I just thought of something. Now MSM will be really confused where to place the blame for FFs.
Moved over at 11pm EST. Tired of the infighting over at QR and not getting anything done. This place reminds me of how it used to be at QR. Thanks, baker and BO. I dont mind moving. Voat Pizzagate, to 4chan, then Q arrived, then moved us and I have been following Q ever since.
I have been researching Catherine Agnew’s twat accts. It lead me down the rabbit hole to these blogs by MKU victims. It was interesting what they spoke about “Peter Pans” and Wendys. One mention Peter Pans were not to remember, but Wendys are to tell them what they did. Bizarre, but made me think about Hussein with “Wendy.” Maggie Nixon. I am going to put something together about what I found.
Maybe they have that mentality that it will not happen to them. I would stay the hell out of there.
This is such a cluster. Avenatti is representing clients? I thought he was hiding under a rock until his trial.
He knew it would draw attention to these 4 losers. He knew Libs’ heads were imploding and jumping behind these socialists’ even if they are more moderate. Now it looks like they are all in unity behind these women. Brilliant plan.
Great meme, but typo “her” instead of “here.”