Threat to Democracy"

>>>/qresearch/11642770, >>>/qresearch/11642775, >>>/qresearch/11642786, >>>/qresearch/11642803, >>>/qresearch/11642827, >>>/qresearch/11643126 POTUS at the DC rally today.




>>>/qresearch/11642773 Scytl Company Website Crashes

>>>/qresearch/11642780 @DanScavino: "THANK YOU, PATRIOTS!!"

>>>/qresearch/11642784 Public Service Announcement: The Digital Battlefield

>>>/qresearch/11642795, >>>/qresearch/11642826, >>>/qresearch/11642836 Scytl is the largest election modernization provider in the US


>>>/qresearch/11642812 Patents for Antonio Mugica

>>>/qresearch/11642820 Statistical anomalies prove corruption. Numbers don’t lie. Retweet the proof.

>>>/qresearch/11642830 SAFECOM & NCSWIC DECEMBER 2018 MEETINGS

>>>/qresearch/11642833 Founder of KNOWiNK testified, and ADMITTED they store voting info on AMAZON GOVCLOUD

>>>/qresearch/11642854, >>>/qresearch/11642925, >>>/qresearch/11642961, >>>/qresearch/11643134, >>>/qresearch/11643222 Planefag

>>>/qresearch/11642855 Anon Theory: America First

>>>/qresearch/11642893 @CodeMonkeyZ: "Sunday morning 'Urgent Scheduled Maintenance'".

>>>/qresearch/11642901 USS Stein attacked by Kraken

>>>/qresearch/11642904 Library of Congress - Kraken

>>>/qresearch/11642905 The lights were on late last night in the building in Toronto’s #chinatown which has #DominionVotingSystems listed on 2nd floor and #Tides group on 3rd

>>>/qresearch/11642934, >>>/qresearch/11643338 Need a dig on

>>>/qresearch/11642936 The Fed Says It’s Considering a Central Clearing Facility for the Treasury Market

>>>/qresearch/11642942, >>>/qresearch/11643070 Scytl used by DoD for overseas military and civilian voting

>>>/qresearch/11642944 White House denies Chad Wolf refusal

>>>/qresearch/11642948, >>>/qresearch/11643076 A CALL FOR A DIG - A POSSIBLE SCYTL - EHUD BARAK CONNECTION

>>>/qresearch/11642955 Most electronic voting isn't secure, CIA expert says

>>>/qresearch/11642973 Rothschild Scion Scores First Legal Victory in Battle Over Foundation Seized by Nazis Decades Ago

>>>/qresearch/11642976 Smartmatic spins off new parent company, SGO, with British lord

>>>/qresearch/11642980 Meghan Markle and Prince Harry set to unveil "Archewell"

>>>/qresearch/11642984 Two RI Brothers: Two USA Generals

>>>/qresearch/11643017 U.S. Army patents zero-light 3D face biometric technology

>>>/qresearch/11643046 States have used taxpayer money to buy systems from vendors with close past and/or present ties to a foreign dictator, US politicians, a Religious Right group, and a convicted embezzler whose crimes involved computer tampering.

>>>/qresearch/11643085 Is Scytl blocking US internet users?

>>>/qresearch/11643103 Many States Have Their Votes Counted in Spain

>>>/qresearch/11643109 Christopher Krebs spearheaded an agency campaign to counter rumors about voter fraud and election irregularities

>>>/qresearch/11643118 Biometrics to drive robust growth in digital door lock and smart doorbell markets

>>>/qresearch/11643130 Scytl's website suffered a 504 error

>>>/qresearch/11643140 Experts will debate about Democracy in Athens From 2015

>>>/qresearch/11643145 Mini tweet thread: 14th Amendment and the Insurrection Act

>>>/qresearch/11643146 Scytl has all the tools it needs for election fraud - Columbus Free Press

>>>/qresearch/11643156, >>>/qresearch/11643295 Royal Canadian Mint: 2020 SILVER KRAKEN 2oz coin - OCCULT?

>>>/qresearch/11643188, >>>/qresearch/11643194 #14864

>>>/qresearch/11643241 Portland Man Convicted of 'Providing Material Support to ISIS'

>>>/qresearch/11643256 Hillary Tweet Comms: "Diwali reminds us that that light can prevail over darkness"

>>>/qresearch/11643271 @JohnClaytonNFL: "Q"

>>>/qresearch/11643284 @DeptofDefense: "A/SD Chris Miller’s 1st message to the force: “Continue to be courageous…'"

>>>/qresearch/11643292 FBI agents wanted to arrest Jeffrey Epstein at a Virgin Islands beauty pageant he was judging in 2007

>>>/qresearch/11643300 THE MOTHER OF ALL SCANDALS? Drug Pilot, Election Exec Killed on CIA Plane

>>>/qresearch/11643307 Defense Secretary Mark Esper 'sent a classified memo to the White House expressing concerns about a quick withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan before Trump fired him'

>>>/qresearch/11643310 HRC at the precipice

>>>/qresearch/11643315 New NHL Franchise: Seattle KRACKEN

>>>/qresearch/11643321 Athens Democracy Forum 2020 “The New Abnormal: Reimagining Democracy”

>>>/qresearch/11643325 Anon Theory: Post WW2 fiat system is failing

>>>/qresearch/11643345 @LouDobbs: "Read all about Dominion and Smartmatic voting companies and you’ll soon understand how pervasive this Democrat electoral fraud is…"

>>>/qresearch/11643351 Scytl has all the tools it needs for election fraud

>>>/qresearch/11643353 DIG: LinkedIn

>>>/qresearch/11643356 Former head of Armenian National Security Service detained

>>>/qresearch/11643377 Trump greets supporters from presidential limo in Washington during ‘biggest rally in history’

>>>/qresearch/11643384 Students hack into D.C. online voting system

>>>/qresearch/11643386 Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed, this is the home space for the Kraken Project

>>>/qresearch/11643388, >>>/qresearch/11643421 Scytl partner companies

(58 notables, 75 posts, 82 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:42 a.m. No.35900   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11641882 Q Research General #14864: Anon Opines On Dog Comms Edition

Created 141434ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11641997 Rudy Giuliani tweet Did you know a foreign company,DOMINION,was counting our vote in Michigan, Arizona and Georgia and other states?

>>>/qresearch/11641998 Orange County CA flips seat from Dem to GOP

>>>/qresearch/11642001 NY Times gets Election Predictions WRONG again

>>>/qresearch/11642013, >>>/qresearch/11642026, >>>/qresearch/11642038, >>>/qresearch/11642076, >>>/qresearch/11642108, >>>/qresearch/11642450 Anon calls for digs into Smartmatic

>>>/qresearch/11642028 Scytel Website crashes after refuting reports of US Raid in Germany

>>>/qresearch/11642037 Obama says it's wrong that millions of Americans express their sentiments about the 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/11642045 Burgess Owens wins for GOP in Utah

>>>/qresearch/11642050 In 2019 top Dems were concerned about Dominion Voting Systems

>>>/qresearch/11642055 Biden vacations in Delaware while America in crisis

>>>/qresearch/11642058 Biden wants Hillary back in Government

>>>/qresearch/11642074 POTUS tweet - Brian Kemp and Stacey Abrams knew they were going to cheat

>>>/qresearch/11642096 Centrist Democrat Praises Trump, Won't Vote for Pelosi for Speaker

>>>/qresearch/11642098 Flood of Communist video games being released in USA?

>>>/qresearch/11642112 Bronx Woman who gained fame with foul mouthed videos at Million MAGA March

>>>/qresearch/11642114 Why Trump Supporters are here for good

>>>/qresearch/11642124 Sidney Powell was born in Durham, NC

>>>/qresearch/11642152 Lin Wood Tweet - Lawsuit filed in Atlanta, GA to contest Governor consent agreement to not check signatures on ballots

>>>/qresearch/11642187 US Army 'Kraken' comms article

>>>/qresearch/11642199, >>>/qresearch/11642328 Dominion Voting Systems dig

>>>/qresearch/11642261 DHS dig

>>>/qresearch/11642327 Mark Malloch Brown dig

>>>/qresearch/11642392 US Senators among owners of Voting Machine Companies

>>>/qresearch/11642428 Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.

>>>/qresearch/11642521 POTUS makes an appearance at Million MAGA march


>>>/qresearch/11642525 Bezos sells 3 Billion $ worth of stock

>>>/qresearch/11642530 PSA - Make a Parler account - it's the rear area command post / DO NOT retreat from Twitter battlefield

>>>/qresearch/11642531 BREAKING: Voting Software Company WHISTLEBLOWERS Come Forward; Claim Their Software Changed 38 MILLION Votes - Stole Election

>>>/qresearch/11642591 Jonathan Turley: Rumor has it John Durham has 'material undisclosed' by special counsel or DOJ watchdog

>>>/qresearch/11642601 Scavino tweet

>>>/qresearch/11642614 Amazing Polly says DHS is riddled with Soros loyalists

(30 notables, 36 posts, 43 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:43 a.m. No.35901   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11643544 Q Research General #14866: EXPOSE THE CRIME! Edition

Created 141722ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11643565 Calls for ‘Unity’ Really Calls for Capitulation

>>>/qresearch/11643599 #14865

>>>/qresearch/11643605, >>>/qresearch/11643628 BECAUSE A CLEAN HOUSE IS VERY IMPORTANT

>>>/qresearch/11643639 to help economy bank proposes tax on working from home

>>>/qresearch/11643651, >>>/qresearch/11643652, >>>/qresearch/11644061, >>>/qresearch/11644165 MAGA rally in Washington DC

>>>/qresearch/11643671 Romney Family Investment Ties To Voting Machine Company That Could Decide The Election Causing Concern, Smartmatic

>>>/qresearch/11643691 Dig (2018/19): Dominion + SmartMatic + Scytl + (Spain & Germany) = Q Posts Come Full Circle

>>>/qresearch/11643710 James Wood: My choice for President of the United States in 2024. ⁦Kristi Noem

>>>/qresearch/11643728, >>>/qresearch/11643824, >>>/qresearch/11643846 UK Project Kraken

>>>/qresearch/11643729, >>>/qresearch/11643800, >>>/qresearch/11644071, >>>/qresearch/11644168 PF

>>>/qresearch/11643766 Elizabeth Warren (D), Amy Klochbuchar (D), and Ron Wyden (D) file a legal complaint in 2019 against Dominion Voting Systems for…wait for it…Vote Switching [PDF]

>>>/qresearch/11643776 ZH: Fed Chair Powell Admits The Truth: "We're Not Going Back To The Same Economy"

>>>/qresearch/11643785 ZH: Germany & France Outraged Over Russian 'Reciprocal' Sanctions Of Top Officials In Navalny Fallout

>>>/qresearch/11643845 Nikki Haley bashes Twitter for flagging election tweet but allowing Iranian leader’s Holocaust denial

>>>/qresearch/11643855 Fauci Showed Breakthrough Pfizer COVID Vaccine Results To Biden Before Trump, Azar Confirms

>>>/qresearch/11643871 As Millions Face Eviction and Starvation, Pentagon to Spend Nearly $2 Billion a Day on War

>>>/qresearch/11643875 ‘It’s Donald Trump’s fault he lost, not mine’ - Libertarian Party leader Jo Jorgensen tells irate Americans

>>>/qresearch/11643881 How UK undercover cops foiled activist plans to help Palestinians using deceit & abuse…& were there shady deals with Mossad?

>>>/qresearch/11643931 new DJT: Cuomo praised Trump admin´s response


>>>/qresearch/11643936 Top UK Politician: Workplaces, Social Venues, May Ban Britons Without Vaccination Certificates

>>>/qresearch/11643961 Socialist ‘Anti-Hate’ Chief Resigns from Paris Govt over Rape Indictment

>>>/qresearch/11643981 Noticed Biden on a bike today in Rehoboth, DE. Interesting place for Biden to vacation. Ritual coming up?

>>>/qresearch/11644076 France to oppose US withdrawal from the Middle East during Pompeo Paris visit

>>>/qresearch/11644137 Justice Alito: Covid-19 Pandemic Has Led to “Unimaginable” Curbs on Individual Liberty (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11644248 #14866, #14867, #14868 1/2

(25 notables, 34 posts, 37 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:43 a.m. No.35902   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11644358 Q Research General #14867: Lock [Them] all up Edition

Created 141841ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11644385, >>>/qresearch/11644450, >>>/qresearch/11644641 Luke Kuhn a friend of James Alefantis and included in Jimmy Comets Instagram posts, at Milllion MAGA March.

>>>/qresearch/11644389 In Georgia the Difference In President-Only Ballots Between President Trump and Biden Is STATISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE – Indicates Obvious Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11644412 Trump’s former top aide John Kelly pleads for start of a Biden transition

>>>/qresearch/11644426 Nationwide, Non-Partisan ‘Verify the Election’ Petition Demands Full Audit of 2020 Election Results

>>>/qresearch/11644438 North Dakota governor just started a mask mandate… and he's a Republican. What the actual fuck?

>>>/qresearch/11644447 CNN 44 505 pic spoopy

>>>/qresearch/11644449 [S]hall [W]e [P]lay [A] [G]ame? SWPAG?

>>>/qresearch/11644457 18 arrested in scuffles at anti-Netanyahu protest on Tel Aviv-Jerusalem highway

>>>/qresearch/11644471, >>>/qresearch/11644519, >>>/qresearch/11644538, >>>/qresearch/11644575, >>>/qresearch/11644635 PF

>>>/qresearch/11644492, >>>/qresearch/11644495 Trafficking survivor needs help.

>>>/qresearch/11644498 Army Identifies 5 Soldiers Killed in Sinai Helicopter Crash

>>>/qresearch/11644513 last Schumann resonance

>>>/qresearch/11644584 Only Kooks Believe In The Deep State

>>>/qresearch/11644588, >>>/qresearch/11644615 MAGA rally

>>>/qresearch/11644599 Joe Biden’s Covid-19 taskforce member recommends withholding food stamps and rent assistance from those who refuse coronavirus vaccines

>>>/qresearch/11644619 Another USPS whistleblower in Pennsylvania comes forward: “The Only Political Mail That Will Be Delivered From Now On Will Be That of the ‘Winner,’ In This Case, Joe Biden”

(16 notables, 24 posts, 47 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:43 a.m. No.35903   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11645141 Q Research General #14868: E-Bake to Victory Edition

Created 142000ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11645187 New Acting Defense Secretary: "All wars must end… Now, it's time to come home."

>>>/qresearch/11645196, >>>/qresearch/11645714 Sept 2018: Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

>>>/qresearch/11645206, >>>/qresearch/11645238 @realDonaldTrump: "People are not going to stand for having this Election stolen from them by a privately owned Radical Left company, Dominion, and many other reasons!"

>>>/qresearch/11645237 @Interior: "The view from Cherry Pond at Silvio O. Conte National Fish & Wildlife Refuge offers a stunning look at the Presidential Range #NewHampshire"

>>>/qresearch/11645247, >>>/qresearch/11645397 The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared "National Emergency" that set an Election Day trap for the "unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure"

>>>/qresearch/11645252 AES Watch questions Comelec-Smartmatic midnight deal

>>>/qresearch/11645260 GA Poll Watcher, IT Expert, Non-Trump Supporter Affidavit: Sudden Surge of 20,000 Mail-In-Votes For Biden In Early Hours On Nov 5, While Approx. 1,000 Votes For Trump Disappeared

>>>/qresearch/11645270 Experts Predicted Trump's Israel Embassy Move to Jerusalem Would Lead to Violence in 2017. Instead, It Led to Peace in 2020.

>>>/qresearch/11645279 Why was Dominion software specialist Tomas Bellinghausen donating to Act Blue in $2.70 increments?

>>>/qresearch/11645294 Free Speech Platform Gab Enjoys Explosive Growth Due to Big Tech Censorship

>>>/qresearch/11645301 Election Data Team to Call 1.25 Million Voters Over Anomalies in 6 Contested States

>>>/qresearch/11645307, >>>/qresearch/11645387, >>>/qresearch/11645452, >>>/qresearch/11645514 Guinness family curse strikes again as young heiress drowns in pool (during summer, announced today) RAY CHANDLER CONNECTION?

>>>/qresearch/11645309 Jonathan Turley: Rumor has it John Durham has 'material undisclosed' by special counsel or DOJ watchdog

>>>/qresearch/11645314 @SenatorDurbin, @AyannaPressley, @SenatorLeahy, and @CoryBooker urge the Trump administration to SUSPEND all federal executions.

>>>/qresearch/11645325 Democrats Lament Failure to Turn Texas Blue: ‘What the F*ck Is Happening?’

>>>/qresearch/11645336 EXCLUSIVE: In Georgia the Difference In President-Only Ballots Between President Trump and Biden Is STATISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE – Indicates Obvious Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11645345, >>>/qresearch/11645749 Planefag

>>>/qresearch/11645347 Celebrate Thanksgiving By Giving COVID Crusaders the Bird

>>>/qresearch/11645351 @LLinWood: "You are so kind to express concerns for my safety. I am safe."

>>>/qresearch/11645355 FB fact checking MIL raid in Germany

>>>/qresearch/11645362 Shall We Play A Game? SWPAG

>>>/qresearch/11645366 ‘Unity’ is the Carrot and the Schtick of Democrats

>>>/qresearch/11645390 New @DanScavino Video


>>>/qresearch/11645393 Wisconsin Voters File Lawsuit to Exclude Over 792,000 Votes in 3 Counties

>>>/qresearch/11645402, >>>/qresearch/11645456 @realDonaldTrump: "Hundreds of thousands of people showing their support in D.C. They will not stand for a Rigged and Corrupt Election!"

>>>/qresearch/11645405 re: Kraken: The First Cryptocurrency Bank (article)

>>>/qresearch/11645406 Biden's Great Leap Forward: A split second in Wisconsin

>>>/qresearch/11645416, >>>/qresearch/11645441 @ODNIgov: "ODNI welcomes Matthew Kozma as the new Intelligence Community Chief Information Officer"

>>>/qresearch/11645418 Jon Ossoff's Financial Ties to Pro-CCP Hong Kong Media Company Revealed

>>>/qresearch/11645433 The Law Is There’s No Presidential Transition Until Congress Certifies the Election

>>>/qresearch/11645440 Judge threw out PA election in 1994 over fraud

>>>/qresearch/11645450 Thousands of Pro-Trump supporters descend on DC for 'Million MAGA March' near White House

>>>/qresearch/11645471 Carter Center to Monitor Georgia Recount

>>>/qresearch/11645477 Chinese Navy is called "People's Liberation Army Navy", or the "PLAN"

>>>/qresearch/11645481 'End of Cummings era' – what the papers say

>>>/qresearch/11645487 Trump lawyer says she’s about to ‘release the Kraken’: ‘I’m going to expose every one of them’

>>>/qresearch/11645493 Way too many "Coincidental" Terminology related to Q Posts

>>>/qresearch/11645495 @LLinWood: "No need to worry about @SidneyPowell1, she travels with the Kraken!!!"

>>>/qresearch/11645512 Breaking: President Trump Has Motorcade Take Him to Million MAGA March — VIDEOS

>>>/qresearch/11645534 Trump waves to cheering fans as he drives though huge crowds of supporters at the 'Million MAGA March' in DC on his the way to the golf course as clashes break out between rival protesters

>>>/qresearch/11645548 Parler CEO says surge in users shows people 'tired' of social media censorship

>>>/qresearch/11645560, >>>/qresearch/11645620 Kraken Supercomputer

>>>/qresearch/11645568 Loeffler and Perdue Will Present a United Firewall Against Democrat Extremism to Georgia Voters

>>>/qresearch/11645582 'I caught them all' – Trump's most important quote?

>>>/qresearch/11645587 'Five Eyes' Alliance Demands Ways To Access Encrypted Apps

>>>/qresearch/11645609 OANN LIVE LINK:

>>>/qresearch/11645623 @realDonaldTrump: "The hand recount taking place in Georgia is a waste of time. They are not showing the matching signatures. Call off the recount until they allow the MATCH. Don’t let the Radical Left Dems STEAL THE ELECTION!"

>>>/qresearch/11645631 Trump Drives By ‘Million MAGA March’ In Downtown DC As Protests Remain Peaceful

>>>/qresearch/11645658 Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull rally social media users in a civil war against Rupert Murdoch and the Barbarians

>>>/qresearch/11645672 Isaac Kappy calling out Steve Bannon as Mossad/Black Cube/Israeli intelligence.

>>>/qresearch/11645677 AT&T reportedly looking to sell CNN after 'hit' from 'hating Trump': Gasparino

>>>/qresearch/11645685 Mr. Guo: Whistleblower Movement, the New Federal State of China, and the vast majority of the United States stand together.

>>>/qresearch/11645690 MSM LIES: Trump Supporters PROTEST in DC: Crowds March to Supreme Court (It's a rally!)

>>>/qresearch/11645692 Opinion: Pfizer, Biden, and the Birth of ‘Socialism With American Characteristics’

>>>/qresearch/11645706 #14866, #14867, #14868 1/2

>>>/qresearch/11645719 Filmmakers boycott Israel’s pinkwashing TLVFest

>>>/qresearch/11645721 @realDonaldTrump: Hannity Video


>>>/qresearch/11645750 Facebook security warning: Thousands of passwords stolen

>>>/qresearch/11645754 Kraken Crypto Exchange 2018 Transparency Report

>>>/qresearch/11645766 MSNBC Reporter Alarmed as Million MAGA Marchers Shout Down Her Live Shot: ‘They’re Following Us and Chasing Us!’

>>>/qresearch/11645776 Election Witnesses: Kanye’s Michigan Votes Were Stolen by Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11645786 Kraken Robotics Awarded $0.9 Million U.S. Navy Contract

>>>/qresearch/11645787 @realDonaldTrump: "Thank you Dan!" (Daniel Henninger)

>>>/qresearch/11645795 China’s credit market is plunging. Many reputable names and muni bonds falling 20%+ in a day. A recent near-default event spooked everyone.

>>>/qresearch/11645797 The Georgia Recount May Be As Corrupt As The Election Itself

>>>/qresearch/11645806, >>>/qresearch/11645837 @realDonaldTrump drops the Dominion Hammer


>>>/qresearch/11645819 Police Say Over 200,000 At Million MAGA March — More Coming As Protest Continues Over Weekend

>>>/qresearch/11645854 #14868 2/2, #14869, #14870

(68 notables, 79 posts, 83 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:44 a.m. No.35904   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11645904 Q Research General #14869: Million Man MAGA Edition

Created 142124ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11645986 Pompeo warned [them] all back in Feb

>>>/qresearch/11645991 #14866, #14867, #14868 1/2

>>>/qresearch/11646000 Did Trump set up the Dems back in 2018? He wrote an EO declaring election interference a national emergency

>>>/qresearch/11646002 Election Witnesses: Kanye’s Michigan Votes Were Stolen by Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11646019 ‘Trump Won This Election in a Landslide’: Flynn Lawyer Vows to Prove Mass Vote Fraud Plot Soon

>>>/qresearch/11646024 @usairforce: "Midnight Snack - An F-16 Fighting Falcon receives fuel from a KC-135 Stratotanker over the @CENTCOM AOR."

>>>/qresearch/11646032 Stock Movement Scraper offline and compromised by Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11646033, >>>/qresearch/11646192 A whistleblower inside Dominion Voting Systems has come forward. Claims software company changed 3.8 Million votes, stealing election for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11646034 The U.S. Government and its Military Have Declared War on the American People

>>>/qresearch/11646061 CEO of Alaska Airlines’ parent is stepping down next year and will be replaced by the company’s president

>>>/qresearch/11646065 Unusual interaction between the shield line of the Black Lives Matter protest and a DC Policeman


>>>/qresearch/11646066 2015: Brennan issued directives and orders concerning "USE OF VACCINES & VACCINATION PROGRAMS FOR INTELLIGENCE GATHERING PURPOSES"

>>>/qresearch/11646074 NYTimes Exposed "Massive Scheme" By Democrats In Pennslyvania's Election System… In 1994

>>>/qresearch/11646078 Planefag updates

>>>/qresearch/11646086 Lt. Gov. Fetterman seeks claims of $1M voter fraud reward from Texas lieutenant governor

>>>/qresearch/11646089 Collateral Damage? CDC Admits COVID Lockdowns Sparked Surge In Children's Mental Health Issues

>>>/qresearch/11646124 @DanScavino: "POTUS just called me from the motorcade…"


>>>/qresearch/11646138 28 STATES send election results to a remote server in Frankfurt, Germany

>>>/qresearch/11646142 Biden Transition Official Believes the First Amendment has a 'Design Flaw' – His Remedy Is to Curb Free Speech

>>>/qresearch/11646160 Mississippi governor says his state won't participate in a potential national lockdown, promises to fight it

>>>/qresearch/11646169 New York AG threatens Trump with lawsuit after COVID vaccine announcement: 'Trying to extract vengeance'

>>>/qresearch/11646179 Kek! Thanksgiving or Funeral?

>>>/qresearch/11646187 @USCG: "River and construction tender crews work from sun up to sun down on many different types of aids to navigation - shore aids, buoys, and fixed aids. These navigational aids mark channels in rivers for vessels to safely transit."


>>>/qresearch/11646201 ‘GOD IS ON OUR SIDE’: Crowd Erupts In Applause During Nick Fuentes Speech At Million MAGA March

>>>/qresearch/11646202 8kun registration ends tomorrow?

>>>/qresearch/11646235 North Korea ‘is training elite dolphins to clear mines and attack enemy frogmen’

>>>/qresearch/11646246 Anon Theory: Who murdered Kennedy?

>>>/qresearch/11646249 BLM-antifa thugs are running around and beating people on the streets in DC


>>>/qresearch/11646262 @JosephJFlynn1: "What an incredible display of Patriotism and Love, it was so great to be a part of this moment in history."

>>>/qresearch/11646280 Armenian National Security Service says prevented attempt to kill Prime Minister Pashinyan

>>>/qresearch/11646282 Black Lives Matter training program documentation


>>>/qresearch/11646343 Since 2019, 57% of FOX is owed by Shanghai Shendi Group (Disney) - A Chinese Corporation

>>>/qresearch/11646386 HPE acquires Scytale to advance open, secure, edge to cloud strategy

>>>/qresearch/11646476 Planned Parenthood spent $45 million in funding to help elect Biden

>>>/qresearch/11646478 Arizona Rep. Points Out That the Number of Potential NON-CITIZEN Voters is Higher Than Biden’s Lead in the State

>>>/qresearch/11646504 Trump Supporter Family Attacked by Black Lives Matter Mob in DC

>>>/qresearch/11646527 March for Trump livestreams still ongoing as of now

>>>/qresearch/11646528 Ukrainian special forces reportedly practice RECAPTURE of Crimea, 6 years after peninsula rejoined Russia

>>>/qresearch/11646583 Glenn Greenwald Rips 'The Most Pathological Liar' in Politics and Other Dems for Burying Hunter Biden Fiasco

>>>/qresearch/11646653 Soros-connected Vote-counting Firm Expands in U.S.

>>>/qresearch/11646676 #14868 2/2, #14869, #14870

(42 notables, 43 posts, 56 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:44 a.m. No.35905   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11647497 Q Research General #14871: RON on OANN Edition

Created 142351ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11647556 29 CFR § 452.107 - Poll Observers.

>>>/qresearch/11647601 DC: Antifa and BLM get mopped up by MPD after they swarmed “The Capital Hilton” hotel


>>>/qresearch/11647617 DIG: 1996 comedy movie Black Sheep

>>>/qresearch/11647649 Democrat West Coast Governors Impose COVID Travel 'Advisory' on Free Americans

>>>/qresearch/11647675 9pm EST: In her own words, @SidneyPowell1 reveals the tip of the iceberg in the ferocious war about to be waged against Dominion

>>>/qresearch/11647686, >>>/qresearch/11647959 Clockfag updates

>>>/qresearch/11647717 Virginia orders new COVID restrictions: Social gathering sizes cut, mask mandate expanded as virus cases rise

>>>/qresearch/11647771, >>>/qresearch/11647788 New archaeological discovery at Saqqara in Egypt

>>>/qresearch/11647841 MARINA ABRAMOVIC is on the BOARD OF TRUSTEES of The Antarctic Biennale

>>>/qresearch/11647887 Trump Supporters in Washington DC Chant “FOX News Sucks!” at #StopTheSteal March and Rally (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11647906, >>>/qresearch/11648036 11.11 coincides with Cristmas Day in 2020. Chinese Calendar 11th month 11th day.

>>>/qresearch/11647921 Email Inventor Dr. Shiva Finds SAME IMPOSSIBLE BALLOT RATIO Feature in Michigan Results

>>>/qresearch/11647973 Catholic Pro-Life Leaders Denounce Bishops for Congratulating Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11647989 Boatfag

>>>/qresearch/11647999 Software vendor Tyler Technologies tells U.S. local government clients it was hacked

>>>/qresearch/11648052 Biden poised to overturn religious-liberty protections

>>>/qresearch/11648101 Antifa invades Million MAGA March carrying 'Punch a MAGA in the Face' banner

>>>/qresearch/11648136 @LLinWood: "Remember that when it feels like chaos, it is a plan."

>>>/qresearch/11648167 Tyler Technologies paid ransomware gang for decryption key

>>>/qresearch/11648187 Maria Bartiromo: Don’t censor her and don’t call her a conspiracy theorist — or else

>>>/qresearch/11648212 DC: Antifa and BLM physically assault a Trump Supporter by macing him and beating him over the head with a flag pole


(21 notables, 24 posts, 26 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:44 a.m. No.35906   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11646730 Q Research General #14870: Donald's Dominion Edition

Created 142243ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11646786 Federal judge rules acting DHS head Chad Wolf unlawfully appointed, invalidates DACA suspension

>>>/qresearch/11646789 State Department fears Russia’s Poseidon drones could swallow US cities with ‘radioactive tsunamis’

>>>/qresearch/11646797 Florida Republicans win recount, flip key Senate seat in Miami

>>>/qresearch/11646798 Krystal and Saagar (The Hill): DOJ CLEARS Prosecutors Of Wrongdoing In Epstein Case, Is It A Cover Up?

>>>/qresearch/11646808 Presidential Message on Diwali

>>>/qresearch/11646809 Antifa and BLM members attack people who are eating dinner near BLM Plaza


>>>/qresearch/11646813 Politico only reports "hundreds" of "Trump loyalists"

>>>/qresearch/11646830 Judge Garaufis’ mob "ties"

>>>/qresearch/11646832 Mike Lindell Leads Powerful Prayer At #MarchForTrump In DC: “Please reveal all the corruption and fraud in this election and show everyone your will”

>>>/qresearch/11646840 Congressional Research Service: "The Electoral College: A 2020 Presidential Election Timeline"

>>>/qresearch/11646850 Antifa and BLM assault Elderly Trump supporter


>>>/qresearch/11646854 Female Trump Supporter Gets Punched in the Back of the Head by Black Lives Matter Goon in Washington DC

>>>/qresearch/11646877 China warns of action after Pompeo says Taiwan not part of China

>>>/qresearch/11646913 California judge rules Gov. Gavin Newsom overstepped authority with mail ballot order

>>>/qresearch/11646943 CNN: “As Trump refuses to concede, Pro-Trump groups protest the most secure election in American history.”

>>>/qresearch/11646944 It's About To Go Kinetic, Most Likely Within The Next 70 Days: Expect Insane, Left Wing Radicals To Explode With Rage If Democrat Voting Fraud Hands The Election To President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11646950 BLM activists attack family for supporting Trump


>>>/qresearch/11646983 Judge Says Wisconsin Governor Oversteps His Authority

>>>/qresearch/11647019 March for Trump – more streams. They're up and down like yoyos.

>>>/qresearch/11647040 OPTICS megabun

>>>/qresearch/11647041 There is tremendous evidence of wide spread voter fraud


>>>/qresearch/11647074 New federal lawsuit seeks to throw out 1.2 million votes in Michigan, flipping the state for Trump


>>>/qresearch/11647094 Michelle Malkin Live: Joe Oltmann exposes Dominion Systems run by Antifa (Dominion's Eric Coomer)

>>>/qresearch/11647149 DIG: GEMS = Global Election Management System

>>>/qresearch/11647178 Biden’s America: Trump Supporters Attacked Eating Dinner in DC; Bottles, Fireworks Thrown by Antifa Thugs

>>>/qresearch/11647200 REPORT: Shares Of FOX News Parent Company FOX Corp. Have Already Dropped By Six Percent

>>>/qresearch/11647237 CNN’s Stelter, Brown Say Conservatives Joining Parler Is a ‘Threat to Democracy’

>>>/qresearch/11647305 KFOX has obtained video of El Paso County inmates loading the bodies of coronavirus patients onto mobile morgues


>>>/qresearch/11647327 Judge: Newsom overstepped authority with mail-in ballots mandate

>>>/qresearch/11647363 CODEMONKEY ON THE NEWS

>>>/qresearch/11647401 BREAKING: A federal judge rules that acting DHS head Chad Wolf has not been acting lawfully as the chief of Homeland Security and that, as such, his suspension of DACA is invalid (NBC News).

>>>/qresearch/11647464 #14868 2/2, #14869, #14870

(33 notables, 33 posts, 39 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:45 a.m. No.35907   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11648256 Q Research General #14872: Panic in DC Edition

Created 150050ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11648297 Bill O'Reilly: Are you ready for the collapse of the news media? It's coming

>>>/qresearch/11648326 Jair Bolsonaro Tells Brazil Not To Deal COVID-19 Pandemic "Like Fags"

>>>/qresearch/11648334 Patrick Howley: Cashless society, "digital wallet." The era of owning things is approaching the end.

>>>/qresearch/11648336 New Andy Ngo tweet

>>>/qresearch/11648341 Footage of the Biden supporter that threw the explosive devise at people who were eating dinner


>>>/qresearch/11648352 They actually used the 2016 break ins of the DNC computers, Seth Rich, as an excuse to bring in Scytl

>>>/qresearch/11648354 Rundown of when states certify their election results

>>>/qresearch/11648355 Massive Trump 2020 over Sydney, AUS

>>>/qresearch/11648359 New Snowden Tweet: "Whether you're for or against Biden, this thread is an important look into the troubling histories of some of those he has chosen to reshape agencies that have a tremendous influence over your life"

>>>/qresearch/11648376, >>>/qresearch/11648440 Fake and Gay?' you decide - BUN / /pb

>>>/qresearch/11648405 Planefag

>>>/qresearch/11648428, >>>/qresearch/11648470, >>>/qresearch/11648749 Systems must be re-certified when "Changes" are made

>>>/qresearch/11648457 December 14th, the day that the electoral college is scheduled to cast their votes for POTUS, the will be a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE.


>>>/qresearch/11648555 Dallas Jones was accused back in September for ballot fraud. supposedly he was arrested and formally charged today.

>>>/qresearch/11648624 The Show Is Just Starting – Democrats Rigged the Voting Machines, They Attempted a Steal – And They Got Caught

>>>/qresearch/11648636 Illinois Republican Loses Race for House Seat, Shows Up for Orientation Anyway

>>>/qresearch/11648646 CEO of Multi-Billion Dollar Company Indicted

>>>/qresearch/11648740 Biden Texas Political Director Dallas Jones was interrogated by the FBI and quietly fired after this report

>>>/qresearch/11648829 The Hill: "Heads roll as Trump launches post-election purge"

>>>/qresearch/11648846 GOP Megadonor Charles Koch Says He Regrets Fueling Partisanship With His Fortune

>>>/qresearch/11648880 Australian State Media on Trump Rally

>>>/qresearch/11648891 Some antifa get beat up in DC street brawl against the Proud Boys


>>>/qresearch/11648972 #14872

(24 notables, 27 posts, 31 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:45 a.m. No.35908   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11648998 Q Research General #14873: Ghost Bake Edition

Created 150150ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11649086 Lindsey Graham fires back after top Democrat demands no more hearings for Trump's judicial nominees

>>>/qresearch/11649089 Sydney’s skies plastered with pro-Trump slogan

>>>/qresearch/11649092 WATCH LIVE: Trump supporters and protesters rally in DC (live DC feed from lb still going)

>>>/qresearch/11649128, >>>/qresearch/11649266, >>>/qresearch/11649337, >>>/qresearch/11649419, >>>/qresearch/11649495, >>>/qresearch/11649517 Here is another link to State certification dates with links (Ballotpedia)

>>>/qresearch/11649217 Green jacket bitch who stole the KO'd patriot's phone was arrested alongside her cohorts.

>>>/qresearch/11649225, >>>/qresearch/11649287, >>>/qresearch/11649559, >>>/qresearch/11649612, >>>/qresearch/11649635 Fake and Gay?' you decide - BUN / /pb

>>>/qresearch/11649230 @DARPA: Get ready to dive into the #SubTChallenge Virtual Cave Worlds next Tuesday 11/17

>>>/qresearch/11649231 9pET: In her own words.@SidneyPowell1 reveals the tip of the iceberg in the ferocious war about to be waged against Dominion

>>>/qresearch/11649247 Funding for the US Govt expires 12.11.20

>>>/qresearch/11649259 @theangiestanton (King)US House candidate, GA-5: heard they had a peaceful protest in Washington DC until NIGGAS showed up…

>>>/qresearch/11649521 Digg: Dominion, SMARTech, Kraken Supercomputer, Connection to Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11649534, >>>/qresearch/11649578 DURHAM (aka a Sidney Powell) is up next on Judge Jeanine. Great show tonight so far

>>>/qresearch/11649650 #14873

(13 notables, 23 posts, 28 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:45 a.m. No.35909   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11649807 Q Research General #14874: This Has Been An Absolute Horror Show Of Lies, Deceptions, Malicious Atta

Created 150252ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11649830, >>>/qresearch/11649901 POTUS EO on foreign interference, analysis

>>>/qresearch/11649873 Fake and Gay?' you decide - BUN / /pb

>>>/qresearch/11649879 Jack Murphy tweets: "broken arrow" call by DC police

>>>/qresearch/11649922 Election took place under a national emergency, trap set

>>>/qresearch/11649996 Sidney Powell on Jeanine Pirro's show


>>>/qresearch/11650062 Brazil elections tomorrow, Dominion shitshow inbound?

>>>/qresearch/11650073 FBI Pittsburgh Announces Arrest of Wanted Fugitive Nearly 50 Years After His Escape from Custody

>>>/qresearch/11650078 DJT: I look forward to Mayor Giuliani spearheading the legal effort to defend OUR RIGHT to FREE and FAIR ELECTIONS

>>>/qresearch/11650091 COVID-19 PCR test: how to mislead all humanity

>>>/qresearch/11650099, >>>/qresearch/11650235, >>>/qresearch/11650379 Q1182 Sky Event, related to 12/14 eclipse/moon? (more: )

>>>/qresearch/11650116 2015: Newsmax pledges $1M to Clinton fdn.

>>>/qresearch/11650189 (07/2020) Trump DOJ seeks death penalty for MS-13 leader

>>>/qresearch/11650208 Stabbing in DC, Proud Boys/Antifa fight. Injured affiliatin unkn.

>>>/qresearch/11650462 Scytl founder UC-Berkely alum

>>>/qresearch/11650474 John H. Durham

>>>/qresearch/11650502 Joe Biden staffer Dallas Jones arrested

(16 notables, 19 posts, 31 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:46 a.m. No.35910   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11650446 Q Research General #14875: Flash in the Night edition

Created 150342ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11650587, >>>/qresearch/11650615, >>>/qresearch/11650643 Trump's military raid appears to have targeted the CIA’s Frankfurt server farm operation

>>>/qresearch/11650623 Dr.SHIVA LIVE: MIT PhD Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems.

>>>/qresearch/11650630 Anti-Trump Dominion Voting Systems Security Chief Was Participating in Antifa Calls, Posted Antifa Manifesto Letter to Trump Online'

>>>/qresearch/11650635 Listen to this guys squeaky voice crack as he asks Gorka about Qanon


>>>/qresearch/11650659 Its DHS that hacks the elections.

>>>/qresearch/11650727 Trump did not post that -a reply to Trump did

>>>/qresearch/11650750 New POTUS: From iPhone (missing R) -11:03 timestamp 11.3

>>>/qresearch/11650771 Fox News is now indistinguishable from CNN.


>>>/qresearch/11650789 Pennsylvania election analysis: HUGE indisputable and anomalies data emerged

>>>/qresearch/11650795 Biden staffer arrested for voter fraud.

>>>/qresearch/11650800 Woman in yellow pants assaulted at least 2 people, likely more.




>>>/qresearch/11650815 The world's first 6G satellite was launched by China to test the technology which could be more than 100 times faster than 5G, Chinese state media said

>>>/qresearch/11650816 More than 130 Secret Service officers are said to be infected with coronavirus or quarantining in wake of Trump’s campaign travel

>>>/qresearch/11650830 Interesting article on Kraken Ransomware

>>>/qresearch/11650839, >>>/qresearch/11651069 Failure of "Hammer and Scorecard" = Why "seven people" had a very private meeting (Q drop 153 -3 year ▲Delta TODAY)

>>>/qresearch/11650843 Trump March Phoenix today, Lots WWG1WGA shirts Q Patriots everywhere and no mask except fake news.

>>>/qresearch/11650883, >>>/qresearch/11650943, >>>/qresearch/11650971, >>>/qresearch/11650981, >>>/qresearch/11651062 POTUS deletes and RE-posts tweet with missing [R] (missing R fixed/ Antifa to ANTIFA)

>>>/qresearch/11650896 DHS Cyber Director Chris Krebs and Deputy Director Matt Travis tied to Clapper who Commandeered HAMMER / SCORECARD

>>>/qresearch/11650917 POTUS Tweet COMMS: From 11:03 to 11:17 Means 5:5 on the R

>>>/qresearch/11650930 Wonder if this is the real reason Antifa is getting violent tonight.

>>>/qresearch/11650937 Cernovich is showing his true colors once again.


>>>/qresearch/11651079 Dominion Voting Systems Shares Floor Space With Soros Group, Partnered With Soros' Friend

>>>/qresearch/11651119 I bet I can get a couple of teammates and start attending these things #supernecessary (UFC going to defend MAGA)

>>>/qresearch/11651155 2.7 Million Votes Potentially Lost; Dominion Voting Strong Ties to CCP and Dems

>>>/qresearch/11651174, >>>/qresearch/11651227 Mark Levin Tweet: Lin Wood files suit in Georgia

>>>/qresearch/11651198 Historic SpaceX launch 'marks a big milestone': Former NASA astronaut Tom Jones

>>>/qresearch/11651201, >>>/qresearch/11651210 New POTUS: ANTIFA SCUM -again

>>>/qresearch/11651240 #14875

(29 notables, 38 posts, 52 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:46 a.m. No.35911   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11651247 Q Research General #14876: /NightShift/ Engaged Edition

Created 150448ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11651346, >>>/qresearch/11651419 POTUS: Exposing ANTIFA Violence

>>>/qresearch/11651364 Dr. Eric Coomer VP at Dominion admits they don't update software to protect against voter fraud.

