Refining your Technique
by making the screen caps searchable
Timestamp your caps.
Add Callsign and/or Registration (Tail) No. and/or Location tags
I use a tool called Shutter (for Linux) and start it in the Eastern Timezone so my caps' filenames will automatically be tagged with an EST/EDT timestamp.
Anons have to look up or select other tools if they use other operating systems. There are tons of these screencap utilities available.
Tag with Searchable Text
A further refinement is to add the callsign or registration # or location. Whatever you think might help find the cap you're looking for at some future date when the timestamp alone is no longer terribly meaningful. This is where planefagging can get rather tedious.
Some do these extras and some don't.
ALL planefagging is greatly appreciated!
Welcome aboard and thanks for going on duty!!!
Example tagged screencap pic related * *
Notice the filename: 2 Army Lakotas Leadville CO 2019-07-13-15:01:12-edt.png * *