AF2 USAF C-32 A on ground at Chicago Int'l from Los Angeles Int'l depart
Kamala Harris calls for 'assault weapons' ban in Chicago speech'
SAM2A USAF C-32A departed Los Angeles Int'l And heading EN
KECK232 USAF C-17 Globemaster departed Los Angeles Int'l after picking up kneepads equipment and heading back to JBA
Ty to these guys again-cap #2
LIVE Los Angeles (LAX) Airport Plane Spotting
RCH4172 and 4166 USAF C-17 Globemasters heading for JBA from JB Lewis-McChord depart-someone going to Seattle soon
>>141444 pb C-17 drop off at JB Lewis-McChord
Potato is going to Cleveland tomorrow
Biden to Ohio, spotlighting rescued pensions for millions
SAM2A USAF C-32A on aproach for Scott AFB, IL from Los Angeles Int'l depart
some pf housekeeping
>>141614 lb
VV100 US Navy brass G5 went to Mexico City
SAM354 USAF G5 back to JBA from Gabreski Airport (east Long Island) after a 2 hour stop and then to LaGuardia Airport for a bit over 4 hours
>>141619 lb
German AF GAF676 GLEX on ground at Huntsville Int'l Airport from Koln depart earlier today
New York Federal Reserve Operations July 5th, 2022: $2,138,280,000,000
Breaks down like dis:
Reverse Repo: $2,138.280T (not a record but dollar up YUGE today)
Mortgage Backed Security Purchase(s): $922m on $2.429B submitted-so they are still showing up at the trough and the NYFRB not taking all of it-pretty common'
Securities Lending: $42.422b accepted on $42.573B submitted-I guess they couldn't 'squeeze' in an extra $155m in that overall amount but I see they needed some extra 'dosh' to rescue the markets today
And it's account "balance" dropped a whopping $19,512,327.9m or 0.0023%last week since they did another attempt at QT of $25m and could not sell the entire amount
That "roll off" of QT (last weeks total) annualized is a total of $1,014,641,004so GREAT News!!! at that rate it will be sometime just before the year 11,000 when they are done reducing it's balance sheet.
>>141624 lb
SAM440 USAF G5 back to Miami Int'l after most of the day at San Antonio Int'l
A grade school trip for years (they probably still do it too) was to the Rosecrution Museum in San Jose, CA
They never really had an answer for cap #3-I member asking about it and it was "ummm ah...well...see they were slaves and all that".
That place, when I went as a kid basically started muh long journey of discovery and really trying to answer all that stuff and how it was just a MAJOR contradiction and since I was not brought up with a bible (like many)there wasn't these convenient pre-concieved ideas (stories) that fit into that narrative.
There was (and still is) a beautiful Rose garden-cap #5 just across the street from it (museum) and it is pretty big-even the aerial view doesn't really do it justice and always was a part of muh bike ride that took me through that area on muh normal (fun) route.
Was a nice place to stop and take a moment-not the museum-the garden and I still remember seeing the school buses lined up across the street too as an adult having muh lunch in the garden.
Probably can't ride yer bike through it any longer
nice and TY
Imma thinking that NYFRB one-once it gets processed and out (QT "ends" right before the year 11,000) should be a good one to stimulate.
At least muh hope that it does.
glad to hear it-always enjoy making them and experimenting (some werk well some don't-mebby get grimey laters-if you habs any requests I'm game) and love to hear the reactions.
Had an idea and it may not be too practical but what if you asked if there was some financial topic that they would like to know moar about-and that is not saying I'd be able to answer all of it casue that would be a bit to ego'd-but certainly can help-plus I learned some finer deets about 1907-the suiciding of the Knickerbocker Trust Pres-knew that they said he committed suicide but I never put the major competitor to Banker's Trust together with it so I learn too.
Topics other than what stocks do i buy cause I'm sure you'd get that and Im NOT doing that.
That may make it moar trouble than it's worth.
Prolly finish the next 'zilla one on the creation of the FRB soon)
Got some basic shit put together on it already but kinda being lazy wif it now.
arigato shi no yuujin
(muh fren)
still use a translator when it's kanji-if it's spoken can pick up words but I'll probably never get to being able to read it (very well-some of it I can recognize) much less be able to translate it using the symbols
Learned some werds with candlestick trading patterns long ago and then branched out from that but that is not very useful-you know especially if I had to talk to da ladies right?
AF2 USAF C-32A (shows as #98-0001) back at JBA from it's Chicago "guns are bad" stop-and SAM2A USAF C-32A is on a holding pattern from it's Scott AFB ground stop and depart.
Kamala Harris visits Highland Park following shooting and calls for federal ban on assault weapons
There must be someone VIP on that one (SAM2A) as usually the escort ACs go right in before or after the main AC-mebby they picked someone up in LA or St Louis and they are doing that because they need to have the tarmac cleared-for security protocols to be followed.
When this is done there are usually VIPS on both ACs so they don't want to bunch up the arrivals with two high level "VIPS"-that is hard to use that acronym with this bunch-at the same time.
Seen them do this with Potato arriving and Pelosi's AC had to hold to make sure the airport did not have both of them in the same place at the same time.
Also seen with 45 and Pelosi too-they made her wait a long time-dhat was fun to watch
was just testing
why all that bullshit above?
I know what it is but why here?
refresh fer edit on 780
din't put anything in it as that is always muh test pic
morning UK anon (afternoon to you)
same thing going on in QR-random posts from weeks ago plus the volume.
breads filled in minutes and the usual red text spammer and minions saying it was JWs fault which is why it was read only shortly after this one >>141713 and shut off
it's like the "pillow" (deleted entire board) bullshit but in reverse.
I'll leave that 'mess' in as it's all bunched in same area..just in case.
they aren't doing it here since they want to give the 'impression' that this is where it originates from-gotta have a boogeyman
An old tired narrative they can't seem to stop using-they even said I was spamming HM when the fake drops were going on-red text and all!
As if anyone in here has/had that kind of capability volume-wise and really habs much better things to do then do that.
wouldn't even know where to begin to attempt that sorta thing-pulling the older posts let alone have the ability with that speed.
