I'm glad the MSM is finally using the word communist, instead of socialist. It's about damn time these treasonous bastards are called what they are. This alone will grab the attention of older Normies, and hopefully wake up the younger ones, who have probably been indoctrinated with the word socialist all their lives. The communist agenda is clearly visible in all these ass-hats say and do, their tactics, their words, their ideology. Hopefully the younger ones, that aren't on the "I want free shit" train will figure this out and wise up before it's too late. Every Anon should be using the word Communist when referring to nearly every radical leftist, antifa, etc. The words Jihad and Jihadist should be used when possible as well. This includes venues like fb and twatter especially, when meme-fagging.
Use SkyVector to find your Area, look for MOA's, and MTR's. These are usually located in Restricted Airspace, for obvious reasons. You may or may not live under one.
Awesome! Maybe other states wil follow suit!
Q - o7 Sir! Thank you!