Anonymous ID: 1d1120 Dec. 15, 2021, 12:29 a.m. No.115538   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>115484 Ben Garrison Assange cartoon

>>115494 “The Situation is Dire” – Salvation Army Faces Holiday Shortages After Telling White Donors to Face Their Racism

>>115495 “The Communists Here are Abusing the Constitution” – Marjorie Taylor

>>115503 TPUSA speakers include Karen Fann, Sonny Borelli, Vince Leach,Warren Peterson, Kyle Rittenhouse

>>115505 Trump Republicans Are Ready to Dethrone McConnell and Never Trump Leadership Who Side with the Democrats

>>115507, >>115508 Boxer: If Trump Could Stop the January 6 Riot ‘It Proves He Started It’ (say wha????)

>>115511 Elon Musk: Please don’t call the manager on me, Senator Karen

>>115518 Dr. Peter McCullough: Moderna was working on the vaccine before the virus ever even came out of the lab.

>>115521 The case fatality rate has also fallen off of a cliff with the rise of Omicron in South Africa

>>115525 Aaron Siri: Why are the FDA & Pfizer REFUSING to release vaccine data?

>>115528 Australians filed charges against Dan Andrews for concealing treason and fraud.

>>115529 Latest VAERS estimate: 388,000 Americans killed by the COVID vaccines

>>115530 Heart Disorders up 118% and Excess Deaths up 40% among Young Adults since they were given the Covid-19 Vaccine

>>115531 Gen Flynn telegrams on forcing children to wear masks and the FBI's war against parents who object

>>115533 Dr. David Martin on Re-awaken America Tour