They are really that stoopid
have fun!!
ain't even goin dhere
and I haven't been (so assuming) that the have not produced muh graphics by now is really a let down.../s they hadn't before just muh red text sperg-a-thon accusations and the 'agreeable' one post wonders following up.
even after the "drops"
they slippin'
they 'produced it' so they can fix it
even if you do (clean it up) it'll just return in same way
zero sum game
BOXER43 USAF C-40C EN from Birmingham Airport , UK and arrived there on 0702 from Constanta AB, Romania
Was at Constanta from 0629-0702'
Looks like we had representation at this meeting
Azerbaijan, UK OSCE PA Delegates Meet In Birmingham
It's not Nancy (this is one of the ACs she uses) as she is 'on vacation' in Italy still-from yesterday
Pelosi Vita: Speaker, DUI hubby cavort at Italian resort owned by Andrea Bocelli
ok I'll put on end current bred #78 but still putting in here
COMEX Silver contracts for July 1st (when it was brought down under $20) and yesterdays -4% smackage-$16,565,737,500B total for July 1st and 5th
This was 'expensive' for them to do this and one of the reasons they waited until after the Q end was so that they could start right way with a 'profit' (and a BIG one at that) and also not making it too obvious for those that have not paid attention to this-but we are on you Rostin-Chairman of CFTC (who dafuq names a kid that?!)and your band of worthless regulators-this is all different from the OCC derivative information that was posted before but the CFTC still has a role in it as it is a commodity and the participants are using contracts to amass those huge positions in Ag/Au derivatives. BUt they are not traded on the COMEX..those are what is known as OTC or Over-The-Counter postions and is supposed to be regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency-which is just as useless as the CFTC-they consistently produce those qtrly reports and do NUFFIN about the contents. Like just why was JP Morgan allowed to increses it's overall Derivatives postion by 17.3% in 90 days and you say nuffin..Q4 2021-Q12022..the single largest increase I have ever seen..then too they just DINDU NUFFIN as usual. Not like they din't see it starting soon after Q1 started-they claim to not know only until they compile and produce the reports..any way I digress..let's stick to the 'cost' of taking Silver down under $20 and then it's smackage of -4% yesterday.
July 1st =80,8033 contracts and July 5th=89,072 contracts for a total of 169,905 and this is really cute becasue the stated 'open interest' is at 140,463 so really STELLAR work there 'regulators' allowing , in July 5ths case 89,072 contracts with a total open interest of that (140,463) AND watching a 4% drop in the underlying commodity...nope totally NUFFIN going on dhere (this is not new by any stretch of theimagination-just poiting out the absurdity of it all)
169,905 contracts at 5k/ozs per contracts gives you 849,525,000/ozs of paper Silver traded-and it's just the same 7 banks or so doing this (JP Moran, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Shitibank, Moran Stanley, Goldman Sachs, HSBC and an occsasinal visit from others but those are the standards).
Taking 849,525,000/ozs at an input price of $19.50 which is the avg of the closing or 'print' price at the time that is taken at 1:30pm EST on both days-and that gives you a total of:$16,565,737,500Bto get the price under $20 and keep it whre it is now (last trade was $19.145-and since it has three digits to the right of the $ amount they are STILL shorting it) but good luck trying to get any at that price-that also goes for Bitcoin at these prices too-same dynamics exist in those fake exchanges-you have a "price" but ain't no one buying it for that price. You may get fractional amounts of it but you ain't buying full BTCs at that price just like you are not buying Silver at the Spot price.
>but will it fly as AF1????
from endchan ^^^ posted as ?
mebby-any AC that has da POTUS is called that when using military pilots-There are variations for the different branches of Military but if piloted by Air Force pilots then yes-AF1.
See below for non-military pilots and civil use
But technically speaking he could use that AC the 757 and Air Force Pilots and be AF1
Here's how it werks
If a Civil AC (under that designation) is used the it would be Executive 1
Marine One for the Helo/Osprey
Navy One-only used once used to fly President George W. Bush in 2003 to USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72).
Coast Guard One callsign has not yet been used, but Coast Guard Two was used once when Vice President Joe Biden used an HH-60 Jayhawk in 2009 to view the Atlanta Area that was flooded.
If it happens that the President is using a civil aircraft, the call sign for that craft would be designated Executive One, and if it is the Vice President, then it would be Executive Two. The only President actually in office to make use of regularly scheduled commercial airline flights since the establishment of Presidential Transportation was President Nixon in 1973 during the energy crisis. A notable exception to this was the use of a military helicopter in 2009, when it took aboard President George W Bush after his term in office had expired – the helicopter used the Executive One call sign.
On the topic of commercial air lines, if the president's family members are aboard, but not the president himself, the flight can (if it is determined by the White House staff or Secret Service to be necessary) use the call sign Executive One Foxtrot (“Foxtrot” indicating “family”). For the family of the Vice President, the call sign would be Executive Two Foxtrot.
Now consider dis
So then the question becomes what other "upgrade(s)" are being made to it other than the normal maintenance to get it back in the air-as in the additional security features such as outfitting it to match the C-32As which are used as AF1 on many occasions.
Inquiring minds and almonds tingly moments -muh hair is standing up on that one bro.
That is EASILY turned it into a C-32A like cap 1 tail #09-0017 pic no problem-as some of those airframes are 20+ years old.
I see that pic is pretty carefully cropped to not show the areas where those extra security and comms 'features' would be placed along the bottom/top and sides of the fuselage
BOXER43 USAF C-40C on ground at Helsinki from Birmingham Int'l depart
it's got the standard comms 'bubble' there at the top and I do like this addition !!!
Appears the chaff outlets (flares) missing from the front (on the C-32As) but the rest is hard to tell.
Not like you couldn't add that later after the finish work done.
I dunno but like I said SO easy to turn it into the security enhanced C-32A.