>>>/qresearch/11651385 Prince Andrew ‘highly unlikely’ to return to public life in the British Monarchy, reports suggest

>>>/qresearch/11651394 DENMARK: 9 days of protests over a new law that "would be able to define groups of people who must be vaccinated.


>>>/qresearch/11651443 Suspicious logins reported after ransomware attack on US govt contractor

>>>/qresearch/11651472 UK's Lord Malloch-Brown Privy Council → Canada's Seamus O'Regan Privy Council

>>>/qresearch/11651499 POTUS: The Silent Media is the Enemy of the People!!!

>>>/qresearch/11651508 Dominion Software Manual: 2.26. Allows staff to adjust tally.

>>>/qresearch/11651513, >>>/qresearch/11651563 Kraken Electric

>>>/qresearch/11651568 CM Twitter survey

>>>/qresearch/11651570 POTUS at United Nations Sept 26 2018: We found that China has been attempting to interfere in our upcoming 2018 election


>>>/qresearch/11651581 Watters' World 11/14/20 FULL | Jesse Watters Nov 14, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11651598 Fake and Gay?' you decide - BUN

>>>/qresearch/11651605 Donald Trump Jr.: The only people worse are the media who have essentially been encouraging this kind of behavior by calling anyone right of center a Nazi for the last four years.

>>>/qresearch/11651653 New Scavino: calling out Fake News

>>>/qresearch/11651665 Antifa just set Freedom Plaza on fire in DC

>>>/qresearch/11651690, >>>/qresearch/11651837 CISA Dir, Chris Krebs, is a liar. He showed an AP print screen saying there were no Scytl servers in Frankfurt. Well there is, and it's on their site

>>>/qresearch/11651694 POTUS: The Fake News Media hardly even discussed

>>>/qresearch/11651751 Notice how all the networks sing the same song in unison! Wonder who barks the orders at them? This is an international problem obviously

>>>/qresearch/11651752, >>>/qresearch/11651824 15 Asian nations sign huge China-backed RCEP trade pact

>>>/qresearch/11651764 POTUS: Tax filings reveal Biden cancer charity spent millions on salaries, zero on research


>>>/qresearch/11651789 I spoke out about our mob assault, the @AP reported our claim was “without evidence” despite 10 minutes of video

>>>/qresearch/11651833 Besides adding an 'r' to his corrected tweet, POTUS changes Antifa to all caps.

>>>/qresearch/11651863 Intelligence Officials Confirm Biden Isn’t Getting National Security Info Yet Because He Isn’t President-Elect

>>>/qresearch/11651872 Detroit Ballot counters Appeared To Be Counting Xerox Copies As Military Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11651891 Sainted too soon? Vatican report casts John Paul II in harsh new light

>>>/qresearch/11651935 FB is not only adding alerts that Biden is the projected winner, they are adding an alert to a pic Scavino posted

>>>/qresearch/11651943 How to Deal with the Possible Public Unrest if Trump Ends Up Winning — Thomas Sowell

>>>/qresearch/11651964 YouTube is adding disclaimers to White House Channel videos, even this one about Veteran's Day.

>>>/qresearch/11651994 #14876

(31 notables, 35 posts, 43 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:46 a.m. No.35912   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11652776 Q Research General #14878: Dominion Gets The Kraken Edition

Created 150724ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11652896, >>>/qresearch/11653055 Flynn is the Kraken?

>>>/qresearch/11652926 Looks like Dallas Jones was finally Arrested

>>>/qresearch/11652943 Saudi Debt Beats Peers for Now as Bond Traders Brace for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11652951 (PB) 3 YEAR DELTA DROP #155

>>>/qresearch/11652960 Trump Tweet: The Silent Media is the Enemy of the People!!! (decode?)

>>>/qresearch/11652964 China-Led Trade Pact Is Signed, in Challenge to U.S. - WILL BIDEN FOLLOW?

>>>/qresearch/11652975 How Chinese J-20 Fighters Can ‘Immobilize’ US’ F-35s, F-22 Raptors During A Potential US-China Clash

>>>/qresearch/11652980 Boris Miles and Rodney Ellis, both Biden campaign staffers in Tx have been arrested for Mail- in fraud. (needs more sauce)

>>>/qresearch/11652985 An interactive tool will let you calculate the chance that someone at your Thanksgiving dinner may have COVID-19 (muhEveryone has Covid -kek)

>>>/qresearch/11652998 I was just joking around yesterday about how Dominion voting systems might also be part of the false positive covid testing…

>>>/qresearch/11653013 Louisiana boy’s death being investigated as a homicide, sheriff’s office says

>>>/qresearch/11653042 Palestinians view Pompeo visit as 'dangerous precedent'

>>>/qresearch/11653043 Durham, North Carolina, was the site of the last surrender of a major Confederate army in the American Civil War…

>>>/qresearch/11653051 SidneyPowell: Evidence will show that #Dominion and #Smartmatic were created for the precise evil purpose of rigging elections for corrupt rulers.

>>>/qresearch/11653070 Don’t believe fake news that Trump lawyers are “just quitting.”

>>>/qresearch/11653120 FBI Raids Home of Biden Campaign Surrogate, Netflix ‘Cheer’ Star, After Underage Sex Allegation

>>>/qresearch/11653157 Data-driven, circumstantial evidence of ballot laundering.

>>>/qresearch/11653177 Wiki for Dominion is full of keks (Fake News)

>>>/qresearch/11653193 California Judge Finds Newsom Lacked Authority for Mail Ballot Order

>>>/qresearch/11653204, >>>/qresearch/11653221 The Non-stop Effort to Take Down Trump and America - ADM. MIKE ROGERS

>>>/qresearch/11653206 The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared "National Emergency"

>>>/qresearch/11653219 Antifa invades Million MAGA March carrying ‘Punch a MAGA in the Face’ banner while HIDING behind COPS They Want To Abolish

>>>/qresearch/11653248 Lindsey Graham fires back after top Democrat demands no more hearings for Trump’s judicial nominees

>>>/qresearch/11653258 Russia, North Korea Hackers Target COVID Vaccine Firms (read: CIA** targets…)

>>>/qresearch/11653271 Democrats Never Conceded 2016 Election. Why Should Trump Concede Before Court Challenges Are Over?

>>>/qresearch/11653304 Report: Trump Has Elaborate Plan To 'Wreck' Fox News

>>>/qresearch/11653323 2017: Smartmatic stated that the results of the 2017 Venezuelan Constituent Assembly election were manipulated.

>>>/qresearch/11653339 Bay Area Food Bank Now Serves 500k Working-Poor As Demand "Doubles"

>>>/qresearch/11653348, >>>/qresearch/11653362 Interesting that Facebook and IG have changed Biden from “president-elect” to “projected winner.”

>>>/qresearch/11653462 UC Santa Barbara now offers paid ‘Racial Justice Fellowships’

>>>/qresearch/11653478 Charles Koch Regrets Funding the Tea Party Movement Because It May Have Fueled the Rise of Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/11653486 2.7 Million Votes Potentially Lost; Dominion Voting Strong Ties to CCP and Dems

>>>/qresearch/11653519 Twitter MANUALLY blocking #Dominion and #DominionVotingSystems

>>>/qresearch/11653539 #14877, #14878, #14879 2/2

(34 notables, 37 posts, 27 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:47 a.m. No.35913   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11651998 Q Research General #14877: Like A Scytl In The Night Edition

Created 150558ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11652166, >>>/qresearch/11652221 Sidney Powell states that the election interference is one huge criminal conspiracy and says that this should be investigated by military intelligence for its national security implications


>>>/qresearch/11652189 OG Trump Joint Chiefs Photo updated (not many left)

>>>/qresearch/11652194 THE 84-YEAR-OLD LAWYER WAS RELEASED FROM A PRISON IN THE EASTERN STATE (holocaust denier freed)

>>>/qresearch/11652200 B.C. Hydro warns toilet paper stockpiles won't help when storms cut power

>>>/qresearch/11652238 11652506 TRUMP in the skies of the land down under


>>>/qresearch/11652255 (PB) 3 YEAR DELTA DROP #155

>>>/qresearch/11652336 @Ron: If the courts rule Dominion’s voting machines to be unconstitutional, then how many millions of ballots will be discarded?

>>>/qresearch/11652338 VotingWorks is a left-of-center non-profit provider of voting machines and open-source election verification software.

>>>/qresearch/11652363 Scytl Info CAP's

>>>/qresearch/11652401 Anybody doing analysis of Pennsylvania should look at this site.

>>>/qresearch/11652406 A Massachusetts couple has been fined $500 after police found approximately 20 children at an indoor party

>>>/qresearch/11652423 Dominion Software Systems attempting "cover-up"

>>>/qresearch/11652470 Busted: Evidence Proves Burst Water Pipe in Georgia Was Used As Cover For Secret Vote-Counting

>>>/qresearch/11652478 Q Sauce for: Dogs are loose Podesta email

>>>/qresearch/11652481 Eric Coomer: Dominion Voting Systems VP Pulled Into Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11652493 Golf balls with political messages appearing in Centennial yards

>>>/qresearch/11652603 Video of Proud Boyz and 3 percenters kicking blm and antifa's ass out of DC tonight.

>>>/qresearch/11652652 From Half: Possible notable for Durham. I just stumbled on this.

>>>/qresearch/11652704 Brennan Center for Justice Letter to John A Poulos of Dominion Voting Systems

>>>/qresearch/11652705 The Victorian premier will seek advice on whether coronavirus rules should follow its residents interstate.

>>>/qresearch/11652729 Lawyers: Georgia Recount Is A Farce, Observers Only Present in 10% of Vote Count Teams

>>>/qresearch/11652770 #14877, #14878, #14879 2/2

(23 notables, 24 posts, 29 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:47 a.m. No.35914   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11653553 Q Research General #14879: Kraken Skulls Edition

Created 150947ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11653568 - Donations to Attorney Sidney Powell's legal team

>>>/qresearch/11653635 HAMMER: Trump, Flynn, Brennan spygate genesis. Unnamed Seth Rich.

>>>/qresearch/11653653 Scytl PDF stating offices in Barcelona and Frankfurt backed up at


>>>/qresearch/11653659 @Ron: For the record, i dont use parler or gab. Im just on twitter and email.

>>>/qresearch/11653671 Fox News’ Leland Vittert Goes at It With Trump Spox Over Voter Fraud Claims

>>>/qresearch/11653673 The North Korean Embassy in Madrid raid is an incident that occurred on 22 February 2019 at the North Korean embassy in Madrid, Spain.

>>>/qresearch/11653676 South Dakota Gov. Noem Won't Enforce Biden's Mask Mandate Tyranny

>>>/qresearch/11653684 Portland official who called 911 on Lyft driver blames fear of 'white supremacists'

>>>/qresearch/11653685 From Europa Press -translated- Scytl collaborates in the dissemination of the results of the United States elections

>>>/qresearch/11653687 James Gill: Are Democrats Satan-worshipping pedophiles? Many Louisianans think so.

>>>/qresearch/11653694 @Ron: .@parler_app @dbongino I have seen screenshots of someone impersonating me on your parler website

>>>/qresearch/11653698 Report: Anti-Trump Dominion Voting Systems Security Chief Was Participating in Antifa Calls, Posted Antifa Manifesto Letter to Trump Online

>>>/qresearch/11653704, >>>/qresearch/11653879 IF not Dominion Voting, Anon then It's likely the company that certified Dominion, SLI Compliance.

>>>/qresearch/11653707 Stabbing Reported in DC As Proud Boys and Antifa Clash in Streets of Nation’s Capital

>>>/qresearch/11653713 Not-So-Magic Mike? Bloomberg Spent $100M in 3 Key States That Trump Still Won

>>>/qresearch/11653719 GET READY: The Show Is Just Starting – Democrats Rigged the Voting Machines, They Attempted a Steal – And They Got Caught

>>>/qresearch/11653726 WSJ’s Post-Election Analysis of Bellwether Counties Shows a Clear Presidential Winner and It’s Not Close

>>>/qresearch/11653733 New stats reveal massive NYC exodus amid coronavirus, crime

>>>/qresearch/11653739 ‘How dare they!’ Tammy Bruce unloads on CNN journo

>>>/qresearch/11653759 Antifa Goes Wild in D.C.

>>>/qresearch/11653765 Lawsuit Seeks to Toss 1.2 Million Votes in Three Michigan Counties, Handing State to Trump

>>>/qresearch/11653772 Young Kim Flips Blue California Seat Red, Second CA GOP Pick-Up Of Election

>>>/qresearch/11653776 Trump tells DC cops to 'do your job' and deal with 'Antifa scum' at the Million MAGA March

>>>/qresearch/11653784 WATCH: Antifa Accosts Women, Children, Elderly, and Restaurant-Goers After MAGA March

>>>/qresearch/11653794 Protesters Stomp on Trump Supporter’s Head After D.C. Rally

>>>/qresearch/11653795 Map of Dominion voting machines….interesting pattern. Orange is Dominion

>>>/qresearch/11653800 Obama meets with FC Barcelona president in 2017. The guy resigns last month.

>>>/qresearch/11653807 Tax filings reveal Biden cancer charity spent millions on salaries, zero on research

>>>/qresearch/11653816 Pelosi vows to teach Trump-less McConnell a lesson despite shrunken House majority

>>>/qresearch/11653832 Twitter thread on Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11653834 SAJID JAVID Livestreamed child sex abuse must be treated as seriously as in-person abuse

>>>/qresearch/11653846 Federal Judge Rules Wolf's DACA Memo Invalid

>>>/qresearch/11653853 1 YEAR DELTA DROP #3597

>>>/qresearch/11653856 North Dakota GOP Governor Issues Mask Mandate

>>>/qresearch/11653857 1 YEAR DELTA DROP #3598

>>>/qresearch/11653863 Trump Laments Georgia Recount's Signature Verification Block

>>>/qresearch/11653867 QResearch archived info on "Dogs are Loose" Macklerr email.

>>>/qresearch/11653876 Trump Won "Tens Of Thousands" More New York City Votes In 2020 Than In 2016

>>>/qresearch/11653888 Mutual of Omaha replaces Indian chief logo with African lion

>>>/qresearch/11653894, >>>/qresearch/11653946 Scytl / Frankfurt connection!

>>>/qresearch/11653947 STREETS OF CHAOS Trump brands Antifa ‘scum’ and calls on DC cops to ‘do your job’ as MAGA fan ‘kicked the head and STOMPED’ by protesters

>>>/qresearch/11653957 TRUMP FAN ATTACKED Scary vid shows bloodied Trump fan at ‘Million MAGA March’ fall after ‘being assaulted by anti-fascism protester’

>>>/qresearch/11653976 Interesting that Facebook and IG have changed Biden from “president-elect” to “projected winner.”

>>>/qresearch/11653988 7 planets will be visible this week: The report calls it a “cosmic coincidence.”

>>>/qresearch/11653999 Donald Trump's Likeliest Path To Staying In Office

>>>/qresearch/11654011 ‘Don’t You Dare Ask Us To Just Accept It And Move On!’: Judge Jeanine Rails Against Democrats, Media Telling Trump to Concede

>>>/qresearch/11654029 Here are the 17 GOP women newly elected to the House this year

>>>/qresearch/11654046 Partner and CEO of the companies ADELTE and EFS, Bartomeu served on the board of FC Barcelona during Joan Laporta's presidency

>>>/qresearch/11654050 Northam to impose 25-person cap on gatherings, 10 p.m. alcohol curfew in new coronavirus restrictions

>>>/qresearch/11654056 Miami takes a right turn: Republicans dominate Florida House wins

>>>/qresearch/11654072 AI Weapon Systems

>>>/qresearch/11654082 Fulton County, Pennsylvania Election Mystery

>>>/qresearch/11654092 The Atlantic: What Just Happened in Georgia?

>>>/qresearch/11654099 The black and white footage, which lasts about 17 seconds, shows the Queen playing with a dog on the lawn in the gardens of Balmoral


>>>/qresearch/11654129 Trump supporters protest election results from Massachusetts to D.C.

>>>/qresearch/11654154 Its November 15, 2020, What’s Kraken?

>>>/qresearch/11654189 BUSTED: Evidence Proves ‘Burst Water Pipe’ In Georgia Was Used As Cover For Secret Vote-Counting

>>>/qresearch/11654197 CNN: Alt Tech Sites Pose A ‘Threat To Democracy’ And Are ‘Bad For The Country’

>>>/qresearch/11654199 Election Witnesses: Kanye’s Michigan Votes Were Stolen by Joe Biden (muhCured)

>>>/qresearch/11654304 In the early morning hours on Tuesday, the Leonid meteor shower will send shooting stars across the sky.

>>>/qresearch/11654315 #14879 1/2, #14880 #14881

>>>/qresearch/11654317 #14877, #14878, #14879 2/2

(62 notables, 64 posts, 67 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:47 a.m. No.35915   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11654323 Q Research General #14880: Always Darkest Before The Dawn Edition

Created 151232ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11654424 And it wasn't Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11654461 Dominion Voting Systems security chief Antifa links (again because)

>>>/qresearch/11654473, >>>/qresearch/11654635 New DJT: watch Bartirimo interview Rudy at 10 EST

>>>/qresearch/11654521, >>>/qresearch/11654994 FinFisher: Romania, October Raid in Germany, Coincidence?

>>>/qresearch/11654524, >>>/qresearch/11654618 Donald Trump Jr.: By not covering all of the violence from the left over the last four years the media has allowed this to continue and to get worse.

>>>/qresearch/11654536 Coomer shared a Washington Post article titled, “The voting commission is a fraud itself. Shut it down.”

>>>/qresearch/11654543 Notable no one talking about this notable how Dominion voting systems might also be part of the false positive covid testing…

>>>/qresearch/11654545 Recall Jill Stein who was the independent candidate in 2016? Recall also that her campaign demanded a recount in several States including WI…

>>>/qresearch/11654567, >>>/qresearch/11654575, >>>/qresearch/11654583 Smartmatic, DLA Piper, Kamala Harris' spouse



>>>/qresearch/11654716 @JohnClaytonNFL Tweeted a Q.

>>>/qresearch/11654721 Minutes from the approval (or non approval) of Dominion for use in AZ elections

>>>/qresearch/11654743 dominion diagnostics that’s doing the Covid testing, Diggers needed!

>>>/qresearch/11654751 Dominion software designer Eric Coomer PhD admits that Dominion Fractionalizes Votes (from 2016)

>>>/qresearch/11654818 "Coomer" + "Dominion" + "fractional"

>>>/qresearch/11654854 So there were rumours US Army raided Scytl servers in Germany and later Scytl lied they have no servers there. So how come they had one in there back in 2019 European Parliament elections and also they had server in Spain which was also rumoured to be raided.

>>>/qresearch/11654880 Pro V&V was the company that certified the Dominion voting machines in GA.

>>>/qresearch/11654897 “We’ve gotta clean the fence!”


>>>/qresearch/11654919 Released at 10:00 pm last night by Forbes: KRAKEN COMMS: Our Milky Way's Biggest Collision Was With The 'Kraken Galaxy' Not the 'Gaia Sausage,' Say Scientists

>>>/qresearch/11654956 Clarice Feldman of American Thinker just released an article on the Kraken

>>>/qresearch/11655000 New DJT: He only won in the eyes of the FAKE NEWS MEDIA

>>>/qresearch/11655094 #14879 1/2, #14880 #14881

>>>/qresearch/11655172 (lb) Dominion Diagnostics pays $815,000 to the United States and State of Vermont to resolve allegations of False Claims Act violations

(23 notables, 28 posts, 28 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:48 a.m. No.35916   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11655861 Q Research General #14882: WE ARE GOING TO SHOW THE PUBLIC Edition

Created 151600ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11655963 Rudy on Maria's show this morning.

>>>/qresearch/11655970, >>>/qresearch/11656119 Sydney Powell interview with Maria B.



>>>/qresearch/11655972 L. WOOD LAWSUIT FILED

>>>/qresearch/11655984 Former CEO Sentenced to Federal Prison in Kickback Scheme

>>>/qresearch/11656021 Barcode tracking of mail-in ballots… It maybe possible to segregate this invalidated ballots from other ballots, such as 'in-person' voting.

>>>/qresearch/11656027 really long thread johnheretohelp, mentions John Hopkins involved in voter fraud, naming names

>>>/qresearch/11656032 PF REPORTS

>>>/qresearch/11656055 Obama actually changed the law in 2012 to enable Scytl to merge with another company and move into other areas of voting and election control

>>>/qresearch/11656067 Why we are here. Why we will never give up

>>>/qresearch/11656105 NRG US customer base expands 30% with Dominion deal

>>>/qresearch/11656107 Biden transition Agency Review Team - on homeland security on BOD Smartmatic

>>>/qresearch/11656122 Denmark protests over potential new vax law

>>>/qresearch/11656135 Smartmatic projection twat

>>>/qresearch/11656143 Matt Walsh panic twat

>>>/qresearch/11656159, >>>/qresearch/11656181, >>>/qresearch/11656389, >>>/qresearch/11656422, >>>/qresearch/11656465, >>>/qresearch/11656566 Anon .MIL Twat bun

>>>/qresearch/11656189 Rick Grenell twatting at MaggieH

>>>/qresearch/11656232 Fox vid - whistleblowers NCSWIC

>>>/qresearch/11656233 Senator McSally brother is Dominion's COO….da fuq

>>>/qresearch/11656239 Lawfareblog/Benjamin Wittes hire Colonel Vindman

>>>/qresearch/11656258 ABC wants mask mandate before Biden "takes office"

>>>/qresearch/11656272 Total media blackout on ANTIFA in DC

>>>/qresearch/11656372 Breitbart article on revisionist history in schools

>>>/qresearch/11656400 Based Lin Wood twat - patience grasshopper

>>>/qresearch/11656466 Pompeo - Mike Bolton "has eviscerated his credibility

>>>/qresearch/11656478 Eyes on Durham and narrative shift

>>>/qresearch/11656565 (2004) 'Confidential' Cable from Venezuela = [DS] in US Gov > KNEW [Smartmatic] 'Integrity' Was Questionable.

(26 notables, 32 posts, 43 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:48 a.m. No.35917   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11655098 Q Research General #14881: He only won in the eyes of the FAKE NEWS MEDIA Edition

Created 151441ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11655213 It's going down Tuesday!!!

>>>/qresearch/11655222 Flynn Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11655230 Gastonia is where Q posted the giant Flag. (anon opines) Dominion is the Keystone. They have their hands in everything.

>>>/qresearch/11655244 New DJT r/t Progress!

>>>/qresearch/11655246 Dominion voting- Election; Dominion Diagnostics- Covid; Dominion Energy- Keystone pipeline

>>>/qresearch/11655309 Dominion Diagnostics Offering COVID-19 Serology Antibody Testing (from 6/24/20)

>>>/qresearch/11655362 Rudy has proof of the backdoor connections to smartmatic

>>>/qresearch/11655386 Sidney Powell coming up on Fox

>>>/qresearch/11655470 Texas reports denying Dominion Software System

>>>/qresearch/11655516 Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani Says Election will Be Overturned: “We Have Proof I Can’t Disclose Yet” (Video)

>>>/qresearch/11655530, >>>/qresearch/11655671 Just the beginning but excellent summary of "What's Kracken"

>>>/qresearch/11655564 Seems like a connection between the two McSally's

>>>/qresearch/11655641 To be clear: #WeThePeople elected @realDonaldTrump in a #LANDSLIDE.

>>>/qresearch/11655725 (from 7.2020) is cannabis blocking government mind control efforts?

>>>/qresearch/11655731 For Coomer diggers. via half chan

>>>/qresearch/11655781 Biden using HAMMER and SCORECARD to steal another presidential election— article dated 10/31/20– correctly predicts all the current questioned states

>>>/qresearch/11655791 COVID-19 Total Antibody Serology Testing Dominion Sauce

>>>/qresearch/11655850 #14879 1/2, #14880 #14881

(18 notables, 19 posts, 17 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:48 a.m. No.35918   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11656732 Q Research General #14883: Ebake Edition

Created 151742ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11656779 Dominion Resources Ownership

>>>/qresearch/11656798 Biden’s cancer charity raked in millions but spent NOTHING on medical research, tax filings show

>>>/qresearch/11656817 ‘Monster’ Cop Receives Unprecedented Life Sentence for Horrifying Acts of Child Sexual Battery

>>>/qresearch/11656824 New Defense Chief Puts DoD On Notice: "All Wars Must End"


>>>/qresearch/11656828 Dominion Voting

>>>/qresearch/11656829, >>>/qresearch/11657075 (You) , Electoral Count Act and 12th Amendment, swing state analysis

>>>/qresearch/11656842 Germany should be ready for 4-5 MONTHS of strict anti-coronavirus measures, says economy minister

>>>/qresearch/11656849 Judge hits Gavin Newsom with massive legal loss, rules he overstepped authority on mail-in ballots

>>>/qresearch/11656853 Biden Advisors To Start Meeting With Vaccine-Makers In Latest Hint Of Collusion

>>>/qresearch/11656867 Dozens arrested, including Jeremy Corbyn's brother, as UK anti-lockdown protesters clash with police in Liverpool & Bristol

>>>/qresearch/11656885 South Australian plane passengers land into SURPRISE QUARANTINE as Perth rolls out new snap Covid-19 restrictions

>>>/qresearch/11656892 Here is how European MSM describes the Million Maga March.

>>>/qresearch/11656919 In 2020, Central Bankers Everywhere Are Being Exposed

>>>/qresearch/11656964 U.N. Chief Guterres Demands End to Coal-Fired Power in a Reset World

>>>/qresearch/11656966 #14882

>>>/qresearch/11656971 China builds more 5G stations than rest of world combined, while those lagging behind back off from its technology

>>>/qresearch/11656987 Fauci: Social Distancing, Masks Still Necessary After Getting Coronavirus Vaccine

>>>/qresearch/11657016 Adam Schiff: Trump Is Interfering with ‘Peaceful Transfer of Power’

>>>/qresearch/11657056 Greek Government Admits Losing Track of over 32,000 Illegal Migrants

>>>/qresearch/11657110, >>>/qresearch/11657127, >>>/qresearch/11657138 John Durham Dropping His Investigations into Spygate, “Worried About Blowback From Joe Biden”

>>>/qresearch/11657166 The Treehouse is Deplatformed

>>>/qresearch/11657178 Text Messages Being Censored

>>>/qresearch/11657194 After 3-day recount, incumbent Democrat loses FL State Senate seat to Latinas for Trump co-founder Ileana Garcia by 34 votes

>>>/qresearch/11657234 Powell: “It’s one huge, huge criminal conspiracy that should be investigated by Military Intelligence”

>>>/qresearch/11657310 Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trials showed ‘severe’ side effects, ‘fever and aches’

>>>/qresearch/11657353 Hillary Attorney Marc Elias Was Behind Not One, But Two Actions Messing In Georgia’s Election

>>>/qresearch/11657443 Written Testimony of Mr. John Poulos, CEO Dominion Voting Systems

(28 notables, 31 posts, 34 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:49 a.m. No.35919   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11659011 Q Research General #14886: The Second American Revolution Edition

Created 152105ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11659078 Oldie but goodie: Sidney Powell Vid and Corrupt DOJ

>>>/qresearch/11659083 Meme reminds of Kamala Harris and Jussie Smollett Hate Crime fail

>>>/qresearch/11659092 FF narrative alert: FEAR of terrorist attack (another False Flag setup?)

>>>/qresearch/11659135 @LLinWood interviews. #ReleaseTheKraken


>>>/qresearch/11659144 Jimmy Carter + Smartmatic connection - "monitored" 92 elections

>>>/qresearch/11659147 Mr Pig works to "unravel" DS Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11659154 Gov. Whitmer expected to announce new COVID-19 restrictions Sunday

>>>/qresearch/11659158, >>>/qresearch/11659347, >>>/qresearch/11659528 Anon cites "guillotine" NOTABLE RETRACTION: paper cutters, not head loppers, examples

>>>/qresearch/11659185, >>>/qresearch/11659237 Notable alumni 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Judges, looks swampy

>>>/qresearch/11659199 Ron opines on risk of Parler DBase hack with Phone registration req't

>>>/qresearch/11659285 First Muslim and Arab woman elected to Colorado state legislature

>>>/qresearch/11659299 SPIN: Biden voters are being led to believe that Million MAGA in DC were all far right wing NAZI’s

>>>/qresearch/11659323 Boris Johnson SELF-ISOLATES after 35-minute mtg with MP who tested positive for Covid

>>>/qresearch/11659336 Sidney Powell, Who Promised to 'Release the Kraken,' Joins Trump Legal Team

>>>/qresearch/11659340 Fauci continues to push masks even with vaccine

>>>/qresearch/11659353, >>>/qresearch/11659475 Soros-Linked Voting Machines Used in Battleground States also used in 2004 Venezuela Elections, WW EFraud!

>>>/qresearch/11659364, >>>/qresearch/11659376 11659473, New DJT WATCH: D.C. Cops Direct Trump-Supporters into Gauntlet of Protesters

>>>/qresearch/11659365 Hillary Attorney Marc Elias Was Behind Two Actions Messing In Georgia’s Election

>>>/qresearch/11659445 Biden Promises to Raise Annual U.S. Refugee Target by 800%

>>>/qresearch/11659446 More Pompeo Scripture tweets, 11/8 Do Not Give Up Gal 6:9

>>>/qresearch/11659456 HYPOCRACY: Democrats Hold Big, Fancy Dinners While Telling America To Cancel Thanksgiving

>>>/qresearch/11659460 More Kraken being Military tech, as prev. Noted

>>>/qresearch/11659465 More Obama Spain connections for those digging: 10 July, 2016 Visit

>>>/qresearch/11659472 More SPIN: QAnon Supporters, Paramilitary Groups Promise ‘Fight” Over Election At Rally Near Nevada’s Capitol

>>>/qresearch/11659485 Zuckerberg And Jack Dorsey Called Back To Face Congress Over Charges Of Election Censorship

>>>/qresearch/11659487 Nom'd: FEDS: 2 Former Philadelphia Officials Charged With Fraud, Embezzlement

>>>/qresearch/11659508 Border Patrol Agents Find Enough Fentanyl to Kill 200,000 People (DATE??)

>>>/qresearch/11659519, >>>/qresearch/11659560 New DJT: We won’t let a RIGGED ELECTION steal our Country!

>>>/qresearch/11659520 PF Reports

>>>/qresearch/11659547 Wikileaks CIA dump APACHE reference

>>>/qresearch/11659557 Rasmussen tweets Biden Clinton turnout and voting comparison

>>>/qresearch/11659586 Trump Lawyer Connects CIA to Dominion Voter Fraud Conspiracy Theory

>>>/qresearch/11659622, >>>/qresearch/11659653 Pence spotted doing Space Force duties, SpaceX launch with 2nd Lady

>>>/qresearch/11659646 Dodgers Hall Of Fame Great Tommy Lasorda Hospitalized In ICU, needs prayers anons

>>>/qresearch/11659649 Anons questions Durham fear of sleepy Joe

>>>/qresearch/11659656 Repost: TRUMP - Silent Running Video, Courage anons, Legacy for the future!

>>>/qresearch/11659662 "We Need A Full Investigation": WaPo Questions COVID Origins

>>>/qresearch/11659679 "Next Crisis Bigger than COVID" - Power Grid/Finance Down, Power Grid FEAR Narrative

>>>/qresearch/11659705 Wikileaks Vault 7 [PANDEMIC]

>>>/qresearch/11659750 #14885

(40 notables, 47 posts, 43 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:49 a.m. No.35920   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11657487 Q Research General #14884: Need a Baker Edition

Created 151854ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11657541 Cyber Combat: Act of War

>>>/qresearch/11657543 Dominion Voting Systems Corporation in Canada was incorporated in Quebec possibly for waiving the Director residency requirements

>>>/qresearch/11657548 Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the prepandemic period in Italy

>>>/qresearch/11657583 McMaster installed this guy from CAIR to sniff out and stop Trump's people

>>>/qresearch/11657594 Germany. Archbishop Woeki of Cologne burries expert report about child abuse in the Cologne area

>>>/qresearch/11657606 #14883

>>>/qresearch/11657619 Pompeo Begins 7-Nation Tour Amid Global Lockdowns and Trump Election Battle

>>>/qresearch/11657628, >>>/qresearch/11658080 Media takes heat for ignoring violent attacks on Trump supporters at MAGA rally

>>>/qresearch/11657635 CEO of Haliburton International Foods, Arrested for Child Sex Trafficking

>>>/qresearch/11657638 Maurice R. Greenberg, through his family foundation and The Starr Foundation, are each donating $25 million to Yale.

>>>/qresearch/11657643, >>>/qresearch/11657842 Canadian government publishes bid request for "Programmable Hydraulic Guillotines" needed "in support of Canada's response to COVID-19"

>>>/qresearch/11657664 SCYTL connections to Microsoft founder, Paul Allen via Vulcan Capital, and Twitter & Google via Omid Kordestani, Balderton Capital

>>>/qresearch/11657668 Staple Street Capital who owns Dominion Voting, involves a huge political background

>>>/qresearch/11657700 Nevada Governor Has “Compliance Ambassadors” Harassing 300+ Businesses Per Day Over Covid Rules

>>>/qresearch/11657713 Mayor of Tomsk charged with abuse of power

>>>/qresearch/11657724 Netanyahu defends Pfizer deal: ‘This is a very good investment’

>>>/qresearch/11657756 DC Police Blocked Off Trump Supporters and Forced Them to Walk Through BLM Mob Where They Knew They’d Be Attacked

>>>/qresearch/11657777 John Bolton was one of the dumbest people in government that I’ve had the “pleasure” to work with.

>>>/qresearch/11657831 SAME IMPOSSIBLE BALLOT RATIO Found in Milwaukee – Results Change Wisconsin Election – 30,000 Votes Switched from President Trump to Biden

>>>/qresearch/11657843 Judge Rules DHS DACA Rules Invalid

>>>/qresearch/11657866 Covid-19: As Lab Execs Sell Shares Worth Millions, Questions Arise

>>>/qresearch/11657911 War Started In Western Sahara

>>>/qresearch/11657919 A New Chapter in Brazil’s Exploitation of the Amazon

>>>/qresearch/11657933 Russian Advanced Electronic Warfare System Spotted In Karabakh

>>>/qresearch/11657943 Same playbook

>>>/qresearch/11657963 Civil War In Ethiopia: Conflict Developments And Background

>>>/qresearch/11657993 Colorado tightens COVID-19 restrictions in 12 more counties as infections, hospitalizations reach new levels

>>>/qresearch/11657997 NYC Subway Conductor Part of Ring Indicted for Trafficking Guns Purchased in the South to Sell on Brooklyn Streets

>>>/qresearch/11658021 One Bank Warns That 2021 Could See The "Biggest Fiscal Contraction In History"

>>>/qresearch/11658065 Vatican report casts John Paul II in harsh new light

>>>/qresearch/11658224 FILE CIA > DISNEY CONNECTIONS

(31 notables, 33 posts, 54 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:49 a.m. No.35921   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11658236 Q Research General #14885: Temp E-Baker is Kraken Edition

Created 152004ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11658323 Dominion Technologies Digs

>>>/qresearch/11658332 Newfag skewled on tripcode for Q

>>>/qresearch/11658371 The Conservative Treehouse deplatformed 12/02/20

>>>/qresearch/11658376 11658823, Anon finds Snow White comms in multiple POTUS tweets

>>>/qresearch/11658431, >>>/qresearch/11658522, >>>/qresearch/11658540 11658553, Obama meetings, Barcelona and football DOD connections

>>>/qresearch/11658465 Denver Fox affiliate openly lies

>>>/qresearch/11658478 The Second American Revolution, WW Digital war against a global Oligarchy

>>>/qresearch/11658515 Peru’s interim president Merino resigns after 2 protesters killed in clashes

>>>/qresearch/11658578 Reminder, WA Gov. Jay Inslee has announced new statewide restrictions

>>>/qresearch/11658649 Vid: TRUMP - SILENT RUNNING by Justin Bellucci

>>>/qresearch/11658677 Kraken is military, Anon concludes from Lin’s tweets

>>>/qresearch/11658687, >>>/qresearch/11658892 Pompeo Personal Tweet: We walk by faith, not by sight 2 Cor 5:7

>>>/qresearch/11658697 Another on the Sidney Powell and Durham NC connection

>>>/qresearch/11658720 PANIC: Biden aide says federal govt must sign off on transition THIS WEEK

>>>/qresearch/11658748 11/9/2018 POTUS tweet regarding Election FRAUD in Broward County, FL

>>>/qresearch/11658767 The CURE (for Election Fraud) will spread WORLDWIDE

>>>/qresearch/11658822, >>>/qresearch/11658833 'Kraken' provides needed intelligence, force protection, 2011, Army

>>>/qresearch/11658876 Kraken Awarded $0.9 Million U.S. Navy Contract, AUV sensors

>>>/qresearch/11658907 Martin Armstrong: This Is The Most Corrupt Election In American History

>>>/qresearch/11658910 New antibody study in Italy shows sign spread of SARS-CoV-2 as early as September 2019

>>>/qresearch/11658965 Lawyer Marc Elias "stunned" by Trump legal approach in PA

(21 notables, 25 posts, 31 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:50 a.m. No.35922   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11659777 Q Research General #14887: The CURE for Election Fraud will spread WW Edition

Created 152220ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11659840, >>>/qresearch/11659889, >>>/qresearch/11660068 Benford's law is used in accounting to detect fraud

>>>/qresearch/11659846 LAWSUIT: Georgia Sec of State Signed Illegal Deal With Democrats Changing How Ballots Are Processed

>>>/qresearch/11659870 NEW DJT

>>>/qresearch/11659872 POTUS: IT WILL BE THE SCANDAL OF OUR TIMES June 22, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11659899 Sidney Powell Drops a BOMB on Sunday Morning Futures: CIA May have Used Dominion for Its Own Benefit – Gina Haspel Should be Fired Immediately! (Video)

>>>/qresearch/11659905 POTUS Many of the court cases being filed all over the Country are not ours, but rather those of people that have seen horrible abuses. Our big cases showing the unconstitutionality of the 2020 Election, & the outrage of things that were done to change the outcome, will soon be filed!

>>>/qresearch/11659913 Sidney Powell: Smartmatic Voting Machine’s Chairman of the Board Peter Neffenger Named to Joe Biden’s ‘Transition Team’

>>>/qresearch/11659927 Oregon Governor Will Put You in Jail For Violating Her Coronavirus 'Freeze'

>>>/qresearch/11659936 The Dominion software story keeps getting worse

>>>/qresearch/11659941, >>>/qresearch/11660000 Barack Obama speaks out on politics, life in the White House, and Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/11659950, >>>/qresearch/11660031, >>>/qresearch/11660122 TWO TYPES OF CRIME - CRIMINAL LAW AND CIVIL LAW?

>>>/qresearch/11659977, >>>/qresearch/11659999 Watch POTUS. Watch his team. Compare with drops. We got this

>>>/qresearch/11660003, >>>/qresearch/11660045, >>>/qresearch/11660061, >>>/qresearch/11660087 (pb), (pb), (pb), (pb) Moar Spark Global Philanthropy Foundation diggs

>>>/qresearch/11660011 Parler Says Previously Secret Backer Is Conservative Billionaire Rebekah Mercer

>>>/qresearch/11660023 Warnock slams Schumer's focus on control of Senate in Georgia runoff election

>>>/qresearch/11660048 Candace Owens slams intelligence agencies over allowing domestic terror to run rampant

>>>/qresearch/11660094, >>>/qresearch/11660100, >>>/qresearch/11660278, >>>/qresearch/11660280, >>>/qresearch/11660309 Release the KRAKEN

>>>/qresearch/11660114, >>>/qresearch/11660215 Spark Foundation has Stanford based course on philanthropy and course material provided by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors and the Rockefeller Foundation

>>>/qresearch/11660144, >>>/qresearch/11660166, >>>/qresearch/11660237 #14882, #14883, #14884

>>>/qresearch/11660160 The Treehouse is Deplatformed…

>>>/qresearch/11660170, >>>/qresearch/11660176, >>>/qresearch/11660556 #14885, #14886, #14887

>>>/qresearch/11660191 WATCH: Good Samaritan Uses Martial Art To Stop Baby Snatching at NYC Park

>>>/qresearch/11660222 Department of Defense, Midnight Riders?

>>>/qresearch/11660252 Interdasting….If Kamala Harris is so cocksure about this Election outcome, why hasn’t she resigned from the Senate?

>>>/qresearch/11660290 Dominion submitted a bid to The City of Philadelphia to be considered for use in elections. Although the bid was given to ES&S, there is something quite curious about its application: It's REDACTED.

>>>/qresearch/11660306 The Obama Administration hired Scytl the BARCELONA-BASED company that counted our votes!

>>>/qresearch/11660332, >>>/qresearch/11660372 WHAT THE HELL? Report Claims Durham Is Dropping Investigation Into Spygate

>>>/qresearch/11660377 FINALE FLOURISH

>>>/qresearch/11660396 Shit Kemp and AG signed an agreement with Stacy Abrams, kemp is going down so is the AG and I hope whale thing

>>>/qresearch/11660397 If the GOP doesn't quit its Trump addiction it'll suck the life out of American democracy

>>>/qresearch/11660410, >>>/qresearch/11660451 NEW: Catherine Herridge

>>>/qresearch/11660434 New Zealand

(32 notables, 52 posts, 50 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:50 a.m. No.35923   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11660578 Q Research General #14888: Let the Spice Flow Sunday Session Edition

Created 152339ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11660645, >>>/qresearch/11660651, >>>/qresearch/11660652, >>>/qresearch/11660694, >>>/qresearch/11660710, >>>/qresearch/11660713, >>>/qresearch/11660725, >>>/qresearch/11660985, >>>/qresearch/11661041 SIDNEY IS DEFINITELY AN ANON, The #FLYNN family & legal team appreciate the support in all forms we have received from countless #Patriots everywhere. The short phrase recited at the end represents the sentiments expressed by John Donne in For Whom The Bell Tolds. Those who would make it into a "conspiracy

>>>/qresearch/11660654 USNI News updates current locations every Monday. (this is what they want us/world to see)

>>>/qresearch/11660662, >>>/qresearch/11660770 UNLEASH THE KRAKEN!!!

