Anonymous ID: 2d97ea Dec. 29, 2021, 2:41 p.m. No.117941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7942 >>7943 >>7948 >>7976

Hello QRB. Have a must-save graphic for you from UK Thread on the blue BORIS BIKES marker seen in the Embankment and CH pics. If you keep a separate file for the UK London drops, you should save this. It will help you to discuss and argue that the London pic drops could not possibly represent DEC 2015 or thereafter. Anon lays out the ‘bookends’ for the appearance if the bikes and changes made to the bike hire stations in front of Corinthia Hotel to make the strong case for the case that the pics are after Fall 2013, and by inference likely Christmas 2013.

Sharing this with QRB first and likely not to be shared with QR until a vid is made which contains similar graphics for all the different London pics markers.

If you encounter an anon who still believes the pics are from 2015, you may educate them with this graphic. WWG1WGA 🇬🇧

Anonymous ID: 2d97ea Dec. 29, 2021, 3:16 p.m. No.117951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7956


A quiet one this year, but they can’t stop Christmas. People fed up being told to mind their contacts with family as leaders do otherwise.

Currently doing some sketching about with timestamps and number sequences as they might relate to post numbers. Looking at how Q said timestamps are important but also thinking of how Q asked, what is a sequence.

Was wondering if at some point we will be given a decode of how to understand how some posts are related to others. You would be surprised at how often, by taking the last 2 numbers of a post, you can find another 2-digit number in the timestamps of posts.

For example, 87 might have the next numbers 76, 65, 54 etc.

Sometimes you might try the first number increasing with the second number decreasing:

84 goes 75, 66 then 57.

For a real example try post# 784.

whose timestamp is 8;26:57.

Don’t know how to use those coincidences just yet. As I said, just sketching about with it.

Anonymous ID: 2d97ea Dec. 29, 2021, 4:03 p.m. No.117960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7962


>I still think there is moar to it than the sundry Scavino's that pull up relevant Q's, nothing comes to mind though, just feel it

>can't wait for that shazam moment

That’s why I am looking at some kind of timestamp spiderweb connection. I have strongly suspected that when Q double-posts or does a “gosh, post deleted”, there is a reset happening or a need to be at a certain post number at a certain time.

Anonymous ID: 2d97ea Dec. 29, 2021, 5:03 p.m. No.117973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7975 >>7976


Here are a couple more post #/timestamp coinkies:

Post Timestamp Sequence

—— ————— ————-

34 10:[56]:16 34,56


36 12:[54]:52 36,54

odd# increase by 2, even# decrease by 2


37 12:5[7:2]3 3-[7-2]-7-1-7-0


38 01:[48]:52 3-8-[4-8]-5-8


39 02:14:[27] 3-9-[2-7]-1-5-0-3


42 02:54:29 4-2-[5-4]-6-6-7-8-8-0


You get the idea. Bletchley Park stuff, from UK Bread. Kek. The irony is amusing.