Anonymous ID: 3c8820 Dec. 16, 2021, 5:24 a.m. No.115769   🗄️.is 🔗kun

American Girl Doll Founder Buys Up Real Human Town


Most people leave their small-town alma mater with not much more than a distant fondness (or revulsion) for the time they spent there. Not Pleasant Rowland, the creator of the American Girl doll empire, who graduated in 1962 from Wells College in the upstate New York town of Aurora. Rowland, who is best known for her historical (and historically expensive) dolls, has been flying under the radar with another project for the past two decades: obsessively renovating Aurora so it is fit for any American girl (doll) to live in. Rowland has already set up five historical inns and renovated a restaurant in thisFinger Lakestown; the latest addition is a 15,000-square-foot luxury spa that opened this fall, overlooking pastoral Cayuga Lake and, as the New York Post noted in a glowing write-up in November, “350 acres with alfalfa and lavender fields, tranquil ponds and scenic nature trails.” (For $165, you can get an Abhyanga Massage, which is a deal if you think about the fact that it costs only $1 more than a spa bundle for a doll.)


Aurora, a tiny town of some 724 people, is now Rowland’s perfect upstate village. In a speech she gave at the reopening of one of the inns in 2003, Rowland said the town reminded her “of the values and traditions of another, more tender time.” When she’d first revisited the school almost 25 years after graduation, though, she found it in a state of economic decline like many small upstate towns. In 2001, Rowland returned and partnered with her alma mater to start the Aurora Foundation, through which she began to spend her considerable doll wealth — she sold the American Girl company to Mattel for $700 million in 1998 — to renovate dilapidated buildings and obsessively restore the town to a historical menagerie, not unlike her dolls themselves. As Vogue reported in 2018, Rowland literally “buried the power lines and redid the sidewalks” and “brought in elm trees to line Main Street.” But the project hasn’t been dependent on only Rowland’s largesse — the state subsidized the construction of the spa in 2015, giving $1.5 million as a grant to spur economic development in central New York. (Aurora’s mayor at the time acknowledged that the state’s money was going to a business most town residents couldn’t afford.) (After publication of this article, a spokesperson for Pleasant Rowland said that she “ultimately turned down the offer). The spa itself is part of a collection of five inns that are all on the same street and were reconstructed in different historical styles reflecting when the structures themselves were built, a concept Alex Schloop, the inns’ creative director, couldn’t quite find an explanation for to Vogue. (When asked, Schloop said, “If you have one, let me know.”)


Like most rich peoples’ projects, the concept doesn’t really have to make sense beyond the fact that it fits into Rowland’s demanding aesthetic vision of small-town life. Some residents have bristled at a millionaire turning Aurora into a town-size dollhouse — the New York Times reported in 2007 that people made bumper stickers reading “Aurora Was Pleasant Before.” But now, like her dolls, Rowland’s inns offer a historically polished experience to those who can afford a small sum to get away from the city for a weekend to cosplay upstate life.


Rowland wrote a message on the inns’ site that was meant to inspire girls everywhere (in America): “Please hang onto your dreams, keep on being the best that you can be, and some day one of you will be president.” For Rowland herself, it seems the dream is just a little smaller: remaking an entire town just to her liking. Is that so much to ask for?

Anonymous ID: 3c8820 Dec. 16, 2021, 5:40 a.m. No.115771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5784 >>5858 >>5895

Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, And The Left’s Opposing Narrative


Let’s perform an experiment. Open up your favorite search engine (hopefully that’s the unwoke DuckDuckGo), pick a mainstream media outlet, and find a link to their website. Once on their homepage, spend a few seconds perusing the headlines and see if you can find any mention of the ongoing Ghislaine Maxwell Trial. And to be fair, we should pick at least three such outlets.


