Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 7:34 a.m. No.114183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4184


22 shapin up to be a red wave thang

can't imagine the plan is for any other way


habbenins? they habbenin

imma tell ya though, I thought I was slow to wake up?! kek

not feelin nearly so slow now

how many graphs of peeps dying from vax you gotta see to change yo mind?

holy sheitz batman

no brainers is not meant for peeps

habby Melania Mondau

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 8:03 a.m. No.114185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4189


sux mang

idiot box got em all thinkin about their moral, patriotic duty and not whether they need it or not or should want it with all the adverse effects, experimental phase

imma not hopeful bout that 4-6%

bounce when you need to, imma close to done

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 8:31 a.m. No.114190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4192 >>4193 >>4198 >>4235 >>4256 >>4269

BANGKOK (AP) — A special court in Myanmar’s capital sentenced the country’s ousted leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, to four years in prison on Monday after finding her guilty of incitement and violating coronavirus restrictions, a legal official said.

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 8:36 a.m. No.114193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4198 >>4235 >>4256 >>4269


Aung San Suu Kyi sentenced to four years in prison for incitement


First verdict against Nobel Peace Prize winner and Myanmar’s former leader, who was deposed in a coup in February


Aung San Suu Kyi has been jailed for four years for incitement and breaking a natural disasters law, according to reports, the first sentence to be handed down to Myanmar’s ousted leader since the junta seized power and accused her of a litany of crimes that could lead to decades in prison.


Aung San Suu Kyi, 76, has been accused of a series offences - from unlawful possession of walkie-talkies, to breaches of the Official Secrets Act. Her lawyer has previously described the cases as “absurd”.


On Monday, a court sentenced her to four years in prison, according to reports by the BBC.


Little is known about the proceedings in any of her legal cases. She has been tried in a closed court, with no access for observers, and her lawyer has been gagged from speaking to journalists.


Analysts have described the charges against her, which have continued to grow in number since February, as a transparent attempt to remove her as a political threat. Her party National League for Democracy won a thumping victory in last year’s election but the military refused to accept the result.


The leader, who previously spent a total of 15 years in detention campaigning against the military, could be held by the junta for the rest of her life if found guilty on all charges.


According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, she is one of more than 10,600 people to have been arrested by the junta since February, as it has sought to crush any form of opposition. At least 1,303 have been killed.


Almost one year on since the coup, the military has struggled to impose order. The economy is failing, health and education systems have collapsed, poverty rates have soared and conflict has escalated. Last month, the Special Advisory Council for Myanmar, which includes experts such as Yanghee Lee, the former UN special rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar, warned military offences were cutting off communities’ food and medical supplies, forcing people to the brink of starvation.


The junta faces both a peaceful resistance movement and an armed opposition formed of people’s defence forces allied with various ethnic armed groups. In September, the National Unity Government, a shadow government formed by elected officials, declared a “defensive war” against the junta, calling for civilian armed groups to target the military and its assets.

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 8:41 a.m. No.114194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4198 >>4206 >>4235 >>4256 >>4269

We The Media, [12/6/2021 2:48 AM]


[Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat]


[ Video ]


Christine Anderson of the EU Parliament:


"I will do whatever I can to make it known to the world that your once free and liberal democracy has been transformed into a totalitarian regime which tramples on human rights, civil liberties, and the rule of law…


I am a German and we once asked our grandparents how they could have just stood by in silence allowing a horrific totalitarian regime to come about. Anyone could have known, all they had to do was open their eyes, and take a look. The vast majority chose not to.


So what will you tell your grandchildren? Will you tell them you did not know? Will you tell them you were just following orders?


You need to understand it is not about breaking the fourth wave. It is about breaking people…


We need to stop our governments from transforming our free and democratic societies into totalitarian regimes. We need to do it now. We need to stand up now."



Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 8:46 a.m. No.114195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4198 >>4208 >>4235 >>4256 >>4269

Mirror Brought Into Courtroom So Jussie Smollett Can Face His Attackers


CHICAGO, IL—In a powerful, emotional moment in the Jussie Smollett trial Thursday, a mirror was brought into the courtroom so Smollett could face his attackers for the first time since he was beaten up on the streets of Chicago.


Smollett demanded to face his attackers to help him overcome the pain and trauma of the assault, and the judge obliged. He signaled for a bailiff, who brought in a tall mirror and held it up to Smollett. The actor wept as he looked his attackers right in the eye, facing them man to man.


