Anonymous ID: 14b8f8 July 12, 2019, 7:32 p.m. No.1316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1324 >>1326 >>1548

>>1179 LB


[18 usc 666.]

2016; MIL released audit of treasury[700billion] found to be “stolen”

Are you starting to see that dots connect in situations that you would never think; are you

starting to see how everything is connected when you DIG DIG DIG?


What was the holdup[for HANDSHAKE]

How is this relevant? Think transition


interception of funds caused money to be sent to ISIS, IRAN, etc why?

Look at a map, then look at isreal.

If the united states wasn’t a major ally with isreal what would happen?

what does it mean to be surrounded on all sides?

Who controls the opposition levers of power? Links, associations, affiliations lets play MATCH



Going to have a try at this post:


>18 usc 666

Theft or bribery concerning programs receiving Federal funds


We have been told repeatedly that WE are paying for much criminality. Their NPOs are siphoning federal grants and other funds to operate-- our money.


$700b "stolen" from MIL in that audit

Well, that's probably where it came from.


Everything is definitely connected; we've seen it time and again with very few exceptions.


Trump and Obama met at the White House for an hour and a half, culminating in that iconic "awkward handshake" photo afterward. Obama looked like he'd seen a ghost. All I notice is that Trump had a facial expression I've never seen him have, before or since. Mouth is set tightly, almost grimly. I bet that was a loooong 90 minutes.


Re: interception of funds caused money to go to ISIS & Iran

Instability in the region would benefit the Zionist cause and preserve the old status quo for UK powers that be


Looking at a map now.

Iran borders Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, Iraq and the Persian Gulf


Must admit have never mulled over the Middle East geography at any length before now.

Saying this would probably make some people lose their minds, but it's a wonder that Saudi Arabia has never just steamrolled over Jordan and Israel for that access to the Mediterranean.

I know basically zero about ME politics, but it does seem like if we didn't back up Israel, that's exactly what would happen.

To be surrounded on all sides means you're VULNERABLE


"Who controls the opposition levers of power"


OK... given earlier discussion

Israel power elite (Zionists) are an offshoot of British ruling elite, literally its creation

So the British ruling elite is holding what's left of that hand of cards.


Over and over, in other digs in the past, I have seen a recurring theme.

Things always seem to end up smack dab in London.


Am I reasonably close?

Please correct any wrong guesses. Apologies for the casual wording.

Thank you for this exercise; I'm learning.

Anonymous ID: 14b8f8 July 12, 2019, 7:35 p.m. No.1326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1328


As a footnote (1 of 2)


A fascinating monograph documenting the rise of Zionism within the British aristocracy makes the startling claim that this political movement owes its origins to the occultic beliefs of Britain’s ruling classes as a means to maintain and expand its empire. We consider some of its claims to correlate them with positions we have staked out on the subject of Zionism.


Mark Burdman wrote his fascinating essay on the development of Zionism by tracing its evolution from the early 19th century when various British statesmen advocated the establishment of a Jewish state as a means of controlling the Middle East, to World War 2 whose chief agitators were the British aristocrats who installed Adolph Hitler in power to further the Zionist cause – not because they were philo-Semitic, but because they were covetous of ruling the world.


One of the important elements of his history of Zionism is Burdman’s documentation of the seemingly irreconcilable hatred for Jews and advancement of Zionism as statecraft. We thus see the Janus faced policy, or the Hegelian dialectic at work, of which the British imperialists of the 19th century and later were masters.


More specifically Burdman notes with many quotes the utter contempt with which those of the Round Table, such as Cecil Rhodes and James Balfour, the latter of whom issued the infamous Balfour Declaration of 1917 to Lord Rothschild, held the Jews, juxtaposing the public policy pronouncements of Zionism with the private contempt for Semitic peoples.


