Anonymous ID: 2b6473 Nov. 6, 2021, 9:59 p.m. No.106976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6977 >>6978 >>6988 >>6989 >>7001 >>7023 >>7028



iTza short flight from Florida to GITmoar or HANG TWOorMOAR at SEAA.

!o7 Watch Out Nav_i_GAtORS

{ times a changin' EDT 02:00h ARRRGH~aYe deyBEE KEK_i_StaN or BUST. }


>>106941 /lb Kash's Corner featuring Ric Grenell - Part 2:

tyvm for reminder to check this out; heard this: Grenell for CA Governor "from FL sea to shining CA sea ..."


November 5, 2021 Kash's Corner - comments (125) /some Kash replies

Kash Patel and Richard Grenell Part 2: Durham Probe, Hostage Return, and Fixing California



was reviewing others from Kash, gonna rewatch ref DURHAM { sea reference Hurricane }

~ Kash is a Federal Prosecutor right

~ a national security prosecutor at the Department of Justice

~ work necessitated Mr. Patel’s presence in locations across the globe

~ served as the DOJ Liaison Officer to Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC)

~ began his career in 2005 as a public defender, trying scores of complex cases in federal and state courts


July 16, 2021 Kash's Corner comments 206

Kash’s Corner: A Blueprint for Durham and Accountability for the Crossfire Hurricane Scandal


In the investigation into the Crossfire Hurricane scandal, what powers does Special Counsel John Durham have that the inspector general did not? What might come out of Durham’s investigation—which is still ongoing?


If Kash Patel were special counsel, what would he do?


And what declassified materials have still not been released?


Jan Jekielek: Hello everyone, welcome to this week’s episode of Kash’s Corner. Kash, we have something that’s very much up your alley to talk about this week. I know both of us read this, what Glenn Greenwald calls a mega-viral thread. And indeed, it was mega-viral thread done by Daryl Cooper.


It explores how the Russia collusion hoax or operation essentially changed the perception of MAGA voters, or perhaps of a lot of conservatives in America on a whole set of institutions that are part of the U.S. government.

Anonymous ID: 2b6473 Nov. 6, 2021, 10:32 p.m. No.106982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6983 >>6989 >>7001 >>7023 >>7028

God Damn the Pusherman · Slow Joe & The Ginger Accident { }

1,889 views Feb 16, 2017

  • as I never heard before; usually SteppenWolf





however this SteppenWolf - Desperation

is moar approp:




>could be artificial too

>effort is to destabilize the culture - suddenly drying up the heroin supply



>wanting to take over the junk trade with fentanyl

>seems to kill a lot quicker


_nvisible poisons without CHOICE, another form of BIOweapons of WAR.


{ meme ideas / request }

$upply && Demand of Desperation to have somthin to getHIGH / shootup

  • like "to VAXX or not to VACC ..."

  • to check your loaded GUN or NOT

~ SAFETY 2nd ; Don't PANIC 1st; 3rd SEA Rule# 1st { where does SAFETY come from? #TheRULEofLAW. }

Anonymous ID: 2b6473 Nov. 6, 2021, 10:40 p.m. No.106984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6989 >>7001 >>7023 >>7028


> top of muh head he worked with Chris Miller and ECW on devolution

czecKeK'T qTroof !


Kash P. Patel, Esq.

Chief of Staff to the Department of Defense & Secretary of Defense*


Kash Patel served as the Chief of Staff to President Donald J. Trump’s Department of Defense (DOD), where his responsibilities included implementing the Secretary’s mission using our 3 million plus employees, operating a $740 billion budget, and $2 trillion in assets. Managing the world’s largest organization required a constant, mission focused, principal-level engagement across all government agencies and the private sector. Our priority at the Department, defend the homeland, protect the U.S. from our enemies, and care for our service men and women.


Prior to his experience at the Pentagon, Mr. Patel served as Deputy Assistant to President Donald J. Trump and Senior Director for Counterterrorism (CT) on the National Security Council (NSC). In that capacity, Mr. Patel oversaw the execution of several of President Trump’s top priorities, including eliminating Al-Qa’ida and ISIS senior leadership, and safely repatriating of dozens of American hostages. As the top counterterrorism official at the White House, he was responsible for creating and implementing our nation’s policy to safeguard the homeland by overseeing the interagency implementation of the national CT strategy. Mr. Patel was also selected to serve as Principal Deputy to the Acting Director of National Intelligence. At ODNI, he oversaw all 17 Intelligence Community (IC) agencies, and prioritized intelligence collection to focus on hard targets and global threats. This allowed him to lead the Director’s duty to synthesize our intelligence holdings and create the President’s Daily Briefing, which he would then brief to the President and cabinet officials. As one of the highest ranking officials at DOD, ODNI, and the White House, Mr. Patel gained unique expertise straddling the nexus of government and private sector operations/policy for the defense of our nation to include defense, cyber, and intel.