At the time of this writing, Wednesday evening on December 15, 2021 one such experiment yielded the following:


(1) ABC News: On the first screen we see, there are no mentions of the trial at all. There is a story with the headline, “Nations renew talks on ‘killer robots,’” because that’s an extremely relevant topic for Americans; but nothing about Maxwell. When we scroll down to the next screen, again there’s no mention of Ghislaine Maxwell, but there’s an interesting piece titled “Bouncing dog hilariously walks alongside car.” And if we scroll even further, again, no mention of Maxwell.


(2) Poltico: The first screen we come across on their homepage contains several stories about relevant topics, but nothing on Ms. Maxwell. Same thing when we hit “page down,” not once, not twice, but eight times. There is no mention on Politico of the Maxwell Trial, though they did manage to find room for a story on an obscure QAnon follower who was sentenced to prison.


(3) New York Times: You can look to your heart’s content, but you won’t find anything on the Maxwell Trial. If you want to know about a couple of zebras that evaded capture for months in Maryland, or voter fraud from the red state of Florida involving a remarkable total of three citizens, you’re in luck. But if you want to get an update on the Maxwell trial, you’d better look elsewhere.


Therefore, to eliminate doubt in anyone’s mind, there is indeed a trial going on right now, and the defendant is none other than Ghislaine Maxwell, who stands accused of acting as a recruiter of victims for the late billionaire, financier, and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.


Jeffrey Epstein, and by extension Ghislaine Maxwell, cavorted with some of the most influential men in the world, and the majority of those men either align with leftist ideals or outright represent them. And while they were doing so, Epstein and perhaps his fellow cavorters were having sex with children. The most implicated and famous Epstein associate is, of course, Bill “Slick Willie” Clinton, who traveled with Epstein on his hedonistic Lolita Express dozens of times, though there’s no direct evidence that Clinton participated in the shenanigans. Yet.


Other friends of Epstein who have been connected with the mess include England’s Prince Andrew, fellow billionaire Bill Gates, and former Democratic Senator George Mitchell. And again, there has been no proof provided that points the finger of wrongdoing directly at these individuals. Yet while the media are largely ignoring the story, and though there has been no evidence of criminality against any of Epstein’s buddies, the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell is a huge story.


For our mainstream media, the problem with the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell is that it doesn’t fit any of their narratives. In fact, it contradicts them. A story about a QAnon devotee fits their narrative that everyone right of center is a complete whack job and belongs in prison. A story about voter fraud normally would contradict their storyline that the phenomenon doesn’t exist, but if it involves a trio in a conservative state, then it works just fine. But the Ghislaine Maxwell Trial? Oh no, that’s off limits.


Our mainstream media loves Britain’s royal family – particularly a certain prince and his American wife when they’re trashing their kin – but don’t doubt it, the media loves all of them, including Prince Andrew. Bill Gates may be a greedy billionaire, capitalist, but he has the proper leftist worldview and donates handsomely to Democrats. And of course, they can’t have a Democratic lawmaker like Sen. Mitchell be exposed for any potential wrongdoing.


Which brings us to Slick Willie. Bill Clinton is number two on the left’s list of favorite former office holders, surpassed by only Barack Obama. Mr. Clinton is essentially a secular saint of the American left, and one who almost became First Husband… or First Pervert… or whatever the heck we would have called him.


The rationale is crystal clear: If the left and their media were to properly cover the Ghislaine Maxwell Trial, such coverage would shine poorly on some of their most beloved cronies, and they simply can’t have that.


Anonymous ID: 3c8820 Dec. 16, 2021, 6:29 a.m. No.115774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5775 >>5784 >>5858 >>5895






Nevada mother arrested last year for pimping out her 9-year-old daughter to CNN producer


Heather Carriker was paid $3350 by John Griffin to engage in sexual activities with both her and the daughter.


Recent reporting has further established how willing a participant the parent of an underaged victim was in the case of Chris Cuomo’s former producer and colleague John Griffin.

According to the Daily Mail, 48-year-old Heather Carriker accepted over $3,000 USD from former CNN producer John Griffin to essentially pimp out her 9-year-old daughter in engaging in explicit activities at a ski cabin in Vermont.

