We use base 10 because we have 10 fingers. I am not arguing with your conclusions but the reasoning you are using to present them is circular. I am the type of person who always wants to go deeper and learn why.
first image, again, only works in base 10, but is true to other stuff I've read.
second image seems like a better starting point. this experiment can be replicated, and then again, why does it happen this way?
third image provides another hint. what is the resonant frequency of our DNA, cells, etc? always more questions to be answered.
here is some more stuff from @TS_SCI_MAJIC12 on Twitter, people are quick to call out LARP whenever this comes up but it is a very interesting account
>The presence of 3 6 9 implies direct conscious connection to source, IS
-BE, or "God".
>Thank You
>223 = 322 = skull and bones 🦴
>3 = IS
>6 = BE
>9 = IS-BE = Source = "God" = 0 = All
>Magick is most mysterious to those blinded by faith and lacking of knowledge.
>If only you could understand the SIGNIFICANCE of 3,6,9...
>You are an IS-BE
>IS = Immortal Spiritual = Mind
>BE = Biological Entity = Body
>Mind-Body = IS-BE
>IS = 3 = "Growth"
>BE = 6 = "Beast"/"Stabilize"
>IS-BE = 9 = "God"/"Stasis"