In order for it to be AF1 it would have to have all those upgrades
SAM445USAF G5 departed JBA SE (high level 99th Airlift Squad AC) was SAM354 yesterday and was at Gabreski Airport and LaGuardia >>141692
FIST23USAF DC-10 extender heading towards Cleveland so this may be the mobile filling station while Potato is at Cleveland
pic rel
and some Morning (afternoon for most of you-still morning here) BRRRTTTT for you WRTHOG1 US Army A-10 outta Tyler, TX NE over Indiana and heading to Grissom AFB north of Kokomo
no callsign Joe in 82-8000 747 departed JBA to Cleveland Hopkins International Airport
pic not pulling from ADS-B-cap #2
Biden to Ohio, spotlighting rescued pensions for millions
SAM46A USAF C-32A as escort and probably go to Youngstown, OH
Ohio’s public pension funds need scrutiny
It’s time for an independent examination of the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio and the state’s other public-employee pension funds. The fees and expenses charged by professionals paid by the funds require vetting. That examination must include a determination of the values of investment funds and the direct investments made on behalf of the pension funds. Why? The answer is Panda Power. That investment lost $525 million. A big zero remained from the initial investment. The right person to oversee that investigation is the state auditor. The independence of the auditor’s office to dig into the numbers is the only way taxpayers and contributors to the pension fund can know they’re not being shafted. For their part, STRS is moving fast to implement the key recommendation in a recent fiduciary audit. The near $100 billion retirement fund is seeking outside professional aid to validate fees, expenses, and profit shares on 430 investment funds and 50 direct investments. That’s a start. More, though, remains to be done. The verification of asset values in the $21 billion STRS alternative portfolio, also called for in the fiduciary audit, is not included in the retirement fund’s request for bids. Alternative investments contrast with the usual investments in stocks and bonds. They might include hedge funds, private firms, real estate, and infrastructure, according to the CFA Institute, an organization of financial analysts.
and this was in 2017..so not any better 5 yrs later
Ohio's Pension Systems Are Underfunded, According to a New Report
this author (below) seems to think the Gary 'dindu nuffin-and really at the CFTC he DINDU NUFFIN but kill off 3 separate silver manipulation investigations-is gonna actually tackle this issue or is totally unaware of Gary Gensler's (SEC nao) past so although there is factual and opinions here "Gary" ain't gonna do nuffin here as the bulk of all Pensions are under-funded to the tune of up to 60%-see cap #2 and from article at bottom
New Jersey is unique because that is the legacy of Chris Christie (8 years) and John Corzine (HFS where do I start here)
ex Goldman Sachs CFO form 91-94-put together the Long Term Capital Management (Thai Bhat FOREX play that Soros cleaned up on) bailout in 1998, Got pushed out of the CEO role by Hank Paulson and left-pockets $400m then becomes Senator for NJ in 2001 (elected in 2000)and that is just start of the train wreck of a political career and if that wasn't enough.. that culminated in the engineered collapse and looting of MF Global-Brought in solely for this-JP Morgan got a margin call on some bad Euro bond debt plays and Jamie said "hand it to them (MF Global) and they did. Go look THAT up-basically a complete take down of a commodity broker on purpose-since they dealt in the Silver markets among other places. See moar here and although it doesn't get into what I mentioned above it shows you what went on
Jon Corzine and MF Global
It was so bad there is even a term for getting wiped out on purpose called being "Corzined"
See cap #3
Teacher, Police, and Firefighter Pensions Are Being Secretly Looted By Wall Street
America’s severely underfunded public pensions are allocating ever-greater assets to the highest cost, highest risk, most secretive investments ever devised by Wall Street, such private equity, hedge funds, real estate, and commodities—all in a desperate search for higher net returns that, not surprisingly (given the outlandish fees and risks), fail to materialize. Transparency—public scrutiny and accountability—have been abandoned, as pensions agree to Wall Street secrecy schemes that eviscerate public records laws.
Our nation’s state and federal securities laws are premised upon full disclosure of all material risks and fees to investors: “Read the prospectus before you invest,” is the oft-cited warning by securities regulators. Nevertheless, teachers, police, firefighters and other government workers today are not allowed to see how their retirement savings are managed or, more likely, mismanaged by Wall Street.
For nearly a decade, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission has warned investors that malfeasance and bogus fees are commonplace in so-called “alternative” investments and, more recently, Chairman Gary Gensler has called for greater transparency to increase competition and lower fees. Gensler has asked the agency's staff to consider recommendations on ways to bring greater transparency to fee arrangements in private markets. "More competition and transparency could potentially bring greater efficiencies to this important part of the capital markets," he said. "This could help lower the cost of capital for businesses raising money. This could raise the returns for the pensions and endowments behind the limited partner investors. This ultimately could help workers preparing for retirement and families paying for their college educations." Gensler has stated he would like to see a reduction in the fees these investments charge and has also commented on industry abuses such as ”side letters” which permit private funds to secretly give preferences to certain investors—preferences that harm public pensions.
But that’s not good enough to protect public pension stakeholders. No one—including the pensions themselves—seems to care that the government workers whose retirement security is at risk are being kept in the dark. The SEC needs to do more—actually alert public pensioners as to those abuses the Commission knows full well are rampant, at a minimum. Advise them, Chairman Gensler, to demand to see and read prospectuses and other offering documents related to their hard-earned savings.
Does the SEC think it’s kosher for Wall Street to withhold this information from investors—any investors?
Since my 2013 forensic investigation of the Rhode Island state pension exposing gross mismanagement by then-General Treasurer Gina Raimondo which I accurately predicted would cost workers dearly; my 2014 North Carolina state pension investigation exposing that $30 billion in assets had been moved into secretive, offshore accounts and, most recently, my investigation of the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio, I have provided my expert findings to the SEC staff for their review. Each and every public pension forensic investigation I have undertaken has extensively discussed Wall Street secrecy schemes that enable looting. In my book, How To Steal A Lot Money—Legally, I quote disclosures from SEC filings that detail industry abuses.
Join me, Chairman Gensler, in giving government workers a clue, a glimpse, a peek, at the alternative investment abusive industry practices that are carefully guarded by Wall Street and being hidden from them. Teachers, police and firefighters deserve a fighting chance to protect their retirement savings.
15 States With Terribly Underfunded Pension Plans
SAM445USAF G5 went to MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) from JBA depart
ELVIS45USAF C-17 Globemaster inbound to MacDill from Memphis Int'l depart
and since it's there-and a weekly thing..
