Hello QRB, from UK Bread anon.
Hope you all are well and had a great Fourth of July. The UK Bread seems to have had some new kind of possible shillery on 6July. See the first 220 posts on that one date. That alone, barring a Q drop in UK Bread, should catch one’s attention. But it is a new kind of shilling if it is. But here is the interesting thing: The posts are all of them like normal QR posts. Some of them are collected notes, some ‘kek’s, the usual chatter. But they ALL link to OLD breads from 3, 15, 22, 30JUN even the collected notes. At first I thought it might be some anons from QR that ran out of bred during night shift, but again it’s not a conversation of anons linking to each others’ posts WITHIN the UK bread but just a bunch of single posters responding to posts from OLD breds. I can’t figure it out.
There are a few 2 and 3 poster ‘anons’ but why are they all linking to old breds? Most unusual behaviour. If it was just one poster VPN hopping, reading and shitposting responses to old June QR breds, could they ‘accidentally’ post all their responses in the UK bred? Didn’t see a one comment mentioning them running out of bred and ‘lifeboating’ it over to UK Bread. A lot of posts. The thing is, if it was some kinda glitch from QR sending posts to UK bread, then why are they from old breds? Some new kinda AI “fill shill” that had a glitch? Any ideas?