Anonymous ID: af8189 Oct. 23, 2021, 9:43 p.m. No.103384   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I want to know how many puppies Fauci killed and I want him tried for animal abuse


everbody is weighin in

Anonymous ID: af8189 Oct. 23, 2021, 10:05 p.m. No.103390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3391 >>3392

i gotta go guise

real sleepy, no evenin break but that's ok

be back sometime, prolly early am, for a sleep break

good discussions, doin some good digs this weekend


out then back


wakes' girlfren dropped by

wants to know 'where's the moat??'

Anonymous ID: af8189 Oct. 24, 2021, 10:36 a.m. No.103437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3438 >>3442 >>3443 >>3509 >>3514

might >>103397



G'morning all

just checking in

I've been here for a bit, am taking detailed notes and making slides of this presentation

Will post soon




to put synthetic genes inside them - which makes them patentable acc to Supreme Court


the Madej vid is blowing muh mind

Anonymous ID: af8189 Oct. 24, 2021, 11:47 a.m. No.103445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3446 >>3448 >>3478 >>3509 >>3514


Dr Carrie Madej: Covid-19 Injections - A Gateway to Transhumanism

Oct 23, 2021



transhumanist agenda - to make us all hydrids

they don't believe in God - but believe there WILL BE gods

by 2030 - own nothing, no privacy, life never better

every thought and dream is recorded - these are megalomaniacs


DARPA - black ops, sci fi part of pentagon

hydrogel is analogous to human tissue so doesn't get = lipid nano particle

can form nanobots, can meld with human tissue inside the body

DARPA project - "aircraft and pilot became one"

They've been doing

Kurzweil - by mid 2030, will be possible

they are doing it thru the fake vaxxes right now

Neil Degrass Tyson talking to Ray Kurzweil - we can download books, languages, etc.

How to do it into the body?

Thru the injections falsely called VACCINES.



There is no documented VIRUS anywhere in the world-

They took AI plus different kinds of genetic material

They are programming your body to make more of it:


What's in the injections?

  • Proteins that are similar to ones in the body - could be attacked (autoimmune disease)

  • HIV

  • Chromosome 8 - determines intelligence and fertility

  • Fake amino acid - pseudouridylyl (what will it do?)

  • Artificial Intelligence



Anonymous ID: af8189 Oct. 24, 2021, 11:49 a.m. No.103446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3509 >>3514




He is the brains behind transhumanist movement

If we have a synthetic gene, if taken into human genome - that's bad

because since 2013, the Supreme Ct has ruled that any human being can be patented and owned if there is a synthetic gene inside of them

literally overnight, you can be patented and owned

46 scientists are doing this

also, there are 3 messages - don't know what they are yet

also, a new alphabet


they want you to live forever, be part of the hive mind

you will connect thru a signal - THEY WANT TO SWITCH THE CHANNEL

Why change the alphabet? The WORD is powerful

Change the alphabet, change the WORD

They are ALL BAD



Hydrogel is part of AI

David Martin - SarsCovi2 was made in a lab, patented in 2002

Moderna says they're putting an operating system inside you

Hydrogel is the opposite of water.

is life, hydrogel sucks the water out - that is NOT HEALTHY.

Can hold nanobots - directed by MAGNETS

[see mp4 a]


Can generate it's own electricity, but that will create heat

Hydrogel can cool itself down

Hydrogel is the same thing as the NANO LIPID PARTICLE

DARPA's project with hydrogel allows then to see what a soldier is thinking & feeling

Can also attach one human brain to another human brain - Ventner created the ability to program cells to produce

Remote activation is possible. They can reprogram your cells, put images in your brain, erase your memory. [see mp4 b]


Cell phone - the Microsoft patent enables a connection between what's inside you and an external set of instructions.

They can hijack your brain power while your sleeping - make money off of you.

Gates in W Afraica has experimented onthe people there - they get a barcode, everything is downloaded into their body. if they don't accept it, they can't buy or sell. Also used for predictive programming and policing.


This is why we fight, why we say no, why we DO NOT COMPLY. ~26minutes


pg 2

Anonymous ID: af8189 Oct. 24, 2021, 12:30 p.m. No.103450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3451 >>3455 >>3509 >>3514




How does Madej know about the agenda? Was recruited, met Dr. Venter.

She's showing pics from under the microscope.

This is not nanotechnology - too big

These are parasites made to meld with your nervous system.

Hydra vulgaris - can tentacles sting?

Ring structures from J&J - appear to be delivery systems for hydro-gel.

She's been working with Project Veritas

They will release their findings soon - from whistleblower.



Teslaphoresis - this is a process of a magnetic force facilitating the formation of a neutral network

They saw it inside the vial

-These appear to be parasites



Added what's in the injections to normal blood

What happened?

Generated something that looks like the Corona virus

'''blood + what's in the vial >>corona virus structure (flower-like thingy)'''


Hydra vulgaris - they love it, they love to say "hail hydra" (symbolism)

hydras will regrow when chopped up

Grown version is called MEDUSA (many-headed serpeant)

''Whether hydra vulgaris or acropora, nematotella or clytia - same family''



How do we get out of this?



pg 4

Anonymous ID: af8189 Oct. 24, 2021, 12:32 p.m. No.103451   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Shows the stuff Gates has been up to testing everything in Africa. PLUS how it leads into a social credit score system.