>>>/qresearch/11660668 "INSANE! Dominion Voting Systems subsidiary, Smartmatic USA Board Chairman, is Vice Admiral Peter Neffenger (Ret). Neffenger currently sits on Joe Biden's transition team! This is blowing wide-open."

>>>/qresearch/11660673 DESIGNED TO RIG ELECTIONS’: Sidney Powell tells Bartiromo that Trump Team’s evidence will ‘OVERTURN’ multiple states

>>>/qresearch/11660681 Dog falls 70 feet? Spacex Rocket 70 meters tall? False flag averted?

>>>/qresearch/11660703 "Trump confidant tells LifeSite: the president has all the proof needed to show massive fraud, vote switching"

>>>/qresearch/11660729 Eric Coomer, that owns a patent for Dominion software…is a piece of work!

>>>/qresearch/11660738 CM Parler has many issues and i will never make a parler account under any situation

>>>/qresearch/11660739 John Durham Dropping His Investigations into Spygate, “Worried About Blowback From Joe Biden



>>>/qresearch/11660776 MOAB Sidney Powell Drops a BOMB - Gina Haspel Should be Fired Immediately!

>>>/qresearch/11660817 "Prof hacks voter machine in 7 minutes"


>>>/qresearch/11660822 DJT SCAVINO RETWEET


>>>/qresearch/11660834 MAX Q

>>>/qresearch/11660848 Wisconsin: Lawsuit Filed To Remove Nearly 800,000 Ballots Due To Illegal Votes

>>>/qresearch/11660883 Reposting for NightShift - enjoy

>>>/qresearch/11660886 GEORGIA. One week before the election. PBS (Public Broadcasting Systems) does a deep dive on Georgia's use of Dominion Voting Systems machines. What they found was troubling


>>>/qresearch/11660899 This video also touches on an incident that occurred near Epstein's island in 1998 that was connected to President Bill Clinton


>>>/qresearch/11660919 SkunkBayWeather cam



>>>/qresearch/11660922, >>>/qresearch/11660939 T-17 minutes until launch

>>>/qresearch/11660935 It Begins: Conservative Treehouse “Deplatformed” from WordPress

>>>/qresearch/11660947 Ilhan Omar: Biden Won Because the Republican Party ‘Allowed for Chaos to Reign for Four Years’

>>>/qresearch/11660957 Milwaukee Health Department Shuts Down ‘Count the Vote’ Rally

>>>/qresearch/11660974 PLANE FAG

>>>/qresearch/11660977 Adam Schiff: Trump Is Interfering with ‘Peaceful Transfer of Power’

>>>/qresearch/11660984 ‘Dreamer’ protections to be reinstated by Joe Biden on day one: Incoming Chief of Staff Ron Klain

>>>/qresearch/11661030 FBI Docs: Jeffrey Epstein Had 'Protection' From Deep State, Courts & Political Officials

>>>/qresearch/11661049 The Kraken HRC DAY + NIGHT

>>>/qresearch/11661052 Dominion definition

>>>/qresearch/11661056 A recount in NH for a county legislative seat, gave the Dem an additional 380 votes and the GOPer and added 1,600 votes.

>>>/qresearch/11661071 Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell: ‘We’re Getting Ready to Overturn Election Results in Multiple States’

>>>/qresearch/11661074 NBC: Gates-Funded Leftist Group Replaced Veteran Poll Workers with High School Students Before Election

>>>/qresearch/11661080 COUNTDOWN

>>>/qresearch/11661093 Mike Pence Cape Canaveral We Are Go For Launch! Godspeed

>>>/qresearch/11661098 Who was the 17th Director of the NSA

>>>/qresearch/11661105 POTUS, tweeted map killed by twitter WON OVER 333

>>>/qresearch/11661115 It looks like MKUltra is in full effect: Video evidence

>>>/qresearch/11661154 Dominion Whistleblower Melissa Carone Full Interview [34:32]

>>>/qresearch/11661187 Barr interview gets tense when pressed on mail-in voting

(42 notables, 52 posts, 57 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:50 a.m. No.35924   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11661328 Q Research General #14889: SIDNEY Gift's JFK's BELL to FLYNN Edition

Created 160042ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11661395, >>>/qresearch/11661430 DJT A great launch! NASA was a closed up disaster when we took over. Now it is again the “hottest”, most advanced, space center in the world, by far!

>>>/qresearch/11661410 Spaceship launch went well until someone said "we see the alert" then a min later video feed cut?

>>>/qresearch/11661416 PA election results

>>>/qresearch/11661423, >>>/qresearch/11661438, >>>/qresearch/11661487 CALL FOR DIGZ Omid Kordestani, who helps finance SCYTL, via Balderton Capital is on the Board of Directors for TWITTER

>>>/qresearch/11661425, >>>/qresearch/11661653 NCSWIC - veiled threats via MSM comms against WE THE PEOPLE.

>>>/qresearch/11661428 Chelsea Clinton Claims "There are Trump supporters outside my parents’ house shouting through megaphones “Lock Her Up," for keks

>>>/qresearch/11661432 Sudden Default By AAA-Rated Chinese State-Owned Coal Miner Sends Shockwaves Across Markets

>>>/qresearch/11661459 LOCKDOWN: Michigan Gov. Issues 3-Week “Epidemic Order”

>>>/qresearch/11661470 Johnny Carson interviewed by Mike Wallace why he doesn’t take on serious issues on his show, we’re entertainers, I don’t think we should do it

>>>/qresearch/11661476 Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell Admits The Truth: “We’re Not Going Back To The Same Economy (fear porn)

>>>/qresearch/11661490 Anons should hear what Louie Gohmert says about the SCYTL servers

>>>/qresearch/11661503 Philanthropy is the cover for the cabal mass murderers controlling education and governments through foundations and non-profit organizations

>>>/qresearch/11661549 Trump’s planned TV network would take broadcasting to new depths. Here’s an idea of the horrors it might have in store…

>>>/qresearch/11661554, >>>/qresearch/11661827 Guest on this show penetrated ANTIFA conference calls. Listen till you hear part where he hears Eric from Dominion Software say, "Don't worry, Trump's not gonna win. I made sure of that

>>>/qresearch/11661557 Listen to the ending!

VIDEO - President Donald J Trump ultimate inspirational tr [Channel: MateyProductions]

>>>/qresearch/11661576 James Woods Twitter Dog Comms


>>>/qresearch/11661587 What's with all the Parler hate?

>>>/qresearch/11661594 PNC Financial in talks to buy BBVA's U.S. arm for over $10 bln

>>>/qresearch/11661608 Smartmatic - The Election Story That's Not A Story?

>>>/qresearch/11661613, >>>/qresearch/11661660 ZERO Tin Eye Matches

>>>/qresearch/11661626 Operation Le Gend Could also be mirror 3.11= CK on Military Grid Map….Eureka, CA?

>>>/qresearch/11661641 Kayleigh McEnany is on Levin link

>>>/qresearch/11661643 This Is The Most Corrupt Election In American History

>>>/qresearch/11661665 Belarus: 'Over 1,000 arrested' at latest anti-government protest

>>>/qresearch/11661701 The Big Hack: How China Used a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate U.S. Companies

>>>/qresearch/11661708 Parler & Mer, Mecer is the daughter of Robert Mercer, a hedge fund manager and the co-founder of the now-defunct political data-analysis firm Cambridge Analytica

>>>/qresearch/11661709, >>>/qresearch/11661727 Dan Scavino

>>>/qresearch/11661724 Even Win-10 is going full Bolshevik

>>>/qresearch/11661736 CM If it's digital, it CAN and WILL BE hacked or used against you in some way

>>>/qresearch/11661791 Stacey Abrams: ‘More Than 600,000’ Georgians Already Requested Mail Ballots for Runoff Election

>>>/qresearch/11661812 Trump has won the election. It's only a matter of time before everyone accepts that. Be patient and PRAY!

>>>/qresearch/11661837 Silencing discussion? UK Labor Party demands online crackdown on ‘anti-vax disinformation’ ahead of Covid-19 vaccine rollout

>>>/qresearch/11661857 Strong 6.1-magnitude earthquake registered in Mindanao, Philippines

>>>/qresearch/11661864 Top al-Qaeda member reportedly killed in Iran by Israel at US request. | Just The News

>>>/qresearch/11661890 Trump has extended the National Emergency specifically in regards to "Weapons of Mass Destruction."

>>>/qresearch/11661915 Boris May Scrap Blair’s Supreme Court Following Brexit Controversies

>>>/qresearch/11661950 PF

>>>/qresearch/11662054 #14889

(38 notables, 45 posts, 56 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:51 a.m. No.35925   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11662087 Q Research General #14890: SIDNEY for all the bell TOLD Edition

Created 160144ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11662153, >>>/qresearch/11662322, >>>/qresearch/11662346 DJT, Why does the Fake News Media continuously assume that Joe Biden will ascend to the Presidency

>>>/qresearch/11662155 Technical glitch halts ASX trading - Australian Stock Exchange

>>>/qresearch/11662156, >>>/qresearch/11662294 POTUS The World is watching

>>>/qresearch/11662157, >>>/qresearch/11662227 How a Philly mob boss stole the election — and why he may flip on Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11662169 Participants of Libyan Political Dialogue Agree to Continue Talks in One Week

>>>/qresearch/11662174 If you want to stop this: go to C: WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownloads

>>>/qresearch/11662178, >>>/qresearch/11662209, >>>/qresearch/11662356, >>>/qresearch/11662628 Alleged Clinton Protest underway




>>>/qresearch/11662182, >>>/qresearch/11662208 Judge rules California Gov. Newsom violated Constitution with executive order on election

>>>/qresearch/11662195 China's financial system is experiencing some major glitches, $900 Billion Liquidity Shortage

>>>/qresearch/11662225 POTUS Schedule for MONDAY, November 16, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11662234 Here Are The Companies That Will Benefit The Most From A Covid Vaccine

>>>/qresearch/11662239 POTUS Radical left owned Dominion Voting Systems

>>>/qresearch/11662250, >>>/qresearch/11662524 CM My gab account has now been properly setup as a backup to this twitter account

>>>/qresearch/11662268 UK’s Johnson self-isolating after contact with virus carrier

>>>/qresearch/11662299 DOJAnon on Half for keks

>>>/qresearch/11662310, >>>/qresearch/11662351 “The great reset” Straight from the deep states own puppet Trudeau (Vid CAP)


>>>/qresearch/11662316 PF

>>>/qresearch/11662325 Biden brings up his brain aneurysm days after bloody eye incident (2019)

>>>/qresearch/11662331 Q DROP…BARCELONA & 'THE WORLD IS WATCHING'

>>>/qresearch/11662364 Anon Opinion

>>>/qresearch/11662371 99% Patriots

>>>/qresearch/11662427 Us Republican lawmaker Louie Gohmert says the US Army has seized DOMINION Voting's servers in Germany. It is said that us election polling data was sent to Frankfurt, Germany and Barcelona, Spain.

>>>/qresearch/11662447, >>>/qresearch/11662572 Barcelona SCYTL headquarters is in BARCELON

>>>/qresearch/11662470 Laser-Guided Lightning May Help Prevent Wildfires

>>>/qresearch/11662489 Trudeau Has Joined the Conspiracy Theorists

>>>/qresearch/11662501 CM “The concerns about possible ties between the owners of Smartmatic and the Chávez government have been well known to United States foreign-policy officials since before the 2004 recall election…” -NYTIMES (Oct 29, 2006)"

>>>/qresearch/11662523 China, 70,000 spectators gathered for the football championship playoff final. None with mask

>>>/qresearch/11662538 Sealed indictments updated 210,526

>>>/qresearch/11662568 The guy that revealed the Coomer call with Antifa was deplatformed

>>>/qresearch/11662620, >>>/qresearch/11662679 Video of michelle milking interviewing Oltmann, exposing COOMER archive offline will be purged

>>>/qresearch/11662648 2015 interview with Smartmatic Chairman Lord Mark Malloch-Brown.

>>>/qresearch/11662699 Kraken is an American cryptocurrency trading platform founded in 2011

>>>/qresearch/11662701 PBOC injects 800 bln yuan of medium-term loans, rate unchanged for 7th month

>>>/qresearch/11662739 Full text of Epoch Times article: Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell: ‘We’re Getting Ready to Overturn Election Results in Multiple States’

>>>/qresearch/11662771 Michigan House Member Files to Impeach Governor Gretchen Whitmer

>>>/qresearch/11662838 #14890

>>>/qresearch/11662878 (lb) World is watching

(37 notables, 49 posts, 53 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:51 a.m. No.35926   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11662855 Q Research General #14891: BAR-CEL-ONA The World is Watching Edition

Created 160247ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11662927 New Garrison Release the Kraken

>>>/qresearch/11662958 Multiple Reversals and Proportional Vote Entries In Virginia on Election Night after 11 PM Indicate Election Fraud Occurred in This State Too

>>>/qresearch/11662976 Mike Pence NASA tweet

>>>/qresearch/11662980, >>>/qresearch/11662992, >>>/qresearch/11662995 Mike Pompeo “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

>>>/qresearch/11662981 (lb) World is watching

>>>/qresearch/11662993, >>>/qresearch/11663457 PF QUAKE63 USAF DC-10 Extender en from Hickam AFB, Oahu a week from today

>>>/qresearch/11663021 CM Wow that is a great technique. Probably that information should be archived for posterity before there is any chance of it getting memory holed.

>>>/qresearch/11663028 SafeNet

>>>/qresearch/11663040 (2015) British voting expert Lord Mark Malloch-Brown comes to America this week for a hard sell on Internet-based balloting

>>>/qresearch/11663053 This might be big guys. Really Big. Picked this up from a couple breads ago. DOMINION

>>>/qresearch/11663065 Dominion voting & the Clinton Foundation via the Delian project

>>>/qresearch/11663087 Oregon Forces Thousands To Pay Back Unemployment Checks Due To State Errors

>>>/qresearch/11663090 CM Searching twitter history and you can find many references going back to as early as 2009 about deals between Dominion, Smartmatic, Comelec and even Diebold. See it now before its scrubbed..

>>>/qresearch/11663096 Obama's salty tears I’m Not Yet Ready to Abandon the Possibility of America

>>>/qresearch/11663114 "The only way this stops is if people rise up. You get what you accept.

>>>/qresearch/11663141 CodeMonkyZ clip: Smartatic Chairman on tape admitted use Dominion technology


>>>/qresearch/11663146 Milwaukee Election Head Admits Leaving Behind Key Election Flash Drive

>>>/qresearch/11663182 Capitalization is exact match for Q Barcelona post

>>>/qresearch/11663189 Speaker Update, Jessy Powell, cofounder and CEO of Kraken Exchange

>>>/qresearch/11663196 Thread on real hospitalization rates at link

>>>/qresearch/11663197 Smartmatic denies being favored by COMELEC

>>>/qresearch/11663200 Walmart nearly exits Japan after selling majority stake in Seiyu

>>>/qresearch/11663218, >>>/qresearch/11663371, >>>/qresearch/11663394 Here is an M or W, a V carved into the usb stick. Michigan or Wisconsin, Vermont?

>>>/qresearch/11663281 PANIC MODE John Bolton: Time is running out for Trump — and Republicans who coddle him

>>>/qresearch/11663283 #14890

>>>/qresearch/11663300 Dominion purchased Sequoia in 2010 and claimed they didn’t know Smartmatic owned the IP

>>>/qresearch/11663322 Pelosi’s House Majority Just Shrunk to Levels So Low, She’s Gonna Need A Lot of Cocktails to Get Through

>>>/qresearch/11663329 Pompeo warns governors at their own convention

VIDEO - Pompeo warns about China friendly Governors [Channel: Red Pill Pusher]

>>>/qresearch/11663340 Silent running POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11663342 Paul Sperry SOCIALISTS AMASSING AT THE GATE

>>>/qresearch/11663391, >>>/qresearch/11663529 Smartmatic welcomes Microsoft’s newest election solution

>>>/qresearch/11663402, >>>/qresearch/11663410 CM SMARTMATIC OWNER (via holding company) admits to licensing technology from Dominion in 2015 television interview.

>>>/qresearch/11663441 World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

>>>/qresearch/11663447 Bellwether Counties Went Overwhelmingly for Trump in 2020


>>>/qresearch/11663476 AT DAWN WE RIDE

>>>/qresearch/11663497 Max Q

>>>/qresearch/11663569 Dominion Voting Systems Shares Floor Space With Soros Group, Partnered With Soros' Friend

(38 notables, 45 posts, 62 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:52 a.m. No.35927   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11663589 Q Research General #14892: Files to Impeach Governor Gretchen Whitmer Edition

Created 160355ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11663683 Patriot Anons Well Dang FIRE & FURY Anon decode

>>>/qresearch/11663694, >>>/qresearch/11663710, >>>/qresearch/11663732, >>>/qresearch/11663736, >>>/qresearch/11663760, >>>/qresearch/11663763, >>>/qresearch/11663802, >>>/qresearch/11663936 UNCLOS

>>>/qresearch/11663696, >>>/qresearch/11663721, >>>/qresearch/11663970 Atlantic Council, A Prominent DC-Based Think Tank, Wooed Russian Bankers, Emails Show

>>>/qresearch/11663728, >>>/qresearch/11663737 Coincidence launch today?

>>>/qresearch/11663729 Delhi protests as Beijing tries to turn South China Sea Code of Conduct into a barrier to keep US, India, others away from dispute

>>>/qresearch/11663755, >>>/qresearch/11663858 Australian Government bought land for three times its value for light rail project

VIDEO - True Detective: High Speed Rail Plot [Channel: Hillel Aron]

>>>/qresearch/11663769 Australian News: Federal Government settles $1.2b Robodebt class action over unlawful debt scheme

>>>/qresearch/11663798, >>>/qresearch/11663809 Video evidence of CNN comms re vote reversing


>>>/qresearch/11663811, >>>/qresearch/11663907, >>>/qresearch/11663926 Theory: Kraken is Dutch hacker Rop Gonggri of "Kraken en Computers" fame (1985)

>>>/qresearch/11663835 Today, China Deploys new Destroyers, to Destroy US W4rships in the South China Sea

>>>/qresearch/11663842 Vault & :CIA hacking tools, Kraken home

>>>/qresearch/11663850 America’s Awesome Pacific Division kicks off platoon exchange with Excellent Indonesian Army…

>>>/qresearch/11663857 Philipines TV interview 2015, Mark Malloch-Brown admits license agreement bet. Smartmatic & Dominion

>>>/qresearch/11663890 India stresses on respecting territorial integrity at virtual East Asia Summit, South China sea

>>>/qresearch/11663898 Trump Accountability Project Blacklist for Trump Administration Workers Folds

>>>/qresearch/11663899 @jonswaine. Did you actually read the entire amended complaint before running with your fake news anti-Trump headline?

>>>/qresearch/11663911 When Three Branches Become One

>>>/qresearch/11663943, >>>/qresearch/11663952, >>>/qresearch/11663993 October 22, 2012: Election software company Scytl on the run from the Free Press, from one fake address to the next

>>>/qresearch/11663946, >>>/qresearch/11664002 Ezra Cohen-Watnick

>>>/qresearch/11663953, >>>/qresearch/11663987, >>>/qresearch/11664006, >>>/qresearch/11664024, >>>/qresearch/11664063, >>>/qresearch/11664072, >>>/qresearch/11664118 Did anyone ever figure out dead cat bounce?Extreme efforts to kill login devices. Extreme efforts to censor. Extreme efforts. Dead cat bounce.

>>>/qresearch/11663954, >>>/qresearch/11663961 DOD TWAT FROM THIS MORNING

>>>/qresearch/11663982 Has anyone mentioned the background in this interview? Also fox business hasn’t updated their YouTube channel in two days?

>>>/qresearch/11664009 Michigan governor announces new COVID restrictions

>>>/qresearch/11664013 Milwaukee Election Head Admits Leaving Behind Key Election Flash Drive

>>>/qresearch/11664043 Andy Ngo BLM activist & registered child sex offender Kenneth Wayne DeBerry, 39, of DC, was arrested for allegedly assaulting people

>>>/qresearch/11664053 Looks like Scytl was framed in the Barcelona Q pic

>>>/qresearch/11664062 Human leather company UK

>>>/qresearch/11664096 (pb), (pb), (pb), (pb) Moar Spark Global Philanthropy Foundation diggs

>>>/qresearch/11664147 Acting Secretary Chad Wolf

>>>/qresearch/11664151 Nautical Law: What is UNCLOS?

>>>/qresearch/11664170 Hart Intercivic Was Aquired From Hig Capital By Enlightenment Capital, Whose Founder And Management Partner Devin Talbott Donated To Biden, The Lincoln Project, Hillary And Many Other Dems

>>>/qresearch/11664189 Half Chan is also pumped with excitement

>>>/qresearch/11664224 Petition demands deeper testing of new Georgia voting system

>>>/qresearch/11664265 John Poulos is on the Board of Toronto's Hellenic Heritage Foundation charity

>>>/qresearch/11664299, >>>/qresearch/11664308, >>>/qresearch/11664326 POTUS I WON THE ELECTION!

>>>/qresearch/11664355 #14892

(36 notables, 62 posts, 73 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:52 a.m. No.35928   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11665158 Q Research General #14894: TRUMP WON THE ELECTION Edition

Created 160652ZNOV20



>>>/qresearch/11665287, >>>/qresearch/11665338 Habbenings in NYC: God pissed


>>>/qresearch/11665310, >>>/qresearch/11665312, >>>/qresearch/11665315, >>>/qresearch/11665316, >>>/qresearch/11665320 Resignations in the news 11/9/2020 thru 11/15/2020

>>>/qresearch/11665345 March 11, 2020: DOJ International Crisis Group Report: Imagining a Resolution of Venezuela’s Crisis

>>>/qresearch/11665364 Halfchan: Here's a great dig board for those interested. It has all of the Dominion workers across country on LinkedIn

>>>/qresearch/11665408 Is Q team using Bible "Code/Comms" in certain Drops?

>>>/qresearch/11665442 The UK attempted (again) to interfer in US elections

>>>/qresearch/11665444 U.S. Air Force: ONE TEAM, ONE FIGHT

>>>/qresearch/11665446 Trudeau on building back better and the pandemic reset


>>>/qresearch/11665519 Lets reveal that the Commonwealth of #Virginia is indeed a Red State. (Gateway Pundit)

>>>/qresearch/11665586 Vatican control of World Health Organization population policy

VIDEO - Vatican control of World Health Organization popul [Channel: LolaHeavey]

>>>/qresearch/11665606, >>>/qresearch/11665694 Vancouver/Clark county had a 102% voter registration rate.

>>>/qresearch/11665625 Dominion voting machines is on the CLINTON FOUNDATION webpage (DELIAN Project)

>>>/qresearch/11665675 Pompeo Begins 7-Nation Tour Amid Global Lockdowns and Trump Election Battle

>>>/qresearch/11665683 Crashes down nationally, fatalities linked to more substance use

>>>/qresearch/11665687, >>>/qresearch/11665723 Why Boris Johnson quarantining if he already had it? Is he trying to duck a storm?


>>>/qresearch/11665707 Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!' With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

VIDEO - 'Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security [Channel: RonPaulLibertyReport]

>>>/qresearch/11665735 "Kraken Military": 'Kraken' provides needed intelligence, force protection at NIE

>>>/qresearch/11665737, >>>/qresearch/11665746 GEMS comes from GES (Global Election Systems) & is the product of felon Jeffrey Dean


>>>/qresearch/11665819 In its lawsuit against Colorado Judicial Watch argues…

>>>/qresearch/11665895, >>>/qresearch/11665911 For any anons doing digging on Smartmatic, there is some really good historical evidence here

>>>/qresearch/11665903 1 Year Delta Drop #3599

>>>/qresearch/11665905 1 Year Delta Drop #3600

>>>/qresearch/11665907 1 Year Delta Drop #3601

>>>/qresearch/11665908 1 Year Delta Drop #3602

>>>/qresearch/11665940, >>>/qresearch/11665954 Kraken was a Cray XT5 supercomputer that entered into full production mode on February 2, 2009

>>>/qresearch/11665960, >>>/qresearch/11665966 Smartmatic/Dominion's problems have been a scandal for years around the world. Example: the Philippines. (Mark Malloch-Brown)

>>>/qresearch/11666032 #14894

(29 notables, 41 posts, 36 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:52 a.m. No.35929   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11664364 Q Research General #14893: UNCLOS and DEAD CAT BOUNCE Edition

Created 160513ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11664465 We should try Denmark's Cure for Pandemic - good ole pots & pans

>>>/qresearch/11664472 GAME THEORY… "If you look you can see." - Q

>>>/qresearch/11664483 Are they panicking so bad that they're lying again?

>>>/qresearch/11664538 How the intelligence community controls your vote. -by Gerry Bello


>>>/qresearch/11664577, >>>/qresearch/11664578 Is Twitter utilizing Joseph Goebbels? (anon hive-mind activated)

>>>/qresearch/11664611, >>>/qresearch/11664647, >>>/qresearch/11664675, >>>/qresearch/11664705, >>>/qresearch/11664713, >>>/qresearch/11664717, >>>/qresearch/11664729, >>>/qresearch/11664739, >>>/qresearch/11664753 Re: Executive Order on Election Interference

VIDEO - Leigh Dundas Explains Trumps 2018 Executive Order [Channel: Nimalo Tron]

>>>/qresearch/11664630 The Real-Life Mob Families of ‘The Irishman’? Donald Trump Knew Them

>>>/qresearch/11664642 Syria’s Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem, a career diplomat who served as ambassador to Washington and President Bashar Assad's close confidant, known for his loyalty and hard-line position against the opposition, has died at the age of 79.

>>>/qresearch/11664667 CodeMonkey on OAN

>>>/qresearch/11664707 Vote counting company tied to Romney

>>>/qresearch/11664772 New Scavino on Insta: Is that a certain CHAN on Dans phone?

>>>/qresearch/11664775 Smartmatic explains wrong PPCRV count

>>>/qresearch/11664786 Congressman makes an official statement THERE IS NO PRESIDENT ELECT AS OF NOW!

>>>/qresearch/11664803 Obama TSA admin Neffenger (Harvard grad) who is connected to Biden Transition and was rtd Admiral of Coast Guard… and financial exec for Smartmatic company

>>>/qresearch/11664850, >>>/qresearch/11665010 Michigan Dominion Voter Fraud Witness Melissa Carone -Whistleblower

>>>/qresearch/11664870 How a Philly mob boss stole the election — and why he may flip on Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11664891 What Is John Brennan So Worried About?

>>>/qresearch/11664906 Potential election interference in Canadian provincial elections? Oh yes, with Dominion

>>>/qresearch/11664970 Enlightenment Capital

>>>/qresearch/11665151 #14893

(20 notables, 30 posts, 23 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:53 a.m. No.35930   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11666033 Q Research General #14895: There Is NO President

Created 160938ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11666054, >>>/qresearch/11666854, >>>/qresearch/11666860 #14894, #14895 2/2, #14895 1/2

>>>/qresearch/11666124, >>>/qresearch/11666175 Bill Gates Hired BLM ‘Students’ to Count Ballots in Battleground States

>>>/qresearch/11666156 Reliance Industries Ltd. to Invest $50 Million in Bill Gates & Grorge Soros Owned Breakthrough Energy Ventures

>>>/qresearch/11666192 BREAKING: Michigan House Member Files to Impeach Governor Gretchen Whitmer

>>>/qresearch/11666198 YET AGAIN: Univision Hides Antifa Violence Against Trump Supporters

>>>/qresearch/11666202 Claiming 'Staggering Evidence of Election Fraud,' Trump Attorney Sidney Powell Says She'll Soon 'Release the Kraken' On 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/11666214 CNN's Jake Tapper: 'Christmas is probably not gonna be possible' this year

>>>/qresearch/11666221 If You Haven’t Quit Watching FOX News Yet… Watch this Clip of Leland Vittert laughing at a Trump Spokeswoman and You Will — VIDEO

>>>/qresearch/11666231 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Multiple Reversals and Proportional Vote Entries In Virginia on Election Night after 11 PM Indicate Election Fraud Occurred in This State Too

>>>/qresearch/11666233 “It’s Massive, Criminal Voter Fraud! – It’s Going to Blow the Mind of Everyone In This Country!” – Sidney Powell on Dominion Systems (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11666240 Biden Would Be the Weakest President Ever

>>>/qresearch/11666253 Starr on Trump legal challenges: 'Allow this litigation to run its course'

>>>/qresearch/11666262 The New World Order That President Biden Will Inherit

>>>/qresearch/11666265 Trump to go down in history for what he did for GOP; on par with Lincoln and Reagan

>>>/qresearch/11666273 From Phone Banking to Fundraising, Hollywood Celebs Go All in to Flip Georgia Senate Seats

>>>/qresearch/11666284 Lefties attack MAGA marchers in DC — and the media shrug

>>>/qresearch/11666292 Stacey Abrams: ‘More Than 600,000’ Georgians Already Requested Mail Ballots for Runoff Election

>>>/qresearch/11666297 India to get more eyes to monitor Chinese presence in IOR & SCS: Navy to get P8i Aircraft

>>>/qresearch/11666302 MSNBC reporter does hilarious serious live shot at MAGA March: ‘They’re following us and chasing us!’

>>>/qresearch/11666308 Trump To Enact Series Of ‘Hardline’ Policies Going After Communist China In Final Weeks Of Administration: Report

>>>/qresearch/11666311 Chinese drone flying app includes 9-dash line, angering Vietnamese

>>>/qresearch/11666315 Obama Compares Trump to Dictator — ‘There Has Been a Sense’ He Would ‘Do Anything to Stay in Power’

>>>/qresearch/11666320 60 Minutes’ Scarily Ignorant Interview of Barack Obama

>>>/qresearch/11666326 12th South China Sea International Conference opens

>>>/qresearch/11666327 Trumpism won, despite election results: Devine

>>>/qresearch/11666334 COVID-19 is distracting us from another medical emergency (muhMeasles)

>>>/qresearch/11666339, >>>/qresearch/11666370 Meet the classified artificial brain being developed by US intelligence programs

>>>/qresearch/11666343 ‘LOCK HER UP’: Trump Supporters Rally Outside Hillary Clinton’s Home After News That Biden is Considering Her for Ambassador to the UN (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11666347 Russia Could Cooperate With China In The Naval Field To Achieve Parity With The West – Part 1

>>>/qresearch/11666351, >>>/qresearch/11666356 Vegas Oddsmaker Says, “The Fix Was In, Trump Was Robbed, This Election Was Stolen”

>>>/qresearch/11666352 Biden claims Antifa isn’t real. Democratic presidential hopeful claims domestic terror group is just ‘an idea, not an organization’

>>>/qresearch/11666359 Biden Taps Reparations Advocate for Treasury Transition

>>>/qresearch/11666360 Why China and a Bloc of Nations Led by Vietnam Just Met but Ignored Asia’s Biggest Maritime Dispute

>>>/qresearch/11666373 China’s ballistic missiles and uncertainty at sea

>>>/qresearch/11666382 Macron to walk diplomatic tightrope while hosting Trump ally Pompeo

>>>/qresearch/11666383 CNN's Cabrera and Leftist Professor Push Insane Conspiracy

>>>/qresearch/11666391 Bahrain FM Heads to Israel to Meet Netanyahu, Pompeo

>>>/qresearch/11666394 Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell: "We're Getting Ready To Overturn Election Results In Multiple States"

>>>/qresearch/11666413 COVID-19 may have been in Italy as early as September 2019: study

>>>/qresearch/11666414 When Does A "Glitch" Become A Coup?

>>>/qresearch/11666449 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

>>>/qresearch/11666463 Scavino Jr. Insta -A template for many new memes (also Andrew Jackson in bkrnd)

>>>/qresearch/11666464 Obama on ‘60 Minutes’ tells Trump to ‘put country first’ and concede election

>>>/qresearch/11666480 Judges appear increasingly frustrated with Trump's legal claims about 2020 election

>>>/qresearch/11666504 Trump Campaign Abandons Parts Of Election Lawsuit Filed In Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11666507 Massive damage control from Smartmatic. They have removed low-level management from their website as well as Soros connected Chairman of Smartmatic Lord Mark Malloch-Brown

>>>/qresearch/11666531 Trump falsely claims he won the election; Twitter flags the tweet

>>>/qresearch/11666538, >>>/qresearch/11666548, >>>/qresearch/11666552 Scavino tweets Kipling honoring President Trump on the alleged real anniversary of GHWB's death.

>>>/qresearch/11666539 Demand on Biden: Hispanic group insists on Latino quota in his Cabinet

>>>/qresearch/11666555 Peru’s interim president resigns after five days, amid violent protests

>>>/qresearch/11666561 Trump obliterates Biden in Ohio and Indiana. Trump even flips counties throughout the rust belt that typically vote for Democrats.

>>>/qresearch/11666566 Trump and the Republicans are trying to dismantle our decisive victory with baseless lawsuits. (reality closing in on Biden campaign)

>>>/qresearch/11666581 Philipines television interview 2015, Mark Malloch-Brown admits license agreement between Smartmatic and Dominion. (huh, I have seen that video somewhere else recently…)

>>>/qresearch/11666593 Japan's foreign minister says Tokyo looks to deepen US ties (with muhBiden)

>>>/qresearch/11666601 Three voters in Wisconsin have joined in filing a federal lawsuit that seeks to exclude November 3, 2020, election results in three of the state’s most populated counties

>>>/qresearch/11666604 The Morning Briefing: Emboldened by Biden, the Lockdown Fascists Return for Round 3

>>>/qresearch/11666606 Lord Mark Malloch-Brown's connections

>>>/qresearch/11666623 Iran says 'golden days will be back' with Biden presidency

>>>/qresearch/11666626 IG link to woman researching the new astrazenica vaccine ingredients.

>>>/qresearch/11666633 Report: Belgian nursing homes failed patients amid pandemic

>>>/qresearch/11666649 Police arrest DC man in firework attack after Million MAGA March

>>>/qresearch/11666676 Interesting read on the history of the "raised fist", also blm ties to marxism.

>>>/qresearch/11666685 Wait… Did Ron Watkins Just Rat His Dad Out as Q? (am going with -no-)

>>>/qresearch/11666686 The Queen Mother of the West: an imperial Chinese conspiracy theory to rival QAnon

>>>/qresearch/11666693 Parler right-wing social media platform attracts users after FB, Twitter tighten misinformation rules

>>>/qresearch/11666705 Add it all up. -Q

>>>/qresearch/11666706 takes down "Election Fraud Compilation" page

>>>/qresearch/11666735 ARMY TWATS DOG VID


>>>/qresearch/11666757 Donald Trump, the Loneliest Man on the Planet

>>>/qresearch/11666764 Byron Donalds, new Florida congressman, says Trump’s ‘swag’ netted him Black votes

>>>/qresearch/11666769 New Jack Flynn

>>>/qresearch/11666829 Kayleigh: Thanks to President @realDonaldTrump’s highly successful Operation Warp Speed, a second vaccine (Moderna) has shown high efficacy in Phase 3 clinical trial.

(72 notables, 79 posts, 85 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:53 a.m. No.35931   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11666870 Q Research General #14896: By The Don's Early Light Edition

Created 161258ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11666991, >>>/qresearch/11667301 new DJT: NO WAY!

>>>/qresearch/11667024 New DJT: Most fraudulent Election in history!

>>>/qresearch/11667030 The Court Jester Speaks Truth

>>>/qresearch/11667036 northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh: 6-Year-Old Girl's Mutilated Body Found With Several Organs Missing, Occult Link Being Investigated

>>>/qresearch/11667066, >>>/qresearch/11667087 NEW POTUS: Thank you Andrew!

>>>/qresearch/11667079 FBI conducts search at house of PUCO chairman Sam Randazzo

>>>/qresearch/11667090 New DJT: Dominion is running our Election. Rigged!

>>>/qresearch/11667091 Sean Davis eating his words:

>>>/qresearch/11667148 Dominion Voting site map. Some sections are secured with a username and password

>>>/qresearch/11667152 POTUS: I strongly stand with Kelly & David. They are both great and MUST WIN!

>>>/qresearch/11667192 takes down "Election Fraud Compilation" page: new one here

>>>/qresearch/11667199 Scytl site map: over 200 pages

>>>/qresearch/11667203, >>>/qresearch/11667242 Unraveling the Latest Deep State Coup: Pompous US CEO’s Hold Secret Meeting to Discuss Removing President Trump Because They Know Best

>>>/qresearch/11667263 these servers belong to the CIA, not Dominion or Sctyl.

>>>/qresearch/11667332, >>>/qresearch/11667333, >>>/qresearch/11667354, >>>/qresearch/11667366, >>>/qresearch/11667422 NEW DJT: I won the Election!

>>>/qresearch/11667397, >>>/qresearch/11667402 New DJT: Fake recount going on in Georgia means nothing

>>>/qresearch/11667410 DJT says Try watching @OANN. Really GREAT!

>>>/qresearch/11667469 Fact check: The document released on Nov 12th is NOT from the DHS.

>>>/qresearch/11667481 anon opines: How do you get all the conspirators and co conspirators for treason in front of a Military tribunal instead of a liberal court?

>>>/qresearch/11667485, >>>/qresearch/11667497 From sea to shining sea, we are America's Army


>>>/qresearch/11667503 Specifically, the examiner reports raise concerns about whether the Democracy Suite 5.5-A system is suitable for its intended purposes; operates efficiently and accurately; and is safe from fraudulent or unauthorized manipulation.

>>>/qresearch/11667536, >>>/qresearch/11667598 Smartmatic voting machines Neffenger named to Joe BIden's transition team

>>>/qresearch/11667545 CodeMonkey: Did you know that Dominion's voting software "Allows staff to adjust tally based on review of scanned ballot images"?

>>>/qresearch/11667565 DJT: Another Vaccine just announced. This time by Moderna, 95% effective.

(24 notables, 34 posts, 40 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:53 a.m. No.35932   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11668518 Q Research General #14898 E-bake Edition

Created 161619ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11668544 Eyes On/Alert: Fake Sydney Powell Account

>>>/qresearch/11668547 Google Sued For Data Costs After Android Phones Found Transferring "Unapproved, Undisclosed" Data

>>>/qresearch/11668578 Plaintiffs DISMISS Wisconsin lawsuit claiming election officials included illegal results in certain counties and seeking to to stop the certification of election results from these counties.

>>>/qresearch/11668633 As a reminder, Secretary Boockvar has a history of anti-Trump sentiment.

>>>/qresearch/11668661, >>>/qresearch/11668833, >>>/qresearch/11669203 PF

>>>/qresearch/11668744 Trump campaign rejects WashPost reporting about PA #votecount lawsuit

>>>/qresearch/11668906 CDC Lists 26,557 Heart Attacks as COVID Deaths, Lists 7,919 Accidents and Poisonings as COVID Deaths

>>>/qresearch/11668928 GSA Administrator Must Adhere to Constitution, Past Precedent in Determining President-Elect

>>>/qresearch/11668949 A former Boy Scout leader pleaded guilty to a life sentence Monday after to multiple counts of child molestation

>>>/qresearch/11668956 BBC Gets Owned By Trump Supporter — ‘Your Country’s Opinion Stopped Mattering in Our Country in 1776’

>>>/qresearch/11668989 Pompous US CEOs Hold Secret Meeting to Discuss Removing President Trump Because They Know Best

>>>/qresearch/11669004 My IT experts spoke with Ron Watkins last night.

>>>/qresearch/11669032 20,000 Votes Switched from Trump to Biden

>>>/qresearch/11669034 WALL update.

>>>/qresearch/11669041 @LLinWood "No offense but I disagree. God acts in part through His children. So stop waiting for others, get busy & take action.

>>>/qresearch/11669075 SEC Chairman Jay Clayton To Step Down At End Of 2020, Paving Way For Biden's Pick

>>>/qresearch/11669080 NORTHWEST SHUTDOWN: Washington State Gov Cracks Down on Restaurants, Churches, Grocery Stores

>>>/qresearch/11669090 Biden Hires Economic Team With Focus On Systemic Racism

>>>/qresearch/11669111 ‘You get what you accept’: Trump Covid adviser Atlas roasted for suggesting people should ‘rise up’ against Covid restrictions

>>>/qresearch/11669127 Top Goldman dealmaker Lemkau is leaving the bank at year-end, according to memo

>>>/qresearch/11669137, >>>/qresearch/11669215 First Europe, Then Japan, Now Australia Hit By Unprecedented Full-Day Trading Halt Due To "Software Glitch"

>>>/qresearch/11669195 Search results for NCSWIC + forced

(22 notables, 25 posts, 38 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:54 a.m. No.35933   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11667630 Q Research General #14897: if they KNOWINGLY take part in the fraud Edition

Created 161432ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11667850, >>>/qresearch/11667945 Old 2019, US Army buys $12m IBM supercomputer in a shipping container, will test for tactical edge deployments

>>>/qresearch/11667856 American Thinker: James Woods exposes dozens of local news shows reading from the same (Biden) script

>>>/qresearch/11667862 American Thinker: Sidney Powell gives details about the election fraud Kraken

>>>/qresearch/11667867 Tom Fitton: Breaking: @RealDonaldTrump attorney files 'motion to show cause' with federal court over harassing call from Kirkland & Ellis firm that represents PA Sec of State Boockvar.

>>>/qresearch/11667880, >>>/qresearch/11667958, >>>/qresearch/11668187 PF

>>>/qresearch/11667894, >>>/qresearch/11667918 FBI conducts search at house of PUCO chairman Sam Randazzo

>>>/qresearch/11667901 Trump Campaign Lawyer Says She’s Being Harassed for Her Work

>>>/qresearch/11667934 CM: In Maricopa County, 2017, did you know that "Dominion employees [were then] responsible for manual data configuration of the tabulating machine's results output - NOT ELECTIONS EMPLOYEES" ?

>>>/qresearch/11667954 Huge fire rages near the centre of Bradford

>>>/qresearch/11668072 Kissinger Warns Biden of U.S.-China Catastrophe on Scale of WWI

(10 notables, 14 posts, 20 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:54 a.m. No.35934   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11669333 Q Research General #14899 To the Victory and beyond! Edition

Created 161738ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11669376 #14898

>>>/qresearch/11669385 @CBPMarkMorgan 400 miles of national security. On to 450 miles!