Before joining the NSC, Mr. Patel served as the National Security Advisor and Senior Counsel for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), where he spearheaded the investigation into the Russian active measures campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election. Concurrently, he led congressional oversight of sensitive programs for the IC and U.S. Special Operations Forces and worked to enact legislation to fully fund the multi-billion-dollar budgets supporting intelligence and counterterrorism operations worldwide. That role required Mr. Patel to spend a considerable amount of time in more than 40 locations around the world.


Mr. Patel joined HPSCI following his tenure as a national security prosecutor at the Department of Justice (DOJ) under the Obama administration, where he led investigations spanning multiple theaters of conflict and oversaw the successful prosecution of criminals aligned with Al-Qa’ida, ISIS, and other terror groups. This work necessitated Mr. Patel’s presence in locations across the globe, collaborating with host nation governments to successfully prosecute terrorists. He also served as the DOJ Liaison Officer to Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), working with our nation’s most prestigious counterterrorism units (special forces) to conduct collaborative global targeting operations against high value objectives, in almost every theater of war.


Mr. Patel began his career in 2005 as a public defender, trying scores of complex cases in federal and state courts, ranging from murder, to narco-trafficking, to complex financial crimes. This required extensive briefings and court appearances. These cases took place throughout the U.S., in over half a dozen countries, and required Mr. Patel to diplomatically engage with several foreign governments.


A native of New York, Mr. Patel graduated from the University of Richmond with a bachelor’s in criminal justice and history, received a juris doctor from law school in New York, and a Certificate in International Law from University College London Faculty of Laws in the United Kingdom.

Anonymous ID: 2b6473 Nov. 6, 2021, 10:57 p.m. No.106988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6991 >>7001 >>7023 >>7028


>November 5, 2021 Kash's Corner - comments (125) /some Kash replies

>Kash Patel and Richard Grenell Part 2: Durham Probe, Hostage Return, and Fixing California


<{ 1 of 2 or 3? - body to long. }

{ draft transcript excerpt of closing }:


Mr. Patel: It’s the biggest okey-dokey in world geopolitical diplomacy and China’s getting a free ride. I couldn’t agree with you more. And I think the fact that it was resurrected, I agree with everything you just said, but I do think the fact that there was resurrected is they overplayed their hand, and it’s going to come back to bite him because it’s going to show how much of a corrupt and fraud DOJ and FBI we had.


Mr. Patel: But I do want to talk about one thing that I know is your pride, your passion project. You’re a California guy. You live here. Your family’s here. And you are doing so many great things for the State of California and your California initiative that I want to talk about them. I know you’re doing everything from water, to election security, to securing California’s economic powerhouse. What is it? What are you doing? And why are you doing all of this in California? And can I bring it east?


Mr. Grenell: Yeah, well, I don’t know about bringing it east, but California just suffered one of the biggest losses ever. We’re losing power in Congress. And while some people might say, oh yeah, you’re only losing a congressional seat, California has always been the best state, the biggest state, the state that everything is tried first in. We’re California. We’re the best.


And yet over the last 5, 6, 7 years, we’ve not been the best. And we have a political leadership in Sacramento that is controlled by one political party. And it’s driven us off the cliff. And that’s why we’re losing power. People are leaving California. I thought about leaving.


Mr. Patel: Really?


Mr. Grenell: It gets to the point where it’s so expensive and the policy… I mean, we’re running commercials now. I just saw one last night. The State of California is now running commercials telling people, from 4:00 to 9:00 PM, turn off your power, turn down, unplug-


Mr. Patel: Because there’s not enough energy.


Mr. Grenell: We don’t have enough energy. We’re telling people not to water their lawns and take quicker showers. And they put these little things in the showers that take away water consumption. Look, all of that can be good, but not as a public policy. We live on the ocean, we should not have a water problem. We’re California, we should not have an energy problem.


By the way, as the country, the United States completely revamps our energy policies and exports to include liquid natural gas, the explosion of U.S. LNG. Do you know that not a single LNG terminal is on the west coast of the United States? Not in Washington, Oregon, or California, not a single terminal. Because all three very progressive liberal Democrat governors won’t allow it to happen. They’re not allowing the west coast to participate in this.


But you know who is building one? Mexico. Because they say, well, if the west coast isn’t going to be able to supply LNG to China, we will. And so now Asia is going to get LNG via Mexico. Because Gavin Newsome in the largest state in the country is not putting a terminal to be able to participate in LNG production and export.


