Anonymous ID: 3a5393 Jan. 10, 2022, 11:14 p.m. No.120042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0043 >>0079



What are the odds? 1/10 Saget age 65 dies. 1/11 Sassoli age 65 dies.

Godfather III

David Sassoli: European Parliament president dies aged 65


European Parliament President David Sassoli has died at the age of 65, his spokesman says.

The Italian former journalist and centre-left politician had been seriously ill for more than two weeks and cancelled all official activities.

Mr Sassoli was admitted to hospital in Italy last month due to a serious complication with his immune system.


He died in the early hours of Tuesday in a hospital in Aviano, his spokesman, Roberto Cuillo, announced on Twitter.

In September, Mr Sassoli was taken to hospital in Strasbourg where he was treated for a severe case of pneumonia. He resumed his political duties in November.

A vote to elect his replacement had already been planned for later this month, and Mr Sassoli had indicated that he would not seek re-election.


The former television newsreader became president of the 705-seat European Parliament in July 2019.

The role is considered one of the bloc's top jobs, and involves chairing sessions and overseeing the parliament's activities.

He beat three other candidates to the role, and in a speech following his victory he called for the EU to return to the spirit of its founding fathers who swapped warfare and nationalism for peace and equality.


Mr Sassoli left a three-decade career in journalism and became a member of the European Parliament (MEP) in 2009.

He was a member of the centre-left Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, the second-biggest grouping in the parliament.


"What a big shock and a big loss. I am deeply saddened," MEP Ismail Ertug wrote on Twitter.

Another MEP, Paolo Borchia, expressed condolences to Mr Sassoli's family and said the news had left him "stunned".

Anonymous ID: 3a5393 Jan. 10, 2022, 11:35 p.m. No.120047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0048 >>0049 >>0055 >>0079

Situation Update, Jan 10, 2022 - They are taking the vaccine wars kinetic


Health Ranger Report

Democrats in Washington State are now pushing a bill, WAC 246-100, which would authorize “health officers” (Democrat vaccine Gestapo) to kidnap anyone at gunpoint and throw them into covid concentration camps which have already been activated. The people targeted under this tyrannical rule need not show any signs of sickness or infection to be ripped from their homes and families. Democrat-run medical goons can simply look at people and declare, “You’re sick, and you and you” and have you taken away at gunpoint to be incarcerated in concentration camps which are already up and running (see below).




0:00 Intro

1:40 Vaccine Wars

9:13 Insanity

17:37 Personal Segment

23:25 Strike Force

42:20 Canada