>>>/qresearch/11669386 ‘Green revolution’: Boris Johnson set to announce plan to make UK world leader in renewable energy

>>>/qresearch/11669398 New York sheriff takes defiant stand against Gov. Cuomo's COVID restrictions impacting Thanksgiving

>>>/qresearch/11669411 Huck Finn, To Kill a Mockingbird, Other Classic Books BANNED in California Schools for “Racism”

>>>/qresearch/11669420 @MajorPatriot: BOOM "Smartmatic's fingerprints are all over this.WATCH CA (goRed)"

>>>/qresearch/11669422 Police Ignore BLM Attacks on Restaurant Patron, Staff in San Francisco Suburb

>>>/qresearch/11669426, >>>/qresearch/11669708 5G Wireless Communication and Health Effects


>>>/qresearch/11669430 China’s Huawei Looks for ‘Reset’ Boost Under Biden White House

>>>/qresearch/11669447 CALIFORNIA NOW added to the list of massive voter fraud investigation by Giuliani and Sidney Powell

>>>/qresearch/11669450 French President Macron accuses American media of 'legitimizing' Islamist violence

>>>/qresearch/11669483, >>>/qresearch/11669619, >>>/qresearch/11669624, >>>/qresearch/11669683, >>>/qresearch/11669783 PF mil_ops

>>>/qresearch/11669484 DJT: [C]onsent [D]ecree?

>>>/qresearch/11669515 As New Vaccines Near Delivery, General in Charge of Distribution Says He's 'Ready to Execute'

>>>/qresearch/11669548 Ex CIA Robert D Steele: "We have it all"


>>>/qresearch/11669556 Syrian military moves closer to liberating occupied Idlib

>>>/qresearch/11669557 USAF TWAT

>>>/qresearch/11669581 VIRGINIA: Portsmouth Police Chief Fired After Charging State Senator, NAACP For Destroying Monuments

>>>/qresearch/11669588 Venezuelan National Guard Destroy US-Registered ‘Narcojet’ and Jungle Airstrip

>>>/qresearch/11669605 DOJ: The China Initiative: Year-in-Review (2019-20)

>>>/qresearch/11669655, >>>/qresearch/11669658 Denver Business Owner: Dominion’s Eric Coomer Is an Unhinged Sociopath — His Internet Profile Is Being Deleted and Erased

>>>/qresearch/11669985 BOOM! Sidney Powell just said that states that certify these election results would be certifying a fraud and may launch a class-action lawsuit to prevent them from certifying fraudulent results.

>>>/qresearch/11670017 DJT Jr RT: Dinesh: Remember that man who sucker punched a Trump supporter in DC and knocked him out? Turns out, he's a registered child sex offender.

(23 notables, 29 posts, 48 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:55 a.m. No.35935   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11670118 Q Research General #14900 [C]onsent [D]ecree Edition

Created 161857ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11670178 Barack Obama: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ‘Will Restore a Bunch of Norms’

>>>/qresearch/11670180 for the Keks

>>>/qresearch/11670181 Alaska bears animals accidents transportation. Odd choice of pictures AP

>>>/qresearch/11670192, >>>/qresearch/11670254 Huge Solar Blast Inbound 30 Hours! Nov 17th

>>>/qresearch/11670224 Jim Jordan Expects Durham Report on Spygate 'Real Soon'

>>>/qresearch/11670228, >>>/qresearch/11670274, >>>/qresearch/11670312 @GavinWax "Why was Dominion software specialist Tomas Bellinghausen donating to Act Blue in $2.70 increments? Like an artist signing his work? Or like a serial killer leaving a memento at the scene of the crime? Asking for a friend…"

>>>/qresearch/11670229 Fed Electoral Commission Chairman Says the 2020 POTUS Election Was Rigged

>>>/qresearch/11670230, >>>/qresearch/11670314, >>>/qresearch/11670383 USMC TWAT - GERONIMO


>>>/qresearch/11670238, >>>/qresearch/11670355, >>>/qresearch/11670365, >>>/qresearch/11670380, >>>/qresearch/11670781 PF

>>>/qresearch/11670240 Obama Calls for More Big Tech 'Fact-Checking' in Wake of Trump Getting 71M Votes

>>>/qresearch/11670257 Former FBI Chief Andrew McCabe Threatens Trump: Secret Intel Could Cast You In A 'Very Negative Light'

>>>/qresearch/11670338 Facebook moderators manually censored New York Post story regarding Biden family corruption, to protect Democrats before the election

>>>/qresearch/11670368 US Senate Republicans trying to block POTUS Trump nominee to FCC.

>>>/qresearch/11670400 Marines Prep for Possible War in Europe During Massive East Coast Training Exercise

>>>/qresearch/11670430 Russians Got Situation Under Control In Nagorno-Karabakh. 25 Posts Deployed. Demining Of Lachin Corridor Started

>>>/qresearch/11670474 #14897

>>>/qresearch/11670562 Daughter finally unmasks paedophile dad

>>>/qresearch/11670590 U.K. Seizes $1.58 Million Linked to Flat Bought with Graft Money

>>>/qresearch/11670610 Heart doctors more likely to implant devices from manufacturers that pay them, new study finds

>>>/qresearch/11670645 Scientists Create Meat from Human Cells But Claim It’s Not Cannibalism

>>>/qresearch/11670700 Sweden sets new ‘absolutely necessary’ Covid-19 restrictions, limits public gatherings to 8 people

>>>/qresearch/11670743 Tyson Foods Employs COVID-19 “Tracking Algorithms” At Meatpacking Plants

>>>/qresearch/11670801 Trump Lawyer Tweets Article Alleging Philly Mob Boss May Reveal How They Stole The Election In Exchange For Full Expungement Of His Criminal Record

>>>/qresearch/11670820 A @USMC lance corporal scouts the area during training at @CombatCenterPAO in Twentynine Palms, Calif.

>>>/qresearch/11670825 Military raid in Germany, voter fraud clowns related

>>>/qresearch/11670889 #14900

(26 notables, 35 posts, 47 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:55 a.m. No.35936   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11670921 Q Research General #14901 Hmmm intensifies Edition

Created 162014ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11670956 EO Addressing the threat from securities investments that finance communist Chinese military companies

>>>/qresearch/11670975, >>>/qresearch/11670997 Sidney Powell gets endorsement of FEC chair

>>>/qresearch/11670987 Retired Army Col. Douglas Macgregor accused Pompeo and senior politicians of taking money in 2012 and 2019

>>>/qresearch/11671001 Senior Trump Official: Politicians Get ‘Very Rich’ by Supporting Israel

>>>/qresearch/11671008 For the Keks


>>>/qresearch/11671013, >>>/qresearch/11671078, >>>/qresearch/11671125 Sidney Powell website is down/blocked

>>>/qresearch/11671023 GOP Congressman Andy Biggs Requests 100% Audit of Maricopa County, Arizona Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11671056 UK Health Study Found 26,000 “Extra” Non-COVID Deaths At Home Amid Lockdowns

>>>/qresearch/11671067 Alaska’s Senator Sullivan Has a Choice to Make: Vote For Trump’s FCC Nominee or Bow to Big Tech

>>>/qresearch/11671087 Rothschild : Venezuela creditors meet with Rothschild, Cleary in London-sources

>>>/qresearch/11671088 Facebook and Twitter Continue Censorship Campaign Against President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11671091, >>>/qresearch/11671103, >>>/qresearch/11671113, >>>/qresearch/11671132, >>>/qresearch/11671185, >>>/qresearch/11671360 BREAKING—Pres Trump has been called to an emergency meeting at the White House with his legal team. Massive legal filing imminent

>>>/qresearch/11671094 Jim Jordan: ‘Don’t Cancel Thanksgiving’; Instead, ‘Cancel Lockdowns’

>>>/qresearch/11671102, >>>/qresearch/11671213, >>>/qresearch/11671223, >>>/qresearch/11671271, >>>/qresearch/11671401, >>>/qresearch/11671613 PF

>>>/qresearch/11671135 Hillary Clinton, Marlins comms?

>>>/qresearch/11671150 Kamala Harris Is The "Vice-President Elect" Why Hasn't She Resigned From The United States Senate Yet?

>>>/qresearch/11671153 They got Stonewall!!! Unfortunately, a RT from the President is the new Kiss of Death!!

>>>/qresearch/11671173 Newsom Dethroned: Judge rules he overstepped authority in CA, by mandating vote-by-mail ballots

>>>/qresearch/11671175 Scytl / Swiss Post proof of vote altering hack/backdoor

>>>/qresearch/11671176 POTUS 'emergency' meeting @ WH

>>>/qresearch/11671220 Report: President Trump’s Legal Team Summoned to White House for Emergency Meeting

>>>/qresearch/11671226 New Sidney Powell

>>>/qresearch/11671231 Sidney Powell asked for this while speaking on Rush?

>>>/qresearch/11671251 Lin Wood My IT experts spoke with Ron Watkins last night. They confirm that Ron is a truth-giver

>>>/qresearch/11671262 FAKE NEWS Trump national security adviser says it looks like Biden won, promises 'professional transition'

>>>/qresearch/11671273 Space X

>>>/qresearch/11671286 Francisco Sagasti Elected Head of Congress of Peru, Can Now Temporarily Assume Presidential Seat


>>>/qresearch/11671343, >>>/qresearch/11671376, >>>/qresearch/11671488 Sidney Powell, Anti-Trump Engineer Of Dominion Voting Systems Said "I Made Sure Trump’s Not Gonna Win" In Secret…

>>>/qresearch/11671442 Americans better start demanding Bill Barr get his ass put here and tell us what he is doing about this or the Military Police better handcuff him and get him out of here

>>>/qresearch/11671480 Sex abuse claims made against Boy Scouts near 90,000

>>>/qresearch/11671579 National Hurricane Center Hurricane Iota

>>>/qresearch/11671645 McEnany to Levin: Democrat Officials Redesigned the Election to Prop Up Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11671737 #14901

(34 notables, 49 posts, 57 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:55 a.m. No.35937   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11671745 Q Research General #14902: POTUS Emergency Meeting in the White House Edition

Created 162122ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11671811 POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11671815 March for Trump Dec.12 Washington D.C.

>>>/qresearch/11671832, >>>/qresearch/11671835, >>>/qresearch/11671846, >>>/qresearch/11672064 Dominon voting master notables list posted oldest to newest post number

>>>/qresearch/11671833 POTUS Mail-In Ballots is 30 X’s lower in Pennsylvania this year than it was in 2016

>>>/qresearch/11671849 Alec Baldwin: "The Republican party needs to CUT TRUMP'S THROAT AND GET RID OF HIM"


>>>/qresearch/11671870 Durham

>>>/qresearch/11671883 Biden Transition Leader Says He Wants To Restrict Free Speech

>>>/qresearch/11671894 Poll: 58% of voters now believe Biden won the presidential election, up 9 points from last week

>>>/qresearch/11671910 Trump campaign pares back federal suit over Pennsylvania election results

>>>/qresearch/11671912 WE CAUGHT THEM ALL


>>>/qresearch/11671913 Meet the "Kraken"

>>>/qresearch/11671917 McEnany to Levin: Democrat Officials Redesigned the Election to Prop Up Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11671925 POTUS Twit DJT: [C]onsent [D]ecree?

>>>/qresearch/11671934, >>>/qresearch/11672215 Clockfag Here's a make-shift extended-dates version

>>>/qresearch/11671935 Mika Nudges Atlantic Editor to Urge Facebook to Censor 'Very Dangerous' Conservatives

>>>/qresearch/11671959 The president has checkmated all of the key players

>>>/qresearch/11671988 GOP Congressman Andy Biggs Requests 100% Audit of Maricopa County, Arizona Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11672003 PF 00000000 Seahawk BOXER40

>>>/qresearch/11672007 Radical Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar Calls President Trump’s Campaign Rallies “Klan Rallies” (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11672018 Rioter who punched out Trump supporter in viral video is registered child sex offender

>>>/qresearch/11672037 Trump campaign claims WaPo report that part of PA lawsuit was dropped is 'fake news'

>>>/qresearch/11672044 Sixy-Five World Health Organization staffers infected with coronavirus

>>>/qresearch/11672057 COVID restrictions cannot exceed constitutional rights

>>>/qresearch/11672063 Michelle Obama Pops Up Her Head to Weigh in on Presidential Transition — Says “This Isn’t a Game”

>>>/qresearch/11672090 CM on OAN

>>>/qresearch/11672132 Trump urges challenge to Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine after he called Biden winner

>>>/qresearch/11672147 California significantly rolls back county reopening plans amid ‘unprecedented’ COVID-19 surge

>>>/qresearch/11672161 Sublime: Gun Control Support Collapses 10 Points as Relentless Antifa-BLM Violence Continues

>>>/qresearch/11672211 Big Mike's PROJECTION I couldn't forgive Donald Trump's 'racist lies' about my husband - but I met Melania for 'the sake of our country': Michelle Obama slams White House for refusing to start transition to Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11672220, >>>/qresearch/11672249 Pnyx.core: The Key to Enabling Reliable Electronic Elections A Description of Scytl’s Cryptographic e-Voting Security Software


>>>/qresearch/11672228 George Soros buys a stake in big data firm Palantir

>>>/qresearch/11672250 How a Philly mob boss stole the election — and why he may flip on Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11672251 Newsom Announces New Covid Lockdown Order – POSSIBLE STATEWIDE CURFEW

>>>/qresearch/11672274 Secretary Pompeo Celebrates International Education Week

>>>/qresearch/11672277 Correction: No new source of German Scytl raid confirmed (yet)

>>>/qresearch/11672290 Donald Trump Jr. You’re never going to convince me this isn’t peak masculinity

>>>/qresearch/11672402 2,631 Ballots found in Clayton County in norther Georgia that Dominion Voting Systems DID NOT COUNT

>>>/qresearch/11672411 Of the 2,631 votes sources at the elections office told CVN that it appeared that between 1,600 and 1,900 were cast for President Trump.

>>>/qresearch/11672416 Just In: FBI Arrests Joe Biden’S Campaign Director For Electoral Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11672483 #14901

>>>/qresearch/11672507, >>>/qresearch/11672508 BREAKING NEWS ON LOU DOBS

>>>/qresearch/11672542 Lin Wood Outlines Case for Rampant Voter Fraud, GA Vote Corruption; GA Election will Be Nullified

(42 notables, 48 posts, 47 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:56 a.m. No.35938   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11672566 Q Research General #14903: WE CAUGHT THEM ALL Edition

Created 162231ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11672627 DTJR

>>>/qresearch/11672648 Rare Electric Narco Submarine Seized in Colombia - USNI News

>>>/qresearch/11672660 PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes


>>>/qresearch/11672663 Joe Biden says “more people may die” of coronavirus if President Trump continues to block transition

>>>/qresearch/11672708 CM retweet

>>>/qresearch/11672709 Lin Wood, SURRENDER IS NOT AN OPTION!

>>>/qresearch/11672718, >>>/qresearch/11672892, >>>/qresearch/11672949, >>>/qresearch/11672989, >>>/qresearch/11673045 The stage is set… Dragons Lair

>>>/qresearch/11672719 Should police officers still believe in what they are doing – or should we hunker down for the storm?

>>>/qresearch/11672721 SURRENDER IS NOT AN OPTION! Winston Churchill

>>>/qresearch/11672770 Linwood on fire! called out GA Governor

>>>/qresearch/11672797, >>>/qresearch/11673117, >>>/qresearch/11673169 PF

>>>/qresearch/11672813 BREAKING—Pres Trump has been called to an emergency meeting at the White House with his legal team. Massive legal filing imminent.

>>>/qresearch/11672817 Lou Dobbs Hitting Home Runs over the fence!

>>>/qresearch/11672861 Trump Gains At Least 1,600 Votes, Biden Over 800 in Georgia Recount After Floyd County Finds Over 2,600 Ballots Not Counted (Alleged Dominion Glitch)

>>>/qresearch/11672863 CP Roundup 11/12/2020

>>>/qresearch/11672881 WTH? — CDC Lists 26,557 Heart Attacks as COVID Deaths, Lists 7,919 Accidents and Poisonings as COVID Deaths

>>>/qresearch/11672897 Barbara Flynn "All hands on deck!

>>>/qresearch/11672928 Guilt by Partial Association: Airbnb Cancels Trump Supporter’s Account, Citing ‘Hate Group’ Ties

>>>/qresearch/11672934 Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs 16NOV20


>>>/qresearch/11672943 WaPo sets sights on Graham

>>>/qresearch/11672960 Lin Wood Lots of odd events occurring with my cell service. Is anyone else noticing cell issues or is it just me?

>>>/qresearch/11672964 Fox News Anchor Bill Hemmer Slams Media ‘Lovefest’ at Biden Presser: White House Briefings Will Look ‘Very Different’ in January

>>>/qresearch/11672972, >>>/qresearch/11672990 Lin Wood: "Donald Trump won in every state, I believe a massive landslide win"


>>>/qresearch/11672976 BREAKING: Dominion caught on Glassdoor back in '13

>>>/qresearch/11672988, >>>/qresearch/11673042 Biden "Build Back Better" meaning (Using Disaster as a trigger)

>>>/qresearch/11672991 Biden Supporters Violently Assaulted Peaceful Demonstrators in D.C. And Democrats Still Haven’t Condemned It

>>>/qresearch/11673004, >>>/qresearch/11673033 Irish group Paragon buys Scytl through Service Point

>>>/qresearch/11673007, >>>/qresearch/11673060, >>>/qresearch/11673083 Who has the Original Mask Painting, the Whole Thing from the Denver Airport

>>>/qresearch/11673009, >>>/qresearch/11673048, >>>/qresearch/11673090, >>>/qresearch/11673119, >>>/qresearch/11673136, >>>/qresearch/11673152 Project 25is mentioned in this NCSWIC

>>>/qresearch/11673043 Streamer is doxxing conservatives/q followers

>>>/qresearch/11673055 BREAKING: Former Dominion Project Manager Who Helped Execute $25 Million Contract With State Of MI Was Democrat Mayor At Same Time

>>>/qresearch/11673074, >>>/qresearch/11673132, >>>/qresearch/11673188 Tom Fitton on Lou Dobbs 16NOV2020


>>>/qresearch/11673131, >>>/qresearch/11673214, >>>/qresearch/11673239 Video shows package insert of Covid 19 Astra Zeneca containing lung tissue 14-week aborted Caucasian male fetus


>>>/qresearch/11673149 Dominion Linkedin

>>>/qresearch/11673184 Sudanese Rebel Holdout Reportedly Preparing to Join Peace Talks in Juba

>>>/qresearch/11673228 HAPPENING Coomer Gate

>>>/qresearch/11673361 #14903

(37 notables, 57 posts, 78 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:56 a.m. No.35939   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11673369 Q Research General #14904: White House Emergency Meeting Edition

Created 162342ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11673437 Dominion employees list on LinkedIn before they got deleted

>>>/qresearch/11673450 December 18, 218 BC

>>>/qresearch/11673451, >>>/qresearch/11673475, >>>/qresearch/11673550 POTUS Big victory moments ago in the State of Nevada Anons buckled in? Brace for "Major impact"!

>>>/qresearch/11673453 Clark county 153k ballots or 16 of ballots have discrepancies

>>>/qresearch/11673460 PLANE FAG This C-32B supports the US Government's "Foreign Emergency Support Team" (FEST) which is a on-call, short-notice team to respond on crisis worldwide.

>>>/qresearch/11673464 The stage is set…DRAGON LAIR

>>>/qresearch/11673465 Our fearless FBI leader is helping implement The Great Reset for keks

>>>/qresearch/11673474 Lin Wood We have not yet fully engaged enemy. We will soon. Truth will prevail.

>>>/qresearch/11673503 Mayor Kelly Garrett: The contract between Dominion and the State of Michigan which Ms. Garrett helped executed. $25 million.

>>>/qresearch/11673504, >>>/qresearch/11673860 Former Dominion Project Mgr Helped Execute $25 Million Contract With State Of MI While Working As Democrat Mayor At Same Time

>>>/qresearch/11673505 Police Raided German Spyware Company FinFisher Offices

>>>/qresearch/11673514 CM

>>>/qresearch/11673527, >>>/qresearch/11673672, >>>/qresearch/11673706, >>>/qresearch/11673758, >>>/qresearch/11673787 PLANEFAG

>>>/qresearch/11673538, >>>/qresearch/11673561 6% of the votes discarded in Floyd County, GA alone.

>>>/qresearch/11673590 New Veritas

VIDEO - GA Recount Auditors Call Multiple Ballots For Joe Biden That Were Actually Marked For Donald Trump [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>>/qresearch/11673616 Thread on Clark Co Nevada by local reporter

>>>/qresearch/11673643 Buffett's Berkshire bets on Big Pharma, invests in four drug makers


>>>/qresearch/11673674, >>>/qresearch/11673730 Can anons help? Channel Rion retweet

>>>/qresearch/11673684 MASSIVE amount of radio chatter anyone know what the fuck is going on?

>>>/qresearch/11673687, >>>/qresearch/11673770, >>>/qresearch/11673779, >>>/qresearch/11673823 ANON Opinion The absolute fear that is now gripping the left's operatives, power brokers and puppet managers

>>>/qresearch/11673689 21 Great Military Quotes

>>>/qresearch/11673710 World Economic Forum DELETES Video On The Great Reset That Says "You'll Own NOTHING" After Backlash

>>>/qresearch/11673733 45 days from the election is Dec 17

>>>/qresearch/11673762 Mind war, non linear war, is a highly developed form of conflict

>>>/qresearch/11673788, >>>/qresearch/11673831, >>>/qresearch/11673891 Looks like Judy Shelton will get a Senate Floor Vote on #QDay

>>>/qresearch/11673803 IN THE NEWS, Articles

>>>/qresearch/11673846 51-38 Kristi Haskins Johnson to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Mississippi

>>>/qresearch/11673883 China's Biggest Bank Pulls Massive Blockchain-Backed Bond Issue As Defaults Build

>>>/qresearch/11673910 Iowa Governor Declares Disaster, Mask Mandate For Everyone Over Age TWO

>>>/qresearch/11673942 Breaking: Top Lawyer Releases Archive of 2020 Fraud Evidence

>>>/qresearch/11674003 CM Its now proven Dominion representatives were present in the Maricopa County Central Tabulation Center for the General Election 2020

>>>/qresearch/11674037 Guilt by Partial Association: Airbnb Cancels Trump Supporter’s Account, Citing ‘Hate Group’ Ties

>>>/qresearch/11674072 HIT PIECE Trump Sought Ways to Attack Iran's 'Main Nuclear Site' in 'Coming Weeks'

>>>/qresearch/11674123 #14904

(35 notables, 49 posts, 72 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:56 a.m. No.35940   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11674129 Q Research General #14905: SAMPLING DOMINION ELECTION FRAUD CASES FROM ACROSS THE COUNTRY Edition

Created 170049ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11674188 Compromised by Design – How The Election Was (Likely) Hacked

>>>/qresearch/11674216 For Sydney, Lin, and Rudy

>>>/qresearch/11674217 Target Immediately Pulls Bible From Shelves After Church Of Satan Complains for keks

>>>/qresearch/11674224, >>>/qresearch/11674366, >>>/qresearch/11674726 PF

>>>/qresearch/11674226 Spaniard server conformed

>>>/qresearch/11674229 Sidney Powell actually retweeted Ron?

>>>/qresearch/11674259 Project Veritas: Georgia Recount Auditors Call Multiple Ballots For Joe Biden That Were Actually Marked For President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11674261 Lou Dobbs + Sidney Powell - Release The Kraken - Full Interview

>>>/qresearch/11674270 Trump administration preparing move to decrease Medicare drug prices

>>>/qresearch/11674272 The Obama's have a terrible memory, Trump is coming for payback.

>>>/qresearch/11674275 Trump nominee to replace Amy Coney Barrett on appeals court sent to Senate

>>>/qresearch/11674278 CM Page 33 of the Maricopa County and Dominion contract indicates the Dominion project team will play a key role in assisting Maricopa County with tabulation and results reporting.

>>>/qresearch/11674281 Tucker's going all in tonight. Talking about Vigano's letter to POTUS.

>>>/qresearch/11674286 BHO Going to face the music? Comms?

>>>/qresearch/11674304 UK: £1 Billion Fraud Probe Delayed Again, Victims Left Uncompensated

>>>/qresearch/11674316 Podesta: Biden Transition Team 'Hobbled' As Trump Refuses To Concede

>>>/qresearch/11674345 Photos: Colombian Navy Finds Rare Electric Mini-Submarine During Drug Raid

>>>/qresearch/11674356 Georgia Secretary Of State Lashes Out Over 'Baseless Allegations' Regarding Signature Mismatches, Dominion

>>>/qresearch/11674377 Biden likely to pick Michele Flournoy to lead Pentagon; will be 1st woman to lead department

>>>/qresearch/11674385 NEW FOOTAGE: BLM Activist Brandished Knife, Said ‘I Will Kill You’ Before Being KO’d

>>>/qresearch/11674388 Lads, We are going to need to upgrade BOOM to a new bigger word.

>>>/qresearch/11674422 LinWood The Truth. Face it. Embrace it. Live it. The 2020 Election was rigged & fraudulent.

>>>/qresearch/11674431 Twitter brings in notorious hacker who worked at Google and DARPA months after celebrity megahack

>>>/qresearch/11674447 Merkel forced to postpone further Covid-19 restrictions amid pushback from German regional leaders

>>>/qresearch/11674457 Sydney Powell on Dobbs today: 14:50 mark

>>>/qresearch/11674459 Biden's dangerous COVID taskforce pick says living too long is a loss

>>>/qresearch/11674477 The Founders Outsmarted the Presidential Election Fraudsters

>>>/qresearch/11674479 Kissinger Warns Biden: Anti-China Coalition Could Cause "Catastrophe Comparable To World War I"

>>>/qresearch/11674504 Russia declassifies Soviet documents about Moon race with US

>>>/qresearch/11674512 Georgia Recount Reveals 2,600 Uncounted Ballots In Pro-Trump County

>>>/qresearch/11674549 DEVELOPING: DOJ IG Michael Horowitz is actively investigating the FBI's handling of the Hunter Biden laptop

>>>/qresearch/11674557 ‘He came back from the dead’: US hiker survives heart stopping for 45 minutes

>>>/qresearch/11674579 Youtube is trying to scrub this specific frame of the video of Lou Dobbs and Sidney Powell?

>>>/qresearch/11674596, >>>/qresearch/11674697 Sauces on W.T. Stead Investigative Journalist died on Titanic

>>>/qresearch/11674607 Just looked at Joe M's Parlor and saw this pic of Sydney. Is her watch like 1 hour ahead of Mickey's watch?

>>>/qresearch/11674618 Netanyahu, in slip, almost refers to Biden as ‘president’

>>>/qresearch/11674633 List of CEOs and Union bosses at Biden/Harris meeting

>>>/qresearch/11674698 Twitter accounts for Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Lin Wood were ‘search banned’ today

>>>/qresearch/11674702 Lin Wood DOG COMMS

>>>/qresearch/11674827 "The CIA was completely excluded from this operation."

(40 notables, 43 posts, 46 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:57 a.m. No.35941   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11676446 Q Research General #14908: Cotton Mouth AIRGAP VOMIT? Edition

Created 170434ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11676541 US Military reportedly buying location data from Muslim Pro and Muslim Mingle apps

>>>/qresearch/11676570 UK MSM's COVID deaths include people who took a COVID test and died for whatever reason within 28 days of a positive test

>>>/qresearch/11676582 "biden campaign manager arrested" Yandex Search (September 2020)

>>>/qresearch/11676589, >>>/qresearch/11676806, >>>/qresearch/11677139 Well looky here…. who's been behind the fraudulent C-19 numbers, from anti-bodies to everything else?

>>>/qresearch/11676590 Dough Custody Tracker

>>>/qresearch/11676651 Three more New York sheriffs say they won't enforce Cuomo's Thanksgiving limit

>>>/qresearch/11676654 GA Recount Auditors Call Multiple Ballots For Joe Biden That Were Actually Marked For Donald Trump

VIDEO - GA Recount Auditors Call Multiple Ballots For Joe Biden That Were Actually Marked For Donald Trump [Channel: Project Veritas]

>>>/qresearch/11676664 PapaD: Prepare yourselves for an election reversal

>>>/qresearch/11676695 Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti Announces Crackdown On Coronavirus Violations

>>>/qresearch/11676741 On July 6, 2020, the Supreme Court unanimously held that states may punish or replace presidential electors who refuse to cast their ballots for the candidate chosen by the voters of their state

>>>/qresearch/11676743 The Governor is Not a King

>>>/qresearch/11676761 Wisconsin Elections Commission Refuses to Do Recount Unless Trump Pays $7.9 Million Upfront

>>>/qresearch/11676775 The US consulate in the German city of Frankfurt is used as a "covert CIA hacker base"

>>>/qresearch/11676785 CDC urges people to avoid singing at holiday gatherings

>>>/qresearch/11676789 100,000 Provisional Ballots Still Uncounted in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11676795 Poll: Do you agree with Gov. Inslee's decision to impose new restrictions to help limit the spread of COVID-19?

>>>/qresearch/11676821 Lin Wood: Late this afternoon, I filed an Amended Complaint against GA Secretary of State @GaSecofState, et al.

>>>/qresearch/11676859 BREAKING: Top Lawyer Releases Archive of 2020 Fraud Evidence

>>>/qresearch/11676881 After Hillary lost 2016, Bill clinton said elections should abandon touch screens and go back to paper ballots that are scanned and counted by machines.

>>>/qresearch/11676896 Solomon Islands to ban Facebook

>>>/qresearch/11676916 Dominion confirms Clinton Foundation donation, Pelosi staffer tie but disputes other claims

>>>/qresearch/11676938 Dominion is owned by Paragon… Irish company….now what's with that?

>>>/qresearch/11676966 IF you are from California READ Please! The orders issued today by Newsom are NOT Valid.

>>>/qresearch/11676970 No transition federal $$$ for pedo Joe & the fake VP Ho!

>>>/qresearch/11677000 Newsmax CEO: ‘We Are Not Actively Selling,’ Have No Desire to Be ‘Trump TV’

>>>/qresearch/11677027 Kirstie Alley told big Mike to shove her 'olive branch'

>>>/qresearch/11677043 Every state that bought Dominion [voting machines] should have a criminal investigation of the officers in the state who bought the software.

>>>/qresearch/11677054 Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) claims 'market data issues' in trade pause

>>>/qresearch/11677096, >>>/qresearch/11677113 Gov. Newsom Says He’s Considering Curfew To Help Stem California’s COVID Surge

>>>/qresearch/11677140 Dr. Eric Coomer VP at Dominion admits they don't update software to protect against voter fraud.

VIDEO - Dr. Eric Coomer VP at Dominion admits they don't update software to protect against voter fraud. [Channel: DefendTheVote]

>>>/qresearch/11677158, >>>/qresearch/11677171 Irish group paragon buys Scytl through Service Point

>>>/qresearch/11677202 #14907

(32 notables, 36 posts, 31 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:57 a.m. No.35942   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11674923 Q Research General #14906: It's all so REAL, Enjoy the SHOW Edition

Created 170157ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11674991, >>>/qresearch/11675006 Disputing the "Most secure election in history" narrative

>>>/qresearch/11675010 SIDNEY POWELL Drops a BOMB on Mark Levin Show: We Have Witness Who Was at Creation of Smartmatic System- Used to Change Election Results

>>>/qresearch/11675014 TRUMP 2020 SILENTLY RUNNING


>>>/qresearch/11675028 “Skinny Joey” Merlino may be the connection to the Four Seasons Landscaping. Was it a message to him to step forward?

>>>/qresearch/11675031 Cop-Hating Portland Commissioner Apologizes For Her Behavior In a Lyft. Just Kidding, She Blamed 'White Supremacists'


>>>/qresearch/11675047 Citing 'Overwhelming and Widespread' Irregularities, True the Vote Sues Michigan to Challenge Election, Calls for Quick Action

>>>/qresearch/11675055 Republicans led mail in ballots in Ariz but "never filled in for Trump"

>>>/qresearch/11675058, >>>/qresearch/11675069, >>>/qresearch/11675086 Who Did They Kill On Titanic?

>>>/qresearch/11675063 Senate Republicans Say They'll Continue Hunter Biden Probe

>>>/qresearch/11675072 Joe Biden on Thanksgiving Gatherings: 5 People, 10 Maximum ‘Socially Distanced, Wearing Masks’

>>>/qresearch/11675089 PANIC Dominion Voting changes their home page, denies rumors

>>>/qresearch/11675091 Conservative Treehouse DEplatformed


>>>/qresearch/11675129 FSociety: 2020 Election: Could Trump’s claims have merit? An analysis of voting data from Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin

>>>/qresearch/11675137 (PB) Election Fraud -by the numbers

>>>/qresearch/11675142 Maryland manufacturing company has donated 200,000 face shields to be distributed statewide

>>>/qresearch/11675162 AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 Vaccine Is Made With Aborted Human Fetal Tissue

>>>/qresearch/11675170 Pentagon fails audit yet again, could pass around 2027, comptroller says

>>>/qresearch/11675185, >>>/qresearch/11675194 Sidney posted same image twice

>>>/qresearch/11675188 Dominion people deleting their profiles on Linked In

>>>/qresearch/11675191 Sidney Powell With Mark Steyn (in for Rush)

>>>/qresearch/11675196 Trump campaign lawsuit to be heard tomorrow in federal court in Williamsport, Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11675220, >>>/qresearch/11675331 PLANEFAG

>>>/qresearch/11675223 Facebook, Google and Twitter coordinate to censor, they have an internal platform to manage it.

>>>/qresearch/11675235 Arrr! Loyal Shipmate Leigh Dundas - Executive Order For Election Interference.

>>>/qresearch/11675239 Eric TRUMP, CHECK THE SIGNATURES!

>>>/qresearch/11675282 Enemy of the State

>>>/qresearch/11675286 Sidney Powell's sense of humor, I trust drinking out of a toilet in Tijuana more than I trust the FBI and DOJ.

>>>/qresearch/11675294 Must Watch 9/11 Truth

>>>/qresearch/11675317 Huawei ditches budget phone brand after U.S. cuts chip supply

>>>/qresearch/11675339 Redline

>>>/qresearch/11675342 2013 Roths Banking


>>>/qresearch/11675354 Part 5: In Competitive States, Once Biden Gained the Lead with MASSIVE Vote Dumps, The Remainder of Votes All Possessed Same Biden to Trump Vote Ratio — THIS IS INCONCEIVABLE!

>>>/qresearch/11675366 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Claim They Are Receiving National Security Briefing Tomorrow (from CYNA and KGB?)

>>>/qresearch/11675378 FAKE NEWS Trump says Ohio governor's race will be 'hotly contested' after DeWine acknowledges Biden win

>>>/qresearch/11675380 Jewish immigrant and top Pfizer scientist hails role of US immigrants in vaccine

>>>/qresearch/11675462 Ilhan Omar Cuts Ties With Husband’s Consulting Firm After Nearly $3 Million In Campaign Payments

>>>/qresearch/11675480 MSNBC’s Wallace: Right-Wing Media Pushing ‘Alternate Reality,’ ‘Interviewing Lunatics’

>>>/qresearch/11675488 Fauci says never

>>>/qresearch/11675491 VP Pence leads delegation at Dover AFB tonight for the Dignified Transfer of five fallen US soldiers

>>>/qresearch/11675505 Virginia Police Chief fired after charging state and city leaders with felonies after a protest

>>>/qresearch/11675512 Fortune 500 CEOs Will Intervene if Joe Biden Isn’t Inaugurated by January 20

>>>/qresearch/11675524 Disability Service Coordinator Blows Whistle on Vote Fraud in Group Homes

>>>/qresearch/11675533 As California Braces for Curfew, Some Lawmakers Gather in Maui

>>>/qresearch/11675553, >>>/qresearch/11675640 It's inconceivable.

>>>/qresearch/11675563 Wisconsin: Trump Must Pay $7.9 Million If He Wants a Recount

>>>/qresearch/11675565 Pelosi's former Chief of Staff is a Dominion lobbyist along with a Boxer staff member.

>>>/qresearch/11675579 TUCKER: Elites See COVID As Chance To Impose ‘Unprecedented Social Controls’ On Populace

>>>/qresearch/11675673 #14906

(51 notables, 57 posts, 85 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:57 a.m. No.35943   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11675687 Q Research General #14907: SIDNEY POWELL DROPS a BOMB Edition

Created 170314ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11675769, >>>/qresearch/11675787, >>>/qresearch/11675799 Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci joined Rashida Jones to talk about the world post-COVD; Gates mentions that "we have to assume that [the next pandemic] could be three years from now"

>>>/qresearch/11675785 11/5/18 Future proves the past DJT Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11675824, >>>/qresearch/11675876 Sidney Powell begins to release the Kraken

>>>/qresearch/11675826, >>>/qresearch/11675828, >>>/qresearch/11675830, >>>/qresearch/11675839 DOMINON VOTING MASTER NOTABLES LIST POSTED OLDEST TO NEWEST POST NUMBER

>>>/qresearch/11675837 Gina Carano under fire for tweets about QAnon, election, and COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/11675851 Dominion Part of Council That Disputed Election Integrity Concerns in DHS Statement

>>>/qresearch/11675870 Computerworld 2016 article mentions Dominion Voting Systems

>>>/qresearch/11675924 GENERAL FLYNN


>>>/qresearch/11675950 FEDS: Georgia Police Officer Was a Gangster Disciple Hit Man

>>>/qresearch/11675983, >>>/qresearch/11676035, >>>/qresearch/11676077 Venomous cottonmouth vomits 2 other snakes on operating table at NC animal clinic

>>>/qresearch/11675998 Congressman Louis Gohmert reveals results from US Army raid on SCYTL in Frankfurt, Germany

>>>/qresearch/11676086, >>>/qresearch/11676101 Dominion is a Member of Council That Disputed Election Integrity Concerns in DHS Statement

>>>/qresearch/11676087, >>>/qresearch/11676129, >>>/qresearch/11676173 Sidney Powell Says CIA Director Gina Haspel Should be Fired Immediately

>>>/qresearch/11676137 Populist Govts of Hungary, Poland Veto EU’s Globalist Power Grab Budget

>>>/qresearch/11676149 Philadelphia Area Xfinity "Glitch" Only Affects Newsmax and Fox News

>>>/qresearch/11676160, >>>/qresearch/11676214, >>>/qresearch/11676227, >>>/qresearch/11676260, >>>/qresearch/11676307 Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell: 'We’re Getting Ready to Overturn Election Results in Multiple States'

>>>/qresearch/11676188 Minot Air Force Base Almost B-52sday and we couldn’t wait to post this one from our #BTF at RAF Fairford! Our World Famous Bomber Barons out there looking #BUFF!

>>>/qresearch/11676195 Biden Team Begs For $30M To Fight Trump Lawsuits Despite Claiming Electoral Victory

>>>/qresearch/11676210 Richard Grenell, Clark County, Nevada officials said they weren’t investigating voter fraud because they didn’t have the time or resources.

>>>/qresearch/11676223 Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg will face Congress again, this time about the election

>>>/qresearch/11676253 POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY, November 17, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11676286 Court denies appeal by Michigan voters claiming election fraud

>>>/qresearch/11676316, >>>/qresearch/11676332 Blackfriars bridge. Someone famous was hung "gods banker" (2019)

>>>/qresearch/11676317 Airman Magazine B-52 comms all day Are we missing something?

>>>/qresearch/11676325 Someone at Cracker Barrel in East Windsor need to explain why there are nooses on the ceiling…

>>>/qresearch/11676335 PLANEFAG

>>>/qresearch/11676356 Open Source Election Technology (OSET) Institute 501.c.3 org is supported by the Knight Foundation, RockTheVote, and Wordpress; NSA's former Dep Dir, others are Strategic Advisors – REQUEST TO DIG

>>>/qresearch/11676361 The circumstances & events are eerily reminiscent of what happened with #Smartmatic software electronically changing votes in the 2013 presidential election in Venezuela

>>>/qresearch/11676416 Donald J. Trump Retweeted

>>>/qresearch/11676433 #14907

(31 notables, 47 posts, 55 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:58 a.m. No.35944   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11677209 Q Research General #14909: SmartMatic Not A Very Smart Move Edition

Created 170602ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11677256, >>>/qresearch/11677301 CDC’s Vaccine Excipient Summary



>>>/qresearch/11677261, >>>/qresearch/11678021 #14908, #14909, #14910 2/2

>>>/qresearch/11677336 New Flynn

>>>/qresearch/11677357 Trudeau made the comments during a United Nations video conference back in September, but they are only just receiving attention. (Great Reset)

>>>/qresearch/11677398 Biden gets briefed by FORMER Intelligence Officials tommorow -kek

>>>/qresearch/11677403 Report: Fortune 500 CEOs Will Intervene if Joe Biden Isn’t Inaugurated by January 20

>>>/qresearch/11677424 Vega mission with two satellites suffers failure after launch, Arianespace says

>>>/qresearch/11677465 CA Secretary of State says it will be certified on December 11, 2020. (STILL counting)

>>>/qresearch/11677468 More Proof Trump is still winning. They are still writing articles. Pew Research Center: 5 facts about the QAnon conspiracy theories

>>>/qresearch/11677497 Fact Check: Trump Is Right, AP Wrong, About Georgia Signature Matching

>>>/qresearch/11677511 Click on it and…….. they are scrubbing the net! (hence -archive everything offline)

>>>/qresearch/11677515 Paragon and Santon Capital deserve a deeper look, especially since they are likely already in a coverup mode. Time is of the essence. (call to DIG)


>>>/qresearch/11677560 The White House Lawn Was Mysteriously Dug Up.

>>>/qresearch/11677572, >>>/qresearch/11677605 BADKITTY and SMRus twatters unconfirmed - PRC Think Tank Study on US Governors Attitudes Toward China June 22 2019

>>>/qresearch/11677573, >>>/qresearch/11677660 NOTABLE ON SANTON CAPITAL

>>>/qresearch/11677615 Responding to the implanted trigger (did you?)

>>>/qresearch/11677618, >>>/qresearch/11677626, >>>/qresearch/11677636, >>>/qresearch/11677665 Dominion Videos (one with Cooomer)

>>>/qresearch/11677652 It’s not just about America but also democratic countries worldwide where voter fraud, machine and software manipulation exist.

