Anonymous ID: 7b8c35 July 17, 2019, 6:12 p.m. No.16756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6758 >>6759 >>6771 >>6773 >>6774 >>6858 >>6865

POTUS Greenville, North Carolina Rally

Wed, July 17, 2019 7 pm ET


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VP Pence remarks. "Hello, North Carolina! Greet to be back in the Tarheels State!"......

POTUS step up to mic to cheers of "USA!". 0:25

"We have all night....[thanks crowd for their support]: "Let's do it again!"

Just heard the House killed the Impeachment resolution. "How stupid is that? [the idea]

Thanks to the Dems who voted against it: 332-95 vote.

[Reviews accomplishments so far.]

"And they want to try to impeach--it's a disgrace.]....

Again, reaffirms this "witchhunt" should NEVER happen again.....

"We are finally putting America first!"

Econ policy: "Jobs, jobs, jobs." 6mil new jobs since Election Day 2016.


N Carolina: best economic year in their history.

180,000 new jobs in NC, lowest unemployment rate, too.

NC was going to be the Clinton firewall. But instead, "we won it--we won it, easily." Thx to all.

"What the hell is going on?" When NC fell, that's what the MSMwere saying....

"This board is getting awfully red....that was one helluva night, wasn't it?"

Exciting and extraordinary evening....record-setting. We have to do it again, we have to do it again." [Crowd: 4 more years....]


Mentions witchhunts again ("artificial witchhunts hanging over our heads.

Can you imagine what it would be like if we didn't have the witchhunt?

Then quotes audience member who says instead "bullshit." [ha-ha]

"Nobody has done anything close to what we--not me--but we've all done."

[cites great employment stats for various groups, including women]

Women for Trump signs flashing....

Suppression polls: "Polls are just as fake as the news."

60% of support was from women. [i think this is right]


Speaks of radicalization of the Dem Party.

Impeachment vote: POTUS again thanks Dems for doing "the right thing for our country.".....

On the 4 Congresswomen: [see below]

"That's the great thing about LIVE televsion--they can't cut it!" [big cheers]

[Heckler starts up, crowd chants "USA, USA, USA!]

POTUS: we have all the enthusiasm, not the Dems....they're fighting each other.

Anonymous ID: 7b8c35 July 17, 2019, 6:12 p.m. No.16758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6760 >>6771 >>6773 >>6774 >>6858 >>6865


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On Omar: blamed US for terrorist attacks on our country....smeared the service members involved in Blackhawk Down...minimized 911 attacks ("some people did something")...pleaded for those who want to join terrorist groups....Al Qaeda: she won't denounce....anti-semitic [crowd: "Send her back"]....evil Israel...."so that's Omar."

But nobody talked about it.


Rashida Talib: Agrees with Omar on many things, used F word to describe Presidency. ...not somebody who loves this country.


AOC [big boos]: Green New Deal. "Outrageous attacks against men and women of law enforcement.".....talks about her border remarks. Calls her Cortez (I don't have to time to go with 3 different names", kek)...."If the Dems would give us a few votes, we could solve the Immigration program. It would be so good, so good."

Say immigrants are more American than Americans...



Turns to 2020 Dem nominees. Biden, Pocohontas, Buttigieg.

Buttigieg's own black population turned against him. POTUS doesn't see him dealing w/foreign leaders.

NATO: 16 years we let them take advantage of us. 28 nations. "We're taking care of you. You screw us on trade and you don't pay your military bills....they're as tough or tougher on China." "Trump is stopping that."

Rep Ayanna Presley...[feed cuts in and out at this point, sorry anons.]

Antifa: not attacking groups, just a single journalist ("people who can't defend themselves". "These are sick, bad people."

"They don't get the bad press....they're whacking people with bats."


So these congresswomen are helping support the Far Left.

Have a message for these extremists. If they don't like it, "let them leave."

"If they don't love it, tell 'em to leave it."

Does care if it's controversial. Thinks in some cases that, they hate our country. They're angry, can't control it.

Dem agenda: "anti-worker, anti-jobs, anti-citizen, anti-family, anti-common sense."

Again, "except for those [Dems] who voted for us today."

Repub agenda is by contrast is pro-America.


[Introduces all the N C politicians who supported him.]

Speaks about Sen Thom Tillis, Reps Mark Walker, Richard Hudson. 2 others who stayed behind to fight Impeachment: Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan.

Get out and vote, their great people.

Moar intros of NC politicians; speaks against radical Dems up for re-election]

The Wall: 6 current lawsuits on the Wall. Most important is going before the Supreme Court.


Dems: "put needs of foreign citizens ahead of our citizens."...

They want to spend moar $ on health care for illegals than for citizens.

2 days ago, DoJ charged 22 MS-13 member in Cali with conducting brutal killings, including dismemberment of victims. Pelosi didn't like it when he called them animals; doesn't care. "These are savage killers."

"We're getting them the hell out of our country."

Anonymous ID: 7b8c35 July 17, 2019, 6:12 p.m. No.16760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6763 >>6773 >>6774 >>6858 >>6865


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Salutes law enforcement in the US. "These are great people." .....

Recent Dem debate, all the Dems were for free govt healthcare, inc. illegals. In Cali, they approved 100mil for illegal health care. Contrasts with terrible homeless problem involving American citizens.