"Everyone deserves to face their attackers so they can get closure and a sense of justice," said the presiding judge in the case. "Jussie is no different. The facts of this case are complicated, but that doesn't change the fact that Mr. Smollett wants to see justice done and get a sense of peace that he hasn't felt since he brutally attacked himself that fateful night."


Smollett looked at his attackers for a full minute before motioning to the judge, who had the mirror taken away. "Sometimes, the real attackers were inside you all along," said an emotional Smollett.


He says confronting his attackers has brought him peace, and he hopes they are convicted in this case.

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 8:57 a.m. No.114196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4198 >>4235 >>4256 >>4269

JUST IN - Biden admin reportedly mulls "nuclear option," i.e. disconnecting Russia from the SWIFT payment system in case they invade Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 9:14 a.m. No.114198   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>>114197 Mayor de Blasio Announces Forced Vaccines for All Private Companies, Forced Vaccines for All Children Ages 5-11 if They Want to Eat Out

>>114196 Biden admin reportedly mulls "nuclear option," i.e. disconnecting Russia from the SWIFT payment system in case they invade Ukraine.

>>114195 The Bee: Mirror Brought Into Courtroom So Jussie Smollett Can Face His Attackers

>>114194 Christine Anderson of the EU Parliament: downunder: "I will do whatever I can to make it known to the world that your once free and liberal democracy has been transformed into a totalitarian regime

>>114190, >>114192, >>114193 sentenced the country’s ousted leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, to four years in prison on Monday


>>114177, >>114178 how safe is your password

>>114175 How Marine Corps Drill Instructors Are Trained | Boot Camp




Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 12:12 p.m. No.114220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4235 >>4256 >>4269

Revealed: Feds Are Investigating Trump’s Media Company While They Ignore Hunter Biden’s Laptop and Shady Deals with China, Russia, Ukraine


President Trump stood up for the people and against the regime.


Now he must be punished.


The Security and Exchange Commission is now investigating President Trump’s upcoming media venture. According to Business Insider the SEC has requested documents about “meetings of the partner company’s board of directors, “policies and procedures relating to trading,” identification of certain investors, and copies of communication between the partner company and Trump’s new organization.”


The AP has more.


Donald Trump’s new social media company forecasts it may have 81 million users by 2026, or nearly 7 million more people than voted for him in the last U.S. presidential election.


The projection was filed on Monday with securities regulators by the company trying to bring Trump Media & Technology Group to the stock market. The company, Digital World Acquisition Corp., said over the weekend that it has lined up $1 billion in promised investments for the former president’s new venture from a group of unnamed institutional investors, and it filed a copy of the presentation used to pitch investors and analysts.


The filing also said that the deal has attracted some scrutiny from regulators. Digital World Acquisition, which is often referred to by its trading symbol of “DWAC,” said it is cooperating with “the preliminary, fact-finding inquiries” by the Financial Industry Regulation Authority and the Securities and Exchange Commission.


The Financial Industry Regulation Authority, or FINRA, asked in late October and early November for a review of trading in its stock before the Oct. 20 merger deal was announced. That announcement sent shares of DWAC surging from $9.96 to $94.20 in just two days as Trump supporters and investors looking to make a quick buck piled in. The shares have since pulled back to roughly $43.


At the same time the federal government is ignoring Hunter Biden’s laptop, his illegal drug use and orgies, and his several shady deals with China, Russia and the Ukraine.


Democrat privilege.

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 12:16 p.m. No.114221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4235 >>4256 >>4269

Putin announces military partnership between Russia and India


Russia and India have plans to work together across a range of military matters, including joint exercises, President Vladimir Putin revealed on Monday.


His comments came during a meeting with Narendra Modi, the Indian prime minister, in New Delhi to discuss the long-term partnership of their nations in a number of spheres, including energy, space travel, Covid-19 vaccine production, and medicine. Putin opened the discussions by explaining that the countries were planning to “develop relations in the international arena, as well as directly in the military sphere.”


“We are conducting joint military exercises, in both Indian territory and Russian territory,” he said. “We thank you for your attention to this component of our work. And we plan to work more in this direction.”


The Russian leader also went on to say that his nation was collaborating on military technology with India more closely than with any other partner. “Together, we’re working on developing high-grade military products and manufacturing, including in India,” he said.


Earlier that day, leaders from both countries had concluded an agreement to collaborate on military technology from 2021 to 2030.


