came back, couldn't sleep
‘Severe Reactions’ to Covid Vaccines are Far More Common Than Official Data Show: Here is the Stunning New Evidence
November 24, 2021
The Covid-19 vaccine* debate has been predicated on a number of demonstrable untruths since the very beginning. No bigger lie has been told to the American public than the vaccines are “safe and effective.”
This ceaseless “safe and effective” mantra has been told to millions of Americans by white labcoat-wearing ‘public health’ officials in countless ad campaigns, as if a page torn out of the Milgram experiment.
Since the quick demise of “15 days to slow the spread,” which we can dub the “father of all Covid lies,” the second part of the “safe and effective” marketing campaign for universal vaccination has crumbled into the dustbin of history. The efficacy of Covid vaccines has evaporated so rapidly that “boosters” are already being advised for all Americans.
Dr. Anthony Fauci hasn’t yet thrown in the towel on proclaiming those people who took the initial round of Covid jabs are no longer “fully vaccinated.” But his recent pronouncement that “we believe” that boosters “will likely” provide the highest level of protection yet gives otherwise healthy people enough pause to scratch that booster shot appointment off the calendar.
The ship of fools has sailed on the notion that vaccines ‘stop the spread.’ Despite the vapid promises of the septuagenarian simpleton at the helm of the country, the vaccines have been demonstrated to be a strong vector for the Delta variant. Prominent “fact-checkers” that normally carry water for the president even had to ding him on the myth that vaccines somehow ‘keep others safe.’
Nor do the vaccines even seem to appreciably slow Delta all that much. As Becker News reported in September, well ahead of the Covid curve, there was a developing trend of “more vaccines, more Covid.” As we have seen in sundry cases around the country since then, high vaccination rates do not translate to lower case rates: Vermont is the most vaccinated state in the nation at 68% ‘fully vaccinated’ (for now), but nonetheless is seeing a massive spike in coronavirus cases and hospitalizations.
Now, that we’ve established that the vaccines are not as “effective” as was advertised, now comes the truly ugly part: There’s evidence that they are not nearly as “safe,” either......
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The Baris poll shows that simply the “serious adverse effects” from the Covid vaccines – described as events so serious they “prevent daily activity” – were reported to be 5.2% among all groups. This spans self-identified Democrat, Republican, and Independent voters. Independent voters had the highest reported serious adverse effect rate at 6.5%.
The extrapolated data would project out at a national scale to around 9.4 million “serious” adverse events, which alone dwarf the VAERS reports by 14 times over. But if you take all of the events together, a whopping 63% of Americans who take the vaccines have some kind of adverse event. Since there are 194 million Americans who are reportedly “fully vaccinated,” or nearly 60% of the population, there is no way to square the VAERS reports and the monumental scale of AEs that are communicated by this trustworthy and reliable polling.
It’s not just pollsters who are sounding the alarm on serious Covid vaccine events: Cardiologists are reporting a huge spike in heart inflammation cases to the American Heart Association (AHA).
A cardiac surgeon [Steven Gundry] has circulated a warning to the AHA that heart inflammation markers are drastically increasing in patients in conjunction with increasing mRNA Covid vaccination rates.
The warning to the AHA is clear: “Patients had a 1 in 4 risk for severe problems after the vaccines, compared to 1 in 9 before.”
“Recently, with the advent of the mRNA COVID 19 vaccines (vac) by Moderna and Pfizer, dramatic changes in the PULS score became apparent in most patients. This report summarizes those results,” Dr. Guidy wrote, adding, “We conclude that the mRNA [vaccines] dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium & T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy & other vascular events following vaccination.”
The spike in heart inflammation cases has been particularly prominent among young people. Dr. Jessica Rose, a prominent critic of the universal vaccination agenda, has spoken out forcefully on the issue, only to face censorship in “peer-reviewed journals.”