Police in Henderson, Nevada where the family is from, arrested Heather Carriker in August 2020.


"The woman added that she had brought several sex devices with her on the trip and used them with Griffin and forced the girl to take part," said in describing what the mother did.


It was a shock to CNN’s system when they finally booted their longtime personality Chris Cuomo earlier this month. However, that soon became the tip of the network’s iceberg of scandals.

But then, along came Cuomo’s former producer John Griffin. Who last week was arrested by the FBI for "three counts of using a facility of interstate commerce to attempt to entice minors to engage in unlawful sexual activity."

It’s the indictment in the case against Griffin that it’s explained how the CNN staffer tried instructing mothers with underaged children to be "sexually submissive." Griffin managed to get a mother and her 9-year-old to fly from Nevada to Boston in July 2020, and then drove them to his home in Vermont for unlawful sexual activity.

This occasion amongst other instances of solicitation undertaken on the part of the former CNN producer. CNN announced on Monday they fired Griffin, someone who offered "virtual training" to underaged minors and their parents about engaging in sexual activity.

Further background by Fox News indicates that John Griffin was facing "marital trouble" with his wife Allyson and their three children. The couple separated and Griffin rented an apartment after moving out.

Upon learning the news of her estranged husband’s activities, Allyson Griffin appeared disheveled at the audacity of the matter. Deeper in the piece it’s said "the couple used a limited liability corporation to purchase the ski chalet in Ludlow, Vermont."

It's another fragment of a picture that authorities are still trying to piece together.

Anonymous ID: 3c8820 Dec. 16, 2021, 6:50 a.m. No.115776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5784 >>5858 >>5895

HR1 Is the Democrat Party’s Coup de Grâce of the Complete Takeover of the United States – Will Codify Their Election Fraud In Perpetuity


The Democrats announced they were going to table the horrible US ‘Build Back Broke’ bill yesterday. This news came as Senator Manchin continued to show his hesitation in supporting the economically suicidal legislation.


Instead, they are going to again focus on their national election bill – HR1. This is a complete communist takeover of America’s election system.


Speaker Nancy Pelosi first pushed the HR1 bill soon after Joe Biden’s inauguration:



Anonymous ID: 3c8820 Dec. 16, 2021, 7:23 a.m. No.115779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5784 >>5801 >>5858 >>5895

Medical martial law: Military taking over hospitals in FOUR states after thousands of nurses were fired for having natural immunity and refusing spike protein injections


Something to watch for


The National Guard is being deployed to numerous states across America to replace unvaccinated medical workers who were fired from hospitals for refusing Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines." In Indiana, the Indianapolis-based Indiana University Health, the state's largest hospital system, has requested that National Guard troops take over the posts of medical workers at all facilities except for Riley Children's Hospital. Hospitalizations in the Hoosier State have reportedly jumped by 47 percent over the past two weeks. "As COVID cases continue to increase and hospitalization of COVID and non-COVID patients reach all-time highs, the demand and strain on IU Health's team members, nurses and providers has never been greater," IU Health said in a statement to Becker's Hospital Review. "To best support our team members and patients, IU Health will leverage all available resources and enlist members of Indiana's National Guard, in conjunction with the Indiana Department of Health, to assist in areas of critical need." Teams of six National Guard troops with both clinical and nonclinical members will be deployed to IU Health hospitals in two-week increments. In Maine, Gov. Janey Mills is supplying about 75 National Guard troops to fill nonclinical support roles, including at the Portland-based Maine Medical Center (MMC). MMC CMO Dr. Joel Botler issued a statement claiming that his facility "has had no critical care beds available" after more than six operating rooms had to be shut down in addition to six others that had been closed previously due to the system's jab mandates.

