Anonymous ID: 96a790 Nov. 14, 2021, 3:34 a.m. No.108677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8683 >>8698 >>8721 >>8749 >>8758 >>8760

>>108283 pb

body language act like she believes this guy; that he thought Kyle was an active shooter.

No, They targeted Kyle because he stood up to them

Lin Wood give context to why the defense is throwing it and will refrain from objecting to misleading lectures by the Prosecutor.

Everyone thinks Kyle will be found innocent.


Why would I have confidence in a just outcome?

I wouldn't; especially these days.

To me, the outcome is less than a slam dunk and certainly still open




Typical Marxist Commies // have to ban religion.

"It's antiquated. We are the future"

Stuff they don't understand; like why the athletes are dying.

Blind people should listen to others, rather than command according to their fantasies.



Anonymous ID: 96a790 Nov. 14, 2021, 5:23 a.m. No.108680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8681 >>8698 >>8733 >>8749 >>8758 >>8760



obviously to be "America" we have to have Freedom of Conscience i.e. freedom of Religion; i.e. diversity.

Wonder if Flynn's statement was taken out of context?

Maybe he meant the "religion of loyalty to American values"?

The word "Re - Ligion"

means to re - bind / re - align ourselves to the larger context - to the Universal Context;

To get "in sync"

Same meaning to the word "Yoga" which comes from "to yoke "

Like an animal is yoked to a harness.

To bind one's self to a practice (worship, study, loyalty, etc., ) and therefore to the larger Universal context. i.e. truth/ our [hopeful] community.

looking in my ancient-ish dictionary

(I remember that re-ligion analysis of the word from a professor at University; can't find it easily in a dictionary now though?)

In the very old dictionary it's

religion - worship of a deity

religation - a binding fast; a tying back

(not even considered a word now?)

I could take a screen shot if it was really important!~

But I found it on-line finally too:

Anonymous ID: 96a790 Nov. 14, 2021, 5:51 a.m. No.108683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8698 >>8749 >>8758 >>8760


They can't have people with loyalty to God, whom they can't control

They must be the final arbiters.

That's why they need to control or eradicate "Religion" since Religionist people have rules apart from their rules.

The push is toward "Absolute-ism" not diversity.

Ironic that they use "diversity" has a most central cudgel in their push for absolute control

Good morning everyone. Happy 14th of Nov.


The firkkn F-O guy who got his arm hurt by Rittenhouse?

Claims they thought Rittenhouse was a "active shooter"

Makes no sense.



And then attack him up close.

They wouldn't .

It's obvious they had targeted him.

The fucking drunk driver, who got his charges dropped (what else?) appears to be an expert liar... Up there with Comey Vomet Corney and the rest of the psychos at the FBI

If Rittenhouse is convicted it can certainly be appealed.

Too bad SCOTUS is comped.

Get those FUCKS on the SCOTUS to steop down first,, Then appeal some mis-justice.

They 've let all the bad guys out, And the honest ones they framed are still jailed.

That's why they call it "inversion" "perversion"


Anonymous ID: 96a790 Nov. 14, 2021, 6:03 a.m. No.108684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8689 >>8691


Flynn is talking about the "City on the Hill"

The commies have really painted this as Fascism for a long time.

They are scared of the original American colonists ant their descendants; physical and spiritual

That's why the whole "Handmaid's Tale" painted the fundamentalist Christians as fascist.

Anonymous ID: 96a790 Nov. 14, 2021, 6:08 a.m. No.108685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8686 >>8688 >>8698 >>8749 >>8758 >>8760

Ironic that they use "diversity" as a most central cudgel in their push for absolute control.


wow. I had forgotten how much Redgrave / Richardson was such a shitty actress.

From the 1990 movie

the trailer

"Handmaid's Tale" based on a book by feminist Canadian. Margaret Atwood)

Anonymous ID: 96a790 Nov. 14, 2021, 6:39 a.m. No.108688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8690 >>8698 >>8749 >>8758 >>8760



"Handmaid's Tale" is predictive programming.

Forgot about that.


"City on the Hill"

a reference to John Winthrop's (letter to his children?)

Before he and his people landed on the "new" Continent he had a vision of what we would be (apparently one of my ancestors came with his entourage ) .

a "golden city on the Hill?)

Anyway, for sure, he wrote that if we should turn from God, our Country would be destroyed.

Anonymous ID: 96a790 Nov. 14, 2021, 6:50 a.m. No.108690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8695 >>8698 >>8749 >>8758 >>8760


also the "First Reason" seems to speak the case for diversity.

So as God creates all the various creatures for the goodness of the whole, so should diversity be celebrated ~ or somesuch

You can read his own words in the attachment

And that some men would be delegates of God.



Here is a Trump haters who does a good job at first explaining the American "Exceptionalism" and the "City on the Hill" idea.

But he goes off into a Hate Trump diatribe without knowing the election in fact was stolen.


I only screen shot the good part.

Talk about "inversion"

Attaching his BS hate to something good.