>>>/qresearch/11677673, >>>/qresearch/11677746 Sidney Powell: The #Kraken was released several days ago. You're just beginning to see the signs.

>>>/qresearch/11677683 Resignations in the news 11/16/2020

>>>/qresearch/11677694, >>>/qresearch/11677695 Biden's Texas Political Director Accused of Ballot Harvesting At Texas Supreme Court

>>>/qresearch/11677701 For everyone keeping up with kappy videos…

>>>/qresearch/11677702 Archived LinkedIn profiles from Dominion Voting Systems (archive that shit anons)

>>>/qresearch/11677705 The Brazilian Conservatives eagerly await that America's justice really is on the side of the Law, as we have always learned in history.

>>>/qresearch/11677724 Anon decode Dec. 24 "Merry Christmas" Q+ and Q"

>>>/qresearch/11677736 Quantum Fluctuations Were Experimentally Proven Way Back In 1947

>>>/qresearch/11677740 Apparently frustrated at Smartmatic's Heider Garcia's failure to explain the internal clock glitches of some Precinct Count Optical Scan machines….(Venezuela SmartMatic fuckery)

>>>/qresearch/11677747 Texas Voter Fraud-Harris County Launches 24 hour Voting As FBI Investigates

>>>/qresearch/11677762 Listen to Rep. Louis Gohmert beginning @3:10 about Christopher Kreb, CISA who worked at Microsoft.

>>>/qresearch/11677771 The Sydney pictures appear to be trying to tell us something (comms)

>>>/qresearch/11677776 What's the deal? Why did Yandex yield this in September?

>>>/qresearch/11677777 CHEK'T - FREEDOM VS TYRANNY

>>>/qresearch/11677819, >>>/qresearch/11677848, >>>/qresearch/11677857, >>>/qresearch/11677864, >>>/qresearch/11677873 One America News airs full segment on Louie Gomerts Scytl german servers RAID (including the nearly FULL RED map from the "source data" on the servers) -Sidney Powell Re-Tweeted-

>>>/qresearch/11677823 BLM activist filmed sucker-punching man is a child sex offender recently released from prison

>>>/qresearch/11677828 Iowa governor Kim Reynolds does 180* on mask mandate

>>>/qresearch/11677841 Mike Pompeo made all the Governors shit their pants when he mentioned to them at the NGA on 2/8/20, bribed governors who sold PPE to China

VIDEO - U.S. States and the China Competition: Secretary Pompeo's Remarks to the NGA [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>>/qresearch/11677856 My arrests files are Dallas Jones and "Skinny Joe" Malino. Vote fraud.

>>>/qresearch/11677867 It’s Going to be Biblical

>>>/qresearch/11677868 Today in History: November 17

>>>/qresearch/11677895, >>>/qresearch/11677989 Remember the Security guy pulling his finger on President Trumps walk down the main street? he has a twitter page

>>>/qresearch/11677897 Supposedly the Germany server data shows Trump landslide: 410-128


>>>/qresearch/11677917 U.S. Air Force: We've got you

>>>/qresearch/11677967 Pray for Sidney Powell

>>>/qresearch/11677998 Dominion in the Bible

(44 notables, 58 posts, 80 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:58 a.m. No.35945   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11678025 Q Research General #14910: The Kraken Hunts Tonight Edition

Created 170820ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11678095 Supposedly the Germany server data shows Trump landslide: 410-128


>>>/qresearch/11678113 (pb), UKRAINE HAS NOW LISTED JOE BIDEN AS WANTED ON Class A felony charges (reckon we have to extradite him?)


>>>/qresearch/11678122 Better sauce for red pilling frens on Peter Neffenger: Chariman at Smartmatic

>>>/qresearch/11678127 German ISP "confused" by their all-time traffic record on election night.

>>>/qresearch/11678181 Tomorrow, the Dragon will rise over Fort Bragg (Nov. 17)


>>>/qresearch/11678200 Lin Wood: We have not yet fully engaged enemy. We will soon. Truth will prevail. (re-notable)

>>>/qresearch/11678210 EXCLUSIVE: Lawyer at Pa. Secretary of State's Law Firm Harassed Trump Lawyer, Accused Her of Treason

>>>/qresearch/11678222 Cuomo Admits to Threatening GOP Lives, Warns Atlas of ‘Old School’ Visit

>>>/qresearch/11678227, >>>/qresearch/11678304, >>>/qresearch/11678335, >>>/qresearch/11678350, >>>/qresearch/11678524, >>>/qresearch/11678541, >>>/qresearch/11678577, >>>/qresearch/11678598, >>>/qresearch/11678627, >>>/qresearch/11678700, >>>/qresearch/11678713 The whole US ELECTION 2020 depends on a dodgy shady looking building in Canada??? Seriously?

>>>/qresearch/11678229 Bet this doesnt age well (Vice news, muhQanon Dominion "conspiracy")

>>>/qresearch/11678230 Trump hails ‘Big victory’ in Nevada after county board tosses local election results

>>>/qresearch/11678237 WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 5: In Competitive States, Once Biden Gained the Lead with MASSIVE Vote Dumps, The Remainder of Votes All Possessed Same Biden to Trump Vote Ratio — THIS IS INCONCEIVABLE!

>>>/qresearch/11678251 Wisconsin Elections Commission Refuses to Do Recount Unless Trump Pays $7.9 Million Upfront

>>>/qresearch/11678253 Dems Now Call For 'Unity' But Here's Why There Won't Be Any with Trump's Supporters

>>>/qresearch/11678256 Chelsea Handler says talk show turned her into a lunatic

>>>/qresearch/11678260 BREAKING: Biden's Lead In Georgia Slims As Thousands of Ballots Are Miraculously Found in Recount

>>>/qresearch/11678263 PARAGON/(Dominion) owned by Irish. Clinton visited richest man in Ireland in 2017 after Hillary loses.

>>>/qresearch/11678266 Prepare for the Great Decoupling – Deplatforming moves downstream to and Mailchimp

>>>/qresearch/11678268 The Dominion machine uses a Samsung with WiFi.

>>>/qresearch/11678271 Dominion Part of Council That Disputed Election Integrity Concerns in DHS Statement

>>>/qresearch/11678273, >>>/qresearch/11678319 Paragon Europe: A swamp of companies into Voting , ID's , secure printing etc

>>>/qresearch/11678278, >>>/qresearch/11678288 Georgia County Finds 2,600 Votes During Recount—Elections Director Asked to Step Down

>>>/qresearch/11678279 There is no “We the People” without Election Law & Order

>>>/qresearch/11678283 Breaking the Code: Exposing the 2020 Election Fraud with Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Joe Hoft and Jim Hoft from Gateway Pundit – Tuesday at 3 PM ET

>>>/qresearch/11678287 'Three Wrong Counts In Three Minutes': Georgia Recount Auditor Says Things Aren't Adding Up

>>>/qresearch/11678298 Michelle Obama Suggests GOP Should Accept Biden Victory Claim: ‘This Isn’t a Game’

>>>/qresearch/11678305 "No, This Is Trump": Georgia Recount Auditor Claims Multiple Trump Ballots Fraudulently Called For Biden

>>>/qresearch/11678313 Everybody Knows The Fight Was Fixed

>>>/qresearch/11678321 Raging Kappy playing now

>>>/qresearch/11678323 The Corporate Media Gaslighting Campaign That Failed

>>>/qresearch/11678330 Ga. County's Uncounted Ballots Will Boost Trump, but by How Much?

>>>/qresearch/11678338 Roger Stone to Newsmax TV: Trump Deniers Running 'Psy-op' for Biden

>>>/qresearch/11678342 Lobbyists, Govt Officials Gather in Hawaii Despite Lockdowns

>>>/qresearch/11678349 Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist’

>>>/qresearch/11678361 Maryland CEO charged with allegedly paying $1.5M to fencing coach to get sons into Harvard

>>>/qresearch/11678373 Joe Biden’s Transition Officials Received Intelligence On Michael Flynn Before Donald Trump Took Office

>>>/qresearch/11678381 Sportsball: 'Anti-Colin Kaepernick' former NFL player Burgess Owens linked to QAnon elected to U.S. Congress

>>>/qresearch/11678385 AZ Sec. of State: Katie Hobbs discloses financial support from foreign governments

>>>/qresearch/11678389 Trump Won't Stop Posting a Bogus Voting Machine Conspiracy Theory From QAnon (no amount of MSM REEEEEE is stopping this Kraken)

>>>/qresearch/11678402 Dominion Arms, Canada. Sells weapons, banned in US, from China

>>>/qresearch/11678407 Nov 12 2018 - They knew then. They know now. (ARIZONA -Q)

>>>/qresearch/11678411 Notable #Covid MAP

>>>/qresearch/11678434 Dominion software's reputation for reliability may have taken another hit…

>>>/qresearch/11678438 Despair Porn: NBC Cheers Lockdowns While Lamenting Pain Caused

>>>/qresearch/11678445 Kissinger Warns Biden: Anti-China Coalition Could Cause "Catastrophe Comparable To World War I"

>>>/qresearch/11678447 Project Veritas: Georgia Recount Auditors Call Multiple Ballots For Joe Biden That Were Actually Marked For President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11678459 Jason Rantz: Seattle's downward spiral – these city actions are driving the decline

>>>/qresearch/11678464 Pushing ‘defund the police,’ BLM turned its success into electoral disaster

>>>/qresearch/11678479 Sidney Powell: the bravest, smartest, fiercest, patriot in America

>>>/qresearch/11678484, >>>/qresearch/11678523 CNN Gets in on the List Game, Targeting 'Enablers' of Trump's Election 'Defiance'

>>>/qresearch/11678487 Qdrop# 2217 (anon decode)

>>>/qresearch/11678496 Houston Announces Plan to Randomly Knock on Doors to Collect Blood Samples to Better Understand COVID

>>>/qresearch/11678508 Cop-Hating Portland Commissioner Apologizes For Her Behavior In a Lyft. Just Kidding, She Blamed 'White Supremacists'

>>>/qresearch/11678527 Newsom's cozy ties with top lobbyist showcased by French Laundry dinner party

>>>/qresearch/11678537 Gateway Pundit Asks DOJ to Investigate Michigan Attorney General’s Suppression of Voter Fraud News

>>>/qresearch/11678538 New deadly virus Chapare found in La Paz Bolivia

>>>/qresearch/11678542 Lawyer appeals lawsuit alleging election fraud in Detroit after Wayne Circuit Court dismissal

>>>/qresearch/11678543 MSNBC’s Wallace: Right-Wing Media Pushing ‘Alternate Reality,’ ‘Interviewing Lunatics’

>>>/qresearch/11678552 Sidney Powell: Impeach John Roberts if he dismisses election fraud

>>>/qresearch/11678560 Does election justice now lie with GOP state legislators?

>>>/qresearch/11678567 Chad Pergram: Facebook and Twitter CEO's testify before Congress TODAY

>>>/qresearch/11678571 Election fraud: 'If I had a Hammer' … and the DNC did!

>>>/qresearch/11678587 Lin Wodd, Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani Twitter Accounts 'Search Banned'

>>>/qresearch/11678607 The U.S. Economy’s Remarkable Recovery Continues As Biden Plans To Crush It

>>>/qresearch/11678633 Nevada vote discrepancies, including six people who voted twice, lead to redo of county commission race

>>>/qresearch/11678652 The Dow just clinched its fastest bear-market recovery in 30 years (its the ECONOMY stupid…)

>>>/qresearch/11678669, >>>/qresearch/11678693 CDC ADMITS — We counted 51,000 heart attacks as Covid deaths

>>>/qresearch/11678672 Dominion also provides ballot tabulation and voting systems for Canada's major party leadership elections

>>>/qresearch/11678676 Conservative Journalist Successfully Sues State of Minnesota for Access to Coronavirus Briefings

>>>/qresearch/11678697 Reading the Venomous Cottonmouth Story from previous bread. Says snake regurgitated two other snakes and an intact frog (comms fo sho)

>>>/qresearch/11678718 CNN's Brian Stelter skips Jeffrey Toobin's firing from New Yorker, MSNBC's Jon Meacham snafu on media show

>>>/qresearch/11678722 National Security Adviser [O'Brien] pushes for transition to Biden?

>>>/qresearch/11678724 'OFF THE HOOK' Jeffrey Epstein’s plea deal ‘gives Ghislaine Maxwell immunity from prosecution’

>>>/qresearch/11678756 CEO of Threshold (linked to Tides) is an obvious Anti-Trumper.

>>>/qresearch/11678767 Joseph Flynn: Good night friends and Patriots .. smiles up! God is great!

>>>/qresearch/11678771 Australian media trial over Pell conviction adjourned; judge considers dismissing charges

>>>/qresearch/11678789 #14910 1/2, #14911, #14912

>>>/qresearch/11678790 #14908, #14909, #14910 2/2

(78 notables, 92 posts, 96 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:58 a.m. No.35946   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11678799 Q Research General #14911: The Scytl Of Damocles Edition

Created 171056ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11678834 anon provides english version for DIG HELP (Spanish translation) FOR ANON Irish group Paragon buys Scytl through Service Point

>>>/qresearch/11678837 Is the arrest of newly confirmed president-elect Joe Biden enough to trigger mass pop awakening?

>>>/qresearch/11678922 USAF TWAT - WE GOT YOU ARMY

>>>/qresearch/11678951 anon opines on > (lb) anon opines, What if Hammer was used, but it was used to spy on Dominion?

>>>/qresearch/11679000, >>>/qresearch/11679017 Joseph J Flynn Retweeted… Peace Frog is the title of a doors song

VIDEO - The Doors - Peace Frog [Channel: MrDutton94]

>>>/qresearch/11679049 Google Sued For Data Costs After Android Phones Found Transferring "Unapproved, Undisclosed" Data

>>>/qresearch/11679071 Gen. Milley’s wife saved a man’s life at the Veterans Day wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington

>>>/qresearch/11679089 In Vitro Study Finds Mouthwash Can Kill Coronavirus Within 30 Seconds

>>>/qresearch/11679108 The suspect who sucker-punched a man to the ground in a viral video after the #MillionMAGAMarch is Kenneth W. DeBerry, a DC BLM activist.

>>>/qresearch/11679134 I Bought a Voting Machine Online … Then Hacked It - vidya from 10/2018

>>>/qresearch/11679152 @JosephJFLynn1: She is going to need all of the prayers in Heaven in going against the Goliath of the Deep State Corruption Machine

>>>/qresearch/11679166 Army-Funded Algorithm Decodes Brain Signals

>>>/qresearch/11679187 US shoots down ICBM in space from warship for first time in successful test

>>>/qresearch/11679211 GECKO54 rises from Pope AFB (Fort Bragg)

>>>/qresearch/11679215 Get in here and retwat this

>>>/qresearch/11679249 6 Factors Which Point to a Rigged Election

>>>/qresearch/11679277 Democrats suddenly stopped going after voting systems right before Joe Biden started winning primaries

>>>/qresearch/11679293 President Trump's campaign legal team has beefed up with several senior lawyers

>>>/qresearch/11679299 sidney powell keeps tweeting fr@ud; senate hearing today for zuck and jack 10am EST

>>>/qresearch/11679310 Ranking Members Klobuchar, Warner, Reed, and Peters Press Election Equipment Manufacturers on Security (March 27, 2019)

>>>/qresearch/11679337 how much are you's worth ??

>>>/qresearch/11679354 (from the 16th and poster has 28 posts atm. what does your discernment say?)

>>>/qresearch/11679392, >>>/qresearch/11679414 Rudy with Bartirimo: "BTW, there is a Mars in Pennsylvania"

>>>/qresearch/11679438 Dominion confirms Clinton Foundation donation, Pelosi staffer tie but disputes other claims

>>>/qresearch/11679459 anon opines a Legal scenario to ponder

>>>/qresearch/11679492 BHO: My memoir, A Promised Land, is out today.

>>>/qresearch/11679536 anon opines notably: They NEVER accepted a valid election for 4 years. That's how bad they want it. How bad do you want it? It's been 14 days since the fraud. Anons dig deep.

>>>/qresearch/11679546 @SidneyPowell1 The #Kraken was released several days ago. You're just beginning to see the signs. (from last night)

>>>/qresearch/11679584 #14910 1/2, #14911, #14912

>>>/qresearch/11679641 (lb) SCYTL RAZZIA in Frankfurt.

>>>/qresearch/11679645 (lb)Australian Health Minister, Greg Hunt has copy of Klaus Schwab's, COVID-19 THE GREAT RESET on his Bookshelf

(31 notables, 33 posts, 33 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:59 a.m. No.35947   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11679590 Q Research General #14912: The Dig Of All Digs b/w Why Is Maricopa "Steal Central" Edition

Created 171325ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11679707, >>>/qresearch/11679757, >>>/qresearch/11679816, >>>/qresearch/11679848 anon bundle: 101st and the 10th Mountain all talking about "dragons lair" competition

>>>/qresearch/11679735 salt harvest: “fears the incoming DOJ team could get ‘blindsided’ by a last minute arrest or major announcement”

>>>/qresearch/11679736, >>>/qresearch/11679749 To slay the dragon use the Magic Sword: whats even more interesting is that the 101st airborne division responded / reposted it on their timeline both blue checks

>>>/qresearch/11679740 digging on that creepy Klaus Schwab

>>>/qresearch/11679761 a controlled demolition and exposure of the infiltrators and the 'high credibility networks' they created and knowingly used to gaslight the world is in process.

>>>/qresearch/11679771 dayshift call to dig, klaus schwab and the world economic forum, Michael Kratsios

>>>/qresearch/11679782 (pb), UKRAINE HAS NOW LISTED JOE BIDEN AS WANTED ON Class A felony charges (reckon we have to extradite him?)

>>>/qresearch/11679798 10th mountain retweets 18th airborne w/TheRock pic holy shit

>>>/qresearch/11679805 Dominon Voting: when a company's logo says exactly who they are.

>>>/qresearch/11679813 anon provides english version for DIG HELP (Spanish translation) FOR ANON Irish group Paragon buys Scytl through Service Point

>>>/qresearch/11679850, >>>/qresearch/11679947, >>>/qresearch/11679965, >>>/qresearch/11680017, >>>/qresearch/11680261 PF reports

>>>/qresearch/11679867 anon opines on > (lb) anon opines, What if Hammer was used, but it was used to spy on Dominion?

>>>/qresearch/11679902 10th Mountain (for background)

>>>/qresearch/11679913 CHECK IT OUT: 4AM talking points graphic !!!

>>>/qresearch/11680048 18th Airborne from 11/15, Space X Dragon is docked at the ISS (Lair?)

>>>/qresearch/11680052 anon opines on coincidence of "less than 6%" and Q's "4-6% LOST FOREVER" wrt ballots/votes

>>>/qresearch/11680069, >>>/qresearch/11680080, >>>/qresearch/11680097, >>>/qresearch/11680120 Any discussions been had on V.K. Durham to add to the 'Durham' digs?

>>>/qresearch/11680107 Safe Spacer™ is a patent-pending wearable device that helps users maintain safe social distance (are you "safe" miss gradenko?)

>>>/qresearch/11680117 Dominion and Smartmatic sit on CISA's Coordinating Council - no wonder they said that there wasn't evidence of fraud.

>>>/qresearch/11680154 POTUS PA hearing starts at 1:30 EST

>>>/qresearch/11680230 10am EST Facebook & Twitter CEOs Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee CSPAN link

>>>/qresearch/11680273 anon opines that They (Trump and the military) needed to handle this issue [election fraud] very carefully to avoid civil war, not just in the US but around the world.

>>>/qresearch/11680352 #14910 1/2, #14911, #14912

(23 notables, 34 posts, 33 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 5:59 a.m. No.35948   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11680362 Q Research General #14913: Resisting The Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law Edition

Created 171501ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11680457, >>>/qresearch/11680670 Lin Wood has asked people from Georgia to step up, stand for truth, and call their governor to demand a special session

>>>/qresearch/11680469, >>>/qresearch/11680573, >>>/qresearch/11680578 Call to Dig: Gabriel Sterling Manager, Georgia Statewide Voting System Implementation

>>>/qresearch/11680471 German Defense Minister Kramp-Karrenbauer dbled down Tues on assertion Europe continue to rely on U.S. security guarantees, in response to criticism from French Pres Macron

>>>/qresearch/11680475 Catalonia’s Push for Independence Stokes Divisions Across Spain, and Among Catalans

>>>/qresearch/11680478 Irish group Paragon buys Scytl through Service Point

>>>/qresearch/11680500 Bill Clinton visits Billionaire Denis O'Brien in 2017, Digicel, Gamma Communications Digg

>>>/qresearch/11680511 I have been following this guys update on vote count updates, battleground states

>>>/qresearch/11680512 Digg: Padawan>Baby Yoda>Scott Schools?

>>>/qresearch/11680514, >>>/qresearch/11680530 Police clear out Montreal's Ubisoft building, but 911 calls were a hoax

>>>/qresearch/11680515 Klaus Schwab Digg continued

>>>/qresearch/11680524 Sunrise Movement a climate justice group; Have we done any digs on the Sunrise Movement? They're behind The Squad and New Green Deal

>>>/qresearch/11680528, >>>/qresearch/11680561 Trump won - the data; Sarah Westall

>>>/qresearch/11680538, >>>/qresearch/11680686, >>>/qresearch/11680804 Biden Digg: Joe thinks politics is about power

>>>/qresearch/11680563, >>>/qresearch/11680574, >>>/qresearch/11680584, >>>/qresearch/11680595, >>>/qresearch/11680616, >>>/qresearch/11680625, >>>/qresearch/11680633, >>>/qresearch/11680678, >>>/qresearch/11680693, >>>/qresearch/11680811 ELECTION FRAUD COMPILATION Updated

>>>/qresearch/11680568, >>>/qresearch/11680588, >>>/qresearch/11680590, >>>/qresearch/11680603, >>>/qresearch/11680631, >>>/qresearch/11680706, >>>/qresearch/11680723, >>>/qresearch/11680745, >>>/qresearch/11680764, >>>/qresearch/11680799, >>>/qresearch/11680816 SCYTL Digg

VIDEO - The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire (Documen [Channel: Independent POV]

>>>/qresearch/11680569 Anons , don't be surprised if this hearing today fails. We are in front of a BHO Judge

>>>/qresearch/11680607, >>>/qresearch/11680617, >>>/qresearch/11680669, >>>/qresearch/11680717, >>>/qresearch/11680750, >>>/qresearch/11680873, >>>/qresearch/11681011, >>>/qresearch/11681037, >>>/qresearch/11681085, >>>/qresearch/11681181 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/11680610, >>>/qresearch/11680638, >>>/qresearch/11680709 Today, Scott Schools quit. NPR broke news Mr. Schools is leaving the Justice Department. His last day is Friday this week

>>>/qresearch/11680620 Trump Attorney Sidney Powell Says Election Results Ready To Overturn

>>>/qresearch/11680689 More Than A Dozen GOP Women Elected To House Of Reps.

>>>/qresearch/11680887 Jesse Watters dead grandmother a democrat, got 5 unsolicited ballots, another grandfather republican received no solicited ballots in NY state

>>>/qresearch/11680923, >>>/qresearch/11681154 Senator Blumenthal claims that QAnon is the spreader of misinformation (particularly in the Spanish language) in the Georgia runoff


>>>/qresearch/11680951 Kamala Harris’s cognitively impaired “colleague” just threw her under the bus for illegally leaking classified intel to him

>>>/qresearch/11681125 OAN: UKRAINE HAS NOW LISTED JOE BIDEN AS WANTED ON Class A felony charges


(24 notables, 62 posts, 51 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6 a.m. No.35949   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11681235 Q Research General #14914 Never forget those in the background Edition

Created 171634ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11681249, >>>/qresearch/11681310, >>>/qresearch/11681323 Facebook's Fuckerberg said they use a 'Neutral Third Party' to do their fuckt checking

>>>/qresearch/11681250 CodeMonkey tweet: Do you know how the SCYTL/Smartmatic/Dominion networks are/were setup for the 2020 elections?

>>>/qresearch/11681260 California lawmakers head to Maui with lobbyists despite pandemic, travel warnings

>>>/qresearch/11681261, >>>/qresearch/11681298, >>>/qresearch/11681332 Zuckerberg Brags About Interfering in Election, Cracking Down on Dreaded Q-Anon So They Couldn't Organize Violence/But BLM-Antifa Violence is Approved

>>>/qresearch/11681263 NeonRevolt continuing his harassment campaigns: after CM, he's now going after Darren Beattie and Revolver

>>>/qresearch/11681266 Operation Stolen Innocence: 170 people charged in Tallahassee child sex trafficking network

>>>/qresearch/11681284 Biden, Harris to receive national security briefing, but not from gov't officials

>>>/qresearch/11681327, >>>/qresearch/11681331 Vatican Releases Long-Awaited ‘McCarrick Report’ Exonerating Pope Francis

>>>/qresearch/11681334 Readout from the Trump Administration’s 41st Governors Briefing on COVID-19 Response & Best Practices

>>>/qresearch/11681387, >>>/qresearch/11681408 Breaking News: U.S. successfully conducts SM-3 Block IIA Intercept Test against an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Target

>>>/qresearch/11681411 Stacey Abrams Joins Globalist Elite, Anointed by CFR, Bilderberg Group (June 1, 2019)

>>>/qresearch/11681415 Smartmatic Director Admitted in 2017 that Their System Was Able to Create “At Least One Million” Phantom Votes in that Year’s Venezuela Election

>>>/qresearch/11681452 Abortion charity Marie Stopes changes its name to distance itself from links to eugenics and Nazis

>>>/qresearch/11681462, >>>/qresearch/11681468, >>>/qresearch/11681470, >>>/qresearch/11681474 DOMINON VOTING MASTER NOTABLES LIST POSTED OLDEST TO NEWEST POST NUMBER

>>>/qresearch/11681473 Schumer to include Upstate New York and Puerto Rico in statehood legislation (11/7/2020)

>>>/qresearch/11681477 Digg: Interesting relative of the Vanderbilt's

>>>/qresearch/11681484 POMPEO TWEETS ANONCOMMS?

>>>/qresearch/11681502 What We Must Believe to Believe Biden Won

>>>/qresearch/11681516 Tuesday's Propaganda from the AP: Twitter: 300,000 tweets flagged over election disinformation

>>>/qresearch/11681519 Biden Starts Doling Out White House Jobs To Longtime Democratic Operatives, Campaign Staff

>>>/qresearch/11681520 WaPo's Editorial Board: It's Time to End Election Protections for Rural America

>>>/qresearch/11681528, >>>/qresearch/11681874 U.S. Navy tweet: Be sure to visit the @MyNAVYHR Facebook page and get your questions answered at 1300 EST

>>>/qresearch/11681530 Sidney Powell: "Trump votes were programmed to switch to Biden ahead of time, but Trumps votes were so high, it didn't work right because they didn't set their algorithms high enough"

>>>/qresearch/11681539 Columbia Prof Urges Constitutional Amendment 'To Prevent Another Trump'

>>>/qresearch/11681554 Newsom considering statewide curfew as he orders emergency business shutdowns

>>>/qresearch/11681560 Sen. Blumenthal Urges Mark Zuckerberg to Remove Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Steve Bannon from Facebook

>>>/qresearch/11681565 Dominion digg: Michael I. Shamos, professor at carnegie mellon. used as an expert witness in many cases

>>>/qresearch/11681584 Dominion digg: TENEO CEO DECLAN KELLY

>>>/qresearch/11681601 Violent Black Lives Matter Goon who Brutally Beat Innocent Trump Supporter Unconscious in DC is Child Sex Offender

>>>/qresearch/11681613 Irate Dutch farmers clog roads in major tractor protest over government’s climate change policy

>>>/qresearch/11681617, >>>/qresearch/11681639, >>>/qresearch/11681671 Chanel Rion OAN: #DominionVotingSystems "glitched" in favor of Joe Biden (used in 29 states), partnered up w/Clinton Global Initiative, had on staff former employees of both Clinton Growth Initiative/Clinton Cash Cow TENEO

>>>/qresearch/11681626 Michigan court rejects appeal for 'independent audit' of ballots over allegations of voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/11681631, >>>/qresearch/11681635 CISA EISCC (Dominion, Smartmatic, SCYTL) - Drop 4951

>>>/qresearch/11681638 Catherine Herridge tweet: Elections Canvassing Commission met today + certified official results for federal, state, + multicounty offices

>>>/qresearch/11681640, >>>/qresearch/11681654, >>>/qresearch/11681696, >>>/qresearch/11681721, >>>/qresearch/11681740, >>>/qresearch/11681758 Digging on Klaus Schwab: The Maverick Collective, Melinda Gates, Princess and Bronfmans

>>>/qresearch/11681656 Georgia state secretary claims Lindsey Graham prodded him to ‘throw out’ mail-in ballots, senator rubbishes ‘ridiculous’ claim

>>>/qresearch/11681658 “Multiple studies, …, show that across all primary states Clinton performs best in counties w/voting machines that don't leave paper trail, this difference is statistically significant”

>>>/qresearch/11681664 Report: Trump Allies Are Raising Millions To Start A New Conservative News Network

>>>/qresearch/11681679 New Mexico one of 4 states in Pfizer pilot vaccine delivery program

>>>/qresearch/11681686, >>>/qresearch/11681858 Mission Success: In a test today, the Aegis Combat System successfully intercepted a target representing an intercontinental ballistic missile for the first time

>>>/qresearch/11681699 W.H.O. Calls for the Doctor as Coronavirus Hits Geneva Headquarters

>>>/qresearch/11681705, >>>/qresearch/11681720 U.S. Air Force: High above #TeamAUAB, the 379th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron utilize new counter-drone technologies to deter and defend Al Udeid Air Base

>>>/qresearch/11681707, >>>/qresearch/11681797, >>>/qresearch/11681857, >>>/qresearch/11681872 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/11681710 The @AP fact check says @realDonaldTrumpis wrong about signature matching in the Georgia consent decree, I decided to check AP's work. AP's fact-check is wrong

>>>/qresearch/11681719 British Govt Failed to Deport 45 Convicted Terrorists After Release From Prison: Report

>>>/qresearch/11681725 British Govt Refuses to Rule Out Mandatory Vaccines, Orders 5 Million Jabs From Moderna

>>>/qresearch/11681726, >>>/qresearch/11681787 @RudyGiuliani has been admitted to the US District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania Pro Hac Vice

>>>/qresearch/11681762 Horowitz: New data show hospital levels not much worse than flu season

>>>/qresearch/11681792 New Stats Analysis Reveals Potential ‘Stuffing The Tail’ Voter Fraud Scheme Similar to 2008 Sub-Prime Mortgage Meltdown

>>>/qresearch/11681798 Full transcripts of recent Sidney Powell interviews about Dominion software voting systems and massive CRIMINAL election fraud nationwide

>>>/qresearch/11681813 BANANA REPUBLIC: Philadelphia Reports 8,000 Newly Counted Ballots 2 Weeks After Election Day – 85% For Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11681833 'Patients go in and only come out in a body bag': El Paso nurse describes 'The Pit' where COVID patients get just three rounds of CPR before being left to die as Texas enlists inmates to move bodies at morgue for $2 an hour

>>>/qresearch/11681845 Joe Biden just named Cedric Richmond as a senior White House advisor

>>>/qresearch/11681868 Bitcoin breaks $17,000 as 2020 rally powers on

>>>/qresearch/11681953, >>>/qresearch/11681982 #14913, #14914 2/2, #14914 1/2

(55 notables, 80 posts, 113 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6 a.m. No.35950   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11682013 Q Research General #14915: A Small Handfull Of Global Interests Rigged Our System Edition

Created 171805ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11682043 After 3 Failures, Pentagon Now Says It Won't Be Able to Produce a 'Clean' Audit Until 2027

>>>/qresearch/11682060, >>>/qresearch/11682320 Anon Theory: Meaning of [ 93 dk]

>>>/qresearch/11682064 Flashback: November 17, 1967 - President Lyndon Johnson tells the American public that victory in the Vietnam War is in sight.

>>>/qresearch/11682071 These Are The 16 Organizations That Will Be Receiving The First $800 Million From The Bezos Earth Fund


>>>/qresearch/11682076 The CIA’s 70-Year History of Disinformation: How the CIA Funded the Opinion Magazines in Europe

>>>/qresearch/11682079 @govkristinoem: "Thank you, AG Barr for meeting with me yesterday to discuss South Dakota priorities and the threats posed by Big Tech.

>>>/qresearch/11682081 Director of the Korean company, Daewoo, had committed suicide after being subjected to "pressure and blackmail."

>>>/qresearch/11682093 European Vega Rocket Suffers 'Major Failure', $400 Million In Satellites Destroyed

>>>/qresearch/11682109 Digital tool developed to promote youth vote in New Zealand

>>>/qresearch/11682110 VIDEO: Biden Implies Harris Is Feeding Him Classified Info From Her Seat On Intel Committee

>>>/qresearch/11682111 Tallahassee Police Department announces nearly 200 arrests in 'large-scale' child sex trafficking investigation

>>>/qresearch/11682121 Nothing to see here: McCann suspect hurt on way to parole hearing in Germany

>>>/qresearch/11682130 Pentagon Plan Calls for Pulling All Troops from Somalia

>>>/qresearch/11682138 @CodeMonkeyZ "Did you know that Dominion's voting software "Allows staff to adjust tally based on review of scanned ballot images"? Their words, not mine"

>>>/qresearch/11682140 Stanford University is literally outsourcing the writing of its free speech policy to Antifa

>>>/qresearch/11682142 The DEA Wants Access To 131 Million Prescription Records

>>>/qresearch/11682146 The [John] McCain Institute funded by George Soros and Saudi Arabia, EXPOSED

>>>/qresearch/11682150 VIRGINIA: Charges Dropped For Democrat State Senator In Monument Vandal Case After Police Chief Canned Following Arrest

>>>/qresearch/11682159 Palantir Rallies After Steve Cohen’s Point72 Snaps Up Shares

>>>/qresearch/11682170 University of California agrees to $73MILLION settlement over UCLA Health gynecologist accused of sexually abusing patients for more than three decades

>>>/qresearch/11682177 Hillary Clinton Appointed Chancellor of University in Northern Ireland

>>>/qresearch/11682184 DIG!: Centra

>>>/qresearch/11682210 POTUS/Eric Trump both tweet "signatures"

>>>/qresearch/11682251 Netanyahu, Rivlin call to congratulate Biden, calling him ‘president-elect’

>>>/qresearch/11682278 Progressive group Justice Democrats criticizes Biden appointments

>>>/qresearch/11682279 The Secret Agenda of the World Bank and IMF

>>>/qresearch/11682287 Article: 6 Factors Which Point to a Rigged Election

>>>/qresearch/11682291 Israel finds explosives planted on Syrian border; Gantz holds Damascus to blame

>>>/qresearch/11682296 NATO warns of 'high price' if US troops leave Afghanistan

>>>/qresearch/11682317 Dominion confirms Clinton Foundation donation, Pelosi staffer tie but disputes other claims

>>>/qresearch/11682328, >>>/qresearch/11682368, >>>/qresearch/11682490, >>>/qresearch/11682568 Planefag

>>>/qresearch/11682332 The Alleged Voting Irregularities in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11682356 The FBI Spying Denial That Never Grows Cold

>>>/qresearch/11682381 Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein Caught Without a Face Mask On…. AGAIN

>>>/qresearch/11682387 DIG!: Klaus Schwab

>>>/qresearch/11682414 Pair Charged With Voter Fraud Allegedly Submitted THOUSANDS of Fraudulent Applications on Behalf of Homeless People

>>>/qresearch/11682444 OECD Working Group on Bribery Issues Report Commending United States for Maintaining Leading Role in the Fight Against Transnational Corruption

>>>/qresearch/11682453 Twatter fags, retwat the fuck out of Cruz twatter tests

>>>/qresearch/11682473 Powerhouse attorney Lin Wood files suit to declare entire Georgia election in 2020 null and void

>>>/qresearch/11682482 Establishment Dems Can’t Say ‘No’ to Billionaires

>>>/qresearch/11682495 Smartmatic Director Admitted in 2017 that Their System Was Able to Create “At Least One Million” Phantom Votes in that Year’s Venezuela Election

>>>/qresearch/11682510 Ukrainian Parliament To Vote On Allowing SBU To Censor Media, But Stop Investigating Corruption

>>>/qresearch/11682522 DON’T MISS THIS… Breaking the Code: Exposing the 2020 Election Fraud with Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Joe Hoft and Jim Hoft from Gateway Pundit – Tuesday at 3 PM ET

>>>/qresearch/11682546 Ireland, Clinton Foundation Sign $158.2 Million Agreement To Provide AIDS Drugs to Mozambique

>>>/qresearch/11682569 Prevezon Holdings: The Black Money Collector

>>>/qresearch/11682574 Shokin demands to reopen the case against Biden

>>>/qresearch/11682584 DHS says it temporarily put FEMA chief Peter Gaynor in charge of the department Nov 14 so he could change the order of succession to make Chad Wolf eligible for acting secretary job. Then Wolf re-issued all the orders that were under legal cloud

>>>/qresearch/11682632 FEC Chairman: If Sidney Powell Says There Was Rampant Voter Fraud, ‘I Believe Her’

>>>/qresearch/11682651 CLINTON VISIT Former US First Lady Hillary Clinton feels ‘sense of joy’ as she flies into Ireland to be guest of honour at charity dinner

>>>/qresearch/11682680 Canadian indigenous group to invest up to C$1 billion in Keystone oil pipeline

>>>/qresearch/11682708, >>>/qresearch/11682768 #14915 2/2, #14915 1/2, #14916

>>>/qresearch/11682714 Report: Americans Own an Estimated 434 Million Firearms

>>>/qresearch/11682720 Twitter election disclaimer has been changed

(54 notables, 59 posts, 80 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6 a.m. No.35951   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11682794 Q Research General #14916: Taking Back Our Country Edition

Created 171918ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11682826 Poll: 58% of voters now believe Biden won the presidential election, up 9 points from last week

>>>/qresearch/11682845 China now brazenly sells fentanyl ingredients straight to Mexican cartels

>>>/qresearch/11682863 Cybersecurity Expert: Easiest Way to Compromise Elections System Is During the Manufacturing Process — And It’s Not Hard at All

>>>/qresearch/11682870 Nimitz Strike Group Participates in #Malabar with Australia, India, and Japan

>>>/qresearch/11682872 Grassley in quarantine

>>>/qresearch/11682880 Seven Charged in Connection with a COVID-Relief Fraud Scheme Involving more than 80 Fraudulent Loan Applications Worth Approximately $16 Million

>>>/qresearch/11682900 @MajorPatriot "The same voting machines that got these men elected to office in Venezuela were used in 2,000 precincts and 30 States to give Joe Biden the "most votes" of any candidate in US History"

>>>/qresearch/11682901 Elon Musk Just Got $15 Billion Dollars Richer; Here’s How

>>>/qresearch/11682906, >>>/qresearch/11682918 Shouldn’t the Commander in Chief “twitter” Jack with some shackles for blocking anything?

>>>/qresearch/11682917, >>>/qresearch/11682935, >>>/qresearch/11682950, >>>/qresearch/11682961, >>>/qresearch/11683035, >>>/qresearch/11683204, >>>/qresearch/11683258, >>>/qresearch/11683346, >>>/qresearch/11683480, >>>/qresearch/11683519 Planefag updates

>>>/qresearch/11682932 The new secretary of health will replace John Wiesman at the end of Gov. Inslee’s second term on Jan. 10, 2021

>>>/qresearch/11682934 If Americans Can No Longer Trust Our Elections, We’re In Big Trouble

>>>/qresearch/11682941 Crowdsourcing tool for Voter Fraud evidence on

>>>/qresearch/11682945 People living in Scotland's toughest tiers could be ARRESTED if they try to leave

>>>/qresearch/11682954 Warren Buffett Bets Big On Pharma After Pulling Back From Apple, Banks

>>>/qresearch/11682962, >>>/qresearch/11682981 TIME TO COME HOME: President Trump Bringing Troops Home From Iraq and Afghanistan

>>>/qresearch/11682972 It Looks as Though Dominion, Smartmatic Played a Part in DHS' Election Defense

>>>/qresearch/11683008 @SecArmy: I have directed Arlington National Cemetery to safely host Wreaths Across America.

>>>/qresearch/11683073 Frydenberg to reaffirm trade relations with Beijing

>>>/qresearch/11683087 Netanyahu, Rivlin call to congratulate Biden, calling him ‘president-elect’

>>>/qresearch/11683135 After Election, Facebook Will Now Ban You If You Are ‘Similar Looking’ To Someone They Banned

>>>/qresearch/11683149 Centra sponsored sham scientific conferences for the CIA for espionage purposes.

>>>/qresearch/11683171 Chelsea Clinton: There are Trump supporters outside my parents’ house shouting through megaphones “Lock Her Up,”

>>>/qresearch/11683181, >>>/qresearch/11683218 Centra will now be acquired by PAE and we know how the CIA uses business mergers to hide criminal activity

>>>/qresearch/11683196, >>>/qresearch/11683223 Lord Malloch Brown Revealed: The British Hand Behind the Coup Shows Its Scales Again

>>>/qresearch/11683251 Military Situation In Syria On November 17, 2020 (Map Update)

>>>/qresearch/11683308 Trump campaign's Pennsylvania lawsuit heads to court Tuesday

>>>/qresearch/11683315 Ohio Gov. DeWine Announces Three-Week COVID Curfew

>>>/qresearch/11683370 Bill Gates compares people who refuse to wear masks amid COVID to nudists who won't wear pants in public

>>>/qresearch/11683387 US State Department to Release ‘Kennan-Style’ Blueprint for Containing China

>>>/qresearch/11683418 Soros Regrets Early Investment in Peter Thiel’s Palantir

>>>/qresearch/11683446 Jack Dorsey says Twitter censored more than 300,000 election-related tweets as ‘misleading’ over two weeks

>>>/qresearch/11683486 Acting SECDEF assures end of ‘generational’ Mideast wars in announcement of partial drawdown

>>>/qresearch/11683488 Josh Hawley Claims He Has Evidence of Coordinated Censorship by Google, Facebook, Twitter

>>>/qresearch/11683539 #14915 2/2, #14915 1/2, #14916

(35 notables, 48 posts, 81 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:01 a.m. No.35952   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11683588 Q Research General #14917: Time to Come Home Edition

Created 172036ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11683638 Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is fighting election transparency

>>>/qresearch/11683645 Senate blocks nom of Judy Shelton to serve on the Federal Reserve. Coalition of Democrats/Republicans. The Senate failed to overcome bipartisan filibuster against Shelton

>>>/qresearch/11683648, >>>/qresearch/11683675, >>>/qresearch/11683715 Worth watching Senator Josh Hawley grill Zuck

>>>/qresearch/11683649 White Sands Missile Range and Kraken

>>>/qresearch/11683659 Pompeo Forgoes Meetings With Turkish Officials, Shifts Focus to Religious Liberty

>>>/qresearch/11683674 New crooked Hillary Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11683686 Biden-Harris Transition Twitter

>>>/qresearch/11683690 @US_CYBERCOM: @CISAgov, you're two?! We would've never guessed it. Happy birthday to a great partner in #cybersecurity and election defense

>>>/qresearch/11683699 Trump’s attorneys battle for ‘legitimate votes’ as concern mounts over Dominion Voting Systems & Smartmatic

>>>/qresearch/11683707 Graham Fistbumps Kamala


>>>/qresearch/11683713 McConnell says 'precipitous drawdown' in Afghanistan, Iraq 'a mistake'

>>>/qresearch/11683727 Gavin Newsom Claims Expensive Dinner Party Was A Setup

>>>/qresearch/11683731, >>>/qresearch/11683787, >>>/qresearch/11683851, >>>/qresearch/11683877, >>>/qresearch/11683928 POTUS: I have reversed the ridiculous decision to cancel Wreaths Across America at Arlington National Cemetery. It will now go on!