While some say it matters not since the ends justifies the means, and although we strongly disagree, we draw attention to the more important element of racism as the motive for this policy. Burdman documents the extensive heritage of Zionism in Britain from Lord Palmerston, Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Balfour, David Lloyd George, and Winston Churchill and others, whose ultimate hand maiden Harry Truman actually did the dirty work of recognizing the State of Israel. Each of these oligarchs was imbued with a sense of towering racial superiority as expressed in the Anglo-Saxon race.


Even though a galaxy of British politicians agitated mightily the Zionist cause, they were actually a numerical minority who worked through various cutouts to advance their aim of a Zionist state under British imperial aegis. Such cutouts included Theodore Herzl, frequently revered as the father of the Jewish state, but quite frequently identified as a British agent during his life time, and a mad one at that.



Anonymous ID: 14b8f8 July 12, 2019, 7:35 p.m. No.1328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1377


(2 of 2)


Herzl in his own right was a tawdry character who died at the young age of 44 of gonorrhea, divorced from his wife, and involved in various debaucheries such as sodomy and pederasty. Such was the ideal instrument of British policy.


Behind the Zionist impulses of the British aristocracy was the racist views of the royalty which not only saw the Anglo-Saxons as the world’s finest and fittest race, but which in combination with the Jews, who were really Khazars and gentiles, made the world safe for Anglo-Zionist predations.


The racist motivations flowed from the occult in which the British royalty were heavily steeped, with such influential persons as Edward Bulwer-Lytton and Aleister Crowley among the more notorious Satanists who influenced the British royals.


One of the more interesting elements of Burdman’s story is the hostility of 19th century Jews towards a Zionist state, nearly all of whom denounced Herzl and others as lunatic, often referring him and his ilk to psychiatrists for treatment.


The British had an antidote for Jewish hostility by supporting various pogroms and persecutions, especially in Eastern Europe, to drive the Jews into the arms of Zionism, while in the West different persuasive tactics were used to induce Westerners to endorse the Zionist cause. Oftentimes appeals to Christians for the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy could be made. We could almost co-opt the Islamic motto as Zionism is god, and Disraeli is his prophet.


Although it may seem incomprehensible to the brainwashed or dull mind that Zionism and Nazism are a singularity, Burdman provides extensive documentation that such is precisely the case. Thus the British during the 1920s-30s, especially through the notorious Clividen Set, but including the all powerful Round Table, espoused the cause of Adolph Hitler as he was the antithesis to their Zionist thesis - the predicate for a Jewish state.


But here Burdman goes badly wrong. Professor Karl Haushofer, an agent for the powerful Bavarian pro British Wittlesbach family, ghost wrote Mein Kampf, a work attributed to Adolph Hitler. Burdman buys the idea that Hitler sought a final solution for the Jews, which meant that he authored the plan to systemically murder them. This claim is rubbish.


There is no evidence that Hitler murdered Jews, but there is very good evidence that Hitler was indeed an exponent of the British empire, advocate of the Roman Catholic Church, and an early agitator of resettlement of Jews in Palestine. These policies were precisely those of the British, and DNA evidence of the British origins of Hitler, who was heavily augmented by American banksters.


Additionally there were many senior Nazi Jews in Hitler’s military, and openly so, disproving the nonsensical notion of Hitler’s Final Solution. It was the Jews who promoted the myth of the Holocaust in order to continue precisely the policy of the British – that of scaring the Jews into Palestine, and murdering many along the way to make the point. Ariel Sharon admitted to such tactics in 1983 when interviewed by a journalist reporting on the Lebanese War.


Beyond the political heritage of Hitler, Burdman points to the Bank of England, the Rothschild dynasty, and other banking interests in both Britain and Germany which collaborated in the installation of Hitler.


Burdman also down plays the role of the Rothschilds in this grand chess game of the British, as do other analysts who claim that the family has much too much publicity to be a prime power broker. We are inclined to accept this analysis even though it contradicts some of our previous positions on the subject.