“Jessica Rose, PhD just had her paper on VAERS analysis of myocarditis rejected after two rounds of review at ‘Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine,” philanthropist Steve Kirsch, founder of COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF), noted. “NO REASON GIVEN. This is scientific misconduct at its finest by the peer reviewers (not the Journal). Jessica is first-rate.”
“You cannot get any paper published that is anti-vaccine nowadays,” he added. “Academics will ONLY believe what is peer reviewed. So the vaccines are safe because there are no papers saying it isn’t, even though the data shows it isn’t. BUT NOBODY LOOKS AT THE DATA anymore.”
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An interview with Aga Wilson of News Voice gave a fuller presentation of Dr. Rose’s views.
“Dr. Jessica Rose, who is normally positive about vaccines, says that VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), the US database for vaccine injuries, has only managed to collect an estimated 1% of the total number of serious side effects from mRNA injections,’ NewsVoice reported. “VAERS is, unfortunately, a weak system when it comes to how side effect data is handled, says Rose. She, therefore, divided adverse reactions and side effects into several categories such as neurology, immunology, reproductive organs, and cardiovascular. In this way, she has created a warning system where it should be easier to see if and in that case how side effects can be linked to the mRNA vaccines.”
“Rose says that the so-called ‘covid vaccines’ are not actual vaccines but rather injections of genetic material,” the report added. “Several studies have been published, despite attempts to censor these, which show that the spike proteins themselves are very toxic to the body. These spike proteins are foreign proteins.”
“The fact that millions of people have been injected with these so-called ‘mRNA vaccines’ is to be considered a crime against humanity, Dr. Jessica Rose believes.”
Dr. Rose reports on the adverse events reportage following injection. Of interest, around day 7 there is a significant spike in post-injection adverse events reportage that gets missed because the FDA and CDC refuse to acknowledge that someone is vaccinated until 2 weeks following injection. This is a “donut hole” in the vaccination side effects reportage. It is reviewed 23 minutes into this video.
Dr. Rose also provides analysis of the Adverse Events being reported by VAERS in a (slightly dated) September 2021 document.
Dr. Rose notes that the 1108% increase in VAERS reports is not explained by excess vaccine doses. Here she breaks down the AEs by major categories: Cardiovascular, neurological, and immunological.
She charts the cumulative changes in the respective metrics below:
In the analysis provided with Steve Kirsch, Dr. Rose attempts to scale out and estimate the “true” Adverse Events cases.
It is important to note that Pfizer’s documents reveal that there should be far more Adverse Events than are being officially reported; however, we cannot say how much more, because Pfizer is redacting its documents that were used for the Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA.
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As Becker News reported earlier, Food and Drug Administration has provided its first batch of ‘confidential’ documents, in accordance with a FOIA lawsuit by the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency. The redacted documents were the basis of the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization of the Pfizer-BioNTech “vaccine*,” and subsequent federal vaccine mandates.
The FDA does not intend to fully release Pfizer’s clinical trials information used to justify its authorization of the ‘vaccine’ for 55 years. Two months after the lawsuit was filed, the FDA produced the first 91 pages of the “more than 329,000 pages potentially responsive to Plaintiff’s FOIA request.” The findings, taken directly from the produced documents, are cited below. It shows that AEs are much more in line with the critics’ estimation than with the public record.
“It is estimated that approximately [REDACTED] doses of BNT162b2 were shipped worldwide from the receipt of the first temporary authorisation for emergency supply on 01 December 2020 through 28 February 2021,” the document states.
“Cumulatively, through 28 February 2021, there was a total of 42,086 case reports (25,379 medically confirmed and 16,707 non-medically confirmed) containing 158,893 events,” the FDA document continues. “Most cases (34,762) were received from United States (13,739), United Kingdom (13,404) Italy (2,578), Germany (1913), France (1506), Portugal (866).”