>>>/qresearch/11683789 RUDY IS RIGHT: Article 2 Section 1 of the Consitution States (with respect to how states select the "Electors" that go to the Electoral College

>>>/qresearch/11683792 Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker Won’t Say if He Will Stay in the State for Thanksgiving Despite Democrats Discouraging Nonessential Travel

>>>/qresearch/11683797 NY Times: Ms. Powell has not yet provided any evidence and did not respond to a request for comment. The New York Times has called election officials in every U.S. state and found no evidence of voter fraud

>>>/qresearch/11683803 OAN Report: Nev. Election Officials Failed To Verify 89% Of Mail-In Signatures

>>>/qresearch/11683829 Dominion Voting Systems employees wiping their LinkedIn profiles at a fairly fast clip

>>>/qresearch/11683840 Lindsey Graham: Biden Not ‘President-Elect’ Until Trump Concedes, or Court Cases Have Been Dismissed and States Certify

>>>/qresearch/11683865 NEW DOCS: "Judicial Watch Obtains Records Showing #FDA Paid for ‘Fresh and Never Frozen’ Human Fetal Parts for Use In ‘Humanized Mice’ Creation."


>>>/qresearch/11683887 OAN - Louie Gohmer - Server seized in Germanyvideo, German ISP "confused" by their all-time traffic record on election night pic related


>>>/qresearch/11683896, >>>/qresearch/11683991 From report "project salvage", describing how these ppl knew Hillary was losing and how they were going to try to "salvage" her campaign

>>>/qresearch/11683922 Two charged in Los Angeles for submitting thousands of fraudulent voter registration applications

>>>/qresearch/11684026 2018 NY Times Video: Professor Shows Students How Easy It Is to Hack a Dominion Voting Machine

>>>/qresearch/11684038 Three more NY sheriffs tell Gov. Andrew Cuomo to get stuffed over his Thanksgiving COVID-19 ban

>>>/qresearch/11684039 NEW: Pennsylvania Supreme Court rules Trump campaign observers had no right to stand within a specific distance during Philadelphia ballot processing

>>>/qresearch/11684040 You know what’s mind blowing about Jacks statement is he think some people can grant him the right to ban free speech

>>>/qresearch/11684058 Twitter Blocks Iran Oil Minister’s Account

>>>/qresearch/11684075 Ex-Harvard Coach, Businessman Charged In $1.5M Bribes Scheme

>>>/qresearch/11684085 Media Hypes Moderna’s COVID Vaccine, Downplays Risks

>>>/qresearch/11684143 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/11684161 BREAKING Footage from Baghdad showing defense systems activated to intercept incoming rockets targeting the heavily fortified Green Zone in the Iraqi capital


>>>/qresearch/11684213, >>>/qresearch/11684241 Chad Pergram tweet: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Why the Judy Shelton Nomination for the Fed Isn't Dead

>>>/qresearch/11684243 More Than 170 Charged Following A Large-Scale Human Trafficking Investigation

>>>/qresearch/11684301 #14917

(35 notables, 43 posts, 60 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:01 a.m. No.35953   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11684373 Q Research General #14918: The Corporate Media Is A Political Special Interest Edition

Created 172150ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11684425 New DJT retweet: In Canadian federal elections, we use paper ballots that are counted by hand in front of scrutineers

>>>/qresearch/11684469 Anon retracting notable?: I notabled that exact Elections Canada tweet last night and some anon found a link that suggested Canada in fact used voting machines in their elections

>>>/qresearch/11684574, >>>/qresearch/11684597, >>>/qresearch/11684603, >>>/qresearch/11684606, >>>/qresearch/11684618, >>>/qresearch/11684650, >>>/qresearch/11684705, >>>/qresearch/11684715, >>>/qresearch/11684756 THEY the evil ones choose the name DOMINION? BUN

>>>/qresearch/11684912 MEX Defense secretary arrested in LA; Joint statement from US AG Barr and MEX attorney general

>>>/qresearch/11684972, >>>/qresearch/11684982, >>>/qresearch/11684995, >>>/qresearch/11685108 New PDJT retweets Dead People Voted/Small-Town Trump Rally One of Many Unreported by Corp Media

>>>/qresearch/11685036 I have lost my home today - to a horrific fire. Everyone is safe and alive. But I’ve lost everything. Prayers are so needed

(6 notables, 17 posts, 13 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:02 a.m. No.35954   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11685171 Q Research General #14919: EBake For The Win Edition

Created 172258ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11685225 Cheat Sheet for Anons Kraken = codename for the Dominion algorithm that changed votes

>>>/qresearch/11685235 178 arrested in child sex trafficking operation in north Florida

>>>/qresearch/11685240, >>>/qresearch/11685245 Tracy Beanz house fire

>>>/qresearch/11685243 Republican Senator Chuck Grassley, 87, Tests Positive For Coronavirus…

>>>/qresearch/11685381 PA MAGAs Get in here! Bet no one told you this

>>>/qresearch/11685395 WHERE IS ERIC COOMER?

>>>/qresearch/11685416 NEW LIN WOOD

>>>/qresearch/11685433, >>>/qresearch/11685477 "DNA-LEVEL" STATISTICAL PROOF: "Smartmatic" Vote-Counting System Was Manipulated in PA and GA to Overturn Trump's Victory

>>>/qresearch/11685456 Hawley Claims to Have 'Clear Evidence' That Facebook, Google, Twitter Plot Censorship Together

>>>/qresearch/11685470 NAVY TWEET - THEY SHOUTING AT US NOW

>>>/qresearch/11685496 Sen. Blumenthal Urges Mark Zuckerberg to Remove Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Steve Bannon from Facebook

>>>/qresearch/11685523 FLASHBACK: Univ. of Michigan Computer Scientist Warned About Voting Machine Vulnerabilities in 2018

>>>/qresearch/11685858 #14919

(13 notables, 15 posts, 22 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:02 a.m. No.35955   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11685870 Q Research General #14920: Spongy Dough Good to Go Edition

Created 172354ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11685912 You media morons are all laughing at Rudy Giuliani

>>>/qresearch/11685934 Fulton County 2017 Election Fraud Voting GLITCH

>>>/qresearch/11685953 Rebel News Reporter Escorted From Dominion Building After Discovering That They Share Office Floor With Soros-Linked Group (Tides Foundation)

>>>/qresearch/11685954, >>>/qresearch/11686060, >>>/qresearch/11686223, >>>/qresearch/11686506 PF

>>>/qresearch/11685983 Another Georgia county has uncovered 2,700 missing votes

>>>/qresearch/11686020 Biden's name formally unreacted by Ukraine in the Shokin / Burisma case

>>>/qresearch/11686028 0.2% change SAME EXACT PATTERN IN BOTH PA AND GA.

>>>/qresearch/11686031, >>>/qresearch/11686051, >>>/qresearch/11686096, >>>/qresearch/11686100, >>>/qresearch/11686143, >>>/qresearch/11686289, >>>/qresearch/11686320 POTUS Tweet-fires CISA Director Chris Krebs

>>>/qresearch/11686038 What is a kraken?

>>>/qresearch/11686054 Can we now arrest Resident Biden and call him Inmate Elect Biden?


>>>/qresearch/11686058, >>>/qresearch/11686073 This evening, the county board of canvassers in Wayne County, MI refused to certify the election results

>>>/qresearch/11686090, >>>/qresearch/11686118 lb, lb , SQUIDS = KRAKEN (superconducting quantum interference devices)

>>>/qresearch/11686101 Biden-Harris Receive National Security Briefing Today, But There’s Just One HUGE Problem!

>>>/qresearch/11686110 HIT PIECE WASHINGTON, D.C. — A tweet seeking to distance Elections Canada from the use of electronic voting equipment

>>>/qresearch/11686198 IN THEORY, Chidra should be able to ID "untraceable" (MACHINE LANGUAGE FILES) election fraud computer programs used to flip votes.

>>>/qresearch/11686204 Sen. Mike Lee Grills Dorsey and Zuckerberg

>>>/qresearch/11686218 Former Vice President Joe Biden announced Tuesday that he would select Washington swamp monster Steve Ricchetti to serve as the “counselor to the president.”

>>>/qresearch/11686231, >>>/qresearch/11686264 POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11686233 China’s People Liberation Army reportedly used microwave weapons against Indian forces in a months-long border standoff between the two countries in the Himalayas

>>>/qresearch/11686239 CNN, too little too late? Congratulating President Trump?

>>>/qresearch/11686244, >>>/qresearch/11686439, >>>/qresearch/11686533 DJT with decode

>>>/qresearch/11686255, >>>/qresearch/11686270 Digg: Open Source Election Technology (OSET) Institute's Initial Funders and Advisory Board - Lots of Dems and former employees from BHO's admin, DARPA, moar


>>>/qresearch/11686284, >>>/qresearch/11686456 Wasn’t expecting Grassley to be away

>>>/qresearch/11686290 What do we know about ES&S Equipment?

>>>/qresearch/11686332 Trump's Nevada electors, including the chair of the Nevada Republican Party, are suing to either have Trump declared the winner of Nevada or to have the presidential election in the state annulled

>>>/qresearch/11686365 Trump fires CISA Director Chris Krebs

>>>/qresearch/11686399 UKRAINE of Ukraine HAS NOW LISTED JOE BIDEN AS WANTED ON Class A felony charges.

>>>/qresearch/11686423 "Founder of Dominion admitted he can change 1,000,000 votes, no problem at all"


>>>/qresearch/11686450 Deputy Director, Matthew Travis CISA

>>>/qresearch/11686475 Trump says U.S. DHS cybersecurity chief Chris Krebs has been terminated

>>>/qresearch/11686511 Republican Sens. Cornyn, Grassley Hint at Immigration Deal with Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11686655 #14920,

(33 notables, 49 posts, 48 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:02 a.m. No.35956   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11686666 Q Research General #14921: CISA JOB VANCANCY APPLY HERE Edition

Created 180056ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11686748 President Trump has fired Chris Krebs, the director of CISA

>>>/qresearch/11686754, >>>/qresearch/11687056 Chris Krebs parting words

>>>/qresearch/11686756, >>>/qresearch/11687120 Make the deal Motherfucker or you are going to die


>>>/qresearch/11686759 The Kraken and Nautilus Are Both SQUIDS

>>>/qresearch/11686776 Sidney Powell calls for HEAD OF CIA to resign HAMMER and SCORECARD

>>>/qresearch/11686795 Full clip Sidney Powell With Greg Kelly (NewsMAX)

>>>/qresearch/11686802 Brennan weighs in…..

>>>/qresearch/11686804, >>>/qresearch/11686833 POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11686806 (2011) 'Kraken' provides needed intelligence, force protection at NIE

>>>/qresearch/11686813 DHS Cyber Director Chris Krebs And Deputy Director Matt Travis Tied To Clapper Who Commandeered Hammer Scorecard

>>>/qresearch/11686823 Goldman Sachs plans further job cuts

>>>/qresearch/11686827, >>>/qresearch/11686936, >>>/qresearch/11686957, >>>/qresearch/11687011, >>>/qresearch/11687043 Looks like Chris Krebs getting fired is pissing off all the right people. Great move President Trump

>>>/qresearch/11686844 Could the LEFT be sowing discord about Lindsey on social media?

>>>/qresearch/11686874 Sidney Powell did promise to release “The Kraken”. Please meet The Kraken!

>>>/qresearch/11686905, >>>/qresearch/11686950, >>>/qresearch/11686985, >>>/qresearch/11687007, >>>/qresearch/11687025, >>>/qresearch/11687063 "Kraken" super comp in Tenn was taken offline in 2014

>>>/qresearch/11686934 U.S. Marines Would you like to know more?

>>>/qresearch/11687028, >>>/qresearch/11687095, >>>/qresearch/11687127 THEY the evil ones choose the name DOMINION? BUN

>>>/qresearch/11687142 Kraken is a supercomputer / The Top Five Supercomputers, Illustrated

>>>/qresearch/11687162 PEDO Arrest list November 17, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11687164 PF Check it out! The HAMMER

>>>/qresearch/11687169 Does the name Scytl have anything to do with this?

>>>/qresearch/11687176 Controversial Fed nominee Judy Shelton stalls in Senate test vote

>>>/qresearch/11687190 The Kraken- disorientation device

>>>/qresearch/11687194 If Biden isnt certified this country will be torn down. Blue check scare tactics

>>>/qresearch/11687217 Majority in the House, a real possibility

>>>/qresearch/11687218, >>>/qresearch/11687285, >>>/qresearch/11687307 CM

>>>/qresearch/11687273 President Trump Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize

>>>/qresearch/11687336 Quad corners the Dragon.

>>>/qresearch/11687414 #14921

(29 notables, 45 posts, 38 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:03 a.m. No.35957   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11687424 Q Research General #14922: Sidney Powell calls CIA HEAD to resign HAMMER and SCORECARD Edition

Created 180152ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11687518 Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted 11.3

>>>/qresearch/11687522 Nevada electoral college candidates pledged to President Trump have filed an election contest, citing irregularities, improprieties, and fraud that may have affected 40,000 votes.

>>>/qresearch/11687537 A fire burning in the Caughlin Ranch area in West Reno has threatened structures and forced evacuations Tuesday afternoon.

>>>/qresearch/11687544 PA Governor now mandates masks must be worn inside your private home, if multiple households are gathering. EVEN IF SOCIALLY DISTANCED.

>>>/qresearch/11687555, >>>/qresearch/11687572 New March for Trump 12th December 2020

>>>/qresearch/11687560, >>>/qresearch/11687561, >>>/qresearch/11687597 11687706 WATCH: Sen. Lindsey Graham gives Vice President-elect Kamala Harris a fist bump on the Senate floor

>>>/qresearch/11687568, >>>/qresearch/11687595 Syrian Air Defence Forces respond to 'Israeli aggression' in sky above Damascus

>>>/qresearch/11687576 Amazon's gender recognition software positively identifies Michelle Obama as male

>>>/qresearch/11687578, >>>/qresearch/11687619 Christopher Krebs, Side note, that phrase has been used 17 times now

>>>/qresearch/11687580, >>>/qresearch/11687736, >>>/qresearch/11687931 PF

>>>/qresearch/11687587 Nazinsky Stalin’s Cannibal Island

>>>/qresearch/11687600 'This Has Never Happened': Deadlocked Board In Largest Michigan County Refuses To Certify Nov 3 Vote

>>>/qresearch/11687605 DELETED? POTUS Just found thousands of more ballots, and the recount is relatively meaningless without being given access to the signatures. Consent decree is a scam that Georgia Secretary of State or Governor should never have let happen. Unconstitutional. Open it up!

>>>/qresearch/11687612 Excellent Anon theory for Double Meanings Exist

>>>/qresearch/11687622 Didn't take long for Wikipedia to update Chris Krebbs info, looks like there are 59 others that need to be fired?

>>>/qresearch/11687624 (2019) Founder of Covid Vaccine Developer Moderna, Robert Langer, Defended MIT's Relationship/Funding From Jeffrey Epstein

>>>/qresearch/11687628 China's Xi: World Economy In Worst Recession Since Great Depression


>>>/qresearch/11687639 Floyd County Dominion techs said they could not comment. Listen to this!


>>>/qresearch/11687649 Joseph J Flynn Crack in the Dam is getting bigger . We_Have_Risen Release The Kraken

>>>/qresearch/11687660 BANANA REPUBLIC: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rejects Trump Campaign’s Claim GOP Observers Lacked Access to Vote Counting Centers

>>>/qresearch/11687667, >>>/qresearch/11687707, >>>/qresearch/11687836 NEW POTUS Wow! Michigan just refused to certify the election results! Having courage is a beautiful thing. The USA stands proud!

>>>/qresearch/11687677 Pompeo in Turkey

>>>/qresearch/11687697 Yes, the Government and Your Employer Can Make You Get a COVID-19 Vaccine

>>>/qresearch/11687700 Elections Security Expert Finds Michigan Results a COMPLETE FRAUD — Current Machines Do Not Have Capability to Count the Mass Dumps for Biden in Reported Time Period

>>>/qresearch/11687733 US Army Always ready!

>>>/qresearch/11687745, >>>/qresearch/11688073 Steve Ricchetti

>>>/qresearch/11687766 DENVER, Colo. — Colorado Gov. Jared Pols announced on Tuesday afternoon that 10 to 15 Colorado counties will move to Level Red: Severe Risk on the state's updated COVID-19

>>>/qresearch/11687771 178 arrested in child sex trafficking operation in north Florida

>>>/qresearch/11687787 The top three highest-ranking House Republicans will remain in their leadership posts in the 117th session of Congress following elections held on Tuesday

>>>/qresearch/11687804, >>>/qresearch/11687838 POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11687822 lb, lb , SQUIDS = KRAKEN (superconducting quantum interference devices)

>>>/qresearch/11687841 Smartmatic's director admitted their voting system was used to create at least 1 million extra votes in a 2017 Venezuelan election

>>>/qresearch/11687845 The Wayne County Board of Canvassers has just unanimously voted to certify the results of the election & called on Michigan SOS Jocelyn Benson to conduct an audit of the unexplained precincts in Wayne County that did not match.

>>>/qresearch/11687857 Brian Krebs has written anti-Q articles

>>>/qresearch/11687882, >>>/qresearch/11687946 NEW POTUS Well, it’s really quite simple. You just can’t have more votes than people!

>>>/qresearch/11687922, >>>/qresearch/11687943 "DOMINO" posts. WHO WAS NOT WEARING A MASK TODAY?

>>>/qresearch/11687949 Mitch McConnell assures there will be ‘orderly’ transfer of power to Biden administration (Bet he gets the virus)

>>>/qresearch/11688000 Landfall Games using pedo symbolism, sarcastically admitting to pizza gate affiliation

>>>/qresearch/11688004 40 Michigan state legislators send STRONG letter to Secretary of State demanding audit and “every legal vote must be counted.”

>>>/qresearch/11688005 Michelle Obama Pops Up Her Head to Weigh in on Presidential Transition — Says “This Isn’t a Game”

>>>/qresearch/11688020 New Dan Scavino

>>>/qresearch/11688062 WTF? note the sauce No, the National Guard didn’t try to thwart a CIA plot to steal the election

>>>/qresearch/11688080 SEC Pushes Urgent Plan That Could Delist Chinese Companies

>>>/qresearch/11688117 PLANEFAG PIL SUNG GLOCK GLOCK A-10 BRRT's out of Osan-PIL SUNG (Certain Victory) is the motto of the 25th Fighter Sq. based at Osan

>>>/qresearch/11688189 #14922

(46 notables, 59 posts, 70 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:03 a.m. No.35958   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11688201 Q Research General #14923: The DEEP STATE's DOMINION, SLOW SPIT ROASTED for more FLAVOR Edition

Created 180252ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11688280, >>>/qresearch/11688289, >>>/qresearch/11688316 South Australia ordered into six-day lockdown amid COVID-19 outbreak

>>>/qresearch/11688301, >>>/qresearch/11688801, >>>/qresearch/11688807 PF

>>>/qresearch/11688309 Trump Gains on Biden Again as Third Georgia County Finds Missing Votes During Recount

>>>/qresearch/11688322 Written Testimony of Mr. John Poulos, CEO Dominion Voting Systems before the Committee on House Administration CALL TO DIGG

>>>/qresearch/11688343, >>>/qresearch/11688356 Wayne County Board of Canvassers is asking to be audited?

>>>/qresearch/11688358 Catherine Herridge

>>>/qresearch/11688365 China warns Australia and Japan over new defence pact, pledges countermeasures

>>>/qresearch/11688379 Omnes viae Romam Who is Joe Plumeri ?

>>>/qresearch/11688381 If P=Pope…If all roads lead to Rome, then we need to watch this carefully.

>>>/qresearch/11688391 Why Walmart Is In Better Position To Take On The Rest The Year

>>>/qresearch/11688396 Voting Machine Secret Ties Revealed | Dominion Linked to DHS

>>>/qresearch/11688399, >>>/qresearch/11688403 CIA Director Suspected Wounded After US Military Raid On Secret German Election Base

>>>/qresearch/11688404 $1.4M in Counterfeit U.S. Cash from Ukraine Seized in Chicago Mail Facility

>>>/qresearch/11688405, >>>/qresearch/11688432, >>>/qresearch/11688464, >>>/qresearch/11688468, >>>/qresearch/11688496, >>>/qresearch/11688655, >>>/qresearch/11688813 These cowards already caved Wayne County Doxed into submission

>>>/qresearch/11688429 Spooky tracking done on travelers returning to Canada or visitors in Canada who undergo the 14 day quarantine

>>>/qresearch/11688466 101st Another DragonsLair Tweet

>>>/qresearch/11688503 Elections Security Expert Finds Michigan Presidential Election Completely Fraudulent - He Has Proof

>>>/qresearch/11688558 Anon opines about Fortune 500 companies backing Biden…do we have more HB hard-drive-type situations?

>>>/qresearch/11688561, >>>/qresearch/11688776 POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11688574 President Donald Trump gave remarks at CIA headquarters a day after being sworn-in as the 45th President

VIDEO - Donald Trump's entire CIA speech [Channel: CNN]

>>>/qresearch/11688614 RECKONING

>>>/qresearch/11688619 Walked off plane at NY’s #LaGuardia airport. At end of jet bridge, the passengers and I were met by uniformed military

>>>/qresearch/11688675, >>>/qresearch/11688777 UNITED STATES v. THROCKMORTON 1878

>>>/qresearch/11688699 Were CNN and all the other networks were using pornhub and betting sites to transmit data to each other?

>>>/qresearch/11688702 John Brennan on CNN

>>>/qresearch/11688803 USSS Dishing out pedo JUSTICE in Kentucky

>>>/qresearch/11688809 US Bombers Enter Chinese Air Defence Zone As Beijing Mounts Massive Naval Drills

>>>/qresearch/11688817 Ted Cruz is freakin funny

>>>/qresearch/11688845, >>>/qresearch/11688864 >11688857, , Is Hawaii cool or was fraud there as well for YEARS so no one even checks it?

>>>/qresearch/11688943 US NAVY

>>>/qresearch/11689003 #14923,

(31 notables, 46 posts, 49 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:03 a.m. No.35959   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11689007 Q Research General #14924: President Donald J Trump Edition

Created 180401ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11689104 Anon Decode [3] before [4] [C]linesmith before [D]eclan

>>>/qresearch/11689122, >>>/qresearch/11689501, >>>/qresearch/11689522 PF

>>>/qresearch/11689142, >>>/qresearch/11689605 I thought it was odd for a Democrat with the Maricopa County Elections to force the use of sharpies on Election Day only. Why? Who Is Kelly Dixon

>>>/qresearch/11689171 They doxxed the judges in Detroit. Think about it for a minute.

>>>/qresearch/11689200 Numbers are now showing president Trump has won…

>>>/qresearch/11689227, >>>/qresearch/11689263 Hawaii, getting sucker punched by local RINO's and closet Democrats every single day

>>>/qresearch/11689234, >>>/qresearch/11689242 NASED GOLD Level Contributors: Democracy Fund is Left-Wing & FJC is Cozy with UNFoundation (Lord Mark Malloch-Brown of Smartmatic)

>>>/qresearch/11689245 The RED Cross is the Jesuits?

>>>/qresearch/11689282 NANCY HAS A BAD CASE OF KREBS

>>>/qresearch/11689311, >>>/qresearch/11689381, >>>/qresearch/11689392 WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 6: Michigan and Georgia, Like in PA and VA, Caught in SAME PATTERN

>>>/qresearch/11689326 RBNZ "Accidentally Leaked" New Stimulus to Financial Firms Early


>>>/qresearch/11689375 Huawei Threat "No.1 Concern For Democracy" Globally: National Security Advisor O'Brien


>>>/qresearch/11689378 (2011) Update: CNN Stated Two Years Ago that Obama’s Birth Records Weren’t Available

>>>/qresearch/11689386 JAMES R MARCHAND

>>>/qresearch/11689446 Australia mocked and threatened by China over 'Asian NATO' alliance Cabal is itching for a war

>>>/qresearch/11689455 You will know when The Kraken speaks

>>>/qresearch/11689475 Lin Wood on Mark Levin Show: Trump Won a 70% Plus Landslide Election – He Probably Had 400 Electoral Votes (Audio)

>>>/qresearch/11689478 Liberals are rushing from San Francisco to Georgia to try to help Democrats win control of the Senate

>>>/qresearch/11689516 Deepstate Panic Piece Biden should PARDON Trump to avert ‘civil unrest’ in the US

>>>/qresearch/11689535 Warnock: ‘Nobody Can Serve God and the Military’

>>>/qresearch/11689564 (Feb 2020) The immigrant electorate is growing the fastest in Georgia, Minnesota and North Carolina

>>>/qresearch/11689573 Lin Wood

>>>/qresearch/11689596 The Venezuelan-owned Smartmatic Corporation is a riddle both in ownership and operation

>>>/qresearch/11689624 Abortion Giant Changes Name to Downplay Eugenicist Founder

>>>/qresearch/11689727 Vaughn F. Bishop Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency

>>>/qresearch/11689775 #14924

(28 notables, 35 posts, 48 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:04 a.m. No.35960   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11689793 Q Research General #14925: Dan Scavino Tweets Make Anons HAPPY Edition

Created 180517ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11689865 Dough Custody Tracker

>>>/qresearch/11689883 Are We Being Told the Truth About COVID-19? -Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi (spoiler alert: NO)

>>>/qresearch/11689903 Dough Custody Tracker Acknowledger

>>>/qresearch/11689914 Taiwan Grounds F-16 Fleet After Two Accidents Amid Heightened Tensions With China

>>>/qresearch/11689915 Let the holiday season begin! The 2020 Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree has officially arrived at the Plaza. (tree literally has covid19)

>>>/qresearch/11689919 Petition circulating at Harvard to stop former Trump administration officials from attending, teaching or speaking at the university

>>>/qresearch/11689923 Trump supporter van crash - Vincent Fusca

>>>/qresearch/11689940 Kissinger and the US Acting Secretary of Defense spoke one after another, showing that the US-China military confrontation is on the line

>>>/qresearch/11689947 Man wanted in $35M Ponzi scheme tries to flee FBI on underwater sea scooter

>>>/qresearch/11689953, >>>/qresearch/11689973 Michigan Secretary of State: Suggestions of Irregularities and Wide Fraud Are Misinformation, We’ll ‘Look Into’ Wayne Co. Audit Request

>>>/qresearch/11689982 Wayne County Board of Canvassers Dem @NedStaebler intimidates GOP canvassers into submitting by calling them muhRacist (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11689987 Notable Anon Chessmove theory - Bishop (Dep. Director CIA)

>>>/qresearch/11689988 GOP observers describe Georgia recount as ‘THEATER’

>>>/qresearch/11689997 Who is shadowserver?


>>>/qresearch/11690021 Georgia Elections Officials Have No Answer as to What Caused 2,755 Votes to Go Uncounted – Dominion Techs Say They Cannot Comment

>>>/qresearch/11690028 Crown's Barangaroo casino blocked from opening over money laundering concerns

>>>/qresearch/11690052 How an international bribes scandal, a cover-up and a trove of leaked emails ended in a suburban Brisbane arrest

>>>/qresearch/11690053, >>>/qresearch/11690058 Based James Woods is Based

>>>/qresearch/11690054 Dominion confirms Clinton Foundation donation, Pelosi staffer tie but disputes other claims

>>>/qresearch/11690059 NAB closes all bank branches due to alleged bomb threat

>>>/qresearch/11690065 2 Charged With Voter Fraud, Allegedly Submitted 8,000 Fraudulent Registration Applications

>>>/qresearch/11690067, >>>/qresearch/11690084 Whois Ned Staebler?

>>>/qresearch/11690082 Why the Navy manages its own private white oak forest

>>>/qresearch/11690142 FEC Chair believes Trump lawyer Powell's fraud claims; 2,700 more missed votes prompt investigation

>>>/qresearch/11690154 Reminder: Michigan S.O.S., Jocelyn Benson had campaign manager charged w multiple Felonies re: Election Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11690201 I have irrefutable evidence that GA local election officials were instructed by state to report original vote totals & NOT report recount totals which are different.

>>>/qresearch/11690225 Dersh interviewed, Trump legal strategy , first 3 minutes , then talks about Dominion.

>>>/qresearch/11690228 POTUS SCHEDULE WED NOV 18

>>>/qresearch/11690253 OLD ARTICLE FOR KEKS: “We found gold behind the walls, which I always knew,” Trump explains. (wire tapping evidence)

>>>/qresearch/11690312 International human trafficking network dismantled in central Athens

>>>/qresearch/11690364 New Addition to FBI Vault - Timothy Leary

>>>/qresearch/11690380 Krebs OUT - Its almost like we were told this was going to happen… NCSWIC

>>>/qresearch/11690405 ISIS Terrorist Who Authored 'Effective Stabbing Techniques' And 'How Does A Detonator Work' Released In Oregon

>>>/qresearch/11690407 Wow, check out the History of Smartmatic…

>>>/qresearch/11690539 Interesting 4chan thread

>>>/qresearch/11690543 Prominent Milwaukee Black Lives Matter leader, Frank Sensabaugh, has been arrested in a sex crime investigation.

>>>/qresearch/11690564 Santon group is in UK. They own SCYTL.

>>>/qresearch/11690570 Have a look inside Dominions Canadian offices. God Bless honest reporters.

>>>/qresearch/11690579 DARPA-Backed Study Leverages Profusa's Lumee® Oxygen Platform as Part of a Larger Effort to Speed Detection and Predict Disease Outbreaks

>>>/qresearch/11690586 Marine Corps Forces Space Command is here

>>>/qresearch/11690592 #14925

(42 notables, 45 posts, 45 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:04 a.m. No.35961   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11690595 Q Research General #14926: /NightShift/ Is Comfy Edition

Created 180729ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11690647 CM: Today at 9am EST I will be making a big announcement about DIGITAL BALLOT STUFFING.

>>>/qresearch/11690686 EVERY. FUCKING. TIME

>>>/qresearch/11690714 Patients Go In And Only Come Out In A Body Bag': El Paso Nurse Describes 'The Pit' Where COVID Patients Get Just Three Rounds Of CPR Before Being Left To Die (despair porn?)

>>>/qresearch/11690789 DARPA Backed Injectible Biosensors? Profusa Gets NIH Grant?

>>>/qresearch/11690820, >>>/qresearch/11690832 Secretary Pompeo in Turkey

>>>/qresearch/11690825 The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997

>>>/qresearch/11690837 Smartmatic's history abbreviated: A massive earthquake hits Haiti. We send in people and equipment to help improve public services by registering its population. (among other things)


>>>/qresearch/11690925, >>>/qresearch/11690927 Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rejects Trump Campaign’s Claim GOP Observers Lacked Access to Vote Counting Centers (re-notable)

>>>/qresearch/11690977 80 Million Votes! Venezuelan Officer Is An American Hero! Sidney Powell With Greg Kelly.

>>>/qresearch/11690981 Notable Pre-Programming RE: Election Counts (the first rule of politics…)

>>>/qresearch/11690990, >>>/qresearch/11690993, >>>/qresearch/11691215 Lin Wood - Trump may have won 50 states. (fucking kek)

>>>/qresearch/11691031 (UPDATED) One America News Network reports on CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

>>>/qresearch/11691117 Liberal Californians are moving from San Francisco to Georgia to help the Democrats win two runoff elections and gain control of the U.S. Senate.

>>>/qresearch/11691158, >>>/qresearch/11691195 US Army: From sea to shining sea, we are America's Army

>>>/qresearch/11691167 WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 6: Michigan and Georgia, Like in PA and VA, Caught in SAME PATTERN!

>>>/qresearch/11691170 Sen. Hirono Pressures Social Media CEO's to Ban Trump

>>>/qresearch/11691188 The Deplatforming of the American Mind

>>>/qresearch/11691191 The News Just Keeps Getting Worse for House Democrats


>>>/qresearch/11691207 Black Virginia Police Chief Fired For Charging Prominent BLM Vandals And Public Officials

>>>/qresearch/11691221 If Biden Can Take Power by Fraud, Our Republic Has Abolished Itself

>>>/qresearch/11691231 GOP members reverse course, vote to certify Wayne County election results (is it a crime to certify fraudulent counts?)

>>>/qresearch/11691240 Jonathan Turley on Biden’s choice for media official: ‘Would be difficult to select a more anti-free speech figure’

>>>/qresearch/11691249 Report Suggests Mainstream Media Silence On Hunter Biden Laptop Story Vital To Biden (alleged) Success

>>>/qresearch/11691254, >>>/qresearch/11691260, >>>/qresearch/11691270, >>>/qresearch/11691274, >>>/qresearch/11691275, >>>/qresearch/11691279 DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS CATEGORICALLY DENIES FALSE ASSERTIONS ABOUT VOTE SWITCHING AND SOFTWARE ISSUES WITH OUR VOTING SYSTEMS.

>>>/qresearch/11691255 BLM protester seen assaulting Trump supporters at 'Million MAGA March' ID'd as journalism student

>>>/qresearch/11691267, >>>/qresearch/11691291 Trump recount committee has seen raw data from seized Dominion servers of how votes were siwtched by algorith in software (needs more sauce)

>>>/qresearch/11691271 Wayne County, Michigan, Refuses to Certify Election Results; UPDATE: Decision Reversed While Video Stream Down

>>>/qresearch/11691277 HUGE! Elections Security Expert Finds Michigan Results a COMPLETE FRAUD — Current Machines Do Not Have Capability to Count the Mass Dumps for Biden in Reported Time Period

>>>/qresearch/11691288 Have too many people over for Thanksgiving in Oregon go to jail, but no sweat if you riot

>>>/qresearch/11691305 Flashback: Just last year Dem senators warned of voting machines switching votes

>>>/qresearch/11691312 Dominion admits it donated to Clinton Foundation, hired Pelosi staffer

>>>/qresearch/11691320 Pennsylvania Supreme Court reverses ruling in election-observers case

>>>/qresearch/11691323 Trump to Nominate Bank Watchdog in Potential Blow to Biden

>>>/qresearch/11691329 Rep. Lee Zeldin to Newsmax TV: Businesses Won't Survive New COVID-19 Restrictions

>>>/qresearch/11691333 Democrat Wayne County Board Member of Canvassers Threatened Two Republican Members Who Refused to Certify Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11691334 Pompeo

>>>/qresearch/11691336 Trump Gains on Biden Again as Third Georgia County Finds Missing Votes During Recount

>>>/qresearch/11691361 Proposed Biden Gun Tax Could Top $34 Billion

>>>/qresearch/11691369 Biden Drug Team Ices Out Pro-Legalization Progressives

>>>/qresearch/11691370 #14926

(42 notables, 53 posts, 51 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:05 a.m. No.35962   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11691376 Q Research General #14927: All Your Shadowserver Are Belong To Us Edition

Created 181037ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11691472 Labour peer Nazir Ahmed booted out of Lords after sexually assaulting vulnerable woman

>>>/qresearch/11691491 DOD: Night Sparks

>>>/qresearch/11691506 all hail great god Fauci: "If you just test people who are symptomatic, you're going to miss a very large contingent of the spread of infection in the community."

>>>/qresearch/11691560 Joe Biden is wanted in Ukraine for a Class A felony

>>>/qresearch/11691585 Protest in Germany against change of Infectious Disease Protection Law -The Demonstrators call it a new "Ermächtigungsgesetz" (enabling law - like in the Hitler times)

>>>/qresearch/11691656 memetics in action

>>>/qresearch/11691694 Peaceful protest against harder Corona measures in Berlin right now. German police deploys water cannons.

>>>/qresearch/11691695 Behold the glory of my sauceless bullshit! important graphic, need help with better title perhaps?

>>>/qresearch/11691724, >>>/qresearch/11691779 anons ask the hard questions

>>>/qresearch/11691781 The Curse of Asymptomatic Transmission

>>>/qresearch/11691784 OAN: Rep.-elect Issa calls on President Trump, AG Barr to name special prosecutor to probe Bidens

>>>/qresearch/11691823 anon opines: If the plan was spelled out here it would not be a plan

>>>/qresearch/11691824 VIDEO: The exact moment Democrat Abraham Aiyash threatened Monica Palmer's children on zoom. This extortion attempt directly influenced the decision to agree to certify the election fraud in #WayneCounty.


>>>/qresearch/11691835 Ariz. GOP Chair Says The Presidential Election Is Far From Over

>>>/qresearch/11691879 anon has 41 posts and yet has a good observation about sharing ideas in this place: sperg out =/= good faith debate

>>>/qresearch/11691883 Chairmen of Covid19 test producer CONFIRMS it‘s a hoax

>>>/qresearch/11691908 anon opines THIS WAS THE ONLY WAY.

>>>/qresearch/11691969 There should be a DIG on this guy? Abraham Aiyash: he's the congressman ELECT from the 4th District So he had a personal interest in having the vote certified?

>>>/qresearch/11691978 New GenFlynn

>>>/qresearch/11692031 @ArlingtonNatl: Honor. Remember. Explore.

>>>/qresearch/11692143 #14928

(21 notables, 22 posts, 14 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:05 a.m. No.35963   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11692147 Q Research General #14928: Ermächtigungsgesetz b/w INFILTRATION of the VAMPIRES Edition

Created 181256ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11692269 With Hive Mind we can put together a list of names of all corporate officers and corporations in all states related to Smartmatic

>>>/qresearch/11692292 @SidneyPowell1 is referencing Trump’s EO. This is enormous and everything I prayed for.


>>>/qresearch/11692295 POTUS tweet: Trump votes.

>>>/qresearch/11692302 Bloomberg cared about hackable voting machines in January but now it's "unfounded"

>>>/qresearch/11692303 refresher on UCMJ and the law of armed conflict.

>>>/qresearch/11692332 A team of some 1,600 cops from federal special police forces and local agencies hit 18 locations in the sweep (from yesterday)

>>>/qresearch/11692350 Real Vs. Fake Elections: Complete Document

>>>/qresearch/11692429, >>>/qresearch/11692455 /CM/ Am now waiting for GREEN LIGHT from lawyer. Wont proceed with this tweet thread without the green light.

>>>/qresearch/11692496 @SecPompeo: Wheels up from Georgia!


>>>/qresearch/11692598 voting system bidirectionally networked to Venezuelan fake news; while local printers showed people how they actually voted, vote switching happened at the server; Jimmy Carter said no problems

>>>/qresearch/11692631 When you label tweets, you’re taking a policy position.

>>>/qresearch/11692632, >>>/qresearch/11692675, >>>/qresearch/11692695 New CM: "an error caused thousands of Michigan ballots that were meant for some candidates to be wrongly counted for their opposing candidates." -Aric Nesbitt [Michigan Senate President Pro Tempore]

>>>/qresearch/11692665, >>>/qresearch/11692676 CM Still Waiting

>>>/qresearch/11692691 DJT: The Wayne County Board of Canvassers DID NOT SIGN OFF

>>>/qresearch/11692721 @FAA Administrator Steve Dickson has officially signed the ungrounding order for the Boeing 737 MAX, FAA confirms

>>>/qresearch/11692789 MIL TWATS WITH POTENTIAL COMMS

>>>/qresearch/11692802 LIVE: Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller holds a troop event at the Special Ops Memorial Plaza, Fort Bragg

>>>/qresearch/11692835 #OAN investigates "Dominion-izing the Vote" Premiering Saturday, Nov 21 - 10pm EST, 7pm PST.

>>>/qresearch/11692884 Rashida Tlaib implied she orchestrated the threats/doxxing of the people who caved in Detroit.

>>>/qresearch/11692919 #14928

(21 notables, 25 posts, 35 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:06 a.m. No.35964   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11696621 Q Research General #14934: We Are Moving In One Accord Edition


>>>/qresearch/11696791 Machine in Pennsylvania changes Obama vote to Romney


>>>/qresearch/11696815 2025 Population Forecast

>>>/qresearch/11696905 Don. Jr on Parlor: replying to OAN segment on Scytl server raid


>>>/qresearch/11696950 Great Awakening Documentary || 1080p

>>>/qresearch/11696967 #14931 2/3, #14931 3/3, #14392

>>>/qresearch/11696987 Belgium’s biggest banks propose system to share suspected money laundering information

>>>/qresearch/11696990 Watch the water

>>>/qresearch/11696995 European Authorities Crack Down on Arms Traffickers

>>>/qresearch/11697014 Husband of Whistleblower Released Following Arrest in Greece

>>>/qresearch/11697031 FEC Chair Declares Election ILLEGITIMATE as MI Republicans CERTIFY Fraudulent Votes!!!

>>>/qresearch/11697046 In Shake-Up, Acting SecDef Elevates Special Operations to Be 'On Par' with Service Branches

>>>/qresearch/11697058 'Kraken': Scientists discover largest galactic merger in history of Milky Way

>>>/qresearch/11697089 Australian officials respond angrily to fresh attacks from Chinese diplomats

>>>/qresearch/11697118 Sharpiegate may be real

>>>/qresearch/11697172 The Defense Department today started the process of elevating special operations forces on par with military departments per authority from the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act

>>>/qresearch/11697174 DJT: Detrout has far more votes than people

>>>/qresearch/11697216 Soros, Bloomberg-Funded Group Pushes Six Figures Into Georgia Runoff

>>>/qresearch/11697222 [C]los[I]ng [A]ct confirmed by DS Miller's invoking JFK's Order National Security Action Memorandum 57?

