Anonymous ID: adcf42 Dec. 18, 2021, 9:49 a.m. No.116120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6164 >>6181


This is same poster (frebe) - dif computer.


Here is the info, pinned it down more, narrowed the dates.


There were 2 graphics, both posted by Q, not an anon. about 80% sure on that - Q could have linked to something from an anon, but I think it was from Q.


One was probably a LINK to a video clip from V for Vendetta - with the main character in (i presume) Central London with the V-shaped building in the background. Probably some square that has a building like that, where the point of the V faces the square.


The other image was of a V-shaped building - I THINK in Scotland - that was much smaller. Just one or two storeys. There was a door on the point of the V to the building.


The reason I got blown away was that it looked a LOT like the image I saw in a prophetic dream i had years ago. The year was 1776 and the door was to a bank that had something to do with Alexander Hamilton. In another part of the dream, I saw a vintage 1776 bakeshop with a HUGE mound of dough - so i guess i was "destined" to be a baker, ha-ha.


This was the only dream i ever had about 1776 and it left me with a sense of urgency (which is why i never forgot it). When Q posted that image with the door, it was so striking for me both because of the dream and because it featured two V's.


V for Vendetta (justice) but also V for Victory


Don't remember anything about the text of the post. But had to be posted AFTER i began to bake (~March 20, 2019) but probably before deplatforming (Aug 5, 2019). I could be wrong on the second date, possibly happened as late as Spring 2020 but I'm thinking 2019.

Anonymous ID: adcf42 Dec. 18, 2021, 9:53 a.m. No.116122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6127


I don't know whether it was called that - and i could be wrong about it being Scottish. It was certainly a vintage building of the type we would see in the UK (have lived in London and visited Scotland). The DOOR was very prominent - could have been painted BLUE, not sure.


Twasn't Glamis


I'll see if i can find my post on this on

Anonymous ID: adcf42 Dec. 18, 2021, 10:28 a.m. No.116126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6127 >>6128 >>6129 >>6133 >>6136 >>6164 >>6181

found it

was actually from Feb 2019 - i was not yet baking but was practice baking.


here's the post i made in response to Q 2742.


I think the top link is to the image of the building with the door on the V but it's from a suspended account. I can find the "Q sent me" responses but not the tweet itself.


The second is also from a suspended YT acct - it would be the scene from V for Vendetta:


Anonymous 02/16/19 (Sat) 18:59:08 40885e (8) No.5214973>>5215281


>>5214380 pb

Q 2742 Analysis


revised repost from lb




Similar to below?






What is similar is the "V" shape of the building in both the tweet and the YouTube speech.




I noticed this similarity because this shape is identical to the shape of a building in a dream I had (and shared on this board) about bakers, bread, and banks. The shape of the bank looks just like the Scottish building in the tweet.


V for Vendetta, V for Victory. (BTW, WWG1WGA has SIX "V"s within it.) KEK.


See >>5214380 pb for the text of the dream.

Anonymous ID: adcf42 Dec. 18, 2021, 11:24 a.m. No.116128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6129 >>6130 >>6133 >>6134 >>6164 >>6181



Here's a DIFFERENT link to the same V for Vendetta scene referenced by Q.


So the V here is shallower than the image from the Scottish image. It is indeed Scottish, there are references to that from


#5267723 at 2019-02-19 19:35:35 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #6731: And the Shill Gets a Q BTFO (You) Edition


UKanons, the Q post 2742, 2/16/19 had the clip from the movie Vendetta and a pic of a Q on the door of the scottish parliament.


Here is a notable from mid-feb 2019:

>>5209906 "Q" spraypainted on scottish parliament doors (ouch!)


I don't have the actual image.

It is definitely NOT the highly modernistic Scottish parliament (see cap)

It's not this door, either - although the picture DID have a door that i believe was colored distinctively - blue or green?


BTW, the "Q" in UK stands of "quisling" or traitor.

Anonymous ID: adcf42 Dec. 18, 2021, 12:07 p.m. No.116134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6164


The speech from V for Vendetta



Anonymous 02/16/19 (Sat) 13:27:02 b79829 (7) No.5210297




Good evening, London.


Allow me first to apologize for this interruption. I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of every day routine- the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration, thereby those important events of the past usually associated with someone's death or the end of some awful bloody struggle, a celebration of a nice holiday,


I thought we could mark this November the 5th, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat. There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will soon be on their way.


Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?


Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.


I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.


Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now high chancellor, Adam Sutler. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. Last night I sought to end that silence. Last night I destroyed the Old Bailey, to remind this country of what it has forgotten. More than four hundred years ago a great citizen wished to embed the fifth of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives.


So if you've seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you then I would suggest you allow the fifth of November to pass unmarked.


But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me one year from tonight, outside the gates of Parliament, and together we shall give them a fifth of November that shall never, ever be forgot