Below is a General Overview of the reported outcomes to the Adverse Events:
The chart lists 1223 fatal outcomes in the Relevant Cases. Interestingly, the age range with the most relevant cases was 31-50 years old, which is not the age group considered to be at high risk from Covid-19. The figure contains the addendum:
As shown in Figure 1, the System Organ Classes (SOCs) that contained the greatest number (≥2%) of events in the overall dataset, were General disorders and administration site conditions (51,335 AEs), Nervous system disorders (25,957), Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (17,283), Gastrointestinal disorders (14,096), Skin and subcutaneuous tissue disorders (8,476), Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders (8,848), Infections and infestations (4,610), Injury, poisoning and procedural complications (5,590), and Investigations (3,693).
The number of Adverse Events in the following categories are shown below.
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Substack author Aaron Siri points to remarks that Pfizer itself made about “large numbers of spontaneous adverse event reports.”
The remainder of the documents obtained by Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency can be obtained here. PHMPT argues that there is an imminent need for the FDA to provide transparency, particularly as Americans are being mandated to take the ‘vaccines.’
The fact that Pfizer was granted complete immunity from liability with its fraudulent “full authorization” should signal to policy makers and American voters that the entire universal vaccination agenda is fatally flawed.
Since the case is building that vaccines are neither safe, nor effective, and it should be added, do not stop the spread, the vaccine mandates need to stop immediately.
*Since the Pfizer-BioNTech’s product BNT162b2 does not stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and marginally lowers transmission, it is more accurately called a prophylactic therapeutic, and not a “vaccine.”
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good evenin'
won't stay long, just needed to move around a little
could use prayers, man dat tooth has gotta go....
hope Tanks Giving was good for you
like your frenly meme to da billionaires....can u own stuff in jail?
Evelyn Rae
I had the honour of standing on stage with the other speakers for the day as this incredible song was sung. What an emotional and uplifting moment. Well done Australia. Well done Sydney. I am so proud.
9News Melbourne
#BREAKING: Large crowds have packed Melbourne's CBD in opposition to vaccination mandates.
The throngs of protesters are covering Bourke Street and Spring Street, stretching several blocks away from Parliament House.
MORE: http://9Soci.al/Jmuy30s23bR
From the looks of twit-twit, the variant narrative is in danger of completely breaking down....everybody's figured out that there's NO WAY TO TELL. Or if there is, there's not revealing it. Attached the article from August that says.....nothing really. Just a madeup story for the masses.
AK4WA (Gab, Parler, Telegram)
Guys, what PCR tests tell identify specific variants??
Have ANY of you EVER received a positive COVID test that told you why variant you had?
Seriously...Woman facepalming
8:37 PM · Nov 26, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
From Aug 2021:
You aren't legally allowed to know which variant gave you COVID-19 in the US, even if it's Delta
Most people with COVID-19 in the US are legally prevented from knowing which variant infected them.
That's because sequencing tests have to be federally approved for results to be disclosed to doctors or patients, and most are not yet.
Lab scientists say the process of validating the tests for approval is too costly and time-consuming.
not very compelling, is it?
humble thanks, my friend
and a prayer in return
for all the anons and other patriots who face so many challenges now:
Of Lord, bless and heal us
Help us to overcome all obstacles
Encourage us each step of the way
That none will fall and we shall have our victory
Together - in freedom.
> it's all very complicated and scientific
Golly anon,
i'm sure you're right
Trust is good
Skepticism is bad
The experts are smart -
we must comply
No moar MORONIC resistance
Science is all-powerful
It can save us from the variant hordes
And deliver us into the loving care
of our leader, the Fabulous Father Fauci!
Pope of the New Religion of Science.
On further reflection,
I think this is crap,
I think I will say that
Coz Fauci's a ferret
His science is fake
And only a sucker
(Who listens to Tucker)
and sits in the mucker
Would peace with him make.
The hordes are just stories
Made up by the press
who lie like a carpet
and make a big mess
We don't need religion
that forces a jab
And stirs up suspicion
That we have been had.
So take back your shitshow
of stories and lies
We got something better
than shillies and spies.
Our autists are awesome
Their memes are superb
Your minions we'll trample
And kick to the curb!
You cannot defeat us
For we shall be free
False Fauci's tossed over
Thrown out with the Tea.
