Thread 0015107356 Q Research General #19112: Call and Demand Ghisliane Be Televised (866) 874-8900 Prt II Edition
Archive http://web.archive.org/web/20211201180659/https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/15107356.html
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>>>/qresearch/15107599 UserID: c4af02
Anything come out about the satanic child sacrifices at the temple yet?
Is that too dark for the public?
>>>/qresearch/15107729 UserID: c4af02
Are we allowed to send Mossad agents like Maxwell to prison?
How does that work?
>>>/qresearch/15107801 UserID: c4af02
There is something to that. What I have learned in the past few years trying to red pill is that If someone is not on your level spirituality they will not accept truths even when presented with the f
>>>/qresearch/15107890 UserID: c4af02
E bot seems to really hate David Wilcock.
I’ll have to see what he’s all about.
>>>/qresearch/15107985 UserID: c4af02
This is what masks are really for.
The faggot that would not sell you the pills should meet a covid ski mask and be taught to mind his business