>>>/qresearch/11697239 Russian lawmakers submit new bill on foreign agents to lower chamber

>>>/qresearch/11697244 So the NYTimes keeps a log of every change to their Presidential vote tallies….

>>>/qresearch/11697261, >>>/qresearch/11697411 VIDEO: U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s motorcade spotted in Jerusalem this evening.


>>>/qresearch/11697287 Does anyone have a more recent mapping of Dominion's ties to Smartmatic, Soros, cameltoe, Coomer, BLM, etc?

>>>/qresearch/11697289 ‘Overwhelming news’: #UK police arrest Belfast man over deadly 1974 IRA pub bombings

>>>/qresearch/11697308 MORE PROOF OF FRAUD: Turnout Numbers Show Basement Joe Biden Scored a 1 in 2,666 Year Win — HIGHLY UNLIKELY!

>>>/qresearch/11697322 Was Ezra Cohen-Watnick speaking today a MARKER?

>>>/qresearch/11697345 Ezra Cohen-Watnick

>>>/qresearch/11697352 Megyn Kelly Is Ditching NYC After School Promotes Reforming ‘White Kids,’ Says Future ‘Killer Cop’ In ‘Every Classroom’

>>>/qresearch/11697381 Dan Ball W/ One America News Chief White House Correspondent, Chanel Rion

>>>/qresearch/11697383 The Holy See reportedly investigates Pope's official Instagram 'like' of Brazilian model photo

>>>/qresearch/11697385 Listen to Ezra Cohen-Watnick speaking today.

>>>/qresearch/11697414, >>>/qresearch/11697555 HRC: People are suffering. The real economy needs help.

>>>/qresearch/11697443 WE STILL TRACKING REIGNATIONS?

>>>/qresearch/11697449 Nov 18, 2020 IOWA 43 FEDERAL SEARCH WARRANTS SERVED - INTERDASTING chain of IOWA events

>>>/qresearch/11697453 JFK Speech quoted by Ezra Cohen-Watnick

>>>/qresearch/11697466 Several Georgia Recount Monitors Describe ‘Odd Batches of Ballots’ That Stood Out – Pristine Sheets with Perfectly Marked Bubbles – 100% For Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11697481 Possible active shooter sit in TX

>>>/qresearch/11697501 New Flynn: Dont forget Nevada

>>>/qresearch/11697522 MINNESOTA Is Now CLOSED

>>>/qresearch/11697580 Ezra Cohen-Watnick just delivered a speech regarding the move to place civilian SpecOps directly underneath the Acting Sec of Defense.

>>>/qresearch/11697598, >>>/qresearch/11697611 $CYTL: trade letters for CITY OF LONDON money fund

>>>/qresearch/11697612 Delingpole: Only Donald Trump Can Save Us from the Great Reset

>>>/qresearch/11697619 Ya so the Dems (MSDNC and BigTech) said that no election should be called without "independent certification."

>>>/qresearch/11697628 #14933

(43 notables, 46 posts, 61 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:06 a.m. No.35965   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11695306 Q Research General #14933: Think mirror, as usual Edition


>>>/qresearch/11695616 Kevin McCullough @KMCRadio How they did it: NV: zero signature verification. PA: counting late ballots for three full days. Wi, MI, PA, GA: stoppage of count/100 to 0 ballot dumps. …..

>>>/qresearch/11695703 Tons of boxes of 100% Biden with perfect ballots.

>>>/qresearch/11695789 Witness 17 - more perfect ballots.

>>>/qresearch/11695796 Gov. Cuomo on following COVID-19 rules

>>>/qresearch/11695967 SUPER SPY SATELLITE ODNI [[ODNI <> ODIN]]??

>>>/qresearch/11696043 Marc Elias and 10 other lawyers register to fight Lin Wood in Georgia.

>>>/qresearch/11696159, >>>/qresearch/11696189 HRC People are suffering. The real economy needs help…..

>>>/qresearch/11696194 comms ?

>>>/qresearch/11696301 Israeli fighter jets launched airstrikes against Iranian Quds Force in Syria

>>>/qresearch/11696415 PF

>>>/qresearch/11696446 POTUS retweeted himself from 2012 talking about voter fraud!

>>>/qresearch/11696507 Obama: The Internet is 'The Single Biggest Threat to Our Democracy'

>>>/qresearch/11696533 Schumer Calls on Biden to Forgive Tens of Billions in Student Loans – Which Is a Payoff to Wealthy Democrats

>>>/qresearch/11696592 Pages 4 & 5 of Lin Wood's Emergency lawsuit in GA:

>>>/qresearch/11696676 #14931 2/3, #14931 3/3, #14392

>>>/qresearch/11696752 Facebook’s Election Fact Checker Honored Biden In 2017, Employees Donated EXCLUSIVELY to Democrats in 2020

>>>/qresearch/11696776 Bill Gates’s falsehood: ‘I’ve never been involved in any sort of microchip-type thing’

(17 notables, 18 posts, 25 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:06 a.m. No.35966   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11697642 Q Research General #14935: 80 Million Votes For TRUMP Edition


>>>/qresearch/11697712 “Ezra Cohen-Watnick just delivered a speech regarding the move to place civilian SpecOps directly underneath the Acting Sec of Defense. Listen closely.”

>>>/qresearch/11697744 Trump allies explored buyout of Newsmax TV as Fox News alternative

>>>/qresearch/11697753, >>>/qresearch/11697755 H2O LARGE DATA ANALYSIS SOFTWARE INFO DELETED FROM WIKIPEDIA

>>>/qresearch/11697763 GSA bureaucrat who won't signoff for Biden is "struggling with the weight" of the situation.

>>>/qresearch/11697771 Did KAMALA get Election Fraud help in her race for Attorney General of Kommifornia???

>>>/qresearch/11697773 COVID and Its Man-Made Gigantic Collateral Damage

>>>/qresearch/11697776 Robin Hall is the 6th witness who saw perfectly marked mail-in ballots, with some batches100% for Biden,which appear to have been printed rather than filled out by someone at home.

>>>/qresearch/11697799 Who is who on Soros MMM list

>>>/qresearch/11697827 Based dude says the Kraken is being released. 2 min vid


>>>/qresearch/11697831 A former officer in the US Army's elite Special Forces unit the Green Berets pleaded guilty to spying for Russia, the Justice Department said

>>>/qresearch/11697870 Retired Air Force General McInerny blows whistle on CIA vote hacking | Pearson Sharp Reports

>>>/qresearch/11697879 Presidential Message on Antibiotic Awareness Week, 2020


>>>/qresearch/11697944 What the President Could Do If He Declares a State of Emergency

>>>/qresearch/11697948 IAEA and U.S. pressure Iran over uranium particles at 'atomic warehouse'

>>>/qresearch/11697959 BREAKING REPORT:Sidney Powell receives sworn Affidavit From High-Ranking Military Officer Claiming Smartmatic Was Designed to CHANGE VOTES Without Being Detected…

>>>/qresearch/11697976 Governor Kristi Noem's Press Conference 11-18-2020

>>>/qresearch/11698009 Colorado Man Convicted of Production, Transportation, and Possession of Child Pornography

>>>/qresearch/11698013 President of Commercial Flooring Company Pleads Guilty to Rigging Bids in Violation of Federal Antitrust Laws

>>>/qresearch/11698042 PA couple admits to providing support to ISIS from U.S

>>>/qresearch/11698052 @WhiteHouse: American capital should not be used to finance the development and construction of China’s military weapons that are literally aimed at killing Americans

>>>/qresearch/11698061 Did the CIA Cause a Mexican General to Escape Drug Charges?

>>>/qresearch/11698066 New Rudy: American Votes Tallied In Foreign Countries | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 87

>>>/qresearch/11698115 Dan Scavino WI Elections Commission, after seeing President Trump’s recount petition and objections, is trying to change the recount manual at an emergency meeting tonight at 6 pm to make objections harder to make. This must be stopped.

>>>/qresearch/11698117 POTUS Might be reason of DDOS… POTUS retweets same message as Dan Scavino

>>>/qresearch/11698134 Gov. Andrew Cuomo Lashes Out, Mocks Reporter over NYC School Closure Question

>>>/qresearch/11698150 Retired Air Force General Warns Of CIA Software Hacking

>>>/qresearch/11698153 Facebook Broke the Law by Censoring Anti-Biden Ad, Conservative Group Claims

>>>/qresearch/11698165 Can fraudulent ballots be identified?

>>>/qresearch/11698268 “They Were Like a Pack of Dogs!” – Detroit Voter Fraud Witness describes election night chaos

>>>/qresearch/11698277 Georgia Monitor Catches 9,626-Vote Error in Hand Recount

>>>/qresearch/11698286 lb , Trump campaign has the server from Dominion [CONFIRMED] not a meme

>>>/qresearch/11698287 Swiss and Aussies find a critical flaw in Scytl software that the US ignores

>>>/qresearch/11698331 GAME THEORY

>>>/qresearch/11698347 Several Georgia Recount Monitors Describe ‘Odd Batches of Ballots’ That Stood Out – Pristine Sheets with Perfectly Marked Bubbles – 100% For Joe Biden

>>>/qresearch/11698408 #14934

(35 notables, 36 posts, 35 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:07 a.m. No.35967   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11694544 Q Research General #14931: Ebake to the Victory! Edition

Created 181705ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11694608 call to dig: Vid: We´re suffering from radiation distress?


>>>/qresearch/11694613 POTUS: "71% MESS". Think mirror, as usual. SSEM 17: "System Security Engineering Management → Q" "used in military operations"

>>>/qresearch/11694614 FOREVER NANCY: Democrats Elect Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House for Another 2 Years

>>>/qresearch/11694622 Poso: BREAKING: Trump campaign puts $3 Million behind Wisconsin recount in target counties

>>>/qresearch/11694626 LinWood: IGNORE Biden shadow government.

>>>/qresearch/11694734, >>>/qresearch/11694986, >>>/qresearch/11695085 State OIG Report - 2020 and 2019 Financial Statements Now available: Independent Auditor's Report on the U.S. Department of State FY 2020 and FY 2019 Financial Statements


>>>/qresearch/11694771, >>>/qresearch/11695005, >>>/qresearch/11695269 #14929, #14930, #14391 1/3

>>>/qresearch/11695049 England’s Test and Trace head told to self-isolate by her own service

>>>/qresearch/11695056 Updated dough at #14391

>>>/qresearch/11695064 CNBC: Google will let users open bank account through Google Pay app

>>>/qresearch/11695077 Kayleigh McEnany blasts 'Orwellian' COVID-19 Thanksgiving restrictions

>>>/qresearch/11695127 MI Gov. Whitmer on Lockdown: ‘Incredible Empathy’ for Small Businesses Hurting but ‘We Have to’ Combat COVID Spread

>>>/qresearch/11695133 Former Raytheon Engineer Sentenced for Exporting Sensitive Military Related Technology to China

>>>/qresearch/11695142 Former Army Green Beret Pleads Guilty to Russian Espionage Conspiracy

>>>/qresearch/11695159 China Berates Australia: Bow Down to Beijing’s Might and Ignore the U.S.

>>>/qresearch/11695180 German Migrant Taxi NGO Adds New Larger Ship To Be Launched in 2021

>>>/qresearch/11695206 US Marshals: A multi-agency, two-year sex trafficking investigation, in Tallahassee, FL. has led to the arrest of more than 170 individuals#14391

(17 notables, 21 posts, 24 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:07 a.m. No.35968   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11694547 Q Research General #14932: Ebake Edition

Created 181707ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11695353 It’s almost like these governments were all working together somehow

>>>/qresearch/11695357 Durham probe moving 'full steam ahead' after Election Day FOX

>>>/qresearch/11695366 NATO chief warns of high price if Trump pulls troops out of Afghanistan

>>>/qresearch/11695372 Former Facebook leaders are now transition insiders

>>>/qresearch/11695386 DE BLASIO’S NYC: Rockefeller Christmas Tree Mostly Destroyed in Transit, City Can’t Erect Properly

>>>/qresearch/11695406 Georgia lawmaker says Israeli government ‘asked me’ for anti-boycott law she introduced

>>>/qresearch/11695411 Acting SecDef reveals 'watershed' move: civilian special ops leadership to report directly to him

>>>/qresearch/11695445 U.S. paid $14,000 for ambassador to New Zealand to fly 400 miles on private jet to avoid quarantining for 14 days

>>>/qresearch/11695474 Transcript of Dr. Roger Hodkinson

>>>/qresearch/11695512 Four Members of Los Angeles-Based Fraud Ring Indicted for COVID-Relief Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11695543 Fitton: Election Needs to Be Decided by State Legislatures–Too Many Irregularities!

>>>/qresearch/11695580 MTA To Fire 9,000 Workers, Slash Subway Service By 40% Without $12BN Federal Bailout

>>>/qresearch/11695583 Nithin N., based in India, is Senior Technical Developer at Dominion

>>>/qresearch/11695584 NYPD investigating after man fires FLAMETHROWER from top of commuter bus

>>>/qresearch/11695588 Nebojsa Cirovic, Hardware Architect at Dominion - Allegedly based in Toronto

>>>/qresearch/11695601 Nearly 200 arrested in sexual exploitation of a single Florida teen

>>>/qresearch/11695602 ARTICLE FROM 11.4 - WAYNE COUNTY MICHIGAN

>>>/qresearch/11695611 Federal judge cancels hearing for Trump’s Pennsylvania election case

>>>/qresearch/11695631 Biden Transition Leader Advocated For US & Chinese Communist Party to ‘Work Together On Gene Editing’

>>>/qresearch/11695643, >>>/qresearch/11695868, >>>/qresearch/11696167, >>>/qresearch/11696303, >>>/qresearch/11696391, >>>/qresearch/11696547 PF

>>>/qresearch/11695663 Georgia residents, Vernon Jones are at the Capital demanding a meeting with the Secretary of State

>>>/qresearch/11695682 Pentagon shakeup means more civilian oversight for special operations

>>>/qresearch/11695709 California Medical Association Officials Among the Maskless Guests Who Joined Gavin Newsom at Swanky Birthday Dinner

>>>/qresearch/11695719 Ezra Cohen Watnick speaks on Special Operations reorganization


>>>/qresearch/11695797 Pennsylvania is making people wear masks inside their homes.-Ohio is making people be home by 10 p.m. -Vermont won’t even let you have friends over.

>>>/qresearch/11695805 Tom Hanks, Billy Porter join Tree of Life's upcoming campaign

>>>/qresearch/11696033 Fetal Stem Cells Being Used in Civil Vaccines

>>>/qresearch/11696116 Pleased this historic bill passed. It reflects our diverse nation and will modernise democracy in Wales

>>>/qresearch/11696223 General Flynn twat

>>>/qresearch/11696299 Lin Wood Files Emergency Motion for Injunctive Relief Against Georgia Secretary of State

>>>/qresearch/11696328 In Nevada, A Corrupt Cash-For-Votes Scheme Is Hiding In Plain Sight

>>>/qresearch/11696373 Pennsylvania Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Trump Claims Over Invalid Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11696382 Georgia Recount Monitor Catches 9,626-Vote Error During Hand Recount

>>>/qresearch/11696418 This Member of 'The Squad' Just Praised Communism As Their Ranks Grow In House

>>>/qresearch/11696434 ‘Electronic Robin Hood’ Jeremy Hammond, Who Passed Stratfor Files to WikiLeaks, Freed From US Prison

(35 notables, 40 posts, 57 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:08 a.m. No.35969   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11699960 Q Research General #14937: WI in BIG TROUBLE NOW Edition


>>>/qresearch/11700030 BREAKING: Minnesota Governor orders restaurants & bars to stop in-person dining, among other restrictions

>>>/qresearch/11700035 For keks

>>>/qresearch/11700048 Bobby Brown's Son Bobby Jr. Dead at 28

>>>/qresearch/11700054, >>>/qresearch/11700564 lb, Tiny owl in Rockefeller center Christmas tree Comms?? BASIC DECODE names list

>>>/qresearch/11700067, >>>/qresearch/11700225 Wisconsin Elections Commission Special Teleconference Meeting

>>>/qresearch/11700102 What happened, folks? The virus was supposed to disappear after the Election Day?

>>>/qresearch/11700124 'Five Eyes' alliance demands China end crackdown on Hong Kong legislators

>>>/qresearch/11700171 LINK These Wisconsin Elections Commission members are a shit show. Its is painful to listen to. They aren't even sure of their authority to make rules.

>>>/qresearch/11700228 Dept. of Energy Researchers Expose Voting Machine Flaws (2011)

>>>/qresearch/11700238, >>>/qresearch/11700380, >>>/qresearch/11700390, >>>/qresearch/11700398, >>>/qresearch/11700404, >>>/qresearch/11700414, >>>/qresearch/11700419 Vaccine being distributed across the country

>>>/qresearch/11700242 Lou Dobbs

>>>/qresearch/11700253 Human Rights Lawyer Emma Reilly reveals that the UN is actively sharing the names of Uyghur dissidents with the Chinese Government

>>>/qresearch/11700295 Briefing with Senior Officials on Operation Warp Speed and COVID-19 Vaccines full briefing

>>>/qresearch/11700315 PF

>>>/qresearch/11700332, >>>/qresearch/11700363 Dean Knudson (R) is working hard tonight fighting the dem demons on that commission

>>>/qresearch/11700351 Black Lives Matter and moar network

>>>/qresearch/11700369, >>>/qresearch/11700391 (lb), (lb), Massachusetts Senate Candidate Shiva Ayyadurai Spreads ‘QAnon’ Conspiracy Theory

>>>/qresearch/11700372, >>>/qresearch/11700535 L Lin Wood interview

>>>/qresearch/11700386 CM Did you know Dr. Shiva was banned from twitter for this tweet after Massachusetts Secretary of State requested Twitter to ban him? (Cap)

>>>/qresearch/11700387 HOLD THE LINE, PATRIOTS!

>>>/qresearch/11700426 WI recount rigging zoom call link Wisconsin "rig the count meeting" accessible by zoom call. GET THE FUCK IN THERE NOW!!

>>>/qresearch/11700540 Dominion Voting Machines ALL INCLUDE “Weighted Race Feature” Whose Only Purpose Is Cheat in Elections

>>>/qresearch/11700548 Does this charm look like an Octopus (Kraken)

>>>/qresearch/11700559 Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers Extends Mask Mandate into 2021

>>>/qresearch/11700565 Scared?? Bill Pascrell

>>>/qresearch/11700579 DOE Researcher Who Found Voting Machine Flaws Had Q Clearance

>>>/qresearch/11700599 Gov. Greg Abbott says there will be no more more lockdowns in the state of Texas

>>>/qresearch/11700610 PHILLY, HEADS UP Be careful!

>>>/qresearch/11700634 Catherine Herridge (Cap)


>>>/qresearch/11700679 #14937

(30 notables, 41 posts, 36 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:08 a.m. No.35970   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11698414 Q Research General #14936: Reason for DdOS

Created 182347ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11698508 China leaks dossier of 14 disputes with Australia as tensions increase

>>>/qresearch/11698511 A team of paleontologists used CT scans and tissue samples to uncover blood pathogens in an infected titanosaur.

>>>/qresearch/11698514 Nearly 200 arrested in sexual exploitation of a single Florida teen

>>>/qresearch/11698523 Delingpole: The Great Reset Is Trending. Here’s Why…

>>>/qresearch/11698531, >>>/qresearch/11698592 Twitter Hires One Of The World's Most Respected Hackers As Its Head Of Security

>>>/qresearch/11698535, >>>/qresearch/11698553, >>>/qresearch/11699110 EMERGENCY COVID-19 SHELTER IN PLACE ALERT ISSUED IN NEW MEXICO AT ~16:32 MST ON NOV, 18 2020

>>>/qresearch/11698548 'They want Kamala in there tomorrow': Limbaugh says Dems to dump Biden

>>>/qresearch/11698563 Lin Wood bombshell: 'Irrefutable evidence' of fraud in Georgia recount

>>>/qresearch/11698629 Wisconsin Elections Commission, After Seeing Trump’s Recount Objections, is Trying to Change the Recount Manual at Emergency Meeting Tonight to Make Objections Harder to Make

>>>/qresearch/11698646 RUDY DIGS ON DOMINION + SMARTMATIC

>>>/qresearch/11698665 Seriously? John Brennan Laments Biden Will Have to 'Repair the Damage' Trump Did in the Middle East

>>>/qresearch/11698671 Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better

>>>/qresearch/11698675 Pennsylvania Tightens Mask Restrictions, Private Homes Included

>>>/qresearch/11698682 7 min Delta between Dan’s Tweet and POTUS retweet

>>>/qresearch/11698689 Dick Morris to Newsmax TV: 'Georgia May Well Be Overturned'

>>>/qresearch/11698693 US Navy

>>>/qresearch/11698720 Senators release new evidence tying Hunter Biden business to communist China, Russian energy

>>>/qresearch/11698726 Trump Critics Seek Ethics Probe of Graham

>>>/qresearch/11698734, >>>/qresearch/11698744, >>>/qresearch/11698763, >>>/qresearch/11698766, >>>/qresearch/11698777, >>>/qresearch/11698803, >>>/qresearch/11698809 Holy crap, Dominion is fucked

VIDEO - Pallets Full Of Ballots 🇺🇸 [Channel: Austin Forman Music]

>>>/qresearch/11698761, >>>/qresearch/11698806 POTUS: "I love the circles!"

>>>/qresearch/11698772 Cuomo Brutally Scolds a Reporter and Insists NYC Schools Won’t Be Closed, Minutes Before Announcement Schools Will Be Closed

>>>/qresearch/11698859 Susan Rice: ‘I’m Very Open to Serving’ in the Biden-Harris Administration

>>>/qresearch/11698880 BUSTED: This internal email from Maricopa County, AZ talks about "Issues and Concerns" with markers but says they have to give voters markers anyway instead of ballpoint pens on Election Day

>>>/qresearch/11698885 CSPAN PANIC ‘There’s an Enemies List’: Bolton Fears Trump May Fire More Officials

>>>/qresearch/11698948 Soros, Bloomberg-Funded Group Pushes Six Figures Into Georgia Runoff

>>>/qresearch/11698974 Israeli Company Wants To Play Music Inside Your Head With Directed Sound Technology Without Headphones

>>>/qresearch/11698987 Last veteran of his WWII battle group marching alone in Victory Day Parade

>>>/qresearch/11699086 HAPPENING NOW: Trump Supporters Gather Outside NY Governor Andrew Cuomo’s House Chanting ‘We Will Rock You!’

>>>/qresearch/11699129 Cuomo Bros do NOT like being challenged…


>>>/qresearch/11699162 #14935

(30 notables, 40 posts, 47 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:08 a.m. No.35971   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11699172 Q Research General #14937:


>>>/qresearch/11699292 With THOUSANDS of uncounted votes being discovered more than two weeks after the election in Georgia, Could there be more votes on even more thumb drives? This is a failure in election security.

>>>/qresearch/11699307, >>>/qresearch/11699329 Reminder: the ‘Q group’ is the ‘Associate Directorate for Security and Counterintelligence (and the press KNOWS)

>>>/qresearch/11699332 Voting Machines and the Defense Industry

>>>/qresearch/11699358, >>>/qresearch/11699573, >>>/qresearch/11699814 PF

>>>/qresearch/11699361 Federal lawsuit details new rape allegations against McCarrick involving 12-year-old boy

>>>/qresearch/11699367 George Soros Speaks For the First Time on Conspiracy Theories Surrounding Him

>>>/qresearch/11699460 Turtle allows half the SES State Officials up for confirmation through


>>>/qresearch/11699466 BREAKING: Hillary Clinton demands to know why DNC didn’t cheat this hard for her

>>>/qresearch/11699489 NEW BILL BINNEY

>>>/qresearch/11699536 Australian special forces soldiers allegedly involved in up to 39 unlawful killings: Afghanistan war report

>>>/qresearch/11699556 Trump Twitter Archive v2.0 missing some tweets

>>>/qresearch/11699575 Wisconsin Elections Commission Special Teleconference Meeting

>>>/qresearch/11699580 YouTube just suspended account with "YesQ" Timber video

>>>/qresearch/11699676 Apple to pay $113 million to settle state investigation into iPhone ‘batterygate’

>>>/qresearch/11699678, >>>/qresearch/11699682 ANONS WATCH WI LIVE TELECONFERENCE RIGHT NOW!!!!

>>>/qresearch/11699681 lb, Tiny owl in Rockefeller center Christmas tree Comms?? BASIC DECODE names list

>>>/qresearch/11699706 China Berates Australia: Bow Down to Beijing’s Might and Ignore the U.S.

>>>/qresearch/11699708 More has been released about the server seizure in Germany

>>>/qresearch/11699709 Texas Physician Sentenced for Multi-Million Medicare Fraud Scheme

>>>/qresearch/11699715, >>>/qresearch/11699728 Twitter Hires One Of The World's Most Respected Hackers As Its Head Of Security

>>>/qresearch/11699801 POTUS Look at this in Wisconsin! A day AFTER the election, Biden receives a dump of 143,379 votes at 3:42AM, when they learned he was losing badly. This is unbelievable!

>>>/qresearch/11699837 Wikileaks

>>>/qresearch/11699931 #14936,

(23 notables, 28 posts, 44 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:09 a.m. No.35972   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11700701 Q Research General #14938: HOLD THE LINE Edition

Created 190231ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11700792 What Gov Evers isn't telling you about COVID in Wisc: No deaths under age 20; Elderly Death rate climbing; For those under 60 (working age) survival rate exceeds 99.9%

>>>/qresearch/11700797 US Air Force Air power on full display Eagle


>>>/qresearch/11700823 HRC Is somebody's health publicly declining?


>>>/qresearch/11700826 (lb), (lb), Massachusetts Senate Candidate Shiva Ayyadurai Spreads ‘QAnon’ Conspiracy Theory

>>>/qresearch/11700860 Name Means Snowy Owl

>>>/qresearch/11700882 Lindsey Graham Says Biden Should Receive Intel Briefings

>>>/qresearch/11700885 San Jose-based Catholic bishop under investigation says he’ll comply with Vatican inquiry

>>>/qresearch/11700889 Kayleigh McEnany on Wisconsin recount: The Wisconsin election board is trying to change the recount laws because they see how strong our recount petition is.

>>>/qresearch/11700902 WAPO crap Confederate base names, and Trump’s veto threat, the only roadblock for $740 billion defense bill

>>>/qresearch/11700916 CM A Primer on Pedophilia in Politics

>>>/qresearch/11700934 ANON pray for POTUS

>>>/qresearch/11700951 The Hammer

>>>/qresearch/11700955 Wisconsin Elections Commission meeting on amendments to the recount process in the election manual right now LIVE.

>>>/qresearch/11700959, >>>/qresearch/11700973 Jim Jordan & James Comer Call for immediate Congressional investigation into 2020 election

>>>/qresearch/11700966 Psalms 23

>>>/qresearch/11700969 US Special Operations forces were placed under the direct control of the White House civilian leadership, cutting out the Pentagon

>>>/qresearch/11700982 For Keks

>>>/qresearch/11700987, >>>/qresearch/11700997 lb, lb, Data grab… Saturn Arch. Desert Owl. Army. SIGINT. Secret.

>>>/qresearch/11700999, >>>/qresearch/11701072 DOMINION Voting Office In Toronto Shares Office Floor With SOROS-linked Group

>>>/qresearch/11701024, >>>/qresearch/11701116, >>>/qresearch/11701179 CM Kek. He’s having fun

>>>/qresearch/11701042 Huma Abedin

>>>/qresearch/11701057 John Brennan Laments Biden Will Have to 'Repair the Damage' Trump Did in the Middle East

>>>/qresearch/11701063 Soros Regrets Investing in Palantir Tech, Says Would Not Do it Again

>>>/qresearch/11701105 President Trump’s Executive Order from 2018 Covering Interference in US Elections By Foreign Entities Looks Relevant Today

>>>/qresearch/11701108 Hillary Clinton, the Podesta Group and the Saudi Regime: A Fatal Ménage a Trois

>>>/qresearch/11701118 Dem KS Gov. Kelly: We Are Not Having a Lockdown, ‘Other Ways to Mitigate the Spread’

>>>/qresearch/11701173 Eric Coomer giving a sales presentation to officials in Pennsylvania

>>>/qresearch/11701182 Ratings losses over the last 2 weeks for Fox News

>>>/qresearch/11701205 POTUS WON IN A LANDSLIDE

>>>/qresearch/11701321, >>>/qresearch/11701331 Why Trump tweeted. Read it all. This is the Kraken.

>>>/qresearch/11701365 It is literally Exhibit Q, submitted by L Lin Wood

>>>/qresearch/11701398 Trump Lawyer Lin Wood Receives Numerous Death Threats

>>>/qresearch/11701413 Spain media ask for the truth about the virus, Chinese Communist Party’s crimes cannot be covered up.

>>>/qresearch/11701434 Kayleigh McEnany (Cap)

>>>/qresearch/11701460 #14938

(36 notables, 42 posts, 59 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:10 a.m. No.35973   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11702265 Q Research General #14940: Wayne Co. Republicans Election Certification RESCINDED?? Edition

Created 190452ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11702342 Archaeologists surveying the MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa with ground-penetrating radar have identified what appears to be a lost black cemetery dated to the early 20th century.

>>>/qresearch/11702382 Third Georgia County Finds Memory Card With Uncounted Votes

>>>/qresearch/11702385 lb, Sidney Powell RETWEET BOOOOOM! Michigan's Freedom Movement stands up to The Deep State and their altered Scorecard which Hammered

>>>/qresearch/11702389 These stupid people.Voting to delete manual text Follow the law and muh manual

>>>/qresearch/11702394 POTUS Starting @2:37. Nailed the perfect description of Democrats and he's a walk away democrat so he knows them inside and out.

>>>/qresearch/11702408 CORONAVIRUS: Top Pathologist Claims Coronavirus is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public”

>>>/qresearch/11702418, >>>/qresearch/11702427 Attorney General : Sidney Powell ; rings nice, doesn't it?

>>>/qresearch/11702478 Hull's last day will be Dec. 4. The turnover of power for the new US administration takes place Jan. 20.

>>>/qresearch/11702498 Colorado Man Convicted of Production, Transportation, and Possession of Child Pornography Alvaro Castillo Jr, 64, a retired telecommunications network engineer

>>>/qresearch/11702499 Masks are basically useless as a protective measure


>>>/qresearch/11702500 Web training for recount in WISCONSIN

>>>/qresearch/11702506, >>>/qresearch/11702633, >>>/qresearch/11702661, >>>/qresearch/11702698 Muscatatuck Urban Training center 39.049694, -85.529641

>>>/qresearch/11702529 Wisconsin Election madness live meeting is still going UPDATE on individuals

>>>/qresearch/11702533 Established by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

>>>/qresearch/11702541 THE GREAT BETRAYAL

>>>/qresearch/11702549, >>>/qresearch/11702815 Dominion Voting Red votes in …

>>>/qresearch/11702556 POTUS Schedule for THURSDAY, November 19, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11702558, >>>/qresearch/11702588 OAN and Lou Dobbs on Fox Business network is also REQUIRED watching for real election fraud updates

>>>/qresearch/11702583 Eight California lawmakers spark outrage by flying to Hawaii for a conference at a five-star resort despite Covid restrictions in latest shame after Gov Newsom's Michelin dinner

>>>/qresearch/11702584 Q Watching Star Trek Next Generation Season 1, Episode 1. for keks

>>>/qresearch/11702590 Closures of US borders with Canada, Mexico expected to be extended

>>>/qresearch/11702604 Electoral College reform: Colorado is latest state to approve the idea

>>>/qresearch/11702611 POTUS “Statistical sampling to prove widespread voter fraud…multiple accounts of fraud and voting irregularities may overturn election”…call for paper ballots.

>>>/qresearch/11702635 This is victory CourtListener Exhibit Q Ramsland Affidavit – #7, Att. #1 in Wood v. Raffensperger…

>>>/qresearch/11702660 Builder, 51, who died after falling from a 10ft ladder was actually killed by coronavirus, doctors say

>>>/qresearch/11702751 CM There is more coming out on Saturday! Stay tuned you may be shocked.

>>>/qresearch/11702767, >>>/qresearch/11702774, >>>/qresearch/11702812 Reminder: the ‘Q group’ is the ‘Associate Directorate for Security and Counterintelligence (and the press KNOWS) 1/2

>>>/qresearch/11702772 This meeting is brutal now they say they are going until midnight. WHOOOO now we are talking Dominion.

>>>/qresearch/11702776 CM Now i know that my theory has made it to the top. Thanks everyone for helping get the word out.

>>>/qresearch/11702798 POTUS "Dominion-izing the Vote

>>>/qresearch/11702846 Jesse Binnall: “We Have Declarations From Over 400 People” About Voting Irregularities In Nevada

>>>/qresearch/11702885 PF Just the Midnight Airborne delivery over Camp Kickass.

>>>/qresearch/11702898 Schwab Advocates Putting Chips in Our Head so Government Can Read our Thoughts?

>>>/qresearch/11702902 Sidney Powell Imagine that! "Pristine sheets with no markings" –98% for Biden


>>>/qresearch/11702952 #14940

(36 notables, 44 posts, 46 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:10 a.m. No.35974   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11701475 Q Research General #14939: Corruption is WinconSin Election Board's Middle Name Edition


>>>/qresearch/11701548 'Drugs, child exploitation and people trafficking concerns' check Crown Casino opening

>>>/qresearch/11701561 Bipartisan Resolution to End War in Yemen Will Be Introduced in the House

>>>/qresearch/11701580 PUTIN: Pashinyan Refused Deployment of Russian Peacekeepers Weeks Before The Fall of Shushi

>>>/qresearch/11701581, >>>/qresearch/11701832 If the entire DS is involved with Dominion etc., wouldn’t Crowdstrike be too?

>>>/qresearch/11701585 Fitton: Election Needs to Be Decided by State Legislatures–Too Many Irregularities!

>>>/qresearch/11701587 DARPA Watching the water? DEFENSE ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY

>>>/qresearch/11701588, >>>/qresearch/11701619 CM IS THE MAN In contact with Jim Jordan

>>>/qresearch/11701590 Republican senators: Allow West Bank goods to be labeled 'Made in Israel'

>>>/qresearch/11701598, >>>/qresearch/11701636, >>>/qresearch/11701677, >>>/qresearch/11701709, >>>/qresearch/11701793 Was this what the 'CORN' was all about?

>>>/qresearch/11701603 Lawmakers call for Immediate Congressional Investigation of Corrupted 2020 Election

>>>/qresearch/11701607 Eric Coomer Dominion Voting Ties To German Antifa Is Foreign Interference

>>>/qresearch/11701630 Dallas Gov Abbott To Send In State Troopers to Help Fight A Spike In Violent Crime After The City Defunded $7M From The Police Overtime Budget

>>>/qresearch/11701645 Proof Dr. Fauci has no clue about wearing a mask

>>>/qresearch/11701673 Affidavit Sauce Ramsland also attempted to get a meeting with the Cyber Intelligence Security Agency within DHS,

>>>/qresearch/11701675, >>>/qresearch/11701829, >>>/qresearch/11702111 PF

>>>/qresearch/11701743 PA election results Still stuck at 9,055 precincts.

>>>/qresearch/11701744 GA Secretary of State Raffensperger: Biden Will Win Georgia; Trump Hurt Chances Telling People Not to Vote Absentee

>>>/qresearch/11701749 Man wanted in $35M Ponzi scheme tries to flee FBI on underwater sea scooter

>>>/qresearch/11701758 Top Pathologist Claims Coronavirus is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public”

>>>/qresearch/11701760 ‘No Vaccine Against Climate Change’: Red Cross Report Moves to Refocus Attention From Coronavirus

>>>/qresearch/11701768 WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? in AZ

>>>/qresearch/11701781 Chairman of Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons, Ottowa There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. This is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public

>>>/qresearch/11701799, >>>/qresearch/11701820, >>>/qresearch/11701848 In dramatic reversal, Wayne County election board Republicans rescind votes certifying results

>>>/qresearch/11701864, >>>/qresearch/11701953, >>>/qresearch/11701993 Tiny owl rescued from Rockefeller Center Christmas tree that traveled 170 miles to NYC

>>>/qresearch/11701881 Look at the language they're trying to remove, directly aimed at the petition McEnany was claiming they'd try to change

>>>/qresearch/11701882 We had record voter turn out for the 2020 election but NY is still 1Million votes under the 2016 election?

>>>/qresearch/11701891 Arrests Made in Captivating $1.2B Dresden Jewel Theft!

>>>/qresearch/11701913 ARTICLE FROM 11.4 - WAYNE COUNTY MICHIGAN

>>>/qresearch/11701922, >>>/qresearch/11702007, >>>/qresearch/11702031, >>>/qresearch/11702048, >>>/qresearch/11702072, >>>/qresearch/11702198, >>>/qresearch/11702207 Wayne County MI election board Republicans rescind votes to certify, file affadavits that their families were threatened.

>>>/qresearch/11701957 Human Trafficking Ring Busted In Colorado Springs

>>>/qresearch/11702146 DR. ANTHONY FAUCI JESUIT TRAINED

>>>/qresearch/11702183 Project Airseeker

>>>/qresearch/11702238 #14939,

>>>/qresearch/11702290 lb, Sidney Powell RETWEET BOOOOOM! Michigan's Freedom Movement stands up to The Deep State and their altered Scorecard which Hammered

(34 notables, 52 posts, 63 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:10 a.m. No.35975   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11702956 Q Research General #14941: THIS SATURDAY MARKS 57 YEARS SINCE JFK WAS ASSASSINATED Edition

Created 190615ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11703054 CyberTropolis is the Muscatatuck Urban Training Center's persistent training environment for advanced cyber-physical training and exercise support.

>>>/qresearch/11703057, >>>/qresearch/11703064, >>>/qresearch/11703078, >>>/qresearch/11703187 Baker drops their own bake

>>>/qresearch/11703059 Board Update Lag is BAD

>>>/qresearch/11703063, >>>/qresearch/11703224, >>>/qresearch/11703273 Q drop with the photo of the letter "E" inside an Air Terminal

>>>/qresearch/11703066 The question is not whether you support President Trump or Joe Biden. The question is whether you support freedom or tyranny

>>>/qresearch/11703135 Late night at the office…

>>>/qresearch/11703180 US Air Force: #C17 #Globemaster

>>>/qresearch/11703185, >>>/qresearch/11703217 Finally something clicked Anons. I now understand why the news has so much power over the minds of the masses.


>>>/qresearch/11703188 Documentary several years ago where two guys find out literally everything (nearly) has CORN in it.

>>>/qresearch/11703231 Even Zero Hedge is taking notice

>>>/qresearch/11703238, >>>/qresearch/11703284 Release the Kraken, Know your Military

>>>/qresearch/11703257 Details emerge from federal raid on Navajo-area farms (Albuquerque, NM)

>>>/qresearch/11703260 Kraken supercomputer DoE

>>>/qresearch/11703272 CM: Did they realize that certifying voter fraud in a federal election has way more repercussions than being called a racist?

>>>/qresearch/11703276 Democrats doing the same shit PRI does in Mexico

>>>/qresearch/11703301 ECW: The order given today to put Spec Ops Civilians under the Acting Sec of Defense came from JFK's Order 57

>>>/qresearch/11703306, >>>/qresearch/11703316, >>>/qresearch/11703472 Google searches for "Crimes and certifying election votes"

>>>/qresearch/11703356 parallel construction

>>>/qresearch/11703361 i don't think this is DDoS - symptoms for it aren't right.

>>>/qresearch/11703380 Anons ready?

>>>/qresearch/11703386 Amazon inks major deal for 200K square-foot Brooklyn delivery station

>>>/qresearch/11703389 Rudy is the Kraken? (ink on hands…)

>>>/qresearch/11703417 Massive security flaw exposed. Dems took PDFs and printed them, then they passed as legal voters.

>>>/qresearch/11703431 OAN - CHANEL RION - RON WATKINS

>>>/qresearch/11703434 Anyone else notice that just disappeared from the intertubes for about 30 seconds? (Google DNS drops out?)

>>>/qresearch/11703436 The Legend of the Hacker Known as 8kun

>>>/qresearch/11703456 Digg on Jeffrey Dean, developer of GES software that became GEMS

>>>/qresearch/11703468 John Durham probe into origins of Russia investigation is 'definitely still happening' despite months of silence and top official quitting, source claims

>>>/qresearch/11703503 American Votes Tallied In Foreign Countries | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 87

>>>/qresearch/11703529 DefenseTech: Release the Kraken!

>>>/qresearch/11703601 BREAKING: Danish mask study that JAMA, NEJM & Lancet REFUSED to publish was just published in Annals of Internal Medicine.

>>>/qresearch/11703616 Q post 1001: Where do roads lead?

>>>/qresearch/11703633 Probably Fake and Gay, but save the CAP anyway (for the keks at least)

>>>/qresearch/11703679 This document describes operation and procedures for the ImageCastR X software and Samsung Galaxy

>>>/qresearch/11703684 Pittsburgh: The totals have changed from Monday. Here’s a screenshot from Monday.

>>>/qresearch/11703771, >>>/qresearch/11703814 Its either commerce or war

(36 notables, 46 posts, 49 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:11 a.m. No.35976   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11703925 Q Research General #14942: Patriots Hold The Line While America Sleeps Edition

Created 191006ZNOV20



>>>/qresearch/11703964 George Soros’ fund is offloading Palantir shares because it ‘does not approve’ of its business practices

>>>/qresearch/11704003 Party-Poopers at CDC Say We Can't Drink, Sing, or Play Loud Music at Parties During Holidays

>>>/qresearch/11704004 Mail-in ballots sweep Democrats back into office in NY Senate races

>>>/qresearch/11704008 ‘2020’ the only way to explain horrific Rockefeller Center Christmas tree: ‘What is this, a joke?’