Malone is pretty good. Familiarizing people with mass psychology is helpful. Have some reservations - see below.
Discussion as based on the work Mattias Desmet. Desmet first talked about mass formation in July to Reiner's Corona Cmte - see CAP for key tenets.
Desmet's take -
He is VERY psychological - guy is fascinated with mass psychosis and likes to talk about the conditions that give rise to it. But he focused on social conditions way too much, rather than people getting snookered by manipulators IMO. Really goes wrong when he psychologizes the manipulators, sayings they are buying into their own propaganda. In other words, they are not EVIL - and not consciously, deliberately, and intentionally manipulating people for their own ends.
A lot of people do stupid things and are just deluded, not evil. But as we know, there are evil people at the top who say and do things that reveal their intentions. While evil people often RATIONALIZE their evil acts (breaking eggs to make omelets, etc), they are not victims of social conditions. To the contrary - they are often the CREATORS of those conditions. They manipulate everything to create them - education, medicine, elections, the churches, etc. All of that is documented, anons know much of this history.
But Desmet is a psychologist. Like most of them, he leaves out MORAL CHOICE when looking at problems. It's never seriously included in the variables that decide whether someone refuses to give lethal shocks (Milgram) or beat up helpless prisoners (Zimbardo). They act like people have no power to break out of social conditioning.
No surprise, then, that Desmet is a huge PESSIMIST about the current situ. Malone talked to Desmet, the latter things that global totalitarianism is now unavoidable.
Well great - it's thinking like this that made the optimists set sail for America when they couldn't get stuff done in hidebound Europe.
Desmet thinks the only way is to find a bigger boogieman.
("Let's just substitute one fear for another.")
NOPE - the other side is already doing this, substituting fear of the unvaxxed for fear of the virus.
Leaves out the idea of TRUTH, finding what is really going on. Developing workable, positive solutions.
Malone's take:
As an American, Malone is more optimistic; has a "can do" perspective. Says we need healing, not division; "Think global, act local"; do grassroots stuff, home schooling networks, take legal action, etc.
ha-ha - this is what we were doing back in the 1970s - LOCAL SELF-RELIANCE. Normies catching on 40 years later.....
But when asked if mass formation is the same as groupthink, he says definitely NO (even tho this is not his area of expertise). Claims it's very different (groupthink in small group who don't tolerate dissent, all you have to do is introduce new voices). He says mass formation is "much deeper, much harder to break," like Nazi Germany.
If so, why are the "new voices" are not present in the room? Prolly bc nobody wanted them there - made sure dissent was unlikely.
Like the way Malone talks about the narrowing of vision - that's what's done by the media. That can be UNDONE with enough competing media.
Nasty attack on Flynn, I'm sure the shills piled up big-time. It's not pleasant to watch patriots get divided but i guess some of that is going to happen bc not everyone in the patriot movement is a patriot. Try to be careful not to jump on every pass bandwagon tho - and to watch who jumps aboard.
>Time will tell.
Fren was talking about that yesterday. About learning to wait for the right moment. Right moment to decide things, right moment to act. Waiting is hard. I suppose it's another one of those opportunities to develop character.
(dank kekking)
muh 2 sense -
>how many layers between evil and deluded
good question
makes me think of the banker who wanted to get ahead and one day, was told child sacrifice was the price he'd have to pay, you'll know who i mean - here's a link.
As described by him, there was a clear line. Below that, there are hints and warnings, but nothing definite.
>genocide req'd to save planet
yeah right, sure, you betcha.
imo - seeing truth requires moral muscle. we are anons here so we don't relate our life challenges, but i'm betting most who stick around have had hard decisions to make and gone thru the fire.
>broken as children
SRA survivors have free will. The ones who got out wanted to get out, even as young children. Mebbe they have problems, phobias, etc., but still got out. Intention is everything.
>punch dog over and over again
yeah, learned helplessness. People get frozen, can't move. Or angry (etc). But some people get unfrozen because, when a chance comes to break free, they take it. Aggression is a choice, even for animals, espec the intelligent ones.
