Anonymous ID: 3675fa Feb. 8, 2022, 2:08 p.m. No.125305   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5371 >>5372

Bullshit Alert!


General Research #19701 >>>/qresearch/15579903


The White House Now Says It Never Really Wanted Lockdowns


Last Friday, a reporter asked White House press secretary Jen Psaki to respond to the Johns Hopkins covid study showing lockdowns provided no real benefit in terms of disease prevention.


In response, Psaki dodged addressing the study directly, but then pivoted to claiming that the Biden administration had never pushed lockdowns.


“We are not pushing lockdowns,” she insisted.


“We’ve not been pro-lockdown - most of the lockdowns actually happened under the previous President.”


We have now reached the point in the media and political narrative where the party of lockdowns realizes lockdowns are increasingly unpopular and so now claims it never supported lockdowns at all.


But how can Psaki get away with saying this?


We all know that Joe Biden has always supported lockdowns. Well, that's not quite it, and she's not completely wrong. By the time Biden was actually sworn in as president, he had already stopped pushing for lockdowns as a continued anticovid option.


On the other hand, it is certainly true that as late as early November 2020, high-ranking Biden advisors were still holding up lockdowns as a possibility that fall and winter. For example, on November 11, 2020, Dr. Michael Osterholm, a member of Biden’s Covid-19 Advisory Board, suggested the country might require a “lockdown for 4 to 6 weeks” and recommended the US government spend additional trillions to “pay for a package right now to cover all of the lost wages for individual workers.”


Osterholm also referenced an August 2020 column he cowrote with Minneapolis Fed president Neel Kashkari in which the authors concluded, “To be effective, the lockdown has to be as comprehensive and strict as possible.”


For his part, Biden was keeping lockdowns very much on the table at least as late as August 2020.


Biden declared in a joint interview with Kamala Harris that if covid numbers increased again “I would shut it down. I would listen to the scientists…. We’re going to do whatever it takes to save lives.”

Anonymous ID: 3675fa Feb. 8, 2022, 2:11 p.m. No.125306   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5371 >>5372

Eating their own


General Research #19701 >>>/qresearch/15579926


Dem governor confronted for evidence to prove mask mandates in schools were ever 'necessary.' But he has only talking points.


CNN anchor Jake Tapper confronted New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) Monday over what data ever supported forcing schoolchildren to wear face masks.

What is the background?


Murphy announced on Monday that New Jersey would eliminate its mask mandate for students and school employees. The mandate will be gone by the second week of March.


The Democratic governor described the announcement as a "huge step toward normalcy" and "an acknowledgment that we can responsibly live with this thing," according to the New York Times.

What happened on CNN?


In light of Murphy's announcement, Tapper had one question for Murphy: What definitive data supported mask mandates for schoolchildren in the first place?


"Have you seen evidence that these mask mandates have been necessary?" Tapper asked. "That the spread and mortality rates in states where they didn't have mask mandates were far worse than in places where they did have mask mandates like New Jersey?"


In response, Murphy said "there is no question" that forcing schoolchildren to wear face masks "has been a very smart public health step," but Murphy did not actually cite any data supporting his assertion.


"I think we've had just over 2,600 cases of students with COVID positive since the beginning of the school year. That's out of 1.4 million kids," Murphy said. "So, it is a pretty stark piece of evidence, I think, that this is absolutely worked."


Case numbers, of course, are not a reliable data point proving the efficacy of face masks. In fact, the Atlantic noted recently that a claim from the CDC "that schools without mask mandates have triple the risk of COVID outbreaks" is based on, at best, "very shaky science."


Tapper, therefore, pushed Murphy again for an answer.


"But have you seen data that definitively proves that these mask mandates have worked?" Tapper pressed. "I mean, the numbers you just presented are impressive. But are they different from the numbers in states where they didn't have mask mandates?"


Murphy, however, had nothing definitive to say and regurgitated pandemic talking points.


"Again, I know Jersey the best. But I'm highly confident and I'm sure our health officials will, could say it definitively," Murphy said. "There is no question it worked. There is no question getting vaccinated, getting boosted, and wearing masks indoors have all been positive public health steps, compared to the absence of any of those things in the alternative."

Anonymous ID: 3675fa Feb. 8, 2022, 2:21 p.m. No.125307   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5371 >>5372

General Research #19701 >>>/qresearch/15579941


US Army releases its Climate Strategy

By U.S. Army Public Affairs | February 8, 2022


WASHINTGON — The U.S. Army announces the release of its first Climate Strategy that guides decision making in response to threats from climate that affect installation and unit sustainability, readiness, and resilience. The strategy directs how the Army will maintain its strategic advantage through deliberate efforts to reduce future climate impacts and risks to readiness and national security.


Experts have shown that climate change increases worldwide drought and insecurity, which places demands on fragile states and contributes to food scarcity, migration, and security concerns, and threatens U.S. national security interests and defense objectives. As a guide for future decisions, this strategy is the next step in the Army’s decades-long effort to combat climate change in support of national security interests.


"The time to address climate change is now. The effects of climate change have taken a toll on supply chains, damaged our infrastructure, and increased risks to Army Soldiers and families due to natural disasters and extreme weather,” said Secretary of the Army, Christine Wormuth. “The Army must adapt across our entire enterprise and purposefully pursue greenhouse gas mitigation strategies to reduce climate risks. If we do not take action now, across our installations, acquisition and logistics, and training, our options to mitigate these risks will become more constrained with each passing year."


The Army developed its Climate Strategy as a roadmap of actions that will enhance unit and installation readiness and resilience in the face of climate-related threats. Changing climate conditions requires the Army to meet new operational challenges, expand disaster response missions, and address risks to our people and lands.


These Army-wide efforts include enhancing resilience and sustainability on our installations, reducing sustainment demand, and preparing a climate-ready force with the appropriate knowledge, skills, concepts, and plans necessary to operate in a climate-altered world.


The Army will remain the dominant land fighting force by adapting to changing global conditions including climate change. This strategy will position our installations and supply chains to better withstand extreme weather, improve our training relevancy to a changing world, and our Soldiers will fulfill their missions under the harshest conditions.