They have to co-opt what they can?

Nice try, but ultimate fail here.

The will blind themselves to the evidence of election fraud and theft forever?

gud luk.

HIs name is Peter Burger.

Vermont Community Newspaper Group

Anonymous ID: 96a790 Nov. 14, 2021, 7:44 a.m. No.108695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8698 >>8749 >>8758 >>8760


Here's a better screen shot of the article.

IMO Flynn was trying to say something important and he failed to communicate clearly.


One Nation under One God

means there's only one God, and we all share the same one.

My offspring commented this morning .on the above when we discussed it.

One Nation, One God, many religions.

Freedom of conscience; Freedom of choice.

Does not preclude diversity, of course.

That's what our Country / Nation is founded upon.

Now Pagans have more than one God - so some people claim. But having been a "pagan" at one time; I can testify that almost all pagans say it's one God, in different forms for different circumstances.

Pagans are not necessarily Satanists.

And for the Satanists?

They likely believe there are two Gods. The Gods of the ten Commandments and their God "Satan" who has no commandments except "total freedom"

The "freedom" to be Chaos?

the opposite of creative order?

the commandment to have no commandments i.e. "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the Law."

In other words "lawless"

How can a Country form as its first tenant "lawlessness?"

It can't.

That might happen for a time but only as a cover to usher in Tyranny.

(Since people will scream for protection against the Lawless "Law of the jungle")

What are the special gifts which make the human an "Exceptional" animal?

The human has a role in Creation; if they (we) neglect our role - we'll suffer the curses of God.

The results of ignoring the practice of our gifts; our reason, our compassion, our facility of design - creating benefits, our meta-organizational capacity? is....

our fall from Grace?

The Anarchists; their strong quality is to destroy..

Destruction is so much easier than Creation.

Who or What swoops in after they destroy?

Tearing some things down, which took generations to build, takes ten minutes.

That's their "advantage" (if they are allowed to wreak their "talent")

Just as thousands of lies can be destroyed by one truth; a thousand years of records and wisdom can be destroyed by one rampage of murder and burning of libraries?

hold the line

They will blind themselves to the evidence of election fraud and theft forever?

I guess that's their plan?

Because otherwise, they will fail

Amazed they could keep it hidden for as long as they have. The theives do work hard and stick together; as DJT POTUS comments repeatedly

That's their total advantage.

The "inversion" game does seem to work for them - helps them to disguise as us,

As Peter Berger so perfectly illustrates that technique, or at least its results.

He's likely truly in the dark and in good faith misleading his students.


Reading a book now on "orientation"

"Inner Navigation" Erik Jonsson

"Now that we have established that we posses a kind of inner compass, it is time that we explore another aspect of our spatial system, the "mental map" or "cognitive map" we make of our environment. Our inner compass is useless without an inner map telling us our location and the direction where we want to go."


Q team encouraged the anons to create a map (or maps) .

15 Best Mind Mapping Software for 2021 - Free & Paid

I wanted to use "Brain" but the software made me nervous since the ownership of the material goes back to the software owners?

"The Brain"

Any comments?

Anonymous ID: 96a790 Nov. 14, 2021, 8 a.m. No.108700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8702


Fuck that pig "AJ"

anything that fraud touches is radioactive/ toxic.

I also seem to remember Flynn loves and endorses likely Greenberg actress "beanz


The point I stopped trusting Flynn was at the moment of the stolen election; people dispute me as to what happened; but as I recall (and I need tobe corrected if I'm wrong.. more than just denial I need evidence)

As I recall Flynn immediately endoresed the "new President"

"Whoever is President deserves our alliegence" ~ ot paraphrase.

I forgive him since he might need that for family, pension, optics, etc.,

But that was when I started getting my doubts around him.

Otherwise, he's great and fine.

The statement he made about "One Religion" I'm going to put down to an accident, a mis-step for now.

He's a military career officier rather than a scholar of American History.. And a deeply religious Christian.

So, that's all.

It's the "AJ" there which rubs me way wrong.

I know Piezenic supports "AJ" one hundred percent. And forgives him his idiocy.. I suspect Piezenik could be one of "AJ"'s handlers frrom way back, and so takes responsibility for him.

Steve P. said , to paraphrase" 'Aj's" not a liar because he just says what he is told"


"Aj" was given a gigantic audience in reture for giving up his original identity.

For all I know he may believe in what he pushes.

But if I really think about it I believe he's a Satanists / FreeMason. because that explains more of the facts I have come across.

I will never forgive him for covering up 9/11 while pretending to expose it.


even if he was "just obeying orders"

Anonymous ID: 96a790 Nov. 14, 2021, 8:05 a.m. No.108701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8749 >>8758 >>8760


yeah, "Andy"

Webb Sweigert went on and on about this dude.

when he used to do his daily walks and talks on the Awan, Rich, etc.,

Andy' a big shot. Loves the sport cars, like Bowel Powell.

McCabe and Jlll, who got the money from the Virginia governor.

I'd think behind McCabe you'd find RR