GTMO844 US Navy Beech Super King Air departed Ft. Lauderdale Int'l after a ground stop of about 2h 20min and back to Gitmo
These are weekly flights so not a big deal to see these they go to NAS JAX too and on occasion will also go to Ft. Worth but those are not very often'
FOMC Minutes "Near-term inflation outlook had deteriorated"
Most of this is just Muh Russia and insane in muh Ukraine stuff but see below for what they are REALLY skeer'd of...public perception.
In their discussion of risks, participants emphasized that they were highly attentive to inflation risks and were closely monitoring developments regarding both inflation and inflation expectations. Most agreed that risks to inflation were skewed to the upside and cited several such risks, including those associated with ongoing supply bottlenecks and rising energy and commodity prices. Participants judged that uncertainty about economic growth over the next couple of years was elevated. In that context, a couple of them noted that GDP and gross domestic income had been giving conflicting signals recently regarding the pace of economic growth, making it challenging to determine the economy's underlying momentum. Most participants assessed that the risks to the outlook for economic growth were skewed to the downside. Downside risks included the possibility that a further tightening in financial conditions would have a larger negative effect on economic activity than anticipated as well as the possibilities that the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the COVID-related lockdowns in China would have larger-than-expected effects on economic growth.
moar here
The money quote (below) is that they are totally aware they are losing the ability to pull this off and the public is getting hip to how impotent they are and they know it with this statement:
Many participants judged that a significant risk now facing the Committee was that elevated inflation could become entrenched if the public began to question the resolve of the Committee to adjust the stance of policy as warranted. On this matter, participants stressed that appropriate firming of monetary policy, together with clear and effective communications, would be essential in restoring price stability.
Dhey skeer'd....'
Crypto Billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried Is Dangling $1 Billion in Political Donations; But He Wants Dangerous Crypto Derivatives Trading in Return
Sam Bankman-Fried is the co-founder and CEO of crypto firm, FTX. He’s also a man on a mission. The mission is to spend tens of millions of dollars on political campaigns until he gets his desired outcome in Washington: permission for FTX to be able to offer highly leveraged derivative contracts on cryptocurrencies with margin accounts and 24/7 automated liquidation of defaulting customers, effectively being able to sell out customer accounts while they’re asleep in their beds. And, by the way, the pesky detail of a regulated brokerage firm intermediary in the transaction would become history. To bring his dream to fruition, Bankman-Fried has been writing out checks in a wild flurry of activity this year. Between February 4 and April 14 of this year, Bankman-Fried wrote out three checks totaling $23 million to Protect Our Future PAC. According to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records, that PAC spent $10.45 million supporting the candidacy of Carrick Flynn who was running in a Democratic primary in Oregon for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Protect Our Future PAC also spent $935,705 opposing Andrea Salinas in that same Oregon Democratic Primary according to FEC records. (Hold onto that thought for a moment more.)
On April 4, 2022, Bankman-Fried also sluiced the astonishing sum of $6 million to the House Majority PAC – whose slogan is “Fighting to protect and expand the Democratic House Majority.” But instead of working to unite Democrats, according to a group of Democratic candidates in that Oregon primary, the House Majority PAC (enriched with all that money from crypto billionaire Bankman-Fried) inserted itself into the Oregon primary with a $1 million infusion to help Bankman-Fried’s preferred candidate, Carrick Flynn, beat out the other Democratic candidates. Andrea Salinas (who went on to win the Oregon Democratic primary despite all of that crypto money sloshing around) released a joint statement with other Democratic challengers in Oregon, stating this: “We strongly condemn House Majority PAC’s unprecedented and inappropriate decision to spend nearly a million dollars in this Democratic primary…This effort by the political arm of the Democratic establishment to buy this race for one candidate is a slap in the face to every Democratic voter and volunteer in Oregon – and is especially concerning in a year when all resources must go to protecting the Democratic majority.” Why might Bankman-Fried have been so opposed to Andrea Salinas for a House seat? Salinas is a strong supporter of saving the planet from climate change. That’s not a particularly appealing platform for crypto kings since crypto mining relies heavily on fossil fuels and uses more energy than numerous countries.
According to FEC records, Protect Our Future PAC spent $250,000 in May on ad production and an advertisement buy for Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey, who just happens to sit on the powerful Senate Banking Committee which might be inclined to pass crypto regulations to safeguard the U.S. financial system. On January 18 of this year, Bankman-Fried also contributed $2 million to GMI PAC, which says it “supports candidates committed to making way for a more secure, competitive, and innovative digital marketplace.”Nothing, absolutely nothing, is going to make crypto secure.It is the instrument of money launderers, hackers and other assorted criminals.The Federal Trade Commission reported in June that “since the start of 2021, more than 46,000 people have reported losing over $1 billion in crypto to scams. That’s about one out of every four dollars reportedly lost to fraud during that period.”
(In no way do I support crypto's but the whole crypto fraud angle is basically people being greedy and stoopid at the same time-all those crypto-tards just really don't see this angle EVER and they have to defend it (cryptos) as "savior of the financial system" and they never realize just what are you "saving"...you are saving the old systems link to the next form of control and that is all that cryptos represent.) (When you here anyone say have "good cryptos" as opposed too "bad ones" they never say why one is bad or good just that they are--Totally moronic attempt at legitimizing something that is just the old systems way of retaining control going forward...plus you are sort of tacitly defending this douchebag since this is what he uses to influence and this is somehow good?)
(If you want to trade in and out of them for performance then great! all for that ....use this system to your advantage but buying ANY of these and thinking you have the "good" one is just insanity.)
