While I’m really glad Q btfo the pricks, I’m keeping my ass right here in dis comfy chair.
The more I stay, the more clear it become as to what a shitshow it’s become over there.
If I go back, FJ and his toadies have got to go back. That is bare minimum requirement to even consider.
Honestly, I’m not entirely convinced of why 2 is not moar better than one in this situation.
Some present the hive mind argument, including Q...but I humbly submit the Malcom Gladwell studies that show when certain systems or human collectives reach X size, it has been shown to be more effective for those groups to split off. Certain members of such groups always arise to serve as connectors to the respective ‘hives’ or groups.
I dunno. More bunker hive input required, but qresearch has some cold crow to eat and some splainin’ to do before I go back topside.