>Glad the bunker is still up.
No shit!
Somebody just stated that the air ducts on EPS Island generators are cuz they're growing weed underground.
The stoopid... it hurts.
Make it stop! Kek
Pussy Faggot Shill dumbfuks now coming here to talk about FagBO and comradery and muhNotables and faggots and... ANY FUKING THING BUT RESEARCH.
All you one-post wonders, STFU, Anons see you.
You glow with your concernfagging.
Go back to your savior BO and suck a bag of dicks.
>on this I phone 6.
Jeezus. How long did ya wait in line for that new tech ya really didn't need but the consumerism pressure got to ya?
How long did it take ya to figure out how to put your acquisition in to a post for others to envy?
The obsession with having the newest shit is what's gonna get us all killed when you clammer for 5 and 6G.
Go to bed fatfingerAnon
>this one just has less jizz on the wall
And it's now dripping from the fuking walls.
There's no research going on- it's just a bread of concernfag bullshit about people with fake names that have no identity.