He's legit crazy.
But Jesus therefore should be cupable as well?
Therefore follows the orders of "a Jew"?
The Jesus question?
I think Disney world is about programming.
Here, get our nice arm wrists. Sure, this shit won't help about lines, and is kinda bad, but you will get used to using your wrist to check yourself in.
See how convenient it is?
But the wrist band is kinda comfortable, so better use our embedded chip. It's totally safe+effective and super convenient.
I mean if he could find let's say 500.000 million Jews that are at top level positions (which I seriously doubt), even then would be still stupid to say "ohhh all the other Jews are responsible for what these top level ones are doing".
I think maybe he is really believing what he is writing. So into it.
I wonder if that will change if tons will actually die in Israel b/c of the tox shot. Right now they are going "nah, it's all fake, the Jews wouldn't kill another".
Jesus’ mother Mary is usually considered to be Jewish as well. Indeed, the Gospel of Luke (1:1-40) suggests that her extended family was Jewish as well.
In case Mary was Jewish, Jesus would be Jewish as well, because Mary was his mother. Not that any of that would matter to me personally.
>That's why you think Jesus was a Jew.
Tons of NatSucks claim that, I'm simply following their way of thinking/believing.
I personally don't trust the bible itself, and I'm sure it was either entirely man-made, or if it's real, that parts were removed and modified. Good luck figuring out which.
>In the 1800s
Claim, without any way to verify it.
>OSS did not start out with muh joos
Maybe OSS kept that hidden at first, idk.
>Only started with muh joos during second wave - when he got together with FJ, who is anti-jew. OSS hates people so not hard for him to hate jews too. Notice he's never pro-ANYTHING, only against.
Well, maybe he went in too deep into the rabbit hole.
Was he smart, or not so smart?
There is one of the muhju spammers that often posts in the General, but also on the German board, where he pretends to be German, but I doubt that he actually is. His shifts are also really weird. Often active at 2:00 am local time in Germany, which makes no sense at all.
I have been tracking him for quite a while.
Also always uses the same pics, easily recognizable. Likes to write "JEW" or "JUDE" or whatever right after a post number.
like this
>>113841 Apple-Juice
it's either a real dumb fuck, or a low IQ glow nigger. I doubt it's a dumb fuck, because he has been doing this for more than 2 years now, and is actively almost every day. I also see no productive posts at all. Media Matters?
If I remember correctly originally he didn't even know about UIDs and replied to himself. At some point he started to jump VPNs. Doesn't seem to be professional.
Botswana’s leader says foreign diplomats who traveled from Europe were among the first known Omicron cases.
Some of the first cases of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus to be detected in Botswana — which were among the first known in the world — were in foreign diplomats who had traveled to the country from Europe, the country’s president said.
"Omicron" came from Europe
Well of course.
Sorry, I thought you were not mentally ill.
Good bye.
>The burden of proof is on the man who makes the claim
"In the 1800s they changed "Judah" in the Bible to "Jew,""
There is no way to actually proof this claim of yours.
>but look at this pic
not a proof, easily faked
>but this book claims
not a proof, easily faked
Jesus may be have been simply fiction in the end and the bible may have been programming before TV sets. You don't know. I don't know. I'm fine with not knowing something. And I'm sure God would understand.
I can get a few good things from the bible for me personally.
btw. isn't it nice that the current Revelations cause people who fully trust in the bible to be passive, because "muh bible, muh biblical, muh can't do anything, muh God wins"? That's programming at the works.
That's a claim NatSucks make. Some call bible-fags "Christcucks" and call the whole bible a Jewish invention.
My personal opinion is that I don't know.
Have you looked into the word "Jew" btw.?
What it was originally about?
All of this world has been inverted, including the word "Jew".
inb4 proof
It's as legit as your proofs, but at least mine makes sense.
It's like faggots saying "lies are everywhere, except when it's about space". No, everything got inverted. Everything.
Would like to know your opinion on the topic of NatSucks releasing that Rothschild faggot for tons of money and treating him well.
How do you explain that while keeping your brainwashed world view still in place?
Why no forced labor for that faggot?
No medical experiments?
Why didn't the Roths pay for every Jew out there and get them all released?
Do they only care for themselves?
Is it all fake and the Roth was never captured?
Do you think such corruption is a good thing?
Why no trial?
Why would Nazis comply?
Why only release that faggot?
>it didn't matter anyway, Hitler needed shekels for the war, so it's fine, Jeeeewwwww
>It's a claim thatyoujust made
Look up what question marks are about and I also gave you an article of the current bible, which you attacked with "but but they changed that 200 years ago"-fiction.
>There's a funny thing about that Hitler picture
It's for shills, not about Hitler himself.
Nazis didn't take their retarded propaganda seriously, as I already stated.
And in fact their shit with "boycott dem Jews" didn't fucking work.
Adolf Eichmann (German-Austrian SS-Obersturmbannführer) was highly likely a Jew btw. which is why Israel went in as soon as that faggot got captured in South America and took him away, but don't let that change your world view.
>You think that by proving
Again, I already said that I PERSONALLY know that I do not know. That is actually a fact.
I also said that I PERSONALLY take the bible as serious as Q drops and Q admitted being an intentional liar (I'm not saying Q drops are the bible). No one can verify what got changed in the bible over time, or if it was a man made creation. I don't have a problem with not knowing. It seems you have a problem.
There are some interesting Q drops. There are also some interesting parts in the bible.
>everyone who doesn't agree with me is a shill
Playing retarded now?
First of all, I didn't call you a shill, I said that pic is for shills. It's in my glow nigger folder, because you are glowing.
Second when a so called anon calls other anons who disagree a "Jew", "kike" and whatever, I label that either fully retarded or shill. And in fact you already acted like in that pic, so it's quite hilarious that you now try to backpedal.
>My theory is religions were created by beta males so they had a chance.
Nice thought.
I personally believe there is some kind of God, at least I doubt that there was some explosion that created everything (which still wouldn't make sense), at the same time I'm certain that there is so much military high tech that military can cause earth quakes, different weather and (Voice-in-head-tech) and and that it can easily pretend to be God and that's a major problem. Basically everything can be faked nowadays.
I also believe this realm is primarily about free will and humans themselves were created for that purpose. They can choose what to eat. What they do. A lion has to eat meat. A deer has to eat plants. Humans can choose, they are not forced.
One can only guess what this world was actually originally. My feelings tell me that what we currently call trees are basically small plants in comparison to what was.