Since August 2, 2021, Bankman-Fried has also donated $1 million to the Senate Majority PAC (a PAC to help Democrats); $10,000 each to Democratic Committees in New York State, New Hampshire and Michigan; $500,000 on May 5 of this year to the Democratic National Committee; and millions of dollars more to dozens of Congressional candidates from a wide assortment of states. Now Bankman-Fried is attempting to burnish his image as an altruistic do-gooder while simultaneously dangling the allure of being the biggest elephant in the room in the 2024 presidential election. In a podcast released in May, Bankman-Fried said he expects to spend “north of $100 million” with a “soft ceiling” of $1 billion. On May 12, the House Agriculture Committee held a specific hearing on Bankman-Fried’s proposal for FTX to engage in leveraged crypto derivatives using an unprecedented structure for U.S. markets. Testifying at that hearing was Walter Lukken, President and CEO of the Futures Industry Association (FIA). Lukken told House Committee members this: “Specifically, the FTX direct clearing proposal would, for the first time, combine margined futures with near real-time margining, 24/7 auto liquidation of defaulting customers, and a self-funded CCP default fund without the benefit of FCM’s risk management processes. “It is important to point out that FTX’s proposal would permit futures trading in any underlying asset class transacted by any type of customer, including commercial hedgers. This requires us to view this proposal with an eye beyond retail cryptocurrencies. We must also consider the core users of our markets, including farmers, refiners, pension funds, and other main street businesses that use futures to hedge price risk in the real economy.”
Terrence Duffy, Chairman and CEO of the CME Group which operates registered futures and commodity exchanges in the U.S., testified at the same hearing, calling the FTX proposal “glaringly deficient” and posing “significant risk to market stability and market participants.” (I'm sure his stance will change once he gets a donation or two and reallyTHISguy is talking about something being "glaringly deficient"??)
On the subject of counterparty due diligence, Duffy told the Committee members this: “Counterparty due diligence is a linchpin of the modern financial system and a key part of current DCOs’ [Derivatives Clearing Organization] risk management practices, used to confirm that clearing members are well-placed to meet the obligations that arise from their risk-taking. FTX would not be the first party, novice or otherwise, to suggest that financial modeling and algorithm design could eliminate the need for best practices in risk management; however, the eventual fate of Long-Term Capital Management and bespoke financially engineered products, such as mortgage-backed securities and collateralized debt obligations, suggest that it would be folly to unwind core risk management practices based on the assurance that ‘this time it’s different.”
Market veterans will well understand the reference to Long-Term Capital Management and CDOs. Despite its illustrious roster of Ph.Ds., Long-Term Capital Management blew itself up in 1998 with insanely leveraged derivative bets. See here in relation to Jon Crozine and LTCM posted earlier >>141821
Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) and their related derivatives brought much of Wall Street to the edge of bankruptcy in 2008 (it actually did go bankrupt and effectively Nationalized in 2008 but they just never called it that) resulting in a massive taxpayer bailout and trillions of dollars in secret loans from the Fed.
Bankman-Fried also testified at the House Agriculture Committee hearing, focusing heavily in his written remarks on the altruistic nature of FTX and the $100 million in philanthropy it has sprinkled around.
() represent muh comments and not part of the article
>>141684, >>141705 The faggot shooter kid with doodlebop hair has most likely been taught by his Mother who, from reading last night, appherently is into "Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn" - which is inharently Rosecrution within the "Inner Order" - which is at the top of the esoteric teachings of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn-Big Rosecrucian Museum in San Jose CA (icydk) and it's always been a school field trip (grade school age) for many years
>>141690, >>141694 AF2 USAF C-32 on ground at Chicago and 'guns bad' agenda/KECK232 C-17 departed LAX to JBA/2 Globeys RCH4172 and 4166 left McChord and went to Quantico (4 diggie callsigns) Potato-Potata or kneepads to Seattle soon
>>141690 Potato is going to Cleveland tomorrow-Biden to Ohio, spotlighting rescued pensions for millions
>>141692 SAM2A USAF C-32A on approach for Scott AFB, IL from Los Angeles Int'l depart/VV100 Navy G5 went to Mexico City/SAM354 (high level G5 to LaGuardia then back to JBA/German AF in at Huntsville Int'l, AL
>>141698 New York Federal Reserve Operations July 5th, 2022: $2,138,280,000,000-NYFRB balance sheet 'dropped by $19.512m so just around the year 11,000 the will have almost completed reducing it's balance sheet to zero...
>>141713 AF2 USAF C-32A (shows as #98-0001) back at JBA from it's Chicago "guns are bad" stop-and SAM2A USAF C-32A is on a holding pattern-might be another VIP on SAN2a..reason for hold
>>141806 BOXER43 USAF C-40C EN from Birmingham Airport , UK and arrived there on 0702 from Constanta AB, Romania
>>141810 COMEX Silver contracts for July 1st (when it was brought down under $20) and yesterdays -4% smackage-$16,565,737,500B total for July 1st and 5th
>>141811, >>141812, >>141813 45s 757 totally rebuilt and ready "coming back to the skies in Fall of 2022, or maybe sooner"-POTUS callsigns on various military ACs -Air Force Pilots equal AF1 and what other 'upgrades has the 757 had? inquiring minds wanna know..
>>141815, >>141816 Landlocked Aviation TRUMP N757AF Refinishing y/t 'Merican Flag nicely done on the tail PF opinion: easy to turn it into the security enhanced C-32A-In order for it to be AF1 it would have to have all those upgrades
>>141817 SAM445USAF G5 departed JBA SE (high level 99th Airlift Squad AC) FIST23USAF DC-10 extender heading towards Cleveland and some BRRRRTTTT WRTHOG1 from Tyler Tx to Grissom AFB
>>141818, >>141820 no callsign Joe in 82-8000 747 departed JBA and on final at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport-SAM46 C-32A escort to Youngstown Regional Airport
>>141819 Ohio’s public pension funds need scrutiny and from 2017-Ohio's Pension Systems Are Underfunded, According to a New Report
>>141821 Teacher, Police, and Firefighter Pensions Are Being Secretly Looted By Wall Street-15 States With Terribly Underfunded Pension Plans #1 is New Jersey and Jon Corzine was Gov there before Chris Christie/mini-dig on Corzine
>>141826 SAM445 USAF G5 went to MacDill AFB (CENTCOM)/ELVIS45USAF C-17 Globemaster inbound to MacDill from Memphis Int'l depart/GTMO844 US Navy (weekly flights with these) back to Gitmo from Ft. Lauderdale ground stop
>>141827 FOMC Minutes "Near-term inflation outlook had deteriorated"-they are skeer'd that the public may not believe them and admit it as much
>>141828 Crypto Billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried Is Dangling $1 Billion in Political Donations; But He Wants Dangerous Crypto Derivatives Trading in Return-of course he does!! nothing is ever free (love the name "bankman" as if that was just a coincidence)
no callsign Joe in 82-8000 747 back to JBA from Cleveland Hopkins Int'l and SAM46 C-32A returned from Youngstown Muni Airport
They don't even want to be around him at this point
Top Ohio Democratic candidates Tim Ryan, Nan Whaley skip Biden Cleveland event
Th-th-th that's all folks schedule-wise
PACBRD1 US Navy G5 departed Hickam AFB, Oahu heading ENNavy/INDO-PAC brassheading to JBA-it's last visible flight was to Osan AB, SoKo on 0621 (in front of Potato's visit to Seoul) and then over to Yokota AB Japan on 0623 prior to his Japan 'foray'
It is using satellite (ADS-C) for transmission of signal so it displays as GS375 once it approaches the land-based receivers it will update back to PACBRD1
US Navy CNV4835 C-40A clipper (and normally don't mention these-since they CNVXXXX are numerous each and every day) but since it's in front of the boss' AC noted
If it stops at NAS North Island it is routine-if not it is an escort for PACBRD1
Heads of FBI and MI5 raise fresh alarms about Chinese economic espionage
The head of the FBI and the leader of Britain’s domestic intelligence agency raised fresh alarms Wednesday about the Chinese government, warning business leaders that Beijing is determined to steal their technology for competitive gain.