In sum, the British aristocracy is simultaneously the progenitor of Zionism and the abettor of anti-Semitism based upon their racist arrogance which owes chiefly to their occultic religious beliefs. While the American press idolizes the British royalty, the fact is that most of its influential members are an inbred aristocracy of hate.

Anonymous ID: 14b8f8 July 12, 2019, 8:04 p.m. No.1384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1446 >>1546 >>1646 >>1923


And from behind several curtains, the UK elite.


They want their 1800's-variety Empire back.


Everything I have ever learned about history before this, and everything learned on this peculiar journey here, points only to that.


Spouseanon is goggle eyed and telling me that that soap opera Downton Abbey included a segment that spotlighted the cast's fascination with occultism and a Ouija board. That was a huge fad in the early 1900's.


Think of it:

Queen Victoria ("we own the world")

King Edward, basically held the status quo, life was swell for the Brit elite

WW One - millions of Brits died, economy crushed, empire in shambles

Labor riots, Spanish Flu epidemic (lots more died), 1929 Black Friday crash in the US made things even worse

WWII - the Blitz, Wallis Simpson, Churchill

The sons of the men of the Victorian/Edwardian empire must have felt so cheated

How did so many things go wrong?

The pendulum swung way back in the other direction

Look up: The Cliveden Set

The Duke of Windsor & Hitler shaking hands in that famous picture

The book "17 Carnations" (Andrew Morton) is about Wallis Simpson's affair with Nazi Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop

Nothing changed after WWII, they just became quieter and went underground

Literally underground, in the rabbit warren of spaces beneath Whitehall & Westminster

Ever visited the Churchill War Rooms in London? All those doors, closed to tourists?

Decades passed by

The intel community kept building its strength


Some of the spooks continued spooking even after retirement from official government service

Led to the formation of Hakluyt and other off-the-books operations

They still want their Empire back.

Anonymous ID: 14b8f8 July 12, 2019, 8:50 p.m. No.1515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1518




That ladder inside the temple is pretty tall

Ceiling repairs after the dome was blown off in Hurricane Irma

Would have caused a ton of water damage to the roof & ceiling below

Would need new sheetrock, paint, or whatever they use in the Caribbean on the ceiling

That door with the "lock" apparently is trompe l'oeil

100% agree that the trenches (and string lines inside them) are prep for footings being poured for a new structure


Droneanon, you're just killing it. Killing it.

Can't thank you enough. Extraordinary work, extraordinary detail.

Anonymous ID: 14b8f8 July 12, 2019, 9:05 p.m. No.1557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1561 >>1564 >>1565 >>1575 >>1708 >>1800 >>1803 >>1860


Boy, that construction looks shoddy.

That HVAC, lord have mercy

Is that a window unit just lying there on the roof?

Those look like four 2x4's tacked onto the roof

Those can't possibly have been what secured (or not) the "gold dome"

The "back door" is some sheets of plywood or particle board

It looks like somebody's disinterested teenage son did all this.

Anonymous ID: 14b8f8 July 12, 2019, 9:10 p.m. No.1569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1807


Yes, that's true

Some of the video is date-stamped, but at this point we have a mountain of images that aren't overtly stamped, unless you take the time to go through the EXIF data

It'd help to lay all the data out on a physical timeline

Oldfag here remembers photo prints, paper, printed charts, postits... etc

Anonymous ID: 14b8f8 July 12, 2019, 9:29 p.m. No.1614   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Ghislaine Maxwell's "Ellmax, LLC" connections


An owner tied straight to the old OSI.

I wonder how many times "Eugene Walsh" traveled to England...

Anonymous ID: 14b8f8 July 12, 2019, 9:58 p.m. No.1687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1711


Absolutely. Every bit of it.


This is so, so much bigger than the United States.

We had to start it, but this storm is going to jump across oceans as if they weren't even there.


I think the thing that all of those elite never figured on is exactly how profoundly the internet was going to affect the world we live in.

