"Generation" is an artificial label that creates division. Anons are of all ages. We reject all divisions based on the physical characteristics of a person. We recognize that the longer experiences and accumulated knowledge of older anons can be a valuable resource. We recognize that a fresh perspective and energy ofr some younger anons can be a valuable resource.
Watch & learn. Pile in when you feel ready. Refrain if unsure. Welcome.
Same. Received a strange email around Nov. 2017 from a site that never emailed me before or since, that tickled my curiosity intensely. Sort of a spearphishing that was not trying to get my personal info, but appeared to be targeted directly to me. So I checked out FBI anon, and after a few days sensed it was necessary to begin channing. Adopted a persona, certain skills, and a role that nobody else seemed to want to do, and have been part of anons' team daily ever since. Personally witnessed all migrations.
That's part of why the truth of Q's words rang out to me so unmistakably. >>18025
Pardon, but this anon has to change IP addresses somewhat frequently for Op Sec.
The four C560s are:
Callsign R90104
Reg. 00-01052
-Callsign VM374 (tracking) USMC - from VA? flying NE up the coast.
-Callsign PAT486 (tracking) Army - out of Dobbins near Atlanta GA flying NE.
Two dropped off radar.
Check rally bread -- anons said it appeared USSS was dragging somebody off -- said they thought maybe weapons were pointed at disruptor -- said someting about a MAGA hat -- they were looking for moar eyes on video. I personally did not see it. Video stream I was watching did not put the camera on the disruptor (standard practice not to give them any air time). Saw POTUS pause and turn away, saw heads behind him swivel to my right,
Spouseanon is the one who woke me up 20 years ago. Spouseanon has been awake far longer than most. Talk radio and independent bookstores used to be the places for patriots and freethinkers to congregate.
VIP2 back on radar. Looks like it's heading to Florida. Speculate maybe FLOTUS + fam to MaL for weekend?
VIP1 (POTUS' 92-9000 ride sans CiC) made a u-turn over NC and is headed back N toward DC. May have been a decoy? Both took off about 6 min. apart.
USN BE20 "GTMO842" from Island of Santa Lucia toward ... wait for it ... Gitmo