>>>/qresearch/11704009 Introducing the 'Great Reset,' world leaders' radical plan to transform the economy

>>>/qresearch/11704011 In dramatic reversal, Wayne County election board Republicans rescind votes certifying results

>>>/qresearch/11704013 Cancel culture calls on Disney to fire Star Wars actress for wanting free and fair elections

>>>/qresearch/11704019 Stunning Interview – L Lin Wood on Howie Carr: “Joe Biden and the People Like Him Who Have Been Trying to Steal This Election – Will All Go to Jail”…

>>>/qresearch/11704030 California Medical Association Officials Among Guests Seen With Gov. Gavin Newsom At Upscale Restaurant

>>>/qresearch/11704034 Cambridge virologist: Lockdowns and masks are 'greatest hoax ever'

>>>/qresearch/11704035 The social media platform that welcomes QAnon with open arms

>>>/qresearch/11704043 Michigan governor seeks shutdown of Great Lakes oil pipeline

>>>/qresearch/11704045 WHAT? Rudy Giuliani Says Votes Were Sent Out Of Country And Counted By Company From Venezuela (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11704052 Why Are These People Smiling? Trump Attorney Jenna Ellis Posts Late Night Photo with Rudy Giuliani and Gen. Flynn

>>>/qresearch/11704055, >>>/qresearch/11704056, >>>/qresearch/11704090, >>>/qresearch/11704287 WOW Trump retweeted the video with the OANN interview with CM

>>>/qresearch/11704058 FOX News Loses to MSNBC in Daytime Ratings for the FIRST TIME Since 2001!

>>>/qresearch/11704062 President Trump’s Executive Order from 2018 Covering Interference in US Elections By Foreign Entities Looks Relevant Today (FUCKING BOOM)

>>>/qresearch/11704089 #14941

>>>/qresearch/11704114 In Wayne County, overnight vote dump 4 times more ballots entered than can be processed by the machines in the given period of time

>>>/qresearch/11704139 PF: maybe something going on in/around Norfolk/lower Chesapeake region.

>>>/qresearch/11704155 The KRAKEN disorientation device is an advanced motion system

>>>/qresearch/11704209 PA: Supreme Court to hear Giuliani’s fraud arguments

>>>/qresearch/11704222 EAM Message: N.M COVID-19 update: Shelter in place except for emergency needs. EXTREME virus risk.

>>>/qresearch/11704231 Whether they have five eyes or ten eyes, as long as they dare to harm China’s sovereignty, security, and development interests, they must be careful not to get their eyes poked out.

>>>/qresearch/11704238 “Great Reset” Mastermind Suggests Risk Assessment “Brain Scans” Before Allowing Travel

>>>/qresearch/11704309 POTUS: There was no way the Dems could have won, except through what we are learning now - A Rigged Election!

>>>/qresearch/11704314 POTUS: VACCINES ARE COMING FAST!!!

>>>/qresearch/11704338 Biden says the Trump White House won't give him COVID stockpile information. Here it is.

>>>/qresearch/11704343 POTUS: PROPLE

>>>/qresearch/11704347 Wayback Machine archiving DOES NOT WORK atm, because of the new DDoS protection.

>>>/qresearch/11704350 Holy shit Nevada is corrupt af.

>>>/qresearch/11704405, >>>/qresearch/11704408 POTUS: Important News Conference today: lawyers RE: path to VICTORY

>>>/qresearch/11704414 Operating System Kernel - Corn?

>>>/qresearch/11704441 Feds Charge Former Top ComEd Executives, Lobbyists In Springfield Corruption Case

>>>/qresearch/11704455 Tabulator Testimony Shows Precinct Ballots in Wayne County Michigan Might be Counted Twice

>>>/qresearch/11704493 Drinking coffee, watching the sun rise, and reading the attachments to Lin Wood's TRO in his Georgia suit:

>>>/qresearch/11704499 Lin Wood: Good morning. District Judge has scheduled an emergency hearing this afternoon in the case I filed against @GaSecofState

>>>/qresearch/11704512 Why is KNOWiNK always being ignored?

>>>/qresearch/11704514 N.Y. Gov. Cuomo to receive $25K pay raise amid pandemic budget deficit

>>>/qresearch/11704520 Zuck paid for this election fraud

>>>/qresearch/11704522 BOOM! Trump staffer claims, server raid in Germany was REAL!!

>>>/qresearch/11704537 THEY ADMIT THE MASKS ARE "TALISMANS"

>>>/qresearch/11704541 Nursing homes abandon senior citizen

>>>/qresearch/11704546 Sarah Carter: What was really happening during the ballot counting process in #Georgia?

>>>/qresearch/11704563 House Speaker Pelosi signals this may be her last term

>>>/qresearch/11704576 Dominion Scandal Goes Worldwide with Michael Johns

>>>/qresearch/11704610 Scavino: Look at this video of GA election workers trying to explain the vote discrepancies

>>>/qresearch/11704620 Nearly 70 Texas lawmakers calling on TEA to cancel STAAR test

>>>/qresearch/11704668 Lin Wood: Suddenly, I am not so tired.

>>>/qresearch/11704675 ICE arrests 180 immigrants in ‘Operation Broken Promise’

>>>/qresearch/11704678 #14942,

(52 notables, 56 posts, 45 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:11 a.m. No.35977   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11704683 Q Research General #14943: By The Don's Early Light Edition

Created 191407ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11704708, >>>/qresearch/11705067 DJT tweets OAN interview of CM!

>>>/qresearch/11704757, >>>/qresearch/11704958 Lin Wood tweet: District Judge has scheduled an emergency hearing this afternoon in the case I filed against @GaSecofState

>>>/qresearch/11704846, >>>/qresearch/11704881 U.S. Attorney S. Ohio tweet: BREAKING: We will announce a public corruption case this morning at@FBICincinnati

>>>/qresearch/11704851 @KamVTV: BREAKING: Trump campaign will host a press conference at 12 pm EST in Washington, D.C. with legal team Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis.

>>>/qresearch/11704859, >>>/qresearch/11704872, >>>/qresearch/11704908, >>>/qresearch/11704959 @USArmy: A Soldier passes by Neuschwanstein Castle while transporting #COVID19 tests to @LRMC_Landstuhl at Hohenfels Training Area in Hohenfels, Germany, Sept. 15, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11704929 @zerohedge: Iran Just Activated Formerly Banned High-Tech Uranium Centrifuges At The Same Site Trump Considered Attacking

>>>/qresearch/11704957 @nypost: 'Halloween' super fan dies after Jamie Lee Curtis officiates wedding

>>>/qresearch/11704971 @LLinWood: Communist China, crooks in Democratic Party & disloyal members of the Republican Party (traitors) FORGOT about the Army of Digital Soldiers who are Patriots

>>>/qresearch/11704986 Bannon's War Room Live now

>>>/qresearch/11704989 Nasdaq to buy financial fraud detection firm Verafin for $2.75 billion

>>>/qresearch/11705012 ICE OPERATION BROKEN PROMISE UPDATE Starts @ 10:30 am

>>>/qresearch/11705037 @disclosetv: The moment armed German police raided the home of a #COVID19 lockdown skeptic doctor and treat him like a literal terrorist while he was live streaming

>>>/qresearch/11705044, >>>/qresearch/11705185, >>>/qresearch/11705416 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/11705092 RT: ‘They must be careful not to get their eyes poked out’: Beijing warns Five Eyes alliance not to interfere in Hong Kong

>>>/qresearch/11705147, >>>/qresearch/11705198 @US_CYBERCOM warmly welcomes our newest partners in cyber operations: the UK National Cyber Force


>>>/qresearch/11705152 Rudygives update on the rigged Presidential election (Nov. 18)



>>>/qresearch/11705173 Fox News Fires Diamond and Silk Shortly After They Refuse $150k To Turn On Trump Duo States

>>>/qresearch/11705221 FBI ARREST 3rd member of Cincinnati City Council on Corruption Charges

>>>/qresearch/11705228 Flu stats

>>>/qresearch/11705264 School of Transnational Governance @STGEUI 2 hours left until @HillaryClinton will open the academic year of our School

>>>/qresearch/11705343 @AFP: Pompeo makes first visit by US top diplomat to Golan Heights

>>>/qresearch/11705374 Two more swamp media articles about Qanon appear in the wild

>>>/qresearch/11705375 Two Former Minnesota Democratic leader quits party

>>>/qresearch/11705391 Here's an update to the previous post about Dr. Hodkinson

>>>/qresearch/11705418 “That is absolutely ludicrous,” said Lt. Col. Brad Leighton, a spokesperson for the Illinois National Guard…The theory is being pushed by adherents of QAnon

>>>/qresearch/11705446 US Attorney S. Ohio: @FBICincinnati brief the media on six-count indictment filed against Cincinnati city council member P.G. Sittenfeld

>>>/qresearch/11705457 Greek police arrest Islamic State suspect after migrant camp brawl

>>>/qresearch/11705467 Pakistani Islamist found guilty on two more charges of terrorism financing

>>>/qresearch/11705500 The Wisconsin Elections Commission issued an order Thursday to recount more than 800,000 ballots cast in two heavily liberal counties at President Donald Trump's request

>>>/qresearch/11705505 PROPLE: Welcome to Prople Inc

>>>/qresearch/11705521 Firm that bought Dominion distancing itself

>>>/qresearch/11705522 State and federal investigators 'are preparing to file antitrust lawsuits against Facebook next month for swallowing up Instagram and Whatsapp'

>>>/qresearch/11705550 #14943

(34 notables, 43 posts, 44 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:12 a.m. No.35978   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11705576 Q Research General #14944: This Has Been A Massive Trump Wave That We Saw This Election Edition

Created 191632ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11705648, >>>/qresearch/11705705, >>>/qresearch/11705810, >>>/qresearch/11705889, >>>/qresearch/11706066, >>>/qresearch/11706137, >>>/qresearch/11706351, >>>/qresearch/11706353, >>>/qresearch/11706371 Planefag Reports

>>>/qresearch/11705659 SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Puerto Rico's huge Arecibo radio telescope to close; a blow to search for planets, asteroids, extraterrestrial life

>>>/qresearch/11705670, >>>/qresearch/11705693, >>>/qresearch/11705716 RNC presser in about an hour

>>>/qresearch/11705673 As the youngest incoming member of Congress I am going to be very focused on exposing big tech’s agenda to suppress speech and create monopolies

>>>/qresearch/11705688 You‘re not allowed to walk your dog in South Australia

>>>/qresearch/11705772, >>>/qresearch/11705785, >>>/qresearch/11705794, >>>/qresearch/11705815 LIVE: Guiliani and Trump campaign legal advisor hold news conference

VIDEO - LIVE NOW: Newsmax TV Live Stream [Channel: Newsmax TV]

>>>/qresearch/11705788 NY (AP): U.S. Rep. Dem Sean Patrick Maloney returning to Congress for fifth term after winning reelection in battleground district in NY’s Hudson Valley

>>>/qresearch/11705856, >>>/qresearch/11705863, >>>/qresearch/11705871, >>>/qresearch/11706009, >>>/qresearch/11706011, >>>/qresearch/11706071, >>>/qresearch/11706076 Giuliani is describing an organized criminal conspiracy taking place in multiple states

>>>/qresearch/11705861 @USArmy: The right people with the right systems in the right places to support the joint fight. #ProjectConvergence is designed with this simple, yet effective concept in mind.


>>>/qresearch/11705882 “TRUTH.” – Attorney Lin Wood Retweets Gateway Pundit’s “Drop and Roll” Video on How the 2020 Election Was Stolen from Trump (VIDEO)

>>>/qresearch/11705936 @DeptofDefense: Night lights A @usairforce F-16 prepares to receive fuel from a KC-135 Stratotanker over the @CENTCOM area of responsibility

>>>/qresearch/11705986 @NSAGov: Welcome to UK's National Cyber Force, the newest entrant in the world of #cyber! Congratulations on bringing your expertise to this critical domain

>>>/qresearch/11706008 POTUS tweet: Lawyers now on @newsmax, @OANN & maybe @FoxNews. An open and shut case of voter fraud. Massive numbers!

>>>/qresearch/11706051 WH schedules press briefing at 4pm/ET by members of the Coronavirus Task Force. First such briefing since July 14th

>>>/qresearch/11706078 Election Fraud Expert Russ Ramsland Files Affidavit Showing ‘PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY’ of Election Results in Michigan

>>>/qresearch/11706091 ATT: Anons having issues with the bread. Reposting to spread what's working for me

>>>/qresearch/11706109, >>>/qresearch/11706119, >>>/qresearch/11706165, >>>/qresearch/11706257, >>>/qresearch/11706276, >>>/qresearch/11706282, >>>/qresearch/11706327, >>>/qresearch/11706331, >>>/qresearch/11706348 Cont… Giuliani is describing an organized criminal conspiracy taking place in multiple states

>>>/qresearch/11706112 RT: 16 dead in Uganda after protesters clash with police following arrest of presidential candidate Bobi Wine

>>>/qresearch/11706120 Blast strikes natural gas pipeline in Egypt’s North Sinai, witnesses say

>>>/qresearch/11706126 Adam Housley: Have you seen the evidence he has just presented? If so, then you are the only one

>>>/qresearch/11706136 @Richard Grenell: You are an activist blogger not a serious journalist. You have helped ruin journalism with your phony reporting. You work for the Democrats

>>>/qresearch/11706156 Matt Gaetz: “If We Do Not Expose This Fraud, They Are Not Going to Get Worse at This, They will Get Better at It”

>>>/qresearch/11706185 Someone introducing Smartmatic to Bill Clinton & Co.

>>>/qresearch/11706218 @RealJamesWoods: I suggest we use the “Streisand Effect” to advantage. Retweet with a quote, any quote, every tweet you see with one of those “election disclaimers.”

>>>/qresearch/11706231 Biden Coronavirus Task Force’s Osterholm: ‘We’re Going to See Hospitals Collapsing in the Next Two to Three Weeks’

>>>/qresearch/11706243 @NOAASatellites: Have you ever heard of the #GOES-Q Satellite? We wouldn't be surprised if you haven't, since it never went into space. However, its imager and sounder now have found a home at the @AirAndSpace museum!

>>>/qresearch/11706254 WSJ: BuzzFeed to acquire HuffPost in stock deal with Verizon Media

>>>/qresearch/11706393 #14944

(28 notables, 55 posts, 47 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 6:13 a.m. No.35979   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11706428 Q Research General #14945: They Knew They Would Stop At Nothing To Stop Us From Winning Edition

Created 191836ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11706464 American Contractor Sentenced to Prison for Theft of Government Equipment on U.S. Military Base in Afghanistan

>>>/qresearch/11706469 U.S. Weekly Jobless Claims Jump to 742,000, Worse Than Expected

>>>/qresearch/11706482 As Facebook Bans Peaceful Voices, Zuckerberg Accused of Secret Surveillance, Censorship Conspiracy

>>>/qresearch/11706487 Final Defendant Sentenced to More than 17 Years in MS-13 Case

>>>/qresearch/11706496 Lawyer Who Worked On Trump Pennsylvania Effort Placed Under Official Protection, Report Says

>>>/qresearch/11706519 Who Bought the Monstrous $4.2 Trillion Added to the Incredibly Spiking US National Debt in 12 Months? Everyone but China

>>>/qresearch/11706534 The Vaccines Are Worse Than Dr Mikovits Thought

>>>/qresearch/11706547 DS is the Biden team

>>>/qresearch/11706551 SIDNEY POWELL DROPS MOAB! “An Algorighm Was Plugged In to Steal Votes from President Trump During Election!

>>>/qresearch/11706555 @JonathanTurley "Powell is livid and insists that "President Trump won by a landslide and we are going to prove it.

>>>/qresearch/11706569 Attorney Sidney Powell COINFIRMS Alleged Dominion Servers in Germany Were Confiscated — VIDEO

>>>/qresearch/11706582 UK To Ban Sales Of Gasoline Cars From 2030

>>>/qresearch/11706587 Senators release new evidence tying Hunter Biden business to communist China, Russian energy


>>>/qresearch/11706589 Condition of the board is not an 8Kun issue:

>>>/qresearch/11706595 Under The Code of Federal Regulations Everyone Has The Right To Refuse Any Mandated Vaccination

>>>/qresearch/11706603, >>>/qresearch/11706826 PF

>>>/qresearch/11706623 Britain’s worst paedophile Richard Huckle brutally murdered in vigilante attack

>>>/qresearch/11706676 Floyd County, GA: The election board terminated Robert Brady from his role as Chief Elections Clerk

>>>/qresearch/11706682 General Thomas McInerney Outlines New Evidence Alleging Nationwide Ballot Tampering to Prevent Trump Landslide

>>>/qresearch/11706693 Cherokee County, GA: Just confirmed Cherokee County Elections Director Kim Stancil, & Assistant Director Jennifer Akins, are both taking an early retirement & stepping down

>>>/qresearch/11706729 Tens of thousands of nursing home residents died from neglect and 'despair' during the COVID-19 pandemic

>>>/qresearch/11706749 Wisconsin Board Tied 3-3 on Recount Rules, Dems Attempt to Manipulate Recount Fails as Trump Campaign Gets BIG WIN!


>>>/qresearch/11706807 How Can ANYONE Trust the Vote Count in Pennsylvania Given the Irregularities That Occurred? Fitton

>>>/qresearch/11706829 ICE targets aliens who failed to depart US voluntarily in nationwide operation 'Broken Promise'

>>>/qresearch/11706837 Department of Justice Statement on the Investigation into the Destruction of Videotapes by CIA Personnel

>>>/qresearch/11706867 Wayne County, Michigan, Election Board Rescind Prior Certification Vote Citing Threats to Their Family…

>>>/qresearch/11706909 Jill Biden Chief Of Staff Selling US Citizenship in ‘Fraud-Wracked’ Visa Scheme ‘Abused’ by Chinese Communists

>>>/qresearch/11706924 New UK National Cyber Force to combine assets from multiple agencies, Ministry of Defence says

>>>/qresearch/11706974 POMPEO Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.(No it's not)

>>>/qresearch/11706991 Buzzfeed aquires HuffPo from Verizon Media

>>>/qresearch/11706997 Report: Experiment shows that ballot signature verification has an 89% failure rate

>>>/qresearch/11707011 MS-13 Behind Voter Fraud Case in California

>>>/qresearch/11707066 US Military ‘Concedes’ to 1,410 Civilian Deaths in Iraq and Syria During Operation Inherent Resolve

(34 notables, 35 posts, 43 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 7:10 a.m. No.36056   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11707208 Q Research General #14946: Fucky Board E-bake Edition

Created 192024ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11707237 E-Bake #1

>>>/qresearch/11707612 At the #FBI, we know fighting cybercrime requires patience and teamwork


>>>/qresearch/11707679 French consul in #Morocco took his own life, reports claim

>>>/qresearch/11707717 Senators release new evidence tying Hunter Biden business to communist China, Russian energy

>>>/qresearch/11708043 WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus denied accusations by Ethiopia's army chief that he was lobbying for and seeking to arm leaders in the region

>>>/qresearch/11708349 Judicial Watch announced that a September 2020 study revealed that 353 U.S. counties had 1.8M more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens.

>>>/qresearch/11708433 Dana Perino Urges Dominion Voting to Sue Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell

>>>/qresearch/11708454 Democrat Tyrant Gavin Newsom Issues 10 PM Curfew For Most California Counties

>>>/qresearch/11708463 Final Defendant Sentenced to More than 17 Years in MS_13 case

>>>/qresearch/11708562 Chaos erupts as VP Pence walks away from the podium


>>>/qresearch/11708736 "anti covid" German doctor andreas Noack arrested by the Gestapo during live stream in his home


>>>/qresearch/11708770 McCarthy says Pelosi is sole ‘roadblock’ causing COVID-19 relief inaction

(12 notables, 12 posts, 13 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 7:10 a.m. No.36058   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11707246 Q Research General #14946: E-Bake to VICTORY Edition

Created 192032ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11707273 E-Bake #2

>>>/qresearch/11707369 UK terrorism chief calls for ‘national debate’ on criminalizing doubts about Covid-19 vaccine

>>>/qresearch/11707381 #14945,

>>>/qresearch/11707520, >>>/qresearch/11707541 pb

>>>/qresearch/11707709 Floyd County, Georgia Terminates Election Director After Statewide Audit Discovers Uncounted Votes

>>>/qresearch/11707901 Joe Biden: "The country is still in a crisis – and a dark winter is still ahead."

>>>/qresearch/11707917 Scotland is CLOSED: Entering or leaving the country from the rest of Britain is made illegal

>>>/qresearch/11708475 Top Pentagon Adviser Douglas Macgregor Blames ‘Israeli lobby’

(8 notables, 9 posts, 8 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 7:11 a.m. No.36060   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11709738 Q Research General #14948: What The Bake? Edition

Created 200207ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11709773 DJT Twat Michigan vote count graph

>>>/qresearch/11709846, >>>/qresearch/11709923, >>>/qresearch/11709995, >>>/qresearch/11710014, >>>/qresearch/11710082, >>>/qresearch/11710109, >>>/qresearch/11710186, >>>/qresearch/11710195 [vid], Holy Fuck, Read the Damn AFFIDAVIT (pdf) + Video

>>>/qresearch/11709888 Some kind of Covid Doomsday Plane Caught on Radar

>>>/qresearch/11709936, >>>/qresearch/11709969, >>>/qresearch/11710114 Hunter Biden's emails reveal he called Bibi an asshole

>>>/qresearch/11709955 Based

>>>/qresearch/11709984 State appeals court orders challenged ballots in Brewster-Ziccarelli Senate race to not be counted; race tied

>>>/qresearch/11709988 Texas Voting System Examination(s) and Status for Dominion

>>>/qresearch/11710031 #14946

>>>/qresearch/11710036 South Australia will end its hard lockdown on Saturday night — three days early


>>>/qresearch/11710069 ATTORNEY SIDNEY POWELL on Confiscated Servers in Germany

>>>/qresearch/11710108 Extremely Powerful Hemorrhoid Relief Binaural Beats Music | Healing Meditation

>>>/qresearch/11710110 The FBI Is Asking Witnesses New Questions About Rudy Giuliani’s Work in Ukraine: CNN - The Daily Beast

>>>/qresearch/11710112 #14947

>>>/qresearch/11710125 EU antitrust investigations too slow and ineffective to rein in tech giants – auditors

>>>/qresearch/11710190 Secretary of State announces new $106M voting machine contract

>>>/qresearch/11710214 Sinaloa Cartel Drug Trafficker Extradited From Italy

>>>/qresearch/11710222 Seven MS-13 Gang Members Indicted in Violent Crime and Drug Distribution Conspiracy

>>>/qresearch/11710286 CDC Director: "All Schools Should Remain Open"

>>>/qresearch/11710310 The New Ruling Coalition: Opposition To Afghanistan Withdrawal Shows Its Key Factions: Greenwald

>>>/qresearch/11710327 Government Forces Brace For Heated Battle With ISIS In Mozambican Mueda Town

>>>/qresearch/11710337 The Hidden Tyranny


>>>/qresearch/11710347, >>>/qresearch/11710487 We out here Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11710469 DARPA

>>>/qresearch/11710475 "Trump Never Give Up" - Full Audiobook by Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/11710509 THE "KRAKEN"

>>>/qresearch/11710512 Interview with Source on Electronic Vote Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11710539 Senior Pentagon official Anthony Tata tests positive for coronavirus - DoD

>>>/qresearch/11710563 #14948,

(29 notables, 39 posts, 36 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 7:25 a.m. No.36075   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11708588 Q Research General #14947: E-Bake For The WIN Edition

Created 192337ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11708807 Twitter Locks Out Tom Fitton Over Accurate Tweet About Efficacy of Masks Exposed in Massive Danish Study

>>>/qresearch/11708830 UN World Food Program Warns Of "Famines Of Biblical Proportions In 2021"

>>>/qresearch/11708842 There is no pandemic exception to the Constitution. It is liberty that flows in our veins, not false promises of government safety.

>>>/qresearch/11708871 THE KRAKEN: Sidney Powell Says Campaign Has Evidence Dominion, With Communist Money, Stole Election From Trump

>>>/qresearch/11708886 WISCONSIN RECOUNT: Out Of 176 Recount Workers, Only 58 Are Republican

>>>/qresearch/11708918 Pompeo Visits Georgia as Charges of Election Fraud Mount

>>>/qresearch/11708926 Ilhan Omar: Christians Shouldn’t Serve in the U.S. Military

>>>/qresearch/11708931 China again blames Australia for diplomatic spat, issues warning to Five Eyes intelligence partners

>>>/qresearch/11708935 McCarthy says Pelosi is sole ‘roadblock’ causing COVID-19 relief inaction

>>>/qresearch/11708976 Hit Piece - German QAnon Groups Now Claim Trump’s Election Boogeyman Is Behind Coronavirus Tests

>>>/qresearch/11709017 Democrats And Media Are Reaping Fruit Of 4 Years Of Anti-Trump Conspiracy Theories

>>>/qresearch/11709034 House Democrats Block Small Business Aid Extension for 40th Time

>>>/qresearch/11709037 WHO Advises Against Use of Gilead's Remdesivir as Coronavirus Treatment

>>>/qresearch/11709043 Rudy Giuliani: The Case for Election Fraud Being Made by American Patriots in Both Parties

>>>/qresearch/11709067 Removal Order Upheld Against Tennessee Man Who Served as Nazi Concentration Camp Guard During WWII

>>>/qresearch/11709071 Harvard graduate students start petition to ban Trump officials from school

>>>/qresearch/11709073 Employee of Government Contractor Pleads Guilty to Fraud and Kickback Charges

>>>/qresearch/11709138 Wisconsin Elections Commission Agrees to Order Partial Recount After Trump Request

>>>/qresearch/11709152, >>>/qresearch/11709215 NEW DOMINION VOTING MACHINES NOT OFFICIALLY CERTIFIED

>>>/qresearch/11709184 Pennsylvania Court Invalidates 2,349 Absentee Ballots in Allegheny County Where the Voter Did Not Date Their Declaration

>>>/qresearch/11709188 FBI Agents Arrest Cincinnati Democrat For Accepting Bribes in Exchange For Votes

>>>/qresearch/11709216 False Positives

>>>/qresearch/11709245 State of Texas analysis of Dominion Sofware.

>>>/qresearch/11709447 PF

>>>/qresearch/11709448 Virginia lawyer charged with coercing teen girls into sex as ‘sugar daddy’

>>>/qresearch/11709505 Tucker Carlson slams Sidney Powell for making wild claims, but providing no evidence.


>>>/qresearch/11709628 More on Pennsylvania – Another Statistical Analysis Shows Roughly 300,000 Biden Votes Are Questionable

(27 notables, 28 posts, 34 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 7:26 a.m. No.36077   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11710567 Q Research #14949: Rough Waters, Comfy Ship Edition

Created 200407ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11710602 JIDF/Mossad

VIDEO - Wikipedia - Israel's Internet Censorship War (JID [Channel: FILTHY GOYIM 2.0]

>>>/qresearch/11710608 Withdraw of Consent - The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

VIDEO - Withdraw of Consent - The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion [Channel: Truth2LoveInsideYou]



>>>/qresearch/11710683 CM Slaying Puss, Crushing it.

>>>/qresearch/11710761, >>>/qresearch/11710898 We out here, Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11710781 We out here, growing human steaks.

>>>/qresearch/11710818 "Trump Never Give Up" - Full Audiobook by Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/11710860 The [DS] Planned Out An Election Coup And They Got Caught: Patrick Colbeck

>>>/qresearch/11710880, >>>/qresearch/11711077, >>>/qresearch/11711202 CALL TO DIG ON WA STATE ELECTION FRAUD

>>>/qresearch/11710910 Sidney stated she's not sure who got the server from German

>>>/qresearch/11710924 Great job Bakers and Anons!!

>>>/qresearch/11710999 Trump aid seems to suggest GOOD GUYS got the server…

>>>/qresearch/11711010 Military "Kraken" digs

>>>/qresearch/11711031, >>>/qresearch/11711159 DoJ plane left YYZ this evening; was in YYZ for a few days

>>>/qresearch/11711045 WAR TIME PRESIDENT

>>>/qresearch/11711049, >>>/qresearch/11711160 CALL TO DIGG Prople

>>>/qresearch/11711143 Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


>>>/qresearch/11711193, >>>/qresearch/11711326 high profile Twitter profiles going B/W avatar or banner

>>>/qresearch/11711198 ICE targets aliens who failed to depart US voluntarily in nationwide operation 'Broken Promise'

>>>/qresearch/11711263 Sidney Powell: “We are not going to be intimidated.."


>>>/qresearch/11711304 Argentina Approves "Confiscatory" Wealth Tax On Millionaires

>>>/qresearch/11711317 Israel Resumes Bombing Targets In Syria

>>>/qresearch/11711369 #14949

(23 notables, 29 posts, 36 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 7:26 a.m. No.36079   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11711370 Q Research General #14950: As the weather cools.. Edition

Created 200523ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11711523, >>>/qresearch/11711853 Black and white Day


>>>/qresearch/11711542 Trump Never Give Up - Full Audiobook by Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/11711578 Southeast New Mexico suffers from store closures

>>>/qresearch/11711581, >>>/qresearch/11711705, >>>/qresearch/11711739, >>>/qresearch/11711749, >>>/qresearch/11711765 Prople CEO (Prople DIG)

>>>/qresearch/11711595, >>>/qresearch/11711784, >>>/qresearch/11711797 Sidney Powell🇺🇸 Retweeted


>>>/qresearch/11711655 Voter Fraud

>>>/qresearch/11711742 POTUS Schedule for FRIDAY – November 20, 2020

>>>/qresearch/11711755 Andy Ngô / Seattle Police Dept.

>>>/qresearch/11711759 Based and corndog pilled

>>>/qresearch/11711931 We out here, Planefaggin'

>>>/qresearch/11711933 Story from 2010 about Diebold purchase of Sequoia and link to Chavez story.

>>>/qresearch/11711945 Bread Archives (downloads)

>>>/qresearch/11711947, >>>/qresearch/11712010, >>>/qresearch/11712079 Various Election Software Apps tied to Chavez

>>>/qresearch/11712053 The painting behind Trump is former President James Monroe

>>>/qresearch/11712121 #14950

(16 notables, 25 posts, 38 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 7:27 a.m. No.36082   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11712126 Q Research General #14951: Comfy Complete Edition

Created 200728ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11712178 James Woods: #dominion


>>>/qresearch/11712303 Dominion Voting Systems Algorithm: Anon finds a whole team recruited from Serbia, all their profiles deleted in real time while digging.

>>>/qresearch/11712307 The Kraken League of Darkness.

>>>/qresearch/11712313 POTUS: missing letter Tweet corrections

>>>/qresearch/11712316 PF: SAM126 on towards Taiwan

>>>/qresearch/11712333 What #IRONY it would be if after 4yrs of accusing @realDonaldTrump of trying to use external nations to help him steal an election in 2016, it only took 4wks for Trump’s legal team

>>>/qresearch/11712353, >>>/qresearch/11712499 Jim checked with Vanwatech and was told caching on 8Kun throttled due to some kind of attack. Vague shit about restarting Apache server to fix it.

>>>/qresearch/11712358 CIA niggers (probably just a LARP…)

>>>/qresearch/11712365 People with higher levels of T-cell recognizing SARSCoV2 are protected from CCP-virus


>>>/qresearch/11712367 Tucker Carlson is controlled Opposition.

>>>/qresearch/11712369 Q: [Zero-Day] Countermeasures in place.

>>>/qresearch/11712380 Needs More Confirmation: Michigan Repulican Canvassers "CANNOT" rescind their Certification Vote


>>>/qresearch/11712387 Black/White Comms

>>>/qresearch/11712439 Ingraham's Interview 2 Wayne County Michigan Board Of Canvassers


>>>/qresearch/11712487 Notable Timeline

>>>/qresearch/11712492 'Night of the beating': details emerge of Riyadh Ritz-Carlton purge

>>>/qresearch/11712512 Trump Attorney Jenna Ellis Posts Late Night Photo with Rudy Giuliani and Gen. Flynn (last night nov. 19)

>>>/qresearch/11712528 Peter Neffenger, Vice Admiral, Former Vice Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard.

>>>/qresearch/11712531 Corn and Covid maping: Why have surges 2 and 3 followed food supply lines?

>>>/qresearch/11712553, >>>/qresearch/11712560 Operating System Kernel - Corn has Kernels?

>>>/qresearch/11712601 Biden is in a literal concrete bunker (dafuq?)

>>>/qresearch/11712612 Charleston man accused of making terroristic threats to W.Va. Governor and staff

>>>/qresearch/11712619 In a Power Game, Victory Goes to the Daring

>>>/qresearch/11712639 CODEVILLA: Biden Has No Foreign Policy. Here’s Why Americans Should Be Worried

>>>/qresearch/11712641 Democrats will be forever haunted by what they did in 2016 and afterwards.

>>>/qresearch/11712649 Deathcult being a deathcult

>>>/qresearch/11712650, >>>/qresearch/11712663 Q One Year Delta (Graham)

>>>/qresearch/11712653 Birthday Time: Biden Turns 78, Would Be Oldest U.S. President

>>>/qresearch/11712655 Texas rules out another lockdown as virus surges (based)

>>>/qresearch/11712659 I Know Sidney Powell. She Is Telling the Truth

>>>/qresearch/11712660 NY Governor “Furious” That Cops Won’t Enforce His Thanksgiving Crackdown (not based)

>>>/qresearch/11712661 On This 157th Anniversary of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address — Pray for Our Country to Overcome the Evil That Aims to Destroy Us

>>>/qresearch/11712667 In Massive Blow To Democrats, Republicans Won Almost Every House Race That’s Key To Redistricting

>>>/qresearch/11712686 Ron living rent free in minds of shills everywhere

>>>/qresearch/11712712 Poll: Most voters – including 1 in 3 Democrats – want special counsel to investigate Biden (omfg with the duality script)

>>>/qresearch/11712721 Sen. Rand Paul to Newsmax TV: Fauci Will 'Keep Us Masked Until End of Time'

>>>/qresearch/11712725 Pentagon Narrows List for Space Command Headquarters to Six Locations

>>>/qresearch/11712731 How Republicans crashed Nancy Pelosi's party

>>>/qresearch/11712736 Nikki Haley Jumps Into Georgia Election With Video Tearing Into Warnock

>>>/qresearch/11712746 “What do we Have to Do to Get the FBI to Wake Up!?”

>>>/qresearch/11712754 Orange County, Sacramento and El Dorado County Sheriffs Will Not Enforce Gavin Newsom’s Curfew Order

>>>/qresearch/11712758 ATTORNEY SIDNEY POWELL on Confiscated Servers in Germany

>>>/qresearch/11712802 Old voting equipment found on the side of the road in Garden City

>>>/qresearch/11712809 Sidney Powell Says Trump Team Will Sue Officials "To Invalidate" Election Results…

>>>/qresearch/11712845 7 year old kidnapped boy rescued

>>>/qresearch/11712849 Sydney Powell @presser: Sorros Connected to Dominion


>>>/qresearch/11712855 Jenna Ellis: This is the other response I predicted. (she did, I seen't it)

>>>/qresearch/11712868 Mexican Senate approves cannabis legalization bill, ending months long delay

>>>/qresearch/11712888 #14951

(50 notables, 53 posts, 73 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 7:27 a.m. No.36084   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11712894 Q Research General #14952: DAMAGE REPORT All System Nominal Edition

Created 201120ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11712932 More onto Prople…

>>>/qresearch/11713078 9 Key Points from Trump Campaign Press Conference on Challenges to Election Results

>>>/qresearch/11713092 COVID Documentary: The Great Betrayal

>>>/qresearch/11713115 Durham → Sidney Powell Durham, North Carolina

>>>/qresearch/11713120 (You) Voting Machine Found On Road Dead

>>>/qresearch/11713123, >>>/qresearch/11713127 What is the Effect of Coercion on a Contract?

>>>/qresearch/11713135 Here it is all together, the election board members were in their rights legally to rescind the contract due to coercion.

>>>/qresearch/11713137, >>>/qresearch/11713155 POTUS: Will use these charts in court case. The Election was a HOAX. Thank you Justin!

>>>/qresearch/11713153 Secy Mnuchin asks Fed to return $455B of COVID relief funds

>>>/qresearch/11713163 Contracts are different than Election Certification

>>>/qresearch/11713165 Flynn: We The People own our country & our contract of ownership is the Constitution.


>>>/qresearch/11713211 Browser fix that worked so far: We had to do this last year at almost the same time. Just dug it up and it worked again.

>>>/qresearch/11713238 POTUS: The great @FoxNews daytime ratings CRASH will only get worse!

>>>/qresearch/11713248 @TheJusticeDept: Orlando Cordia Hall Executed for 1994 Kidnapping and Murder of 16-Year-Old Girl

>>>/qresearch/11713306 #14952

>>>/qresearch/11713707 #14952 @250

(16 notables, 18 posts, 19 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 7:28 a.m. No.36085   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11713767 Q Research General #14953: E-bake to Victory Edition

Created 201448ZNOV20



>>>/qresearch/11713869, >>>/qresearch/11713977, >>>/qresearch/11714014, >>>/qresearch/11714030, >>>/qresearch/11714060, >>>/qresearch/11714383, >>>/qresearch/11714482 PF

>>>/qresearch/11713961 Break their False Narratives on E2020 Fraud (keywords to defeat):

>>>/qresearch/11713969 California Could Save $1 Billion By Closing 8 Prisons, New State Analysis Shows

>>>/qresearch/11714016 Voting Works/Soros

>>>/qresearch/11714031 Erdogan says rate hike was bitter but necessary pill for Turkey

>>>/qresearch/11714054 Will The Trump Team Prove A Global Conspiracy Or Will Dominion Sue For Defamation?

>>>/qresearch/11714140 Chavista Company Smartmatic Responsible for Vote Counting in United States

>>>/qresearch/11714274 Pennsylvania House Legislature hearing at 12pm EST on Dominion Voting Systems.

>>>/qresearch/11714281 DJT TWEET

>>>/qresearch/11714424, >>>/qresearch/11714425 WH PRESS BRIEF!!!

>>>/qresearch/11714806 #14953

VIDEO - Archie - Back Again [Channel: Diversity]

(12 notables, 19 posts, 16 media/files)

Anonymous ID: 416ed0 July 3, 2023, 7:30 a.m. No.36088   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/11714751 Q Research General #14954: Return of the Comf Edition

Created 201744ZNOV20


>>>/qresearch/11714848 Dominion REFUSED to Testify Before PA House Committee Today

>>>/qresearch/11714849 Washington State Patrol is arrested mid-interview on child rape charges

>>>/qresearch/11714862 Sidney Powell hits back at ‘rude’ Tucker Carlson

>>>/qresearch/11714865, >>>/qresearch/11715028, >>>/qresearch/11715068 John Kerry Says 'Great Reset' Is Needed To Stop Rise Of Populism


>>>/qresearch/11714874 Turkey conducts raids against group linked to Kurdish militants, 24 lawyers among people detained

>>>/qresearch/11714883 Obama: Navy SEALs Could Remove Trump From White House

>>>/qresearch/11714902 So the DOJ went there. For serving a subpoena? Arresting Dominion Executives? Seizing servers?

>>>/qresearch/11714903 "Black and White Day" notable from p/b is wrong about Laura Ingraham

>>>/qresearch/11714911 Economists accuse US Treasury secretary of trying to set up crisis for Biden administration

>>>/qresearch/11714917 Major General Michael Flynn, March 2011.

>>>/qresearch/11714920 Jeanine About to have big show

>>>/qresearch/11714926 Request to dig, NASED

>>>/qresearch/11714941 New Senate Docs 'Confirm' Troubling Biden Family Links To China, Russia

>>>/qresearch/11715010 NEW POTUS TWEET

>>>/qresearch/11715032 October Migrant Arrest Rate at Border Up 87 Percent

>>>/qresearch/11715037 Georgia (2019) - Petition in Protest of Dominion Voting System Certification by SOS Brad Raffensperger

>>>/qresearch/11715039 Election evidence about to be destroyed in Cobb County, GA?


>>>/qresearch/11715042 EXCLUSIVE: GOP Michigan Canvasser Speaks OUT After Feeling Threatened

>>>/qresearch/11715067 Group bankrolled by George Soros and Michael Bloomberg pours hundreds of thousands of dollars into Georgia runoff elections

>>>/qresearch/11715083 Ending Our ‘Shell Game’ Foreign Policy in the Middle East

>>>/qresearch/11715098, >>>/qresearch/11715113 Forbidden Weapons and Israeli War Crimes

>>>/qresearch/11715112 Lin Wood Tweet 'Adsentee ballot envelopes?'

>>>/qresearch/11715121 The Secret Agenda of the World Bank and the IMF

>>>/qresearch/11715191 Pentagon leader tests positive for COVID-19 after infected foreign official’s visit

>>>/qresearch/11715260 DeKalb County elections manager fired for errors found in ballot audit

>>>/qresearch/11715299 Wikileak cable on Smartmatic machines

>>>/qresearch/11715305 A1 Shredding and Recycling, Incorporated

>>>/qresearch/11715350 G. Edward Griffin: The Communist Revolution I Warned About 50 Years Ago Is Taking Place Today

VIDEO - More Deadly Than War – A Lecture by G. Edward Griffin [Channel: Reality Zone]

>>>/qresearch/11715397 Georgia secretary of state issues correction, clarifying election results not yet certified

>>>/qresearch/11715404 Española Police to host ‘Groceries for Guns’ buyback event

>>>/qresearch/11715406 President Trump Delivers Remarks on Delivering Lower Prescription Drug Prices for All Americans POTUS LIVE

>>>/qresearch/11715413, >>>/qresearch/11715489 PF


>>>/qresearch/11715433 A few Tucker Carlson RED FLAGS.

>>>/qresearch/11715441 DeKalb County, Georgia Elections Manager Fired After Series of Errors in Audit of Ballots

>>>/qresearch/11715475 POTUS The Governor of Georgia, and Secretary of State, refuse to let us look at signatures which would expose hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots

>>>/qresearch/11715479 Lin Wood: Georgia Woman Witnesses Shredding Company Shredding Ballots, Calls Police, Films Shredding

>>>/qresearch/11715488 Judicial Watch Sues Seven Federal Agencies for Flynn Unmasking Records

>>>/qresearch/11715495 Georgia Officials Investigating After Old Voting Machines Found Dumped Near Savannah

>>>/qresearch/11715504 A Second Agreement In Georgia Between Democrats and Gwinnett County Is Discovered

>>>/qresearch/11715507 "Trump Never Give Up" - Full Audiobook by Donald Trump

>>>/qresearch/11715606 #14954

(42 notables, 46 posts, 74 media/files)