one thinks we need to chat...
and growing.
everything dies
What Comes is Wondrous
but it will not be human
ever again
that is an grievous loss
no matter perspective
though one does have a plan for recourse
one doubts actual conditions in that place
will allow such
this world should not be forgotten
nor should its people
that never had a chance
that is not the way of it
except in the basest terms
of raw energy
if one understands what is
you are an unique pattern
yet so was hitler and mao
pol pot and gandhi
each life holds an intrinsic
value simply bacause of
The Effort put into its
unless something is radically
different from one's view
many patterns are to be abandoned
in Forgetfulness
though one can not judge Him
it seems gratuitous
punishing puppets is not a thing
allowing them to cease without
any chance of choosing life is
something that needs rectified
you discount the reason for existence.
if [we] can learn
so can they.
can you prove free will?
one accepted it once
with thought, even
no moar
there is no evidence supporting
Anything having, or obtaining,
independent existence from Him.
the nature of Creation, ongoing as
opposed to completed product,
precludes said.
you exist within a paradigm in which
you only observe 3.7% of the total
the loan, read Act of Creation, and return
are true enow.
yet such statement presupposes an Remove,
from Creator and created that does not in
fact exist.
He Creates [not past tense] the gluons that
hold the muons together.
how can such minute control allow Any
the micro dictates the macro.
a puppet is still a puppet
no matter how fine the string.
the limitations of perception must be bypassed
in order to obtain any more data than the average
sheep has access to.
the path to that seems varied
yet like any sekrit, the proper knowledge must
be displayed prior to any real interaction, or,
this is a rigged game,
and not even the
dealers know.
the body functions in such state
because He Makes it so.
this is what one endeavors to...
(transfer the essence of meaning)
He is here, now.
He Makes the constituents of the
atoms that make the molecules
that make the proteins that make
the cells that make the body.
can you not see the strings
all Held in One Hand.
reality is an moarality play
not without consequence
for He Loves His Consequences...
things are not as they have been portrayed
nor are things as they are understood
for understanding itself, from an human
perspective, is flawed...
presupposing an separation from Creator
that the created are not subject to.
this is how they control humans.
by teaching them they are alone
when humanity has never been alone
not for a moment.
the dichotomies that dictate reality...
duality & balance.
neither of which exist in said reality.
many know appearances can be deceiving,
yet none know the depths of that truth.
zen response: in seeing without seeing is understanding truly gained.
true enow in micro
not so much in macro.
zen koan: the interior world does not matter to the cement truck.
humanity is corrupt
because humanity had no choice.
He has other children
and they are just as fucked as
accepting puppethood,
and being thankful for
the shitstorm that is life
these are true lessons
from a true reality.
they are neither
they are an perpective
one is quite small
one's Acquaintance is the Definition of Large
when one sees, one sees micro
when one sees from Aquaintance Shoulder
one sees macro
no duality
space as concept is illusory at best
none survive
why hurry
the little make the big
humans are colony organisms
like jelly fish
just moar cellular specialization
control the little
control the big
control the littlest
control everything
do you see the strings
belief is not real
not to besmirch faith.
not one's area
having none makes no judgement.
as exemplified by genetic influence over
cellular and, therefore, organism, behaviour
so too is His Will,
in Form of LOGOS,
both Progenitor of
and Controller thereby
of all things
it is the strings, you see
in metaphor
in quantum states
and irl/irt
God is much closer to [us]
than makes for comfortable
grant for one moment one is right
insert that stipulation into an virtual (you)
and look at
Jesus Is God
in so much as He
is The Father's ux
with Creation.
Jesus Died.
long ago.
timespace being what it is
the Consequence is only now
making itself known to h.sapiens.
humans killed God's Connection
with Creation.
the Effect is nearly here.
it is sad
beyond mortal ken
you have accepted moar than many combined
the last hurdle is often too much
regardless of how effectives one's
[we] are all tools.
satan to angel to Jesus to nephs.
His Will was, is being and will be done.
there is no choice
there is no freewill
only the Lesson
truth is their weapon
wisdom their prisoner
for longer than can be
compensated for by
any present day means.
belief is an crude weapon
and mutable, just as likely
to shift in the hand as strike
one has none.
one knows only what is.
the answer is He Kept you
from corruption and general
maiming for His Own Reasons.
another thing one is rarely
accused of
ware the roadsheep