Anonymous ID: 0c89de Dec. 14, 2021, 7:17 p.m. No.115497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5498





>when da teens come to visit, the purpose is to find something fun to watch

Hollywood has been corrupt a long time, lots that wasn't pushing to much bad.

Anonymous ID: 0c89de Dec. 14, 2021, 7:48 p.m. No.115503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5538

BREAKING: Karen Fann, Sonny Borelli, Vince Leach, and Warren Peterson to hold Arizona Election Integrity Panel at Turning Point USA AmericaFest – Kyle Rittenhouse Also To Speak


This December 18-21, in Phoenix, Arizona, Turning Point USA is excited to be hosting our brand new event: AMERICAFEST. This four day event is set to be the largest celebration of our constitutional rights and freedoms – featuring the best and brightest speakers in the country, dozens of like minded sponsoring organizations, thousands of freedom loving patriots, and the introduction of musical talent with a number of very special concerts. As our events and organization continue to grow we are so excited to launch this new event and welcome all ages, all walks of life, and celebrate the greatest country – the United States of America. AmericaFest is going to be an event unlike the movement has ever seen by creating an experience that breaks the traditional norms of a political conference as we continue to bridge the gap between politics and entertainment to win America’s culture war.



Anonymous ID: 0c89de Dec. 14, 2021, 7:58 p.m. No.115505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5538

Trump Republicans Are Ready to Dethrone McConnell and Never Trump Leadership Who Side with the Democrats


Trump Republicans are eager to replace establishment Republicans who put politics in front of God, family and country.


Axios reported today:


Mitch McConnell is facing a frontal assault from emboldened pro-Trump Republicans eager to unseat him as the Senate’s GOP leader.


Why it matters: The Kentuckian has long been viewed as the most powerful Republican in Congress, a figure many in the party have feared turning into an enemy. His endurance has allowed him to reshape the Supreme Court and dictate much of the national political agenda for over a decade.


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Taking on McConnell risks not only triggering his wrath in the Capitol but making candidate-critics vulnerable to targeting by his ample supply of campaign cash.

The challengers have been emboldened as Donald Trump has lambasted McConnell — giving them both political and financial cover.

“What is wrong with this Broken Old Crow?” the former president said in a statement tweeted by his spokesperson on Sunday. “He’s hurting the Republican Senators and the Republican Party. When will they vote him out of Leadership?”


Between the lines: Kelly Tshibaka, a primary challenger to Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), said Monday that “when I defeat Murkowski and become Alaska’s next U.S. senator, I will not support Mitch McConnell as leader.


It’s time for new, America First leadership in the Senate,” she said, echoing a Trump theme.

Former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens, running to fill Sen. Roy Blunt’s (R-Mo.) upcoming vacant seat, made a similar pledge in September.


Steven Cheung, a Greitens adviser and former Trump administration official, told Axios opposing McConnell could become a “litmus test” for campaigns eager to show their loyalty to Trump.


Here is Kelly for Alaska’s interview with Steve Bannon on the War Room yesterday: (vid related)

Anonymous ID: 0c89de Dec. 14, 2021, 8:13 p.m. No.115507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5508 >>5534 >>5538

Boxer: If Trump Could Stop the January 6 Riot ‘It Proves He Started It’


Proving that some women jump to conclusions rather than finding logical evidence


Former Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that if former President Donald Trump could stop the January 6 riot as many Fox News hosts, a family member, and lawmakers texted his former chief of Staff Mark Meadows to have him do, that proved he “started it.”


Boxer said, “The truth is on display. The moments that those were written, that’s the truth, I want to just talk about Fox News very quickly because I took away three things.”


She continued, “One, Fox News was to the Trump administration what state TV in Russia is to Putin. Honestly, these folks were literally advising him, very close to him, and had incredible access to Trump’s top person, Mark Meadows. Secondly, Fox News, those folks knew that Trump could stop it. What does that prove? It proves he started it. It proves he controlled it. That on its face is amazing.”


Boxer added, “Three, Fox News and those folks are now lying about January 6, and instead of being patriotic Americans, they’re slamming the committee of the House that is bipartisan and, let’s be clear, they were scared to death on January 6. They were frightened to death, and they are so ideological and so in Trump’s orbit that they are now liars. It’s awful.”