Mr. Patel: So staying in energy, how do you counter that? How does your California FIRST initiative [crosstalk 00:34:18]?


Mr. Grenell: So all of these issues come to me and we thought about leaving and we decided, “You know what? California’s too great. We’re going to stay.” And so I decided to put together a plan. It’s not very sexy. It’s a long-term plan. Whenever you have long-term strategic plans, people get bored.


Mr. Patel: They don’t pay attention.


Mr. Grenell: They don’t pay attention. But I’m passionate. And I’m traveling the state talking about Fix California. And I would love for people to go to We’re doing three things. There’s probably 20 things that we could do, but we’ve narrowed it down to three things.


We are taking the fight for voter integrity to every single county in California. We’re asking them to comply with the law, clean up the voter rolls, and make sure that every single person on the voter rolls is legally on the voter roll. So we’re cleaning up the voter rolls in every county.


Two, we’re doing a data play and going through and finding disenfranchised conservative voters. How many people live in California, who are conservatives, who are just not involved because they think, “Why? It’s not worth it. The state is often progressive far left territory.” We’ve already found 1.3 million Californians who are conservative, unregistered to vote.

Anonymous ID: 2b6473 Nov. 6, 2021, 11:11 p.m. No.106991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6994 >>7001 >>7023 >>7028


<{ 2 of / or 3? - body to long. }

> { draft transcript excerpt of closing }:


Mr. Patel: 1.3 million?


Mr. Grenell: 1.3 million unregistered. So we’re going to change that. We’re going to get greater participation from conservatives in California politics. We’re going to do to California what Stacey Abrams did to Georgia.


Mr. Patel: Wow.


Mr. Grenell: The third thing that we’re going to do is very important. Next year, in 2022, we will have on the ballot a voter initiative which will ask California voters, do you want to append the way we fund education in this state and have the money that the state spends per pupil, per year, follow the student and the family’s decision as to where to go to school.


Mr. Patel: So they can choose?


Mr. Grenell: They would totally choose. It would create 100% competition amongst our schools in California. This will be on the ballot in 2022, asking voters, do you want the money the state spends on education to follow the students? This means if you like your public school, you’ll be able to stay in your public school. If that school is doing a good job, if it’s competitive, if it’s reaching the people that it needs to reach, then you will continue be able to continue to go to that public school.


But for those parents who find that their kid is in a crappy school and trapped in that crappy school because they can’t afford to go to a private school, they are told you have to go to the school down the street. They don’t have options. And that’s not fair. So what I believe is that the great American principle of competition is exactly what we have to do to our schools. Let our schools compete.


Now, after a year and a half of Zoom school, I can’t tell you how many parents I’ve heard from that are saying, “I didn’t know what was going on inside my kid’s classroom. And after eavesdropping on the situation, I don’t want that curriculum going into the minds of my child and my children.” And so what we’re going to be able to do is to say to the parents, pick your school, let’s have competition, and you choose what’s best for you.


And by the way, that will be amazing for families. Some families are going to choose a religious school. Some families are going to choose a technical school. Some families are going to say, “My kid is really concentrating on drama. We’ll go to a school that’s going to teach you the fundamentals of learning, but also give you heads up and a way forward on being an actor, being in drama, concentrating on the business of drama.”


It’s going to allow us to feed our kids what they really need. And parents will be able to choose. And by the way, parents will be fundamentally involved in this decision. I think we need more parents involved in schools, not fewer parents.


Mr. Patel: So I’m going to… You forgot one thing about all the amazing things you’re doing in California. And I know we probably shocked our audience with a lot of our conversation, but this one actually shocks and surprises me in a good way. Your Fix California initiative, it’s not a Republican thing. It’s not a Democratic thing. You’re actually doing it by Camberley with both parties. That might be the only place in America. I’ve heard of such a great measure being done that’s apolitical.

Anonymous ID: 2b6473 Nov. 6, 2021, 11:19 p.m. No.106994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6995 >>6996 >>7001 >>7023 >>7028


<{ 3 of / or 4? - body to long msg. }

> { draft transcript excerpt of closing }:

Mr. Grenell: Well, the Fix California initiative, I would just say to people, again, go to and you’ll see this third thing that we’re talking about, the education initiative. People want competition. This isn’t a Republican thing. Matter of fact, I would argue that more Democrats are really frustrated with their school than anything and with their schools. And so we have a ton of support from Democrats, Independents, Republicans. This is not a partisan issue. Our schools are not a partisan issue. We want our kids to get the best education.