FBI Director Christopher Wray reaffirmed longstanding concerns in denouncing economic espionage and hacking operations by China as well as the Chinese government’s efforts to stifle dissent abroad. But his speech was notable because it took place at MI5’s London headquarters and alongside the agency’s director general, Ken McCallum, in an intended show of Western solidarity. The remarks also showed the extent to which Wray and the FBI regard the Chinese government as not only a law enforcement and intelligence challenge, but are also attuned to the implications of Beijing’s foreign policy actions. “We consistently see that it’s the Chinese government that poses the biggest long-term threat to our economic and national security, and by ‘our,’ I mean both of our nations, along with our allies in Europe and elsewhere,” Wray said. McCallum said the Chinese government and its “covert pressure across the globe” amounts to “the most game-changing challenge we face.” “This might feel abstract. But it’s real and it’s pressing,” he said. “We need to talk about it. We need to act.”
A spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Washington, Liu Pengyu, rejected the allegations from the Western leaders, saying in an emailed statement to The Associated Press that China “firmly opposes and combats all forms of cyber attacks” and calling the accusations groundless. “We will never encourage, support or condone cyber attacks,” the statement said. In a nod to current tensions between China and Taiwan, Wray also said during his speech that any forcible takeover of Taipei by Beijing would “would represent one of the most horrific business disruptions the world has ever seen.” Last week, the U.S. government’s director of national intelligence, Avril Haines, said at an event in Washington that there were no indications Chinese President Xi Jinping was poised to take Taiwan by military force. But she that did say Xi appeared to be “pursuing the potential” for such an action as part of a broader Chinese government goal of reunification of Taiwan.
After the appearance with his British counterpart, Wray said that he would leave to others the question of whether an invasion of Taiwan was more or less likely after Russia’s invasion of neighboring Ukraine. But, he said, “I don’t have any reason to think their interest in Taiwan has abated in any fashion” and added that he hoped China had learned what happens “when you overplay your hand,” as he said the Russians have done in Ukraine. The FBI director said there are signs the Chinese, perhaps drawing lessons from Russia’s experience since the war, have looked for ways to “insulate their economy” against potential sanctions. “In our world, we call that behavior a clue,” said Wray, who throughout his speech urged caution from Western companies looking to do business in or with China. He said Western investments in China could collapse in the event of an invasion of Taiwan. “Just as in Russia, Western investments built over years could become hostages, capital stranded (and) supply chains and relationships disrupted,” he said. President Joe Biden said in May that the U.S. would respond militarily if China invaded Taiwan, offering one of the most forceful White House statements in support of Taiwan’s self-governing in decades. The White House later tried to soften the impact of the statement, saying Biden was not outlining a change in U.S. policy toward Taiwan, a self-governing island that China views as a breakaway province that should be reunified with the mainland. The embassy spokesman said the Taiwan issue was “purely China’s internal affair” and said when it comes to questions of China’s territory and sovereignty, the country has “no room for compromise or concession.”
“We will strive for the prospect of peaceful reunification with utmost sincerity and efforts,” the statement said, though it noted that China will “reserve the option of taking all necessary measures in response to the interference of foreign forces.”
High-Level FBI AC in at Athens Int'l the same day a story out re: "Crypto 'Whale' reportedly seen in Greece"
N616RKFBIAC G5 on ground at Athens int'l from JBA depart-been there yesterday 0705 and Monday July 4th depart from Manassas Regional depart-spent about 90 minutes on the ground at Dulles' then EN across the Atlantic
There is also SPAR17 on the ground at Athens but I do not have a cap of it-still there afaik
Interdasting that this story was from yesterday and an FBI AC arrived in Athens yesterday
Wanted Crypto Whale Ignatova Worth $500 Billion May Be in Greece
Also present in Los Angeles prior to kneepads arrival last friday
This FedBoiIjit AC was at Los Angeles on 0701 (JENA625) and there for about 15 hours-and arrived about three hours before kneepads did from San Francisco Int'l it came in from Manassas Regional Airport-it left and went back to same-and there at the same time- see cap #2
On 0703 it went to Atlanta Fulton County Airport as JENA325 for 2 hours and then to Reagan National for a ground stop then back to origin of Manassas Regional Airport-see cap#3
DB Flag: Limiting Aircraft Data Displayed (LADD)
The Limiting Aircraft Data Displayed (LADD) Program implements the requirements set forth in 2018 HR 254 FAA Reauthorization Bill: Section 566, Right to Privacy When Using Air Traffic Control System.
