Hello QRB frens. UK bred anon checking in with an update on a dig around the EMBANKMENT where those ‘traffic cam’ pics, LISA and CH pics occurred.
We shaved off 30 and 31DEC from that week due to NYE preparations and celebrations on those two dates. There were a couple of overhead street banners directing partygoers to restroom and first-aid facilities as well as where to exit the area.
As you may already know, we already thought the LISAMI6 pic occurring 25DEC2013 +/-1 day due to the building lights pattern match with open sauces for that day, and LIKELY 22DEC through the end of DEC for the rest. The reason we could not use such specificity with the other EMB pics is because LISAMI6 is an OUTLIER among those EMB pics. It lacks something all the other EMB pics have- trash cans at curbside in front of Tattershall Castle. Can’t prove it’s the same evening. Yes a vague grainy resemblance in the Millbank lights to that seen in LISA but very blurry when magnified. And so, the EMB pics were only linked to LISA around Christmas by inference. But another marker, the white construction shroud on a tower at Westminster does yield a timeframe from NOV’13 through MAR’14. Btw, there is another outlier- CH3. But that is among the CORINTHIA HOTEL pics. No, not because it lacks trash bins, but because it HAS trash bins on the sidewalk, unlike the other CH pics.
Well, getting back to our EMB pics, we can now say they are likely from 22DEC (on which date we found a sauce to match ROT1 which shows a sidewalk advert sign) to 29DEC2013, because we can now eliminate 30/31DEC. Another marker, the red crane lights put the ROT1 sequence after 14DEC for the first sauce showing 2 red lights behind LONDON EYE.
As for the CH pics, we had up til now a little green cross first-aid sign that popped up around 4MAR2014 in open sauces as a ‘not after this date’ marker. So we could not do any better than that. Interestingly, it is that same green FIRST-AID symbol that appears on the 2 NYE banners over VICTORIA EMBANKMENT.
We now think it is possible that the TEMPORARY first-aid sign seen in open sauces near CH could have been placed there during the day on 30DEC and accidentally left in place after NYE til it was spotted in open sauces in MAR’14. If this sign was placed there during the day on 30DEC, this would greatly narrow the ‘bookends’ we have for the CH pics- placing them also prior to the evening on 30DEC. We are looking to see if moar of these first-aid signs and locations may have existed at Richmond Terrace and Horse Guards Avenue.
The WW dig, by my estimate of them changing out light bulbs and a new pic on the 29th showing the bulbs replaced, puts that event between 17DEC and 29DEC.
The PICCADILLY pics are roughly the same time frame but using gut instinct on just when COOL BRITANNIA would put a 70% off sale sign in the window- last week of Christmas? The RED BUS pic occurred when overhead Christmas street decorations were up, and is only connected to the other Piccadilly pics by inference, as its location is some 600 ft up Coventry from the Cool Britannia store.
Looking for moar of those green first-aid signs to firm up our hypothesis about the one across from CH.