Anonymous ID: 73196c July 18, 2019, 1:01 a.m. No.17668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7706

Definition of anonymous

1 : of unknown authorship or origin

an anonymous tip

2 : not named or identified

an anonymous author

They wish to remain anonymous.

3 : lacking individuality, distinction, or recognizability

the anonymous faces in the crowd

… the gray anonymous streets …

— William Styron


Awful lot of divas on the board to go along with the shills, haters, posers, losers. Awful lot of personalities on an anonymous board. Awful lot seem to think it is about them, their emotions, their feelings, their wants.


Seems odd for anyone claiming to be "lacking individuality, distinction, or recognizability" being so individual, distinct, and somehow - recognizable.