The FBI used this AC to take 'Corney' from Los Angeles to Washington DC the day he was fired-May 9th 2017 it also used the JENA325 callsign
edit above ^^
A U.S. Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II aircraft with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 121 prepares to take off from the amphibious assault ship USS Tripoli (LHA 7) while underway, June 29, 2022.
always thought Ted Turner put dhat dhere
"there's not a lot of hate on those stones"
said the idiot "mayor"
FURY54 US Army Blackhawk up out of out of Windsor Locks-Bradley Int'l Airport and fly bys at Westover ARB then one pass over Worster Regional Airport and some roundys at Windham Airport
it's stoopid everywhere-give it few months and it'll come down-rates haven't caught up to sellers greedy expectations yet.
Once they sit for a few weeks-when it was just days they'll start to bring the prices down.
Plus you still have the summer moving season still affecting it.
it's the Atlanta 'disease'
Been to the road course just outside of Atlanta (Road Atlanta) and it's pretty mixed and not what I expected and that was in the late 90's when I went.
That track used to 'double' as an airport for the marijuana smuggling-there was always a bunch of shipping containers that were always off-limits but really totally out in the open and filled with pot....Allegedly.
The owners at the time were in on that Whittington Brothers. They got caught and spent time in da clinker-they were connected to that other guy I posted about, John Paul with that tricked out 935
Wasn't there when that when on but those stories got circulated amongst the regulars in the pretty small (back then) racing community
PACBRD1 US Navy G5 taking a southerly route at 45K ft so he's probably going to MacDill (CENTCOM) and you just had 00000000 USAF B-52 Stratofortress finish a refueling exercise with WYLIE35 KC-135 tanker over central Texas
That Clipper CNV4835 went to NAS North Island so routine
was gonna go in 2010 back to that track but I din't wanna go to Atlanta or moar importantly stay in it
Big spectator event towards end of Oct and going means you have to stay in Atlanta proper so I declined-even had an offer of the 'corporate weenie' passes even that didn't make up for the logistical nightmare it would have been
Also could see signs of what going on even from news stuffs and a fren that lived in southern GA outside of Valdosta
wonder what dhat FBI glowboi AC did there the other day >>141832
I went looking for Wray's AC in the UK from that article above with da clowns and I found that old tail # in muh notes..ran it and well now...wut do we habs here!
And it was at LAX with kneepads too which makes it even better-whatever they cooking up...
that way moar interdasting then something pretty easy to find
ty fer dhat-muh fren sent me a little earlier from TS
I kinda went Wut? seeing the story on CERN last night and that was just luck going through the Roku box-have stuff on it "subscribed" that would never watch just to see what going on-like Al Jazerra-that gives me the opposite side of the Gulf news.
Haven't done CNN..just can't
That shit shows up in muh rss feeds anyway.
Most all of it is just the counter to what I see and then 'interpret'-I ain't always right either and occasionally see in QR-there still a few things there.
Seemed to have gotten muh market stuff pretty spot-except the skying it to wipe out the July OpEx so that must be (((Them))) and a smattering of retail-it wasn't overly cheap (premiums) so that shuld have been a tell
Getting harder to do eet since they just walk the military ones now-miss stuffs in notables list last few times I've looked-sprinkles and crew.
Last I saw they were "sure that Q was gonna post"
imma sounding like an old fart nao
Mebby-muh thinking is they getting the tokens of what they want and then letting Gary fug up everything they don't want-they gonna blow up tether but they've never had the cash (1:1) like they have always said. Tether is the stablecoin and that child actor Brock Pierce (Mighty Ducks) who thought he was gonna be president was involved in that through a LLC or some BS-I noes he masked his involvment-but he had to not be 'connected' directly to that to do the other shit or it was a huge conflict ..like that has stopped any of them before but that one was pretty bad. They all connected to the whole "let's make Puerto Rico our crypto and Pedo paradise"
He's like the self-proclaimed crypto king and did the first ICO mastercoin I think it was called-really after Mt Gox just left it all alone That shit the Fried is doing...crypto currency derivatives.
Totally what we all need!!!.....s
They may do it becasue they can then moar easily pick the winners and losers via that-just "invent ' shit like the OTC derivatives shit.
They let Jamie add $10T (or whatever it was-it was up 17% I do know that) in 90 days so why not just go full retard.
It actually may be a key part in blowing it all up to the upside because none of that existed in 2008.
>Powell said might need to raise taxes to stem inflation?
Go ahead...that shit will just piss off even moar peeps-he really over-stepping there why don't you tell us your thoughts on gun control too while yer at it Jerry-Janet has already weighed in on climate chnage
The taxes shit ties into the cryptos in a round about way since the IRS is really in Puerto Rico and they really wanted that fer the pedo-paradise all bought and paid for and living off of muh cryptos
even when they "together " it's a comedy act.
Either you or I accused of "sabotaging them" or whoever they cull out of thin air upon the wind direction
Then there's "Rally Notes" bk's alter ego shades.
It's them or the lunatic-haven't made up muh mind on who but doesn't matter really.
That is the single worst and desperate attempt at attention whoring going
Refused to go in dhere during the rallys when it wasn't as bad as it is now
I think they, with the whole back-slapping schtick, keep Chapstick in business.
gonna walkies before it gets dark
AGLET83 USAF RC-135 Cobra Ball on the track east of Shanghai out of Kadena AFB, Okinawa and totally wanting to be seen
Only three of these ACs and they are J.C.O.S. directed missions
J.C.O.S.=Joint Chiefs Of Staff
Mission flight crew: (minimum) Three electronic warfare officers, two airborne systems engineers, and two airborne mission specialists The RC-135S Cobra Ball flies Joint Chiefs of Staff-directed missions of national priority to collect optical and electronic data on ballistic targets. This data is intended to support arms treaty compliance verification, and development of U.S. strategic defense and theater missile defense concepts. The RC-135S is a militarized Boeing 707 civilian airliner and is equipped with a sophisticated array of optical and electronic sensors, recording media, and communications equipment, is a national asset uniquely suited to provide America's leaders and defense community with vital information that cannot be obtained by any other source. Crew composition includes a minimum of two pilots, one navigator, three electronic warfare officers, two airborne systems engineers, and two or more airborne mission specialists.