On the subject of Russia’s relationship with India, Putin commented, “We treat India as a great power, with a people who are friendly to us, and with a remarkable history of relations between us.”


Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, also announced on Monday that Russia would like to involve India in discussions about Afghanistan along with China, Pakistan, and the US. “As far as we are concerned, there is every reason to engage countries such as India and Iran in the group’s activities,” the Russian top diplomat said.

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 12:40 p.m. No.114228   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chinese companies own roughly 90% of global rare earth mines.


They manufacture roughly 80% of the lithium ion batteries.


They are actively taking over and buying stakes in the rest of the mines.


We are handing sovereignty over to China by mandating electric.


No one cares.

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 12:42 p.m. No.114229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4230 >>4235 >>4236 >>4256 >>4269

German Health Minister: 'We Must Take Large Groups Of Unvaccinated And Concentrate Them Into Special Camps'


BERLIN—German Health Minister Jens Spahn has announced his aggressive plan to fight COVID, which will include gathering all the unvaccinated people and putting them in special secured areas where they won't bother anyone.


"Ze key to fighting ze COVID iz very simple," said Spahn. "Ve must concentrate all ze filthy undesirables into special camps with very tall barbed-wire fences all around, where they will not infect us with their filthy anti-vaxx presence anymore."


Unvaccinated Germans will also be required to wear highly-visible markings on their clothing, so everyone will know to stay away from them, or turn them in if they attempt to buy food in a public market.


"Zis iz for ze good of ze German people," continued Spahn. "Ve vill not tolerate zis disgusting unvaccinated in our presence anymore. Heil Science!"


Spahn then gave a very special pro-science salute.


Australia praised the move by the German Health Minister, saying it worked great for the Aborigines.

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 12:44 p.m. No.114231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4235 >>4256 >>4269

tatement by President Donald J. Trump:=


“Wow, it looks like highly respected Senator David Perdue will be running against RINO Brian Kemp for Governor of Georgia. David was a great Senator, and he truly loves his State and his Country. This will be very interesting, and I can’t imagine that Brian Kemp, who has hurt election integrity in Georgia so badly, can do well at the ballot box (unless the election is rigged, of course). He cost us two Senate seats and a Presidential victory in the Great State of Georgia.”

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 12:49 p.m. No.114234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4235 >>4256 >>4269


Bob Dole Switches To Democrat Party


RUSSELL, KS—Former Senator and presidential candidate Bob Dole has passed away at 98, marking his transition from a lifelong Republican to a reliable Democrat voter.


"Bob Dole was an American hero and a patriot," said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. "We are grateful for his service to the country, and we welcome him to the Democrat Party as a faithful Democrat voter for the rest of time."


According to sources, Bob Dole has already endorsed every local, state, and federal candidate with a "D" after their name, and will continue to support them via mail-in ballot for the foreseeable future.


Bob Dole's father, Doran Ray Dole, also a proud Democrat supporter, is proud to be joined by his son in voting for Democrats as well.


Bob Dole is survived by his wife Elizabeth, who is expected to endorse the Democrat presidential candidate in the 2032 election.

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 12:56 p.m. No.114235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4246


>>114233, >>114234 Dole to lie in state in Capitol Rotunda /effective transition to Dim voter

>>114231 45 chattin up Perdue in GA

>>114229 The Bee: German Health Minister: 'We Must Take Large Groups Of Unvaccinated And Concentrate Them Into Special Camps'

>>114225 Garland going after Texas over redistricting


>>114221 Putin announces military partnership between Russia and India

>>114220 Feds Are Investigating Trump’s Media Company While They Ignore Hunter Biden’s Laptop and Shady Deals with China, Russia, Ukraine

>>114197 Mayor de Blasio Announces Forced Vaccines for All Private Companies, Forced Vaccines for All Children Ages 5-11 if They Want to Eat Out

>>114196 Biden admin reportedly mulls "nuclear option," i.e. disconnecting Russia from the SWIFT payment system in case they invade Ukraine.

>>114195 The Bee: Mirror Brought Into Courtroom So Jussie Smollett Can Face His Attackers

>>114194 Christine Anderson of the EU Parliament: downunder: "I will do whatever I can to make it known to the world that your once free and liberal democracy has been transformed into a totalitarian regime

>>114190, >>114192, >>114193 sentenced the country’s ousted leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, to four years in prison on Monday


>>114177, >>114178 how safe is your password

>>114175 How Marine Corps Drill Instructors Are Trained | Boot Camp



lemme know

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 1:13 p.m. No.114238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4256 >>4269

World Economic Forum: "We cannot hide away from human population… All these things we talk about wouldn't be a problem if it was the size of the population 500 years ago."