Militarization of American health care is well underway

Over the next few weeks, New Hampshire will be doing much of the same after Gov. Chris Sununu told reporters at a press conference that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is deploying a 24-person team to help out at hospital facilities across the "Live Free or Die" state. In New York, the new Gov. Kathy Hochul announced that 120 National Guard troops will be deployed to "overburdened" nursing homes, as well as to 32 hospitals that now have limited capacity due to her injection decrees. "The state defined limited capacity as below 10 percent staffed bed capacity, or as determined by the health department based on regional and healthcare utilization factors," reported Zero Hedge. "New daily COVID-19 hospitalizations in the state have climbed 33 percent over the last two weeks, according to data tracked by the New York Times." Indiana, Maine, New Hampshire and New York are just the first four of likely many American states that will be bringing in the troops to handle the onslaught of fully vaccinated patients expected to flood emergency rooms after their "vaccines" take full effect. "'They're not just bad people; they're criminals' – Pfizer CEO God-King Albert Bourla, on people who refuse to take his company's COVID 'vaccine,'" wrote one Zero Hedge commenter about Bourla the tyrant's recent statement against health freedom. "I told you they were going to use martial law before the implants/digital totalitarianism slave monetary system," responded another. "Create a problem – try to fix the problem – tax to fix the problem – declare war on the problem – adopt the problem to last forever: this is how your government works," wrote another about how this is all so obviously scripted to maximize medical martial law and the growing police state. "I'm in New Hampshire and it's amazing how we didn't have a staffing shortage before they fired everyone that didn't take the jab!" noted yet another. "This can all go away if the mandates END!" More related news about the deployment of National Guard troops to hospitals across the country can be found at Sources include:

Anonymous ID: 3c8820 Dec. 16, 2021, 8:40 a.m. No.115785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5786 >>5858 >>5895




World Association of Egyptian Obediences - Symbolism


Last news from this site was December 2016..

Alexandr Rybalka

"Journalist" listed as one work experience <--- Weird twats stop in 2013


Many of the twats mention green coffee (various geographic locations) with url to .ru sites that are defunct now.

The cards of Egyptian Freemasonry can also be divided according to the suits corresponding with the stages of the Alchemical Processes, as shown below.

Degrees from 1 to 3 correspond to the Work in the Brown

Degrees 4-33 – Work in the Black

Degrees 34-42 – Work in the Green

Degrees 43-63 – Work in the White

Degrees 64-74 – Work in the Yellow

The degrees of 75-95 – Work in the Red

The degrees of 96-100 – Work in the Gold

Anonymous ID: 3c8820 Dec. 16, 2021, 9:04 a.m. No.115787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5858 >>5895







Searching the National Sanctuary APRMM:



"The surgeons of the world"


Anonymous ID: 3c8820 Dec. 16, 2021, 12:04 p.m. No.115791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5858 >>5895

J6 Committee Member Has Business Ties to China and the Chinese Communists


With the January 6th Committee giving us a Mueller Witchunt2.0, this GP journalist believes that the American people deserve to know that one of the key members of the J6 Committee may be compromised by the Chinese Communist Party.


For years, this journalist has covered Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy of Central Florida, who co-chairs the allegedly moderate Blue Dog Coalition. While Murphy has consistently argued that she is a “moderate” problem solver that Independent and Republican voters can trust, the truth paints a very different picture.


She voted for both swamp sham impeachments of President Donald J. Trump, supports the radical BLM movement, backs unconstitutional gun-grabbing laws, is in favor of open borders, and votes with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi 95% of the time. Murphy has even advocated for the banning of anyone who attended the 2020 “Stop The Steal” rallies or shared “Qanon” content from serving in the military or obtaining security clearances.


However, it is Murphy who should be questioned for her top-secret clearances or prevented from access to briefings on matters of national security. Here’s why…


When the Chinese Communist Party unleashed the Coronavirus pandemic on the world, Murphy openly called on President Trump to be investigated for the effects of the pandemic, not the CCP.


Congresswoman Murphy even argued that we should remove tariffs on Chinese imports, rewarding the Chinese Communist Party for the deadly global pandemic.