It's looking much bigger than the Industrial Revolution's affect.


That may prove to be their fatal error.

Anonymous ID: 14b8f8 July 12, 2019, 10:16 p.m. No.1726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1732 >>1777 >>1923


And Ghislaine is finishing up the work for the int'l spook community that her father left unfinished

"Robert Maxwell" is the handle MI6 gave him


Ian Robert Maxwell MC (10 June 1923 – 5 November 1991), born

Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch

was a British media proprietor and Member of Parliament (MP)."

Today's conversations here and back at the old place have been productive and effective


Ghislaine is Epstein's "handler"

Also explains his enigmatic, nomadic existence

Can't have any real relationship when you're owned by "the company"


More significant progress today on whatever we want to call the power pathway from the pedo orgs, Clinton orgs, extortion orgs, smuggling orgs to Mossad AND other foreign orgs (Giulio Occhionero, that's your cue) who were cooperating with the main cog of the power structure

UK Intelligence and British aristocracy


Power and money

They want their old Empire back.

Anonymous ID: 14b8f8 July 12, 2019, 10:19 p.m. No.1731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1752 >>1757


Mossad/Zionists and UK elite are desperate to hold onto that strategic location on the Mediterranean

If Israel loses all that money from the US, they're toast

Saudi Arabia (or the Gulf alliance with the name I can't recall offhand) would roll right over it

The amount of money and power at stake is unimaginable

Anonymous ID: 14b8f8 July 12, 2019, 10:30 p.m. No.1751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1762

Is there anything that looks like a pathological waste incinerator on the island?

Anonymous ID: 14b8f8 July 12, 2019, 10:44 p.m. No.1787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1795 >>1811 >>1853


OK, I had to get up and make a bourbon rocks. This is a great deal to digest, and most of it has hit the fan in the last 3-4 days.

We've all had to learn world history all over again here.


Eisenhower and JFK were trying to tell us about the military industrial complex, and even that was a soft-serve pseudonym for what it really is.


Here are those pics you mentioned. Barak looks like a caricature.

Anonymous ID: 14b8f8 July 12, 2019, 10:59 p.m. No.1815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1829 >>1903


I don't think anybody here isn't aware that Donald Trump is no angel.


FBI anon stated that "even Trump is dirty", so we've known that since Day 1


Trump does have one major personality trait that made him the choice for the military intel (or whatever we want to call the white hats)


He's tough as hell, New York construction boss tough.

New York construction boss crude, too.

Alpha male doing what he does.

They knew whoever they "cast" in the role of President was going to get dragged over flaming hot rocks nonstop until the end of this movie.

Who else could do it?

He also has the energy level and intelligence (he's proven to be much smarter than I thought at first) for the job.

He speaks in blunt, plain English because he knows that's the best way to reach the majority of Americans.

We tend to love straight-talkers here.


Trump is the center of the target and is willing to put up with all the shit getting flung at him constantly


He's not overawed by all the muckety-mucks in the Washington world and internationally

It freaks everybody else out, because in their universe, everybody talks in bullshit diplomatic speak

They don't know how to react

Can either hate him, or give him a chance with his big box of common sense

I still remember him going to the CIA the very morning after the Inauguration

Then traveling around the world like a man on fire

They were all accustomed to the bureaucratic swamp and corrupt system

God, they're so mad because they're losing it.


The Plan/the coup is against the dirty system

America is where it had to start

We needed a badass up front to be the public face for other badasses

The ones who wear white hats

Anonymous ID: 14b8f8 July 12, 2019, 11:17 p.m. No.1835   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Plumbing/electrical anons are doing some great stuff in here

These posts need gathering up into a big notable.

Really good intel.


If we know how much power production and infrastructure handling capacity they had/have

Seems like it'd be easy to estimate how many interior cubic feet that capacity was serving.

As in the amount of tunnel space actually existed.