Anyone ever thought about the murder penal code 187?
I find it interesting that it's 17 = Q, and 8 = 8kun in the middle.
Anyone ever thought about the murder penal code 187?
I find it interesting that it's 17 = Q, and 8 = 8kun in the middle.
Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss on making The Matrix Awakens with Epic Games
Epic Games made an interactive Matrix experience to show off its upcoming Unreal Engine 5. We sat down with the two stars of the demo and the Matrix movies, Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Ann Moss, to talk about how technology is blurring the line between whatโs real and virtual, what to expect from the new Matrix Resurrections movie, and a lot more.
Epstein Victim Maria Farmer Speaks With Whitney Webb, Part 1
Epstein Victim Maria Farmer Speaks With Whitney Webb, Part 2
Of course Trump used some of the symbolism too.
I guess without that he would have been killed, idk.
It's about Spanish Flu as well
including the military experiments regarding Flu infection.
Yeah, no one is Hollywood is in the club.
Wait, everyone is in it, otherwise they wouldn't be in the position they are.
And I guess 666 sign is actually OK-sign.
>Weak evidence
So what's the 666 then?
That's 100% 666 and you need to actively spread the fingers like that. You don't do it by accident.
>foremost the "OK" symbol.
Come on, that's the normie explanation.
>That is the kind of "evidence" that lands innocent people in prison for decades.
I never said anyone should get arrested for doing that. What are you talking about?
If I was saying anyone doing that is fucking children, I would understand what you are doing, but I'm not, which makes me question what you are doing.
In the case of Keanu Reeves that is simply a reminder to be cautious. And he is talking about our nice little meta-verse.
But maybe maybe meta-verse is the good guys, right?
Maybe Trump is pushing the vaxx because it's good and all problems with it are fake news? See, I don't follow that logic at all based on feelings and liking someone on an emotional level.
>rock & roll
Where do you think rock&roll comes from?
Where do you think that symbolism comes from?
Did a fan invent it all organically?
When you play Britney Spears songs backwards, what happens?
Is any fan of Britney Spears a satanist?
Is Britney Spears a satanist?
I wouldn't even go that far, but she is quite obviously part of the satanic system, so symbolism makes sense, her success makes sense and fucked up lyrics when played backwards also make sense. It's even possible that she herself doesn't know about the backwards lyrics.
>faking it, to make it.
You want to beat the devil at cheating and lying?
I don't think you will make it that way.
You will get caught at some point and will then get blamed for "corona" deaths. Good job there. Plus you are playing their game anyway, so you count just like anyone who NPCs it, which means you make it worse for anyone not complying.
Or let's go abortions. Killing unborn life.
That has been normalized nowadays.
Is anyone a satanist that does it?
But are you basically performing a satanic ritual doing that?
Would most people play these roles if they knew what they were doing?
So you just normalize satanic symbols, create some excuse for it, so that normies will do them as well.
"haha, it's the OK symbol, that way you show others that it's OK" (what kind of weird logic is that even)
Bravo, you just made it so tons of non-satanists use satanistic symbolism.
At least the latest redefinition from 666 to "white supremacy" is great, because it will make normies figure it out (sometimes) and get mad about it.
It fucks up freemasons.
>The OK sign is at least 175 years old
Yeah, not only weak sauce, but freemasons exist for way longer.
OK sign doesn't even make any sense.
Why would you even pose like that in a photo shoot. None of it makes sense.
>Can you prove otherwise?
Music industry is fully controlled.
>Music has evolved organically for centuries
How do you know that?
>suddenly Satan bought a record label?
So they fully control 2 world wars and thus control all the fake news media, but can't control the music industry?
>Tell that to people that avoided genocides throughout history
The most intelligent move you can actually do in such case is move away.
Cheating and lying your way in doesn't make sense and is a very high risk and the chance of you getting caught is very high, especially in the current scenario.
I have zero doubts that are ways to check if someone got the shots or not without passport being involved.
As I said, get caught and YOU will get blamed for covid-deaths. Good luck with that. You will be used as a pawn by the elites. You are even expected to do that.
Plus you are not helping anyone's situation, you are making it worse.
Right now in United States in a state that wants to enforce experimental therapies?
All Jews that moved away from Germany and from Europe survived.
>When was it first used as a Satanic symbol?
I doubt anyone really knows about any of that, except the Satanists.
>Would you rather [they] take over all symbolism and make it their own?
In case of Hitler symbolism which was also stolen it would be a really stupid idea to do that.
All you will get is getting called a "Nazi". What's the point?
>Mostly they just reeeeee "muh raycism!!"
Well it works. Sure it's not the truth, but it works and is accepted by normies and makes them look for symbolism, which is good in any case. It's training.
>Music industry is fully controlled.
Oh of course there can be small labels somewhere that are not. Doesn't change the point. Almost will know about that music anyway, so it's irrelevant and not really industry.
Be part of the industry and you get promoted by fake news radio and fake news TV. Youl will land in the billboard charts. That makes people think "this is popular, sounds interesting, I will spend my money on it".
They promote all sorts of shit with music.
Gangsta culture with rap(e) music, despite rap music originally being made by black people and was not about violence at all.
Violence + sex.
That in turn breaks families.
Stars dress like whores.
Young girls copycat how they dress from these star whores
And now you got young girls dressing like sluts
Job well done.
Defeat pair bonding.
Tell young girls that they are stronk and can do everything, need no man.
Tell young girls that they should get the pill (which fucks up hormones including their taste in men even)
Create single mothers.
Break family unit.
Create weak children.
Yes, you can start arguing with a normie about that, but what is the point?
The normie will reject it, and it's understandable why that happens, and you get branded a Nazi.
And honestly I will also reject that. It has no use to us. Post swastikas everywhere and even if you are not really a Nazi, anyone seeing it will think you are and screaming at them that it's totally something else will make people think you are a lunatic.
So what's the point? You may be able to do that if normies aren't NPCs anymore.
Most ridiculous shit on /qr/
Shill posts Swastika + "muhjoo" shit
Gets called out
"no no no, don't you know the Swastika is about luck, this is not about Nahtsee"
(which is of course ridiculous because of the muhjoo posting at the same time)
In any case, I don't see a reason in doing what you suggest. I only see problems with it, self-defeating.
It's like going "but do you know about the Rothschild Jews????" and expecting good results.
>No symbol is evil, it is the intent behind the use.
Try to talk like that with a normie and you aren't helping your case. That's just the way it is.
What did Q say?
"Difficult truths".