Anonymous ID: 3c8820 Dec. 16, 2021, 1:40 p.m. No.115804   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>these UN-based "relief" organizations pushing migration have been around a while,

Yeah ran into the same way back on /qr when researching the color revolutions aka Antifa

Thought the connections to Masons was interesting with that one, and the symbolism...completely random mini digg

Anonymous ID: 3c8820 Dec. 16, 2021, 1:44 p.m. No.115805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5806


>Even with censorship

Need more anons commenting on news stories with the truth. Eventually enough of it will cause everyone to question.

Trick is finding un-moderated news sources that allow comments.

Would h4x0r EAS and send out a message if thought could get away with it.

Anonymous ID: 3c8820 Dec. 16, 2021, 2:15 p.m. No.115810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5816


>i'm betting on telegram to hold up under pressure

Telegram ...Dubai...Yeah I'm not to certain about it. Avoided it mostly, lurk occasionally.

It's a good port to weather the storm for those that need "social" media.

Got you fags here, a few via Signal (was suggested by a mil intel friend long before Q linked), I'm good.

Social media is a weapon (redpill delivery system), lost count of the number of twatter accts.

Need something big and powerful, like lighting up the night sky with a big meme (pic related).

Censor that bitches.

Anonymous ID: 3c8820 Dec. 16, 2021, 2:18 p.m. No.115811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5858 >>5895

BREAKING: Medical Examiner Reveals Cause of Death of 10 Victims Killed at Travis Scott’s Astroworld Fest


HOUSTON, TX – The Harris County Medical Examiner on Thursday released the cause of deaths of the victims killed in a crowd surge at Travis Scott’s Astroworld festival.


The Medical Examiner ruled “compression asphyxia” was the cause of deaths for all 10 victims and one victim, a 27-year-old man, had contributing factors of “combined toxic effects of cocaine, methamphetamine, and ethanol.”


The victims were identified as Ezra Blount, 9, from Houston; John Hilgert, 14, from Houston; Brianna Rodriguez, 16, from Houston; Jacob “Jake” Jurinek, 20, from Illinois; Franco Patiño, 21, from Illinois; Axel Acosta, 21, from Washington State; Bharti Shahani, 22, from Houston; Madison Dubiski, 23, from Cypress; Rodolfo “Rudy” Angel Peña, 23, from Laredo; and Danish Baig, 27, from Euless.


According to The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, compression asphyxia is a type of mechanical asphyxia, where respiration is prevented by external pressure on the body, at the same time inhibiting respiratory movements and compromising venous return from the head. It is usually due to heavy weight compressing the chest or the abdomen.


Travis Scott recently spoke out about the tragic event. Watch here.

Anonymous ID: 3c8820 Dec. 16, 2021, 2:42 p.m. No.115819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5822 >>5825


>but If people are gonna stop looking at tv for their info, they gotta get it somewhere

>Ideally, someplace easy for non-techies to use

Radio is another good medium, call in to shows like Lars Larson, Dan Loesch and such...Though that is an echo chamber.

Call into NPR, PBS, or the interviews they do on .gov.

Social media is too dispersed to be effective, most of the people that need to hear the message aren't on telegram, or twatter.

Old skool - fliers, memes on posts, heads on pikes, tar and feathers.

Anonymous ID: 3c8820 Dec. 16, 2021, 2:44 p.m. No.115820   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Mike Pence actually has two big scenes in the big show.

>He plays the same character in both, a principled conservative who is perhaps a bit too dim


Like what you have posted so far anon

Anonymous ID: 3c8820 Dec. 16, 2021, 3:11 p.m. No.115824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5832 >>5835

Way back in 2018 talked about making a Q signal to Light up the sky on /qr...thinking it might be a good time to follow through with that.

Right over Interstate....hmm mebbe on overpasses.

Could also do;


Trump Won

Do Not Comply



Anything to get it noticed and talked about.