Posted On Nov. 24:
The link between the VAX and PRION DISEASE is potentially explosive.
Even without the potential for Pfizer's involvement with a drug that might be used in its treatment (tafamidis).
See also CAP of post >>>/qrb/111870 Summary of JAB, PRION DISEASE & TAFAMIDIS DIG
i couldn't initially find a firm confirmation that Dr. Luc Montagnier had detected 5 cases of prion disease after vaxxing
Prion disease in five cases linked to covid vaxxes by Dr. Luc Montagnier
It is again to don the costume of “whistleblower” that Professor Luc Montagnier is back at FranceSoir.
The first time...he visited our set, he explained that the Covid-19 virus was the result of laboratory manipulation.
The second, he warned that the Covid-19 vaccines would have serious side effects'''...
This time....he warns about the links between vaccines and cases of prion diseases.
“Fatal and not curable”
What is it exactly? “A prion disease is a protein that changes its conformation. […] The pathology [intervient] when the protein takes an abnormal shape. It is a kind of flattening of the structure, what we call Beta sheets. At that point, this structure becomes insoluble in the cells and no longer works, ”-explains Luc Montagnier. To put it more simply, prion diseases are characterized by __degeneration of the central nervous system. “They are fatal and not curable.”))
The best known of these is that of Creutzfeldt-Jakob, which is linked to a health scandal that occurred in France in the early 1980s. “120 children died from this disease. Why ? Because they had received an injection of pituitaries taken from elderly people in a retirement home. “
But what is the connection with Covid-19 vaccines?
The former head of the AIDS and retrovirus department at the Institut Pasteur explains: “Thanks to a study in Spain, we have shown that the aluminum present in vaccines can, by itself, induce prion diseases. However, it is very likely that there is aluminum in Covid vaccines. As in influenza vaccines. “I wonder if the prion diseases developed by some elderly people are linked to repeated flu injections, because we get vaccinated against the flu every year. »Thus accumulating aluminum in the brain.
At present, Professor Montagnier claims to have formally detected five cases of prion disease in young and healthy people, a few weeks after receiving Pfizer injections. And according to him, there could be “dozens and dozens”. “There are people who describe the same phenomenon as I do, but they say, ‘This can’t be the vaccine.’ It’s madness."
"It’s the vaccine. It must be stopped. The earliest would be best. We will save lives. Especially at a time when we are talking about vaccinating children. “
However, Luc Montagnier is far from being an “anti-vax”. To fight against Covid-19, he recommends using the BCG vaccine (against tuberculosis) – which has not been mandatory in France since 2007 – because it stimulates cellular immunity. “In Mayotte, where BCG is still mandatory, there were very few cases of Covid-19 until the French authorities decreed that mRNA vaccines should be used. From that point on, there was a spike in the number of cases. “
The professor intends to send the result of his research to the editor (editor-in-chief) of the BMJ (British Medical Journal), through a letter co-signed with a group of researchers.Will they be heard this time?
There's an interview but it's in French w/no subtitles. Anyone know of a translation or subtitled version?
WTF is wrong is just what you said.
Have a longtime conservative friend who's been listening to FOX for years. Doesn't like the internet. Got vaxxed early on - he's older and fell for the hype.
This is a smart guy - very high IQ. But only heard one side and heard it over and over. Bet that banker is smart, too. Still missed all the hints. Some people don't have the life experiences that clue them in.
>strong enough
but where does the strength come from?
The Boy from Baby House 10
Story of a Russian orphan w/a disability. Written off as crippled and low IQ, not even taught to speak. Learned anyway and taught others. Shipped off to a place to die when six, prayed after he heard about it from a Christian missionary. Eventually rescued and now living in USA.
Took nothing and made it into something.
I have lived 1 mile down the road from a small church cemetery for 21 years. I see a funeral hearse and car funeral procession 1 or two times a year on average. In the last five days there have been 4 separate burials at this cemetery.