Anonymous ID: dff771 July 16, 2019, 6:27 a.m. No.11498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1532 >>1574 >>1648 >>1801 >>1991 >>2115

Maybe Q was right I am sick. more Godfather 3 digs


There is more to the Lateran Treaty


The Papal state was given reparations by Mussolini having been deposed as the defacto "King of Italy/HolyRoman Emporer" from 1871.

Thus the "Mussolini windfall".


I need more sauce on this from the same article.

"A few years later the Pope would follow the same strategy with Hitler to disband the democratic Catholic party there. Eliminating the Catholic Center-right party helped give Hitler the majority he needed in the last free election before he shut down German democracy."


Oddly that would be direct violation of the Treaty.


Would also explain why the Church helped the Nazi's escape.

I'm still working the Argentina angle with the current Pope.


~Follow the money~?


Interesting date connection -

Founding of Washington DC same as the year the Pope was 'deposed' as the 'defacto' King of Italy.