And then there are those who follow the immigration rules. Not fair to them.

"You can't say you love our country if you want to destroy our country with open borders."


Human trafficking: worst it's even been, bc of the Internet. Dems "want to do nothing about it.....terrible, terrible thing....most of it comes through the southern border."

Dems know about the problem; said so in the past. Don't want it for political reasons. Will probably cost them the election.

Dems support deadly sanctuary cities. LA is a sanctuary city--where they found MS-13 members.

Thom Tillis introduced a bill to give American victims the right to sue sanctuary cities.

"Every nation has the right to establish and enforce immigration rules in its national interest. It's very simple, sin't it?....and the voters understand it."

We expect that those who come to this country will embrace American values.

"We believe in an immigration system based on merit--MERIT."....


"Dems have never been so far outside the mainstream."

Bernie Sanders re national health care--it'll never get passed and he knows it.

Bernie's time passed 4 years ago. [great imitation of Bernie. Wants to give everything away.]

POTUS: "Everyone gets a free Rolls-Royce"--MSM doesn't know he's joking.

POTUS thinks he's kinda said, but then:

"I think they're all sad, when you get right down to it." 1:20....

[moar on supporters]...


"We could have sold this arena out 10x."

Dem record on health care: "deception and destruction."

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." same with doctor. It's a LIE.

Pre-existing conditions: will be protected better by Repubs than Dems.

The job we've gone on health care, it's not talked about. Would be taken away under the Dems. POTUS hopes they keep on with the same ideas (because they don't work).

[Pocohontas discussion, usual stuff but still pretty funny.]


We're fighting the opium epidemic. Addiction's now gone done for the first time in 20 years. 8% in NC.

Late-term abortion: virtually all Dems support. Cites Virginia gov & infanticide....

Repubs: "Every life is a sacred gift of God. That's why I've asked Congress to prohibit extreme late term abortion of babies."

[more on Dem extremist values]

Repubs: "We are the party of the American Dream."


GOP convention: will be in Charlotte, NC.

Talks about how women want Trump, same as in the last election.

"Donald Trump has a plot to take over the world"

Talks about very funny video with Trump 2016, 2020, onto infinity. [Big cheers]

"Nah, we don't need any more time."

Trolls the media by saying that maybe he really won't leave. "Hey, maybe that IS a good idea....[but] No, no, I promise 2024 leave. By that time, our country will be so seeded, it will be so strong, like never, ever in our history."

But can't happen if the wrong person gets in now.....

2020 really important. 1:15

Anonymous ID: 7b8c35 July 17, 2019, 6:13 p.m. No.16763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6773 >>6774 >>6856 >>6858 >>6865


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"I see all these clowns on television. We have to counteract them a little bit."...

Talks about things accomplished.

"We're good at getting things thru."

Talks about a guy who doesn't like him much. POTUS said to him, "you're gonna support me bc if you don't, you're gonna be so Goddam poor, you're not gonna believe it."....

[trolls himself about people calling him Mr. President; "I lost all my friends...they've choked, they can't breaths. Because they have respect for the Office of the President."]

Talks about confirmation of federal judges and justices, drug prices going down, prison reform, opportunity zones, and apprenticeship programs.

"Whenever I hear that word "apprentice," I say I love that word, that was a good show."

[didn't work out so well with Arnie....]

Moar on human trafficking, record funding for military, no more Iran nukes deal, opening of embassy in Jerusalem/Golan Heights for Israel, recognization of legit govt in Venezuela.


"Tonight, we renew our resolve that American will never be a Socialist country."

Voting for Dems: will bring the destruction of our country.

Won't protect borders.

Talks about the military in the mid-East and defeat of Califate.

"My generals did a great job."

Talks about having to turn off the lights of AF-1 when landing in the mid-East.

Because Obama didn't do his job. Not secure. 1:28


"You must never forget that the 2020 election is all about one thing: YOU. It's about you. It's about your family, about your future, and the fate of your beautiful, loving country."

We have a positive vision of our country's future.

Talks about turning things around: "It's getting better, better, better."

Talks about electing a Repub Congress and what that will mean.....

Talks about how EU likes Obama better than Trump (bc Trump makes 'em pay their bills).

Points to baby, "beautiful baby." Camera pans backs. "We're gonna have the country all set for your child. Because that's what it's about." MSM won't believe this was spontaneous.


"Made in America, made in the USA."

["signal loss detected"]

speaks of what "we will do."...

We glorious nation under God. We have done things that nobody thought was possible."

"We are so respected. You have no idea how far our nation has gone so far up in the eyes and the minds of the rest of the world, so respected. Because together, we will make America wealthy again...."...

Says this is getting a little dated, he'll have to change it to " WE HAVE MADE"

"We HAVE MADE America great again, We HAVE MADE America strong again." (etc.)

"How do you give up MAGA?"

We're gonna keep it around ("we will make")

But new phrase for 2020:


Anonymous ID: 7b8c35 July 17, 2019, 6:27 p.m. No.16823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6824 >>6848


Shills have been taking an interest in this place lately. When I pointed out blended muh joos posts last night, they accused me of division-fagging. Only division is between patriots and shills, kek.