I have traveled the world and I can tell you that we are not competing like we should be. We are graduating kids from 12th grade who are not able to compete in the places of the future, where they should be competing. In today’s world you should not be graduating from high school and not know how to code.


That’s just fundamental. It’s a foreign language. It should be used as a foreign language. We require kids to take a foreign language, a foreign language should be coding. And they should be able to learn that. That is how you keep up with the times. Everything we do is digital in today’s world. Our kids should be able to graduate and compete in a digital world.


Mr. Patel: Well, these movements, Ric, sounds to me like a first for a nation that needs them across the nation. I’m glad you’re doing them in California. I’m so glad that you’re my dear friend and the first guest on Kash’s Corner. Thanks so much for spending time with us in your home in Southern California.


Mr. Grenell: It’s an honor to be here. Thanks, Kash.


Mr. Patel: I appreciate it. Thanks. And lastly, for our weekly shout out to Kash’s Corner, of course, this week, shout out goes to Matt and Lola. We miss you guys, and we wish you guys were here. And I can’t wait to see you guys again soon. Thank you.


We reached out to the offices of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) about Grenell’s claims that Rep. Schiff and Sen. Warner refused to speak to Grenell about his reform package for the U.S. intelligence community. We did not immediately receive a response.

Anonymous ID: 2b6473 Nov. 6, 2021, 11:48 p.m. No.106999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7001 >>7003 >>7023 >>7028


>reached out to Schiff and Warner, eh?




screenCAP time references


{ relevant Transcript excerpt to CHAIRmen GATEkeepers / LITERALwhoreMASTERS. }


Mr. Patel: DHS, ODNI.


Mr. Grenell: At the time, there were very few people saying, “Wait a minute, because these different agencies aren’t talking and they’re siloed, you’re going to create another agency to coordinate them? Doesn’t that kind of not fit?” No one was saying that, or very few were saying that. But I believe that that is the case now, is that the National Intelligence office is too big.


Mr. Patel: Yeah.


Mr. Grenell: It’s become a competitive body with the other intelligence agencies. It’s no longer a coordinating body. The original vision would say, let’s have like 50 to 100 people there that can just make sure everybody’s talking.


Mr. Patel: Not 5,000.


Mr. Grenell: Not as many as there are. And I won’t give a number. But what I found and what career officials had done studies to find is that the agencies were doing the same things and they were competing instead of complimenting. And so, again, when I put forward a reform plan, I was attacked for manipulating intelligence by Adam Schiff, the same guy who refused to take my phone calls to hear what I was going to do. So this is part of Washington’s culture. Adam Schiff, and by the way, Senator Warner, Mark Warner, both of them refuse to meet with me.


Mr. Patel: And let’s just highlight who these individuals are. In Congress, Adam Schiff was chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, and Senator Warner was chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, who had direct oversight ownership of, from a congressional standpoint, intelligence communities and your [office].


Mr. Grenell: I tried to coordinate with them. Mark Warner canceled a set meeting and then his office would never take a phone call to try to reset the meeting. So here I am faced with Adam Schiff and Mark Warner refusing to talk to me, but going out in front of the media, saying, Grenell’s not coordinating with us on his reform package. And I thought, “I’m not coordinating with you because you won’t answer the phone.”


Mr. Patel: I remember trying to get those meetings.


Mr. Grenell: And you won’t have a meeting.


Mr. Patel: And that’s the ultimate. I’ve always said this. There was a politicization of the national security apparatus, in this case, the intelligence community, at the expense of the American people, because they wanted to go on TV and not actually meet and do the work which you wanted them…


Mr. Grenell: And shame on these reporters. They lambasted me for not coordinating on the reform package. They never spoke to me.


Mr. Patel: They hated you for being transparent. Remember, you’re the guy under whose tenure so much information was declassified properly that showed the depravity of the Russia gate hoax, and the Michael Flynn case.


The media and the American people had the facts themselves for the first time from the FBI’s on documents because you were brave enough to war down that road and say, this information isn’t going to hurt national security, and no one’s going to get killed, and the American people have a right to it. I remember that.


Mr. Grenell: But think about this. This is really important. The reason why the Washington, D.C., media did not want me to be transparent in with those agencies, with the information in the agencies, they didn’t want us to be transparent because we were going directly to the American people with that information.


They want the information themselves so you have to read the Washington Post or the New York Times or Politico to get the information.

They are the filter.

And they want to maintain being the one that gives the information.So when-


Mr. Patel: As they see it.


Mr. Grenell: As they see it. So when somebody like me, or President Trump, or any cabinet official tries to be transparent,

the media is not going to be your friend because you take away their business model.