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 1:14 p.m. No.114239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4256 >>4269

Chuck wants to weigh in on the insulin too with a 17 timestamp and look at big beautiful Q in there!


3:47 pm 15:47 1+5+4+7 = 17






I’ve always worked w Ds& Rs 2 reduce Rx prices while saving taxpayer $ Investigated Big Pharma’s insulin schemes Questioned Big Pharma excs 2 explain skyrocketing prices Passed bipart bills 2 increase competition/access Will keep working 2pass bipart ideas 2lower medication costs


3:47 PM · Dec 6, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 1:20 p.m. No.114241   🗄️.is 🔗kun



JPMorgan Banker Testifies Epstein Wired Maxwell $31 Million


JPMorgan Chase Executive Director Patrick McHugh testified at Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex-trafficking trial that Jeffrey Epstein wired tens of millions of dollars to the British socialite.


McHugh was called to the stand on Monday by prosecutors to describe transactions involving Epstein’s accounts. On Oct. 19, 1999, Epstein sold $18.3 million worth of stock, then transferred that amount to Maxwell, the banker said. He did a similar $5 million transfer in September 2002 and one for $7.4 million in June 2007, for a total of $30.7 million.

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 1:58 p.m. No.114247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4256 >>4258 >>4269

NEW: Rep Devin Nunes is retiring. I'm told he “got a job offer that he can’t refuse” — CEO of a new Trump media org.

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 2:31 p.m. No.114252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4256 >>4269

New Pfizer Board Member Is Ex-Facebook Director.


Dr. Susan Desmond-Hellmann – a member of Pfizer Inc.’s Board of Directors – previously served as the Lead Independent Director at social media giant Facebook. The site has routinely censored posts relating to COVID-19 vaccines, with Pfizer in particular eliciting support from major corporate outlets.


Hellman was appointed to the social media platform’s board in March 2013 and served as it Lead Independent Director from June 2015 until October 30th 2019, shortly before the first reported case of COVID-19.


Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and CEO, said “Sue has been a wonderful and thoughtful voice on the board for six years, and I’m personally grateful to her for everything she has done for this company” in response to her departure.


“I remain positive about Facebook and the mission to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together. Facebook’s Shareholders require a Board of Directors that is fully engaged and committed to address the critical issues confronting Facebook at this time,” Hellmann explained in reference to her role as the CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


“Unfortunately, increasing demands from my CEO role, my extended family, and my own health make it no longer possible for me to commit the necessary time and energy required to properly serve Facebook and its shareholders,” she added in a public statement despite joining Pfizers board in 2020.


Amidst Hellmann’s tenure on the Pfizer board, Facebook has initiated campaigns to censor COVID-19 vaccine skeptics, as leaked internal documents from the company reveal algorithms aimed at “drastically reduc[ing] user exposure to vaccine hesitancy (VH) in comments.”

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 2:32 p.m. No.114253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4256 >>4269

can we nuke it?


Amazon needs approval from @ArlingtonVA


before construction can begin at Army-Navy Drive.


That's where the company wants to build the spiral-shaped "Helix" alongside three more HQ2 office buildings, ground floor retail and public green space.

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 2:48 p.m. No.114254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4256 >>4269


"Cuomo is also preparing to sue CNN for $18 million over what’s left on his contract according to the New York Post."

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 2:49 p.m. No.114255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4256 >>4269

Viganò:”those who resist the NWO will have the help and protection of God”


That's good cuz they're sure gonny need it.


The vaccine campaign, lacking any scientific validity, serves first of all as the apparent legitimization for implementing global tracking and controls, today under the pretext of limiting COVID spread (a pretext which is false, because, among other reasons, the vaccinated can still become infected and be contagious). But tomorrow, this campaign aims to expand its reach, extending the “Green Pass” to include information used in a “social credit system” to confront a “green emergency,” which will be likewise false and specious. The “Green Pass” is being conceived as something like the Mark of the Beast mentioned in the Apocalypse of Saint John to allow or forbid people to buy, sell, travel, spend, eat and live.

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 3:06 p.m. No.114256   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>114255 Viganò:”those who resist the NWO will have the help and protection of God”

>>114254 Cuomo out at Sirius radio, also preparing to sue CNN for $18 million over what’s left on his contract

>>114253 Amazon needs approval from @ArlingtonVA to build tower of babel

>>114252 New Pfizer Board Member Is Ex-Facebook Director.