PG 5

Anonymous ID: af8189 Oct. 24, 2021, 12:35 p.m. No.103452   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The AI is the neural net they are injecting to replace the natural neural net in our bodies. If not to replace it entirely, to change it in ways that enable an outside force to see what we are thinking and dreaming. And to insert thoughts and feelings from the external system.

Anonymous ID: af8189 Oct. 24, 2021, 1:01 p.m. No.103458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3475


Interesting body language


look at her hands


a. rubbing the problem away, reduce anxiety? (or rubbing out the opposition?)

b. steepling to create a fence

c. two fists opposed to one another (prepared to smash the opposition?)

d. covering the mouth, hands over mouth (lying/)

e. hitting table (chop, chop, chop)

f. "believe me" cheerleading (she is NOT confident)

g. messing with hair

h. yup, yup


Even a chump like me can tell her body is not "singing with her"

evil witch

Anonymous ID: af8189 Oct. 24, 2021, 1:07 p.m. No.103459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3460


ty G, i never made it back dis morning but really needed the sleep



mornin cakes

gonna post madej on qrbunker covid thread too so the graphics remain for future reference, will drop a link once i have it


blessings crew & everbody else

Anonymous ID: af8189 Oct. 24, 2021, 1:23 p.m. No.103466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3470


u are the one who said 'once they're grown, my job is to give headaches not get them'.

It is true that people can lose the capacity to reason but i think that there is somewhere always the capacity to decide - sometimes buried deep within.

If they really want something, suspect they can learn to cooperate in basic ways. (Sometimes when dealing with uncooperative people I cannot avoid, I get real quiet and then say silently to that person what I cannot say aloud but needs to be said. Guess what? It usually works.)

Anonymous ID: af8189 Oct. 24, 2021, 1:27 p.m. No.103469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3472 >>3509 >>3514


One of the best things about DeSantis doing this is that it shows IT IS NOT HARD to make changes if the will is there.

Makes all the other govs and AGs who are futzing around look like the fools they are.

PUSHES them to act or at least to reveal their true colors so others can act.

Anonymous ID: af8189 Oct. 24, 2021, 1:52 p.m. No.103476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3479 >>3509 >>3514


you sound like a patient teacher

firm but fair - kek



the thing is, they can mock Ron all they want

he does not care

that's the dif between him and other candidates

after everything 8's been thru, he is bulletproof

watched that cnn reporter with him - she was scared

jw has the same effect

[they] do not understand people like this, scared the bejesus outta em.

he will TROLL them til their heads are spinning....

Anonymous ID: af8189 Oct. 24, 2021, 2 p.m. No.103478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3480


Madej DIG:

Just posted a CLEANER version on the qrbunker/covid thread so we have it for future reference. Necessary as long as long term retention of images on 8 are not certain, glad i set up reference threads on end. Still encourage others to do the same for Q proofs or other resource materials.


5 posts that start here:

Anonymous ID: af8189 Oct. 24, 2021, 2:17 p.m. No.103482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3483 >>3509 >>3514


Every time they insult him, he gets FREE PRESS - just like POTUS@45!

Great for someone who's running a low-budget campaign.

They'd be smarter to ignore him - but 'he lives rent free in their heads."




guess it's like anything - can be good or bad, depending on who's in control. Every time i listen to the guise who enthuse about AI, nano-tech, pet robots, and the like - dey all sound like robots themselves.


Goes back a long way for me, was taking a course in the 80s on AI, teacher was just over the moon dreamy eyed but seemed creepy to me. Did a 70 page paper discussing the problems. It's not the technology that's the problem, it's how the guise who developed it at MIT hated human beings. Like Marvin Minsky, father of AI. He viciously attacked prof philosophy prof Hubert Dreyfus for his moral objections to that approach. Fast forward 35 years - i discover here that he wants population reduction into the hundreds of million and also got cash from Epstein and purportedly had sex with minors on his island


The really creepy guys can't hide the creep

Anonymous ID: af8189 Oct. 24, 2021, 2:35 p.m. No.103484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3486



gee, wonder how they define that?


listening right now to the Minsky lecture on "how many people should there be?"

likes Clarke's idea from a novel to store human consciousness on computers and allow them to come out for a given length of time, and then you go back into storage


doesn't think we're smart enough to figure this out

need to build supercomputers like Hal

contrasts HAL with the "stupidity" of the astronauts

[NOT what i took out of that film]


mebbe if we lived longer we could acquire enough skills and knowledge to solve some problems....

likens up to chimps

"but if we just fix 4 or 5 genes, we could live hundreds of years"


talks about people mating with rotten genes....

if we live long, "we can't let them have a child more than every several hundred years or so"


thinks emotions are a problem for thinking....

on and on.



not sure we really disagree

i'm trying to make a very broad statement about intent trumping anything else.

I personally don't like nanobots bc i think the whole idea comes from basic assumptions about the nature of "progress" with which i would disagree.


Re cancer cures (and other serious problems):

When good people look for solutions, they instinctively seek solutions in alignment with nature. DS solutions always have hooks allowing them to control.


If their manipulations are removed, many problems will turn out to be a lot more solvable than we thought. Example - tesla's solution to energy.