Almost ditto
Had never been on chan
Was existing not living, just waiting for life to run it’s course
Even though surrounded by people, family, friends, work etc I felt isolated depressed anxious, without hope
Watching society crumble
Different mindset to those around me
Found recovery via AA but without anything to numb my mind life was fucking unbearable
And then, one day ...
I love research
Something somewhere caught my eye and down the rabbithole I tumbled
I remember the early days
The PANIC and meltdowns I went thru whenthe bread neared 750 and I had no clue how to find the next one kek
I remember the message anon left, terrified that Q and Autists might relocate overnight and Q’s response #981 .. for anons to sleep well ... man, that SPOKE to me.
I wear lif elike a loose garment now
This is where I come to feed my mind and soul and to research
Sometimes I feel as though my head is gonna explode
So much info to absorb
None to share it with
Family/friend think I’m nuts
Redpillin my Quack, very interdasting process
Slowly slowly
In awe of Trump. q, Autists, Anons and Patriots.
US Military reset