Aglet: the plain or ornamental tag covering the ends of a lace or point or any of various ornamental studs, cords, or pins worn on clothing-cap #2
The two JASDF (Japanese Air Self Defense Forces) 777s used by the Japanese PM for Int'l travel up for some cert flights out of Chitose AB, Hokkaido-where they are based
Cap #3
>>141684, >>141705 The faggot shooter kid with doodlebop hair has most likely been taught by his Mother who, from reading last night, appherently is into "Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn" - which is inharently Rosecrution within the "Inner Order" - which is at the top of the esoteric teachings of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn-Big Rosecrucian Museum in San Jose CA (icydk) and it's always been a school field trip (grade school age) for many years
>>141690, >>141694 AF2 USAF C-32 on ground at Chicago and 'guns bad' agenda/KECK232 C-17 departed LAX to JBA/2 Globeys RCH4172 and 4166 left McChord and went to Quantico (4 diggie callsigns) Potato-Potata or kneepads to Seattle soon
>>141690 Potato is going to Cleveland tomorrow-Biden to Ohio, spotlighting rescued pensions for millions
>>141692 SAM2A USAF C-32A on approach for Scott AFB, IL from Los Angeles Int'l depart/VV100 Navy G5 went to Mexico City/SAM354 (high level G5 to LaGuardia then back to JBA/German AF in at Huntsville Int'l, AL
>>141698 New York Federal Reserve Operations July 5th, 2022: $2,138,280,000,000-NYFRB balance sheet 'dropped by $19.512m so just around the year 11,000 the will have almost completed reducing it's balance sheet to zero...
>>141713 AF2 USAF C-32A (shows as #98-0001) back at JBA from it's Chicago "guns are bad" stop-and SAM2A USAF C-32A is on a holding pattern-might be another VIP on SAN2a..reason for hold
>>141806 BOXER43 USAF C-40C EN from Birmingham Airport , UK and arrived there on 0702 from Constanta AB, Romania
>>141810 COMEX Silver contracts for July 1st (when it was brought down under $20) and yesterdays -4% smackage-$16,565,737,500B total for July 1st and 5th
>>141811, >>141812, >>141813 45s 757 totally rebuilt and ready "coming back to the skies in Fall of 2022, or maybe sooner"-POTUS callsigns on various military ACs -Air Force Pilots equal AF1 and what other 'upgrades has the 757 had? inquiring minds wanna know..
>>141815, >>141816 Landlocked Aviation TRUMP N757AF Refinishing y/t 'Merican Flag nicely done on the tail PF opinion: easy to turn it into the security enhanced C-32A-In order for it to be AF1 it would have to have all those upgrades
>>141817 SAM445USAF G5 departed JBA SE (high level 99th Airlift Squad AC) FIST23USAF DC-10 extender heading towards Cleveland and some BRRRRTTTT WRTHOG1 from Tyler Tx to Grissom AFB
>>141818, >>141820, >>141830 no callsign Joe in 82-8000 747 departed JBA and on final at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport-SAM46 C-32A escort to Youngstown Regional Airport and returned to JBA
>>141819 Ohio’s public pension funds need scrutiny and from 2017-Ohio's Pension Systems Are Underfunded, According to a New Report
>>141821 Teacher, Police, and Firefighter Pensions Are Being Secretly Looted By Wall Street-15 States With Terribly Underfunded Pension Plans #1 is New Jersey and Jon Corzine was Gov there before Chris Christie/mini-dig on Corzine
>>141826 SAM445 USAF G5 went to MacDill AFB (CENTCOM)/ELVIS45USAF C-17 Globemaster inbound to MacDill from Memphis Int'l depart/GTMO844 US Navy (weekly flights with these) back to Gitmo from Ft. Lauderdale ground stop
>>141827 FOMC Minutes "Near-term inflation outlook had deteriorated"-they are skeer'd that the public may not believe them and admit it as much "if the public began to question the resolve of the Committee"
>>141828, >>141851, >>141855, >>141857 Crypto Billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried Is Dangling $1 Billion in Political Donations; But He Wants Dangerous Crypto Derivatives Trading in Return-of course he does!! nothing is ever free (love the name "bankman" as if that was just a coincidence) + some discush on cryptos
>>141830 Top Ohio Democratic candidates Tim Ryan, Nan Whaley skip Biden Cleveland event
>>141831 Heads of FBI and MI5 raise fresh alarms about Chinese economic espionage/wut about FBI and GCHQ (MI5) espionage...No? Nuffin? kek
>>141830 PACBRD1 US Navy G5 departed Hickam AFB, Oahu heading EN Navy/INDO-PAC brass heading to JBA-Potato and escort back to JBA
>>141832 High-Level FBI AC in at Athens Int'l the same day a story out re: "Crypto 'Whale' reportedly seen in Greece" + this FED boi AC at LAX before kneepads arrived on Friday 0701-there for about 12 hours of her visit then left-Atlanta on 0703-FBI AC used by Comey back to DC from LA after getting the news he was Fired in 2017, May 9th
>>141835 @1stMAW_MARINES A U.S. Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II aircraft with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 121 prepares to take off from the amphibious assault ship USS Tripoli (LHA 7) while underway, June 29, 2022.
>>141838, >>141846, >>141840, >>141834 Watch the Georgia Guidestones explode...And the getaway Car…
>>141843 FURY54 US Army Blackhawk up out of out of Windsor Locks-Bradley Int'l Airport-look in the mirror FURY45
>>141849, >>141860 PACBRD1 US Navy G5 taking a southerly route at 45K ft so he's probably going to MacDill (CENTCOM) and you just had 00000000 USAF B-52 Stratofortress finish a refueling exercise with WYLIE35 KC-135 tanker over central Texas-PACBRD1 looks like MacDill-lined up fer it on last look
>>141861 AGLET82 USAF RC-135 Cobra Ball on the track east of Shanghai out of Kadena AFB, Okinawa and totally wanting to be seen- 2 JASDF 777s up on cert flights out of Chitose AB-Hokkaido
that's life
that should be all of it in da bun
If I missed something just edit it in
normal bat time tomorrow
may have some limited access mid-morning-box wars
Then a Dr appt in muh mid-anoon but usually gone at that time so not diff-mebby a haircut if I can handle it and a trip to local-deez prices are a gift and at some point you just won't be able to get it.. Silver.
The lower the price goes it'll just not be available-exactly what habbened in 2009-10 before they ran it up.