Anonymous ID: c43374 Dec. 30, 2021, 9:27 p.m. No.118126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8128 >>8178 >>8182 >>8210 >>8230

>>118023 /pb


>BREAKING: President Donald Trump Will Headline RSBN's Year in Review Show




for Trump, start 1:22:00 / 1:38:50 tstamp


Streamed live 4 hours ago


Right Side Broadcasting Network

1.53M subscribers

President Trump breaks down the brutal truth on vaccine mandates, the economy,

and the 2022 elections in RSBN’s year in review show.


Stay up to date on Right Side Broadcasting Network coverage, go to

or download our new mobile app to get notifications for important events! { Q Drops: 5 }

Date/Time Constraint selected: T 01:22:

Full Search Query: {T 01:22:}

Anonymous ID: c43374 Dec. 30, 2021, 10:01 p.m. No.118128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8129 >>8178 >>8179 >>8181 >>8182 >>8210 >>8230




The special will also feature special guests including GETTR CEO Jason Miller, Rep. Matt Gaetz,

RSBN’s Grace Saldana, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, Republican activist Scott Presler,

and Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake.


screenCAP on TruthSocial:


Trump talkin' terminated, total killers, terminators, people terminating themselves {from twitter}, ..."

faceBOOK btw

"people outta drop off twitter."


President Trump Interview featured in ‘Year In Review 2021 with RSBN’


Dec 30, 2021 { archiving / compressing for next post }

Anonymous ID: c43374 Dec. 30, 2021, 10:37 p.m. No.118135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8136 >>8139 >>8178 >>8210 >>8230

AFL Files Brief at SCOTUS Supporting Dr. Carter Page’s Suit Against the DNC, Perkins Coie, Marc Elias, and Michael Sussman for the Russia Collusion Hoax

Wednesday, December 22, 2021



– Yesterday, America First Legal (AFL) filed a brief at the Supreme Court of the United States supporting Dr. Carter Page’s effort to hold the Democratic National Committee (DNC),

the law firm of Perkins Coie, Marc Elias, and Michael Sussman accountable for the Russia Collusion hoax, a political dirty trick without parallel in American history.


Based on the investigations conducted by the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General, the oversight work of principled Republican legislators like Rep. Devin Nunes and

Sen. Ron Johnson, and the federal indictments obtained by Special Counsel John Durham against former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, Perkins Coie partner Sussman,

and Democrat operative Igor Danchenko, the facts are clear.


Working closely with some of the highest ranking political and career officials in the Obama White House and the Department of Justice, the DNC, Perkins Coie, Elias, and

Sussman developed and executed a plan during the 2016 Presidential campaign to distract the public from Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, and to discredit

then-candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Russia using the fake “Steele Dossier.”

The Steele Dossier’s defamatory claims against Dr. Page, a patriotic American, provided pretext for U.S. government spying against President Trump and his campaign.


When, despite it all, President Trump won the 2016 election, the defendants, their allies in Congress (including certain prominent Republicans), the career civil service,

and the corporate media, turned Russia collusion into a weapon for crippling the President and nullifying the expressed will of the American people.


Statement from America First Legal Vice President and General Counsel Gene Hamilton:


“All conservatives, all people of good will who care about integrity in government and law enforcement, and all who claim to support our Constitution,

should be standing with Dr. Page.

AFL is proud to do so. And AFL will continue to fight alongside Dr. Page, exposing and holding accountable those who perpetrated the Russia Collusion hoax,”

Gene Hamilton said.


Read the Amicus Brief here.

{ 35 pages }

{ p.24 CONCLUSION The Court should grant the petition for certiorari. Respectfully submitted.


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Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 05/23/2019 21:53:04 ID: c476fb

Q Clock [ Minute: 52 | :25/:55 Mirror: 58 | 180 Mirror: 22 | :35/:05 Mirror: 18 ]

Anonymous 05/23/2019 21:45:18 ID:a054cb


Carter Page anon. 🤪



Carter Page 'public' FISA.

Remainder are still under classification (until today).

Waterfall of proofs coming (post DECLAS).



Sally Yates 100

SY Traitor/Pawn


Sally Yates is an American lawyer.

She served as a United States Attorney and later United States Deputy Attorney General, having been appointed to both positions by President Barack Obama.

Sally Yates is connected to the Russia hoax and was a signer on the fraudulent Carter Page FISA.

Anonymous ID: c43374 Dec. 30, 2021, 10:56 p.m. No.118136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8178 >>8210 >>8230



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Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 03/18/2019 19:28:44 ID: ebfcff

Q Clock [ Minute: 46 | :25/:55 Mirror: 4 | 180 Mirror: 16 | :35/:05 Mirror: 24 ]

Image Name: Sally_Q._Yates.jpg

Filename: a7b9bb89e6600e20c8fd98f2c21fc0c22130cf24117dffa7c7fda9390a4486c0.jpg


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Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 03/26/2019 17:13:38 ID: 1b6cc8

Q Clock [ Minute: 54 | :25/:55 Mirror: 56 | 180 Mirror: 24 | :35/:05 Mirror: 16 ]

Anonymous 03/26/2019 17:07:28 ID:599478


Whoa Q…these texts are from 2016. Long before RR became DAG!



If Sally Yates (SHE) was DAG during this period of time what does (HE) refer to re: DAG?

Was [RR] planned to assume DAG at that point in time?

Bake your noodle.


Anonymous ID: c43374 Dec. 30, 2021, 11:29 p.m. No.118139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8178 >>8210 >>8230


>AFL Files Brief at SCOTUS Supporting Dr. Carter Page’s Suit Against the DNC,


duh sawz:


~ breakin' for viddles n fuel foods, muhNoodle brief ...

~ out

~ goodKnight >>118134

>got in a lil news

<>God bless this board and all who post upon it