>>114251 "Absolute And Unmitigated Liars": Former DC National Guard Official Says Generals Fabricated January 6th Account

>>114250 Antifa Attack and Interrupt Massive Nationalist Rally in France ,Beaten and Chased from Building by Crowd, “Everyone Hates Antifa!”

>>114249 HILARIOUS! New Anthem “Stick Your Vaccine Mandate Up Your A**” is Spreading Like Wildfire

>>114247 : Rep Devin Nunes is retiring. I'm told he “got a job offer that he can’t refuse” — CEO of a new Trump media org.

>>114240 Comey JPMorgan Banker Testifies Epstein Wired Maxwell $31 Million

>>114239 @ChuckGrassley wants to weigh in on the insulin too with a 17 timestamp and look at big beautiful Q in there!

>>114238 WEF: "We cannot hide away from human population… All these things we talk about wouldn't be a problem if population of 500 years ago."

>>114233, >>114234 Dole to lie in state in Capitol Rotunda /effective transition to Dim voter

>>114231 45 chattin up Perdue in GA

>>114229 The Bee: German Health Minister: 'We Must Take Large Groups Of Unvaccinated And Concentrate Them Into Special Camps'

>>114225 Garland going after Texas over redistricting


>>114221 Putin announces military partnership between Russia and India

>>114220 Feds Are Investigating Trump’s Media Company While They Ignore Hunter Biden’s Laptop and Shady Deals with China, Russia, Ukraine

>>114197 Mayor de Blasio Announces Forced Vaccines for All Private Companies, Forced Vaccines for All Children Ages 5-11 if They Want to Eat Out

>>114196 Biden admin reportedly mulls "nuclear option," i.e. disconnecting Russia from the SWIFT payment system in case they invade Ukraine.

>>114195 The Bee: Mirror Brought Into Courtroom So Jussie Smollett Can Face His Attackers

>>114194 Christine Anderson of the EU Parliament: Austria: "I will do whatever I can to make it known to the world that your once free and liberal democracy has been transformed into a totalitarian regime

>>114190, >>114192, >>114193 sentenced the country’s ousted leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, to four years in prison on Monday


>>114177, >>114178 how safe is your password

>>114175 How Marine Corps Drill Instructors Are Trained | Boot Camp



fixed 194 re Austria, not Australia, brain fart

lemme know

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 3:26 p.m. No.114258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4263 >>4269


Congressman Devin G. Nunes, Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee, to Join Trump Media & Technology Group as Chief Executive Officer


Print item:Congressman Devin G. Nunes, Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee, to Join Trump Media & Technology Group as Chief Executive Officer View PDF item:Congressman Devin G. Nunes, Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee, to Join Trump Media & Technology Group as Chief Executive Officer


~ Devin Nunes to Leave Congress to Join TMTG ~


PALM BEACH, Fla., Dec. 06, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Trump Media & Technology Group ('TMTG') today announced that Congressman Devin G. Nunes has been selected to join the Company as Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Nunes is currently a sitting U.S. House Representative, representing California's 22nd congressional district, and formerly the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee. Mr. Nunes will be leaving the U.S. House of Representatives and will begin his new role as Chief Executive Officer of TMTG in January 2022.


President Donald J. Trump, Chairman of TMTG, commented, "Congressman Devin Nunes is a fighter and a leader. He will make an excellent CEO of TMTG. Devin understands that we must stop the liberal media and Big Tech from destroying the freedoms that make America great. America is ready for TRUTH Social and the end to censorship and political discrimination."


Congressman Devin Nunes added, "The time has come to reopen the Internet and allow for the free flow of ideas and expression without censorship. The United States of America made the dream of the Internet a reality and it will be an American company that restores the dream. I'm humbled and honored President Trump has asked me to lead the mission and the world class team that will deliver on this promise."


Since 2003, Mr. Nunes has served in the U.S. House of Representatives, currently serving California's 22nd district. As Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee (2015-2019), Mr. Nunes worked on important matters related to U.S. security including cybersecurity and information technology. Mr. Nunes is also a Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient.


Trump Media & Technology Group Corp.


Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) is a social media and technology company. TruthSocial, TMTG's upcoming social media platform, will provide an outlet that encourages open global conversation without discrimination against political ideology. TMTG+, the company's subscription-based video streaming service, is expected to include access to non-woke entertainment, news, documentaries, podcasts and more. To learn more, please visit


Investor Relations Contact:


MZ Group - North America


Media Contact:

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 3:32 p.m. No.114260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4269


Election Wizard




JUST IN: Trump's new media platform and Rumble have distribution deal


Howard Lutnick, the CEO of Rumble's parent company Cantor Fitzgerald, stated on Monday that they have worked out a distribution deal with Donald Trump's planned "Truth" social media platform.


BREAKING: Trump's new media platform and Rumble have distribution deal


Howard Lutnick, the CEO of Rumble's parent company Cantor Fitzgerald, stated on Monday that they have worked out a distribution deal with Donald Trump's planned "Truth" social media platform.


6:08 PM · Dec 6, 2021

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 3:36 p.m. No.114261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4269


Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 3:38 p.m. No.114262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4269

What is labeled as volume 20 of the Mueller materials just went up on the FBI foia vault. I must be getting old because I don’t remember seeing #19. Some interesting texts.

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 3:59 p.m. No.114266   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I nose you do

prolly all the NSA oops drops too

would guess hooked up to DOD "domains" that won't go dark


wut a time to be alive yo

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 4:19 p.m. No.114268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4269

U.S. Army



No matter the [Wind blowing face] [Snowflake] or [Cold face] temps, The Northern Warfare Training Center is where #Soldiers go to learn what it takes to become an Arctic Expert

Anonymous ID: 5e90d6 Dec. 6, 2021, 4:25 p.m. No.114269   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>114268 No matter the [Wind blowing] [Snowflake] or [Cold face] temps, The Northern Warfare Training Center is where #Soldiers go to learn..../Jericho flag?

>>114262 volume 20 of the Mueller materials just went up on the FBI foia vault.


>>114260 Trump's new media platform and Rumble have distribution deal

>>114255 Viganò:”those who resist the NWO will have the help and protection of God”

>>114254 Cuomo out at Sirius radio, also preparing to sue CNN for $18 million over what’s left on his contract

>>114253 Amazon needs approval from @ArlingtonVA to build tower of babel

>>114252 New Pfizer Board Member Is Ex-Facebook Director.

>>114251 "Absolute And Unmitigated Liars": Former DC National Guard Official Says Generals Fabricated January 6th Account

>>114250 Antifa Attack and Interrupt Massive Nationalist Rally in France ,Beaten and Chased from Building by Crowd, “Everyone Hates Antifa!”

>>114249 HILARIOUS! New Anthem “Stick Your Vaccine Mandate Up Your A**” is Spreading Like Wildfire

>>114247, >>114258 Rep Devin Nunes is retiring. I'm told he “got a job offer that he can’t refuse” — CEO of a new Trump media org.

>>114240 Comey JPMorgan Banker Testifies Epstein Wired Maxwell $31 Million

>>114239 @ChuckGrassley wants to weigh in on the insulin too with a 17 timestamp and look at big beautiful Q in there!

>>114238 WEF: "We cannot hide away from human population… All these things we talk about wouldn't be a problem if population of 500 years ago."

>>114233, >>114234 Dole to lie in state in Capitol Rotunda /effective transition to Dim voter

>>114231 45 chattin up Perdue in GA

>>114229 The Bee: German Health Minister: 'We Must Take Large Groups Of Unvaccinated And Concentrate Them Into Special Camps'

>>114225 Garland going after Texas over redistricting


>>114221 Putin announces military partnership between Russia and India

>>114220 Feds Are Investigating Trump’s Media Company While They Ignore Hunter Biden’s Laptop and Shady Deals with China, Russia, Ukraine

>>114197 Mayor de Blasio Announces Forced Vaccines for All Private Companies, Forced Vaccines for All Children Ages 5-11 if They Want to Eat Out

>>114196 Biden admin reportedly mulls "nuclear option," i.e. disconnecting Russia from the SWIFT payment system in case they invade Ukraine.

>>114195 The Bee: Mirror Brought Into Courtroom So Jussie Smollett Can Face His Attackers

>>114194 Christine Anderson of the EU Parliament: Austria: "I will do whatever I can to make it known to the world that your once free and liberal democracy has been transformed into a totalitarian regime

>>114190, >>114192, >>114193 sentenced the country’s ousted leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, to four years in prison on Monday


>>114177, >>114178 how safe is your password

>>114175 How Marine Corps Drill Instructors Are Trained | Boot Camp



settin the bake

lemme know