what up nightshift famalamabewbers (cuz famalamadingdong iz gay)
its not about potus. this is about us our neighbor and family our fellow americans: our survival if need be. Mil asked him to run so if you wanna narrow that down: its not that trump was asked in because a humble god fearing was needed to identify the problem. our servicemen and women knew evil when they saw it and initiated planning before potus entered the picture.
holy shit. as someone that knows academia , profs say penalties for wikipedia use to discourage this sort of dumb shit. akshually, profs use it all the time to rehash shit they know but need to revisit in tldr form.... if they gotta do anymore than that for refresh they go to citations in entry and begin there. Fucking idiots. this is what we are fighting for frens a better tomorrow where this isnt the norm our children and grandchildren see when they look to others
somebody posted this in dayshift but it got overlooked with all the faggotry.
old article but ties alot of shit together tldr nat rothschild moved family biz into mineral and earth shit including genie energy. he runs shit from an estate on the greek island of corfu (yes thats what its called i tried using maps to find if any odd structure on his property but island bit to big for phonefagging on shitter). ties in noname, derisprika (or whatev that dudes name is), geffen, etc... and that malaysian flight that got downed
yo earliet this afternoon in fj yeastybake some dudes were going back and for the in romanian! this might be related to that. sumbitch though bet ya cant qresear.ch can we?
dis nigga is right. no different than if you run a restaurant and sign a deal with a coke vendor, conditions stipulate you cant buy from pepsi. additionally what he says about joint projects and kickbacks: e.g. think kathy lee (kate spade?) wants to open a sweat shop overseas but also wants to partake in rentseeking corporate welfare. a "winwin" for the lobbied official is provide aid to a country with conditions it go to pay some of the shit wages in kathy's sweat shops that which employ their people.... under condition that country changes official policy x to align with our view y against counterpoint from foreign country Z.
us multinational corporation gets corporate welfare allowing it to cut further costs (to labor), foreign despots get wink and tacit approval from global superpower as it cuts a check for them and US gets another state on its policy bandwagon de jur
wat dis?